Chambers Latin America 2015 - Pereira Neto Macedo Advogados
Chambers Latin America 2015 - Pereira Neto Macedo Advogados
CH :\~IBERS LEGAL & P:\RT:\ERS ~UIILISHERS Brazil Competition/Antitrust guage skills are highly valued by international able and his English is excelle11t." Lau ro Celid onio Neto (see p.399) is valued by clients for clients. his maturity and experience in the competiStrengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "T11e firm has a multifaceted and se/f-starting tion and antitrust area. Clients are impressed team, working on its own i11itiative, that 11ever by Mareio Dias Soares (see p.408), with one needs to be prompted. 7he team has specific saying: "We appreciate his quick understa11ding Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "7hey know what we need before we do. We sought their assista11ce with an extraordinarily complex issue and tlrey managed to keep it completely under tire radar - exactly what we needed in that situation." Work bighlights Successfully represented Schlumberger before CADE in a joint venture \vith Cameron, helping establish oil and gas product manufacturer and services provider Significant clients Camargo Corrêa, UPS, OneSubsea. Notable practitioners United Airlines, Toshiba, Embraer. Department co-head José Regazzini (see p.436) is a fully dedicated competition lawyer Pinheiro Neto Advogados whose experience is valued by clients. Daniel See proflle on p.545 What the team is known for Esteemed prac- Oliveira Andreoli (see p.432) is held in high tice with extensive experience in merger esteem by clients, who say: "He is very responreviews, cartel investigations and leniency sive and displays very good commercial judgeapplications. lhe team also frequently advises ment." Leading the team alongside Regazzini, on cross·border mandates with a competition/ the experienced Marcelo Calliari (see p.395) draws much admiration from clients for his antitrust angle. antitrust expertise and leadership sltills. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "I seek out their advice for my company's most Significant clients MasterCard, Oracle, Colhigh-profile cases. I can always expect the team's gate-Palmolive, Casino Group, Oufry. knowledge of our industry sector and under- of our business and related alllitrust issues - he is also a strong communicator both verbally and stallds our goals as a compa11y." What's new? Maria Eugênia Novis was pro- in written work." Another interviewee adds: "He moted to partner, and the team was also is a highly effective advocate." reinforced by the arrival of former CADE (Administrative Council for Economic Oefence) commissioner Marcos Paulo Veríssimo. Wo rk highlights Currently representing stainless steel group Aperam Inox before CADE in an investigation involving alleged abuse of dominant position. Notable practitioners Head of department Tito Amaral de Andrade (see p.384) is singled out by clients for his "impressive knowledge" of competition law, and for having the required language skills to communicate effectively with international clients. Maria Eugênia Novis (see p.431 ) frequently works side by side with Amaral and is admired by sources for the high quality of her work and her ability to meet client expectations. Significant clients Vale, Amil (United Health Group), Grupo Ultra, Telefónica, Alliance One. Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Qulroga Advogados See proflle on p.532 What the team is known for Highly accomplished team noted for its strong commercial awareness. Cüents also value the firm's ability to offer a full service when dealing with sophis· ticated projects. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "T11ey u11dersta11d our busi11ess mode/, providi11g advice that is practica/, cohere11t a11d relevalll. T11e /awyers are avai/able a11d provide clear and cormsel that is easy to u11dersta11d." What's new? Mareio Dias Soares has been pro· moted to partner. Work highlights Representing both buyer and seller before the competition authorities in Syniverse Technologies' acquisition of roaming services provider MACH, also requiring joint review and remedy negotiations between CADE and the European Commission. Notable practitioners Clients rave about experienced practitioner Amadeu Carvalhaes Ribeiro (see p.398), saying: "Hes extremely knowledgeable about work to be ofa very high quality." Work highlights Successfully represented Microsoft in a CADE-Ied investigation into alleged anti-competitive practices involving Explorer and Windows platform licensing practices. Notable practitioners Cristianne Saccab Zarzur (see p.438) has considerable insight into the pharmaceutical irldustry, and her experience in complex merger reviews is highly prized by clients. Sources acknowledge her visibility in the sector, saying: "Shes definitely a top-tier lawyer." José Alexandre Buaiz Neto (see p.394) is based in BrasUia and specialises in competition, litigation and life sciences matters. Worlting alongside Zarzur, associate Lilian Barreira (see p.389) recently assisted Delphi Luxemburg in obtaining CADE approval for its acquisition of FCI's motorised vehicle business. Leonardo Peres da Rocha e Silva (see p.402) is currently leading the team advising GM on an alleged bid-rigging case involving the sale of ambulance vehicles to the government o f São Paulo. Significant clients GM, Universal Leaf Tobacco, Prosegur Espaila, LAN Chile, Bradesco. ~ Grlnberg, Cordovll Advogados What the team is known for Compact, highly dexterous team advising clients on a wide range of competition and antitrust issues, with particular emphasis on cartel investigations and anti-competitive practices. Strengths (Quotes mainly from dients) "7hey are accessible and responsive to our demands. T/rey really strive to achieve the results we 11eed." What's new? Patricia Avigni recently joined the team as a partner. Work highlights lhe firm is currently advising Google on an investigation led by CADE into alleged anti·competitive practices in the market for search engines. Notable p ractitioners Leonor Cordovil is admired by sources for her experience and resourcefulness. Oeeply experienced former CADE commissioner Mauro Grinberg is particularly prized by clients for his networlting sltills. Significant clients Siemens, Solvay, Visa, Shell, Google. TozzlniFrelre Advogados See profile on p.564 What the team is known for Provides comprehensive assistance to clients in high-profile everythi11g that goes on in competition /aw." merger control filings, cartel investigations and They add: "He was instrumental i11 guiding us leniency negotiations. Noted for its impressive through the new legal regime, hes always avail- results in competition mandates. 300 Band 2 Llno, Beraldl, Belluzzo e Camlnatl Advogados What lhe team is known for Highly specialised and experienced competition and antitrust group \vith particular expertise in handling prominent cartel investigations. lhe team also includes a dedicated litigation partner. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "We've achieved great results witlr them and they've helped us establish a 11ew jr1risprudence at CADE. T11is is a11 agi/e and available teanr tlrat does its best to ensure c/ients are completely satisjied." Work h ighlights Advising Citibank on the sale o f its Brazilian card and consumer finance unit to ltaú Unibanco. Notable practitioners Department co-head Fábio Francisco Beraldi focuses his practice on antitrust and cartel investigations in addition to consumer law issues. He is lauded by clients for his agility and "vast knowledge" of competition law. Leading the team with Beraldi, Eduardo Caminati advises on merger filings, investigations into anti-competitive practices and international trade issues. Sources say: "He knows how to Com petition;Antitrust Brazi I Mattos Murlel Kestener Advogados Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) What the team is known for Experienced and accomplished team with a notable track record in handling cartel investigations. lhe team advises some high-profile multinationals in the competition area. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "T11ey stand out for their refined a11d accurate strategy. We appreciate tire direct and consta11t contact we lrave witlr tire partners." "7heir advice entailed the complex analysis of relevant regulatiorrs and tire elaboratiorr of sophisticated arguments." What's new? Seven new associares have recently joined the team. Notable practitioners Juliano Maranhão (see p.423) is hailed by clients as a "sharp problem solver." Head of department Tércio Sampaio Ferraz Jr (see p.439) is a competition law specialist with decades of academic and legal practice under his belt. Clients prize his experience and carefully considered advice. Clients value Thiago Francisco d a Silva Brito (see p.402) for his persuasive manner and pre-emptive counsel. Significant dients Rafzen, Organizações Globo, Cosan, Azul, Saraiva. Work highlights Representing Sony Optiarc in an alleged cartel investigation in the market of optical disk drives. Notable practitioners Maria Andrade (see p.385) is lauded by clients for her focused and meticulous approach. Ubiratan Mattos (see p.424) is commended by peers for his track record and experience in the area. Significant clients Braskem, Louis Dreyfus, explain the issues at stake in a very accessible Toshiba, Odebrecht, Tokay Rubber industries. Trench, Rossi e Watanabe way; hes very objective and business-aware." Significant clients J. Macedo, Gerdau, IBM, Pereira Neto 1 Macedo Andrade Gutierrez, Octapharma. See proflle on p.543 What lhe team is known for Widely acclaimed Magalhães e Dias for its performance in complex antitrust and See proflle on p.527 regulatory transactions, and for providing What the team is known for Much-respected, effective strategic planning. dedicated antitrust team with specialist knowl- Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) edge of consumer law issues, cartel investiga- "Tire team successfully combines technica/ tions and disputes. knowledge witlr deeply analytical and strategic Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) focus. 7hey lrarrdle our most conrplex cases mrd "7heir service is fast, thorough and business-oriented. 7hey possess vast technical expertise and a good workirrg relationship witlr the relevant autlrorities. We are always able to have direct contact with the partners." What's new? lhe group has recently been reinforced by the arrival of three new lawyers specialising in economic law and litigation. Work h ighlights Representing Nestlé in an investigation led by CADE into the ice cream market regarding the competitive effects of exclusivity agreements signed with local retai.lers. Notable practitioners Gabriel Nogueira Dias (see p.431) is the firm's managing partner. He is recognised by clients for his agility and clarity of advice. lhe deeply experienced Carlos Fran cisco de Magalhães (see p.405) is widely regarded as a pioneer in Brazilian competition law and has been repeatedly appointed by relevant government bodies to sit on commit1ees charged with amending lhe country's competition legislation. Significant clients Abril, Pirelli, Ambev, Warner Music, Nextel. (assoclated wlth Baker & McKenzle lnternatlonal) See proflle on p.98 What the team is known for Advises across ali manner of competition and antitrust issues, with particular expertise in concentration acts and cartel investigations. lhe firm's international network is also an advantage for crossborder mandates. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "7hey demonstrate flexibility and availability, and are open a11d honest in their communicaWhat's new? Joaquim Nogueira Porto Moraes tions. 7he team provides respo11sive, proactive has been promoted to partner. and detailed advice witlrout losing objectivity." consistelllly deliver good results." Work hlghlights Advising Diagnóstico das Américas (DASA) on its highly pubücised merger with medicai diagnostics company MOI. Notab.le practitioners Head of department Caio Mário da Silva Pereira Neto receives considerable praise from dients, who say: "He's very tlroughtful, diligent Work highlights Representing Yara Brasil in the merger control filing which led to its successful acquisition o f Bunge's fertiliser business. Notable practitioners Thlio do Egito Coelho is valued by clients for his experience and effectiveness in crafting solid arguments. Clients praise Francisco and resolutely focused on achieving tire best Todorov as being "brillia11t in both the tlreoresults for us." Worlting alongside Caio, Paulo retical a11d the practical." Leonardo Casagrande has been assisting Significant clients GE, American Airlines, Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) in Vale, Liquigás, Nestlé. obtaining a partia! reduction of an injunction imposed by CADE following its acquisition of a minority stake in Usiminas. Band 3 Significan t clients Oi, BV Empreendimentos e Participações, Serasa Experian, CSN, Serveng Casclone, Pullno, Boulos & Santos Civilsan. Advogados See proflle on p.479 Sampaio Ferraz Advogados What the team is known for Handles high·pro· What lhe team is known for Practice group file antitrust mat1ers, with notable experience in with a long-standing involvement in the com- cartel defence, judiciallitigation and preventative petition law sphere. lhe team is noted for its counselling on commercial practices. combination of outstanding academic back- Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) grounds with solid experience. "7hey are very busi11ess·oriented and focused 011 the task at hand." 301 Brazil Corporate/M&A a great corporate lawyer," say peers. He h as more with experience across the entire spectrum of Work highlights Provided counsel for Rio than 50 years' experience in tax and corporate law. Clients endorse Flavio Leoni Siqueira (see p.420) for his availability and leaderships skills. Significant clients LAEP Investments, Interoil Representação, Ancar lvanhoe, Intermesa Trading. corporate law. St rength.s (Quotes mainly from clients) "We chose the .firm for the business acumen of its lawyers, their quick respomes and the hands-on approach from partners." Work highlights Advised Prosegur Brasil on its BRL825 million acquisition of Grupo NorLevy & Salomão Advogados deste companies. See proflle on p.515 Notable practitioners What the team is known for Stands out for According to sources, José Orlando Lobo is combining strong experience in transactional "a11 extremely gifted /awyer and a heavyweight and regulatory matters. Provides corporate in this area." He co-heads the practice and adds advice across the board and offers expertise in a signilicant wealth of experience to the team. interdependent areas such as dispute resolu- Valdo Cestari de Rizzo is a versatile corporate lawyer and shares leadership of the departtion, tax and competition. ment. Clients admire his inteUectual agility and Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "The team is q11ick and available, and has a solution-oriented approach. Partner In Hee Cho strong business vision allied with excel/ent tech- focuses on M&A and has extensive experience in cross-border deals. Sources highlight her "impresnical quality.• sive ability to break down cultural and language Notable practitioners Sources say Daniel Tardelli Pessoa (see p.443) barriers," as well as her strong negotiation and "is engaged, accessible and very prompt," and drafting skills. Clients say Rodrigo Millar de Castro Guerra is "incredibly dedicated, intelligent, fu rther praise his communication skills. Significant clients Vale Fertilizantes, Nord Est calm and creative." He is a well-rounded lawyer who focuses on M&A and private equity. Group, Rodobens, CTIS Tecnologia. Significant clients Pearson Group, Prosegur Brasil, lhyssenKrupp Automotive Systems, Lllla, Huck, otranto, Camargo InBrands. Advogados See proflle on p.516 What the team is known for Established player Lobo & lbeas Advogados in São Paulo, focusing on M&A and restructur- See proflle on p.521 ings, as well as offering day-to-day support. What the team is known for Well-established Acts for a strong base of domestic clients, and and respected practice operating from Rio de is expanding its international reach. Janeiro. Advlses clients on many aspects of corporate and business law, including transacStrengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "Ten out of ten in terms of service and work tional matters, corporate governance and middelivered- I am entirely satis.fied with this .firm." market M&A. Work highlights Advised Companhia de Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Bebidas Ipiranga on its takeover by Embotel- "1l1is .firm stands out for the homogenous ladora Andina, a bottler for Coca-Cola. lhe quality of the partners and their extremely high deal was worth approximately USDS IS million. technical competence." Notable practitioners Notable practitioners Luis Gustavo Haddad's (see p.416) strengths lhe key point of contact for clients is Joaquim lie in corporate, M&A and debt restructuring. Simões Barbosa. Clients are quick to highlight his "knowledge and prompt service to the client," with one Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Oplce adding: "He also helps usa lot in terms of busi- See proflle on p.525 What the team is known for Widely acclaimed ness strategy." Significant dients Porto Seguro, Cristália player with an impressive client roster and one Produtos Q uímicos e Farmacêuticos, UTC of the largest teams in the country. Sought out Participações, Arrow Electronics. for its leading corporate pra~ce and highly experienced M&A partners, and for its ability to provide multidisciplinary advice. Lobo & de Rlzzo Advogados Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) See proflle on p.520 What the team is known for Well-rounded "7hey are a one-stop shop, which is crucial for practice with a significant presence in the M&A complex M&A requiring integrated advice. 7hey market, representing a broad range of high- have vast resources, they are highly committed level clients. Led by a strong team of partners and we can trust them to be available 24/ 7." 308 de janeiro Refrescos, a Brazilian company controUed by a bottler for Coca-Cola, on its USD480 million acquisition of Companhia de Bebidas Ipiranga. Notable practitioners Peers highlight Carlos José Rolim de Mello 's (see p.437) extensive track record and experience as his main assets. Clients describe him as "deeply knuwledgeable alld very pragmatiC: Partner Mauro Cesar Leschziner (see p.420) is an accomplished M&A lawyer and valuable team member who has experience in deals across a wide range of industries, including heavily regulated ones. Clients reserve high praise for José Samurai Saiani (see p.439), stating that he is "a true deal maker" and adding: "We feel very con.fident in his strong technical ability and objective manner." Arthur Bardawil Penteado (see p.388) enters the rankings on the back of a strong year. Clients describe him as "a brilliant lawyer" and commend his experience in complex corporate maners for listed companies. Market cornmentators recognise Giovanni Biscardi's (seep.391) growingstature in the field. Clients say: "He always delivers - he makes things happen and establishes excel/ent working re/ationships.· Name partner José Roberto Opice (see p.432) now operates in a consultancy role within the practice. He has vast experience ofcorporate, banking. project finance and capital markets. Clients praise Guilhenne Bueno Maloufs (see p.394) "well-rounded approach to deals and great busi11ess sense." Significant clients Telefónica, Diageo, G4S Brazil, Morgan Stanley, Apollo Group. Madrona Hong Mazzuco - Sociedade de Advogados See proflle on p.526 What the team is known for Mid-sized corporale practice in São Paulo regularly advising clients on a \vide range of issues, from M&A and joint ventures to private equity investments and counsel on commercial issues. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "The team is compact, pro-deal at1d quick to act, and has a great breadth of knowledge about the Brazilianlegal system." Work highlights Assisted EDP Energias do Brasil in the BRL58 million sale of power transmission company Evrecy to Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista (CTEEP). Notable practition ers Department head Ricardo Madrona (see p.422) is singled out for his "experience, creativity and ability to w1derstand the clie11t's business needs." Significao! clients Votorantim Group, UOL, BTG, Aeris Energy, CBMM. Corporate/M&A Brazil Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Motta, Fernandes Rocha Advogados Qul roga Advogados See proflle on p.5 36 See proflle on p.532 What the team is known for Regularly involved in market-leading transactions for high-profile clients. Large and multidisciplinary team equipped to handle hybrid deals requiring M&A and capital markets knowledge, as well as sophisticated and regulatoryheavy corporale issues. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "We are 10096 satis.fied with this .firm: tile tech- nical quality and rigour of the documents they produce is excel/ent. 1l1ey are proactive in anticipating our issues and make an effort to build a strong partnership with their clients." Work highlights Represented MPX Energia, the energy arm of EBX Group, as E.ON acquired a 24.5% stake of the company for USO 1 billion. lhe deal includes a public capital increase by MPX of BRL1.2 billion and the reintegration of a MPXJE. ON joint venture back into MPX. Notable practitioners Sergio Spinelli Silva Jr (see p.443) rises to the top tie r on the back of widespread p raise from peers and clients: "Heis highly intelligent and has a very strategic approach to cases- de.finitely one of lhe best lawyers in the country." João Ricardo de Azevedo Ribeiro (see p.436) is described as "a brilliant lawyer who is always involved in top of the market deals." He is a well-rounded corporate lawyer and an expert in M&A. Moacir Zilbovicius (see p.450) is singled out for his "seniority and outstanding skills," and for his vast experience in sophisticated transactions. José Eduardo Carneiro Queiroz's (see p.397) practice encampasses capital markets, banking and M&A. He is widely admired by sources as one of the firm's most important assets. Marcelo Sampaio Góes Ricupero (see p.439) is "diligent, creative and pro-deal," according to sources. He has experience in representing clients from a range of industries. Market commentators describe Pedro Whitaker de Souza Dias (see p.449) as "responsive, reliable, hardworking and knowledgeable." H iram Bandeira Pagano Filho (see p.387) is singled out by clients as "a rising star." He focuses on M&A and corporate agreements. Sources recognise that Rodrigo Figueiredo Nascimento (see p.4 11 ) has a bright future ahead of him: "Rodrigo is young but fui/ of potential. He is balanced, technical and knowledgeable." Partner Paula Notable practitioners Ricardo Ferreira d e Macedo is held in high What the team is known for This practice regard by clients for his ability to "solve probcomprises a mix o f transactional and corporate lems a11d be creative from a legal perspective." consultancy, including advice on sophisticated Significant clients Usina de Açúcar Santa CVM issues. Solid team of highly experienced Terezinha, CPA Trading, Cent ral Paranaense corporate specialists and M&A lawyers. Has de Logística, Straumann. offices in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Perlman Vldlgal Godoy Advogados "1he quality of their work a11d their avai/ability What the team is known for Boutique practice stand out as strengths. 1l1ey are c/ear, agi/e and providing counsel to a range of domestic and objective." international clients within the sphere of corNotable practition ers porate and finance. Workload includes M&A, Luiz Leonard o Cantidiano (see p.397) heads joint ventures and debt capital markets. the practice. Peers hold him in high esteem as Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "a top-tier corporate lawyer" and admire his "I work with this .firm for its responsiveness and profound knowledge, commitment and hands- thorough work. It also represents excel/ent value on approach. Horacio Bernard es Neto (see formoney." p.390) is acknowledged by sources as a signifi- What's new? lhe firm hired two partners to cant presence in the market. He is experienced cover litigation and tax matters. in a broad range of corporate matters. Otto Notable practitioners Ed uardo Fonseca de Albuquerque Lobo (see Sources commend founding partner Marcelo p.411 ) is commended for his "great experience, Giovanni Perlman for his "jlexibility and comconstructive approach and fui/ availability." He mercial insights." regularly acts as lead partner on major deals. Significant clients ATS Brasil. Significant d ients IBM, Nextel Communications, DeepOcean, Trico Group. Pinheiro Guimarães Advogados See proflle on p.544 Mundle Advogados What the team is known for Enjoys a strong See proflle on p.537 reputation amongst peers and clients for its What the team is known for Well-rounded strength in M&A, capital markets, banking and corporate practice regularly retained for private restructuring. Mid-sized team led by a core equity deals in regulated industries, especially group of highly experienced partners. Reguenergy and telecoms. EquaUy well equipped larly involved in high-profile and high-value to counsel on other corporate matters, such as deals, particularly in the financiai sector. joint ventures and reorganisations. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "7he quality of service a11d technical expertise "You get a lot ofdirect contact with senior partners at tlris jim1 and that makes a huge difference. 1l1e M&A team is very experienced and they understand our needs as a multi110tional company." Notable practitioners Rod olpho d e Oliveira Fran co Protasio "is a very tale11ted, experienced and extremely smart corporate lawyer," enthuse clients. He has worked across many sectors but has been especially active in power in recent years. Pereira Neto I Macedo See proflle on p.543 What the team is known for SmaU team providing advice on day-to-day corporate maners and mid-market M&A deals. Works with clients from a range of industries, recently including agriculture, telecommunications and energy. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Vieira focuses on high-end M&A and enters the table foll owing enthusiastic endorsement from peers. Significant clients Qualicorp, Citi Venture "What stands out is their avai/ability and the Capital lnternational, NCR, Natura, Goldman quality ofcare. 7hey understand the c/ie11t's busiSachs. ness well." stand out at tllis practice. 7hey are flexible and creative, and they know the market well." Work highlights Acted as counsel to General Motors do Brasil on the acquisition of AUy Finandal's operations in Europe. China and Latin America. lhe deal was valued at USD4.25 billion. Notable practitioners Marcelo Lamy Rego is highly rated by peers and clients as a skilful and experienced M&A lawyer: "He's excellent - always prepared and very we/1-rounded." Francisco José Pinheiro Guimarães is recognised by sources as a multitalented lawyer and an active figure in the market. His practice spans corporate, banking and capita.l markets. According to clients, Plinio Pinheiro Guimarães "brings solutions and de.finitely adds value." His expertise lies in corporate, finance and project development. Significant clients BTG Pactuai, Brookfield Brazil, Grupo Neoenergia, Merrill Lynch, White & Case. 309 Brazi I Public Law Significant dients Ecorrodovias Infraestrutura e Logística, Accenture, Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Ecômico e Social, Mitsubishi, Companhia de Concessões Rodoviárias. Manesco, Ramlres, Perez, Azevedo Marques Sociedade de Advogados Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) PPPs. We a/so appreciate tlrat they assign a "11rey always keep to deadlitres, anticipate pos- senior parttrer to attend to our demands at every sible difficulties and slrow cotrsiderable business stage of tire process." vision duritrg negotiations." Work highlights Retained by Construtora What's new? The firm has recently opened a new office in Brasília. Work highlights Advised Odebrecht TransPor! on its operations as pari of a consortium to manage the expansion, maintenance and commercial development of the Galeão International Airport in Rio de janeiro. Notable practitioners Clients say Massami Uyeda Junior's (see p.446) See proflle on p.529 What the team is known for Long-established and highly respected practice, widely acknowledged by sources for its public law expertise. Notable strength in complex matters related to infrastructure bidding, project structuring an d litigation. "communication atrd negotiation skills are very Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) impressive." He has expertise in corporate law "A top-tier jirm that is actively involved inlarge- and mallers related to infrastructure. Head scale projects. It is a benclmrark in tire sector and of department Rodnei Iazzetta (see p.417) is is particularly adept at negotiating short- and commended by clients for his technical experlong-term contracts witlr tire autlrorities." tise, efficient team leadership and knowledge of Work highlights Provided contractual and how public bodies operate. regulatory assistance to lhe operator of one of the country's largest airport concessions. Notable practitioners Band3 Floriano Peixoto de Azevedo Marques Neto (see p.433) is widely acclaimed by peers as Azevedo Sette Advogados one of the Jeading practitioners in the market. See profile on p.461 Sources praise h is "exceptional" knowledge of What the team is known for Advises clients infrastructure and regulatory matters. on the full range of administrat ive and public law issues within the sector, including PPPs, concessions and public bids. Also has a wellSundfeld Advogados What the team is known for Maintains a developed practice in litigation. Based in Belo strong reputation in the market, advising cli- Horizonte. ents on the full spectrum of matters within the St rengths (Quotes mainly from clients) sphere. Particularly well known for the qual.ity "11re lttwyers have proved to be very capable and of its legal opinions and expert analysis of crit- we were verymrpressed witlr tire quality of work icai public law issues, including PPPs, public delivered." bids, concessions and contracts. Work highlights Advised Companhia de Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Concessões Rodoviárias on its work as part of "An excellent team tlrat is lrighly souglrt after for a consortium to build and operate a light rail its strategic cotrsultmrcy." vehicle system in Rio de janeiro's city centre and dock areas. Notable practitioners Carlos Ari Sundfeld wins extensive praise from Notable practitioners market observers for his academic prowess and Frederico Dieterich is the key client contact. broad expertise in the field. Vera Monteir o is Significant clients Grupo Queiroz Galvão, commended by peers for her expertise in infra- Andrade Gutierrez Concessões, ADC & HAS structure projects. Clients also highlight her Airports Worldwide, Sonel Engenharia, Alusa Engenharia. conscientious approach to her work. Band 2 Arap, Nlshl & Uyeda Advogados See proflle on p.459 What the team is known for Large-scale infrastructure projects lie at the heart of this public law practice, particularly in cases regarding bidding procedures, concession agreements and PPPs. The group is also noted for its expertise in matlers concerning airports, motorways and healthcare. 362 Casclone, Pullno, Boulos & Santos Advogados See profile on p.479 What lhe team is known for~d vises a range of domestic and international dients, predominantly from the commercial, energy and infrastructure sectors, on matters such as concessions, PPPs, bid tenders and public hearings. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Queiroz Galvão, one of four members in the 'Move São Paulo' consortium, in its successful bid to build and operate line 6 of São Paulo's underground system. Notable practitioners Head of deparlment Bruno Francisco Cabral Aurélio elicits praise from clients for his "out- standing performances in assessing risks itr project structuritrg mandates." Significant clients INVEPAR (Investimentos e Participações em Infraestrutura), Concessionária Porto Novo, lndra, AENA Desarrollo Internacional, Construtora Queiroz Galvão. Pereira Neto 1 Macedo See profile on p.543 What lhe team is known for Celebrated firm with a strong public law practice, admired for its profidency in handling a range of challenging commercial, regulatory and public sector issues. Also noted for its ability to respond to and chaiJenge administrative decisions. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "11re /awyers at Pereira Neto are very commercially aware and creative in tlreir advice." What's new? Litigation specialist Joaquim Nogueira Porto Moraes was made partner. Work highlights Acted as counsel to the consortium formed by CR Almeida, Ghella and Consbem in connection with the public tender invitation to renew and extend São Paulo's underground line 2. The consortium was deemed to have mel the initial criteria imposed by the authorities and pre-qualified for the next stage o f the tender. Notable practitioners Head of department Caio Mário da Silva Pereira Neto wins widespread acclaim from clients, who say: "He is practical and accessible, mrd has a lot of common setrse. He really wrderstmrds lrow tire Braziliatr public sector works and is ready to take on anytlring we tlrrow at /rim." Significant clients Indra, Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos, AEGEA Saneamento, Bombardier Transportation, GP Investimentos. Public Law Strengths {Quotes mainly from clients) Brazil Significant clients Petrobras, SICPA Indús- Notable practitioners "The jirm possesses a jirst-class regulatory and tria de Tintas, Abengoa, Nacional Gás Butano, Head of department Heloísa Uelze is the key infrastructure team, wlriclr strikes a very lrelpful Sanesul. client contact. balance witlr its transactional experietrce." Significant clients Motorola, Eutelsat, GE What's new? The team has recently been rein- TozzlnlFrelre Advogados Healthcare, Lockheed Martin, Varian Medicai. forced by the arrival of a counsel specialising in compliance, governance and regulatory matters. Work highlights Advised FAB Zona Oeste, a joint venture formed by Odebrecht Ambiental and Água do Brasil, on its operations to expand and operate lhe sewage collection and treatment system in the western zone ofRio de Janeiro. Notable practitioners Clients are quick to praise Demian Guedes (see p.415) for his commitment and broad experience in the public law arena. Significan t clients Concessionária Porto Novo, Ailanto Marketing. See profile on p.564 What lhe team is known for Advises clients on the full spectrum of administrative and public law issues, with notable strength in public procurements, PPPs and contracts. Enters the rankings thls year, having earned positive feed back from peers and clients alike. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "It is a very accessible and lrands-on team. 11re /awyers are dedicated and really inspire conjidence in tlreir work." Work highlights Advised Urenco Enrichment on its bid to supply uranium to nuclear plants in Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro State. Notable practitioners Head of department Claudia Elena BoneUi (see p.392) is "very knowledgeab/e and clientBand 4 fowsed," say clients. She has particular experience in infrastructure-related issues, including Siqueira Castro - Advogados PPPs, public bids and cont racts. Associate Ana See profile on p.557 Candida de Mello Mukai (see p.405) impresses What lhe team is known for Handles a wide clients with her broad public law practice. They variety of cases related to public policy, regula- comment: "Sires competent, organised and easy tion, contracts and bid tenders. Also noted for to work with." its expertise in dispute resolution proceedings Significant clients Carioca Engenharia, GP within the sphere. Investimentos, Dufry, BMW, Caterpillar. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "11re jirm possesses an excellent public law team. Trench, Rossi e Watanabe The lawyers are consistent, responsive and com- (assoclated wlth Baker & McKenzle mercially aware." lnternatlonal) What's new? Renato Otto Kloss was made partner. He focuses on administrative and regulatory matters. Work highlights Acted as counsel to Companhia Distribuidora de Gás do Rio de janeiro (CEG) during taritf negotiations with the authorities. Also advised the company on a number of administrative proceedings in relation togas distribution. Notable practitioners Key client contacts are Márcio Monteiro Reis, who heads the Rio team, and Fernando Villela de Andrade Vianna, who leads the São Paulo office. See profile on p.98 What the team is known for Advises on an extensive range of public law and administrative proceedings, and is particularly well regarded for its experience of public procurements, contracts and regulatory matters. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "11rey are well versed itr dealitrg witlr large mul- tinatiotrals clients and lrave tire ability to lratrdle severa/ complex issues at tire same time." other Ranked Lawyers Sole practitioner Celso Antônio Bandeira d e Mello is a celebrated academic, lawyer and author whose legal opinions are widely sought after by major clients. Peers commend Marçal Justen Filho of)usten, Pereira, Oliveira & Talamini - Advogados Associados for his academic work and extensive knowledge of public law. He is widely considered to be one of the Jeading practitioners in the market. Ricardo Levy (see p.420) of Pinheiro Neto Advogados "Iras substantial knowledge of public law issues," say clients. They add that his advice is "useful not only from a legal perspective but a/so from a busitress poilll of view." André Marques Gilberto (see p.423) of Campos Mello Advogados earns extensive client praise for his broad public law practice. "He understands our sense of urgency mrd always accommodates our dead/ines, even in diffiwlt situations and touglr tregotiations," said one interviewee. Market commentators describe Renato Poltronieri (see p.435) of Demarest Advogados as "an excellent strategist and negotiator." They also praise his client-oriented approach. Market observers single out Maurício Portugal Ribeiro of Portugal Ribeiro Advogados for his expertise in PPPs and regulatory issues. Letícia Q ueiroz de Andrade has recently established her own firm, Queiroz MalufSociedade de Advogados. She is commended by clients for her "ample technical expertise." Clients single out Kleber Zanchim (see p.450) of SABZ Advogados for his commitment and strong leadership skills. Work highlights Acted as counsel to French events organiser GL Events in its successful bid to beco me the concession holder of São Paulo's Imigrantes Exhibition Centre. Velrano Advogados See profile on p.567 What lhe team is known for Rio-based prnctice advising on a diverse array of public law cases. with notable activity in project structuring, bidding procedures and dispute resolution. Also has recognised expertise in civil public actions and "We clrose tire jirm for its prompt service, avail- matlers related to allegations of corruption and ability and expertise in administrative /aw mrd impropriety. 363 Brazil Telecommunications & Technology Brancher (see p.393) "is a skilful practitio11er Full-service capabilities allow the team to pro- the return of its MMDS spectrum concession. and provides excellent client service," enthuse vide multidisciplinary advice. Notable practitioners Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Head of department Rodrigo Greco "excels in sources. Significant dients Claro, Twitter, Rimini "They embrace our projects and have a can do' /ris teclmica/ expertise, prompt client service mrd approach, constantly challenging tire team to get knowledge of the ins and outs of tire telecommuStreet, Spotify, Telesat. the best possible results." nications industry," enthuses a dient. Associate Manesco, Ramlres, Perez, Azevedo Marques Sociedade de Advogados See proflle on p.529 What the team is known for Recognised for its regulatory expertise and the quality of its legal opinions. Long-standing track record representing large telecommunications corporations in disputes and negotiations with the authorities. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Work highlíghts Representing 1\vitter in a series ofhearings before the Brazilian Congress in relation to worldwide secret surveillance programmes reportedly maintained by the United States' National Security Agency. Notable practitioners Fabio Ferreira Kujaws.k i (see p.410) is championed by interviewees for his client focus and "strong business acumen." Significant clíents Google, Netflix, China Tel"They are highly specia/ised 11nd experienced and ecom, Tencent, Fundação Roberto Marinho. understand how this market works." Ticiane Moraes Franco is praised by sources for her availability and command of regulatory issues. Significan t clients Oi, Huawei, Embratel, Algar Telecom, Nextel. Trench, Rossi e Watanabe (assoclated wlth Baker & McKenzle lnternatlonal) See proflle on p.98 What the team is known for Through its enduring partnership with the Baker & McKenzie network, the group has successfully attracted a prestigious international clientele typically made up of online retailers, web search engines and social networlting service providers. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Notable practitioners Head of department Floriano Peixoto de Azevedo Marques Neto (see p.433) is endorsed by peers as a "bri/liant and dedicated lawyer." Partner Eduardo Augusto de Oliveira Raroires (see p.406) is singled out by sources for his technical capabilities. Pereira Neto I Macedo See proflle on p.543 What lhe team is known for Well regarded for its ability to combine knowledge of competition and public law to advise prestigious names in the telecommunications industry on disputes and regulatory matters. "71rey helped us to structure a large operation Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) and to obtain tire necessary /icences from tire tei- Band 3 "The team is dyn11mic, responsive mrd constantly ecoms regulator. 71reir support was fundamental provides us with usefui insights to improve or1r for the success of tire project." business strategy." Notable practitioners Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Oplce See proflle on p.525 What the team ls known for The group has a strong transactional focus and regularly advises a variety of high-profile technology and telecommunications dients on contract negotiations, mergers. acquisitions and due diligence. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) What>s new? One of the team's senior assoeiates has been recently promoted to partner. Work bighlights Representing Telesp (part of the Telefónica Group) in a number of judicial lawsuits challenging licence fees and fines hanMd out by.the regulatory agency ANATEL. Notable praêtitioners Clients are full of praise for Caio Mário da "They understand our business needs and the Silva Pereira Neto: "His in-deptlr knowledge quality of tire work provided is such that we never need to /ook elsewhere for advice." Work highlights Acting for Wolters Kluwer Serviços de Informação in the acquisilion of I 00% of the shares owned by Prosoft Tecnologia. Notable practitioners Founding partner Moshe Sendacz (see p.441) is much admired by peers for his transactional sltills and experience advising telecoms companies. Significant clients Telefónica/Vivo, Endemol, Ole Communications. Accenture, Banco Bradesco. Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Qulroga Advogados See proflle on p.532 What the team is known for Renewed strength following arrival of telecoms and technology expert Fabio Kujawslti. Assists clients with public bids and concessions, corporate and M&A and a broad range of regulatory issues. Head of deparlment Esther Miriam Flesch focuses her practice on intellectual property and informalion technology matters. Flávia RebeUo Pereira is lauded by clients for her "solid expertise" in software licensing. Velrano Advogados See proflle on p.567 What the team is known for The group brings of content regulation, telecommunications and togelher a team o f telecoms, technology, media and infrastructure specialists. Regularly assists competitionlaw is extremely impressive.· Significant clients Google, Oi, Globo Comuni- clients negotiating contracts and licences anel cação, Twitter, Sky. seeing through the development of new pro jects. Rollm, Vlottl & Leite Campos Strengths (Quotes mainly from dients) Advogados "Their experience, responsiveness and expert See proflle on p.550 knowledge of teclmology. media 11nd telecoms What the team is known for Admired for its issues make tirem stand out in the market." profound knowledge of the sector's regulatory Work highlights The firm has been retained framework. Clients frequently seek out the by Dell Computers to provide legal assistance team for consultancy and contentious matters, with a number of research projects and softas well as for assistance with radio frequency ware development activities. bids. Notable practitioners Multi-skilled partner Robson Goulart Barreto Strengths (Quotes mainly froR:t clients) "We feel that they really prioritise our needs. (see p.414) is singled out by clients for his "v11st Also, t/rey are very proactive and keep agreed industry knowledge." Barreto's practice spans corporate, projects, finance and regulatory. dead/ines assiduously." Work highlights Representing Telefónica in a Significant dients AT&T, Noltia, Silver Spring judiciallawsuit challenging the deadline estab- Networks, Qualcomm, Flextronics. lished by the regulatory agency ANATEL for Telecommunications & Technology Band4 Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Barbosa, Müssnlch & Aragão See proflle on p.463 What the team is known for Providing full regulatory and transactional assistance to clients in the telecommunications, technology and broadcasting sector. Strengths (Quotes mainly from dients) "71rey're always on tire ba/1. 71rey know lrow the market works andare ab/e to advise on tire differences between tire US and Bra:zil. Furthermore, tire team is multifaceted and ab/e to draw upon tire firm's resources to give us tire riglrt 11nswer." Work highlights Counselling Seaborn Networks in connection with its project to build and operate a submarine fibre optic cable between the US and Brazil in order to meet growing demand for high bandwidth services. Notable practitioners Head of department Eduardo Hayden Carvalhaes Neto (see p.398) "is incredibly responsive Panasonic, Nikon. Work highlights Representing Telcomp in a series of tax disputes with local municipalities in TozzlniFrelre Advogados connection with the installation and usage o f tel· See proflle on p.564 ecommunication equipment in public thorough- What the team is known for Providing regufares. latory and transactional assistance to a wideNotable practitioners ranging telecommunications and IT-focused 1 Th Alexandre Faraco is the main point of contact c]' for clients. .rente e. e team is particularly noted for its . . . .. experience advising intemational players as new Stgmficant clients The Brazrhan Association of entrants to the Brazilian d esu· k om c mar et. Rad'o d 111 . . B d r a~ e eV!sron roa casters (A BERT), St.rengths (Quotes mainly from clients) HBO, Encsson, Sky, Global Village Telecom · "They've been reaJ/ygoodat "'-elpmg · IIS un derstand teclrnica/ precision wlren providing solutioru." Levy & Salomão Advogados See proflle on p.515 What the team is known for Bringing together a multidisciplinary team to advise its telecommunications and technology clientele in r~l.ation to disputes, infrastructure and competrtron matters. tire local rufes and are very commercially minded. 11rey are a very safe pair ofh11nds in Bra:zil." Work highlights Counselling SBA Communic~ ~i ons Corporalions in relation to lhe acqui- srtron and leasing agreement of four separale telecommunications towers. Notable practitioners ~ead of deparlment Marcela Waksman EjnJSman (see p.448) is highly esteemed by clients: "Sire has always been 11vailable to address our needs and requests with great competence." t11ke prompt action wlren needed and focus on Significant dients Experian, Furukawa, Dasoffering pmctica/ solutions." sault Systemes, Facebook, Orange. Work bighlights Advising TIM Brasil on data privacy and remote access regulation as well as on lhe legal steps for implementing a data loss prevention project. Notable practitioners Name partner Renato Opice Blum (see p.432) is singled out by peers for his expertise in social media content and electronic data infringement. Rony Vainzof wins considerable praise "71rey arefocused, org11nised and slrow coruiderable from clients: "He's agi/e, proactive and extremely Work highlights Counselling on regulatory, corporate and tax assistance to EchoStar following its decision to enter into a joint venture with Global Village Telecom. Notable practitioners Head of department Guilherme Ieno is lauded by clients for his commitment and business savvy. Significant dients Rádio e Televisão Bandeirantes, Sky, Transit Telecom, BRCom, Sustenta Telecom. Notable practitioners "71rey provide a lriglr-quality client service Carlos Fernando Siqueira Castro is a key point mrd have a technically accomp/ished team that of contact for clients. inspires us witlr confidence in their ability to Significant clients Atento, Algar Telecom, LG, detiver results." Oplce Blum, Bruno, Abruslo e Valnzof Advogados Associados See proflle on p.540 What the team is known for Widely acknowledged for its proficiency in new technologies 11nd ef!icient. He's a/so real/y good at boiling and digital law. Particularly sought after for down rssues and expl11ining tirem in a business- its advice on online fraud, unauthorised data focused mamrer," say clients. access and data misappropriation. Significant dients Vonage Worldwide, Viv- Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) endi, GVT, Rádio Televisão de Sergipe, Fuji- "71rey are experts in electronic regulations, kura. Koury Lopes Advogados See proflle on p.508 What the team is known for Providing transactional and regulatory assistance to a number of domestic and intemational telecommunication and broadcasting organisations. The group is also freq~ently engaged to advise on radio frequency auctrons and administrative proceedings. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) Brazil committed." Vella Pugllese Buosl e Guldonl Advogados See proflle on p.568 What the team is known for Counselling manufacturing companies, technology service providers and IT-reliant organisations on venture capital investments, joint ventures and acquisitions. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "We've worked with them for severa/ years and Significant clients ltaú Unibanco, Ambev, appreciate their business-oriented 11dvice." HSBC, Santander, Azul Linhas Aéreas. Work highlights Advising Banco Santander in a joint venture with Swedish mobile payment Siqueira Castro - Advogados services iZettle. See profile on p.557 Notable practitioners What the team is known for Significant track Head of department Frederico Buosi (see record assisting some of Brazil's largest tel- p.395) is singled out by sources as 'it gifted legal ecommunication networks and technology mind." Associate Gustavo Artese (see p.386) manufacturers with a broad range of consumer is commended by market observers for his and labour disputes as well as contracts, tax and knowledge o f the technology sector. customs duties regulations. Significant dients Alelo, Next IT. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) "71rey are quick and objective and very effective in helping us minimise legal risks." Other Ranked Lawyers W~r~ highlights The team remains busy assrstrng TIM, Nextel and Vivo with product Ana Paula Bialer Ingham (see p.391) of Bialer, liability and consumer claims fi led across sev- Falsetti & Valadares Advogados is singled out era! municipalities in the country. by market commentators for her leadership and regulatory proficiency. 380 381 Leading Law Firms PEREIRA NETO Brazi I I MACEDO ADVOGADOS FIRM OVERVIEW Managing Partner: Ricardo Ferreira de Macedo Senior Partners: Edmur de Andrade Nunes Pereira Neto, Erasmo Valladão Azevedo e Novaes França Partners: Caio Mário da Silva Pereira Neto, Ricardo Ferreira de Macedo, Paulo de Lorenzo Messina, Rafael Barreto de Aguiar Novaes França, Mônica Arruda de Toledo Piza, Renata Borges La Guardia, Paulo Leonardo Casagrande, Ronaldo Lemos, Joaquim Nogueira Porto Moraes Numbe r of partners: 11 Number of other lawyers: 25 LATIN AMERICA OFFICES BRAZ1L R das Olimpíadas 100, 6 Andar, Vila Olimpia, São Paulo/SP, CEP 04551·000 Tel: +55 11 3638 7000 Fax: +55 11 3638 7040 SAS Quadra 3 • Bloco C • 12°. andar Sls. 1203 a 12, Brasilia/DF, CEP 70070-934 Tel: +55 61 3321 1423 Fax: +55 61 3224 2471 Website: Litigation: Pereira Neto I Macedo has a specialised team for civil and com· merciallitigation and arbitration, with extensive experience in cases involv· ing corporate and business matters, as well as regulatory issues, consumer claims and civilliability. lnsolvency: Pereira Neto I Macedo advises both creditors and companies undergoing reorganisations. In addition, the team has actively participated on debt renegotiations, seeking amicable solutions to benefit ali parties in· volved. labour: The firm has extensive experience on judicial and administrative litigation related to public lawsuits, occupational accidents and labour suits. In addition, it evaluates possible consequences of employment and pension issues in complex transactions Media & lntellectual Property: Pereira Neto I Macedo provides com· MAIN AREAS OF PRACTICE: prehensive legal service in the areas of media, internet, technology and in· Antitrust: Pereira Neto I Macedo has been aclive in a number ofhigh pro· tellectual property, assisting clients with issues such as collective managefile cases involving mergers, cartels and unilateral practices, obtaining very ment o f intellectual property rights, patent and internetlitigation, start-ups, positive results from its dients with an innovative and strategic approach. licensing and rights clearing, privacy and data security. lhe firm is particularly known for being capable of achieving groundbreak- Tax: Pereira Neto I Macedo has a specialised department that deals with tax ing negotiated solutions in complex cases involving both mergers and alissues at both Lhe administrative and judicial leveis. The team structures ef· leged anticompetitive practices. ficient alternatives from a tax standpoint to facilitate business transactions. Corporate & M&A: Pereira Neto I Macedo has been involved in many In addition, the firm advises clients with compliance issues and the analysis important corporate transactions involving public and private corporations o f tax contingencies. (including family-owned businesses). lhe firm assists companies, institu· tional investors and financiai advisers to develop and implement such trans- CLIENTS actions, and its assistance includes the gamut from negotiation and strucLeading Brazilian and multinational corporations in the field oftelecommuturing o f the deal to interface with regulatory and competition authorities. Regulation & Public law: The firm has been working on a variety of nications, biofuels (ethanol), transportation, construction and engineering, important matters involving public law issues, especially in relation to infra· payment cards, petrochemicals, cement, steel, energy, health services, con· structure projects, with extensive experience on administrative contracts, sumer goods, among others. Moreover, the firm has significant experience concessions and public-private partnerships, environmentallicensing and in assisting trade associations, government agencies, state-owned compa· urban planning law. The firm has been specially aclive in regulatory issues nies and multilateral organisations. in sectors as diverse as telecommunications, biofuels, railways, roads, ports, payment cards and water services. Moreover, it has assisted clients in com· plex public bids involving large projects such as new roads, monorails and radio frequencies for mobile telephones. THE FIRM: Pereira Neto I Macedo Advogados is formed of highly quali· fied professionals dedicated to the provision ofinnovative and creative solutions tailored to meet the needs of its clients, based in modern facilities in the cities o f São Paulo and Brasília. lhe firm has a unique manner of offering comprehensive advice by explor· ing the various areas oflaw that atfect business activities, dueto the experi· ence o f its partners and key associates who h ave previously worked in highly qualified Brazilian and globallaw firms, national and multinational corpo· rations, investment banks and government agencies. Moreover, it is able to provide superior service due to higher proportion of partners and senior associates in the team in comparison to other Brazilian firms. 543
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