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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
H-Sport Journal and periodical review
First Quarter 2013
March 31, 2013
Compiled by:
Hugo Ceron-Anaya ([email protected])
Rebeccah Dawson ([email protected])
Duncan Jamieson ([email protected])
Peter Marquis ([email protected])
Compiled by Duncan Jamieson, Ashland University
Cold War History, Vol 13, Issue 1
The Cold War and British debates over the boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics, by
Paul Corthorn, 43-66
Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol 26. Issue 4
A League of their own, by Matthew A. Hulton, 21-27
Copyright © 2013 H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online.
H-Net permits the redistribution and reprinting of this work for non-profit, educational
purposes, with full and accurate attribution to the author(s), web location, date of publication,
H-Diplo, and H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online. For other uses, contact the H-Sport
editorial staff at [email protected]
H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Contemporary British History, Vol 27, Issue 1
All Work and No Play: British Leisure Culture and the 1947 Fuel Crisis, by Richard
Farmer, 22-43.
Economic Inquiry, Vol 51, Issue 1
• Interracial workplace cooperation: evidence from the NBA, by Joseph Price, Lars
Lefgren and Henry Tappen, 1026-1034
History & Anthropology, Vol 24, Issue 1
Wine and Speed: The Post-Soviet Holidays in the Republic of Moldova (2001–2009), by
Virgiliu Bîrlădeanu, 36-55
International Journal of Intelligence & Counterintelligence, Spring2013, Vol. 26, Issue 1
Awaiting History's Judgment: The GDR's Erich Mielke, by Jefferson Adams, 64-83
International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol 29, Issue 17
Special Issue: Soft Power Politics – Past and Present: Football and Baseball on the Western
Pacific Rim
Soft Power Politics, Hegemonic Realities and Eastern Promise: Changing Circumstances
– ‘Look East Young Man and Woman’!, by J. A. Mangan, 2355-2359
Forging Imperial and Australasian Identities: Australian Rules Football in New Zealand
During the Nineteenth Century, by Chris McConville & Rob Hess, 2360-2371
Women's Football in the People's Republic of China: Retrospect and Prospect, by Aihua
Zhao, Peter Horton & Liu Liu, 2372-2387
Pacific Islanders in Global Rugby: The Changing Currents of Sports Migration, by Peter
Horton, 2388-2404
Reflections on Race, Regionalism and Geopolitical Trends via Australian Soccer, by
Jessica Carniel, 2405-2420
The Significance of Koshien Baseball in Postwar Okinawa: A Representation of
‘Okinawa’, by Satoshi Shimizu, 2421-2434
Seeking a Separate National Identity: The Taiwanese State, Politics and the 2007
Baseball World Cup, by Chien-Yu Lin, 2435-2449
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Globalisation, Individualism and Scandal: New Directions in Japanese Baseball, by Keiji
Kawai & Brent McDonald, 2450-2464
An Indispensable but Fragile Geopolitical Triangle: Baseball in Japan, Korea and
Taiwan, Hajime Hirai 2465-2477
Sport on the Western Pacific Rim: The Present and the Future, by Peter Horton, 24782484
International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol 17, Issue 18
Editorial, by Wray Vamplew, 2485
The Diplomatic Context of Doping in the Former German Democratic Republic: A
Revisionist Examination, by Thomas M. Hunt, Paul Dimeo, Matthew T. Bowers & Scott
R. Jedlicka, 2486-2499
‘Sweet analytics’: Athleticism and Elementary-School Football Associations, by Colm
Kerrigan, 2500-2531
Grass Roots: The Development of Tennis in Britain, 1918–1978, by Joyce Kay, 25322550
Securing the Sports ‘Miracle’: The Stasi and East German Elite Sport, by Mike Dennis,
Looking at Losing: Presentations of the Media's Narrative of the Cleveland Browns’
Relocation, by Andrew D. Linden, 2575-2598
Book Reviews
Sport in History: An Introduction, by Robert J. Lake, 2599-2601
Healthy Living in the Alps: The Origins of Winter Tourism in Switzerland 1860-1914, by
Alastair J. Durie, 2601-2603
Baseball in the Garden of Eden: The Secret History of the Early Game, by Steven A.
Riess, 2603-2605
The Internationalization of European Sports Teams and the Issue of National Citizenship:
Can Sports Transcend Political Borders?, by Heather L. Dichter, 2605-2607
South Africa's World Cup: A Legacy for Whom?, by Paul Wellings, 2608-2610
Race, Sport and Politics: The Sporting Black Diaspora, by Paul K. Miller, 2610-2612
International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol 30, Issue 1
Special Issue: What is the Future of Sport History in Academia?
Introduction, by Duncan Stone, 1-5
Last Man Picked. Do Mainstream Historians Need to Play with Sports Historians?, by
Paul Ward, 6-13
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Sports History: Outside of the Mainstream? A Response to Ward’s ‘Last Man Picked’, by
Matthew L. McDowell, 14-22
Cracks in the (Self-Constructed?) Ghetto Walls? Comments on Paul Ward's ‘Last Man
Picked’, by Malcolm MacLean, 23-34
‘The Postmodernist Always Rings Twice: Reflections on the “New” Cultural Turn in
Sports History’, by John Hughson, 35-45
The Sporting Image: A Personal Journey Utilising History to Develop Academic Inquiry
and Creativity, by Iain Adams, 46-64
‘Ordinary working men … transformed into giants on the rugby field’: ‘Collective’ and
‘Individual’ Memory in Oral Histories of Rugby League, by Rob Light, 65-82
Asylums and Sport: Participation, Isolation and the Role of Cricket in the Treatment of
the Insane, by Rob Ellis, 83-101
What's the Point of Sports History?, by Martin Johnes, 102-108
International Review of the History of Sport, Vol 29, Issue 16
Special Issue: The Triple Asian Olympics: Asia Ascending – Media, Politics, Geopolitics
The Media Is the Message: Proclaiming National Purpose and Pursuing International
Approbation, by J. A. Mangan, 2205-2213
The Triple Asian Olympics – Media Aspirations Realised and Unrealised; Projections
Achieved and Unachieved, by Sandra Collins, 2214-2217
Part One: The Projection of Image: Olympic Media Strategies - Global and Regional
Global Media Events: Communications Strategies, Social Network Patterns and
Propaganda Models – A Complex and Challenging Reconciliation, by Françoise Papa,
Mediating the Asian Olympics: The Summer Games – Image Projection and Gaze
Reception, by David Rowe, 2231-2243
Part Two: Olympic Ceremonies: Media Agents of Cultural Representation
Mediated Modernities and Mythologies in the Opening Ceremonies of 1964 Tokyo, 1988
Seoul and 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, by Sandra Collins, 2244-2263
Aesthetic Convergences: Comparing Spectacular Key Audibles and Visuals of Athens
and Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremonies, by Leonardo V. Boccia, 2264-2275
Part Three: Olympic Media Audiences: Regional Reactions and Responses
Seoul'88 – Media, Politicians, Public: Confrontation, Cooperation and Democratic
Consequences, by J. A. Mangan & Gwang Ok, 2276-2292
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Surveying Japanese Media Usage during the Beijing Olympics As a Measure of
Audience Attitudes towards China and the Chinese, by Miiko Kodama, 2293-2310
Part Four: Olympic Media Propaganda: Uniformity and Diversity
Unimagined China: Media, Technologies and the Fragmentation of National Olympic
Audiences, by Kevin Latham, 2311-2325
North Korean Media Accounts of the Olympic and Asian Games: The Fatherland's
Friends and Foes, by Udo Merkel, 2326-2336
Part Five: Olympic ‘Brand’ Creation: Divergent and Contradictory Interpretations
Nation Branding and the Olympic Games: New Media Images for Greece and China, by
Roy Panagiotopoulou, 2337-2348
The Triple Asian Olympics: The Modern Media and Olympic Research – Challenges and
Possibilities, by Qing Luo, 2349-2354
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol 47, Issue 1
Football’s coming home: A critical evaluation of the Homeless World Cup as an
intervention to combat social exclusion, by Jonathan Magee and Ruth Jeanes, 3-19
Building social capital: Examining the impact of Street Soccer USA on its volunteers, by
Jon Welty Peachey, Adam Cohen, John Borland and Aexis Lyras, 20-37
Football ‘wantok’: Sport and social capital in Vanuatu. By Tsutomu Kobayashi, Matthew
Nicholson and Russell Hoye, 38-53
Honk if you like minorities: Vuvuzela attitudes predict outgroup liking, by Sarah E.
Gaither and Samuel R. Sommers, 54-65
Re-placing sport migrants: Moving beyond the institutional structures informing
international sport migration, by Thomas F. Carter, 66-82
Ladies of Besiktas: A dismantling of male hegemony at Inönü Stadium, by Itir Erhart, 8398
‘A splendid effort!’ Print media reporting of England’s women’s performance in the 2009
Cricket World Cup, by Kay Biscomb and Gerald Griggs, 99-111
‘They treat me like I’m scum’: Social exclusion and established-outsider relations in a
British tennis club, by Robert J. Lake, 112-128
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Journal of Design History, Vol 26, Issue 1
A Uniform Approach? Designing Australian National Identity at the Sydney 2000
Olympic Games, by Jess Berry, 86-103
Journal of Sports Economics, Vol 14, Issue 2
Baseball: A Poor Substitute for Football—More Evidence of Sports Gambling as
Consumption, by Rodney J. Paul and Andrew P. Weinbach, 115-132
Socioeconomic Determinants of Success at the Summer Paralympics, Caroline Buts,
Cind DuBois, Bruno Heyndels and Marc Jegers, 133-147
Mega Events in Sports and Crime: Evidence From the 1990 Football World Cup, by
Nadia Campaniello, 148-170
Pay Discrimination, Exit Discrimination or Both? Another Look at an Old Issue Using
NBA Data, by Peter A. Groothuis and James Richard Hill, 171-185
The Sensitivity of Findings of Expeted Bookmaker Profitability, by Kevin Krieger, Andy
Fodor and Greg Stevenson, 186-202
Assessing the Relative Importance of Inputs to a Production Function: Getting on Base
Versus Hitting for Power, by Daniel Deli, 203-217
Book Review
Scorecasting, by Stacy L. Brook, 218-220
Rethinking History, Vol 16, Issue 4
Sport history as modes of expression: material culture and cultural spaces in sport and
history, by Linda J. Borish, 465-477
Gone but not forgotten: sporting heroes, heritage and graveyard commemoration, by
Mike Huggins, 479-495
Constructing the city of Tel Aviv: urban space, physical culture and the natural and built
environment, by Nina S. Spiegel, 497-516
John Unitas's jacket and other objects of importance, by Daniel A. Nathan, 543-563
Seven (1 + 6) surfing stories: the practice of authoring, by Douglas Booth, 565-585
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Soccer and Society, Vol 13, Issue 4
The unsettled law: disputes and negotiations on the meanings of the offside law of
Football Association in the English Premier League, 2003–2009, by Jorge Ventura de
Morais, 459-478
Interpreting and exploring football fan rivalries: an overview, by Adam Benkwitz &
Gyozo Molnar, 479-494
A kick in the right direction: longitudinal outcomes of the Australian Community Street
Soccer Program, by Emma Sherry & Virginia Strybosch, 495-509
Everywhere and nowhere: the forgotten past and clouded future of American professional
soccer from the perspective of Massachusetts, by Steven Apostolov, 510-535
New league, new market and new sponsorship: an exploratory study of attitudes towards
shirt sponsorship in Major League Soccer, by Ric Jensen, Nick Bowman, Yawei Wang &
Brian Larson, 536-554
Franco, the popular game and ethnocentric conduct in modern Spanish football, by
Christos Kassimeris, 555-569
A popular game in Father Christmas Land? Football in Finland, by Hannu Itkonen &
Arto Nevala, 570-583
Sport’s growth in Barcelona and Catalonia from the 1890s to 1920: a case study, by
Andrew McFarland, 584-598
Book Reviews
Myths and Facts about Football: The Economics and Psychology of the World’s Greatest
Sport, by Somshaknakr Ray, 599-600
Soccer and Philosophy: Beautiful Thoughts on the Beautiful Game, by John Gleaves,
Power play: sport, the media and popular culture, by Amitava Chatterjee, 603-605
Historical Dictionary of Soccer, by Philip Barker, 605-607
Scoring off the field: football culture in Bengal, 1911–80, by Gautam Chando Roy, 607610
History of Indian Football, by Suparna Ghosh Bhattacharya, 610-612
Social Science Quarterly, Vol 94, Issue 1
Pushing 'Reset': The Conditional Effects of Coaching Replacements on College Football
Performance, by E. Scott Adler, Michael J Berry and David Doherty, 1-28
For the Win! The Effect of Professional Sports Records on Mayoral Elections For the
Win! The Effect of Professional Sports Records on Mayoral Elections, by Michael K.
Miller, 59-78
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Sociology of Sport Journal, Vol 29, Issue 4
Glocalization and Sports in Asia, by Younghan Cho, Charles Leary, Stephen J. Jackson,
Globalization, Urbanization & Sporting Spectacle in Pacific Asia: Places, Peoples &
Pastness,by Michael L. Silk, Andrew Manley, 455 – 484
Sport in Malaysia: National Imperatives and Western Seductions, by Callum Gilmour,
David Rowe, 485 – 505
Between Adoption and Resistance: Grobalization and Glocalization in the Development
of Israeli Basketball, by Eran Shor, Yair Galily, 526 – 545
From the “Taiwan Yankees” to the New York Yankees: The Glocal Narratives of
Baseball, by Tzu-Hsuan Chen, 546 – 558
Book Review
Seeing Stars: Sports Celebrity, Identity, and Body Culture in Modern Japan, 559 – 562
Southern Cultures, Vol 18, Issue 1
NASCAR vs. Football, by Daniel Pierce, 26-42
Sport, Education and Society, Vol 18, Issue 1
Special Issue: New Directions, New Questions: Relationships between Curriculum, Pedagogy
and Assessment in Physical Education
New directions, new questions: relationships between curriculum, pedagogy, and
assessment in physical education, by Mary O'Sullivan, 1-5
Points of tension and possibility: boundaries in and of physical education, by Dawn
Penney, 6-20
A vision lost? (Re)articulating an Arnoldian conception of education ‘in’ movement in
physical education, by Trent D. Brown, 21-37
Providing students with voice and choice: lessons from intervention research on
autonomy-supportive climates in physical education, by Peter A. Hastie, Mary E. Rudisill
& Danielle D. Wadsworth, 38-56
Alternative assessment in physical education: a review of international literature, by
Víctor Manuel López-Pastor, David Kirk, Eloisa Lorente-Catalán, Ann MacPhail &
Doune Macdonald, 57-76
Alternative democratic assessment in PETE: an action-research study exploring risks,
challenges and solutions, by Eloisa Lorente & David Kirk, 77-96
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Youth culture, physical education and the question of relevance: after 20 years, a reply to
Tinning and Fitzclarence, Michael Gard, Anna Hickey-Moodey & Eimear Enright, 97114
Implementing meaningful, educative curricula, and assessments in complex school
environments, by Catherine D. Ennis, 115-120
Appreciating complexity, endemic tensions and selectivity in proposals for program
improvement and new institutional designs, by Hal A. Lawson, 121-129
Book Review
Sport education: international perspectives, by Clive C. Pope, 130-134
Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Vol 6, Issue 4
Locker Room Metaphysics (Revisited), by Mike McNamee, 407-409
Conventionalism Revisited, by Bogdan Ciomaga, 410-422
The Psycho-Biological Bases of Sports Supporters' Behaviour: The Virtuous Supporter,
by Francisco Javier López Frías, 423-438
Are there any Good Arguments Against Goal-Line Technology?, Emily Ryall, 439-450
The Fallacies of the Assumptions Behind the Arguments for Goal-Line Technology in
Soccer, by Tamba Nlandu, 451-466
Beyond the Individual: Sources of Attitudes Towards Rule Violation in Sport, Ashkan
Atry, Mats G. Hansson & Ulrik Kihlbom, 467-479
From Therapy and Enhancement to Assistive Technologies: An Attempt to Clarify the
Role of the Sports Physician, by Patrick Grüneberg, 480-491
Book Review
Sport, Violence and Society by Kevin Young, by Gregg Twietmeyer, 492-496
Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Vol 7, Issue 1
Special Issue: Sport and Art: An Essay in the Hermeneutics of Sport
Sport and Art: an Essay in The Hermeneutics of Sport, by Andrew Edgar, 1-9
Sport and Philosophy, by Andrew Edgar, 10-29
Sportworld, by Andrew Edgar, 30-54
The Birth of Sport, by Andrew Edgar, 55-79
The Aesthetics of Sport, Andrew Edgar, 80-99
The Beauty of Sport, by Andrew Edgar, 100-120
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
The Modernism of Sport, by Andrew Edgar, 121-139
A Hermeneutics of Sport, by Andrew Edgar, 140-167
Conclusion, by Andrew Edgar, 168-171
Sport History Review, Vol 43, Issue 2
Fighting Men and Fighting Women: American Prizefighting and the Contested Gender
Order in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, by Jeonguk Kim, 103 – 127
“A Recreation Which Many Ladies Delight In”: Establishing a Tradition of Fisherwomen
in Britain and North America Prior to the Mid-Nineteenth Century, by David McMurray,
128 – 156
Le Congrès Olympique de Bruxelles (1905): une étape structurante dans
l’institutionnalisation du sport international, by Yoan Grossett 157 – 177
Telling Stories About Indigeneity and Canadian Sport: The Spectacular Cree and
Ojibway Indian Hockey Barnstorming Tour of North America, 1928, by Andrew C.
Holman, 178 – 205
The Postseason Payout History of the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision: Comparing
Current Bowl Championship Series (BCS) and non-BCS Institutions Through the
Lifespan of Defunct and Active Bowl
Games, by Chad Seifried and Benji King,
Sport in Society, Vol 15, Issue 10
Special Issue: Modern Sport in Asia: Cultural Perspectives
Modern sports in Asia: cultural perspectives, by Younghan Cho & Charles Leary, 13231328
Sports and games in colonial Singapore: 1819–1867, by Nick Aplin, 1329-1340
Towards a national culture: chinlone and the construction of sport in post-colonial
Myanmar, by Maitrii Aung-Thwin, 1341-1352
Beidaihe beach: leisure culture and modernity in Republican China, by Yunxiang Gao,
Goodbye Renaissance man: globalized concepts of physical education and sport in
Singapore, by John Saunders & Peter Horton, 1381-1395
From baseball colony to basketball republic: post-colonial transition and the making of a
national sport in the Philippines, by Lou Antolihao, 1396-1412
Cricket and the global Indian identity, by Pamela Devan, 1413-1425
Keep walking: walking as detour from ‘fitness’ and the building of self-in-isolation and
identity in contemporary consumer society, by Hsu-Chih Hsiao & Hui-min Chen, 14261431
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Sport in Society, Vol 16, Issue 1
Reflections on World Cup 2011, by Jon Gemmell, 1-4
‘Everyone seemed to be “with it”’: cricket politics and the coming of the one-day game,
1940–1970, by Stephen Wagg, 5-18
Cricket as nationalist obsession: ICC World Cup 2011 and Bangladesh as a host nation,
by Kausik Bandyopadhyay, 19-32
Sachin almighty, by Shamya Dasgupta, 33-44
Australian cricket: the diminishing light, by Binoy Kampmark, 45-55
Jayanti – a cricketing anachronism as Zimbabwe's ‘forgotten’ players make a fresh start,
by Jonty Winch, 56-70
Supporting the reform process: the role of politics in South Africa's participation at the
1992 World Cup, by Jon Gemmell, 71-84
Modern ‘live’ football: moving from the panoptican gaze to the performative, virtual and
carnivalesque, Mark Turner, 85-93
Sport, media and migration: use of sports media by Turkish migrants and its potential for
integration, by Mark Ludwig & Thomas Schierl, 94-105
Public perceptions on paying student athletes, Michael Mondello, Alex R. Piquero,
Nicole Leeper Piquero, Marc Gertz & Jake Bratton, 106-119
How safe is the playing field? Collegiate coaches' attitudes towards gay, lesbian, and
bisexual individuals, by Sara B. Oswalt & Tiffanye M. Vargas, 120-132
Compiled by Peter Marquis, University of Rouen, France.
Archives de sciences sociales des religions, 160, oct./nov. 2012
Jonveaux, Isabelle. Recension de François Hochepied, Athlètes de Dieu, Naissance de
l’U.G.S.E.L. Union Générale et Sportive de l’Enseignement Libre, 1911-1950, Biarritz,
Atlantica, 2011: p. 204;
Esprit, février 2013
Charrin, Eve. “Le dopage et les limites du corps.” (entretien avec Georges Vigarello): pp.
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
L’Homme, n°205(1): 2013
Clément, Julien. “Les Manu Samoa. Anthropologie d’une équipe nationale de rugby dans
la globalisation du sport”: pp. 79–
Movement & Sport Sciences, n° 79(1): 2013
Clément-Guillotin, Corentin, Aïna Chalabaev, and Paul Fontayne.. “Disentangling the
Influences of Sex Stereotypes in Physical Education with the Non-zero-sum/zero-sum
Behaviors Distinction.” : pp. 5561;
Gesbert, Vincent, and Annick Durny.. “Analyse de l’activité collective en football. Une
étude de cas avec les deux défenseurs centraux.”: pp. 63–
Perchot, Rodolphe, Florent Mangin, and Marie-Françoise Lacassagne. “Stacking et
discrimination : le cas de deux études en contexte virtuel.” pp. 75–
Martinache, Igor. “Analyser le sport comme un monde du travail.” Recension de:
Gasparini William, Pichot Lilian (dir.), Les compétences au travail : sport et corps à
l’épreuve des organisations, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2011;
Staps n°98(4): 2013
Level, Marie, and Thierry Lesage. “Objets sportifs et corps sensibles : entre cultures
matérielles et expériences corporelles.” : pp. 23–
Richard, Rémi.. “L’expérience sportive du corps en situation de handicap : vers une
phénoménologie du fauteuil roulant.”: pp. 127–
Hilpron, Michaël.. “L’appropriation du judo : d'une « voie de la souplesse » à l'efficience
incarnée.”: pp.143–56;
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Compiled by Rebeccah Dawson, Georgetown College
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, Jahrgang 64, Heft 2 (February 2013)
Special Issue: Ausdauer & Psyche
“Die ersten 100 Tage,” by K.M. Braumann, 43-44.
“Ausdauertrainingseffekte: Ergometrische Erfassung und Zusammenhänge mit
präcentiver Trainingswirkung,” by F. Scharhag-Rosenberger and T. Meyer, 45-51.
“Urachen und Risikofaktoren von Verletzungen im Skiurlaub,” by G. Ruedl, R. Bauer,
M. Pfanner, F. Rein, M. Burtscher, K. Benedetto, 52-56.
“Die Gefährdung zur Sportsucht in Ausdauersportarten,” by H. Ziemainz, O. Stoll, A.
Drescher, R. Erath, M. Schipfer, B. Zeulner, 57-64.
“Depressivität - Screening und Vorkommen in der sportmedizinischen Praxis,” by A.
Sprengler, G. Schneider, E.P. Schröder, 65-68.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, Jahrgang 64, Heft 1 (January 2013)
Special Issue: Fußball und Wissenschaft
“Wissenschaft schießt keine Tore - oder nicht?,” by W. Kindermann and M.P. Büch, 3163-4.
“Playing too Many Matches is Negative for both Performance and Player AvailabilityUEFA Injury Study,” by J. Ekstrand, 5-9.
“Ausdauertraining - Dauermethode versus intensive Intervallmethode im Fußball,” by B.
Sperlich, M.W. Hoppe and M. Haegele, 10-17.
“Prävention und Therapie typischer Verletzungen und Überlastungsbeschwerden bei
männlichen Fußballspielern,” by H. Schmitt, 18-27.
“Die Messung von Erholtheit und Regenerationsbedarf im Fußball,” by T. Meyer, M.
Kellermann, A. Ferrauti, M. Pfeiffer and O. Faude 28-34.
“Ernährung nach dem Training und Spiel- eine Leistungsreserve im Fußball?,” by A.M.
Nieß and H. Striegel, 35-39.
Deutschland Archiv, Heft 3 (March 2013)
Special Issue: Die graue Spielzeit
“Frauenfußball bis zum DFB-Verbot im Juli 1955,” by Eduard Hoffmann and Jürgen
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
“Damenfußball, Straßenfußball: der weibliche Kick bis zum DFB-Verbot im Juli 1955,”
by Eduard Hoffmann and Jürgen Nendza.
“DFB verbietet seinen Vereinen Damenfußball,” by Eduard Hoffmann and Jürgen
“Die inoffizielle Weltmeisterschaft in Italien,” by Eduard Hoffmann and Jürgen Nendza.
“Der Deutsche Fußball-Bund hebt das Frauenfußballverbot auf,” by Eduard Hoffmann
and Jürgen Nendza.
“Das Ausnahmeteam: Fortuna Dortmund 1955-1965,” by Eduard Hoffmann and Jürgen
“Ausgewählte Pressestimmen, ” by Eduard Hoffmann and Jürgen Nendza.
Sportwissenschaft, Online First
“Der Wissenschaftler, der von Wahrheit spricht, ist ein Lügner,” by Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c.
Klaus Willimczik.
“Diifferenzielles Lehren und Lernen: (k)eine Kritik- eine Bestätigung,” by Prof. Dr.
Wolfgang I. Schöllhorn, Hendrik Beckmann and Alexander Eekhoff.
“Moderne Spielbeobachtung im Beach-Volleyball auf Basis von Positionsdaten,” by Dr.
Daniel Link and Jörg Ahmann.
“Dopingkontrollen in Deutschland,” by Dr. Christiane Peters, Tanja Postler and Renate
“Differenzielles Lehren und Lernen,” by Prof. Dr. Stefan Künzell and Ernst-Joachim
“Erklärung zur Lage der universitären Trainingswissenschaft,” by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin
Lames, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mark Pfeiffer.
“Das Potenzial des Schulhofs für die Entwicklung von Heransachsenden,” by Dr. Ahmet
“Akuteffekte des Einsatzes von Futsalbällen beim Fußballspielen im Sportunterricht,” by
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christopher Heim, Ulrich Frick, Robert Prohl.
“Testgütekriterien des Fragebogens AnMS-Sport zur Erfassung des Anschlussmotivs im
Sportkontext,” by Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Elbe, Dr. Martin Krippl, Marcus Melzer.
“Die Sportwissenschaft findet Eingang in die arabische Welt, ” Prof. Dr. Annette R.
“Europäische Sportmodelle,” by. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger.
SportZeiten. Vol. 12, Issue 3
Special Issue: Fußballgeschichte, Doping Badekultur
“Sport und Politik in den deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen von 1933-1939,” by D. HertzPage - 14 - of 21
H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Eichenrode, 7-36.
“Das kickende Proletariat. Arbeiter und Fußball im Wien der Zwischenkriegszeit,” by M.
“Doping im Sport. Eine hHistorie der Zuschreibung zwischen Legimität, Verbot und
sozialem Problem,” by A. Dresen, 53-72.
“Es war fast paradiesish, in den weiten See hinaus zu schwimmen: Badeplausch in der
Schweiz 1880-1950,” by F. Brändle, 73-88.
“Sportpolitik-Symposium vom 2.-3.11.2012 in Hamburg,” by M. Groll, 89-90.
“Fair Play-Die Allierten und Sport: Ausstellung in Berlin” by D. Kuhlmann,
“Schwarz auf Weiß: Das Spiel der Männer mit dem Ball,” by D. Kuhlmann, 93-74.
Book Review for M. Krüger, Erinnerungskultur im Sport. Vom kritischen Umgang mit
Carl Diem, Sepp Herberger und anderen Größen des deutschen Sports, by F. Becker,
Book Review for K. Boddy, Boxing: A Cultural History, by W-D. Junghanns, 73-82.
Book Review for W. Behringer, Kulturgeschichte des Sports. Vom antiken Olympia bis
zur Gegenwart, by F. Lueke, 98-100.
SportZeiten. Vol. 12, Issue 2
Special Issue: Fußball und Sprache, Fußballgeschichte
“Rhetorik des Fußballs,” by N. Pethes, 7-18.
“Fußball als interdiskursives Modell im sprachlich-semiotischen Raum,” by R. Belyutin,
“Tiqui-taca. Figuren des Spiels,” by P. Hohlweck, 31-44.
“Fußball und Krieg,” by M. Plumpe, 45-54.
“Der Fußball und seine Kontinuität als schichtenübergreifendes Massenphänomen in
Deutschland,” by O. Fürtjes, 55-72.
“NOK im ‘Fokus DDR’ - Ausstellung im Deutschen Historischen Museum,” by D.
“Olympia 1936- Leni Riefenstahls künstlerisch Höhepunkt. Ausstelung in Bielefeld über
‘Foto-grafie, Film, Dokumentation’,” by D. Kuhlmann, 74-76.
Book Review for B. Bahro, J. Braun and H. Teichler, Vergessene Rekorde. Jüdische
Leichtathletinnen vor und nach 1933, by M. Herzog,
Book Review for C.S. Linne, Freigespielt. Frauenfußball im geteilten Deutschland, by
K. Schilde, 78-79.
Book Review for K. Switzer, Marathon Woman. Die Frau, die den Laufsport
revolutionierte, by D. Kuhlmann, 80-84.
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SportZeiten. Vol. 12, Issue 1
Special Issue: Pferdesport im Nationalsozialismus; Carl Diem
“M. NSRK, SA-Reiterei, Reiter-SS - Organisation und Struktur des Pferdesports im
Nationalsozialismus,” by N. Fahnenbruck, 7-38.
“Carl Diem - ein moralisches Vorbild? Dürfen Gesinnungsverfehlungen mit
Schuldverstickungen und ein beachtliches sportpolitisches Lebenswerk gegeneinander
aufgerechnet werden?,” by F. Röller,
“Im Vorfeld der Olympischen Spiele von 1936: Ein abgekartetes Spiel?,” by H.M.
Ehlert, 59-64.
“Sportmetaphern bei Goebbels und Hitler,” by H.J. Teichler, 65-68.
“Sport and tourism - 16. Internationaler Kongress des CESH vom 12.- 16. 10. 2011 in
Estoril/Portugal,” by D. Blecking, 69-70.
“Neue Ausstellung zum ‘Alltag der deutschen Teilung’ in Berlin. Auf der Suche nach
Spren zum Sport im ‘Tränenpalast’,” by D. Kuhlmann,
“Griechische Juden im Sport - Der Beitrag Thessalonikis,” by D. Blecking, 73-74.
Book Review for D. Dahlmann, A. Brenner and B. Lenz, Überall ist der Ball rund. Zur
Geschichte und Gegenwart des Fußballs in Ost- und Südosteuropa - Nachspielzeit Essen
2011, by C. Koller,
Book Review for B. Jürgens, Eintracht Hildesheim im Wandel der Zeit. 150 Jahre Sport-,
Stadt und Zeitgeschichte, by C. Becker, 78-79.
Book Review for J. Haslinger, Jachymov (Roman), by R. Müllner, 77-79.
Book Review for M. Herzog, “Blitzkrieg” im Fußballstadion. Der Spielsystemstreit
zwischen dem NS-Sportfunktionär Karl Oberhuber und Reichstrainer Sepp Herberger, by
F. Brändle, 80.
Book Review for M. Bolten, Paul Janes und die Fliege am Torpfosten, by E. Eggers, 81.
Book Review for D. Diner, Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur. Band 1 und 2,
by L. Peiffer, 82.
SportZeiten. Vol. 11, Issue 3
Special Issue: Turnlehrerausbildung im Austrofaschismus; Christlicher Sport in
Österreich; der DFB und der Dichter Herzog
“Das Institut für Turnlehrerausbildung der Universität Wien im Austrofaschismus,” by R.
Müllner, 7-30.
“Die Entwicklung des christlichen Vereins- und Verbandssports in Österreich,” by G.
“’Das neue Deutschland ist nicht das Vaterland’. Literarische Neigungen eines
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
Sportverbandes,” by A. Heinrich, 47-70.
“Das XX. Jahrhundert in Fotografien - ‘Menschen-Orte-Zeiten’. Momente des Sports im
Deutschen Historischen Museum Berlin,” by D. Kuhlmann, 71.
“Willibald Gebhardt-Symposium am 5.-6.Mari 2011 in Essen,” by A. Krüger, 72-73.
“Vom Turnen zum Sport - Beziehungen, Interaktionen, Gegensätze in der Vergangenheit
und in der Gegenwart: Ein Kongress zur 200 jährigen Gründung der Deutschen
Turnbewegung in Frankfurt vom 8.-12. August 2011,” by R. Streppelhoff,
“”Sportverräter. Spitzenathleten auf der Flucht’-Ausstellung in Berlin. Fluchtgeschichten
von Manfred Steinbach bis Ines Geipel,” by D. Kuhlmann, 75-78.
Book Review for P. Gieß-Stüber and D. Blecking, Sport-Integration-Europa. Neue
Horizonte für interkulturelle Bildung, by S. Widerkehr,
Book Review for A.K. Ebert, Radelnde Nationen. Die Geschichte des Fahrrads in
Deutschland und den Niederlanden bis 1940, by F. Brändle, 80.
Book Review for H. Bartmuß, E. Kunze and J. Ulfkotte, ‘Turnvater’ Jahn und sein
patriotisches Umfeld. Briefe und Dokumente 1806-1812, by H. Kling, 90-92.
Book Review for Berlin 36. Die warhre Geschichte einer Siegerin Ein Film von Kaspar
Heidelbach, by K. Schilde, 93-94.
SportZeiten. Vol. 11, Issue 2
Special Issue: Frauenfußball
“Profilsuche mit Hindernissen: Vorgeschichte, Anfänge und Entwicklung des
Frauenfußball-Weltmeisterschaften,” by J. Mittag, 11-44.
“’The Girls of Summer reloaded’. Vermarktungsstrategien der Frauen-WM in den USA
und Deutschland im Vergleich,” by D. Schaaf,
“Anerkennung mit Hindernissen-Die Berichterstattung über die FrauenfußballWeltmeisterscahften ,” by J.U. Nieland, 63-78.
“’Under Construction…’ oder: Die Perpetuierung der Differenz. Frauenfußball in
österreichischen Medien,” by J. Doere and M. Marschik, 79-94.
“Falken und Gazellen: Zur Geschichte von Frauenfußball in Afrika (Beispiel Senegal),”
by S. Baller, 95-114.
“Sport und Stasi- Thema einer Dauerassutellung in Berlin,” by D. Kuhlmann,
“Ausstellungen zur Frauenfußball-Weltmeisterschaft in Deutschland,” by L. Peiffer, 116117.
Book Review for P. Gieß-Stüber and D. Blecking, Schwarze Adler, weiße Adler:
Deutsche und polnische Fußballer im Räderwerk der Politik, by D. Blecking,
Book Review for W. Tokarski and K. Petry, Handbuch Sportpolitik., by D. Kuhlmann,
Book Review for Max D. Amstutz, ‘Die Anfänge des alpinen Skirennsports. The Golden
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Age of Alpine Ski-ing, by G. Falkner, 124-128.
SportZeiten. Vol. 11, Issue 1
Special Issue: DDR-Sport; Geschichte des Fußballspiels; Turngeschichte
“Von der ‘Köperkulturistik’ zum Fitnesstraining. Zur Geschichte eines
Transformationsprozesses im DDR-Volkssport,” by A. Müller, 7-24.
“Die deutsche Sportwissenschaft im Spannungsfeld der Deutschlandpolitik Mitte der
50er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Treffen der Institutsdirektoren aus Ost- und
Westdeutschland,” by W. Buss,
“Fußball in Deutschland als ethno-heterogene Geschichte- Ein Essay,” by D. Blecking,
“Die national-globale Welt des Fußballs,” by W. Hägele, 51-60.
“National oder liberal? Politische Tendenzen in der Turnvereinsbewegung im Fürstentum
Lippe 1860-1914,” by F. Lueke, 61-80.
Book Review for D. Wildmann, Der Veränderbare Körper. Jüdische Turner,
Männlichkeit und das Wiedergewinnen von Geschichte in Deutschland um 1900, by M.
Book Review for C. Nagel, M. Pahl, J. Kreuzer and J. Schemmer, FC St. Pauli. Das
Buch. Der Verein und sein Viertel, by F. Brändle, 82-83.
Book Review for C. Frilling, Elly Beinhorn und Bernd Rosemeyer- Kleiner Grenzverkehr
zwischen Resistenz und Kumpanei im Nationalsozialismus. Studien zu Habitus und
Sprache prominenter Mitläufer, by K. Schilde,
SportZeiten. Vol. 10, Issue 3
Special Issue: Sportlerbiografien: Max Schmeling und Hans Knecht; Internationale
“Max Schmeling: Das deutsche ‘Idol’,” by W.D. Junghanns and T. Alkenmeyer, 7-38.
“’Ich schwur, nicht namenlos zu bleiben’. Spitzensport und sozialer Aufstieg am Beispiel des Schweizer Radweltmeisters Hans Knecht (1913-1986),” by F. Brändle,
“Von Walfischen, Aeronauten und Luftturnern- Die Internationale Sportausstellung in
Köln 1889,” by G. Langen, 57-80.
“Ein historisches Jubuläum: 2500 Jahre Marathon im Jahr 2010. Der Marathonlauf
verbindet Leistungs- und Breitensport. Sonderausstellung nach Stationen Mainz und
Athen jetzt in Berlin,” by D. Kuhlmann 81-84.
Book Review for G. Urbanek Österreichs Deutschland-Komplex: Paradoxien in der
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H-Sport Journal Watch. First Quarter 2013
sterreichisch-deutschen Fußballmythologie, by F. Brändle, 85-86.
Book Review for S.H. Betz, M. Löscher and P. Schönberger, “…mehr als ein
Sportverein’: 100 Jahre Hakoah Wien 1909-2009, by R. Müllner,
Book Review for C. Asmuth, Was ist Doping? Fakten und Probleme der aktuellen
Diskussion; Bd. 1 der Reihe: Brennpunkt Doping. Die Macht des Machbaren und der
moderne Mensch, by A. Schreiber, 89-92.
Book Review for W. Lemke, Ein Bolzplatz für Bouake. Wie der Sport die Welt verändert
und warum ich mich stark mache für die Schwächeren (unter Mitarbeit von Regina
Carstensen), by D. Kuhlmann,
Book Review for D. Schulze-Marmeling ‘BARCA oder: Die Kunst des schönen Spiels’,
by S. Güldenpfenning, 95-98.
Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, Vol. 20, Issue 1 (2013)
“Motorische und kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit über die Lebensspanne,” by Tanja
Hohmann, Benjamin Holfelder and Nadja Schott, 2-4.
“Motorische Ungeschicklichkeit aus der Perspektive der Neurowissenschaft,” by Jill
Zwicker and Benjamin Holfelder, 5-9.
“Kein Kind bleicht zurück,” by David Stodden and Banjamin Holfelder 10-17.
“Mechanismen altersassoziierter Abnahmen im motorischen Lernprozess,” by Rachael D.
Seidler and Nadja Schott 25-18-24.
“Die Effekte von Alter und Training auf die cognitive Gesundheit,” by Kirk I. Erickson
and Tatja Hohmann 25-32.
“Der Zusammenhang von Fitness, kognitiver Leistungsfähigkeit und Gehirnzustand im
Schulkindalter,” by Charles H. Hillman and Nadja Schott, 33-41.
“Gutachterinnen und Gutachter für die Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, Jahrgang 2012,”
Compiled by Hugo Ceron-Anaya, Lehigh University Revista de Ciencias del Deporte, Vol. 9, no. 1 (2013)
“Análisis de la idea de deporte educativo.” by Alberto Gómez Mármol & Alfonso Valero
Valenzuela, pp. 47 - 57.
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Educación física y deporte, Vol. 31, No. 2 (2012)
Special Issue: Ocio y pensamiento crítico
“El ocio en el pensamiento social brasileño.” by Cleber Augusto Goncalves Dias.
“Revolución y política pública en ocio, tiempo libre y recreación: Venezuela durante el
gobierno del presidente Hugo Chávez.” by Eloy Altuve.
“La imposición del ocio. Características del Modo de Recreación de la última dictadura
militar en Argentina.” by Julia C. Gerlero.
“América Latina, ocio y Geopolítica del Conocimiento.” by Christianne L. Gomes.
“De juegos y de territorios. Comprensiones otras del ocio en sociedades de la periferia.”
by Víctor Alonso Molina Bedoya.
“El conocimiento del ocio en las sociedades de la periferia. Un análisis de los enfoques
en la producción científica en Colombia.” by José Fernando Tabares Fernández.
“Ocio y proyecto histórico.” by Celi Zulke Taffarel.
“Tiempo libre, ocio y recreación, pensamiento crítico en México.” by Lupe Aguilar
Materiales para la historia del deporte, No. 10 (2012)
“El tratamiento mediatico del dopaje en el periodo de Transición democrática.” by Noemí
García Arjona, Jean-Nicolas Renaud, & Guillaume Routier.
“História do esporte no sertão brasileiro: memória, poder e esquecimiento.” by Cleber
“Mujeres y deporte durante el franquismo (1939-1975): estudio piloto sobre la memoria
oral de las deportistas.” by Xavier Pujadas Martí, et al.
“El tenis: entre la modernidad y la postmodernidad.” by Guillem Turró Ortega & Conrad
Vilanou Torrano.
“Estudo dos eventos desportivos: da análise histórica dos impactos à perspectiva da
alavancagem estratégica.” by Elsa Cristina Sacramento Pereira, Margarida Mascarenhas,
& Gustavo Pires.
“El Mundial de Fútbol de 1982: escaparate de la nueva democracia española.” by Juan
Antonio Simón.
“Introducción a la historia de los deportes en la China antigua.” by Antonio José Mezcua
“La educación física en los primeros años del franquismo (1939-1945).” by Javier
Coterón López.
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Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, Vol. 9, no. 31 (Enero 2013)
“Foot-ball, futbol, balompié… Los inicios de la adaptación del vocabulario deportivo de
origen anglosajón.” by Xavier Torrebadella-Flix & Antonio Nomdedeu-Rull, pp. 5 – 22
“The Spanish professional soccer foundations.” by Qing Chen & Cristina López de
Subijana, pp. 79 - 9
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