SA trip to Loch Ness A - Hulda-Pankok


SA trip to Loch Ness A - Hulda-Pankok
Writing: Task 3
A trip to Loch Ness
Your class wants to go on a trip to Loch Ness. Write a letter to the Tourist Information Centre there
(about 100 words). Include the following details.
Tell them:
… that you want to visit Loch Ness.
… for information about the area.
… when you want to go there.
… about special events at Loch Ness.
… how long you want to stay.
… about the best time to go to Loch Ness.
… what kind of group you are and what kind of
accommodation you would like.
… for information about accommodation.
… what activities you would like to get involved
in when you are in Scotland.
Count your words.
… about train and bus connections to
Edinburgh and the price of return tickets.
Adapted from: Ready, get set … go! Textaufgaben und Hörverstehensübungen zur Vorbereitung auf die Abschlussprüfung ab
Klasse 9. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, 2001.