XIII PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NEUROLOGY 4 -8 March 2012 La Paz, Bolivia Radisson Plaza Hotel SPONSORED BY: World Federation of Neurology XIII Pan American Congress Organizing Committee Federación Boliviana de Neurología La Concepción 266 Of. 501 Providencia, Santiago, Chile, CP 7500014 Tel: +56-2-946 2633/44 Fax: +56-2-946 2643 Website: www.kenes.com/neuro-congreso E-mail: [email protected] Table of Contents COMMITTEES...................................................................................................................................... 3 WELCOME LETTER ............................................................................................................................ 4 PRELIMINARY LIST OF TOPICS ....................................................................................................... 5 PRELIMINARY TIMETABLE ............................................................................................................... 6 GENERAL INFORMATION ...............................................................................................................15 PREVIOUS CONGRESS SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS ............................................................17 INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS ...................................................................18 LIST OF SPONSORSHIP ITEMS .....................................................................................................19 SPONSORSHIP BOOKING FORM...................................................................................................23 EXHIBITION .......................................................................................................................................26 EXHIBITION BOOKING FORM .........................................................................................................27 TERMS AND CONDITIONS ..............................................................................................................28 2 Committees National Organizing Committee President: Juan Carlos Duran Quiroz Vice-presidente: Janeth Laguna Vice-presidente: Jose Cuellar Vice-presidente: Henry Nuñez Marcelo Aramayo Walter Arias Cléber Beltran Marco Canedo Edil Escobar Vice-presidente: Luis Fernado Zegada Secretary: Carlos Laforcada Treasurer: Mauricio Ballivián Carlos Flores Oscar Gonzalez Raquel Moreno Isabelita Ortiz Alejandro Peralta Rafael Prudencio David Rodríguez Heydi Sanz Gaston Schmidt Harry Trigosso National Scientific Committee Rosario Calderón Mario Camargo Maria Isabel Cusicanqui Jorge Fernandez Federico Fortun Juan Carlos Torrez International Scientific Committee Ricardo F. Allegri, Argentina Juan Altamirano, Perú Raul Luciano Arizaga, Argentina Joaquim Brasil Neto Maria Lúcia Brito, Brasil Luis Cartier, Chile Sergio Castillo, Chile Pedro Chana, Chile Carlos Cosentino, Perú Nilton Custodio Capuñay, Perú Elza Dias-Tosta, Brasil Exuperio Diez-Tejedor,España Jorge Juncos, Puerto Rico Rubens Gagliardi, Brasil Martha Galeano, Paraguay Oscar Gershanik, Argentina Fernando Góngora, México Arnold Hoppe, Chile Carlos Ketzoian, Uruguay Silvia Kochen, Argentina Irene Litvan USA Ricardo Nitrini, Brasil Gustavo Pradilla, Colombia Raúl C. Rey, Argentina Ana Robles, Republica Dominicana David Saez, Chile Luís F. Salguero, Guatemala Daniel Sibils, Uruguay Marco Tulio Medina, Honduras Renato Verdugo, Chile WFN Authorities Presidente: Vladimir Hachinski Vicepresidente: Werner Hacke Secretario General: Raad Shakir Secretario Ejecutivo: Gustavo Román 3 Welcome Letter Dear Colleagues: On behalf of the Committee that is organizing the XIII Pan-American Congress of Neurology, I extend to you the most cordial welcome to our country Bolivia, where you will be able to participate in the latest advances of Neurology in our region. This event offers you a program developed by experts of recognized international trajectory, with the assistance of a brilliant scientific committee. It therefore provides an excellent opportunity for continued education in all fields of Neurology. Furthermore, it is an honor and a privilege to invite you to get to know Bolivia, a country that offers an exotic multicultural ambience in a splendid, readily accessible geographic location. In Bolivia you can visit the city of Potosi, cultural patrimony of humanity, or the Uyuni salt flats, the largest salt surface in the world, the Jesuit Missions of the Bolivian Amazonian region, or the ecological reserves distributed in the high plateau, valleys and tropical lands. The city of La Paz, site of this event, has a charm of its own that you will never forget. Economically speaking, it is the cheapest capital in the Americas, and the distance from the hotels to the convention center are short. From the city you can take an easy 90 minute ride to the millenary ruins of Tiahuanacu, or to the Titicaca Lake, ascend to snow covered Huayna Potosi or to Illimani, descend to Yungas or arrive to the ecological reserves of Madidi. Bolivia waits for you in 2012, Dr. Juan Carlos Durán Quiroz President 4 Preliminary List of Topics Stroke Neurology at High Altitudes Muscle and Neuromuscular Epilepsy Pain Headaches Parkinson's Movement Disorders Dementias Multiple Sclerosis Neurophysiology Neuroinfection Neuro Intensive Care Neuroepidemiology Autonomic Nervous System Electroencephalographia Neuro-Oncology Neuropediatrics Sleep Disorders Behavioral Neuroscience Neurointensive Care Neuroimaging Peripheral Nerve Disorder Neuro-ophthalmology 5 Preliminary Timetable Sunday 4 March, 2012 09:00-19:00 Registration and Congress Material Distribution Salon 1 Salon 2 12:00-17:30 Sesión Plenaria Academia Americana de Neurología 12:00-12:15 Introducción Antonio Culebras, USA 12:15-12:30 International challenges facing neurology Bruce Sigsbee, USA 12:30- 13:30 La amenaza silenciosa: Placas, ovillos e infartos silentes Vladimir Hachinski, USA 13:30-14:00 Pausa 14:00-15:00 No todas las demencias son Alzheimer: Pautas para el diagnóstico diferencial Gustavo Román USA 15:00-16:00 La neuroimagen como herramienta esencial en la clínica e investigación neurobiológicas José Masdeu USA 16:00-17:00 Hipertensión Arterial: Efectos Crónicos y Agudos sobre los Pequeños Vasos Cerebrales Carlos S. Kase USA 17:00-17:30 Discusión 18:30 Salon 3 14:00-18:00 Sesión especial: VIII Simposio Panamericano de Neuroepidemiología 14:00-17:00 Estudios Neuroepidemiológicos en América Latina 17:00-18:00 Asamblea de la Sociedad Panamericana de Neuroepidemiología Sesión de Apertura seguida por Recepción de Bienvenida 6 Monday 5 March, 2012 08:00-17:30 Registration and Congress Material Distribution Salon 1 Salon 2 Salon 3 09:00-10:30 Sesión Paralela: Parkinson Sesión Paralela: Free papers Movimientos Anormales Enfermedad Cerebrovascular Conceptos actuales en el tratamiento temprano de la EP Anthony Lang, Canada Estadios Avanzados de la EP. Abordaje terapéutico Jose Obeso, España Genética de las Distonías Sarah Camargos, Brazil 10:30-11:00 Pausa para café, visitas a posters y exhibición 11:00-12:30 Sesión Paralela: Parkinson Sesión especial: Sociedad Sesión Paralela: Free papers Movimientos Anormales iberoamericana de enfermedad Enfermedad Cerebrovascular cerebro vascular SIECV Progresos en la cirugía de ganglios basales. Nuevas dianas en la estimulación profunda. Neurotrasplantes Marcelo Merello, Argentina Update: Atrofias Multisistémica Introducción Oscar Gerschanick, Argentina Sebastian Ameriso, Argentina Importancia de los registros en la Manejo de la Parálisis investigación de la ECV en Supranuclear Progresiva y Iberoamérica., Ayrton Massaro, Degeneración Corticobasal Brazil Irene Litvan, USA Antecedentes y oportunidad de un registro SITS-SIECV de ictus hospitalarios Exuperio Diez Tejedor, España Estado actual del registro SITSSIECV Nikolas Kostulas, Sweeden 12:30-14:00 Pausa 7 14:00-15:30 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:30 Sesión Paralela: Parkinson Sesión Paralela: Free papers Movimientos Anormales Enfermedad Cerebrovascular Enfermedad de Huntington en Latinoamérica Roberto Weiser, Venezuela Nuevas estrategias terapéuticas en la enfermedad de Huntington Carlos Cosentino, Perú Coreas no Huntington Emilia Gatto, Argentina Pausa para café, visitas a posters y exhibición Sesión Paralela: Parkinson Sesión Paralela: Localización en Sesión Paralela: Free papers Movimientos Anormales Neurología Neuroinfección Movimientos involuntarios en Presentación de casos clínicos enfermedades sistémicas José Masdeu USA Francisco Cardoso, Brazil Comorbilidad de los TICS Jorge L. Juncos, USA Sesión Paralela: Free papers Enfermedad Cerebrovascular Distonias ocupacionales, Pedro Chana . Chile UPDATE: Tratamiento del temblor Francisco Cardoso, Brazil 8 Tuesday 6 March, 2012 08:00-17:30 Registration and Congress Material Distribution 9:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 12:30-14:00 Salon 1 Sesión Paralela: Enfermedad Cerebrovascular TBA Vladimir Hachinski, Canada Salon 2 Sesión Paralela: Video EEG Salon 3 Sesión Paralela: Sueño Semiología de la epilepsia en Video EEG Elsa Marcia Yacubian, Brazil Apnea del sueño y factores de riesgo cerebrovascular Antonio Culebras, USA Piernas inquietas movimientos periódicos de piernas Darwin Vizcarra, Peru Sesión Paralela: Free papers Neurología del Comportamiento Reperfusión endovenosa, mas Diagnóstico diferencial de crisis alla de las 4,5 horas Rubens epilépticas en Video EEG Silvia Gagliardi, Brazil Kochen, Argentina Estatinas para la prevención de Diagnostico diferencial con la ECV pseudocrisis en video EEG Jose Luis Fabio Yamamoto, Brazil Castillo, Chile Epidemiologia en el Brazil; estudio JOINVASC: estudio poblacional del ictus en el Brazil Norberto Cabral, Brazil Pausa para café, visitas a posters y exhibición Sesión Paralela: Enfermedad Sesión Paralela: Dolor Sesión Paralela: Free papers Cerebrovascular Parkinson Movimientos Anormales Enfermedad carotidea mas allá Fisiopatología del dolor del grado de estenosis Rubens neuropático Renato Verdugo, Chile Gagliardi, Brazil Impacto de ECV e indicadores Dolor central Pedro Schestatsky, de calidad de vida después del Brazil ictus Paulo Lotufo, Brazil Manejo de la presión arterial Evaluación neurofisiológica de las en HIC agudo: estudio neuropatías dolorosas Mario INTERACT y ATACH Pablo Campero, Chile Lavados, Chile Nuevos enfoques terapéuticos en prevención vascular Raul Rey, Argentina Pausa 9 14:00-15:30 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:30 Sesión Paralela: Enfermedad Cerebrovascular Terapias de reperfusión en viejos muy viejos Mario Muñoz, Colombia Sesión Paralela: Neurofisiología Evaluación de fibras delgadas Renato Verdugo, Chile Indicación a la terapia endovascular en la enfermedad vascular cerebral Fernando Gongora, Mexico Evaluación autonómica Pedro Schestatsky, Brazil Tratamiento actual de la hemorragia intracerebral Juan Carlos Kase, USA Protección y reparación cerebral. Nuevas fronteras Exuperio Diez Tejedor, Spain Estrategias para potenciar la recuperación tras el ictus Marina Romano, Argentina Discusión Diagnostico diferencial de la esclerosis múltiple Francesca Castolde, Chile Diagnostico de esclerosis múltiple Holvis Dellien, Chile Sesión Paralela: Neurointensivo Monitorización EEG continua: indicaciones, interpretación, utilidad terapéutica Patricio Mellado, Chile Treatment options for severe ischemic stroke Stefan Schwab, Germany Encefalopatía Hipertensiva Patricio Mellado, Chile A Evaluación neurofisiológica de las neuropatías traumáticas Henry Nuñez, Bolivia Terapia combinada y asistida Monitoreo intraoperatorio de Neuromonitoring, whom, how (IV + IA, IA + sonotrombolisis cirugía de médula espinal, Ricardo and when? Pablo Lavados, Chile J. R. Ferreira, Brazil Stefan Schwab, Germany Ictus no aterotrombótico Potenciales evocados usos y abusos Sebastian Ameriso, Argentina Jose Luis Castillo, Chile Pausa para café, visitas a posters y exhibición Sesión Paralela: Enfermedad Sesión Paralela: Neuroimagen Sesión Paralela: Free papers Cerebrovascular Dolor Neuroimagen en ECV isquémica Holvis Dellien, Chile Sesión Paralela: Free papers Periférico Neuroimagen en ECV hemorrágica Francesca Castolde, Chile 10 Wednesday 7 de March, 2012 08:00-17:30 Registration and Congress Material Distribution 9:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 12:30-14:00 Salon 1 Sesión Paralela: Cefalea Cefalea Y Ojo (excluir cefaleas trigémino-autonómicas) Carlos Bordini, Brazil Migraña Episódica Sin Aura y con aura Hector Zavala, Argentina Salon 2 Sesión Paralela: Neuroinfección Neurocisticercosis y epilepsia Arturo Carpio, Ecuador En la mujer (pre-menarca, menarca, embarazo, lactancia, menstrual y menopausia) Cristina Perez, Uruguay Cefalea Tensional Bibiana Saravia, Argentina Neurosida: una mirada latinoamericana Ronald Salamano, Uruguay Manifestaciones neurológicas del síndrome de restitución inmune en pacientes VIH/SIDA Andrea Casale, Argentina Salon 3 Sesión Paralela: Periferico Neuropatías genéticamente determinadas Wilson Marques, Brazil Diagnostico de mono neuropatías múltiples Mario Campero, Chile Parálisis facial periférica Martha Galeano, Paraguay Aproximación diagnostica a las poli neuropatías Wilson Marques, Brazil Neurolues en sida Neuropatía Hanseniana David Saez, Chile Jose Cuellar, Bolivia Pausa para café, visitas a posters y exhibición Sesión Paralela: Cefalea Sesión Paralela: Neuroinfección Sesión Paralela: Free papers Demencia Cefalea Asociada A La Actividad Meningoencefalitis en niños Sexual Carlos Bordini, Brazil Heidy Sanz, Bolivia Arteritis Temporales (células Paraparesia espástica tropical Luis gigantes y otras) Cristina Perez, Cartier, Chile Uruguay Cefalea y conducta Encefalitis vinculadas a la familia Federico Buononatte, Argetina Herpes Ronald Salamano, Uruguay Migraña y hormonas Neurocisticercosis espinal femeninasCristina Perez, Henry Nuñez, Bolivia Uruguay Infecciones del SNC por listeria monocitogenes, David Saez, Chile Pausa 11 14:00-15:30 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:30 Sesión Paralela: Demencia Trastornos neuropsiquiatricos en las demencia Ignacio Brusco, Argentina Costos económicos en las demencias Ricardo Allegri, Argentina Prevalencia e incidencia de las demencias en Latino América Ricardo Nitrini, Brazil Trastornos neuropsiquiatricos en la enfermedad cerebrovascular Raul Arizaga, Argentina Sesión Paralela: Altura Edema cerebral de altura Carlos Laforcada, Bolivia Sesión Paralela: Free papers Epilepsia Factores de riesgo en ECV en Altura, Juan Carlos Fernandez, Bolivia Sesión Paralela: Sesión practica de Neurooftalmologia Evaluación de los movimientos oculares Wilson Sanvito, Brazil Nistagmo Misha Pless, USA Sesión Paralela: Free papers Neuroftalmología Pausa para café, visitas a posters y exhibición Sesión Paralela: Demencia Sesión Paralela: Neuropediatria Sesión Paralela: Free papers Neurofisiología Trastornos del sueño y crono La importancia de la Pesquisa biológicos en las demencias Neonatal en Latinoamérica Ignacio Brusco, Argentina Francisco Cabello, Chile Demencias frontotemporales Tics en pediatría Jorge Juncos, US Ricardo Allegri, Argentina Demencia Vascular Nuevas terapias en Errores Gustavo Roman, USA Innatos del Metabolismo Francisco Cabello, Chile Identificación de casos en Trastorno por déficit de atención estudios poblacionales e hiperactividad, nuevas Raul Arizaga, Argentina perspectivas Eduardo Barragan, Mexico Enfermedad de Alzheimer (predemencia) Marcia Chaves, Brazil 12 Thursday 8 March, 2012 08:00-17:30 Registration and Congress Material Distribution 9:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 12:30-14:00 Salon 1 Salon 2 Salon 3 Sesión de la Comisión Sesión Paralela: Esclerosis Múltiple Sesión Paralela: Free papers Latinoamericana de ILAE: Muscular Epilepsia Formación académica en Neuromielitis óptica Misha Pless, epilepsias en Latinoamérica USA Patricia Braga, Brazil Aspectos legales para pacientes Factores desencadenantes de la con Epilepsia en LA, impacto esclerosis múltiple sobre calidad de vida Jorge Barahona, Chile Silvia Kochen, Argentina Estrategias tempranas de Diagnostico diferencial de la Sesión Paralela: Free papers cirugía de epilepsia y su neuritis óptica Misha Pless, USA Neuropediatría repercusión sobre la evolución de las epilepsias en la infancia Manuel Campos, Chile Discusión Pausa para café, visitas a posters y exhibición Sesión Paralela: Epilepsia Sesión Paralela: Sesión Paralela: Free papers : Neuroepidemiología Esclerosis Múltiple Epilepsia prevenibles Asociación entre la prevalencia de Marco Tulio Medina, Honduras esclerosis múltiple y factores medio ambientales en latinoamérica y el Caribe. Estudio ecológico cooperativo Carlos Ketzoian, Uruguay Impactos sobre el Actualización de la Prevalencia de neurodesarrollo de la epilepsia Esclerosis Múltiple en América infantil, ¿prevenibles? Eduardo Latina y el Caribe Mario Melcon, Barragan, Mexico Argentina Epilepsia Comorbilidades Patricio Abad, Ecuador Discusión Pausa 13 14:00-15:30 Sesión Paralela: Epilepsia Sesión Paralela: Neurooncologia Sesión Paralela: Free papers Neurofisiología Definiciones y Comorbilidad del estado epiléptico Jaime Godoy, Chile EEG y estado epiléptico Elsa Marcia Yacubian, Brazil 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:30 Actualización en síndromes paraneoplásicos Ignacio Casas Parera , Argentina Compromiso Neurológico de la terapia antineoplásica Mariana Sinning, Chile Manejo terapéutico del estado Diagnóstico y manejo del paciente Sesión Paralela: Free papers epiléptico con metástasis leptomeníngeas Neuroimagen Alejandro Scaramelli, Uruguay Ignacio Casas Parera , Argentina Discusión Discusión Pausa para café, visitas a posters y exhibición Sesión Paralela: Epilepsia Sesión Paralela: Muscular Sesión Paralela: Free papers Epilepsia Evaluación pre-quirúrgica en Evaluación neurofisiológica de la epilepsia, Manuel Campos, ELA Chile Alberto Dubrovsky, Argentina Indicación de evaluación Miastenia gravis adquirida quirúrgica en epilepsia Silvia autoinmune Elza Dias-Tosta, Brazil Kochen, Argentina Migralepsia Actualidad musculo Sesión Paralela: Free papers Franz Chaves Sell, Argentina Alberto Dubrovsky, Argentina Neurontensivismo Discusión Discusión 14 General Information Venue Radisson Plaza Hotel La Paz Av. Arce 2177, La Paz, Bolivia Telephone: (591-2)244111 Fax: (591-2)2440402 Dates 4-8 March, 2012 Official Language The official congress language is Spanish. Visas Some countries do not require visas. For all other countries should consult the nearest Bolivian Consulate. Personal Insurance We recommend that all participants take out personal travel and health insurance for their trip. Climate La Paz Offers multiple micro-climates according to each zone's altitude. While the center of town is at 3,650 meters above sea level, the zone of Aranjuez is at 3,300 m. El Alto (where the international airport is located) is at 4,082 m. The average temperature in winter is 15C (59F) and 22C (72F) in summer. In the summer, rain falls on most afternoons. In the winter, days are cooler but the sky is mostly clear and sunny. Clothing Dress code is informal for all occasions. Invitation Letter Participants requiring a formal letter of invitation to enable them to make their arrangements to participate in the congress may receive a letter via the website. Please note that this letter cannot be regarded as a commitment regarding scheduling or financial support from the organizers. Airport Information The international airport of La Paz is serving the Bolivian capital and one of the largest in the country. Much of the international and domestic flights in the country are concentrated. About 1 million passengers traveled in 2008. It operates with all major destinations in South America, Miami, Madrid, and others. Express buses, minibuses and taxis connect the airport with the city and the metropolitan area. Taxi ranks are located next to the terminal, on the outside. Estimated duration of the trip to downtown: 20 minutes. 15 Congress Organizers Please do not hesitate to contact the Organizers if you require any additional information or assistance. Please address all correspondence to: XIII Congreso Panamericano de Neurología C / o Kenes Latin America - Global Congress Organizers and Related Management Services La Concepción 266 Of. 501 Providencia, Santiago, Chile, CP 7500014 Tel: +56-2-946 2633/44 Fax: +56-2-946 2643 Website: www.kenes.com/neuro-congreso E-mail: [email protected] Exhibition An oficial profesional exhibition will take place during the Congress. For further information please contact: [email protected] 16 PREVIOUS CONGRESS SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS XII Panamerican Congress of Neurology 2007 SPEAKER SPONSORS SPONSORS PLENARY SESSION SPONSOR EXHIBITORS 17 INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS SPONSORSHIP BOOKING REQUEST Applications for Sponsorship and/or Exhibition must be made in writing with the enclosed booking enquiry form to: XIII Panamerican Congress of Neurology Daniel Ariza Tilesa Kenes Spain C/ Londres 17 1º Planta Madrid, España, CP 28028 Tel: +34 91 361 2600 Fax: +34 91 355 9208. E-mail: [email protected] Once a Sponsorship Booking Form is received a contract will be sent to you for signature with an accompanying invoice. This contract should be signed and returned with a 60% deposit payment to the Sponsorship. Upon receipt of the Sponsorship Booking Form the organiser will reserve the items listed in it. Completion of the Booking Form by the Sponsor shall be considered as a commitment to purchase the items. PAYMENT CONDITIONS 60% upon receipt of the sponsorship agreement and first invoice 40% by 1st December 2011 All payments must be received before the start date of the Congress PAYMENT METHODS Bank transfer, payable to Pan-American Congress of Neurology. Bank Account: Crédit Suisse Bank, Ginebra, 1211 Ginebra 70, Switzerland Swift: CRESCHZZ80A Número de cuenta: 693980-52-377 IBAN: CH CH78 0483 5069 3980 5237 7 Bank charges are the responsibility of the payer CANCELATION / MODIFICATION POLICY: Cancellation or modification of sponsorship items must be made in writing to: XIII Congreso Panamericano de Neurología Daniel Ariza Tilesa Kenes Spain C/ Londres 17 1º Planta Madrid, Spain, CP 28028 Tel: +34 91 361 2600 Fax: +34 91 355 9208. E-mail: [email protected] The organizers shall retain: 10% of the agreed package amount if the cancellation/ modification is made before April 4th 2011, inclusive 50% of the agreed package amount if the cancellation/ modification is made between April 4th 2011 and December 1st 2011 , inclusive 100% of the agreed package amount if the cancellation/ modification is made after December 1st 2011 18 Lista de Patrocinios para el Congreso Panamericano de Neurología Sponsorship Opportunities You will be given a sponsorship category status dependent upon the total amount of your sponsorship contribution. The total contribution will consist of sponsored items such as advertisements, satellite symposia, sponsorship items and exhibition space (excluding storage space). You will benefit from outstanding advantages linked to your sponsorship category Status will be allocated as follows: Category Platinium Gold Silver General Minimum Contribution SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS Benefits will be allocated to sponsors based on the following table: BENEFIT Priority Choice: exhibition space Sponsor’s logo with hyperlink on Congress website Number of symposium posters allow to exhibit on the Congress Venue Symposium advertisement in full color on the Final Program. Registrations Recognition of Sponsor in the Congress Venue PLATINIUM GOLD √ (1°) (2°,3°) √ √ 4 3 √ √ 10 √ 6 √ SILVER GENERAL √ √ 4 √ 2 √ 19 Satellite Symposium Exclusive sponsorship of an Official Satellite Symposium up to 60 minutes, subject to the approval of the Congress Scientific Committee. Symposia are available at the following dates and times: 5 March 2012; 13:00-14:00 6 March 2012; 13:00-14:00 7 March 2012; 13:00-14:00 8 March 2012; 13:00-14:00 • Includes: Hall rental, standard audio/visual equipment, and display table • The sponsoring company, in addition to the sponsorship fee, must cover all speakers’ expenses, including registration fees, accommodation and travel expenses. • The right to use the tittle: “Official Congress Symposium ot the XIII Panamerican Congress of Neurology” • Symposium program and abstract will be included in the Final Program • Advertisment • Inclusion of Sponsor’s symposium invitation in the participants’ bags (insert to be provided by sponsor) • Sponsor’s company brochure will be inserted in the participants’ Congress bags. • Full Page Color Symposium Advertisement in the Program • Sponsor’s logo with hyperlink on Congress website • Registrations • Five (5) Congress registrations • Acknowledgement • Sponsors will be acknowledged as such on the Sponsors’ Board on-site and in the following publications: Final Program, Abstract CD, Call for Abstracts For the above Satellite Symposium pages, the following applies • Special time slots have been designated and will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis. • The sponsoring company can select the topics and the speakers. • The sponsoring company, in addition to the sponsorship fee, must cover all speakers’ expenses, including registration fees, accommodation and travel expenses. • All the programs have to be revised and approved by the Congress Scientific Comiittee. EDUCATIONAL GRANT IN SUPPORT OF AN EXISTING CONGRESS SESSION These sessions are Scientific Symposia accepted ot invited by the Scientific Committee, and supported by a grant from industry or others. • Sponsors' logo with hyperlink on Congress website • Sponsors' support will be acknowledged in the Final Program • Acknowledgement in Sponsors’ List in the Final Program • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ Board on-site 20 SPEAKERS READY ROOM Facilities will be available at the Congress Center for speakers and abstract presenters to check their presentations. • The Sponsors' name / company logo will appear on all signs for this room • Opportunity to provide mouse pads • Sponsors' logo on computer screensavers • Sponsors' logo with hyperlink on Congress website • Acknowledgement in Sponsors’ List in the Final • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ Board on-site CD-ROM The CD-ROM will contain all of the 2012 Congress Abstracts and will be distributed to all participants inside the Congress Bags. • Exclusive advertisement on the back cover of the CD-ROM • Sponsors' logo with hyperlink on Congress website • Acknowledgement in Sponsors’ List in the Final Program • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ Board on-site CONGRESS BAGS The sponsoring company will provide the Congress Bags. • The Congress Bags will bear the Sponsors' logo and the Congress logo • Sponsor's logo with hyperlink on Congress website • Acknowledgement in Sponsors’ List in the Final Program • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ Board on-site NOTEPADS AND PENS The sponsoring company will provide Notepads and Pens in addition to the sponsorship fee. • The Notepads and Pens will bear the Sponsors' name/company logo and will be distributed in the participants’ Congress Bags • Sponsors' logo with hyperlink on Congress website • Acknowledgement in the Sponsors’ List in the Final Program • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ board on-site CYBER CENTER There will be a Cyber Center equipped with workstations where attendees may check e-mails. Your company’s logo will be prominently displayed. • Opportunity to display company logo on screen saver • Opportunity to display company logo on screen background • Sponsors' logo with hyperlink on Congress website • Acknowledgement in Sponsors’ List in the Final Program • Opportunity to provide your company’s letterhead for the Cyber Center’s printers • Opportunity to distribute mouse pads / other related souvenirs from the Cyber Center • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ Board on-site 21 POSTERS BOARDS • Sponsors' logo on sign at entrance to the poster area • Sponsors' logo will be displayed on the poster boards • Sponsors' logo with hyperlink on Congress website • Acknowledgement in the Sponsors’ List in the Final Program • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ board on-site WELCOME SESSION AND WELCOME RECEPTION El Patrocinador tendrá la oportunidad de promover su compañía auspiciando la Inauguración y la Recepción de bienvenida a continuación, que tendrán lugar el 4 de Marzo de 2012 y a las cuales están invitados todos los asistentes. En la Ceremonia de Apertura se incluirá un componente científico. • Logotipo del Patrocinador en el cartel colocado en la entrada a la Inauguración y Recepción de bienvenida • Logotipo del Patrocinador en el Sitio web del Congreso • Reconocimiento en el Tablero de Patrocinadores en el sitio • Reconocimiento en la Lista de Patrocinadores en el Programa final LUNCHES Lunch will be served during breaks on each day of Congress sessions • El Sponsorship will be acknowledged on-site and in the Congress Program • Sponsor will be given the opportunity to brand the napkins (at an extra cost) • Sponsor’s logo with hyperlink on Congress website • Acknowledgement in the Sponsors’ List in the Program • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ Board on-site SPEAKER SPONSORSHIP Sponsorship of speakers plays a major role in the Congress’ success and provides a diverse faculty. Sponsorship covers the speakers’ direct expenses – 1 (APEX) flight ticket, hotel accommodation and registration fee, which will be handled by the Secretariat. • Se Speakers will be notified of the name of their sponsoring company • Sponsors' logo with hyperlink on Congress website • Acknowledgement in the Sponsors’ List in the Final • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ board on-site 22 ADVERTISING SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Advertisements are available in the following Congress publications: Type Back Page Inside Front Inside Back Inside Page Call for Abstracts Final Program Mini Program CALL FOR ABSTRACTS The Call for Abstracts Brochure will be distributed to the complete mailing database. FINAL PROGRAM The Final Program will include the complete final scientific, social and tour program as well as the practical information on the Congress. • Distributed to all the participants in the Meeting bags • Sponsor’s logo and hyperlink on Congress website • Acknowledgement in Sponsor’s list in the Final Program • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ Board on-site MINI-PROGRAM* (Sole Sponsorship) Exclusive advertisement on the back cover of this pocket size, useful Congress overview. • Sponsor’s logo and hyperlink on Congress website • Acknowledgement in Sponsor’s list in the Final Program • Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ Board on-site SPECIAL REQUESTS In addition, we are willing to tailor a package to suit your objectives. All Social Events, Lunches and Coffee Breaks are available for sponsorship. Please feel free to contact the Sponsorship Office to discuss your needs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Please note that all Sponsors and Exhibitors will be acknowledged in the Program, on the Sponsors’ Acknowledgement Board at the Congress and on the Congress website. Please forward your company logo (in eps 300dpi format) [email protected]. 23 Sponsorship Booking Form Please fill the form and send it to: XIII Congreso Panamericano de Neurología Daniel Ariza Tilesa Kenes Spain C/ Londres 17 1º Planta Madrid, España, CP 28028 Tel: +34 91 361 2600 Fax: +34 91 355 9208 E-mail: [email protected] CONTACT NAME: _________________________________________________________ NAME OF COMPANY: ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ POSTCODE: _______________________________COUNTRY: _________________________ TELEPHONE: ___________________________________FAX: __________________________ EMAIL: ________________________________________WEBSITE: _____________________ I will like to book the following Sponsorship Items: Sponsorship Item Satelite Symposium Educational Grant in Support of Accepted Congress Session Speakers’ Ready Room CD-ROM Congress Bags Notepads & Pens Cyber Centre Posters Boards Welcome Session & Welcome Recption Lunches Speaker Sponsorship Advertising Sponsorship Call for Abstracts Final Program Mini-Program (Sole Sponsorship) Total Amount (please complete) Price o Please call me to discuss our sponsorship package o Please send me a sponsorship contract and first 60% deposit invoice Signature_____________________________ Date___________________________________ 24 Exhibition The commercial/technical Exhibition will be held in the Radisson Plaza Hotel La Paz. The floor plan has been designed to maximise Exhibitors’ exposure to the delegates. All the lunches and coffee breaks will be served on this area. SUGGESTED DATES: (subject to changes) Set up: Friday, 2 March, 2012 Exhibition Timetible (subject to changes): Monday, 5 March, 2012 09.30 - 17.30 Tuesday, 6 March, 2012 09.30 - 17.30 Wednesday, 7 March, 2012 09.30 -17.30 Thursday, 8 March, 2012 09.30 - 17.30 Break Down: Thursday, 8 March, 2012 – from 17:30 SPACE ONLY RENTAL This includes: Exhibitors’ badges 100 word company / product profile in the Program Cleaning of public areas and gangways Invitation to the Welcome Reception for registered exhibitors SHELL SCHEME RENTAL This includes: Shell Scheme Rental, basic lighting, electricity power (500 W) Fascia panel with standard lettering Exhibitors’ badges 100 word company / product profile in the Program Cleaning of public areas and gangways Invitation to the Welcome Reception for registered exhibitors Please note: Space only / shell scheme rental does not include any furniture, electrical usage or stand cleaning. All these services and others will be available to order in the Exhibitors’ Technical Manual. ALLOCATION OF EXHIBITION SPACE Space Allocation will be made on a “first come, first served" basis. A completed Exhibition Booking Form and Contract should be faxed / emailed to ensure reservation of a desired location. Upon receipt of the Exhibition Booking Form and Contract, space will be confirmed and an invoice will be mailed. Please note that three alternative choices should be clearly indicated on the application form. Space allocations will be made in the order in which application forms with payment are received. 25 EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION All exhibitors are required to be registered and will receive a badge displaying the exhibiting company name. Two exhibitor badges will be given for the first 6 sqm booked and one additional for each 6 sqm after. Any additional exhibitors will be charged an exhibitor registration fee of US$ 350€. An exhibitor registration form will be included in the Exhibitor’s Manual. EXHIBITORS’ TECHNICAL MANUAL An Exhibitors’ Technical Manual outlining all technical aspects of exhibiting will be circulated 3 months prior to the Congress. It will include the following: Technical details about the Venue Final exhibition details and information Contractor details Services available to exhibitors and order forms SITE INSPECTIONS Exhibitors and Sponsors are free to visit the Congress venue at their convenience. Please contact the venue directly to arrange this: Contact Person: Ms. Alejandra Meneses Tel: + (591) 2 2441111 – 2110990 - 2440223 Int. 4224 Email: [email protected] EXHIBITOR PROFILE Upon receipt of the booking form, you will be asked to please upload a 100-word Exhibitor Company/Product profile to a provided link. This will be published in the list of exhibitors in the Final Program. Plese sed the text to [email protected]. PAYMENT METHOD The same that were detailed on the Sponsorship Items. 26 EXHIBITION FLOOR PLAN Please visit the website for continuous updates on booth availability: http://www2.kenes.com/pcn2012_es/sponsor/Pages/Patrocinios_Exhibicion.aspx 27 EXHIBITION BOOKING FORM AND CONTRACT Please note that all acknowledgements of your company and listing of company name and address will be generated from the following information. Please complete and send to: XIII Congreso Panamericano de Neurología Daniel Ariza Tilesa Kenes Spain C/ Londres 17 1º Planta Madrid, España, CP 28028 Tel: +34 91 361 2600 Fax: +34 91 355 9208 E-mail: [email protected] CONTACT NAME: _________________________________________________________ NAME OF COMPANY: ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ POSTCODE: _______________________________COUNTRY: _________________________ TELEPHONE: ___________________________________FAX: __________________________ EMAIL: ________________________________________WEBSITE: _____________________ Choice Stand No Space Only/ Shell Scheme No. of Square Metres Total Price 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice Special notes: Please indicate if your stand must be located adjacent to or opposite the following companies, or if special configuration is needed Payment has been made by cheque/transfer, please forward me final confirmation and invoice Please send me a first deposit invoice for 60% of the total amount due We accept the contract terms and conditions Signature_____________________________ Date___________________________________ 28 Terms and Conditions Application to Participate Application to participate will be considered only if submitted on the appropriate forms, duly completed. Registration will be confirmed insofar as space is available. Applicants will be informed in writing of the acceptance or refusal of their application. In case of refusal, all payments shall be fully refunded. In case of acceptance Sponsors/Exhibitor will be bound by the Terms and Conditions listed in the prospectus and/or contractual agreement. Obligations and Rights of the Exhibitor/Sponsor Registration implies full acceptance by the Exhibitors/Sponsors of the exhibition / sponsorship regulations. Any infringement of these regulations may lead to immediate withdrawal of the right to participate in the Congress without compensation or refund of sums already paid, and without prejudice to the Exhibitor/Sponsor. By submitting an application to participate, the Exhibitor /Sponsor make a final and irrevocable commitment to occupy the space /items allocated and to maintain his/her installation until the date and time fixed for closure of the event. The Exhibitor/Sponsor may only present on his/her stand or space the materials, products or services described in the application to participate. No advertising on behalf of firms not exhibiting is permitted in any form whatsoever. Transfer or sub-letting of all or part of the allocated spaces is prohibited. Obligation and Rights of Organizer The Organizer undertakes to allocate exhibition space/sponsorship items space as far as possible on the basis of the preference expressed by applicants. Application will be considered in order of receipt of application forms accompanied by payment. The Organizer reserves the right, in case of absolute necessity, to modify the positioning of stands, with no obligation to provide compensation to Exhibitors/Sponsors. The Organizer reserves the right to offer to a different firm any stand, space or sponsorship item that has not been occupied by the event of the opening of the Congress, with no obligation to provide compensation to the defaulting Exhibitor / Sponsor. Liability Insurance Equipment and all related display materials installed by Exhibitors / Sponsors are not insured by the Organizer, and the Organizer under no circumstances will be liable for any loss, damage or destruction caused to equipment, goods or property belonging to Exhibitors / Sponsors. The Exhibitor / Sponsor agrees to be responsible for his property and person and for the property and persons of his employees and agents and for any third party who may visit his space. The Exhibitor/Sponsor shall hold harmless the Organizer from any and all damages/claims including those usually covered by a fire and extended – coverage policy. The Sponsor/Exhibitor will purchase insurance policies for the above listed damages. Exhibition Regulations The Exhibition Manager, acting under direction of the Organizing Committee, has the final decision as to the acceptability of displays. Exhibitors are not to share with others any space allotted to them without prior written consent by the Exhibition Manager. The Organizer reserves the right to alter the general layout or limit the space allotted to each Exhibitor / Sponsor, postpone the exhibition or transfer it to another site if unforeseen circumstances warrant such action. Should any contingency prevent the holding of the exhibition, the Organizer will not be held liable for expenses incurred other than the cost of exhibit space rental fees. All exhibits are to be displayed so as to avoid blocking aisles, obstructing adjoining booths, damaging the premises or the leased equipment. Exhibitors are kindly requested to allow sufficient see-through areas, which ensure clear views of surrounding exhibits. In standard booths, height is restricted to 246cm. Exhibitors are responsible for the cost and execution of the design, installation and delivery of their display to (and its removal from) the exhibition site. Flammable materials are not to be used. Equipment displayed or demonstrated must be installed with strict adherence to safety measures. Exhibitors undertake to observe the timetable designated for completion of their display before the exhibition opening and its dismantling at the close of the exhibition. No dismantling or packing of the display before the designated hour. It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to pack and remove or consign for shipment all items of value prior to leaving their exhibit unattended, otherwise the Organizer will arrange for their removal at the Exhibitor’s risk and expenses. Exhibitors are obliged to ensure that their stands are permanently staffed during the exhibition opening hours. Payment is to be made in accordance with the conditions of payment listed in the prospectus. Should the Exhibitor /Sponsor fail to make a payment on time, the Organiser is entitled to terminate the contract, withdraw confirmation of acceptance, make other arrangements for the stand/ sponsorship items or seek compensation for nonfulfilment of contract. Participation by Exhibitors/Sponsors is dependent upon compliance with all rules, regulations and conditions stated herein. Access to the exhibition is authorized on presentation of a badge issued by the Organizer. Exhibitors’ badges will not be mailed in advance and may be collected from the Exhibition Manager’s desk. The Organizer ensures daily cleaning of the aisles. Exhibitors /Sponsors are responsible for the cleaning of their stands. The provision of refreshments for the participants by Exhibitors is only permitted if the catering regulations of the exhibition building concerned are observed. Exhibition areas and fittings made available to Exhibitors must be handed back in their original condition. In case of damage or loss of equipment provided, or damage to areas occupied, repair and replacement will be charged to the Exhibitor. Any special decoration or fittings must be submitted to the Organizer for prior authorization. Advertising panels and display are not permitted outside the exhibition areas allotted to Exhibitors. The Organizer will not approve stands, which do not comply with the accepted standards, until the necessary changes have been made. 29
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Exhibitor`s Manual
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