Lawffechnology World Jurist Association


Lawffechnology World Jurist Association
3Íd Quarter2007
Volumê40 / Number3
ux 0n8lsEt JIfiE
SectiÕnon LâN/Ì{nnoìogy
MD 2O8l4jU_S.A.
B O 4 R DO I C O \ L R I \ U R S O I l H E \ I O R T D J I R I S TA \ S O C T A T I O N
ral8er ú Heuebã4, (U.s.Á.)
ruis Eduadô80fii cui Pô@ (Àsa'ióâ)
chro L ralk ehnjpp'ìa)
wofFs r. s.huÌz(aemy)
,udg. Boha atibôti 0{jsene)
d.xsdd BelobÌ'v* (ca.h RrpúÌic)
kit-GeoÍs zirÌeú (cemy)
sèphú sÌeuy, Q c (camda)
Thd vqÌd i!ád Àsúiârìoô b.lic!q\ 1
the prcsEs and sÌol1lì of
New Technologiesdd Enployees
B! D. João Ma4ta deÁÌnei.l,.
ú pdked +dtú
Ío joÀ d! se'q,
u.s.À, rdlehÕe c@) 46êí23
qc n
o rú
br óc vond he
b - ( o n d r ì ô . e i ì v ô r . e dr í r T w o r t o r ú i s rÁ _ o c r a r , o 0 1 A F
: l o u . ntor
s L $âjs.oj
,in \oL, co t.Jsx". ,n ro.p Jc.r!ediâtoclêl
-táw/T{hÍoloey S{riú of rhe\vortd Juist Associationwelcones apptic,tiotrfron
ro seno ìêadúship capxcitics for thc sectio.. as one of tnc otà6t md Dost
d r.e .q'DN ú rhe q lA rh | "\'l e!h.btôg/ Se,rionprcvidB Ìimety.
ãna-Ehürpe, pe!rrk . ü rtr rFr â, ronbq\ e ì rèchnotoÀicdt
dê!elopmoL ândtegJ
t N tà haatog, qatk , |,et, rrh ,tp wJA "uÍI ro deqsn ptuetsrnd prog@s
pEsotatio., úd scl dnecdon úd objectivcsvnhin
úe fÌaDeNork or lhe As@iation,s
otì o wotd tu',. A.. ,crdrion
Jre et,grbte
b see[ooruMôo ro úe se.rD0
'nd .onh vÒu etigjh,jrryplqçe ookr úe world
'Mj {5$,úrrcn- sê.úor ttuoeBh,n dppoú,men,-slt be mâde
by ú. Boardol
rlolÂtol. úe yd nn.i pos.ô6 arc ,r ed. cpporbdls hI he mdÈ
Òd\d on ê\ pennêjn üreÍ,"tJ JobJI drI ry .iy. sd Fcomm"nd,uoNoÍ couesü*.
Fq ture ìn[Ònìotiohor ta .\przs ihterqí p]e6e contdt u a,:
Ilìe World Júisr Aseciaiìon
tá{/Tecbnology Sectio.
Bd*sd4 Mârylând20814
E nail wia@worldiüií.oro
hlemer w.sortdìunst.oiq
Bv Dt. JoabMaruud deÁlneida
Sincclíe endof 20lh cc.tury, the gÌ.bal commúiry nasbeenlivirs i. what hasben nãDedthe
agêor iúÍomarion. Ihis digiúì Evolurioo or evm Ï1Ìnd hdüslrial Revoluliod
the lml
úd oveMhehnÌs lcch.ôlogicaì dèvelopnenlsnanÌjnd bs beenNirnessing.
It is laqü€slio.ablc úâl infomation techmÌoeics cüeílly
is basd on
úc planct into â gìobalvilìase wheE úfomtior
available to nosl p€ople hlye
o.€ a prcious Net
is row
avãiladclo aeryone in an nâmèr, râtherú!o €uinitrg a privilege ot only â few.
This t rlúologicâl r€volution hõ changedpoloüódly oú ecìety in scvürl asp€cts.W€ do Íot
iÌteoil to mlyse âll legal FpercussionÌesültine fron ihe provisìoó of new tccnnobgiB n] thc
we vill rocu on tbe issueof la6oú relâtiosnips atrd ils adjüslÌnentro the
No\.Àdârs,IT lools ârc onc of lhe rost inroÌtant elemmlsto ary @mpânytha!, in its sarch for
elicimy lüd profiLlbiÌity, wâlls ro luvc úe rÒst suitablêreans !o wdertake ìrs âctiúty iô rhe
Dosl dleditious and prcfit ble way posiblc by ftdÌcìne costs md incrcâsine proúLs.
cd thc fiÂI idsìnar Eyolurion0?60 h ì35o) âd rh. sond indBtiaÌ
0360 'ú le30) ousd by (t rhc dis@sry of.l*rÍicity, (ii) HenryFqd 3 N.úhly liG bd (iìi)
Natio6ú a K4wd3.
Rotd FfoÚt
tta tot rnlúieak. contüi$.
co.sderâble invesrnentsir r€chnoloeicalnes bcìngDâdc,
vhictì rúr
tìe d$posâl of rhework forceefrìoyed by úê conpúy.
Thus, it ìs in the companyÌ bÒsti.tèreí to prcvide
its mpjoyes wÍh advmcedkchnical lools
so tnât lhey can have imrcdjare â6es to al1 infomrrion
ú€y need to cary ou! dreir vork.
NdeÍneÌess, sü.h avâilàbiliry of tcchootogicatbeans
d@snot core w,trÕlt nsks whic\ in d
iócÌeasìnsly@npetitilc naÌker, all conrp,niestry
to eÌinimÈ or, at least,múgate as mDchd
on $e one hmd, lhe empìoyìngconìpânywânrs to g!ffiate
tìat rnesienifiont lT inEtnot
mde to p.ovide its cDployêeswilì adcqüatet@ls and
e6ü,e. coDpetrr,veadmr,ge oy€r ils
conperno^, is beins cfediveìy üscdin thê perloúece
ofúeú iasts (úd nol for theú tsoml
!se). On rÌìe othêrhand,sbnng infomarion iD a digital sÌppd
cm€s rìe dúgd of€onÍdenúl
infomarion Iakase (Nhercas rodây it is possible
lo $oe mspe úoúts
or dâtâ in
incE6ìnslyÍeduccd andinconspicuonsinstÌÌÍenrs).
Aìlboüeü n ì 6$nriaÌ ro prcvide e,nployeB wilò âpid
ed efr€tive mcm of eesile
exchâÍgineinromâlion, sMt cm shoüldbe râld ro êosm
{Ft th6ê .eso@ e€ ued ú úe
b6t rnt@r of the conpaoy lhal nade úc rT irvêsheDt
od mt {or tne eDployè6, p@nat us
or agahst rhe companyiiselt FoÌ ún iodoD, i* technologi6
ats brcügtu nw wars of
monÍotug tbe coployeè,s acrivnis, wlich Fies pertindt
lceât is*
Àat we wilt add$s
úe nnpknmtârionof $e ncw infomadonleclì,oÌosis, Èe snpd,6
now havear úeir
drposâllhe possibilìtyof BÍèâreÌcontot overúe eDpÌoye,s
ad,vrryod th€dptoyee himselt
IheÌe areheús of dntaDccsuNciìlmccâvaitablelo aoycônpany,
èletr $e mosrnodestone,
lbatif takcnto eÌtre'nesallo* ac{$ in nì tiDc lo all enployêe.s
.crrvrtr6,@eatinghis dêry
môve*ithìn dre cÒmpâryB.s1crÌly,the NeÌì tnoh B€
rrdrel soütd kee?an eyc on òe
emplor€eduritrs tlìc c.úè tine in whjch he k at Òmpìoyefsseryie. we rcfú not only to (ì
âudiotud vide rccordsof rlìc cnìplolei acrivilx bur also10(ji) úe fits andlnlenet w€b sites
xc a@ses rrough rhe compaDys .chrôrk, (iii) the rinc ne spendsyirh dch daily ksk, (iv)
remrdsoftehpüo.e calh and(!) rhc coórênrúd add@sÉ6 ofhìs r za,t. To süú up, au olrhe
Èoplor€es wodq exeoiscd 6y wh,lÒveÌ nems rnc employôrnaÌ6 awilable lo snch effer.
Sore @nrpaóiesevenmoniror thc tinc nployees spcrd in the ba$r@D'.
Árons all nonilorina nans of supèdÀins tbe soÌk pÚfÕúêd úithin the coDpãny, we will
only fms o. rhe so callcd qóer rzrur.laÌ..
,.a sDflêitìúe usins ompulãized tools. rÌr
panidìì4, úe nonilodns clivity by Nhich, ihroushconpütcrircd nchmisri
âìt work cúied
out tbMgü th€ PCsis bÒnnoredandcontrollcdby lhe comptuy.
Ihis lmitorìns nethod is probablyrhe nost intrusivc of all ne$ods @nlly availableto ú€
co6pm6. As a mâuêÌof fact, tlÌc adivâl ôf nêw infomation technotogi$ eúaced the @ntrot
or úc work proccss ilreìl no lonser bci.g limited io merc l@âlior dd sctutiny ôf rhe
enploFe\ physical prsence ând allowins diEct conrrol of rhe vo.k úat is (or mD heing
p€rfoÌDcd. Ndqúcl6s, or aÌ1iclewill fms nâinly on the supwbing oI úc üse of úe
lot€net ed Ènân âccoun! Nhich râhes inportaDt qu6tio$ in Esp6r of úe
neht to pnvad âswc shalìsêebeÌow.
Utrdq lhc âesisof defcndingenpìoye6' inrer€sts$ne acls of süReitldce rÌFt aíeDpt aeaiBt
fundleptal nehls of enploves hxvô been pÌâcticcd. ft is aue thai ltF protection of th€
ènploy€s' bgnimate nÍercsts slìouìdnot be .eElectcd.If onè lâÌs into @osid€ÊtioDthat üe
c'nplqtr is providing the lcs and crnail âcoounlsto tn€ mploy€*,
elelricity ed lntêóel comecrivity bills, in âddition lo prchâsirg all softw
dab (tuch üFdic
sd) i'ì fonusa
rll Flat€d
óecdsry tôr Ìhê F.fomancc of rheir tasksxnd suppoÌti.s úe cosrsofncrwort s.úlem.ce, he
ccttainìy haslbc right 1ôdemandrnârrhesencms bê lsed in rheb€sri €r€slofrhe 6mpúy.
Ií accod.ncc with its power oI dnedion (Anicìe t5O of rlre tortuglese ljbNr
Code) the
mployer is eótìlìèd to demaDdrnâr ns enployces le.fom rhejr tâsksin m appopriale nmcr,
and ref6i. rtum lsing lhe ncâns âvrìlable to thcn (which ÊqliEd coósiddhle i.vslne.t)
Lheirpe$o!âl èntenainmeDtor dunng woÍkins houB .t thc mpmy's
expen$s.ThererE atso
legitimalc @ncemsas to lhe lokâCe ofcontdentìâl iófomât'oô by rccssing cstain potdtialÌy
dúgercus wêbsnesand beins exposedto auack by hackm. DoMloading illegal ontdts or
nâtend non u.knoNn sourcesbq6 lìè risk ofvinl infatior witn dislrous cotreqüae
lhe cosllny's IT systcn andrroluctivitr
tbuscaüsingeco&mic dánage
CoroboBtine yhat hasbcc. saidâbove,we cmol fâil to enpndìze dìât the mjdity of studì€s
suasestlhat htemet nse^ spc.d nôrê rine and norcy onlire at úen wo*llaú
thm in my
olhd ìocalio.r. Thèrè is also the d.nsú ofsending e nlil nssses üth semilive 6Í!è
s to
ünlnoh EipiÈnn underthe enployecs sìgnâluÍe,which 6üld leadDorooly to rh€ teâkrgeof
insi.te iofomation but aho causedâ'naecsto rhird pârti6 (e.g. thNeh the dissemimtionof
ompdter virues Õr inappopriate contoo vho nay in tum deDmd @np€tralid
b lnc
@mpmy for lhe aforcncntion€drLmases.
Il h6 als bed statedlhat eoâblingênployees to üse úc.l,rãe,
ed èún
Id p.eúl
recrÈatDmlpürpôsês,n in lnre wiú úc besl ìaìou pFctic6 (Ía thGe rulcs Ef.Íi.g
to rhe
&d mainiÈnânccof â gôo<lwoÌkiDs eNircmeót ând, @nseqúently,ro rhe iloEase of
úe dploy€6'
produclivity ard busióest prcntability), as lÕngas úey do e Nirì approprüte
ood@tior ond MsonableDess.Ìndccd, ìt sens prefenblc ro âllov ú€ efteclive Be of the
Intemct and e-nails ro. pesonâl purposesúrher tbm bamiry tnm úti@lt whiú coutdÍesúr
in â laboür conflict ânúôr discoüase and rcdÌcè rhe enplor€6' gldücriviry, wnicn woü14 of
dso afïect thc codpôny.
a Nda rooìoeiõ
. o c.nbh
sÒdÒT'bíno", ÀìÍfíina, 2004,p.
ln oth€r vords. norê than rhe fund.n.nral rislìts of dre enployes rul€d by PortuClesê
ConstitutionalÌiw (c.g thè nght to pÍivacy atrd preseNarior of a private life), lhe nght b a
pe*orallife âtwoi{ n âlsorr shkei.
l. viw of lhè âbove, rhere È a ollision benïeen dre conpmy's nsht to dendd tlút $e
perfomoce ol sork hy ils empìoyeesú caried out in a propernmer andthe nghl of lbe 1.t16
to pri@y müor !Ícseryation ofúen privat€life, which requnesa cúetul balancirg of inúerats.
Thüs,lüe qücstionshouldbe wherherrhe conpany c.D be âllowed10conhol tìe âcc6s of iis
ehploFet lo th. ìntemerânll the intenal e-mail lccounts md, ifso, ú vhich way.
IÌtem.lioml hw includesa srie ofproyhions, such6 Anicle 8 {1) ofthe Emp.aí Conveition
or Hüm Rishb (ECHR), Btablislìins rba! eveÌyon€has the nsht to then pnvab dd fanily
life, theÌhme aódcoftspondence.
On the otìer ndd, dE EÌúteâó Côln ór Huhxn Rigüls hó Dade Ne of tnc .for€úatio.ed
ÁÌlicl€ 8 (ECfiR) in sevü.l cascsconúdióg cobnmicâtios
''rv'ìatid 6e
0992), úc Coun @nsideredúât úImdcial
comuicalions) is inclüdedin rbe afoEnentionedÀ1iole,As fâr6 EU úw is oÀomc4 onc olrhè nost inpoídt
tnhüen clsic
nâil. Ìn the
corespondene (èg. woÍk
et Õfnlos is tÀeDnecdye 95/46lEC
ollhc Búopeú Padianenl and oflbe CoünciÌ,vnich Ìegrlatesrhe prcte.tion of p6oml dalâ
md úc GeeciEülation oI suchdat l DataÌrcteclion" Dn€dve'). This diEctive ackúôwledgB
ihe n8h ro pn!âcy in rhe sme say à Aíicle 8 ofthe ECHRi.
lLreí rcrk, s. Mriâ Rccjú R.dìiìr, in os Dircib dePe$
códigôdoTnbaìho]AcM|idid. e o9ofu
i,r sô.i3rcr!Ey, $Pr N' 940,23+9.
n o e i q o r è n Í ì | ô r F . b d â . y 2 0 0 6 ' a E i | a b ì ? i n
The samcposition is trken by DiEcti!ê 2()0U58/Ec of rhe Europtu parliddr dd of lhe
Counciì Ìccenrly nodilìêíl by Dnecrive 2006,24lECot úe Empem pdli,benl and of 1,)e
CoÌncil,15 ofMâÌch 2006 conc€minsttÌc processing
ofpcuoóatdatamd úe prcteciionof
pnvacy in rhe elechonicconmunicârions*croi, wbich dqts üú lòe ftàrrnor ofpesonât daiâ
ìn ü€ contexlof p.rfomins elecrronicconnunication sefliccs in püblic nelwoÍk r_
More recnrly, úc Dârâ Protectìoówork Croup cEated by Anicle 29 oí Dnetive 95/46/EC
publisbedan opìnìonon the pcrfomxnce ofèmÀil filterins seryices,f@lsìng otr the of
conte s ofe-nail ressases sent by lntener scdic4 (tsp ht€m€i Sdicê provideB) md by
eleclroíic nail scnices (ESP Endiì Serice pro!id6). Accordìngro slch opúion, filterile è
mih snh üe i ert ol findins viruscs rnd deledi.g spM (nas toM.rding ofnoo solicited
eletonic r6sag6) üc, in pnnciple, âllowed sin€ it gÌenteG th€ smrity a,l púpd
liuctiÕnina oI conputer syícns Nooeúctcss,thê @Didentiâtity oI rle illotmlion nüst be
as$ed ed ìn lìe cass of aóri span onrrol ir is Ecolmdded rhar u6 re giveh úe
pcsibilÍy to chooe whcrheror mt to sübmiÌthen mesg6 to süchfitterine.
As 1o úe nlterins of nessâsesto dclecr dy olhü pEdêrmined cortdts, sh action is no
loneer coNidered by úo Dâla trotcctioo Work Croup d a tecbnicd ed orgúized beú oI
rrotec$ne the efery of sêryicesa.d, consequeort, is no lôneer ldnissible úd @nstituresatr
âttack lo úe nelìr to pnvacv,ód the n@dôh of colmìnication.
h the UnìredStatesof Arenca, thc Elecnonjc CannuicatiN prídcr/{cr (1986}rceülal€s,id
ge.êúl t@i
lhe nonìtonng a.d cônrúl of úe üse oI Intemcr (ed orher €l@lroíc
connlnicalioos neaN) cilìêr by lhc cnplor€Í or any othú entiry. h úe US üF uo,Í,r,g
âclivity is beiìg ued by mjor conpdies ândrhe enployú is @osidúed nor obly a rheoMer
ol lhc lechlial meds at its mptoyees, difosal büt atsoposesses$e power ro coíhol rhesaid
Io ,o/rld Ì ,v,ssa, (1993), twô cmployeeswcre dìshaÍged on accoud of nâvine exchúeÈd
m*sges wnh sèxuâlcontentsthrôughrheir conpâry s c-nails. The enplor€es argü€dil 6üÌr
llìat lìose Dssaecs hâd a pnvarc .âtrrè rnd ver€ itlegitimtety int@pred by lhe employú.
Howevd, lhe conn sìdedwilh tlìe cnìtlôyeÍ, consideriq úrt úê conpurer sysremis ils properry
t8l lh€ companyhõ tbe risht to accêssall conrcntsof rh€afoÉnertion€d conpìler systen.
couí alsodccidedrìlt the indilidDâÌs coníitü nght b Dnvacy(€srabliúed i. Ámddnot
4 of the Anencan Constiturion)is onìy violarcd ìt úè pe on hs â t$onâbte dpecrarioDof
piikcy which in ü's matter rvs nor rhe casesincc th€ subjectat húd was úe mployeis e
At{ tn Mccla/en rs. Mìcro:oít | 1999),orc enploye€plqded ú.t nis rieht ro pÍjvacy bad beèn
violãtedby üìs eDplo'€r wlìo, dunns an invesrìgationof a sexüalhalsnat
claim, r.âd n's €úail msrges, sroredand passNordprotectedil a pdonâì foldú i! the uploy€e's cmpnr€r,
diehâ.sjns nin based on th€ contcnts of those Dessag*. Ii tnis @e, the €mployÉ hâd
prcviouly úfomcd thê êqììo'€r that thc said folde! conbiled p€6oMl inlomarim whìch w4
what inducedúe €nployer ro Ead ns cortc.h. The oud @üideEd ome ãgain tnat úft
no @oable €xp€tation of pri€cy lìo.ì ihê employeesin€ th€ e-mil amút
belongsto ihe
Ìó viw of ús above, it is posiblÒ lo dÉw the corclusion úrt et@honic sweildce
ürdo. úê US lesal systomìs gèómlly allowed.
In the Froch I€sal systeD, it has been defended úai lìe @ployd Day üe mputer
nechdisDs to cônlÌol ihe usaseof l,tÒmct a.d êDail, s lolg s ir is doneúlh Íespecrro rÌe
ptncities ofloyâlty. lnnspmncy, rclcvmce andpoportiomüry foH*n id Ánicl€ L l2O 2 of
úe Fmch bbour CodÒan.l as lons s infômâlion of prcfessional cnúacter is involved.
Compz.j6 wil nâve to (ì) nFlún b $e CôúissìÒhNdìonÌe de I ldomtürc
vhich co.trol hshanis$
thcy inrod ro acliyâte,(iD co4nh píevioüsly yith rhe €nploy6,
(lDder Alticlc L. 4:122 I of Fremh Ijboür Code)and (iii) iDfom úe mptoy*s
'se ( br:qncBrciroe
hfu /fuw-i
eí d6 Lìboa
àbout thê süpeFision nErsures to be Nr inro e1Ìecrjhtrt rtMys Ìesp€ctitrgrhe lidils of tbên
In Ìespeclof EnglisbandwâìÒsLaN, TheReguktion oJIny5tiqatory Powìs Áct 2000,n1èsth.
intqception of eleckonic connunications. subjedins all Donirorins dd iúerception actioN to
the consentof lhe üsêr which can, howcvcr,be tÊsuned. On 24 Odober 2000,cúe inlo etrecr
rhe La*íúl Business Prc.lice R.gtldbns,
which Esulate lhe inleEepüôn of elecrronic
conmumqtiôns by the employeÍcve. Nithoüt consent.TheseEEllations rule (i) rhe coolrol of
e-mail m€ssâgêsexchmsed
tlìc woÀphcè an4 (ii) lhe conrrol oI electronicconnunicârions
by the sovemncnt In gencÍãìtems, inretc9tion ôf èlècrúnic messâg6is Êstricred exepL i)
ir aüthonsedby thc Bovcmncm roÍ public saferyl%os,
ii) ìf cotrdted, or iìi) í ir is a vo1Ì
Dcsegc. Howqer, dÌe conccpt of wort n6sase" is op€! for difrcmt inl€Íp€taliús. O.e
coÌld cveó dsue úat â11mcssâgcssèórth.ousb rhe coop.try èm.ü ad&esse work bsâgcs
md are úmfÒrê subjst to its scnrti.y. Su.h inleÍfÊtation onsinatedsrrons reaclioü hon the
Spdish lãw rulès tlìât âny meóures of $rcillm@
dd ôontrolof the oploye6'
erivity areto
be inprênenled bcúìng ìn nind then hnmd diiõ/
GeeÂíic1. 20 llJ of úè Estatuto.le IN
Imòdr'drtord). ft is dEeforc acknowledsed10the conpãry úc pow€r ro adoptp@@dür6 of
and control ol dìc cmployêês,üìh the ain oI emuring the tunlrnút of tnen
oblisatiors ú<l duties under tnc cnpìolhêDr conhâct. Howevd, úe legislâtor $üe[t ro
establishcerlaiúlinils, nanèìy rhosenúed by lnc spmìsh Coúsritutionwhioh guturee úe dsbt
to E conlidentiality oI co,núDnicâtions(AÍicle 18 (3) ) ed tÀe dployeèt
Íigli ro pÍivacy
(Anicle 18 0 ) ). The aiolrtion of dìy or thee nshls h sübj€t to ciniml púishnot
palmert ol seveEl fines,accordìncro Aíiole 19t (l) oI úe spmisn Peml côde.
ard io the
Spaúisbconís hâvè coDsideEdtlút dE 6t1ÕyêÍ cd, iÌ facl Do.ilor the dployct
âctivitig úd cveójuslity úe teminatìotr of the êopìoynot Elarionship on rte bsis of sa'd
monÍome. However, $e poNeB of úc únphy
wilÌ alMys be linited by ú ümlcntine
rcspet ror lhe empìoyecÌ digniry ândprivacy, asdcscilbedabove.
BeJbÍeth€qterúg into forceof ther_abon.
CodeappÌovcdby law 9DOO3,27 of Algust, rhse
w6 rc ey speilic law o. rcguÌxrionin thc poÍtuauesc
leg!Ì srslemo. theetecrronic
coÍrÌot of
As qplaired rhove,tle obsractcto the nonnoringof lhe ìse of rbe Ìnhei ed the
em s consistson úe protc.tionof theindividuatriehrlo privacyasa nndânenral
principlcof C@útltioml Lâwrhaianycrttoyer nust comptywith.
Ànicle 26 of ú. C.nstiturionot rhe poÌtxgtrèsêRepubtìc(CpR)6r.blisn6 llle pnncipleof
Espet for úê nsht lo pnvacyof t6onal and Íúily lifc ot alt pople. On úe otherhmd,
Àíicr6 3{ and35 sârctionthe iIriólabititt ot "@espandúce and other nea6 ofpnyaÈ
cotuicatìon" aú thc appropdâtcüse of i.fomârion teclrnotogi6tu the pÌo€ssine of
ÉM!.I dâta.ï16e rutesrc ÒnsideÌedrs fundmcntal Íighrs,Ê€edonsõd gurdie6. As
seh, tneycd orly be Eírictcd 'n cascscÌtesly providedfo. in úe Conslitutioq a&t all
mtnotiotr büsÌ helinúed lo â ccÍtâin*tcnq in ordd to p,ot6r odEr constituiìoraltyprotectd
righrsor i.rd6rs - s ÂÍiclc l3 (2) cpR.
M. "Ìieht to intihdty of ptìwte tìfe" is ackn*t€dged6 a riglt of pdsonâtiq.
undd AÍticl6 ?0úd 80of lnePonxgudêCivil Code.It is weltknowÍ thatnshs otpcuo.âììty
ongimledAon 6e plircìtlê of respccttor huDm dìgiry andpNnâlìry, â prúciple oI nâtu61
law wliú w@úes úe lcgisìâtoritsclt - eventhc consritutiomllcgistâtor-, th€judg*, the
Iâ$16 úd aUindiúduls. ì_hispnncipleis appliqbleevoí jfnot Bationod ìn ú€ CoDsritllior
or in odinry lâw ed rcgxrdtess
of wüârnisnt be ruleddiÍïe!Õtly. Ihüs, we m tã@ro fâce
v'lh â fom ofs,4rd legalgüaÌniansüìtlhlt delivcsÊoú thercry notionofbw'..
Srill oo [ìe súi6t of rignls of penomìiry and âs a ddelopndt of thê nstu lo iúiMcy ot
pnyaiclifê, AÌriô1675to 30of rheÌortugüeseCivil Codeprcrectú. conlentof leten andotner
Mitiogs. Any violâlionof óftspondencc or lele@lmüdetioG is cÒaideÍertd a cimi,al
oífen c üRIs Anicle 194of ihê lotugncse penatCode,âsa waylo protectthe iDdiúdul rìú
10primcy.Acordi.s to lhis ^nicle t 94r
Who$cvÚ opeN â prckasc, Ierlq or anyolher sealediren not addrssed
to hiD, wilhoÌr conrnt. or beconÌcsâqâE of ils contentsrhoue! technic.l
pmceouresjor prclenls xÌ any way thè lddEsee fron Èeivins it, wiu be
pünishedâ.d sentencedto DìJto oneycar in prisonor fined.
The sme FnaÌry is also applicd to vh@ver neddl6 o. retriev6 lbe
coólenlof conmunicatioDsrvnhouI conse.l.
Ìjw 67198,26 Õf Oclober,*hich adoptcdDnedtiye 95/46lECot úe Euopan pdlideDt md
Coucil, 24 of October,on tlìe proldlion oI i.dividuâh úth Esard lo rhc po@$ing ofp€ndal
data md tìe fre movènênrofsucn dah',, also€srâhlìslìêsó a sene€l principlc the prG$ing
ofpesoMl <latâin úc íncr Espectfor individual prìvacytr
Thêrêfore,the electronic contrôì of tlìe enpìoycet ãcriviry Ns aüèâdytúhibir€d, h€foE the
n€w Lâbour Codê cme clïeci, providcd eid conlrcl ú{tangercd $e mplovee,s riúr to
(wiú Mglitude to òc ,ncâsuEdaccordingto rhe limirs iúpced by úe very na1!É of
tìinesrr), Wit! lnê íew ?orlxpcse Lrboür Codc (rppúyed by dì€ ljw 99D0OI, 27 of A!gút,
this DalÌcr is now cxprêssÌyresül.rcd in rheÌortugncseìâbourlaw.
TÍe new t bou. Cdc ìncludesã sction oDnshs of pononâlily, althouebsone D.y coosidtr
sücn sctio! úftBs.ry
considerins lhat nghb of pesonalìry do nor Équne expEs leeal
prevìsiondd wêre alreadyru1cdby Aíiclc ?o ândsôq.oltne Ciúl CÕitê,Io aúy ce, the trs
kbou Codêexpr€sly sânctioDed
ii) rìe tsht to pnvacyôf borhrhe enrrtoy€rad tne enploy@
(Aíiclê l6), (ij) rheprolÌìbnìoóoftbe Ne ofr@ote nm of sweillaú@ at rhewolk pkce wiú
the ain of conrrollins dìe cmpìôyees profssiorâl D€rfom€
(Ánicte 20) dit (iü) úe
confid€ótiality ôf nesases ed Òr rlÌe acc6s to ìnfomation (Aíiclc 2l). We co.sider thal by
útroducing thesc cxprêssrules, rnc nÒw tortusücs Lâbolr Code had dE úrtüe of cldìfÍúg
ertan prcviousdoulÍsin lhism.ícr.
" À.oÍdìq b ch,Íú4
I abor
r3,. p s 57 md pedtup.k d; ve**lG,
i'. -a Ní*
drdedè Dìrcirdd, univ.Fidide d.
We nnsl alsôpoinl out rlìd rhe prôtecrion
sEnrcd by rhcserules NoIks both wars siíce it h
cstabliúed tnd rhe said rulcs apply lo eDpìoyeeand emptoyú.
Mor@ver, $c pGitior of rh€
cmaloyer À also prcrèdledlnder ú. corí rutes (e.8.
the rìght ro ircdon ol trade
eúnred tÕall conp.ny u.dú Aíichs 6 t and 80 G) CpR) Siice the €nployee is tit€ly lo ,ìfler
abüs6, coBid€rine lhal in hosr oses hdshe is the we.kcst tinÌ oflhe
úe le8iJãb.hadgr"â.er. o rem $rh t,.
flure.ror ofhi"ri nshF,bu,úi. doê(norntuo úal
lhos will pEvail orêr thc 'nterestsândrìghtsoftne enployèr.
It is nsessary tÕnãk€ a cõe_by
caseaetul a6snlt
of úe inrú*rs in conlicr
As iü a thc mes of reÌbte $roeiìiecc are concêmed,üe Lâbôú
Code,,esrabtish6 tìat úe
conpany mot 'npìeme.t rhèn. tÌìúugtÌ úê use of t€hnoloÈical
@jpperr witì úc gaêLst
conlrollinq tüc work pèdonìece of @pÌoves. HoNdü Í ,s
altowed the üe of nus oí
Ì c m o hs ú ^ e i l l á n e
t o . n . u r et - . p r o r o | o n d d y | r r \ o f i l d i v d u a t ç . b d r o D e m . o r , t r o ú t r
.Íicular @uiMenis ìnhêrentlô the nalurc of the actilitv. ìn úis
6e, iie comDmv dlsl
not'ly rhe coploye in advancc of rhc iDpleDentãtiod ad püÌp6e
oI dBe nms of
suryeillúe wüicb include dôt only úe ilíâlatio. of aidco cú@s úd
jn úe
woÌl?I&e, ò!t ale the conrol of rhe tasks perfÕm€d úroush
9üúút tive md desúiptive
Thu, tetcthooeúhnuniúìioB,
rnremelcoúetios, aoy DovdeDls in ú€
wodaÌace, the eoployee\ eÌact eeôsEpnìc bmtì@, elc., ddydring
@ be techÌically
mônÍoEd How*er, thê ljw Òntv altows it fÕr dÌ€ protecdoí
úd sâf€ty of údividuâls âtrd
pn@Ív (e.9.úsultatìonofvidÒocancns oütsìde
es íariont or jn orherspdirl Ìtoiene s
pìmot lo th€&tiviv Íc.g úe supêrisioóoI casino
enptor€6 or baoÌ cshi@), beüüe in
hiÌd thatiì. e olthosencds nây notbeohiíed io iìe enDtov€e.
we DustÉihmtr rhat,by virtucoflhe .èw infomationtechnoloei*,rl€s new
foms ofc@trol
of woú perfo@oceonenracb intolcÍlble lelels. nôl only tlwlsh úe j6posúg
of sups_
nmú woÍk nlq buraho by rÒdinsdowntlÌc enployeè,sprivâtelife. Ì1Ì€
rul€sof lne tr*
lj6o!. Codel@gniu tharemployees
arèentirlcdro . pe omt lìIe ârwoÌk,r,6 a conltaÌy of
ln dy câse,the cnptoycÍ,schoicE
of nertìôdsof contÌoÌn
;;;; HH:ï:ï:ïï;:l"""
m c r h o dr - q u . . d p r i ô .n o 1 ! e . or h e
e ô p t o y d s rr A n r c ì e , , r0) o t ú e
Unde. Anìcle 28 of Lâw 35,12004.
29 Júlx lhe use of t6e arÕEDdlioned
nethods of Êmoie
âe ór.{
o Íì È'or- du,honz4.ol h) úe potueu6e
Dar, pmrdion
' unDE ron.a, rcglL-d
u) I i! b od ot)oO.lobe Ltr ot poBotutDd,àpóredionl.
appncdronreqü6iìns slch âúhôÍizârion
Dust bc ac6np,.ied by úê opioionoflhe
cÕlmìíee or, if rh€yfâìl to issuc
$rch opjnionw hin t0 rlâvs' the initial
m€sege reqücting
PÍior to úe* .eGnt tâboüÍnles â.d
ÍesülatioDscoDins iÍo etìecq the Daia pmtection
Comoissio. had atrqdy derjnedrhepnnciplès
on prjvacy in the workplace,..which @ bc
belo.e cnsaginsin ey t'"e ofdâb pomjDe,
be enpbyü Dusr infom
de eDployees ôn (t úe tems
and condìrìonsD *hich úey €e ue
@mpdyr tehìical ncâns for penoml
puçoss, (ii) rle conüuicatios
nonirorine procedúE uscd by dìe
coDpxny ,!d rrs puÌpoes dd (iij)
of innroper nseof saìdmeâs;
it tlìe büsinc$ iileÌes thâtjüsrines
scl oodlorijg€ seÍiou a&t
abüive, which camol bc dkproponioDare
ro rhe ldel of pDretio! of ihe
employèes privacyi
iii) the implêmcnratìônorscnerìc
Dethodsofcontrot rs to be privilegpd,avoidos
indiv'duaì consurladonofpe&nar
Thse pdncipÌes BtabÌnÌìed by rhè
Dâra protccriooConnision r€oderrhe
ioral resricrion of
usâsc in rlìè ÌvorkÌjÌacè fo. psonar
pu,poses úèatislìc aód
wc a8rceyirh rhis
losnror Ììow*Òr, we nü$ nd roig€t rhat ÁÍictes 6l
ând 80 (c) orüe PortugücsèConíinrtion dìso recoenìserhe nú to ircorpoÌ,tiôó of companies
The Supmc CouÌl of 11ìêSúre, by rulins of 8 Febtuàry2006'', hs accoptedú4€ principt6
establiúsi by úc Datx PÍorectioÍ Coúnission and consideEdtnat úc crptÌring of imaseswiú
vrd6 cÚe6
iníalled in rhevortplâcc rn{t direcredâr rheenployecsis ilìicìt and violal6 úen
nsht io pnvacy by subjectins úc Frfomrancc ôf tbeü wot io continuous ãnd ohsidt
suNeillúce Füfinemorq such nnsure wâs .ot consideredas m âpprcpriale m€ús of
prolecllnglÍeoúpaóy s lssetsfrod .mpÌoyees tnen
Od úe o{[cr Iìúd, Áíiclc 2l of thc kbour Code cíâblish6 a nsnt of,esde dd
@Dfidmtialily of the empÌoyccrcgrrdins thc cônteDrof pesonal nêsaEes md rc€ss lo úe
non-pbrê$i6d inromation tharis senr,Eceivcd or r6emned, mmety thúugh e!]3ü. tÌ orhtr
words, lìe êmploycc'snsh to a pcdônâì life at NÒrk ú 6tlbliúed, wneth* ìn accAsins
infolmlim amilablc Õntüe Intemct,oÍ ìn sendingúd rêceivinseÌfftronic nail.
2 ol ìhe s.Dc ^íicÌe sraDrslie dployer the posihility ôf 4iâblishils
rules for l6c ue of úc conpâny s nrem of lonmudcrlìôn, naDely e,nâit. Ìtis ole r€stoFs
th€ balue nquir€d by úc very natu€ ol tnì.gs, batmcing tle @ployeeÌ dshr b pnvacy wi$r
tho mploys\ nghr ro the intcrcslsof nÌìeconÌpmy.
So otr úc m hdd, tho cônfidelrialiry of thê eDptoyecs nêssagesof peBomt n,lìÌe (eiúer itr
lhe fm ofthc lcttÍ, oÌ by electronicfom, n.mcly e dails) dd tle oúdeniiâliry of
tn€ iífo@lion accesseddmügh Inremerwcbsitesm prolecicd.On rhe orber hand,however,
úè dploys'r nght to dtablish rules Ior rlìc uê of comünicâtìon and technolosiúl bed
av.ilúle tor ils Ènployeesis also esrablished,being rhe empiotrr trêe to esrâblishtin€ úd
acc* linils to cdâin predefincd conrents,âlwâys wirh du€ respccl to rhe principlB of
prcpcliomlú andaptrcpriateD6s.
The doclrinè,! lras sunpoícd rhat rh. viêwinA of rhe e'nployeetpèsonal nessâ96 by rhe
is onÌyjuíincd in úolâÌedcases.
when tÌnsliewin8 isjuslified,rheÈnployeenDstbe
pr6cnt dd the vièwioashoutdbc libied lo the rccipienl'sor rhe sndd's addrBs,úe
datexndtüncof rhemcsrge.
Wh€n lìere aE .o groundsfor lhc conlroì of úe coúI)roy's emil, süchconrrolshouldt,Ìe
placc h Bndom fom insteadof a
lìe püÌpce of€twoÍk
By rhe sane order of reaen, the co.aoì of lnrmer websitBto which the enployee a@es*d
sborld b€ündertrÌen in a s.ncnc,
T[e conte.h of the Aüìdinsprincipìess€r ÒÌt by lhe Dâlâ púreclion CobnissioÍ lre closcly
foìÌoyed whicn, in rhesubjc.t ote-naiì .ont.ot, cslàbtÈhlhar:
ú€ facl lbal the enrployerfoóids úê se ofènâil lor pnva,Epurpcs qoesnor
.ulÕraticauy rìÌow dìe .ìght to opc. ènail ad.trcsedio rheenployeei
e-mìl cônhol should especìaììypmüc 16êsafeguâÌdof rhe conpuler sysr.n,s
üe need for dereclionôf virus doÈsrcr altow p€l re the Rding of recêiyedÈ
dy conlroì bõed on tbe prcveótion or delecrioDofdisclosüre of prct6sional
ú(tor @lmêrcial sccrls úoütd b€ qclusivety ttiÊted ãt p@pl€ vbo havc
aee$ to lhcc s*Ers md ody wlÌco lhqe are eroündsfor süspicion;úd
@css ro rhc chpìoyecs' e nail snoütdbe úe lst Íesoue to be uêd by th€
employcr, rnd such accessis to be pftteÉbly done i! rìe pr€s€
of rhe
ehpÌoycexnd of â rèpEsenratileofthe cnÍ,toyees' olmin@.
concemingúc pnociplcs rcgrrdingrhesupcflìsioDof tntmeÌ lsase:
" fd,tsd,Át,,.d*..,00ap.ta
a cenah desrecof tolcnncè tov!.ds Inlemel &ces for prilate puÍtGes úmld
beallowed,spccirllyil itoccursaftervorti.g hous;
the advmtagcsoa lnlemet accessare ro bc raÌo into consideÉtioí for boú úe
compúy andthe emtloyeerand
lhc pcraoming orsraristic md sencnc stÌdi6 shouìdbe €noueli to €srâUisnif
produclivity 's beingalïectedby rclmtlBs Intemet!cc*s, being alloNeda sdh
on which websiteswere accesscdfÍon ihe codpúy vnhoüt identirying specific
Weâsrcevith thesesenenlprinciplcswhichseenadeqüâle
ro solv€âld prelat tnercâl nshs
of theenployeèsd<l employenin I rcasonâb]e
We Düí a6€pr rhat rhc ènpìóyr cd, in cerrìin siturrìôns,súlêr .lânâg6 due to ihe Írelection
emrtcd tô üen mpbyftc n8hr !o rÌjvacÍ Ì{owcvd, we úó.ot forgerlìâl rhis is jutiÍied due
n] üc ìogâl dcgm of pútectiotr santed to tnc righl to priv&y N a nudúoral
rìút of
peMbãlily, h.vidg de legisl*or rstricled tlÌc laNtul ned of otpos'tìú to úis rieht io
situatioN of rDsible abus, tâÌing inro @nsideFliotr ú'l úe dploycc n üsu[y tnc Dosr
nasile €l€mêotú th€ enplolmcnt rlxtioDship.
Thls Nhat eíèctive mechaoisnsdo6 úc cmployerhayeto prcteorits úv6rmert andto @s@
lhe prodrcliüly oI its busibcs? Ttô nct inportant onc woü1ilb€ úe necneis of ltrteül
Resulation, *tabtsning clem ru16 foÍ the use of kcnnobgicâl n€ús n.ving in Dúd th€
âdequ€y oI theseru16 to úe comp3ny0:a its size ed d@ of opdaliotr), kee?úg âl$ úto
@úi&nlion riüt €xc6sive rcstrìcrioÍ is hamtul, sine il del4es
producrivity ald
The tjnt adyantageofthú lÌreml Regülatìoóis tho dereÍdt etïecr of rhe Disúê of computer
by the êmplor€es.On dÌe od!ú hând, beús rhe rulôs oler dd âppropriate,lbe
enploycènay not juíify any disuseoi theseresoüôcswiú úo ignonnco of th6è nlês or sitì
the fact lhal it is nor lesitinarc ro cxpècrrhlr he ys aEee thâl they could not be usd in $cn
!vay. tn Nrut concemspossirììÒdarìâgêto ttnd paÍlies (for exanpte
throush the spEadingof
mopulc. vimcs) it rvitl be crsier for the chployú lo retue lo üó.tedake
inposirg n solcly lo lhc cmployccwho vìolaled rheconpâóyÌ intemal
LòtÌy, âny
oìario. ôf suctÌ ru16 wiÌl be â disciplìnâÌy iúrirgenenr, whicl nay juslily a
disbissdwnhjust causc(beingruchiòfrinBemenr
not cxisrdt if lhc cnploy€Ìd@snorEsuLt€
the uscofe-mâil üd lbremct) HowevÍ, rhedocfin€,i na âbo süpported
that saidintineeme.r
d@snot Èsniúxte rhc bÍclch by the cn oyer ofüe enptoyee,s rieht to privâcy.
How to etve
this appe
conrradiction?Thc sotutiôn,owitl bê ro 66ider lhe empÌoyee,sâppot to his righr
to piiv-y in ordor to jusrìti rhe wónsftt cônptianceofhis enpbrmed ontsâcr
asa s,tuât,on
of abuseol.ishls ruìed uMcr Anicte:ll4 of the ÌortuE!6e Civit Cod€. Once
agâin,a cetul
considèFtioóof lbe ìntêrestsi n .onfl ict pEvaih.
R€8!Íding the inÍilurion of the abúseof nshh, Ànicle 3t4 of rhe portug!6e
Civil Code
ãercìse oí a Ìight is úìsiderut ilegitinate whek the púí| ìn question
ücezs the lìni1s iúpased by saodldìth, saú custo4s,o/ the s@ial
oÌ rohÒnic p"ryare .ísuch rì8h1.
Ilìe principlèof soodfaitlÌ jn conrmclual
jnpl,cÍ ôn rheúditurior of theabüseof
nghb is exprcssêd
i! Ánicìe I 19( l) ofúê ljòoú Codewlich starestÀaì)me enplorerandtt ê
Mplolee ú61 proree.l in E@dÍai1has to thepeúome ÒÍúen rdprti,e obtilatiot
wu ^ to the q.rcise oí thcjt Bptliw
úe enpìoyecs ând rlìc enrployeeì sÌbjeclivc rights nut h€ qmjs€d
Co.equcnrly, úè enployèe m.y, in certàin circDDstúccs, xppql io his
neht to pdvacy wiú
bad failh io nird, in a. rÍempl lo conccal bis own bÌmevoíhy
@odüct. Ìne 6ployú,s
irler€í snoltd prèvaiI in thú kind ot.situation
ResardiDsthe deisio.s of Ponxenesecourts on thG subj4! we stess the st€.ce
SüpreneCourrofjusiice, dâted5 JDnc200?r'.Tnis Court foud lh€ folloüq
th€ oployddidnol
of rhe
@úclúìors: (i) if
règ ale the üsc oitlÌc conpmyÌ e-nail,lhe nseofil for peNDal pu(po*s
cmot 6c @sideed â dncipìinâry infrâclìoóì (iì) thè ctcmslrnce of lhe addr6s
and tn€
âddrNc rcleftióg 10 aspèclsôl lhc conpmy in lhe nssrge is nol suificient to gúnt it a
mtoÍe; (iii) the ìrck ofcÌaÍ iÍdìcâlioó tlút lhe nessâgcis ofa p€6oml naluÉ do6
.or imp.{c ú€ prolêcrìonor Aíicìe 2l (2) ofrhe Lâbou Codci (iv) sid pÌot€ction inplies tlìat
pmf obtãincd lhroügh vioìâtiôn oi úe enploye's nent lo pdvacy is cocideÉd null accordiDgtoArti€le 12 (8) oflhe PonÌ'sueseConslitulion.
Ttììs @ú gG eva turrber by decidins thât it would be lêCltibaic Ior ú€ sup€.ior of ihe
who Nõ ühimteÌy disrised, to accessiüè e râil ofúe latter {es. üe eúployee is
on vmlio! ú sick), ia ne bclìcvcd hc wâs acccssì4 i.formalion of ptuf6sioÍâl úhre but, in
cascòc foundout lh|t tüe nesslgc wrs of r non-prolBsionalüture, ii would bê dÉ $t€rioas
duly to stop€dióg lhe eid nêsegc rnd r.fnin fton disclosirg its @trtenls,not b€ingpossible
lo üs ila didde
id a discìplinarypr@ecdìne.h nìs appeal,lhe flplorq
claioed úat lhe
employe ilcuft€d iÍ a situalion of abuseof nsht who úe latberagpeâlêdlo lis rignt lo priEcy
io ordã to jusriry nk illicil adion. Eo{eyer, onsidúi.s wha! we deenbed âbove,úe Suprúe
Coud of rúti@ foütrdthat suchabusehd not oc@ftd.
Ìn @rcluioq we oGider lhal the employerÌ posilion üll bê €trectively efeglard€d by the
6tablisünent of cl*
itrlenal ru16 vhich, for exanple, fornid $e uê of coõpey e-Dail lor
peMaì purpcên dlowina enployeesto lse e-mil lddÉssêsfor sucn?ürposs. ltr this Mx iI
thê ebployd b6 goodrqsons lo suspecrtlìat an enployeô is Íot perfomì4 his dutr púpeÜ
beÉM of lhe ue of @npant c mil addrèssíor nis owó pcnonal pnÌposes,he nty d€mmd
tnÀtlhe lâ{lêriúdicrt6 if âny nèssâgêsèótiroú sâidâddrcssh of a mtE.
Feed wilì
lhìs silìúlion, eiúôr the dtloy€è
denGs úe nèrsoí.l mtre of lh€ nessage ând, .s a
coDs.qüo@,búst âllÕq to thè cnpìor€r lne âccèssÕf the corteots of said Dssgq withoìl
liolation 10his Ìisht to priEcy, or he connrns drat rb@ aE ind*d nessaeosof a p€Bosl
naturc,which wouldr6rlr in I discipìinaÌ'inliâctionvithort ihe n*d fo. rheemptoydto
a.ce$ to rhecontcnts
It is oblious rhât rhê seÍiousnêssof Ìhe infractioó can only be dcrcmìned by acessiog lnc
contenrsortìc nessase.Bc,nns thk in nrind,we betieyerhar,in cedaìnspeific 6es, tnc
enployce nay hc in abuseof nghrsrtì.n hê appeatstô his risìt to prilacy ôt condüoiqtiotrs,
namelywhen nle!âlt inlcr.ís of tlìe cônplny arc iólolved, such inimsh clpâble of haming
the coinpmy s forure and ils consritìrional denl lo i6de (A,ticls 6l bd 80 (c) of thc
PÕrlusucseCo.stitutiôn). llowcvcÍ, a c.rcfuì c6e-by-me @nsideFlior wil! alwnysbe Deeded,
witb lhe úployee s Ìiaht to the rcscrveof nis dvate life as a ruìe Àny dwialion of tbis nle
yru only bc adni$ed iú cxceptioral cxses.StilÌ, wheD
sood f.ìth inpses it the emptoy€rs
' eBt ray prevxil with ccnâìnÍesrrictions
TlÌus. rhe euís nuí ìn â considcúlc way be âNâÍe of posible mgÌouded claiN of úuse of
.shts, whicü nusÌ alMys be of aDôxceprionalchâFcte,, bavióg in nind, thst lbe wcâLesrÌiú
rDlhc core orlhe labonr rlàrionship is usuallyúc nployee. ft is sliìì inpo,tant however10be
avaÈÌhlt, ir ó increâsingtyconrpctìtiveyorld, @mpaniesoay süstâinsenoüsdúage wilh
lhe pqfomance ofthêiÍ employôa, alsocapâbleofdânâging rìe
setrml pubtìc jí s Id 6 tney
rcduce emtlolmed .nd wealú. Thus, tlìc ehployerÌ p,ôtectioDnay mt b. pür õide in aI
cno6tanc6 sinply by i.lokiDe úrt rheytuc nôr lle onesh ó€d of prorection.
ThcvoiÌd rú{
n.o di'ì! L! ioo. s'o,..
ed *q
majoÍ rnw $hÒÒl; òc un
rris bj nonrr! icwsìeG ú dnnúed
bNrúd.d ji ffibdÌjp
(ó kN)
2/3Pasc(4 i!"w x et3.1 rcnicdcoÌumt:
l7"r x ó"1ì sqúrt):
vrP4c (2z! x e5r3rÌâtcol@Bl
(4e/r6ï r4 %ìÌ iiìüã.):
r6P3sc (' r/3"w r 41\)
Pncesrcltèôtthecostfor phcnÌgâ cânftâ rcdy, blactr/shit€adveíismcnt il ore isse ol ouÌ
quartedyjomâì (rdfe.r,,1,9l
or onèissueofou! bimonln1ynewsleíú (Thêtrond Jtìkò. Fúh.ÊÍ
BüIq adsshouldbes€ntclcctrônicâììy
in |lseMâker,won4 or PDI fomtt. Forcoloradvertimênb ot
Ior stecialrequeshplcâsècontactus, rvcNill màkeêv(y efoÌ1 ro accomodat€you needs.
Boú püblicatio$ cnjoy â s idè nationaltud intemâtionâlrcâde61ìipió noÉ thaú l4Onalions. In
údnìon to ìJnvate$ìbsúiptiôns, rhey are.ho featürcdin núy highly acciained law schoolsmud the
Thê World JúÍ Á$ociation is a non-prolit,non poÌitical, non govelm€tr|d orS@iztion
dedicatedto lbe Dromornìnofworld neacctlrough ihê RuìeofLav. Alt adveÌÌisenenk wiu be saiclÌy
sorolúizèdto eNúÒ rhrr they arenon polirìcàl nì nârürê
Ph:+202466 5428
Fax:+202452 8540
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