~i· \. . .. ~~ ·f."'' ~ tuJAnl· "''' REPlJBLDt ll'IDOl'IBSIA MEMORANDUM SALING PENGERTIAN · ANTARA BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK REPUBLIK INDONESIA DAN KEMENTERIAN PERDAGANGAN, INDUSTRI, DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP REPUBLIK DEMOKRATIK TIMOR LESTE TENTANG KERJASAMATEKNIS STATISTIK PERDAGANGAN, INDUSTRI, DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP Badan Pusat Statistik Republik Indonesia (selanjutnya disebut BPS) dan Kementerian Perdagangan, lndustri, dan Lingkungan Hidup Demokratik Timor Leste (selanjutnya disebut Kementerian), secara Republik ber~ama disebut Para Pihak. BERKEINGINAN untuk membangun kerja sama teknis yang baik berdasar atas prinsip kesetaraan, saling menguntungkan , dan nilai tambah bagi kedua negara; MENGINGAT pentingnya kerja sama untuk mendorong perkembangan statistik di bidang Perdagangan, lndustri, dan Lingkungan Hidup demi kemajuan ekonomi dan sosial kedua negara; MEMPERHATIKAN Komunikasi Bersama dalam Hubungan Diplomatik antara Republik Indonesia dan Republik Demokratik Timor Leste yang ditandatangani di Jakarta, 2 Juli 2002; BERDASARKAN atas hukum yang berlaku di masing-masing negara; TELAH MENCAPAI kesepakatan sebagai berikut: PASAL 1 TUJUAN Para Pihak akan bekerja sama terutama pada pembangunan kapasi1tas sumber daya manusia Pemerintah Republik Demokratik Timor Leste dalam bidang statistik untuk perdagangan, industri, lingkungan hidup, dan bidang terkait lainnya. PASAL2 RUANG LINGKUP Ruang lingkup kerja sama dalam Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini meliputi: a. Penyediaan data dan informasi statistik melalui kegiatan statistik: perencanaan, pengumpulan, pengolahan, presentasi serta analisis data dan informasi statistik; b. Pemanfaatan data dan informasi statistik; c. Pengembangan sistem informasi statistik; dan d. Pengembangan dan penguatan kemampuan sumber daya manusia bidang statistik. PASAL3 PEMBIAYAAN Pembiayaan kegiatan dan program di bawah Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini disesuaikan dengan anggaran yang ada pada Kementerian. PASAL 4 KERAHASIAAN (1) Para Pihak harus menjaga kerahasiaan setiap dokumen, informasi, dan data lain yang disediakan, diperoleh atau dihasilkan dari Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini dan tidak disampaikan ke Pihak Ketiga tanpa persetujuan tertulis. (2) Para Pihak sepakat bahwa ketentuan pasal ini akan terus mengikat Para Pihak meskipun Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini berakhir. (3) Ketentuan pasal ini tidak akan bertentangan dengan hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku pada Para Pihak. PASALS PEMBATASAN KEGIATAN PERSONAL Setiap orang yang terlibat dalam kegiatan yang terkait dengan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini harus menghormati kemerdekaan politik, kedaulatan, dan integritas wilayah negara tuan rumah , dan harus menghindari setiap kegiatan yang tidak konsisten dengan tujuan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini. PASAL 6 PERU BAHAN Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini dapat diubah dengan persetujuan tertulis dari Para Pihak. Setiap perubahan merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini. PASAL7 PENYELESAIAN PERSELISIHAN Setiap perselisihan yang timbul dari penafsiran atau pelaksanaan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini akan diselesaikan secara damai melalui konsultasi atau negosiasi antara Para Pihak. PASAL 8 PEMBERLAKUAN, DURASI, DAN PENGAKHIRAN (1) Memorandum Saling Pengertian akan mulai berlaku pada tanggal penandatanganan dan akan tetap berlaku untuk jangka waktu 3 (tiga) tahun. (2) Salah satu Pihak dapat mengakhiri Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini melalui pemberitahuan tertulis kepada Pihak lainnya. Pengakhiran tersebut akan mulai berlaku pemberitahuan. 6 (enam) bulan sejak tanggal diterimanya (3) Pengakhiran Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini tidak akan memengaruhi keabsahan dan berlakunya setiap program dan proyek yang sedang berjalan di bawah Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini sampai dengan selesainya program dan proyek tersebut kecuali Para Pihak menentukan lain. SEBAGAI BUKTI, yang bertandatangan di bawah, telah diberi kuasa oleh pemerintah masing-masing negara telah menandatangani Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini. DITANDATANGANI di Jakarta pada tanggal dua puluh satu bulan November tahun dua ribu empat belas, dalam tiga (3) salinan dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Portugis dan Bahasa lnggris, semua naskah memiliki kekuatan hukum yang sama. Dalam hal terjadi perbedaan penafsiran, naskah bahasa lnggris yang wajib berlaku. BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KEMENTERIAN PERDAGANGAN, REPUBLIK INDONESIA INDUSTRI, DAN LINGKUNGAN HlpUP REPUBLIK DEMOKRATIK TIMOR LESTE Signed SURYAMIN Signed FILIP US ttNO PEREIRA . MEMORANDO DE ENTENDIMENTO ENTRE A BPS-ESTATiSTICAS DA REPUBLICA DA INDONESIA E 0 MINISTERIO DO COMERCIO, INDUSTRIA E AMBIENTE DA REPUBLICA DEMOCRATICA DE TIMOR-LESTE SOBRE COOPERA<;AO TECNICA NA AREA DE ESTATiSTICAS DE COMERCIO, INDUSTRIA E AMBIENTE A BPS-estatfsticas da Republica da Indonesia (adiante designado BPS) e o Ministerio de Comercio, Industria e Ambiente (MCIA) da Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste, (doravante referido como Ministerio}, ambos doravante referidos como as Partes. DESEJANDO estabelecer uma coopera9ao amigavel e tecnica com base aderindo ao princfpio de igualdade, beneflcio mutuo e vantagem suplementar para os dois paises;· CONSIDERANDO a importfmcia da coopera9ao para promover o desenvolvimento das estatfsticas nas areas de comercio, industria e ambiente para melhorar as condi96es economicas e sociais de am bas as partes; TENDO EM CONTA o Comunicado Conjunto sobre rela96es diplomaticas entre a Republica da Indonesia e a Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste assinado em Jacarta, 2 de julho de 2002; EM CONFORMIDADE com as leis vigentes e regulamentos nos respectivos parses; CHEGARAM ao seguinte acordo: 'II.· ARTIGO 1 OBJECTIVO As partes promoverao a cooperagao tecnica, especialmente na capacitagao dos funcionarios do governo da Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste na area ~ das estatisticas para quest6es de comercio, industria e ambiente e outros assuntos relacionados. ARTIG02 AREAS DE COOPERA<;AO As areas de cooperagao no ambito deste Memoranda de Entendimento devem incluir: a. Provisaode dados estatfsticos e informag6es atraves das seguintes atividades : planejamento, recolha, processamento, apresentagao e analise de dados estatlsticos e informag6es; b. Utilizagao de dados estatisticos e informa96es; c. Development of statistical information system ;Desenvolvimento do sistema de informagao estatfstica; e d. Desenvolvimento e reforge das capacidades dos recursos humanos em estatistica aplicada. ARTIG0 3 FINANCIAMENTO A implementagao de actividades e programas no ambito deste Memoranda de Entendimento deve depender da disponibilidade dos recursos financeiros necessaries do Ministerio. ARTIG04 CONFIDENCIALIDADE (1) As partes assegurarao que todos os documentos, informag6es e quaisquer outros dados fornecidos mutuamente, recebidos ou resultantes no ambito deste Memoranda de Entendimento permanecem confidenciais e nao sao transferidas para terceiras partes sem uma autorizagao previa por escrito. (2) As partes acordam que o disposto no presente artigo deve continuar a liga<;ao entre as partes, nao obstante a cessa<;ao deste Memoranda de Entendimento. (3) The provision of this article shall notprejudice theprevailing laws andregulation of the Parties. 0 disposto neste artigo nao prejudicara a implementa<;ao das leis e regulamentos das partes. ARTIGOS LIMITAGAO DAS ACTIVIDADES DO PESSOAL Qualquer pessoa envolvida em actividades relacionadas com este Memoranda de Entendimento deve respeitar a independencia polftica, soberania e integridade territorial do pais de acolhimento e deve evitar actividades incompativeis com as finalidades e objectives deste Memoranda de Entendimento. ARTIGO 6 ALTERAC:fOES Este Memoranda de Entendimento pode ser alterado por mutuo consentimento das partes por escrito. Quaisquer altera<;oes constituira como parte integrante do presente Memoranda de entendimento. ARTIGO 7 RESOLUC:fAO DE DISPUTAS Quaisquer disputas que surjam na interpreta<;ao e/ou implementa<;ao deste Memoranda de Entendimento deve ser resolvida amigavelmente, atraves de consulta ou negocia<;ao entre as partes. ARTIGO 8 ENTRADA EM VIGOR, DURAC:fAO E TERMI NAC:fAO (1) Este Memoranda de Entendimento entrara em vigor na data da assinatura e permanecera em vigor por um periodo de 3 (tres) anos. (2} Memoranda de Entendimento pede ser denunciado par uma das Partes atraves de notifica9ao escrita a outra parte. Tal denuncia tera efeito para 6 (seis) meses a contar da data do recebimento da notifica9ao. (3) A rescisao deste Memoranda de Entendimento nao prejudica a validade e a dura9ao de quaisquer programas em curse e projetos feitos sob este Memoranda de Entendimento, ate a conclusao de tal programa e projeto, salvo decisao em contrario das partes. EMTESTEMUNHO, os abaixo assinados, devidamente autorizados para o efeito pelos seus respectivos governos assinaram o Memoranda de Entendimento. FEITO em duplicado, em Jakarta, no dia 21 de Novembro de 2014, em tres vers6es de linguas Indonesia, Portuguese Ingles, sendo os textos igualmente autenticos. Em case de divergencia de interpreta9ao, a versao em ingles prevalecera. A BPS-Estatisticas Ministerio do Comercio, Industria Da Republica Da Indonesia e Ambiente da Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste Signed Signed SURYAMIN FILIPUS\~NO PE~EIRA llEPUBLIJ[ DIDOIIBSJA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE BPS-STATISTICS INDONESIA OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA AND THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY, AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR LESTE CONCERNING TECHNICAL COOPERATION ON COMMERCE, INDUSTRY, AND ENVIRONMENT STATISTICS The BPS-Statistics Indonesia of the Republic of Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as BPS) and The Ministry of Commerce, Industry, ·and Environment of the Democratic Republic of the Timor Leste (hereinafter referred to a? the Ministry), hereinafter collectively referred the Parties. DESIRING to establish a friendly and technical cooperation on the basis of adhering to the principle of equality, mutual benefit, and supplementary advantage for both Countries; CONSIDERING the importance of cooperation to promote the development of statistics in the fields of Commerce, Industry and Environment to improve the economic and social conditions of both Parties; TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the Joint Communique Concerning Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of lndonesi1a and the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste signed in Jakarta, July 2, 2002; PURSUANT TO' the prevailing laws on regulations in the respective countries; HAVE REACHED agreement as follows: Article 1 OBJECTIVES The parties shall promote technical cooperation especially on capacity building for officials of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste in the field of statistics for commerce , industry and environment, and other related matters. Article 2 AREA OF COOPERATION The areas of cooperation under this Memorandum of Understanding shall include: a. Provision of statistical data and information through the following statistical activities: planning, collecting , processing, presentation and analysis of statistical data and information; b. Utilization of statistical data and information; c. Development of statistical information system; and d. Development and strengthening of human resources capabilities in applied statistics. Article 3 FINANCING The implementation of activities and programs under this Memorandum of Understanding shall depend on the availability of the necessary financial resources of the Ministry. Article 4 CONFIDENTIALITY (1) The Parties shall ensure that all documents, information and any other data mutually provided, received or resulted under this Memorandum of Understanding remain confidential and are not transferred to a Third Party without prior written consent. {2) The Parties agree that the provision of this Article shall continue to be binding between the Parties notwithstanding the termination of this Memorandum of Understanding. (3) The provision of this article shall not prejudice the prevailing laws and regulation of the Parties. Article 5 LIMITATION OF PERSONNEL ACTIVITIES Any person engaged in activities related to this Memorandum of Understanding shall respect political independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the host country, and shall avoid any activities inconsistent with the purposes and objective of this Memorandum of Understanding. Article 6 AMENDMENT This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended by mutual written consent of the parties. Any amendments will form as integral part of this Memorandum of Understanding. Article 7 SETTLEMENTS OF DISPUTE Any disputes ans1ng from the interpretation or implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be settled amicably by consultation or negotiation between the Parties. Article 8 ENTRY INTO FORCE, DURATION, AND TERMINATION (1) This Memorandum of Understanding will come into effect on the date of its signing and will remain in effect for a period of 3 (three) years. (2) This Memorandum of Understanding may be terminated by a Party through written notification to the other Party. Such termination shall have effect for 6 (six) months from the date of the receipt of the notification. (3) The termination of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not affect the validity and duration of any on-going programs and projects made under this Memorandum of Understanding until the completion of such program and project unless the Parties decide otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto by their respective governments have signed this Memorandum of Understanding. DONE in duplicate in Jakarta on the twenty first of November in the year two thousand and fourteen, in three (3) copies in the Indonesian, Portuguese and English languages, all texts being equality authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail. FOR BPS-STATISTICS INDONESIA FOR THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE, OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA INDUSTRY, AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR LESTE Signed SURYAMIN Signed FILI~W NINO PEREIRA
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