Relatório Anual 2013 - Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese
Relatório Anual 2013 - Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese
MAPS 2013 Annual Report Relatório Anual da MAPS de 2013 MAPS SUPERANDO BARREIRAS Caros amigos e apoiantes, Nós adoramos trazer boas notícias, e a MAPS iniciou o novo ano fiscal de 2014 com um progresso fantástico a reportar! Nosso orçamento operacional anual de 2014 superou a marca de US $3 milhões pela primeira vez na história- uma conquista significativa neste periodo de crise financeira- no final do ano fiscal de 2013, o fundo de doações da organização atingiu o marco histórico no valor de $250,000 depois de 10 anos de existência. Ambos os sucessos são um tributo ao trabalho árduo dos nossos funcionários, dos membros da Diretoria, do apoio incrível dos membros da comunidade, dos doadores e financiadores que fazem o nosso trabalho possível a cada dia. Elizabeth Chaves Mais uma boa notícia - no ano fiscal de 2013, que terminou em 30 de junho, a MAPS atendeu mais de 8,500 Brasileiros, Cabo -Verdianos, Portuguêses e outros indivíduos - cerca de 2,000 a mais do que no ano anterior. Esperamos que esses números possam aumentar durante o atual ano fiscal, graças a expansão de novas verbas e contratos, e também ao crescimento das receitas adquiridas através da Gala Anual da MAPS, nosso maior evento de angariação de fundos. O evento de 2013 em maio passado arrecadou mais de $132,000 e os planos já estão bem direcionados para outra memorável Gala no dia 12 de abril de 2014. Aqui estão alguns projetos da MAPS que estamos especialmente entusiasmados em informá-los: • No Inverno passado, começou uma nova campanha financiada pelo “Health Care For All” para educar as nossas comunidades sobre preços acessíveis e opções de seguros de saúde de alta qualidade, disponíveis em Massachusetts. Em julho de 2013, o Massachusetts Health Connector escolheu a MAPS, juntamente com apenas nove outras organizações do estado, como agências "Navigator" para ajudar clientes a aplicar para o novo seguro de saúde, que faz parte da nova lei federal, "Affordable Care Act". • Nosso Programa de Violência Doméstica e Agressão Sexual continua a expandir os serviços e conscientização nas comunidades de língua portuguesa e creoulo caboverdiano. Durante o ano fiscal de 2013, as assistentes sociais da MAPS ajudaram cerca de 500 vítimas/sobreviventes, a encontrar serviços de apoio e proteção. Com as verbas recebidas do departmento Federal para o combate á Violência Contra as Mulheres, a MAPS também manteve a liderança das "Juntas Task Force" para aumentar a resposta da comunidade para a violência doméstica e agressão sexual. A equipe trabalhou com o "Boston Area Rape Crisis Center" e outros parceiros para desenvolver o que acreditamos ser o primeiro site bilíngue Português / Inglês com informações e conexões em serviços de assistência linguística e culturalmente competentes: http://www. • Com o suporte contínuo da "Fundação Family Fish", através do "Greater Boston Citizenship Initiative" (GBCI) permitiu a MAPS continuar a promover e educar sobre o civismo / aulas de cidadania, unidades de assistência á aplicação de cidadania, preparando os imigrantes elegíveis para se tornarem cidadãos Americanos. • Nosso Programa de Prevenção ao HIV / DST e Triagem continua com o trabalho difícil de encontrar, testar e ajudar os membros da comunidade de alto risco da grande área de Boston, Brockton e a área MetroWest, com verbas recebidas do Centro de Controle de Doenças, do Departamento Estadual de Saúde Pública (DPH) e outros. É incrível ver as formas criativas que a nossa equipe encontra para alcançar homens e mulheres e informá-los sobre estas questões sensíveis. Recentemente, o DPH também nos pediu para começar a fornecer serviços sobre HIV / DST na área do North Shore através de um local de divulgação, em Lynn. • Continuamos a explorar outras iniciativas incluindo serviços de saúde ao domicílio para os nossos idosos de língua portuguesa para que possam continuar a viver mais anos em suas casas de forma independente. Todos estes sucessos têm nos ajudado a melhorar não sómente os nossos programas mas também a nossa capacidade admnistrativa. Temos o prazer de anunciar que brevemente vamos aumentar o número de funcionários e horas de atendimento no nosso escritório de Somerville, 92 Union Square, e proporcionar assim melhor acesso aos nossos clientes de Somerville. Muito obrigado a todos que nos apoiam em oferecer estes serviços, que são tão essenciais á nossa comunidade. Estamos animados para mais um grande ano fiscal de 2014! Atenciosamente, Paulo Pinto, MPA Diretor Executivo 1 Elizabeth Chaves Presidente, Diretoria MAPS Dear friends and supporters, More good news—in FY 2013, which ended on June 30, MAPS served more than 8,500 Brazilian, Cape Verdean, Portuguese and other individuals—approximately 2,000 more than the previous year. We expect those numbers to rise more during the current fiscal year, thanks to new and expanded grants and contracts as well as growing revenues from the MAPS Awards Gala, our largest annual fundraising event. The 2013 event last May raised more than $132,000, and plans are already well under way for another beautiful Gala on April 12, 2014. Paulo Pinto Here are a few MAPS projects we’re especially excited to tell you about: • Last winter we started a new campaign with funding from Health Care For All to educate our communities about affordable, high-quality health insurance options available in Massachusetts. In July 2013, the Massachusetts Health Connector chose MAPS along with just nine other organizations in the state to work as Navigator agencies to find and enroll individuals in health insurance, as part of the new federal Affordable Care Act. • Our Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services Program has continued to expand services and awareness in the Portuguese- and Cape Verdean Creole-speaking communities. During FY 2013, MAPS advocates helped close to 500 victims/ survivors find safety and services. With funding from the federal Office on Violence Against Women, MAPS also maintained leadership of the Juntas Task Force to increase community-wide response to domestic violence and sexual assault. Staff worked with the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center and other partners to develop what we believe is the first bilingual Portuguese/English Website with information and connections to linguistically and culturally competent assistance services: • Ongoing support through the Fish Family Foundation’s Greater Boston Citizenship Initiative (GBCI) has allowed MAPS to keep providing coordinated outreach, civics/citizenship classes, citizenship drives and application assistance to prepare eligible immigrants for US citizenship. OVERCOMING BARRIERS We love bringing good news, and MAPS has begun the new 2014 Fiscal Year with some terrific progress to report. Our 2014 annual operating budget surpassed the $3 million mark for the first time ever—a significant achievement in these austere financial times—and the close of FY 2013 also saw the organization’s Endowment finally reach the $250,000 milestone after 10 years of existence. Both successes are a tribute to the hard work of our staff and Board of Directors, and to the amazing support of the MAPS community, members, donors and funders who make our work possible every day. • Our HIV/STI Prevention & Screening Program is still doing the hard work of finding, testing and assisting high-risk community members from greater Boston to Brockton and MetroWest, with funding from the Centers for Disease Control, the state Dept. of Public Health and others. It’s incredible to see the creative ways that our staff finds to reach men and women and inform them about these sensitive issues. Just recently, DPH also asked us to begin providing limited HIV/STI services in the North Shore area through an outreach location in Lynn. • We’re also exploring some major new initiatives including providing home health aide services for our Portuguese-speaking elders so they can remain living independently longer at home. All of these successes have helped us build not only our programs but also our administrative capacity. We’re pleased to announce that we will soon be able to increase staffing and service hours significantly in our Somerville Office at 92 Union Square to provide greater access for our Somerville clients. Many thanks to everyone who supports us in providing these challenging but crucial services. We look forward to another great year in FY 2014! Annual Report 2013 Relatório Anual de 2013 Sincerely, Editor | Editora Lois Josimovich Director of Development & Communications Diretora de Desenvolvimento & Comunicações Paulo Pinto, MPA Executive Director Elizabeth Chaves President, Board of Directors Translations | Traduções Renan Leahy Lillian Silva Lucinda Morais 2 SERVIÇOS SERVICES MAPS is the only area organization that offers a full range of linguistically and culturally competent services for Portuguese speakers. The figures below show the scope of the services we provided in the past fiscal year. A MAPS é a única agência na região que oferece serviços completos para pessoas de língua portuguesa de maneira linguistica e culturalmente adequada. As figuras abaixo mostram a variedade de serviços que prestamos no último ano fiscal. Senior Center visitors enjoyed many activities such as summer picnics and a visit to the State House on Immigrants' Day followed by lunch at the Center. Clients / Clientes FY 2013 Service / Serviço Above, preparing for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in MAPS offices. Below, health insurance outreach in Cambridge, and happy clients after a Lowell Office Citizenship drive 16 Batterer Intervention Program Programa de Intervenção de Agressores 280 Citizenship Assistance (Including Citizenship Classes) Assistência à Cidadania & Aulas da Cidadania 477 Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services Serviços contra Violência Doméstica e Abuso Sexual 75 Driver Alcohol Education Educação sobre Álcool para Motoristas 134 Elder Services/Cambridge Senior Center Serviços para a Terceira Idade em Cambridge 34 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Courses Cursos de Inglês para Falantes de Outras Línguas Family SWDELOL]DWLRQServices55 Serviços de Apoio às Famílias e Crianças$EXVDGDVH1HJOLJHQFLDGDV 636 HIV Prevention, Education, Counseling & Testing Aconselhamento e Teste de HIV 38 HIV/AIDS Case Management Acompanhamento de Casos de HIV/VIH/AIDS/SIDA 2,923 Immigrant Integration Services Serviços Sociais para Imigrantes 53 Portuguese Classes Aulas de Português 4,821 Subtotal Direct Client Services Direct Community Outreach & Education* TOTAL SERVED 3,831 8,652 *In addition to the direct community outreach listed above, MAPS also provided multi-media outreach to tens of thousands more Portuguese speakers and others throughout the state, and beyond, during the fiscal year. 3 . . . "Graças à MAPS" Watch our video at p y _ _ MAPS and see how our services improve and save lives. Assista ao nosso vídeo no Because_of_MAPS e veja como os nossos serviços melhoram e salvam vidas. "I was alone at home. I felt lonely. The best thing I could have done was to come to MAPS. "Eu estava sozinha em casa . . . e eu ficava só. Para mim, a coisa melhor que eu pude ter foi vir aqui para a MAPS. "When I came to the Senior Center, I was back the next day. They support me and cheer me up!" . . . A MAPS senior (below, from video) "Até que eu vim ver e no outro dia eu vim logo para a MAPS. As pessoas me apoiaram muito, me deram muita animação!" . . . Um membro do Centro da Terceira Idade da MAPS (Nas fotos abaixo, do video) "My life before was very sad. I was depressed and cried a lot. With MAPS, I was reborn and I’m flourishing . . . "Domestic violence survivors should go to MAPS. MAPS is a relief and a joy for us. I’m moving forward, and I’m encouraging others . . . Because MAPS has truly and completely changed my life." O NOSSO SUCESSO . . . OUR SUCCESS . . . . . . A domestic violence survivor (below) "I wanted to become a citizen because of my daughters, my family . . . Now I’ve taken the test and passed . . . Without MAPS’ support I would never have made it. It’s a lot to understand and they helped me very much." . . . A MAPS citizenship client (below) 4 ANO EM FOTOGRAFIAS YEAR IN PICTURES 5 On the left side of the page, clockwise from lower left, special events: a reunion of former staff, Board members and friends of the Cambridge Organization of Portuguese Americans--one of MAPS' predecessor agencies; Day of Portugal Parade in Cambridge; Brazilian and Portuguese Independence festivals (side by side); MAPS balloon float and HIV/STI outreach at the annual Pride Parade; the Joe Chaves Memorial 5K Walk/ Run for Bunker Hill Community College and MAPS; a Kriola celebration for women at our Dorchester Office; MAPS' 2012 Annual Meeting, when many staff and Board members received special service certificates; Lowell press conference for the new state health insurance outreach/enrollment Navigator program; White Ribbon Day event in the statewide campaign against violence targeting women; and celebrating a liver transplant in Oct. 2013 for Filipe Wolff, a 5-year-old Brazilian boy for whom MAPS has been collecting donations to support his medical battle against cancer and liver disease. Below Filipe's photo, Exec. Director Paulo Pinto (left) with new Brazilian Consul Frederico Cezar de Araujo during a welcome visit to MAPS. On the right side of the page, more 2013 Gala photos including, upper right, Osvalda Rodrigues (with husband, Arthur), Director of MAPS' Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services and of the Lowell Office, who retired in June and was honored at a special reception. Her duties have been divided among other staff. MAPS' 2013 AWARDS GALA MAPS Mary & Manuel Rogers Lifetime Community Service Award Donaldo Macedo, PhD, EdD, Professor of Liberal Arts & Education, UMass Boston MAPS Jorge Fidalgo Community Service Award Airam da Silva, President, Icla da Silva Foundation MAPS Manuel N. Coutinho Outstanding Volunteer Award Maria Carvalho, LICSW, Volunteer Board President, Portuguese School of Cambridge and Somerville & Nelson Augusto da Silva, Cape Verdean Community Volunteer MAPS Álvaro Lima Outstanding Business Award Sal Couto CEO, Couto Management Group MAPS Person of the Year Award Anthony Silva New England Business Editor, WBZ NewsRadio 1030, Boston More Gala information - Gala Photos by Elias Polcheira, Lucilene Macena, Mércia Novais, Sissi Rodrigues and MAPS Staff GALA ANUAL DA MAPS DE 2013 Saturday, May 4, 2013 Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel 6 FUNCIONÁRIOS STAFF Cambridge Office Paulo Pinto, MPA Lois Josimovich Peter Fernandes, MBA Lucinda Morais Susan Seger Renan Leahy Beatriz Maimone, LICSW Soledade Dinis, MS Alírio Mendes Pereira, MA Maria Matos Júlia Evora Antonia Alves Fania Resendes Lillian Silva Monia Martins Executive Director Director of Development & Communications Director of Finances & Operations Administrative & HR Manager Development Manager Communications Coordinator, Translator Director of Clinical & Support Svcs. Supervisor of Family & Child Svcs. Family & Child Soc. Worker, Batterer Intervention Prog. Coordinator Immigrant Integration Svcs. Supervisor/ Case Worker Senior Center Coordinator Case Manager, DAE Coordinator Advocate Temporary Office Assist. (Consultant) Intern Brighton Office Anabela C. Quelha, MSC Monika Liborio Chelsea McCarron Anderson Pinto Paula Bronzoni Director of Prevention & Screening Programs Office Manager Health Communications Specialist & Data Coordinator Men’s Health Educator Immigrant Case Worker Dorchester Office Dulce Almeida Ferreira Maria Gomes-Almeida Dulce Depina Donna Landry-Rodrigues Gabriel Roncancio Laura Rodrigues Murillo Duarte Director of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services, and Dir. of Immigrant Integration Svcs. Office Manager Advocate Case Worker Latino Men's Health Educator Women's Health Educator Men's Health Educator Lowell Office Filomena Fagundes Alessandra Lopes Polyanna Figueiredo Gabriela Pinto Office Manager Advocate Case Worker Intern Somerville Office Adriana Fernandes Robson Lemos Citizenship & Education Coordinator Men's Health Educator This office is also a site for outreach, classes and group intervention services. Framingham Office Outreach Office for Citizenship Assistance, Health Insurance Enrollment and HIV/ STI Screening Svcs. . 7 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Elizabeth Chaves President Elisa Tristán-Cheevers Vice-President Raymond Estrella, MBA Treasurer Stephen Pereira, M.Ed. Secretary Members: Alexandra Barker, MS Paula Coutinho, LICSW Antero Lomba Mary Ann Lomba, MBA Carmen Pacheco Medeiros, MA Tina Silva Joseph J. Vasconcelos Filipe Zamborlini Board members with Executive Director Paulo Pinto (far left) Missing from photo: Joseph Vasconcelos MAPS would also like to thank former Board members Marcony Almeida and Victor Do Couto for serving during part of the last fiscal year, continuing their previous service to the organization. As of Oct. 2013 VOLUNTEERS Greice K. Marcolin Kati McCarron Regina Moreira Max Muller Nelis Lucia Piazzaro Maria Pinheiro Bernardo Nava Ponte Michael Ramos Sergio Regaladao Jack Reis Raul Rico Walter Rico Louisa C. Rigali Renata Santos Moriah Smith Vance Soares Maria Xavier EMPRESAS E ORGANIZAÇÕES FILIADAS Juan Abrego Karlene Ahearn Maria Alice Silvio Almeida Darius Banani Conceição Carreiro Mary Carter Henriqueta Carvalho Flavia Castro Carla Chaves Aristides Chavez Ana Conceição Carlos E. Cousins Jaqueline D'Almeida Iaponira Da Silva Maria De Jesus Peter Desmarais Suzana Dias Neide Dufor Eloiza Dutra Adriana Fernandes Maria Ferreira Naira Filippo Ann Fisher Fatima Fitts Maria Franco Juan S. Garcia Nicole Perez Gonsalez Carlos Hernandes Ralph A. Hunt III Brendan Julian Magno Lima ORGANIZATIONAL/ BUSINESS MEMBERS VOLUNTÁRIOS Oct. 2012-Oct. 2013 DIRETORIA Officers: Fiscal Year 2013 Extraordinary Partners Cafua Management Cambridge Health Alliance Couto Management Group LLC CPCU Credit Union East Cambridge Savings Bank Eastern Bank Elder Service Plan of Cambridge Health Alliance Greater Boston Citizenship Initiative (Fish Family Foundation) Network Health Neighborhood Health Plan NStar Electric & Gas Partners HealthCare Perez Gardini, LLC RCN Riverside Management Group, LLC United Health Care Community Plan Caregiver Partner Law Offices of Stephen Bandar Community Partners Rogers Funeral Homes Steven Melo, New York Life To find out more about Organizational Membership and its benefits, call (617) 864-7600 , or visit participate/organizational-membership/ 8 MAJOR FUNDING SOURCES FONTES DE RECURSOS Public Contracts | Contratos Governamentais 9 Mass. Office for Refugees and Immigrants Metropolitan Area Planning Council-Community Transformation Grant Portuguese American Citizenship Project Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services Somerville Community Development Block Grant Somerville Lead Paint Prevention Program US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention US Dept. of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women Boston Public Health Commission Boston Community Development Block Grant Cambridge Community Development Block Grant Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley Framingham Community Development Block Grant Lowell Police Department Mass. Dept. of Children and Families Mass. Dept. of Public Health Mass. Executive Office of Public Safety/VAWA Mass. Health Connector Foundations & Corporations | Fundações e Corporações Amigos da Terça Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Bushrod H. Campbell & Adah F. Hall Charity Fund Cafua Management Group Cambridge Community Foundation Cambridge Health Alliance Charles H. Farnsworth Trust Couto Management Group CPCU Credit Union East Cambridge Savings Bank Eastern Bank ECS Charity Fund Corp.-Yanming Guo Memorial Grant Fish Family Foundation (Greater Boston Citizenship Init.) Americo J. Francisco Charity & Elder's Fund Americo J. Francisco Charitable Trust Greater Lowell Community Foundation Health Care for All Lowell Community Health Center Neighborhood Health Plan Network Health NStar Partners HealthCare Project Bread/The Walk for Hunger RCN Riverside Management Group Rockefeller Financial Services/ JB Fernandes Trust Sailors' Snug Harbor of Boston TJX Foundation United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack Valley Endowment Donors | Doadores do Fundo Especial de Doações The Joe & Dorothy Chaves Foundation Michael Childs & Cissy Coutinho Barbara Coutinho Sal Couto Frances Coutinho Elisabeth R. Pinto Juliano F.B. Heron Foundation/Álvaro Lima Mary Ann Lomba Joseph Luchison Lucinda Morais Paulo Pinto Robert & Joanne Perry Fund MAPS Endowment Report as of June 30th, 2013 Year Estd Fund Purpose MAPS General Fund Robert and Joanne Perry Family Fund Manuel N. Coutinho Citizenship Fund MAPS Lowell Office Fund Mary and Humberto Martins Senior Center Raul and Maria Pinto Family Fund Josefina Brandão Silva Family Fund Teresa Afonso Scholarship Fund MAPS Board of Directors Fund Manny Rogers Family Fund António and Isabella Lomba Family Fund Aquilino Almeida Memorial Fund Dr. Arnhold Legal Advocacy Fund Adélia Lopes Senior Center Fund New funds Created in 2013 Joe and Dorothy Chaves Family Fund Sal Couto Family Fund Carlos Lima Family Fund Total Balance as of 06/30/2013 2002 2004 2002 2007 2004 2003 2003 2007 2003 2007 2011 2008 2004 2010 General Operating Promote Civic Engagement Citizenship Related Activities Lowell Office Operations Cambridge Senior Center Cambridge Senior Center Youth Services Scholarship MAPS services Elder Services Youth Services Social Services MAPS services Senior Center/Elder Services $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 139,677.98 31,463.60 17,205.14 15,434.91 13,375.67 6,445.78 4,484.42 4,008.10 3,847.24 3,434.44 2,762.90 1,830.29 1,337.55 1,083.14 2013 2013 2013 Citizenship Services Elder Services Citizenship and Civic Activism $ $ $ 3,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 $ 251,891.16 CLIENT PROFILE Clients Served Directly / Clientes Atendidos FY 2013 2,806 2,071 2,021 2,800 114 4,132 631 175 3,487 1,159 41 2,606 1,034 12 77 321 603 183 57 2,449 785 37 126 179 1,094 94 City of Residence / Cidade de Residência Boston Brockton Cambridge Everett Framingham Lowell Malden Somerville Other/Outro Subtotal Direct Service Clients Direct Community Outreach & Education 1,587 319 598 129 128 882 99 621 514 4,877 1,705 1,318 62 362 305 37 1,093 221 483 940 4,821 3,831 TOTAL SERVED 6,582 8,652 PERFIL: CLIENTES FY 2013/ Ano Fiscal 2013 Gender / Sexo Male / Masculino Female / Feminino Idade (Age Group) Under 18 / Abaixo de 18 18-59 60+ Race/Ethnicity / Grupo Étnico African American / Afro-americano Brazilian / Brasileiro Cape Verdean / Caboverdeano Other African / Outros Africanos Caucasian American / Americano Europeu Latino Portuguese / Português Other/Unknown / Outro/Desconhecido Clients Served Directly / Clientes Atendidos FY 2012 *Approximately a 31% increase in clients served by MAPS FINANCIAL PROFILE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES | RELATÓRIO FINANCEIRO For the Year Ended June 30, 2013 | Referente ao Ano Fiscal Concluído a 30 de Junho, 2013 Total Revenues and Other Support Total dos Recursos e Outros Apoios Financeiros $2,689,414 EXPENSES | DESPESAS Program Services General and Administrative Fundraising Custos de Programas Custos Gerais e Administrativo Despesas de Angariação de Fundos Total Expenses CHANGE IN NET ASSETS Total de Despesas MUDANÇAS EM CAPITAL LÍQUIDO NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF THE YEAR NET ASSETS, END OF THE YEAR Audited by NE Kelly & Associates, LLC $2,081,377 230,455 182,012 47,555 14,638 3,714 9,031 66,280 16,536 37,816 CAPITAL LÍQUIDO INICIAL CAPITAL LÍQUIDO FINAL 1,833,656 571,380 64,796 $2,469,832 $219,582 PERFIL: FINANÇAS REVENUES & OTHER SUPPORT | RECURSOS E OUTROS APOIOS Public Contracts Contratos Públicos Foundations, Grants and Contributions Fundações, Verbas e Contribuições Fundraising Angariação de Fundos United Way of Mass. Bay/Merrimack Valley United Way de Mass. Bay/Merrimack Valley Rental Income Receitas de Aluguel Membership Fees Quotas de Membros Interest Income Receitas de Juros Program Fees Receitas dos Programas Endowment Revenue & Unrealized Gains (Loss) Fundo de Doações In-Kind Revenue (Volunteer Time, Donated Goods) Voluntários e Donativos $693,949 $913,531 10 A Missão da MAPS The MAPS Mission Sobre a MAPS About MAPS A missão da MAPS é servir os membros das comunidades de língua portuguesa e seus descendentes em Massachusetts e ajudá-los a tornarem-se contribuidores ativos e participantes na sociedade americana mantendo ao mesmo tempo uma forte identidade étnica e um senso de comunidade. A MAPS procura aumentar o acesso e diminuir as barreiras para serviços sociais, de saúde e educacionais através de assistência direta, defesa, liderança e desenvolvimento da comunidade. A Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) é uma organização privada, sem fins lucrativos, com base comunitária, que vem proporcionando uma variedade de serviços sociais e de saúde para indivíduos de língua portuguesa, e outros residentes do leste de Massachusetts desde 1970. A maioria dos clientes são do Brasil, Cabo Verde e Portugal. Os escritórios estão localizados no coração das comunidades de língua portuguesa de Cambridge, Somerville, Boston, Framingham e Lowell. MAPS’ mission is to improve the lives of Portuguese-speaking individuals and families from Massachusetts and help them become contributing, active participants in American society while maintaining strong ethnic identity and a sense of community. MAPS works to increase access and remove barriers to health, education and social services through direct services, advocacy, leadership and community development. The Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) is a private, non-profit, community-based organization that has provided a wide range of health and social services to Portuguese speakers and other residents of eastern Massachusetts since 1970. Most of MAPS’ clients are from Brazil, Cape Verde or Portugal. Agency offices are located in the heart of the Portuguese-speaking communities of Cambridge, Somerville, Boston, Framingham and Lowell. MAPS Offices | Escritórios da MAPS 697 Cambridge St., Suite 203 Brighton, MA 02135 (617) 787-0557 1046 Cambridge St. Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 864-7600 One Stoughton St. Dorchester, MA 02125 (617) 825-5897 24 Union Ave., Suites 8-10 Framingham, MA 01702 (508) 872-2652 (limited hours; please call) 11 Mill Street Lowell, MA 01852 (978) 970-1250 92 Union Sq. Somerville, MA 02143 (limited hours; please call Cambridge office) Providing services to the Portuguese-speaking community in partnership with: Printing of this Annual Report was generously supported by
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