CV - Eva Leitolf
CV - Eva Leitolf
Eva Leitolf [email protected] CV 1966 born in Würzburg, lives and works in Munich and the Bavarian Forest Education 1995-97 Master of Arts, Mentor: Allan Sekula, California Institute of the Arts (Cal Arts), USA 1986-94 studied communication design (major: photography), University GH Essen Grants and awards 2015 Working grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds, Germany 2014 Karl-Buchrucker award for Clearing 2013 Whodunnit selected for Art in Architecture commission at Schongau Police Station, Germany (realised 2014) 2013 Project grant from VG Bild-Kunst for Postcards from Europe/Germany 2012 Scholarship at Villa Massimo, Rome 2011 Premio Fotografia Roma (Honorable Mention) 2010 Bruder Jakob selected for Art in Architecture commission at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Berlin (realised 2010) 2009 Project grant from VG Bild-Kunst for Postcards from Europe 2008 Nomination for the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2006 The Spectators selected for Art in Architecture commission at Marienplatz underground station, Munich (realised 2006) 2005 Project grant from VG Bild-Kunst for Deutsche Bilder – eine Spurensuche (German Images – Looking for Evidence) 2002 Project scholarship from the City of Munich 1999 Document Nederland scholarship from the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, and NRC Handelsblad, Rotterdam (exhibition, publication) 1996 ICP Annual Infinity Award, Young Photographer, (International Center of Photography, New York) Solo shows (selection) 2015 Postcards from Europe 10/15, Kunst Haus Wien,Vienna/Austria Postcards from Europe 03/15, Campus Luigi Einaudi, University of Turin/Italy Postcards from Europe 03/15, Espace Quai1, Vevey/Switzerland 2014 Postcards from Europe 10/14, Kehrer Berlin Gallery, Berlin/Germany 2013 Postcards from Europe 03/13, Sprengel Museum, Hannover/G (publication) 2012 Postcards from Europe, Villa Massimo, Rome/Italy Clearing, Villa Massimo, Rome/Italy (publication) 2009 Deutsche Bilder – eine Spurensuche (German Images – Looking for Evidence), Photo Phnom Penh/Cambodia 2008 Deutsche Bilder – eine Spurensuche (German Images – Looking for Evidence), Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich/Germany (publication) 2007 Deutsche Bilder – eine Spurensuche (German Images – Looking for Evidence) and Rostock Ritz, Les Chiroux, Liège/Belgium 2005 Rostock Ritz, Museum für Völkerkunde, Munich/Germany (publication) 2000 Schöne Grüße, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam/The Netherlands (catalogue) 1997 Deutsche Bilder – eine Spurensuche (German Images – Looking for Evidence), Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles/France (catalogue) Group shows (selection) 2016 Wolfsburg Unlimited, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg/Germany (catalogue) Wir Flüchtlinge – von dem Recht Rechte zu haben, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe/Germany Zoom. Picturing Architecture and the City, Architekturzentrum Wien, Vienna/Austria (catalogue) Zimmer mit Aussicht, Kehrer Galerie, Berlin 2015 When there is Hope, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg/Germany (catalogue) Zoom. Picturing Architecture and the City, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich/Germany (catalogue) Tous pour Tous/All for All, Le Chiroux, Liege/Belgium 2014 Zukunft fotografieren, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg (catalogue) 2013 Villa Massimo 2012, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (catalogue) Provisorium, Schaustelle, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich Ankommen, Sammlung Alison und Peter W. Klein, Eberdingen-Nussdorf Zukunft fotografieren, NCCA, Moscow (catalogue) Alone Together – Photography and the Other, The National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo 2012 Making History, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Main (catalogue) 2011 Points of View, Kunstverein Hildesheim (catalogue) Wherever I Lay Down My Camera Is Home, Macro Testaccio, Rome (catalogue) Angry: Young and Radical, Fotomuseum Rotterdam Project Europa: Imagining the (Im)possible, The Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University, New York (catalogue) Sightseeing, St Paul St Gallery, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (publication) Stiftungspreis für Fotokunst 2011, Alison und Peter Klein Stiftung, EberdingenNussdorf 2010 Project Europa: Imagining the (Im)possible, The Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art at the University of Florida, Gainesville, United States (catalogue) Sightseeing, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand (publication) Postcard Pictures, Peninsula Arts Gallery, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom (publication) En Filigrane: Eva Leitolf and Works by Her Students, Pasqu’Art Photoforum, Biel, Switzerland (catalogue) 2009 Carte Blanche VI: East for the Record, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig (catalogue) 2007 Reality Bites: Making Avant-Garde Art in Post-Wall Germany, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, United States Reality Bites – Kunst nach dem Mauerfall, Stiftung Opelvillen, Rüsselsheim (catalogue) Mistigris – Contemporary German Photography, The Gallery at UTA, University of Texas at Arlington, United States 2005 Neue Heimat, Frieze Art Fair with Galerie Michael Neff Wirklich wahr! Realitätsversprechen von Fotografien, Ruhrlandmuseum, Essen (catalogue) 2001 Art in Transition 1: Memories of Nature, Contemporary Art Museum Raleigh, United States Phigment, Irvine Fine Arts Center, Los Angeles 2000 Die Welt als Ganzes: Fotografie aus Deutschland nach 1989, SK-Stiftung, Cologne (catalogue) 1997 Contemporary German Photography, Galerie Neugerriemschneider, Berlin; Wittenbrink, Munich; Reckermann, Cologne; Gebr. Lehmann, Dresden (catalogue) 1996 Das deutsche Auge, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg (catalogue) Teaching Since 2012 Senior Lecturer in Photography and Arts, curriculum development, School of Art and Design, Lucerne University, Switzerland 2012 Workshop New Stories, Haute École d’Art et de Design (HEAD), Geneva, Switzerland 2010–2012 Workshop series at the Ecole de Photographie de Vevey, Switzerland En Filigrane, Pasqu’Art Photoforum, Biel (catalogue) Payday: Money, Markets and Resistance, CEPV/Festival Vevey (catalogue) 2000–2010 Workshops for the Goethe Institute in Bangladesh, Kenya and Cote d’Ivoire 1999/2000 Temporary professor of photography at University GH Essen 1997 Teaching assistant at California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), United States Lectures, symposia and artist talks (selection) 2016 Unstable Narratives. Artistic Views on Migration, School of Art and Design, Lucerne University, lecture and organisation 2015 No signs of Crime, Prof.Bernd Stiegler in discussion with Eva Leitolf, Kehrer Galerie, Berlin 2014 Floating Volumes #4 – Layering DiverCity / City and Identity within Art Research, Hochschule für Bildende Kunst, Hamburg, lecture and discussion 2013 Bilderwissen – Décoder l’Image, School of Art and Design, Lucerne University, lecture and organisation Ethics and Aesthetics: The Responsibility of Photography, interdisciplinary postgraduate research colloquium, Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte, Bildarchiv FotoMarburg, lecture and discussion 2011 Under Influence: Table ronde autour des relations entre photographie, cinéma et art contemporain, Musée d´Elysee, Lausanne, symposium 2005 Die Politik der Erinnerung – Spurensuche zwischen Namibia und Deutschland, symposium, film series, reading and exhibition Rostock Ritz, Culture Department of the City of Munich, Forum Goethe-Institut, Museum of Ethnology, Munich Publications Eva Leitolf = studio 9. 13 photographs and texts in German and English, Villa Massimo, Rome, 2013. (Offprint from Villa Massimo, Jahrbuch 2012). Postcards from Europe 03/13. Twenty photographs and texts. Kehrer, Heidelberg, 2013. Deutsche Bilder – eine Spurensuche (German Images – Looking for Evidence). Forty-four photographs, with texts in German and English by Eva Leitolf. Snoeck, Cologne, 2008. Die Zuschauer/The Spectators. Five photographs, with a text in German and English by Tobias Rüther. Schaden, Cologne, 2006. Rostock Ritz. Twenty-three photographs, with texts by Uwe Timm, Larissa Förster, Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber, Manasse Veseevete and Eva Leitolf. German and English editions. Schaden, Cologne, 2005. Contributions in (selection) analyse & kritik, The Shape of Things to Come. 11 künstlerische Positionen zu Gegenwart, Utopie und Dystopie, 15. März 2016 Burcu Dogramaci, ed., Heimat. Eine künstlerische Spurensuche, Köln 2015 Emine Sahinaz Akalin, Arne Bunk, Gustav Mechlenburg, Erich Pick, ed., Floating Volumes #4: Layering Divercity. Stadt und Identität in der künstlerischen Forschung, Textem Verlag, Hamburg 2015 Andres Lepik, Hilde Strobl, ed., Zoom! Architektur und Stadt im Bild | Picturing Architecture and the City, Köln 2015 Erzen Shkololli, Frits Gierstberg, ed., Alone Together, Photography and the Other - three classical works by Marina Abramovic & Ulay positioned in a context of contemporary works by 15 artists and photographers. published by the National Gallery of Kosovo, 2015 Jonas Beyer, ed., Künstler. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwart, Ausgabe 108/Heft 24/4. Quartal 2015 Esther Ruelfs, ed., Zukunft fotografieren. Heidelberg, 2014. Villa Massimo, Jahrbuch 2012. Rome, 2014. Thorsten Scheid, ed., Points of View. Heidelberg, 2013. Vincent Marcilhacy, ed., The Eyes #1. Paris, 2013. Ray Fotografieprojekte Frankfurt/RheinMain, Making History. Ostfildern-Ruit, 2012. David Alan Harvey, ed., Burn 02. Missouri City, TX, 2011. Kerry Oliver-Smith, ed., Project Europa: Imagining the (Im)Possible. Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, 2010. Frank-Heinrich Müller, ed., East: Zu Protokoll/For the Record. Ostfildern-Ruit, 2009. Anne-Celine Jaeger, ed., Image Makers, Image Takers. London, 2008. Sabine Eckmann, ed., Reality Bites: Making Avant-Garde Art in Post-Wall Germany. OstfildernRuit, 2007. Stefanie Grebe and Sigrid Schneider, eds., Wirklich wahr! Realitätsversprechen von Fotografien. Ostfildern-Ruit, 2004. Shahidul Alam, ed., Blink: 100 Photographers, 010 Curators, 010 Writers. London, 2002. Ulf Erdmann Ziegler, ed., Die Welt als Ganzes: Fotografie aus Deutschland nach 1989. Ostfildern-Ruit, 2000. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Buren/Neighbours. Amsterdam, 2000. Ulf Erdmann Ziegler, ed., Contemporary German Photography. Cologne, 1997. Ulrich Pohlmann, ed., Wirklich – 7 Positionen zeitgenössischer Fotografie in Deutschland. Munich, 1997. International Center of Photography, Annual Infinity Awards. New York, 1996. Interviews Rémi Coignet, Conversations, Paris 2014 Stan Banos, “Eva Leitolf – An Interview”,, 9 March 2010. Franziska Brückner, “Mehrfachbelichtung – Eva Leitolfs Arbeit im Prozess”,, 2009.