Volume 103 (1999) Index - American Journal of Archaeology
Volume 103 (1999) Index - American Journal of Archaeology
AMERICAN JOURN OF THE JOURNAL ARCHAE OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA 7I ? NS V MEN VI VTA PRI~,? "RVM.. 9• INC....O.. Volume 103 1999 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA 1999 OFFICERS NANCY C. WILKIE, President JANE C. WALDBAUM, First Vice President RICARDO J. ELIA, Vice Presidentfor Professional Responsibilities NAOMI J. NORMAN, Vice President for Publications KAREN S. RUBINSON, Vice President for Societies FRANKJ. WEZNIAK, Treasurer STEPHENL. DYSON, Past President HONORARY PRESIDENTS FREDERICK R. MATSON, ROBERT H. DYSON, JR., MACHTELDJ. MELLINK, JAMES R. WISEMAN, MARTHA SHARP JOUKOWSKY, JAMES RUSSELL GOVERNING BOARD ELIE M. ABEMAYOR PATRICIA RIEFF ANAWALT NANCY S. BERNARD ELLEN S. BRUSH GETZEL M. COHEN ALFRED EISENPREIS DANYALE ENGLISH-GOLDSTEIN NEATHERY BATSELL FULLER PATTY GERSTENBLITH KEVIN GLOWACKI ELAINE GODWIN ELEANOR GURALNICK HARRY C. KAHN, II JODI MAGNESS ANNA MARGUERITE MCCANN CHARLES D. MCLEAN FRANCIS P. MCMANAMOt GEORGE M. MILNE, JR. ANDREW M.T. MOORE KATHLEEN A. PAVELKO NANCY H. RAMAGE ALICE S. RIGINOS JOHNJ. ROCHE C. BRIAN ROSE ANNE H. SALISBURY JOHNH. STUBBS MARY VOIGT CAMERON JEAN WALKER PATTYJo WATSON HECTOR WILLIAMS TRUSTEES EMERITI RICHARD W. BAKER, JR. RICHARD H. HOWLAND NORMA KERSHAW MARKJ. MEISTER,Executive Director General Counsel LEONARD V. QUIGLEY, MEMBERSHIP IN THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA AND SUBSCRIPTION TO THE AMERICANJOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY The AmericanJournal of Archaeologyis published by the Archaeological Institute of America in January, April, July, and October. Membership in the AIA, including a subscription to AJA, is $85 per year (C$123). Student membership is $40 (C$58); proof of full-time status required. A brochure outlining membership benefits is available upon request from the Institute. An annual subscription to AJA is $65 (foreign, $85); the institutional subscription rate is $130 (foreign, $150). Institutions are not eligible for individual membership rates. All communications regarding membership, subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to the Archaeological Institute of America, located at Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2006, tel. 617-353-9361, fax 617-353-6550, e-mail [email protected]. AMERICAN JOURN OF ARCHAE THE JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA EDITORS R. BRUCE HITCHNER, University of Dayton Editor-in-Chief SUSAN R. HOLMAN Associate Editor MARKR. KURTZ Assistant Editor PAUL REHAK &JOHN G. YOUNGER, Duke University Co-editors, Book Reviews ADVISORY BOARD SUSAN E. ALCOCK Universityof Michigan KENNETH W. HARL ROGER BAGNALL SHARON C. HERBERT Tulane University Columbia University Universityof Michigan LARISSA BONFANTE ANN KUTTNER New YorkUniversity Universityof Pennsylvania JOHN T. MA Princeton University DAVIDMATTINGLY Universityof Leicester IAN MORRIS Stanford University JOSEPH C. CARTER Universityof Texas at Austin JOHN F. CHERRY Universityof Michigan STEPHEN L. DYSON State Universityof New Yorkat Buffalo JOHN EDMONDSON ROBIN YorkUniversity OSBORNE OxfordUniversity ELIZABETH FENTRESS NANCY American Academyat Rome H. RAMAGE Ithaca College CURTIS N. RUNNELS Boston University TIMOTHY E. GREGORY Ohio State University M. HANSEN Boston University MARY M. VOIGT JULIE Collegeof William and Mary NORMAN, NAOMIJ. ex officio Universityof Georgia EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Steven Larson, Christine Lovasz, Tracy Thorpe, Katherine Weiss MONY viv RM TA Ovk'Pu /8?IN THE AMERICANJOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY,the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America, was founded in 1885; the second series was begun in 1897. Indexes have been published for volumes 1-11 (1885-1896), for the second series, volumes 1-10 (1897-1906), and volumes 11-70 (1907-1966). The Journal is indexed in the Humanities Index, the ABS International Guide to Classical Studies, Current Contents, the Book Review Index, the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, Anthropological Literature: An Index to PeriodicalArticles and Essays, and the Art Index. MANUSCRIPTSand all communications for the editors should be addressed to Professor R. Bruce Hitchner, Editor-in-Chief, AJA, Archaeological Institute of America, located at Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2006, tel. 617-353-9364, fax 617-353-6550, e-mail [email protected]. The AmericanJournal of Archaeologyis devoted to the art and archaeology of ancient Europe and the Mediterranean world, including the Near East and Egypt, from prehistoric to late antique times. The attention of contributors is directed to "Editorial Policy, Notes for Contributors, and Abbreviations," AJA95 (1991) 1-16. Guidelines for AJA authors can also be found on the World Wide Web at www.amjournalarch.org. 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Membership in the AIA, including a subscription to AJA, is $85 per year (C$123). Student membership is $40 (C$58); proof of full-time status required. Foreign subscriptions and memberships must be paid in U.S. dollars, by a check drawn on a bank in the U.S. or by money order. No replacement for nonreceipt of any issue of AJA will be honored after 90 days (180 days for foreign subscriptions) from the date of issuance of the fascicle in question. When corresponding about memberships or subscriptions, always give your account number, as shown on the mailing label or invoice. A microfilm edition of the Journal, beginning with volume 53 (1949), is issued after the completion of each volume of the printed edition. Subscriptions to the microfilm edition, which are available only to subscribers to the printed edition of the Journal, should be sent to University Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Back issues of AJA and the Index 1907-1966 may be ordered from the Archaeological Institute of America in Boston. Exchanged periodicals and correspondence relating to exchanges should be directed to the AJA in Boston. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, Massachusetts and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to the American Journal of Archaeology, Archaeological Institute of America, located at Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2006. The opinions expressed in the articles and book reviews published in the AmericanJournal of Archaeology are those of the authors and not of the editors or of the Archaeological Institute of America. Copyright? 1999 by the ArchaeologicalInstitute of America ? The paper in this journal is acid-free and meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 103 (1999) PAGES Alcock. S.E., Rev. of Cavanagh and Curtis eds., Coldstream andJohnston co-eds., Post-Minoan Crete(Proceedingsof theFirst Colloquium on Post-Minoan CreteHeld by the British School at Athens and the Institute of Archaeology,UniversityCollegeLondon, 10-11 November1995) Anderson, S. See Campbell et al. V.R., Rev. of Rotroff, Agora XXIX: Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Anderson-Stojanovic, Wheelmade Table Wareand Related Material Imported Bardill, J., The Golden Gate in Constantinople: A Triumphal Arch of Theodosius I Barletta, B.A., Rev. of Danner, WestgriechischeAkrotere Barnet, P., Rev. of Connor, The Color of lvory: Polychromyon Byzantine Ivories Barringer, J.M., Rev. of Boardman, The Great God Pan: The Survival of an Image Rev. ofJacobsen, Kilinski, and van Keuren eds., Jupiter's Loves and His Children S, Barr-Sharrar, B., Rev. of Brown, Royal Portraits in Sculpture and Coins: Pyrrhos and the Successors ofAlexander the Great of Svenson, Darstellungen hellenistischer K6nige mit Gotterattributen Rev. , Bass, B., Rev. of Gaffney et al., The Adriatic Islands Project: Contact, Commerceand Colonialism, 6000 BC-AD 600 1: The Archaeological Heritage ofHvar, Croatia Becker, M.J., Etruscan Gold Dental Appliances: Three Newly "Discovered" Examples , Bioarchaeology Beckman, G., Rev. of Sou'ek and Siegelovi, SystematischeBibliographie der Hethitologie, 19151995 Via Domitia Bekker-Nielsen, T., Rev. of Castellvi et al. eds., Voiesromaines du Rhone a et via Augusta l'Ebre. Rev. of Chevallier, Les voies romaines , Rev. of Esch, Romische Strassen in ihrer Landschaft: Das Nachleben antiker Strassen um Rom, mit Hinweisen zur Begehung im Geldnde Bell, E.E., Rev. of Schaeffer, Ramage, and Greenewalt, The Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Potteryfrom Sardis Bennet, J., John Chadwick, 1920-1998 , Rev. of Driessen and Farnoux eds., La Cretemycinienne. Actes de la TableRonde Internationale organisee par l'Ecolefranfaise d'Athenes, 26-28 Mars 1991 Betancourt, P.P., Rev. of Mfiller, Kretische Tongefdssemit Meeresdekor Boatwright, M.T., Rev. of Meyer ed., Der Obelisk des Antinoos: Eine kommentierteEdition, mit Beitrdgen von Alfred Grimm, Dieter Kessler,Hugo Meyer,und einerEinfiihrung "Antinous and the GreekRenascence" Bradley, R., Rev. of Roth, Lyons, and Merewether, IrresistibleDecay: Ruins Reclaimed Brilliant, R., Rev. of Bouzek and Ondrejovi eds., Roman Portraits: Artistic and Literary. Acts of the Third International Conference on the Roman Portraits Held in Prague and in the Bechyne Castlefrom 25 to 29 September1989 -, Rev. of Bergmann, Die Strahlen der Herrscher: TheomorphesHerrscherbild und politische Symbolikim Hellenismus und in der romischen Kaiserzeit Broucke, P.B.F.J., Rev. of Bommelaer, Marmaria: Le sanctuaire d'Athina t Delphes , Rev. of Forte and Siliotti eds., Virtual Archaeology:Re-Creating Ancient Worlds Butcher, K., Rev. of Sheedy and Papageorgiadou-Banis eds., Numismatic Archaeology,Archaeological Numismatics. Proceedings of an International Conference Held to Honour Dr Mando Oeconomides in Athens 1995 Campbell, S., Elizabeth Carter, Elizabeth Healey, Seona Anderson, Amanda Kennedy, and Sarah Whitcher, Emerging Complexity on the Kahramanmarag Plain, Turkey: The Domuztepe Project, 1995-1997 586 368-69 671-96 364-65 173-74 714-16 714-16 367-68 367-68 131-33 103-11 528-31 551-52 376-77 376-77 376-77 150-51 521-23 554-55 136 173 587-88 161-62 572-74 539-40 539-40 172 395-418 vi CONTENTS OF VOLUME 103 (1999) Carter, E. See Campbell et al. Cavanagh, W.G., Rev. of Carter, Morter, and Toxey, The Chora of Metaponto: The Necropoleis Chamberlain, A.T., Rev. of Rittershofer ed., Demographie der Bronzezeit: PalaodemographieMo'glichkeitenund Grenzen. West-und Siiddeutscher Verbandfiir AltertumsforschungJahrestagungen vom 24.-25. Mai 1988 in Ettlingen und vom 16.-21. Mai 1989 in Frankfurt a.M.--Kolloquium der ArbeitsgemeinschaftBronzezeit Chapman, J., Rev. of Vaday, Cultural and Landscape Changes in South-east Hungary 2: Prehistoric, Roman Barbarian and Late Avar Settlement at Gyoma 133 Chapman, R., Rev. of Leisner, Die Megalithgrdberder IberischenHalbinsel. Der Westen4: Lieferung Cherry, J.F., Rev. of Sullivan ed., Surface Archaeology , Rev. of Myrto, Albania archeologia: Bibliografia sistematica dei centri antichi 1: (A-D) Childs, W.A.P., Rev. of Ridgway, Fourth-Century Styles in GreekSculpture Chippindale, C., Current Issues in the Study of Palaeolithic Images Christie, N., Rev. of Potter and King, Excavations at the Mola di Monte Gelato: A Roman and Medieval Settlement in South Etruria Coldstream, J.N., Rev. of Hoffman, Imports and Immigrants: Near Eastern Contacts with Iron Age Crete Cole, S.G., Rev. of de la Geniere ed., Hira: Images, espaces, cultes. Actes du Colloque international du Centre de recherchesarcheologiques de l'Universite de Lille III et de l'Association PR.A. C., Lille, 29-30 novembre 1993 Cook, R.M., Rev. of Dehl-von Kaenel, Die archaische Keramik aus dem Malophoros-Heiligtum in Selinunt: Die korinthischen, lakonischen, ostgriechischen, etruskischen und megarischen Importe sowie die "argivisch-monochrome"und lokale Keramik aus den alten Grabungen Cronkite Price, S.-M., Rev. of Bookidis and Stroud, Corinth 18.3: The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore. Topographyand Architecture Cubberley, T., Rev. of Mack and Robertson eds., The Roman Remains:John Izard Middleton's Visual Souvenirs of 1820-1823, with Additional Views in Italy, France, and Switzerland De Angelis, F., Rev. of Muggia, L'area di rispetto nelle colonie magno-grechee siceliote: Studio di antropologia dellaforma urbana Dickinson, O.T.P.K., Rev. of Branigan ed., Cemeteryand Society in the Aegean Bronze Age Donahue,J., Rev. of Niemi, Ben-Avraham, and Gat eds., The Dead Sea: The Lake and Its Setting Downey, S.B., Rev. of Freyberger, Die friihkaiserzeitlichen Heiligtiimer der Karawanenstationen im hellenisierten Osten: Zeugnisse eines kulturellen Konflikts im Spannungsfeld zweierpolitischerFormationen Downs, M.E., Changing Dynamics in the Archaeology of Iberia Dusinberre, E.R.M., Satrapal Sardis: Achaemenid Bowls in an Achaemenid Capital Dwyer, E., Rev. of Raubitschek, Isthmia VII: The Metal Objects(1952-1989) Egan, V. and P.M. Bikai, Archaeology in Jordan Emberling, G., Rev. of Hall, Ethnic Identity in GreekAntiquity -, Rev. of Jones, The Archaeology of Ethnicity: Constructing Identities in the Past and Present Evans, H.B., Rev. of Kienast, Die Wasserleitung des Eupalinos aufSamos Ewald, B.C., Death and Myth: New Books on Roman Sarcophagi Fant,J.C., Rev. of Bingen, Bilow-Jacobsen, Cockle, Cuvigny, Kayser, and van Rengen, Mons Claudianus. Ostraca Graeca et Latina II , Rev. of Peacock and Maxfield, Mons Claudianus, Survey and Excavation I: Topography and the Quarries Fiema, Z.T., Barriers, Barracks, and Beyond: Remarks on Some Current Roman Military Studies Francfort, H.-P., Rev. of Bromberg and Skjaerv0 eds., Studies in Honor of Vladimir A. Livshits [AJA 103 561-62 557-58 362-63 362 169-70 700-701 156-57 113-17 379-80 137-38 148-49 145-46 709-10 168-69 143-45 133-34 584-85 565-66 117-21 73-102 152-53 485-520 126-27 126-27 149-50 344-48 576-77 576-77 348-52 701-702 1999] CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) French, E., Rev. of Guggisberg, Friihgriechische Tierkeramik:Zur Entwicklung und Bedeutung der Tiergefdsseund der hohlen Tierfiguren in der spiiten Bronze- und friihen Eisenzeit (ca. 1600- 700 v. Chr.) Rev. of Pilafidis-Williams, The Sanctuary of Aphaia on Aigina in the Bronze Age , Fullerton, M.D., Rev. of Andreae, Sch6nheit des Realismus: Auftraggeber,Schopfer,Betrachterhellenistischer Plastik Galaty, M.L., Rev. of Maguire ed., Materials Analysis of Byzantine Pottery Gebhard, E.R., Rev. of Wiegand, Das Theater von Solunt: Ein besondererSkenentyp des Spdthellenismus auf Sizilien Gillis, C., Rev. of Laffineur and Betancourt eds., TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomenand Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 6th International Aegean Conference/ 6e Rencontreegeenne internationale, Philadelphia, TempleUniversity (18-21 April 1996) Gosselain, O.P., Rev. of Cumberpatch and Blinkhorn eds., Not So Much a Pot, Morea Wayof Life: CurrentApproachesto ArtefactAnalysisin Archaeology , Rev. of Freestone and Gaimster eds., Pottery in the Making: Ceramic Traditions Greene, K., Rev. of Simpson, The Excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti 2: The Small Finds , Rev. of Small and Buck, The Excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti 1: The Villas and Their Environment Gros, P., Rev. of Anderson, Roman Architectureand Society Habinek, T., Rev. of Schafer, Unterhaltung beim griechischen Symposion: Darbietungen, Spiele und Wettkdmpfevon homerischerbis in spdtklassische Zeit Rev. of Davis ed., Sandy Pylos: An Archaeological History from Nestor to Navarino D.C., Haggis, Harding, A.F., Rev. of Mason, The Early Iron Age of Slovenia Havelock, C.M., Rev. of Jenkins and Waywell eds., Sculptors and Sculpture of Caria and the Dodecanese vii 358-59 706-707 716-17 388 365-67 552-54 382-84 382-84 577-79 577-79 570-71 141-42 707-709 139-40 153-55 Healey, E. See Campbell et al. Hershenson, C.R., Rev. of Hdigg ed., The Function of the "Minoan Villa": Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 6-8June 1992 Hitchner, R.B., A Letter from the Editor-in-Chief , Rev. of Brett and Fentress, TheBerbers , Rev. of European Journal of Archaeology 1:1 (April 1998) Holliday, P.J., Rev. of Conlin, The Artists of the Ara Pacis: The Process of Hellenization in Roman Relief Sculpture Holtorf, C., Rev. of Bender, Stonehenge: Making Space , Rev. of Cunliffe and Renfrew eds., Scienceand Stonehenge 134-35 1 380-81 585 159-60 355-57 355-57 Houby-Nielsen, S., Rev. of Bergemann, Demos und Thanatos: Untersuchungen zum Wertsystem der Polis im Spiegel der attischen Grabreliefsdes 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. und zur Funktion der gleichzeitigen Grabbauten 157-58 Ivison, E.A., Rev. of Ben-Tor, Avissar,and Portugali, Yoqne'Am 1: TheLate Periods 583-84 , Rev. of Pringle, Secular Buildings in the Crusader Kingdom ofJerusalem: An Archaeological Gazetteer , Rev. of Pringle, The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom ofJerusalem: A Corpus 2: L-Z (excluding Tyre) 583-84 583-84 Jameson, M.H., Antony Erich Raubitschek, 1912-1999 697-98 Joffe, A.H., Rev. of Hoerth, Archaeology and the Old Testament 541-43 , Rev. of Isserlin, TheIsraelites , Rev. of Silberman and Small eds., The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present Johnston, A., Rev. of Stampolidis, "Reprisals": Contribution to the Study of Customs of the Geometric-Archaic Period 541-43 541-43 138-39 viii CONTENTS OF VOLUME 103 (1999) [AJA 103 Kane, S., Rev. of Gercke, Etruskishe Kunst im Kestner-Museum Hannover -, Rev. of Spivey, Etruscan Art Kennedy, A. See Campbell et al. Kenrick, P., Rev. of Hayes, Handbook of Mediterranean Roman Pottery Knappett, C., Assessing a Polity in Protopalatial Crete: The Malia-Lasithi State Knudsen, S.E., Rev. of Vikan, Catalogue of the Sculpture in the Dumbarton Oaks Collectionfrom the Ptolemaic Period to the Renaissance Kohl, P.L., Rev. of Mair ed., The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia 1: Archaeology,Migration and Nomadism, Linguistics, 2: Genetics and Physical Anthropology, Metallurgy, Textiles, Geographyand Climatology,History, and Mythologyand Ethnology Kosmetatou, E., Rev. of Rider, Monnayage etfinances de Phillipe II: Un etat de la question , Rev. of Troxell, Studies in the Macedonian Coinage of Alexander the Great 549-50 562-63 562-63 L6w, U., Rev. of Negahban, Marlik: The CompleteExcavation Report Laffineur, R., Rev. of Effinger, Minoischer Schmuck 546-48 135-36 Lancaster, L. Building Trajan'sColumn 419-39 Lawton, C.L., Rev. of Forsen, GriechischeGliederweihungen: Eine Untersuchung zu ihrer Typologie und ihrer religions- und sozialgeschichtlichen Bedeutung Lerner, J.D., Rev. of De Romanis and Tchernia, Crossings: Early Mediterranean Contacts with India R., Rev. of Bearat, Fuchs, Maggetti, and Paunier eds., Roman Wall Painting: Materials, Ling, Techniques, Analysis and Conservation. Proceedings of the International Workshop,Fribourg, 7-9 March 1996 Lombard, P., Rev. of Crawford, Dilmun and Its Gulf Neighbours Lund, J., Rev. of Sidebotham and Wendrich eds., Berenike1995: PreliminaryReportof theExcavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast) and the Survey of the Eastern Desert 567-68 567-68 172-73 615-39 389 373-74 702 575-76 548-49 564-65 Lusnia, S., Rev. of Claridge, Rome 569-70 Marinatos, N., Rev. of Rutkowski and Nowicki, The PsychroCave and OtherSacred Grottoesin Crete , Rev. of Watrous, The Cave Sanctuary of Zeus at Psychro:A Study of Extra-urban Sanctuaries in Minoan and Early Iron Age Crete Mason, R.S., Rev. of Muller, Les terrescuite votives du Thesmophorion:De l'atelier au sanctuaire 136-37 1-2 136-37 370-72 Matheson, S.B., Rev. of Hoffmann, Sotades: Symbols of lmmortality on GreekVases Mattingly, H.B., Rev. of Figueira, The Power of Money: Coinage and Politics in theAthenian Empire 711-12 712-13 McClanan, A.L., Rev. of Kleiner and Matheson eds., I, Claudia: Womenin AncientRome 574-75 McNiven, T.J., Rev. of Knittlmayer, Die attische Aristokratie und ihre Helden: Darstellungen des trojanischen Sagenkreises im 6. und friihen 5.Jahrhundert v. Chr. Meskell, L., Rev. of Lustig ed., Anthropology and Egyptology:A Developing Dialogue 142-43 127-29 -, Archaeologies of Life and Death 181-99 Migeotte, L., Rev. of Stroud, The Athenian Grain-Tax Law of 374/3 B.C. (L. Migeotte) Miles, M.M., Rev. of Hanson and Heath, Who Killed Homer? The Demise of Classical Education and the Recovery of GreekWisdom Miller, M.C., Reexamining Transvestism in Archaic and Classical Athens: The Zewadski Stamnos Montet-White, A., Rev. of Bailey ed., Klithi: Paleolithic Settlement and Quarternary Landscapes in Northwest Greece1: Excavation and Intra-Site Analysis at Klithi; 2: Klithi in Its Local and Regional Setting Morris, S.P., Rev. of Boardman, Early GreekVasePainting: 11lth-6th Centuries B.C. Murray, T., Rev. of Diaz-Andreu and Serensen eds., Excavating Women:A History of Women in European Archaeology Niemi, T.M., Geoarchaeology-Where Do We Go from Here? Noble, J.V., Rev. of Schreiber, Athenian Vase Construction: A Potter'sAnalysis 713-14 174-75 223-53 702-704 363-64 538-39 525-28 716 1999] CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) ix Oakley,J.H., Rev. of Mommsen, ExekiasI: Die Grabtafeln 151-52 Osborne, M.J., Rev. of Woodhead, Agora 16: Inscriptions: The Decrees 710-11 Packer, J.E., Rev. of DeLaine, The Baths of Caracalla: A Study in the Design, Construction, and Economics of Large-Scale Building Projectsin Imperial Rome 163-64 Parslow, C., Beyond Domestic Architecture at Pompeii 340-43 Payne, A.A., Rev. of Rykwert, The Dancing Column: On Orderin Architecture Pedley, J.G., Rev. of Lulof and Moormann eds., Deliciae Fictiles 2: Proceedings of the Second International Conferenceon Archaic Architectural Terracottasfrom Italy, Held at the Netherlands Institute in Rome, 12-13June 1996 384-85 585-86 Perles, C., Rev. of Radovanovic, TheIron GatesMesolithic Pollitt, JJ., New Perspectives on the Art of Pergamon 354-55 337-39 Porter, J.I., Rev. of Montserrat ed., Changing Bodies, Changing Meanings: Studies on the Human Body in Antiquity Postgate, J.N., Rev. of Cooper and Schwartz eds., The Study of the Ancient Near East in the Twenty-firstCentury. The William Foxwell Albright Centennial Conference Purcell, N., Rev. of Farrar, Gardens of Italy and the WesternProvinces of the Roman Empire: From the 4th Century B. C. to the 4th Century A.D. Rackham, O., Rev. of Chabal, Forits et socidtis en Languedoc (Niolithique final, Antiquite tardive): L'anthracologie, mithode et paldoecologie of Vernet, L'homme et laforit miditerrandenne:De la prihistoire a nosjours Rev. -, Rehak, P., andJ.G. Younger, Editorial Statement Ridgway, B.S., Rev. of Hamiaux, Les sculptures grecquesII: La periode hellinistique (IIIe-I~rsiecles avantJ.-C.) -, Rev. of Palagia and Coulson eds., Regional Schools in Hellenistic Sculpture. Proceedings of an International ConferenceHeld at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, March 15-17, 1996 587 543-44 388 129-30 129-30 699 158-59 717-19 Robb, J., Rev. of Jensen and Nielsen eds., Burial and Society:The Chronologicaland Social Analysis of Archaeological Burial Data Roller, D.W., Rev. of Segal, From Function to Monument: Urban Landscapes of Roman Palestine, Syria and Provincia Arabia Rosser, J., Rev. of Roux, Salamine de Chypre15: La Basilique de la Campanopetra Rupp, D.W., Rev. of Aktseli, Altdre in der archaischen und klassischen Kunst: Untersuchungen zu Typologieund Ikonographie 171-72 164-65 723 387-88 Russell, J., Rev. of Waelkens and Poblome eds., SagalassosIV: Reporton the Surveyand Exca- vation Campaigns of 1994 and 1995 Rutter, J.B., Rev. of Kilian-Dirlmeier, Alt-Agina IV.3: Das mittelbronzezeitlicheSchachtgrab von Agina 377-79 Schmidt-Colinet, A., Rev. of Arnould, Les arcs romains deArusalem: Architecture,d7cor et urbanisme , Rev. of Kader, Propylon und Bogentor: Untersuchungen zum Tetrapylon von Latakia und anderen friihkaiserzeitlichen Bogenmonumenten im Nahen Osten 719-20 Schoep, I., Tablets and Territories? Reconstructing Late Minoan IB Political Geography through Undeciphered Documents Schofield, E., Rev. of Forsyth, Thera in the Bronze Age Sheedy, K., Rev. of KnauB, Der lineare Inselstil: Eine kykladische Keramikwerkstattam Ubergang von der spiitgeometrischenzur archaischen Zeit Shelmerdine, C.W., Rev. of Pini ed., Die Tonplombenaus dem Nestorpalast von Pylos Shennan, S.J., Rev. of Mfiller and Zimmermann eds., Archaologie und Korrespondenzanalyse: Beispiele, Fragen, Perspektiven Shepherd, G., Rev. of Lyons, Morgantina Studies V: The Archaic Cemeteries Sherratt, S., Rev. of Bouzek, Greece,Anatolia and Europe: Cultural Interrelations during the Early Iron Age 357-58 719-20 201-21 387 559-61 359-60 699-700 147-48 556-57 x CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) Simmons, A.H., Rev. of Reese ed., Pleistocene and Holocene Fauna of Creteand Its First Settlers [AJA103 550-51 Simpson, St J., Rev. of Haerinck and Overlaet, LuristanExcavationDocuments2: Chamahzi Mumah: A Iron Age III Graveyard 555-56 Smith, A.C., Rev. of Oakley, Coulson, and Palagia eds., Athenian Pottersand Painters: The ConferenceProceedings Smith, A.T., The Making of an Urartian Landscape in Southern Transcaucasia:A Study of Political Architectonics Rev. of Zimansky, Ancient Ararat: A Handbook of Urartian Studies Smith, C., Rev. of Carafa, II Comizio di Roma dalle origini all'eta di Augusto Snively, C.S., Rev. of Ristow, Friihchristliche Baptisterien 155-56 45-71 386-87 571-72 581-82 Snodgrass, A.M., Rev. of Andersen, Horsnaes, Houby-Nielsen, and Rathje eds., Urbanization in the Mediterranean in the Ninth to Sixth Centuries B.C. Spawforth,T., Rev.of Carlsen,Due, Due, and Poulsen eds., AlexandertheGreat:Realityand Myth -, Rev. of Wood, In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great:A Journey from Greeceto Asia 558-59 563-64 563-64 Stern, E.M., Roman Glassblowing in a Cultural Context 441-84 Stone, E., Rev. of Van De Mieroop, The Ancient Mesopotamian City Stone, S.C., Rev. of Le Guen ed., De la scene aux gradins: The'tre et representations dramatiques apres Alexandre le grand 544-45 586-87 Strasser,T.F.,Rev. of Aufrecht, Mirau, and Gauley eds., Aspectsof Urbanismin Antiquity:From Mesopotamia to Crete Sutton, S.B., Rev. of Kardulias and Shutes eds., Aegean Strategies: Studies of Culture and Environment on the European Fringe Swiny, S., Rev. of Knapp, The Archaeology of Late Bronze Age Cypriot Society: The Study of Settlement, Survey and Landscape 170-71 Tawon, P.S.C., Rev. of Bradley, Rock Art and the Prehistory of Atlantic Europe: Signing the Land Tartaron, T.F., Rev. of Cavanagh et al., The Laconia Survey 2: Continuity and Change in a Greek Rural Landscape. Archaeological Data Tatton-Brown, V., Rev. of Buitron-Oliver, The Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at Kourion: Excavations in the Archaic Precinct Teeter, E., Rev. of Gorton, Egyptian and Egyptianizing Scarabs: A Typologyof Steatite, Faience and Paste Scarabsfrom Punic and Other Mediterranean Sites Tomlinson, R.A., Rev. of Stoneman, A Luminous Land: Artists Discover Greece Townsend, R.F., Rev. of McNicoll, Hellenistic Fortifications from the Aegean to the Euphrates Traill, D.A., Rev. of Bolke ed., Heinrich Schliemann zum 175. Geburtstag:Forschungs-probleme und neue Informationen iiber sein Leben und Werk Tuck, S.L., Rev. of Bodel and Tracy eds., Greekand Latin Inscriptions in the USA: A Checklist , Rev. of Thomasson ed., A Survey of Greek and Latin Inscriptions on Stone in Swedish Collections Tuttle, R.J., Rev. of du Prey, The Villas of Pliny from Antiquity to Posterity Tykot, R.H., Rev. of Lambert, Traces of the Past: Unraveling the Secrets of Archaeology through 540-41 -, Chemistry Rev. of Pollard and Heron, Archaeological Chemistry Uhlenbrock, J.P., Rev. of Graepler, Tonfiguren im Grab:Fundkontexte hellenistischer Terrakotten aus der Nekropole von Tarent Venit, M.S., The Stagni Painted Tomb: Cultural Interchange and Gender Differentiation in Roman Alexandria Vermeule III, C.C., Rev. of Boschung, von Hesberg, and Linfert, Die antiken Skulpturenin Chatsworth sowie in Dunham Massey und Withington Hall 170 171 353-54 146-47 140-41 385-86 369-70 381-82 166-67 166-67 720-21 352-53 352-53 372-73 641-69 167-68 von Reden, S., Rev. of Gillis, Risberg, and Sj6berg eds., Tradeand Productionin Premonetary Greece:Production and the Craftsman. Proceedings of the 4th and 5th International Workshops, Athens 1994 and 1995 131 1999] CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) Vroom,J., Rev. of Lock and Sanders eds., The Archaeology of Medieval Greece xi 165-66 Walberg, G., Rev. of Schiering, Minoische Topferkunst.Die bemalten Tongefiisseder Insel des Minos Warden, P.G., Rev. of Rendeli, La necropoli delFerrone , Rev. of Vanoni, Tombetarquiniesi di etd ellenistica Webb, J., Rev. of Sternini, La collezione di antichita di Alessandro Palma di Cesnola 705-706 568-69 568-69 389 Webb, J.M., and D. Frankel, Characterizing the Philia Facies: Material Culture, Chronology, and the Origin of the Bronze Age in Cyprus Webster,J., A New Roman Britain? Recent Developments in Romano-British Archaeology Wells, C.M., The Roman Army and Fleet in War and Peace 3-43 122-25 531-34 Wells, P.S., Rev. of Riflessi di Roma: Impero romano e barbari del Baltico. Milano, Arte e CiviltdFondazione Culturale Lombarda, 1 marzo-1 giugno 1997 580-81 Wengrow, D., The Intellectual Adventure of Henri Frankfort: A Missing Chapter in the History of Archaeological Thought 597-613 Westgate, R., Rev. of Lancha, Mosaique et culture dans l'Occident romain (I"-IVe s.) , Rev. of Tammisto, Birds in Mosaics: A Study on the Representation of Birds in Hellenistic and Romano-Campanian TessellatedMosaics to the Early Augustan Age Whitakker, D., Rev. of Fiches ed., Le IIPe siecle en Gaule Narbonnaise: Donnees rigionales sur la crise de l'Empire.Actes de la table ronde du GDR 954 "Archeologiede l'espace rural miditerranden dans l'Antiquiti et le haut Moyen Age, "Aix-en-Provence,La Baume, 15-16 septembre, 1995 162-63 374-75 579-80 Whitcher, S. See Campbell et al. Wiencke, M.H., Rev. of Maran, Kulturwandel auf dem GriechischenFestland und den Kykladen im spdten 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. 704-705 Wilkinson, T.J.,Rev. of Oates, Oates, and McDonald, Excavationsat TellBrakI: TheMitanni and Old Babylonian Periods Wood, S., Rev. of Bartman, Portraits of Livia: Imaging the Imperial Woman in Augustan Rome , Rev. of Winkes, Livia, Octavia, lulia: Portrdts und Darstellung 545-46 721-23 721-23 Woolf, G., Outside the Hillfort Ramparts in Iron Age France 535-37 Wright, J.C., Rev. of Kiipper, Mykenische Architektur: Material, Bearbeitungstechnik, Konstruktion und Erscheinungsbild 360-61 Younger. See Rehak, P., andJ.G. Younger. Zeitler, B., Rev. of Engemann, Deutung und Bedeutungfriihchristlicher Bildwerke 375-76 EDITORIALS Hitchner, R.B., A Letter from the Editor-in-Chief Rehak, P., and J.G. Younger, Editorial Statement 1 699 NECROLOGY John Chadwick, 1920-1998 (J. Bennet) Antony Erich Raubitschek, 1912-1999 (M.H.Jameson) 521-23 697-98 NEWSLETTER Archaeology in Jordan (V. Egan and P.M. Bikai) 485-520 PROCEEDINGS The 100th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America 255-335 CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) xii [AJA103 REVIEWS Aktseli, Altdre in der archaischen und klassischen Kunst: Untersuchungen zu Typologieund Ikonog- raphie(D.W. Rupp) Alcock, Life in RomanBritain (J. Webster) 387-88 122-25 Andersen, Horsnaes, Houby-Nielsen, and Rathje eds., Urbanization in the Mediterranean in the Ninth to Sixth Centuries B.C. (A.M Snodgrass) Anderson, Roman Architecture and Society (P. Gros) Andreae, Schonheit des Realismus: Auftraggeber, Schopfer,Betrachter hellenistischer Plastik (M.D. 558-59 570-71 Fullerton) Arnould, Les arcs romains deJrrusalem: Architecture, decor et urbanisme (A. Schmidt-Colinet) Aufderheide and Rodriguez-Martin, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Paleopathology (M.J. Becker) 716-17 719-20 528-31 Aufrecht, Mirau, and Gauley eds., Aspects of Urbanism in Antiquity: From Mesopotamia to Crete (T.F.Strasser) Avissar.See Ben-Tor, Avissar,and Portugali. 170-71 Bahn and Vertut, Journey through the Ice Age2(C. Chippindale) Bahn, The CambridgeIllustrated History of Prehistoric Art (C. Chippindale) Bailey ed., Klithi: Paleolithic Settlement and Quarternary Landscapes in Northwest Greece1: Excavation and Intra-Site Analysis at Klithi; 2: Klithi in Its Local and Regional Setting (A. 113-17 113-17 Montet-White) Balmuth, Gilman, and Prados-Torreira eds., Encounters and Transformations: The Archaeology of Iberia in Transition (M.E. Downs) Bartman, Portraits of Livia: Imaging the Imperial Woman in Augustan Rome (S. Wood) Barton ed., Roman Domestic Buildings (C. Parslow) Bearat, Fuchs, Maggetti, and Paunier eds., Roman Wall Painting: Materials, Techniques, Analysis and Conservation. Proceedings of the International Workshop,Fribourg, 7-9 March 1996 (R. Ling) Ben-Avraham. See Niemi, Ben-Avraham, and Gat eds. 702-704 117-21 721-23 340-43 575-76 Bender, Stonehenge: Making Space (C. Holtorf) 355-57 1: TheLatePeriods(E.A. Ivison) Ben-Tor, Avissar,and Portugali, Yoqne'Am 583-84 Bergemann, J., Demos und Thanatos: Untersuchungen zum Wertsystemder Polis im Spiegel der attischen Grabreliefsdes 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. und zur Funktion der gleichzeitigen Grab- bauten (S. Houby-Nielsen) 157-58 Bergmann, M., Die Strahlen der Herrscher: TheomorphesHerrscherbild und politische Symbolikim Hellenismus und in der r6mischen Kaiserzeit (R. Brilliant) 572-74 Bielefeld, Die stadtr6mischen Eroten-Sarkophage2: Weinlese-und Ernteszenen (B.C. Ewald) 344-48 Betancourt. See Laffineur and Betancourt eds. Bingen, Bilow-Jacobsen, Cockle, Cuvigny, Kayser,and van Rengen, Mons Claudianus. Ostraca Graeca et Latina II (J.C. Fant) 576-77 Blakeley. See Grolier, Brinkman, and Blakeley. Blinkhorn. See Cumberpatch and Blinkhorn eds. Boardman, Early GreekVasePainting: 1 lth-6th Centuries B.C. (S.P. Morris) , The Great God Pan: The Survival of an Image (J.M Barringer) Bodel and Tracy eds., Greekand Latin Inscriptions in the USA: A Checklist (S.L. Tuck) Bohek ed., La hidrarchie (Rangordnung) de l'armie romaine sous le haut-empire:Actes du congres de Lyon (15-18 septembre1994) (C.M. Wells) Bolke ed., Heinrich Schliemann zum 175. Geburtstag: Forschungsprobleme und neue Informationen iiber sein Leben und Werk(D.A. Traill) Bommelaer, Marmaria: Le sanctuaire d'Athina d Delphes (P.B.F.J. Broucke) Bon andJones eds., Sequence and Space in Pompeii (C. Parslow) Bookidis and Stroud, Corinth 18.3: The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore. Topographyand Archi- tecture(S.-M. Cronkite Price) 363-64 714-16 166-67 531-34 381-82 539-40 340-43 709-10 CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) 1999] Boschung, von Hesberg, and Linfert, Die antiken Skulpturen in Chatsworth sowie in Dunham Massey und Withington Hall (C.C. Vermeule III) ie siecles Bounegru and Zahariade, Les forces navales du Bas Danube et de la Mer Noire aux P- (C.M. Wells) Bouzek and Ondiejova eds., Roman Portraits: Artistic and Literary: Acts of the Third International Conferenceon the Roman Portraits Held in Prague and in the Bechynr Castlefrom 25 to 29 September1989 (R. Brilliant) Bouzek, Greece,Anatolia and Europe: Cultural Interrelationsduring theEarly Iron Age (S. Sherratt) Bradley, Rock Art and the Prehistory of Atlantic Europe: Signing the Land (P.S.C. Ta;on) Branigan ed., Cemeteryand Society in the Aegean Bronze Age (O.T.P.K. Dickinson) Brett and Fentress, TheBerbers(R.B. Hitchner) Brinkman. See Grolier, Brinkman and Blakeley. Bromberg and Skjaervo eds., Studies in Honor of Vladimir A. Livshits (H.-P. Francfort) Brown, A.G., Alluvial Geoarchaeology: Floodplain Archaeology and Environmental Change (T.M. Niemi) xiii 167-68 531-34 161-62 556-57 540-41 133-34 380-81 701-702 525-28 Brown, B.R., Royal Portraits in Sculpture and Coins: Pyrrhos and the Successors of Alexander the Great(B. Barr-Sharrar) 367-68 Brunaux and Meniel, La risidence aristocratique de Montmartin (Oise) du IIIe au IIe s. av. J.-C. (G. Woolf) Buichsenschfitz and Richard eds. L'environnement du Mont Beuvray (G. Woolf) 535-37 535-37 Buck. See Small and Buck. Buitron-Oliver, The Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at Kourion: Excavations in the Archaic Precinct (V. Tatton-Brown) Billow-Jacobsen. See Bingen, Billow-Jacobsen, Cockle, Cuvigny, Kayser,and van Rengen. Carafa, II Comizio di Roma dalle origini all'eta di Augusto (C. Smith) Carlsen, Due, Due, and Poulsen eds., Alexanderthe Great:Realityand Myth (T. Spawforth) Carman ed., Material Harm. Archaeological Studies of War and Violence (M.J. Becker) Carter, Morter, and Toxey, The Chora of Metaponto: The Necropoleis (W.G. Cavanagh) Castellvi et al. eds., Voiesromainesdu Rhonea l"Ebre:Via Domitia etvia Augusta (T. BekkerNielsen) Cavanagh and Curtis eds., Coldstream andJohnston co-eds., Post-MinoanCrete(Proceedings of the First Colloquium on Post-Minoan CreteHeld by the British School at Athens and the Institute of Archaeology,University CollegeLondon, 10-11 November 1995) (S.E. Alcock) Cavanagh et al., The Laconia Survey 2: Continuity and Change in a GreekRural Landscape. Archaeological Data (T.F. Tartaron) Chabal, Forits et socidtis en Languedoc (Niolithique final, AntiquitWtardive): L'anthracologie, mithode et paloe'cologie (0. Rackham) Chevallier, Les voiesromaines(T. Bekker-Nielsen) Claridge, Rome(S. Lusnia) 146-47 571-72 563-64 528-31 561-62 376-77 586 353-54 129-30 376-77 569-70 Cockburn, A., E. Cockburn and Reyman eds., Mummies, Disease and Ancient Cultures2 (M.J. Becker) Cockburn, E. See Cockburn, A., E. Cockburn and Reyman eds. Cockle. See Bingen, Billow-Jacobsen, Cockle, Cuvigny, Kayser,and van Rengen. Coldstream. See Cavanagh and Curtis eds., Coldstream andJohnston co-eds. 528-31 Conkey, Soffer, Stratmann, and Jablonski eds., Beyond Art: Pleistocene Image and Symbol (C. Chippindale) 113-17 Conlin, The Artists of the Ara Pacis: The Process of Hellenization in Roman Relief Sculpture (P.J. Holliday) Connor, The Color of Ivory: Polychromyon Byzantine Ivories (P. Barnet) Cooper and Schwartz eds., The Study of the Ancient Near East in the Twenty-firstCentury. The William Foxwell Albright Centennial Conference(J.N. Postgate) 159-60 173-74 543-44 Coulson, See Oakley, Coulson, and Palagia eds.; Palagia and Coulson eds. Crawford, Dilmun and Its Gulf Neighbours (P. Lombard) 548-49 CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) xiv Cumberpatch and Blinkhorn eds., Not So Much a Pot, More a Way of Life: Current Approaches to Artefact Analysis in Archaeology (O.P. Gosselain) Cunliffe and Keay eds., Social Complexityand the Development of Towns in Iberiafrom the Copper Age to the Second Century A.D. (M.E. Downs) Cunliffe and Renfrew eds., Scienceand Stonehenge(C. Holtorf) Curtis. See Cavanagh and Curtis eds. Cuvigny. See Bingen, Bfilow-Jacobsen, Cockle, Cuvigny, Kayser,and van Rengen. Dabrowa ed., The Roman and Byzantine Army in the East: Proceedings of a Colloquium Held at TheJagiellonian University, Krak6w in September1992 (C.M. Wells) Danner, WestgriechischeAkrotere(B.A. Barletta) Dark, K., and P. Dark, TheLandscapeof RomanBritain (J. Webster) Dark, P. See Dark, K., and P. Dark. Davis ed., Sandy Pylos: An Archaeological History from Nestor to Navarino (D.C. Haggis) de la Geniere ed., HIra: Images, espaces, cultes. Actes du Colloque international du Centre de recherchesarcheologiquesde l'UniversitWde Lille III et de l'Association PR.A. C., Lille, 29-30 novembre 1993 (S.G. Cole) De Romanis and Tchernia, Crossings: Early Mediterranean Contacts with India (J.D. Lerner) Dehl-von Kaenel, Die archaische Keramik aus dem Malophoros-Heiligtum in Selinunt: Die korinthischen, lakonischen, ostgriechischen, etruskischen und megarischen Importe sowie die "argivisch-monochrome"und lokale Keramik aus den alten Grabungen (R.M. Cook) DeLaine, The Baths of Caracalla: A Study in the Design, Construction, and Economics of LargeScale Building Projects in Imperial Rome (J.E. Packer) Diaz-Andreu and Keay eds., The Archaeology of Iberia: The Dynamics of Change (M.E. Downs) [AJA103 382-84 117-21 355-57 531-34 364-65 122-25 707-709 148-49 702 145-46 163-64 117-21 Diaz-Andreu and Sorensen eds., Excavating Women:A History of Women in European Archaeol- ogy (T. Murray) Dixon. See Southern and Dixon. Friezefrom the GreatAltar (J.J. Pollitt) Dreyfus and Schraudolph eds., Pergamon:The Telephos Driessen and Farnoux eds., La Crete mycinienne. Actes de la Table Ronde Internationale organisee par l'Ecolefrancaise d'Athenes, 26-28 Mars 1991 (J. Bennet) du Prey, The Villas of Pliny from Antiquity to Posterity (R.J. Tuttle) 538-39 337-39 554-55 720-21 Due. See Carlsen, Due, Due, and Poulsen eds. Effinger, MinoischerSchmuck(R. Laffineur) 135-36 Elton, Frontiers of the Roman Empire (C.M. Wells) Engemann, Deutung und Bedeutungfriihchristlicher Bildwerke (B. Zeitler) Esch, Romische Strassen in ihrer Landschaft: Das Nachleben antiker Strassen um Rom, mit Hinweisen zur Begehung im Geldnde (T. Bekker-Nielsen) European Journal of Archaeology 1:1 (April 1998) (R.B. Hitchner) 531-34 375-76 376-77 585 Farnoux. See Driessen and Farnoux eds. Farrar, Gardens of Italy and the WesternProvinces of the Roman Empire:From the 4th Century B. C. to the 4th Century A.D. (N. Purcell) 388 Fentress. See Brett and Fentress. Fiches ed., Le IIe siecle en Gaule Narbonnaise: Donnies rigionales sur la crise de l'Empire.Actes de la table ronde du GDR 954 "Archdologiede l'espace rural miditerranden dans l'Antiquiti et le haut Moyen Age, "Aix-en-Provence,La Baume, 15-16 septembre,1995 (D. Whitakker) Figueira, The Power of Money: Coinage and Politics in the Athenian Empire (H.B. Mattingly) Forstn, Griechische Gliederweihungen: Eine Untersuchung zu ihrer Typologie und ihrer religionsund sozialgeschichtlichen Bedeutung (C.L. Lawton) Forsyth, Thera in the Bronze Age (E. Schofield) Forte and Siliotti eds., Virtual Archaeology:Re-Creating Ancient Worlds (P.B.F.J. Broucke) Frayer.See Martin and Frayer. 579-80 712-13 373-74 387 539-40 CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) 1999] Freestone and Gaimster eds., Pottery in the Making: Ceramic Traditions (O.P. Gosselain) Freyberger, Die friihkaiserzeitlichen Heiligtiimer der Karawanenstationen im hellenisierten Osten: Zeugnisse eines kulturellen Konflikts im Spannungsfeld zweier politischer Formationen (S.B. Downey) xv 382-84 565-66 Friesinger and Krinzinger eds., Der romische Limes in Osterreich:Fiihrer zu den archdologischen Denkmalern(Z.T. Fiema) Fuchs. See B&arat,Fuchs, Maggetti, and Paunier eds. Gaffney et al., The Adriatic Islands Project: Contact, Commerceand Colonialism, 6000 BC-AD 600 1: The Archaeological Heritage of Croatia (B. Bass) Hvar, 348-52 131-33 Gaimster. See Freestone and Gaimster eds. Garrison. See Herz and Garrison. Gat. See Niemi, Ben-Avraham, and Gat eds. Gauley. See Aufrecht, Mirau, and Gauley eds. Genin and Lavendhomme, Rodumna (Roanne, Loire), le village gallo-romain: Evolution des mobiliers domestiques (G. Woolf) Kunst im Kestner-Museum Hannover (S. Kane) Etruskishe Gercke, and Gillis, Risberg, Sj6berg eds., Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece:Production and the Craftsman. Proceedings of the 4th and 5th International Workshops,Athens 1994 and 1995 (S. von Reden) Gilman. See Balmuth, Gilman, and Prados-Torreira eds. Goldsworthy, The Roman Army at War 100 B.C. -A.D. 200 (C.M. Wells) Gorton, Egyptian and Egyptianizing Scarabs: A Typology of Steatite, Faience and Paste Scarabs from Punic and Other Mediterranean Sites (E. Teeter) Grolier, Brinkman, and Blakeley, The Wadi al-Jubah Archaeological Project5: Environmental Research in Support of Archaeological Investigations in the YemenArab Republic, 1982-1987 (T.M. Niemi) 535-37 567-68 131 531-34 140-41 525-28 Gr6nke, Das r6mische Alenkastell Biricianae in WeissenburgI. Bay. Die Grabungen von 1890 bis 1990 (Z.T. Fiema) 348-52 Graepler, Tonfiguren im Grab:Fundkontexte hellenistischerTerrakottenaus der Nekropolevon Tarent (J.P. Uhlenbrock) Greenewalt. See Schaeffer, Ramage, and Greenewalt. Guichard. See Lavendhomme and Guichard. 372-73 Guggisberg, Friihgriechische Tierkeramik: Zur Entwicklung und Bedeutung der Tiergefdsse und der hohlen Tierfiguren in der spdten Bronze- undfriihen Eisenzeit (ca. 1600- 700 v. Chr.) (E. French) 358-59 Gwilt and Haselgrove eds., Reconstructing Iron Age Societies: New Approaches to the British Iron Age (J. Webster) Haerinck and Overlaet, Luristan Excavation Documents 2: Chamahzi Mumah: A Iron Age III Graveyard (StJ. Simpson) Hfigg ed., The Function of the "Minoan Villa '" Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 6-8June 1992 (C.R. Hershenson) Hall, Ethnic Identity in GreekAntiquity (G. Emberling) Hamiaux, Les sculptures grecques II: La periode hellenistique (IIP-Pr siecles avantJ.-C.) (B.S. Ridgway) Hanson and Heath, Who Killed Homer? The Demise of Classical Education and the Recovery of GreekWisdom (M.M. Miles) 122-25 555-56 134-35 126-27 158-59 174-75 Haselgrove. See Gwilt and Haselgrove eds. Hayes, Handbook of Mediterranean Roman Pottery (P. Kenrick) 172-73 Herdejiirgen, Stadtr6mische und italische Girlandensarkophage 1: Die Sarkophage des ersten und zweitenJahrhunderts (B.C. Ewald) 344-48 Heath. See Hanson and Heath. Heron. See Meadows, Lemke, and Heron eds. xvi CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) [AJA103 Heron. See Pollard and Heron. Herz and Garrison, Geological Methodsfor Archaeology (T.M. Niemi) Higgins, M. and R. Higgins, A Geological Companion to Greeceand the Aegean (T.M. Niemi) 525-28 525-28 Hoerth, Archaeology and the Old Testament (A.H.Joffe) Hoffman, Imports and Immigrants: NearEastern Contacts with Iron Age Crete(J.N. Coldstream) Hoffmann, Sotades: Symbols of Immortality on GreekVases (S.B. Matheson) 541-43 137-38 711-12 Horsnaes. See Andersen, Horsnaes, Houby-Nielsen, and Rathje eds. Hostetter and Howe eds., TheRomano-BritishVillaat CastleCopse,GreatBedwyn(J. Webster) Houby-Nielsen. See Andersen, Horsnaes, Houby-Nielsen, and Rathje eds. Howe. See Hostetter and Howe eds. 122-25 Huskinson, Roman Children's Sarcophagi: TheirDecoration and Social Significance (B.C. Ewald) 344-48 Isserlin, TheIsraelites(A.H. Joffe) 541-43 Higgins, R. See Higgins, M. and R. Higgins. Hill. See Rapp and Hill. Jablonski. See Conkey, Soffer, Stratmann, andJablonski eds. Jacobsen, Kilinski, and van Keuren eds.,Jupiter'sLovesand His Children(J.M Barringer) Jenkins and Waywell eds., Sculptors and Sculpture of Caria and theDodecanese (C.M. Havelock) Jensen and Nielsen eds., Burial and Society: The Chronological and Social Analysis of Archaeolog- 714-16 153-55 ical Burial Data (J. Robb) Johnston. See Cavanagh and Curtis eds., Coldstream andJohnston co-eds. 171-72 Jones, The ArchaeologyofEthnicity: Constructing Identities in the Past and Present (G. Emberling) 126-27 Jones, R.E.. See Stiros andJones eds. Jones, Rick. See Bon andJones eds. Kader, Propylon und Bogentor: Untersuchungen zum Tetrapylonvon Latakia und anderenfriihkaiserzeitlichen Bogenmonumenten im Nahen Osten (A. Schmidt-Colinet) Kardulias and Shutes eds., Aegean Strategies: Studies of Culture and Environment on the European Fringe (S.B. Sutton) 719-20 170 Kayser.See Bingen, Billow-Jacobsen, Cockle, Cuvigny, Kayser,and van Rengen. Keay. See Diaz-Andreu and Keay eds.; Cunliffe and Keay eds. Kennedy ed., The Roman Army in the East (C.M. Wells) Kienast, Die Wasserleitung des Eupalinos auf Samos (H.B. Evans) Kilian-Dirlmeier, Alt-Agina IV.3: Das mittelbronzezeitlicheSchachtgrab von Agina (J.B. Rutter) 531-34 149-50 357-58 Kleiner and Matheson eds., I, Claudia: Women in Ancient Rome (A.L. McClanan) Knapp, The Archaeology of Late Bronze Age Cypriot Society: The Study of Settlement, 574-75 King. See Potter and King. Survey and Landscape (S. Swiny) Knau8, Der lineare Inselstil: Eine kykladische Keramikwerkstattam Ubergang von der spiitgeometrischen zur archaischen Zeit (K. Sheedy) 559-61 Knittlmayer, Die attische Aristokratie und ihre Helden: Darstellungen des trojanischen Sagenkreises im 6. und friihen 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. (TJ. McNiven) 142-43 171 Krinzinger. See Friesinger and Krinzinger eds. Kiupper, Mykenische Architektur: Material, Bearbeitungstechnik, Konstruktion und Erscheinungs- bild (J.C. Wright) Laffineur and Betancourt eds., TEXNH: Craftsmen,Craftswomenand Craftsmanshipin theAegean BronzeAge. Proceedingsof the 6th InternationalAegean Conference/6 RencontreegRenneinternationale, Philadelphia, TempleUniversity (18-21 April 1996) (C. Gillis) 360-61 552-54 Laing, Art and Societyin RomanBritain (J. Webster) 122-25 Lambert, Traces of the Past: Unraveling the Secretsof Archaeology through Chemistry(R.H. Tykot) Lancha, Mosaique et culture dans l'Occident romain (I-IVn s.) (R. Westgate) Larsen, Bioarchaeology: Interpreting Behavior from the Human Skeleton (M.J. Becker) 352-53 162-63 528-31 CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) 1999] xvii Laurence and Wallace-Hadrill eds., Domestic Space in the Roman World: Pompeii and Beyond (C. Parslow) Lavendhomme. See Genin and Lavendhomme. 340-43 Lavendhomme and Guichard, Rodumna (Roanne, Loire), le village gaulois (G. Woolf) Le Guen ed., De scene aux gradins: Theatre et representations dramatiques apres Alexandre le .la C. 535-37 grand (S. Stone) Leisner, Die Megalithgrdber der IberischenHalbinsel. Der Westen4: Lieferung (R. Chapman) 586-87 362 Lemke. See Meadows, Lemke, and Heron eds. Linfert. See Boschung, von Hesberg, and Linfert. Ling, The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii I: The Structures (C. Parslow) Littleton, Skeletons and Social Composition: Bahrain 300 B.C.-A.D. 250 (M.J. Becker) Lock and Sanders eds., TheArchaeologyof Medieval Greece(J. Vroom) Lulof and Moormann eds., Deliciae Fictiles 2: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Archaic Architectural Terracottasfrom Italy, Held at the Netherlands Institute in Rome, 12-13June 1996 (J.G. Pedley) Lustig ed., Anthropology and Egyptology:A Developing Dialogue (L. Meskell) Lyons, C.L., Morgantina Studies V: The Archaic Cemeteries(G. Shepherd) 340-43 528-31 165-66 585-86 127-29 147-48 Lyons, C. See Roth, Lyons, and Merewether. Mfiller, The So-Called Peleus and Thetis Sarcophagus in the Villa Albani (B.C. Ewald) Mack and Robertson eds., The Roman Remains: John Izard Middleton's Visual Souvenirs of 1820-1823, with Additional Views in Italy, France, and Switzerland (T. Cubberley) 344-48 168-69 Maggetti. See Bearat, Fuchs, Maggetti, and Paunier eds. Maguire ed., Materials Analysis of Byzantine Pottery (M.L. Galaty) Mair ed., The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia 1: Archaeology,Migration and Nomadism, Linguistics; 2: Genetics and Physical Anthropology, Metallurgy, Textiles, Geographyand Climatology, History, and Mythology and Ethnology (P.L. Kohl) Kulturwandel Maran, auf dem GriechischenFestland und den Kykladen im spdten 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr.(M.H. Wiencke) 388 549-50 704-705 Martin and Frayer, Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past (M.J. Becker) Mason, The Early Iron Age of Slovenia (A.F. Harding) 528-31 139-40 Matheson. See Kleiner and Matheson eds. Maxfield. See Peacock and Maxfield. Mays, The Archaeology of Human Bones (M.J. Becker) 528-31 McDonald. See Oates, Oates, and McDonald. McNicoll, Hellenistic Fortifications from the Aegean to the Euphrates (R.F. Townsend) Meadows, Lemke, and Heron eds., TRAC 96. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Research School of Archaeology and Archaeological Science, the University of Sheffield, March 30th and 31st, 1996 (J. Webster) Menez, Uneferme de l'Armoriquegauloise: Le Boisanne a Plou&r-sur-Rance (C6tes-d'Armor)(G. Woolf) 369-70 122-25 535-37 Meniel. See Brunaux and Meniel. Mercky, Romische Grabreliefsund Sarkophage auf den Kykladen (B.C. Ewald) 344-48 Merewether. See Roth, Lyons, and Merewether. Meyer ed., Der Obelisk des Antinoos: Eine kommentierteEdition, mit Beitragen von Alfred Grimm, Dieter Kessler, Hugo Meyer, und einer Einfiihrung "Antinous and the GreekRenascence" (M.T. Boatwright) Mirau. See Aufrecht, Mirau, and Gauley eds. 173 Mommsen, Exekias I: Die Grabtafeln (J.H. Oakley) Montserrat ed., Changing Bodies, Changing Meanings: Studies on the Human Body in Antiquity (J.I. Porter) Moormann. See Lulof and Moormann eds. Morrison, Greekand Roman Oared Warships: 399-30 Morter. See Carter, Morter, and Toxey. 151-52 587 B.C. (C.M. Wells) 531-34 CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) xviii [AJA103 Muggia, L'area di rispetto nelle colonie magno-grechee siceliote: Studio di antropologia della forma urbana (F. De Angelis) Mufiller,F.GJ.M., The So-Called Peleus and Thetis Sarcophagus in the Villa Albani (B.C. Ewald) Mfiller, J. and Zimmermann eds., Archdologie und Korrespondenzanalyse:Beispiele, Fragen, Perspektiven (S.J. Shennan) Mufiller,W., Kretische Tongefdsse mit Meeresdekor(P.P. Betancourt) Muller, Les terrescuite votives du Thesmophorion:De l'atelier au sanctuaire 1-2 (R.S. Mason) Myrto, Albania archeologia: Bibliografia sistematica dei centri antichi 1: (A-D) (J.F. Cherry) 143-45 344-48 699-700 136 370-72 700-701 Napoli, Recherchessur lesfortifications lineaires romaines (Z.T. Fiema) Negahban, Marlik: The CompleteExcavation Report (U. L6w) 348-52 546-48 Nielsen. SeeJensen and Nielsen eds. Niemi, Ben-Avraham, and Gat eds., TheDead Sea: TheLakeand Its Setting(J. Donahue) Nowicki. See Rutkowski and Nowicki. 584-85 Oakley, Coulson, and Palagia eds., Athenian Potters and Painters: The ConferenceProceedings (A.C. Smith) Oates, Oates, and McDonald, Excavations at Tell Brak I: The Mitanni and Old Babylonian Periods (T.J.Wilkinson) Ondrejova. See Bouzek and Ondrejovaieds. Overlaet. See Haerinck and Overlaet. 155-56 545-46 Palagia and Coulson eds., Regional Schools in Hellenistic Sculpture. Proceedings of an International ConferenceHeld at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, March 15- 17, 1996 (B.S. Ridgway) Palagia. See Oakley, Coulson, and Palagia eds. Papageorgiadou-Banis. See Sheedy and Papageorgiadou-Banis eds. Paunier. See Bearat, Fuchs, Maggetti, and Paunier eds. 717-19 Peacock and Maxfield, Mons Claudianus, Survey and Excavation I: Topographyand the Quar- ries (J.C. Fant) Pesando, Domus: Edilizia privata e societa pompeiana fra III e I secolo a. C. (C. Parslow) Pilafidis-Williams, The Sanctuary of Aphaia on Aigina in the Bronze Age (E. French) Pini ed., Die Tonplomben aus dem Nestorpalast von Pylos (C.W. Shelmerdine) 576-77 340-43 706-707 359-60 Poblome. See Waelkens and Poblome eds. Pollard and Heron, Archaeological Chemistry (R.H. Tykot) 352-53 Portugali. See Ben-Tor, Avissar,and Portugali. Potter and King, Excavations at the Mola di Monte Gelato: A Roman and Medieval Settlement in South Etruria (N. Christie) 379-80 Poulsen. See Carlsen, Due, Due, and Poulsen eds. Prados-Torreira.See Balmuth, Gilman, and Prados-Torreiraeds. Pringle, Secular Buildings in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: An Archaeological Gazetteer (E.A. Ivison) -, 583-84 The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom ofJerusalem: A Corpus 2: L-Z (excluding Tyre) (E.A. Ivison) Radovanovic, The Iron Gates Mesolithic (C. Perles) 583-84 354-55 Ramage. See Schaeffer, Ramage, and Greenewalt. Rapp and Hill, Geoarchaeology:The Earth-ScienceApproach to Archaeological Interpretation (T.M. Niemi) Rathje. See Andersen, Horsnaes, Houby-Nielsen, and Rathje eds. 525-28 Raubitschek, Isthmia VII: The Metal Objects(1952-1989) (E. Dwyer) Reese ed., Pleistocene and Holocene Fauna of Creteand Its First Settlers (A.H. Simmons) Rendeli, La necropoli delFerrone (P.G. Warden) 152-53 550-51 568-69 Renfrew. See Cunliffe and Renfrew eds. Reyman. See Cockburn, A., E. Cockburn and Reyman eds. CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) 1999] xix Richard. See Biichsenschfitz and Richard eds. Richardson, Pompeii: An Architectural History (C. Parslow) Rider, Monnayage etfinances de Phillipe II: Un etat de la question (E. Kosmetatou) Ridgway, Fourth-Century Styles in GreekSculpture (W.A.P. Childs) Riflessi di Roma: Impero romano e barbari del Baltico. Milano, Arte e Civilta-Fondazione Culturale Lombarda, 1 marzo-1 giugno 1997 (P.S. Wells) 340-43 562-63 156-57 580-81 Risberg. See Gillis, Risberg, and Sj6berg eds. Ristow, Friihchristliche Baptisterien (C.S. Snively) Rittershofer ed., Demographie der Bronzezeit:Paldodemographie-M6glichkeitenund Grenzen. Westund Siiddeutscher Verband fiir Altertumsforschung Jahrestagungen vom 24.-25. Mai 1988 in Ettlingen und vom 16.-21. Mai 1989 in Frankfurt a.M. - Kolloquium derArbeitsgemeinschaft Bronzezeit (A.T. Chamberlain) 581-82 557-58 Robertson. See Mack and Robertson eds. Rodriguez-Martin. See Aufderheide and Rodriguez-Martin. Rogge, Die attischen Sarkophage 1: Achill und Hippolytos (B.C. Ewald) Roth, Lyons, and Merewether, IrresistibleDecay: Ruins Reclaimed (R. Bradley) Rotroff, Agora XXIX: Hellenistic Pottery:Athenian and Wheelmade Table Wareand Related Mate- rial (V.R.Anderson-Stojanovic) Rouillard, Antiquites de l'Espagne (M.E. Downs) Roux, Salamine de Chypre15: La Basilique de la Campanopetra (J. Rosser) Rutkowski and Nowicki, The Psychro Cave and Other Sacred Grottoesin Crete(N. Marinatos) Rykwert, The Dancing Column: On Orderin Architecture (A.A. Payne) 344-48 587-88 368-69 117-21 723 136-37 384-85 Sanders. See Lock and Sanders eds. Schaeffer, Ramage, and Greenewalt, The Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Potteryfrom Sardis (E.E. Bell) Unterhaltung beim griechischen Symposion: Darbietungen, Spiele und Wettkimpfe von homerischerbis in spdtklassische Zeit (T. Habinek) Schauenburg, Die stadtr6mischen Eroten-Sarkophage3: Zirkusrennen und verwandte Darstellun- 150-51 Schffer, gen (B.C. Ewald) Schiering, Minoische Tbpferkunst.Die bemalten Tongefiisseder Insel des Minos (G. Walberg) 141-42 344-48 705-706 Schraudolph. See Dreyfus and Schraudolph eds. Schreiber, Athenian Vase Construction: A Potter's Analysis (J.V. Noble) 716 Schwartz. See Cooper and Schwartz eds. Segal, From Function to Monument: Urban Landscapes of Roman Palestine, Syria and Provincia Arabia (D.W. Roller) Sheedy and Papageorgiadou-Banis eds., Numismatic Archaeology,Archaeological Numismatics. Proceedings of an International Conference Held to Honour Dr Mando Oeconomides in Athens 1995 (K. Butcher) 164-65 172 Shutes. See Kardulias and Shutes eds. Sidebotham and Wendrich eds., Berenike 1995: Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast) and the Survey of the Eastern Desert (J. Lund) 564-65 Siegelova. See Soulek and Siegelovi. Silberman and Small eds., The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present(A.H. Joffe) Siliotti. See Forte and Siliotti eds. 541-43 Simpson, The Excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti 2: The Small Finds (K. Greene) 577-79 Sj6berg. See Gillis, Risberg, and Sj6berg eds. Skjaurv0.See Bromberg and Skjaurv0eds. Small and Buck, The Excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti 1: The Villas and Their Environment (K. Greene) Small. See Silberman and Small eds. Soffer. See Conkey, Soffer, Stratmann, andJablonski eds. Sorensen. See Diaz-Andreu and Sorensen eds. 577-79 xx CONTENTSOF VOLUME103 (1999) Sou'ek and Siegelovai, SystematischeBibliographie der Hethitologie, 1915-1995 (G. Beckman) Southern and Dixon, TheLateRomanArmy(C.M. Wells) Spivey, EtruscanArt (S. Kane) Stampolidis, 551-52 531-34 567-68 "Reprisals": Contribution to the Study of Customs of the Geometric-Archaic Period (A. Johnston) 138-39 Sternini, La collezione di antichitd di Alessandro Palma di Cesnola (J. Webb) Stiros andJones eds., Archaeoseismology(T.M. Niemi) Stoneman, A Luminous Land: Artists Discover Greece(R.A. Tomlinson) 389 525-28 385-86 Stratmann. See Conkey, Soffer, Stratmann, andJablonski eds. Stroud, The Athenian Grain-Tax Law of 374/3 B.C. (L. Migeotte) 713-14 Stroud. See Bookidis and Stroud. Sullivan ed., SurfaceArchaeology(J.F. Cherry) 169-70 Svenson, Darstellungen hellenistischer Kinige mit G6tterattributen(B. Barr-Sharrar) 367-68 Tammisto, Birds in Mosaics: A Study on the Representation of Birds in Hellenistic and RomanoCampanian TessellatedMosaics to the Early Augustan Age (R. Westgate) 374-75 Thomasson ed., A Survey of Greekand Latin Inscriptions on Stone in Swedish Collections(S.L. Tuck) 166-67 Troxell, Studies in the Macedonian Coinage of Alexander the Great (E. Kosmetatou) 562-63 Vaday, Cultural and Landscape Changes in South-east Hungary 2: Prehistoric, Roman Barbarian and Late Avar Settlement at Gyoma 133 (J. Chapman) 362-63 Van De Mieroop, The Ancient Mesopotamian City (E. Stone) 544-45 Vanoni, Tombetarquiniesi di eta ellenistica (P.G. Warden) Vernet, L'homme et laforit miditerraneenne: De la prehistoire a'nosjours (0. Rackham) 568-69 129-30 Tchernia. See De Romanis and Tchernia. Toxey. See Carter, Morter, and Toxey. Tracy.See Bodel and Tracy eds. van Beek. See Waateringe, van Beek, Willems, and Wynia eds. van Keuren. See Jacobsen, Kilinski, and van Keuren eds. van Rengen. See Bingen, Biilow-Jacobsen, Cockle, Cuvigny, Kayser,and van Rengen. Vertut. See Bahn and Vertut. Vikan, Catalogue of the Sculpture in the Dumbarton Oaks Collectionfrom the Ptolemaic Period to the Renaissance(S.E. Knudsen) von Hesberg. See Boschung, von Hesberg, and Linfert. 389 Waateringe, van Beek, Willems, and Wynia eds., RomanFrontierStudies1995 (Z.T. Fiema) 348-52 1994 and 1995 (J. Russell) Wallace-Hadrill. See Laurence and Wallace-Hadrill eds. 377-79 Waelkens and Poblome eds., Sagalassos IV: Report on the Survey and Excavation Campaigns of Watrous, The Cave Sanctuary of Zeus at Psychro: A Study of Extra-urban Sanctuaries in Minoan and Early Iron Age Crete(N. Marinatos) 136-37 Waywell. See Jenkins and Waywell eds. Wendrich. See Sidebotham and Wendrich eds. Wiegand, Das Theater von Solunt: Ein besondererSkenentyp des Spdthellenismus aufSizilien (E.R. Gebhard) Willems. See Waateringe, van Beek, Willems, and Wynia eds. 365-67 Winkes, Livia, Octavia, lulia: Portrats und Darstellung Wood, In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great:A Journey from Greeceto Asia (T. Spawforth) Woodhead, Agora 16: Inscriptions: The Decrees (M.J. Osborne) 721-23 563-64 710-11 Wynia. See Waateringe, van Beek, Willems, and Wynia eds. Zahariade. See Bounegru and Zahariade. Zimansky, Ancient Ararat: A Handbook of Urartian Studies (A.T. Smith) Zimmerman. See Miullerand Zimmermann eds. BOOKS RECEIVED 386-87 175-80, 390-93, 588-95, 724-26