6. Follow-up Study
6. Follow-up Study
Care and treatment system for subjects with pathological gambling in Germany Bettina Grüne1, Pawel Sleczka1, Barbara Braun1, Gerhard Bühringer1,2 & Ludwig Kraus1,3 1) IFT Institut für Therapieforschung, Munich 2) Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Technische Universität Dresden 3) Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD), Stockholm 3rd Int. Conference on Pathological Gambling and Behavioural Addictions Warsaw, November, 24th – 25th 2015 Institut für Therapieforschung München Overview 1. Care and treatment system 2. Care and treatment utilisation 3. Patients’ characteristics 4. Treatment process and outcome 5. Issues & Challenges 6. Follow-up Study 7. Summary/Discussion Institut für Therapieforschung München 2 Institut für Therapieforschung München 1. Care and treatment system OUTPATIENT General Practioner Primary care Secondary care Tertiary care INPATIENT General hospitals General psychosocial services family - education - work living - crisis - justice Outpatient treatment/ psychotherapy Psychiatric hospitals Psychosomatic hospitals Addiction counselling services Addiction treatment services Addiction treatment services and complementary services Bühringer et al. 2009 3 Institut für Therapieforschung München 1. Care and treatment system Addiction Care System 2013 Outpatient Inpatient (1) Facilities (total) 1,402 464 (2) Facilities (sample) 822 200 (3) Ownership Charity Public Commercial 88% 9% 4% 57% 13% 30% (4) Staff social worker, psychologists, physicians (5) Cases/year 334,000 47,000 (6) Diagnoses Alcohol Opioids Cannabis Gambling Others 53% 16% 14% 6% 11% 73% 7% 6% 3% 11% German substance abuse treatment statistic (DSHS, Brand et al. 2014) 4 2. Care and treatment utilisation Institut für Therapieforschung München 2.1 Help seeking ● 80% of subjects with pathological gambling do not have any contact to health care system in lifetime (Bischof et al. 2012) ● 11% seek intense help (more than 3 contacts) (Bischof et al. 2012) ● 5 - 14% seek help in outpatient addiction care facilities (own estimation) 5 2. Care and treatment utilization Institut für Therapieforschung München 2.2 Trends: PG in addiction care over time 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 % 4.0 outpatient inpatient 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 German substance abuse treatment statistic (DSHS) 6 Institut für Therapieforschung München 3. Patients’ characteristics 3.1 DSHS: Gender distribution Outpatient 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 88 Inpatient 90 75 74 26 12 Men 26 10 Women PG Men Women All Künzel et al. 2015 7 Institut für Therapieforschung München 3. Patients’ characteristics years 3.2 DSHS: Mean age in years 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 35 37 Total Outpatient 41 43 34 36 Men Women Inpatient 38 42 Total PG 41 37 Men 40 43 Women All Künzel et al. 2015 8 Institut für Therapieforschung München 4. Treatment process & outcome 4.1 DSHS: Treatment duration in weeks Outpatient Inpatient 40 34 35 weeks 30 25 24 36 33 26 24 20 15 10 11 10 Total Men 12 12 Total Men 11 12 5 0 Women PG Women All Künzel et al. 2015 9 Institut für Therapieforschung München 4. Treatment process & outcome 4.2 DSHS: Regular treatment termination 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Total Inpatient 81 81 83 82 53 Outpatient 53 Men 63 62 Total Men 55 Women PG 82 80 65 Women All Künzel et al. 2015 10 4. Treatment process & outcome Institut für Therapieforschung München 4.3 Study in 36 outpatient treatment centres ● Sample selection All patients from April 2009 to August 2010 Inclusion criteria: gambling problems, 18 years and older, sufficient German language skills ● Sample characteristics 93% fulfil DSM-IV criteria for PG 51% high severity of psychological strain 47% moderate/ severe depressive symptoms ● Insufficient use of outpatient treatment 50% less than 6 treatment contacts 70% drop out → Low subjective need and willingness for treatment → PG seek treatment because of acute crises rather than growing insight Braun et al. 2013 11 Institut für Therapieforschung München 4. Treatment process & outcome 4.4 Psychological problems and symptoms (SCL-90) Outpatient sample Inpatient sample Norm sample 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Braun et al. 2013, Premper & Schulz et al. 2008 12 5. Issues & Challenges ● ● ● ● Institut für Therapieforschung München Increase in no. of patients with PG especially in outpatient treatment High drop-out rates in outpatient care Short treatment periods in outpatient care Patients in outpatient care are similarly affected as in inpatient care !! Broad range of counselling issues & very general guidelines in outpatient treatment → large variation of treatment concepts → Knowledge of factors associated with (long-term) outcome is necessary for improving outpatient treatment. 13 6. Follow-up Study Institut für Therapieforschung München Outpatient care of patients with gambling problems 14 6. Follow-up study: aims Institut für Therapieforschung München (1) To describe and investigate treatment process and outcome - Patient and disorder characteristics Therapy and staff related characteristics (2) To investigate factors associated with treatment process and outcome - Patient-related, treatment-related and therapist-related (3) To develop best practice recommendations 15 Institut für Therapieforschung München 6. Follow-up study: methodology Design t1 t0 Recruitment Baselinequestionnaire + phone interview 6M First Follow-up t2 6M Second Follow-up Therapists‘ questionnaire Treatment documentation (therapists) 16 Institut für Therapieforschung München 6. Follow-up Study: preliminary results Gambling prevalence Gambling last 12 months, % (n) n=78 Gaming machines 75.6 (59) Slot machines (casino) 28.2 (22) Table games (casino) 16.7 (13) Scratch tickets 37.8 (29) Lotto tickets 25.9 (28) TV lottery 7.7 (6) Sports betting office 25.6 (20) Sport betting internet 19.2 (15) Internet poker/card games 16.7 (13) Internet casino 28.2 (22) 17 Institut für Therapieforschung München 6. Follow-up Study: preliminary results Gambling preference last 12 months, % (n) Most liked to play Gaming machines Most time spent Most money spent 65.4 (51) 66.7 (52) 59.0 (46) Slot machines (casino) 1.3 (1) 1.3 (1) 1.3 (1) Table games (casino) 3.9 (3) 1.3 (1) 2.6 (2) Lotto tickets 1.3 (1) 2.6 (2) 1.3 (1) Sports betting office 5.1 (4) 3.9 (3) 9.0 (7) Sports betting internet 9.0 (7) 11.5 (9) 9.0 (7) Internet poker/card games 1.3 (1) - 1.3 (1) Internet casino games 6.4 (5) 6.4 (5) 10.3 (8) 18 6. Follow-up Study: preliminary results Institut für Therapieforschung München Gambling disorder DSM-5 criteria fulfilled % (n) 1-3 criteria 2.6 (2) 4-5 criteria 1.3 (1) 6-7 criteria 33.3 (26) 8-9 criteria 62.8 (49) GD >= 4 criteria Mild: 4 - 5 criteria Moderate: 6 - 7 criteria Severe: 8 - 9 criteria 19 Institut für Therapieforschung München 6. Follow-up Study: preliminary results Psychosocial consequences/problems, % (n) None 5.1 (4) Separation spouse/partner 21.8 (17) Loss of friends 37.2 (29) Social withdrawal/ loneliness 56.4 (44) Criminal proceedings 16.7 (13) Job loss 15.4 (12) Physical/psychosomatic complaints 48.7 (38) Feeling of guilt/ depression 68.0 (53) Suicide attempt Financial issues, debts 10.3 (8) 78.2 (61) 20 Institut für Therapieforschung München 6. Follow-up Study: preliminary results Most severe psychosocial consequence/problem, % (n) Separation spouse/partner 9.0 (7) Loss of friends 5.1 (4) Social withdrawal/ loneliness 6.4 (5) Criminal proceedings 2.6 (2) Job loss 2.6 (2) Physical/psychosomatic complaints 5.1 (4) Feeling of guilt/ depression Suicide attempt Financial issues, debts 15.4 (12) 1.3 (1) 34.6 (27) 21 7. Summary/Discussion Institut für Therapieforschung München ● Need to intensify early intervention and prevention measures in outpatient care → subclinical pathological gamblers ● Need for research on self change ● Severely burdened patients in outpatient and inpatient care and treatment Question of the chicken and the egg remains ● Activities on gaming machines most prevalent ● Sport betting (on- and offline) & Internet casino games → growing problem → need for regulation 22 Institut für Therapieforschung München Thank you for your attention Contact: [email protected] 23