peanut cartoon
peanut cartoon
Unit 6 Successful in the world of work Unit 6 Successful in the world of work Seite 78 to make it [1me9k 9t] es schaffen [!te9k t4 D4 !nekst 1levl] [ D48] [!D9Nz 2. l8k9N 1bra9t] etw einen großen Schritt voran bringen obwohl, auch wenn Die Aussichten sind gut. it doesn't matter bridge to turn out outcome job satisfaction [9t !dcznt 1mät4] [br9d7] [!t3.n 1a8t] [1a8tkcm] [1d7qb sät9sfäkSn] es ist egal Mittelteil (eines Songs) ausgehen Ergebnis Arbeitszufriedenheit self-employment [!self 9m1pl09m4nt] selbstständige Tätigkeit, Selbstständigkeit driving force motive level duty [!dra9v9N 1f0.s] [1m48t9v] [1levl] [1dju.ti] Triebfeder Motiv, Beweggrund Niveau Aufgabe, Pflicht further education [!f3.D4r ed7u1ke9Sn] Weiterbildung infrastructure [19nfr4strcktS4] Infrastruktur pay promotion [pe9] [pr41m48Sn] Bezahlung Aufstieg, Beförderung promotion prospects [pr41m48Sn prqspekts] Aufstiegschancen social benefits pl [!s48Sl 1ben9f9ts] Sozialleistungen team spirit [!ti.m 1sp9r9t] Teamgeist working climate [1w3.k9N kla9m4t] Arbeitsklima working times pl [1w3.k9N ta9mz] Arbeitszeiten [pr41m48t] [!si.ni4r end791n94] [!li.d end791n94] [!d9sr91spekt] befördern Oberingenieur leitender Ingenieur jdn geringschätzen awful long time [!0.fl lqN 1ta9m] furchtbar lange (Zeit) to pay off [!pe9 1qf] sich auszahlen all but impossible to flunk sth AE infl Latin [!0.l bct 9m1pqs4bl] [flcNk] [1lät9n] völlig unmöglich in/bei etw durchfallen Latein He really made it! He succeeded in getting the job. Seite 78 Transkript to take sth to the next level even though Things are looking bright. © 2012 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Seite 79 Job satisfaction and productivity are directly linked. The happier we are with our job, the more efficiently we work. A lot of people go into self-employment so they can be their own boss. Seite 80 My main duties include filing and answering the telephone. That’s what I do at work. Further Education is important if you want a good career. According to statistics, job satisfaction depends, among others, on a company’s infrastructure and equipment. She’s just got a promotion. She’s now the head of department. Promotion prospects are good for motivated people. The more you want it, the better your chances are to get promoted. In addition to the regular salary, the company offers its employees social benefits. Team spirit is really high among my colleagues. We’re all enthusiastic about working together. Everybody gets on well at the office. Our working climate is very pleasant. More and more companies are introducing flexible working times. Seite 81 to promote senior engineer lead engineer to disrespect sb Seite 82 Seite 1 von 5 It took an awful long time. We were working on it for days. I’ve passed the exam. All those weeks of studying have finally paid off. © 2012 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Unit 6 Successful in the world of work algebra promptly [1äld79br4] [1prqmptli] Algebra umgehend, prompt consolation match awkward astonished [!kqns41le9Sn mätS] [10.kw4d] [41stqn9St] Trostmatch unbeholfen, ungeschickt erstaunt dating to be turned down [1de9t9N] [bi !t3.nd 1da8n] ein Rendezvous haben einen Korb bekommen, abblitzen loser to roll with sth to make up one's mind about sth to content oneself [1lu.z4] [1r48l w9D] [!me9k cp wcnz !ma9nd 4ba8t] [k4n1tent wcnself] Versager, Flasche sich einer Sache fügen sich über etw klar werden inevitable mediocrity drawing artwork no one else senior year [9n1ev9t4bl] [!mi.di1qkr4ti] [1dr0.9N] [12.tw3.k] [!n48 wcn 1els] [!si.ni4 1j94] to submit [s4b1m9t] unvermeidlich Mittelmäßigkeit Zeichnen Illustrationen niemand sonst Abschlussjahr an der amerik. High School einreichen yearbook to turn sth down rejection [1j94b8k] [!t3.n 1da8n] [r91d7ekSn] Jahrbuch etw ablehnen Ablehnung ability artist to propose [41b9l4ti] [12.t9st] [pr41p48z] Fähigkeit IllustratorIn vorschlagen once again [!wcns 41gen] erneut, noch einmal, schon wieder autobiography chronic underachiever [!0.t4ba91qgr4fi] [1krqn9k] [!cnd4r41tSi.v4] Autobiografie chronisch jemand, dessen Leistungen hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleiben cartoon character lack of success peanut kite to come to terms with sth entitled [k2.!tu.n 1kär9kt4] [!läk 4v s4k1ses] [1pi.nct] [ka9t] [!kcm t4 w9D] [9n1ta9tld] Comicfigur Erfolgsmangel Erdnuss (Flug-, Lenk-)Drachen sich mit etw abfinden, mit etw zurechtkommen mit dem Titel self-employed [!self 9m1pl09d] selbstständig courage news item dictation presenter [1kcr9d7] [1nju.z a9t4m] [d9k1te9Sn] [pr91zent4] Mut Nachrichtenmeldung Diktat RednerIn to claim leap in the dark [kle9m] [!li.p 9n D4 1d2.k] behaupten Sprung ins Ungewisse wholly income motivator comprehensive [1h48li] [19nkcm] [1m48t9ve9t4] [!kqmpr91hens9v] völlig Einkommen motivierender Faktor umfassend sich zufrieden geben, sich begnügen Please send your payment promptly. We need it very soon. I was really astonished by what she was wearing. She really surprised me. I asked her to go out with me, but I was turned down. I never tried to get a better job. I contented myself with what I had. It was inevitable. It was always going to happen. No one else will go. Only Jane is going. I’m in my senior year at school. I’ll be finished next year. All essays need to be submitted by Tuesday morning. Anything that’s handed in afterwards will not be graded. I don’t like rejection. It’s not nice to be turned down. I propose we go to the cinema tonight. That’s my suggestion. Once again, he didn’t come to the cinema with us. He hasn’t been for a long time. They had really high expectations, but he never became as successful as he could have been. He’s a real underachiever. It was a struggle, but I’m okay now. I’ve come to terms with my problems. Seite 83 My dad’s self-employed. He has his own small business. Seite 83 Transkript Seite 2 von 5 I didn’t know what to expect. It was a leap in the dark. Thanks for your comprehensive report. It’s very informative. Unit 6 Successful in the world of work legal matters thought-through business plan [! 1mät4z] [!T0.t1Tru.] [1b9zn4s plän] Rechtsangelegenheiten durchdacht Geschäftsplan vital Beauty pays. philosophy best-looking unanswered to make up for sth [1va9tl] [1bju.ti pe9z] [f91lqs4fi] [1best l8k9N] [cn12.ns4d] [!me9k 1cp f4] unerlässlich etwa: Schönheit macht sich bezahlt. Philosophie bestaussehendste/r/s unbeantwortet etw wettmachen incompetent [9n1kqmp9t4nt] unfähig to take a promotion to think highly of sb considerable nitwit career ladder [!te9k 4 pr41m48Sn] [!T9Nk 1ha9li 4v] [k4n1s9d4r4bl] [1n9tw9t] [k41r94 läd4] Beförderung annehmen auf jdn große Stücke halten erheblich, beträchtlich Schwachkopf, Trottel Karriereleiter litigation fancy title spacious [!l9t91ge9Sn] [1fänsi ta9tl] [1spe9S4s] Rechtsstreit schicker Berufstitel geräumig to start up (a company) [!st2.t 1cp] (eine Firma) aufmachen, gründen careers adviser [k41r94z 4dva9z4] BerufsberaterIn to set up one’s own business to make up one’s mind to warn sb right now niche in the market [set !cp wcnz 48n 1b9zn4s] [!me9k 1cp wcnz ma9nd] [w0.n] [!ra9t 1na8] [!n9tS 9n D4 1m2.k9t] sich selbstständig machen unique selling proposition (USP) competitor crucial [ju!ni.k 1sel9N prqp4z9Sn] USP, entscheidendes Verkaufsargument, Alleinstellungsmerkmal [k4m1pet9t4] KonkurrentIn, MitbewerberIn [1kru.Sl] entscheidend tricky to need a lot of thought well-informed genuine(ly) [1tr9ki] [!ni.d 4 lqt 4v 1T0.t] [!wel] [1d7enju9n] knifflig, schwierig gut überlegt sein wollen gut informiert wirklich, aufrichtig, echt at the outset the point is this customer relations pl to know sth inside out to feel appreciated [4t Di 1a8tset] [D4 !p09nt 9z 1D9s] [1kcst4m4 r9le9Snz] [n48 !9nsa9d 1a8t] [!fi.l 41pri.Sie9t9d] am Anfang es geht um Folgendes Kundenbeziehungen etw in- und auswendig kennen sich gewürdigt fühlen to matter to help sb further [1mät4] [!help 1f3.D4] wichtig sein jdm weiterhelfen [1d7qb d9skr9pSn] Stellenbeschreibung Before you start up your own business, you need a good business plan. He works rather slowly, but his diligence makes up for it. He’s completely incompetent. He never does his work correctly. My boss is really intelligent. He has climbed the career ladder very quickly. © 2012 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Seite 83 He didn’t like his boss so he started up his own company. Seite 83 Transkript sich entschließen, sich entscheiden jdn warnen, jdn darauf hinweisen sofort, in diesem Augenblick Marktnische One day I’d like to set up my own business. To be successful, we must fill a niche in the market. Payment is a crucial factor in deciding whether to take the job or not. I’m genuinely sorry for the inconvenience caused by this misunderstanding. In business, good customer relations are essential. He keeps telling me that he’s very happy with the work I do. I really feel appreciated. Seite 84 job description to be prepared to do sth [bi pr91pe4d t4 ] bereit sein, etw zu tun to jot down [!d7qt 1da8n] schnell notieren in favour [9n 1fe9v4] (da)für Seite 3 von 5 What’s the job description? What do you have to do at work? I’m prepared to do anything to get that job. It’s my dream job! Jot down on a piece of paper anything that you think is important. I’m in favour of going on holiday. I think we should definitely go. Unit 6 Successful in the world of work to take a step to fail qualifications and skills [!te9k 4 1step] [fe9l] einen Schritt vollziehen scheitern Qualifikationen und Fähigkeiten The qualifications and skills required for this job include flexibility, team spirit and experience with customer complaints. Seite 85 human resources (HR) human resources manager school leaver curriculum [!hju.m4n r91s0.s9z] [!hju.m4n r91s0.s9z män9d74] [1sku.l li.v4] [k41r9kj4l4m] Personalabteilung PersonalchefIn to quarrel sound to give the impression open-minded [1kwqr4l] [sa8nd] [!g9v Di 9m1preSn] [!48p4n 1ma9nd9d] sich streiten solide den Eindruck erwecken unvoreingenommen, offen SchulabgängerIn Lehrplan Russian is no longer on the curriculum. They said it was too difficult. Seite 86 © 2012 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. head advertising department with reference to [hed] LeiterIn, ChefIn [1ädv4ta9z9N d9p2.tm4nt] Werbeabteilung mit Bezug auf to be between jobs arbeitslos sein challenge Herausforderung I am writing to you with reference to your job advertisement on your homepage. I’m currently between jobs because the shop I used to work for had to close down. I should really look for a new challenge. These task are much too easy and boring. Seite 86 Transkript vacancy [1ve9k4nsi] offene Stelle, Stellenangebot willing [1w9l9N] bereit, willens in person impressed to accomplish sth [9n] [9m1prest] [41kcmpl9S] persönlich beeindruckt etw erreichen to acquire sth eastward to finance in-house training [41kwa94] [1i.stw4d] [1fa9näns] [9n!ha8s 1tre9n9N] etw erwerben Richtung Osten finanzieren innerbetriebliche Ausbildung application [!äpl91ke9Sn] Bewerbung purpose to close down enclosure educational history [1p3.p4s] [!kl48z 1da8n] [9n1kl4874] [ed7u!ke9S4nl 1h9stri] Absicht, Ziel, Zweck schließen, das Geschäft aufgeben (Brief:) Anlage Ausbildungsweg enclosed [9n1kl48zd] beigefügt letter of recommendation [!let4r 4v rek4men1de9Sn] Empfehlungsschreiben to attach sth to sth [41tätS t4] etw einer Sache beifügen at short notice opportunity [4t !S0.t 1n48t9s] kurzfristig Gelegenheit I’m looking for a job. Does your company have any vacancies at the moment? I’m willing to work overhours. Not everybody would do that. I couldn’t get any of my tasks done. I didn’t accomplish much today. In-house training of employees is important for a company’s development. Seite 86 Seite 4 von 5 My application for the job was declined. They said I wasn’t experienced enough. Please tell us something about your educational history. Which schools did you attend? Where and when did you take your A-levels? Please find enclosed my CV and a copy of my school-leaving certificate. I had to ask one of my teachers to write a recommendation letter for my application at university. Two letters of recommendation are attached to my application. I’m very flexible. I’m available at short notice. This job would be an amazing opportunity for me. I’ve never had a chance like this. Unit 6 Successful in the world of work Seite 87 to be aware of sth show-off [bi 41we4r 4v] [1S48qf] etw kennen Angeber to help oneself to sth store clerk to be responsible for sth to pick laundromat car wash it remains to be seen to set sth in motion [1help wcnself t4] [1st0. kl3.rk] [bi r91spqns4bl f4] sich etw nehmen VerkäuferIn für etw zuständig/verantwortlich sein hier: nehmen Waschsalon Autowaschanlage es bleibt abzuwarten etw in Gang setzen unemployed role model witty to end up doing sth burn-out [!cn9m1pl09d] [1r48l mqdl] [1w9ti] [!end 1cp] [1b3.n a8t] work-life balance [w3.k !la9f 1bäl4ns] to regard affected [r91g2.d] [41fekt9d] arbeitslos Vorbild witzig, geistreich etw schließlich tun Ausgebranntsein, völlige Erschöpfung, Burn-out-Syndrom Gleichgewicht zwischen Arbeit und Freizeit ansehen, betrachten betroffen [pr41va9d9d D4t] vorausgesetzt, dass © 2012 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Seite 89 [p9k] [1l0.ndr4mät] [1k2. wqS] [9t r9!me9nz t4 bi 1si.n] [!set 9n 1m48Sn] I work in the finance department. I’m responsible for issuing invoices and payment reminders. It was Brian who set the project in motion. He really got things going. It’s important to find the right work-life balance for you. I regard my job as a very important part of my life. Were you affected by the changes to working times? Seite 90 provided that convenient passend, günstig Seite 5 von 5 We would like to offer you the job, provided that you are willing to do night shifts. June 13 would be most convenient for the interview. I have no other appointments on this day.