jeder redet über social entrepreneurship, aber keiner weiss, was es ist
jeder redet über social entrepreneurship, aber keiner weiss, was es ist
JEDER REDET ÜBER SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP, ABER KEINER WEISS, WAS ES IST NEUER WEIN IN ALTEN SCHLÄUCHEN? Henri Dunant 1828 - 1910 Florence Nightingale 1820 - 1910 Friedrich von Bodelschwingh 1831 – 1910 Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen 1818 - 1888 SOZIALWIRTSCHAFT IN DEUTSCHLAND ETABLIERT ENORMES MARKTVOLUMEN • Caritas und Diakonie größte Arbeitgeber in Deutschland mit über 1 Mlillion Beschäftigten • 55 Milliarden Umsatz (Vergleich Automobilindustrie 360 Million) • Zwischen 2 – 4 Milliarden Spenden • Sozialwirtschaft schnellst wachsender Sektor • 80% der Aufträge kommen vom Staat • 7,3 Millionen Menschen sind schwerbehindert • 4.3 Millionen Menschen mindestens 80 Jahre alt 6 SOCIAL BUSINESS BEWEGUNG I strongly believe we can create a poverty free world……. The only place where poverty should be is in museums In the future the question will not be, are people credit-worthy, but rather than, are banks people-worthy Muhammad Yunus ASHOKA INNOVATORS FOR THE PUBLIC Everybody is a Changemaker Bill Drayton SCHWAB FOUNDATION SOZIALE UNTERNEHMEN VERWISCHEN DIE GRENZEN ZWISCHEN FOR-PROFIT AND NON PROFIT TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE SHARED VALUE SHARED VALUE BEISPIELE Wachstum ist das Ergebnis schöpferischer Zerstörung Joseph Schumpeter 1883 - 1950 MOVING BEYOND SIGHT MISSION ZUERST Veränderung der Wahrnehmung von Menschen mit Behinderungen und einen Beitrag zur gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Inklusion DiD Hamburg Dialogue Social Enterprise (DSE) DiD Frankfurt Angestellte: Angestellte: > 97 > 17 > 3 blinde Mitarbeiter > 60 > 32 behinderte Mitarbeiter > 64 behinderte Mitarbeiter Profil: > Dialog im Dunkeln Ausstellung > Dinner in the Dark > Führungskräftetrainings und Events Angestellte: Profil: > Beratung und Lizenz > Führungskräftetrainings Profil: > Dialog im Dunkeln Ausstellung > Taste of Darkness > Führungskräftetrainings und Events * 8 DIE AUSSTELLUNG DIE BOTSCHAFTER DIE BESUCHER LAUFENDE DIALOG IM DUNKKELN, GEÖFFNET IN 2014 (GRAU) & IN PLANUNG (ROT) LONDON* HAMBURG (DIS) FRANKFURT TORONTO FLORENZ MONTERREY* MÜNCHEN* MAILAND GENUA ROM CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO MOSKAU* HAMBURG FRANKFURT BOSTON BARCELONA PORTO RICO KIGALI BOGOTA SAO PAULO SANTIAGO WIEN (SOTSCHI) ISTANBUL ATHEN HOLON PEKING HANOI CHENGDU BANGKOK HYDERABAD SEOUL TOKIO OSAKA CHINA (DIS)* SHANGHAI* K LUMPUR (BW) (EX)* HONG KONG TAIPEI* SINGAPUR MANILA SINGAPUR PERTH BUENOS AIRES* MELBOURNE Business Workshop Centers* 10 BESUCHERZAHLEN 2010 - 2013 Ausstellungen Gesamt 2011 + 24,5% +29,4% 2012 - 11,6% -9,1% 2013 -11,8% -13,7% Der Rückgang der Besucherzahlen im Jahr 2012 und 2013 steht vor allem in Verbindung mit der Schließung der besucherreichen Ausstellungen in Atlanta 2012 und New York 2013. 12 LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME WORKSHOP TEILNEHMER 2010 -2013 14 DINNER IN THE DARK 28 KONKURRENZ WO STEHT SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP HEUTE ? WAS SIND DIE KERNAUSSAGEN? 1 Social Enterprises sind überall │ Social Entrepreneurship ist kein neues Phänomen │ Die Hälfte der Sozialunternehmen hat einen jährlichen Umsatz unter 250.000 € │ Der Prozentsatz derjenigen Sozialunternehmen mit einem jährlichen Umsatz weniger als 50.000 € sind 30% Innovation ist das Alte neu machen Joseph Schumpeter 1883 - 1950 WIE KANN MAN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP LEHREN? WAS SIND DIE KONSEQUENZEN DER FINANZKRISE? 39 PRINCIPALS OF RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION (PRME) Source: PRME Website, 2012 1 PURPOSE The development of student’s capabilities to be future generators of sustainable value for business & society at large and to work for an inclusive global economy. 2 VALUES To incorporate academic activities & curricula with the values of global social responsibility as portrayed by international initiatives such as the UN Global Compact. 3 METHOD To create educational framework, materials, processes and environments that enable effective learning experiences for responsible leadership. 40 PRINCIPALS OF RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION (PRME) Source: PRME Website, 2012 4 RESEARCH To engage in conceptual & empircal research that advances the understanding about the role, dynamics, & impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental & economic value. 5 PARTNERSHIP To interact with managers of business corporations to extend the knowledge of their challenges 6 DIALOGUE To facilitate & support dialogue & debate among educators, students, business, government, consumers, media, civil society organisations and other interested groups & stakeholders on critical issues related to global responsibility and sustainability. 41 Consulting Field Study – Dialog Social Hub December 3rd 2012 Prof. Dr. Ansgar Richter Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinecke Klara Kletzka Manuela Kisker Bengt Köslich Felix Schlüter Dana Strupova Stephanie Mankel Magdalena Kloibhofer How to Measure Social Impact? Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinecke Danone Chair of Social Business October 30th, 2013 The Process of Social Innovation Dr. Andreas Heinecke Professor for Social Business Shanghai, May 30th, 2014 DIALOGUE IN THE DARK PERSONAL MASTERY I am very thankful for this experience and can say it enriched my life. This course was definitely one of the the best choices during my studies at EBS and impressively highlighted that sight is definitely only what you can see with your eyes, whereas the much valuable insight is what you gain without seeing. So let’s take the dialogue out of the dark and spread this view to every one! Student of the Personal Mastery VIP-Curriculum: The Power of Encounter Learning for Life Through Very Inspiring People January 15 - 19, 2013 VIP-Curriculum 2012/ 2013 Cohort Include: Caroline Casey is a socials entrepreneur and adventurer. She is visually impaired and works to change the way people think about disability. Caroline has trekked 1,000 kilometers across India on an elephant to increase awareness of what disabled people can do, raising funds and inspire people into thinking of disability in a positive way. She is the Founder of the O2 Ability Awards, a leadership program establishing standards of excellence for disability business cases. Raul Krauthausen grew up in Berlin and dedicated his life to bringing about change. He studied Design Thinking, worked as a radio host and co-founded the Sozialhelden platform, a multi-awardwinning campaign of extraordinary changemakers. The group has a track record of creating successful, sustainable and well marketed social innovations, including “Pfandtastisch helfen!”, “SuperZvi” or “” . Jean-Paul Samputu i s a Bart Weetjens is a Belgian- Rwandan singer with an international career spanning 30 years of experience as a musician. As a tireless worker for Peace and a dedicated advocate on the issue of forgiveness, he has experienced healing in his own life by the act of forgiveness and believes passionately in the power of forgiveness to make a difference. The vehicle to express this passion is through his multiple talents as speaker, s o n g w r i t e r, d a n c e r, a n d musician. born Zen Monk who made his first money from breeding pets. In 1997, he and his team created HeroRat, a leading technology in mine detection that led to the foundation of APOPO, an organization that develops efficient methods for the detection of landmines and disease. In 2008, HeroRATS was responsible for the reopening of over 400,000 square meters of African land that had been suspect to landmines. In 2009, Bart was honored with the Skoll Foundation's "Social Entrepeneur Award." . . But finding one’s mission is not the entire story: it is just the beginning. That’s why this seminar is so important: business students like us, that have chances to get a real future impact, we need to hear stories like yours, we need to get the “action” part of the story, the motivation… we need inspiration! Participant of the VIP Curruclum From Success to Significance Post Career for Managers as Social Entrepreneurs EBS Business School Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinecke, Danone Chair of Social Business Dr. Susan Müller, Center for Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship In Cooperation with Ashoka Deutschland and Generali Zukunftsfonds. With support from the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth February 6, 2013 With support from: I‘m very grateful for the new ideas, contacts and the certainty that I can still start something new and meaningful. For my retirement, I don‘t want to be kept busy by someone else, I want to go my own way. Participant of the pilot workshop