Lecture Hall H III 13:00 15:00 Lecture Hall H III Lecture Hall


Lecture Hall H III 13:00 15:00 Lecture Hall H III Lecture Hall
Monday – 2.3.2015 – Monday – 2.3.2015 – Monday – 2.3.2015 – Monday – 2.3.2015 – Monday – 2.3.2015 – Monday – 2.3.2015 – Mo
Monday – 2.3.2015
Lecture Hall H III
Opening Ceremony
Coffee Break
Lecture Hall H III
Morphology, Systematics, Evolution
Chair: S. Bradler
Lecture Hall H11
Lecture Hall H14
Biodiversity, Trophic Interactions and
Workshop: Practical Entomology,
Global Change
Museum Entomology
Chair: D. Kovac
Chair: J. Händel
Lecture Hall H15
Forest Entomology
Chair: K. Hielscher
16:00 Simon, S.:
Breaking the model organism barrier: the
value of comparative transcriptomics
16:40 van de Kamp, T. et al.:
In vivo X-ray cine-tomography for tracking
morphological dynamics in insects
Weiblen, G:
Community disassembly: dissecting plantinsect food webs in New Guinea rain forests
Andert, H.:
Biodiversity – Ecosystem Functioning across
marine and terrestrial ecosystems
17:00 Krimmer, E. et al.:
The role of cytoplasmatic incompatibility in the
speciation process of Lariophagus
distinguendus (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)
Büchs, W. et al.:
Querner, P.:
Biodiversität und trophische Potenziale von
Insekten – die Feinde der Museen –
Laufkäfern in unterschiedlich bewirtschafteten Prävention, Befall, Bekämpfung
Raps-Getreidefruchtfolgen in Deutschland,
Kroatien und Serbien – Der westliche Balkan
als Freilandlabor für zukünftigen
Baier, P. et al.:
Modelling of different responses of two
potentially invasive forest pests to climate
change in Europe, Dendroctonus ponderosae
and Dendrolimus sibiricus
17:20 Prous, M. et al.:
Molecular analyses reduce and not increase
the number of genera in Nematinae
(Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae)
Grabener, S. et al.:
Flies as pollinators – assessing their potential
in buffering the impact of reported honey bee
Hoch, G. et al.:
Pheromone-kairomone baited traps for
monitoring flight of Monochamus spp.,
Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, potential vectors
of the pine wood nematode in Austria
17:40 Zilch, M.:
About the sexual organs of Cixiidae
Fischer, K. et al.:
Turning the heat on – thermal adaptation in
Schebeck, M. et al.:
Overwintering biology of the mountain spruce
sawfly, Pachynematus montanus (Zaddach
1883) (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae)
Händel, J.:
Praktische Entomologie /
Museumsentomologie – eine
Short break
Lecture Hall H III
Plenary talk
T. Schmitt: Biogeography – once around the world
End of Sessions on Monday
Ice Breaker
Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Lichthof 1
Schafellner, C.:
Strategien von Anpassung und Ausbeutung:
parasitische Wespen und ihre viralen Helfer
Gößwein, S. & Petercord, R.:
Akutes Eichensterben 2010 in Unterfranken
ausgelöst durch Kahlfraß von blattfressenden
Insekten und Eichenmehltaubefall
– Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday
Tuesday – 3.3.2015
Lecture Hall H12
Lecture Hall H11
Morphology, Systematics, Evolution
Aquatic Entomology
Chair: S. Bradler
Wedmann, S.:
Fossil insects from the Eocene reveal
innovative morphologies and high disparity
Kubiak, M. et al.:
A longstanding problem in the head
morphology of holometabolous insects with
decticous pupa finally solved rapid atrophy of
the mandibular musculature in adult
Trichoptera revealed by µCT data
Chair: S. Pauls
Dijkstra, K.-D.:
Flying colours: can freshwater insects break
the vertebrate frontier?
Baranov, V. et al.:
Novel method for measuring aquatic insects
Hjalmarsson, A. et al.:
Dispersal is linked to habitat use in 59 species
of water beetles on Madagascar
Eberle, J. et al.:
Hoppeler, F. et al.:
Asymmetry in genitalia does not increase the Ecological characterisation of an unknown
rate of their evolution
fauna using DNA taxonomy – An example
with Himalayan Hydropsychidae (Insecta:
Keresztes, L. et al.:
10:10 Kvifte, G.M.:
Phylogenetic patterns in genital asymmetry of Hidden diversity: revision of the Carpathian
endemic semiaquatic Pedicia staryi
Savchenko species group, Insecta, Diptera
Lecture Hall H8
Colony Collapse Disorder
Chair: M. Schade
Schade, M.:
Workshop: Bienensterben – Workshop:
Colony Collapse Disorder
Genersch, E.:
Bienenrückgang, Bienensterben,
Timing of the subsequent lectures is not strictly along
with the general program.
Lecture Hall H15
Invasive Arthropods
Chair: A. Herz
Nentwig, W.:
Establishment rate, pathways and impact of
spiders alien to Europe
Lemme, H. et al.:
Neufunde des Asiatischen Laubholzbockkäfer
in Bayern
Jöst, A. et al.:
Tigermücken in Südwestdeutschland – Das
Aedes albopictus -Überwachungsprogramm
Liebig, G.:
Warum Bienen sterben – Erkenntnisse aus
einer Feldstudie über die Entwicklung von
Honigbienenvölkern 1989–2015
Käfer, H. et al.:
Thermische Limits und Ruhestoffwechsel des
Westlichen Maiswurzelbohrers Diabrotica
virgifera virgifera , Leconte, 1858
Aumeier, P. et al.:
To bee or not to bee – Situation und
Perspektiven der Varroabekämpfung
Haye, T. & Gariepy, T.:
Die Invasion der marmorierten Baumwanze in
Coffee Break
Lecture Hall H12
Lecture Hall H11
Morphology, Systematics, Evolution
Aquatic Entomology
Chair: S. Wedmann
Chair: S. Pauls
Lecture Hall H8
Colony Collapse Disorder
Chair: M. Schade
11:10 Hörnig, M. et al.:
The evolution of ovipositor morphology of
dictyopteran insects and the consequences for
reproductive strategies
Koch, K.:
Intern versus extern: the main trigger of the
pre- versus post eyespot development in
Libellulidae (Odonata)
[Bees and neonicotinoids in industry
11:30 Dörstelmann, M.:
Structural morphology of beetle elytra as role
model for lightweight fiber composite
structures in architecture
Kuemmerlen, M. et al.:
Distributions of European montane caddisflies [Modelling the complex world of the honey
in the wake of climate change: the Drusinae bee]
11:50 Wendt, I. et al.:
Morphometric differentiation of host races of
the parasitoid wasp Lariophagus
distinguendus (Förster) (Hymenoptera:
Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae)
Leese, F. et al.:
Can DNA-based freshwater biodiversity
assessments quantify species abundances?
Concluding discussion of the Workshop
Colony Collaps Disorder:
• Foundation of a working group on CCD
• Funding of research projects on CCD
Lecture Hall H15
Invasive Arthropods
Chair: A. Herz
Baufeld, P.:
Die Sonnenblumenfruchtfliege (Strauzia
longipennis ) – eine nichtendemische Art in
Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tuesday – 3.3.2015 – Tu
12:10 Gogala, M. & Trilar, T.:
Reliktpopulationen der Singzikaden im
Vitecek, S. et al.:
Concluding discussion of the Workshop
The bland, the bald, the beautiful: Evolution of Colony Collaps Disorder (continued)
filtering carnivorous Drusinae (Limnephilidae,
Lecture Hall H12
Morphology, Systematics, Evolution
Lecture Hall H11
Entomologische Filme Entomological
Chair: S. Wedmann
14:40 Ingrid Weiss/Horst Wiehe Award Lecture
Dejaco, T.:
Integrative species delimitation in the Alpine
jumping-bristletail genus Machilis (Insecta:
15:00 Krüger, S. et al.:
Morphologie der Areae porosae sowie
Histologie der Drüsenzellen bei Männchen
ökonomisch wichtiger Thrips -Arten
Wyss, U.:
• Mord im Apfelbaum
• Männer haben es nicht leicht!
• Wie kommt das Loch in die Haselnuss?
• Metamorphosen: Vom Monster zur Diva
• Die Schlangenminiermotte
• Wenn es Zucker regnet
Öffentliche Vorführung
Public presentation
Lecture Hall H8
Entomology of Plant and
Stored Product Protection
Chair: P. Lösel
Lecture Hall H15
Lecture Hall H14
Biogeography and Faunistics
Chair: B. Klausnitzer
Chair: P. Jäger
Varga, Z.:
Faunal history of Southeastern Central
Europe: A synthesis of palaeoecology and
Li, S.:
Tethyan changes shaped diversification – A
study based on spiders and amphipods
Sann, C. et al.:
Influence of varying landscape complexity and
rice age on the pest control efficiency of egg
parasitoids in Philippine lowland rice
Schmitt, T. et al.:
Repeated range shifts in mountain butterflies
have produced high intraspecific
differentiation and evolution of cryptic species
Jäger, P. et al.:
Huntsman spiders in southern Africa:
Inexpected and unique characters in a new
Schumann, M. et al.:
Behavioural based management options
against soil pests
Kramp, K.:
Grall, E. & Jäger, P.:
Colias palaeno – phylogeographic structures Höhlenspinnen aus Südostasien: neues
diagnostisches Merkmal für die Familie der
and conservation necessities
Nesticidae und erste µCT-Aufnahmen der
weiblichen Kopulationsorgane der Gattung
15:20 Bradler, S. et al.:
Extreme convergence in egg-laying strategy
across insect orders: First description of a
phasmatodean ootheca
Patel, A. et al:
Weitzel, T. et al.:
Towards technical attract-and-kill formulations Culex pipiens and Culex torrentium
within the projects ATTRACT and INBIOSOIL (Culicidae): Ecology and spatial distribution of
two widespread mosquito species in Central
15:40 Hädicke, C. et al.:
Neuroanatomy of the fire brat Thermobia
domestica unraveling the neuronal ground
pattern of Hexapoda
Mävers, F. et al.:
Bekämpfung von Drahtwürmern (Agriotes
spp., Coleoptera: Elateridae) durch eine
Attract-and-Kill Strategie: das Projekt
Zange, R. et al.:
Xylobionte Coleopteren aus dem Auwald
Coffee Break and …
... Poster Session
End of Sessions on Tuesday
Lecture Hall H8
Public lecture / Öffentlicher Vortrag:
W. Gnatzy: Grabwespe gegen Grille: (Neuro-)Biologie einer Räuber-Beute-Beziehung
Blick, T.:
Vorstellung und Stand der Inventarisierung
der Spinnenfauna im Nationalpark KellerwaldEdersee, Nordhessen
ednesday – 4.3.2015 – Wednesday – 4.3.2015 – Wednesday – 4.3.2015 – Wednesday – 4.3.2015 – Wednesday – 4.3.2015 – Wednesday – 4.3.2015
Wednesday – 4.3.2015
Lecture Hall H11
Behavior and Chemical Ecology
Chair: J. Gross
Lecture Hall H14
Landscape Ecology and Nature
Chair: T. Schmitt
Lecture Hall H8
Entomology of Plant and
Stored Product Protection
Chair: P. Lösel
Konvička, M.:
Insect conservation in the Czech Republic:
Review of recent past and prospects for the
Lecture Hall H12
Symposium: Vibrational
Communication in Arthropods
Chair: H. Hoch
Lecture Hall H15
Insect-microorganism Interactions
Chair: S. Vidal
Hoch, H. et al. (Introduction / Address of
Jehle, J.A.:
Insect-Baculovirus-interaction – New
Vibrational Communication in Arthropods – a challenges in biological control
comparative approach
Insect Drummer Award
Hill, P.: Laudation
Cocroft, R.B.:
Jäckel, R. & Dobler, S.:
Collective behavior and individual decisions in The mystery of missing males –
plant-feeding insects
microorganisms associated with sex ratio
distortion in a leaf beetle of the genus Altica ,
Aragon, S. et al.:
Endophytic fungal entomopathogens make
tomato plants more attractive to insect
Boller, J.C. & Schindler, M.:
Impact of the extensification of grassland on
grasshoppers (Saltatoria) and bumblebees
(Hymenoptera, Apiformes, Bombus )
Lehmhus, J.:
Ergebnisse von 5 Jahren Schnellkäfer- und
Drahtwurm-Monitoring in Deutschland
Biedermann, P. & Nuotcla, J.A.:
Cooperative pathogen defence in fungusfarming ambrosia beetles
Everaars, J. et al.:
Bee communities in agricultural landscapes:
what drives diversity and related functions?
Lehmhus, J.:
Verhalten von Drahtwürmern und
Schnellkäfern in der Agrarlandschaft
Ali, S. & Vidal, S.:
Bacterial secondary symbionts of Sitobion
avenae differently influence host feeding and
parasitism behaviour of parasitoids
Rohlfs, M. et al.:
Springtail foraging responses to fungal
Müller, A.L. & Dauber, J.:
Silphium perfoliatum L. – a new energy crop
as food resource for pollinators?
Lübke-Al Hussein, M. et al.:
Virant-Doberlet, M. et al.:
Schnellkäfermonitoring in der Agrarlandschaft Insights into intraspecific interactions in the
Sachsen-Anhalts – 6-jährige Ergebnisse zur leafhopper Aphrodes makarovi
Artenvielfalt, Verbreitung und
Biswas, T. & Joop, G.:
Does coevolution to a parasite confer
resistance to other parasites? A study on
survival and gene expression upon infection
10:10 Brandl, M. et al.:
Methodological screening approach for
potential repellents against Western corn
rootworm larvae
Meyhöfer, R. et al.:
Brandes, M. et al.:
Impact of land use on colonization process in Einfluss von Biscaya, Karate Zeon und Mavrik
auf die Populationsdynamik des RapsglanzBrassica – a first synthesis
käfers in den Versuchsjahren 2013 und 2014
Cokl, A. et al:
The vibratory signal repertoire of Euschistus
heros and interference induced on plants by
overlapped narrowband emissions
Coffee Break
Lecture Hall H11
Lecture Hall H8
Entomology of Plant and
Stored Product Protection
Chair: H. Vogt
Lecture Hall H12
Symposium: Vibrational
Communication in Arthropods
Chair: R. Mühlethaler
11:10 Dering, K.:
Antennal sensitivity to floral scents of
Campanula : A comparative study of polylectic
and oligolectic bees
Lehmann-Danzinger, H. & Burbano, M.-E.:
Ecology of invasive Palmelampius heinrichi
(Curculionidae) and role in polination and fruit
shedding of Bactris gasipaes palm in the
South Pacific Coast of Colombia
Mazzoni, V. et al.:
Kampen, H. & Werner, D.:
Pair formation mediated by substrate-borne Mosquito-borne diseases and their vectors in
vibrations: how signal spectral properties can historic and present-day Europe
drive the mating behaviour in small insects
11:30 Gross, J. et al.:
Chemically mediated interactions between
fruit trees and phytoplasma vectoring psyllids
Briem, F. & Vogt, H.:
Occurrence and infestation potential of the
recently introduced Drosophila suzukii
Grube, S.:
Hyalesthes obsoletus – new species on a
new host plant, or just intraspecific acoustic
Behavior and Chemical Ecology
Chair: J. Gross
Lecture Hall H15
Medical Entomology
Chair: R. Pospischil
Werner, D. & Kampen, H.:
Four years of mosquito monitoring (Diptera:
Culicidae) in Germany
Wednesday – 4.3.2015 – Wednesday – 4.3.2015 – Wednesday – 4.3.2015 – Wednesday – 4.3.2015 – Wednesday – 4.3.2015 – Wedne
11:50 Holighaus, G. et al.:
Eight-carbon volatiles as infochemicals for
fungivorous beetles
Vogt, H. & Briem, F.:
Wo stehen wir bei der Bekämpfung der
Kirschessigfliege im Obstbau?
Eberhard, M.:
Variability of vibrational signals in
Zielke, D. et al.:
Follow-up field study on the mosquito fauna
along two river basins in MecklenburgWestern Pomerania (Diptera: Culicidae)
12:10 Hummel, H.E.:
Insect pheromones as biodegradable,
renewable and sustainable biopesticides in
IPM options featuring novel electrospun
mesofiber dispensers and their mechanical
Herz, A. & Kleespies, R.G.:
Nützlinge und mikrobielle Antagonisten gegen
die Kirschessigfliege – ein aussichtsloser
Conrad, T. & Ayasse, M.:
The effect of temperature on the vibrational
and chemical signals of males of the red
mason bee, Osmia bicornis
Heym, E. et al.:
Anopheles plumbeus (Stephens, 1828)
(Diptera: Culicidae) – an inhabitant of extreme
Lecture Hall H11
Lecture Hall H8
Entomology of Plant and
Stored Product Protection
Chair: H. Vogt
Lecture Hall H12
Symposium: Vibrational
Communication in Arthropods
Chair: A. Wessel
14:00 Schmitt, T.:
Ecology and evolution of chemical profiles in
14:40 Schütz, S. et al.:
Electrophysiological detection of binary odor
mixtures by the Colorado potato beetle
Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Maixner, M. & Johannesen, J.:
Pflanze-Pathogen-Vektor Interaktionen im
Pathosystem Stolbur
Linck, H. et al.:
A multiplex TaqMan qPCR assay for
identification of vector species of
phytoplasmas causing Rubus stunt in
Hill, P.:
Sound or vibration, or does it even matter?
15:00 Müller, T. et al.:
Impact of larval versus adult population
density on growth and behaviour of a nonsocial insect
Bartels, D.:
Das Ökosystem Rohkakao im Schüttlager –
eine Herausforderung für Integrated Pest
Stritih, N. et al.:
Tremulation signalling and sensory
neuroanatomy of cave crickets are consistent
with ancestral vibrational communication in
Janssen, N. & Schmidt-Chanasit, J.:
Molekulargenetische Identifikation der
Blutmahlzeiten von Culex quinquefasciatus
aus dem Bundesstaat Quintana Roo, Mexiko,
und deren Assoziation mit dem ArbovirusInfektionsstatus
15:20 König, K. et al.:
Does early learning drive ecological
divergence during speciation processes in
parasitoid wasps?
Reineke, A. et al.:
Potential of endophytic Beauveria bassiana
for the control of insect pests – grapevine and
tomato plants as case studies
Hartung, V.:
Silent songs from the dwarf woods –
vibrational signalling in Peloridiidae
(Hemiptera: Coleorrhyncha)
Müller, R. et al.:
Prävention der Ansiedlung und Bekämpfung
der Asiatischen Buschmücke Aedes
Behavior and Chemical Ecology
Chair: J. Gross
Lecture Hall H11
Medical Entomology
Chair: D. Werner
Becker, S. et al.:
Vector competence of German mosquito
species for West Nile virus
Strauß, J. & Field, L.H.:
Farjana, T. & Tuno, N.:
The complex tibial organ in the New Zealand Effect of body size on the multiple blood
ground weta, Hemiandrus pallitarsis : Sensory feeding of Aedes aegypti L. and Aedes
adaptations for vibrational drumming
albopictus Skuse
Coffee Break
Lecture Hall H15
DGaaE Mitgliederversammlung
Farewell Party in the Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Lichthof 2
Poster Awards
day – 5.3.2015 – Thursday – 5.3.2015 – Thursday – 5.3.2015 – Thursday – 5.3.2015 – Thursday – 5.3.2015 – Thursday – 5.3.2015 – Thursday – 5.3.2015
Thursday – 5.3.2015
Lecture Hall H11
Lecture Hall H14
Behavior and Chemical Ecology
Free Topics
Chair: J. Gross
Chair: K. Kramp
Lecture Hall H8
Entomology of Plant and
Stored Product Protection
Chair: R. Meyhöfer
Lecture Hall H15
Medical Entomology
Chair: H. Kampen
Vantomme, P.:
Status and perspectives for inclusion of
insects in the food and feed sectors
Pedersen, P.:
Use of transgenic events and integrated
methodologies to manage corn root worm in
the US
Hansen, L.:
Medical importance of ants
Tomczak, V.V. & Müller, C.:
Impact of different host plant species on
development and behaviour of a generalist
Anichini, M. & Lehmann, U.C.:
Male condition as indicator for superior song
in the bushcricket Poecilimon ampliatus
(Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)?
Laurenz, S. & Meyhöfer, R.:
Suitability of Aleyrodes lonicerae host plants
for a banker plant system against A. proletella
Pospischil, R.:
Technomyrmex vitiensis and other exotic ant
sprecies – a challenge in tropical greenhouses
Gegler, M. & Zebitz, C.P.W.:
Nektarpräferenz des Blattlausparasitoiden
Aphidius ervi
Kasperek, G.:
Publish, not perish: Publizieren und
Archivieren entomologischer Beiträge auf
Rechner, O. & Poehling, H.-M.:
Impact of different light qualities on the
performance of Brevicoryne brassicae and
Myzus persicae on broccoli
Kameke, D. et al.:
Landscape structures influencing the
distribution of Ceratopogonidae, Diptera
Tenhumberg, B. et al.:
Temporal environmental variation and densitydependent vital rates: Implications for insect
population dynamics
Göttig, S.:
Der Buchsbaumzünsler Cydalima perspectalis : Testung verschiedener Nützlinge auf ihre
mögliche Annahme von C. perspectalis -Eiern
und Larven als potenzielle Beute
Lühken, R. et al.:
Effects of temperature and photoperiod on the
development of overwintering immature
Culicoides chiopterus and Culicoides dewulfi
Schubert, E.:
Eduard Poeppig (1798-1868) –
Wissenszirkulation zwischen Kuba und
Jäckel, B. & Schmidt, H.U.:
Einfluss von Insektizidanwendungen bei der
Bekämpfung des Eichenprozessionsspinners
auf Nichtzielorganismen
Steinke, S. et al.:
Culicoides breeding ecology studied in farm
associated habitats in Germany
Coffee Break
Lecture Hall H8
Entomology of Plant and
Stored Product Protection
Chair: R. Meyhöfer
Lecture Hall H14
Symposium: Vibrational
Communication in Arthropods
Chair: R. Mühlethaler, A. Wessel
Riedel, J. et al.:
Arthropod communities of major European
agro-ecosystems – a comprehensive
Wessel, A. et al.:
Bernhardt, V. et al.:
Evolution of the tymbal organ in the Hemiptera Körperregion- und gewebetypische
Besiedlungsmuster forensisch relevanter
Dipteren – Viel Lärm um nichts?
Muftah Alkhayat, D.:
Molecular quantification of the endophytic
entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana
and Metarhizium anisopliae and impact of
water stress on colonization success
Mühlethaler, R.:
R. Makert, G. et al.:
The preabdominal cyclopean vibrationAn immunological control strategy for
receptor in leafhoppers: a re-discovery, and its Dermanyssus gallinae
evolutionary implications (Hemiptera:
Tymbalia: Cicadellidae)
Nemes, L. & Hartbauer, M.:
Tuning of physical response to high-frequency
near-field sound and substrate-borne
vibrations in a colony-forming aphid
Lecture Hall H15
Medical Entomology
Chair: R. Pospischil
Schaub, G.:
Möglichkeiten einer biologischen Kontrolle von
Triatominen, den Vektoren des Erregers der
Chagas Krankheit
Thursday – 5.3.2015 – Thursday – 5.3.2015 – Thursday – 5.3.2015 – Thursday – 5.3.2015 – Thursday – 5.3.2015 – Thur
Lecture Hall H11
Amber Workshop
Chair: W. Wichard
13:00 Azar, D.:
State of the art and perspectives in the
research of palaeoentomology
13:40 Ross, A.:
Insects in Burmese amber
14:20 Wagner, R.:
Bruchomyiinae (Diptera, Psychodidae) –
gegenwärtiger Kenntnisstand
14:40 Hoffeins, C. & Sinclair, B.J.:
Bizarre Tanzfliegen – die Gattung Ragas im
Baltischen Bernstein
15:00 Wichard, W.:
Die Familie Nevrorthidae, Neuroptera im
Baltischen Bernstein
Lecture Hall H14
Chair: J. Gross
Member meeting of the International Society
for Pest Information.
The agenda has already been mailed to ISPI
16:00 Stebner, F., Solórzano Kraemer, M.M. et al.:
Diptera and the taphonomy of amber
16:20 Baranov, V. et al.:
Terrestrial dwelling Orthoclads: Diptera,
Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae, in Baltic
amber: what could we learn from them?
16:40 Stebner, F. & Rust, J.:
Palaeobiogeography and Palaeoecology of
Nematocera from Early Eocene Indian amber
17:00 van de Kamp, T. et al.:
Synchrotron X-ray microtomography of fossil
wasps in amber
17:20 Schmied, H. et al.:
Detailed like amber. Synchrotron X-ray
microtomography reveals extraordinary
internal preservation of 30 million old insects
from fissure fillings
Ende der Entomologentagung 2015 / End of the Entomology Congress 2015