Class contents and exam requirements


Class contents and exam requirements
 a.y. 2013‐2014 Class contents and exam requirements Code 30128 German Language – First Language, First Exam Module P1 Program Bachelor Degree course BIEMF, CLEAM, CLEF, CLEACC, CLES Teaching activity 1st year, annual course “P1”; (total classroom teaching hours 96). The course is activated if an appropriate number of participants is met Final Exam  Bocconi internal exam or an international certification among those recognized by the University  3 credits, 2nd semester Objective The acquisition/consolidation of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills required to interact at an intermediate level in everyday situations
Head Teacher Hans Georg Hahn Index Course program Exam content and description Additional points Resources page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 1
Course program Objectives At the end of the course, the student should be able to  understand the key points of conversation in a standard language  interact spontaneously with native speakers, on subjects (s)he is familiar with, in comprehensible German  write a test about a known subjects  report accurately the information and opinions expressed, possibly adding also a personal comment Contents The teaching will propose the following activities:  grammatical revision: consolidation and extension of intermediate grammatical forms and structures  reading comprehension: the reading of authentic an adapted texts drawn from textbooks, newspapers and the Internet  written assignments: tasks will be set to develop individually, at times requiring presentation to the whole class  oral interaction: discussion of concepts relating to everyday and academic topics  mock exams and testing: exercises taken from past exams and also full mocks will be given and corrected either in class by the professor Set textbooks 
Perlmann‐Balme, M., Schwalb, S., Weers, D., em neu Brückenkurs, Kursbuch, Hueber, Ismaning, 2008 Orth‐Chambah, J., em neu Brückenkurs, Arbeitsbuch, Hueber, Ismaning, 2008 Recommended textbooks  Hering, A., Matussek, M., Perlmann‐Balme, M., em Übungsgrammatik, Hueber, Ismaning, 2009 Organisation Topics/Units Grammar/Skills Self‐study program* (see “set textbooks”) 1. Arbeit und Freizeit Konjugation: Konjunktiv II Finalsatz KB: S. 19 AB: Üb. 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23 OL: Üb. 1‐5 2. Familie 3. Feste 4. Schule Modalverben Reflexive Verben Reflexivpronomen Temporalsatz Temporalpräpositinen Temporaladverbien Konjugation: Präteritum, Perfekt, Plusquamperfekt Zusammengesetzte Verben, teilbar und unteilbar KB: S. 28 AB: Üb. 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16‐18, 22‐24 OL: Üb. 1‐5 KB: S. 39 AB: Üb. 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12‐16, 18, 19, 22 OL: Üb. 3‐5 KB: S. 53 AB: Üb. 1, 5, 6, 8, 10‐13, 15, 17, 18, 21 OL: Üb. 1‐3, 5 2
5. Essen und Trinken 6. Film 7. Reisen 8. Musik 9. Sport 10. Mode Satzbau Konjugation: Passiv Ralativsatz Kausal‐ und Konzessivsatz Konnektoren Indirekter Fragesatz Lokalpräpositionen Lokaladverbien Konjugation: Imperativ Negation Verben mit Präposition Infinitivsatz Komparativ und Superlativ Komparativsatz Zahlen Partizip Präsens, Partizip Perfekt als Attribute werden KB: S. 67 AB: Üb. 2, 3, 5‐7, 10‐18 OL: Üb. 2‐6 KB: S. 77 AB: Üb. 2‐5, 9‐13, 15‐17b, 19 OL: Üb. 1‐5 KB: S. 88 AB: Üb. 2‐ 6, 9‐13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22 OL: Üb. 1‐5 KB: S. 100 AB: Üb. 1, 4‐7, 9‐14, 17‐19 OL: Üb: 2‐4 KB: S. 115 AB: Üb: 2, 3, 5‐9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 21 OL: Üb: 1‐4 KB: S. 126 AB: Üb. 1‐6, 8‐10, 12‐15, 17‐19 OL: Üb. 1, 3‐5 * Legenda: KB = Kursbuch AB = Arbeitsbuch OL = interactive exercises online, for each unit of the course book, to be found at: In order to consolidate learning students are advised to listen to the news and/or other broadcasts on various topics to be found online, e.g. in www.dw‐ On the e‐learning platform you will find the materials provided in class by the professor and the assignments to be carried out while you are attending the course (up to a 5 hours a week). This study method allows a constant improvement in your language skills and an adequate preparation for the exam Exam content and description Objectives The exam is scored out of a maximum of 30 points, which will go into the calculation of your grade point average, and evaluates your ability to  understand spoken texts of a certain length and complexity  write a short text on a subject familiar to you in an organised manner  oral interaction: presentation and discussion  demonstrate your knowledge of the language, by correctly using a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures 3
Contents The exam consists of a written test only. Students cannot sit the second year exam until they have passed the first year exam. If the exam is marked and passed with a minimum of 18/30, it cannot be repeated and the mark is registered. The exam is the same for both attending students and non‐attenders. We would like to remind students that, in order to take the exam, they must register for the exam session in question at the Punto Blu. Exam contents The written exam consists of three parts. Each part is worth assigned a mark and the sum of these marks is converted into thirtieths to give the final grade First part Objective Skill Listening Check candidates’ ability to identify the subject matter, how it is communicated and the opinion expressed in a brief listening passage Listening to brief messages and news: announcements, surveys, extracts from radio programs Test Sentence completion and/or tables; true/false questions; multiple choice answers Second part Grammar and vocabulary Objective Checking that candidates have a solid understanding of basic grammar (declension, conjugation, syntax) and master everyday and common language Skill Exercises on short and long texts Test Sentence completion, matching, transformation Third part Objective Skill Reading comprehension Checking candidates’: ‐ ability to understand texts; ‐ ability to write structured texts according to instructions given Reading comprehension of one or more authentic texts, possibly also containing graphs, tables, images Test Writing a text (letter, short report, memorandum) Duration 90 minutes Dictionary Bilingual and monolingual dictionaries can be used As an alternative to the Bocconi exam, students may choose to register one of the international certifications recognized by the University. The achieved result is converted into a number grade out of a possible thirty and is registered in the academic career. Additional Points The assessment of language skills depends both on the result of the final exam and on marks awarded during the year. All exam grades on or above the pass mark (minimum 18/30) can be given an extra three points as follows: 1. Positive participation in the course and completion of self‐study activities 2. First year exam passed the first time it is taken 4
1. Positive participation in the course and completion of self‐study activities Objective To encourage constant and active improvement in the language  1 thirtieth for active participation in at least 70% of lesson Maximum points awardable hours  1 thirtieth for completion of the self study program Defined by professor at the end of the course on the basis of Assignment of points quality of work performed and respected due dates as indicated the professor in the classroom and also online From June to the December immediately following the course. Validity These months are included 2. First year exam passed the first time it is taken Objective Reward students who sit for the exam only when really well prepared Maximum points awardable  1 thirtieth Assignment of points Automatically, when the student registers for the written exam and hands in the exam for the first time, and passes it (minimum 18/30) Resources Materials prepared by professors Self‐study programme Past exams Extra teaching materials Language tutors Office Hours for Bocconi teachers International certificates recognized 5