Now Vale Officially Controls Fosfertil


Now Vale Officially Controls Fosfertil
Flash News
May 27, 2010
Now Vale Officially Controls
Estimates and Valuation
Net revenues (R$m)
Net income (R$m)
Net Debt (R$m)
FCFE (R$m)
FCFE yield
DPS (R$)
Dividend yield
Source: Itaú Securities
Vale concluded the acquisition of a controlling stake in Fosfertil. Vale
announced today the conclusion of the acquisition of 58.6% of Fosfertil’s equity
Ticker (local)
Fair Value (10)
Ticker (ADR)
Fair Value (10)
Stock Data
Current price
Upside (YE10)
52 Week high/low
Share outstanding
Market capitalization
3-mth avg daily vol.
Performance (%)
Vs. Ibovespa
capital, corresponding to 72.6% of ONs and 51.4% of PNs. The stake was acquired
from Bunge, Yara, Heringer and Fertipar for US$3.0 billion, equivalent to a price
per share of US$12.02. Vale also stated that it will launch a mandatory offer to buy
0.19% of ONs held by the minorities of Fosfertil for US$12.02 per share, as
previously disclosed.
Vale also completed the acquisition of Bunge BPI’s fertilizer assets. The
portfolio of fertilizer assets was acquired from BPI for US$1.7 billion, and includes
phosphate rock mines and phosphates-producing units. The portfolio does not
include retail/distribution operations.
The acquisition of Mosaic’s stakes in Fosfertil is to be concluded in the
near future. Vale announced its intention to exercise in the near future its right to
acquire Mosaic’s direct and indirect stakes in Fosfertil for US$1.03 billion, at a price
per share of US$12.02. Mosaic’s stake corresponds to 27.27% of the ONs and
16.65% of the PNs, and to 20.27% of Fosfertil’s equity capital.
Good news for Fosfertil’s stocks. The acquisition of control in Fosfertil is good
news for Fosfertil’s stocks, in the sense that it reduces the risk of any delay in
Fosfertil’s investment plans. However, what really attracted our attention to Vale’s
press release was the statement about its intention to build a large, world-class
value creation platform, which reinforces our expectations that Fosfertil will be an
independent listed vehicle for Vale to play the fertilizer business.
We maintain our outperform recommendation for Fosfertil, with a YE10
fair value of R$25.0/FFTL4.
Cream of the Crop
Agribusiness Team
Paula Kovarsky, CNPI
[email protected]
Giovana Araújo, CNPI
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Diego Mendes, CNPI
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Fosfertil – May 27, 2010
Itaú Securities is a brand name of Itaú Corretora de Valores S.A.
Ratings: Definitions, Dispersion and Banking Relationships (3)
(1) (2)
The analyst expects the stock to perform
better than the market average.
Market Perform
The analyst expects the stock to perform in
line with the market average.
The analyst expects the stock to perform
below the market average.
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with the market average. Recommendations will be valid until the analyst changes the rating, which
may happen as a result of news or simply due to a change in the stock price (there is not a defined
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Third Party Disclosures
Companies Mentioned
Fosfertil PN
Recent Price
Disclosure Items
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last month.
Fosfertil PN
Source: Itaú Securities
Itaú Securities
Market Perform
Stock Price
Fair Value
Fosfertil – May 27, 2010
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