Henrique Prata - IRCAD América Latina
Henrique Prata - IRCAD América Latina
Henrique Prata Director General Hospital de Cancer de Barretos Jacques MARESCAUX President, IRCAD University of Strasbourg, France Armando MELANI Director, IRCAD America Latina Americas Medical City, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Patrick PESSAUX Talvane TORRES DE OLIVEIRA Paulo HERMAN Americas Medical City Rio de Janeiro, Brazil University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Brazil IRCAD University of Strasbourg, France To cover a broad spectrum of surgical procedures in hepatic surgery To provide indications for surgical treatment and discuss operative complications To provide introduction of laparoscopic biliary and liver resection To highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through the broadcasting of videos To allow discussion between the experts and the surgeon trainees To provide hand on session improve skills in laparoscopic biliary, liver and pancreatic surgery through the practice on pig models under expert tutorials Interactive theoretical and video sessions between faculty and course participants Live and pre-recorded operative demonstrations ARAUJO Raphael (Brazil) ODISIO Bruno (USA) ASBUN Horacio (USA) - videoconference PESSAUX Patrick (France) DALLEMAGNE Bernard (France) - videoconference SANCHEZ CLARIA Rodrigo (Argentina) CONRAD Claudius (USA) SANHUEZA Marcel (Chile) DE RESENDE Alexandre (Brazil) SOUBRANE Olivier (France) ENNE Marcelo (Brazil) TEIXEIRA Antonio Roberto (Brazil) FERNANDES Eduardo (Brazil) TORRES DE OLIVEIRA Talvane (Brazil) HERMAN Paulo (Brazil) WAECHTER Fabio (Brazil) GIULIANOTTI Pier Cristoforo (USA) - videoconference WAKABAYASHI Go (Japan) MADUREIRA Fernando (Brazil) YAMAMOTO Masakazu (Japan) MEMEO Riccardo (France) - videoconference AMARAL Paulo KALIL Antonio MADUREIRA Fabio SANCHES Marcelo FELICIANO LACERDA Croider MAROTTA Alexandre TORRES Orlando GARCIA Huygens LIMA Agnaldo MONTEIRO Mauro ZANELLA Eduardo V.08/04/2016 V/04/2016 This programme may be subject to modifications or cancellations for timing reasons Monday, April 25 - 2016 Participants Shuttle Bus : Hotel - AMITS Faculty Shuttle Bus : Hotel - AMITS 07.45 Registration 08.00 Welcome to participants - Introduction of faculty members LIVE or PRE-RECORDED OPERATIVE DEMONSTRATION 08.20-09.20 Chairmen : P. Herman-M. Yamamoto-R. Araujo Single Port laparoscopic cholecystectomy F. Madureira THEORETICAL SESSION 08.00-08.20 Anatomical abnormalities of biliary tract 09.20-09.50 Minimizing laparoscopic cholecystectomy B. Dallemagne (videoconference) 09.50-10.15 Basic rules and how to prevent bile duct injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy B. Dallemagne (videoconference) 10.15-10.45 Break 10.45-11.15 Laparoscopic management of common bile duct stones M. Sanhueza 11.15-11.45 Management of bile ducts injury M. Sanhueza 11.45-12.05 Management of incidental gallbladder carcinoma 12.05-12.25 Laparoscopic management of gallbladder cancer : a stepwise approach C. Conrad 12.25-12.45 Management of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma P. Herman 12.45-13.00 Discussion 13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00 P. Pessaux P. Pessaux Description of aims & methods of the hands-on session E. Belmonte Laboratory rules E. Belmonte EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY - Practice on Live Tissue 14.30 18.30 Laparoscopic hepatic pedicle dissection T-Tube placement Laparoscopic partial hepatectomy Laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy Hepatico-jejunal anastomosis Single port cholecystectomy End of the session Participants Shuttle Bus : AMITS – Hotel Faculty Shuttle Bus : AMITS – Hotel This programme may be subject to modifications or cancellations for timing reasons All Faculty Tuesday, April 26 - 2016 Participants Shuttle Bus : Hotel - AMITS Faculty Shuttle Bus : Hotel - AMITS LIVE or PRE-RECORDED OPERATIVE DEMONSTRATIONS Chairmen : C. Conrad - M. Sanhueza - G. Wakabayashi 08.00-08.20 Liver surgical anatomy : the Glissonean pedicle & Laennec capsule 08.20-08.35 Liver pedicle control : open and laparoscopic 08.35-11.00 Laparoscopic right hepatectomy O. Soubrane (Live from Barretos) Laparoscopic right hepatectomy P. Herman (Live from Barretos) M. Yamamoto P. Herman A. Resende (Live from Barretos) Laparoscopic left hepatectomy 11.00-11.30 Break PRE-RECORDED OPERATIVE DEMONSTRATIONS 11.30-11.45 Total laparoscopic posterior sectionectomy C. Conrad 11.45-12.15 Laparoscopic left hemi-hepatectomy 12.15-12.45 Laparoscopic right hemi-hepatectomy P. Herman 12.45-13.05 Augmented reality applied to mini-invasive hepatectomy P. Pessaux 13.05-13.30 Discussion 13.30-14.30 Lunch G. Wakabayashi Option 1 : EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY - Practice on Live Tissue 14.30-18.00 Laparoscopic hepatic pedicle dissection T-Tube placement Laparoscopic partial hepatectomy Laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy Hepatico-jejunal anastomosis Single port cholecystectomy Option 2 : THEORETICAL SESSION 14.30-16.00 16.00-16.15 16.15-16.30 Clinical cases : - Perihilar cholangiocarcinoma - Synchronous bilobar liver colorectal metastasis - Management of IPMN - HCC All Faculty Chairmen : M. Yamomoto - P. Pessaux P. Pessaux - R. Memeo (videoconference) P. Pessaux - R. Memeo (videoconference) M. Yamamoto G. Wakabayashi A.R. Teixeira 16.30-16.45 Coffee break Liver anatomy revisited: from Coinaud to Ruy and Takasaki. Clinical practice and relevance Current stage of the treatment of hepatic metastasis 16.45-17.00 How to handle the remaining liver before resections : strategies to avoid liver failure E. Fernandes 17.00-17.15 ALPPS where we are right now 17.15-17.30 Vascular Resection in HPB Surgery A. Resende 17.30-17.45 Pushing the limits in hepatic surgery R. Sanchez Claria 17.30-18.00 Discussion 18.00 End of the session Participants Shuttle Bus : AMITS – Hotel Faculty Shuttle Bus : AMITS – Hotel This programme may be subject to modifications or cancellations for timing reasons F. Waechter M. Enne Wednesday, April 27 - 2016 Participants Shuttle Bus : Hotel – AMITS Faculty Shuttle Bus : Hotel – AMITS THEORETICAL SESSION – HEPATIC SURGERY Chairmen : P. Herman - O. Soubrane - R. Araujo 08.00-08.30 Next step in Minimally Invasive Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery: Image-guided approach 08.30-08.45 Total laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma located in all segments of the liver 08.45-09.10 Basic principles in laparoscopic hepatobiliary : position of trocars position of patient O. Soubrane 09.10-09.30 Laparoscopic hemi-right hepatectomy in living donors O. Soubrane 09.30-09.50 State of the Art in radiofrequency, micro-wave, and cryoablation 09.50-10.10 Break 10.10-10.30 Management of perioperative complication : bleeding and bile leak 10.30-10.45 Sparing liver resection 10.45-11.00 Consensus conference 2014 Morioka for laparoscopic hepatectomy J. Marescaux G. Wakabayashi B. Odisio M. Yamamoto R. Sanchez Claria G. Wakabayashi LIVE OPERATIVE DEMONSTRATION 11.00-13.00 Distal pancreatectomy 13.00-14.00 Lunch THEORETICAL SESSION – PANCREATIC SURGERY H. Asbun (Live from Jacksonville) Chairmen : C. Conrad - P. Pessaux - A. Resende 14.00-14.30 Robotics & hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery P.C. Giulianotti (videoconference) 14.30-15.00 Basic principles in laparoscopic pancreatectomy P. Pessaux 15.00-15.30 Laparoscopic pancreatic enucleation C. Conrad 15.30-16.00 Distal laparoscopic pancreatectomy C. Conrad 16.00-16.25 Laparoscopic pancreatico-duodenectomy H. Asbun (videoconference) 16.25-16.50 Management of complications after laparoscopic pancreatectomy H. Asbun (videoconference) 16.50 Discussion and symposium conclusion 17.15 End of the course Delivery of the certificates of attendance Participants Shuttle Bus : AMITS – Hotel Faculty Shuttle Bus : AMITS – Hotel This programme may be subject to modifications or cancellations for timing reasons All faculty
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