City Map
City Map
Issue 2014 Town Centre Map Styria built the ”Stirapurhc”, today the Lamberg palace, at the confluence of the rivers Enns and Steyr. Subsequently, the urban settlement began to develop below the „Stirapurhc“ and the parish church. The majority of the houses in the old town centre was built during the Gothic period, and was ”modernised” in the Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo periods. 2 large parts of the old town and the suburbs of Ennsdorf and Steyrdorf. Following wars, epidemics, and the bad economic situation caused by the decline of the trade, Josef Werndl, who is remembered in the annals as the ”Saviour of Steyr”, was born in 1831. Werndl Bummerlhaus took over his father’s business and transformed it into a more Stadtplatz 32. The town’s landmark and one of Austria’s best preserved p rofane Gothic buildings. A part of the building dates back to the 13th c entury. In the 19th century, the building accommodated the inn “Zum Goldenen Löwen”. The lion is still the building’s sign up to this day. Visitors to the inn were so fond of the lion that they called it “Bummerl” (= a small, corpulent dog). So eventually, the Bummerl inn became the Bummerlhaus. Stadtplatz 13 A-4400 Steyr Tel.: 07252 / 46840 [email protected] 3 Öffnungszeiten: MO–SA 7:30–1:00 früh SO + FT 9:00–1:00 früh Suchfeld im Plan X0 charter was confirmed in 1287. The terrible fire of 1727 destroyed modern factory. Moreover, he constructed the first breech-loading gun and began its serial production, turning Steyr into Europe‘s ”weapon factory”. Josef Werndl, a true pioneer, also deserves the credit for the fact that in 1884 Steyr boasted the first hydroelectrically-powered street light system in Europe. Sternhaus Josef Werndl died in 1889, and the roots of today’s ”Steyr- Stadtplatz 12. After it was completely destroyed during the great fire that hit the town in 1727, the Sternhaus was reconstructed with a facade in late Baroque style. It owes its name to the golden star held by two birds of prey above the portal, a symbol of the iron trade. The attributes of the angel figures above the windows stand for man’s five senses. Daimler-Puch-Werke” can be traced back to his progressive idea. cars. The air raids of 1944 destroyed a large part of the produc- 4 after the end of the war. The factory’s 10,000 employees worked Meditzhaus und Meditzhof in the production of tractors, lorries, ball bearings, and, continuing Stadtplatz 9. The Meditzhaus stands opposite the Sternhaus. It was named after its former owner, it features an elaborate Baroque facade and one of the most magnificent courtyards of Steyr. The courtyard is surrounded by picturesque arcades and Tuscan columns on three sides. The ample passages leading down to the Enns river show that courtyards served as trading places that had to be accessible by horse-drawn vehicles. 11 13 • Feine regionale & internationale Küche • Wunderschönes, neu gestaltetes Panorama-Restaurant • Sonnigster Gastgarten Steyr‘s • Urige handgeschnitzte Flößerstube • Moderne Businesszimmer & Romantik Studios • Relaxen in der Wellness-Oase • Veranstaltungsräume für Hochzeiten & Seminare • Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen! Just as at the Stadtplatz, the facades at the waterfront have retained their original form. The narrow front sides of the buildings are easily visible here, hardly revealing the real length of the building complexes. Most houses extend from Stadtplatz to the river banks of the Enns. Only after entering the passages and the courtyards does the visitor comprehend the real size of them. The town’s appearance is characterised by the large number of passages and little alleys. Landgasthof - Hotel - Motel 16 8 • Kabel TV Tel. 07252/71062 • Fax DW 66 • 9 A25 PassauNord 8 ÖSTERREICH ÖSTERREICH Untergriesbach Erlau Freinbg. Pyrawang Germannsdf. Peilstein i. Mühlviertel Wegscheid INNSBRUCK A12 SALZBURG A10 A13 OSTTIROL STEIERMARK GRAZ KÄRNTEN LIENZ I BURGEN- Suchfeld im Plan X0 Rotary Panorama Trail 8 Information boards set up at outstanding points of interest along this loop trail introduce guests and locals alike to the beauties of Steyr near the National Park. Attractively designed, they briefly and concisely describe the most important sights you can see from there. A2 Schlägl Stift 127 Wildenranna Ameisberg Obernzell 941 A11 Rotary Panoramaweg NORD Rotary Panoramaweg SÜD SLO Loučovice Přední Výtoň b. Haslach Afiesl Wullowitz 163 g Tichá Pohoří na Šumavě CZ Guglwald 1122 310 Reichenthal b. Freistadt Rainbach Summerau i. Mkrs. Viehberg Rosenhof 1112 38 Jagenbach Bad Großpertholz Wurmbrand 41 Eichelberg 1054 Windhaag 708 Kerschbaumer Sttl. Sternstein St.Stefan The moat around Steyr was already populated by craftsmen in the 12th c entury. A 1,5 km long flume provided the necessary power for the enterprises. In the 19th century, the moat became home to a typical, now historically valued industrial landscape. Here, Josef Werndl’s weapons factory was transformed into one of the largest industrial enterprises of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. 13 Arbeitswelt museum Wehrgrabengasse 1. The individual rooms of this revitalised 19th-century factory complex – a former knife factory – were designed in such a flexible manner that they can be perfectly adjusted to the different requirements of changing exhibition themes. 13a Tunnel of Remembrance Incorporated into a former air raid shelter, the “Tunnel of Remembrance”, the 140 m long Lamberg Tunnel near the confluence of the Enns and Steyr Rivers, focuses on Steyr’s history during national socialist rule. 14 Museumssteg and Wendeltreppe w Zwettl ettl Groß DietGerungs manns Merzenstein Karlstift Langschlag Sandl Stift 38 Etzen 119 Fri 36 Großweiße 14a Fachhochschule Kr Until 1981, this long and narrow building accommodated the Hack factory, the last large industrial enterprise in the fortification moat. Its owner, Josef Hack, was a producer of cutlery and possessed a worldwide patent for the invention of the scallop edge knife in 1948. Today this building houses the Management School of the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences. Feld aist G ch Gu s e n As c ha l D e LINZ 15 Lamberg palace ba ch Ostron g Aist The „Stirapurhc“ was first mentioned in a document in 980. The mighty d onjon is what remains of the original fortress. The castle reached its highest glory in the 11th century as a residence of the Otakars. The entire edifice was destroyed in the great fire of 1727 and was rebuilt as a stately Baroque palace by Count Lamberg. Lamberg nobility library, and sandstone figures in the courtyard. K Enn Tr aun S D 16 Werndl monument Amstetten Handel-Mazzetti-Promenade. Josef Werndl (1831-1889) was often praised as the “Saviour of Steyr” and “Father of workers”. He founded the Österreichische Waffenfabriksgesellschaft (Austrian weapons factory company) and together with Karl Holub designed the breech-loading gun. In 1935, Steyr-Daimler-PuchAG emerged from his factory. In honour of his services to the town of Steyr, Viktor Tilgner created this life-size statue, which was unveiled in 1894. Krems e Vö ckl a 16a Voglsang Castle e s i rli tey A S me um nd Preuenhueberstrasse 14. Built in 1877 by Josef Werndl as his home, in the style of a Scottish castle. But Werndl never actually lived in it. Used as an exhibition hall for an Industrial and Electrical Exhibition in 1884. After Werndl died, it was owned by his daughter Caroline – Baroness Imhof – who actually dwelled in E Yb St s r e t Kr t n s e e a u T r Mo ng SALZBURG this castle. In 1928, a Tyrolese Franciscan Order purchased it, turned it into a boarding-school for boys and, for a short time, also ran a secondary modern school there. • Guided tours with Austria Guides Steyr (German) 17 Bruckner monument Every Saturday June – Oct.: 10.30 am Duration: 1,5 hours / No booking required! Anton Bruckner, “God‘s musician”, liked Steyr and actually often visited the town. He frequently spent his summer holidays in the parish house where he composed parts of this 8th and 9th symphonies. One of his favourite instruments was the Chrisman organ in the town’s parish church. Steyr’s Bruckner Boys’ Choir. 18 Parish church outside This three-nave church, also called “Steyr Minster”, was built between 1443 and 1522, partly based on plans of the Viennese Dombauhütte (Hans Puchsbaum). The church is dedicated to St. Ägidius and St. Koloman and was erected during the most prosperous time of Steyr to replace the old R omanesque church. The 80m-high tower, in which – absurdly – a fireman lived, was d estroyed in a fire to be rebuilt in a neo-Gothic style (1885-1889). The great variety of tours in and around Steyr offered daily is sure to arouse your Segway passion! Mo – Fr: December Mo – Fr: Su/holidays: 24.12. / 31.12.: Grünmarkt 26. The barn was built in 1612 as a grain silo and today accommo dates the municipal museum. This Renaissance double-gable building with a rich sgraffito décor used to be the seat of the “Innerberger Eisengewerkschaft” (Assn. of Iron and Steelmakers). Apart from a forge hammer for making scythes, a nail smithery, a valuable knife collection, and a bird exhibition, the museum houses the “Steyrer Kripperl”, one of the oldest operating rod p uppet theatres in Austria. E-Mail: [email protected] Besuchen Sie unser 9:00 am–6:00 pm Sa: 9:00 am–12:00 am 9:00 am–6:00 pm 10:00 am–3:00 pm 9:00 am–12:00 am Sa: 9:00 am–4:00 pm mit einer großen Auswahl an Österrreichischen Käsespezialitäten! Montag - Freitag: von 7 bis 15 Uhr Samstag: von 7.30 bis 12 Uhr 21 Lamberg’s crèche figures IMPRESSUM: Medieninhaber und Herausgeber: Schubert & Franzke Ges.m.b.H., Kartografischer Verlag, A-3100 St. Pölten, Kranzbichlerstr. 57, Tel. 02742/78501-0, Fax DW-15, E-Mail: [email protected] Titelseite und Stadtrundgang: Tourismusverband Steyr, A-4402 Steyr, Stadtplatz 27, Tel. 07252/53229-0. Layout: Idee, Kartografie und Produktion: Schubert & Franzke, St. Pölten. Druck: Ueberreuter Print GmbH. Alle Angaben wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erhoben, erfolgen jedoch ohne Gewähr und erheben nicht Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Änderungen und Druckfehler vorbehalten. Stand: August 2014. ISBN 978-3-7056-0000-0 Municipal museum. The entire collection comprises more than 200 figures and ranges from Baroque to Biedermeier. The figures used to be the property of Count Josef Lamberg. The clothes and uniforms indicate that they are the work of expert craftsmen. The elaborate use of textiles for some of the figures and the gold and silver tinsel embroidery remind of monastery work. The m ajority of figures is ascribed to the rich church crèches. Klosterstraße 1 4451 Garsten Official Steyr town map 22 Marienkirche In the late 15th century, Dominican monks established a monastery here, which was completely destroyed in the 16th century by floods and fire. The c loister church of the Virgin Mary received its early Baroque appearance in the mid-17th century. The style of the rich interior decoration is mainly Rococo, yet it also reveals some early and high Baroque. The church forecourt is s urrounded by two chapels with impressive Passion groups: Christ at the Mount of Olives and the Crucifixion. K r aft der N atu r. Ihr Partner voller Energie 0800 81 8000 Ihre gratis Service-Line. DU am 16.7. per Mail angefordert Suchfeld im Plan X0 DU am 22.7. per Mail angefordert Suchfeld im Plan X0 KÄSE Eck Öffnungszeiten: n Suchfeld im Plan X0 Suchfeld im Plan X0 Suchfeld im Plan X0 A-4400 Steyr, Schönauer Straße 5 Tel. +43-7252-42450-0 Stadtplatz 27, A-4402 Steyr, Tel. +43 (0) 72 52 / 53 2 29-0 Fax +43 (0) 72 52 / 53 2 29-15, [email protected] 20 Innerberger barn a Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr: 8:30-18 Uhr Sa: 9-17 Uhr AVL Commercial Driveline & Tractor Engineering GmbH Segway in Steyr Tourist Information DESTINY Roberta Riegler Tigern Sie zum Löwen. Umfangreiche Auswahl und bestes Service in den Bereichen Foto und Fotoausarbeitung,Telekom, Optik,Hörgeräte und Gesundheit. Testing and Validation Services Advanced booking required: +43 (0)720 / 554 721 The Gothic vault is supported by 12 clustered columns. The high altar was built in 1857 in memory of the unsuccessful assassination attempt at E mperor Franz Joseph. Two of the church‘s windows (14th/15th century) are particularly valuable: the first back window on the right, the “Laxenburg window”, c onsisting of several plates, and the window after the next, which depicts Mary’s death and her coronation in heaven. Font (1569), Chrisman organ. S Hartlauer Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H Stadtplatz 6, 4400 Steyr, [email protected] Tel. 07252/53983, Fax. DW: 26 Vehicle Engineering for agricultural Tractors Book daily – glide daily! Unsere Betriebe sichern die Arbeitsplätze in der Region! Transmission and Driveline Engineering Development of Software and Control Systems Meeting place: In front of the Town Hall Price Adults: € 9,– / children (6–14): € 4,– Upper Austrian Family Card: Children free Also offered daily as incentive group tours – advanced booking required. 19 Parish church inside The Steg (footbridge) begins at the museum and stretches over the Steyr river. From there, a Wendeltreppe (spiral staircase) leads to the Lamberg palace. r. Gottsdf. Krempelstn. Gattern 130 Esternbg. Schardenbg. Vichtenstein Wernstein st Fürstenzell Ro dl Passau-Süd Ortenbg. Every Thursday and Saturday April-Sept.: 8:00 pm / Oct – March: 6:00 pm Duration: approx. 2 hours Booking required until 12:00 noon at the Tourist Office! Tel. +43 (0)7252 / 53229-0 12 Wehrgraben-Steg a. Walde Vorder- 38 Marbach Oberkappel Liebenau Sprinzenstein Grünbach Waldenweißenb. G Helfenberg Bad Großgö fels Piberstein Rappottenstein Griesbach Neustift Atzesbg. Hörbich Arnreit Leonfelden 38 St. Peter i. Mkrs. PutzleinsFreistadt W Traberg Geierschlag Guttenberg a. Wimberg e df. Bad St.Oswald Pfarrkchn. 855 St.Johann Arbesbach i Pürnstein Lembach Höhenstadt EngertsEngelhartszell b. Freistadt Neustift i. Mkrs. a. Inn Langzwettl Schenkenfelden n Haarbach a. Wimberg G Hofkchn. ham i. Mkrs. s St.Roman 124 Amesreith Hirschbach Lasberg Neufelden Waxenbg. Pehendf. i. Mkrs. Nieder126 OberSt.Aegidi Weitersfelden b e Purrath Bad Griesbach Schmidham i. Mkrs. March Neuburg neukchn. Reichenau 136 St. Ulrich Sallingb Schärding Münzi. Rottal Kaltenberg Nieder- kappel r Altenfelden a. Inn kchn. Altmelon Lest St.Leonhard i. Mkrs. i. Mkrs. . r Weinberg 8 Bad Birnbach Zwettl g ranna Ruhstorf G Ottenschlag bei Freistadt Königsedt Rainbach Obermühl Niederwald- St.Veit St.Florian Schönbach ems a.d. Rodl e 512 Wesenufer a. d. Rott i. Innkrs. a. d. D. UnterWeng kchn. M i. Mkrs. ü Kleinzell a. Inn r Tettenweis h l v i. Mkrs. i e r Kefermarkt t e l Waldkchn. weißenbach Kopfing DiersD on i. Mkrs. Taufkchn. Neußerling 130 W a. Wesen Mittich Karpfham Kirchberg Pocking Traunstein i. Innkrs. Hellmonsödt bach Prandegg nzenkchn. ld a. d. Pram Alberndf. . a Neumarkt o. d. D. r a W Neukirchen Tannbach Herzogsdf. i. d. Riedmark Königswiesen i. Mkrs. Gutau Kirchschlag Suben l Haibach St.Martin Schlögen Schönau Sigharting a. Walde Eidenbg. Triftern Bayerbach Pocking i. Mühlkreis 127 d Lichtenbg. b. Linz o.d.D. Bärnkopf i. Mkrs. 149 119a Hartkchn. Enzenkchn. Kle Lacken Asbach 927 Aschach 310 12 Natternbach St. Agatha hen Andorf 132 a. d. Donau Kößlarn Gutenbrunn St.Marienkchn. Unterweitersdf. Bad Suben 1041 Gramastetten Erdleiten Altenberg St. Georgen St.Willibald b. Schärding Martinsb Bad Mönchdorf Bad Ulbering Würding Rottenegg Weinsberg 137 Füssing Lichtenbg. Pr Raab b. Linz Unt.-weitersdf. a. Walde 124 Mühllacken Hartkirchen Zell a Pregarten Pierbach Peuerbach Rotthalmünster m Walding Pöstlingbg. Gallneukchn. Schaunberg 129 Eggerding ut Gr.Riedersdorf 539 124 125 Kirchham Pupping Feldkchn. Antiesenhfn. Wartbg. prambach Steegen Stroheim A7 St. Thomas a. d. Donau 131 P Ottensheim L.-Dornach Dorfstetten Laimbach Reichersberg Egglfing Malching Treffling am O. a. Blasenstein Tragwein Gallneuk. Pabneukirchen Goldwörth PrambachWilhering Ort a. Inn Zell Waizenkchn. Altschwendt 127 Ort ubenberg Rechberg Naturpark Lambrechten kirchen i. Innkrs. 119 a. d. Pram Allerheiligen Aigen Stift Katsdf. Gr. Peilstein Obernbg. Ering Eferding 129 Würns 123 Bad Weinbg. St. Riedau i. Mühlkreis 148 a. Inn Dimbach Waldhausen Altenmarkt 1061 Na Saxenegg Michaelnb. a. Inn St.Ulrich Alkoven Schönering mbach 12 Kallham i. Innkrs. Martin St.Thomas Steyregg Windhaag Ried i. Yspertal AndrichsSc Hagenau i. Strudengau Taiskchn. Neumarkt am Inn Kirchdorf Leonding Innerstein i.d.Riedmark furth i. Innkrs. St. Marienkchn. 134 VÖEST Fraham Schwertberg b. Perg Bad a. Inn 133 Pasching Mühlheim St. Georgen Utzenaich Pötting 139 Luftenbg. Weilbach ti. Hausruckkrs. Mining a. Inn Pollham a. d. Polsenz St. Kreuzen Hartheim Flughafen a.d.Gusen 148 a. Inn 143 Münzbach Oswald Berg St. Nikola Tollet Hart Perg MautRied/Innkr. n n Scharten Geinberg I Taufkchn. 141a Linz-Hörsching 3 a. d. D. St. Peter Grieskirchen hausen Grein a. d. Trattnach 1 Altheim Sarmingstn. Oftering a. Hart Wallern Traun A7 Gurten Kl Pyburg 36 Aurolzmünster Peterskchn. Arbing Klam Pram Naarn St. Martin a. d. Trattach Buchkirchen 137 Asten Wendling 1 Bad 141 St. Georgen 142 i.Weng i. Machlande S t r u d e n g a Nöchling Innkr. Polling r A8 Enns Mehrnbach Hörsching Hofkchn. Haid Kn. Linz Stift 123a Saxen i. Innkrs. 141 Schallerbach Neustadtl 3 Baumgartenberg u Priel Ried Geiersbg. ÖBBa. d. Tr. Kn. 3 Moosbach Haag M Ansfelden St.FlorianKrenglbach Terminal a. d. Donau Ennsdf. WelsSt. Gallspach 134 Rottenbach Haid Marchtrenk i. Innkreis 1 119 Ansfelden Ost Kirchhm. Persenbeug BurgMarktAsten Enns-West Enns-Steyr Pantaleon a c h l a n dEizendf. WelsRoßbach Aspach Weibern Aistershm. Meggenhofen Pichl Pichl-Bad Sch. Hohenzell Traun chen i. Innkrs. 1 kchn. Kollmitzbg. St. Florian St. Mitterkchn. a. d. E. A25 Pucking b. Wels e NeuhofenAspach Mauerkirchen -Nord Haag Mettmach Kn. Wels Valentin Weißenberg Ardagger Mkt. St. Martin Ybbs im Machland HargelsWeißkchn. Erlauf ipb. am Hausruck i. Innkrs. Nieder- berg a.d.D. Meggenhfn. o Kaiserburg Maria Höhnhart Lohnsburg Kematen a. Ybbsfelde Uttendorf a.d. Traun nau Weißkchn. St.Marien Ardagger Stift neukchn. 309 a. Innbach 156 a. Kobernaußerw. Schildorn Pattigham EberSchmolln 1 Geboltskchn. Wallsee Stephanshart Schleißhm. St. Valentin Offenhsn. Neumarkt KemmelAmstetten-West UnterWels-West Würting schwang Petzenk Allhaming Neuhofen i Gaspoltshfn. a. d. Ybbs St. Georgen 1 Kronstorf Ernstbach Zeillern minathal k Allhaming Thalheim Pramet Gunskchn. Strengberg Oed a. Ybbsfelde Hofkchn. c hofen Haag 139 a. d. Krems OberA8 bei Wels Waldzell u im Traunkr. Eggendorf Staning Pennewang Mattighofen Schalchen Bachmanning Wolfsegg Blindenmarkt Amstetten-Ost Wieselb Ludwigsdf. A1 St. Johann r Haag im Traunkr. s Steinhaus Kematen a. Hausr. Oed Marbach v a. Walde Niederthalheim 143 25 Lambach s 42 o Öhling Sipbachzell a. d. Krems n Ottnang Steinerkirchen Dietachdf. Zell 138 A1 n Wolfsbach Aschbach- Mauer b Winklarn a. d. Traun u 135 Ferschnitz Wolfpassing Stift Obernd e Pfaffstätt Pernersdf. KremsWolfern Frankenburg Ampflwang a. Pettenfirst Schiedlberg Sattledt Munderfing r n Markt b. A. elsa. d. Manning Atzbach Stadl-Paura Euratsfeld Knoten a Steinakirchen münster a g Rohr uß St.Peter 122 Ulmerfeld Voralpenkreuz 144 Neukchn. Pucha. Forst Sattledt Weistrach i. Kremstal Schwanenstadt 121 er 122 i.d.Au a. d. Vöckla kchn. Sierning oosdf. H Bad Wimsbach- Eberstalzell Purgstall 147 Wang Neuhofen Ried Wald Kematen Kremsegg Bad Hall Zipf Neydharting a.d.Ybbs Rüstorf a. d. Erlauf Ungenach Christkindl Friedburg Behambg. i. Traunkr. Palting a.d. Ybbs AttnangPfarrkchn. Eberstalzell Seitenstetten Stift elRoitham 122 Fornach St.Ulrich b. Bad Hall Perwarth Allhartsberg 22 Lengau Randegg Schneegattern Pöndorf Vöcklabruck Puchheim rn Lindach b. Steyr Voitsdorf Biberbach Garsten Ried/Traunkreis Rosenau Lochen 1 Steyrermühl Vorchdorf rndorf Vöcklamarkt Waldneukchn. 1 Wartberg Gresten Aschach Sonntagberg Spieldf. Gebertsham b. Sbg. Timelkam Kleinraming Kürnberg St.Leonhard Lindach Reinsberg Straßwalchen a.d.K. Adlwang a. d. Steyr Vorchdorf M a t t s e e a. Wald Steyrermühl Gampern Regau Seeham Ertl Laakchn. n Waidhofen Irrsdorf Frankenmarkt A9 A1 Seewalchen Egenstn. Lenzing Aurach Nußbach e Böhlerwerk Mattsee Pettena. d. Ybbs 144 Schörfling a. Hongar Steinbach Obertrumer Köstendf. Oberhofen Stift Laussa z bach Kirchham a. d. Steyr See Zell a.d.Ybbs St. Georgen Ternberg Grünburg Inzersdorf Ohlsdorf Bad Gmös Naturpark Maria Neustift Schleedf. r Neumarkt Ybbsitz Weißenkchn. i. Attergau Seewalchen Regau 145 Buchenberg 31 Obertrum Schlierbach Er Gschwandt Viecht- 120 im Kremstal am Attersee 1 am Wallersee 115 Gaming Losenstein lau u orf Gstadt a. S. Wallersee Pinsdorf wang Schörfling Lichtenberg f Inzersdorf St.Georgen Oberschlierb. 154 urg Attersee am Attersee Kartause im Kremstal Zeller Trattenbach T o r Enns w Gmunden Ort Gaflenz Kirchdorf Steinfelden Zell a. Moos Henndf. a. W. See Abtsdorf St.Konrad Oberland Öts n an der Krems Gstadt Weyregg Großraming hering A1 Altmünster Reichraming a. Attersee Scharnstein Leonstein Tiefgraben 121 Nußdorf Oberwang Elixhsn. e Traunstein Altpernstein 140 Weißenbach a. Attersee Molln Mondsee Öt Steinbach 145 152 Neukirchen Innerbreitenau Thalgau LaudachWeyerEugendf. am Ziehberg Micheldorf Opponitz e yr St. Georgen Lunz a. See 1691 see Innerschwand Seeleithen i. Oberösterr. Markt bs a. Reith 151 Langau Bergheim Ramsau Frauenstn. Kogelsbach Traunkirchen Wallersee Plainfeld Seefeld KastenKlaus Mondsee Ö Vd. Langbathsee Klaus Almkogel reith Grünau 31 a.d. Pyhrnbahn Steinbach Unterach im Almtal Thalgau Klauser Tunnel 158Salzburgring 1513 Feuerkg. Langbath 71 a. Attersee (2192 m) 151 St.Lorenz Hof Gaßlhöhle 25 Au a. Attersee Gaisberg Steyrling 1592 Point b. Salzburg see en-. Fuschlsee Nationalpark Kleinreifling 115 WeißenbachGr. Höllkogel 1287 Ebenau burg Göstling . Hollenstein Schl.Fuschl 1862 Ebensee Speringtunnel a. Attersee Fuschl 152 Niglalm rg a. d. Ybbs a. d. Ybbs Hoher Nock Klauser (2862 m) g e b 154 Scharfling 150 am See t Viehtaleralm See Habernau Burgau H ö l l e n Ze Schafberg © Copyright by Schubert & Franzke, St. Pölten 2012 1963 Faistenau Leopoldskron St. Pankraz Kalkalpen Elsbethen St.Gilgen W o Bernerau Anif 1540 Lassing Maut Naturpark St. Pankraz lf Hintersee Hintergebirge Stausee Ödseen -Süd ga A l m s e e St. Wolfgang Mitterweißenbach 1522 Eisenwurzen n Of fensee Lainbergtunnel 138 Puch/Urstein g i Salzkammergut Dürra K i ill 145 Windischgarsten Lassingbach U t l Beutelsb. Every Saturday at 2:00 pm Duration: 2 hours Booking required until 12:00 noon at the Tourist Office! Tel. +43 (0)7252 / 53229-0 A9 KLAGENFURT Sierninger Straße 1. This house, built around 1600, was used for the manufacturing of gingerbread, wax candles, and mead until the mid-19th c entury. St.Oswald b. Rohrbach • Experience-packed walking tours with different themes (German) H 11a Lebzelterhaus Haslach Berg i. OÖ LAND At the end of the Kirchengasse there is a small square from where the Sierninger Straße and the Gleinkergasse begin. Here, in the centre of the S teyrdorf district, stands the Roter Brunnen or red fountain, named after its former copper roof. The people who lived in the houses around the square took water for drinking and did their laundry at the fountain. At the top of the fountain stands a graceful statue of Mary (18th century). a. d. Mühl Rohrbach Sarleinsb. Steyr: Its History and Stories Steyr Öffnungszeiten: April–Oktober: Di–So von 10.00 Uhr–16.00 Uhr November–März: Mi–So von 10.00 Uhr–16.00 Uhr 4400 Steyr • Grünmarkt 26 Tel. 07252 / 575-348 • Fax 07252 / 575-1355 • 4 EISENSTADT 11 Roter Brunnen i. Mühlkreis Kollerschlag Oepping A2 A9 Kirchengasse 16. This residential 15th-century building used to be the seat of the lower courts and constitutes the oldest part of the complex. The courtyard features a 16th-century arcade with lavishly decorated columns and tracery-laden corner pillars. Poet and novelist Dora Dunkl used to live here. Wels • Volkskundliche Sammlung • Petermandl’sche Messersammlung • Sensenhammer, Nagelschmiede • Werndl-Saal • Steinparz’sche Vogelsammlung • Lamberg’sche Krippenfiguren 7 1 A4 A6 A3 10 Dunklhof au A-4400 Steyr • Stadtplatz 20–22/II Tel. 07252/52033 • Fax 07252/46557 E-Mail: [email protected] Salzweg Passau Passau-Mitte A3 ÖFFENTLICHER NOTAR 8a SK IEN A21 Z Tiefenbach ü hl M Windorf Aunkchn. Aidenbach Egglham 9 6 • Night watchmen town tours incl. climbing up the parish church spire (German) At the end of the Steyr bridge visitors can admire the two-tower Baroque Micha-eler church (1635–1677). The gable between the two towers features a fresco of St. Michael, depicting the fall of the angels. The church’s rich Rococo ornamentation is worth seeing. The altarpiece shows the Archangel Michael‘s victory over Lucifer. ersdf. 3 2 Experience with the MP3 Player the flair of bygone days, enjoy the dreamy quiet in the Wehrgraben, listen to the sound of the knights’ arms ringing out in royal jousts and hear amusing anecdotes about the historical past of Steyr. Rental fee for MP3 Player, surprise bag, general map € 4,– Security Identity card or € 70,– Laguages German, Englisch, French, Spanish, Hungarian, Czech Duration approx. 1,5 hours A22 ST.PÖLTEN A1 SALZBURG CH CH Steyr bridge sdf. Vilshofen Walchsing a. d. Donau eis onau D A7 Steyr A12 TIROL Confluence of the Enns and Steyr rivers LINZ A1 BREGENZ VORARLBERG FL FL 9b Baroque church of St. Michael „DU kommen bis 25.7.“ DER NOTAR OBER- D A14 Can be seen at a distance of approx. 3 km upstream from the end of the Steyr bridge. According to a folk legend, Ferdinand Sertl was cured from epilepsy after praying to a wax effigy of Jesus in the hollow of a tree. In 1708, Abbot Anselm Angerer ordered the construction of this same pilgrim church, the altar of which still accommodates the original pine tree trunk. Christkindl post office, mechanical Christmas crèche, and Pöttmesser crèche. DU am 16.7. per Mail angefordert 1 : 15 000 9b 21 NIEDERA8 MÜNCHEN 9a The pilgrim church of Christkindl (infant Jesus) Christkindlwirt it one of Austria‘s most fascinating towns. CZ Wasserturm The small platform near the water tower gazes over the confluence of the Enns and Steyr rivers. From here one can also view the Tabor tower above the Michaeler church, built in the 15th century. Visitors can access the platform by climbing a long stairway with 243 steps. Originally, the tower was part of the town’s fortification and was later used as a fire watch tower. A-4400 Steyr • Reindlgutstraße 25 • [email protected] between an old town centre and a modern industrial site, making MP3 walking tour of Steyr 8a Taborturm • Single Apartments mit Küche Today, Steyr is a model example of harmonious coexistence Zwischenbrücken This yellow tower was built in 1572 to supply water to the fountains and buildings at the upper and lower Stadtplatz. The pumping facility installed in the tower was a marvel of engineering at the time. Later the tower began to incline and for safety reasons it was shortened by a third of its original size in 1909. Fam. Mayrpeter and the population increased to a current 39,000 inhabitants. 14a 5 This small square is located between the Enns and the Steyr bridges. The last house on the Enns side is the Löwenapotheke, a pharmacy with a beautiful Baroque facade. Behind a Gothic archway, stairs lead up to the Lamberg palace. The fresco above the archway depicts the two Habsburg emperors F riedrich III and his son Maximilian. According to a folk legend, these two knights were the founders of the town of Steyr. A-4407 Dietachdorf/Steyr, GPS: 4407 Ennserstr. 99, Tel. 07252-382 22 Fax DW-15, [email protected] size, particularly the districts of Tabor, Ennsleite, and Resthof, 13a 22 K a mp 6 American and the Soviet zone, the town grew significantly in 10 14 19 20 ai Suchfeld im Plan X0 • Großer neuer Festsaal • Bodenständige Küche • Seminarräume • über 190 Gästebetten • 4 gemütliche Stuben • Großer gratis 7 Suchfeld im Plan X0 18 Enns river For many a century, the river was a major transport route for iron ore from the Erzberg. Because of violent torrents and large reefs, journeys on the river raft were very dangerous. In the 16th century, rafts were replaced by barges that could transport up to 10 tons of load downstream. On their way back, the barges were loaded with food and pulled upstream by horses along special shore paths, the so-called Treppelwege. Fam. Schweinschwaller City Map Since 1955, when Steyr ceased to be at the border between the 11a 12 15 Reithoffer Ennskai arn Suchfeld im Plan X0 5 Genießen am Zusammenfluss Guide & Sightseeing Tour Steyr’s long tradition, hunting and sporting guns. 17 DR . JOSEF BRANDECKER production. In the period between the two wars, it also produced tion facilities. These were fully rebuilt, modernised, and enlarged FAMILIE VIERTLER-SCHÜRZ Haratzmüllerstraße 1-3, A-4400 Steyr Tel. 07252 / 53410, Fax 48202 [email protected] • Zimmer mit W-LAN During the two World Wars, the factory was dedicated to weapons 16a Suchfeld im Plan X0 17.07.14 16:40 The town acquired its wealth from the iron trade; an early town Stadtplatz 27. The town hall, one of Austria’s most significant Rococo m onuments, was built by Gotthard Hayberger, mayor and city judge of Steyr between 1765-1778. The four Baroque female statues on the balustrade stand for the powers held by the municipality at the time. Justice (scales and sword), penal law (ball and chains at her feet), clerical patronage (censer), and Roman law (holding a book). Suchfeld im Plan X0 STADTPLATZ 36 | A-4400 STEYR | 07252 / 53358-0 | Town hall Wir denken an morgen Besuchen Sie unsere homepage Suchfeld im Plan X0 1 002_Inserat_Mader_Stadtplan.indd 1 Suchfeld im Plan X0 In the year 980, the Otakars, the margraves and later dukes of Entgeltliche Einschaltung Suchfeld im Plan X0 Stations Of Your Sightseeing Tour Suchfeld im Plan X0 A Brief Chronicle of Steyr 9a