Indice088 7° Conference Internacional sobre o
Indice088 7° Conference Internacional sobre o
Indice088 7° Conference Internacional sobre o estudo e conservacao la arquitectura de terra Indice / Contents / Table des matieres / Notas Introdutorias / Introductory Notes / Notes d'lntroduction Historia e Tradicao 29 37 43 49 52 58 64 68 73 76 83 86 92 97 103 108 112 117 123 129 134 139 145 148 153 159 History and Tradition Histoire et Tradition Maria Auxiliadora Afonso ALVARENGA, A arquitectura de terra no Ciclo do Ouro em Minas Gerais, Brasil Edwin Binda COMPTON, Ancestral techniques and materials used in the architecture and mural paintings of the Pre-Plateau Sierra of the Chilean Andes Luisa BAROSSO, Maurizio LUCAT, Silvia MANTOVANI, Constructions en terre crue dans la region Turinoise Mircea-Sergiu MOLDOVAN, Tiberiu GRAUR, Earth architecture in Romania Iftekhar AHMED, Earthen architecture in the wet climate of Bangladesh and future directions for its conservation and upgrading Dirk M. BOUWENS, English mud-brick and mud building Ulrich MALISIUS, Ghadames - A Historic town in the northern Sahara Sasha MARKOVIC, Impermanence /permanence: mural decoration in northern Ghana Roberto MATTONE, Gloria PASERO, L'architecture en terre crue au Piemont - Typologies et technologies dans la province d'Asti Andre BAZZANA, La construction en terre dans Al-Andalus: Ie Tabiya Sumita SINHA, Lessons from history - Study of the use of earthen houses and temples of Bishnupur Fernando VARANDA, 0 lémene e a terra Jochen Georg GÜNTZEL, Salpetre and clay buildings Segismundo Engelhing KEELING, Federico MOOSER, The use of "Tepetate" in traditional buildings in the Mexico city metropolitan region Nuno Rui da Fonseca Santos PINHEIRO, Terra - Material milenario de construcao Trevor H. J. MARCHAND, The built environment of traditional family compounds – Bimin Zaria Gjergj FRASHERI, The use of earth as building material in Albania\ Horst SCHROEDER, Traditional buildings of lime-tuff in Thuringia / Germany Gabriel Jose Palma DIAS, Uso da taipa no Alentejo: apontamentos em defesa da sua reutilizacao Paolo CUNEO, The mud-brick architecture of Ghadames in Libya Paulo Cesar Xavier PEREIRA, Negando a tradicao: tebas e a negacao das construcoes de taipa em Sao Paulo Vijitha TILAKARATHNE, Sri Lankan traditional house types Kumar das SUJAY, Problems of old buildings with mud as mortar Graciela Maria VINUALES, Construcao com terra em IberoAmerica. Herancas e transferencias Mauro BERTAGNIN, De Cointeraux à del Rosso: de la diffusion de la pensee technologique a la recherche des derniers temoignages d’architecture en pisé de Toscane Claire-Anne de CHAZELLES, Savoir-faire indigenes et influences coloniales 166 171 177 181 189 193 197 dans l'architecture de terre antique de I 'extreme-Occident (Afrique du Nord. Espagne. France meridionale) Jiyao HOU, Li ZHEN, Liu GAOMING, Research on the earthen residential formation of the Jiahoe ancient city in Turfan Subhas Chandra BASU, Traditional mud construction in India: a historical perspective Cesar MATTA PUGA, Adobe architecture in Miraflores. Lima. Peru Ruby de VALENCIA, Indigenous habit = Life Donatius Kamana KAMAMBA, Wattle and daub - An extant traditional method of construction in Tanzania José Trindade CHAGAS, Fortificacoes de taipa em Portugal - Aspectos construtivos Ralph B. JOHNSON, Earthworks of San Agustin de la Nueva Florida - Ceiba Mocha, Cuba Metodologias e Tecnicas de Conservacao Methodology and Conservation Techniques Methodologie et Techniques de Conservation 205 210 215 222 228 231 237 244 250 256 262 272 278 Carlos RUA, Anton RAJER, Nelson MOSTACEDO, A case study of conservation/ restoration of the seventeenth century adobe church at Carabuco. Bolivia Gabriel Jose Palma DIAS. A conservacao das estruturas antigas em terra crua Constance S. SILVER, Joel SNODGRASS, A program for the conservation of prehistoric mural paintings on mud renderings in the American southwest Ana Maria HOYLE, Jose CARCELEN, Federico SAAVEDRA, Conservation of the Tomaval Castle Giacomo CHlARI, Antonio INVERNIZZI, Giuseppina BERTOLOTTO, Investigation And restoration of clay fragmentary statues from old Nisa, Turkmenistan Ahmed KOUMAS, Chahrazade KOUMAS, Methodologie et technique de conservation Zuzana SYROVA, Renouveau des villages en terre en Moravie Amaldo Juan PUJAL, Restoration techniques for earthen buildings of historical value. Actual cases Eduardo AGUILAR, Nelly FALCK, San Antonio de Oriente conservation, restoration and development Sam BACA, Self-coordinated community preservation projects as instruments of social change: an update on "Churches: Symbols of Community" Pierre MAAS, The architecture of Djenné at the turn of the century Francisco Javier GALLEGO ROCA, Ignacio VALVERDE ESPINOSA, Jose Manuel LOPEZ OSORIO, Ana Maria de los SANTOS FERNANDEZ, Maria Jose MARTIN BARRANCO, Esther ONTIVEROS ORTEGA, Reyes FAJARDO MARTtNEZ, The city walls of Granada (Spain). Use. conservation and restoration. Ana Lucia PECORARO, The conservation of the church of Nossa Senhora do Rosario. Embu. Sao Paulo, Brazil 282 285 296 299 304 310 317 324 330 335 341 348 353 359 364 373 Marcos Roberto Borges dos SANTOS, Raymundo Rodrigues FILHO, The Modernity And Tradition constructing the future Roberto SAMANEZ ARGUMEDO, Metodologia para a restauracao de casas historicas construidas com adobe em Cusco, Peru Silvia PUCCIONI, Cyro C. LYRA, 0 uso da taipa-de-pilao em construcoes Luso-Brasileiras Jean-Claude MARGUERON, Premiers regards sur les solutions techniques mises en ceuvre a Mari (Syrie), vers 2500-2000 av. J.-C., pour la conservation de l'architecture de terre Gabriel Jose Palma DIAS, A terra crua como material de construcao Joaquin BARRIO MARTIN, Architecture de terre du village preromain de Cuellar: Prelevement et conservation (Segovia, Espagne). Mahmoud BENDAKIR, Francois VTTOUX, Methodologie de recherche pour la preservation Du site archeologique de Mari (Syrie). Thomas J. CAPERTON, Long term preservation issues related to earthen archeological sites Alessandro BALDUSSI, La recuperation des constructions en terre en Sardaigne. Experiences entre culture et strategic Ignazio GARAU, Earthen house in Sardinia between recovery and innovation Antonello SANNA, A rehabilitation project for an earthen historic centre Michel DAYRE, Emmanuel KENMOGNE, Etude des transferts d'humidite dans les blocs de terre crue compactee: influence de la structure des terres Eduardo GAMBOA CARRERA, Las cuarenta casas archaelogical zone consolidation and maintenance at Chihuahua, Mexico Vittorio Degli ESPOSTI, Typological and constructional features in the agricultural participation land of Cento. The raw clay building area Fabio SELVA, Typological and constructional features in the agricultural participation land of Cento. Method guidelines for the renovation and conservation of clay brick architectural works Wolf SCHIJNS, The city of Djenne at the end of the twentieth century. Preservation of the heritage of earthen architecture Casos Praticos de Conservacao Field Research in Conservation Cas Pratiques de Conservation 381 387 393 398 404 410 Pamela JEROME, Analysis of bronze age mudbricks from Palaikastro, Crete. Konstantinos D. POLITIS, An ethnoarchaeological study on the technology and use of adobe in the Jordan Rift Valley Rodolfo ROTONDARO, Carlos Federico Kirschbaum, Appropriated earth roofs for the altiplano of Argentina Roberto RICCI, Caracteristiques chimiques-physiques et techniques des materiels tirés Des données geologiques-mineralogiques Mario Mendonca de OLIVEIRA, Cybele Celestino SANTIAGO, Comportamento de alguns solos tropicais estabilizados com cal Maria Isabel BEAS GUERRERO DE LUNA, Consolidation of traditional plasters: a laboratory research 417 422 426 429 433 439 445 452 453 460 464 469 475 480 488 493 Dina CERRUTI, Claudia LEONCINl, Mauro MASPERO, Edifices en terre crue du bas Piemont: une idee pour une restauration correcte Giacomo CHIARI, Marisa RIGONI, Thierry JOFFROY, Ethyl silicate treatments and humidity Dinu-Stefan MORARU, Lucian DIMA, Liviu SANDRU, La consolidation des constructions historiques et/ou archeologiques en terre (argile) par injection electrocynetique avec une solution de chaux-benthonite-uree Bulent BARADAN, Preservation of adobe walls Eduard CROCKER, The purpose and mechanics of lime renders Leslie H. RAINER, The Tradition of Kassena wall painting: Burkina Faso Melin NAVA HUNG, A terra nas edificacoes do seculo XVI em Alcala de Henares Webber NDORO, Berzick DUBE, Preservation of Dhaka structures from archaelogical sites. Christina T. de A. SOLIANI, Alexandre DODE’ ALMEIDA, Mirtes C. P. RAMIRES, Maria Cristina HOFER, Jose Geraldo V. COSTA, Edgar da LUZ BITENCOURT, Taipa de sopapo na imigracao alema no Rio Grande do Sul. Estudo de caso Jacky JEANNET, Bruno PIGNAL, Pascal SCARATO, Dix ans de rehabilitation du patrimoine en terre crue dans Ie centre de la France Ignacio VALVERDE ESPINOSA, Jose Manuel LOPEZ OSORIO, Eduardo Sebastian PARDO, Esther ONTIVEROS ORTEGA, Study of the materials used in the earthen walls of the city of Granada (Spain) David EASTON, The restoration and revitalization of rammed earth in California Michel DAYRE, Emmanuel KENMOGNE, Comportement de differents systemes de Protection superficielle des constructions en terre: resultats d'une campagne d'observation sur murets Katherine DOWDY, Michael Romero TAYLOR, Investigations into the benefits of site burial In the preservation of prehistoric plasters in archaeological ruins John NORTON, Peter TUNLEY, "Woodless construction" - Adapting techniques to meet Needs in the Sahel... not the other way around Luc PECQUET, Permanence et mobilite dans I'habitat Leia (Burkina Faso) O problema dos Sismos 503 509 515 521 526 533 539 Seismic Problems Le Probleme des Seismes Julio VARGAS NEUMANN, Earthquake resistant rammed-earth (tapial) buildings Jose NINO VILLEGAS, Experiencia de restauracao estrutural arquitectonica baseada em componentes de aco e terra na casa de Osambela em Lima Jorge Luis de OLARTE TRISTAN, Evelin GUZMAN SHlGETOMI, The challenge of the systematic building with soil Fred WEBSTER, John D. GUINN, Evolution of seismic retrofit techniques for historic and older adobes in California Edna E. KIMBO, Conservation principles applied to seismic retrofitting of culturally significant adobe buildings E. Leroy TOLLES, Seismic retrofitting of historic adobes Martin BURTEA, Emil-Sever GEORGESCU, Earthen constructions in Romania Perspectivas Industrials 547 552 558 564 569 581 585 590 597 605 612 618 624 628 634 639 645 648 Perspectives Industrielles Fouad GHOMARI, Construire en terre en zone littorale marine Bengt LUNDSTEN, Leticia ACHCAR, Mika WESTERMARCK, Experimental cottage of clay-straw Daniel das Neves MARTINS, Nelci Helena M. GUTIERREZ, Francisco J. T. Coelho LADAGA, Projecto Arcos, construcao de habitacoes de baixo custo em solo-cimento. Perspectives industrials C. ATZENI, L. MASSIDDA, U. Paolo SANNA, Technological properties of earth-based construction materials treated with hydraulic cement or acrylic polymer Gernot MINKE, New design and construction technologies for vault and dome structures from soil blocks Direccoes Futuras 577 Industrial Perspectives Future Directions Directions Futures Francisco Tomas CASAL IGLESIAS, Arquitectura de terra no seculo XXI: uma Utopia? Jose Alberto ALEGRIA, Arquitecturas em terra: uma perspectiva cultural Toni CASALONGA, Hassan Fathy in Corsica Michael R. TAYLOR, The effectiveness of the US/ICOMOS Specialized Committee on Earthen Architecture Lee DASSLER, Leslie RAINER, Edgar M. HINOJOSA VEGA, Jeanne Marie TEUTONICO, CRATerre-EAG. ICCROM. The Gaia Project Research Index. Progress report and future developments Marina TRAPPENIERS, CRATerre-EAG. ICCROM. Le Project Gaia. Les cours Internationaux sur la preservation du patrimoine architectural en terre (1989 - 1990 - 1992). Rapport d'activites Femando PINTO, Arquitectura de terra - que future? Ignacio CANAS GUERRERO, Manuel VIDAL BARDAN, Earth-wall constructions: an advantage for landscape integration Fernando MADEIRA, Impressoes digitais da Fazenda do Assombrado Hubert GUILLAUD, Thierry JOFFROY, Valentine OGUNSUSI, Nigeria: une Commission Nationale des Musees et Monuments, fer de lance d'une utilisation actualisee de l'architecture de terre Paulo BERTRAN, Houses of the Savanas Alejandro ALVA, Hugo HOUBEN, CRATerre-EAG, ICCROM. The Gaia Project. Current status and future directions Rossella SANNA, The town environment of earth architecture in Oristano and in the Villages around it, in relation to the building increase that is happening from 1950 Rolando BELLINI, 0 cru e o cozido em arquitectura. Algumas consideracoes a margem da arquitectura contemporanea
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Photographie de couverture : Vieille ville de Lijiang. Chine, faisant partie des 20% des sites construits en terre inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
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