WORKING AGENDA Monday 14 January 18.00


WORKING AGENDA Monday 14 January 18.00
Monday 14 January
Conference Pre-Registration & Cocktail Reception in the Klimt Ballroom, Hilton
Hosted by Yapi Kredi
Tuesday 15 January
Registration and Coffee
Pre-function Area (Ground Floor)
OPENING SESSION in Park Congress I & II
Euromoney Welcome: Richard Ensor, Managing Director, Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC
Turbulences in the World Economy and Financial Markets: What Could Europe Do?
Keynote Address and Q&A: Dr Hannes Androsch, former Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister, Austria
Panel I: Ministers, Governors and others
• After sub-prime: CEE a safe haven or the newest risk?
• Current account deficits, fiscal deficits: macro-economic imbalances?
• Politics and economics in the CEE region
• The credit crunch and financial markets in the CEE region
• CEE: the next target for a bear attack?
Chaired by: Robert Gray, Chairman, Debt Finance and Advisory Group, HSBC Bank
Speakers: Mladjan Dinkić, Minister of Economy and Regional Development, Serbia
Varel Freeman, First Vice President, EBRD
Dimitar Kostov, Deputy Governor, Bulgarian National Bank
Igor Lukšić, Minister of Finance, Montenegro
Veiko Tali, Deputy Secretary General, Financial Policy, Ministry of Finance, Estonia
Boris Vujćić, Deputy Governor, Croatian National Bank
Coffee Break
PANEL II Bond Markets in Central and Eastern Europe
PANEL III Private Equity: Transformer or Alien?
PANEL IV Pipeline Politics
Park Congress I
Park Congress II
Bruckner Room (Mezzanine Level)
Park Congress III
The 13th Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum
• CEE bonds: The ultimate convergence play or misplaced
emerging market debt?
• Do CEE countries really want private equity as part of
their business life?
• Energy liberalisation, the third EU legislative package and its
impact on CEE
• The credit crunch and fixed income markets
• How does politics mesh with overseas investment
• Structural issues in the CEE fixed income markets
• What is the difference between private equity and hedge
funds in the CEE region?
• What role is there for the national players in the newly
liberalised energy market?
• What does dependence on offshore financing mean for
CEE borrowers?
• Is the microeconomic climate for private equity investment
getting better or getting worse?
• What has happened to local bond markets?
• Energy M&A deals
• Politics and energy
• What effect is the credit crunch having on the ability of
private equity firms to finance deals?
• Will a liquid fixed income derivative market ever develop in
the region?
• What do the new market realities mean for the ability to
exit investments?
Chaired by: Guy Norton, Senior Correspondent, Euromoney
Chaired by: Martin Bauer, Managing Director Europe, ISI
Emerging Markets
Speakers: Fokion Karavias, General Manager, Global
Markets Division, Eurobank EFG
Speakers: Johan Bastin, Managing Director, Darby
Overseas Investments
Pavel Ezekiev, Managing Partner, New Europe Venture
Daniel Nevidal, Managing Director, Intercapital Securities
Marko Škreb, Chief Economist and Strategist, Privredna
Banka Zagreb (Intesa Sanpaolo Group)
Chaired by: Mark Johnson, Editor, Euromoney Conferences
Speakers: David Buchan, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford
Institute for Energy Studies
Vladivoj Řezník, Director of European Affairs, CEZ
Michael White, Partner, EnerCap Capital Partners
Piotr Nocen, Director, The Carlyle Group
Kristjan Tamla, Pension Fund Manager, Hansa Investment
Martin Ohneberg, Chief Financial Officer and Partner,
Soravia Group
Gene Zolotarev, Board Member, Parex Bank
Jyrki Talvitie, Head of the Moscow Office, East Capital
S’Parks Restaurant (Ground Floor) and Klimt Ballroom (Mezzanine Level)
WORKSHOP A Kazakhstan’s Economic
Development: How you can benefit
WORKSHOP B Financing and Investing to
Protect the Environment
WORKSHOP C Corporate Governance and
Economic Growth in Contemporary Russia
Park Congress I
Park Congress II
Bruckner Room (Mezzanine Level)
All proceedings will be in English
Twenty seated delegates will be allowed at
most. Speakers will be VIPs including senior
ministers, governors and/or business
executives from countries of the region.
The 13th Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum
Hosted by: UniCredit Group
Hosted by: HSBC
The Kazakh economy
• How HSBC can support governments,
financial institutions and corporates in the
CEE region in an advisory and arranger
capacity for their financing and
investments in an environmentally friendly
• How HSBC became the first bank to be
Carbon Neutral - our strategy to reduce
our own environmental footprint by
reducing our energy use, waste, water and
carbon emissions
• Balancing environmental concerns with
running a global bank
• The three strands of corporate
sustainability: Sustainable Profit,
Sustainable Client Relationships and
Sustainability in the traditional sense of
bringing together economic, environmental
and social impacts
Global markets and what they mean
for Kazakhstan
Challenges for banks in Kazakhstan
The real economy in Kazakhstan
Hosted by: Russian National Council for
Corporate Governance
• The role of corporate governance in
economic development
• The motivations for corporate governance
Speakers: Igor Finogenov, Chairman,
Eurasian Development Bank
Hubert Pandza, Consultant, Member of
the Board of Directors, ATF Bank
Speaker: Philip Baines, Managing Director,
Public Sector and Reserve Manager,
Corporate, Investment Banking & Markets,
Strauss Room (Mezzanine Level)
An audience with Mladjan Dinkić, Minister of
Economy and Regional Development, Serbia
• Establishing effective boards of directors
• Delegating powers to management
Georgia Roundtable
• Information transparency
Hosted by: Bank of Georgia
• Protection of minority shareholder rights
Lehar Room (Mezzanine Level)
• Dividend policy
• In search of a national model
• The five themes at the core of HSBC's
environmental strategy: Climate Change,
Waste, Water, Biodiversity and Poverty
Chaired by: Alexander Picker, Member of
the Managing Board, ATF Bank
Serbia Roundtable
An audience with David Amaglobeli, Acting
President, National Bank of Georgia, George
the Economic
Development, Georgia, Nikoloz Gilauri,
Minister of Finance, Georgia, and George
Kadagidze, Head of Financial Monitoring
Service, Georgia
Chaired by: Nicholas Enukidze, Acting
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Bank of
Chaired by: Guy Norton, Senior
Correspondent, Euromoney
Speakers: Olga Gracheva, Director, Corporate
Governance Division, VneshtorgBank
Roman Kuvshynov, Director, Investor
Relations Department, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft
Sergei Porshakov, Director, Corporate
Programs Department, Interros Investment
Turkey Roundtable
Hosted by: Yapi Kredi
Brahms Room (Mezzanine Level)
Chaired by: Nicholas Enukidze, Chief
Executive Officer,
Dmitry Samoylov, Deputy Director General
for Corporate Governance, Uralsvyazinform
Sergei Sementsov, Deputy Executive
Director, Energy Consulting Group
Oleg Shvyrkov, Senior Associate,
Governance Services, Standard & Poor’s
Andrei Terebenin, Vice President, MTS
(Mobile TeleSystems)
WORKSHOP D: New Europe: Sources
of growth for the next decade
WORKSHOP E: Albania: Exploring
Investment Opportunities
WORKSHOP F: Growth Potential of SMEs
and SME Banking in Turkey
Park Congress I
Park Congress II
Bruckner Room (Mezzanine Level)
All proceedings will be in English
Maximum Attendance of 20 Seated Delegates
Per Table
The 13th Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum
Hosted by: Eurobank EFG
The panel will try to identify the main
sources of growth and convergence to the
European average living standard as well
as those factors which currently constrain
What are the comparative advantages
of the region that would lead growth in
the next decade?
Which should be the main government
priorities and structural reform
Are the domestic banking systems
adequately capitalized and protected?
Will FDI stop flowing in?
Hosted by: American Bank of Albania
(Intesa Sanpaolo Group)
Czech Republic Roundtable
• The economic development of Albania,
trends and opportunities
Strauss Room (Mezzanine Level)
• How the banking system can support the
economic development of the country
An audience with Petr Koblic, Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer, Prague Stock
• Albania: Italy's undiscovered investment
• The Energy Infrastructure in Albania,
Privatization of the Albanian Power
Corporation and Alternative investments in
the energy sector in Albania
Russia Roundtable
Hosted by: Trust Investment Bank
Lehar Room (Mezzanine Level)
Chaired by: Michael Workman, Head of
Capital Markets Group, Trust Investment Bank
Chaired by: Gikas A. Hardouvelis, Chief
Economist & Director of Research,
Eurobank EFG
Chaired by: Marko Škreb, Chief Economist
and Strategist, Privredna Banka Zagreb
(Intesa Sanpaolo Group)
Speakers: Mark Alloway, Associate
Director, Global Financial Markets, IFC
Eugen Dijmarescu, Deputy Governor,
Central Bank of Romania
Stavros Ioannou, Chief Executive Officer,
Eurobank EFG Stedionica of Serbia
Speakers: Gjergj Bojaxhi, General Director,
Albanian Power Corporation
Ardian Fullani, Governor, Bank of Albania
Dimitar Kostov, Deputy Governor,
Bulgarian National Bank
Giorgio Pradelli, Head of International
Activities Division, Eurobank EFG Group
Hosted by: Yapi Kredi
Speakers: Ahmet Çimenoglu, Economist,
Yapi Kredi
Mehmet Sönmez, Executive Vice President Retail Banking, Yapi Kredi
Denis Kalenja, Executive Director, Albinvest
Paul Lind, Deputy Chief Executive Officer,
American Bank of Albania (Intesa Sanpaolo
Ardiana Ujka, Vice President, Corporate and
Lending Services, American Bank of Albania
(Intesa Sanpaolo Group)
Kyrgyzstan Roundtable
Hosted by: AsiaUniversalBank
Brahms Room (Mezzanine Level)
Kyrgyz Republic: Viable Investment
Opportunities for the Professional Investor
An audience with Marat Alapaev, Governor,
National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Uruslan
Toichubekov, Сhairman, Financial Market
Surveillance and Regulation Service of the
Kyrgyz Republic, and Jyrgalbek Kasymov,
Head of Economic Policy Sector, Economic
and Social Policy Department
Chaired by: Mikhail Nadel, Chairman of the
Board of Directors, AsiaUniversalBank
WORKSHOP G: The Impact of Sub-Prime on Central and Eastern Europe in 2008
WORKSHOP H: The Syndicated Loan Market in Central and Eastern Europe
Park Congress I
Park Congress II
Hosted by: Raiffeisen Bank
Hosted by: Bayern LB
What will be the investment themes for 2008: sector/corporates/LBO'S/countries
• Is the syndicated loan market still a safe haven even in crunchy times?
What are the major risks for CEE?
• How to use the market most effectively in the current market conditions?
Given the credit boom in CEE in recent years to what degree do you expect credit growth to
slow down in 2008?
• A bookrunner’s view
When would you see light in the tunnel with respect to the current crisis in matured and
emerging markets?
All proceedings will be in English
The 13th Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum
Chaired by: Annamaria Branschaedel, Head of Origination & Structuring, RZB Credit Markets
Speaker: Johannes Heinloth, Joint Head of Loan Syndication, BayernLB
Speakers: Pierre Cailleteau, Team Managing Director, Moody's Sovereign Group
Walter Demel, Senior Analyst, Raiffeisen Research
Alexander Dementiev, Deputy Chairman, Uralsib
Mehdi Khouadja , Vice President - Secondary Loan Trading & Distribution, RZB Credit
Jan May, Senior Portfolio Manager Emerging Market Debt Fund, Uniqa
Kirill Panyushkin, Chief Financial Officer, Lenta
Walter Reihsner, Senior Portfolio Manager Emerging Market Debt Fund, Uniga
PANEL V Housing Finance
PANEL VI Russia and the Region
Park Congress I
Park Congress II
• Will demand for housing finance in the region continue to grow?
• Relations with the enlarged EU
• What are the key risk drivers for CEE mortgage lending?
• Assessing Russia’s role as an energy supplier and distributor in the region
• What is the impact of the recent international financial markets turmoil on CEE mortgage
lending and funding
• Russian investment into CEE
• What are the expectations for the development of CEE mortgage funding/issuance
(covered bonds vs RMBS or other means)?
• The role of sovereign wealth funds
How can the CEE mortgage funding and securities market be supported and improved?
(how to improve execution, credit enhancements, liquidity, regulatory framework)
• Russia after the presidential elections
• The role of state-owned corporations
Is foreign currency mortgage lending a sustainable business?
Chaired by: Ruth Beddows, Head of Covered Bonds, Euromoney Conferences
Istvan Polczer, Deputy Manager, Central Europe Region, AIG United Guaranty
Chaired by: Andrew Afanasiev, Head of Mergers and Acquisition Research CIS/Asia, ISI Emerging
Speakers: Rudiger Ahrend, Economist, OECD
János Szuda, Managing Director, Capital Markets, FHB Mortgage Bank Plc
Colin McClellon Breeze, Managing Member, Breeze Ventures Management
Speakers: Maya Bhandari, Senior Economist, Lombard Street Research
Mehmet Sönmez, Executive Vice President, Retail Banking, Yapi Kredi
Martin Czurda, Executive Vice President, Head of Global Markets, RZB
Reinhard Kohleick, Managing Director, Quadriga Capital Russia
Sergey Pakhomov, Chairman of State Debt Committee of the City of Moscow, Russian Federation
Debate ‘Central and Eastern European countries are losing competiveness fast, and don’t realise the danger’
Park Congress I
Chaired by: Mark Johnson, Editor, Euromoney Conferences
Speakers: Wilhelm Hemetsberger, Head of Global Markets, UniCredit Group
Hans Marten, Chief Executive, The European Policy Centre
Theodore Karakassis, Deputy General Manager, International Activities Division Eurobank EFG
Wednesday 16 January
Breakfast Panel VII Infrastructure Finance
Sponsored by Hilton Vienna
Klimt Ballroom II (Mezzanine Level)
All proceedings will be in English
The 13th Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum
• How urgent are infrastructure needs in the region?
• What has been the record in the region so far?
• How necessary is investment from outside the region?
• How will the credit crunch affect infrastructure investment in the region?
• Are PPP’s the best route forward?
• Will the existing PPP legislation be revamped to protect the interest of all parties (the government, sponsors, book-runners and financers)?
• What particular issues have emerged in the region and what needs to be improved?
Chaired by: Sarah White, Loans Reporter, Euroweek
Speakers: Roman Matkiwsky, Executive Vice President, CEE, Skanska
Karl-Maria Pfeffer, Head of Corporate, Structured and Project Finance, Porr AG
Spyros Venetsianos, Head of Project Finance, EFG Telesis Finance
Aygen Yayikoglu, Principal Investment Officer, International Finance Corporation
Registration and Coffee
Pre-function Area (Ground Floor)
OPENING SESSION in Park Congress I
Euromoney Welcome: Richard Ensor, Managing Director, Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC
Keynote Address: Leszek Balcerowicz, Professor of Economics, The Warsaw School of Economics and former President, National Bank of Poland
Panel VIII EU Governors: Coping with Inflationary Pressures
Panel IX Non EU Governors: The Need for Fiscal Discipline
Park Congress I
Park Congress II
The panel will look at the key issues central banks of the EU member states face, including:
• What are the challenges for central bankers in transitioning to a fully functioning market model?
• Are central bankers and finance ministers always destined to be at war in the region?
• How to tackle problems posed by the development of financial sector and credit growth?
• How sustainable is the growth in household credit in the region?
• Is fiscal policy across the region too loose to support strong counter-inflationary measures?
• What will happen with inflation in the economies in CEE countries?
• Resource-rich countries: How to manage the inflow of foreign currency and prevent the
currency from appreciating in nominal terms to protect the competitiveness of non-energy/noncommodity sectors?
• Do central bankers have the right tools to fight inflation?
• Will Eurozone rates ever be correct for the fast growing countries of the region?
• Is inflation targeting a viable model?
• Is central bank independence under threat?
• Will strong economic growth and high wage growth further delay the adoption of the Euro?
Chaired by: György Surányi, Resident Regional Head, Intesa Sanpaolo and Chairman of the
Supervisory Board of VUB, PBZ, BIB & CIB (Intesa Sanpaolo Group)
Speakers: Ilmars Rimsevics, Governor, Bank of Latvia
Märten Ross, Deputy Governor, Bank of Estonia
Ljubiša Krgović, President, Central Bank of Montenegro
Krzysztof Rybiński, Vice President, National Bank of Poland
Oleksandr Savchenko, Deputy Governor, National Bank of Ukraine
András Simor, Governor, Central Bank of Hungary
Durmus Yilmaz, Governor, Central Bank of Turkey
Ivan Sramko, Governor, National Bank of Slovakia
Zdenĕk Tůma, Governor, Czech National Bank
Chaired by: Federico Ghizzoni, Member of the Management Board for CEE, Bank Austria
Creditanstalt and Head of Poland´s Markets Division, UniCredit Group
Speakers: Ardian Fullani, Governor, Bank of Albania
Coffee Break
Park Congress III
All proceedings will be in English
The 13th Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum
WORKSHOP J: Romania: Is Mr Ron currency really ill or
just under temporary pressure?
WORKSHOP K: Ukraine: A Vibrant Economy and Booming
Capital Markets
Park Congress I
Park Congress II
Hosted by: Erste Bank and BCR
Hosted by: Dragon Capital
Current account deficit increase: is it really a bad thing?
Has inflation rate targeting really failed?
Where is the exchange rate headed?
Bruckner Room (Mezzanine Level)
Hosted by:
Speaker: Andriy Dmytrenko, Vice President, International
Sales, Dragon Capital
WORKSHOP J: Erste Bank and BCR joint workshop
WORKSHOP N: Quo Vadis Central and Eastern Europe :
Investment Trends and Funding Challenges
Park Congress I
Park Congress II
WORKSHOP O: Retail Lending Boom and Growing
External Deficits in Central and Eastern Europe: Should
We Be Worried?
Hosted by: Commerzbank
Hosted by: OTP Bank
Bruckner Room (Mezzanine Level)
• Top down review of emerging markets with a focus on the
attractiveness of CEE markets in 2008 - both hard currency
and domestic
• Outlook for the loan and bond markets - what can issuers
and borrowers expect?
• Private placements - tailored financing solutions for an
agitated market?
• The extremely wide current account deficits in the region:
Are they necessarily problematic?
• Household indebtedness: organic unavoidable process, or
• The role of fiscal policy: Is there a need to adjust in order to
keep the economy on a sustainable external path?
Speakers: Michael Ganske, Head of Emerging Markets
Research, Commerzbank
Axel Gerling, Structured Finance, Commerzbank
Speakers: Gillian Edgeworth, Vice president, Deutsche Bank
AG, London
Märten Ross, Vice president, Bank of Estonia
Peter Schikaneder, Head of Corporate Finance EM,
Ádám Homonnay, Junior Associate, McKinsey & Company,
László Urbán, Deputy CEO Strategic and Financial Division,
OTP Bank
Panel X CEE Economic Outlook
Chaired by: Mark Johnson, Editor, Euromoney Conferences
Speakers: Cevdet Akçay, Chief Economist, Yapi Kredi
Leszek Balcerowicz, Professor of Economics, The Warsaw School of Economics and former President, National Bank of Poland
Álmos Kovács, State Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Hungary
Michael Landesmann, Scientific Director, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
Pradeep Mitra, Chief Economist Europe and Central Asia, World Bank
Giovanni Ravasio, Chairman of the Board, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania (Intesa Sanpaolo Group), Member of the Board and the Investment Committee, Neotec Venture Capital
Klimt Ballroom (Mezzanine Level)
Euromoney Conferences reserves the right to amend the programme and is not responsible for cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances. Euromoney Conferences accepts no responsibility for statements made orally or in written
material distributed by any of its speakers at its conferences. In addition, Euromoney Conferences is not responsible for any copying, republication or redistribution of such statements.
All proceedings will be in English