30236 - A2 - Bocconi University
30236 - A2 - Bocconi University
a.y. 2016-2017 Class contents and exam requirements Code 30236 German Language – Second language A2 Level Class contents and exam requirements are the same for both attending students and non-attenders Program Integrated Master of Arts in Law Degree course CLMG Teaching activity • 5° year (students enrolled up to 2012-2013 a.y.) • annual course, total classroom teaching hours 128 • courses taught in German The course is activated if there is a sufficient number of participants Minimum initial level • Not expected Objective • • Language skills for Bocconi internal examination (A2 level) The acquisition of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills required to interact in everyday situations Final Exam • Bocconi internal exam (A2 level*) or recognized international certificate 6 credits, 2nd semester • Head Teacher Hans Georg Hahn *Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Set Textbooks • • Funk, H., Kuhn, C., Demme, S., Studio d A1, Cornelsen, Berlin, 2006 Funk, H., Kuhn, C., Demme, S., Studio d A2, Cornelsen, Berlin, 2006 Recommended textbook • Jin, F., Voß, U., Grammatik aktiv, Cornelsen, Berlin, 2014 We would like to remind all students that the Language Centre provides information and counseling regarding language study. Students can find various material for preparation in internationally recognized certificates by the University and Bocconi internal exam at the language laboratory (multimedial library) and online (visit: www.unibocconi.eu/languagecenter, in Language Laboratory). 1 Resources Materials prepared by professors Self-study programme Past exams Extra teaching materials Language tutors Office Hours for Bocconi teachers International certificates recognized Classroom activities & skills At the end of the course, the student should be able to: • understand common phrases and expressions of immediate relevance • communicate in simple and routine circumstances which require an exchange of information on familiar and common topics • describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, the surrounding environment; can express immediate needs The teaching will propose the following activities: • grammatical revision: developing correct forms and structures • reading comprehension: reading and analysing pieces from the course book • vocabulary extension: basic vocabulary learning useful for every-day life • written assignments: exercises and compositions to do individually • oral interaction: discussing day-to-day issues • mock exams and testing: practice using past papers Self-Study activities & skills In order to acquire language skills and to prepare correctly for the Bocconi exam, it is important to attend lessons regularly as well as to follow a self-study program. To reach this objective a series of activities are indicated to be carried out from the textbooks and selfstudy modules available on the e-learning platform. In the Library you can find materials (including past exam) provided by the class professor. It is suggested to dedicate 3-5 hours weekly for independent study. Self-study program Topics/units* Grammar/Skills (see “set textbooks”)** Deklination: Genus, Nominativ, Singular, Plural Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel, kein Personalpronomen A1 ST: S. 24-29; 38-43; 52-57 Konjugation: Präsens und Präteritum von sein 1, 2, 3 AB: Im Büro Aussage, Frage, Negation Kommunikation Zahlen Komposita ST: S. 68-81 A1 Deklination: Akkusativ AB: Possessivartikel oder 4 Possessivartikel unbestimmter Artikel? Menschen und Adjektiv AB: Möbel im Büro und zu Hause Häuser AB: Wohnungsanzeigen 2 A1 5 Termine Zeitbestimmung, Präpositionen, Uhrzeit Konjugation: Präteritum von haben Zusammengesetzte Verben, teilbar ST: S. 92-97 AB: Verneinen mit nicht A1 6 Orientierung Deklination: Dativ Ortbestimmung, Präpositionen mit + Dativ Zahlen ST: S. 106-111 AB: Mit Bus und Bahn Modalverben: müssen, können Deklination: Akkusativ ST: S. 120-125 AB: Berufe: Typisch Mann oder typisch Frau? Präpositionen mit Akkusativ und mit Dativ Modalverben: wollen ST: S. 134-145 AB: Die Stadt und der Verkehr A1 7 Berufe A1 8 Berlin A1 9 Ferien und Urlaub A1 10 Essen und trinken A1 11 Kleidung und Wetter A1 12 Körper und Gesundheit A2 1 Sprachen, Biografien A2 2 Familienalbum A2 3 Reisen, Mobilität A2 4 Aktiv in der Freizeit A2 5 Medien A2 6 Ausgehen A2 Konjugation: Perfekt der regelmäßigen und unregelmäßigen Verben Zeitadverbien welchKomparativ: viel, gut, gern Adjektivdeklination: Akkusativ Demonstrativpronomen es Konjugation: Imperativ Modalverben: dürfen Personalpronomen: Akkusativ Nebensatz: Kausalsatz Komparativ Superlativ Adjektiv und Possessivpronomen: Dativ Nebensatz: dass Deklination: Genitiv Modalverben: sollen Reflexivpronomen Zeitadverbien Verben mit Präposition Indefinitpronomen Nebensatz: indirekter Fragesatz Adjektivdeklination: Nominativ und Akkusativ Personalpronomen: Dativ Nebensatz: Relativsatz (Nominativ und Akkusativ) Modalverben: Präteritum ST: S. 156-161 AB: Ein Land mit 16 Ländern AB: Ferien auf „Balkonien“ ST: S. 170-175 AB: Lebensmittel und Küche AB: Schnelles Essen: gutes Essen? ST: S. 184-189 AB: Demonstrativa und Fragepronomen AB: Kleider machen Leute? ST: S. 198-207 AB: Die Deutschen und der Fußball AB: Husten und Schnupfen ST: S. 16-21 AB: Biografien: Personenraten AB: Vergleichen mit dem Komparativ ST: S. 32-37 AB: Familie als Lebensform ST: S. 46-55 AB: Auf dem Flughafen in München ST: S. 68-73 AB: Ganz schön sportlich ST: S. 82-87 AB: Wortschatz rund um den Computer ST: S. 96-107 AB: Kaffee ist nicht gleich Kaffee AB: Im Restaurant ST: S. 120-125 3 7 Zu Hause A2 8 Kultur erleben A2 9 Arbeitswelten A2 10 Feste und Geschenke A2 11 Mit allen Sinnen A2 12 Erfindungen, Erfinder Nebensatz: Temporalsatz Zeitadverbien Konjugation: Präteritum ST: S. 134-139 Nebensatz: Kausalsatz (denn, weil) Verben: werden ST: S. 148-159 Präpositionen mit Dativ Verben mit Dativobjekt Positionsverben Nebensatz: Kondotionalsatz Indefinitpronomen Präpositionen mit Dativ und Akkusativ Nebensatz: Relativsatz (mit Präposition) Nebensatz: Finalsatz Passiv (Präsens und Präteritum) im Nebensatz ST: S. 172-177 ST: S. 186-191 ST: S. 200-209 * The Units refer to Studio d A1 and A2 ** The self-study refers to: ST = Studio d A1 bzw. and A2, S. = Seite (see “set textbooks”) AB = Arbeitsblätter: Exercises available in the set textbook and online (German Library e-learning) In order to consolidate learning, students are also advised to do the exercises found on the publisher’s site indicated below: • Volume A1: http://www.cornelsen.de/sites/assets/studioda1/index.php • Volume A2: http://www.cornelsen.de/sites/assets/studioda2/index.php Exam content and description The exam is scored out of a maximum of 30 points, which will go into the calculation of your grade point average, and evaluates your ability to: • understand brief listening passages with active understanding and acquisition of information • write brief informal texts • oral interaction: presentation and discussion • demonstrate your knowledge of the language, by correctly using a range of a basic vocabulary and grammatical structures Exam Terms The exam consists of two compulsory parts: a written test and an oral test. In order to sit for exams, both written and oral, it is necessary to enroll for the exam through Punto Blu. Both tests must be successful for the exam to be recorded. For the written test: • the written test can be taken again before sitting for the oral test • the handing in of the exam paper makes the previous written exam taken null For the oral test: • it can only be taken if the written test has been successful (minimum mark: 18/30) • it can only be taken within the validity terms of the written test (see section Written Exam, Validity) 4 • • it involves the preparation of the content and any materials as indicated in the program (see section Oral exam, Test) once the oral exam is passed, the oral mark is added to the written one to define the final grade (see section Oral Exam, Final grade) Written Exam The written exam consists of three parts. Each part is worth assigned a mark and the sum of these marks is converted into thirtieths to give the final grade. First part Listening Objective Check candidates’ ability to identify the subject matter, how it is communicated and the opinion expressed in a brief listening passage Skill Listening to brief messages and news items, announcements, dialogues Test Sentence completion and/or tables, true/false questions, multiple choice answers Second part Objective Test Third part Objective 10/30 Grammar Checking that candidates have a solid understanding of basic grammar (declension, conjugation, syntax) 10/30 Sentence completion, matching, transformation Writing Checking candidates’ ability to write structured texts according to format and instructions given 10/30 Test Writing a document (ex. letter, report, memo) Duration 120 minutes after the listening Dictionary Monolingual and bilingual dictionary can be used Validity it is valid for the 3 subsequent oral exams, and it is also valid for the subsequent 12 months but there is a penalty that must be paid (see Oral Exam, Validity) Oral Exam Objective Discussion of the topic presented and answering examiners' questions Skill Presentation and discussion Test Students select five topic areas from the course book (Studio d A2); discussion of the topic presented with one’s point of view Duration 15 minutes Dictionary Dictionaries are not allowed Final grade The oral exam can only be taken once you have passed the written exam. Students will be assessed in terms of their practical ability to communicate. During the oral exam marks can be added to or subtracted from the written exam result in the following way: • by +3 or -3, if the oral exam is passed within the 3 oral exams subsequent to the written exam; • by +1 or -3, if the oral exam is passed after the first 3 subsequent oral exams, but still by 12 months subsequent to the written exam 5 As an alternative to the Bocconi exam, students may choose to register one of the international certifications recognized by the University. The achieved result is converted into a number grade out of a possible thirty and is registered in the academic career Additional Points The assessment of language skills depends both on the result of the final exam and on marks awarded during the year: 1. Positive participation in the course and completion of self-study activities 2. Partial Exam 3. The exam passed the first time it is taken Points are registered at the same time the oral exam is passed 1. Positive participation in the course and completion of self-study activities Objective To encourage constant and active improvement in the language Maximum points • 1 thirtieth for active participation in at least 70% of lesson hours + completion awardable of the self-study programme Defined by professor at the end of the course on the basis of quality of work Assignment of points performed and respected due dates as indicated the professor in the classroom and also online From June to the January immediately following the course. These months are Validity included 2. Partial Exam Objective Test Duration Dictionary Maximum points awardable Assignment of points Validity Note Evaluate progress in language learning Grammar and Vocabulary exercises in the following formats: sentence completion and transformation, multiple choice answers, short sentences 60 minutes Dictionaries are not allowed • 1 thirtieth The final grade is expressed by “pass” or “fail”; the extra points will be awarded in case of positive result (“pass”) From June to the January immediately following the course. These months are included The exam is open to all students, both attenders and non-attenders. It takes place once every academic year in January after first semester classes have finished (the exact date can be found in the General Exams calendar) 3. The exam passed the first time it is taken Objective Reward students who sit for the exam only when really well prepared Maximum points awardable • 1 thirtieth Assignment of points Automatically, when the student registers for the written exam and hands in the exam for the first time, and passes it (minimum 18/30), and take the oral exam on the first available date subsequent to the written exam 6