August 9 2015 Bulletin - McIvor Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church
August 9 2015 Bulletin - McIvor Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church
Prayer Ministry This week at McIvor August 10 - August 16 Join us for a prayer meeting every Wednesday at 9:00 am. Mon - Frid: Athletes in Action Volleyball Camp Mon: Church Office closed If you would like to be part of the prayer e-chain, fill in the yellow form for the prayer chain at the Welcome Centre and hand it in at the office. Tues: Morning out for Seniors Wed: 9:00 am If you have a praise or prayer request, please drop it into the prayer bowl on the organ. Each request will be prayed for and kept confidential. Thurs: 7:00 pm Sun: 10:00 am Worship Service Praise & Prayer August 9, 2015 Prayer Meeting 10:00 am Mom’s Group Burning Embers Upcoming Events Aug 22 Blood Donor Clinic Please lift Jake and Agnes Schmidt up in prayer as they deal with the August 6th passing of Agnes’s brother, David Koehn of Kelowna BC. The funeral service is tentatively planned for August 18th in Kelowna. Please pray for our missionary of the week: Dave & Louis Sinclair-Peters, MB Mission (Thailand). MB Mission: Pray for: wisdom and grace as M works with a team in a prominent European city that reaches out to North African immigrants Square One World Media: Pray for Square One World Media’s partner in Bolivia, Eduard Giesbrecht, who is the new leader of the Ekj Ran (I Run) project. Ekj Ran is a radio and video resource for Low German-speaking young people that encourages them to “run and not give up”. Property Committee Please direct questions regarding our property to the Church Office. Property Committee members will be in charge of opening/closing and set-ups during the week as follows: Aug 3-9 Aug 10-16 Aug 17-23 Bob Dyck Jason Cassie Devyn Toews Please contact the person listed above for access to the church. McIvor’s Church Staff Gerald Hildebrand on leave Pastor: John Unger ext #222 [email protected] Worship: Justin Fraser ext #223 [email protected] Discipleship: Denver Wilson ext #224 [email protected] Pastor: Andrew Regehr ext #228 [email protected] Chaplain: Jane Woelk ext #227 [email protected] Office: Bonnie Keep ext #221 [email protected] Facility Rob Kessler Manager: [email protected] Youth: 200 McIvor Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2G 0Z8 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 204-339-1691 Fax: 204-339-9482 Please recycle your bulletin. Samson (Judges 13:1-5, 16:15-31) with Devyn Toews Worship Children’s & Youth Sunday School Are you willing to share your baking skills with the McIvor youth? The Christian Education Committee is looking for a few more volunteers to provide baking 1 - 2 times this coming year for our Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School classes. If you are willing to help out in this area please email the committee at [email protected]. Children's Bulletins are back! There are one set of bulletins for kids ages 3 - 6 and a second set of bulletins for kids ages 7 - 12. You can pick them up outside the main sanctuary doors. Worship Leader: Pastor John Unger Music: Theo Dyck and Team Scripture Reading: Tim Hatch Samson Drawing: Seth Boschmann Audio/Visual: Chuck Isaak If you think ice cream and go-karting would make a great combo, then come on and join us on August 28th for some Dairy Queen followed by fun times at Grand Prix Amusements! If you’re in grade 6-12 we would love to see you there! We’ll be meeting at the church at 12:30, taking a bus to Dairy Queen, then heading out to Grand Prix. Pick up is back at the church at 5:00 pm, cost is $30. Young Adults We have three small groups meeting regularly. For information on Stream Groups please contact: 18-19 yr olds: Miranda Lohvinenko 23-26 yr olds: Devyn Toews 26-up: Pastor Denver Wilson Coming Soon There is absolutely no cost to join! Contact Justin at [email protected] for more details. McIvor Finance Update as of July 31. COMMUNION This is the Lord’s table. Here Jesus offers you His broken body and shed blood. He invites you to come, whether you have much faith or little, have followed Him faithfully or fear you have failed. It is His will that you should meet him here. Following Communion A Caregiver’s Offering, to respond to need in our community, will be collected as you leave the sanctuary. Parents, please refer to “Children & Communion” pamphlet for guidance. Come… Take… Eat… Drink McIvor To My amily, Church F e ou for th Thank y own to me sh kindness ery. my surg g in w o foll titude, With gra er eim Linda R New “Moms & Tots” Group Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am in the Jam'n Kidz room all moms, and their kids, are invited to come enjoy snacks, playtime and sharing life together. Financial Update Ed Giesbrecht Jr. & Sr. High Grades 6-12 Beginning Fall 2015, Justin Fraser will be starting the McIvor Church Guitar Club. It is open to ages 10-17 and will meet twice a month to teach the basics of how to play guitar. Next Sunday: “Saul: Learning to Take Our Place” (1 Samuel 9:15-19, 26; 10:11, 20-24) with Pastor John Unger Women’s Ministry Announcements Please feel free to bless Linda with cards, flowers, meals and visits. She especially requests your prayers for a complete recovery. Alf Dick and Hilda Dick mourn the passing of their brother-in-law Jake Reimer, in Coaldale, Alberta. The memorial service was held Saturday, August 8th in Lethbridge, Alberta Burning Embers Thursday Evening Gatherings June 18 - September 3, 7:00 - 8:30 pm McIvor Church All are invited to join this community that will gather around a fire. Come feel the warmth from sharing songs, prayers, discussion, stories and food, with God present through it all. Please bring a lawn chair and a dessert or appetizer to share. If you are interested in being involved, please email Justin Fraser at [email protected]. Receiptable donations Expenses Budget $292,345 $361,926 $567,425 Employment/Volunteer Opportunities Canadian Mennonite University invites inquiries and applications for the full-time, salaried position of Assistant Director of Maintenance. To view the full job description, please visit Inquiries should be directed to Dianna Robson, Director of Human Resources at [email protected] or call 204-594-0532. MCC Manitoba is seeking a volunteer for 1/2 a day per week to do property and building maintenance at their 159 Henderson location. Relevant experience and general physical fitness are necessary. Supplies and equipment will be provided. Come serve and enjoy the lively atmosphere of Sam's Place bookstore and cafe! Contact [email protected] or phone (204) 261-6381 for more information. In the Community A summer literacy program offered at Sam’s Place is giving children a new passion for reading to help prepare them for the coming school year. The program has reached out to kids from Elmwood and the surrounding area alike. Find out more and how you can be involved at Karin Warkentin invites Gr. K-4 students for after school Art Classes beginning Sept 21, 2015. MB Mission needs your help! From Aug 21-Sept 1st, the Winnipeg office is training and hosting families preparing for long term international service. You can help by: 1. Donating or lending mattresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, playpens, strollers, car-seats and kids toys, 2. Cooking one or more meals (for 16 adults and 4 kids). Drop off supplies at MB Mission office (1310 Taylor) by August 19th. Contact Rachael at [email protected] for more info. Support the Eden Foundation by participating in the Eden’s East Side Road Ride on Saturday, August 29, 2015. The ride is 80 km from La Broquerie to Woodridge and back. Registration fee is $25 and each rider is asked to raise a minimum of $200. Register on-line at or call 1-866-895-2919 for more information. Save the date: Fall Festival/CMU Shaftesbury Campus/ Saturday, September 25-26, 2015. The Fall Festival includes a Farmer’s Market featuring farmers, gardeners, and local artisans from the Winnipeg area (10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, 500 Shaftesbury Blvd.). Take and Read: A Theological Book Discussion Group. Engage in discussion facilitated by CMU Faculty Dr. Paul Doerksen during the 2015/2016 school year. The theme will be Heretic, Pope, and Prophets: On the Role of Faith in a Fragile World. The first of four bi-monthly sessions will take place on Wednesday October 7, 2015 at 7:00 pm. The location, new this year, is at CMU in the Large Board Room on the north side of the Shaftesbury Campus. To register contact [email protected]. For more information visit or contact [email protected]. The MCCM Low German Mennonite - a gathering for Low German Mennonites from Latin America is holding an event on Sunday August 16, 2015 at 3:30 pm at Winkler Park in Winkler. Featuring a presentation and music by David and Lisa Janzen (mission workers in Bolivia) and musical guests Gospel Harmony. The program is entirely in Low German and a potluck faspa follows the event. Bring something to share, a lawn chair, sunscreen and water. MB Mission and International Workers, T&R, are hosting an evening of celebration, prayer and fundraising. The evening focuses on Central Asia, which will be showcased through storytelling, video and a dynamic speaker from the region, H, who is known as a “modern day Paul”. The event is on Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 7:00 pm at Portage Avenue MB Church. Come and find out how you can partner with T, R & H to further God’s work in Central Asia. Evening Courses: CMU offers a number of evening courses as part of its undergraduate curriculum. These courses are available for audit or credit to students not enrolled in a full time program. Courses include Who is Jesus?, Theology of the Book of Genesis, and Christian Spirituality (live streamed). Additionally there are many courses offered during day time hours. For further information go to Xplore: “At the Intersection of Faith and Life” a 55-Plus Enrichment Program. CMU is offering 4, 6 week courses investigating dimensions of the Christian faith, our world and life in it. Classes will be held in: Winnipeg - September 30th at CMU Southern Manitoba - October 1st. At Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Winkler There are no assignments or examinations! For additional information see, or call 204-487-3300.