Seelensteig - Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
Seelensteig - Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
Wind breakage 1983 Since then natural forest development! Map Detail Bark beetle infestation 1995 Young forest from natural regeneration Spruce Forest Trail Forest Playgrounds Spiegelau Core Area do not leave the trail allo ~120-year-old mixed mountain forest: same age due to utilisation WC Text tablets Boardwalk with stairs Caution slippery when wet or windy 855 m a.s.l. 890 m a.s.l. Bark beetle infestation 2005/06 Pristine mixed mountain forest rat ion a S c hw ac h 0 Wind breakage 1983, 1991 and 2006, bark beetle infestation 1987/88, 1992/93 and 2005/06: natural forest regeneration 100 200 m So you will help the nature in the Nationalpark Bavarian Forest National Park Authority Freyunger Straße 2, 94481 Grafenau Phone 0 8 52 96 000 [email protected] The Bavarian Forest National Park has been awarded the European Diploma of Protected Areas since1986 NAVI: 94518 Spiegelau 992 Spiegelau rz 300 400year-old fir trees in 1 835 m a.s.l. 01/2011 | Print: Agentur SSL. Grafenau | use of 100 % recycling paper wed P+R atu From 15 May to the beginning of November, the Schwarzachstraße is closed to private traffic from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Please use the “Igel Busses” (every half hour). Seelensteig Length ca. 1.3 km ren Die Seele wird vom Pflastertreten krumm. Mit Bäumen kann man Bäume sind Heiligtümer. wie mit Brüdern reden und tauscht bei ihnen seine Seele um. Wer mit ihnen zu sprechen, wer ihnen zuzuhören weiß, Die Wälder schweigen. der erfährt die Wahrheit. Doch sie sind nicht stumm. Sie predigen nicht Lehren Und wer auch kommen mag, und Rezepte, Sie trösten jeden. sie predigen Erich Kästner das Urgesetz des Lebens. Hermann Hesse I am longing for a wild nature, which cannot be penetrated, longing for forests, where the chirping of the wood thrush sounds forever, where every hour is an early morning Wildnis ist: and the day forever virgin. - Vitalität und Vielfalt erfahren Henry Thoreau - Akzeptieren von Vergänglichem - Überwinden festgefahrener Werte und Symbole - Staunen hervorrufen - den Wert der Einfachheit zeigen - Tolerieren und Zulassen von Ungewöhnlichem - Wachstum und Sterben in seiner Gleichzeitigkeit erfahren - Ruhe und Gelassenheit offenbaren Gabi Hanner Gfäll Hiking Trails to Mount Rachel Gfäll ling Glaube mir, denn ich habe es erfahren, du wirst mehr in den Wäldern finden als in den Büchern. Bäume und Steine werden dich lehren, was du von keinem Lehrmeister hörst. Die meisten Menschen Bernhard von Clairvaux wissen gar nicht, wie schön die Welt ist und wieviel Pracht in den kleinsten Dingen, in irgendeiner Blume, einem Stein, einer Baumrinde oder einem Birkenblatt sich offenbart. Es geht eine große und ewige Schönheit durch die ganze Welt, und diese ist gerecht über den kleinenund großen Dingen verstreut. Rainer Maria Rilke Weißt du, was ein Wald ist? Ist ein Wald etwa nur zehntausend Klafter Holz? Oder ist er eine grüne Menschenfreude? Es braucht der Mensch Bert Brecht die Naturerlebnisse als Gegengewicht gegen die Unruhe und Ängste des Herzens, gegen den kalten, harten Glanz Ich schenke Dir, für den Sohn, laufender Maschinen, meinen Wald. gegen den Schatten der Atombombe. Umflogen von Eulen, Die Welt ist unheimlich geworden, befährtet vom Hirsch, aber die Wege, wird er ihn lehren, die uns das Gewissen zeigt dass Freiraum für Leben nur ist, - zurück zur Natur wo Natur ihre eigenen Wege geht. können uns aus dem Höllenkreis Horst Stern herausführen. Theodor Heuss H I K I N G I N T H E N AT I O N A L PA R K Cyc Q U O TAT I O N S A LO N G T H E S E E L E N S T E I G ADVENTURE TRAIL Seelensteig The Seelensteig - a foresight into natural forest development With the foundation of the Bavarian Forest National Park in 1970 the forestry industry was gradually reduced after 20 years of utilisation. Today the former commercially used forest resources around Mount Lusen are allowed to develop in accordance with their own ancient laws without any human intervention. As of 2027 the forests around Mount Falkenstein are allowed to develop to theirs own natural laws after consistently enlarging the nature zones to almost 20.000ha of interrelated woodland. In a merely 500 m-broad margi-nal area the bark beetle will be controlled to protect the adjacent privately owned forests. Diversified and more stable natural forests develop out of centuries long silviculturally used forests. Occurrences like storms and bark beetle infestations accelerate such unique forest regeneration. A typical mixed mountain forest of firs, beeches and spruces was developed with a 1.3 km-long boardwalk in a nature orientated way in summer 1995. In this forest area no using has taken place for about 50 years. Thereby no tree was cut in two. The aim was and is to make it possible to experince prospective wilderness even in hardly accessible natural forests. The idea to call the boardwalk “Seelensteig“ - souls trail was resulting by the thougt to give full scope the feelings concerning the forest. The trail provides profound insights in the unexpected self-healing forces. The nature presents a gorgeous spectacle and the visitor receives the cance to experience the everlasting circle of “growth, becoming and decay”. In addition to it the nature presents trust in the development of an extensively regeneration of a mountain spruce forest which has been taking place since 1996. This process along the “Seelensteig” has become a foresight of natural forest regeneration owing to its temporal advance. Please mind abruptly falling dead wood especially with strong wind. Please stay on marked trails within the Core Area! Text tablets along the “Seelensteig” Not only the people need the forest. The forest teaches humanity The forest teaches modesty It is also the forest who needs the people who protect him. In this way the knowing recognise that not only the healthy but also the morbid parts render an indispensable service to a society as a whole. People want healty wood but woodpecker want unhealthy. That is why this trail. It is called The Souls Trail The morbid tree nourishes a myriad of creatures which transform the decaying biomass of leaves, branches, stumps to fresh forest soil. Seelensteig All the people who walk the trail shall be affected by the pictures of life and death which are made visible by the trail. In a Forest plants and animals visible and invisible, young and old are on a tiny little space or on a huge area with each other and for each other Forest teaches, that monotony overshadowed the mind and endangered life Only a forest which consists of young and old trees on a small area is serene and steady. And who have not lost its feeling for natural forest compositions know that: Ancient trees are beautiful. The thoughts, worth being considered, abandon the healthy who are only concerned about increasing the amount of material goods. People do not enable forests to mature but the capercaillies do not enable young forests to live. In an economy people do not think much of deciduous trees since they do not bring much money but black woodpeckers depend on them! Tengmalm’s owls and stock pigeons wait for the holes dug out by the woodpeckers. All these are “conflicts of objectives”. And people tend to come first! Only the healthy and lucrative forest loses its biodiversity. This is no law of nature! The forest teaches the meaning of life The forest teaches the gratefulness of the presentees A fir is able to stay underneath the impervious crown of an old beech for two generations, then being only as thick as an arm and as tall as a little child but tightly packed with annual rings. The fir starts growing when the giant tree falls and gives way to the sun. In this way the forest regenerates itself. Its individuals die, ist life is forever. Even more than its timber, more than the breathable air which it cleans and cools for us, the water which it filters and conserves, the silence created and the soil retained, we need its mental welfare effects. The forest is not only the people green delight but the place where the lost natural measurements are conserved.