Caderno de Pesquisa 1
Caderno de Pesquisa 1
-1- Research Journal The Delicia Line Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 Contents History 3 Delicia advertising campaigns and promotions 25 Sources 58 Credits 59 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 2 History Delicia margarine is proof that even well established products in the market are still able to undergo renovation. Since it was launched in 1959, by SANBRA* - Sociedade Algodoeira do Nordeste Brasileiro, Delicia margarine has innovated, introducing differentiated packages and formulas (texture, color, aroma and salt content) adapted to the regional preferences of the country. Production line of Delicia margarine. 1959. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – Ano XXV – nº109 – October 1993 – p: 12. Delicia is a milestone in the history of margarines in Brazil because, prior to its launch, similar products presented a high melting point with the argument that they had to withstand our hot climate. Consequently, neither the texture nor the flavor pleased consumers. Its launch entailed a great deal of work and a lengthy period of research. At the outset an engineer from the company travelled the world and apprenticed in the best and most modern margarine and fatty oil plants. On his return to Brazil, the company managed to produce margarine with the same quality, flavor and consistency as European products, that is to say light and agreeable in aroma and taste. But, to ensure that the consumer could have access to the product without the temperature modifying it, the company took an important and unprecedented step in its distribution: the use of vehicles thermally insulated with blocks of dry ice. Consider all company names followed by this symbol as part of Bunge Brazil today. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 3 Later, this system was modernized, by adopting trucks with compressors similar to those used in refrigerators. Concerned with the quality of its products, SANBRA introduced the consumer to three more pioneering actions: display of Delicia margarine only at refrigerated points of sale, control of the dates of manufacture and validity and recall of margarines with expired dates of validity from sales locations. Transporting Delicia margarine in special trucks. Decade of sixties. Source: Sanbra 70 anos - p: 24. Success was inevitable and its competitors were obliged to reformulate their products, while Delicia margarine established itself as a quality product at an accessible price, becoming one of the most traditional brands with the highest consumer recall. In 1964, Delicia launched a line of reusable packaging in the market – plastic, colorful pots which could be collected or used to store other products. Reusable packaging of Delicia margarine. 1964. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – nº3 – 1969 - capa. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 4 In 1972, the margarine was given fresh, thermoformed packaging, which introduced the Brazilian market to a new concept in manufacturing food products. Untouched by hand and in a totally aseptic environment, the product was packaged in tubs with exclusive properties: tamper-proof, an easy-to-remove lid and user-friendly. The new CMB packaging pleased consumers and, from the very beginning, outsold all the others. Thermoformed packages of Delicia margarine. 1972. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – nº3 – 1969 - cover. In 1973 Delicia margarine was redesigned and the name was written in stylized graphics. Packaging continued in can, tablet, pot and thermoformed versions. Source: Images: Centro Memoria\Imagens CMB\AA - Produtos Bunge\Anuncios Bunge Alimentos\Margarina Delicia\Decade of 1970 Contents: Revista Atualidades Sanbra ano 1973 nº34 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 5 In the decade of the seventies still, SANBRA promoted the relaunch of Delicia margarine, in a Cremosa version. Acceptance was high, and it was once again projected to a level of excellence in the market. Relaunch of Delicia Margarine, Cremosa Version. 1976. Source: Sanbra 70 anos - p: 35. In 1984, after two years of research in several regions of the country and a strong advertising campaign, Delicia margarine was relaunched nationwide with fresh packaging and a new formula. The new packaging was in keeping with studies that identified the consumer’s preference for the theme of “nature” as an illustration, since it implies healthy living and purity. Sales were begun in tubs of 250g and 500g, with and without salt. Relaunching of Delicia Cremosa. 1984. Source: Atualidades Sanbra Ano XVII– Julho 1984 – n.º81 – p: 4. In the decade of the nineties, the brand became even better known, thanks to more aggressive attitudes by SANBRA. In 1991, Delicia Cremosa margarine launched promotional campaigns that were unprecedented and ahead of their time: “Oh! Que Delicia de Vida”, versions I and II. These promotions propelled the brand into a dispute for market leadership, distributing prizes of lifetime pension plans and houses in any part of the national territory. The campaign reached memorable levels of popular acceptance, and was one of Delicia Cremosa’s great success stories. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 6 Delicia Cremosa Packaging; 1990. Archives: Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas Delicia Cremosa Margarine package. 1991. Source: Atualidades Sanbra SANBRA– Ano V – nº15 – Outubro 1993 – p: 12. In 1992, while still basking in the after-effects of the last campaign, Delicia Diet was launched with 50% less calories than traditional margarines, 35% less calories than vegetable creams and 40% less fats. The package drew attention to the fact that it contained fewer calories, making use of white and cream colors. Its launch shook the market up. There were accusations on the part of Anvisa (Health Surveillance Agency) as to whether or not the product was really diet. The margarine was withdrawn from the market in several towns around the country. Launch of Delicia Diet margarine. 1992. Archives: Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA. After a number of studies and surveys, Delicia Diet margarine was relaunched in 1993 with a fresh formula, campaign and packaging. It was the new Delicia Light. Delicia Light Margarine. 1993. Archives: Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 7 The same year, another campaign was announced with new promotions. SANBRA, the first in the margarine market to introduce high value prizes, changed its promotional system this year to stimulate the consumer. In this promotion, if the consumer found a gift voucher inside the product he automatically won and, with a coupon, he was also included in the drawing of one house a month. A special series was launched with revamped packaging, the principal picture of which was a country-style house and a highlighted slogan “More than tasty, Delicia”. Promotional Campaign. 1993. Archives: Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA The year of 1994 signaled new market strategies for Delicia Cremosa margarine. Totally reformulated, it was adapted to regional habits and the packaging was redesigned. A new, lighter recipe came to be sold in the South and Southeast regions of the country. The old one continued to be distributed in the North and Northeast regions. All of this was founded on regional surveys throughout the national territory. The new packaging graphically exploited the creaminess of the product with horizontal lines which suggested passing a knife over the margarine. The new layout enabled the space reserved for the logomark to be increased. Consumers received the product at home, duly chilled in tubs of 50g, and a promotional flyer which gave information on the alterations to the product, reminding them that “Delicia is tastier”. This was the first time that a sampling action enjoyed such wide-reaching geographical coverage. As a result, sales jumped nearly 12.5%. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 8 New Delicia Cremosa. 1994. Archives: Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA In 1995, Santista Alimentos* increased the product line of the Delicia brand with the nationwide launch of Delicia Forno & Fogão, designed for culinary use. The product was presented in a sophisticated package containing 4 tablets of 100g with large photos of cakes and highlighting the logomark. Together with the new product, the company launched a promotion of International Recipes, distributing four types of leaflet – French, Italian, German and American cooking. Launch of Delicia Forno & Fogão margarine. 1995. Archives: Coleção Marketing Santista Alimentos Delicia margarine acquired a new version in 1996, with the arrival of Delicia Manty. At its launch, in 1994, it was just Manty, the first “blend” in Brazil, a product with the flavor and freshness of butter, but the creaminess and practicality of margarine. Its packaging was revamped with a new design, rectangular, in blue and red colors, conveying sophistication, modernity, quality and the appeal of a differentiated product. It was elected the “Launch of the Year” by the Parana Supermarket Association and received the Golden Cart trophy. Manty Packaging. 1994 Archives: Coleção Marketing Santista Alimentos Delicia Manty Packaging. 1996 Jornal Mural 1996 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 9 In 1996, Delicia Cremosa was relaunched with a fresh taste and new package, more colorful and vibrant than the previous ones. A new campaign was run with commercials showing that, even with your eyes blindfolded, you could tell its difference from the others: “Crazier than this ad is someone who doesn´t try it”. New packages from the line of Delicia margarines. 1996 Source: Alimentos Processados Vol. 16 – n.º 9 – Setembro 1997 – p: 36. In the year of 1998, the campaign of Delicia Cremosa margarine focused on women. With the slogan “Delicia: made for one of the most special women in this country – you”, the campaign achieved its objective, that is to say, the public responded immediately. Participation of women consumers through a toll-free number totaled 430 thousand calls, through which they gave suggestions and opinions about the product. In 1999, the Delicia brand – in Cremosa, Light and Forno & Fogão versions – got new packaging, white in color, associated with cleanliness and hygiene. The logo and the design, although unchanged, were softened. To mark the launch of this new packaging, another promotion was created: “What a Delicia of Doubt.” New visuals of Delicia. 1999. Source: Em Foco – Ano I – nº8 – Agosto 1999 – p:3 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 10 In the same year, Santista Alimentos* expanded the Delicia brand with the launching of a new category of products: cream cheese in conventional and light versions. New product line of the Delicia brand. 11/1999. Source: Meio & Mensagem – 22/11/1999 – p:23. In April/May of 2000, the Delicia line hit the market with modifications to the CMB formula (tastier) and with new, modern, eye-catching packaging. New Delicia Line. April/May 2000. Archives: Coleção Marketing Santista Alimentos All of this restructuring was decided after a series of surveys made since September 1999. According to data from Escala Pesquisa de Mercado Ltda., after home testing of the product and the packaging made in the markets of São Paulo (SP), Recife (PE) and Campina Grande (PB), this launch started out with the public’s approval (the survey was made with only women consumers): 90% of the interviewees were going to buy the new Delicia The new Delicia tied with Qualy for overall preference Delicia was as tasty as Qualy Delicia was the preferred brand among consumers in the Northeast Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 11 85% of those interviewed thought the packages of the Delicia line were the most innovative on the market 84% stated that the packaging gave the impression of a reliable product of good quality 83% stated that they would like to try the product 81% stated that the product was more eye-catching at the point of sale. In April 2001, Delicia launched the promotion “My house is a Delicia” and raffled 4 houses for consumers throughout all of Brazil. The consumers sent in lids with the barcodes of Delicia Cremosa, Light or Forno & Fogão by mail or accessed the website on the internet. For further information on the promotion, a toll-free number was made available. Besides this, the promotion was announced on SBT’s Domingo Legal program, presented by Gugu. My House is a Delicia Promotion. Source: Jornal Mural - Abril/2001 In the same year, Delicia margarine came out with 1 kg in a square tub, which completed the entire line. The Forno & Fogão packages also came with new recipes. Furthermore, the site for margarine was revamped. New packages of Delicia Margarine 2001. Source: Em Foco – Ano III – nº27 – Setembro 2001 – p: 2 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 12 In the year of 2001, the Recife newspaper Jornal do Comércio made a survey among consumers to find out which margarine they preferred and, for the 4th time running, Delicia margarine came in first with the highest recall. The year of 2002 brought the slogan “Delicia, delicious as always”. With an innovative concept for the segment, the campaign emphasized that in a world where everything changes all the time, it is great to be able to count on the good things that are always there, those real things in life like Delicia margarine. The packaging was modernized and new recipes were created for Delicia Forno & Fogão. Delicia, delicious as always; 2002 Source: Images: Centro Memoria\Atendimento Pesquisa\Cadernos de Pesquisa\Delicia\Imagens_Delicia\2002 Contents: Revista Em Foco nº33 março de 2002 - página 01 In January 2003, Delicia margarine began to sponsor mass audience programs on the Globo TV network such as “A Casa das Sete Mulheres”, “Vídeo Show”, “Vale a pena ver de novo” and “O Cravo e a Rosa”. In 2003, the New Delicia Cremosa and Delicia Light were introduced and another newcomer was the launch of the Delicia Sabores line: in the versions Garlic and Olive Oil. Along with the new visuals came new lids, much more modern and striking. The color on the edges helped identify them on the shelves and even made it easy to pick the flavor. New packages of Delicia Margarine 2003. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 13 To add to the well-received versions of Garlic and Olive Oil, in 2004 the line of Delicia Sabores got two new versions: Roast Onion and Fine Herbs. These versions imparted more flavor to the food and were ideal for preparing and putting the finishing touches on dishes, canapés and aperitifs. New Delicia Sabores 2004. The versions of Roast Onion and Fine Herbs were exclusive to Delicia in the market and the only ones with pieces of onion and herbs, which even when submitted to high temperatures did not lose their flavor. Complete Delicia Margarine Line 2004. In April 2004 Bunge Alimentos* launched Delicia mayonnaise in jars of 250g, 500g and in a tube. And in November of this year Bunge Alimentos launched the promotion “What a Delicia of a recipe”, the goal of which was to convince the consumer of the deliciously different flavor level of Delicia mayonnaise. The campaign occupied slots in November and December in the television programs “Note e Anote” and “Sônia & Você”, on the Record TV network. The presenters prepared recipes composed of Delicia mayonnaise. A competition was also held which awarded prizes, with kits of products and free gifts, to the three best recipes sent in by consumers. Delicia Mayonnaise Packaging;2004. Source: Col.Bun.Ali. Dg.I 145 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 14 As of March 2005, Delicia mayonnaise renovated its appearance. A modern, more eye-catching packaging at the point of sale was produced, reflecting a fresh proposal of the product’s visual communication with an increasingly more demanding consumer. Renovated packaging of Delicia Mayonnaise; 2005. Source: Col.Bun.Ali.Dg.I.143 Along with its new packaging, Delicia mayonnaise acquired a differentiated flavor and a communications campaign in the national media with an eye on market leadership. The challenge was to convey the message that Delicia mayonnaise was, in fact synonymous with flavor, different from all the other mayonnaises to be found in the market. And moreover, as the campaign slogan said; “The new flavor of mayonnaise”. In an effort to present all of this in a surprising, unprecedented way and with a light touch of humor, Bunge Alimentos, with help from Pixar, created the character Monsieur Deli. Monsieur Deli arose from the quest for a truly memorable icon for the brand and one which could convey all the sensorial pleasure that Delicia had to offer. It was no coincidence that he was French and that mayonnaise, after all, first appeared in France in 1756. The spokesman of the Delicia flavor was created with the most sophisticated animation technology available on the world market. Over 80 professionals, in a consortium of three national producers of animation, were directly involved with the amiable Monsieur Deli’s 30 seconds of fame on television, the duration of the Delicia commercial. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 15 This was the first Brazilian animated advertising production to use technological resources licensed by Pixar, an associated company of the Disney group, responsible for some of the global animated successes such as Toy Story, A Bug’s Life and Finding Nemo. New spokesman for the Delicia brand, Monsieur Deli. Source: Planeta Bunge No.29 – 05.2005. In 2005, Delicia margarine revamped its appearance with more modern visuals and expanded its line with the unprecedented flavors of Apple and Cinnamon, Provolone, Mila seed (which is now a part of this family) and also a Culinary margarine with an Olive Oil flavor, available in a version of 4 tablets of 100g each. As well as these newcomers, starting this year the entire line of Delicia Margarines presented 0% trans fats, thus helping to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. Col.Bun.Ali. DgT.01 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 16 In October 2005 Bunge Alimentos innovated in the communication of Delicia margarine: it installed an outdoor ad, the first of its kind in Brazil, with a moving three-dimensional image and aroma. In it, Monsieur Deli is shown spreading margarine on bread, alongside a replica of the product. The first was launched at the Oktoberfest in the town of Blumenau, SC. Bunge Alimentos innovates and develops outdoor ad with aroma; 2005 Source: Col. Com. Bun. Dg. T.70. The Delicia brand’s repositioning campaign won one of the most important prizes in Brazilian advertising, the “Excellence in Marketing” award, presented by the Brazilian Association of Marketing & Business. The award-giving ceremony was held on the 25th of November 2005 in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Bunge Alimentos went to Spain to look for a superior quality olive oil-based product. The result of this meticulous search was Delicia oil, launched in the market of São Paulo in February of 2006. Delicia olive oil arrived on the Brazilian consumer market backed by one of the most traditional brands of products from Bunge Alimentos. It was a perfect partnership between the quality of oil made in Spain and the tradition of the Delicia brand. The campaign adopted the concept: “Of Spanish origin. In Brazil for Delicia.” Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 17 Delicia olive oil was sold in tins of 200 to 500ml, and the extra virgin version in glass bottles and tins of 500g ml. Bunge Alimentos lends its name to pure Spanish olive oil; 2006 Source: Images: Centro Memoria\Imagens CMB\AA - Produtos Bunge\Embalagens Alimentos\AA_Consumo\Linha Delicia\Delicia Azeite\Mockups Contents: Revista Planeta Bunge nº39 março de 2006 - página 10 You have to innovate to be the leader. That is what a competitive market like that of margarine teaches you. For this reason, Bunge Alimentos took the decision once again to launch two new flavors for the already traditional line Delicia Sabores: Delicia Turkey Breast and Delicia Brigadeiro. The new products arrived on the market in order to reassert the Delicia brand’s reputation as a “specialist in flavors”. Much more than just a market differential, the newcomers to the Delicia brand – which was already sold in the flavors of garlic and provolone, as well as the traditional Mila Delicia, Delicia Cremosa and Delicia Light – emphasized the audacity of Bunge Alimentos in the segment of flavors. Many surveys and consumer trials were made to get to the ideal creaminess, aroma and flavors for Delicia Turkey Breast and Brigadeiro. Delicia Turkey Breast followed market trends in other categories such as fast food, pâtés and snacks. Delicia Brigadeiro was already an excellent option for all those who liked a chocolate flavor. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 18 Another action was the launch of Delicia Manteiga, which contained 50% butter and 50% margarine in its formula. The product realized the consumer’s desire to eat margarine, but also cannot do without the taste of butter. Bunge launches new flavors of margarine; 2006 Source: Images: Centro Memoria\Imagens CMB\AA - Produtos Bunge\Embalagens Alimentos\AA_Consumo\Linha Delicia\25.09.06 Contents: Revista Planeta Bunge nº45 setembro de 2006 - página 08 e 09 Bunge Alimentos refurbished the packaging of the line of Delicia Cremosa, Light and Mila margarines. They received brighter, modern colors, making it easier to identify the product. The purpose was to create greater impact on supermarket shelves and distinguish them from the competition. Besides this, pictures of healthy, happy people were added to the Delicia packages, building stronger identification on the part of the consumer with the brand. Revamping the packaging makes it more visible at the point of sale; 2006 Source: Images: Centro Memoria\Imagens CMB\AA - Produtos Bunge\Embalagens Alimentos\AA_Consumo\Linha Delicia\25.09.06 Contents: Revista Planeta Bunge nº45 setembro de 2006 - página 08 e 09 Delicia Olive Oil received acknowledgment from ABMN (Brazilian Association of Marketing & Business). The case “Success straight from Spain to Brazil” was the Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 19 winner of the 34th edition of the Marketing Highlights Award, in the Product category. The awards were presented in Rio de Janeiro on the 1st of December 2006. The campaign’s challenge was to show customers and consumers the perfect combination between the best origin and the best oil made in the world, Spanish, linked with the tradition of the Delicia brand. In August of 2007, Delicia Sabores launched another flavor of margarine: tomato with basil. For the consumer, the change was the identification of each flavor with a certain moment in the day: Delicia Turkey Breast suggesting a snack; the milk chocolate flavor just right for playtime; the garlic flavor going well with an aperitif; and tomato with basil at pleasant moments during happy hour. The formula of Delicia Brigadeiro was also modified and the product came to be known as Delicia Milk Chocolate. New products come on the market; 2007 Source: Images: Centro Memoria\Imagens CMB\AA - Produtos Bunge\Embalagens Alimentos\Relancamento marcas 2007\Mockups Digitais - jpg HIGH\margarinas Contents: Revista Planeta Bunge nº56 agosto de 2007 - página 14 e 15 In line with the changes, the packaging of all consumer products underwent a makeover in 2007. The idea was to innovate, offering more options and meeting the needs of Brazilian customers and consumers. The novelties were accompanied by actions in the media (TV, radio and magazines) as from the month of September this year. The packages overturned the design paradigm for vegetable oils, margarine and mayonnaise, starting with brighter, more up-to-date colors to facilitate identification of the product at the point of sale. Information on the labels (nutritional, ingredients, origin, expiry date and lot number) was made more visible, to stress the visual appeal to purchase. They were packages which had attitude and personality, yet did not lose the essence and tradition of the Bunge brand of product. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 20 New products come on the market; 2007 Source: Images: Centro Memoria\Imagens CMB\AA - Produtos Bunge\Embalagens Alimentos\Relancamento marcas 2007\Mockups Digitais - jpg HIGH\margarinas Contents: Revista Planeta Bunge nº56 agosto de 2007 - página 14 e 15 In 2008 upon detecting a market trend for higher added value products, Bunge challenged its Research & Development area to produce “the best margarine in the market”. After months of research and blind testing (when the consumer experiments and gives opinions on a product without knowing the brand), they reached a winning formula, which was superior in every aspect to the competition’s products taking part in the test: the new Delicia Supreme. Extra-delicious novelty; 2008 Source: Images: Centro Memoria\Imagens CMB\AA - Produtos Bunge\Embalagens Alimentos\ AA_Consumo\Linha Delicia\Supreme Contents: Revista Planeta Bunge nº68 agosto de 2008 - página 08 An extra tasty margarine, with unbeatable creaminess and culinary performance equivalent to those specialized versions for cooking, or in other words, superior to traditional margarines. Confidence in the performance of the product was so high that the launch strategy was strongly concentrated on its experimentation. Actions got started in August in the State of São Paulo and were gradually extended to other regions in Brazil. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 21 Positioning of the consumer brands Research conducted by the Research International Institute identified a very significant degree of recall and stimulated familiarity with some of the Bunge brands. The Cyclus brand and its products, for example, which had only been created in 2004 and had their communication efforts concentrated in the South of the country, were already enjoying considerable recall with consumers. Delicia: 94% Primor: 91% Soya: 91% Cyclus: 20%; Salada: 65% The results of the survey were obtained through interviews held annually in the towns of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Porto Alegre and Curitiba. Around 1500 people participated in the interviews and answered questions about certain categories and mother-brands. The survey also helped to identify how many people who knew the product were trying it, as well as how many of those who tried it were using it on a regular basis. These data helped to identify how effective the communication was and how convincing the products were. Other analyses extracted from this survey were the image and positioning of the brands, ways and occasions of consumption, recall from communication, and the tendencies of consumption to rise or fall. Contents: Revista Planeta Bunge nº71 novembro de 2008 - página 12 Access: 11th of May 2010. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 22 The curious history of margarine and the role of Bunge Margarine has a curious history. It was invented by a French chemist Hipollyte MègeMouriés, in 1869, in a contest promoted by the emperor Napoleon III, who wanted an industrial substitute for butter, an expensive item which was difficult to find at that time. Initially accepted with restrictions, margarine ended up becoming a basic food during the long years of conflicts in which Europe was immersed, with the FrancoPrussian war and later with the two Great Wars. The first margarine in a package was sold by the North American company Jelke, in 1890. The first margarine produced by Bunge Alimentos was Delicia in 1959. In Brazil consumer acceptance of margarine was relatively slow, since the product arrived with a certain negative aura in the post-war years, when it was distributed on a large scale to the European population as a substitute for butter. Furthermore, prior to the launch of Delicia margarine, similar products manufactured by SANBRA’s competitors (at that time they were Anderson Clayton and Matarazzo) had a high melting point, based on the argument that they had to withstand our hot climate. Consequently the texture and flavor of the margarine did not please consumers. And Brazilians’ traditional good humor ended up calling the old margarines “cart grease”. As can be seen, the image of margarine was terrible. In spite of all these problems Delicia margarine soon established itself as a quality product at an accessible price and began to conquer the market. And within a few years, backed by an outstanding advertising campaign, Delicia would be become a national craze (or “coqueluche nacional” as the good jargon of the period called it). Just that this change in the consumers’ opinion was not for free. The launch of “Delicia” entailed a great deal of work and a lengthy period of research. Initially an engineer from SANBRA travelled the world and apprenticed in the most modern margarine and fatty oil plants of Germany, Denmark, Sweden, England and the United States. For six months he was able to take in all possible know-how of processes and products. Upon his return to the plant in Tatuape, the same system of work was introduced, resulting in margarine of the same quality, taste and consistency as the European products. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 23 Besides this, Delicia margarine was launched with a new and revolutionary concept of the product, already introduced into Europe: a light margarine pleasant to smell and taste, melting easily in the mouth. In other words, a substitute to equal butter. But to guarantee that the consumer would get a product of good quality which would not suffer from the heat, SANBRA took another important step: it organized the distribution of Delicia margarine by using thermally insulated vehicles which had blocks of dry ice. Later this system was modernized, adopting trucks which had compressors, similar to those found in refrigerators. The endeavor to get constantly closer to the consumer induced SANBRA to take three pioneering actions: to display Delicia margarine only at refrigerated points of sale, to control the dates of manufacture and validity and to recall expired margarine from sales locations. The success of Delicia margarine was such that the competition found itself obliged to reformulate its products. From then on, the concept of margarine changed in Brazil. From “cart grease” it became one of the choice foods at the breakfast table and in sandwiches. And its consumption grew amazingly, reaching 350 thousand tons a year. A success which SANBRA could, with pride, take the credit for, thanks to its pioneer actions in search of better and better products, with deep respect for the wishes of consumers. Contents: Revista Planeta Bunge nº71 novembro de 2008 - página 19 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 24 Advertising campaigns and promotions of Delicia 1967 Advertisement: The campaign emphasized the aspect of taste, which as the name implies is “Delicia”. It was produced using the POP-ART technique, in the style of cartoons, which at that time was considered one of the most modern. So-called “sonograms” were used in the ads: NHAC (representing the act of chewing) and VUUUPT. Slogan: “It’s more than tasty”. CMB CMB Vehicles: Announcements in the main magazines, TV commercials. Source: Família Sanbra – n.º 14 – Maio/Junho 1967 – p: 6 1969 Event: 1st Children’s Fair in Presidente Prudente (SP) – sponsored by SANBRA*. Contest: Posters. CMB Prize: 1 year of SANBRA products. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – nº8 – 1969 –p: 17. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 25 1970 Promotion: Delicia and Primor Margarines. Prizes: Cars, motorcycles, bicycles, electrical appliances, jewelry. Slogan: “Olê, Olá”. CMB Actor: Grande Otelo. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – n.º 11 – 1969 – contracapa. 1976/77 Advertisement: Delicia Cremosa – traditional film, focusing on the statement of a family using the new product.’s arrived, it’s arrived, new Delicia Cremooosa... Slogan: Delicia Cremosa, “The newcomer the family was waiting for”. Vehicles: TV, Outdoor B and Magazines. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – Ano X – n.º 57 – Vol. 3 – 1977 – capa. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 26 1978 Promotion: June Party at the Playcenter. Prize: Entrance to the park with discounts of up to 50% – (the consumer had to take lids from Delicia packaging). Slogan: “Delicia Cremosa makes it a party”. Actor: Miele. CMB CMB Vehicle: TV. Archives: Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA 1978 Promotion: Hanna Barbera Cartoons – each tub of Delicia Cremosa margarine had one of the characters stamped on it: Capitão Caverna, Tutu-Barão, Elefantástico, Lula Lelé, Formiga Atômica and Rabugento. Prize: The packages themselves to collect and play with. CMB Vehicle: TV. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – n.º 63 – 1978 – contra capa 1978 – Hanna Barbera Productions, Inc. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 27 1979 Promotion: Formula I toy cars – Special cartridges for this promotion: 1st - 2 tubs of 250g and with them, 1 toy car and 1 card with the numbers and team stickers to be used; 2nd - 2 tubs of 500g and instead of 1, 2 toy cars and their respective stickers. Prize: Formula I toy cars, with sets of adhesives to decorate them, with a total of 10 different teams. Slogan: “Pass everybody with Delicia”. Actor: Paulo Silvino. CMB Vehicles: TV, ads in kids’ magazines and posters at points of sale. Source: Sanbrino – Ano 15 – n.º 438 - Janeiro/Fevereiro 1979 – p:6. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 28 1979 Advertisement: “The incredible Delicia factory”. The factory showed a production line of various products such as bread, toast, biscuits and so on. Slogan: “Spread it, spread it well, spread it without a break...” Actors: Cast from the program “Planeta dos Homens”, from the Globo TV Network. Vehicles: TV and Magazines. Observations: The campaign generated complete empathy with consumers and presented a high level of recall. Curiosities: The commercial was recorded on videotape, which made the company CMB the first to use this technique as a media for TV, as a substitute for traditional films. 1979 Source: Atualidades Sanbra -nº66 -1979 – p: 14 nº67 -1979 – p: contracapa Event: Inauguration of the Convention Center in Bahia. Promotion: McLaren/Formula I – With packages of 250g (4 units) and 500g (2 units) people were allowed to take photos in a Formula I car. Acervo Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 29 1980 Promotion: Delicia Cremosa - Super Heroes, each package of margarine had a figure stamped on it: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. This promotion grew out of a previous campaign, run in 1978, with the characters from the Hanna Barbera cartoons. However the idea to use the super heroes had a stronger appeal, aiming to attract adolescents as well and not merely young children. Prize: The packages themselves for a collection. Vehicles: TV, advertising materials such as displays for gondolas, shelves and Source: Sanbrino – Ano XVI – n.º 445 – Maio de 1980 – p: 2. CMB freezers, as well as posters at points of sale. 1980 Advertisement: Delicia Cremosa – traditional film, focused on the declarations of skilled professionals such as a carpenter, a baker and a housewife using the product. Slogan: “Above all, Delicia Cremosa.” Vehicle: TV. 1981 Advertisement: Super Friends – film with characters for children, focused on the new promotion of Delicia Cremosa. Promotion: Super Friends Game – each package of Delicia Cremosa margarine had a character printed on it: Super Man, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc. To take part in the promotion, the child had to cut out the seal printed on the package of Delicia Cremosa and swap it for a board of games at one of the authorized points of exchange or send it to a specified mailbox. Prize: Super Friends Game. Vehicles: TV and posters at points of sale. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 30 1982 Advertisement: Delicia Cremosa – traditional film and testimonial, focused on a family in a natural, domestic setting. Actors: Fernanda Montenegro and Fernando Torres. Curiosity: This was the first commercial ad in the career of actress Fernanda Montenegro, who until then had never accepted to participate in commercials as she had no affinity whatsoever with the products or companies that invited her. According to the actress, the decision to take part in the Delicia Cremosa commercial was an easy one, since this product was close to her daily life. Vehicle: TV. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – Ano XV – nº74 – 1982 – capa. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 31 1982 Event: “Jangada” sailboat race in Fortaleza, sponsored by Delicia Cremosa Curiosity: The jangada sponsored by Delicia Cremosa won the competition, in the “Tabua” category. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – Ano XV – nº76 – 1982 – p:11. 1984 Advertisement: Based on two ads: “Exchange between women” – showed a conversation between two friends, at snack-time, when one invites the other to try Delicia Cremosa margarine “because I’ve already tried it”; “Exchange between children” – showed two girls at the table. One of them spreads Delicia Cremosa on a slice of bread and talks to her friend, who just remarks: “I’ve already tried it. You try it now.” Slogan: “Deliciously Creamy”. CMB Vehicle: TV. Archives: Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 32 1985 Curiosity: 4 commercials were produced by the MPM Agency, entitled “Ônibus”, “Locutor Delicia”, “Mulher Falando” and “Mulher Sozinha”. However, neither the Archives of Images and Sound nor the Archives of Manuscripts from the Memory Center has any record whatsoever of these commercials. 1988 Curiosity: 3 commercials were produced by the MPM Agency, entitled “Cotidiano”, “Predio” and “Atores”. However, neither the Archives of Images and Sound nor the Archives of Manuscripts from the Memory Center has any record whatsoever of these commercials. 1990 Advertisement: Delicia Cremosa, taste it and love it. Commercial which showed several families, famous or not, having breakfast and pointed out that the day starts happily with Delicia Cremosa. Slogan: “Life tastes better with Delicia Cremosa”. Actors: Paulo Goulart, Nicete Bruno and Bete Goulart. CMB Vehicle: TV. Archives: Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 33 1991 (May) Advertisement: Delicia Cremosa – the campaign was created from the choice of the actress to the launch strategy and, because the prize was for life, the same actress was chosen to talk about the promotion when she was young and when she was 30 years older. Promotion: “Oh, What a Life of Delicia I” (1st phase). Prize: Lifelong private pension plan, for 15 winners. Slogan: “What a Life of Delicia”. Actress: Regina Duarte. CMB Vehicles: TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. 1991 (September) Source: Atualidades Sanbra – Ano XXIII – nº103 – Agosto 1991 – p:25. Advertisement: Delicia Cremosa. Promotion: “Oh, What a Life of Delicia II” (2nd phase). Prize: As well as the prizes in the previous phase, Delicia Cremosa distributed 1 house per month anywhere in the country. Slogan: “Oh, What a Life of Delicia”. Actress: Regina Duarte. CMB Vehicles: TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – Ano XXIII – nº104 – Dezembro 1991 – p: 20 e 21 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 34 1992 Advertisement: Delicia Diet – “Change to margarine with 50% less calories, before you husband changes you for two of 25”. Slogan: “Living well is a more than a tasty option”. CMB Vehicle: TV. Archives: Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA 1992 Advertisement: Delicia Cremosa – Comparative Campaign with the main competitors: Doriana, Claybom, Bonna and Qualy. Slogan: “It has got to be more than tasty, it has to be Delicia.” Vehicle: TV. CMB Promotion: Buy two tubs of Delicia, get a free Molho Salsaretti. Archives: Fundo Departamento de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 35 1993 Advertisement: Delicia Cremosa – “More than tasty”. Promotion: “More than tasty”, find a gift-voucher, win thousands of prizes. Prize: From 500g tubs of Delicia Cremosa margarine to bicycles, videogames, coffee CMB machines, mini electric ovens, radio-tape recorders and 1 house per month (by sending in a coupon). Actor: Diogo Vilella. Vehicles: TV, newspapers and magazines. Curiosity: This promotion significantly boosted sales of Delicia Cremosa in comparison CMB with months prior to the promotional campaign. Source: Atualidades Sanbra – Ano V – n.º 14 – May 1993 – p: 26. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 36 1994 Advertisement: “Life is not perfect, but it can be a Delicia.” – with 3 commercials. The campaign focused on the daily life an ordinary family with its everyday details. This profile was chosen after a number of surveys in which the majority of consumers observed that margarine commercials portrayed an unrealistic life which was far removed from the average person. Slogan: “More than tasty, it’s Delicia”. Vehicles: TV, radio and tasting locations. Curiosities: This series of commercials won several prizes and became one of the CMB most remembered by consumers. Source: Jornal Folha de São Paulo - 1994 - page 2. Promotion: With the purchase of a 13kg bottle of Liquigas, the consumer was given a New Delicia Cremosa, net weight of 50g. This promotion only occurred in the State of CMB Rio Grande do Sul, in the period of July to August 1994. Archives: Coleção Marketing Santista Alimentos Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 37 1997 Advertisement: Seven different commercials were produced portraying the daily lives of several couples and asking why it is difficult to understand women and revealing that Santista Alimentos has endeavored to understand what women want and do what they like. The titles of these commercials were: "Women", "Fat", "Ex-girlfriend", "Undecided", "Hair", "Tomatoes" and "Praise". Products shown: All of the Delicia line – Cremosa, Light, Manty and Forno & Fogão. Slogan: “Santista Alimentos. Doing everything to understand women”. CMB Vehicles: TV and Magazines. Archives: Coleção Marketing Santista Alimentos. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 38 1998 Advertisement: Delicia Cremosa – several films were created, featuring seven of the country’s well-known female personalities, who said what they thought about Delicia Cremosa margarine. Slogan: “Delicia: made for one of the most special women in this country – you”. Actors: Carolina Ferraz, Carla Perez, Ofelia Anunciato, Leda Nagle, Luana Piovani, Paula (basketball player) and Dona Neuma (one of the founders of the Mangueira samba school). Vehicle: TV. Curiosities: The campaign was a success and women consumers (the target public of the campaign) gave their opinions on the formula, taste, packaging and ways to use it, among others, through toll-free calls to a 0800 number (announced in the CMB commercials). 430 thousand calls were received. Source: Em Foco – Ano I – n.º 1 – Agosto 1998 – p: 4. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 39 1999 Advertisement: To announce the launch of new packaging for Delicia margarine –the Cremosa, Light and Forno & Fogão versions – the creation of the campaign “What a Delicia of a Doubt” presented consumers with a novelty: the chance to choose between four prize options. Promotion: “What a Delicia of a Doubt”. Prize: 1 trip to New York, 1 complete kitchen, 1 year of free supermarket purchases or 1 complete wardrobe. Slogan: “What a Delicia of a Doubt”. Actress: Patricia Pillar. Vehicles: TV, ads in the magazines Contigo and Caras. CMB Source: Em Foco – Ano I – nº8 – Agosto 1999 – page 3 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 40 2000 Advertisement: Announcing the launch of new packages and a new formula for Delicia margarine – in Cremosa, Light and Forno & Fogão versions – ample support material was produced: posters and mini-posters, leaflets, adhesive flyer-holders, customer approach with tasting, TV media, mobiles, banners, wobblers and plastic to line gondolas and shelves. Slogan: “New Delicia, much more than just tasty margarine”. CMB CMB CMB CMB CMB CMB Vehicles: TV and website in magazine format ( Archives: Coleção Marketing Santista Alimentos Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 41 2002 Advertisement: In the month of April, Delicia margarine brought out 3 commercials on TV with the slogan: “Delicia, tasty as always”. The commercials recounted, in a humorous way, the life stories of 4 generations of women between 20 and 80 years old. The campaign drew attention to the fact that “in a world where everything changes all the time, it is good to be able to count on the good things of always, those real things in life, like Delicia margarine”. A new site for the margarine was developed to complement this new campaign, together with new promotional materials and tasting locations in over 500 points of sale. The packages were also revamped visually CMB and new recipes were prepared for Delicia Forno & Fogão. New Commercial for Delicia Margarine Source: Em Foco – Ano II – Março / 2002 – page 1 2004 Advertisement: The Bunge Alimentos website published the questionnaire, “Besides Delicia, what else is delicious?” in which a space was provided for consumers to tell about the delicious things in their lives. Source: Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 42 2005 Delicia Mayonnaise Campaign: Launched in 2005, the Monsieur Deli commercial was considered to be an innovation by the public. Agency: Troop Slogan: “The New flavor of Mayonnaise” Delícia Mayonnaise Commercial Col.Bun.Ali. DgT.01 2005 Campaign of the Delicia Margarine Line: Launched in 2005, it was a sequel to the Delicia mayonnaise campaign proposal, with the character of Monsieur Deli interacting with actress Cleo Pires. The campaign consisted of material for TV, a jingle for the radio, outdoor media and magazines. Agency: Troop Actress: Cleo Pires Slogan: “You never tasted so much flavor” Vehicles: Veja, Caras and Saúde magazines and Globo, SBT, TV Record, Bandeirantes and Rede 21 networks. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 43 Gondola banner and Picture from the commercial starring Cleo Pires. Source: Col.Bun.Ali. Dg.T.01e Cx.94 P.06 T03. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 44 2007 PROMOTION: A new car is a Delicia: Launched in 2007, 10 Ford Ka cars were given away. In three months the promotion received 172 thousand letters, which allowed for an expansion in sales and prize-giving for the consumer’s loyalty to Bunge Alimentos products. To participate in the promotion, two barcodes were required of Bunge Alimentos products from the brands of Delicia, Salada, Andorinha, Soya, Cyclus and Primor. Material: Planeta Bunge Magazine – February 2007 – nº50 – pages 4 and 5. PROMOTION: A new house with your idol is a Delicia: After the success of the promotion “A new car is a Delicia”, this new promotion offered the winner a house valued at R$ 150 thousand and a car, as well as the possibility to choose an idol to take part in the commemoration, from actors Luigi Barricelli, Humberto Martins and Marcos Pasquim. The promotion also offered other prizes such as ten plasma TV sets and 1000 bread machines. To take part in the promotion, one barcode of Delicia margarine and also one of any other Bunge product from the brands Delicia, Salada, Andorinha, Soya, Cyclus and Primor were required. Material: Planeta Bunge Magazine – March 2007 – nº51 – pages 6 and 7. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 45 Campaign of the Delicia Margarine Line: Launched in September 2007. The goal was to introduce the brand’s new moment to female consumers, the changes to packaging and the launching of the products Delicia with Butter and the flavored versions Delicia Happy Hour Tomato with Basil and Delicia Playtime Milk Chocolate. The commercial was shown in São Paulo (SP). The promotion “Buying is Winning” was held at more than 100 sales points in the city of São Paulo. With the purchase of two tubs of Delicia 500g, the consumer won a 2-in-1 photo frame. Agency: LewLara Slogan: “It’s better than good. It’s Delicia.” Vehicles: Radio, TV, newspapers and magazines. As well as actions in fairs, events and points of sale. The Delicia website, much more dynamic, interactive and easy to navigate, taught people how to transform their day into a “delicia”. 2008 PROMOTION: Prize-winning Flavor: Delicia margarine launched between the 1st of October and 31st of December, the promotion “Delicia, a Prize-winning Flavor” gave away one house and 14 cars. Consumers were able to participate by sending in two barcodes of Delicia Margarine, as well as answering the key question: What margarine makes everything better than good? Material: Planeta Bunge Magazine – October 2008 – nº70 – page 21. 2009 PROMOTION: Prize-winning Flavor: “A Delicia of a promotion”, a success with the public which exceeded expectations. The promotion “Delicia, a Prize-winning Flavor” got over 100 thousand people involved throughout Brasil, during the period between the 1st of October and the 31st of December, and handed out 14 cars and one house. The winners came from everywhere: three of them in Minas Gerais, one in Pernambuco, two in Sergipe, another in Parana, two in the Federal District, four in São Paulo and one more in Goiás. The grand prize-winner was Claudio José Lopes Almeida, from São Bernardo do Campo, who won the house. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 46 PROMOTION: + Flavor in your kitchen: Another promotion dedicated to the consumer was “Delicia + Flavor in your kitchen”. The initiative, a first at Bunge Alimentos, was one of the main actions during the first quarter in the marketing sector and was run in partnership with Tramontina. The offer worked in the following manner: on purchasing three Delicia margarines (500g) plus R$7.99, the customer was entitled to an exclusive frying pan. It was sufficient to present the official bill of sale to a promoter in one of the participating stores and begin collecting the four models designed for the promotion. The action began in February this year continuing until the end of March or while the stocks lasted. The expectations, with this action, were to increase Delicia’s market share in the participating markets. In February, the action was held in the towns of São Paulo (SP), Campinas (SP), Ribeirão Preto (SP), Bauru (SP), Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasilia (DF), Recife (PE) and Curitiba (PR). As of March, it also took place in São Jose dos Campos (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Goiânia (GO), Salvador (BA), Fortaleza (CE), Florianopolis (SC) and Porto Alegre (RS). Material: Planeta Bunge Magazine – February 2009 – nº74 – page 15 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 47 Party, houses and TV’s leading men The promotion “A new house with your Idol is a Delicia” – which began in April and ran until the end of July, gave away two houses, two parties with the idols of the prizewinners’ choice, and hundreds of juice-makers (home appliance to make fresh juices). The house winner was able to choose the presence of a celebrity at the prize-giving party: Henri Castelli, Daniel or Luigi Baricelli. To enter the contest, it was necessary to send a barcode of any margarine from the Delicia line together with the barcode of another product from the brands of Delicia, Primor, Soya, Cyclus, Andorinha and Cocinero to the promotion’s postcode 05973-960, São Paulo/SP, by the 31st of July. In the letter, the consumer had to include his name, ID, CPF and telephone numbers, full address and e-mail as well as mention which idol he would like to receive the prize. Finally he had to reply to the following item: “Mention one of the brands which will be a “Delicia” to compete for hundreds of prizes”. The draws took place on the 15th of June and the 21st of August. Material: Planeta Bunge Magazine – May 2009 – nº77 – page 17 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 48 Material: Planeta Bunge Magazine – September 2009 – nº 81 – Page 6 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 49 Material: Planeta Bunge Magazine – September 2009 – nº 81 – Page 7 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 50 Material: Mural da Bunge Newspaper – 1st of February 2010 – nº120 – page 6 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 51 Delicia Blind Test 10th of May 2010 BFE Portal Which is your favorite margarine? The answer to this question was given by nearly 1285 employees in the Plants of Suape (PE), Gaspar (SC), Cenesp and the Moema Mill, who took part in a Blind Test, on the 5th of May. The employees had to taste three brands of margarine, without seeing the package. After that, they filled out a coupon and placed it in an urn, identifying which was the tastiest. Delicia Supreme Margarine was the favorite in the employees’ opinion, with 43% of the votes. Check out the results: Delicia Supreme 43% Another brand from the segment 37% Another brand from the segment 20% On the 7th, the employees from these Plants participated in a special breakfast, at which the new campaign of the Delicia Supreme brand was introduced. Material: Mural da Bunge Newspaper – 10th of May 2010 – nº134 – page 4 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 52 New Delicia Supreme campaign 10th of May 2010 BFE Portal During APAS – Management Congress and International Fair of Supermarket Business -, which was held between the 10th and 13th of May, Bunge launched the new external campaign of Delicia Supreme margarine. Starring leading men Reynaldo Gianecchini, Marcio Garcia and Vladimir Brichta, the spotlight fell on the woman, modern, independent and determined. “Blind Test” Programs . Globo: Tela Quente, Globo Repórter, A Grande Família, Soap Operas of 18hs and 19hs, Mais Você . Record: Hoje em Dia, Soap Opera of 22hs . SBT: Tela de Sucessos, Uma Rosa com Amor . And others Regions State of São Paulo, Salvador, Fortaleza, Brasilia, Goiania, Campo Grande, Recife, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Blumenau and Florianopolis. In an effort to always offer Brazilians an excellent product, Bunge commissioned a series of surveys as well as sensorial tests with consumers, which appraised and compared sensorial items such as the taste, color, texture of several margarines. In all the surveys conducted, Delicia Supreme obtained the best appraisals. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 53 The end result was a very tasty and creamy margarine with exceptional culinary performance, which could be used to prepare special dishes and recipes. As well as the premium product Delicia Supreme, the line of Delicia margarines consists of Delicia Cremosa, Delicia Mila and Delicia Light. Material: Mural da Bunge Newspaper 10th of May 2010 – nº134 – page 6 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 54 Delicia Supreme in the media – second phase 26th of July 2010 BFE Portal The second phase of the external campaign of Delicia Supreme margarine came on stream and could be seen in TV commercials. As in the case of the first one, actors Reynaldo Gianecchini, Márcio Garcia and Vladimir Brichta participated in this new advertisement. Furthermore it revealed an innovative, daring approach, dispensing the traditional format and focusing on the modern, independent female consumer. About the commercial In the film, the woman dismisses three celebrities: Márcio Garcia with a bouquet of red roses in his hand, Vladimir Brichta in just a bathrobe ready for an ofuro and Reynaldo Gianecchini at a candlelit dinner accompanied by the sound of violins. Instead of them, she chooses the little bread-man. “Romantics” Besides the film, the campaign included materials for points of sale, distributed to retailers throughout the Country. Since the start of the campaign until now, Bunge has recorded significant growth in sales. Networks Globo, SBT, Record, GNT, Warner e TNT. Regions State of São Paulo, Salvador, Fortaleza, Brasília, Goiânia, Campo Grande, Recife, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Blumenau and Florianópolis. Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 55 Material: Mural da Bunge Newspaper – 26th of July 2010 – nº145 – page 4 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 56 Embanews Brazilian Packaging Awards Thanks to the launch of promotional packaging which successfully differentiated the brand of Delicia Supreme at the point of sale, Bunge won the 2010 Roberto Hiraishi Trophy at the 20th Embanews Brazilian Packaging Awards. The consumer who bought a box with two of the brand’s margarines won a special package. In order to honor the winners, the winning products will be displayed on the stand of Embanews magazine during Brasilplast 2011, from the 9th to 13th of May, in the Anhembi Exhibition Park in the capital São Paulo. Material: Nossa Bunge Brasil Magazine year 1 nº 6 February 2011 15th of March, World Consumer Rights Day Delicia Supreme Margarine paid a special tribute to Bunge employees, also consumers, by way of a gift enclosed in the Bunge Brasil Magazine. Shopping List – fridge magnet Nossa Bunge Brasil Magazine year 1 nº 7 March 2011 Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 57 Sources Archives of Documents Atualidades Sanbra: editions from 1968 to 1994. Informe Bunge Com Você: 2003 to 2008. Jornal Em Foco: 2001. Jornal Mural: Aug/2005 to 2011. Articles in newspapers and magazines: 1992 to 2011. Annual Reports of Bunge: 1996 and 1997. Annual Reports of Board of Directors of S.A. Moinho Santista: 1959 to 1992. Annual Reports of Santista Alimentos: 1994 to 1997. Planeta Bunge Magazine: 2003 to 2010. Nossa Bunge Brasil Magazine: 2010 to 2011. Profile of Sanbra, 70 years – 1993 – p.24. Archives of Images and Sound Institutional Films of Sanbra. Institutional Films of Santista Alimentos. Films of Advertisements and Promotions of Delicia Margarine. Iconographic Archives Slides, Chromes and Photographs. Archives of Fundo Departamento Assessoria de Comunicação e Relações Públicas SANBRA Archives of Coleção Marketing Santista e Bunge Alimentos Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 58 Credits Archives of the Bunge Memory Center – Bunge Foundation Supervision: Bunge Memory Center Research and Text: Bunge Memory Center Technical Team 1st edition: November 1999 Revised in: March 2011 Avenida Maria Coelho de Aguiar, 215 – Bloco D – 5th floor Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luís 05804-900 – São Paulo – SP Tel.: (55 11) 3741-6718 Fax: (55 11) 3741-4134 [email protected] To get familiar with the Guide to Bunge Memory Center Archives go to the website Centro de Memória Bunge Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900 e-mail: [email protected] / Tel.: 3741-6718 59