Exhibitors` Manual
Exhibitors` Manual
EXHIBITORS’ MANUAL XXXVII BRAZILIAN CONGRESS XXX PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OPHTHALMOLOGY AUGUST 7 TO 10, 2013 RIO CENTRO RIO DE JANEIRO 1 PRESENTATION Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia- CBO (Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology) – PROMOTORA JZ do Brasil – Stands Projetos e Decorações OFFICIAL EXHIBITION ORGANIZER and ASSEMBLER In the period from August 7 to 10, 2013, we will participate in the XXXVII Brazilian Congress of Ophthalmology and XXX Pan American Congress of Ophthalmology to be held at Riocentro - RJ.Our efforts are certain that, together, we will hold a great event! Your collaboration will be essential, either in the shipment of all documents included in this manual, or in meeting the deadlines. It is important to highlight that the information submitted after the deadline will not be considered by the Official Organizer and Assembler. The Exhibitors should ask their service providers, outsourced companies, to send information and forms duly completed, considering the steps of the assembly, disassembly and throughout the course of the event. We recommend that no pending issues of any nature be left over for the period of assembly, under penalty of impracticability of participation. Teams from CAU (Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Council of Architecture and Urbanization) and supervision of the Delegacia Regional do Trabalho - Regional Labor District - will be present at the event. Payments of taxes, such as: energy, cleaning, mandatory for the period of assembly/disassembly, installation of electrical and hydraulic points, and service credentials should be made no later than the date specified in this manual. Read all items in this manual, with particular care in relation to delivery dates of forms and projects. It is the obligation of the Exhibitors to inform the Assembler and Suppliers hired on the content of the rules and procedures of this Exhibitors’ Manual, being the same responsible for the infraction to the rules established herein. We will always available to help in any way possible for the successful participation of your company in our Congress. GENERAL PROVISIONS The PROMOTER may redistribute areas, by requirement of the Supervisory Bodies, at all times abiding by the proportions of dimensions and characteristics set out in the Participation Agreement, and this procedure shall not imply a breach of contract. By participating in the Event, the Exhibitors accept and thus consent to this Exhibitors’ Manual, which henceforth will establish their rights and obligations with respect thereto. The PROMOTER is not liable for damages of any kind, and will not be required to indemnify 2 the Exhibitors for losses suffered due to the dissatisfaction resulted in the participation of the event. The Exhibitors shall not assign or sublet all or part of the leased spaces through the Participation Agreement, unless authorized by the PROMOTER. To participate in the Exhibition it is imperative that the Exhibitor is current on payments related to his participation in the Event and other services such as: form submission, payments of fees and submission of the project with a copy of the RRT or ART paid. The works of freight and customs clearance required for foreign companies should be of their own free choice. The PROMOTER and OFFICIAL ASSEMBLER have no legal liability or interference in the procedures of import and export, transport or shipment of goods. All requirements regarding mounting of stands unrelated to this Manual will be directly equated by the ORGANIZER and STANDS Projetos e Decorações (Official Assembler). The Exhibitors are already aware that their image can be captured and recorded during the assembly and holding of the event, so that all the rights that they have on their capture image are already considered assigned to the PROMOTER, for free. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Useful Phone Numbers and Addresses ...................................................... Page 6 to 8 General Information 1 - Assembly / Event (Exhibition) / Disassembly............................... Page 9 2 - Lease only the space ............................................................ Page 9 3 - Basic Assembly .................................................................... Page 10 4 - Credentials for the event .......................................................... Page 10 and 11 4.1 -Assembly/disassembly Credentials 4.2 - Service/Maintenance Credentials 4.3 - Credentials for Exhibitors 5 - Submission of material .................................................. Page 5 5.1 Material for insertion in folders 5.2 - Material for exposure 6 - Loading and unloading ............................................................. ..Page 12 7 - Warehouse for Exhibitors ............................................................ Page 12 8 – Transport ............................................................................... Page 12 9 - Insurance ........................................................................ Page 12 10 - Released for the assembly ................................................... Page 12 Terms and conditions Part I - Technical Information and Security 1 - Information, rules and regulations................................................ Page 13 to 17 1.1 - General Information 1.2 - Fire Precautions 1.3 - Electrical Installations 1.4 - Plumbing Installations 1.5 - Cleaning 1.6 - Internet/Telephony 1.7 - Equipment computer for leasing 1.8 – Security 2 - - Basic Assembly ................................................................ Page 17 3 - Special assembly ........................................................................ Page 17 to 20 3.1 - Special projects and disclaimer 3.2 - Stand floor 3.3 - Special decoration - partition walls 3.4 - Horizontal Projection booth 3.5 - Stand assembly with upper floor 3.6 - Occupations and use of the pavilion 3.7 General Conditions 4 - General Requirements ............................................................... Page 2 4.1 - Tax Procedures, IDI and ICMS 4.2 - Licenses for provisional operation 4.3 - ANVISA 5 - Other important information ........................................................ Page 20 Part II - Rules for participation in the Exhibition 1 - Purpose of the Exhibition - Advertising ........................................ Page 21 2 - Assembly and Maintenance of Stands ........................................... Page 21 3 - Sublease - Access Permission ..................................................... Page 21 4 - Disassembly of Stands ................................................................. Page 22 5 - Advertising and Media .............................................................. Page 22 4 6 - Photos, shooting and recording of Scientific Sessions .................... Page 22 7 - Legal Issues ............................................................................ Page 22 Part III - Rules for Satellite Symposium and Workshops .............................Page 22 Important Final Observations ..........................................................................Page 24 5 FORMS FORM 1 - Disclaimer FORM 2 - Cleaning Fee FORM 3 - Electrical FORM 4 - Hydraulic FORM 5 - Assembly / Disassembly Name Tags FORM 6 - Service and Maintenance Name Tags FORM 7 - Exhibitor Name Tags FORM 8 - Basic Stand FORM 9 - Provisional Operating Permit FORM 10 - Project Approval FORM 11 - Carpeting FORM 12 - Furniture and Accessories FORM 13 - Plants and Flowers FORM 14 - Application of Art FORM 15 - Form of Payment Appendix 1 - Technical Drawing 6 USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES PROMOTER OF THE EVENT Brazilian Ophthalmology Council - CBO Rua Casa do Ator, 1117, 2º andar – Vila Olímpia São Paulo – SP – CEP – 04546-004 Tel.: (11) 3266 4000 Fax: (11) 3171 0953 www.cbo.com.br ORGANIZAÇÃO/SECRETARIA EXECUTIVA Rua Visconde de Silva, 52 / 1003 –Botafogo 22271-092 Tel.: (21) 2286 2846 JZ BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro, RJ – CEP www.jzbrasil.com Exhibition: Contacts: Liziara Mendes - Mobile: (21) 9143-8739 E-mail: [email protected] Vanda Lojkasek – Mobile: (21) 9746-8411E-mail: [email protected] Rua Joaquim Floriano, 466 / Ro oms 1002 et 1003 - Itaim Bibi São Paulo - SP – CEP:04534-002 Tel: (11) 2589 1803 / 1804 / 1805 Logistics Contact: Wanderley Paiva Tels.: (21) 2286 2846 / (21) 9682 4601 / 7880 4083 ID 12*49706 E-mail: [email protected] Coordination Contact: Olívia Timperio Tels.: (21) 2286 2846 / (21) 9558 1789 E-mail: [email protected] Registrations Contact: Patricia Luqui Tels.: (21) 2286 2846 / (21) 9719 4471 E-mail: [email protected] PLACE OF EVENT Riocentro Centro de Convenções – Pavilhões 3 e 5 Rua Salvador Allende, 6.555 – Barra da Tijuca CNPJ: 05.495.076/0001-59 State Registration: Exempted / Country Registration: 37 8540-8 Rio de Janeiro – RJ – CEP 22780-160 Tel. (21) 3095 9100 OFFICIAL ASSEMBLER Stands Projetos e Decorações Estrada da Ligação, 1047 - Jacarepaguá Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP 22713-470 Contact: Marcia Ramos / Juliana Caldeira Tels.: (21) 3432 5353 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] www.stands-br.com 7 OFFICIAL TOURISM AGENCY Blumar Av. Borges de Medeiros 633 Salas 405 a 408 – Leblon Rio de Janeiro – RJ – CEP 22 430-041 Tels.: (21) 2142 9315 / 0800 7210080 E-mail: [email protected] www.blumar.com.br COPYRITE Ecad – Escritório Central de Arrecadação e Distribuição Agency for the payment of copyright Rua Almirante Barroso 22 / 22º andar – Centro Rio de Janeiro – RJ – CEP 20031-000 Tel.: (21) 2544 3400 Fax: (21) 2544 4538 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecad.org.br AUDIO VISUAL EQUIIPMENT Programasom Produções Tel.: (11) 5581 5222 / Cel. (11) 9 9937 5227 / Nextel: (11) 7834 9723 Contact: Celso Luis Santi E-mail: [email protected] www.programasom.com.br INTERPRETER Voice Intérpretes Contact: Mônica Tovar [email protected] / [email protected] Mobile: +55 (21) 9159-1367 Office: +55 (21) 2266-2435 SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATOR Hoffmann Contact: Davis Andrade T. 55 21 2253-8000 F. 55 21 2253-8800 C. 55 21 9423-8009 E-mail: [email protected] RECEPTIONIST To be informed BAR CODE READING Tecness Contact: Ricardo Carneiro Tel.: (21) 2255 0883 E-mail: [email protected] CATERING – OFFICIAL BUFFET Top Gourmet Contact: Kelly Cavalcanti Tel.: (21) 3035-9196 Cel.: (21) 7704-6794 8 Nextel ID: 8*507045 E-mail: [email protected] CLEANING Sunset Eventos e Serviços Ltda Rua Jerônimo Monteiro, 73 sala 302 – Leblon – Rio de Janeiro – RJ Contact : Thaisa Medina Tel.: (21) 2511-4958 / 2502-6315 E-mail: [email protected] / WWW.sunsetservices.com.br SECURITY Transegur Vigilância e Segurança Ltda Rua Sampaio Viana, 375 – Rio Comprido – Rio de Janeiro – RJ Contact : Vanderlei / Andrea Tel.: (21) 3575-0400 / (21) 3575-0419 E-mail : [email protected] FIRE BRIGADE Safety Fire Av. dos Mananciais, 1370 – Taquara – Jacarepaguá – Rio de Janeiro – RJ Contact: Lucia / Alcantara Tel.: (21) 2424-8728 / (21) 3426-0938 E-mail: [email protected] INTERNET AND TELEPHONY Link Solution Contact: André / Felipe Tel.: (21) 2132 7175 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] www.linksolution.com.br PARKING Riocentro Centro de Convenções – GL Events Tel.: (21) 3035 9100 www.riocentro.com.br CAU Counsel of Architecture and Urbanization for issuance of RRT (Registration of Technical Responsibility) for assembly and decoration of special stands. Av. Presidente Wilson 231 / 5 andar - Centro Rio de Janeiro – RJ – CEP: 20 030-021 Tels.: (21) 2103 1952 / (21) 2103 1954 / (21) 2103 1957 www.cau.org.br CREA – RJ Supervisory Council of Architecture for issuance of ART (Technical Responsibility Annotation) for assembly of special stands. Rua Buenos Aires 40 – Centro Rio de Janeiro – RJ – CEP: 20.070-022 Tels.: (21) 2179 2000 / (21) 2179 2007 www.crea-rj.org.br 9 POSTO FISCAL Rio de Janeiro Treasure Office – IFE 9902 Supervised Inspection Tels.: (21) 2332 3192 Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 55 / 4° andar Rio de Janeiro – RJ – CEP www.fazenda.rj.gov.br MEDICAL ASSISTANCE The medical station will be open throughout the event at times compatible with the assembly, performance and disassembly, putting medical care, as well as the transfer service with ambulance at the disposal of the visitors and exhibitors. Information regarding Receptionists of the company will be relayed as soon as the contract is signed. 10 GENERAL INFORMATION The official opening date of the exhibition will be 08/07/2013, and the assembly and decoration work of the stands must be completed no later than 24:00h on 08/06/2013 so that we can carry out the cleaning of the entire area of the assembly 1 - ASSEMBLY / EVENT (EXHIBITION) / DISASSEMBLY DATE 08/05 08/06 08/07, 08 09 e \7 0908 08/10 11/08 SUMMARY OF DAYS AND TIMES OF THE EVENT OCCUPANCY BEGINNING - Entrance of assemblers 08:00h - Delivery of stands with basic assembly 16:00h - Assembly/Decoration and placing on the stands 08:00h - Final cleaning of exhibition area 24:00h - Replacement of goods on the stands 07:30h - Exhibition 08:30h - Replacement of goods on the stands 07:30h - Exhibition 08:30h - Removal of material of Exhibitors 18:30h - Beginning of disassembly 20:00h - Disassembly 00:01h - Cleaning for delivery at the Pavilion 17:00h ENDING 24:00h 24:00h 02:00h 08:30h 18:30h 08:30h 18:30h 20:00h 24:00h 17:00h 20:00h Observing the assembly and disassembly schedules according to the table above, it is up to the Exhibitors to request the assemblers to provide the appropriate number of staff and prepare a work schedule for the completion of the services within the agreed timeframes. We remind you that in case of overtime the Exhibitors/Assembler will bear alone with the amount charged for the expansion of the schedule, i.e., rent of the pavilion, medical staff, security and cleaning. In such cases the assembly will only continue after payment of the amounts to be calculated by the Organizer. The assemblers’ trucks will be authorized to unload at the docks of the pavilion 3 as of 8:00h on day 08/05/2013. The entrance in the pavilion will happen soon after the clearance of the Official Assembler. . 2 – LEASING ONLY OF THE SPACE The Exhibitors who choose not to use the basic assembly will have to submit their stand design for approval of the Official Assembler. The project must be sent with quotas, including all views, up to 07/07/2013. Please refer to the Stands Project and Decorations. Responsibilities: Marcia Ramos / Juliana Caldeira E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] We ask that Exhibitors, when preparing their stands, offer open spaces and easy to access from all sides, to congressmen. Important: We recommend that it is established between the Exhibitors and the Assembler an assistance term for the entire period of the event, with fines for any delays and failures in services. We remind you that Stands Projetos e Decorações cannot perform maintenance services (bulb replacement, opening of locks, repair of headbands, etc.) for stands assembled by another assembler. 11 3 - BASIC ASSEMBLY Companies that opt for the package of Basic Assembly must observe FORMS 3 (with or without the need to request additional electricity) and 8, sending them up to 07/07/2013. Observe also the need for Provisional Operating Permit (Form 9), which must necessarily be kept in your stand for display to the tax authorities when requested. Should you need any kind of art (logo in vinyl or in print, adhesive vinyl print for the panel, canvas printing, vinyl for padding, banner) for your stand, or a differentiated headband, please refer to Form 14. 4 – CREDENTIALS FOR THE EVENT Applications must be submitted by filling of the relevant forms (5, 6 and 7) up to 07/07/2013. All people who enter the exhibition area, for any reason, during assembly, event and disassembly, must be properly accredited, bearing the specific name tag. In case of loss, the duplicate will be charged at the cost of R$ 100.00 (one hundred reais) each. The assembly name tags should be saved, as they will also serve at the time of disassembly. 4.1 - CREDENCIALS FOR ASSEMBLERS - Form 5 (valid only between days 08/05 through 08/07 and day 08.11.2013) The name tags will be made in the name of the assembler. These credentials may be removed by an authorized person, directly at the Exhibitor Service Center - CAEX assembled by the Stands at the docks, in Pavilion 3 from 08:00 h on day 08/05/2013. 4.2 - CREDENCIALS FOR SERVICES/MAINTENANCE - Form 6 (good only between days 7 through August 10, 2013) For the professionals who will provide maintenance at the stands as well as service personnel and waiters and hostesses during the congress. These credentials will also be made on behalf of the Exhibiting Company, by completing the Form 6 and submitting it up to the specified date and it must be removed at the counter of the Exhibitor which will be at the main entrance of the event from day 08/09. 4.3 - CREDENTIALS FOR EXHIBITORS These credentials may be picked up at the counter that the Exhibitors will have available at the main entrance of the event from day 08/06. Credentials will be made available as per table below. Table of Name Tag Distribution 2 m Exhibitor Name Tag Support Name Tag 6 2 1 8 3 1 9 3 1 12 4 1 15 5 2 18 6 2 30 10 3 32 10 3 48 14 3 64 16 4 80 20 4 30 100 6 12 150 450 50 80 8 15 Credentials will be charged in addition, at the cost of R$ 50.00 (fifty reais) from the Exhibitor and R$ 20.00 (twenty reais) from the support. The name tags will be nominal to the Exhibitor company allowing a rotation of staff during the event. Note - The above mentioned credentials allow access only to the area of exhibition in Pavilion 3. Exhibitors interested in attending any Scientific Session must register as participants in the Congress. Daily the employees of the exhibition and the Exhibitors shall have access to their stands and warehouse one hour before the opening of the event for replacement of promotional material being forbidden to drive carts in the middle of the fair after 09:00 am. The employees responsible for the security of the event will not allow the entry of any person in the exhibition area without presenting specific and valid name tag. It will only be allowed the entry of 3 exhibitors per stand to follow up the assembly of the same. It will not be allowed the entrance of exhibitors wearing shorts, sleeveless shirts, slippers or open shoes. We warn you for the use of helmets while monitoring the assembly; helmets must be provided by the assembler responsible for the stand. 5 - SHIPPING OF MATERIAL 5.1 - MATERIAL FOR INSERTION IN FOLDERS The Exhibitors/ Sponsors who have the right to insert promotional material in folders of the event should see that they arrive at RioCentro - Pav. 3 on day 08/04/2013 (Sunday) from 08:00am to 6:00pm Amount: 8.000 units No materials will be received before that day. Look for a carrier to make delivery on Sundays. We do not guarantee the insertion of any material that arrives after that day. 5.2 - MATERIAL FOR EXHIBITION It is the responsibility of the Exhibitors to observe legal procedures for issuing invoices of any kind for delivery or removal of equipment, materials or consumers’ durables, and it is their responsibility to pay any charges due. No goods will be received before day 08/04/2013. The Exhibitors shall issue a Simple Shipping Invoice or Shipping Statement on behalf of the Exhibitors themselves (establishment’s sender) with his CNPJ and State/County registration. In the body of the Invoice it should be all listed all goods and products and it 13 should include the observation that the goods are for demonstration, mentioning also the name and date of the event. The original Invoice must be under the guard of the Exhibitors throughout the event. It is not permitted the entry of any equipment/product without invoice. NOTE: Both the material for insertion into the folder and the material for exhibition must necessarily be identified with the following data: RIOCENTRO CONVENTION CENTER Address: Rua Salvador Allende, 6.555 – Pavilion 3 Barra da Tijuca – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – CEP 22 780-160 CNPJ: Of the Exhibitors themselves State/Country Registration: Of the Exhibitors themselves Name of the event: XXXVII Brazilian Congress of Ophthalmology and XXX Pan-American Congress of Ophthalmology Exhibiting Company: Responsibility Party and Telephone Number: Mobile phone and E-mail: Amount: Material description: Stand No.: Differentiate the final notes: 1 – “MATERIAL FOR INSERTION IN THE FOLDERS” 2 – “MATERIAL FOR EXHIBITION IN THE STAND” 6- LOADING AND UNLOADING The loading and unloading of goods and equipment shall be made on the docks of Pavilion 3. Riocentro and the Organizer do not have carts and personnel to transport cargo. For special cases of transportation of materials or large equipment, we request that the carrier responsible conducts a technical visit to RioCentro advance for confirmation of measures and recognition of route, thus ensuring perfect safety in handling the equipment. No goods or products that are dangerous or troublesome to its users, or patrons will be admitted, especially those products that are flammable, explosive, noxious to health, corrosive or of unpleasant fumes. 7 – WAREHOUSE OF THE EXHIBITORS We will make available during the event a warehouse that will be for the common use of all Exhibitors. All the material that arrives as of 08/04/2013 will be received by an employee of the Organizer and stored in a place to be disclosed at a later date. Upon receipt of the products, only the amount of the volumes will be checked. The corresponding invoice will be delivered to the Exhibitors upon arrival. 14 We will keep a warehouse employee in the warehouse for the duration of the event and this employee will be responsible for the permission of entrance of authorized personnel. For added security we ask that each Exhibitor identifies with our employee all people who can handle their products. The warehouse will open one hour before the start of the exhibition so that they can make replacement of the material for the stands. After 08:30am carts may not circulate around the Exhibition Area. The warehouse will be closed at 6:30pm and will reopen only on the next day. The Organizer will not control the output of material to the stands; therefore, they will be liable for any loss that may be reported. We suggest buying some sort of insurance for the goods left in the warehouse. 8 - TRANSPORT The Exhibitors are responsible for the transportation of materials and equipment on the premises of the Exhibition Pavilion. The transportation carts should have rubber wheels (tires) and can only circulate on scheduled times. When it is necessary to transfer goods from the warehouse to the stands during the event this can only be performed manually. 9 – INSURANCE The stands, goods or products and personnel at the service of the Exhibitors are not covered by insurance, so it is up to each Exhibitor to arrange for their own insurance against any risk as losses, lost profits, damage and/or loss of any nature that may occur to exposed products, stands or personnel at work, including from rain, flood, wind, lightening, infiltration, drop of energy, crowd panic, short circuit, fire and force majeure. 10 - CLEARANCE FOR ASSEMBLY There will not be clearance for the stand assembly areas for: A - The Exhibitors who are delinquent with any contractual portion of the lease of the space; B - The assemblers who have not paid an RRT or ART; C - The Exhibitors who have not paid the cleaning and electrical fees. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Part I - Technical and Security Information The information, rules and regulations listed below are designed for the protection and safety of participants of the congress, Exhibitors, all employees and other persons attending the event. Such standards include Rio Centro rules and should be followed by everyone. 1 – INFORMATION, RULES AND REGULATIONS 1.1 – GENERAL INFORMATION * All technical issues regarding the assembly of stands should be treated directly with STANDS Projetos e Decorações. No other company is allowed to present itself as the Official 15 Assembler. * The decorative elements, the exhibition of equipment or promotional materials in the stands, may not, under any circumstances, exceed the limits of the area of the stand, even in balance. * It is forbidden to pin, stick, paint or scratch the dividing walls, the aluminum structures or any other material owned by STANDS Projetos e Decorações, as well as the facilities of the place of exhibition. For the case stands with wooden floors, assemblers should provide protection on the floor of the Pavilion (lining, plastic canvas). The Exhibitors must take special care to avoid scratches on the floor, using protection to drag furniture or heavy loads. The Exhibitors that wish to display extremely heavy material, requiring special support, should provide handling of this equipment without damaging the structure of the pavilion. For the exhibition of large equipment, the Exhibitors shall have the authorization of the Organizer. The materials displayed on the stands must be removed immediately after the event, always before disassembly. The Promoter, the Event Organizer and the Official Assembler do not accept responsibility for the keeping or safety of the same or for any other materials left at the site of the event. * Any retransmission of music or use of sound device and noises that may disturb other exhibitors except audiovisual projections with sound of normal human voice is not allowed. The Organizer may at any time request the interruption of transmissions it deems inconvenient. *All Exhibitors who wish to use ambient music in their stand must pay taxes relative to copyright, according to Law No. 9610/98. Taxes must be paid to the ECAD - Central Bureau of Collection and Distribution (Escritório Central de Arrecadação e Distribuição). (See Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers at the beginning of the Manual) *The installation of any kind of special lighting, such as: spotlights, light guns, laser cannons, halogen lights, chandeliers, etc.., should be fixed in structures compatible with the weight of this equipment and must provide full security. *The use of flammable substances, explosives, hazardous gases, radioactive materials and combustion engines is forbidden. * Advertising of symposia or sweepstakes, distribution or exhibition of promotional printed material is limited only to the area of the stand. The Organizer may seize material being distributed outside this space. 16 * It is flatly prohibited the distribution, placement, display of products or gifts and printed matter by third parties. The Organizer may stop any kind of promotion, which at his discretion, will hurt the event. * The Promoter, Organizer and Official Assembler are exempt from any and all liability/obligation in all cases and at all times, for any damage, whether personal or property, caused by the exposed materials, or the loss, theft or disappearance of any of the goods displayed, during the entire period of the exhibition, including assembly and disassembly. Thus, we recommend the Exhibitors to arrange their own insurance against any and all risks, because they are their sole responsibility. * The Exhibitors are responsible for the replacement costs of the good, restoring or renewing in all cases of damage or dilapidation of any part of the exhibition premises, whether caused by him, his agents, contractors, or even person employed or engaged on his behalf. *Not included in the lease of the area or basic assembly are taxes for services such as taxes due to public institutions (State Department of Finance ) and Class Associations (RRT of CAU). All these amounts must be paid by Exhibitors directly to their offices or agencies. Further details are contained in this manual. 1.2 - FIRE PRECAUTIONS * It is expressly forbidden to use any kind of equipment that generates fire, including ovens, fire pits or gas jet. It is also prohibited to operate internal combustion engines or any kind of equipment emitting any toxic gas. *We recommend the use of flame-retardant materials for floor covering of the roof of the stands. * The hallways and exits of the Exhibition Pavilion cannot be obstructed at any time. Exhibitors and assemblers are forbidden to store materials behind the stands, including flammable and packaging materials which must be removed of the site *Every Exhibitor must maintain in his stand, since the beginning of the assembly, throughout the event and until the end of the disassembly, fire extinguishers, properly signaled, with the load compatible to the produc ts which it exposes and with materials used in the assembly of the stand. When there is no division in the stand CO2 or DCP (Dry Chemical Powder) AREA/M2 Up to 50 1 From 51 to 100 2 When there is a partition in the stand CO2 or DCP (Dry Chemical Powder) AREA/M2 Up to 50 2 From 51 to up 100 4 * The rental service of fire extinguishers may be requested directly from the official Fire Brigade company (see Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers on page 8). * There should not be removed from their places the fire alarms, fire extinguishers and their signposts, or articles or objects should be hung blocking such equipment from the. 17 You should follow the procedures below if you notice smoke, burning smell, flames in your stand or in the Pavilion. A - Immediately notify the Fire Brigade, the Organizer and the Security Team of the incident. B - In reporting the incident, give the following information: number or name of the stand, the site of the incident and the type of problem observed (smoke, flames, smell, etc..). C - If necessary, disconnect any equipment in the stand or turn off the circuit breakers. D - In the latter case use the nearest fire extinguisher in accordance with the instructions indicated. 1.3 - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS The cost of electricity for each Exhibitor is calculated according to the voltage of the electrical equipment in his stand; this amount is not included in the rent of the space, will be charged by the Official Assembler, taking into account completion of Form 3. This amount must be paid up to the deadline (Form 3) During the event RioCentro will review this information and will bill for overload not informed earlier. The Organizer will transfer this charge to the Exhibitor. * The electrical current available for use in the stands during the exhibition is 220V/380V three phase and 110V single phase. * All Exhibitors, including those who have opted for basic stands, will be required to apply for electricity supply for at least 1 KVA (KW) for each 9m2 of basic stand on Form 3. Stands Projetos e Decorações will arrange from the company responsible in charge a supply of electricity in the Exhibitor’s stand, in general located on the back of each stand, of the peninsula, corner, or line type, where the dividing panels are among the neighboring ones located. The points requested in islet type of stands or those with special locations must be accompanied by schemes. If Stands Projetos e Decorações does not receive this information in time, before assembling the event, the point will be chosen according to the convenience of the event. * To calculate the number of KVA (KW) required for the stand, the Exhibitors should simply add the KW or W indicated on the equipment plates and lighting to be used, or follow the guidance of their assembler, or may refer to the consumption table included in Form 3. * We recommend the use of stabilizers or no-break for equipment that require energy stable loads, because the Organizer will not be responsible for sudden surges or drops, or power interruption arising from installations in the Pavilion. * Please note that for safety reasons each equipment to be used in the stand requires a plug, not being allowed adapters or multiple dispensers and multipoint systems. * Only Stands Projetos e Decorações is authorized to provide power points. However, the Exhibitors may use their own electricians to install electrical outlets and make adjustments within the perimeter of their own stands. * No electrical wiring may be hung from the ceiling of the Pavilion or set anywhere in the structure. The Organizer reserves the right to interrupt the power supply to any installation deemed dangerous or likely to cause problems for the participants of the event. * The general switch of the stand should be placed in a location freely accessible to the security service of the Organizer. * The inner area of the Pavilion is acclimatized being forbidden the use of airconditioning in the stands. 18 * It is the responsibility of Exhibitors to turn off the power of their stand at the end of each day. * The devices requiring continuous power supply must necessarily be connected to separate circuits. The Organizer is not responsible for damage that the Exhibitors may suffer if they do not comply with this rule. We suggest putting quite clearly a WARNING NOT TO DISCONNECT" next to circuit breakers that need to stay connected throughout the entire event . *The area used for assembly of the stand will be released to the early work of the automaker by proof of payment of the Form 3 (Electrical). * To ensure greater safety of the general public the stand installations (lighting, equipment, wire and cable) may not be visible to neighboring stands and even visitors. * Any electrical installation must be accompanied of a professionally executed design by a skilled professional, obeying ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) and Light rules. * The assemblers should perform the electrical installations with PP, double insulation in all electrical installations, being forbidden the use of parallel wires. 1.4 - PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS * The Exhibitors who need water and runoff points must apply for this through Form 4 up to 07/07/2013, just like the determination of where the point should be installed. The installation will be subject to technical feasibility. * The execution of extension in water and runoff extension and installation of toilets at the stands will not be allowed. * Stands that have a "pantry" must present the project with the same built on removable floor necessarily on a waterproof lining and with sewer pipe never than 50mm in diameter. * It will be up to the Exhibitors to complete the distribution installation in their stand, abiding by the ABNT rules. * The water point should not be installed close to the power point. Attention: The electrical and plumbing installations require prior sizing for efficient and appropriate distribution and use of equipment and components needed. We once again send you to send Forms 3 and 4 well in advance. 1.5 - CLEANING * A fee will be charged for cleaning (obligatory for stands with special assembly) during assembly and disassembly (Form 2). * The cleaning of streets, halls and circulation areas of the Pavilion will be made daily by the official cleaning company hired to attend the event from the beginning of the assembly until the end of disassembly. * Cleaning of toilets will be under the responsibility of RioCentro and during assembly and disassembly will work only a female and a male unit. * During the hours of the event, the waste produced and collected by the Exhibitors must be accumulated in special container and kept in their stand until the collection by the official cleaning staff. * We understand "STAND DELIVERY CLEANING" as the first cleaning for the inauguration of the event, which in the case of stands with special decoration, should be performed by the company hired by the Exhibitors as the assembler. In the case of basic stand, it will be delivered clean by the Official Assembler. 19 * During the exhibition, stand cleaning must be contracted by the Exhibitors that can do it on their own or hire the official company of the event appointed by the Organizer (see Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers). 1.6 INTERNET / TELEPHONY If the Exhibitors need internet connection and telephone services in the stand, they should get in touch with Link Solution, official supplier at RioCentro (see Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers page 7). 1.7 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR LEASE We suggest contacting the official company for lease to cater the event (see Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers page 7). 1.8 SECURITY The security team hired by the Organizer will ensure access to professionals who have credentials good only for the exhibition area in Pavilion 3. * The security team will not be responsible for the individual security of the stands. * We advise the Exhibitors, to take adequate precautions to ensure that all their valuables are insured and are kept in secure locations. The Promoter and Organizer are not responsible for the security of such articles, or any others, brought by the Exhibitors, their employees or any other person. * The individual guard and protection of the exhibition stands or part thereof shall be borne by the Exhibitors and not be covered by the general obligations of the guard mentioned above. DURING THE TIMES ESTABLISHED FOR THE CLOSING OF THE EXHIBITION, LIGHTS WILL BE TURNED OFF AND ALL EXHIBITORS AND SERVICE PERSONNEL MUST LEAVE THE PREMISES. THERE MAY ONLY REMAIN IN THE STANDS PROFESSIONALS HIRED EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE OFICIAL SECURITY COMPANY. THE PRESENCE OF OUTSIDE SECURITY PERSONNEL WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. . (see Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers) * The Official Security Team may, at any time, block the entry or remove anyone from the Exhibition Pavilion whose behavior or attire is considered inappropriate with the image of the Event, or further who refuses to conform to safety regulations. * All Exhibitors are responsible for their own exhibition material. 2 - BASIC ASSEMBLY The basic stand consists of: Stand with assembly with Octanorm system. Floor lined in graphite color (3mm) on the site flooring Walls on white Formica panel (TS) Metal pergola cover with partial use 01 headband for structuring and identification of the stand identification plate, measuring 1.06 m x 0.46 m with application of logo in adhesive vinyl cut in up to 03 colors. 20 socket S2 (new model with 3 pins; we have no adapter). Lighting through articulate spots and 100w bulbs, at the ratio of 01 spot unit for each 3m2. 1 round glass table 02 chairs 01 Trash can. * The Exhibitors with this type of assemble will receive in their stands mounted at 4:00pm on day 08/05/2013 to begin the decoration works, placement of products and finishing of assembly, which should be concluded up to 24:00 pm on day 08/06/2013. * Whoever requires additional elements for decoration just get in contact with the Official Assembler. Last minute applications are subject to items being in stock and local payment. * All basic stands have the right to lighting one (01) powered outlet with use of consumption equipment up to 1 KVA (minimum charge that must be requested for each stand). To load additional power outlets or more, please complete and submit up Form 3 up to the limit date. * Please note that all material used in the basic assembly of the stands is owned by Stands Projetos e Decorações. The material will be assigned to the Exhibitor, under a lease during the event period. At the end of the event, all material must be returned in the exact storage conditions that was delivered; otherwise, the Exhibitor shall repair the damage caused or the loss to the materials at current market price (in this case are included the 2 chairs and the garbage can). * Any change, removal or placement of panels or other elements that make up the basic assembly, can only be performed by trained personnel of Stands Projetos e Decorações. No financial credit will be granted by the Organizer, in the case of not using any element that composes the basic assembly. Element exchanges will be accepted on additional payment. Read in Form 8 (Basic Stand). 3 - SPECIAL ASSEMBLY 3.1 - SPECIAL PROJECTS AND DISCLAIMER The Exhibitors are free to hire their stand assembler. Stands Projetos e Decorações is able to design and execute assemblies and special decorations and is at your disposal to make budgets to meet your specific need. * The Exhibitors who want to run the assembly and decoration of the stand with another assembling company should communicate Stands Projetos e Decorações by sending the composite design of the floor plan, front elevation and side elevation duly quoted for approval along with the data from the assembler, through Form 1 (Disclaimer). * It is mandatory to send Form 3 along with Form 4 with the application for energy load, point marking and other data pointed out by the sampler. * When submitting the project for approval, the assembler must submit the attached RRT (Registration of Technical Responsibility) or ART (Annotation of Technical Responsibility) of the project under progress, collected on behalf of the CAU or CREA – RJ, respectively, with the 21 payment receipt. It is mandatory to keep a copy of this document in the stand during the assembly of the event. INFORMATION ON RRT and/or ART: According to the legislation governing the Boards of Architecture and Urbanization and Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy, all projects or assemblies of stands at events need to have technical responsibility duly registered with the CAU (Architects) and CREA-RJ (Engineers), where the work or service is executed, where the respective RRT or ART must be made. The project of all the architectural set of event should also be noted at CAU, valid throughout the national territory or at the State CREA where it is run. To be valid, the document must be duly signed by the professional and the contractor, as well as accompanied by the banking slip and a copy of the professional record. * The project submitted after the deadline may not be approved, leaving the Exhibitor the option to receive basic assembly performed by the Official Assembly and pay any complementary difference there may be. * The assembly of the stands will start on 08/05/2013. As of 08:00am. the entry of the assemblers will be allowed to get started on the works, which should be finished irrevocably no later than 24:00pm of day 08/07/2013, when also the streets and areas should be completed clear. From that time on, final cleaning will be carried out. * If the Mandatory Forms are not received by the deadline 07/07/2013, the Organizer and Stands Projetos e Decorações will not be liable for any loss that may occur and the Assembler / Exhibitor will not be authorized to assemble their stand. 3.2 - STAND FLOOR * The area of each stand will be demarcated by the Official Assembler on the floor of the Exhibition Pavilion. It is optional to the Exhibitor to assemble in this area a high floor; we suggest that it is mounted with workable modulated wood with 10cm high. * Being the floor of the stand high, it is mandatory that the same contains ramps to facilitate access for people with special physical needs. * In case of application of any coating directly on the floor of the Pavilion without the use of workable wood, it will be required to use 3M double-sided tape ref. 4880 or Cremer 603. * All buildings should be accommodated on the floor without damaging it, and full lining should be provided of the assembly area, with or without dais for protection of the granite. * Any damage caused to the floor of the Pavilion will be charged immediately from the Exhibitor/Assembler, which can only continue with the assembly or disassembly of the stand, after payment of the damage caused. 3.3 - SPECIAL DECORATION - PARTITION WALLS * The maximum height allowed for the construction of exhibition stands in the area will be 5.50m. * All walls or elements, of any height, with sides turned to the circulation areas should be painted white by the Exhibitor. All kinds of finish will be accepted other than paint, provided they are approved by Stands Projetos e Decorações. 22 * It is mandatory to build partition walls around the entire perimeter of the stand limiting it with other stands, with mandatory minimum standard height of 2.20 m (this rule does not apply to stands that constitute "islets"). Walls exceeding this height will be required to have external finishes equal to the internal ones, in white. * Stands that constitute "islets" or "end-cap booth" should be open or when there is closing, that they are made of clear material. 3.4 - HORIZONTAL STAND PROJECTION * The horizontal projection of any assembly element or exhibited products must necessarily be wholly contained within the limits of the leased area. * Projections on neighboring stands or circulation areas will not be permitted of any constructive or decorative element, which should also be fully contained within the boundaries of the leased area. 3.5 - STAND ASSEMBLY WITH UPPER DECK It shall not be allowed the assembly of stands with an upper deck. 3.6 - OCCUPATIONS AND USE OF THE PAVILION * The floor of the site of the event as well as the walls, columns or any other structure, cannot be demarcated, painted, drilled or damaged. Any damage caused will be the responsibility of the Exhibitor, who must bear the cost of repair or replacement, stipulated by the technical team of RioCentro. * No constructions in masonry or similar construction work will be allowed in a definitive nature (floors, walls, etc...), * The assembler should be with materials for assembly ready or semi-ready, being allowed only small finishes of mass or painting. Even these small works must be carried out by duly covering the Pavilion floor. The damage that is caused will be charged during assembly and payment will be required for continuity of the work. * Work with grease, corrosive materials and the like will not be authorized, in order to prevent harm to people, neighboring stands or facilities of the site of the event. * Each assembler will be responsible for cleaning of the stand in which work is being done during assembly and disassembly, and cannot use the circulation routes for the deposition of debris, materials, packaging, equipment, tools and products to be installed or used in the stand. Every performance of the services shall be done within the limits of the stand itself. * Ornamental gardens, plants and flowers, or even sand and stones for garden composition, will only be allowed if they are in vases, baskets or other containers, so that, when watered, do not cause any leakage that might damage the circulation carpet of the event or any other Pavilion floor. 3.7 GENERAL CONDITIONS Safety standards for Assembling teams will be strictly charged as follows below: - Everyone will have to wear helmets, gloves, safety shoes and face respirator for work that generate airborne particles. - It will be required the use of uniforms or shirts with the company logo, visibly, by all professionals and service providers who will pursue activities of assembly, maintenance and disassembly within the Pavilion. - It shall not be allowed the use of slippers, clogs, shorts, working without a shirt or any other clothe that the Organizer deems inconvenient or unsuitable for the job. - It is not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages and smoking on the premises of the assembling area of the stands. - The Assemblers are responsible for all the labor and legal obligations of their employees, or anyone else who is developing services on their stand. 23 ARRANGEMENTS OF THE ASSEMBLER A - Submission of Disclaimer (Form 1), B - Submission of application of electrical and plumbing power (if necessary) with the installation plant duly marked and corresponding proof of payment (Forms 3 and 4), C - Submission and approval of the design of the stand along with the CAU and/or RRT and/or ART of CREA-RJ duly paid; D - Application and payment of credentials of assembly, maintenance and disassembly (Form 5). 4 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 – TAX PROCEDURES, IPI AND ICMS * It is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to meet the legal requirements concerning procedures for shipment of goods, equipment, products, tools, etc... * The Promoter, Organizer and Stands Projetos e Decorações are not responsible in case of negligence in observing compliance with the legal requirements of the IPI (Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados - Tax on Manufactured Products) and ICMS (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços - Tax on Sales and Services). * The Exhibitors must consult their tax or accounting department for guidance regarding the delivery of goods and products for the event, according to the legislation in force during the event period. 4.2 - LICENSES FOR TEMPORARY OPERATION * The State Secretariat of Finance of Rio de Janeiro requires each stand has its temporary license/business license to work during the event (Resolution SEF No. 2. 887 of December 18, 1997 ). * Upon approval, the license shall be kept in the stand throughout the period of the event due to administrative reasons. * For further information: TAX STATION - State Finance Department - IFE 9902 Directed Inspection Tels.: (21) 2332 3192 / (21) 2334 4300 Address: Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 55 – 4° andar – Centro Rio de Janeiro – RJ – CEP Site: www.fazenda.rj.gov.br * Check Form 9. 4.3 – ANVISA ANVISA is the Federal agency responsible for regulating advertising medical/scientific events. The Exhibitors and Sponsors must follow the rules established. The Promoter and Organizer of the event are exempted from any liability in the case of failure to comply with standards set by the Exhibitors / Sponsors. For more information visit site: www.anvisa.gov.br. 24 5 - OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION * PARKING - Riocentro has its parking area administered and controlled by third parties. Any information regarding parking should be obtained from the Administration of RioCentro, and for that, see Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers. * HEALTH INSPECTION The Exhibitors who wish to handle food in their stand should proceed in accordance with the sanitary requirements. For further information, please get in touch with: COVISA – CONSULTORIA EM VIGILÂNCIA SANITARIA Av. Presidente Vargas, 446 / sala 1101 – Centro – (21) 2220 8918 * INSPECTION OF THE MINISTRY OF LABOR - The Ministry of Labor in order to standardize the different ways of hiring labor, has conducted due diligence with staff of inspectors on the premises of the event for guidance and inspection. The Exhibitors shall maintain at their stand during the event, the labor documents of all their employees, as well as well as any service provider (for example, waiters, waitresses, assemblers of stands, guards, receptionists, etc...). * PPE - Personal Protective Equipment - It will be up to the Exhibitors to charge from their Assemblers to use equipment appropriate to the risks as already emphasized in item 3.7 (General Terms). * Children under 16 years of age cannot move through the exhibition site during assembly and disassembly. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Part II - Rules for Participation in the Exhibition 1 - PURPOSE OF THE EXHIBITION - ADVERTISING The hallways of the Convention Center are of common use, and the enticement of members or distribution of printed matter is not allowed, or of any other promotional items, under penalty of the same being collected and returned only after the end of the event. Likewise, it shall not be allowed movement of characterized dressed people with any kind of costumes that represent the products of the Exhibiting Company/brand alluding to the stand through common areas. Advertising materials may only be distributed within the stand. During the exhibition all stands must be continuously occupied by their team. The placement of inflatable material, ribbons, panels or any decorative motifs outside the stand will only be permitted after consultation with the Organizer. For presentation of advertising lectures, publicity films, slide projection, distribution of samples of foodstuffs or beverages, one must obtain written permission from the Organizer. We remind you that the Exhibiting Companies may not advertise their products or services in any way outside of their stands or at the entrances of the Exhibition Pavilion. 2 - Assembly and Maintenance of Stands Before installing their stands, the Exhibitors must contact the Official Assembler, and confirm the location of the stand, as well as obtain information about any special rules related to their stand. For any change in the size or structure of the space or for any change of the rented objects, there must be obtained a specific authorization. The stands must be assembled and fully equipped during the entire duration of the advertised period. 25 Stands Projetos e Decorações reserves the right to require changes in the stands and materials exposed if they are deemed necessary in view of compliance with the safety standards, technical requirements and the responsibility to maintain or obtain the best possible picture for the global exhibition. The sides and back of the stand should be finished as the inside. All guidelines and instructions of Stands Projetos e Decorações that relate to the use of the stands, the decoration of the same, the use of design, fixtures and furnishings of the stands, must be complied with so that the exhibition can have the minimum possible complications. If the Exhibitor does not follow the administration’s guidelines or does not proceed promptly in accordance with the rules, the Organizer reserves the right to take the necessary measures at the expense of the Exhibitor. 3 - SUBLEASE - ACCESS PERMISSION The partial or total transfer subletting of stands to third parties, as well as exchanging of spaces between two Exhibitors is not allowed between private agreements. In these cases, the Organizer reserves the right to veto the use of the stand at any time. 4 - DISASSEMBLY OF STANDS The Exhibitor must disassemble the stand within the allotted time and return the hired furniture promptly. The Exhibitor must leave the area and the floor of the stands clean. All material, at the end of the exhibition, that the Exhibitor deems disposable, must be properly disposed of by the same. Parts of the stand that are not transported back should be kept to a minimum in volume and transported BY THE ASSEMBLERS up the garbage containers located on the docks The Exhibitors must bear the cost of repairs in the damaged areas of the exhibition. When the Assembler does not make the disassembly and removal of the material from the stand within the stipulated time, the Organizer will arrange for the return of the vacated and clear area to RioCentro. In such cases the Exhibitor and Assembler cannot trigger the Organizer for any kind of damage in the structure of the stand that will be discarded in the garbage containers. The costs of these procedures will be charged later on from the Exhibitor. 5– ADVERTISING AND MEDIA Logos of the XXXVII Brazilian Congress of Ophthalmology and XXX Pan-American Congress of Ophthalmology, and of CBO (Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology) can only be used in official publications of the Congress or publications that have been officially approved by the Organizer. Press Conferences held by industry partners cannot be organized during the Scientific Program of the Congress. The Official Program of the Congress will provide a summary table of daily activities programmed. No activity can be organized during the Opening Ceremony nor during the Closing Ceremony of the Congress. The companies that organize news conference to the Press must inform the Organizer as to the date, time and location of these conferences. 26 6– PHOTOS, SHOOTING AND RECORDING OF SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS PHOTOS, SHOOTING AND RECORDING OF SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED Shooting and interviews can be arranged, as requested from the Organizer. – - LEGAL ISSUES Each Exhibitor or Sponsor is responsible for the material and information provided in Congress and can only display what was proposed in their legally authorized stand, in accordance with the laws of the country. Exhibitors and Sponsors should address these issues and any disputes arising from these matters directly with the Organizer who ultimately will take them to the knowledge of the CBO (Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology), which will arbitrate any legal issues. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Part III - Rules for Satellite Symposium and Workshops The Satellite Symposium or Workshop organized by the pharmaceutical industry or the equipment supplier will have as their main objectives, the dissemination of scientific data, innovation of research and updating of techniques, which will enhance the experience of Congress for all participants. All proposals with the Program of the Satellite Symposium must be submitted to the Scientific Committee of the Congress for review and approval. Expenses with speakers (registration, travel, lodging, transportation, food and any other additional expense) will be covered by the sponsor. ATTENTION: 1 - If the Sponsor wants to hire simultaneous translation into other languages he shall bear the costs of said equipment. 2 - Receptionists and translators are not included in the package of the Satellite Symposium and must be hired directly by the Sponsor Companies. 3 - The service of interactivity is not included either. 4 - When the time of the Satellite Symposium happens during the lunch period there will be the need to hire a lunch box. Each Satellite Symposium includes the following services: - Rental of plenary room at RioCentro; - Standard audio-visual equipment (PowerPoint projection, screen and microphones), - Access to preview room / media desk; - Publication of the Program of the Satellite Symposium in the Final Program, - Permission to use the Congress logo on printed invitations for the symposium, after the 27 Organizer Commission approval. For quotes on additional equipment please contact the official company of the event (see Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers). The companies that will conduct Satellites Symposia during the event will be entitled to make an insert in the Congress folders, with their invitation so that the Congress members attend their symposium. ONCE AGAIN WE REMIND YOU THAT THE SPONSORS MAY NOT USE OR EMPLOYEES OR RECEPTIONISTS TO DISTRIBUTE THE INVITATIONS OUTSIDE THEIR STANDS. The team that will distribute Lunch Boxes and gifts/giveaways/tokens will be provided directly by the Sponsor Company of the Satellite Symposium. Eight thousand (8,000) official folders will be produced that will be assembled on site. Therefore, we recommend that you make the minimum number of invitations for the inserts. In case there are leftovers when the folders have been distributed, they will be returned to the stand. The companies wishing to serve food at their Symposia should seek Top Gourmet, official catering service of RioCentro for the event (see Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers page 7). A non-exclusive service, the sponsor who wishes to contract another food supply company, should inform the Organizer as to the name of the service provider and its contacts up to 07/07/2013 through e-mail: [email protected]. The company that is organizing a Sponsored Satellite Symposium will have exclusive right to take photographs, shoot and record its Symposium. IMPORTANT FINAL NOTES We know how tiring it is to read this entire manual, but find it essential that both you as your Exhibitor and your Assembler be aware of the standards required for your participation in this event run with the greatest possible peace. We call your attention to a few items: 1- The Assemblers always entered to assemble and disassemble stands without any recommended protection such as helmet, special boots, protective gloves and other accessories informed in the Manual. We know that this generates extra costs for them, but they will only have access to the Pavilion to assemble your stand if these standards are met. 2- Riocentro is very picky about the maintenance of its facilities. We always perform a thorough initial survey and another one at the end by noting every detail that could be a malfunction of its assets. Ask your Assembler to be careful at the entrance of the material, in assembly and also in disassembly. We will always be watching for any damage that may happen and inform the person responsible when it happens so that due payment is made. 3 - Ask your Assembler to provide a technician to act as a "maintenance worker" throughout the event. The Official Assembler cannot enter the stand another assembler for any type of 28 repair. 4 - Another way to delay your assembly may be the failure to pay any fees required. This check will be held on the first day of assembly before the entry of your assembler in the Pavilion. The assembly will only be cleared after proof of payments. 5 - We will be covering all areas of the event trying to prevent all the advertisements outside the stands. If you have a symposium then your material has already been included in the folder of the Congress members; there is no need to spread receptionists across the pavilion. 6 - The people who get to stay to maintenance or services are considered part of the stand carrying the image of your company during the event. They should be reminded that coffee breaks are for the exclusive consumption of congressmen and exhibitors. Lunch-boxes will be served for the exclusive consumption of congress members. Also ask them to refrain from asking for gifts at other stands. 7 – Because it is a major event, the inspectors of CAU / CREA, from the Ministry of Labor and Health Surveillance are always present, to avoid disturbances, so keep all documentation listed in this manual at the stand. We will have time to get the assembly done easily. Show your Assembler dates established so that it can be programmed in order to have enough staff to meet the deadlines. Overtime disrupts the event, as well, it is very expensive for those who is late. We are sending this Manual well in advance so you can have time to plan, and any changes that may happen you will be notified immediately. Do not forget that the most technical part is of the exclusive interest to the Assembler that you will be hiring; therefore, make sure that it is aware of the rules described here. Any questions about this Manual, please may contact Stands Projetos e Decorações (Official Assembler) or JZ Brazil - (21) 9682 4601 - Wanderley Paiva - E-mail [email protected]. Thanks and have a great Event. 29
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Exhibitor`s Manual
All booth walls shall be the same height. It is not allowed to mark, paint, perforate or damage the floor, the walls, columns or any other structure. The exhibitor will be responsible for any dama...
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