Jacob McVane McKenna Meyers Alexis Micke Abbi
Catalina Alvarado Julia Bakovic Max Bitters Ashley Burmeister Nicholas Burmeister Jacob McVane McKenna Meyers Alexis Micke Abbi Moen Montana Moran Isabella Chatham Ava Norman Rihanna Coleman Sophie Olson Amaya Comer Emily Ostrowski Addison Cornwell Dawson Pardee Veronica Decker Mia Renard Brady DeFrance Madison Seder Lily Dihel Brogan Gracyalny Evan Grosklaus Braylie Hoppman Daniel Slusarek Samuel Thiry Christine VandenHeuvel Marian Walenski Madeline Kazik Mya Wauters Dylann Kersten Annabelle Wautlet Kaitlin Krause Zachary LeMieux Bradyjohn Loomis Maliyah Whiters Sophia Zabel A P R I L Pastoral Team Pastor Fr. John H. Harper Social Concerns Director Deacon Michael Schmidt Director of Family Life Commission Director of Stephen Ministry Laurie Johnson Worship Director Wayne Efferson Faith Formation Director Jamie Whalen Faith Formation Coordinator Andrea Sabor Coordinator of Youth Ministry Craig Majewski Parish Staff Business Administrator Marty Rusch Parish Secretary Rae Wetzel Housekeeper Mary Greene Volunteer Coordinator Deb Langenhuizen Accountant/IT Specialist Vicki Matuszak Maintenance Supervisor Mike Wightman Faith Formation Staff Secretary Charmaine Berchmans Confirmation Facilitator Christine Wolf Early Childhood Coordinator Heidi Stubb Grades 1 & 2 Coordinator Jennifer Feyen Parish Office Hours…..Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-4:00 PM Phone (920)499-5156 Fax (920)429-9285 Email [email protected] 27, 2014 • P Andrea Sabor Retiring; 44 years in Catechetical Ministry Come wish Andrea well at a reception after the 10:15 AM Mass, Sunday, May 4, in Bona Hall. Andrea has served Nativity for the last four years as Coordinator for First Sacraments and for Grades 1-5 Religion Education. Prior to that, Andrea was the Director of Religious Education at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Green Bay, for three years, and the Consultant (subsequently Director) for Catechesis for the Diocese of Green Bay (1998-2007), beside serving prior to that in many other parishes. Andrea has responded to the call to servant leadership many times over the course of her career. In parish settings she has tirelessly advocated for catechists through ongoing support and training. Andrea has always valued lifelong learning, seeing the family as the first and foundational source of catechesis, and supporting families through catechetical programs and training. Her service as a diocesan consultant provided wonderful leadership and inspiration to coordinators and staff serving in parishes. Most importantly Andrea built relationships with and among catechetical leaders, supporting them with her easygoing and friendly demeanor and constant willingness to provide help, suggestions, and ideas. Andrea has been a vocal supporter and member of local and statewide professional organizations for catechetical leaders. In 2012, the Wisconsin Directors of Religious Education Federation presented her with its Stephen C. Gilmour Award, for outstanding leadership and achievements in the catechetical field. Here at Nativity, Andrea brought her wealth of knowledge and experience, and her love of Jesus and the Church to work with our young children and families, especially in preparation for First Communion and First Reconciliation. Above all Andrea has welcomed each family and child, no matter what the circumstance, to help them meet Jesus in the Sacraments. It’s been a pleasure to hear her stories and teachings at parent/child meetings, and we will miss her joyful presence at celebrations of the Sacraments. Andrea, best wishes and God’s blessings to you and Dan in retirement! EASTER FLOWERS Easter flowers have been donated in memory of Rob Hermes, Wayne Modrow and son, Scott Modrow; Sylvan Paul; Peter & Kathleen Meister and Jeffrey Van Lieshout. These names were not listed on the Easter flower list in last week’s bulletin. We apologize for any problems this may have caused. Phone (920)499-6012 Mass Schedule Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 PM or by appointment 2 CONGRATULATIONS, ANDREA! Faith Formation Office Monday & Thursday 9:00 AM (Communion Prayer Service) Tuesday & Friday 9:00 AM Wednesday 8:00 AM Weekend Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM Holy Day Eve 6:30 PM, Day 9:00 AM A G E THANK YOU! The Women’s Guild would like to thank anyone who participated in any way to make their 4th annual rummage, bakery and book sale a huge success. This would not be possible without your help. Blessings to all of you this Easter season. Nativity Women’s Guild Eucharistic Adoration Mondays 9:30 AM-1:00 PM 2 D I V I N E M E R C Y S All Masses celebrated at Nativity of Our Lord Parish are offered for the living and deceased members of our parish. Up to five special intentions can be remembered at each Mass. Saturday, April 26 1:00 Wedding of Nicole Wallace & Paul Krumberger 3:00 Wedding of Danae Gullicksen & Thomas Jonas 5:00 Henry Art & Marie Paulsen & Family Living Intention—Margaret Mary Nelson U N D A Y • P SAT: 5:00 PM 5:00 PM SUN: 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM A G E 3 First Communion Songleader/Organist RCIA-Lounge Nativity Choir/Organist Sunday Morning Hospitality-Bona Hall First Communion Children’s Choir/Organist Sunday, April 27 (Divine Mercy) 8:30 Marney Lou LeMense Devroy Kathleen Lemley 10:15 Living Intention—for the healing of Becky Helgren Conrad Elfe MON: 9:30 AM 10:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration Quilting/Needlework Group-Lounge TUES: 6:15 PM A Taste of Italy Dinner-Bona Hall WED: 4:30 PM 7:00 PM Children’s Choir-Lounge Youth Group-JP2 Room Monday, April 28 9:00 Communion Prayer Service THUR: 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Mother/Daughter Mass & Potluck Stephen Ministry-Classrooms Nativity Choir-Church SAT: 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM First Communion Practice-Church First Communion Graduation Mass & Reception Songleader/Organist SUN: 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM Songleader/Organist Sunday Morning Hospitality-Bona Hall First Communion Songleader/Organist Tuesday, April 29 9:00 James Frisque Wednesday, April 30 8:00 Lorraine Patton 2:00 Arletta Leanna (Woodside) Thursday, May 1 9:00 Communion Prayer Service 2:00 Patrick Hull (San Luis) 5:30 All Deceased Members of the Women’s Guild (Mother-Daughter Mass) READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 27TH Friday, May 2 9:00 Reparation Intention requested by Bishop Ricken Sunday: Acts 2:42-47; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Pt 1:3-9; Jn 20:19-31 Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-9; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36, or, for the memorial, Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; 1 Pt 1:17-21; Lk 24:13-35 Saturday, May 3 5:00 The Phillip Family Sunday, May 4 8:30 Bill Perpich Mike & Mary Perpich 10:15 Antone LeComte Rest In Peace Please keep the family of Gwen Mack-Stock in your prayers. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Our faith community raised $1,605.00 for Catholic Relief Services. Your participation in Operation Rice Bowl will continue to make a difference throughout this year. If you have not yet returned your contribution, you may still do so by dropping it off in the Parish Office. SUNDAY MORNING HOSPITALITY Please join us for coffee and donut holes in Bona Hall after the 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM Masses. 3 NATIVITY OF OUR LORD PARISH • GREEN BAY • PAGE 4 THE CROWNING OF MARY The springtime month of May is popularly devoted to Mary. Traditionally the crowning of Mary takes place in early May. With the help of the Nativity Women's Guild, this crowning will take place during the Mother/Daughter Mass (Potluck and Style Show) on Thursday, May 1st (5:30 PM Mass). Our Bishop’s Appeal goal is…………...….….. $ 86,924.00 470 parishioners have donated……….….... $ 79,729.38 Amount needed to reach our goal……....…. $ 7,194.62 ___________________________________________ Welcoming New Catholics This Easter Season is a wonderful time to celebrate our faith and the Resurrection of our Lord. For those newly initiated into the Catholic Church, this spring also marks a milestone on their faith journey. With help from parish directed programs called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), candidates received the resources, support, and knowledge they needed to take the next step in their journey of faith. Clare Sturm, Director of Worship for the Diocese of Green Bay, helps parishes enhance their RCIA programs by providing them with new ways to create a warm and welcoming place to find God. With a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal, you can join Clare in helping parishes enhance their RCIA programs and welcome future, newly formed Catholics. To make a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal contact your parish, visit the Bishop’s Appeal website at www.catholicfoundationgb.org/ give, or call Debbie toll-free at 877-500-3580, ext. 8184. LUMEN CHRISTI— “Christ our light…” Our Paschal (Easter) Candle was donated by Barb Mach in memory of the Mach and Theisen families and our six Altar Candles were donated by Robert Henderson; all of these candles were beautifully decorated with an original design by Steve Barnes. It will be lit during the 50 days of Easter (Sundays) and on Baptisms, Funerals, Confirmation, First Eucharist, etc. The Worship Commission thanks Barb Mach, Robert Henderson and Steve Barnes for their generosity. STATIONS OF THE CROSS (THANKS MEG) The Worship Commission extends a special thank you to Meg Schlender for leading the Stations of the Cross during Lent. Meg has made this popular Lenten Devotion her prayer for more years than I can remember. RCIA…THANK YOU!!! AFRICAN PALMS A special thank you goes to Jean Ray and Bob Wetzel for their commitment and dedication in coordinating and assuming the roles of Catechists for our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Our Candidates (Brianna Beran, Corrie Campbell and Robert Williams) received the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. This weekly initiation process began last September and concluded with the Easter Vigil. Thanks to your generosity $261.00 was collected on Palm Sunday. Your donation will help continue the outreach program of St. John’s Church, Olney, MD, which sells more than 15 million (to 2,600 churches) annually. Over the years, grants support East African countries like Tanzania with self-help programs and community projects, such as (HIV/AIDS). The crosses are made by Africans from native palms. Since 1995, the Worship Commission has made these available every Palm Sunday and collected donations well over $5,000. Again, thank you for you donations to carry on this important mission work. EASTER JOYS AND THANK YOUS..... Thanks to the many people who helped us prepare and celebrate well holy week and Easter: to Fr. Jack Harper and Dcn. Mike Schmidt and the Worship Commission for helping us prepare for the season; the Office Staff and Volunteers who assisted with the Triduum Booklet; the Seasonal Decorators/Volunteers and Knights of Columbus for helping us prepare and decorate the Church environment and Bona Hall; to our dedicated Musicians for uplifting our spirits with beautiful music… Nativity Choir (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter), Children’s Choir/New Life (Easter), Easter Vigil Choir, (Teresa Schroepfer and Michael Raught), Organist and Songleaders (Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Masses); and to all the dedicated Liturgical Ministers who assisted at Holy Week Masses and/or brought Holy Communion to the residents at the San Luis and Woodside Lutheran Nursing Homes, Woodside Oaks and Woodside Manor Assisted Living. The many hours of preparation and celebration, I’m sure, lifted many spirits and gave honor and glory to our Risen Lord. Again, thank you for your dedication and commitment to this parish as exemplified through your ministry. Wayne Efferson, Director of Worship HOLY THURSDAY COLLECTION Thanks to your generosity $967.00 was collected on Holy Thursday to be used for the poor of our parish and local community. Nativity's Social Concerns Commission will determine how these funds will be distributed to those in need. GOOD FRIDAY COLLECTION For The Holy Places Thanks to your generosity $2,638.00 was collected on Good Friday. Your donation supports the struggling Christian Community. NURSING HOME VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are in need of adding to our volunteers who assist with our weekly Thursday Mass at San Luis Nursing Home. You would assist with helping residents from their rooms to the commons where Mass is celebrated each week. This commitment is from approximately 1:15-3:00 PM. If interested call Wayne Efferson, Worship Director, at 490-1352, ext. 206. 4 A P R I L 27, 2014 • P CALENDAR RAFFLE WINNERS!!! 5 PARISH STEWARDSHIP April 9th Bernadette Bobka…....$25.00 10th Rosa Miley Pieck…....$25.00 11th Knights of Columbus..$25.00 12th Lynn Daley……….….$25.00 13th Samantha Kraus……..$50.00 14th Weston Schilawski…..$25.00 15th Knights of Columbus..$50.00 A G E April 12th & April 13th, 2014 16th Marge Bertolli………...$25.00 17th Kyle Gigot……………$25.00 18th Lori Schilke…………...$25.00 19th Barb Allen…………....$25.00 20th Laura Shimon…...….$100.00 21st Erma Luisier…...…….$25.00 22nd Sue Mosnik…………..$25.00 Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing payment. FOOD DRIVE Nativity’s Social Concerns Commission is sponsoring a food drive to benefit The Stocked Shelves Food Pantry of Ashwaubenon. Parishioners are invited to participate by taking a slip from the collection basket the weekend of May 3rd and 4th and purchasing one or more of the items listed on the slip. Please bring all purchased food items to the Narthex no later than May 18th. Thank you for generously supporting this effort aimed at helping those in need in our community. Sacrificial Offering .................................... Loose Offertory ......................................... Auto Bank Withdrawal .............................. Total .......................................................... $11,053.00 1,049.00 1,345.00 $13,447.00 Celebrating 50 Years of Faith.................... Celebrating 50 Years YTD ................... Maintenance & Improvement .................... Easter Flowers ........................................... Holy Land/Good Friday ............................ $309.00 $98,327.00 $62.00 $165.00 $56.00 To meet our budget, we need an average of $16,000.00 each week. April 19th & April 20th, 2014 FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN When I was hungry… Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian nonprofit hunger relief organization that provides food to help communities in developing countries become self-sustaining. FMSC’s approach is simple: volunteers hand pack scientifically designed meals which are shipped to partners in nearly 70 countries and used to run orphanages, clinics, schools, missions and community feeding programs. Over the next six months, Nativity Parish will partner with 10 local churches to bring a Feed My Starving Children MobilePack to Green Bay. More information will be shared before Masses on May 10-11. This is a tangible way to respond to God’s call to feed the hungry. To get involved in the planning process at Nativity, please contact Beth Clabots at [email protected] or at 592-0290. Sacrificial Offering .................................... Easter Offering .......................................... Loose Offertory ......................................... Auto Bank Withdrawal .............................. Total .......................................................... $17,287.00 5,405.00 2,543.00 2,428.00 $27,663.00 Celebrating 50 Years of Faith.................... Celebrating 50 Years YTD ................... Maintenance & Improvement .................... Holy Thursday ........................................... Holy Land/Good Friday ............................ Rice Bowls ................................................ African Palms ............................................ $430.00 $98,757.00 $140.00 $967.00 $2,638.00 $1,605.00 $261.00 $CRIP PROGRAM We have new $crip cards available: Grand Central Station—$25.00 Bulk Foods—$10.00 Wendy’s—$10.00 Dedicated volunteers are in the Narthex after all Masses. $crip can also be purchased in the Parish Office during the week from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Call the office at 499-5156 if you have any questions and to check availability. Help support Nativity Parish. Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor. ~Proverbs 22.9 The week of April 7th - April 13th Scrip sold $6,890.00 - Profit - $330.76 STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT "Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, 'Peace be with you.'" John 20:19 The week of April 14th - April 20th Scrip sold $3,449.00 - Profit - $152.24 Are you good at making people feel welcome? When you meet someone new, a new neighbor, a new work colleague, a new parishioner, do you make them feel at home? Many of us can probably do a much better job at this. When we make people feel welcome, we make them feel like they are included instead of being excluded. A simple "hello" and a smile goes a long way. NOTEWORTHY NEWS, 1964 In honor of Nativity’s 50th Anniversary we will be sharing news from 1964—both local and national. We hope you enjoy reading these blasts from the past… PARISH PICNIC—June 21st & 22nd April 26, 1964—Prange’s will build a five-story addition to their downtown store. April 26, 1964—18th NBA Championship: Boston Celtics beat SF Warriors four games to one. Silent Auction–The Silent Auction needs empty or filled baskets and vessels. Please drop them off in the Parish Office. Thank you. 5 D I V I N E M E R C Y S U N D A Y • P A G E 7 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL NATIVITY PARISH PICNIC MASS Due to the celebration of First Communions at Nativity this weekend, recruitment efforts for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will not take place as planned. Instead, this recruitment effort will take place on September 14th. However, an effort will begin as soon as possible to assist parish neighbors in need. This will be done by using a core group of parish members who have already agreed to begin forming a St. Vincent de Paul Conference within our parish. For further information, please contract Dorothy Perpich at 632-7266. “Growth of a Nation and Congregation” Nativity 50 Years – 1964-2014 Directed by Mary Eisenreich—Michael Raught, Organist Nativity Picnic Choir is back! Do you like to sing? We would like to personally extend an invitation to you to participate in these liturgies: Saturday, June 21st, 5:00 PM Mass and Sunday, June 22nd, 10: 15 AM Mass. We will have songs from the 60’s and our new Patriotic Tribute. We all know that the talent in Nativity’s Adult Choir, Children’s Choir , Youth Choir and Brass Ensemble are superb; we would be honored if you joined us for these liturgies. Our practice schedule is as follows: FIRESIDE BUS TRIP—Wednesday, June 18th One of America’s most popular and celebrated plays returns to Fireside. The original Off-Broadway production of Driving Miss Daisy won the coveted Pulitzer Prize for drama and the successful film version won the Oscar for Best Picture. This funny and warm story has touched millions of theatre goers and Fireside is pleased to present a sparkling new production that will fill your heart with laughter and joy. You will be captivated by the story of Miss Daisy and her long time chauffeur and loyal friend Hoke. The play spans 20 years during which they face trials and triumphs with humor, compassion and love and ultimately learn the value of true friendship. Get on a coach bus and enjoy a fabulous dinner and show at Fireside in Fort Atkinson for $87.00. Call Vicki at Nativity Parish at 499-5156 for more details or to sign up. Wednesday, May 7, 6:00 – 7:00 PM Sunday, May 18, June 1, and June 8, 6:00 – 7:00 PM Tuesday, June 17, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Let’s have a great turn out on Wednesday, May 7th at 6:00 PM. It will be so much fun. Enter through door #8-Cormier Road parking lot. Questions, please call Mary Eisenreich at 819-5371 or Judy Schroeder at 499-3248. Everyone is welcome to sing. Nativity Parish Picnic 2270 S. Oneida Street, Green Bay, WI 920-499-5156 Saturday, June 21 and Sunday, June 22, 2014 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM WIN 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM 2014 Toyota Prius Hybrid or RAV 4 XLE D AW PG 51 M $10.00 per ticket 3 for $25.00 8 for $50.00 20 for $100.00 RAV 4 XLE Prius Hybrid or $15,000.00 cash plus (10) $100.00 cash prizes Drawing Sunday at 4:00 PM—Need not be present to win. 7 Nativity Women's Guild Mother/Daughter Liturgy, Potluck & Style Show featuring 1960's Style Show WHO: All Grandmothers, Mothers, Daughters, Aunts . . . WHEN: Thursday, May 1, 2014 – Mass at 5:30 PM (Potluck at 6:15 PM, Program at 7-ish) WHERE: Nativity Parish Church and Bona Hall COST: One Potluck Dish (10 servings: Side dish, Salad or Dessert) SIGN-UP REQUIRED: Sign-up sheets in Bona Hall by Kitchen or call Joyce at 498-8506 or Nancy at 494-6950. Limited Seating. Deadline is April 27th. All women are welcome! NATIVITY OF OUR LORD PARISH COORDINATOR OF FAITH FORMATION POSITION AT NATIVITY With the coming retirement of Andrea Sabor, our Coordinator for First Sacraments, Nativity is seeking a Coordinator to join our Faith Formation Staff. This position will be part to full time depending on qualifications, responsible for Grades 1-5 weekly Religion Education classes and sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion. Well-qualified candidates will be faith-filled, enthusiastic Catholics with a bachelor's degree in education; will have experience in parish catechetical ministry and will be ready to further develop an established curriculum with a new text series. The successful candidate will join a collaborative catechetical team with secretarial support. Please send your letter of interest and resume to Jamie Whalen, Nativity of Our Lord Parish, 2270 S. Oneida Street, Green Bay, WI 54304 or [email protected]. WALK TO MARY • GREEN BAY • PAGE 9 $CRIP VOLUNTEERS NEEDED This is a plea for new volunteers to sell $crip before and after weekend Masses. We have a very dependable group of volunteers, but need more. We have recently lost a few for various reasons. In addition, some volunteers leave for winter and/or are away during the summer weekends. We welcome single volunteers or couples. As you know, Nativity relies on the income from $crip to support some of the programs we offer. We would like to get a new group of volunteers and have a group training session or you can work and be trained with one of the regular volunteers at one of the Masses. Selling $crip only takes about an hour of your time—30 minutes before Mass and 30 minutes after Mass. There is no obligation as to how often you will be asked to work. A notice is sent out every two months requesting volunteers and at that time you decide if you are available. Please consider volunteering. If you are willing to sell $crip, please call Luanne at 499-4513. Thank you for considering this. Saturday, May 3rd WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Register now to participate in the second annual Walk to Mary. This 21 mile walking pilgrimage, with various join in points to shorten the route, begins at the National Shrine of St. Joseph at St. Norbert Abbey in De Pere and concludes at the first and only authenticated Marion apparition in the United States, the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, Wisconsin. Please consider joining us Funds raised by the Walk to Mary will be used to support Catholic education. Learn more and register at www.walktomary.com. In observance of World Day of Prayer for Vocations, the Green Bay Serra Clubs and Knights of Columbus Council 617, together with St. Agnes Parish, are hosting an all-night Eucharistic Adoration Vigil for Vocations. The vigil will begin on Saturday, May 10th following the 4:15 PM Mass and continue through the night until the 8:00 AM Mass on Sunday, May 11th. We need people to commit to each hour during the night. To sign up for an hour, please call John Levesque at 499-5736. Please come and offer a prayer. Saturday & Sunday, May 10th & 11th Pilgrimage to the Shrines of North American Saints Join Fr. Paul Demuth and tour escort Dianne Cavender on a 10-day pilgrimage May 13-22, 2014 • St. Mother Cabrini, Chicago • Capuchin Solanus Casey, Detroit • Fr. Baker Nelson Museum, Buffalo, N.Y. • Marianne Cope, Syracuse, N.Y. • The North American Martyrs and Kateri Tekakwitha, eastern N.Y. • Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker, New York City • Katherine Drexel and John Newman, Pa. • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Baltimore and Emmitsburg, Md. • Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Merrillville, Ind. Trip includes sightseeing at Niagara Falls, New York City, Baltimore and Gettysburg! Cost includes 15 meals plus admittance to sites Single: $2,975 (1 person/1 bed) • Double: $2,225 (2 persons/2 beds) *Passports needed. Pilgrims must be able to walk moderate distances. Contact Fr. Paul Demuth at 499-1546 or [email protected] A P R I L 27, 2014 • P A G E 10 PRAYER GARDEN BRICKS LOVE FOR A CHANGE “Help pave the way to Pray” There is still time to order a brick for your loved one. If you want to remember someone special or buy a brick for yourself, please go to our website, at www.nativityparish.com and click on the brick picture. Order forms are available in the Narthex and Parish Office. If you have any questions, please call Vicki at 499-5156. St. Agnes Evangelization Days with Chris Padgett A talented songwriter, musician and speaker, Chris travels around the world giving talks, missions and concerts. He is known for blending the medium of music, storytelling and comedy into his presentations. 50TH ANNIVERSARY DISPLAY BOARDS Stop in the Narthex to see the beautiful picture boards showing Nativity Parish history from “The Past to the Present”. May 18, 2014 6:00-8:00 PM Designed for Love: Picked, Prepared, Protected Family Night 50TH ANNIVERSARY PICTURE DIRECTORY Did you pick up your FREE 50th Anniversary Picture Directory? If not, please stop in the Narthex by the $crip table on weekends before or after Mass or stop by the Parish Office Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter as we have parishioners waiting to purchase directories. May 19, 2014 6:00-7:30 PM (with questions) Lost & Found ~ From Brokenness to Belonging Ages: Teens and up Childcare Provided (Register for childcare by calling 920-494-6450) Norbertine Center for Spirituality 1016 N. Broadway De Pere, WI 54115 920.337.4315 St. Agnes Church, 1484 Ninth Street, Green Bay 920-494-2534 [email protected] and www.norbertines.org Partially funded by the Diocese of Green Bay Department of New Evangelization and Bishop’s Appeal. Young Norbertines in Action: From the Classroom to the Streets GRACE EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS Cost: Free will offering (suggested donation $5) Wednesday, May 14, 6:30 – 8:00 PM Norbertine seminarians are learning contemporary theology as they study for the priesthood, but how does this textbook knowledge translate into active ministry? Join us as these faith filled young men share their experiences of bridging their classroom experiences with the Norbertine Order’s apostolic outreach. Each GRACE school has an Early Childhood Program for 3 & 4 year olds. All schools have 2-day and/or 3-day options and some offer 5-day programs for 4 year olds. The half-day programs are $13 per day and full-day programs are $20 per day. Please contact a GRACE school for further information. For registration, go to www.gracesystem.org and click ‘Become a Student.’ Evening in the Abbey Gardens Thursday, May 15, 6:30 – 8:00 PM GRACE ANNUAL APPEAL SUPPORTS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Registration required by May 11 Cost: $20 (includes wine, cheese, soft drinks, music) The GRACE Annual Appeal supports financial assistance for approximately 250 students in the GRACE schools. The 2013-2014 Appeal recently surpassed $100,000 toward a goal of $110,000. Please consider making a gift and supporting Catholic children in our parishes. Gifts can be directed to: GRACE President, 1087 Kellogg Street, Green Bay, WI 54303. Our popular annual event – a lovely evening within the cloister gardens of St. Norbert Abbey- is back again! This year, guided tours of the Abbey grounds will be conducted and two of the gardens will be open to the public. It is a perfect way to enjoy the Abbey and its grounds as well as the hope-filled season of spring. Please note: The event takes place rain or shine. ONLINE GIVING DISPOSAL OF OLD SACRED OBJECTS Would you like to dispose of or "retire" your old religious books, articles and sacred objects, (sacramentals)? There is a container (gold box) in the Narthex for these items. Sacred objects and articles in good condition will be given to the missions and items in not good condition will be disposed of. We offer automatic payments through online giving. If interested visit our website at www.nativityparish.com and click on the “online giving” logo. If you have questions contact Vicki at 499-5156. 10 NATIVITY OF OUR LORD PARISH Reporting Sexual Abuse If you know of an incident of sexual abuse of a person who is now under the age of 18 by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY CALL THE CIVIL AUTHORITIES AND THEN THE DIOCESE. If the person was abused as a minor but is now an adult, please contact: Jayne Stefanic, Diocesan Assistance Coordinator, Diocese of Green Bay 920-272-8174 or 1-877-270-8174 (toll free) We also encourage you to report the incident to local civil authorities. YOU MATTER TO US — THERE IS HOPE! • GREEN BAY • PAGE 11 BAPTISMS Parents may schedule their child’s baptism after they have completed a two-part preparation program. Call the Parish Office at least 60 days before Baptism for interview and preparation session. BAPTISM DATES: May 11, June 15, July 13 and August 10, 2014 SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK (Following 8:30 AM Mass—See dates listed below) This Sacrament is offered to anyone in need of Christ’s healing touch. The Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament for those who are in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. Think of friends and loved ones who may want to receive this sacrament and invite them to this Mass. ANOINTING OF THE SICK DATES: June 29, 2014 RCIA—Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults CRISIS CENTER 436-8888 PREGNANCY HOTLINE 433-9955 Do you want to know more about the Catholic faith? Are you or someone you know interested in becoming baptized or confirmed as a Catholic? For more information about this process call Wayne Efferson (490-1352 ext. 206) or email [email protected]. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Nativity of Our Lord Church #645850 2270 South Oneida Street Green Bay, WI 54304 TELEPHONE 920 499-5156 CONTACT PERSON Rae Wetzel EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP Laserjet P1606 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 27, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Perforate pages 3, 5, 7 & 9 please.
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who participated in the 2014 West Coast Walk for
Life in San Francisco on Saturday, January 25,
2014. There had to have been about 80,0...
St. Edward Catholic Church
For us, Christ is everything. We begin
in each day in his presence. We are his
people, from many walks of life, and
from many nations and languages. We
adore the Lord, address him with the
psalms o...