The South Lyon Herald
The South Lyon Herald
‘I-LiLT -Lviii MAY I Community Calendar Obituary SM iiti~.ii-WhitiiioreLake News—Thurs., May 7, 1964 SStion One — Page Three 1964 V w I F S Band Concert Friday I?ea tu res All Musicians 12 XENIA MAE MOORE 3 4 S 6 7 P .9 4 Mrs. Xenia Mae Moore, 630 10 ii 12 13 14 15 I 1718 192021 gg Hagadorn street, died May 2, 24 25 26 27 26 2 29 30 after an illness of two years. 3 Mrs. Moore was confined to St. Joseph Mercy hospital in Ann Senior Class of South Lyon Salem Walker Cemeter’ as-I Arbor fur a period of six weeks High school and area chap- s~iation annual nieet~g is prior to her death. She was 72. erones left Wednesday after.: Monday. May II at 7:3fl p.m. The public has been invit- Director Frank Kochalko a the sixth grade beginners ciBorn to John and Belie Har- noon for a five day trip to in the t-hurt’Ii itt Angle and Ic- i’d. admission tree, to attend program In four parts, featur- semble will play, followed boldt, July 9, 1891 in New Car- New York and the World’s] wer roads. the annual ‘l’urade of Bands” log high school, junior high by the Junior high peep. nerstown. Ohio, she married Far. ‘ . in the hIgh school gymnasium and elementary bands., wIll ‘The combined cadet and sym. Walter R. Moore in that city Wi’dni’sday, May 13. at 7:30 be presented. phonic high school bands elU . . , Green Oak Township hnai~l The high school symphon- provide the closing perfarOctober 27, 1908. He survives p.m. Past Noble Grands will meet will eiitlvene Tuesday, Mus -12: Ic band will lead oil. Then malice. her. LI ider I hi’ baton of Band A resident of South Lyon for Thursday evening, May 7 at at lie luwrlshkp hail at 8 pin. ,,. 12 years, she came here from the home of Mrs. Blanche Tub-I 1 Canton, Ohio. Mrs. Moore was bs and Mrs. Iris Kessler in a member of the Simpson Meth- New Hudson for a business and I Ynul Ii Guidance (:l,lnnlLI tb-,’ ii ri . odist church and the Ohio chap• . • ‘at the tHy li:I1l’at 8 p.m.. ter of the Daughters of Amerisocial New Hudson meeeing.P-TA will install will meet Wednesday, May 131 ca. FOR MOTHER’S DAY - . - SUNDAY, MAY lath - Survivors include: her hus- the newly elected officers at band and four daughters, Mrs. its May 7 meeting at the gym- Third Grade’s Of tile Whit’ more Lake area schools will I Jennie Gallagher of Waynes- nasiuni at 8 p.m. • . * . I leave Wednesday. May Ia fur a I btsg~Ohio. Mrs. Lula Lloyd of ‘en,,’. ‘-I I ________________ I 1 Mother a Living Gift I.~i’ve I IliTIU —. -a- are grepared WORK GANGto slave These for one membe&dttbi weá~t*S4mqn.y 1964.65forawe.k’s theerlesdlng summet — c “sian” by calling GE-7-2016, GE-8-8312 or GE-7-596L Bake sales on May 9 and 30 camp. at the May local 11-16 Ford Is deal.rthlp showroom will also’S sponcheerleading their work w~k.Anyone may hire a sored by the cheerleaders. They are (l-r) Leanne Kelley, Joann Sciturro, Pat’4~dams,Ruth Birckelbaw, Barbara Riordan and Donna Tait. ______________________________________________________________________________________ - Flowerina ___________ , ihlj . ~._. ft 4tolOft, er of -byom Las Angeles, Mrs. Dorothy California Biek- scheduled state--aycee—convennon for Friday and Sat‘~ Each child will need 30 reats~ and Mrs. Martha Sevier of urday May 8 and 9 A Katama- and a sack lunch before hican hoard the sciiooLj!im - f~r Canton. Ohio; 11. grandchildren ‘.o~.Anew state president wilt thIs outinE. . .‘ day, aM 25 May great-grandchildren. 5,services at 1 p.m. Phil- be~ elected. Patrick’s of.. WhitFuneral wereat Tues* -~--~*church • . I-~ . nesday, May6, 1 p.m. at the party Saturday, May 9 at 8 Salem Walker Cemetery’ As- j Reed Funeral Burial was in home Forest inBillCanton. cern- p.m. There will be refreshlips Funeral home and Wed- more Lake Is sponsoring a card etery, canton, Ohio. tion Is $1. Mrs. Agnes Pagei merits and table prizes. Dona. . lschairman. - - . MAE SULKOWSKI . . - sedation will be held on The annual meeting of the 7:30 o’clock in the church at Monday May ii, ~t Angle andevening, Tower roadE’ kcording to Mrs. Charles Hancit. association spokessniut.-’ . $495,~ -Crabs ,‘.llowering (he I ‘I Flowering Plum $395 to Red Leaf 4 to 6 ft. FRENCH LILAC 4 & 5 feet $3.50 POTTED ROSES $2. to $3.75 Varsity cheerleaders of South - , Mrs. Mae Sulkowski, 83 of Lyon- are holding a bake sale New York World’s Pair i~ 9822 Six Mile road, Salem died saturday, May 9 at 9:30 a.m. April to Ortober 1964 andlflS ___________________________________________________________ tstSs.- -flJ’tflflflfl.t.ts——tfl-,flflsfl-,--flt:J~t::::J’::tsJ’ S -Thursday, April 30 at St. Mary in the Ford garage. GARDEN SUPPLIES Hospital in Livonia following . . tflflfl. - .t__.t.tflsfl.,. _._$-._SJsfl Honor .~tudcnts,for~ Sally Schusteg ‘— na Hendricks. Cheryl Kappler, an Illness of el~ht months, tions by Air, Bus, Rail’ or, fifth rnar~ing period at1 Margie - bIb grade: J~yee~anfield,IDenise Mclnturff and Janice Born October 25, mao in South Lyon Sáhool board will For information Family Car and reservd.j EVERGREENS .... SHRUBS .... VINES OPEN EVERY Jones, Daniel LaMont,Istevenson. Canada, she was the daughter cohvene at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Scmth Lyon high school Jill MacLachian, Sany Richard-I Fifth graders Wilma Derk- of John and Almira (Irish) May lb. see DAY _____________________ 1 ‘0 * * ha\’e be~ announced by can,nhpth S,rhnrki andleon Cheryl Kqphlininn Mar. ~ 1r L....h.,,A LULL yi5ncipa~- Gerald I1art-~Eunice Thurman. cia’McGatiy, John Nelson, Ba~iv’~” Green Oak. Zoning Board isi Phillips Travel 5erv~ce,i 49620 W. ANN ARBOR ROAD NEAR RIDGE man. 9th grade: Thai ~ Peck, Betty Periongo, Other survivors include two slated for Monday, May it, 81320 N. Lafayette South toOii~ Phone GL.3.3141 OPEN SUNDAYS Listed were six pupils who Susan Bailo, John Bonn, Susani Ruth Bower, Dennis Carter, daughters, Mrs. Winifred Ban- p.m. at the township hall. I Telephone 438-2221 .:~ ..._ . easned all-A” grades dui’ing Carey, Rosemary Fitzsimnwns,I joy Field, Johanna Fischmann, nermari of New Hudson and the period. - Titcy were: Mary Janice Hutchins, - june Iazor,I Judy Layton, Ronald Vander Mrs. Aimira Bland of JackAnn Nortltrnp and Pamela Philip Multop, Becky StilwellIKoY. Sandra Cameron, Connie son, five grandchildren, and 15 Givens, Susan Sieloff and Da- great Schuster, ~2:lt grade; lvid Trapp. She grandchildren. was a resident of this Ewrett, .11th grade: Bonnie Steve and Sandy Wade. Honor Rolls 1-nnounced MERRY hILL NURSERY 1 iJi” ~ I Poavyhounc, and Christine Aian Weamer, * marking * inperiod * flfthl Herring, FourthMeiba gradersBlythe, KarenDebbie Bac10th grade. grade;and Reiff, six-week “All-A” honors the chieri, Retha 9th Others by class were: Spencer elementary school ati in’ Rutledge, Diane James Matt, Tite, Leslie Whitmore thke were earned’ Amerman, Cheryl Backner; Do12th grade: James Brengie by six girls. :. uglas Bennett, Karen Ehnis, area for the years. Prayers were past saidon24 at Monday Caster’ line Funeral morning, MayHome 4. with funeral services at Our Lady of Vietory Catholic Churvb;the Rev. Paula Clack, Doris Fitzsim- According to their teachers;I Zita Leapline, Lynette . Petti- Fr. - John Wittstock olficiat-: mons. Nancy Grimes. Rochelle sixth grader ,Adiqn Newiey,Igrew, Tracy Todd and Daniel big. . . . .. Horton. Sandra Jones, Miehnel fifth graders,’.1Car~a BtarlandITraPP. BurIal was in Salem WaUcet Keth, - Lou’ Ann LaBolin~Jerry and Kathkyn ‘Field, foürthl Third Graders Bonnie Bow- Cemetery. Nettles, Charlene Sinelli, Nan- grader Alice Hosjçr and third er, Gordon Briggs, Lee Carr, cy Tisch, Dianh Van.Amberg, graders Lau~’Ie Wlptér~ andi Rodney Douglas, Cheril Fearand JoAn’n --\Visernan. Bonnie Smith âqhievAd ~he sup- I er, Dcnnle Leland, Vickie Matt, 11th Grade:. Mary Birckel- erior marks. I Aj Debbie Muler, Norman PattirbawrRolaert Bici,gieTPameta~ Several ~5j flts earned k~yington, Anna Coiloni, Marl- and ~ honor ?qlfpl~&ngthej ela Reskey, Susan Romlne, ReMi4. Helen”.Gregory of South. lyn Deveri~jx, Diane Doniey,]were: ‘ . jjiee Stevenson, DavId Adams, Lyon RebekahLodgewas elect-I Robert Flavin, Susan Hartman,~ Sixth graders Becky Curry,IJo El Bodway, Sandra Col.led treasurer, of -the 1~ebekahI 1 Sinda Henry John Hines, Rich-I JoAnn Graves, Dick Grimstisnt,I lbs. Kenneth Cowen, .Danette Association, District No. 6 Sat-I Lard .Hptic~ki±!~nt_icflll~y, 1 Kathleen O’Grady, Cathy wa-I Groomes, Karen Higley, Ever-I urday May 2. Hostess chapter!. - Harhora LainallrP Marilyn ltnmg (‘hervi ‘kilo Mitcheitl pit Holy henra ijii’hng MArullilt iflfl5ffiann~l Musser. firktrge Rhodes, and Caskey, Deborali Hadley,’ Myr- Ana-Thelen, Kurt Winters, Dale at HIghland, was CI ANNOUNCING - -, - . . , . - District Loge Picks~.Mrs.Gregol 7 Bennett, Julie Crowin, Karla Eighteen lodges were Ellis. Jim Kapp, Jane LaMotte, seoted. In the jtdu~attet Gary Baker, Vicky Boarom, from this area were: Heli Tom Frederickson, Carol Phil- Thompson, Rosa Multop, Alice lips, Jackie Russeau, David Herald, Grace Van Buren, thetSouth and Susan Spirl. ma Musolf, Dora Schuster, Those earning “B average” Vinnie Richter, Lena Atchinwere Kenneth Maicom, Bill Biy son, Clara Boylan, Alma Stead, the and Ed Durbin, sixth grad- Emma Anderson, Homer Herers, Laurelyn St. Charles, Ca- aId and Fred Multop. thy Johnson, Cynthia Lurkins, and Linda Brady, fifth graders, Betty Jo Splers, Robert Kempf, Vicki Meyer, Parks Rinehart, Denice Watts, Debbie Bissettand Kevin Goodnuff, fourth graders, Mark Field, Judy LaPrell, Mary Osaer, Lynn Stanfiel~I,Ruth Stevenson and Mark r 9’ GOOD NEWS ‘‘‘I, CM.IdWt eLse LsI,i ‘a,,. 4’* . BE SUOUTED I’ ma-.. in. 0 Voss, third graders. it Mary Ann McGrath won the spell-down recently conducted in Mrs. - Snell’s third grade ‘I’.] I, ~ I_I ~;-_ ---~-~-~~ classroom. L - for that NEW SUMMER LOOK! TH’~JHOLAR Maril,n Muss~r,arjunior at 9outh b~onhigh school, has b~n s.l.ct.d by a Univeriity of Michigan committee to attend a ~o-weifr mathematics enrichment course this 4ummer. Miss Musser was nominated for the honor b~her instructor, Gary Dode; who notes that she has compiled a perfect 4,0 grade average in math this year. She is also active in class áctiviües and participates in band and chorus. ‘54 FALCON SPRINT HARDTOP — THEATRE. MAY is-te *Uk ad ooo~t ,~ and ittt— ... OuSy I DWTERGENT FOLLIYrION. S —• k. I w~h~C w~ W dabuk than,? S and .wn. dipol . oidh,ny nutble vata Wtt~ — iSy st the road or ntv. and p ntis — bubH.. aneIrc iS at fl fttat Public betith ocfl ad — ~.t n. •Iazw.d and d~dW * etittloc. AMWAY HAS IT. Aninye liqoid hcathold dean.. “LO.C,. ennoenorsted knadry opoad ~& er Ma bjodesndable! Made with dt.1o ,ed n(.e~at lpp.dleate,: ensia1 AB8P the oo,ann ci M det.,geS ~iIut Ion- Iabontay trove they rslfly d.tompn.a It, eewae. ad 11c ~k eystan, &imlnati~the it wat pollution bia eat be S by t5 theflk S any £ SPORT COATS $24~95up SUMMER SUITS $34,95 up Sce Our Summer Fashions for Men - ~n it Wa mn d — i_u Sold ndn.lnty Es byYcar An.wey ~t — -LI Prodants d~Ibtaon. toniHcite dWM,utc wmdthve to your door tith and aim Mba S~ apeior oduda that h.lp pon flfl (01’ JOur Mc.. c:,lt (or. damon. .tnlke , . - no otalni~,,. All A,ww.y a-. bauM by • cn.y-beck tWactloo rarfltee. ~ the widest choIce In the corn-6a!t field—I-i ditfefent Falcon models. - r~zzr.j rtr:trfl: - .: ‘ ______ - - Enjoy the newest styling—Falcon has ~ new total performance look for ‘64. ~emdFalcon has the plushest ride n,,,d On ‘.ti~IjtCiI),fl%IIV~ p-ca io,2 dcci Mt%!o,%mOclihs p’s ,, ow !~itt. tli l,.i,p,i,i II lip, 1,-c ,.,nd,b-ed I., ,it Icc I.. Jili WI-I, .. p l’nS ,.i-.. — Jhanks to wider rear tread, improved uspension and additional Insulation. 3 —I ‘ IT you really want to go, specify the optional 164-hp V-B-—the kind that enabled Falcon to win both Its classes tnthis year’s Monte Carlo RaIIye. AMONTH No wonder Chaflie’s bustin’ with pride! Falcon’s outselling the “Big Three’s” other compacts by almost 2 to I. And we mean to keep it that way—with low, money-saving prices you just won’t be able to inittl ~UCAH OWNA FAI.CON FOR PEA,~IU1’$#1l~ shift. And no matter which model you ~ther c$ose, sporty you get option Falcon’s isa4-speed time- stick and mpney-savirtg twice-a-year (or hiile) service schedule, So why -j-ltrrry in todayi ~jTFORD DEALLQ~ 2 (sw-s MEWS WEAR £Itowinss ~Iday and Saturday 7:00 and 9:00 P.M. Saturdavdfld Sunday ChIldren. Matinee at 2~00P.M. ~undas’6:m’) and t:00 P.M. 116 E.-Lake GE-7-±04 TO F~IDOUT MOSt 0001 *MWAT LOt. SlID S-A-I CALL GE-7-2213 AFTER 4 P.M. Celestia Burnett WILLIAMS and LLOYD, Inc. 124 N. LAFAYETTE ST. SOUTH LYON GE 8-27~1
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