REPUBLIK INDONESIA MEMORANDUM SALING PENGERTIAN ANTARA ARSIP NASIONAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA DAN ARSIP NASIONAL REPUBLIK DEMOKRATIK TIMOR-l.ESTE MENG ENA I KERJA SAMA DALAM BIDANG KEARSIPAN Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia dan Arsip Nasional Republik Demokratik Timor·Leste, untuk selanjutnya bersama-sama disebut "Para Pihak"; BERKEINGINAN untuk memperkuat hubungan persahabatan yang telah terjalin antara kedua negara dan untuk melanjutkan kerja sama dalam bidang warisan sejarah , dokumentasi kesejarahan , dan konservasi sesuai dengan kemampuan masing-masing , berdasarkan prinsip kesetaraan , saling menghormati dan saling menguntungkan; BERDASARKAN Persetujuan antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Republik Demokratik Timar - Leste mengenai Kerja Sama Kebudayaan dan Pendidikan , ditandatangani pada tanggal 8 Juli 2005 . di Jakarta, Indonesia; SESUAI dengan hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di masing-masing negara; TELAH MENCAPAI kesepakatan sebagai berikut: PASAL1 TUJUAN Tujuan dari Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini adalah untuk memfasilitasi pertukaran pengalaman , pengetahuan dan informasi antara Para Pihak terkait bidang kearsipan, pengelolaan kearsipan , peristiwa-peristiwa yang berhubungan dengan kearsipan , serta pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi personil kearsipan , berdasarkan prinsip kesetaraan, saling menguntungkan dan saling menghormati. PASAL 2 LINGKUP KERJA SAMA Lingkup kerja sama di dalam Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini meliputi: a. Pertukaran pengetahuan dan pengembangan kapasitas dalam bidang pengelolaan arsip statis dan arsip dinamis; b. Pertukaran salinan bahan-bahan atau publikasi terkait sejarah Para Pihak; c. Penyelenggaraan kunjungan timbal balik bagi arsiparis dan staf profesional ; d. Bidang kerja sama lainnya yang disepakati bersama oleh Para Pihak. PASAL 3 IMPLEMENTASI Para Pihak akan menyusun pengaturan khusus untuk pelaksanaan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini. Pengaturan ini akan menetapkan kegiatan atau program termasuk tujuan, prosedur, dan pengelolaan keuangan sesuai dengan ketersediaan anggaran dan personil dari Para Pihak. -"A",.,r..... __.. PASAL 4 HAK KE KAY AAN INTELEKTUAL : 1. Para Pihak akan melindungi Hak Kekayaan lntelektual Pihak lain dalam t' j - masing-masing wilayahnya . 2. Semua hasil dari kegiatan yang berdasarkan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini harus sesuai dengan hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang :,1 mengatur tentang perlindungan hak kekayaan intelektual di masing-masing ! wilayah Para Pihak. PASAL 5 KERAHASIAAN 1. Setiap Pihak harus langkah untuk menjaga kerahasiaan dan rahasia dokumen, informasi, dan data lain yang diterima atau diberikan kepada Pihak lainnya selama periode pelaksanaan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini atau pengaturan lainnya yang dibuat berdasarkan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini. 2. Para Pihak setuju bahwa ketentuan dalam Pasal ini akan terus berlaku bagi Para Pihak meskipun Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini telah berakhir. PASAL 6 PEMBAT ASAN AKTIVIT AS PERSONIL 1. Para Pihak menjamin bahwa semua personil yang terlibat dalam kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini hanya akan melakukan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini dan harus tunduk kepada hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku di negara tuan rumah . 2. Segala yang pad a bentuk diatur pelanggaran dalam paragraf pencabutan terhadap satu semua di ketentuan atas sebagaimana dapat berakibat person ii izin I -~--- ~ terkait dan tindakan lain berdasarkan hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku di negara tuan rumah. PASAL 7 BIAVA Semua alokasi biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam rangka pelaksanaan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini akan dibicarakankan kemudian oleh Para Pihak per masing-masing kegiatan dan haruslah dianalisa dan disetujui bersama oleh Para Pihak. PASAL 8 PENYELESAIAN PERSELISIHAN Segala perbedaan atau perselisihan yang berhubungan dengan penafsiran dan pelaksanaan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini akan diselesaikan secara damai melalui konsultasi dan negosiasi berdasarkan prinsip saling menghormati dan saling memahami. PASAL 9 AMANDEMEN · Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini dapat ditinjau kembali atau diamandemen dengan persetujuan tertulis dari Para Pihak. Perubahan atau amandemen tersebut berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan oleh Para Pihak dan menjadi bagian integral dari Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini. PASAL10 PEMBERLAKUAN, MASA BERLAKU DAN PENGAKHIRAN 1. Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini mulai berlaku sejak tanggal penandatanganan. 2. Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini berlaku selama 3 (tiga) tahun dan diperpanjang secara otomatis untuk periode 3 (tiga) tahun selanjutnya, kecuali diakhiri oleh salah satu Pihak dengan mengajukan pemberitahuan tertulis selambat-lambatnya 6 (enam) bulan sebelum tanggal pengakhiran yang dikehendaki. 3. Berakhirnya Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini tidak akan mempengaruhi validitas atau masa berlaku kegiatan atau program apapun yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini hingga kegiatan atau program tersebut selesai. 4. Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk menciptakan kewajiban yang mengikat secara hukum dalam hukum internasional. SEBAGAI BUKTI , yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, telah menandatangani Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini. DIBUAT dalam rangkap dua di Dili pada tanggal Duapuluh Enam Bulan Januari tahun Duaribu Enambelas dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa lnggris, dan Bahasa Portugis, semua naskah berkekuatan hukum sama. Apabila terdapat perbedaan penafsiran , maka. naskah dalam Bahasa lnggris yang akan berlaku. UNTUK ARSIP NASIONAL UNTUK ARSIP NASIONAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA REPUBLIK DEM OKRATIK TIMOR- LESTE MUSTARI IRAWAN SAMUEL MENDONCA KE PALA SEKRETARIS NEGARA BIDANG ADMINISTRASI NEGARA -r~ ·-~, ··~ REPUBLIK INDONESIA MEMORANDO DE ENTENDIMENTO ENTRE 0 ARQUIVO NACIONAL DA REPUBLICA DA INDONESIA E 0 ARQUIVO NACIONAL DA REPUBLICA DEMOCRATICA DE TIMORLESTE SOBRE COOPERACAO NA AREA DOS ARQUIVOS O Arquivo Nacional da Republica da Indonesia e o Arqu ivo Nacional de TimorLeste, doravante referidos como as Partes; DESEJANDO fortalecer as cordiais rela96es existentes entre os dois paises e incrementar a coopera9ao nas areas do patrim6nio, documenta9ao hist6rica, e conserva9ao no ambito das suas capacidades e com base na igualdade, respeito e beneficio mutuos; REFERINDO ao Acordo entre o Governo da Republica da Indonesia e o Governo da Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste relativo a Coopera9ao Cultural e Educacional, assinado em Jakarta, em 08 de Julho de 2005; e, NOS TERMOS das leis e regulamentos aplicaveis nos respetivos Paises; ACORDAM o seguinte: , ~,,. I' ARTIGO 1 OBJECTIVO 0 objetivo deste Memorando de Entendimento e facilitar o intercambio de experiencias, conhecimentos e informa~Oes entre as Partes em materia de arquivos, gestao de arquivos e outras atividades relacionadas na area dos arquivos, bem como nas areas da . forma9ao e educa9ao do pessoal dos arquivos, com base nos principios da igualdade, reciprocidade e respeito mutuo. ARTIGO 2 AREASDECOOPERACAO A coopera9ao entre as Partes cobrira as seguintes areas: a) Troca de conhecimentos e capacita9ao nas areas da gestao de registos e arquivos; b) Troca de c6pias de materiais ou publica9oes relacionadas com a hist6ria das Partes; c) Organiza9ao de visitas mutuas para arquivistas e funcionarios profissionais; d) Outras areas de coopera9ao mutuamente acordadas pelas Partes. ARTIG03 IMPLEMENTACAO Para a implementa9ao deste ·Memorando de Entendimento, as Partes desenvolverao acordos especificos. Tais acordos deverao especificar todas as questoes relacionadas com as respetivas atividades ou programas especificos, incluindo objectives e procedimentos, bem como a gestao financeira, estando sujeitos a disponibilidade de fundos e pessoal das partes. ARTIG04 DIREITOS DE PROPRIEDADE INTELECTUAL 1. Cada parte deve proteger a propriedade intelectual da outra parte no seu territ6rio. 2. Os resultados obtidos das atividades realizadas no ambito deste Memoranda de Entendimento estarao sujeitos as leis e regulamentos relativos a protec9ao dos direitos de propriedade intelectual nos respectivos territ6rios das Partes. ARTIGO 5 CONFIDENCIALIDADE 1. Cada uma das Partes compromete-se a observar a confidencialidade e sigilo de quaisquer documentos, informac;oes e outros dados recebidos e que sejam fornecidos pela outra parte durante o periodo da implementac;ao deste Memoranda de Entendimento ou de quaisquer outros acordos que sejam assinados no ambito deste Memoranda de Entendimento. 2. Ambas as Partes acordam que as disposic;oes do presente artigo continuarao a aplicar-se entre as partes, ap6s a cessac;ao de efeitos do presente Memorando de Entendimento. ARTIGO 6 LIMITACAO DE ACTIVIDADES DO PESSOAL 1. As Partes devem assegurar que as atividades do pessoal envolvido na implementac;ao deste Memoranda de Entend imento deverao limitar-se a aquelas enquadradas Entendimento, no ambito do presente Memoranda de devendo respeitar em todo momenta as leis e regulamentos nacionais aplicaveis do pais de acolhimento. 2. Qualquer violac;ao do numero anterior resultara na revogac;ao de tod'Os as autorizayoes e licenyas concedidas ao respetivo pessoal bem como outras medidas que possam ser aplicadas de acordo com as leis e regulamentos vigentes no pais de acolhimento. ARTIGO 7 DESPESAS Quaisquer despesas incorridas na implementac;ao deste Memoranda de Entendimento serao discutidas pelas Partes caso a caso, devendo ser analisadas e acordadas pelas Partes. ARTIGO 8 RESOLUCAO DE DISPUTAS Quaisquer diferenc;as ou disputas entre as Partes relacionadas com a interpretac;ao e implementac;ao deste Memoranda de Entendimento serao resolvidas amigavelmente atraves de consultas ou negociac;oes baseadas nos prindpios do respeito e entendimento mutuos. ARTIGO 9 ALTERACOES Este Memoranda de Entend imento podera ser revisto ou alterado por consentimento mutuo escrito das Partes. Tais revisoes ou alterac;oes entram em vigor na data que pode ser determinada pelas Partes e constituem parte integrante do presente Memoranda de Entendimento. ARTIGO 10 ENTRADA EM VIGOR, DURA<;AO E CESSA<;AO 1. Este Memorando de Entendimento entrara em vigor na data da sua assinatura. 2. Este Memoranda de Entendimento permanecera em vigor por um perfodo de tres (3) anos, e sera renovado automaticamente por perf odos sucessivos de . "l.' tres anos, salvo rescisao por uma das Partes mediante notificac;ao por escrito, pelo menos seis (6) meses anteriores a sua cessac;ao. ); . .' '} 3.A cesac;ao do presente Memoranda de Entendimento nao prejudica a · validade e vigencia de quaisquer atividades ou programas realizados no ; ~· ambito deste Memorando ate a conclusao de tais atividades ou programas. : ~11 . ~ 4. Este Memorando de Entendimento nao visa criar quaisquer obrigac;oes legais no ambito do direito internacional. EM FE DO QUE, os abaixo assinados assinaram este Memorando de Entendimento. FEITO em duplicado, em Dili, no dia 26 de Janeiro do ano de dois mil e dezasseis, nas lfnguas lnglesa, Indonesia e Portuguesa, todas com igual valor de autenticidade. Em caso de divergencia de interpretac;ao, prevalecera a versao em Ingles. PELO ARQUIVO NACIONAL DA PELO ARQUIVO NACIONAL DA REPUBLICA DA INDONESIA REPUBLICA DEMOCRA TICA DE , TIMOR-LESTE I : MUSTARI IRAWAN SAMUEL MENDONCA DIRECTOR-GERAL SECRETARIO DE ESTADO DA 't ADMINISTRA<;AO ESTATAL ,, I> REPUBLIK INDONESIA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA AND THE NATIONAL ARCHIVE OF THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF Tl MOR-LESTE ON COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF ARCHIVES The National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia and the National Archive of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Parties"; DESIRING to strengthen the existing cordial relations between both countries and to further cooperate in the areas of heritage, historical documentation, and conservation , within their capabilities, on the basis of equality, mutual respect and benefit; REFERRING to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Goverment of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on Cultural and Educational Cooperation, signed in Jakarta on July 8, 2005 ; PURSUANT to the prevailing laws and regulations of respective countries; HAVE AGREED to the following understanding: ARTICLE 1 OBJECTIVE The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding is to facilitate the exchange of experience, knowledge and information between the Parties relating to the field of archives, archival management, archives-related events and the training and education of archival staff, on the basis of the principles of equality, reciprocity and mutual respect. ARTICLE 2 AREAS OF COOPERATION The cooperation between the Parties shall cover the following areas: a. Exchange knowledge and capacity building in the areas of records and archives management; b. Exchange copy of materials or publication relating to the history of the Parties; c. Organize mutual visit of archivists and professional officials; d. Other areas of cooperation as mutually agreed upon by the Parties. ·ARTICLE 3 IMPLEMENTATION The Parties will develop spedfic agreements for the purpose of the implementation of this Memoranaum of Understanding . Such agreements will specify matters related to the respective activities or programs, including objectives, procedures as well as financial management and being subject to availability of fund and personnel of the Parties. I . .,,,..,,:·- ..... _,_~·- - ·~' - ..... ~.;;.: -.· . - ARTICLE 4 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 1. Each Party shall protect the other Party's intellectual property in its territory. 2. Any result of activities performed under this Memorandum of Understanding shall be subject to the laws and regulations concerning the protection of intellectual property rights in the respective territories of the Parties. ' !t' ' 11 : . ARTICLE 5 R ; CONFIDENTIALITY 1. Each Party shall undertake to observe the confidentiality and secrecy of documents, information and other data received from or supplied to the other party during the period of the implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding or any other agreements pursuant to this Memorandum of 2. Understanding. ! . Both Parties agree that provision of this Article shall continue to be binding : between the parties notwithstanding the termination of this Memorandum of Understanding . ARTICLE 6 LIMITATION OF PERSONNELS' ACTIVITIES 1. The Parties shall ensure that their personnel engaged in the activities under this Memorandum of Understanding shall engage only in activities under the framework of this Memorandum of Understanding and shall comply with national laws and regulations of the host country. 2. Any violation of the paragraph one above may result in the revocation of all permits of personnel concerned and other measures in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations of the host country. 1 .... ~ ' - ... -·-· - .. - -..;-,... .... ,, - w - ;:; - - ARTICLE 7 EXPENSES Any expenses incurred in the implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding will be discussed by the Parties on a case by case basis and they must be analyzed and mutually agreed upon by the Parties. ARTICLE 8 - 1; SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES :._ ~.s-. ~ ~· Any differences or disputes between the Parties related to interpretation and :~ implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be settled amicably through consultations or negotiations based on the principles of ' .. mutual respect and understanding. ~ : ARTICLE 9 AMENDMENT This Memorandum of Understanding can be reviewed or amended by mutual written consent by the Parties. Such revisions or amendments shall enter into force on such date as may be determined by the Parties and shall form an integral part of this Memorandum of Understanding. ~I ARTICLE 10 ENTRY INTO FORCE, DURATION AND TERMINATION 1. This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date of its signing. 2. This Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in force for a period of 3 (three) years and shall be automatically renewed for a successive three : ' "' years unless terminated by either Party by giving written notification at least 6 (six) months prior its termination. 3. The termination of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not affect the validity and duration of any activities or programs made under this Memorandum of Understanding until the completion of such activities or programs. This MoU is not intended to create any legally binding obligations under ' 4. . international law . ; IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Memorandum of Understanding. DONE in duplicate at Dili on this twenty sixth day of January in the year Two Thousand and Sixteen, in English, Indonesian and Portuguese Languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail. FOR THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF FOR THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR-LESTE . MUSTARI IRAWAN SAMUEL MENDONCA DIRECTOR GENERAL SECRETARY OF STATE FOR STATE ADMINISTRATION "' ,.
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