President`s Daily Diary, April 1, 1967
President`s Daily Diary, April 1, 1967
'HUE HOUSE Date ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON April MARY ,. , - . /D1 LBJ resident began his day at (Place) Time Telephone fa :1 <*" 1 or t LP ^ •i 12:52a " " : Ranch, Texas ~ * Day u • ~ cardsalldoneforthisweekend- (include visited by) & Jacobsen - returning tne President's call ~ * -10:00 - 10:10a ~Mr , Activity Th e President awak e - breakfast in bed consisting of" 1 poached egg (cooked in water) ; 1 strip of ranch bacon (very crisp) 1/2 slice of toast ~ glass o f apple juice and hot tea I Dal e Malechek - radio askin g location of Malechek and tankequipment status Meeks - radio - r e tan k equipment ~ ~ ~~ Jake Jacobsen - over LBJ Ranc h intercom —— — 9:40a t ~~9:45at Dale _____ _ f— 1 SATURDAY j. j* T~ "Jake ^- 8:30am~" ' 1, 1967 . Irving Frank and assistant for fitting of ranch clothes and ranch caps 4 - . . .: _ . __ . . ', — _ ; = : : : . — I __ 1 j , , , : , : _ _ , ___ . i 10:10a - ~ j ~Eye |_ an i __ , j 10:26a| I j; i; i____ J The Saw been __picture ~~ Doctor from Houston, Dr. Louis Girard d Dr. Fox ^__ , , , , ; _ : : President to the Office - looking over tne tickers on his desk Mrs. Arthur Krim and looked at large Jim Bama picture that had matted for possible autographing to the Ambassadors. President mentioned to Jake Jacobsen that he didn't think he ought to give them that after what had happened o • • «--kLC * \a' L10.L l-LEl-l plULUi O 1 SKK IKAVKI. RF.(.()RI)an LB J ha t FOR I-KAVEI. Atfrivirf 11 LJ *JD Page- llTlj.-^" -y n the _ i press story ' about No.: his f : giving Ambs _ . 'HITE HOUS E Dat e£ ENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N WARY , LB J Ranch , Texa s ~ 'resident bega n hi s da y a t (Place ) — -rTelephon Time f .. tL In Ou e_ £ t Expendi Activit o I L D Cod 10:45a Th Day _ Y y (includ e visite d by ) tur e the Dal e Maleche k House, tourin g 10:59a • Arriv 11:29a t 11:18a Arriv Clarenc 11:22a Arriv e th e Marti n Ranc h touring 11:07 af e Knetsc h r e ranc h equipmen t (radio ) e Cousi n Oreole's Clarenc e Knetsch (radio) e LB J Ranc h an d to the runwa y area 11:24a Arriv 11:30a t 11:41a Arriv Mrs 12:09p Presiden 12:10p Presiden 12:18p Int 12:31p j SATURDA - e Pr e siden t departe d th e Ma n House wit h Luc i t o tou r th e Ranche s 10:50a Arriv 12:25 12:27 April 1 , 196 7 ! _ pj e th e Reaga n Ranc h . Johnso n (radio ) - r e arriva l o f Amb. an d Mrs. d a Cunh a o f Brazil e th e Ranc h House , offic e Sid e t t o th e fron t yar d walkin g towar d th e offic e t t o the offic e w/Wal t Rostow , Geo . Christia n an d Jake Jacobsen o th e offic e workin g on on Statement r e Wa r o n Hunger r e India' s critica l foo d needs Photographer I Th jI j Mrs s i n t o th e offic e e Presiden t wen t to th e fron t yar d t o gree t th e arrivin g Ambassador s n Receivin g Line righ t outsid e offic e -wer e President , Mrs . Johnso n . Luc i Nugent , Mr . an d Mrs . Anthon y Taylor , Amb . Symingto n Each Amb . an d his wif e presente d an d handshake e e 'HITE House Dat ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON WARY LBJ resident began his day at (Place ) Day Time Telephone 1; 1 In Out Lo e April RANCH i or t .;..-.. . Activity LD ;; , p . ••'''.-' - j Returned 1:25p The tb the Main House ' President joine d the group in the school buses to tou r the ranch 1:29p Departed 1:32p 1:48p 1:57 "4:03p Line ended--President to the fence for pictures . President, Mrs. Johnson, Luci Nugent walked with the Ambassadors and their wives toward the river (Pe dernales River) 1:16p ___ 1:51 1: •V ; Receiving 1:04p The : (include visited by) I— 12:50p 12:58 SATURDAY 1, 1967 | 54p I j | -i Reagan |. Birthplace Barbeque i by bus fo r tour of the Ranch '. . . , _ Ranch ^ __. ' _— \ ; Area for BARBEQUE LUNCHEON . = — —, :—, -.-... .- .. . 'HUE Hous e Dat e£ ENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N %| ABV LBJ Ranc h _ resident bega n hi s day at (Place ) Day_ -r- Telephon Tune f : 'i L D (y b ha V— Y y (includ e visite d by ) tur s fil -jr- li n) Shortly afte r Presiden t an d Mrs. Johnso n arrive d a t Oa k Grov e area . Johnso n separated goin g t o eac h Ambassado r an d speakin g briefl y The Presiden t chatte d privatel y with Amb . Guillerm o Sevilla-Sacasa o f . The n he circulate d amon g th e man y people there, som e Texan s and almos t al l o f the Ambassadoria l grou p Mrs .' SATURDA _ * e £ . t Expendi . / " Activit t Lo In Ou April 1 , 196 7 _ !__ : Nicaragua .I n line servin g barbecue , the n to table. Seated wit h President were : Mrs. Joh n Connall y Senator Joh n Towe r . Sevilla-Sacasa , wif e o f Am b o f Nicaragua & Dea n o f th e Diplomati c Corp s H, E , Alvar o C . alsogaray , Am b o f Argentina . Mrs 2:54p REMARK •; thei —- S b y th e Presiden t welcomin g his goo d friends th e Lati n America n Ambs. r wive s an d Gov . an d Mrs . Connall y i Maste r - o- i f— • ceremonie s Cactu• •' sy~Pryor mad e openin g -remark s : , Entertainmen t followed . Grou p consiste d o f som e 4 0 - 5 0 people al l fro m Albany . Texa s j The y presented a beautifu l an d colorfu l ski t o f |1 ) the beginnin g o f the unsettle d uncivilize d West in early day s w/Indians o n horseback , see n ridin g across o n the othe r sid e o f the Pedernale s Rive r 1 th e Conquistadores ; j2 ) th e arriva l o f the Spaniard s an d th e Catholi c monk s searchin g for th e religiou s 3) the earl y settler s i n covere d wagons, actuall y paradin g unde r the ver y eye s of all i clos e t o th e rive r bank s 4) th e pioneer s wit h choru s singin g of song s lik e "Kissin g Kin . " j! Thi s grou p i s know n a s th e Texa s Fandango s directe d an d produce d by Mr . R . N . Nai l who ha s bee n doin g thi s sinc e th e earl y 1930s . Th e entir e cas t consist s o f amateur s rangin g from th e tow n doctor . a Methodis t Minister , 3 millionaires, numbe r o f graduates from Yal e an d Princeton, beaut y sho p operator, telephon e operator, deput y sheriff , housewive s and gas statio n operator . i! , i e - 'H.TE House - Dat ENT LYNDO N B. JOHNSON WARY resident began his day at (Place) LBJ T»;~. Telephone Tune f 1: In Out . LX> Lo Activity 3:35p 3:45p -- - „, V -LTU_- -- __ L_ -I _, I Remarks - - j .. - = U . 3:55pm Saturday (include visited by) ture by Gov. Connally who introduced the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the State of Texas, Hon. and Mrs. Ben Barnes - T_ - r<_- !—I -_ -- - I - - _!_.__ _- _ - "- -- ., —- -,- j--- . L-^-.-U—-rn«__--_—._ -_--i-^-^UB--Ti-.n_.- l' _ ._ __»•:-»•__ - - President, Mrs. Johnson, Gov. and Mrs. Connally personally handshaked all of the Texas Fandango_entertainment group and Cactus Pryor . with 3:50 - 1, 1967 Johnson made remarks - thanking the cast of Texas Fandango for a wonderful, wonderful colorful presentation and introduced the President. made remarks - telling the Ambassadors it "had beena memorable day and he and Mrs. Johnson were very appreciative with this wonderful time spent with all. " Introduced some of the Texans present; Sen. Joh n Tower Cong. Henry Gonzalez (who apparently had departed before barbecue) Cong. Eligio d e la Garz a Cong. Jake Pickle Gov. and Mrs. Connally 3:30p President --_ Day Code 3:15p Mrs. ,- Ranch _ or t Expendi- 1 e April | All : . — „ ^- , ,. _ . I , • — • ambassadors and other guests boarded buses for their return to San Antonio ; ._:. _-—L —L".—T_ ~ THE WHITE HOUSE Dat PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON e The Presiden t began his day at (Place)— — Entry fort *y 1 T- Telephone ; In Out ExpendiActivity ! LP • Lo A Pril 1, LBJ Ranc h, Texas Saturday 1967 Day : (include visited by ) ture C0^ -The Ambassadors included: E. The Amb of Nicaragua and Mrs. Sevilla-Sacasa (Dr. Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa) E. The Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobag o and Lady Clark (Sir Ellis Emmanuel Innocent Clarke, C. M. G. ) • H. E. Dr . Enrique Tejera-Paris and Mrs. Tejera-Paris, The Amb of Venezuela _____ ; H. E. Juan Felipe Yriart and Mrs. Yriart, The Amb of Uruguay H. E. Celso Pastor and Mrs. Pastor, The Amb of Peru H. E. Ricardo Midence Soto and Mrs. Midence Soto, The Amb of Honduras H. E. Ricardo M. Arias and Mrs. mat** Arias, The Amb of Panama . H. E. Gustavo Larrea and Mrs. Larrea, The Amb of Ecuador H. E. Hugo B. Margain and Mrs. Margain, The Amb of Mexico • __ ___ H. E. Radomiro Tomic and Mrs. Tomic, The Amb of Chile _ H,, E. Julio Sanjines-Goytia an d Mrs. Sanjines-Goytia, The Amb of Bolivia | H. E. Leitao da Cunha, the Brazilian Ambassador „________________„ / H. E. Fernando Ortuno and Mrs. Ortuno, The Amb of &to&&m Costa Rica •one card made H. E. Sir John Carter and Lady Carter, The Amb of Guyana . for ambassadors H. E. Dr. Francisco Linares Aranda and Mrs. Linares Aranda, The Amb of Guat( mala U all weekend H. E. Alvaro C. Alsogaray, Amb of the Argentine Republic & Mrs. Alsogaray mf H. E. Dr. Hector Garcia-Godoy, The Amb of the Dominican Republic ^ / | H. E. Arthur Bonhomme ari d Mrs. B onhomme, The Amb of Haiti . I H. E. Dr. Herman Ech evarria and Mrs. Ech evarria, The Amb of Colombia __^____ | The Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Paraguay, Mr. Ruben I. Alvarenga, ae^^frMI jUBpg I' an d Mrs. Alvarenga ____________«________ _ |~ T . H. The Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Jamaica Vivian Courtney Smith & Mrs. Smith /""} H. ^ ""' H. ,. || |\ I' L H. j H. j H. Mrs. H. H. E. The Amb of Panama (OAS) Dr. Eduardo Ritter Aislan and Mrs. Ritter E . Th e Amb of Brazil (OAS) Ilmar Penna Marinho and Mrs. Penna Marinho E. THe Am b of Haiti (OAS) ^rtfc Fern D. Baguidy and Mrs. Baguid yI H. Vazquez Carrizosa • E. Dr. Rodrigo Jacome, Amb of Ecuador aartte (OAS) ' E. Alejandro Magnet, Amb of Chile (OAS) H. E. The Am b of Mexico (OAS) Sgjf. Rafael de la Colina and Mrs. de la Colina E. The Am H. E . Th e Am b o f Venezuel a (OAS)Dr . Pedr o Pari s -Montesinos an d ' Mrs . Paris-Montesino s H. E . Th e Amb o f Argentina (OAS) Dr . Eduard o Alejandro Roca an d Mrs. Roc a H. E . Dr . Abraha m Horwitz, Director ; Pan America n Health Organizatio n H. E . Felip e Herrera , fra r Presiden t o f the Inter-American Developmen t Bank and Mrs. Herrer a H. E . Dr . Carlo s San z d e Santamaria, Chairman , Inter-America n Committe e o n the ' Allianc e fo r Progress , an d Mrs. San z d e Santamaria Other guests : Mr. Georg e Abell , S p Asst th e th e Chie f o f Protocol Mr. & Mrs. A . G . Ainsworth , Jr. Dr. Theodor e Andersson Dr. an d Mrs. Lui s Arocen a Mr. Norma n Armour, Jr . , Ass t Chie f o f Protocol Mr. Joh n Bard y Hon. & Mrs. Be n Barnes , Speake r o f the Texa s House o f Representatives Mr. Willia m Bow dler, Nationa l Security Counci l Mr. & Mrs. Henr y E. Catto , Jr . , Sa n Antoni o Hon. & Mrs . Joh n Connally , Governo r of Texa s Cong. & Mrs. Eligi o d e l a Garz a Mr. & Mrs. Jac k Drak e Mr. Jame s Ega n , Dr . & Mrs. Hecto r P . Garcia , Corpu s Christi , Texa s Mr. & Mrs. Glen n Garrett \ Hon. & Mrs. Wilme r St . Joh n Garwood Hon. Reynald o Garz a Cong. & Mrs. Henr y B. Gonzale z Dr. & Mrs . W . R . goodso n Hon. & Mrs . Lincol n Gordon, Ass t Secy o f State fo r Interamerica n Affair s Hon. & Mrs . Fidenci o Guerra Prof, an d Mrs. Ricard o Gullo n ~ Dr. & Mrs. Ernes t Hade n D-r. & Mrs . Joh n P . Harriso n Mr. & Mrs . Housto n Harte, Jr . mr. & Mrs . Rober t Honts Mr. & Mrs. Pau l N . Howel l ; Mr. & Mrs. Harr y Jersig i Mr. & Mrs. Belto n K. Johnso n __ Mr. & Mrs. Phili p Kazen Mr. & Mrs. Charle s O . Kilpatric k Mr. Rober t J . Kleberg , Jr . ' Hon. & Mrs. Osca r M . Laure l Hon. & Mrs . Honor e Ligarde ' Hon. & Mrs. So l Linowitz , Am b t o th e OAS Mr. & Mrs. Jo e Lon g Mr. & Mrs. Rober t Lon g Mrs. Kati e Louchheim , ^_p_Bc Dep Asst Secy of State ^ Mr. & Mrs. Jac k R . Maguir e ' Mr. & Mrs. Edwar d Marcu s Hon. & Mrs. J . C . Marti n Mr. & Mrs. Romer o Martine z Mr. & Mrs. Kell y McAdams Dr. & Mrs. Jame s H . McCrocklin , Presiden t Southwes t Texa s Stat e Colleg e Mr. & Mrs. Bank s L . Miller , Jr . Dr. & Mrs. Jos e Monner-Sanz Mrs. Joe Nea l ~ ~ Mr. & Mrs. ^jf^ Alfre d Negley , Sa n Antoni o Mr. & Mrs. Wil l E . Odo m Dean & Mrs. F . Carte r Panni l Cong. & Mrs . J . J . Pickl e Dr. & Mrs. Henr y H. Ransom , Chancellor , Universit y o f Texas Hon. & Mrs. Joh n Be n Shepper d Mr. & Mrs. Willia m Sinkin Mr. & Mrs. Marshal l Steve s _ Hon. & Mrs. Jame s W . Symington , Chie f o f Protocol Mr. & Mrs. A . J . Taylo r Mr. & Mrs. Larr y Templ e Senator & Mrs . Joh n G . Towe r Captain Georg e Watkins , Socia l Aid e Mr. & Mrs. H . B . Zach ary Walter JEtto n Caterer s o f Fort Wort h , Texa s Western Ban d of Dallas, Texa s Mariachi Ban d from Brownsville , Texa s Fandangle Performer s o f Albany, Texa s THE WHITE House Date PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON . DAILY DIARY The April 1, 1967 'Whit e House Saturday The President began his day a t (Place) Entry7 f j^0 1 T- In Out Telephone : -. Lo '. Day or t Expendi. Activity LD . (include visited by ) ture 4:03p President 4:20p President : Code walked from the Oak Grove Site of the barbeque to the Main House _ discussing into the office to join Jake Jacobsen, George Christian, To m Johnson coverage o f the Ambassador's visit to the Ranch 4:25 4: 35p Walt Rostow into the office to discuss ifes: wit h the President seeing the President' Among his many instructions, the of Nicaragua. President told Mr. Rostow to write a nice, warm note to read on the plane tomorrow President tg said to get in touch The w/ Sen. Tower and tell him that saying how much he enjoyed having them down here, and that the President and Mrs. he and his family could ride back Johnson were going into Austin to look at a house for Luci and materials for his library. on AFOne in the place of the The President kx&bo. instructed Mr. Rostow to make the note warm and just sa y that h e President and Mrs. Johnson to- President was asking Mr. Rostow to deliver this message for him. morrow 4:40p The President left the office looking for Mrs. Krim and Luci 1:44p The ____, Luci President departed the living room door w/ to Mrs. Arthur Krim Johnson Nugen t Mr. Melvin Winters Judge A. W. Moursund tour the Ranches __ ^ ITE Hoosi Date 4T LYNDON B. JOHNSON ARY _April 1, 1967 . . ,„, The isident began his day at (Place) ^^^—.——..————-— -r- Telephone Tune f In Out „ £ t Exp . Activity Lo LD White House ^ Day n (include visited by) U C< —— ; 7:55p j ^8:00p t ! .. —~ ___. i _( Saturday _ ^«-^^ -<*y —^— i j To | Dale bedroom to have Dr. Fox treat his eyes _ Meeks —-^—.^—---_^-——-_—-—-______^_________^__________-____^^_________________^.______^__-_.^___^___-__.^_______™^ ____ The President inscribed two of the Jim Bema pictures as follows: "To Melvin 3&mtELg C. Winters "To A. W. Moursund ~ I my dear and true friend of many years, my faithful and competent help mate of j April 1, 1967 Lyndon B. Johnson" many years, Lyndon B. Johnson" i , toiTE HOUSE Date April WARY LBJ Ranch Saturday ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON The 'resident began his day at (Place)_ _ T «™ T =• 1 In Out Lo 8:30p 9"05p ?oPrT I • Activity Code LD DINNER w/ The Mrs. Johnson the Mrs. Patrick Nugent" whom & Mrs. Anthony Taylor remember Mr. & Mrs . Melvin Winters about I Hon. & Mrs. A. W\ Moursund and Mrs. Tyler Abell rather Mrs. Arthur Krim told " in Jake j acobsen ~~ marys Menu: __ stewed _______ Mr. ; yb, 1, 1967 v Day ; (include visited by) tur President and Mrs. Johnson discussed visit of the Ambassadors, mentioning they had seen and that they did not some. The President kidded Mrs. Krim speaking with the Ambassadors in French Italian on the airplane tbe preceding night than in Spanish or English. The President Bess Abell that the food needed to be hotter the future." Green Salad, Steaks, Black-eye peas peaches for dessert _- ~9:05p - President into the office discussing We airplane situation for tomorrow w/ J Jacobsen When told that Cong. Gonzales had been unhappy because so many Republicans had been invited to the barbecue, the President said that he was jag President of all the people-^_ Republicans and Democrats--rather than just the Democrats. 9:25p 9:15p -9:18p ; ' | t Melvin A. Expendic Winters into the office---The President was reading a paper from Mr. Rostow W. Moursund (on Indian Consortium) so they walked over to Jake Jacobsen's desk and || talked with him. 10:45p Th ' closed e President stil l i n th e livin g roo m visitin g w / hi s guest s (sam e a s dinner ) ; offic e .