Unit 1 Diversity
Unit 1 Diversity
Unit 1 Diversity Unit 1 Diversity © 2012 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Seite 6 diversity diverse [da91v3.s4ti] [da91v3.s] Vielfalt vielfältig community [k41mju.n4ti] Gemeinschaft, Gemeinde Asian tense harmonious [1e9Sn] [tens] [h2.1m48ni4s] asiatisch, Asiate, Asiatin angespannt, spannungsgeladen harmonisch multicultural [!mclti1kcltS4r4l] multikulturell to be prejudiced [bi 1pred7ud9st] segregated [1segr9ge9t9d] Vorurteile haben, voreingenommen sein abgetrennt, segregiert to get along with sb interracial to resemble to interact with sb [!get 41lqN w9D] [!9nt41re9Sl] [r91zembl] [!9nt4r1äkt w9D] to stay separate from each other to fight with sb [!ste9 1sepr4t fr4m i.tS cD4] [1fa9t w9D] to mix with each other [1m9ks w9D i.tS cD4] sich untereinander mischen, sich vermischen to practise Buddhism Buddhist Christianity Christian [1präkt9s] [1b8d9z4m] [1b8d9st] [!kr9sti1än4ti] [1kr9stS4n] praktizieren, ausüben Buddhismus BuddhistIn, buddhistisch Christentum christlich; ChristIn Hinduism Hindu Judaism Jewish Jew Muslim atheist atheism non-religious ethnicity [1h9ndu.9z4m] [1h9ndu.] [1d7u.de99z4m] [1d7u.9S] [d7u.] [1m8zl9m] [1e9Ti9st] [1e9Ti9z4m] [!nqn r91l9d74s] [eT1n9s4ti] Hinduismus Hindu, Hinduistin Judentum, Judaismus jüdisch Jude, Jüdin Muslim/a; muslimisch AtheistIn; atheistisch Atheismus nicht religiös ethnische Zugehörigkeit to immigrate [19m9gre9t] einwandern immigrant [19m9gr4nt] EinwandererIn, MigrantIn Croatian descent stereotype [kr481e9S4n] [d91sent] [1steri4ta9p] kroatisch, Kroate, Kroatin Abstammung, Herkunft Klischee, Vorurteil prejudice [1pred7ud9s] Vorurteil [9n1t3.pr9t] [1säta94] [me9k 1fcn 4v] interpretieren Satire sich über jdn/etw lustig machen mit jdm gut auskommen zwischen den Rassen ähneln mit jdm. interagieren/kommunizieren voneinander getrennt bleiben mit jdm. streiten/kämpfen People from many different cultures live in my neighbourhood. It’s truely diverse. There is a strong sense of community in my neighbourhood. The people in my neighbourhood live together harmoniously. They never argue. With its 270 nationalities, London is the multicultural centre of Europe. She’s so prejudiced against African Americans. She’s not very open to other cultures. The US used to have racially segregated seating on public buses, with a special area for African Americans. Samira doesn’t get along with her classmates. Samira didn’t speak English. She was unable to interact with anybody. Their families did not want them to communicate. They had to stay separate from each other. He is very aggressive and constantly fights with his classmates. Although my neighbourhood is multicultural, the different families mix a lot with each other. Seite 7 I don’t practice any religion. She is a practicing Buddhist. The Ten Commandments are very important for Christians. Are all Indians Hindus? There are lots of stereotypes about Jews. Muslims believe in Allah. Atheists do not believe in a god. I grew up in a non-religious family. Children in mixed ethnicity classrooms learn a lot about different cultures. Samira immigrated from Turkey to England when she was seven. Arnold Schwarzenegger is an Austrian immigrant to the USA. Samira is of Turkish descent. She’s from Istanbul. Brian certainly does not fit the stereotype of the polite British. He has prejudices against black people. He thinks they’re bad people. Seite 8 to interpret satire to make fun of sb/sth Seite 1 von 5 Her classmates constantly make fun of Samira’s Turkish accent. Unit 1 Diversity patriotic gun to question sth to mention [gcn] [1kwestS4n] [1menSn] patriotisch Schusswaffe etw in Frage stellen erwähnen to shoot sb [Su.t] jdn (er)schießen barbarian to judge [b2.1be4ri4n] [d7cd7] Barbar beurteilen, urteilen to be true of sb to act [bi 1tru. 4v] [äkt] auf jdn zutreffen sich verhalten, handeln judgement race [1d7cd7m4nt] [re9s] Urteil Rasse social class [!s48Sl 1kl2.s] soziale Schicht gender [1d7end4] Geschlecht belief [b91li.f] Überzeugung sexual orientation [!sekSu4l 0.ri4n1te9Sn] Orientierung homosexual concept conception simplified to stereotype sb (as sth) stereotypical [!h48m41sekSu4l] [1kqnsept] [k4n1sepSn] [1s9mpl9fa9d] [1steri4ta9p] homosexuell; Homosexuelle/r Begriff Begriff, Vorstellung vereinfacht jdn (als etw) abstempeln [!steri41t9p9kl] klischeehaft, stereotyp to discriminate [d91skr9m9ne9t] diskriminieren assumption [41scmpSn] Vermutung, Annahme, Vorurteil to contradict [!kqntr41d9kt] widersprechen, widerlegen to classify exception (to the rule) language assistant [1kläs9fa9] [9k1sepSn] [1läNgw9d7 4s9st4nt] cliché once embarrassing [1kli.Se9] [wcns] [9m1bär4s9N] klassifizieren, einteilen Ausnahme (von der Regel) SprachlehrerIn, FremdsprachenassistentIn Klischee sobald, wenn peinlich fluently [1flu.4ntli] fließend self-confidence in public to appreciate to strike sb strictly forbidden to take sth for granted [!self 1kqnf9d4ns] [9n 1pcbl9k] [41pri.Sie9t] [stra9k] [!str9ktli f41b9dn] [!te9k f4 1gr2.nt9d] Selbstsicherheit, Selbstvertrauen in der Öffentlichkeit schätzen, zu schätzen wissen jdm auffallen strengstens verboten etw für selbstverständlich nehmen to let sb down [!let 1da8n] jdn im Stich lassen to cringe eldest Poor guy! [kr9nd7] [1eld9st] [!p0. 1ga9] zusammenzucken älteste/r/s Der Ärmste! Many Americans possess a gun. You wouldn’t know that he’s not a native if he didn’t mention it. He only carries his gun to feel safe. He has never used it to shoot somebody. You shouldn’t judge somebody before you get to know them. He acts like a total ignorant! © 2012 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Seite 9 It’s wrong of him to disapprove of his daugher’s relationship because of her boyfriend’s race. Social class is more than just how much money you have. Some of the most popular jokes play with gender stereotypes. Racial discrimmination goes against my personal belief that all humans are equal. It’s unfair to discriminate a person on the basis of their sexual orientation. The concept of “stereotype” is not easy to explain. The French are stereotyped as arrogant. The stereotypical image of the British is that they all drink a lot of tea. It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, gender or religion. Seite 10 I tend to make assumptions about people based on their appearance. New studies contradict some very popular gender stereotypes. I worked as a German language assistant in America. It’s a cliché that British people are always polite. When I fell over, it was very embarrassing. Everyone laughed at me. Seite 10 Transkript My mum speaks French fluently. She speaks it very well. Seite 2 von 5 We take a lot of things for granted – like having water, food and electricity. My best friend always stands by my side. She would never let me down. Unit 1 Diversity understanding misunderstanding [!cnd41ständ9N] [!m9scnd41ständ9N] verständnisvoll Missverständnis Her friends are very tolerant and understanding. It’s just a misunderstanding. He didn’t understand and got it wrong. monolingual universe excitement freshman year AE carry-on bag extended family to gather [!mqn41l9Ngw4l] [1ju.n9v3.s] [9k1sa9tm4nt] [!freSm4n 1j94] [!käri 1qn bäg] [9k!stend9d 1fäm4li] [1gäD4] einsprachig Universum Aufregung erstes Studienjahr Handgepäck Großfamilie sammeln, sich versammeln to say farewell bound for anxiety [!se9 fe41wel] [1ba8nd f4] [äN1za94ti] jdn verabschieden nach, in Richtung Angst to depart from sth to influence [d91p2.t fr4m] [19nflu4ns] etw verlassen, etw hinter sich lassen beeinflussen value [1välju.] Wert society label to bear sth accent [s41sa94ti] [1le9bl] [be4] [1äksent] Gesellschaft Etikett tragen Akzent inhabitant taste [9n1häb9t4nt] [te9st] EinwohnerIn Geschmack fear to take pride in sth [f94] [!te9k 1pra9d 9n] awkward annoying out of place enthusiasm excitement [10.kw4d] relative core satisfaction admirable [1rel4t9v] [k0.] [!sät9s1fäkSn] [1ädm4r4bl] I really like his taste in music. He listens to a lot of good bands. Angst, Furcht My main fear is spiders. I’m really scared of them. auf etw stolz sein She takes pride in her garden. She’s very proud of her flowers. peinlich, schwierig, komisch, seltsam Her first day at the new school felt quite awkward. nervig He’s always late. That’s such an annoying habit! fehl am Platz Begeisterung(sfähigkeit) She has a real enthusiasm for travelling. Aufregung, Begeisterung The long journey to Bolivia only added to her excitement. Verwandte/r I’m going to a family party to see all my relatives. Kern Befriedigung, Zufriedenheit bewundernswert Cyprus cross-cultural [1sa9pr4s] [!krqs 1kcltS4r4l] Zypern inter-, transkulturell to refer sb to sth exchange student volunteer doubt the gist affair to approve of sb/sth [r91f3. t4] [9ks1tSe9nd7 stju.dnt] [!vql4n1t94] [da8t] [D4 1d79st] [41fe4] [41pru.v 4v] homosexuality [!h48m4!sekSu1äl4ti] jdn auf etw verweisen AustauschschülerIn ehrenamtliche/r HelferIn Zweifel das Wesentliche Affäre, Verhältnis mit jdm/etw einverstanden sein, jdn/etw billigen Homosexualität [1kql4mn9st] [de9t] [kju.t] [!get cp1set] [kra91t94ri4n] KolumnistIn mit jdm ausgehen süß sich aufregen, sich ärgern Kriterium, -ien © 2012 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Seite 11 [a8t 4v 1ple9s] [9n1Tju.ziäz4m] [9k1sa9tm4nt] I gathered the information from books and collected it all together. He feels a lot of anxiety about things. He gets worried a lot. Her experiences abroad have greatly influenced her. Today’s young people have a totally different set of values than the older generation. I carry the ideas and values of Western society. She has a strong Scottish accent. I can’t understand what she’s saying. Seite 12 If a European marries an Asian person, it is a crosscultural marriage. His parents do not approve of his homosexual relationship. Seite 13 columnist to date sb cute to get upset criterion, -ia Seite 3 von 5 We use various criteria (e.g. size and colour) to test whether our products are of a high enough quality. Unit 1 Diversity to disapprove of sb/sth [!d9s41pru.v 4v] ethnic ethnic group a cutie charmer racism [1eTn9k] [1eTn9k gru.p] [4 1kju.ti] [1tS2.m4] [1re9s9z4m] mit jdm/etw nicht einverstanden sein, jdn, etw missbilligen ethnisch Volksgruppe ein/e Süße/r eine charmante Person Rassismus to un-learn sth enlightenment to sail wave [!cn 1l3.n] [9n1la9tnm4nt] [se9l] [we9v] sich etw abgewöhnen Aufklärung, Erleuchtung zur See fahren, segeln Welle body intolerant [1bqdi] [9n1tql4r4nt] (Text:) Hauptteil intolerant comprehension [!kqmpr91henSn] Verständnis He strongly disapproves of interracial marriage. The mayor promised to continue his fight against racism. Seite 14 He’s so intolerant of people whose beliefs differ from his own opinions. Seite 14 Transkript © 2012 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. to give sb. advice jmd. Rat geben indeed concern acceptance [9n1di.d] [k4n1s3.n] [4k1sept4ns] in der Tat, allerdings Sorge, Anliegen Annahme, Hinnahme, Sichabfinden mature [m41tS84] reif No way! jackass [!n48 1we9] [1d7äkäs] Auf keinen Fall! Trottel, Idiot [kqnv4!se9S4nl 1t48n] [k4n1träkSn] [d9!l9v4 1nju.z] [1kl48z9N] [1scbd79kt mät4] [hcg] Plauderton, lockerer Umgangston Zusammenziehung Nachrichten überbringen Schlusswendung, Schlussformel Gegenstand, Thema, Materie Umarmung appropriate [41pr48pri4t] angebracht, angemessen to reject to address sth [r91d7ekt] [41dres] ablehnen, ab-, zurückweisen etw (ein Thema etc.) ansprechen to divide sth up to go off a subject confusing event determining [d9!va9d 1cp] [g48 !qf 4 1scbd79kt] [k4n1fju.z9N] [91vent] [d91t3.m9n9N] etw aufteilen vom Thema abkommen verwirrend Ereignis entscheidend, bestimmend [1rez9d4ns] [1gränscn] [träns1f3.] [s41pla9] Wohnort Enkel jdn (beruflich) versetzen zur Verfügung stellen, hier: angeben to be stuck somewhere [bi 1stck] irgendwo feststecken/festsitzen to hit to delay [h9t] [d91le9] erreichen verzögern I didn’t know what to do, but my friend gave me really good advice. It’s a big concern. I’m worried about it. There’s widespread acceptance of his homosexuality among his friends and colleagues. You’re 18 now, but you don’t behave in a very mature way! Seite 14 conversational tone contraction to deliver news closing subject matter hug Seite 15 Be sure to choose an appropriate closing when writing a letter. We have to address this problem in our next meeting. This is an important issue. His letter was badly structured and very confusing. Seite 16 residence grandson to transfer sb to supply Please supply all information asked for. Seite 17 We’re stuck in the city. There are so many traffic jams and we can’t get out. Please proceed to gate C17 immediately. You are delaying the flight. Seite 4 von 5 Unit 1 Diversity runway to wonder What the heck! welfare to indicate to notify [1rcnwe9] [1wcnd4] [!wqt D4 1hek] [1welfe4] [19nd9ke9t] [1n48t9fa9] Start- und Landebahn sich fragen Ach, was soll's! Wohlergehen darauf hindeuten benachrichtigen search party shameless to support [1s3.tS p2.ti] [1Se9ml4s] [s41p0.t] Suchtrupp schamlos untermauern, bestätigen to refute [r91fju.t] widerlegen, bestreiten to cause sb to do sth [k0.z] jdn dazu veranlassen, etw zu tun joy grief furthermore to improvise thereby circumstances pl celebration intention [d709] [gri.f] [!f3.D41m0.] [19mpr4va9z] [!De41ba9] [1s3.k4mst4ns9z] [!sel91bre9Sn] [9n1tenSn] Freude Trauer darüber hinaus, außerdem improvisieren dabei Umstände Feier Absicht, Vorhaben audience to relate to sth conclusion instructions to compose [10.di4ns] [r91le9t t4] [k4n1klu.7n] [9n1strckSnz] [k4m1p48z] Publikum, Zuhörer mit etw in Verbindung stehen Schluss, Schlussfolgerung Anweisungen (Text:) verfassen [9n1tql4r4ns] Intoleranz We’ve notified your parents. We told them what happened. I could give you at least five examples that support this stereotype. No one will refute this argument. It’s very reasonable. The argument with her host family caused her to run away from home. © 2012 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Seite 18 Seite 19 intolerance Seite 5 von 5 My intention is to go to Switzerland. That’s what I plan to do. The audience really enjoyed watching the show.