NETARCH #3 13.11.2014 Copenhagen, Denmark Tim
NETARCH #3 13.11.2014 Copenhagen, Denmark Tim
BelWü 2016+ NETARCH #3 13.11.2014 Copenhagen, Denmark Tim Kleefass [email protected] 1 Baden-Württemberg Extended LAN Academic Network of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany We are connecting: 9 Universities 47 Universities for applied sciences, etc. Numerous schools, libraries, student dormitories and other institutes And offering services (mostly for Schools): Webhosting (e.g. Moodle e-learning) and youth protection HTTP proxy E-Mail, SPAM detection Network services (DNS, NTP, ...) 2 2 A short history 1987 BelWü was founded First bridged network, later routed, partially IP over X.25 1989 All (BaWü) Universities are connected to BelWü 1994 Full mesh of all Universities with 2-34 Mbit/s 1998 Upgrade to Cisco 7500 and 155 Mbit/s ATM links 2001 Upgrade to Gbit/s-Network with Cisco 12410/GSR SRP/DPT rings with 2.4 Gbit/s and 622 Mbit/s 2006 First 10Gbit/s link 2010 Upgrade to 100Gbit/s-ready-Network with Cisco ASR 9000, own (passive) DWDM and (multiple) 10Gbit/s Ethernet links 2013 June: First 100Gbit/s link 2014 100Gbit/s at each University PoPs 3 3 Current BelWü Network 4 Leitungen BelWü (Fiber) Footprint Backbone through Baden-Württemberg 110? 112 Frankfurt > 3.000 km fiber & 10GigE bandwidth Mannheim 23 (~250?) Mosbach Heidelberg 50 POPs, 50 optical amplifiers (spans shorter than 100/120km) 76 Künzelsau 33 25 Heilbronn Leitungslänge in km (ca.) 42 49 Rastatt Pforzheim 6 8 Stuttgart 26 Böblingen 15 Tübingen 30 65 35 Offenburg Rottenburg Horb Freudenstadt 50 60 58 45 Kehl Aalen 34 28 51 Esslingen Nürtingen 10 Reutlingen 0 60 Ulm 94 100 60/170 * 10GE 260/650 * GE 140 * FE - customer/all IP ports Gengenbach 2 * 100GE - Layer 2 Albstadt Furtwangen 33 Trossingen Freiburg p2p lambdas: >80 * 10G & 10 * 100G (lambdas hop-to-hop only) Heidenheim Göppingen Geislingen 40 Baden-Baden Schw. Gmünd FA Hohenheim 50 96 Ludwigsburg PH 20 V-S Sigmaringen 40 Biberach ~200 backbone router Tuttlingen (~28 70 0?) 90 60 40 * ASR 9000 (9006, 9010) Weingarten 25 Ravensburg 50 42 Schw. Hall Karlsruhe Konstanz Lörrach 51 Friedrichshafen 23 * ASR 1000 (C) BelWü-Koordination (Universität Stuttgart), (Dieses Bild basiert auf dem Bild "Baden-Wuerttemberg location map.svg" aus und steht unter der GNU-Lizenz für freie Dokumentation. Die Urheber sind Ssch, kjunix.) 10GE Bandbreite optisches Fenster existierende DF Bandbreite Standorte mit Universität Hochschule Anderer Cat 6509, Cisco 2821, 2921, 3925 BelWü-Koordination Stand 12/2012 Universität Stuttgart Tue Apr 15 2014 ~2.500 others like Cisco 8xx DSL/ 5 5 BelWü optical and IP Network 2014 On fibers: Static DWDM filter w/ 4-8 Channels and EDFA Colored 10GigE DWDM transceiver (Menara w/ FEC) in IP Router (ASR 9000) Parallel: Ekinops/Opelian 10x10G to 100G Mux Hop-to-hop, no long-run wavelengths Today: Fiber on main paths Redundancy via rented 10GigE bandwidths Target Q2/2016: Continous & redundant fiber-only network 6 (Big) Campus - today Nicht eingezeichnet: Dispersionskompensation 7 BelWü-NeIF 10G bandwidths Paralell to IP Network 10G bandwidths with 10x10G to 100G Mux & 10G matrix Not redundant Backbone capacity Projects Campus-Campus Links (Possible 100G backbone links for IP Routers) “Test” for bandwidths demand ? 8 DE-CIX MANDA fradecix-1 9006 Telia Netztopologie RLP-Net diverse Peerings NeIF Frankfurt Heidelberg RLP-Net Mannheim Mosbach hdlrz-1 9010 manrz-1 9010 Uni Man mos 1001 hdl2 1001 hlb 9006 kue 9006 Heilbronn Künzelsau Uni Hdl manschl-1 9010 NeIF NeIF URZ 100G aal 9006 shl 1001 LSDF sgd 9006 Ludwigsburg lbgph-1 9006 KIT Campus Nord Stuttgart LSDF KIT S-IX NeIF PH lbg-fa 1001 Uni Hoh ras 1001 BadenBaden bad 1001 9010 Uni Stu KIT HS Ess stunwz-1 9010 ess 9006 Esslingen Uni Ulm Göppingen Cogent DFN gei Böblingen Geislingen nue 9006 Nürtingen NeIF keh 9006 fds Horb tuemor-1 9010 Uni Tue hor 9006 Rottenburg tuewae-1 9010 rot 1001 Freudenstadt Tübingen ofg 9006 diverse Peerings ulmn26-1 9010 NeIF boe Straßburg ulmn25-1 9010 goe NeIF OSIRIS Kehl Ulm al30-1 NeIF Rastatt hdh 9006 Hohenheim stu- karbib-1 9010 karrz-1 9010 DFN Heidenheim NeIF Pforzheim Karlsruhe Schw. Gmünd FA Level3 pfo 9006 Aalen Schw. Hall reu 9006 Reutlingen Offenburg bib 9006 fuw 9006 Biberach vil 9006 Furtwangen tro Villingen 9006 Schwenningen Trossingen alb 9006 tut 9006 sig 9006 Sigmaringen Albstadt Tuttlingen Ein Glasfaserpaar frbrz-1 9010 wei 9006 NeIF NeIF konrz-1 9010 Uni Frb rav 9006 Uni Kon loe 1001 frbkg-1 9010 Freiburg Konstanz SWITCH 100GE DWDM aal 9006 konbib-1 9010 fdh 9006 Weingarten Ravensburg Friedrichshafen diverse Peerings Kreuzlingen Router (Name und Cisco Modell) FA Filmakademie 9 BelWü Services Services: IPv4, IPv6 Firewalling (up to 1G, smaller Universities) Layer 2 VPNs/Bandwidths 1/10G Ethernet over MPLS (via IP/MPLS Router) 10/100G Wavelengths (via DWDM; only few Hops) 10G Bandwidths (10x10G to 100G Mux, BelWü-NeIF) With very different requirements ... And of course a lot of Network related Servies ... 10 Outlook BelWü 2016+ Ausblick 2014-2016+ 11 Leitungen (Fiber) PlanFootprint 2016+ ? BelWü 2016 ??? 110? 112 Frankfurt Mannheim 23 Mosbach Heidelberg 76 Künzelsau 25 33 Schw. Hall 42 Leitungslänge in km (ca.) 49 Ludwigsburg PH Pforzheim 6 8 26 Böblingen 15 30 65 Offenburg Freudenstadt Tübingen 35 Rottenburg Horb 34 28 51 Heidenheim Göppingen Geislingen 60 58 45 Kehl Aalen Esslingen 50 40 Baden-Baden Schw. Gmünd FA Hohenheim Stuttgart 50 96 Rastatt Nürtingen 10 Reutlingen 0 60 Ulm 94 100 Albstadt 33 Furtwangen Freiburg 100G IP Ports for clients at yellow dots Gengenbach Trossingen 20 V-S Sigmaringen 40 100G IP Routers at few central locations only Biberach Tuttlingen 90 100G waves in the core network (red lines) 60 70 Weingarten 50 42 Heilbronn Karlsruhe Lörrach Konstanz 51 25 Ravensburg Friedrichshafen (C) BelWü-Koordination (Universität Stuttgart), (Dieses Bild basiert auf dem Bild "Baden-Wuerttemberg location map.svg" aus und steht unter der GNU-Lizenz für freie Dokumentation. Die Urheber sind Ssch, kjunix.) Bandbreite (10GE) Standorte mit optisches Fenster Universität existierende DF Hochschule geplant Anderer BelWü-Koordination Stand 12/2012 Universität Stuttgart Tue Jul 01 2014 12 12 2014-2016+ Tendering for: 1. Fibers (-only Network) 2. Optical Network 3. 100G IP Router (100G access for bigger Universities) Potential Timeline: 13 Campus - ROADM static 14 Campus - ROADM dynamic 15 Statements / Questions Buying 100G equipment starting end of 2015 seems to be a good time. Smaller chips, more 100G port per line-card (optical and IP) Fixed Questions: Grid-less ROADMs - to have super channels in the future (Dispersion Compensation must be aware of that!) 16 Statements / Questions (cont.) Open: Distribute ROADMs on two Locations on Campus ? Dispersion compensation for long-haul 10G waves ? Or only short-haul 10G waves (e.g., hop-to-hop) ? (Re-use “old” 10G DWDM transceiver ?) Big chassis or small chassis for each degree ? Spectrum sharing w/ participants (“customer”) ? We have that on some links today w/ static filters (Swapping wavelengths with $ISP ?) Less IP router, more latency between participants - problem ? Is there wavelength rewriting ? 17 Challenge Catch up your own team We are new to ROADMs - that took us a while ... No fancy/graphical NMS system With optical equipment this would be mandatory ? Necessary for tiering NOC structur (?) We overcame ATM/SDH and other circuit switching Now we are back to wavelength/OTN/Layer 2-VPN/etc. switching... ? 18 Questions ? 19 DWDM Karlsruhe - Offenburg 20 DWDM Karlsruhe - Offenburg 21 DWDM Karlsruhe - Offenburg 22 DWDM Karlsruhe - Offenburg 23 DWDM Karlsruhe - Offenburg 24