acknowledgements - St. Anthony`s Parish
acknowledgements - St. Anthony`s Parish
Reflections on our 60th Anniversary ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Adapted from the homily for the occasion. Very Rev. Jack Pereira, V.G. PLANNING COMMITTEE Molly Naber Sykes Co-Chair & Linda Edney Co-Chair Very Rev. Jack Pereira, V.G. ~ Rev. Antony Sumich, FSSP Diana Baker ~ Robert Fanning ~ Bliss Aime Adam Andrusiak ~ Ruth Hewitt ~ Justin Lang Angela Alexandre Catholic Women’s League LITURGY COMMITTEE Very Rev. Jack Pereira, V.G. ~ Ron Fortier Dorothy Loucks ~ Ruth Hewitt ~ John Morgan Angela Alexandre MINISTRY OF MUSIC John Morgan – Director ~ Chris Goldring English & Latin Mass Choirs Cantors: Ashley Rosales & Ryan Avendano Trumpet: Martin Sadlon Percussion: Robert Maciak USHERS & GREETERS Ushers & Greeting Ministry ~ Knights of Columbus ~ Youth ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Gillian Briscoe ~ Maureen Gorman ~ Maurita Vesey PARISH PICNIC MASTER OF CEREMONIES Ruth Hewitt PARISH PICNIC – SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2013 POSTPONED DUE TO THE CURRENT STATE OF EMERGENCY Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected. We express our sincere appreciation to all our Parishioners and all those attending our Commemorative Masses for their support in celebrating this significant milestone in our Parish. Throughout the Bible, the Lord reminds people to tell all generations of their LORD'S wonderful works. Part of what that means for us as individuals and churches is that we must preserve the memory of how God has worked in our lives. A church that has a strong sense of its history will have a better sense of identity to build on for the future. Periodically, each church takes a look back to rediscover how their church came into being, what its early ministry was like, and how it has grown and changed over the years. Such a celebration gives individual members the opportunity to join together in focusing on the church as a body of believers who have been blessed by the Lord. It can also be a wonderful time to benefit from the gifts of the people. And it's an occasion for church members of all ages to tell and hear stories of the past and present days of the church. Today we gather in joy and with a certain spiritual pride, to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Parish which was opened on May 1, 1953 by Bishop F. J. Caroll, Bishop of the Diocese of Calgary. This Church was built as an extraordinary act of faith and confidence in God and in his faithfulness to his people. This Church building was a sign of hope in a better future. The building is still today a witness to the spirit of community which contributed to the planning and construction of this Church. Today society has changed but the fundamental needs and values which build society and keep society together have not changed. This is all the more reason for us to celebrate today the values that have belonged to the history of this community and have enriched it for six decades. History is made up of continuity and change. Change can provoke anxiety and resignation. In times of change and continuity we need to rekindle that strong community-spirit which has been a mark of this community. We give thanks to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon St. Anthony’s Parish. We are thankful for the strong foundation that was laid by our forefathers and mothers in the gospel, who labored hard and long. We have truly come this far by faith, and by faith we will accomplish all that God has destined for us. Liturgical Ministers Sunday, June 23, 2013 Opening Hymn: Come to the Father LITURGY OF THE WORD 12 Sunday in Ordinary Time th 5:00 PM 9:00 AM PRESIDER PRESIDER Rev. John Petravicius Most. Rev. Eugene J. Cooney Bishop Emeritus, Diocese of Nelson B.C. First Reading: Zech. 12: 10 – 11 Responsorial Psalm: My Soul Thirsts For You O Lord My God Second Reading: Galatians 3: 26 – 29 Gospel Acclamation: My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me. CONCELEBRANTS Very Rev. Jack Pereira, V.G. Rev. Tom Garvey other priests Gospel: Luke 9: 18 - 24 10:30 AM Homily: Presider PRESIDER Nicene Creed: Breaking Bread Page 8 LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Preparation of the Gifts: Christ Before Us BB# 407 Sanctus: Inside back cover of Breaking Bread Memorial Acclamation: Inside back cover of Breaking Bread Great Amen: Inside back cover of Breaking Bread Lamb of God: Missa Sancti Antonii Agnus Dei (Missa Sancti Antonii) Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: Misere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: Misere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: Dona nobis pacem. Communion Hymn: Ubi Caritas BB# 462 Create In Me A Clean Heart (9 & 10:30 AM) Stewardship Prayer: Inside cover of Celebrate in Song Incensing of the Statue: Hymn to St. Anthony Recessional Hymn: Praise The Lord, Ye Heavens BB# 542 Postlude: Vivaldi Gloria (9 & 10:30 AM) CONCELEBRANTS Very Rev. Jack Pereira, V.G. Rev. Tom Garvey other priests 12 NOON 5TH Sunday after Pentecost Very Rev. Jack Pereira, V.G. Latin Sung Mass CONCELEBRANT Rev. John Petravicius Celebrant Rev. Brian McDonnell, FSSP DEACON Renso Castellarin Honor Guard – Knights of Columbus Rev. Brian McDonnell, FSSP ALTAR SERVERS Logan Irvine, Mike & Matt Antolin ~ Natascha & Danielle Blote, Jeremy Avendano and Justin Lang ~ Raselynn & Shaina Rosell, Jeffrell Painanga and Paulo Sabater. WELCOME MINISTERS & PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL S. Fairbairn ~ Tess Murphy & Diana Baker ~ Deacon Renso Castellarin, M. Robertson LECTORS H. Delaney, D. Goodfellow ~ M. Miller, J. Schmit ~ R. Hewitt, B. Kot EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS A. Villanueva ~ J. Miller ~ M.N. Sykes, A. Andrusiak GIFT BEARERS Antolin Family ~ Peggy Cassidy, Joan Carroll, Theresa Fairbairn ~ Sr. Carmelita Cusay, Sr. Suzanne Gagnon & Sr. Maria Nakagawa ~ 1953 to 2013 ~ Our Parish Stewardship Prayer Gracious and Loving God, we have gathered as a community to listen to your Word, and to share in the Eucharist. May your eternal Word and the living Eucharist transform us into good stewards of your abundant blessings, and teach us to open our hearts to the needs of the Church and to the voices of the poor. Watch over us with loving care, and help our parish to grow in faith, hope and love. Fill your Church with generous hearts that also respond to your call to the priesthood and religious life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. June 2013 St. Anthony’s Parish 60TH ANNIVERSARY Commemorative Masses June 22 and 23, 2013 Calgary, Alberta 5:00 pm ~ 9:00 am ~ 10:30 am ~ Noon 1 2 Dedicated in Loving Memory of 1. The Word – Gisele Sykes (nee Seguin) 2. The Eucharist - Gisele Sykes Dedicated by: Rodney Sykes & family 3. Confirmation – Anna & Frank Janz Dedicated by: Victor & Anne Janz Jircik 4. Baptism - John A. McLellan (WW1 Veteran) - Moise Grainger (WW2 Veteran) Dedicated by: Roy & Doreen McLellan 5. Marriage – Leslie Badry 6. Holy Orders – anonymous donor 3 4 5 6
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