Brazil Visa Application Instructions
6/17/2016 SCI Sistema Consular Integrado English Translate webpage into English Passport Update Visa Request Form Visa Print Form Delivery Receipt Click here to start the visa application form Check Status ‐ Sistema Consular Integrado NOVA GERAÇÃO ‐ Versão: 1/1 6/17/2016 SCI Sistema Consular Integrado Ministério das Relações Exteriores SubsecretariaGeral das Comunidades Brasileiras no Exterior CoordenaçãoGeral de Planejamento e Integração Consular Brazilian Visa Application Form – General Information See Help This is the first page of Brazil Visa Application Form. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to start filling out the form. Before completing the Form, please read carefully the instructions below. You can upload a digital copy of your photo, signature and other documents to your application process. The completion of the Application Form is the first step of the application process. After you submit your application, a Receipt is generated. The Receipt must be printed and signed by the applicant, and the original documentation must be presented at the Brazilian Consulate where your visa application will be processed within 90 days. To start a new Visa Application, click on the button "Start New Application" on the bottom of this page. To continue an application previously saved or to retrieve and change an already completed application, click on the button "Continue Application". Completion of the Form INITIAL STEPS: The Application Form must be completed exclusively online. Make sure you have your personal documents at hand. Please note that some of the fields of the Application Form are mandatory. Please note that the upload of your photo is mandatory. After the completion of the Form, click on "Complete Application" to receive an application number. Print and sign the Receipt. Even if your photo has been uploaded to the Application Form, you must provide a printed copy of it. Glue your photo in the corresponding field of the printed Receipt. Follow the ICAO standards (see instructions below). Bring or send the printed Receipt, along with the original documentation, to the Brazilian Consulate where your Visa Application will be processed. IMPORTANT: Every Brazilian Consulate has its own workflow. For any questions regarding fees and payment methods, as well as types of service offered, please contact the Brazilian Consulate where your Visa Application will be processed. PLEASE NOTE: Visa fees are not refundable. AT THE CONSULATE: Hand the printed Receipt to the Consular Agent, along with the original required documentation. After checking all the information and processing your Application Form, the Consular Agent will collect payment and provide a confirmation of delivery. ICAO Standard Photograph Specifications: The photograph must be taken from the front, against white background. The applicant's face and shoulders must be centralized on the camera and he or she must be looking into the camera. No reflections, shadows or glares are accepted in the picture. The applicant shall provide neutral face and the eyes must be open and visible. If you wear glasses, the lenses may not reflect the ambient light or the camera. Dark glasses or nonprescription glasses with tinted lenses, or thick frames, are not acceptable. Headgear or hats are not acceptable, except when used for religious reasons. They can not, however, prevent a perfect view of the face of the applicant. Children can not appear with toys, pacifiers, or hands of people holding them. Click here to view the examples of photographs in the pattern required. Terms and validity The type of visa that apply to your case will be determined by the Consular Authority, based on the information provided. Processing time may vary and will be determined by the Consular Authority. Please check with the Brazilian Consulate where your application will be processed for any additional information. To start a new application, click the button: Start New Application To continue an application previously saved or to change an already completed application, click on the button: Continue Application RETURN START NEW APPLICATION CONTINUE APPLICATION 1/1 Ministério das Relações Exteriores SubsecretariaGeral das Comunidades Brasileiras no Exterior CoordenaçãoGeral de Planejamento e Integração Consular Please complete the visa See Help Brazilian Visa Application Formapplication carefully and be mindful of DD/MM/YYY date format. Towards the bottom of the page, it asks for Data of Legal Representatives = legal guardian information for minor applicant. If this doesn't apply to you, please check "not informed" box. General Data Visa Data Documents Professional Data Contacts Biometric Data and Scanned Documents Identification Data First Name* Last Name* Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy)*Sex* Select Marital Status* Select Last Name Unknown Please make sure to enter your middle name as printed on your passport within the "First Name" field Do you have former names (i.e. surname at birth)?* Yes No Place Of Birth Country* Select State/Province City* The list of countries above does not imply recognition, by the Federative Republic of Brazil, either of the name or of the legal status of each of the countries listed. Nationality Do you have Brazilian nationality?* Yes No Do you have other nationality(ies)?* Yes No Parents Mother's Data First Name* Last Name* Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Not Informed ‐ Sistema Consular Integrado NOVA GERAÇÃO ‐ Versão: Last Name* Country Of Birth Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Not Informed Last Name Unknown Country Country Of Birth Select The list of countries above does not imply recognition, by the Federative Republic of Brazil, either of the name or of the legal status of each of the countries listed. Nationalities Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antarctida Antigua And Barbuda The list of countries above does not imply recognition, by the Federative Republic of Brazil, either of the name or of the legal status of each of the countries listed. Father's Data First Name* Select Last Name Unknown Country The list of countries above does not imply recognition, by the Federative Republic of Brazil, either of the name or of the legal status of each of the countries listed. Nationalities Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antarctida Antigua And Barbuda The list of countries above does not imply recognition, by the Federative Republic of Brazil, either of the name or of the legal status of each of the countries listed. If you're not a minor and don't have a legal guardian, please check this box Data of Legal Representative First Name* Last Name* Last Name Unknown RETURN TO INITIAL PAGE Country Of Birth Select Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Not Informed The list of countries above does not imply recognition, by the Federative Republic of Brazil, either of the name or of the legal status of each of the countries listed. RETURN SAVE NEXT Click "Next" to move forward with the visa application ‐ Sistema Consular Integrado NOVA GERAÇÃO ‐ Versão: Ministério das Relações Exteriores SubsecretariaGeral das Comunidades Brasileiras no Exterior CoordenaçãoGeral de Planejamento e Integração Consular Brazilian Visa Application Form General Data See Help Visa Data Documents Professional Data Contacts Biometric Data and Scanned Documents Objective of Trip Main Purpose Of Your Trip* Select Additional Objectives Estimated Date Of Arrival (mm/dd/yyyy)* Planned Stay and Previous Stay Type of Period* Until (mm/dd/yyyy) Period* For 1 Unit of Time* Day(s) Have You Ever Been To Brazil?* Yes No Duration of stay in Brazil in either: date format or number-of-days format Exhibition of Travel Document How the exhibition of this document will be made?* By Third Parties Name Of Third Party* Passport Visas Express You want to select "Third Parties" and enter "Passport Visas Express" as the company name RETURN TO INITIAL PAGE BACK SAVE NEXT Click "Next" to move forward with the visa application ‐ Sistema Consular Integrado NOVA GERAÇÃO ‐ Versão: Ministério das Relações Exteriores SubsecretariaGeral das Comunidades Brasileiras no Exterior CoordenaçãoGeral de Planejamento e Integração Consular Brazilian Visa Application Form General Data See Help Visa Data Documents Professional Data Contacts Biometric Data and Scanned Documents Travel Document Type Of Travel Document* Passport Date Of Issue (mm/dd/yyyy)* Other Document Name* Number* Issued by* ------your passport # here 00000000 Date Of Expiry (mm/dd/yyyy)* issuing country here Undetermined Date of Expiration Unknown Please check this box unless you have another Passport you'd like to mention Number* Date Of Expiry (mm/dd/yyyy)* RETURN TO INITIAL PAGE BACK SAVE x Unknown NEXT Click "Next" to move forward with the visa application ‐ Sistema Consular Integrado NOVA GERAÇÃO ‐ Versão: Ministério das Relações Exteriores SubsecretariaGeral das Comunidades Brasileiras no Exterior CoordenaçãoGeral de Planejamento e Integração Consular Brazilian Visa Application Form General Data See Help Visa Data Documents Professional Data Contacts If you are retired, please enter "Retired" and enter your home address and phone number below Biometric Data and Scanned Documents Profession or Occupation Profession or Occupation Employer/University/School/Organization Data Name Of Employer/College/School Country Select State/Province City Address The list of countries above does not imply recognition, by the Federative Republic of Brazil, either of the name or of the legal status of each of the countries listed. Zip Code If you are retired, please enter "Retired" and enter your home address and phone number EMail Telephone RETURN TO INITIAL PAGE BACK SAVE NEXT Click "Next" to move forward with the visa application ‐ Sistema Consular Integrado NOVA GERAÇÃO ‐ Versão: Ministério das Relações Exteriores SubsecretariaGeral das Comunidades Brasileiras no Exterior CoordenaçãoGeral de Planejamento e Integração Consular Brazilian Visa Application Form General Data See Help Visa Data Documents Professional Data Contacts Biometric Data and Scanned Documents Contact Information Contents* Type of Means of Contact* Select Include Other Means of Contact Your phone number or email address Permanent Address State/Province Country* Select City* The list of countries above does not imply recognition, by the Federative Republic of Brazil, either of the name or of the legal status of each of the countries listed. Address* Zip Code Is this the address for correspondence?* Yes No Other Addresses Tourist: you may enter hotel information. Business: you must enter the host company's contact information. Include Other Addresses Contact In Brazil Not Informed Country* Name* State/Province City* Select The list of countries above does not imply recognition, by the Federative Republic of Brazil, either of the name or of the legal status of each of the countries listed. Address* Zip Code Relationship* Select Contact Information Type of Means of Contact Contents Select Include Other Contact Click "Next" to move forward with the visa application RETURN TO INITIAL PAGE BACK SAVE NEXT Ministério das Relações Exteriores SubsecretariaGeral das Comunidades Brasileiras no Exterior CoordenaçãoGeral de Planejamento e Integração Consular Brazilian Visa Application Form General Data Visa Data See Help Documents Professional Data Contacts Biometric Data and Scanned Documents Photo and Signature Select file type Photograph Select the file to be loaded Chose file An image must be uploaded to the application in order to finalize your application. You must resize your scanned photo so that it is: 431x531 pixels. **if you're having difficulty with this, you may use any image with the 431x531 pixel size OR you may use a sample image right below. Please right click on the "Brazil Photo Sample File" and save the image to your desktop (or download: brazil_photo_sample.jpg) Don't worry: Once we receive your documents - we will review and upload the documents for Only JPG/JPEG, GIF and PNG files are accepted., with minimum dimensions of 431x531 pixels for photo and 420x240 pixels for signature. The file shall not have more than 300KB. you as necessary. Please note that you must send your physical passport photo with your documents. Scanned Documents Select the type of scanned document Select Once you have uploaded your photo image, please check this box and click "Complete Application" 0,00% 0 / 2097152 bytes Only PDF, JPG/JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP files are accepted.. I hereby declare that the information included in the form is true. RETURN TO INITIAL PAGE BACK SAVE COMPLETE APPLICATION Ministério das Relações Exteriores SubsecretariaGeral das Comunidades Brasileiras no Exterior CoordenaçãoGeral de Planejamento e Integração Consular Brazilian Visa Application Form See Help Filling out of application successfully finalized. Please save the code shown on your page. You will need this to log in and edit/print The system generated the Code for Retrieving the Application below for your application. This code is unique for each new application started, i.e., it will only be your application. generated at the beginning of the process. At any time you can save the application and, if you wish, you can continue it later. Recovery Data XXXXXXXXX Code for Recovery of Application B9ZMXDEJS6 Write it down and keep it in a safe place since, for changing an application saved or finalized, it will be mandatory to be informed. To proceed, enter the sequence of characters from the image displayed below. If you cannot identify the characters, click on the image to generate another sequence. Inform characters. (Case sensitive) Enter code shown on your webpage Inform characters. (Case sensitive) RETURN CONTINUE Click "Continue" to finalize your Brazil visa application ‐ Sistema Consular Integrado NOVA GERAÇÃO ‐ Versão: Ministério das Relações Exteriores SubsecretariaGeral das Comunidades Brasileiras no Exterior CoordenaçãoGeral de Planejamento e Integração Consular Brazilian Visa Application Form See Help Please print the Receipt, glue your photo in the corresponding field and sign it. The printed Receipt, along with the original documentation, must be presented at the Brazilian Consulate where your application will be processed within 90 days. After 90 days, the current application will be deleted. RETURN PRINT DELIVERY RECEIPT CLICK HERE TO PRINT YOUR BRAZIL VISA APPLICATION ‐ Sistema Consular Integrado NOVA GERAÇÃO ‐ Versão: MINISTÉRIO DAS RELAÇÕES EXTERIORES – MRE Please do not staple or tape the photo. We will affix it for you. RECIBO DE ENTREGA DE REQUERIMENTO - RER Cole sua foto aqui Signature must be within this box. Please DO NOT cross the rectangular box. (Photo) ASSINATURA REQUERENTE / RESPONSÁVEL (SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTOCOLO NÚMERO: 16XXXX-5XXXX9 (APPLICATION NUMBER) CÓDIGO RECUPERAÇÃO: B9XXXXXXS6 (RETRIEVAL CODE) DATA DE VALIDADE: DD/MM/YYYY (EXPIRATION DATE - DD/MM/YYYY) Application will only valid for 90 days from the date it was completed DOCUMENTO SOLICITADO: VISA (DOCUMENT) NOME COMPLETO: SAMPLE SAMPLE (FULL NAME) SEXO: MALE (GENDER) This field is for your emergency contact name and phone number in PAÍS DE NASCIMENTO: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (COUNTRY OF BIRTH) USA DATA DE NASCIMENTO: 0X/0X/1XX9 (DATE OF BIRTH - DD/MM/YYYY) LOCAL DE NASCIMENTO: SAMPLE (PLACE OF BIRTH) NOME DO CONTATO: _________________________________________ Emergency contact - please complete (CONTACT NAME) TELEFONE: _________________________________________ (TELEPHONE) Os seguintes documentos foram enviados via formulário web: Photograph. Recibo expedido em 17/06/2016 às 14:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTOCOLO NÚMERO: 16XXXX-5XXXX9 (APPLICATION NUMBER)
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