Congratulations to those celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage in
Congratulations to those celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage in
93 SUNDAY (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week) Meetings for the Week Mon., Sept 23, 6:30pm CWL Executive meeting, St. Angela’s Rm. Mon. Sept 23, 7:30pm KofC Gen., Col.Rm Tues., Sept 24, 1:30pm Al-anon, St. Ang. Wed. Sept 25, 7:45pm Mission Comm., St.Patrick’s Thurs., Sept 26, 6:30pm, Seniors Euchre, Col. Rm. Thurs. Sept 26, 7:45pm, Finance Comm.St.Patrick’s Thurs. Sept 26, 7:45pm, Liturgy Comm, St. Angela’s Diocesan Prayer Calendar May we remember in prayer, the priests, deacons, religious women and men and seminarians of the Diocese of London. May they be faithful to the charge given them by the Lord. Sept 22 – Rev. Andrew Cho Sept 23 – Rev. Daniel Morand Sept 24 – Ms. Melissa Page-Nichols, Campus Minister/Pastoral Counsellor Sept 25 – Deacon Mark Stagg Sept 26 – Rev. David Butler Sept 27 – Rev. Kenneth McKernan, C.S.B. Sept 28 – Rev. Christopher Pietraszko Sept 29 – Rev. Vince Gulikers Sept 30 – Rev. Richard Charrette All Saints Parish Prayer Line Heavenly Father may the merits and prayers of our blessed Mother Mary, and all the angels and saints, be combined with our prayers. Grant the petitions of our parishioners, especially those who have asked for our prayers. Please intercede for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Help us to lighten their burdens and brighten their days. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Volunteers Needed If you are available to stuff bulletins and/or mail outs, please call the parish office at 519-245-0644. Volunteers Needed If you would like to give of your self to God and the children of this parish, come join our Rosary group. We go into the class rooms ones a month to teach the ROSARY to the children of this parish, S.V.D.P. and O.L.I. schools. Give back to God and enjoy life! You're welcome to come and observe anytime. Call John or Linda for dates. [John Van Heeswyk @ 246 1584 or Linda Bermudez @ 246 6481] Congratulations to those celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage in the month of September Joshua Van Eyk & Mackenzie Morris September 27th Rosary in different languages! As part of the week during the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, we celebrate the Anointing of the Sick. On that evening we are planning to have the rosary recited in the different languages that we have in our parish community. If you are interested, please call Helen Pereira 519-495-9167 or the parish office 519245-0644. Experience the Gospel in a new and powerful way through Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Join us for Matthew: The King and His Kingdom at Sacred Heart Parish in Parkhill beginning September 25, 2013 at 7:30pm and continuing every Wednesday until April 9, 2014. For more information or to register for the study call Rachel Timmermans at 519-615-3448 or email [email protected] See poster in the Narthex Our Lady of Fatima/N. Sra. De Fatima Donations for the bazar for the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima can be dropped of at Alzira Catojo 311 Strathroyal Ave., Gloria Cravo 125 Milliner St. or the parish office. Donativos para o bazar para a Festa de N. Sra. de Fatima podem entregar em casa de Alzira Catojo, Gloria Cravo ou no escritorio da paróquia. Youth Masses are the last Sunday of the month with the exception of September… Sunday, September 22nd, 10am will be a youth mass. EVERYONE WELCOME!! 93 SUNDAY (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week) The All Saints Parish Family is a faith community for all of our members. Through this website I believe that we can open the channels of communication to create a more inclusive environment for everyone. The Lord says in Luke 15: 4-7 “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he finds it?” The parable of the lost sheep applies to our family. We cannot go forward in faith with complete joy and happiness until all of our members have returned home Part of going forward is being active, not just in attendance at mass, but also in the ministries and activities of our parish. Through this website it is my sincere hope that your questions and concerns will be heard. Please take a look around the website, volunteer for a ministry, or simply get to know the activities we have taking place and participate. If you have a concern please voice it, our phone numbers, office hours and emails are listed. Every voice will be heard. We appreciate you taking an active role in our parish, and I look forward to hearing your insights. Yours in Faith, Rev.Lúcio Couto A Familia Paroquial de Todos os Santos e uma comunidade de Fé para todos os membros. Neste website eu acredito que abriremos canais de comunicação para criar um ambiente mais inclusive para todos. Nosso Senhor dis em Lucas 15:4-7 "Qual de vocês que, possuindo cem ovelhas, e perdendo uma, não deixa as noventa e nove no campo e vai atrás da ovelha perdida, até encontrá-la? E quando a encontra, coloca-a alegremente nos ombros e vai para casa. Ao chegar, reúne seus amigos e vizinhos e diz: 'Alegrem-se comigo, pois encontrei minha ovelha perdida'. Eu digo que, da mesma forma, haverá mais alegria no céu por um pecador que se arrepende do que por noventa e nove justos que não precisam arrepender-se”. A parabola do cordeiro perdido aplica para a nossa familia. Nós não podemos ir em frente na fé sem completa alegria e felicidade ate que os membros tenham todos voltado a casa. Parte de seguir em frente e ser activo, não somente em ir a Missa, mas tambem estar present nós ministerios e actividades da nossa paróquia. Atraves deste website e o meu sincero desejo que vossas perguntas e preocupações sejam ouvidas. Por favor dêem uma olhada neste website, sejam voluntários em algum ministerio, ou simplesmente estejam ao par das actividades e participem. Se vôces tiverem alguma preocupação por favor digam. Os nossos numerous de telefones, o horario do Escritório, e emails estão ao vosso dispor. Todos seram ouvidos.Nós apreciamos que vôces tomem uma parte activa na nossa paróquia, e aguardo ouvir os vossos palpites. Sinceramente em Fé, Pe. Lucio Couto Thank you to all who contributed and supported with Malassada Sunday. Total funds of $1,173 will be allocated to the roof fund. Obrigado a todos que contribuíram e apoiaram com o Domingo da Malassadas. O total de $1,173 será alocado aos fundos do telhado.
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