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Energy Energie aus fester Biomasse in Thailand Projektmöglichkeiten im öffentlichen Sektor und im Rahmen der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit Torsten Fritsche Director Resource-Efficiency and Energy GIZ Thailand Berlin, 05.03.2012 Content Status quo of Thailand and ODA Nationaler Entwicklungsplan (2012-2016) und Relevanz für Biomasseprojekte Projekte des Energieministeriums Initiativen unterstützt durch internationale Institutionen Deutsche Initiativen Status quo of Thailand Thailand ist kein Entwicklungsland mehr Weltbank stuft Thailand als Upper-Middle-IncomeEconomy ein So gut wie keine Ausschreibungen als Grant-Projekte über Geberprogramme Keine granted Infrastrukturprojekte mehr Status quo of Thailand Kreditprogramme unterstützt durch internationale Finanzierungsbanken werden über lokale Banken abgewickelt KFW/DEG hat keine neuen zinsgünstigen (BMZ) Kreditprogramme für Thailand mehr seit 2004 BMZ hat die internationale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit für Projekte mit ausschließlich Thailand als Partnerland im Dezember 2011 eingestellt aber, GIZ ist und bleibt in Thailand insbesondere im Klima und Energiebereich aktiv Status quo of Thailand BMWi ist insbesondere über die Exportinitiative noch aktiver geworden in Thailand BMU Internationale Klimaschutzinitiative sieht Thailand als ein Schwerpunktland BMZ hat mit regionalen Projekten noch Aktivitäten in Thailand, auch RE Klimagelder und Projekte von Internationalen Gebern förden u.U. wieder neue Infrastrukturprojekte The 11th NESD Plan (2012-2016) 1 Promoting the just society 2 Developing human resources to promote lifelong learning society 3 Balance of food and energy security 4 Stable economy based on knowledge and enabling factors 5 Linkages of economic and security in the regions 6 Sustainable management of natural resources and environment Source : www.nesdb.go.th Balancing food and energy security u Developing natural resources to strengthen the agricultural base u Enhancing the agricultural productivity and value creation u Promoting job and income security for farmers u Developing bio-energy security to support the national development and agricultural sector u Improve the agricultural management to ensure the balance of food and energy u Enhancing food and bio-energy security and biomass at household and community level Source : www.nesdb.go.th Managing natural resources and environment towards sustainability u Conserving and restoring the natural resource base and the environment u Shifting development Paradigm towards the Low Carbon Society u Enhancing adaptive capacity to achieve climate-resilient society u Building immunity from the use of trade measures to protect the environment uEnhancing Thailand’s role in the global environmental forum and international cooperation u Preventing and reducing pollution u Improving the efficiency, transparency and equity of the natural resource and environment management system Source : www.nesdb.go.th Development Guidelines Shifting development paradigm and driving Thailand towards Low Carbon Society (1) Restructure production sectors towards low carbon economy (2) Increase energy efficiency in transportation and logistics (3) Develop environmental friendly cities by integrating the culture, society and ecology aspects (4) Change consumption behavior to achieve low carbon society (5) Utilize the measures of generating income from natural resource and biodiversity conservation. Source : www.nesdb.go.th Public Projects Biomass project activities in Thailand (1/3) Biomass projects under "ESCO Fund“, Project Budget: 500 million baht (12.5 mill EUR) sponsored by DEDE, fund managed by EforE Phase I 1. True Energy Power Lopburi Co., Ltd is a Steam Turbine Biomass Power Plant with the installed capacity of 7.5 MW using woodchip as a fuel. The total investment is 233 MB (5,8 mill EUR), 23.50 MB of which has been co-invested by EforE. (2011) 2. Plan Ecoenergy Co.,Ltd is a Gasification Biomass Power Plant with the installed capacity of 4.5 MW using rubber root as a fuel. The total investment is 325 MB (8,1 mill EUR), 22.07 MB of which has been co-invested by EforE. (2010) 3. Supreme Renewable Wiengan is a Gasification Biomass Power Plant with the installed capacity of 1 MW using corncob as a fuel. The total investment is 50 MB (1,25 mill EUR), 14 MB of which has been co-invested by EforE. (2010) Public Projects Biomass project activities in Thailand (2/3) Biomass projects under "ESCO Fund“ Phase II Amounting 300 Million Baht in Phase II (October 2011 to September 2013). November, 2011 , 11 Projects awarded the financial support. 6 Projects of energy efficiency and 5 projects of renewable energy List of projects awarded ESCO Fund Phase II Para Wood Root Power Plant, Yala province, 7.5 Mwe Plan Eco Energy Co.,Ltd., 5.3 Mwe Rich Husk Power Plant, 9.4 MWe, 5.3 MWe Public Projects Biomass project activities in Thailand (3/3) The Research and Demonstration Project on Gasifier supported by DEDE Study and development of biomass gasification unit for agricultural pumping system; DEDE/Ubon Ratchathani University Feasibility Study of Gasifier for Electricity Generation for Industrial Waste at Na-Poon Tambon Local Administration; UNIDO/ Chiang Mai University kw Three Stages Monthly averaged daily biomass available at 18 Ton per day during February to May (dry season). The biomass availability is minimum during raining season (June to October) due to difficulty in bamboo harvesting. Recommended that two of 125 kWe gasification electrification should be selected. Internationale Initiativen Internationale Grantprojekte USAID – PFAN Project UNDP RE-Machbarkeitsstudie für eine kleine Stadt im Nordwesten Thailands Biomassenetzwerk (beendet) Finnland Matchmaking zwischen Projektidee und potentiellem Investor Policy Dialogue in ASEAN RE Projekt für die Mekong Region UK Planen Aktivitaeten mit Klimaschuzgeldern Deutsche Initiativen BMWi Initiative (1/2) Gemeinschaftsstand der BMWi Exportinitiative Erneuerbare Energien auf der Renewable Energy Asia in Bangkok (2011 u. 2012) AHK – German Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) Zielmarktanalyse Biomasse (2012) 11.06. – 15.06.2012 zu Biomasse und Biogas in Thailand, Bangkok Matchmaking am Gemeinschaftsstand der BMWi EEE auf der REA in Bangkok (2011 u. 2012) Deutsche Initiativen BMWi Initiative (2/2) Projektentwicklungsprogramm PEP Südostasien Biomasseworkshops in Thailand und Deutschland Projektentwicklerworkshop in TH (2011) Betreiberworkshop in TH (2011) Informationsworkshop in DE (2012) Follow Up Workshop nach Deutschlandexkursion TH (2012) Biomasseworkshop im Rahmen der AHK Geschäftsreise in TH (2012) Netzwerkkonsultationen des Biomassesektors in TH (2011-2012) Einkäufer- und Multiplikatorenreise (2012) Regionale Kooperation zum ASEAN Biomassemarkt Informationsworkshop Energie aus Biomasse in Thailand VIELEN DANK – THANK YOU – KOP KHUN KHRAB Aufwiedersehen in Thailand – See You in Thailand Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Fritsche Director Resource-Efficiency and Energy GIZ Thailand [email protected]