Publications for Klaus Ziegert 2014 2013 2011 2010 2009 2008
Publications for Klaus Ziegert 2014 2013 2011 2010 2009 2008
Publications for Klaus Ziegert 2014 Ziegert, K. (2014). Beyond "Living Law": Eugen Ehrlich's General Theory of Law. In Knut Papendorf, Stefan Machura, Anne Hellum (Eds.), Eugen Ehrlich's Sociology of Law, (pp. 1738). Germany: LIT Verlag. Ziegert, K. (2014). Die juristische Logik (The Juridical Logic). Berlin, Germany: Duncker & Humblot. Ziegert, K. (2014). Max Weber (1864-1920). Zeitschrift fuer Europaeisches Privatrecht, 2014 (1), 97-115. Ziegert, K. (2014). Transplants and Receptions in the Light of a General Theory of Law: The Implications for Korean Law. 2013 Ziegert, K. (2013). Observing Law Through Systems Theory by Richard Nobles and David Schiff (Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing, 2013, 290 pp., 42.00). Journal of Law and Society, 40(2), 321-325. <a href="">[More Information]</a> Ziegert, K. (2013). The Unity of Sociology of Law - 50 Years of the ISA Research Committee of Sociology of Law. Societas / Communitas, 1(15), 73-78. Ziegert, K. (2013). Transplants and Receptions in the Light of a General Theory of Law: The Implications for Korean Law. Legal Transplants and Receptions: The Implications for Korean Law, South Korea: Korean Legislation Research Institute. 2011 Ziegert, K. (2011). On Eugen Ehrlich, Fundamental Principles of the Sociology of Law. In A Trevino (Eds.), Classic Writings in Law and Society, (pp. 123-149). United States: Transaction Publishers. 2010 Ziegert, K. (2010). The Rule of Law as the Key for Effective Governance: The Dilemma of Post-Communism. In Helen Irving, Jacqueline Mowbray and Kevin Walton (Eds.), Julius Stone: A Study in Influence, (pp. 179-193). Sydney: The Federation Press. 2009 Ziegert, K. (2009). Is the Rule of Law Portable? A Socio-Legal Journey from the Nordic Mediterranean Sea Via the Silk Road to China. In Bergling, Per; Ederlof, Jenny; Taylor, Veronica (Eds.), Rule of Law Promotion: Global Perspectives, Local Application, (pp. 19-40). Sweden: Iustus Forlag. Ziegert, K. (2009). Law in Asia: The Key Role of Law as a Productive Force for Development. The Law and Development Review, 2(1), 96-115. Ziegert, K. (2009). World Society, Nation State and Living Law in the Twenty-first Century. In Hertogh, Marc (Eds.), Living Law: Reconsidering Eugen Ehrlich, (pp. 223-236). Portland, OR: Hart Publishing. 2008 Ziegert, K. (2008). Weltgesellschaft im Wandel - globale Wege, Verbindungen und Vergleiche. In D Baecker, M Hutter, G Romano and R Stichweh (Eds.), Zehn Jahre danach. Niklas Luhmanns Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft, (pp. 395-406). Stuttgart: Lucius und Lucius. Ziegert, K. (2008). Weltrecht und Regionale Differenzierung (Global Law and Regional Differentiation). Rechtstheorie: Zeitschrift fuer Logik, Methodenlehre, Kybernetik und Soziologie des Rechts, 39(2/3), 453-475. 2006 Ziegert, K. (2006). Weltgesellschaft und Nationalstaat im 21 Jahrhundert. Eine rechtssoziologische Analyse. In R Walkenhaus, S Machura, P Nahamowitz & E Treutner (Eds.), Staat im Wandel: Festschrift für Rüdiger Voigt zum 65. Geburtstag, (pp. 319-337). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. 2005 Ziegert, K. (2005). Systems Theory and Qualitative SocioLegal Research. In Reza Banakar and Max Travers (Eds.), Theory and Method in Socio-Legal Research, (pp. 49-67). Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing. 2004 Ziegert, K. (2004). "With Law The Land Shall Be Built": The Case Of Changing Norms Seriously. In Guenther Doeker-Mach & Klaus A. Ziegert (Eds.), Law and Legal Culture in Comparative Perspective, (pp. 142-171). Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag. Ziegert, K. (2004). AEST - An attempt at explaining the phenomenon. In G Doeker-Mach, K A Ziegert (Eds.), Alice Erh-Soon Tay: Lawyer, Scholar, Civil Servant, (pp. 7-9). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. Ziegert, K. (2004). Alice Erh-Soon Tay: Lawyer, Scholar, Civil Servant. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. Ziegert, K. (2004). Changing Norms Seriously: The rule of law and transitional law regimes. Annual Meeting of Law and Society USA (2004), Chicago, Illinois: Law and Society USA. Ziegert, K. (2004). Gunnar Myrdal & Eugen Ehrlich: the politics of Sociology of Law. Annual Meeting of Law & Society USA, Chicago, Illinois: Law and Society USA. Doeker-Mach, G., Ziegert, K. (2004). Law and Legal Culture in Comparative Perspective. Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag. Ziegert, K., Doeker-Mach, G. (2004). Law, Legal Culture and Politics in the Twenty First Century. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. 2002 Ziegert, K. (2002). Australian Families and their Law. In Gabriel A. Moens & Rodolphe Biffot (Eds.), The Convergence of Legal Systems in the 21st Century: An Australian approach, (pp. 255-268). Brisbane Australia: CopyRight Publishing. Ziegert, K. (2002). Globale Bukowina: Regelungsbedarf oder "Rule of Law" des globalen Rechts? In Peter Nahamowitz & Rudiger Voigt (Eds.), Globalisierung des Rechts II: Internationale Organisationen und Regelungsbereiche, (pp. 101-126). Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. Ziegert, K. (2002). Introduction (to the Transaction edition). In Eugen Ehrlich (author) (Eds.), Fundamental Principles of the Sociology of Law, (pp. 19-50). United States: Transaction Publishers. Ziegert, K. (2002). The Thick Description of Law: An introduction to Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Operatively Closed Systems. In Reza Banakar & Max Travers (Eds.), An Introduction to Law and Social Theory, (pp. 55-75). Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing. 2001 Ziegert, K. (2001). Society's law. Australia: Dept of Jurisprudence, University of Sydney. Ziegert, K. (2001). Vietnamese Law goes West - Australian Lawyers go East. Juridikum, 36951, 129-132. 2000 Ziegert, K. (2000). Complex family research designs: Norm stability, portability of values and social mobility. Committee of Family Research ISA Meeting (2000), Uppsala, Sweden: Justice Society Association. Ziegert, K. (2000). Society's Law: The Justice System and the Best Fit of Theory to Deal with it. Annual meeting of the Law & Society Association (2000), Salt Lake City, Utah: Law and Society Association.