2015 Annual Report - Instituto de Telecomunicações
INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Title Editors Carlos Salema, Carlos Fernandes, Nuno Borges Carvalho, José Ferreira da Rocha, Adolfo Cartaxo, Mário Figueiredo, Rui Aguiar, Luís Alcácer, Pedro Girão Date 2016 Version V1 Distribution IT Doc. No. IT/Dir/2016 v1 Executive Summary This document describes IT activities during 2015, as a "Laboratório Associado" (Associate Laboratory). Keywords Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 6 1.1 History............................................................................................... 6 1.2 Management ....................................................................................... 7 1.3 Highlights of 2015.................................................................................. 8 2 Key IT Indicators ................................................................................... 14 2.1 Human Resources ................................................................................. 14 2.2 Projects ............................................................................................ 25 2.3 Publications ........................................................................................ 25 3 Financial Outline ................................................................................... 26 4 Research Areas .................................................................................... 28 4.1 Wireless Communications ........................................................................ 28 4.1.1 Coordinators ................................................................................. 28 4.1.2 Human Resources ........................................................................... 28 4.1.3 Running and Concluded Projects ........................................................... 37 4.1.4 Summary of Research Achievements ...................................................... 64 4.1.5 Running and Concluded Theses ............................................................ 77 4.1.6 Publications .................................................................................. 84 4.1.7 Other Achievements ...................................................................... 101 4.1.8 Other Contributions ....................................................................... 104 4.2 Optical Communications .................................................................. 107 4.2.1 Coordinators ............................................................................... 107 4.2.2 Human Resources ......................................................................... 107 4.2.3 Summary of Research Achievements .................................................... 110 4.2.4 Running and Concluded Projects ......................................................... 117 4.2.5 Running and Concluded Theses .......................................................... 125 4.2.6 Publications ................................................................................ 129 4.2.7 Other Achievements ...................................................................... 140 4.2.8 Other Contributions ....................................................................... 140 4.3 Networks and Multimedia ................................................................ 142 4.3.1 Coordinators ............................................................................... 142 4.3.2 Human Resources ......................................................................... 142 4.3.3 Summary of Research Achievements .................................................... 156 4.3.4 Running and Concluded Projects ......................................................... 172 4.3.5 Running and Concluded Theses .......................................................... 202 4.3.6 Publications ................................................................................ 215 4.3.7 Other Achievements ...................................................................... 249 4.3.8 Other Contributions ....................................................................... 252 4.4 Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies ............................................... 258 4.4.1 Coordinators ............................................................................... 258 4.4.2 Human Resources ......................................................................... 258 4.4.3 Summary of Research Achievements .................................................... 265 4.4.4 Running and Concluded Projects ......................................................... 282 4.4.5 Running and Concluded Theses .......................................................... 296 4.4.6 Publications ................................................................................ 305 4.4.7 Other Achievements ...................................................................... 332 4.4.8 Other Contributions ....................................................................... 334 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS List of Tables Figure 1: Distribution of it human resources between the three sites ............................. 14 Figure 2: Distribution of researchers students and grantees per site .............................. 15 Figure 3: Distribution of it researchers and PhD students among associated universities... 15 Figure 4: Distribution of it technical and administrative staff ......................................... 16 Figure 5: Distribution of foreign post-docs per nationality ............................................. 16 Figure 6: Distribution of foreign PhD student per nationality ......................................... 17 Figure 7: Distribution of researchers per gender .......................................................... 17 Figure 8: Distribution of Phd students per gender ........................................................ 18 Figure 9: Distribution of it researchers per site in 2015 ................................................ 19 Figure 10: Distribution of it phd students per site in 2015............................................. 19 Figure 11: Distribution of it staff(technical) per site in 2015 .......................................... 19 Figure 13: Distribution of it staff(administrative) per site/branch in 2015 ....................... 20 Figure 14: Distribution of it researchers per site/branch in 2015 .................................... 20 Figure 15: Distribution of journal papers published in 2015 per site/branch .................... 21 Figure 16: Distribution of communications in international refereed conferences in 2015 per delegation ........................................................................................................ 21 Figure 17: Distribution of patents in 2015 per delegation.............................................. 21 Figure 18: Graph showing journal papers co-authorships in 2015 .................................. 23 Figure 19: Graph showing conference papers co-authorships in 2015 ............................. 24 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS 1 Introduction 1.1 History Instituto de Telecomunicações (it) is a private, not-for-profit organisation, an association of nine institutions with research and development in the field of Telecommunications: • Instituto Superior Técnico (IST); • Universidade de Aveiro (UA); • Universidade de Coimbra (UC); • Portugal Telecom Inovação, (PTIn) • Nokia Solutions and Networks S.A • Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) • Universidade do Porto (UP) • ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) • Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPL) it is organised around three sites: • Aveiro, in the University Campus, • Coimbra, in Site II of the University of Coimbra, • Lisbon, in Instituto Superior Técnico, and four branches: • Leiria, in the “Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão” of the Leiria Polytechnic (IPL), • Covilhã, in the University of Beira Interior (UBI), • Porto, shared by the Faculty of Engineering (FEUP) and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), • Lisboa, in (ISCTE-IUL). Setting up of it was the result of a 1.5 billion escudos (about 7.5 million Euros) grant from Programme CIENCIA, through three contracts signed in 1991. This investment enabled new infrastructures to be built and research laboratories to be equipped at each site. Installation was concluded in Aveiro in 1993 and in Lisbon and Coimbra in 1994. Since 1993, it activities proceed regularly. 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS it bylaws were first approved in 1992, modified in 1997, 2003, 2011, 2014 and 2015. New Site regulations deriving from it bylaws were approved and implemented in 2011. Key developments in 2015 are highlighted ahead. Details are included in the sections dealing with each of the research areas. 1.2 Management it is managed by a Board of Directors, elected by the General Assembly, and by Site Management Boards, which include the site members of the Board of Directors. Site Management Boards enjoy ample freedom to deal with current affairs and usually meet weekly. The Board of Directors meets at least once a month. it scientific activities are overseen by the Scientific Board, which includes all it researchers holding a Ph.D. degree. The Scientific Board meets in Plenary or in Committees, both permanent and temporary. There are two permanent committees: the Science and Technology Committee and the Research Group Coordination Committee. it Work Plan and the Annual Report are discussed with the Advisory Committee, formed by three independent experts in the field of telecommunications (Prof. Sir John O’Reilly, Prof. Touradj Ebrahim and Prof. Thomas Brazil) acting in a personal capacity, and together with the Accounts Report (after legal certification) are subsequently submitted to the General Assembly for approval.1 The General Assembly met formally twice in 2015. The first meeting was held on March 25th, at ISCTEIUL premises, Building II, to discuss and approve the 2014 Annual Report and Accounts and to discuss and approve an amendment to it statutes. The second meeting took place on December 22th, again in the Meeting Room of the Aveiro site, to discuss and approve the Work Plan and Budget for 2016 and to discuss and to approve a further amendment to it Bylaws required by law. The Research Group Coordination Committee also met twice during 2015. On the first meeting, held on March 18th, at ISCTE-IUL premises, Building II, Room B103, Lisboa, the Draft Proposal of the 2014 Annual Report was discussed and received a favourable opinion and the intermediate reports of the first batch of internal projects were presented and discussed. 1 it would like to pay tribute to Prof. Martin Tomlinson, for all the help, support and friendship since 1998 7 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS On the second meeting, held on December 16th, Meeting Room of the Aveiro site, the Work Plan and Budget for 2016 was discussed and received a favourable opinion. The proposal for an Engagement Index was thoroughly discussed and rejected while its main ideas should be included in a Code of Practice to be discussed in the next meeting. 1.3 Highlights of 2015 In 2015, in spite of serious reduction of funding, mainly from FCT strategic funding, the momentum built in previous years enabled achieving a significant scientific output: • 11 books; • 61 book chapters; • 387 papers in international refereed scientific journals; • 545 papers in refereed conferences, with published proceedings; • 9 patents where the forecast was: • 15 books; • 50 book chapters; • 250 papers in international refereed scientific journals; • 450 papers in refereed conferences, with published proceedings; • 8 patents Achieved scientific output exceeded by far our forecast, namely in the number of papers in international refereed scientific journals. The small reduction in the number of books may be attributed to the reduction in funding. Fostering advanced education was also maintained at very high levels: • 34 PhD theses, submitted and approved, • 262 MSc theses, submitted and approved, where the estimated numbers for 2015 were: • 35 PhD theses, submitted and approved, • 200 MSc theses, submitted and approved. 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS The number of PhD theses submitted and approved decreased significantly from the previous year when it reached an all time high (62). The number of MSc theses submitted and approved exceeded significantly our forecast. This may be due to the fact that during 2015 we checked far more thoroughly the number of MSc theses and the current value should be much closer to the real value than in previous years. The number of scholarships decreased significantly in 2015 with respect to 2014, not only due to the reduction FCT strategic funding (as explained in more detail below), but also and mainly because of the decrease in the number of scholarships funded by FCT: • 224 Ph.D. scholarships, funded by FCT, • 143 other scholarships, funded by it as follows: • 24 post-doc scholarships; • 26 scholarships for BSc graduates; • 84 scholarships for MSc graduates; • 8 R&D starting grants; • 1 S&T management; During 2015, 155 projects, of which 126 nationally funded and 29 internationally funded projects were active, as shown in section 2.2. It is particularly noteworthy the fact that on the 31st of December it was involved in running 18 FP7 projects and 14 projects funded by industry (2 of which international). It should be noted that not all projects mentioned in section 2 are funded through it. In the past few years, FCT strategic funding, ie. funding for the IT - Laboratório Associado contract, in addition to a sharp decrease was never timely. Strategic funding for the period 2011- 2012 was 3.0 M€/year, for the period 2013-2014 to 1.6 M€/year (100 % execution rate) and for the 2015 to 1.2 M€. In spite of the fact that the first payments for the period 2013-14 came in with a 9 month delay (August 30th, and October 31st 2013) FCT imposed the 31st of December 2014 as the closing date for the contract. Later this date was postponed (albeit with a penalty) to the 31st of March 2015. In effect the 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS penalty meant a delay in the execution of the 2015 funding, that run from April 1st, 2015 to March 31st, 2016. With the delay and the new procedures introduced by our General Director, it managed to execute 100 % of the 2014 funding. Due to the fact the 2015 strategic funding may be used up to March 31st, 2016, the execution rate for the 2015 strategic funding is not yet available. As mentioned in the Annual Report for 2013, during 2013 FCT decided to organize an evaluation of all Portuguese R&D units making it possible for these units to adopt configurations other than the current one. Although the funding rules favored smaller units, it, faithful to its principles, decided to keep the same structure. The proposal was submitted on the 30th of December 2013. The proposal evaluation ran in two phases. For the first phase the proposals were evaluated in four criteria (with grades from 1 to 5 in each item): A. Scientific productivity and contribution to the National Scientific and Technological System; B. Scientific and technological merit of the research team; C. Scientific and innovative merit of the strategic program; D. Feasibility of the work plan and reasonability of the requested budget. The results of the first phase were made public on the end of June 2014. Most surprisingly it got very low marks (15/25), distributed as follows: A=4, B=4, C=3 and D=4. Even if the total (15/20) would allow access to the second phase, the 3 in item C would forbid it. In addition to many factual errors and mocking phrases that should never be used in an evaluation report (according to FCT published guidelines), the evaluation report showed hints of manipulation to achieve a pre-defined result. It suffices to say that C=3 was not the average grade of the (supposed) 3 evaluators. The average grade of 3 was in item D a situation that would not bar it from the second phase. 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS In the first phase rebuttal it appeal was successful and the overall marks was amended to 16/20, A=B=C=D=4. The visit, the major item of the second phase of the evaluation, had strict rules (imposed by FCT) that did not take into account neither the number of sites nor the number of researchers or students involved in the research unit. The visit had to be restricted to one site and 3 hour duration (1 hour with the directors, 1 hour lab visit and1 hour meeting with researchers and students. For the second phase a further item of evaluation was added: E. Impact of the scientific, technological and cultural output. it decided to stage the visit in the Aveiro site and to prepare a rather imposing poster and demo session (with 107 posters, 20 demos and about 200 researchers and students). It was pretty obvious after the visit that three evaluators were well impressed. And surely the evaluation report bear it out. The overall grade was 22/25 (VERY GOOD), with A=4, B=4, C=5, D=4, E=5. So, for the second time, it strategy was re-evaluated, now to the maximum (further confirming our initial suspicions). According to the law it appealed again, on the 19th of January 2015, this time after having had access to the evaluation forms of the other research units in the area, in particular the only one that had been graded higher than it. The appeal resulted in an increased from 22/25 to 22.5/25 (VERY GOOD), 0.5 points short of the Excellent label it we believe is due. On June 8th, 2015, it appealed yet again, now on the basis of unfair comparison with research units in the same scientific area, with higher marks. On February 26th, 2016, as the result of the last appeal it was finally graded EXCELLENT (23/25). As a consequence it funding would get a significant boost. On September 17th and 18th it organized the 10th edition of its international conference Conftele 2015. This time the conference was embedded in a technology fair, TECHDAYS, organized together with the Universidade de Aveiro, INOVARIA, TICE.pt and the Aveiro Municipality held at Aveiro EXPO. The conference had 157 participants. The technology fair included 54 exhibitors in addition to it own 11 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS prototypes and demonstrations. The number of participants (1127) is a tribute to the growing public interest in it research and development products. The Advisory Committee visited the Aveiro site, on the 16th of September and Conftele 2015 and TECHDAYS, on the following 2 days. During this visit the Advisory Committee had the opportunity to examine in detail some of the latest it research work and held most fruitful discussion with the Management Committee and with many researchers. The Advisory Committee report has already been sent to the associates and to FCT. During 2015 one it researcher, Prof. Mário Silveirinha was elevated to the grade of Fellow of the IEEE (Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers) and three it researchers, namely Prof. Dr. Fernando Pereira, Dr. Jonatan Rodriguez and Prof. Dr. Rafael Caldeirinha were elected to the grade of Fellows of the IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology). Also in 2015, two it researchers, Prof. Dr. José Bioucas Dias and Prof. Dr. Mário Figueiredo were named Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers 2015, the latter for the second time in a row. It is also worth while mentioning the “Outside Team Award”, from Hauwei Technologies Sweden, for outstanding collaboration in the design of microwave frequency power amplifiers. In addition to the above during 2015 it researchers were awarded the following prizes: - 1 “ANACOM-URSI Portugal 2015 Award”; - 1 EuMC Microwave Prize; - 1 Award Abreu Faro, for the best PhD Thesis submitted to IST; - 1 Best Iberian Thesis on Information Systems and Technologies; - 2 Young Engineers Innovation Award (1st and 2nd place); - 1 “Novas Fronteiras da Engenharia” prize from “Ordem dos Engenheiros”; - 4 Fraunhoffer Challenge 2015, 1st and 3rd place PhD, 2nd and 3rd place MSc; - 1 iUP25k 2015 prize, 1st place; - 1 Bresimar “Ideas Contest for Electronic Products 2015”, 1st prize; - 1 Siemens Innovation and Excelence Award; - 1 IEEE Communications Letters “Exemplary Reviewer Award; - 1 Pattern Recognition Letters “Top Reviewer 2011-2012”; - 10 “Best Paper Award”, of which 1 are “Best Student Paper Award”. 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS During 2015 it hosted the following national and international events (details in each scientific area): - 18 Seminars; - 5 Talks; - 1 Colloquium; - 2 Workshops; - 2 One-week short courses for secondary school (20 pupils each); - 2 Winter/Summer Schools; - 1 Technology Fair (TECHDAYS); - 4 major International Conferences. it is a member of the CIENCIA VIVA, the National Agency for Scientific and Technological culture and cooperates in some of its events. Sponsored by CIENCIA VIVA, it organised a one-week, from June 30 to July 4, hands-on introductory course on telecommunications for 10th, 11th an 12th grade high school pupils with 20 enthusiastic participants and an open-lab two hour session for a similar audience. Also in cooperation with IST, it organised visits and demonstrations for high school pupils, involving about 800 pupils (in 2015). During 2015 it continued the regular publication of its monthly newsletter, which is distributed electronically to all researchers and PhD students, and also continued its presence in social networks (Facebook, YouTube and Flickr). 13 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS 2 Key IT Indicators 2.1 Human Resources In December 2015 it human resources included 761 people distributed as follows: • 306 researchers (of which 24 were it grantees); • 224 PhD students • 119 other it grantees (84 MSc, 26 BSc, 8 R&D starting grants, 4 R&D integration and 1 R&D management); • 11 technical; • 18 administrative. All researchers but 2, hold a PhD degree. As a result of the application of it quality policy, out from the 304 researchers holding a PhD Degree, this is equivalent to 141 FTE (full time equivalent). The distribution of all human resources between the three sites is represented graphically in Figure 1. It is obvious from this figure that the ratios between PhD students and researchers and grantees and researchers is much higher in Aveiro than in Lisbon a fact that is partly explained by the much higher involvement of Aveiro in FP7 projects. 160 140 120 100 80 60 Lisbon 40 Coimbra 20 Aveiro 0 Figure 1: Distribution of it human resources between the three sites 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS The distribution of researchers PhD students and grantees between sites is shown in Figure 2. 200 150 Researcher 100 PhD Student Grantees 50 0 Lisbon Coimbra Aveiro Figure 2: Distribution of researchers students and grantees per site In Figure 3 we plot the distribution of researchers and PhD students among associated universities. 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Researcher PhD Students Figure 3: Distribution of it researchers and PhD students among associated universities 15 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS The distribution of it technical and administrative staff is shown on Figure 4. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Technical Administrative Figure 4: Distribution of it technical and administrative staff The distributions of foreign post-docs (34) and PhD students (48) per nationality are shown in figures 5 and 6. Bangladesh Benim Brasil Canada Correa Cuba Denmark France Iran Israel Libia Mexico Nigeria Pakistan Romania Russia Serbia Spain Sudan Sweden UK USA Figure 5: Distribution of foreign post-docs per nationality 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS Bangladesh Bosnia Brasil China Croatia Cuba France Germany India Iran Italy Lebanon Nigeria Pakistan Poland Serbia Spain Turkey Figure 6: Distribution of foreign PhD student per nationality Gender distribution for researchers and PhD students, shown in Figures 7 and Figure 8 is remarkably similar. Researchers Male Female Figure 7: Distribution of researchers per gender 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS PhD Students Male Female Figure 8: Distribution of Phd students per gender The scientific productivity in 2015 was 1.6 journal papers per researcher holdind a PhD (or 2.74 journal papers per FTE). Counting each book, bookchapter and journal paper as one publication, the ratio becomes 1.5 publications per eligible researcher (3.25 per FTE). It is interesting to compare the distribution of the number of researchers per Site and Branch with the number of number of published works (papers in international journals and communications to refereed conferences). One should note that the sum of the number of publications per Site and/or Branch is higher than the number of publications for it because a significant number of publications (about 30 %) are authored by researchers from more than one Site and/or Branch. This fact in itself is an important indicator that it is increasingly operating as a unity rather than as a collection of research units. In the following, it and CIENCIA paid researchers and their publications are not included. 18 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS Researchers Lisbon Coimbra Aveiro Figure 9: Distribution of it researchers per site in 2015 PhD students Lisbon Coimbra Aveiro Figure 10: Distribution of it PhD students per site in 2015 Staff (technical) Lisbon Coimbra Aveiro Figure 11: Distribution of it staff (technical) per site in 2015 19 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS Staff (administrative) Lisboa IST Lisboa ISCTE Porto Covilhã Coimbra Aveiro Figure 12: Distribution of it staff (administrative) per site/branch in 2015 PhD students Lisboa IST Lisboa ISCTE Porto Coimbra Covilhã Aveiro U. Madeira UNL U. Algarve Figure 13: Distribution of it PhD students per site/branch in 2015 Researchers Aveiro Coimbra Covilhã Leiria Lisboa ISCTE Lisboa IST Porto Figure 14: Distribution of it researchers per site/branch in 2015 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS Journals Aveiro Coimbra Covilhã Leiria Lisboa ISCTE Lisboa IST Porto Figure 15: Distribution of journal papers published in 2015 per site/branch Conferences Aveiro Coimbra Covilhã Leiria Lisboa ISCTE Lisboa IST Porto Figure 16: Distribution of communications in international refereed conferences in 2015 per delegation Patents Aveiro Coimbra Covilhã Leiria Lisboa ISCTE Lisboa IST Porto Figure 17: Distribution of patents in 2015 per delegation 21 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS Even if Figures 15 and 16 are self explanatory, it is interesting to remark that both at the levels of papers in journals of communications in international refereed conferences, site distribution follows very closely researchers distribution. Differences are considerable at the number of patents (as would be expected given the small number of patents involved). Major differences are at Covilhã and Lisboa ISCTE, the former with more journals papers and the latter with fewer journal papers than their number of researchers. As far as conference papers, Lisboa ISCTE stands out with a higher share of output compared to its share of researchers. Networks and Synergies it has been trying hard to improve networking not only between its researchers but also with external researchers. Using it database of journal and conference publications in 2015 figures 18 and 19 were produced representing it co-authorship network in 2015. In this figure each researcher is represented by a symbol whose colour indicates the researcher scientific area according to the following colour code: • Red — Wireless Communications; • Blue — Optical Communications; • Orange — Networks and Multimedia; • Green — Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies; • White – External Author. The nodes´symbol shape is different according to the researcher´s Site. The node size is proportional to the number of connections originated by each node. The existence of a paper authored by two or more researchers is represented by a line linking the nodes involved. The networking strength is apparent in Figure 19. Although most connections involve researchers in the same scientific area, there is a significant number of connections between researchers of different scientific areas, a clear indicator of the synergies it is fostering. On the other hand networking outside the same scientific area is almost non-existing in journal papers (Figure 18) an indication that long term collaboration between researchers of different areas and or sites is not yet widespread. However these links start to appear when we carry out the same exercise accumulating data from more than one year (not shown in this report), an indication that out of the scientific area collaboration in Journal papers is sporadic but it exists. 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 18: Graph showing journal papers co-authorships in 2015 23 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 19: Graph showing conference papers co-authorships in 2015 24 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – KEY IT INDICATORS 2.2 Projects Funding Agency Number ADI 6 Ciência Viva 2 COST 10 CAPES 3 COMPETE 1 EDP 1 ESA 3 EU 21 FCT 56 FCT/CMU 3 Internos 28 Ministério Defesa 4 Outros - nacionais 2 Outros - internacionais 3 PT Inovação 2 QREN 8 Serviços – empresas nacionais 9 Serviços – empresas internacionais 2 Total 164 Table 1 – Number of active projects in 2015, according to funding source 2.3 Publications Books Book Chapters Journals Conferences Patents MSc Thesis PhD Thesis 11 61 387 438 9 262 34 Table 2 – Number of published works in 2015 "Books"- Fully authored books, Editor books, "Journals"- Papers in International refereed journals "Conferences"- Communications in International and National refereed conferences; "Patents" - Patent applications; "MSc and PhD Theses"- Concluded dissertations.; 25 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – FINANCIAL OUTLINE 3 Financial Outline Operational income during 2015 totalled 6.302k€, with its main items distributed in Table 1. Major income sources (clients of sources and sources of subsidies) are detailed in Table 2. Costs in 2015 totalled 5.664 k€ as partially indicated in Table 4. Main assets changes in 2015 are listed in Table 5. Sources of Subsidies Amount (in k€) FCT 2.540 k€ European Commission 1.400 k€ 567 k€ University of Aveiro 72 k€ AdI Table 1 – Operational income in 2015 Sources of Income Amount [k€] Services to third parties 1.242 k€ Subsidies 4.596 k€ 464 k€ Other Table 2 – Main sources of subsidies in 2015 Clients Amount (k€) PT Inovação 386 k€ Huawei Technologies 254 k€ Veniam 51 k€ Active Space Technologies 45 k€ Brisa 35 k€ Enermeter 34 k€ Table 3 – Major clients in 2015 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – FINANCIAL OUTLINE Costs Amount [k€] 1.284 k€ Staff Researchers 343 k€ Scholarships 2.059 k€ 465 k€ Missions 67 k€ Books and journals 297 k€ Consumables 33 k€ Management costs Table 4 – Major costs in 2015 Assets Amount [k€] Increase in tangible assets 231 k€ Depreciation 496 k€ New Technical and Scientific Equipment 210 k€ Table 5 – Main asset changes in 2015 27 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4 Research Areas 4.1 Wireless Communications 4.1.1 Coordinators Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho 4.1.2 Human Resources Overview Position IT – Aveiro IT – Coimbra IT – Lisboa IT Branch – Covilhã IT Branch – ISCTEIUL IT Branch – Leiria Professor Emeritus 0 0 2 0 0 Full Professor 4 0 5 0 0 Associate Professor 3 1 10 0 0 Coordinator Professor 0 0 1 0 1 Assistant Professor 12 0 30 0 1 Assistant Lecturer 1 0 0 0 0 Post. Doc. 18 3 4 0 0 PhD Student 25 0 31 1 5 MSc Student 4 0 4 0 0 Researcher 1 1 4 0 0 Licenciado 3 0 5 0 0 Under-Grad Student 1 0 2 0 0 Total 74 5 101 1 7 6 1 7 Permanent Collaborators Name Position Degree Group Abdelgader Mahmoud Abdalla Mahmoud Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Systems - Av Abubakar Sadiq Hussaini Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Systems - Av Adão Paulo Soares Silva Assistant Professor PhD Mobile Networks – Av 28 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Afonso Manuel dos Santos Barbosa Full Professor Agregação Antennas and Propagation – Lx Alberto de Jesus Nascimento Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Systems - Av Alexandre Passos de Almeida Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Américo Manuel Carapeto Correia Full Professor Agregação Radio Systems – Lx Aníbal Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Full Professor Agregação Mobile Systems - Av António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa Assistant Professor PhD Antennas and Propagation – Lx António Restani Graça Alves Moreira Associate Professor PhD Antennas and Propagation – Lx António Rodrigues dos Santos Licenciado Armando Carlos Domingues da Rocha Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Av Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Av Atílio Manuel da Silva Gameiro Associate Professor PhD Mobile Networks – Av Ayman Radwan Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Systems - Av Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes Full Professor Agregação Antennas and Propagation – Lx Carlos Eduardo do Rego da Costa Salema Professor Emeritus Agregação Antennas and Propagation – Lx Carlos Manuel dos Reis Paiva Associate Professor Agregação Antennas and Propagation – Lx Carlos Miguel Noguiera Gaspar Ribeiro Assistant Professor PhD Mobile Networks – Av Custódio José Oliveira Peixeiro Assistant Professor PhD Antennas and Propagation – Lx Daniel Filipe Marques Castanheira Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Networks – Av Radio Systems – Av 29 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS David Emanuel Dias Fernandes Post. Doc. PhD Antennas and Propagation – Co Eduardo Daniel Castañeda Trujillo Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Networks – Av Fardin Derogarian Miyandoab Post. Doc. PhD Radio Systems – Lx Fernando de Sousa Coordinator Professor PhD Communication Theory – Lx Fernando Nunes Assistant Professor PhD Communication Theory – Lx Fernando Jose da Silva Velez Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Filipa Isabel Rodrigues Prudêncio Post. Doc. PhD Antennas and Propagation – Lx Francisco António Bucho Cercas Full Professor Agregação Radio Systems – Lx Francisco António Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Georgios Mantas Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Systems - Av Gonçalo Valadão Assistant Professor PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Hugo Miguel Cravo Gomes Post. Doc. PhD Radio Systems – Av Issa Tamer Elfergani Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Systems - Av Ivo Luís de la Cerda Garcia e Sousa Post. Doc. PhD Radio Systems – Lx João Carlos Marques Silva Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx João José Lopes da Costa Freire Associate Professor Agregação Wireless Circuits – Lx João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz Assistant Professor PhD Wireless Circuits – Lx João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos Associate Professor PhD Radio Systems – Av Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Researcher PhD Mobile Systems - Av Jorge dos Santos Freitas de Oliveira Post. Doc. PhD Wireless Circuits – Av Jorge Manuel Leal Rodrigues da Costa Associate Professor Agregação Antennas and Propagation – Lx 30 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS José André Rocha Sá e Moura Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx José Carlos da Silva Neves Full Professor Agregação Radio Systems – Av Jose Carlos Esteves Duarte Pedro Full Professor Agregação Wireless Circuits – Av José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx José Manuel Neto Vieira Post. Doc. PhD Radio Systems – Av Jose Manuel Nunes Leitão Full Professor Agregação Communication Theory – Lx Kazi Mohammed Saidul Huq Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Systems - Av Luis Filipe Lourenço Bernardo Assistant Professor Agregação Radio Systems – Lx Marco Alexandre dos Santos Ribeiro Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Maria João Ramos Marques Coelho Carrilho do Rosário Assistant Professor PhD Wireless Circuits – Lx Mário Gonçalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha Associate Professor PhD Antennas and Propagation – Co Mário Pedro Guerreiro Marques da Silva Associate Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Nuno Manuel Branco Souto Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Nuno Miguel Faria Pires PhD PhD Antennas and Propagation – Lx Nuno Borges de Carvalho Full Professor Agregação Radio Systems – Av Paulo da Costa Luis da Fonseca Pinto Associate Professor Agregação Radio Systems – Lx Paulo Gustavo Martins da Silva Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Paulo Jorge Coelho Marques Assistant Professor PhD Mobile Systems - Av 31 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Paulo Miguel de Araújo Borges Montezuma de Carvalho Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Pedro Joaquim Amaro Sebastiao Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Pedro Manuel de Almeida Carvalho Vieira Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Pedro Miguel da Silva Cabral Assistant Professor PhD Wireless Circuits – Av Pedro Miguel Duarte Cruz Post. Doc. PhD Radio Systems – Av Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Lavrador Assistant Professor PhD Wireless Circuits – Av Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos Assistant Professor PhD Wireless Circuits – Lx Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Av Rafael Ferreira da Silva Caldeirinha Coordinator Professor PhD Antennas and Propagation – Lr Rodolfo Alexandre Duarte Oliveira Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Rogério Pais Dionísio Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Systems - Av Rui Morgado Dinis Associate Professor Agregação Radio Systems – Lx Samah A. M. Ghanem Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Systems - Av Sara Helena Marques Teodoro Post. Doc. PhD Mobile Networks – Av Sérgio de Almeida Matos Assistant Professor PhD Antennas and Propagation – Lx Sérgio Ivan Fernandes Lopes Post. Doc. PhD Radio Systems – Av Stanislav Maslovski Researcher PhD Antennas and Propagation – Co Susana Mota Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Av Sylvain Lannebère Post. Doc. PhD Antennas and Propagation – Co Telmo Reis Cunha Assistant Professor PhD Wireless Circuits – Av Telmo Rui Carvalhinho Cunha Fernandes Assistant Professor PhD Antennas and Propagation – Lr 32 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Tiago André Nogueira Morgado Post. Doc. PhD Antennas and Propagation – Co Wonhoon Jang Post. Doc. PhD Radio Systems – Av Other Collaborators Name Position Degree Group Alireza Esfahani PhD Student Mobile Systems - Av Alírio de Jesus Soares Boaventura PhD Student MSc Radio Systems – Av Ana Catarina Caniço Cruz PhD Student MSc Antennas and Propagation – Lx Andela Zaric PhD Student MSc Antennas and Propagation – Lx André Eduardo Ponciano Martins PhD Student MSc Radio Systems – Lx André Isidoro Prata PhD Student MSc Radio Systems – Av António Abreu PhD Student Licenciatura Wireless Circuits – Lx António Eduardo Carreiro Furtado PhD Student MSc Radio Systems – Lx Antonio Navarro Rodrigues Assistant Professor PhD Mobile Networks – Av Carlos Alberto Barreiro Mendes PhD Student MSc Antennas and Propagation – Lx Carlos Leme Assistant Professor Carlos Manuel Gutierrez Sá da Costa Associate Professor Carlos Miguel Sendas Pires PhD Student Caroline Loss PhD Student Catarina Isabel Alves Lopes PhD Student Radio Systems – Av Cátia Franco Under-Grad Student Radio Systems – Lx Daniel António da Costa Dinis PhD Student Radio Systems – Av David Crespo Ferreira PhD Student David Gil Licenciado Wireless Circuits – Lx PhD Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Lx MSc MSc Radio Systems – Av Antennas and Propagation – Lr Antennas and Propagation – Lx 33 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Diogo Carlos Alcobia Ribeiro PhD Student Eduardo Jorge da Costa Brás Lima PhD Student Emanuel José Soares Bordalo Teixeira PhD Student Radio Systems – Lx Erik Farias da Silva PhD Student Antennas and Propagation – Lx Fábio José Silva Amaral PhD Student MSc Radio Systems – Lx Fernando Manuel Ascenso Fortes Assistant Professor PhD Wireless Circuits – Lx Fernando Santos Azevedo PhD Student MSc Wireless Circuits – Lx Filipe Canedo da Mota e Sá Under-Grad Student Radio Systems – Av Filipe Jorge Bolas Casal Ribeiro PhD Student Radio Systems – Lx Firooz B. Saghezchi PhD Student MSc Mobile Systems - Av Francisco Alberto Sena da Silva Assistant Professor PhD Communication Theory – Lx Fred Niemela MSc Student Radio Systems – Av Gonçalo Carvalho MSc Student Antennas and Propagation – Lx Hélio Silva PhD Student Mobile Systems - Av Hugo Rafael Almeida Marques PhD Student Mobile Systems - Av Jegannathan Srinivasan External Author Radio Systems – Av Joana Rita Alves dos Santos Silva PhD Student MSc Antennas and Propagation – Lx João Carlos Roquete Fidalgo Canto Assistant Professor PhD Antennas and Propagation – Lx João Francisco Lêdo Guerreiro PhD Student Radio Systems – Lx João Henriques Licenciado Antennas and Propagation – Lx João M. Ferro PhD Student Licenciatura Radio Systems – Lx João Monteiro Felício PhD Student MSc Antennas and Propagation – Lx João Miguel Madeira Cardeiro MSc Student Antennas and Propagation – Lx João Miguel Pereira de Almeida PhD Student Radio Systems – Av Radio Systems – Av MSc Antennas and Propagation – Lx 34 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS João Paulo Madaleno MSc Student João Reis Licenciado João Ricardo Vitorino Reis PhD Student Joaquim Manuel C.S. Bastos PhD Student Jorge Miguel da Silva Tavares PhD Student Jorge Paulo Alves Torres Assistant Professor PhD Wireless Circuits – Lx Jorge Venes Licenciado Licenciatura Antennas and Propagation – Lx José Garcia Assistant Lecturer Radio Systems – Av José Carlos Ribeiro PhD Student Mobile Systems - Av Jose Fernando da Rocha Associate Professor Pereira Radio Systems – Av MSc Radio Systems – Av Antennas and Propagation – Lr MSc Mobile Systems - Av Radio Systems – Lx PhD Radio Systems – Av José Maria Sousa do Vale Marçal PhD Student José Miguel da Silva Bergano PhD Student Késia Cristiane dos Santos Farias PhD Student Antennas and Propagation – Lx Kristian Starhed MSc Student Radio Systems – Av Luciano Assumpção Colin Licenciado Antennas and Propagation – Lx Luís Carlos Barruncho dos Santos Gonçalves PhD Student Luis Filipe Lopes Salvado MSc Student Antennas and Propagation – Lx Luís Miguel do Rosário Irio PhD Student Radio Systems – Lx Luís Miguel Mendes PhD Student MSc Wireless Circuits – Lx Manuel Dinis Assistant Professor Licenciatura Radio Systems – Av Manuel Joaquim Campos Mendes Nunes Duarte PhD Student Wireless Circuits – Av Marco António da Mota Carvalho Silva Pereira PhD Student Wireless Circuits – Lx Communication Theory – Lx MSc MSc Radio Systems – Av Radio Systems – Lx 35 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Mário Jorge Simão de Assunção PhD Mario Jose de Almeida Lanca Professor Emeritus Agregação Wireless Circuits – Lx Mehdi Rostami MSc Student Licenciatura Radio Systems – Av Miguel António Frade Duarte PhD Student MSc Information Technology - Lx Miguel Ramos Pereira PhD PhD Radio Systems – Lx Mrinalinee Pandey PhD Student Nuno Cota PhD Student MSc Radio Systems – Lx Nuno Ricardo Cordeiro Leonor PhD Student MSc Antennas and Propagation – Lr Pedro Marin Fernandes MSc Student Pedro Miguel Ferreira de Oliveira Pedrosa Post. Doc. PhD Radio Systems – Lx Pedro Miguel Figueiredo Amaral Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Ricardo Dias Fernandes PhD Student MSc Radio Systems – Av Ricardo Miguel Romão Gonçalves PhD Student MSc Radio Systems – Av Ricardo Rei Under-Grad Student Radio Systems – Lx Riccardo Bassoli PhD Student Mobile Systems - Av Roberto Louro Magueta PhD Student Rodolfo Vitorino Gomes PhD Student Antennas and Propagation – Lr Roger Lorenzoni Farias PhD Student Antennas and Propagation – Lx Rui Fiel Cordeiro PhD Student Radio Systems – Av Rui M. Neto Marinheiro Assistant Professor PhD Radio Systems – Lx Rui Rodrigues Licenciado Licenciatura Radio Systems – Av Samaneh Moeini PhD Student Wireless Circuits – Av Sérgio Jesus Licenciado Radio Systems – Lx Sérgio Morgadinho Rebelo PhD Student Slavisa Tomic PhD Student Sofia de Almeida Carvalhão Sousa PhD Student Syed Saqlain Ali PhD Student Wireless Circuits – Lx Wireless Circuits – Lx Antennas and Propagation – Lx MSc Licenciatura Mobile Networks – Av Antennas and Propagation – Lr Radio Systems – Lx Licenciatura Radio Systems – Lx Mobile Networks – Av 36 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Tiago Miguel Valente Varum PhD Student MSc Radio Systems – Av Valdemar Monteiro PhD Student MSc Mobile Systems - Av Victor Sucasas Iglésias PhD Student Mobile Systems - Av 4.1.3 Running and Concluded Projects Overview ADI 1 ADI/QREN 1 CAPES/CNPq 1 EU/FP7 8 Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK 1 ESA 3 ESF 1 ESF/COST 2 ESF/PESC 1 FCT 17 FCT/JU 2 HPS-Portugal 1 IT/LA 11 Ministério da Defesa 1 NATO 2 QREN 4 Activity in Projects Acron / Ref NEWFOCUS ESF/PESC Title New Fromtiers im mm/sub-mm waves integrated dielectric focusing systems Funding ESF/PESC Descript. - Development of advanced analytical and numerical modelling techniques in electromagnetic theory using complementary formulations for the analysis, synthesis and optimisation of integrated dielectric focusing systems - Implementation of powerful computer-aided-design tools - Benchmarking measurement facilities at mm and submm 37 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS wavelengths - Promotion of research mobility Acron / Ref DhPAM S00941 DHPAM Title Doherty Power Amplifier Modeling Funding (confidential) Descript. Linearity modeling and distortion compensation of Doherty power amplifiers. Acron / Ref COST IC1004 COST IC1004 Title Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments Funding ESF/COST Descript. The main objective of the Action is to increase knowledge of cooperative communications applied to Green Smart Environments, by exploring and developing new methods, models, techniques, strategies and tools. Acron / Ref PROENERGY-WSN PTDC/EEA-TEL/122681/2010 Title Prototypes for Efficient Energy Self-sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main challenge is the development of an energy self-sustainable wireless sensor network formed by nodes with energy scavenging capabilities. Body and movement energy scavenging will be considered whilst maximizing the energy efficiency. One of the bottlenecks of the wireless sensor devices performance is the batteries and energy storage. For indoor environments, rechargeable batteries may be the solution, although recharging the batteries may be burdensome especially for the elderly people. As solar cells are not viable with body-worn sensor nodes (because sensors are preferred to be placed under the clothing), motion and body heat based energy harvesting techniques should be investigated for healthcare and body monitoring systems. The main challenge is the development of an energy self-sustainable wireless sensor network formed by nodes with energy scavenging capabilities. Body and movement energy scavenging will be considered whilst maximizing the energy efficiency. One of the bottlenecks of the wireless sensor devices performance is the batteries and energy storage. For indoor 38 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS environments, rechargeable batteries may be the solution, although recharging the batteries may be burdensome especially for the elderly people. As solar cells are not viable with body-worn sensor nodes (because sensors are preferred to be placed under the clothing), motion and body heat based energy harvesting techniques should be investigated for healthcare and body monitoring systems. Besides these Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) aspects, contributions will be given on the development and experimental verification of a hardware solution for WSN protocol performance evaluation. This study relates to the modelling and experimental evaluation of WSN routing and link layer protocols with no degradation in the sensor nodes performance. Two contention-based WSN MAC protocols will be compared via modelling, simulation and hardware experimental measurement approaches. Not only will the energy spending be addressed, but also throughput, packet delivery rate, and end-to-end delay. Routing protocols that save energy are also aimed at, and different QoS metrics will also be considered, trying to reach a solution that uses the least energy possible, while delivering all the packets with a very low latency. Aspects of hybrid energy storage will be considered both in the simulations and hardware verification, envisaging the improvements to be achieved for the network protocol proposal. Acron / Ref NoiseRadar SET-184 Title NATO SET-184/RTG Capabilities of Noise Radar Funding NATO Descript. The main objective is to assess the NRT capability for some future military applications, in particular, to identify the areas where noise radar may have superiority over the classical radar. Acron / Ref APRA 1 Title NATO SET-186/RTG Airborne Passive Radars and their Applications Funding NATO Descript. The goal of the TG group is to comprehensively research the current state of the art of airborne passive radar, identify technological challenges including hardware and signal processing development, identify end user requirements and address operational usefulness. 39 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref VISTA xxx Title COST IC1102 - Versatile, Integrated and Signal-aware Technologies for Antennas Funding ESF/COST Descript. Cooperation in antenna field Acron / Ref SALUS SEC-2012.5.2-1 Title SALUS Funding EC/FP7 Descript. The main goal of SALUS is to design, implement and evaluate a next generation communication network for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) agencies, supported by network operators and industry, which will provide security, privacy, seamless mobility, QoS and reliability support for mission-critical PMR voice and broadband data services. Acron / Ref VTL PTDC/EIA-CCO/118114/2010 Title Semáforos Virtuais Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Urban transportation is one of the grand challenges of our times. Car journeys are by far the main player in this transportation, comprising 72% of all passenger kilometers in the European Union (EU) [1]. Traffic congestion on the road is thus a common reality of the major EU cities, and has been estimated to cost as much as 1% of the GDP. In its present form, the use of Traffic Lights (TL) to control and regulate this road traffic has proven to be very costly and inadequate in terms of scalability. Leveraging the new vehicle-tovehicle (V2V) communication capability of modern cars we propose to design and validate an alternative scheme of urban traffic control that envisions TL as in-vehicle virtual signs, enabling ubiquity of signalized intersections, and defining the synchronization of light phases, cycle durations and green splits based on distributed and self-organization techniques that govern a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). The nonscalability of TL, and in particular the non-scalability of an adaptive and intelligent citywide system of TL (a recent survey reports that 70-90% of the deployed TL are nonadaptive [2]) is a key aspect that we shall address through the alternative approach 40 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS proposed in this project. Even New York City only has 10,800 of its 45,000 intersections managed by TL [3]. In other cities this percentage is typically smaller. In addition to traffic flow improvement, TL have also a significant impact on road safety, as studies report a 33% decrease in vehicle crashes at intersections that have been equipped with traffic signals [4]. Our approach in this project will take advantage of the mandatory adoption by the automotive industry of the Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments (WAVE) protocol, and the ability of vehicles to communicate with each other, thus creating a distributed and highly reliable system of in-vehicle virtual traffic lights (VTL). Our preliminary simulations of this self-organizing traffic paradigm show a potential to increase the average flow rates substantially (up to 60%, compared with a city-level physical TL system [5]), in addition to rendering traffic control and management more ubiquitous and cost-effective. Our basic idea is relatively simple: use the core characteristics of VANET, namely periodic beaconing, location tables and appropriate transport and MAC protocols to perceive crossing conflicts and elect a leading vehicle that works as a temporary virtual infrastructure, stopping under a virtual red light at the entrance of the intersection and broadcasting virtual traffic light messages that are listened by the vehicles approaching the intersection. Local optimization of cycle duration, phase layout and green splits are computed based on the number of vehicles in each approach. City-level optimization of traffic flow can resort to the synchronization of leaders in adjacent intersections or even to a traffic information system that also leverages on VANET communication. Devices on each vehicle interpret the VTL messages and display the respective color to the driver. We envision the computing, communication and display device to be possible to retrofit on the existing car park, and the project will produce such devices. By providing unequivocal evidence of the envisioned approach on the mitigation of traffic congestion, its economical and environmental impact, and increased road safety, the project intends to pave the way for the adoption of EU legislation towards the equipping of all vehicles with VTL. Our project is a natural follow-up of the DRIVE-IN (Distributed Routing and Infotainment through Vehicular Inter-Networking) project, funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and involving an international partnership with Carnegie Mellon University in the US. DRIVE-IN has been designing VANET communication protocols and developing high-scale traffic models and simulators that will support the design and validation of the in-vehicle VTL system. DRIVE-IN has also deployed a prototype VANET in the city of Porto, resorting to 450 taxis where carPCs with windshield displays are installed, together with 802.11p wifi cards for V2V and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication. This test-bed constitutes a major asset for the research herein proposed and shall be used for proof-of-concept field experiments in closed areas of the city. The project is structured in the following four main tasks: 1 – Design of the VTL communication protocol and distributed optimization of traffic flow. 2 - Security and reliability of the VTL system. 3 - Human-machine interface of the VTL system and usability evaluation. 4 - Hardware design for retrofitting and field trial experiments. Our 41 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS team includes experienced researchers with different backgrounds, including computer science, computer engineering, civil engineering and mechanical engineering. We leverage on specific expertise in vehicular networks, intelligent transportation systems, vehicular human-machine interfaces, wireless networking security and traffic management. Acron / Ref COST IC1104 IC1104 Title ICT COST Action IC1104 - Random Network Coding and Designs over GF(q) Funding EC Descript. Random network coding emerged through an award-winning paper by R. Koetter and F. Kschischang in 2008 and has since then opened a major research area in communication technology with widespread applications for communication networks like the internet, wireless communication systems, and cloud computing. It allows transmitting information through a network by disregarding any of its topological features. As in traditional algebraic coding theory, two main research directions in random network coding are: 1- existence and construction of good and optimal network codes, 2efficient encoding and decoding schemes for a given network code. Restriction to the so-called Grassmannian codes has proven to be advantageous and leads to the theory of designs over GF(q). Worldwide, there exists a larger number of workgroups focusing on this topic, which includes several groups located in Europe. This COST Action will set up a European research network and establish network coding as a European core area in communication technology. Its aim is to bring together experts from pure and applied mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering, who are working in the areas of discrete mathematics, coding theory, information theory, and related fields. Acron / Ref COPWIN PTDC/EEI-TEL/1417/2012 Title Coordinated MultiPoint Strategies for Future Wireless Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main technical objectives of the project are to design, implement and validate techniques exploring BSs collaboration for future wireless systems. The aim is to design and demonstrate practical multicell transmission and reception techniques that improve user’s fairness and throughput, namely at the cell-edges. To reach the above main goals, specific research objectives are: 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Design of practical precoders for the downlink of multicell MIMO-OFDM based networks. Initially, we will focus on the intra cluster interference. Two approaches are considered: full centralized, which requires that CSI and data of all UTs are available at the CU; distributed, where the precoding vectors and power allocation are computed in a distributed fashion on each BSs. In the second phase a joint precoding approaches will be designed to remove both intra and inter cluster interference by exploiting the promising concept of IA. • Design of efficient multiuser detection techniques for the uplink of multicell MIMO SCFDMA based networks. These receivers will be implemented in the frequency-domain, based on the IB-DFE concept, eventually taking advantage of the channel decoder output. The multiuser decoder will be designed taking into account nonlinear effects in the transmission chain and can involve the estimation and cancellation of those effects. • Designing of efficient signalling strategies both for the feedback of wireless link information and distribution among the cooperating network elements, aiming to optimize the trade-off between achieved performance and signalling overhead. Moreover, particular emphasis will be placed on inter-cluster feedback and quantization strategies. • Design and optimization of medium access control protocols for the considered clustered multicell architecture with joint scheduling and dynamic link adaptation. The framework of multi-objective optimization, will be used to find the algorithms that efficiently allocate radio resources (power, carriers) among the different tiers. • Assessment and validation of the proposed downlink and uplink algorithms under realist scenarios, trough a system level simulator based on LTE specification. • Development of an FPGA based testbed allowing to experimentally show the feasibility of the proposed algorithms. The most promising algorithms (with good complexity/performance trade-off) will be integrated and characterized in this testbed. Acron / Ref mm-SatCom PTDC/EEI-TEL/0805/2012 Title Millimeter Wave Antennas for Next-Generation Satellite Mass Services Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. 1) Research of new compact Ka-band satellite antenna solutions capable of operating simultaneously in both uplink and downlink bands. The antennas will be based on the aperture overlap concept. In one approach an adequate frequency-selective multi-layer slab is placed above an array of feeds in order to produce multiple overlapping apertures, each one ensuring adequate reflector illumination. In another approach of the project, integrated shaped lens antennas with multiple feeds attached to its base will be 43 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS explored with the same objectives. 2) Design of compact low-cost Ka-band antennas for terrestrial terminals, either fixed or installed on moving platforms like cars, trains or ships. These antennas must have a single steerable beam constantly pointing towards the satellite as the terminal moves. This will evolve from a previous concept proposed by the project team, where a steerable shaped dielectric lens pivots in front of a stationary feed requiring no rotary joints which are expensive and prone to faults. New lens configurations will be researched, including flat lens made of inhomogeneous metamaterial. Acron / Ref RFMLI 4000106436/12/NL/NR Title Thermal Blanket with Low RF Reflectivity Funding HPS-Portugal Descript. The primary objective of this study is to propose a series of concepts based on metamaterials in combination with the typical materials used in thermal blankets in order to reduce the blanket’s RF reflectivity in specific frequency ranges. Concepts will be explored at the C-, Ku, Ka and Q/V bands. The new blankets are required to maintain their thermal and mechanical properties as much as possible and be designed with space flight in mind using space qualified clean-room compatible materials. Further requirements include cost effective fabrication compatibility, and reduced added mass compared to traditional multi-layer blankets. Acron / Ref TElectronics PDTC/2764/2012 Title Transformation Electronics and Optics Funding FCT Descript. We propose three major research lines: • Tailoring the electron mass and the transport properties – In a semiconductor the effective mass determines the inertia of the electron to an external stimulus. The finite value of the mobility ultimately limits the speed of integrated circuits and other devices. In most electronic circuits the electron flow is supposed to occur along a predetermined 44 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS path, e.g. down the passageway connecting two transistors. However, typically only a small fraction of the available free carriers responds effectively to an external electric field. We want to show that based on the superlattice concept it may be possible to engineer the electron mass tensor in such a way that (i) all the available electronic states contribute to the electron flow. (ii) the intrinsic electron resistance to movement is greatly reduced. In addition, these ideas may enable to boost the electrical conductivity. • Tailoring the nonlinearities in graphene and semiconductor superlattices and in electromagnetic metamaterials – Nonlinear electromagnetics (in particular nonlinear optics) has important applications in frequency multiplication or high-speed data transmission based on solitons. However, the nonlinear response of most natural materials is extremely weak. Previous studies have shown that by tailoring the electronic structure it is possible to enhance the nonlinear response. Here, we suggest boosting the nonlinear response by decreasing the intrinsic resistance of the electron to movement in engineered semiconductor or graphene superlattices. Our objective is to develop novel electronic materials with enhanced nonlinear response, and in addition to characterize the solitons supported both by these structures and by more conventional electromagnetic metamaterials based on metallic nanowire arrays. • Effective medium theory – Effective medium theories are of key importance in the study of “low energy” physical phenomena since they enable reducing the inherent microscopic complexity of a physical system to a few effective parameters. Despite the fundamental differences between photons and electrons, there are many formal similarities between photonics and electronics, which ultimately result from the waveparticle duality. However, the theoretical frameworks typically adopted to describe wave propagation in electromagnetic media and in semiconductors are usually rather different. As a generalization of our previous studies in the context of electromagnetic metamaterials, we propose to develop a general effective medium framework based on the Hamiltonian formalism that enables describing “macroscopic excitations” in both electromagnetic metamaterials and semiconductor and graphene superlattices. Such common framework will enable establishing straightforward analogies between electronics and photonics. Acron / Ref CREATION EXCL/EEI-TEL/0067/2012 Title Creation – Cognitive Radio Transceiver Design For Energy Efficient Data Transmission Funding FCT Descript. The next generation of wireless communication devices must achieve Gigabit data rates and low power consumption by making more efficient use of the radio-frequency 45 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS spectrum and taking advantage of device interoperability. To meet these requirements, the development of cognitive radio devices will be far more complex than that of their predecessors. Large, interdisciplinary development teams are required to cover areas such as analog RF hardware, digital hardware design, digital signal processing and system architecture. With the research team selected for this project we believe to have put together all the expertise required to face the design challenges of the radios of the future. Acron / Ref GANSAT FP7 - GANSAT Title GANSAT Funding EU/FP7 Descript. Power Amplifier Design for Space Applications based on GaN transistors Acron / Ref ADIN PTDC/EEI-TEL/2990/2012 Title Advanced PHY/MAC Design for Infrastructure-less Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. This project aims to integrate MPR, IC, PHY-cooperation, CRD and AM technologies in a single architecture particularly tailored for ILWNs, which is itself a challenging task due to the lack of a central coordinator and the spatial distribution of the nodes. The main goal of the project is to investigate if the theoretical capacity of ILWNs can be achieved by practical communication systems, or at least evaluate how far an optimized solution, such as the one proposed in this project, is from the theoretical capacity bound. The communication systems’ architecture proposed for each node will be based on a crosslayering design between the physical and the MAC sub-layer. Acron / Ref COST TD1301 TD1301 Title Development of a European-based Collaborative Network to Accelerate Technological, Clinical and Commercialisation Progress in the Area of Medical Microwave Imaging Funding ESF 46 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Descript. One of the most promising emerging medical imaging modalities is Microwave Imaging (MWI), which is a low-power, low-cost, non-ionising imaging modality and also has therapeutic capabilities. Most of this MWI research to date has been accomplished in simulation and laboratory studies, with only limited translational research into the clinical environment. European researchers have been at the forefront of the development of MWI. With respect to medical applications, these (mostly independent) efforts have lead to the design of several microwave-based imaging devices, most of which are currently undergoing or poised for clinical trials. Such a reserve of knowledge constitutes a unique opportunity for European researchers to leverage existing experience and expertise to streamline the transition from simulation/phantom testing to full clinical trials and clinical adoption of MWI devices. Collaboration will provide a valuable non-competitive framework which will provide European researchers with the necessary structure and support to overcome common challenges and bring MWI from “research bench to patient bedside” in a much shorter period of time, boosting the European Research Area and its excellence in a worldwide context. Experience in the commercial evaluation of MWI devices will also be shared amongst COST participants. Acron / Ref KALens AO/1-7493/13/NL/AD Title Compact Lens-Based Mechanically Steered Ka-Band user Terminal Antenna Funding ESA-ESTEC Descript. The main objective of the project is to develop a compact low-profile lens-based mechanically steered Ka-band antenna for satellite mobile user terminals. It is intended as a single aperture antenna to operate simultaneously in the downlink and uplink bands with circular polarization, the scanning being achieved by in-plane lens translation over a fixed feed. The pros and cons of translating the feed with fixed lens will be also addressed. Besides the feed design, it requires the identification of an adequate lens type, its fabrication technology and its design. Acron / Ref EnAcoMIMOC o EXPL/EEI-TEL/2408/2013 Title Enhanced Underwater Acoustic Receiver Design for MIMO Communications Funding FCT Descript. The underwater world offers an immense space with an enormous potential, especially for a country as is Portugal that has one of the biggest marine zones in Europe (Exclusive Economic Zone, the 3º largest in Europe and 11º largest in the world). A fundamental part for withdrawing the full potential of this natural resource is to solve the problem of 47 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS high-bandwidth underwater communications. This project aims to develop signal processing schemes that will enable for high bandwidth underwater acoustic (UWA) communications using aggregates of sources and hydrophones (Multiple Input, Multiple Output - MIMO) between mobile emitters and receivers. In radio communications, MIMO systems allows for considerable gains in the transmitted throughput and reliability, what has recently made several research groups to consider them for UWA. However, the propagation channel in UAC has characteristics substantially different than that of radio channels; since it has a high variability in both time and frequency (i.e., the channel is doubly selective). Besides that, the noise presents impulsive characteristics, for which the normal Gaussian model is inadequate. So being, the use of techniques for the normal radio channel without specific modifications would give rise to high performance degradation in UAC. This being, the main purpose of this project is to develop and assess the performance of transmission techniques for MIMO-UWA systems. The project will begin by selecting relatively simple channel models to account for the doubly selective specificities of the doubly selective UWA channel model. Adequate models to characterize the impulsive noise specifications of the channel will also be selected, in order to permit adequate analytical processing. Afterwards, special transmission techniques specially designed for MIMO-UWA will be developed. These techniques will be based on MIMO-OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) and MIMO SC-FDE (Single Carrier- Frequency Domain Equalization) [BFDT10], combined with IB-DFE (Iterative Block-Decision Feedback Equalizer) [Benvenuto_Dinis_ProceedingsIEEE2010]. The channel will be estimated by taking advantage of Delay-Doppler Spread Functions (DDSF) [ZGB10_2]. We will exploit the sparsity of DDSFs for the envisaged patterns of motion and their spatial correlation to derive fast MIMO estimation methods using basis pursuit, as well as techniques to compensate for deviations of the carrier’s frequency (CFO – Carrier Frequency Offset) [PDN10]. In the case of OFDM modulation, techniques to reduce the PAPR(Peak-toAverage Power Ratio) will be employed based on non-linear devices [DG04, DSA09], so that a greater amplification efficiency can be attained, as well as adequate receivers for non-linear systems [Guerreiro2012,Guerreiro2013]. The developed MIMO systems will be validated with realistic Matlab simulations, a program yet to be developed and adapted with blocks already implemented by the different persons of the research team. This program will serve as a demonstrator/ prototype for the project. Acron / Ref MANY2COMWIN EXPL/EEI-TEL/0969/2013 Title Many-to-Many COMmunication Architectures for WIreless Networks Funding FCT 48 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Descript. The main innovation aspects that MANY2COMWIN project brings in are: - an extension of the proposed iterative frequency-domain MPR technique for SC-FDE systems to be used in a full-duplex channel; - a novel decentralized PHY/MAC architecture to support M2O communications; - a novel decentralized PHY/MAC architecture to support M2M communications; - the implementation of both M2O and M2M architectures in a network simulator; - the identification of future aspects, according to the results obtained in the project; Acron / Ref R2D2 EP/L006251/1 Title Network error control for Rapid and Reliable Data Delivery Funding Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Descript. Long-Term Evolution (LTE), the dominant system for fourth generation (4G) networks, has introduced state-of-the-art fountain coding to support wireless content streaming and downloading. Even though fountain coding can be combined with collaborative network coding to reduce network overhead and improve bandwidth efficiency, there is great scope for tailoring transceiver designs to the requirements of content distribution and for developing radically new paradigms capable of supporting high quality media in next generation systems. The R2D2 project aims to: - Develop a mathematical framework to identify key relationships between various network parameters, contribute to the understanding of network dynamics and assist in the system-level optimisation of network-coded architectures. - Leverage the benefits of joint channel coding and network coding and propose joint transceiver designs for content delivery. Delve into the emerging research field of network error correction and develop practical implementations of unified channel codes and network codes that can offer high reliability, low decoding complexity and increased security from malicious users. Acron / Ref GOLD PEST2013 Title GOLD - Using Geo-Positioned Indicators for Self-Optimization of LTE Data Networks Funding FCT Descript. Develop novel concepts, methods and algorithms for the efficient self-optimization of LTE wireless networks with the objective of enhancing network capacity, coverage and service quality, while contributing to significant Operational Expenditure (OPEX) reduction. 49 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref TRAP C00355 Title Trapping Light in Open Resonators Funding IT/LA Descript. • Investigate theoretically and experimentally the potentials of new open resonators based on ENZ-type shields at microwaves. • Investigate nonlinear effects. • Extend to electronics our approach of having bound photonic states coupled to the continuum. Acron / Ref HETCOP PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Title Joint Cooperative and Cognitive Strategies for Heterogeneous Wireless Systems Funding FCT Descript. The main technical objectives of the project are to design, implement and validate a set of techniques that enables efficient coexistence of heterogeneous systems (macro and smallcells). The aim is to design and demonstrate practical joint cooperative and cognitive transmission/reception techniques to improve the user’s fairness and throughput of the entire network. The specific objectives include: •Design linear precoding techniques to mitigate both intra-system (on each smallcell or macro-cell) and inter-systems (smallcell/macrocell) interferences. We consider that some terminals are equipped with cognitive capabilities to efficient design the precoders, namely the ones used to mitigate the inter-system interference. •Design joint precoding and detection techniques for uplink to mitigate both intra/intersystem interferences. The aim is to combine the interference alignment with efficient equalization schemes (e.g. IB-DFE based ones). •Design efficient signaling strategies both for the feedback of wireless link information and distribution among the cooperating network elements, aiming to optimize the tradeoff between achieved performance and signaling overhead. Moreover, particular emphasis will be placed on inter-system feedback and quantization strategies. •Assessment and validation of the proposed downlink and uplink algorithms under realist scenarios, trough a multilink level simulator based on LTE specification. •Development of an FPGA based testing infrastructure allowing to experimentally show 50 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS the feasibility of the proposed algorithms. We extend the FPGA infrastructure developed in the previous IT/CELCOP project for the envisioned heterogeneous network. Selected algorithms (the simplest ones) will be tested in this infrastructure. Besides these technical objectives we also aim and consider of high importance the following objectives, •Attract students for a career in R&D in the field of telecommunications. •Promotion of research collaborations between research groups within the Instituto de Telecomunicações. Acron / Ref GALNC EXPL/EEI-TEL/1582/2013 Title Generalized Linear Amplification with Nonlinear Components for broadband wireless systems Funding FCT Descript. Broadband wireless systems require high power and spectral efficiencies, and transmission over severely time-dispersive channels. In this research theme we consider the design and implementation of digital transmission techniques with high power and spectral efficiency to be employed in the uplink of mobile systems or in satellite communications. We consider SC-FDE techniques (Single- Carrier with FrequencyDomain Equalization) combined with powerful IB-DFE (Iterative Block Decision Feedback Equalizer) receivers [Ben10]. Our main goal is to design signals with low PAPR (Peak-toAverage Power Ratio) or even quasi-constant envelope and high spectral efficiency and employ amplification techniques based on low-cost, highly efficient grossly NL (NonLinear) amplifiers (e.g., class D and E amplifiers), which are simpler and have higher amplification and output power than quasi-linear amplifiers [Rey06]. Two approaches will be followed. The first one uses LINC techniques (Linear amplification with Nonlinear Components) [Cox74], where a variable-envelope signal is decomposed as the sum of two constant-envelope signals, which are separately amplified without distortion by two NL amplifiers. Although LINC techniques seem an efficient solution for our problem, they have the following problems: -The power amplification efficiency reduces with the PAPR of the signals at the LINC input; -The LINC decomposition is performed on a sampled version of the signals and the oversampling requirements can be very high, mainly due to signals’ zero crossings; -The two amplifiers must be perfectly matched, since amplifiers’ unbalances lead to performance degradation and out-of-band radiation. To maximize amplification efficiency we use MM (Magnitude Modulation) techniques [Tom02, Gom09, Gom10] so as to reduce the PAPR of the signals at LINC input. Appropriate MM techniques will be developed so as to avoid zero-crossings and the IB- 51 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS DFE receiver will be designed taking into account the adopted MM schemes and eventual residual amplifier unbalances. The impact of phase and gain mismatches on performance and out-of-band radiation will be studied to define amplifiers’ matching requirements. The second approach is less orthodox and takes advantage of the following: -A given constellation can be decomposed as the sum of binary components [Din10]; -The complex envelope of OQPSK (Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) signals at an appropriate frequency can be regarded as BPSK signals [Amo77]; -OQPSK signals can have quasi-constant envelope. Therefore, a given constellation can be decomposed as the sum of several constant-envelope BPSK (or OQPSK) components that can be separately amplified without distortion by different NL amplifiers, as in LINC transmitters, but without oversampling requirements. One problem with this approach is that the band of constant envelope BPSK/OQPSK signals is much wider than the minimum Nyquist bandwidth. For this reason, we replace each BPSK/OQPSK component by an OQPSK-type signal (which is also the sum of OQPSK terms) specially designed to have quasi-constant envelope and good spectral characteristics [Mon10]. This approach is suitable for somewhat loose spectral restrictions. If not, we separate different frequency channels to the minimum Nyquist band and design FDE receivers able to cope with strong ACI levels (Adjacent Channel Interference) by combining the techniques of [Din05,Luz09] with receivers specially designed for offset modulations [Mar09,Luz12]. With this approach, amplifiers’ unbalances do not lead to out-of-band radiation, however they can lead to performance degradation. The proposed techniques will be studied both analytically and by simulation, to check the potential and limitations of each one, taking into account achievable performance, spectral efficiency robustness and complexity issues. The main contributions of this project are the following: -Design of OQPSK-type signals with quasi-constant envelope and good spectral characteristics; Design of MM schemes specially designed to be combined with LINC-type techniques, namely to reduce the oversampling requirements; -Design MM schemes for offset modulations and different pulse shapes; -Design of linear amplification schemes for general constellations that employ multiple (more than two) grossly NL amplifiers; -FDE design of MM and OQPSK-type schemes, with or without ACI, eventually taking into account residual amplifiers’ mismatches; -Definition of matching requirements for multiamplifier techniques; -Validation and system simulation for most promising techniques; Acron / Ref L-DimM-NetCod P1275 Title Large-Dimensional MIMO Physical Layer Network Coding Funding IT/LA Descript. The L-DimM-NetCod project aims to delve into the emerging fields of massive MIMO and 52 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS physical layer network coding (PLNC), making use of a common geometric perspective based on lattice theory. The objective is to design PLNC schemes that are robust for terminals and, more importantly, relays, with a large number of antennas and for cells with a large number of user terminals. These schemes are to be assessed with typical channel models for indoor and outdoor scenarios so that an operational meaning is given to the spectral efficiency of the schemes in comparison to traditional TDMA. Acron / Ref VADONetC - Title Simplified Volterra analysis for dynamical optical networks compensation Funding IT/LA Descript. 1 - the definition of a modeling procedure for the communications channel that allows its postcompensation. In this activity one should consider as a starting point the physical model provided by the Volterra Series Transfer Function and study the inclusion of some black box terms that can improve its performance by introducing the possibility to be adapted according to slight variations in the system to be modeled. 2 - Implement the practical details associated with the implementation of such systems in real pre/postcompensation scenarios. Acron / Ref MEMCOPAs EXPL/EEI-TEL/0851/2013 Title Memory-Effects Compensation in GaN Power Amplifiers Funding FCT Descript. Nowadays, it is unquestionable that communication systems play a very important role in our daily routine. Wireless systems, in particular, are growing in such a way that people have difficulty living without the services already available. This being the case, any big change, or improvement, in terms of power consumption in these systems will certainly have a big impact on what the available resources usage is concerned. Moreover, it is not acceptable that technology uses more and more resources in an unthinkable way without trying to be as efficient as possible. This project comes exactly in this direction as it tries to push further state-of-the-art systems that, unfortunately, have their own problems inherent to their infancy. Having that in mind, this project is focused on the design and implementation of a memory-free wireless transmitter built with GaN transistors. It is undeniable that this technology was a breakthrough in what efficient and available power are concerned. Unfortunately, it still suffers from several 53 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS problems that are yet to be solved. Therefore, the above referred main objective of this project can be tackled according to the following different, but interrelated, goals: (i) It is recognized that, for understanding something in nature, first we need to carefully characterize it. In what memory-effects in GaN transistors are concerned the methodology has to be the same. So, the objective is to fully characterize them using a set of reference measurements such as: - static and dynamic AM/AM and AM/PM amplitude sweeps; - step-up and step-down output power and phase measurements going from small- into large-signal regimes; - S-parameters for the bias circuitry and matching networks characterization. (ii) Modeling memory-effects in commercial computer added design simulators making it possible to replicate, in a virtual environment, the real operation of the device and search, in a more flexible way, for the necessary solutions. (iii) Correct the memory-effects (short- and long-term) visible in todays’ power amplifiers and prove it with a complete prototype implementation. Acron / Ref BenchProM PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013/BenchProM Title Benchmarks for High-resolution Mobile Radiowave Propagation Models Funding IT/LA Descript. High-resolution propagation models may be of significance to a wide range of wireless communication systems. However, the proposed activity will address only for outdoor, mobile propagation, with the target application of such models being for network design rather than for the design of air interfaces. The main deliverables envisaged for this project are: (i) a framework for high resolution mobile propagation benchmarks; and (ii) a measurement database consisting of hundreds of measurements made during the course of the project. These will consist of measurements at different locations, geometries and scenarios. Acron / Ref RFWALL IT/PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013/RFWALL Title RF transparency control of building wall structures in the Iberian context Funding IT/LA Descript. This project aims at studying new propagation enhancement (and reduction) techniques using Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) for interference mitigation, coverage enhancement and wireless security in indoor radio environments. Development deployment and construction of new FSS structures will be addressed through theoretical investigations as well as experimental data gathering and model validation at varies frequencies, from 400 MHz up to 62.4 GHz. FSS are envisaged to be deployed to 54 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS either selectively confine radio propagation in indoor areas, by artificially increasing the radio transmission loss naturally caused by building walls, or to channel radio signals into other areas of interest. Acron / Ref MultiSound PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013/MultiSound Title Improvement of a multi-frequency swept-time delay cross-correlation channel sounder for propagation studies and SAR imagery Funding IT/LA Descript. The objective of this research is to build upon the existing 18, 37 and 61 GHz narrowband (CW) systems already developed under the project POSC/EEACPS/57481/2004 and other previous internal calls of IT-Coimbra (2009 and 2010), in order to incorporate the intermediate stage (IF) of the swept-time delay crosscorrelation channel sounder that was developed and successfully implemented by the authors in 2010 [2]. The integration of the existing IF stage into a highly scalable RF stage would represent an incremental step and also a strategic extension of the RF measurement facilities available at IT, particularly for a multi-frequency measurement system capable of measuring channel impulse response, in addition to the dynamic effects, including Doppler spectra for each individual multipath component, of doubly selective propagation channels. The proposed topology for the channel sounder has the portability to be quickly and easily re-located to various measurement sites, as well as the flexibility to characterise a wide variety of frequencies, e.g. 18, 37 and 61 GHz. This is of significance interest for 5G propagation models development. Acron / Ref DCFSS-PEV MEC/MCTI/CAPES/CNPq/FAPs Nº 71/2013 Title Development of Chipless RFID Systems with Frequency Selective Surfaces Funding CAPES/CNPq Descript. Analysis, design and fabrication of frequency selective surfaces to be used in chipless RFID systems. 55 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref WMAN ADI/POC 38985 Title WMAN Funding QREN Descript. Development of a passive wireless sensor network Acron / Ref COST IC1301 IC1301 Title COST-IC1301 WIPE Funding EU Descript. COST IC1301 - COST action on Wireless Power Transmission. Acron / Ref CARCODE QREN 30345 Title Platform for Smart Car to Car Content Delivery Funding QREN Descript. CarCoDe is the ICT experts’ response to develop a software platform for automotive domain which evokes the https://www.it.pt/generation of the traffic service domain ecosystem. The aim is that the tools are automotive, device and operating system independent software for allowing third party developers to generate new innovative applications. The main aim is to build cross-platform software enablers to support development of co-operative in-vehicle services. ICT R&D is needed to facilitate the wide variety of software applications with different characteristics and requirements that shape the future of the European automotive domain. The challenges to be solved are scalability, communication cost, information abundance and service dependability and security. These problems are solved with communication medium agnostic content centric networking, improved data redundancy between applications and distributed design with virtualization. 56 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref BENEFIC 38887 Title Best ENergy EFficiency solutions for heterogeneous multI-core Communicating systems Funding QREN Descript. The main objective of BENEFIC will be in providing a holistic approach integrating new sources of energy harvesting, innovative approaches of distributing energy closer to places where it is used. The new methods developed in this project will allow a better prediction and management strategies of power consumption at the architecture definition level. Acron / Ref CRS-i FP7- 318563 Title Cognitive Radio Standardization-initiative: from FP7 research to global standards Funding EU/FPT Descript. CRS-i is a FP7 Coordination and Support action with the main objective to facilitate the exploitation of results from Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Access research projects by strengthening their impact on standardization. Acron / Ref ACCUS 333020 Title ACCUS Funding FCT/JU Descript. Urban systems like traffic, energy, and outdoor lighting are managed by self-contained embedded systems. New applications and collective optimization require integration of these systems, presenting a “systems of systems” integration problem, managing emergent behavior and taking non-availability of components as the norm. ACCUS aims at methodologies and tools for creating these “systems of systems”. Acron / Ref E2SG 296131 Title Energy to Smart Grid Funding FCT 57 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Descript. “Energy to Smart Grid” will design mechanisms and policies to assemble, monitor and control smart grids in the most efficient / reliable way, through the development and demonstration of key enabling technologies in the following areas: node-grid interfaces, grid-sensing/metering, over-the-grid communication, grid-topology and control, energy routing. Acron / Ref CODELANCE 285969 Title CODELANCE Funding EU/FPT Descript. To develop an efficient product for video surveillance over wireless multihop networks to support services like traffic monitoring, fire detection and real-time events (such as natural disasters) broadcasting. Acron / Ref THINGS2DO THINGS2DO Title THINGS2DO Funding FCT/JU Descript. THINGS2DO is a project addressing the JU subareas of 1) Energy Efficiency and 2) Design technologie. THINGS2DO project is focused on building the Design & Development Ecosystem for FD-SOI-technology. Acron / Ref FLEXICELL ADI 38901 Title FLEXICELL Funding ADI/QREN Descript. Mobile networks are subject to an explosive increase in use, focusing on video and multimedia services, in a context of continued mobility, which imposes requirements to telecommunication networks in order to withstand this type of use, without any decrease on quality of service experienced. In order to ensure these requirements, the IT sector is developing mobile networks, mainly on the mobile segment, based on the increase of radio cells which will tend to be smaller in a coverage sense (small cells). On the other hand, in an attempt to maximize the utilization of network resources while 58 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS minimizing power consumption, the concept of ''Cloud RAN'', an architecture in which the component BBU (Base Band Unit) is shared by several RRH (Remote Radio Heads) is starting to be thinking off. This architecture will further re-use the resources, by allowing the BBU to be simultaneously used and to support various access technologies (2G, 3G and 4G). This functionality is achieved through the use of specific protocols, including CPRI and ORI. Although there is an evolution in network optimization with C-RAN, currently, looking ahead in order to go even further, network optimization can be promoted with the use of metro and access networks, including fixed ones (including SOPs) to support mobile backhaul networks. In order to overcome CPE/RRH current limitations, PT INOVAÇÃO and IT are launching this project that faces the challenge of joining the concepts of ''Small Cell'', ''Cloud RAN'' and ''infrastructure sharing'' in an integrated and unified architecture. Acron / Ref Ray-BaM PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013/BenchProM Title Ray trace based model for micro- and millimeter-wave propagation through vegetation Funding IT/LA Descript. To increase the knowledge of the research group on the propagation of radio waves through vegetation; To build up the existing model range for radiowave propagation through vegetation with a novel ray tracing approach; To find strategies to effectively characterise the vegetation in terms of radiowave propagation parameters and to find techniques to infer these parameters from the characteristics of the vegetation; To find methods suitable for the characterisation of the dynamic effects inherent in the radiopath when wind is present; To develop a model capable of dealing with various kinds of forests (both homogenous and inhomogeneous) and capable of being integrated with other propagation prediction tools; To assess the behaviour of the proposed models base on comparison with actual measurement performed in various environments. Acron / Ref VALUE PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Title Novel dual-band balanced antennas for 700/2600 Mhz LTE frequency bands Funding IT/LA Descript. The goal of VALUE project is to design, fabricate and test a novel family of compact and low-profile balanced antennas suitable for integration with mobile handsets.They will be designed for the latest mobile standards referred to as 4th generation or LTE, and 59 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS operating within the range between 700 to 2600 MHz frequency bands with a workable bandwidth and acceptable power gain. This investigation also encompasses the impact on performance and specific absorption rate (SAR). Acron / Ref E-COOP Energy-efficient High-Speed Cost-effective COOPerative backhaul for LTE/LTEA Small cells Title Energy-efficient High-Speed Cost-effective COOPerative backhaul for LTE/LTE-A Small cells Funding IT/LA Descript. The E-COOP project aims to extend the notion of femto applications towards outdoor by employing ''ubiquitous Small cell” access, offering energy efficient, cost-effective, high speed connectivity to support current and future services. Acron / Ref WINCE C00356 Title Wireless Interference and Coding for Secrecy Funding IT/LA Descript. The main goal of this project is to advance the state-of-the art on physical-layer techniques to secure wireless networks under eavesdropper adversaries that aim to overhear unintended information. The almost-permanent connectivity of people and things to the Internet that we are currently approaching poses several security and privacy challenges, such as how to assure confidentiality in spontaneous networks of unknown users/devices, where key-exchange is deemed difficult. Physical-layer security is gaining interest as a means to provide an extra layer of security that does not depend on the traditional cryptographic key-exchange, but takes advantage of the inherent varying characteristics of wireless channels to establish secure communication. In this work, we plan to develop, implement and evaluate practical physical-layer security techniques based on coding and spread spectrum methods. In particular, we plan to develop interleaving for secrecy mechanisms, where the access to a degraded version of the interleaving key acts as the source of advantage over an adversary eavesdropper. Moreover, to provide periods of advantageous communication for interleaving key exchange, we shall develop spread spectrum frequency-hopping mechanisms combined with jamming over eavesdroppers and tailor the operation of such mechanisms to provide the highest possible advantage over the eavesdropper. The developed 60 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS techniques shall form the basis for more evolved physical-layer security schemes, such as combined with cognitive radios – intelligent radio interfaces that can be programmed and configured dynamically to react more intelligently to environment changes – to enable embedded security services in the next generation of spectrum efficient wireless networks. Acron / Ref GRAPHENE C00368 Title Graphene Superlattices Funding IT/LA Descript. The main goals of this project are: • Characterization of the time dynamics of electron waves in GSLs using parallel computational methods • Tailor the conductivity and nonlinear electric response of graphene. Acron / Ref NEWPASS 23183 Title Newpass Funding QREN Descript. NEWP@SS targets the development of advanced (microelectronics and embedded SW) secure platforms suitable for the coming of the 3rd and 4th e-Passport generation currently under discussion at the ICAO (hence usable and recognized as approved travel document at European and International level). Acron / Ref REACH ICI+/2014/342-896 Title Rural Broadband Internet Access using Cooperative Mesh Networking in White Space Spectrum Funding EU/FPT Descript. This project aims to develop a strong cluster-to-cluster partnership between research centres in the EU and India to develop advanced technical solutions for providing high- 61 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS speed broadband Internet access in India by deploying cooperative mesh networking in the unlicensed (white) spectrum. Acron / Ref SPEED-5G Title SPEED-5G Funding EU Descript. The objective of SPEED-5G is to research and develop technologies that address the wellknown challenges of predicted growth in mobile connections and traffic volume. A major challenge is the cost of meeting the objective, in terms of both infrastructure and deployment. Today, lack of dynamic control across wireless network resources is leading to unbalanced spectrum loads and a perceived capacity bottleneck. These will be solved by SPEED-5G through eDSA (extended DSA), which is resource management with three degrees of freedom: densification, rationalized traffic allocation over heterogeneous wireless technologies, and better load balancing across available spectrum. SPEED-5G will investigate indoor and indoor/outdoor scenarios where capacity demands are the highest, but also where the eDSA will be the most effective at exploiting co-operation across technologies and bands. The project will focus on two major innovations which are currently missing: resource management techniques across technology ‘silos’, and medium access technologies to address densification in mostly unplanned environments. It will leverage flexible radio approaches expected in 5G (e.g. FBMC). SPEED-5G has a very strong consortium, with a mix of operators, industrial partners, SMEs and leading European research institutes. They bring considerable knowledge and technology background to the project in architecture, resource management, protocols, radios, standardization, trials and tests, along with the most advanced of trial facilities, like the 5GIC centre. The SPEED-5G innovations will be considered in an architectural framework consistent with the 5GPPP. They will be researched, implemented and trialled in SPEED5G in order to reach high level of maturity and confidence. This will guarantee impact on the 5GPPP program as a whole, on standards and on European technical leadership. 62 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref Pest-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Title IT Laboratório Associado Funding FCT Descript. To manage IT as a research unit, to fulfill its objectives and achieve its goals both in what regards scientific production and hosting of master and PhD students. Acron / Ref Incentivo/EEI/LA0008/2014 Title Incentivo 2014 Funding FCT Descript. To define and manage the rules for the distributions of this funding Acron / Ref IDTS IDTS - 3522 Title Infotainment Distributed Test System Funding ADI Descript. O projeto IDTS (referência n.º 3522) realizado através de uma parceria entre a empresa Controlar – Eletrónica Industrial e Sistemas, Lda. e o Instituto de Telecomunicações, cofinanciado pelo FEDER através do POCI/COMPETE2020, tem como principal objetivo criar um sistema de testes distribuído/descentralizado que permita realizar uma panóplia de testes com características díspares em várias UUTs em simultâneo. Acron / Ref TROANTE Title TROANTE – Desenvolvimento De Tecnologia Uav Para Utilização De Âmbito Conjunto E Dual Funding Ministério da Defesa Descript. Develop Radio Systems for UAV's 63 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref UID/EEA/50008/2013 Title UID/EEA/50008/2013 Funding FCT Descript. To define and manage the rules for the distributions of this funding Acron / Ref LSAPROBE Title Large Scale Assessment Of Ka/Q Band Atmospheric Channel Using The Alphasat Tdp5 Propagation Beacon Ceos Funding ESA Descript. Development of earth-satellite microwave propagation models and mainly Acron / Ref PROMOSATCOM Title Development Of High Order Propagation Models For Multimedia Satellite Communications Systems Funding ESA Descript. Development of Earth-Satellite Propagation Models at Ka-band and above 4.1.4 Summary of Research Achievements Work topic in this area included antenna design and development, waves and propagation, dedicated circuits and systems, transmission and receiving systems and radio networks. Contributing groups • Antennas and Propagation, Lx • Antennas and Propagation, Co • Antennas and Propagation, Lr • Mobile Networks, Av • Mobile Systems, Av 64 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Radio Systems, LxRadio Systems, Av • Radio Systems, Av • Wireless Circuits, Av • Wireless Circuits, Lx Antennas and Applications Work on antennas has been focused on the following main topics: antennas for UWB systems, antennas for body-area networks, antennas for microwave imaging and antennas for microwave and mm-wave applications with emphasis on Ka-band communication satellites, the latter involving an ESA project. Antennas for UWB, localization and body-area network applications ˗ Analysis of diversity gain influenced by polarization diversity in UWB antennas both in simulation and experimental work; ˗ Design of near-body low-profile UWB antennas for indoor localization applications and for communications. Performance of UWB antennas in the proximity of the human body and implanted under the skin; ˗ Systematic study of the previously developed UWB antenna (XETS antenna), aiming at its integration into an automated design tool for full-wave Electromagnetic solvers; ˗ Novel Quadrifilar Helical Antenna for RFID Applications Using Genetic Algorithms; ˗ Miniature wideband tunable antennas that can cover LTE and UWB frequency bands from 1.5 to 5.5 GHz; ˗ Experimental characterization of wearable antennas and circuits for RF energy harvesting in WBANs. ˗ Design of UWB antennas for microwave medical imaging of breast and axilla tissues. Development of appropriate phantoms, both numerical and experimental. Experimental characterization of phantom electrical characteristics. Tests of image reconstruction. Satellite antennas (ground antennas and space borne) • Developments on low-cost dielectric lens-based mechanical steerable beam antennas for dual-band Ka ground terminal satellite services: ˗ Concepts based on flat zone-plate lens, involving the design of phase delay printed elements; prototype fabrication and test; ˗ Analysis, design, optimization, fabrication and test of microstrip pacth antennas for small terminals. 65 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Design of dual-band multi-beam feeds for satellite Ka-band reflectors for satellite deck installation based on the "shared aperture" concept: • ˗ Concept based on metamaterial Fabry-Perot cavity antenna, with improved tolerance to fabrication accuracy and enhanced performance; ˗ Concept based on shaped dielectric lens with virtual foci; Analysis, design, optimization, fabrication and test of microstrip patch antenna array elements and arrays, frequency selective surfaces. Antennas for multi-gigabit wireless networks • Development of small shaped lenses for multi-gigabit wireless LANs exploring 3D printing fabrication technology and integration with mm-wave ICs at 60 GHz, 120 GHz and beyond in cooperation with University of Nice and a SME in France; Other antenna related topics ˗ Design and evaluation of novel antenna systems and novel electronic beam forming methodologies – a new approach for the analysis of a transmitarray with 2D beamsteering capability using a metamaterial transmitarray has been presented and validated by EM simulations and experimental results carried out in a 5×5 transmitarray; ˗ A Compact Dual-band Balanced Slot Antenna for LTE Applications; Waves and Propagation Work in this sub-area focused on studies of the effects of vegetation media on the propagation of radiowaves, RF measurement systems at micro- and millimeter wave frequencies, in addition to building scatter and site shielding techniques studies. Radiowave propagation modelling • Propagation through vegetation ˗ Significant progress has been achieved on the development of enhanced and more robust radiative energy transfer (RET) and ray tracing based models for vegetation media, which included, but not limited to: a three-dimensional directive antenna pattern Interpolation method; retrieving vegetation re-radiation patterns by means of artificial neural networks; a simple model for average re-radiation patterns of single trees based on weighted regression at 60 GHz; extension of the discrete RET (dRET) model to forests of thin cylinders, and microwave 66 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS propagation Modeling; a simplified RET input parameter method based on attenuation and directional spectrum measurements in vegetation media at 11.2 and 20 GHz; measurement of scattering and absorption inside a canopy using the FDTD technique; 2-D depolarization studies of single trees based on scatter Measurements at 20 and 62.4 GHz; an input parameter extraction method for point scatterer formulation in vegetation media at millimeter-wave frequencies; and a practical assessment of the 2D ray-tracing based model for propagation through vegetation using ornamental plants with varying thickness at 60 GHz. ˗ Proposal of a time-varying radiowave model in vegetation media at micro- and millimeter wave frequencies. The model is based on the discrete (Radiative Energy Transfer) theory extended to include channel dynamics, for various vegetation species and frequencies; • Propagation through-the-wall ˗ RF transparency control of building wall structures – new frequency selective surfaces (FSS) have been studied, including the proposal of a dual-band single-layer quarter ring FSS for Wi-Fi applications, in addition to the proposal of improved square loop and slot frequency selective surfaces for equivalent circuit model optimization. Additionally, a tunable square slot FSS equivalent circuit modelling and optimization, has been proposed. Nano-photonics and metamaterials ˗ Topological insulators in continuous photonic media. Development of the field of topological photonics for continuous materials. Cherns invariants for nonreciprocal media. Z_2 topological index for time-reversal invariant topological insulators. Bulk-edge correspondence. ˗ Trapping light in plasmonic and semiconductor nanostructures. Localization of a light bit with quantized energy in a meta-atom. ˗ Experimental verification of the supercoupling effect in mu-near-zero metamaterials. ˗ Novel solutions for optical isolation. Optical isolators based on a combination of a chiral metamaterial and a nonreciprocal element. Strongly asymmetric light flows with topological electronic insulators and media with a spontaneous nonreciprocal response. ˗ Electromagnetic instabilities in moving media. Optical amplification induced by the translational and rotational motion of polarizable neutral bodies or atoms. Slow-down of a globally neutral relativistic e-e+ beam shearing the vacuum. Light emission due to quantum objects, e.g. a twolevel atom. Ultra-strong and ultra-broadband Cherenkov emission in a nanowire array. ˗ Study of optical forces in metamaterials. Proposal of novel mechanisms for unusual optical manipulations. Demonstration of “optical conveyor-belts” with chiral light. ˗ Quadrupolar metamaterials: electrodynamics, homogenization and boundary conditions. ˗ Subwavelength imaging and near-field transport using a racemic array of long metallic helices. ˗ Graphene and semiconductors superlattices. Study of the time evolution of electronic states in graphene superlattices using both microscopic and macroscopic approaches. Calculation of the 67 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS optical response of graphene superlattices. Homogenization of semiconductor and graphene superlattices under the action of a nontrivial magnetic field with vanishing mean value. ˗ New analytical solutions for optical isolation of circularly polarized light based on the combination of a nonreciprocal element (either materials with a spontaneous nonreciprocal response or magnetized media such as ferrites and magneto-optical materials) and a chiral metamaterial. ˗ New analytical models to characterize surface plasmon polaritons (which typically propagate at the interface between a conventional dielectric and an electron plasma) based on two solutions: (i) single interface formed by a regular dielectric and a parallel-plate metamaterial and (ii) single interface between two waveguides containing different dielectrics. Both results were numerically validated using a full wave electromagnetic simulator. ˗ Experimental characterization of the reflectivity level of previously designed thermal blankets for telecommunication satellites based on multi-layer band gap technology (a joint project with HPS-P and ESA); ˗ Analysis of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in layered photonic crystals formed by materials with a spontaneous nonreciprocal response. Metamaterials based on fractal geometry were studied from purely theoretical and EM simulation perspectives. Two homogenization procedures were already tried for a 1-D and a 2-D fractal structures. Circuits and systems for wireless communications RF circuit design and measurement • Simulation Techniques for Multi-Rate High-Speed Circuits ˗ This research addressed the development of innovative mixed time-frequency simulation techniques specially conceived for the efficient numerical simulation of RF circuits whose stimuli are turned on and off for unknown periods of time. It also addressed the development of novel switching mode CAD tools based on automatic time-slot partition stratagems, i.e., efficient CAD tools based on automatic switching between different algorithms (numerical schemes) along the circuit simulation process. Finally, efficient numerical simulation techniques appropriate to RF circuits composed of both lumped and distributed elements driven by real modulated (i.e., multi-rate) signals were studied. • Microwave circuits testing techniques ˗ Low cost signal source - Development of a signal source for a Vector Network Analyser from 5 to 30GHz. ˗ On wafer testing - Modelling and characterization of critical on wafer passive structures up to 40GHz on a 0.13mm CMOS technology, mainly to support on wafer testing dembedding techniques and circuit design. 68 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Monolithic Integrated Circuits • • CMOS devices ˗ Bluetooth Low Energy CMOS radio - The Bluetooth Low Energy CMOS radio prototype designed in 2014 and fabricated in 2015 was tested. Several block worked as expected but some errors and mistakes were detected. This transceiver presents state of the art performance at the simulation level. A new release is under development and the chop will be submitted in 2016. ˗ CMOS active filters - Study of active inductors with a CMOS 0.13mm Si Technology and their application on active filters continue to be performed. Further results on grounded active inductors were obtained in cooperation with the Integrated Circuits Group, IT Lisbon. An active filter with grounded active inductors was designed for 14 GHz. A study of floating inductors has started already with some reasonable results up to X band. ˗ SiGe BiCMOS active inductors - Further studies on active inductors in 0.25mm SiGe BiCMOS technology were performed based on previous designed and fabricated prototypes. ˗ CMOS dc-dc converter - A fast switching fully integrated CMOS dc-dc converter was designed in 130nm technology. The topology was a buck converter (3.3V to 1.2V), the switching frequency was 500MHz, and the inductor is fully integrated (L=13nH, Rdc = 6 Ohm). In terms of performance a maximum output current of 125mA with 30% efficiency was achieved. ˗ Study of Multi-band RF/microwave filters with coupled structures for multi-standard multifrequency wireless communication systems. ˗ Empirical Modelling of FDSOI CMOS Inverter for Signal/Power Integrity Simulation; ˗ IBIS Model Formulation and Extraction for SPI Evaluation. Applications of CMOS monolithic technology ˗ CMOS power management - Studies on very-high frequency CMOS DC-DC boost converters for very low power applications in the field of energy harvesting were started. ˗ Substrate isolation techniques - Substrate isolation techniques concerning fully CMOS compatible methodology, which makes available a pseudo deep n-well in single-well standard CMOS process, were studied. A method was proposed based on mask manipulation to accommodate the field implant p-type region into the n-well, and does not require any additional masks or modification in the CMOS process flow. According to the experimental results, the floating NMOS made available by the methodology shows a reduction in the threshold voltage, which implies a slight improvement in its performance, when compared with its standard NMOS counterpart. It was also experimentally demonstrated up to 3 GHz, that the guard-ring field implant/pseudo deep n-well proposed structure improves substrate noise isolation. ˗ CMOS Temperature sensors - Studies were initiated on CMOS temperature sensors for wireless sensors networks. These sensors make use of ultra-low power analogue to digital converters. The ADCs under study are sigma-delta type. 69 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Power Amplifier Design • Trap and Thermal Long-Term Dynamics of GaN HEMT Based Amplifiers ˗ Known to jeopardize the linearity performance of GaN HEMT devices, long-term memory is due to either deep-level traps of the semiconductor and its interfaces, or to the device’s electrothermal dynamics. The research work conducted in 2015 to handle these issues was directed to both the equivalent circuit level modeling of GaN high power devices and by extracting PA and DPD behavioral models at the system level. The investigation of this topic was framed within two major projects: MEMCOPAS funded by FCT and DhPAM funded by Huawei Technologies, Sweden. • RF PA Efficiency Degradation under Concurrent Band Operation ˗ The effects of concurrent band operation on power amplifiers, in particular on what the efficiency degradation (w.r.t. traditional single band operation) is concerned, received a significant level of attention, These studies, contucted under Huawei funded project DhPAM, have already provided some preliminary results that were found very important for future ITAveiro – Huawei project collaborations. • RF Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling ˗ This topic addressed the identification of the sources of dynamic (memory) distortion effects in PA circuits, when subjected to wideband signals, which was then followed by the implementation and testing of PA characterization methods based on the measured PA dynamic behavior when responding to two-tone excitation signals. Radio front-end electronics ˗ A Novel Multi-standard Dual-Wide Band Polygon SLSIR Filter ˗ Towards a Green Energy RF Power Amplifier for LTE Applications ˗ Tunable bandpass filters using Varactor technology for legacy and future emerging mobile systems (LTE/LTE-A) Transmission and Receiving Systems Wireless systems employing cooperative diversity / relaying • Diversity achievable with interference alignment algorithms and the joint design of user grouping and PHY transmission algorithms in multiuser scenarios. Novel topics were initiated in sunspace tracking for interference alignment. In terms of implementation FPGA demonstrator for interference alignment with two BS’s and two UEs was achieved. ˗ Interference alignment for distributed antenna systems ˗ Precoding techniques for Coordinated Multipoint based networks 70 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • • ˗ Power allocation strategies for MIMO-OFDM based systems ˗ Analysis of the front-haul requirements ˗ Requirements for ultra-dense networks ˗ Hardware implementation in FPGA of selected algorithms Cooperative communications for relay selection in next generation mobile systems using coalitional game theory. Dynamic configuration and optimization of WiMAX networks with relay power saving modes: measurement-based scenario in a hilly region. RADIO systems ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ Performance Evaluation of Spatial Modulation and QOSTBC for MIMO System Limits of MIMO with large antenna arrays; Interference suppression using MIMO and physical layer network coding; The two-way relay channel combining massive MIMO and physical-layer network coding; Detection of massive multiple-input multiple output (massive MIMO) using randomised algorithms; Study and application of convex optimization methods for MIMO transmissions; Channel estimation for SISO and MIMO channels; Interference suppression with linear and non-linear filtering techniques for in-band fullduplex; Theoretical aspects of full-duplex wireless communications. Properties of the selfinterference power were studied, namely its distribution when single and multiple rays of a Rayleigh channel are considered; Study and application of interference mitigation for single carrier and OFDM transmissions; Study of Multiuser Detection schemes for the uplink of clustered 5G systems with Universal Frequency Reuse; Study of spatial modulation schemes that exploit the use of multiple transmitting antennas and implementation of low complexity demodulation algorithms for green heterogeneous networks; Study of White Space Devices. ˗ Development of new magnitude modulation (MM) techniques for offset constellations, named ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ Ring-type MM; ˗ Improved performance LINC system (better combination power efficiency) through the use of ring-type MM; ˗ Iterative block-frequency domain equalisers (IB-DFE) receivers for LINC-type systems. 71 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ˗ Some related subjects were also tackled, launching the basis of future research. They were: ˗ IB-DFE and MM on the context of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and cooperative systems; ˗ Overview and comparison of PAPR reduction algorithms for coded OFDM systems and seeing up PAPR optimisation as a constrained optimisation problem; ˗ Development of a new block-window burst OFDM technique. ˗ Development of a new multilayer massive-MIMO architecture for communications at mm-Wave. ˗ Research on Visible Light Communications (VLC) systems for localisation purposes of automated guided vehicle (AGV). ˗ Perfect sequences for communication systems with CDMA or OCDMA were investigated for low cost indoor positioning systems. A new method to implement perfect sequences with SuperStructured Fibre Bragg Gratings (SSFBGs) with a new error probability upper bound was developed and evaluated. ˗ Coordination of communications for loaded WiFi areas. We further evolved our autosynchronizing TDMA framework (RATDMA) for contending transmitters, which does not use clock synchronization, with automatic slot adjustment to the effective load submitted by each transmitter. Software Defined Radio ˗ Development of all digital radios, fully FPGA based, in this area radios based on digital waveforms are completely build using FPGA schemes ˗ Development of low cost SDR RFID readers for integration in large system areas ˗ Development of new mixed-signal instrumentation and modelling techniques to be used in mixed-signal devices, in this area the proposal of D-parameters were made for characterization of RF-DAC’s and ADC’s. Architectures, algorithms / protocols for wireless systems • The future wireless systems should fulfil several goals, among which: provision of true broadband wireless access and enhanced system capacity when compared to current 4th Generation (4G) networks. To achieve a generalized deployment, all the technical solutions are constrained by the capital and operational expenditures and should provide the required flexibility to allow upgradeability and reconfigurability. This requires the definition of novel architectures and the appropriate algorithms / protocols. Cooperation based on remote radio heads are a promising architecture but it brings significant challenges, since the fact we no longer have a link but multiple links raises significantly the complexity of the problem. 72 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS The addressed topics were: ˗ Interference alignment for distributed antenna systems; ˗ Precoding techniques for Coordinated Multipoint based networks; ˗ Power allocation strategies for MIMO-OFDM based systems; ˗ Linear and non-linear precoding techniques; ˗ Receiver optimization; ˗ Analysis of the front-haul requirements; ˗ Requirements for ultra-dense networks; ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ Hardware implementation in FPGA of selected algorithms. Energy efficient clustering for small cell networks Self-Organized Energy Efficient Scheduling in LTE-A A Null Space-based MAC Scheme against Pollution Attacks in Random Linear Network Coding Efficient Privacy Preserving Security Protocol for VANETs with Sparse Infrastructure Deployment Effect of noisy channels in MAC-based SSDF counter-mechanisms for 5G cognitive radio networks Analysis of a Homomorphic MAC-based Scheme against Tag Pollution in RLNC-Enabled Wireless Networks Toward Secure Network Coding-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks in Cyber-Physical Systems TV White Spaces with Geo-location Database Access: Practical Considerations and Trials in Europe Enhanced Authentication for WLAN-EPS Interworking Systems ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ Towards 5G: Context Aware Resource Allocation for Energy Saving 3G radio network planning for a mobile network operator. Automatic network checkup for mobility features in 3G networks. Development of novel concepts, methods and algorithms for the efficient self-optimization of Long term Evolution (LTE) wireless networks, optimizing the several Radio Resource Management (RRM) parameters in order to balance variations in the system operation, traffic, mobility and also radio propagation conditions. Detailing of the required input data for the UMTS and LTE optimization process, its statistical accuracy and the methods of information retrieval. Several sources of information are being used, such as Operation and Maintenance (O&M) performance measurements, geo-located O&M traces, as well as drive tests, combining air interface measurements with location information. Test and validation of the developed concepts and methods for self-optimization, through extensive simulation experiments, using a simulation platform developed from scratch. In 2015, the focused algorithms concern neighbor relation definition and optimization, crossed sector detection, coverage optimization, capacity analysis and 4G performance prediction based on 2G/3G existing measurements. 73 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ Transmitted power formulation for the implementation of spectrum aggregation in LTEAdvanced over 800 MHz and 2 GHz frequency bands. Economic Tradeoff in the Optimization of Enhanced Multi-Band Scheduling for Carrier Aggregation in LTE-Advanced Scenarios for Future Teleinfrastructure. Energy savings in 3G using dynamic spectrum access and base station sleep modes. LTE-Advanced Radio and HetNet Optimization: Basic Coverage and Interference Constraints. Wireless network optimization, considering in-band full-duplex (IBFD), multipacket reception (MPR) and cognitive radio (CR) techniques. The combination of IBFD and MPR were shown to improve the network capacity and new medium access control protocols (MAC) were proposed. MAC design was based in PHY layer performance models, and follow optimal access patterns identified in the PHY layer studies. New optimized MAC was also proposed for CR networks. Design of distributed medium access control schemes for cognitive radio networks. A novel protocol for decentralized cognitive radio networks was presented and theoretically characterized, which relies on a distributed way of operation. The main rationale of the proposed protocol is to operate in a single channel, such as the ones already available in the TV white spaces, and to improve the throughput of the network by properly schedule the secondary users in an efficient way. Theoretical work to characterize the probability density function of the service time experienced by an unlicensed user when the statistics of channel utilization by the licensed users is known. Based on the achievements, it was proposed a method to estimate the service time in real-time. Coordination of unlicensed users in shared spectrum scenarios. The goal is to identify the main factors to authorize new unlicensed users to access the spectrum, when the spectrum is simultaneously being utilized by other users. Different properties of the aggregate interference in a spectrum shared scenario were studied, and the conclusions of this work will support future steps to propose a spectrum authorization methodology based on the interference sensed by the nodes. Research on new MAC layer solutions to achieve sub-millisecond delays for future 5G networks. These included analysis of the performance of alternative non-orthogonal PHY layer alternatives (Filter Bank MultiCarrier and Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing), and evaluating their synchronization and configuration requirements to the MAC layer. Analysis and implementation of IPSec security protocol in LTE access network. Efficient access of mobile flows to a heterogeneous wireless network infrastructure. Networking challenges imposed by cloud computing services. Security and management issues imposed by Big Data applications. Support of mobile flows transparently to the end-users – i.e. using Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) – in terms of the solution aspects related with flow scalability and latency. Mesh networks with handheld mobile devices; study of energy-aware metrics to be deployed in the standardized mesh routing protocol. Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol (HWMP) of IEEE 802.11s to extend network lifetime when some mesh nodes are battery-powered. 74 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ˗ ˗ ˗ ˗ Contribution on using handheld mobile devices on mesh networks with better acknowledge of energy and connectivity metrics. Progress on multi-access, multi-homing for LTE. Advanced enhancements using femtocells, in particular IP flow routing via different access systems, enabling the dynamic movement of IP flows between access systems (offloading) and support for handovers when the UE handles multiple flows. Progress on an experimental framework that provides 3D Video QoE estimates by using values from some of the parameters that characterize the network conditions. Resource management of heterogeneous, small dimension and geographically dispersed cloud computing systems • Development and validation of digital predistortion (DPD) techniques to compensate the nonlinear effects of high power PAs, including long-term memory effects was carried out. For that, long-term memory effects caused by electro-thermal phenomena and semiconductor electron traps were carefully studied and technique for their mitigation devised. This research was framed by the Huawei funded project DhPAM. Some preliminary studies on PA linearization techniques based on analog components (analog predistortion) were also investigated. • • Wireless Sensors ˗ GSM/RF Localization Algorithms on a Sensor Nodes Network. ˗ Radiofrequency (RF) energy harvesting for wearable sensors. ˗ Wearable technologies and wireless body sensor networks for healthcare. ˗ Carbon fiber epoxy composites for both strengthening and health monitoring of structures. ˗ Research on new electromagnetic sensors for the detection of structural flaws in the Terahertz domain. Signal Processing for GNSS Receivers ˗ Research in the area of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) addressing the following subjects: Software defined radios (Post-Processed Acquisition & Tracking of GPS C/A L1 Signals); Real-time kinematic positioning; Assisted navigation based on V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) communications and GPS; GPS/INS Positioning; Differential GPS. ˗ • Other Topics Test and Development of a Satellite Earth Station including a multi-system GNSS receiver. Wireless power transmission ˗ Wireless power transmission waveform design for increase efficiency of RF-DC conversion, in this scenario new developments were proposed in 2015 which broke the state of the art in this area. ˗ Use of wireless power transmission approaches for developing fully passive wireless networks, by passive it means that the TAG's do not use a battery to operate in any of these situations. 75 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ˗ ˗ Smart floor development, in this area wireless power transmission and RFID tags's are designed to be able to develop smart floor concepts Development of capacitive coupling wireless power transmission for medium range coverage • Mm-wave radio systems ˗ Millimeter Wave Wireless Radio System Prototype for Giga-bit/second Multimedia Application 60 GHz Channel Characterization and Key Performance Evaluation of HD Video Transmission: a practical assessment of the recent IEEE 802.15.5.3c statistical model aimed at the characterization of 60 GHz indoor radio channels, for high definition (HD) video streaming, envisaging tele-health applications; performance evaluation of 60 GHz OFDM communications under RF impairments, including a detailed analysis of the impact of RF impairments on the performance of wireless OFDM systems based on the IEEE 802.15.3c standard for high data-rate applications. ˗ An hybrid (analog-digital) architecture for in-building mm wave MIMO systems and respective algorithms were proposed which allowed to achieve a performance very close the one of a full digital architecture were all the antenna are observables. • UAVs ˗ Study, implementation and testing of multiple remote controlled aquatic, terrestrial and aerial vehicles using terrestrial networks. Radio Networks Radio resource management and network planning ˗ Security and authentication for smart cities applications; ˗ Secure Network Coding for video surveillance applications; ˗ PKI solutions for next generation passports. ˗ Integration of LTE services for PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) ˗ Energy efficient resource management for 5G system ˗ QoS Aware Energy-efficient Resource Scheduling for HetNet CoMP ˗ Game-Theoretic Based Scheduling for Demand-Side Management in 5G Smart Grids ˗ Cognitive Vehicular Communication for 5G Architectures, algorithms / protocols for wireless systems The main achievements are related to the development of algorithms than achieve quasi-optimum performance with a single bit signaling from the primary to the secondary network. In terms on 76 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS bounds optimal codebook schemes that achieve maximum diversity were discovered. Demonstrator for a primary-secondary network using interference alignment ay the secondary side was started: ˗ Waveforms for optimal coexistence ˗ Precoder and equalizer design based on limited information exchange and finite codebooks ˗ Development of system level simulators for systems employing relays to support the research ˗ Linear and non-linear precoding techniques ˗ Receiver optimization ˗ Channel estimation for SISO and MIMO channels 4.1.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor Student Co-Supervisors Title End Date Mário Gonçalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha Solange Silva Confinamento da luz num ressoador aberto 02/2015 Mário Gonçalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha Sérgio Tiago Araújo Transferência de potência sem fios 02/2015 Jose Carlos Esteves Duarte Pedro Diogo Rafael Bento Barros Amplificador de RF Doherty Assimétrico de 2-Vias 03/2015 Jose Miguel Gomes Modelação e Correção dos Efeitos de Memória Lenta em Transístores HEMT de GaN 03/2015 Jose Carlos Esteves Duarte Pedro Samah A. M. Ghanem Enrico Piovano Laura Cottatellucci FDD Massive MIMO 03/2015 Samah A. M. Ghanem Steve Blandino Laura Cottatellucci FDD Massive MIMO 03/2015 Luis Filipe Lourenço Bernardo Tiago Jorge Cardoso Bento Multipacket Reception in the Presence of In-band Fullduplex Communication 04/2015 77 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Afonso Fernandes Lopes Marques Eduardo Link adaptation strategies for cellular downlink with lowfixed rate D2D underlay 04/2015 Miguel Fernando Fé Rodrigues Pedro Joaquim Amaro Sebastiao Backhaul planning of mobile networks using microwaves and free space optics 04/2015 João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz Carlos Eldio Soria Azevedo Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos Conversor redutor comutado completamente integrado em tecnologia CMOS 05/2015 António Manuel Restani Graça Alves Moreira Tiago João Sequeira Pinto Diversity solutions for UWB antennas 05/2015 António Manuel Restani Graça Alves Moreira João Vicente Faria Flexible antennas for applications near the human body 05/2015 Marco Alexandre dos Santos Ribeiro João Pedro Loureiro Alves Design and Simulation of Metamaterial Sensors in the Microwave and Terahertz Domain 06/2015 José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino Gonçalo Martins Tomé António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Software Defined Receivers for GNSS 06/2015 Luis Filipe Lourenço Bernardo João Ricardo Barros Sousa Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis Cooperative MultiPoint transmission in LTE-Advanced femtocell networks 06/2015 06/2015 06/2015 António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Rodolfo Alexandre Duarte Oliveira Daniel Filipe Lopes Redondo Desempenho de técnicas de acesso distribuído em sistemas de comunicação sem fios de múltipla receção Rodolfo Alexandre Duarte Oliveira Ricardo João Martinho Desempenho de Sistemas de Comunicaçõs Full-duplex Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa Miguel Esteves Fernandes Acousto-optic interaction and application to signal processing 06/2015 78 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa Gonçalo José da Silva Pimenta Chiral Optical Fibres and Gratings 06/2015 Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa Luís Filipe Santos de Almeida Mittigation techniques for radar clutter 06/2015 Luis Filipe Lourenço Bernardo José Pedro Galamba Egídio Reis Estudo do Desempenho de Rodolfo Alexandre um protocolo Slotted ALOHA Duarte Oliveira P-persistente numa rede de Rádio Cognitivo Luís Miguel Martins Nunes Pedro Neves André Ribeiro Lourenço Sérgio Armindo Lopes Crisóstomo José Miguel de Carvalho Branco Maia Rui Pedro de Magalhães Claro Prior Collecting and processing geographic coverage information of mobile networks 07/2015 Adão Paulo Soares Silva Jorge André Fernandes Aido Daniel Filipe Marques Castanheira Técnicas de Processamento MIMO para os futuros Sistemas Celulares Heterogéneos: LTE-Advanced 07/2015 Telmo Reis Cunha Daniel Valente Valentim Alexandre Controlador Fuzzy baseado Moutela Nunes da em ARM Cortex M3 Mota Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa José Maria Caramelo Garcia António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira Marco Alexandre dos Santos Ribeiro Francisco Miguel Teixeira do Rosário Multifactor Authentication Using Smartphone as Token Gesture recognition through the reflection of electromagnetic waves Francisco António Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro Massive MIMO Processing for 5G Systems: Efficient Detection Algorithms and Applications 07/2015 07/2015 07/2015 07/2015 08/2015 José Miguel Pereira Azevedo Tele-Monitorização de Frotas de Veículos 08/2015 Fernando Pereira In flight camera control for automatic target detection/tracking using UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 09/2015 Nuno Manuel Branco Souto 79 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues João Francisco Aragão Aboim de Sande e Lemos Francisco António Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro Full-duplex radio with massive MIMO relays 09/2015 Nuno Gonçalves Ivo Luís de la Cerda Garcia e Sousa Telecommunications Services Convergence 09/2015 Paulino Aníbal Pereira Serra de Magalhães Corrêa Ivo Luís de la Cerda Garcia e Sousa Filipe Lopes Ivo Luís de la Cerda Garcia e Sousa António Manuel Restani Graça Alves Moreira Mesbha Houari Sérgio Armindo Lopes Crisóstomo Miguel Ângelo Ferreira de Madureira Rui Pedro de Magalhães Claro Prior Hugo Alves José André Rocha Sá e Moura Rui Miguel Neto Marinheiro Carlos José Pereira da Silva Meralto José André Rocha Sá e Moura Rui Miguel Neto Marinheiro Voice over LTE (VoLTE) integration with IMS core network using SIP protocol Deteção e Identificação Múltipla de Pessoal por RFID nas Instalações e Navios da Marinha Rui Miguel Neto Marinheiro Ricardo Jorge Macedo Mota João Impact of mobile data evolution in telecommunications networks and its sustainability Navegação "Indoor" baseada em "fingerprinting" de redes sem fios e em informação sensorial de smartphones Simultaneous Multi-Access in Heterogeneous Mobile Networks Mesh Networks for Handheld Mobile Devices MQV3D: Monitor de Qualidade de Vídeo 3D 09/2015 09/2015 09/2015 10/2015 10/2015 10/2015 10/2015 80 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa Inês Martins Manique Attenuation estimation in a ionospheric link 10/2015 António Manuel Restani Graça Alves Moreira Jaime Vaz de Castro da Silva Carvalho Antennas deformations effects 11/2015 António Manuel Restani Graça Alves Moreira Rodrigo Cavaco Lourenço Cylindrical Conformal Array Project 11/2015 Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa João Nuno Monteiro Avó Fole Francisco António Bucho Cercas João Carlos Martinho Pires Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Fábio Manuel Martins de Almeida Francisco António Bucho Cercas Filipe Careiro Soares Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos Armando Carlos Domingues da Rocha Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Theorectical model assessment for indoor propagation Pedro Joaquim Amaro Sebastiao Antena MIMO para terminal móvel Pedro Joaquim Amaro Sebastiao Sistema de gestão de energia e activação de uma espoleta electrónica Carolina Mesquita Ana Santos Susana Mota Paulo Bartolomeu 12/2015 12/2015 Long distance microwave radio link using the Moon as a 12/2015 passive repeater Sistema de comunicação e controlo de uma espoleta electrónica David Campos Tiago Pereira Development of a new control station for satellite communications 11/2015 Detecção de Sinais de Baixa CNR por Processamento de Dados Após-Aquisição Protocolo de comunicações sem-fios em malha para redes de iluminação pública 12/2015 12/2015 12/2015 12/2015 81 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos Hugo Manuel Oliveira de Miranda Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Alírio de Jesus Soares Boaventura João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos João Nuno De Oliveira Ramos da Silva Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Frontends RF para Comunicações Veiculares Multi-standard 12/2015 Adão Paulo Soares Silva Luis da Graça Magalhães Antonio Navarro Rodrigues Codificação de Vídeo HEVC e Transmissão MIMO para Redes 5G: LTE-Advanced 12/2015 Fly by Data Link: Feasibility of a Relative Navigation Solution for Aviation Relying on a Future L-Band Data Link 12/2015 Pedro Manuel de Almeida Carvalho Vieira Jorge Pereira Desenvolvimento de Reader para RFID na banda UHF 12/2015 PhD Theses Supervisor Student Co-Supervisors Title End Date Design of Adaptive Analog Filters for Magnetic Front-End Read Channels 02/2015 Eduardo Castaned System Level Simulation 02/2015 Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Ricardo Fernandes Passive Wireless Sensor Networks 03/2015 João José Lopes da Costa Freire Mário Jorge Simão de Assunção Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos Modelling and Characterization of Passive Structures on Silicon Technologies 06/2015 António Manuel Sequeira Abreu Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos Francisco António Bucho Cercas Nuno Miguel de Figueiredo Garrido Atílio Manuel da Silva Gameiro João José Lopes da Costa Freire Augusto Albuquerque Reducing primary energy consumption through lower power losses of electrical transmission and distribution systems 07/2015 82 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Mário Gonçalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha David Emanuel Dias Fernandes Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho José Pedro Borrego Figures of Merit for the Wireless White Spaces 09/2015 Custódio José Oliveira Peixeiro Hamed Hasani Anja Skrivervik Multi-Band Reflectarray Antennas in Ku and THz Frequency Bands 09/2015 Antonio Navarro Rodrigues Nalluri Purnachand Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves Motion Estimation and its Hardware Implementation 09/2015 Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Ricardo Fernandes João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos Electrical Resonant Coupling 09/2015 Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Eduardo Bolas Cognitive Radio for Military Applications 10/2015 João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos Tiago Miguel Valente Varum Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Beamforming antenna for satellite communications 12/2015 Luis Carlos Cotimos Nunes Jose Carlos Esteves Duarte Pedro Mecanismos de geração e controlo da distorção não-linear em amplificadores Doherty. 12/2015 Nuno Miguel Abreu Luís Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis Medium Access Control Design for Distributed Opportunistic Radio Networks 12/2015 Paulo Montezuma Block transmission techniques for doubly dispersive channels 12/2015 Pedro Miguel da Silva Cabral Rodolfo Alexandre Duarte Oliveira Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis Fábio Silva Metamaterials for light and electron waves: new phenomena and applications 09/2015 83 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.6 Publications Antenna Modelling and Design Papers in Journals Fernandes, C. A.; Costa, J.R.; Lima, E.B.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Review of 20 years of Research on Microwave and Millimeter-wave Lenses at “Instituto de Telecomunicações”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 250 - 268, February, 2015 Elfergani, I.; Hussaini , A. ; See, C; Abd-Alhameed, R.A. Abd-Alhameed; McEwan, N.J; Zhu, s; Rodriguez, J.; Clarke, R. W. ; Printed Monopole Antenna with Tunable Band-Notched Characteristic for Use in Mobile and Ultra-Wide Band Applications, Intrnl. Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 403 - 412, June, 2015 Varum, T.; Matos, J. N. ; Pinho, P.; Detect and pointing algorithm's performance for a planar smart antenna array: a review , Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 824 - 837, August, 2015 Koohestani, M.; Moreira, A. A.; Skrivervik, A.; System Fidelity Factor Evaluation of Wearable UWB Antennas for On-body Communications, IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation , Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. 1054 - 1058, February, 2015 Silva, J. S.; Lima, E.B.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Mosig, JM; Tx-Rx lens-based satellite-on-the-move Kaband antenna , IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 14, pp. 1408 - 1411 , March, 2015 Koohestani, M.; Hussain, A. H.; Moreira, A. A.; Skrivervik, A.; Diversity Gain Influenced by Polarization and Spatial Diversity Techniques in Ultra-wideband, IEEE Access, Vol. 3, pp. 281 - 286, May, 2015 Zaric, A.; Cruz, Catarina C.; Matos, A. M. ; Silva, M.R.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; RFID-based Smart Blood Stock System, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 54 - 65, April, 2015 Varum, T.; Matos, J. N. ; Pinho, P.; Abreu, R.; Printed nonuniform antenna array for WI-FI sectorized communications, Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters, Vol. 57, No. 9, pp. 2037 - 2041, September, 2015 Caytan, O C; Lemey, S L; Agneessens, S A; Vande Ginste, D V G; Demeester, P D ; Loss, C.; , ; Rogier, H R; Half-Mode Substrate-Integrated-Waveguide Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna on Cork Substrate, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, No. 99, pp. 1 - 4, May, 2015 Gonçalves, R.; Rima, S.R.; Magueta, R. M.; Pinho, P.; Collado, A.C. ; Georgiadis, A. G.; Hester, JH; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Tentzeris, MT; RFID-Based Wireless Passive Sensors Utilizing Cork Materials, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 15, No. 12, December, 2015 Lima, E.B.; Matos, S.A.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Fonseca, N.; Circular Polarization Wide-angle Beam Steering at Ka-band by In-plane Translation of a Plate Lens Antenna, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 63, No. 12, pp. 5443 - 5455, December, 2015 84 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Bisognin, A.; Titz, D.; Ferrero, F.; Jacquemod, G.; Pilard, R.; Gianesello, F.; Gloria, D.; Lugara, D.; Lima, E.B.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Luxey, C.; Non-collimating MmW Polyethylene lens mitigating dualsource offset from a Tx/Rx WiGig module, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 63, No. 12, pp. 5908 - 5913, December, 2015 Hasani, H.; Peixeiro, C.; Skrivervik, A.; Perruisseau-Carrier, J.; Single-Layer Quad-Band Printed Reflectarray Antenna with Dual Linear Polarization, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 63, No. 12, pp. 5522 - 5528, December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Reis, J.; Al-Daher, Zaid Al-Daher; Copner, Nigel Copner; Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; Fernandes, T.R.; TwoDimensional Antenna Beamsteering Using Metamaterial Transmitarray, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, April, 2015 Silva, J. S.; Garcia-Vigueras, M. G.-V.; Mosig, JM; Esquius-Morote, M. E.-M.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Lens-based Ka-band antenna system using planar feed, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 Gorski, P.; Silva, J. S.; Mosig, JM; Wideband, low profile and circularly polarized K/Ka band antenna, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 Varum, T.; Matos, J. N. ; Pinho, P.; Abreu, R.; Non-uniform printed antenna array for wireless communications in sports arenas, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, April, 2015 Silva, J. S.; Garcia-Vigueras, M. G.-V.; Esquius-Morote, M. E.-M.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Mosig, JM; A Planar Feed for SOTM Ka-band Lens Antennas, Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Vancouver, Canada, July, 2015 Felício, J.; Fernandes, C. A.; Costa, J.R.; UWB Body-Implantable Antenna for Short Range Communication, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 Zaric, A.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Influence of Body Placement on Low Profile UWB Antenna Offbody Ranging Performance, Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Vancouver, Canada, July, 2015 Zaric, A.; Cruz, Catarina C.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Pseudo Localization Principle for RFID-Based Smart Blood Stock System, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 Bisognin, A.; Cihangir, A. C.; Luxey, C.; Jacquemod, G.; Pilard, R.; Gianesello, F.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Lima, E.B.; al., et.; Design and Measurement of Integrated Antenna with a Plastic Lens for 60 GHz WiGig Applications, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 85 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Bisognin, A.; Ferrero, F.; Titz, D.; Jacquemod, G.; Pilard, R.; Costa, J.R.; Lima, E.B.; Fernandes, C. A.; Luxey, C.; al., et.; Performance Evaluation of a 120 GHz 3D-Printed Plastic Elliptical Lens Antenna-System, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 Lima, E.B.; Matos, S.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Evaluation of the Phase Discretization Effect in Transmitarrays Formed by Sub-Wavelength Patches, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 Bisognin, A.; Titz, D.; Ferrero, F.; Jacquemod, G.; Pilard, R.; Costa, J.R.; Lima, E.B.; Fernandes, C. A.; Luxey, C.; al., et.; Conception d’Antennes in-Package en Bandes Millimétriques pour des Applications WiGig et Backhaul, Proc Journées Nationales Microondes - JNM, Bordeaux, France, April, 2015 Bisognin, A.; Cihangir, A. C.; Luxey, C.; Jacquemod, G.; Pilard, R.; Gianesello, F.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Lima, E.B.; al., et.; Module Organique Antennaire avec Lentille Plastique Intégrée pour Lunettes Connecttées WiGig, Proc Journées Nationales Microondes - JNM, Bordeaux, France, April, 2015 Yurduseven, O.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Neto, A.; Frequency Independent Patterns From Double Shell Lenses Fed by Leaky Wave Feeders, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 Plaza, G.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; León, G.; Loredo, S.; Las-Heras, F.; A Multibeam Antenna for Imaging Based on Planar Lenses, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 Varum, T.; Matos, J. N. ; Pinho, P.; Duarte , V. C.; Circularly polarized microstrip antenna array for the Kaband, Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 1864 - 1865, July, 2015 Felício, J.; Fernandes, C. A.; Costa, J.R.; Microwave Imaging for Target Detection in Body Phantom Using the Kirchoff Migration Algorithm, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Skrivervik, A.; Trajokivikj, JT; Koohestani, M.; Pires, N.; Considerations on SAR and efficiency for W-BAN antennas, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1 - 4, April, 2015 Luo, Q. L.; Zhang, L.Z.; Gao, S.; Cruz, P.M.; Jang, W.; Pires, S. ; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Interleaved dual-band circularly polarized active array antenna for satellite communications, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, April, 2015 Aido, JA; Castanheira, D.; Silva, A. ; Gameiro, A.; Dinis, R.; Multi-User HetNets with Imperfect CSI: Iterative Equalization aided IA, Proc IEEE Conference on Standards and Communication Networking IEEE CSCN, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, October, 2015 86 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Varum, T.; Matos, J. N. ; Pinho, P.; Microstrip antenna array for a new tolling approach in highways access, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Elfergani, I.; Hussaini , A. ; Rodriguez, J.; Abd-Alhameed, R.A. Abd-Alhameed; A Compact Dual-band Balanced Slot Antenna for LTE Applications, Proc Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium piers, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 2015, pp. 524 - 527, July, 2015 Neto, G.; Silva, C.; Costa, P.; Silva, B. O.; Moura, C. M.; Peixeiro, C.; Band Pass FSS with Slot Four Arms Star Geometry, Proc International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conf. - IMOC, Recife, Brazil, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, November, 2015 Glogowski, R.; Peixeiro, C.; Zurcher, JFZ; Mosig, JM; Design and Optimization of a Shaped-Beam Ka-band Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antenna Array, Proc Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves GSMM, Montreal, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, May, 2015 Elfergani, I.; Abd-Alhameed, R.A. Abd-Alhameed; Hussaini , A. ; Rodriguez, J.; Noras, J.M.; Novel Quadrifilar Helical Antenna for RFID Applications Using Genetic Algorithms, Proc Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. - PIERS, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 2015, pp. 524 - 527, July, 2015 Physical Modelling and Wave Propagation Characterization Papers in Journals Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; AL-Nuaimi, M.; Microwave Propagation Modeling and Measurement of Scattering and Absorption Inside a Canopy Using the FDTD Technique, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 1 - 14, January, 2015 Simovsky, C.R.; Maslovski , S.; Nefedov, I.S.; Kosulnikov, S. Yu.; Belov, P. A.; Tretyakov, A.; Hyperlens makes thermal emission strongly super-Planckian, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, Vol. 13, pp. 31 - 41, January, 2015 Marcos, J.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Engheta, N.; Mu-Near Zero Supercoupling, Physical Review B, Vol. 91, No. 195112, pp. 1 - 7, May, 2015 Leonor, N.; Ferreira, D.; Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; Fernandes, T.R.; Sanchez , M.; Extension of the dRET model to forests of thin cylinders, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 63, No. 9, pp. 4049 - 4056, September, 2015 Silveirinha, M. G.; Della Giovampaola, C. ; Engheta, N.; Two Cases of Spatial Transformations, PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A, Vol. 373, No. 20140352, pp. 1 - 9, July, 2015 Leonor, N.; Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; Fernandes, T.R.; Sanchez , M.; A simple model for average re-radiation patterns of single trees based on weighted regression at 60 GHz, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 63, No. 11, pp. 5113 - 5118, August, 2015 87 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Leonor, N.; Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; Sanchez , M.; Fernandes, T.R.; A Three-dimensional Directive Antenna Pattern Interpolation Method, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, December, 2015 Hrebikova, I.; Jelinek, ; Silveirinha, M. G.; Embedded Energy State in an Open Semiconductor Heterostructure, Physical Review B, Vol. 92, No. 155303, pp. 1 - 9, September, 2015 Gómez, P.; Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; Fernandes, T.R.; Cuinas, I.; Retrieving Vegetation Re-Radiation Patterns by means of Artificial Neural Networks, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, No. 99, pp. 1 1, November, 2015 Saglam, Z.; Sahin, G.; Magnetic Moment of Photon, Journal of modern physics, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 937 947, June, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Leonor, N.; Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; Fernandes, T.R.; Sanchez , M.; A feasibility study on the extension of the point scatterer formulation to vegetation media, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, April, 2015 Fernandes, D.F.; Rodrigues, M. R.; Falcão, G.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Time dynamics of electron waves in graphene superlattices, Proc Theory, Modelling and Computational Methods for Semiconductors European Session, Granada, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, January, 2015 Ferreira, D.; Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; Cuinas, I.; Fernandes, T.R.; Square Slot FSS Study for Equivalent Circuit Model Optimization, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Ali, S. Ali; Castanheira, D.; Silva, A. ; Gameiro, A.; Interference Alignment for the Downlink of Two-tier Coexisting Networks, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, September, 2015 Lannebère, S.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Effective Hamiltonian for electron waves in artificial graphene: A first principles derivation, Proc Theory, Modelling and Computational Methods for Semiconductors European Session, Granada, Spain, January, 2015 Jorge, F. S Jorge; Mota, S.; Rocha, A.; Evaluation of inter-annual variability of rainfall rate and rain attenuation based on the ITU Rec P.678, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 System Planning and Radio Resource Management Papers in Journals Robalo, D.R.; Oliveira, J. R.; Velez, F. J.; Holland, O.; Aghvami, H.; Dynamic Configuration and Optimization of WiMAX Networks with Relay Power Savings Modes: Measurement-Based Scenario in a Hilly Region, Wireless Personal Communications, June, 2015 88 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Robalo, D.R.; Velez, F. J.; Economic trade-off in the optimization of carrier aggregation with enhanced multi-band scheduling in LTE-Advanced scenarios, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, August, 2015 Bastos, J. B.; Huq, K.; Mumtaz, S.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Verikoukis, C.; Energy efficiency optimization for downlink OFDMA system in heterogeneous network with QoS constraints, International Journal of Communication Systems, pp. 1 - 13, April, 2015 Castañeda, E.; Silva, A. ; Robles, R.; Gameiro, A.; Distributed Linear Precoding and User Selection in Coordinated Multicell Systems, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 13, July, 2015 Iglésias, V.; Althunibat, S.; Radwan, A. R.; Marques, H.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Vahid, S.; Tafazolli, R. T.; Granelli, F. Granelli; Lightweight security against combined IE and SSDF attacks in cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks, Security and Communication Networks, pp. 1 - 17, July, 2015 Huq, K.; Mumtaz, S.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Wang, X. W.; Aguiar, R. L.; Green HetNet CoMP: Energy Efficiency Analysis and Optimization, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., Vol. 64, No. 10, pp. 4670 - 4683, October, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Robalo, D.R.; Velez, F. J.; Paulo, R. R. P.; Piro, ; Extending the LTE-Sim Simulator with Multi-band Scheduling Algorithms for Carrier Aggregation in LTE-Advanced Scenarios, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Glasgow, United Kingdom, May, 2015 Duarte, DD; Martins, A.; Vieira, P.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Silva, NS; An Enhanced Proposal in Neighbor List Planning for LTE SON Radio Access Networks, Proc URSI Atlantic Radio Scinece Conference - URSI ATRASC, Maspalomas, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, May, 2015 Cunha, TC; Martins, A.; Vieira, P.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Silva, NS; Varela, L.; Energy Savings in 3G Using Dynamic Spectrum Access and Base Station Sleep Modes, Proc URSI Atlantic Radio Scinece Conference URSI AT-RASC, Maspalomas, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, May, 2015 Martins, A.; Franco, C.; Vieira, P.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Silva, NS; Crossed Sector Automatic Detection In 4G Radio Access Networks, Proc URSI Atlantic Radio Scinece Conference - URSI AT-RASC, Maspalomas, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, May, 2015 Velez, F. J.; Flores, J.; Robalo, D.R.; Fundamental Limits for LTE Radio and Network Planning, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Sousa, S.; Velez, F. J.; Huq, K.; Mumtaz, S.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Scenarios and Architectures for RRM and Optimization of Heterogenous Networks, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 89 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Huq, K.; Mumtaz, S.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Qos-Aware Energy-Efficient Resource Scheduling for HetNet CoMP, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 7582 - 7588, June, 2015 Rodrigues, M.R.; Sousa, I.; Sebastião, P.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Backhaul Planning of Mobile Networks using Microwaves and Free Space Optics, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Ribeiro, F.; Dinis, R.; Cercas, F.C.; Silva, A. ; Improved Analytical Gaussian-based BER Performance of Base Station Cooperation Systems with IB-DFE Receivers and SC-FDE Modulations, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Sousa, I.; Queluz, M.P.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Efficient Visibility Modeling for Free-Space Optical Systems Design, Proc Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symp. - WPMC, Hyderabad, India, December, 2015 Eduardo, A.; Sousa, I.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Link Adaptation Strategies for Cellular Downlink with low-fixedrate D2D Underlay, Proc Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symp. - WPMC, Hyderabad, India, December, 2015 Velez, F. J.; Sousa, S.; Flores, J.; Robalo, D.R.; Mihovska, A.; Prasad, R.; LTE-Advanced Radio and Network Optimization: Basic Coverage and Interference Constraints, Proc IEEE Wireless Personal and Mobile Communications - WPMC, Hyderabad, India, December, 2015 Velez, F. J.; Flores, J.; Robalo, D.R.; LTE Radio and Network Planning: Basic Coverage and Interference Constraints, Proc IEEE Latin-American Conf. on Communications - LATINCOM, Arequipa, Peru, November, 2015 Duarte, DD; Vieira, P.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Silva, NS; A New Approach for Crossed Sector Detection in Live Mobile Networks based on Radio Measurements, Proc Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symp. - WPMC, Hyderabad, India, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, December, 2015 Transmission and Reception Systems Book Chapters Dionísio, R.P.; Marques, P.; Rodriguez, J.; Ribeiro, JCR; TV White Spaces with Geo-location Database Access: Practical Considerations and Trials in Europe - Chapter in Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing and White Space Access: The Practical Reality, Oliver Holland, Hanna Bogucka and Arturas Medeisis, John Wiley & Sons, London, UK, 2015 Oliveira, A.; Silva, N.V.S.; White spaces exploration using FPGA-based all-digital transmitters - Chapter in White Space Communication Technologies, , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015 90 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Papers in Journals Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; On the Optimum Multicarrier Performance with Memoryless Nonlinearities, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., February, 2015 Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Optimum Performance of Nonlinear OFDM Schemes, IEEE Trans. on Communications, February, 2015 Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Equivalent Nonlinearities for Studying Nonlinear Effects on Sampled OFDM Signals, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 529 - 532, April, 2015 Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Use of Equivalent Nonlinerities for Studying Quantization Effects on Sampled Multicarrier Signals, Measurement , Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 151 - 153, January, 2015 Ribeiro, F.; Dinis, R.; Cercas, F.C.; Silva, A. ; Receiver Design for the Uplink of Base Station Cooperation Systems employing SC-FDE Modulations, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2015, No. 1, pp. 1 - 17, January, 2015 Pedrosa, P.; Dinis, R.; Nunes, F.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Joint frequency domain equalisation and phase noise estimation for single-carrier modulations in doubly-selective channels, IET Communications, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 1138 - 1146, May, 2015 Ali, S. Ali; Castanheira, D.; Silva, A. ; Gameiro, A.; Transmission Cooperative Strategies for MIMO-OFDM Heterogeneous Networks, Radioengineering , Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 1 - 11, July, 2015 Castanheira, D.; Silva, A. ; Dinis, R.; Gameiro, A.; Efficient Transmitter and Receiver Designs for SC-FDMA Based Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Trans. on Communications, Vol. 63, No. 7, pp. 2500 - 2510, July, 2015 Farkasova, K. ; Farkas, P. Farkas; Rakus, M. Rakus; Ruzick, E. ; Silva, A. ; Gameiro, A.; Construction of Error Control Run Length Limited Codes Exploiting some Parity Matrix Properties , International Journal of Electrical Engineering , Vol. 66, No. 3, pp. 182 - 184, June, 2015 Castanheira, D.; Silva, A. ; Gameiro, A.; Limited Inter-System Information Exchange Method for Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 1656 - 1659, September, 2015 Ganhão, F.; Bernardo, L.; Dinis, R.; Oliveira, R.; Pinto, P.; Uplink Performance Evaluation of Packet Combining ARQ for MPR Prefix-Assisted DS-CDMA, IEEE Trans. on Communications, Vol. 63, No. 7, pp. 2685 - 2697, July, 2015 Silva, F.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Frequency-Domain Receiver Design for Transmission Through Multipath Channels with Strong Doppler Effects, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 1213 1228, July, 2015 91 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Souto, N.S.; Dinis, R.; Correia, A.; Reis, C.; Interference Aware Iterative Block Decision Feedback Equalizer for Single Carrier Transmission, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., Vol. 64, No. 7, pp. 3316 - 3321, July, 2015 Silva, A. ; Assunção, J. Assunção; Dinis, R.; Gameiro, A.; Farkas, P. Farkas; New Iterative FrequencyDomain Detectors for IA-Precoded MC-CDMA Systems , Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 83, No. 3, pp. 1183 - 1199, July, 2015 Castanheira, D.; Aido, JA; Magueta, RLM; Silva, A. ; Gameiro, A.; Dinis, R.; Iterative Equalization and Interference Alignment for Multiuser MIMO HetNets with Imperfect CSI, Mobile Information Systems, Vol. 2015, No. 1, pp. 1 - 8, December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Gante, J. F. C.; Gomes, M.; Dinis, R.; Silva, V.; Clustered Multiuser Detection using SC-FDE Transmission with Iterative Receivers, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Glasgow, United Kingdom, May, 2015 Gomes, M.; Dinis, R.; Silva, V.; Cercas, F.C.; Oliveira, L. A. C.; Iterative Frequency-Domain Equalization for General QAM Constellations with Reduced Envelope Fluctuations through Magnitude Modulation Techniques, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Glasgow, United Kingdom, May, 2015 Gante, J. F. C.; Gomes, M.; Dinis, R.; Silva, V.; Towards an Enhanced Frequency Reuse: Base Station Cooperation with Turbo Frequency Domain Receivers, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, June, 2015 Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Bento, P.; Gomes, M.; Silva, V.; A Massive MIMO Architecture for Highly Efficient mm-Wave Communications with Saturated Amplifiers, Proc International Conf. on Electronics, Information and Communication - ICEIC, Singapore, Singapore, January, 2015 Dinis, R.; Bento, P.; Carvalho, P.; Gomes, M.; Silva, V.; A Multi-Antenna Technique for mm-wave Communications with Large Constellations and Strongly Nonlinear Amplifiers, Proc German Microwave Conf. - GeMiC, Nuremberg, Germany, March, 2015 Pedrosa, P.; Dinis, R.; Nunes, F.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Joint Turbo Frequency Domain Equalization and Stochastic Recursive Filtering Carrier Synchronization, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTCSpring, Glasgow, United Kingdom, May, 2015 Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; An Efficient Method for Modelling and Evaluating Quantization Effects on Gaussian Signals, Proc IASTED International Conf. on Modelling, Identification and Control MIC, Innsbruck, Austria, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, February, 2015 Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Ribeiro, S. Ribeiro; Marques, D. Marques; Estimation and Compensation of Phase Imbalances for Transmitters Using Multiple Amplifiers in Parallel, Proc IASTED International Conf. on Modelling, Identification and Control - MIC, Inbruck, Austria, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 7, February, 2015 92 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Dinis, R.; Cunha, B. Cunha; Ganhão, F.; Bernardo, L.; Oliveira, R.; Pinto, P.; An Hybrid ARQ Scheme for Faster than Nyquist Signaling with Iterative Frequency-Domain Detection, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, May, 2015 Ribeiro, F.; Dinis, R.; Cercas, F.C.; Silva, A. ; IMPROVED BER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF BASE STATION COOPERATION SYSTEMS EMPLOYING SC-FDE MODULATIONS WITH IB-DFE RECEIVERS, Proc IASTED International Conf. on Modelling, Identification and Control - MIC, Innsbruck, Austria, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 8, February, 2015 Ribeiro, F.; Dinis, R.; Cercas, F.C.; Silva, A. ; On the Theoretical BER Performance of SC-FDE Schemes with IB-DFE Receivers, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, May, 2015 Bento, P.; Beko, M.B,; Teles, J. F. T.; Gomes, M.; Dinis, R.; Silva, V.; PAPR Reduction of Coded OFDM Signals, Proc International Conf. on Wireless Networks, Las Vegas, United States, July, 2015 Lemos, J. S.; Rosário, F.; Monteiro, F. A.; Xavier, J.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Massive MIMO Full-Duplex Relaying with Optimal Power Allocation for Independent Multipairs, Proc IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing for Advanced Wireless Communications - SPAWC, Stockolm, Sweden, Vol. 1, pp. 306 - 310, June, 2015 Teodoro, S.T.; Silva, A. ; Dinis, R.; Gameiro, A.; Interpolated UQ vs RVQ as Limited Feedback for Broadband Channels, Proc European Wireless - EW , Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, May, 2015 Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Implementing Physical layer security using transmitters with Constellation shaping, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Computer Communication and Networks - ICCCN, Las Vegas, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, August, 2015 Silva, M.; Reis, C.; Souto, N.S.; Correia, A.; Silva, M.; Interference Aware Iterative Receiver Performance for the Uplink of LTE-A, Proc Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. - PIERS, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, July, 2015 Montezuma, P. M.; Dinis, R.; Silva, M.; Physical Layer Security Scheme Based on Power E±cient Multiantenna Transmitter, Proc Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. - PIERS, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 9, July, 2015 Montezuma, P. M.; Ribeiro, S. Ribeiro; Silva, M.; Dinis, R.; Smart Receiver for Multi-antenna Transmitters with Constellation Shaping, Proc Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. - PIERS, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 9, July, 2015 Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Ribeiro, S. Ribeiro; Estimation of Amplifier Imbalances for Multi-Amplifier Transmission Structures, Proc ITC-CSCC, Seoul, Korea, South, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, June, 2015 Dinis, R.; Silva, J. C.; Souto, N.S.; Efficient Inversion of Large Overlapped Block Diagonal Matrices, Proc ITC-CSCC, Seoul, Korea, South, Vol. 1, pp. 5 - 8, June, 2015 93 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; A Simplified Method for Evaluating Clipping Effects on Sampled OFDM Signals, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Boston, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, September, 2015 Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Montezuma, P. M.; Optimum Performance and Spectral Characterization of CEOFDM Signals, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Boston, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, September, 2015 Guerreiro, J.; Ribeiro, F.; Dinis, R.; An Accurate Low Complexity Method for Studying Quantization Effects in Base Station Cooperation Systems, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Boston, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, September, 2015 Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; A Simple Method for the Analytical Characterization of OFDM Schemes with LINC Transmitter Structures, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems - ISWCS, Bruxels, Belgium, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, August, 2015 Bento, TB; Bernardo, L.; Dinis, R.; Oliveira, R.; Pinto, P.; Multipacket Reception Performance in the Presence of In-Band Full Duplex Communication, Proc IEEE ICC 2015 - Workshop on 5G & Beyond Enabling Technologies and Applications, London, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1010 - 1015, June, 2015 Nunes, F.; Marçal, J.; Birds Flight Analysis Using GNSS Signals, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Lemos, J. S.; Monteiro, F. A.; Sousa, I.; Rodrigues, A. J.; Full-Duplex Relaying in MIMO-OFDM FrequencySelective Channels with Optimal Adaptive Filtering, Proc IEEE Global Conf. on Signal and Information Processing - Global SIP, Orlando, United States, December, 2015 Correia, A.; Souto, N.S.; Performance of networked femtocells with the interference of LTE-A macrocells, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Prata, A.P.; Oliveira, A.; Carvalho, N.B.C.; An Agile and Wideband All-Digital SDR Receiver for 5G Wireless Communications, Proc Euromicro Conf. on Digital System Design - Euromicro, Funchal, Portugal, pp. 1 6, August, 2015 Prata, A.P.; Oliveira, A.; Carvalho, N.B.C.; FPGA-based All-digital Software Defined Radio Receiver, Proc International Conf. on Field Programmable Logic and Applications - FPL, London, United Kingdom, pp. 1 - 2, September, 2015 Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; On the Performance of Quantized DMT Signals, Proc International Conf. on ICT Convergence - ICTC, Jeju Island, Korea, South, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, October, 2015 Teodoro, S.T.; Silva, A. ; Dinis, R.; Gameiro, A.; Robust iterative Interference Alignment with limited feedback, Proc IEEE Globecom 2015 Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G Wireless Cellular Networks GC'15 - Workshop - ET5G, San Diego, United States, Vol. 1, December, 2015 94 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Magueta, RLM; Silva, A. ; Dinis, R.; Gameiro, A.; IB-DFE Based Equalizer for Constant Envelop OFDM Systems, Proc IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications Contel, Graz, Austria, Vol. 1, pp. 1 6, July, 2015 Aido, JA; Castanheira, D.; Silva, A. ; Gameiro, A.; Dinis, R.; Multi-User and Multi-Tier SC-FDMA with IA and IB-DFE, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Simões, A. S.; Bento, P.; Gomes, M.; Dinis, R.; Silva, V.; Efficient LINC Amplification for 5G Through Ringtype Magnitude Modulation, Proc IEEE Globecom 2015 Workshop on Mobile Communications in Higher Frequency Bands (MCHFB), San Diego, United States, December, 2015 Sarmento, D. C.; Vilela, J. V.; Harrison, W. K. Harrison; Gomes, M.; Interleaved Coding for Secrecy with a Hidden Key, Proc IEEE IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 Workshop on Trusted Communications with Physical Layer Security GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, United States, December, 2015 Gonçalves, JPFG; Lavrador, P.M.L.; Guiomar, F. P.; Pinto, A. N.; Cunha, T.R.; Pedro, J. C.; Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling Equalization Techniques for Optical Transmission Systems, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, September, 2015 Nunes, F.; Marçal, J.; Birds Flight Analysis using GNSS Signals, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Circuits and Devices Book Chapters Kumar, S. K.; Figueiredo, I.; Graça, C. G.; Falcão, G.; A GPU accelerated algorithm for blood detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images - Chapter in Developments in Medical Image Processing and Computational Vision, J.M., Renato, R.S.N.J, Springer, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015 Papers in Journals Owaida, M- O.; Falcão, G.; Andrade, J.; Antonopoulos, C. D. A.; Bellas, N. B.; Purnaprajna, M. P.; Novo, D. N.; Karakonstantis, G. K.; Burg, A. B.; Ienne, P. I.; Enhancing design space exploration by extending CPU/GPU specifications onto FPGAs, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 1 - 23, March, 2015 Tarapore, D.; Lima, P.; Carneiro, J.; Christensen, A.; To err is robotic, to tolerate immunological: fault detection in multirobot systems, Bioinspiration and Biomemetics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 016014 - 016014, February, 2015 95 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Fernandes, R. D.; Matos, J. N. ; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Resonant Electrical Coupling: Circuit Model and First Experimental Results, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol. 63, No. 9, pp. 2983 - 2990, September, 2015 Fernandes, R. D.; Matos, J. N. ; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Low-power ultra-wide band pulse generator based on a PIN diode, IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation , Vol. 9, No. 11, pp. 1230 - 1232, August, 2015 Pedro, J. C.; The Wonderful World of Nonlinearity: A Distinguished Microwave Lecture on the Modeling and Characterization of RF and Microwave Circuits, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 22 35, October, 2015 Machac, J M; Pedro, J. C.; Around the Globe - Distinguished Microwave Lecturer in Central Europe and Balkan Countries, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 92 - 93, October, 2015 Kiazadeh, A.; Gomes, H.L.; Operational stability of solution based zinc tin oxide/SiO2 thin film transistors under gate bias stress, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 062804 - 062804, April, 2015 Rocha, R.F; Gomes, H.L.; Low frequency electric current noise in glioma cell populations, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Vol. 3, No. 25, pp. 5035 - 5039, March, 2015 Machac, J M; Pedro, J. C.; Distinguished Microwave Lecturer in central Europe and Balkan Countries [Around the Globe], IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 92 - 93, October, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Andrade, J.; Falcão, G.; Silva, V.; Accelerating and Decelerating Min-Sum-based Gear-Shift LDPC Decoders, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP, Brisbane, Australia, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, April, 2015 Ferreira, C. A. F.; Borges, B.; New Phase Shift Modulator for Resonant Converters, Proc International Symp. in Circuits and Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 2105 - 2108, May, 2015 Andrade, J.; George, N.; Karras, K.; Novo, D. N.; Silva, V.; Ienne, P. I.; Falcão, G.; Fast Design Space Exploration using Vivado HLS: Non-Binary LDPC Decoders, Proc IEEE International Symp. on FieldProgrammable Custom Computing Machines - FCCM, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2015 Andrade, J.; George, N.; Karras, K.; Novo, D. N.; Silva, V.; Ienne, P. I.; Falcão, G.; From Low-architectural Expertise Up to High-throughput Non-binary LDPC Decoders: Optimization Guidelines using High-level Synthesis, Proc International Conf. on Field Programmable Logic and Applications - FPL, London, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 8, September, 2015 Fernandes, R. D.; Matos, J. N. ; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Constructive combination of resonant magnetic coupling and resonant electrical coupling, Proc IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conf. - WPTC, Boulder, CO, United States, pp. 1 - 3, May, 2015 96 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Zargar, H. Z.; Banai, A. B.; Pedro, J. C.; DIDO Behavioral Model Extraction Setup Using Uncorrelated Envelope Signals, Proc European Microwave Conf. - EMC, Paris, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Rasteiro, M. A.; Castro, H. F.; Bento, L. B. ; Barata, M.; Assunção, P.A.; Low-complexity MARG Algorithms for Increased Accuracy in Space Pointing Devices, Proc IEEE International IEEE Consumer Electronics Workshop IEEE-CE Workshop, Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro, March, 2015 Santos, R.A.; Rasteiro, M. A.; Castro, H. F.; Bento, L. B. ; Barata, M.; Assunção, P.A.; Motion-based Remote Control Device for Enhanced Interaction with 3D Multimedia Content, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Horta, N.; Pandey, M.; Canelas, A.; Póvoa , R.; Torres, J.P.A.T.; Costa Freire, J.; Lourenço, N.; Grounded Active Inductors Design Optimization for FQmax = 14.2 GHz using a 130 nm CMOS Technology, Proc International Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design - SMACD, Istanbul, Turkey, September, 2015 Pereira, M.; Costa, J. C.; Santos, M.; Vaz, J.M.C.V.; An 1µA Voltage Reference Circuit With High PSRR and Temperature Compensation, Proc Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, November, 2015 Santos, R.A.; Castro, H. F.; Bento, L. B. ; Assunção, P.A.; Barata, M.; Enabling low-complexity devices for interaction with 3D media content via Android API, Proc Ciências e Tecnologias da Interação / Sciences and Technologies of Interaction SciTecIN, Coimbra, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, November, 2015 Moura, T.M.; Cruz, P.M.; Jang, W.; Carvalho, N.B.C.; MMIC GaN Power Amplifier Operating as a RF-to-DC Converter at X-Band, Proc Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, December, 2015 Mu, JM; Vosougui, A. V.; Falcão, G.; Andrade, J.; Balatsoukas-Stimming, ABS; Karakonstantis, G. K.; Burg, A. B.; Silva, V.; Cavallaro, J. R. C.; The Impact of Faulty Memory Bit Cells on the Decoding of SpatiallyCoupled LDPC Codes, Proc Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 10, November, 2015 Bory, B. F.; Rocha, R.F; Gomes, H.L.; de Leeuw, D.D.M.; Meskers, S.C.J.; Charge trapping at the polymermetal oxide interface as a first step in the electroforming of organic-inorganic memory diodes, Proc SPIE, San Diego, United States, Vol. 9569, September, 2015 Barradas, F. B.; Lavrador, P.M.L.; Cunha, T.R.; Pedro, J. C.; Reducing model extraction complexity using cascaded predistortion, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, September, 2015 Rodrigues, P.; Marques, F. M.; Pinto, E. P.; Pombeiro, R. P.; Lourenço, A. L.; Mendonça, R. M.; Santana, P.; Barata, J. B.; An Open-Source Watertight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Water Quality Monitoring, Proc IEEE MTS Oceans Conf., Washington, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, October, 2015 97 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Silva, J.; Matos, J. N. ; Design of a Power Amplifier for IEEE802.11p applications, Proc IEEE International Conference on Computer as Tool EUROCON 2015, Salamanca, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Pandey, M.; Canelas, A.; Póvoa , R.; Torres, J.P.A.T.; Costa Freire, J.; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; Grounded Active Inductors Design Optimization for FQmax = 14.2 GHz using a 130 nm CMOS Technology, Proc International Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design - SMACD, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Wireless Circuits and Devices Book Chapters Esfahani, A.; Mantas, G.; Yang, D.; Nascimento, A.; Rodriguez, J.; Neves, J.; Toward Secure Network Coding-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks in Cyber-Physical Systems - Chapter in Cyber Physical Systems: From Theory to Practice , Danda B. Rawat, Joel Rodrigues, Ivan Stojmenovic, CRC-Taylor & Francis Group , USA, 2015. Papers in Journals Cruz, P.M.; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Improving dynamic range of software-defined radio receivers for multicarrier wireless systems, IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation , Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 16 - 23, January, 2015 Barradas, F. B.; Nunes, L. N.; Pedro, J. C.; Cunha, T.R.; Lavrador, P.M.L.; Cabral, P. M.; Accurate Linearization with Low-Complexity Models Using Cascaded Digital Predistortion Systems, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 94 - 103, February, 2015 Pires, S. ; Cabral, P. M.; Pedro, J. C.; Radio frequency carrier amplitude-burst transmitters – from architecture to circuit, IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation , Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 271 - 280, February, 2015 Borges, Luis M.; CHÁVEZ-SANTIAGO, R.; Barroca, N.; Velez, F. J.; Radiofrequency Energy Harvesting for Wearable Sensors, IET Healthcare Technology Letters, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 22 - 27, February, 2015 Aikio, J A; Rahkonen, T. R.; Pedro, J. C.; Extraction of a Multi-Dimensional Polynomial Device Model for an Improved Distortion Contribution Analysis Technique, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 155 - 164, January, 2015 Zargar, H. Z.; Banai, A. B.; Pedro, J. C.; A New Double Input-Double Output Complex Envelope Amplifier Behavioral Model Taking Into Account Source and Load Mismatch Effects, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 766 - 774, February, 2015 Pedro, J. C.; Nunes, L. N.; Cabral, P. M.; A Simple Method to Estimate the Output Power and Efficiency Load-Pull Contours of Class B Power Amplifiers, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 1239 - 1249, April, 2015 98 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Assunção, M.; Santos, P. M.; Costa Freire, J.; A Technique to Reduce On-Wafer Measurement Uncertainty for CMOS Transmission Line Characterization, IEEE Microwave Wireless and Components Letters, No. 99, pp. 1 - 3, November, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Pereira, M.; Vaz, J.M.C.V.; Leme, C.A.; Sousa, J. T.; Costa Freire, J.; An Ultra-Low Power Low-IF GFSK Demodulator for Bluetooth-LE applications , Proc IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems ISCAS, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1226 - 1229, May, 2015 Cruz, P.M.; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Assessment on the Wireless Power Transfer Figures of Merit and Transmitter Architectures, Proc URSI Atlantic Radio Scinece Conference - URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, May, 2015 Prata, A.P.; Ribeiro, D.; Cruz, P.M.; Oliveira, A.; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Improving DPD Performance by Compensating Feedback Loop Impairments in RF ADCs, Proc IEEE International Microwave Theory and Tech. Symp., Phoenix, United States, pp. 1 - 4, May, 2015 Nunes, L. N.; Cabral, P. M.; Pedro, J. C.; A New Nonlinear Model Extraction Methodology for GaN HEMTs Subject to Trapping Effects, Proc IEEE International Microwave Theory and Tech. Symp., Phoenix, United States, June, 2015 Nunes, L. N.; Cabral, P. M.; Pedro, J. C.; Impact of Trapping Effects on GaN HEMT Based Doherty PA, Proc Integrated Non-linear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits Conf. - INMMIC, Taormina, Italy, October, 2015 Nunes, L. N.; Cabral, P. M.; Pedro, J. C.; LUT Based Behavioral Model for Doherty Power Amplifier Design, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Cunha, T.R.; Barradas, F. B.; Pedro, J. C.; DPD tuning with frequency selective distortion minimization, Proc IEEE International Microwave Theory and Tech. Symp., Phoenix, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 2, May, 2015 Barradas, F. B.; Lavrador, P.M.L.; Cunha, T.R.; Pedro, J. C.; RF PA modeling with one chirp measurement, Proc European Microwave Week/European Microwave Conf., Paris, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Iglésias, V.; Radwan, A. R.; Marques, H. R.; Rodriguez, J.; Tafazolli, R. T.; Can We Apply Clustering in Fast Moving Objects?, Proc ICST International Conf. on Wireless Internet - WICON, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 146, pp. 76 - 84, May, 2015 Iglésias, V.; Radwan, A. R.; Marques, H. R.; Rodriguez, J.; Tafazolli, R. T.; Efficient privacy preserving security protocol for VANETs with sparse infrastructure deployment, Proc ICC Wireless Communications, London, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 7047 - 7052, June, 2015 99 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Iglésias, V.; Radwan, A. R.; Mumtaz, S.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Effect of noisy channels in MAC-based SSDF counter-mechanisms for 5G cognitive radio networks, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems - ISWCS, Brussels, Belgium, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, August, 2015 Waves and Propagation Papers in Journals Ferreira, D.; Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; Leonor, N.; A Real Time High-Resolution RF Channel Sounder Based on the Sliding Correlation Principle, IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation , Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 837 - 846, June, 2015 Lannebère, S.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Effective Hamiltonian for electron waves in artificial graphene: A firstprinciples derivation, Physical Review B, Vol. 91, No. 045416, pp. 1 - 16, January, 2015 Prudêncio, F.; Matos, S.A.; Paiva, C. R.; Asymmetric Band Diagrams in Photonic Crystals with a Spontaneous Nonreciprocal Response, Physical Review A, Vol. 91, No. 6, pp. 063821-1 - 063821-13, June, 2015 Ferreira, D.; Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; Cuinas, I.; Fernandes, T.R.; Square Loop and Slot Frequency Selective Surfaces Study for Equivalent Circuit Model Optimization, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 63, No. 9, pp. 3947 - 3955, July, 2015 Morgado, T. A.; Fernandes, D.F.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Analytical Solution for the Stopping Power of the Cherenkov Radiation in a Uniaxial Nanowire Material, Photonics, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 702 - 718, June, 2015 Mumtaz, S.M.; Huq, K.; Rodriguez, J.; Monteiro, V.M.; Politis, C.P.; Cognitive Vehicular Communication for 5G, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 45, No. 34, pp. 2 - 3, July, 2015 Alves, E. P.; Grismayer, T.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Fonseca, RPAF; Silva, L. O.; Slow down of a globally neutral relativistic e−e+ beam shearing the vacuum, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, Vol. 58, No. 014025, pp. 1 - 8, December, 2015 Morgado, T. A.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Super-collimation of the radiation by a point source in a uniaxial wire medium, European Physical Journal Applied Metamaterials, Vol. 2, No. 14, pp. 1 - 8, December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Ferreira, D.; Fernandes, T.R.; Cuinas, I.; Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; A Dual-Band Single-Layer Frequency Selective Surface for Wi-Fi applications, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1 - 4, April, 2015 Rocha, A.; Xavier, A. X; Jorge, F. S Jorge; Alphasat Q/V-band Propagation Campaign Preparation in Aveiro, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 100 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Jorge, F. S Jorge; Rocha, A.; Evaluation of Inter-Annual Variability of Rainfall Rate and Rain Attenuation Based on the ITU Rec P.678, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 Prudêncio, F.; Matos, S.A.; Paiva, C. R.; Asymmetric Band Structures with Nonreciprocal Materials and Chiral Media, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, April, 2015 Prudêncio, F.; Silveirinha, M. G.; One-Way Propagation of Light with Topological Insulators, Proc SMMO 2015 - International Conf. on Semiconductor Mid-IR Materials and Optics held jointly with the 3rd Annual Conference of COST Action MP1204, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, April, 2015 Garcia, M.; Topa, A.; Gesture Recognition by Electromagnetic-Wave Reflection, Proc Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional - EIEC , Baeza, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 2, May, 2015 Morgado, T. A.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Magnetic Near-Field Imaging with a Racemic Array of Helical-Shaped Metallic Wires, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisboa, Portugal, April, 2015 Velez, F. J.; Nadziejko, A.K.N; Christensen, A.; Oliveira, S.; Rodrigues, T. R.; Costa, V.C.; Duarte, M.; Silva, F.; Gomes, J.; Short Paper: Wireless Sensor and Networking Technologies for Swarms of Aquatic Surface Drones, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Boston, MA, United States, September, 2015. Velez, F. J.; Nadziejko, A.K.N; Christensen, A.; Oliveira, S.; Rodrigues, T. R.; Costa, V.C.; Duarte, M.; Silva, F.; Gomes, J.; Experimental Characterization of WSNs Applied to Swarms of Aquatic Surface Drones, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Velez, F. J.; Tavares, T.T.; Sebastião, P.; Souto, N.S.; Cercas, F.C.; Ribeiro, M. A.; Correia, A.; Generalized LUI propagation model for UAVs communications using terrestrial cellular networks, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Boston, MA, United States, September, 2015 Tavares, T.T.; Sebastião, P.; Souto, N.S.; Cercas, F.C.; Ribeiro, M. A.; Correia, A.; Velez, F. J.; Generalized LUI propagation model for UAVs communications using terrestrial cellular networks, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Boston MA, United States, September, 2015 4.1.7 Other Achievements Patents Carvalho, N.B.C.; Boaventura, A.; SISTEMA DE CONTROLO REMOTO SEM PILHAS , PT20130011186U 20130502 , August, 2015 Ferreira, M. ; Damas, L.D.; Conceição, H.; d´Orey, P.; Steenkiste, P. ; Gomes, P.; Fernandes, R.; DEVICE AND METHOD FOR SELF-AUTOMATED PARKING LOT FOR AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES BASED ON VEHICULAR NETWORKING, WO/2015/114592, August, 2015 101 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Awards Silveirinha, M. G.; IEEE Fellow, , 01-01-2015 Monteiro, F. A.; Exemplary Reviewer Award 2014, From the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. (1stquartile journal co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.) The prize is awarded to the top 3% reviewers who have performed reviews considered by the associate editors as being relevant and timely reviews, consistently for a number of papers over the year. , 01-01-2015 Prudêncio, F.; 1ª Edição do Prémio Professor Abreu Faro, Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Engenharia Informática, Matemática e Física, no biénio 2013/2014, 01-02-2015 Sousa, I.; Young Engineer Innovation Award 2014, 2nd prize (ex-aequo) given by the 'Ordem dos Engenheiros' (Portuguese Order of Engineers)., 01-05-2015 Nunes, F.; Best paper award, The paper "Practical Simulation of GNSS Signals in the Presence of Ionospheric Scintillation" - F. Nunes, F. Sousa, received the best paper award (track B) in the conference IEEE/ION PLANS 2014, Monterey, CA, May 2014. , 01-09-2015 Fernandes, R. D.; Matos, J. N. ; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Wireless energy harvesting design competition at the International Microwave Symposium, Second place, 01-05-2015 Zargar, H. Z.; Banai, A. B.; Pedro, J. C.; EuMC Microwave Prize 2015, The European Microwave Conference Microwave Prize is attributed to one paper presented at the EuMC Conference, has a value of 5,000€, and is sponsored by the European Microwave Association. , 01-09-2015 Caldeirinha, R. F. S.; Fellow Member of the IET (FIET), Awarded Fellowship of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, an UK academic award. IET Fellowship is awarded to individuals who have sustained high levels of achievement., 01-11-2015 Felício, J.; Fraunhofer Challenge 2015, 3rd place Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge within the MSc category, 01-10-2015 Dionísio, R.P.; Novas Fronteiras da Engenharia 2015, Annual prize from "Ordem dos Engenheiros", to the best paper on Engineering Education, 01-09-2015 Felício, J.; Comité Português da URSI, 1st place Best Student Poster Award, 01-12-2015 Fernandes, D.F.; Rodrigues, M. R.; Falcão, G.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Prémio ANACOM-URSI 2015, The ANACOM-URSI Portugal Prize was assigned to “Diffractionless Propagation of Electron Waves in Graphene Superlattices”. In this work we used a homemade Finite Difference in the Time Domain (FDTD) algorithm to characterize the propagation of electron waves in graphene. The algorithm was applied to study the dynamics of electrons in graphene superlattices, using both microscopic and 102 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS effective medium approaches. In particular, it is shown that the time evolution of an electronic state and the propagation of stationary electronic states may be accurately predicted with the effective medium formalism, provided the initial state is less localized than the characteristic spatial period of the superlattice. Our results confirmed that electrons propagating in graphene superlattices with extreme anisotropy experience virtually no diffraction, 01-12-2015 Cunha, TC; Vieira, P.; Martins, A.; Energy Savings in 3G Using Dynamic Spectrum Access and Base Station Sleep Modes, URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference - URSI AT-RASC , Maspalomas , Spain , Maio de 2015 (2nd Place, Best Student Paper Contest), 01-05-2015 Pedro, J. C.; Cunha, T.R.; Cabral, P. M.; Lavrador, P.M.L.; Annual Collaboration Team Award, O Projecto de Investigação com a empresa Huawei Technologies Sweden, AB., foi agraciado com o Prémio “Annual Collaboration Team Award” atribuído pela multinacional chinesa Huawei Technologies, Co. Ltd., 01-122015 Miscellaneous Anastácio, N.; Velez, F. J.; Merca, F.; Cabral, O.; Cost/Revenue Optimisation of Multi-service Cellular Planning for Business City Centre, COST290 – Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks, Robalo, D.R.; Flores, J.; Velez, F. J.; Cabral, O.; Holland, O.; Aghvami, H.; Meucci, F. Meucci; Mihovska, A.; Prasad, N.; Prasad, R.; Cost/Revenue Performance in an IMT-Advanced Scenario with Spectrum Aggregation Over Non-Contiguous Frequency Bands, COST IC 1004 - Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments Meeting, Ferrara, Italy, Costa, J.R.; Jury of ''EurAAP Awards 2015'', EurAAP, 01-01-2015 Velez, F. J.; WBAN with RF energy harvesting, Marie Curie Alumni Association General Assembly, poster session, Porto, Portugal, February 2015., 01-02-2015 Velez, F. J.; Macedo, D. J.; Paulo, R. R. P.; Piro, ; Extending the LTE-Sim Simulator with Multi-band Scheduling Algorithms for Carrier Aggregation in LTE-Advanced Scenarios, COST IC 1004 - Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments Meeting, 01-01-2015 Sousa, I.; A Radiação nas Telecomunicações, Escola BS de São Roque do Pico, 01-01-2015 Costa, J.R.; Review of European Research on Integrated Dielectric Focusing Systems at mm and sub-mm Waves, AMTA 37th Annual Meeting & Symposium, 01-10-2015 Velez, F. J.; Carrier Aggregation with Enhanced Multi-band Scheduling for Future Teleinfrastructure (LTEAdvanced scenarios), Celebration of 100 PhD Graduates and Seminar on Human Bond Communications & Beyond 2050, Aalborg, Denmark, 22nd June 2015, 01-06-2015 103 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Sousa, S.; Velez, F. J.; Huq, K.; Mumtaz, S.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Scenarios and Architectures for RRM and Optimization of Heterogenous Networks, 21º Seminário RTCM, INESC TEC, Porto, 3 de julho, 01-07-2015 Sousa, S.; Velez, F. J.; Huq, K.; Mumtaz, S.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Reference Scenarios for Energy-efficient Cooperative Backhaul in LTE/LTE-A Small-cells, PROENERGY-WSN, 01-02-2015 Costa, J.R.; Jury of "2015 IEEE AP-S Research Awards", IEEE Antennnas and Propagation Society, 01-082015 Loss, C.; Textile Antenna Embedded in Clothing for Energy Harvesting, Smart Fabrics and Wearable Technology Conference, San Francisco - USA, 01-05-2015 Velez, F. J.; Miyandoab, F.; Teixeira, E.; WBAN with RF Energy Harvesting, ConfTele 2015 (CREaTION), 3107-2015 4.1.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees Jornadas de Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações e de Computadores do ISEL, Sessions Chairman , Paulo Alexandre Carapinha Marques, European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Organizing Committee, Nuno Miguel Faria Pires, 01-01-2015 European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Organizing Committee, Armando Carlos Domingues da Rocha, 01-01-2015 Nordic Workshop on System and Network Optimization for Wireless - SNOW, Technical Programme Committee, Francisco António Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro, 17-03-2015 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conf. - IWCMC - IWCMC, Technical Programme Committee, Francisco António Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro, 24-08-2015 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing for Advanced Wireless Communications - SPAWC, Special Sessions Chairman, Francisco António Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro, 28-06-2015 IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS, Organizing Committee, Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos, 01-01-2015 European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Technical Programme Committee, Eduardo Jorge da Costa Brás Lima, 01-01-2015 European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Organizing Committee, Custódio José Oliveira Peixeiro , 01-01-2015 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Organizing Committee, Firooz B. Saghezchi, 01-01-2015 104 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conf. - IWCMC - IWCMC, Technical Programme Committee, Firooz B. Saghezchi, 01-01-2015 European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Technical Programme Chairman, Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa , 01-01-2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. - WCNC, Technical Programme Committee, Firooz B. Saghezchi, 12-10-2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , Technical Programme Committee, Samah A. M. Ghanem, 08-06-2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference - GLOBECOM, Technical Programme Committee, Samah A. M. Ghanem, 06-12-2015 IEEE IWCMC - IWCMC, Technical Programme Committee, Samah A. M. Ghanem, 12-06-2015 Special Session: Fifth Generation Communication Networks IEEE International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and their Applications ICCSPA'15, Sessions Chairman , Samah A. M. Ghanem, 17-02-2015 IARIA International Conf. on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies UBICOMM (2015), Technical Programme Committee, Alireza Esfahani, 19-07-2015 IEEE Global Conf. on Signal and Information Processing - Global SIP, Sessions Chairman , Francisco António Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro, 14-12-2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , Technical Programme Committee, Francisco António Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro, 08-06-2015 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Technical Programme Committee, Shahid Mumtaz, 10-022015 Editorial Committees Metamaterials, Elsevier, Mário Gonçalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha, Member of Editorial Board, 01-012008 to Intrnl. Journal of Power Electronics (IJPElec), Inderscience, Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos, Editorial Board member, 01-01-2008 to Journal of Communications and Networks, ETRI, Luis Manuel Jesus Sousa Correia , Associated Editor, 0105-2007 to Wireless Personal Communications, Kluwer, Luis Manuel Jesus Sousa Correia , Editorial Board, 01-012002 to 105 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Annales des Telecommunications-Annals of Telecommunications, GET, Luis Manuel Jesus Sousa Correia , Editorial Board, 01-01-2002 to Intrnl. Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Rafael Ferreira da Silva Caldeirinha , Editorial Board, 01-06-2009 to 01-05-2015 IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa , Associate Editor, 01-08-2010 to Measurement Science & Technology, IET, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, Guest Editor, 01-12-2010 to Intrnl. Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements, IARIA, Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira, Editorial Board Member, 01-01-2009 to IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech., IEEE, Antonio Navarro Rodrigues , Associate Editor, 01-09-2008 to Journal of Green Engineering, River Publishers, Fernando Jose da Silva Velez , Editorial Board, 01-032010 to Intrnl. Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC), Information Resources Management Association, Fernando Jose da Silva Velez , Editorial Board, 01-02-2009 to IEEE Wireless Communication Maganize, Shahid Mumtaz, Guest Editor, 01-11-2013 to IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE (Cooperative and Cognitive wireless communication), Shahid Mumtaz, Guest Editor, 01-11-2013 to IEEE Trans. on Communications, IEEE, Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis, Editor, 01-02-2012 to Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Science Publishing Group, Pedro Miguel Duarte Cruz, Editorial Board Member, 01-10-2013 to EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Springer, Francisco António Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro, Special Issue Lead Guest Editor, 01-12-2014 to 31-12-2015 IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE, José Manuel Bioucas Dias , Associate Editor, 01-012013 to 01-01-2017 IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., IEEE, Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis, Editor, 01-01-2015 to IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE, Shahid Mumtaz, ASSOCIATE EDITOR, 01-02-2015 to Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, Shahid Mumtaz, ASSOCIATE EDITOR, 16-03-2015 to 106 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2 Optical Communications 4.2.1 Coordinators Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo José Rodrigues Ferreira da Rocha 4.2.2 Human Resources Overview Position IT – Aveiro IT – Coimbra IT – Lisboa Full Professor 2 0 0 Associate Professor 3 2 4 Assistant Professor 5 1 3 Post. Doc. 10 0 2 PhD Student 12 0 2 MSc Student 2 0 0 Licenciado 1 0 1 Researcher 6 0 1 41 3 13 Total Permanent Collaborators Name Position Degree Group Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Associate Professor Agregação Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Ali Shahpari Researcher PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Ana Maria Sousa da Rocha Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Antonio Luis Jesus Teixeira Associate Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Associate Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes Associate Professor Agregação Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Carlos Miguel Santos Vicente Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Daniel Diogo Trindade Fonseca Researcher PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx 107 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Gokhan Sahin PhD PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Henrique José Almeida Silva Associate Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Co João José de Oliveira Pires Assistant Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx João Lopes Rebola Assistant Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx João Manuel Ferreira Pedro Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Jorge Manuel Torres Pereira Associate Professor Agregação Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx José António Magalhães MSc Student José Rodrigues Ferreira da Rocha Full Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Lúcia Maria Botas Bilro Researcher PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Luís Gonçalo Lecoq Vences e Costa Cancela Assistant Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Manuel Alberto Reis de Oliveira Violas Assistant Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Marcelino Pousa MSc MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Maria de Fátima Fonseca Domingues Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Maria do Carmo Raposo Associate de Medeiros Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Co Mário José Neves de Lima Assistant Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Miguel Vidal Drummond Researcher PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Naresh Kumar Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Natasa Pavlovic Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Nélia Jordão Alberto Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Nelson de Jesus Cordeiro Muga Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Nuno Alexandre Peixoto Silva Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Paula Raquel Viegas dos Santos Nunes Laurêncio Assistant Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Co Optical Communications and Photonics – Av 108 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Paulo Fernando da Costa Antunes Assistant Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Associate Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Paulo Sérgio de Brito André Associate Professor Agregação Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Rogério Nunes Nogueira Researcher PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Rui Fernando Gomes de Sousa Ribeiro Assistant Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Rui Manuel Dias Morais Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Zoran Vujicic Post. Doc. PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Other Collaborators Name Position Degree Group Álvaro José Caseiro de Almeida PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av André Antunes de Carvalho Albuquerque PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av António Miguel Barata da Eira PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Daniel André Pires Duarte PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Filipa da Rosa Carvalhal Sequeira PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Gil Gonçalo Martins Fernandes PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Hugo Filipe Teixeira Lima PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av João Lemos Pinto Full Professor Agregação Optical Communications and Photonics – Av José Miguel Santos Licenciado Licenciatura Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Pedro Emanuel Domingos da Cruz PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Ricardo Jorge Figueiredo Oliveira PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av 109 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Ricardo Manuel Silva Ferreira PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Rui Pedro Oliveira Alves Assistant Professor PhD Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Sofia Batalha de Oliveira Pascoal Amado PhD Student MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Somayeh Ziaie PhD Student Telmo David Pelicano Almeida PhD Student Tiago Maia MSc Student Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Tiago Miguel Rosa Dias Licenciado Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Vanessa Cunha Duarte PhD Student Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Optical Communications and Photonics – Av MSc Optical Communications and Photonics – Av 4.2.3 Summary of Research Achievements Optical components and sub-systems Quantum communications • We demonstrated experimentally the feasibility of a two-state quantum bit commitment protocol, which is both concealing and partially binding, assuming technological limitations. The security of this protocol is based on the lack of long-term stable quantum memories. We used a polarization-encoding scheme and optical fibre as a quantum channel. The measurement probability for the commitment is obtained and the optimal cheating strategy demonstrated. Using a strict numerical validity criterion, we show that, for the obtained experimental values, the protocol is secure. Numerical modeling and simulation • • Modeling of concentrating photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) using LTSPICE program has been accomplished. The effects of partial shading of cell strings and temperature have been analyzed, showing very good agreement with the results obtained experimentally either in the lab or under outdoor testing using similar receivers. The methodology for the design of the solar cell configuration has been emphasized as an important tool to optimize PV and PVT performances in the energy conversion process. The model has been used for a comparative analysis of several configurations of the string of cells of manufactured PV modules, in order to improve their efficiency. The numerical analysis and modeling of ultrafast, long wavelength semiconductor photodetectors for optical communication systems continued. The work was focused on pin based devices namely waveguide photodetectors. Special attention was given to the 110 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • • • • photodetectors’ quantum efficiency and frequency response regarding the material and structural parameters. Study of spectral multiplexing in the production of intelligent QR code labels. Study of radiative cooling. Theoretical study of Graphene photonic properties regarding the possibility of using it to control optical signals traveling in waveguides. Study of Raman and EDFAs amplification in coherent communication systems. Components development and production • • • • • Design, production and test of photonic integrated circuits for applications in passive optical networks. Development and performance analysis of luminescent solar concentrator for photovoltaic applications. Design, simulation and optimization of photonic integrated circuits for optical beamforming with applications in photonic payload of communications satellite. Work on plastic optical fibres (POF) included: modelling and improvement of the theoretical understanding of new geometries of POF; fabrication of plastic fibre Bragg gratings with different geometries. Development of a new technique for splicing of POFs using the selfwritten waveguides approach. We developed an experimental setup for electromagnetically induced transparency able to manufacture microcells, suitable for optical fibre communications technology. A hollow-core photonic crystal fibre (HC-PCF) is filled with acetylene, to work in the 1500 nm telecommunications window. We used a HC-PCF with the mode-field diameter compatible with standard single-mode fibres with the purpose of achieving low-loss splicing and enabling us to work at low pumping powers. This allows to induce a narrow transparency window, which can be spectrally adjusted and dynamically controlled. All optical signal processing • • We proposed a new method to design and produce periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguides with custom spectral response to enable new features and possibilities for PPLNbased optical signal processing, showing an excellent agreement between the target and experimental spectral response of the produced devices. We showed advanced tunable and multichannel wavelength conversion in a single PPLN waveguide device, as well as phase noise tolerant wavelength conversion and wavelength exchange of data channels using advanced modulation formats to encode the information. Furthermore, we proposed a new scheme based on bi-directional propagation in a single PPLN waveguide to simplify the implementation of phase-sensitive amplifiers. Using such amplifier, we showed effective all-optical phase regeneration of degraded phase-modulated data channels. 111 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Sensors There was an intense research on fibre and free space optical sensors. The parameters range from displacement, level, temperature, pressure, refractive index, strain, chemical, and biological parameters. The main research topics were: • • • • • • • New coatings to improve performance or add new functionalities. The coating of the optical fibre with carbon allotropies, namely diamond and graphene oxide was a procedure used to improve the performance of sensors. In addition, novel chemical optical fibre sensors for water quality assessment using molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) technology were developed. Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs) in plastic fibres, including smart textile with embedded Polymer fibre Bragg gratings (PFBGs) High temperature sensors using regenerated FBGs. Another technique involved the production of Bragg gratings resistant to high temperatures, namely regenerated Bragg gratings to monitor the sintering process of porcelain tableware. Several cost effective optical fibre sensors were developed, based on Fabry Perot Interferometer (FPI) micro cavities created by the catastrophic fuse effect. The parameters monitored were refractive index, strain, high temperatures, relative humidity and liquid hydrostatic pressure. Application of sensors to monitor different processes, such as injection moulding process, monitoring of the dynamic behaviour of shape memory polyurethane composites. Development of new optical sensing solutions to be implemented in the next generation of rehabilitation exoskeletons. Development of a Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensor to monitor the refractive index of biological samples and the synthesis and characterization of thin films of sol-gel hybrids doped with electro-optic active molecules. Optical communications systems Signal processing for high-bit rate optical communications • • We proposed a novel closed-form time-domain (TD) Volterra series nonlinear equalizer (VSNE) for the mitigation of Kerr-related distortions in polarization-multiplexed (PM) coherent optical transmission systems. In order to enhance the computational efficiency, we insert a power weighting time window in the TD-VSNE, yielding the weighted VSNE (W-VSNE) algorithm. Through numerical simulation of a 224-Gb/s PM-16QAM optical channel, we compared the performance/complexity trade-off of the W-VSNE with the well-known split-step Fourier method (SSFM) and with the computationally optimized weighted SSFM (W-SSFM). The W-VSNE achieved a reduction of up to∼45% on computational effort and ∼70% on latency, in comparison with the W-SSFM. We demonstrated fully blind processing and reduced complexity nonlinear equalization (NLE) of a 100G PM-64QAM optical channel in a 50 GHz WDM grid, achieving a maximum reach of 1524 112 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • • km over pure silica core fibre at a bit error rate of 2.7 × 10−2. Applying a simplified Volterra series nonlinear equalizer (simVSNE), operating in the frequency domain, we demonstrate a reach extension of ∼27% relatively to linear equalization. We studied experimentally an adaptive polarization demultiplexing (PolDemux) technique. The applicability of the adaptive Stokes algorithm was tested in an ultra dense wavelength-division multiplexing scenario over 80 km of standard single-mode fibre. The BER results showed a very small power penalty confirming the suitability of the adaptive Stokes method in systems where the accumulated chromatic and polarization-mode dispersion are small, such as high capacity optical metro and access networks scenarios. We applied an extended Kalman filter to Stokes space-based polarization demultiplexing for complex-modulated signals. The convergence ratio, tracking, computational complexity, and system performance of this method were investigated and compared with the geometrical approach previously proposed. An analysis of the tuning parameters of both methods reveals that the Kalman filtering provides a more robust and stable polarization demultiplexing of signals. Nevertheless, if properly tuned, the geometrical approach attains a similar performance, with a gain of 90% in terms of complexity reduction Performance evaluation of optical communication systems and networks • • • • • • • • • Investigation of degradation of performance on optical single sideband signals in case of direct detection. Signal to noise ratio analyses in coherent optical systems. Study of nonlinear crosstalk in ultra-dense direct-detection single-sideband MB-OFDM WDM metropolitan networks. Study and performance evaluation of the impact of crosstalk in optical networks using coherent modulation techniques. Generalization of the rigorous formulation to consider the impact of homodyne crosstalk from optical network elements on OFDM optical communication systems. Evaluation of the impact of in-band crosstalk on OFDM optical communication systems using a simplified approach Evaluation of the impact of in-band and coherent crosstalk in optical coherent QPSK systems using an analytical model based on the moment generating function of the receiver decision variable. Development of an analytical model to characterize the impact of the phase-to-intensity conversion of the laser phase noise, due to the optical band selector (BS) used for band extraction, on the performance of DD optical MB-OFDM networks employing single-sideband (SSB) modulation. By considering adaptive bit loading (ABL) and band loading (ABnL), the maximum capacity of ultra-dense MB-OFDM systems, employing virtual-carrier assisted DD, was evaluated for different scenarios and compared with uniform modulation (UM). 113 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • An ultra-dense 100-Gb/s multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) system employing virtual-carrier-assisted direct-detection (DD) and a 2.85-GHz receiver bandwidth was demonstrated experimentally. Radio over fiber systems • • • • Investigation of RoF transmission using directly modulated lasers. Power optimization of OSSB modulation to support multi-band OFDM services along hybrid long-reach WDM-PONs. Mitigation of nonlinear impairments in a RoF link based on OFDM signal transmission by direct modulation of a VCSEL; Microwave photonic technology to support 100 Gbit/s for wireless links operating in the W band. Optical transmission based on space division multiplexing • • • • • • Investigation of the use of multi-band OFDM signals in multicore fibers to reduce inter-core crosstalk Study of time and modulation frequency dependence of crosstalk in homogeneous multi-core fibers. Evaluation of the impact of inter-modal four-wave mixing and inter-modal cross-phase modulation on the performance of mode- and wavelength-division multiplexing systems. Mode-division multiplexing requires all-optical signal processing techniques that are able to deal with a new coding dimension, the spatial mode. In this context, optical micro wires emerge as a potential highly non-linear and multi-modal waveguide for all-optical signal processing devices to be used in mode-division multiplexing systems based on the four-wave mixing process. The inter and intramodal phase-matching conditions for the four-wave mixing process were mapped as a function of the micro wire diameter and the wavelength of signals. Moreover, the efficiency of four-wave mixing considering a strong guiding regime was investigated in the multi-modal regime. We proposed an in-line wavelength selective core switch for multicore fibre (MCF) transmission systems, based on the acousto-optic effect. A theoretical model addressing the interaction between flexural acoustic waves and the optical signal in MCFs was developed. We showed that an optical signal propagating in a particular core can be switched to any other core or distributed over all the cores. By tuning the acoustic wave amplitude, we can adjust the amount of optical power transferred between the cores. We studied theoretically and experimentally the viability of using Long Period Gratings (LPG) in multicore fibres (MCFs) as a solution to develop different components. We proposed the use of identical LPGs inscribed on a four-core fibre to promote the power transfer between all the cores evenly, which can be used to distribute a single pump to all the cores. We also studied the power transfer between identical cores of heterogeneous MCFs as a first step towards the 114 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS realization of an inline core/wavelength selective switch for MC space division multiplexed transmission systems. Digital signal processing for optical communication systems • • • Assessment of the mitigation of the signal-signal beat interference in 112 Gb/s MB-OFDM systems employing a digital post-distortion (DPostD) algorithm based on memory polynomials (MP). We analyzed the performance and the complexity of a real-time digital signal processing (DSP)based optical network unit architecture for the digital detection of Nyquist-shaped signals in ultra-dense wavelength-division multiplexing passive optical network (UDWDM-PON) scenarios. Using field-programmable gate array-based 8-bit DSP, we experimentally demonstrated in a real-time mode operation the receiver performance in terms of Nyquist filter roll-off factor for 8×2.5 Gb/s quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) with 2.5 GHz of channel spacing. We analyzed the performance of the linear and cubic interpolation for the clock recovery as well as the Gardner algorithm for the timing-error estimation, considering the amplitude and power formulations. The experimental evaluation shows that the linear interpolation along with the power formulation is an attractive solution for the QPSK-based UDWDM-PON, considering the trade-off between the performance and the complexity. Optical networking Optical transport networks • Defragmentation techniques for optical networks: development of integer linear programming techniques and heuristics to optimize optical networks using defragmentation techniques • Flexible-grid optical networks: development of a multi-period planning methods to optimize the allocation of transponders, client cards and switches in optical translucent networks. • Comparison via network simulation of different strategies for the placement of a limited number of pre-deployed 3R regenerators in DWDM transport network operated dynamically or quasidynamically. • Development and implementation of a framework for the cost-optimized design of fixed- and flex-rate line-cards and transceivers over multiple planning cycles of a DWDM network. • Study of the impact of superchannel deployments in DWDM networks with legacy wavelength services. • Investigation and performance comparison of different node architectures for multi-layer (OTN / DWDM) networks. • Evaluation of the impact of optical node architecture on network scalability and flexibility. • Network planning challenges with next-generation transponder technology. • Evaluation of the impact of in-band crosstalk on colorless, directionless, contentionless (CDC) ROADM-based flexible grid optical networks. • Study and implementation of wavelength assignment algorithms for dynamic optical networks that take into account the impact of homodyne crosstalk. 115 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • • • We analyzed the capital expenditures (Capex) and operational expenditures (Opex) related to the power consumption and footprint requirements of fixed and flexible node architectures in a multiperiod scenario and under different traffic requirements. Results show that in spite of the initial higher investment required by flexible architectures, in the long term they tend to present lower Capex and Opex. We proposed new dimensioning models for transport network nodes taking into consideration the multiplexing/grooming architecture. Using the developed models, we analyzed the impact of node architecture flexibility in the number of line interfaces required, and assessed the potential savings attained by exploiting hitless re-grooming. Results show that enhanced flexibility produces more savings when the client traffic bit rate is much smaller than the line bit rate. We analyzed the shortest path lengths between node pairs of real optical transport networks. From the analysis, we found that Johnson SB distribution is suitable for the shortest path length modelling. We also showed that the key parameters of the shortest path lengths, such as the mean, the median, and the standard deviation, can be estimated from the convex area of the network. It is noteworthy that these estimations can be made without full knowledge of the network. Only the node locations are required. Optical access networks • An ultra-dense MB-OFDM passive optical network (PON) with a dedicated band capacity per user of 2.5 Gb/s or 10 Gb/s was demonstrated experimentally. • A new technology for flexible optical access networks (OANs) was developed. This is based on real-time digital signal processing (DSP) supported by commercial FPGAs (Field-programmable gate arrays). The new technology aims to upgrade future OANs and uses the concept of UDWDM (Ultra Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) based on coherent detection. The concept aims at extending the number of users of the NG-PON2 (Next Generation Passive Optical Networks 2) technology, increasing also the data rate up to at least 2.5 Gbps dedicated per end-user in the downstream and upstream directions. • A new paradigm for future OANs has been demonstrated in a field-trial, where multiple existing PON technologies (including the new NG-PON2 technology) coexisted with the new UDWDMPON technology. This experiment was validated in real-time in September 2015, with an installed network between IT-Aveiro and PT Inovação building. An aggregate data rate of 320 Gbps in realtime was demonstrated. This network can be easily extended to Tbps data rates in real-time. This field-trial was reported as a Postdeadline Paper on the largest European optical communications conference, ECOC, validating the significance of this achievement. 116 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2.4 Running and Concluded Projects Overview Funding Agency Number EC/FP7 1 ESF/COST 2 FCT 2 FCT/COMPETE/FEDER 1 FCT/PTDC 3 IT/LA 3 Activity in Projects Acron / Ref IC1101 IC1101 Title COST IC1101 - Optical Wireless Communications - An Emerging Technology Funding ESF/COST Descript. Wireless transmission via optical carriers opens doors of opportunity in areas as yet largely unexplored. Offering significant technical and operational advantages, optical wireless communication (OWC) can be, in some applications, a powerful alternative to and, in others, complementary to existing radio frequency (RF) wireless systems. Variations of OWC can be employed in a diverse range of communication applications ranging from very short-range (on the order of millimetres) optical interconnects within integrated circuits through outdoor inter-building links (on the order of kilometres) to satellite links (larger than 10,000 kilometres). In many respects, OWC research is still in its infancy and calls for extensive research to begin to harness the enormous potential of the optical spectrum. This COST Action will serve as a high-profile consolidated European scientific platform for interdisciplinary OWC research activities, spanning from characterization of diverse propagation media to modeling, design and development of devices, components, algorithms/protocols and systems. It will make significant contributions to the fundamental scientific understanding, technical knowledge, engineering design and applications while promoting community awareness of this emerging field. Development of novel and efficient communication technologies resulting from integrated research activities made possible through this Action will be a significant enabler for future-generation heterogeneous communication networks supporting a wide range of wireless services/applications. 117 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref MORFEUS PTDC/EEI-TEL/2573/2012 Title Metro Networks Based on Multi-Band Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing Signals Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The general objective of this project consists in demonstrating the new paradigm related to the increase of the flexibility and granularity of the transmission capacity in metropolitan (metro) optical networks. Particularly, the implementation of metro networks based on high data-rate multi-band orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) signals employing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is analysed and demonstrated as an excellent solution to provide, simultaneously, high flexibility in capacity allocation, high spectral efficiency and the possibility of upgrading the network capacity while keeping the system architecture almost unchanged. Recently, optical transmission systems with high capacity granularity have been appointed as the most promising solution to be employed in the integration of the metro and access networks in a single hybrid optical network. Systems based on MB-OFDM signals have been recognized as an excellent solution as they allow the integration of several final users who usually require a capacity quite below the total network capacity. This access technology has been indicated as a good alternative to the solutions based on timedivision multiplexing currently deployed. Previous works have experimentally shown the dynamic allocation of OFDM subcarriers or individual bands of MB-OFDM signals as an excellent solution to increase the granularity of capacity allocation. However, these works were presented as a proof-of-concept: the MB-OFDM transmission impairments and the traffic allocation optimization were not analyzed. In addition, the main performance limitations were not identified as well. This project has two particular objectives. First, it is focused on the investigation of the performance impairments imposed by the physical layer on the high data-rate (maximum bit rate of 40 Gbit/s per wavelength) MB-OFDM signals transmission in WDM metro networks and on the system parameters optimization using analytical, simulation and experimental work. Particularly, the study and the assessment of the main system impairments is performed, such as: (i) linear crosstalk associated with the MB-OFDM transmission and with the finite selectivity of the optical devices required to select the different bands and wavelengths at each node of the metro network, (ii) linear and nonlinear fibre effects, (iii) joint nonlinear effect introduced by the electro-optic and opto-electric conversion processes. Second, this project is focused also on the study of the network layer of WDM metro networks based on MB-OFDM signals. Particularly, the assignment of OFDM bands and wavelengths, and the traffic distribution along the network are analysed. Routing, wavelength and band assignment (RWBA) algorithms are developed based on maximum wavelength and band reuse in MB-OFDM metro networks. These algorithms are developed considering the impairments imposed by the physical layer of the WDM MB-OFDM metro network (cross layer design). The work to carry out along this project is 118 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS focused on MB-OFDM signals with intensity modulation - direct detection (IM-DD) systems for transmitter and receiver cost reduction, an imperative of metro networks. Different MB-OFDM transmitters are analysed, e. g. MB-OFDM transmitters using single sideband modulation implemented using appropriate (I,Q) modulators or the generation of electrical MB-OFDM signals with adequate properties to provide strong robustness to fibre dispersion induced power fading. The ultimate goal of the project consists in the experimental demonstration of the simultaneous transmission of, at least, three optical channels using MB-OFDM signals in a metro optical network with insertion/extraction capabilities at the OFDM band level. Acron / Ref PORTO CAPES/FCT 2013 Title Planeamento e Optimização de Redes Ópticas Elásticas Baseadas na Tecnologia O-OFDM Funding FCT Descript. Este projecto de cooperação entre Brasil e Portugal dedica-se ao desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para o planeamento e a optimização das redes ópticas elásticas através do emprego da engenharia de tráfego, a proposição de heurísticas, o desenvolvimento de modelos de camada física para a transmissão OFDM especialmente adequados para a utilização no projecto destas redes, e protocolos eficientes para a atribuição dos recursos na rede. O intuito principal é a união de esforços de investigadores com produção científica significativa e alunos de doutoramento e pósdoutoramento na área das redes ópticas dos dois países. Acron / Ref DiNEq PTDC/EEI-TEL/3283/2012 Title Digital Nonlinear Equalization in Very-High Speed Coherent Optical Transmission Systems Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The exponentially growing traffic demand in optical core networks has exhausted the single-mode fiber capacity within the linear regime. We aim to develop efficient digital equalization strategies in order to counteract the signal distortion imposed by fiber nonlinearities, in very-high speed (>= 100 Gbit/s/ch) and ultra-dense (>= 4 bit/Hz) multiwavelength coherent optical transmission systems. Building on our previous work and experience on this topic, we aim to optimize some of the currently proposed algorithms, mainly in terms of computational requirements, and to develop new solutions for nonlinear digital equalization in optical fiber systems. Our efforts include the extension of nonlinear equalization to polarization-multiplexing and WDM transmission. We will 119 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS focus a great deal of our attention into the problem of inter-channel nonlinear equalization, developing efficient and moderate complexity techniques to partially mitigate cross-phase modulation (XPM) and four-wave mixing (FWM) distortions. We plan to develop simplified approaches to enable adaptive equalization of XPM resorting to either blind or data-aided equalizers. We also plan to explore artificial neural networks (ANN) techniques for fiber impairment mitigation. Given the hardware implementation advantages of ANNs due to their inherent parallel nature, we expect to obtain efficient real-time implementation solutions. During the last couple of years, the interest on few-mode fibers (FMF) and mode-division multiplexing (MDM) has exploded, with numerous publications in major international conferences and journals. This sudden revival of multi-mode signal propagation is closely related with the need to reduce the effect of fiber nonlinearities, which is thereby achieved by increasing the fiber core area. From the digital signal processing (DSP) point of view, the adoption of MDM requires an extra effort to implement multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) equalization of intermodal transmission and coupling. Although signal impairments in FMFs are currently assumed to be mostly caused by linear processes, some pioneering works are already exploiting the impact of nonlinearities in FMFs. A timely development of nonlinear equalization techniques for MDM signal transmission is therefore of utmost importance. Within this topic there are still many problems to be tackled, ranging from development of modeling numerical tools for nonlinear signal propagation to the development of lower complexity digital equalization techniques. We propose to exploit the reported potentialities of the Volterra series transfer function, extending its scope to MDM transmission, therefore providing a powerful numerical tool for the analysis and compensation of inter-modal nonlinearities. The development and optimization of digital equalization algorithms must be accompanied by meaningful assessment through simple and accurate figures of merit. We propose to develop simple figures of merit for BER gain and required computational effort for nonlinear equalization algorithms under different propagation conditions. These figures of merit should guide the development of new equalization algorithms and the design of new very high-speed and ultra-dense transmission systems. Finally, we aim to finalize this project with an experimental test and validation stage, composed by two implementation phases: offline validation of the proposed algorithms recurring to experimental data, and hardware implementation in a field programmable gate array in order to test real-time operation. This implementation stage will benefit both from IT facilities and expect investment in coherent optical systems and from a well-established international cooperation with top-level European laboratories. Given the current absence of feasible solutions for the equalization of critical nonlinear fiber impairments, we will have the opportunity to generate crucial contributions to the state-of-the-art of coherent optical systems. In fact, solving the nonlinear limitation on fiber capacity has been identified as one of the key scientific breakthroughs to enable future Terabit optical channels. 120 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref ONECI PTDC/EEI-TEL/3303/2012 Title ONECI - Optimizing Next-generation Elastic Core Network Infrastructure Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Key objective of the ONECI project: to research in detail a cost and power efficient transport network architecture able to carry a wide range of signal bandwidths, varying in real time, direction and magnitude, some of which will be extremely large possibly exceeding 1Tb/s. To achieve this objective, the ONECI project will study the: • Impact of node architecture in energy consumption of optical transport networks • Impairment-aware lightpath routing and spectrum allocation in optical transport networks with physical-layer heterogeneity • Transport systems enabling flexible transmission and switching beyond 100Gbps per channel. • Dynamic network resources allocation at both IP and elastic optical layers • Multilayer network optimization tools, enabling both off-line planning and on-line network re-optimization in elastic optical networks. Acron / Ref MP1205 MPNS COST Action MP1205 Title COST Advances in Optofluidics: Integration of Optical Control and Photonics with Microfluidics Funding ESF/COST Descript. The aim of this COST Action is to establish active interlinks between laboratories working in the fields of micro and optofluidics, optical tweezers, nanoscience and photonics, bio and soft materials, focusing their work towards lab-on-a-chip systems and at promoting long-term development of these fields in Europe. The goal is to increase the knowledge in basic physics and biology from the micro- down to the nano-scale, and to develop the future generation of lab-on-a-chip devices for portable and inexpensive, but accurate and reliable equipments for: (i) diagnostics; (ii) detection, identification and manipulation of biomolecules and nanomaterials, (iii) biomedical and environmental microsensing, (iv) advanced imaging, (v) energy generation. The scientific innovation concerns advanced concepts of optofluidics and new generation of optofluidic devices integrating photonics as well as optical control. Indeed, their technologically relevant research threads are of significant interest for the academic community and the industrial R&D. In order to capitalize on recent achievements and go one step forward, a 121 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS platform as a COST Action, promoting interdisciplinary activities, is a relevant tool to exchange expertises and to explore new opportunities coming from each specific insights and knowledge. The Action will focus on selected scientific challenges and will be organized in three Working Groups: 1-Integrated microfluidic photonics (new concepts of optofluidics); 2-Optical control in microfluidics; 3-Materials (soft, bio and nano) and technologies for optofluidic devices Acron / Ref TWave EXPL/EEI-TEL/1748/2013 Title Phase conjugated twin waves to unlock the potential of future spatial division multiplexed systems (TWave) Funding FCT/COMPETE/FEDER Descript. Single-mode fiber (SMF) transport systems are rapidly approaching the Shannon´s limit,pointing to fiber capacities of no more than 100 Tbit/s, corresponding to filling the C and L EDFA bands at a spectral efficiency of 10 bit/s/Hz. This limit can be derived from an extension of the Shannon capacity limit to a nonlinear fiber channel, since the fiber Kerr nonlinearity leads to distortion when the signal power is increased to achieve sufficient Signal-to-Noise Ratio, the ultimate limit resulting from the interaction between amplified spontaneous emission and nonlinearity, which is not deterministic. This may still be not be enough to answer the capacity requirements in the near future which points to spectral efficiencies of 20bit/s/Hz over ~1500 km links, associated with the current growth in capacity of fiber-optic communication systems. Over the last decades, the steady progress in optical transmission systems was enhanced by the exploitation of the several properties of electromagnetic waves, namely time, phase, frequency and polarization. Since 2010, the research community has generally agreed that optical transport systems will have to resort to the last remaining physical dimension (space) by employing spatial division multiplexing (SDM), which has the potential to substantially increase optical transport capacities. Although SDM was first proposed in 1979 (considering MCF) and 1982 (considering MMF), the current progress is occurring now due to a convergence of technological capabilities (fiber fabrication methods, mode control and analysis methods, coherent detection and digital compensation) and the mentioned emerging necessity. The main challenge in SDM occurs due to crosstalk between pathways, which is typically small for MCF and high for MMF. For MCF the crosstalk depends on core number, spacing and arrangement, while for MMF the modes are prone to randomly couple during propagation, with different differential mode group delays (DMGD). This requires multiple-input multiple-output linear equalization techniques, similar to the signal processing techniques used for polarization demultiplexing, which poses computational complexity concerns when considering equalization for long haul mode division multiplexed (MDM) systems. However, similarly 122 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS to SMF based modern telecommunication systems, the nonlinear penalties in MDM systems will eventually become the ultimate limiting factor. In this project we propose to explore the concept of phase conjugated twin waves (PCTW) in SDM optical systems, which has recently been proved to cancel out signal-to-signal nonlinear interactions in single-mode fibers by coherently superimposing of a pair of phase-conjugated twin waves, as a means to overcome the nonlinear impairments arising in mode division multiplexed systems, in a practical and sustainable way, paving the way for optical transmission capacities beyond next-generation systems. Acron / Ref HYDRA-ROF P01230 Title Hybrid Dynamic Radio Access supported by Radio over Fiber Funding IT/LA Descript. HYDRA-RoF aims to develop a cost-effective radio-over-fibre solution for rapid and pervasive LTE femtocell and WiFi deployment scenarios. The project develops the digital signal processing algorithms required to compensate (baseband) the transmission impairments of the two signals transmitted (LTE, WiFi) in the proposed scenario. To take full advantage of such multi-technology networks the HYDRA-RoF proposes to develop integration strategies for the different radio access technologies (RATs) and based on these integration strategies develop efficient strategies for load balancing and traffic offloading. Acron / Ref CV-Quantum P01240 Title Improving Security and Capacity Using Continuous Variables Quantum Communications Funding IT/LA Descript. The main scientific objectives of this project are: 1. To propose secure bit commitment and oblivious transfer quantum protocols based on CV. To improve the security of the proposed protocols through their experimental validation in a real channel. 2. To evaluate the capacity of an optical fiber for low-energy optical signals through the investigation of the channel capacity in a scenario where each symbol used to transmit information contains only few-photons. We intend to increase the number of bits sent per photon; 3. To optimize the transmitter and the receiver for weak coherent fields. Moreover, we also intend to develop post processing techniques as a solution to improve the efficiency of phase and amplitude information recovery from low-power signals. 123 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref sWAT P01262 Title Next generation Smart Water Grids Funding IT/LA Descript. For smart water grid, further development in water quality monitoring and grid management has to be made. This is exactly what is addressed in sWAT project. This water quality platform will be crucial to further conduct several pilots and to make a proof of concept. Acron / Ref BEACON 607401 Title ScalaBle & Low-Power Microwave Photonics for FlexiblE, TerAbit Telecom Payloads & High-speed Coherent Inter-satellite LiNks Funding EC/FP7 Descript. Telecom satellites are growing like giants employing multiple beams to provide high speed connectivity and broad coverage. Under exploding capacity requirements, vendors admit that a technology and payload architecture switch is mandatory. The new technology has to deliver practical, low-power and scalable components with high performance under harsh environment conditions. BEACON aims to provide this technology and disrupt the transition to multibeam Tb/s satellites. Addressing cost, performance and volume, BEACON invests on the right mix of 3 photonic technologies used in terrestrial telecommunications, i.e. GaAs, Si and doped fibres and combines them to deliver a compact optical beam-forming technology delivering the massive amount of bandwidth. BEACON develops ultra-linear GaAs Mach-Zehnder Modulators (MZM) exhibiting >75dB spurious free dynamic range, 15dB higher than conventional MZMs. MZMs will exhibit: up to 35GHz frequency operation matching Ka-band frequency plans and 1/2 the size of mainstream LiNbO3 MZMs. 6’’ GaAs wafers enable high volume production. BEACON integrates and co-packages 4xMZM arrays with new packaging method. BEACON develops the first scalable multi-core rad-hard erbium doped optical fibre amplifier (EDFA). The EDFA employs new radhard doped microstructured fibre and enabling: >50% electrical power consumption reduction than using conventional EDFAs and small form factor packaging. BEACON integrates an innovative photonic beamformer (BFN) using CMOS compatible silicon photonic fabrication together with Ge diodes. The BFN chip consumes <7.5-times less chip area than lowindex contrast BFNs. It allows 4 orders of magnitude faster beamsteering. BEACON integrates the system with BFN control and antenna array to demonstrate that the technology can scale to Tb/s capacities with considerable savings in size/power against current kW consuming systems. Component space assessment will guide the 124 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS technology towards fully space qualified systems. Acron / Ref INITIATE P01315 Title INnovatIve graTings In plAstic opTical fibEr Funding FCT Descript. - Specific Aim 1: Modelling and improve the theoretical understanding of new geometries of POF. - Specific Aim 2: Fabrication of the PFBG with different geometries. Specific Aim 3: Development of innovative devices for low-cost passive all-optical processing using PFBG namely: i) a POF fiber laser; ii) a fiber polarization controller; iii) an high tunable optical filter and wavelength division multiplexer (WDM). - Specific Aim 4: Develop a new technique for splicing of POF using the self-written waveguides approach. - Specific Aim 5: Design and development of new sensors based on PFBG. Two applications are envisaged: i) develop a smart textile with embedded PFBGs; ii) develop novel chemical optical fiber sensors for water quality assessment. - Specific Aim 6: Experimental evaluation and assessment of the proposed solutions with the presentation of prototypes. 4.2.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor João Lopes Rebola Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Student Bruno Rafael Pereira Pinheiro Luca Callegher Co-Supervisors Luís Gonçalo Lecoq Vences e Costa Cancela Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves Title Impact of in-band crosstalk on the performance of optical coherent detection communication systems Optimization of the degradation induced by the combined nonlinearity of Sieben's architecture and PIN in SSB MB-OFDM metropolitan networks End Date 03/2015 04/2015 125 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Jorge Eduardo Ribeiro da Costa Lima Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Sofia Madalena Figueiredo Rodrigues Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves Experimental demonstration of 10 Gbit/s fibre-to-the-home network downstream transmission employing an electro-absorption modulator 05/2015 Limitations of inter-ring OFDM-band transfer imposed by laser phase noise 05/2015 Rafael Santos Costa Optical Fronthauls for Cloud Radio Access Networks 05/2015 Pompeu Areias Vale Santos Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves Impact of crosstalk induced by finite isolation of optical switches on MB-OFDM metropolitan networks performance 05/2015 Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves 100 Gb/s MB-OFDM metropolitan networks employing digital SSBI mitigation in presence of fibre PMD effect 05/2015 João Costa Avaliação da relação sinal-ruído e mitigação da sua influência em redes óticas de acesso coerentes 05/2015 Paulo Sérgio de Brito André João António Pires Mendes de Campos Pereira Miguel Ângelo Madureira Low-cost optical reflection techniques for the assessment of intraoffice optical channel quality 05/2015 Paulo Sérgio de Brito André Manuel Francisco Faria Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves Transdermal Optical Communications 05/2015 Paulo Sérgio de Brito André Joao Alberto Gomes da Silva Gaspar Estudo dos limites de transmissão em fibras ópticas de plástico 05/2015 Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Paulo Sérgio de Brito André Artur R. T. Duarte Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves 126 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Ricardo Soeiro Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves Inter-ring OFDM-band transfer limited by the crosstalk induced by laser's wavelength drift 06/2015 João Adriano Ramalho Mourato Assessment of improvement of extension of reach of 10 Gbit/s PONs by using APDs 07/2015 Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Henrique Proença Ferreira Design of DD SSB MBOFDM metro-access network tolerant to Rayleigh backscattering 10/2015 Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes Samuel Kessete Nashih Dissertation 11/2015 Paulo Sérgio de Brito André André Madeira Bastos da Cunha Study of Photons Angular momentum for optical communication 11/2015 Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Marcos Henrique Semedo Esteves Caldeira Adaptive bit loading in SSB MB-OFDM metropolitan networks 11/2015 Paulo Sérgio de Brito André João Pedro Acciaioli Valverde A planned amplification approach at WDM systems simulators 11/2015 Paulo Sérgio de Brito André Tiago Nuno Pereira Mota Spectral Multiplexing of QR codes 11/2015 Nuno Filipe Duarte Oliveira Paulo Silva Desenvolvimento e caracterização de sensores óticos de qualidade de líquidos 12/2015 Rui Manuel Dias Morais Dimensionamento otimizado de nós de redes óticas de transporte 12/2015 baseados em comutação de pacotes, comutação de circuitos, e mistos Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Lúcia Maria Botas Bilro Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Paulo Sérgio de Brito André Pedro Miguel Marques Martins Carlos Manuel Tavares Cabeças Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves Graphene Photonic Devices for optical communications 12/2015 127 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Daniela Aguiar Moniz António Miguel Barata da Eira Replaneamento de Redes de Transporte Óticas Baseadas em Técnicas de Desfragmentação Supervisor Student Co-Supervisors Title Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Filipe Manuel Wiener Ferro de Carvalho João José de Oliveira Pires 12/2015 PhD Theses Paula Raquel Viegas dos Santos Nunes Laurêncio OFDM-based next generation converged optical-wireless access networks End Date 01/2015 Vitor Lopes Maria do Carmo Raposo de Medeiros Sistemas de Banda Larga em Rádio sobre Fibra 01/2015 João Carlos de Melo Ferreira Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Daniel Fonseca Transient Effects in Optical Networks 02/2015 Rui Manuel Dias Morais Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro João Manuel Ferreira Pedro Optical Networks Optimization 02/2015 Antonio Luis Jesus Teixeira Ali shahpari Mário José Neves de Lima Next generation dense optical access networks 03/2015 Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Sudhir Kumar Routray José Rodrigues Ferreira da Rocha Quality of Signal in Transparent Optical Networks 05/2015 Advanced Fiber Sensors, Advanced Fiber Sensors 06/2015 Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Rogério Nunes Nogueira Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Hugo Lima Fernando Pedro Pereira Guiomar Digital PostCompensation in HighSpeed Optical Transmission Systems 09/2015 128 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Antonio Luis Jesus Teixeira Zoran Vujicic Natasa Pavlovic emiters and receivers for next generation access optical networks 10/2015 4.2.6 Publications Optical Components and Sub-systems Papers in Journals Tiburcio, B.; Fernandes, G.; Monteiro, M.; Rodrigues, S.; Ferreira, M.; Facão, M.; Carvalho, M. I.; Pinto, A. N.; EIT in Hollow-Core Fibers for Optical Communications Devices, Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 348 - 352, February, 2015 Reis, C.; Chattopadhyay, T; Parca, G.; Dionísio, R.P.; André, P.S; Teixeira, A.; All-optical multifunctional logic operations using simultaneously both interferometric output ports in a symmetric SOA-MZI, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 68, pp. 175 - 181, May, 2015 Ribeiro, V. M. C.; Luis, R.S.; Mendinueta, J.M.; Puttnam, B. J.; Shahpari, A.; Muga, N. J.; Lima, M. J. N.; Shinada, S.; Wada, N.; Teixeira, A.; All-optical packet alignement using polarization attraction effect, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 541 - 544, March, 2015 Albuquerque, A.; Puttnam, B. J.; Mendinueta, J.M.; Drummond, M. V.; Shinada, S.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Wada, N.; Experimental investigation of phase-sensitive amplification of data signals in a four-mode fiber-based PSA, Optics Letters, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 288 - 291, January, 2015 Antunes, P.; Dias, J. M. S.; Paixão, T. Paixão; Mesquita, E. Mesquita; Varum, H; André, P.S; Liquid level gauge based in plastic optical fiber, Measurement, Vol. 66, pp. 238 - 243, April, 2015 Domingues, M. F. Domingues; Antunes, P.; Alberto, N.; Frias, R; Bastos, AR; Sá Ferreira, R. A.; André, P.S; Enhanced sensitivity high temperature optical fiber FPI sensor created with the catastrophic fuse effect, Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 972 - 974, April, 2015 correia, S.; Lima, P. P.; André, P.S; Ferreira, M.R.; Carlos, ; High-efficiency luminescent solar concentrators for flexible waveguiding photovoltaicse, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells , Vol. 138, pp. 51 - 57, July, 2015 Oliveira, R.; Bilro, L.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Bragg gratings in a few mode microstructured polymer optical fiber in less than 30 seconds , Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp. 10181 - 10187, April, 2015 Oliveira, R.; Bilro, L.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Smooth end face termination of microstructured, graded-index, and step-index polymer optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 54, No. 18, pp. 5629 - 5633, June, 2015 129 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Shahpari, A.; Ferreira, RMF; Ribeiro, V. M. C.; Sousa, A. Sousa; Ziaie , S.; Tavares, A.; Vujicic , Z.; Guiomar, F. P.; Reis, J.D.; Pinto, A. N.; Teixeira, A.; Coherent ultra dense wavelength division multiplexing passive optical networks, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 26, No. Part A , pp. 100 - 107, December, 2015 Domingues, M. F. Domingues; Paixão, T. Paixão; Mesquita, E. Mesquita; Alberto, N.; Frias, R; Ferreira, M.R.; Varum, H; Antunes, P.; André, P.S; Liquid Hydrostatic Pressure Optical Sensor Based on MicroCavity Produced by the Catastrophic Fuse Effect, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 5654 - 5658, October, 2015 Lópes, BJ; Gonell, FG; Lima, P. P.; Freitas, M; André, P.S; Carlos, ; Ferreira, M.R.; Easily processable multimodal spectral converters based on metal oxide/organic—inorganic hybrid nanocomposites, Nanotechnology, Vol. 26, No. 40, pp. 405601 - 405601, September, 2015 Fernandes, G.; Muga, N. J.; Rocha, Ana M.; Pinto, A. N.; Switching in multicore fibers using flexural acoustic waves, Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 20, pp. 26313 - 26325, October, 2015 Muga, N. J.; Pinto, A. N.; Extended Kalman Filter vs. Geometrical Approach for Stokes Space Based Polarization Demultiplexing, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 23, pp. 4826 - 4833 , December, 2015 Alberto, N.; Vigário, C. Vigário; Duarte, D.; Almeida, N. Almeida; Gonçalves, G. Gonçalves; Pinto, J. L.; Marques, Paula A.A.P. Marques; Nogueira, R.N. ; Neto, V. Neto; Characterization of graphene oxide coatings onto optical fibers for sensing applications, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 171 - 177, June, 2015 Oliveira, V.; Abe, O.; Alberto, N.; Kalinowsky, H.; Fibre Bragg gratings, towards a better thermal stability at high temperatures, Physics Procedia, Vol. 62, pp. 71 - 78, August, 2015 Costa, Larissa Costa; Moura, Camila Moura; Oliveira, V.; Chiamenti, I. Chiamenti; Kalinowsky, H.; Alberto, N.; Bilro, L.; Bragg gratings written with ultrafast laser pulses, Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, Vol. 14, pp. SI-15 - SI-24, May, 2015 Albuquerque, A.; Drummond, M. V.; Puttnam, B. J.; Wada, N.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Investigation of PPLNBased PSAs for High-Gain Optical Amplification, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 13, pp. 2802 - 2810, July, 2015 Oliveira, R.; Bilro, L.; Marques, T. H. R.; Napierala, M.; Tenderenda, T.; Mergo, P.; Nasilowski, T.; Cordeiro, C. M. B.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Bragg Gratings Inscription in Highly Birefringent Microstructured POFs, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, No. 99, pp. 1 - 4, November, 2015 Keizer, J. J. ; Martins, M.A.S.; Prats, S.; Santos, L. F. Santos; Vieira, D. C. S. Vieira; Nogueira, R.N. ; Bilro, L.; Assessing the performance of a plastic optical fibre turbidity sensor for measuring post-fire erosion from plot to catchment scale, Geoderma - A Global Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 641 - 650, September, 2015 130 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Silva, F. C. Silva; Martins, M.A.S.; Bilro, L.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Capela , I. Capela; Keizer, J. J. ; Optical Fiber Technology for Monitoring and Preventing Biomass Washout from Bioreactors: a Case Study with a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR), Water Air and Soil Pollution, Vol. 226, No. 6, pp. 1 - 11, May, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Shahpari, A.; Ferreira, Ricardo Ferreira; Ribeiro, V. M. C.; Lima, M. J. N.; Reis, J.D.; Teixeira, A.; Optimization criteria for coherent PONs with video overlay and hybrid ODN, Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Los Angeles, United States, Vol. CD, pp. Th3I.2 - Th3I.2, March, 2015 Muga, N. J.; Ziaie , S.; Shahpari, A.; Guiomar, F. P.; Pinto, A. N.; Optimizing polarization related dynamic equalization in coherent optical communications, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. Mo.C1.6, pp. 1 - 4, July, 2015 Pereira, J. T.; Matos, V.M.; Frequency Response Modelling and Optimization of Long Wavelength RCE Photodiodes, Proc The 17th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics ISEM2015, Kobe, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 2, September, 2015 Reis, J.D.; Rossi, S. M. R.; Chiuchiarelli, A. C.; Ferreira, Ricardo Ferreira; Shahpari, A.; Teixeira, A.; Oliveira, J. R. F. O.; Experimental demonstration of inter-channel FWM mitigation on coherent bidirectional UDWDM networks, Proc European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC, Valencia, Spain, Vol. Th.1.3.5. , pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Ziaie , S.; Guiomar, F. P.; Ferreira, Ricardo Ferreira; Amado, S. B.; Shahpari, A.; Teixeira, A.; Pinto, A. N.; 100 Gb/s DP-QPSK transmission over 8000 km of standard single mode fiber using recirculating loop technique, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. CD, pp. 28 - 31, September, 2015 Alberto, N.; Kalinowsky, H.; Neto, V. Neto; Nogueira, R.N. ; Simultaneous regeneration of seed FBGs during the HFCVD diamond-grating coating process and its thermal monitoring, Proc International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors OFS24, Curitiba, Brazil, Vol. 9634, pp. 96343U-1 - 96343U-4, September, 2015 Domingues, M. F. Domingues; Paixão, T. Paixão; Mesquita, E. Mesquita; Alberto, N.; Antunes, P.; Varum, H; André, P.S; Hydrostatic pressure sensor based on micro-cavities developed by the catastrophic fuse effect, Proc International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors OFS24, curitiba, Brazil, Vol. 9634, pp. 96345-M1 - 96345-M4, October, 2015 Nascimento, M.N; Novais, S.N.; Leitão, C. Leitão; Domingues, M. F. Domingues; Alberto, N.; Antunes, P.; Pinto, J. L.; Lithium batteries temperature and strain fiber monitoring, Proc International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors OFS24, Curitiba, Brazil, Vol. 9634, pp. 9634V-1 - 9634V-4, October, 2015 Albuquerque, A.; Puttnam, B. J.; Drummond, M. V.; Lu, G.-W.; Szabo, A.; Shinada, S.; Wada, N.; Nogueira, R.N. ; PPLN-based All-optical Signal Processing and Phase-Sensitive Amplification, Proc IEEE 131 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 2015 Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, Nassau, Bahamas, The, Vol. 1, pp. MF3.2 MF3.2, July, 2015 Drummond, M. V.; Monteiro, P.; Viana, D. Viana; Silva, J. da Silva; Riscado, D. Riscado; Oliveira, A.; Silva , N.; Jesus, P. Jesus; Mobile Fronthaul RoF Transceivers for C-RAN Applications, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, July, 2015 Drummond, M. V.; Monteiro, P.; Viana, D. Viana; Silva, J. da Silva; Riscado, D. Riscado; Oliveira, A.; Silva , N.; Jesus, P. Jesus; Mobile Fronthaul RoF Transceivers for C-RAN Applications, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, July, 2015 Oliveira, R.; Bilro, L.; Heidarialamdarloo, J.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Fabrication and characterization of polymer fiber Bragg gratings inscribed with KrF UV laser, Proc Internacional Conf. on Plastic Optical Fibers - POF, Nuremberg, Germany, Vol. 1, pp. 371 - 375, September, 2015 Oliveira, R.; Bilro, L.; Heidarialamdarloo, J.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Fast inscription of Bragg grating arrays in undoped PMMA mPOF, Proc International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors OFS24, Curitiba, Brazil, Vol. 9634, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Osório, J. H.; Oliveira, R.; Mosquera, L.; Franco, M. A. R.; Heidarialamdarloo, J.; Bilro, L.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Cordeiro, C. M. B.; Surface-core fiber gratings, Proc International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors OFS24, Curitiba, Brazil, Vol. 9634, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Bastos, AR; Vicente, C.; Fu, L; Lima, P. P.; Carlos, ; André, P.S; Ferreira, M.R.; Revisiting thermal-actuated integrated optics devices based on organic-inorganic hybrids, Proc International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON, Budapeste, Hungary, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, July, 2015 Vicente, C.; Fu, L; Carlos, ; André, P.S; Ferreira, M.R.; Fabrication and optical properties of thin films with sol gel derived di-ureasils doped with Disperse Red 1, Proc Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT) , Faro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 189 - 189, September, 2015 Muga, N. J.; Pinto, A. N.; Adaptive Best Fitting Plane Algorithm for Stokes Space Based Polarization Demultiplexing in Digital Coherent Optical Receivers, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 250 - 253, September, 2015 Almeida, T.; Rocha, Ana M.; Oliveira, R.; André, P.S; Nogueira, R.N. ; Long Period Gratings in Multicore Fibers, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 10, pp. 1 4, September, 2015 Brinhole, E. Brinhole; Kalinowsky, H.; Drummond, M. V.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Design and Simulation of a Tunable Optical Delay Line in OptiBPM , Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 132 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Optical Communication systems Books Almeida, P. ; Silva, H. A.; Radio-over-Fiber Systems with Support for Wired and Wireless Services, , Scholars Press, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2015 Papers in Journals Leitão, C. Leitão; Antunes, P.; Mesquita Bastos, J. A. M.; Pinto, J. L.; André, P.S; Plastic Optical Fiber Sensor for Noninvasive Arterial Pulse Waveform Monitoring, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 14 - 18, January, 2015 Shahpari, A.; Luis, R.S.; Ribeiro, V. M. C.; Reis, J.D.; Mendinueta, J.M.; Ferreira, RMF; Puttnam, B. J.; Lima, M. J. N.; Wada, N.; Teixeira, A.; Spectrally efficient enhanced performance bi-directional coherent PON with laserless 10 Gb/s ONU, Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. A400 - A411, March, 2015 Almeida, A. J.; Pinto, L. M.; André, P.S; Pinto, A. N.; Verification of the Violation of WWZB Inequality Using Werner States, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 605, No. 1, pp. 012036-1 - 012036-6, April, 2015 Alves , T. M. F.; Mendes, M. M.; Cartaxo, A.; High granularity multiband OFDM virtual carrier-assisted direct-detection metro networks, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 42 - 54, January, 2015 Rocha, Ana M.; Almeida, T.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Facão, M.; Analysis of Power Transfer on Multi-Core Fibers with Long-Period Gratings, Optics Letters, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp..292 - 295, January, 2015 Guiomar, F. P.; Amado, S. B.; Carena, A. Carena; Bosco, G. B.; Nespola, A. N.; Teixeira, A.; Pinto, A. N.; Fully Blind Linear and Nonlinear Equalization for 100G PM-64QAM Optical Systems, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 1265 - 1274, April, 2015 Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Analytical Characterization and Optimum Performance of DC-biased Optical OFDM Signals, IET Communications, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 6, March, 2015 Guerreiro, J.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Analytical Characterization and Optimum Performance of Nonlinearly Distorted Coherent Optical OFDM Signals, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 132 - 142, March, 2015 Carvalho, F. C.; Cartaxo, A.; Broad Baseband Nonlinear Distortion Mitigation using Digital Pre- and Postdistortion in OFDM-based Long-reach PON , Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 7062 - 7074, March, 2015 Carvalho, F. C.; Cartaxo, A.; Multisignal OFDM-based Hybrid Optical-Wireless WDM LR-PON with Colorless ONU, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 27, No. 11, pp. 1193 - 1196, June, 2015 133 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Ferreira, J.; Fonseca, D.F.; Monteiro, P.; Pinto, A. N.; Rapp, L. R.; Site Dependent Pumping Effect on Twolevel EDFAs, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 285 - 295, January, 2015 Almeida, P. ; Silva, H. A.; Power Optimized OSSB Modulation to Support Multi-Band OFDM Services along Hybrid Long-Reach WDM-PONs, Optical Fiber Technology, June, 2015 Fernandes, G.; Muga, N. J.; Pinto, A. N.; Four-Wave Mixing in Microwires to All-Optical Signal Processing in Mode-Division Multiplexing Systems, Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 34, No. 1-2, pp. 38 - 52, March, 2015 Supe, A.; Fernandes, G.; Muga, N. J.; Pinto, A. N.; Ferreira, M.; Polarization Effects on the Non-Linearity of a Highly Non-Linear Fiber, Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 34, No. 1-2, pp. 3 - 13, March, 2015 Guiomar, F. P.; Amado, S. B.; Martins, C. M.; Pinto, A. N.; Time Domain Volterra-Based Digital Backpropagation for Coherent Optical Systems, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 15, pp. 3170 - 3181, August, 2015 Kumar, N; Teixeira, A.; High Data Rate OFDM based Radio over FSO Communication System , Journal of Optical Communications, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 323 - 326, March, 2015 Kumar, N; Teixeira, A.; 10 Gbit/s OFDM based FSO Communication System using M-QAM Modulation with Enhanced Detection , Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 48, No. 9, pp. 1 - 7, December, 2015 Alves , T. M. F.; Cartaxo, A.; Performance assessment of XPM-limited direct-detection short-reach DSB OFDM optical systems, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 7, No. 8, pp. 736 - 747, August, 2015 Alves , T. M. F.; Cartaxo, A.; Virtual-carrier assisted direct-detection MB-OFDM next generation ultradense metro networks limited by laser phase noise, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 19, pp. 4093 - 4100, September, 2015 Alves , T. M. F.; Cartaxo, A.; 100 Gb/s DD-MB-OFDM metro network with 11 Gb/s granularity and 2.85 GHz receiver, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 27, No. 24, pp. 2551 - 2554, December, 2015 Amado, S. B.; Guiomar, F. P.; Muga, N. J.; Reis, J.D.; Teixeira, A.; Pinto, A. N.; Low Complexity Advanced DBP Techniques for Ultra-Long-Haul 400G Transmission Systems, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 2015, No. 1, pp. 1 - 7, December, 2015 Vujicic , Z.; Luis, R.S.; Mendinueta, J.M.; Shahpari, A.; Pavlovic, N.P.; Puttnam, B. J.; Kamio, Y.K.; Nakamura, M.N.; Wada, N.; Teixeira, A.; Self-homodyne Detection Based Fully Coherent Reflective PON using RSOA and Simplified DSP, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, No. 99, pp. 1 - 1, July, 2015 Luis, R.S.; Puttnam, B. J.; Cartaxo, A.; Klaus, W.; Mendinueta, J.M.; Iwaji, Y.; Wada, N.; Nakanishi, T.; Hayashi, T.; Sasaki, T.; Time and modulation frequency dependence of crosstalk in homogeneous multicore fibers, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, December, 2015 134 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Ziaie , S.; Muga, N. J.; Guiomar, F. P.; Ferreira, RMF; Fernandes, G.; Shahpari, A.; Teixeira, A.; Pinto, A. N.; Experimental assessment of the adaptive Stokes space-based polarization demultiplexing for optical metro and access networks, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 23, pp. 4968 - 4974, December, 2015 Ferreira, RMF; Reis, J.D.; Rossi, S. M. R.; Amado, S. B.; Shahpari, A.; Guiomar, F. P.; Oliveira, J. R. F. O.; Pinto, A. N.; Teixeira, A.; Coherent Nyquist UDWDM-PON with digital signal processing in real-time (Invited), IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 99, No. 1, pp. 1 - 8, October, 2015 Ferreira, RMF; Reis, J.D.; Amado, S. B.; Shahpari, A.; Guiomar, F. P.; Oliveira, J. R. F. O.; Pinto, A. N.; Teixeira, A.; Performance and complexity of digital clock recovery for Nyquist UDWDM-PON in real-time, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 27, No. 21, pp. 2230 - 2233, November, 2015 Sousa, A. Sousa; Shahpari, A.; Ribeiro, V. M. C.; Lima, M. J. N.; Teixeira, A.; Gigabit passive optical networks and catv over hybrid bidirectional free space optics +20 km single mode fiber, Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters, Vol. 57, No. 12, pp. 2867 - 2871, September, 2015 Almeida, T.; Drummond, M. V.; Pavlovic, N.P.; André, P.S; Nogueira, R.N. ; A Fast Method for Launch Parameter Optimization in Long-Haul Dispersion-Managed Optical Links, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 20, pp. 4303 - 4310, October, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Reis, J.D.; Ferreira, Ricardo Ferreira; Shahpari, A.; Teixeira, A.; Bidirectional Coherent WDM-PON Performance with Real-Time Nyquist 16QAM Transmitter, Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications OFC, Los Angeles, United States, Vol. CD, pp. Th3I.5 - Th3I.5., March, 2015 Ferreira, Ricardo Ferreira; Reis, J.D.; Amado, S. B.; Shahpari, A.; Pinto, A. N.; Teixeira, A.; Demonstration of Nyquist UDWDM-PON with Digital Signal Processing in Real-Time, Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Los Angeles, United States, Vol. CD, pp. Th3I.4 - Th3I.4, March, 2015 Medeiros, M. C. R. ; Thakur, M.P.; Mitchel, J.E.; Wavelength Shift Tolerance of a Heterodyne Detection Scheme for Cost-Efficient DWDM-PON / 60 GHz Wireless Integration, Proc SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, United States, Vol. , pp. 1 - 5, February, 2015 Guiomar, F. P.; Amado, S. B.; Martins, C. M.; Pinto, A. N.; Parallel Split-Step Method for Digital Backpropagation, Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Los Angeles, United States, Vol. 0, pp. 1 - 3, March, 2015 Cruz, P. E. D.; Alves , T. M. F.; Cartaxo, A.; Loss budget of ultra-dense 10 Gb/s per-user guaranteed direct-detection MB-OFDM metro-access networks, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. Tu.B1.4, pp. 1 - 4, July, 2015 Cruz, P. E. D.; Alves , T. M. F.; Cartaxo, A.; Impact of inter-band crosstalk due to nonlinear fibre transmission on the performance of direct-detection single-sideband MB-OFDM metro networks, Proc 135 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. Tu.B1.3, pp. 1 - 4, July, 2015 Alves , T. M. F.; Cartaxo, A.; Phase-to-intensity laser noise conversion due to band drop in DD-MB-OFDM networks employing virtual carriers, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. Tu.C2.3, July, 2015 Pinheiro, B. R. P. P.; Rebola, J. L. ; Cancela, L. G. C.; Impact of In-Band Crosstalk Signals with Different Duty-Cycles in M-QAM Optical Coherent Receivers, Proc European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC, London, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, July, 2015 Pinheiro, B. R. P. P.; Rebola, J. L. ; Cancela, L. G. C.; Assessing the Impact of In-Band Crosstalk on the Performance of M-QAM Coherent Receivers using the Error Vector Magnitude, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Pinto, A. N.; Amado, S. B.; Martins, C. M.; Ziaie , S.; Muga, N. J.; Ferreira, Ricardo Ferreira; Teixeira, A.; Guiomar, F. P.; Real-time Digital Signal Processing for Coherent Optical Systems, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. Mo.C1.2, pp. 1 - 5, July, 2015 Almeida, A. J.; Tiburcio, B.; Muga, N. J.; Silva, N. A.; Pinto, A. N.; Comunicações Seguras Usando a Luz, Proc Feira de Ciências "À DESCOBERTA DA LUZ" IYL2015/Portugal, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, May, 2015 Amado, S. B.; Guiomar, F. P.; Muga, N. J.; Pinto, A. N.; Assessment of Nonlinear Equalization Algorithms for Coherent Optical Transmission Systems using an FPGA , Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. Mo.C1.4, pp. 1 - 4, July, 2015 Shahpari, A.; Ferreira, Ricardo Ferreira; Ziaie , S.; Reis, J.D.; Oliveira, J. R. F. O.; Teixeira, A.; Multiple system configuration for next generation optical access networks with real-time Nyquist UDWDM-PON, Proc European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC, Valencia, Spain, Vol. P.7.18, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Soeiro, R. O. J.; Alves , T. M. F.; Cartaxo, A.; Inter-ring OFDM-band transfer in virtual carrier-assisted direct-detection 42.8 Gbit/s MB-OFDM metro networks, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Duarte, A. R. T. ; Alves , T. M. F.; Cartaxo, A.; 100 Gb/s MB-OFDM metropolitan networks employing SSBI mitigation in presence of fiber PMD effect, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Amado, S. B.; Guiomar, F. P.; Muga, N. J.; Reis, J.D.; Teixeira, A.; Pinto, A. N.; Experimental Demonstration of theWeighted Volterra Series Nonlinear Equalizer, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 197 - 200, September, 2015 136 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Amado, S. B.; Guiomar, F. P.; Muga, N. J.; Reis, J.D.; Teixeira, A.; Pinto, A. N.; Experimental Demonstration of the Parallel Split-Step Method in Ultra-Long-Haul 400G Transmission, Proc European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC, Valencia , Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, September, 2015 Silva, N. A.; Pinto, A. N.; Heralded single photon source from spontaneous four-wave mixing process in lossy waveguides, Proc SPIE Security + Defense, Toulouse, France, Vol. 9648, pp. 964814-1 - 964814-9, September, 2015 Matos, Verónica Matos; Torres , João Paulo N. Torres; Pereira, J. T.; Frequency Response Simulation Analysis of Waveguide Photodetectors, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Ribeiro, C.; Figueiredo, M.; Alves, L.N.A.; Duarte, L.; Rodrigues, L.; Rodrigues, P.; VLCLighting - A Collaborative Research Project on Visible Light Communication, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 1 - 5, September, 2015 Ribeiro, C.; Figueiredo, M.; Alves, L.N.A.; A Real-Time Platform for Collaborative Research on Visible Light Communication, Proc IEEE International Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications - IWOW, Istambul, Turkey, pp. 1 - 5, September, 2015 Lannebère, S.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Wave instabilities in a cavity with rotating plasmonic walls, Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS, Oxford, United Kingdom, September, 2015 Sequeira, F.R.C.; Rudnitskaya, Rudnitskaya, A.; S. R. Gomes, Gomes, M. T. S. R.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Bilro, L.; Plastic optical fiber sensor modified by molecular imprinting for ammonium sensing, Proc Division of Analytical Chemistry (DAC) of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) XVIIIth European Conference in Analytical Chemistry EUROANALYSIS, Bordeaux, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Torres , João Paulo N. Torres; Nashih, Samuel Nashih; Shading Effects on Photovoltaic Panels, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, aveiro, Portugal, l. 0, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Duarte , V. C.; Drummond, M. V.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Photonic true-time delay beamforming system for a phased array antenna receiver, Proc International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conf. - IMOC, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, November, 2015 Silva, N. A.; Tiburcio, B.; Periera, D.; Facão, M.; Pinto, A. N.; Quantum communications based on continuous variables, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 413 - 416, September, 2015 Medeiros, M. C. R. ; Silva, H. A.; Laurêncio, P.; Monteiro, P.; Cost Effective Hybrid Dynamic Radio Access supported by Radio over Fiber, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, July, 2015 137 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Medeiros, M. C. R. ; Monteiro, P.; Nonlinearities mitigation in a RoF link based on OFDM signal transmission by a direct modulation of a VCSEL, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Thakur, M.P.; Mikroulis, S.; Medeiros, M. C. R. ; Mitchel, J.E.; Cost-Efficient DWDM-PON / Mm-Wave Wireless Integration using Coherent Radio-over-Fiber (CRoF), Proc IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Paphos, Cyprus, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, October, 2015 Ferreira, F. M.; Fonseca, D.F.; Sygletos, -; Ellis, -; Silva, H. A.; Impact of Inter-modal Four-Wave Mixing on the Performance of Mode- and Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing Systems, Proc International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. We.D1.4, pp. 1 - 5, July, 2015 Ferreira, F. M.; Fonseca, D.F.; Silva, H. A.; Impact of Inter-modal Cross-Phase Modulation on the Performance of Mode- and Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing Systems, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Duarte , V. C.; Drummond, M. V.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Photonic Beamforming Receiver for Phased Array Antennas, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, September, 2015 Optical Networking Papers in Journals Shahpari, A.; Reis, J.D.; Ferreira, RMF; Neves, D.; Lima, M. J. N.; Teixeira, A.; Performance Optimization of Nyquist Signaling for Spectrally-Efficient Optical Access Networks, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. A200 - A208, February, 2015 Pedro, J. M.; Predeployment of Regenerators for Fast Service Provisioning in DWDM Transport Networks [Invited], IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. A190 - A199, February, 2015 Morais, R.M.; Pedro, J. M.; Monteiro, P.; Pinto, A. N.; Benefits of Node Architecture Flexibility and Hitless Re-Grooming in Transport Networks, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 21, pp. 4424 - 4436, November, 2015 Morais, R.M.; Pedro, J. M.; Pinto, A. N.; Techno-Economic Analysis of Fixed and Flexible Node Architectures in Multiperiod Scenarios [Invited], IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. B108 - B121, December, 2015 Eira, A.; Pedro, J. M.; Pires, J. J. O. ; Fernandez-Palacios, J. P.; Optimized Client and Line Hardware for Multiperiod Traffic in Optical Networks With Sliceable Bandwidth-Variable Transponders [Invited], IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. B212 - B212, December, 2015 138 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Gunkel, --; Mattheus, --; Wissel, --; Napoli, --; Pedro, J. M.; Costa, N.; Rahman, --; Meloni, G.; Fresi, F.; Cugini, F.; Sambo, N.; Bohn, M.; Vendor-Interoperable Elastic Optical Interfaces – standards, experiments and challenges [Invited], IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. B184 - B193, December, 2015 Pedro, J. M.; Santos, J.; Support of superchannel formats in optical networks with legacy services and traffic churn [Invited], IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. B122 - B130, December, 2015 Sahin, G.; On Whether OCS Maximizes Application Throughput in All-Optical Datacenter Networks, Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. 1135 - 1147, December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Eira, A.; Pedro, J. M.; Pires, J. J. O. ; Fernández-Palacios, J.; Optimization of Client-to-Line-Side Switching in DWDM Networks using Sliceable Bandwidth-Variable Transponders, Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Los Angeles, United States, pp. 1 - 3, March, 2015 Santos, J.; Evaluating the Potential for Spectrally-Efficient Super-Channel Formats in Brownfield Networks with Legacy Services, Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Los Angeles, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, March, 2015 Morais, R.M.; Pinto, A. N.; On the Probability Distribution of the Capacity Allocation in Optical Transport Networks, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, July, 2015 Morais, R.M.; Pedro, J. M.; Pinto, A. N.; Planning and Dimensioning of Multilayer Optical Transport Networks, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, July, 2015 Pedro, J. M.; Pato, S.; On Scaling Transport Networks for Very High Nodal Degree ROADM Nodes Using State-of-the-Art Optical Switch Technology, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Budapeste, Hungary, Vol. We.A1.2, July, 2015 Santos, J. R. S.; Eira, A.; Pires, J. J. O. ; Routing on Multi-Layer Transport Networks with OTN and Optical Flexible Grid DWDM Technologies, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Eira, A.; Pedro, J. M.; Pires, J. J. O. ; Fernandez-Palacios, J. P.; Performance Evaluation of Heuristic and ILP-based Algorithms for Multi-Period Planning of SBVT-enabled Transport Networks, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, July, 2015 Morais, R.M.; Pedro, J. M.; Pinto, A. N.; Comparing the CapEx of Fixed and Flexible Node Architectures in Multi-Period Scenarios, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 20 - 23, September, 2015 139 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Routray, S.; Pavan, C.; Sahin, G.; Rocha, R. F.; Pinto, A. N.; Statistical Analysis of Optical Transport Networks: Characterization and Application, Proc European Conference on Networks and Communications - EuCNC, Paris, France, Vol. 33, pp. 753 - 754, June, 2015 Pedro, J. M.; Costa, N.; Preplanning framework to evaluate the potential of different modulation formats in DWDM networks, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Pedro, J. M.; Pato, S.; Morais, R.M.; On-site reconfiguration requirements of ROADM add/drop architectures under multi-period planning, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Pedro, J. M.; Prospects for transparent handover between the Metro and Core segments of nextgeneration transport networks, Proc International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. Tu.D1.4, pp. 1 - 5, July, 2015 Pedro, J. M.; Costa, N.; Techno economics in a wide European optical transport network, Proc Fotonica AEIT Italian Conf. on Photonics Technologies, Turin, Italy, pp. 1 - 4, May, 2015 4.2.7 Other Achievements Patents Pinto, A. N.; Guiomar, F. P.; Amado, S. B.; Martins, C. M.; Filtro Digital de Baixa Complexidade para a Compensação da Dispersão Cromática no Domínio do Tempo, -, July, 2015 Awards Fernandes, G.; Muga, N. J.; Pinto, A. N.; Signal Processing Techniques for Transmissions Systems Based on Space-Division Multiplexing, Best Poster Award in Engineering -Research Day 2015, 01-05-2015 4.2.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees ICETE International Conf. on Optical Communication Systems - OPTICS, Technical Programme Committee, Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves, 01-01-2015 International Conf. on Optical Communications Systems - OPTICS, Scientific Committee, João Lopes Rebola, 01-01-2015 OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Technical Programme Committee, João Manuel Ferreira Pedro, 01-01-2015 University of Aveiro OSA Student Chapter International OSA Network of Students IONS, Conference Chairman, Álvaro José Caseiro de Almeida, 24-09-2015 International OSA Network of Students (IONS), Organizing Committee, Vanessa Cunha Duarte , 23-092015 140 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Technical Programme Committee, Rogério Nunes Nogueira, 01-03-2015 Editorial Committees Intrnl. Journal of Optics, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo , Editorial Board, 01-12-2008 to 141 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3 Networks and Multimedia 4.3.1 Coordinators Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo Rui Luis Aguiar 4.3.2 Human Resources Overview Position IT – Aveiro IT – Coimbra IT – Lisboa IT Branch – Covilhã IT Branch IT Branch – ISCTE– Leiria IUL IT Branch – Porto Full Professor 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 Associate Professor 3 0 7 2 1 0 2 Coordinator Professor 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 17 5 17 14 5 6 8 3 1 6 1 0 0 2 PhD Student 14 4 27 26 3 3 30 MSc Student 11 1 5 2 0 0 0 Licenciado 16 1 0 0 0 0 0 Researcher 4 1 4 1 0 1 0 68 15 70 48 10 12 43 Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Total Permanent Collaborators Name Position Degree Group Abel João Padrão Gomes Associate Professor Agregação Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Alexandra Sofia Martins de Carvalho Assistant Professor PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar Assistant Professor PhD Networked Systems – Po Ana Luisa Nobre Fred Associate Professor PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Anders Lyhne Christensen Assistant Professor PhD Information Technology - Lx 142 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA André Amorim de Faria Cardote PhD PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Av André Filipe Torres Martins Researcher PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx André Nuno Carvalho Souto Post. Doc. PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa André Ribeiro Lourenço Assistant Professor PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira Assistant Professor PhD Telecommunications and Networking – Av Artur Ferreira Researcher PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Augusto José Venâncio Neto Assistant Professor PhD Telecommunications and Networking – Av Bruno Miguel Correia da Silva Post. Doc. Carla Calado Lopes Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Catarina Brites Post. Doc. PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Daniel Nunes Corujo Researcher PhD Telecommunications and Networking – Av Diogo Nuno P. Gomes Assistant Professor PhD Telecommunications and Networking – Av Fernando José Pimentel Lopes Coordinator Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira Associate Professor Agregação Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Fernando Manuel Santos Perdigão Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Francesco Renna Post. Doc. PhD Information Theory – Po Francisco Manuel Marques Fontes Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Gabriel Martín Hernández Post. Doc. PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Helena Isabel Aidos Lopes Post. Doc. PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Henrique José Monteiro Oliveira Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv 143 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Hugo Humberto Plácido da Silva Researcher PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença Assistant Professor Agregação Pattern and Image Analysis – CV João da Silva Pereira Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Associate Professor PhD Networked Systems – Po João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho Associate Professor PhD Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx João Manuel Pires Leitão Caldeira Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx João Paulo Barraca Assistant Professor PhD Telecommunications and Networking – Av João Paulo Firmeza Licenciado João Pedro Afonso Oliveira da Silva Assistant Professor João Santos MSc Student Joaquim José de Castro Ferreira Assistant Professor PhD Embedded Systems – Av Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues Assistant Professor Agregação Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv José Alberto Gouveia Associate Professor Fonseca PhD Embedded Systems – Av José Brázio Associate Professor PhD Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx José Maio MSc Student José Manuel Bioucas Dias Associate Professor Agregação Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx José Manuel Peixoto do Nascimento Assistant Professor PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx José Pedro Fernandes MSc Student Lucas Guardalben Post. Doc. PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Luís Eduardo de Pinho Ducla Soares Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Telecommunications and Networking – Av PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Telecommunications and Networking – Av Telecommunications and Networking – Av Telecommunications and Networking – Av 144 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Luís Filipe Barbosa de Almeida Alexandre Associate Professor Agregação Pattern and Image Analysis – CV Luis Filipe Fernandes Silva Marcelino Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Luís Henrique Martins Borges de Almeida Full Professor Agregação Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Luís Manuel Cerqueira Barreto Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Luís Miguel Dias Henriques da Silva Licenciado Licenciatura Telecommunications and Networking – Av Luís Miguel Martins Nunes Assistant Professor PhD Information Technology - Lx Luis Miguel Pinho de Almeida Associate Professor PhD Networked Systems – Po Marco Alexandre Cravo Gomes Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Marco Filipe Oliveira Monteiro Licenciado Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Maria Paula Antunes Abrantes Gouveia Assistant Professor PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Maria Paula Prata de Sousa Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Mariana Sá Correia Leite de Almeida Researcher PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo Full Professor Agregação Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Mario Marques Freire Full Professor Agregação Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira Assistant Professor PhD Networked Systems – Po Miguel Tavares Coimbra Assistant Professor PhD Interactive Multimedia - Po Telecommunications and Networking – Av 145 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Muhammad Alam Post. Doc. PhD Embedded Systems – Av Nuno Gonçalo Coelho Costa Pombo Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Nuno Miguel Morais Rodrigues Researcher PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Óscar Narciso Mortágua Pereira Assistant Professor PhD Telecommunications and Networking – Av Ousmane Diallo Researcher PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Paulo Alexandre Carapinha Marques Coordinator Professor PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Paulo Alexandre Ferreira Neto Alves Afonso Assistant Professor PhD Embedded Systems – Av Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro Assistant Professor PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – CV Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Assistant Professor PhD Embedded Systems – Av Paulo Nunes Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Paulo Jorge Salvador Serra Ferreira Assistant Professor PhD Telecommunications and Networking – Av Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Pedro Alexandre Sousa Gonçalves Assistant Professor PhD Telecommunications and Networking – Av Pedro António Amado Assunção Coordinator Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Pedro Carvalho Licenciado Pedro Daniel Frazão Correia Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Pedro Figueiredo Santana Assistant Professor PhD Information Technology - Lx Pedro José Guerra de Araújo Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Assistant Professor PhD Networked Systems – Po Pedro Albuquerque d´Orey Post. Doc. PhD Networked Systems – Po Telecommunications and Networking – Av 146 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Assistant Professor PhD Ricardo Cadime MSc Student Rui Jorge Morais Tomaz Valadas Full Professor Agregação Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar Associate Professor Agregação Telecommunications and Networking – Av Rui Manuel Fonseca Pinto Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Rui Manuel Rodrigues Rocha Associate Professor PhD Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Rui Manuel Silva Fernandes Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Rui Pedro de Magalhães Claro Prior Assistant Professor PhD Networked Systems – Po Sancho Moura Oliveira Assistant Professor PhD Information Technology - Lx Seil Jeon Researcher PhD Telecommunications and Networking – Av Sérgio Armindo Lopes Crisóstomo Assistant Professor PhD Networked Systems – Po Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria Coordinator Professor Agregação Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Sérgio Marcelino Post. Doc. PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Associate Professor Agregação Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Telma Mota MSc Student Tomás Gomes da Silva Serpa Brandão Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Valter Filipe Miranda Castelão da Silva Assistant Professor PhD Embedded Systems – Av Vasco Lagarto Licenciado Licenciatura Telecommunications and Networking – Av Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Assistant Professor PhD Interactive Multimedia - Po Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Telecommunications and Networking – Av Telecommunications and Networking – Av 147 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Vitor Manuel Mendes Silva Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Other Collaborators Name Position Degree Group Afonso Morato Alface Martins Teodoro PhD Student Afonso Vilaça Bastos Silva PhD Student Telecommunications and Networking – Av Alexandre Kimiyaki Ligo PhD Student Networked Systems – Po Alireza SepasMoghaddam PhD Student Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Álvaro Henrique C. Gomes Licenciado Licenciatura Radio Systems – Av André Braga Reis PhD Student MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Av André Manuel Longo Moreira PhD Student MSc Networked Systems – Po André Zúquete Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Av António Amaral MSc Student Telecommunications and Networking – Av António Damião das Neves Rodrigues PhD Student Networked Systems – Po António Luís Ferreira Marques PhD Student Embedded Systems – Av António Manuel Rodrigues Santos Licenciado Telecommunications and Networking – Av Aqsa Aslam PhD Student Networked Systems – Po Bruno Ferreira de Oliveira PhD Student Carlos David Magalhães Queiroz PhD Student MSc MSc Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Interactive Multimedia - Po Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv 148 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Carlos Eduardo Magalhães Guimarães PhD Student Telecommunications and Networking – Av Carlos Manuel Martins Marques PhD Student Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Carlos Manuel Ribeiro Almeida Assistant Professor Carlos Miguel Ferreira PhD Student Carlos Miguel Martins de Campos Licenciado MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Carlos Miguel Silva Couto Pereira PhD Student MSc Networked Systems – Po Caroline Conti PhD Student PhD Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Chandrashekhar N. Padole PhD Student Pattern and Image Analysis – CV Cristiano Pereira MSc Student Telecommunications and Networking – Av Cumhur Ozan Çetinaslan PhD Student Interactive Multimedia - Po Daniel Cláudio Pereira PhD Student Interactive Multimedia - Po Daniel Filipe Leonardo Figueira PhD Student Network Architectures and Protocols – Av David Walter Figueira Jardim PhD Student Information Technology - Lx Diogo João de Sousa Ferreira PhD Student Networked Systems – Po Diogo Resende Rainho Licenciado Emanuel Ribeiro Lima PhD Student Fernando António Carvalho Marcos PhD Student MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Fernando Goulart da Silva PhD Student MSc Information Technology - Lx Licenciatura Telecommunications and Networking – Av Networked Systems – Po 149 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Filipe Cabral Pinto Post. Doc. PhD Filipe João Cabrita Condessa PhD Student Filipe Manuel Rodrigues Casal PhD Student Filipe Miguel Sá R. Marques Licenciado Telecommunications and Networking – Av Filippo Basso PhD Student Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Francisco Oliveira MSc Student Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Gil Melfe Mateus Santos PhD Student Gonçalo Nuno Paiva Amador PhD Student Gonçalo Nuno Paula de Campos Vinhas Leitão PhD Student Guilherme Henrique Caçador Ramos PhD Student Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Helder Vidal MSc Student Radio Systems – Lx Henrique Sousa Licenciado Telecommunications and Networking – Av Hugo Marcelo Fernandes da Conceição PhD Student Networked Systems – Po Hugo Moreira de Sousa Pinto PhD Student MSc Networked Systems – Po Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Assistant Professor PhD Information Technology - Lx Ivan Miguel Serrano Pires PhD Student MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Jaime Arsénio de Brito Ramos Assistant Professor PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx MSc MSc Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv 150 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Jan Gunnar Cederquist Assistant Professor Joanna Bachmatiuk PhD Student João Alfredo Fazendeiro Fernandes Dias PhD Student João Carlos Paliteiro Licenciado Multimedia Signal Processing – Co João Carlos Raposo Neves PhD Student Pattern and Image Analysis – CV João Filipe Monteiro Carreira PhD Student João Francisco Cardoso Gante PhD Student João Guilherme Pereira Rodrigues PhD Student MSc Networked Systems – Po João Leonel Almeida Amaro PhD Student MSc Multimedia Signal Processing – Co João Manuel Barbosa de Oliveira PhD Student MSc Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx João Pedro Brites Ferreira Nogueira PhD Student MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Joaquim Manuel Pereira Mateus PhD Student MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Jorge Daniel Leonardo Proença PhD Student MSc Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Jorge Henrique Santos Oliveira PhD Student Interactive Multimedia - Po Jorge Miguel C. Gomes PhD Student Information Technology - Lx José Carlos G. P. Miranda PhD Student José Mário Figueiredo Serra PhD Student PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx MSc MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Multimedia Signal Processing – Co MSc Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Interactive Multimedia - Po 151 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA José Miguel de Carvalho Catela Teixeira PhD Student José Rafael Quevedo Rego PhD Student Telecommunications and Networking – Av Joshin P. Krishnan PhD Student Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Kristoffer Andersson MSc Student Radio Systems – Av Lina de Brito MSc Student Telecommunications and Networking – Av Lina Zhuang PhD Student Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Lino Miguel Moreira Ferreira PhD Student Luís Alexandre Moreira Matias PhD Student Luis António Serralva Vieira de Sá Full Professor Agregação Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Luis David Moreira Pedrosa PhD Student MSc Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Luís Filipe Nunes Quaresma de Oliveira PhD Student Luís Filipe Silva Camacho PhD Student MSc Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Luís Miguel Barbosa da Costa Leite PhD Student MSc Interactive Multimedia - Po Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho Associate Professor Agregação Information Technology - Lx Luis Miguel Cunha Pinto PhD Student Networked Systems – Po Malik Saad Sultan PhD Student Interactive Multimedia - Po Manuel Mota Ferreira PhD Student Mara Elisa de Paiva Fernandes Matias PhD Student MSc Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Licenciatura Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Networked Systems – Po Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx MSc Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa 152 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Marcelo Esteban Coniglio Associate Professor Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Maria do Céu Beirão MSc Student Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Maria Madalena Gonçalves Ribeiro PhD Student Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Marina Ljubenovic PhD Student Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Miguel Ângelo Silva Neto PhD Student Miguel Antunes Dias Alfaiate Simões PhD Student Miguel Figueiredo MSc Student Licenciatura Telecommunications and Networking – Av Miguel Pereira dos Santos Silva PhD Student MSc Miguel Plácido Santos Licenciado Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Assistant Professor PhD Miguel Sousa Borges de Almeida PhD Student Licenciatura Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Milad Niknejad PhD Student Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Musa Gwani Samaila PhD Student Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Nelson Filipe Capela PhD Student Nuno Fábio Ferreira PhD Student Embedded Systems – Av Nuno Guimarães Licenciado Telecommunications and Networking – Av Orangel José Azuaje Contreras PhD Student Networked Systems – Po Orlando Ricardo Esteves Pereira PhD Student MSc Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Telecommunications and Networking – Av MSc MSc Information Theory – Po Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv 153 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Patrício Rodrigues Domingues Assistant Professor PhD Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Paul Andrew Crocker Assistant Professor PhD Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Paulo Bartolomeu PhD Student Embedded Systems – Av Paulo Sérgio S. Gouveia Assistant Professor Radio Systems – Av Pedro António Figueiredo Fernandes MSc Student Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Pedro Daniel Rosete Bento PhD Student MSc Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Pedro Emanuel Rodrigues Gomes PhD Student MSc Networked Systems – Po Pedro Fonseca MSc Student Pedro José Gonçalves Ribeiro PhD Student MSc Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão Assistant Professor PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Pedro Miguel Ferreira Claro Licenciado Radio Systems – Av Pedro Miguel Mendes das Neves PhD Student Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Pedro Miguel Salgueiro dos Santos PhD Student Networked Systems – Po Pedro Mota Mendes PhD Student Pedro Tiago Magalhães Gomes PhD Student Networked Systems – Po Przemyslaw Lenkiewicz PhD Student Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx MSc Interactive Multimedia - Po 154 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Ricardo da Costa Branco Ribeiro Matias Post. Doc. PhD Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Ricardo João Rodrigues Gonçalves PhD Student MSc Security and Quantum Information – Lisboa Ricardo Jorge Alves Cordeiro Licenciado MSc Telecommunications and Networking – Av Ricardo Jorge Fernandes PhD Student MSc Networked Systems – Po Ricardo Jorge Santos Monteiro PhD Student Ricardo Vilaça Moreira PhD Student Romeu da Silva MSc Student Romeu Rabaça Monteiro PhD Student MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Rui Costa Cardoso PhD Student MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes Assistant Professor PhD Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Rui Manuel Pacheco Meireles PhD Student MSc Networked Systems – Po Rui Marcelino MSc Student Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Rui Pedro Monteiro Amaro Duarte PhD Student Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Rui Pedro Quaresma Braz PhD Student Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Rui Pereira MSc Student Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Rui Sérgio Viegas Rodrigues PhD Student Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Sérgio Duarte Correia PhD Student MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Sílvio Brás Filipe PhD Student MSc Pattern and Image Analysis – CV Susana Pereira Bulas Cruz PhD Student Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx MSc Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Networked Systems – Po 155 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Sylvain Tony Marcelino PhD Student Tanmay Tulsidas Verlekar PhD Student Teresa de Jesus Baptista Vieira PhD Student Tiago Miguel Carrola Simões PhD Student Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Vanice Canuto Cunha PhD Student Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Victor Manuel Letra Macedo Marques Assistant Professor Vinay Uday Prabhu PhD Student Information Theory – Po Vinícius de Miranda Rios PhD Student Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Vitor Simões Ribeiro MSc Yi Liu PhD Student Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Zahid Iqbal PhD Student Networked Systems – Po 4.3.3 MSc Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx MSc PhD MSc Interactive Multimedia - Po Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Telecommunications and Networking – Av Summary of Research Achievements The Networks and Multimedia research lines covers a large set of groups (17, with a total of more than 60 researchers), with the corresponding large set of subjects. This report follows the lines of basic concepts (Information and network theory; security); multimedia technologies (interactive multimedia, multimedia signal processing, and pattern analysis), communication systems (networks and protocols, mobile networks, information technologies) and finally hardware realization. Contributing Groups The groups that contributed to this report are: • Embedded Systems – Aveiro Information Technology - Lisboa • Information Theory – Porto Interactive Multimedia - Porto • Multimedia Signal Processing – Coimbra • Multimedia Signal Processing – Covilhã • Multimedia Signal Processing – Leiria • Multimedia Signal Processing – Lisboa 156 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Network Architecture and Protocols – Lisboa • Network Architectures and Protocols – Aveiro • Network Architectures and Protocols – Covilhã • Networked Systems – Porto • Pattern and Image Analysis – Covilhã • Pattern and Image Analysis – Lisboa • Security and Quantum Information –Lisboa • Telecommunications and Networking – Aveiro Information and networking theory The activities on the field of information and networking theory cover a large set of aspects. Information theory Several strand were pursued here: − Combination of logics: substantial advances in the understanding of fibred logics were achieved, obtaining full characterizations of conservativity and decidability preservation results in the disjoint case, and several partial results in the general case, namely using appropriate notions of translation − Compositional meaning in logic: suitable generalized notions of compositional meaning in logic were explored, namely in the context of non-deterministic logical matrices, and obtained several new characterization − Computation with real numbers and complexity: the physical measure associated to the (geometric) Lorenz attractor was shown to be computable, as well as how computational complexity can be properly defined over analog models of computation like Shannon's General Purpose Analog Computer. Complex Networks Work in this area covered: − Theoretical and experimental study of complex networks’ design, structure and dynamics with a focus on its impact on resilience and robustness properties. − Study of emergent structures in social conflict scenarios, with applications on a testbed for the simulation of confrontation with network effects. − The formulation of a theorem that equates the correctness of routing vector protocols, such as 157 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA BGP, to a property of routing policies around the cycles of a network and its application in the derivation of guidelines for the configuration of routers. − Development of a unified framework to reason about link-state routing protocols, such as OSPF and IS-IS. Global Navigation Satellite (GNSS) Several research activities were developed in the area of signal processing for GNSS receivers, covering new algorithms for the detection of interference (non-intentional and jamming) in GNSS, and algorithms for the efficient simulation of Ionospheric Scintillation effects in GNSS signals. Theoretical and Applied Security The area of security has seen large developments in the last years inside the line of Networks and Multimedia. Criptography and quantum information Work was developed on Bit-string oblivious transfer (addressing a quantum computationally secure protocol for bit-string oblivious transfer between two parties); Blind signatures and PK (quantum blind signature perfectly secure, and a quantum public key cryptosystem); and quantum multiparty dense coding (allowing the sharing of information among several quantum agents). Security foundations Theoretical work has obtained decidability and complexity results for an equational-based probabilistic logic, and started exploring a related NP-complete problem generalizing probabilistic satisfiability (PSAT). A detailed technical framework (based on the notion of distributed security setting, and that unifies previously studied properties such as Distributed Noninterference, Distributed Non-disclosure and Flow Policy Confinement) was developed for addressing the problem of enforcing information flow security in client-side web applications. Internet Security The group has worked on a world-wide distributed probing methodology to detect traffic routing variations. Upon detection, a corporate customer cannot act in terms of Internet-scale routing but can warn its network service providers and request consequent actions. This work was further complemented by the development of a formal model for Netfilter for specification and verification of firewall policies. Furthermore, an efficient and non-intrusive algorithm 158 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA for detecting performance anomalies in multi-tier virtualized services running in datacenters was developed. On different lines, two prototypes of mobile applications integrating cryptography primitives were developed, including a complete suite of services for securing communications and storage on mobile devices. Also, some work was performed on practical physical layer schemes for security. Research was also made on the application of artificial models of immune systems in computer network security. Acess Control In relational database applications, access control is traditionally enforced by security layers based on centralized architectures. Work has been developed on security layers based on distributed architectures, which has also been extended to support NoSQL databases. The authentication problem was also addressed on smartphones, using User Behavior Modelling. User Behavior Modeling Social networking services have emerged as an extremely popular platform for social interactions and created a new human communication paradigm. We developed a novel continuous time model based on a multi-ON-OFF Markov chain with exponential truncated sojourn times that is able to fully describe the sojourn times of different activity and non-activity periods, as well as the rate of interactions on a social network during the activity periods. This led to developments as a new means to authentication on smartphones based on previous user activity and on analyzing habits for construction of passwords of Portuguese people. Interactive multimedia Given its very nature, Interactive multimedia addresses multiple areas, with direct social impact: − Health – Work was performed on a Health Kiosk (that automates the collection of vital signs and other medical data and is able to interact with the patients' health records) and on Voice Coaching for Reduced Stress (annotating utterances with stress using different methods (experts, heart rate sensors) and validation). − Games – Developments on algorithms for 3D virtual environments and MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games), including reconstruction algorithms, trust computing, and migration algorithms, and aspect of serious games technologies. − Human Interfaces – Two aspects were addressed: Augmented Reality with natural user Interfaces focusing on the natural interaction to allow users to manipulate data and digital systems; and 159 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA advanced remote control for user interaction with multimedia content. Look-a-Like avatars, for online cloud base engine, were developed, including aspects on Facial Synthesis within Virtual Reality. Multimedia signal processing Many topics have been addressed by the multiple IT research groups in multimedia signal processing. The research topics are presented with a technical flow order logic, this means starting from analysis and going through coding, rendering and finally quality assessment. Monoview video coding IT has addressed the: − Design of a novel HEVC based framework offering quality scalability on top of a HEVC compliant base layer while appropriately combining the predictive and distributed coding paradigms, a machine learning based side information creation mechanism and an adaptive correlation modelling process. − Design of two novel improved merge mode prediction solutions that adaptively refines the motion vector candidates in the context of the HEVC scalable extension to achieve the highest compression efficiency. − Design of a novel hybrid video coding solution combining pixel and feature based coding tools. − Assessment of the impact on distributed video coding (DVC) of upgrading the standard Intra coding component from H.264/AVC to the recent and more efficient HEVC standard to strengthen the DVC positioning in the video coding landscape. − Research and development of robust coding techniques to improve the error resilience of the state of the art video encoder (HEVC) based on dynamic reference picture selection modes. Added with specific enhancement techniques to mitigate the effect of partial or total loss of individual descriptions. − Fast intra coding procedures for HEVC. The intra coding operations defined in the HEVC standard require a significant amount of computation power during HEVC compatible video encoding. Multiview video coding IT has handled the: − Design of a novel adaptive interactive multiview video streaming solution where clients select their preferred viewpoint in a given navigation window based on a layered multiview 160 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA representation. − Development of an inter-view SI creation technique for multiview distributed video coding using SIFT-based homographies relying on a local estimation process. Light field image coding and processing IT has handled the: − Design of a non-scalable coding solution for light field image and video content, based on improved intra frame prediction methods that better exploit the inherent structure of this type of content. − Design of a scalable coding solution for light field image and video content, in which higher scalability layers correspond to richer interactivity possibilities for the consumer of the content. An investigation on depth extraction from light fields was initiated for the purpose of depth-based light field coding, among others such as surface analysis and modeling. − Development of interactive tools for rendering light field content, depth extraction and quality assessment. New degrees of freedom in terms of 3D light field content processing and coding have been also explored, such as the investigation of light field depth estimation techniques, light field depth image based rendering techniques, and geometric-transform based coding. These activities have been carried out under the scope of the ICT COST Action IC1105 - 3D-ConTourNet and IT project 3D-SERVICIS. Holographic and Point cloud coding Design of a point cloud compression technique that involves partitioning of the point cloud data into clusters where each cluster can be independently spectral transformed to obtain coefficients for each vertex of a cluster. IT has also developed a more efficient HEVC based holographic data coding solution by including optimized transforms for each Intra coding mode; the optimized transforms improve the capability of the codec to consider directional redundancies. Visual rendering In computer graphics, IT has developed algorithms for the simulation and rendering of weather clouds, as well as algorithms for ray casting and tracing, and for occlusion culling. It has also developed geometric algorithms to render molecules with millions of atoms. IT has developed an Epipolar Plane Image (EPI) based view rendering framework for 3D video coding representing the cube of views (3D light field) by a cube of EPIs whose compact representation involves 161 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA disparity estimation based on all the views available, rather than only a few, thus offering a global approach to synthesis. Also, IT has developed a light field based 360o panoramas creation algorithms exploiting the potential of light field cameras. Video processing for streaming Design of a novel decoder quality boosting algorithm based on machine learning where any standard compliant bitstreams are decoded with better quality in the lower rate/quality periods that succeed to higher rate/quality periods due to network bandwidth variations. Image and video coding/decoding It performed research on image and video compression techniques beyond the current coding standards: − Three-dimensional pattern matching algorithms and the application of geometric transforms in disparity compensation in 3D video coding. − Computationally efficient techniques for image compression in many-core platforms. − Summarisation and key-frame extraction algorithms for 2D/3D video. 3D Video Several initiatives on 3D covered: − 3D Video summarization When a user needs spend less time to view a video clip than its total runtime it usually resorts to fast-forward viewing mode. This strategy however is not necessarily the best one as it treats the entire movie as equally relevant. A better solution is to use a summarization pre-processing stage, to identify the more relevant frames of the video clip allowing a compliant player to reproduce only those frames marked as belonging to the summary. The special case of 3D video poses additional challenges related to the importance of depth information − 3D Video Quality of Experience Estimation 3D video represented in one of the several accepted formats (stereo, texture+depth, ,multi view) and transmitted in packet switched networks (after encoding) is subjected to significant degradations when packet losses occur. The goal of the research activities currently being carried out under this topic is the modeling and test of final QoE estimators that are able to predict the final quality of decoded video as perceived by human observers. A family of low-complexity models based on neural networks and making use of 162 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA packet-layer only information have been developed which present good performance. A new model for quality monitoring of 3D video (video-plus-depth format) delivered over hybrid broadcasting networks was devised. A new perceptually aware quality metric was also successfully developed and validated. − Development of error concealment methods specifically targeted for depth maps and efficient processing techniques for quality enhancing of depth maps generated by RGB-D Sensors. Novel error concealment methods based on geometric transforms were proposed to recover corrupted depth maps in 3D multiview video-plus-depth. − Crowd Evaluation of 3D Video Quality This line of research deals with the development of procedures and platforms that can be used to collect 3D video quality grades using a distributed crowd paradigm. Pattern and image analysis IT has developed research on pattern and image analysis in different fields. Image Quality assessment The area of quality assessment is an increasingly important area in image. IT has addressed the following techniques in quality assessment: − Eye gaze behavior under chromatic impairments and quality assessment: Attention maps of images with induced chromatic errors are obtained with an eye-tracking device. Those attention maps are analyzed and compared with the MOS obtained from the subjective evaluation of the considered images. − Specific Chromatic Errors Quality Assessment: Color change results from the application of a predefined chromatic error to the chromatic coordinates of all pixels were displayed for subject’s visualization that were asked to rank their quality based on their naturalness. − Quality comparison of the HEVC and VP9 encoders performance: A subjective test for assessment of the Quality of Experience provided by the two codecs was performed. − Benchmarking of objective quality metrics for HDR image quality assessment: In total, 35 objective metrics were benchmarked using subjective scores as ground truth. For each metric, objective scores were fitted to subjective scores using logistic fitting. − Evaluation of the emerging JPEG XT image compression standard: The question addressed here is to understand if this model allows extracting a new LDR representation using a different TMO, independently of the TMO used to generate the LDR image encoded in the base layer. 163 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Speech Processing The work on the field of robust acoustic modelling has been continued with children's speech models for reading assessment, as well as measurement of reading proficiency in children. Under the scope of LetsRead project, that aims to develop a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) mobile, interactive, application, for helping Portuguese children in their reading activity at the primary/elementary school level, a speech database from children (6-10 years old) on private and public schools was created. Full annotation was accomplished for words, disfluencies (cut/interrupted/wrong/extra words, filled pauses) and special events, in order to enable research and development on acoustic and pronunciation models. Furthermore, an automatic speech recognition module integrated in an automatic sign language interpreter was developed. Transportation Systems IT has designed an analysis algorithm for road pavement surface images targeting the automatic detection and characterization of cracks. A toolbox (CrackIT) has been made available for researchers working on the problem of road infrastructures management. A system was developed for the automatic analysis of video snippets capturing road traffic, available from the internet, to count the number of vehicles on a given traffic lane, and estimation of road traffic congestion. Medical applications Medical applications associated with both pattern analysis and image analysis have been widely explored. In these areas we can identify: • Pattern analysis − Creation of a testbed for the assessment of the circulatory network effects on the development of cancer. − Algorithms for biosignal aquisition, processing, and storage, including the acoustic characterization of the cataract with ultrasound techniques. − Segmentation method for breast ultrasound masses based on multi-resolution analysis − Application of texture analysis to muscle MRI: − Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Balance. Spectral analysis of autonomic nervous system using pseudoentropy measures, with time frequency analysis methods (Wavelets and Hilbert-Huang Transform) applied in Heart Rate Variability and Blood Pressure signals to extract Autonomic Balance. 164 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA − Interactive systems for gastroenterology for both training and assisted decision during exams. − Analysis and features extraction of ophthalmologic ultrasound signals. • Image Processing − Processing of retinal images to identify anatomical structures, quantify image quality and extract domain-specific image descriptors amenable to use in large retinal image database searches. − Development of efficient compression methods for lossless coding of medical images. − Texture analysis and machine learning used in dermoscopic image processing for melanoma. − Transfer learning and deep learning to detect breast cancer based on single-cell information − Gene expression data analysis with observer metaphor. − Ultrassound image analysis for rheumatology, including bone segmentation and extensor tendon segmentation Biometrics bsed people analysis and recognition IT has worked on biometric recognition systems and automated surveillance, aiming to obtain an automaton able to recognize human beings without requiring their participation. Issues addressed included: design of a view-invariant gait recognition algorithm, focusing on the determination of the walking direction of a person detected in a video sequence captured in unconstrained conditions; development of an integrated environment (BioFoV) for supporting the forensic analysis of surveillance videos, including the computation of soft-biometrics; development of a face recognition solution using clustering and super-resolution from low quality face images detected in surveillance videos. Furthermore, IT developed a biometric recognition system for matching partial and degraded (by one of several degradation types) palmprints obtained from forensic scenarios against palmprints registered in a database. Analysis and description of images and video Many aspects in image description were addressed: − Development of software tools, compliant with recommendation ITU-R BT.1702, for the real-time detection of video content with fast luminance variations, or with spatial patterns of high contrast (referred to as epileptogenic visual content). − Design of an algorithm for the detection of video segments without temporal activity and their classification as still images transmission, black frames, segments naturally without motion, and segments with repeated frames due to transmission losses or delays (video stalls). 165 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA − Design of an algorithm to identify video segments containing violence, using features extracted from the video and audio signals as well as from the subtitles text. − Design of a novel binary feature coding solution using distributed source coding principles where the features are extracted at the sensing nodes which are transmitted to enable visual analysis at some central location − Design of a novel multi-view distributed feature selection technique where the efficiency of the visual analysis is improved by employing several neighboring cameras which sense partially overlapped areas. − Design of a novel visual tracker that performs descriptor matching between consecutive frames, applies filtering techniques to remove undesirable outliers and employs a suitable model to characterize the object appearance; in addition, techniques to code and transmit these description streams are employed. − Design of binary descriptor coding methods and a novel tracking-by-detection framework to perform visual tracking in a stereo-based analyze-then-compress system where features extracted from different cameras are used to characterize the object appearance with a suitable model. Architectures, protocols and services IT has addressed multiple areas inside the field of architectures, protocols and services. Mobile network aspects will be addressed in the following section. Multimedia and QoS-Aware Networking In terms of multimedia-related networking, IT developed a global OTT architecture, with content prediction, distributed caching and information delivery. This Content distribution network in over-thetop networks includes a feature of Automated Recording and OTT Publicity, and a complete a complete analysis of catchup-TV pattern consumption. Furthermore, IT has developed dynamic and adaptive resource reservation mechanisms for large distributed embedded systems. In particular we developed a mechanism to scale the FTT-SE protocol (Flexible Time-Triggered Switched Ethernet) as a central piece in a resource management framework. An architecture based on HaRTES (FTT-enabled) switches was also explored (see hardware realizations). Moreover, we continued the work towards network management with hierarchical traffic scheduling to provide hierarchies of virtual channels with mutual temporal isolation. 166 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA In a different line, IT developed a reliable streaming multicast protocol (and demonstrator) that scales to large number of clients using feedback-based Network Coding with judicious scheduling of clients feedback. Information-Centric Networking Research in the area of ICN is a strong commitment of IT, with particular focus in flexible coordination of the network infrastructure, in the light of future networks and existing telecom driven cellular networks. This effort resulted in active participation in the Information Centric Networking Research Group (ICNRG) of the IRTF, resulting in drafts and the authorship of RFC 7476. Software Defined Networking Networks are embracing the flexibility provided by software agents, and exploring novel use cases and services, which are enabled by the standardization efforts related to the OpenFlow protocol. The IT has applied OpenFlow to the realization of advanced mobility management solutions. In particular, it has built upon its long experience with fast mobility for cellular and wireless scenarios, developing solutions for end-to-end mobility, and edge node mobility control based on the novel SDN concepts and through OpenFlow. IT has also developed a Open-Flow based network management approach, and mechanisms and algorithms for fault-management and reconfiguration of network and cloud resources through SDN. Network Function Virtualization Telecom providers are exploring the opportunities presented by SDN, and with particular interest the possibility of increased flexibility and decreased cost by virtualizing some of the network equipment. IT has worked closely with research partners, and telecom providers in the development of actual solutions for the virtualization of several components. This has led to the recognition of IT as an Official OpenStack Supporting Company, with the addition of IT to the OpenStack webpage. Mobile Networks Mobile networks are one of the most active and diverse area in telecommunications. IT naturally is strongly involved in this area. Vehicular Networks The commitment to vehicular networks has been well established for long. In the last year, work was performed in: integration of mobility mechanism with multihoming for the connection of vehicles to several networks simultaneously, as well as predictive mechanisms for selecting best connections; development of local services for Road Side Units; security aspects for vehicular networks; opportunistic 167 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA routing for vehicular networking; storage strategies using Helix emulator; dissemination strategies; protocols for Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks; and integration of sensors in board unites of the vehicular network. The 600 vehicle network in Porto has been constantly running performance experiments and integrating new mechanisms; some of these mechanisms were also tested in the experimental network in the harbor of Leixões. Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Closely associated with Vehicular Networks, nevertheless there were several works on mobile ad-hoc networks which had a wider application. IT has been involved in delay tolerant communications for navy scenarios, and for aquatic drones. Routing protocols for DTN (Q-Prophet), exploring the different quality of links, and with improvements for measuring the link quality in an integrated way, were some of the areas developed. Mobility in Telecommunications Networks Besides the vehicular networking, IT has developed work on high performance mobility, and continues to advance this area by contributing with novel mobility management solutions. These solutions are thoroughly tested and mature, being able to provide effective mobility management mechanisms in a generalized form for most IEEE 802 based networks, as well as some 3GPP aligned cellular networks. IT has developed distributed mobility mechanisms in flat networks, and optimized traffic allocation in different technologies and networks IoT, M2M and Smart Cities The internet is including devices in its fabric, creating an Internet of Things, and then an Internet of Everything. This trend is being specially felt on the concept of Smart Cities. IT has contributed to advanced scenarios and technologies by working on the design of management platforms, incorporating concepts related to security and high availability, with the integration of novel use cases and management interfaces, through custom solutions and conceptual designs. Some specific initiatives are worth explicit mention − Future Cities project - Porto Living Lab. Multiple areas were covered in this project: Data collection campaigns (Scope (policemen), MoodSensor (city-wide hapiness), FEUP mobility), APIs, device efficiency, Android gateways, service composition and performance evaluation of M2M as IoT infrastructure in terms of throughput and latency. Furthermore IT developed a management and payment system for the user, driver and fllet of buses, and development of a dashboard system that visualizes the estimated time of the buses in specific locations, with real-time information. 168 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA − Urban Mobility – Two different aspects were addressed: i) the development of the 5th generation of shared use bicycle systems, accommodating the use of electric bicycles and the consequent enlargement of the range of users, as well as the development of management and supervision services. and ii) a system for automatic car park management, which detects automatically the occupation of parking places, checks user authorizations, sends notifications of abnormal events to supervisors, measures the utilization time, etc. − Environment and Agriculture – Activities covering modernization and innovation based on ICT in agri-food companies of central region of Portugal have been trialed, as well as intelligent control systems for variable volumetric water reservoirs. The objective was to develop a novel technological solution to control energy consumption in an efficient way to minimize impacts on the environment. 5G and Future Internet The internet is in a clear revolution as new usage models appear and the efforts around 5G take place. IT is following the developments related to future architectures and solutions by participating in important associations, think tanks and consortia. In particular, an IT researcher is member of the 5G-PPP steering board, the most important 5G related European association. Also, IT is member of the CONFIG (COntrol Networks in FIve G) consortium which aims to develop an effective architecture for future 5G networks. Networks and Services for Mobile Teams Two major areas were addressed: − Communications for teams of collaborating mobile autonomous robots. We developed a method that allows obtaining position confidence levels based on the uncertainties of the pair-wise distances. We also explored routing within TDMA multi-hop networks and we developed a new protocol that strongly reduces the variations of end-to-end latencies and isolates the traffic flows generated by different sources providing network-wide composability in the time domain. − Vital Responder 2 project. Development of a prototype for ECG data collection over a wireless MANET of smartphones. Mobile MANET prototype on RPi. Experimental performance evaluation: energy consumption, communication range, network connectivity and throughput. Protocol for data collection on mobile ad-hoc networks using network coding. Network calculus framework for delay and backlog analysis of data gathering in a wireless MANET. 169 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Information Technologies Two major areas have been addressed in terms of Information Technologies: Big Data and Knowledge Development and Sharing. Big Data Social Analysis The amounts of data currently available rapidly enables novel use cases for exploiting services and devices, considering that its volumes are able to be processed and it presents a clear structure. Work was performed in both areas related to the extraction of structure from unstructured (IoT) data, and the analysis of large data sets to provide clues enhancing existing services. This has led to several contributions as well as novel methods for real time processing of large amounts of unstructured textual information, knowledge extraction and the creation of clues for enhancing multimedia services. Knowledge Development and Sharing Several artificial intelligence techniques were explored, and novel techniques were developed in these fields: agent architectures; Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning; Dynamic Scheduling; and Time Sequence clustering and prediction. Areas where these techniques were explored was on robot control in multi-robot systems, and on the treatment and tracking of Alzheimer’s disease. Hardware Realizations The Networks and Multimedia line have developed several activities coupled with physical realizations of some concepts, due to the challenging realization requirements of such concepts. Two major lines have been tackled: parallel realizations and embedded devices. Parallel Computing Significate amount of work was performed for the development of parallel kernels and data structures for accelerating compute-intensive signal processing algorithms under the context of error correcting codes used in data communications, in the area of medical imaging for diagnosis support, 3D reconstruction from stereo pairs and in the study of electron wave propagation on graphene. Mobile GPUs, low power FPGAs (reconfigurable hardware), GPU were tools used for multiple applications: Stacked Autoencoder Neural Networks; real-time 3D reconstruction; parallel kernels based on 2D stereo inputs; non-binary LDPC decoders, with mitigation techniques and analysis; medical imaging and signal processing acceleration (ultrasound, blood analysis, etc…). Both OpenCL and CUDA have been used in these developments. 170 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Embeded Systems Many networked embedded systems have real-time constraints and are safety critical. Thus it is require to handle implementation of standards-based dependable real-time communications for safety-critical systems, both wired (e.g. CAN and Ethernet) and wireless (e.g. IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.4). Fault tolerance techniques for both wireless and wireline networks have been developed, exploring dynamic scheduling features of the VFTT protocol (in the wireline) and architectures for allowing coordination among overlapping base stations (in the wireless). This was enriched by developing HaRTES, a real-time Ethernet architecture that conciliates flexibility with real-time requirements, and with support with MAC Bridge standard functionalities, to make it capable of being integrated on Industrial Internet of Things frameworks. In order to support heterogeneous applications with demanding communication requirements and provide efficient application development processes, it was developed a framework integrating 6LoWPAN protocols and services on a real-time operating system (Contiki OS) for low-end microcontrollers. IT has also developed a prototype board that supports multiple sensors and Bluetooth LE to send biodata to a smart phone, including an onboard oximeter with red and infrared LEDs to boost the light intensity and improve the measurement accuracy under normal daily life conditions. The experimental nature of this oximeter, imposes the use of custom data profile for Bluetooth LE communication and requires a custom application for processing the data. 171 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.4 Running and Concluded Projects Overview Funding Agency Number (confidential) 3 ADI 2 ADI/QREN 1 CAPES/CNPq 1 EC 2 EC/FP7 1 EDP 1 ESF/COST 2 EU/FP7 3 FCT 12 FCT/ CMU 2 FCT/CAPES 1 FCT/CMU 1 FCT/PTDC 9 FEDER/QREN 1 IT/LA 11 NATO 1 PT Inovação 2 QREN 3 IP Beja 1 Ubiprism 1 iUZ Technologies Lda. 1 Veniam 1 KKS - Agência Sueca para o conhecimento 1 Activity in Projects Acron / Ref VERE 257695 Title VERE: Virtual Embodiment and Re-Embodiment Funding EU/FP7 Descript. This project aims at dissolving the boundary between the human body and surrogate representations in immersive virtual reality and physical reality. Dissolving the boundary 172 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA means that people have the illusion that their surrogate representation is their own body, and act and have thoughts that correspond to this. The work in VERE may be thought of as applied presence research and applied cognitive neuroscience, and it would also significantly add to scientific knowledge in these areas . Imagine that you could transfer your self to an artificial body – a virtual body as represented in virtual reality or a physical robotic body. Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience show that internalising a body beyond ourselves (external, remote, alien) is possible, that our body representation is highly malleable and may be altered by appropriate changes to the normal stimulus contingencies that we are used to in every day life. The purpose of this research is to make such body transference possible with two different modes (virtual and physical). On top of this technical achievement, that would be underpinned through ongoing neuroscience research on body representation, would be a number of practical applications that will be constructed and investigated during the project. Acron / Ref 3DVQM IT/LA/P01131/2011 Title 3D Video Quality Monitor Funding IT/LA Descript. The project is focussed on research and development of 3D video perceptual quality monitoring in error prone networks, such as the near future 3DTV services over IP or DVB networks. The challenge is to establish a set of (Quality of Experience) QoE metrics and their relationship with objective measurements that affect the overall QoE. These metrics are computed from a combination of transport network layer information, quality features of 3D video signal and coding parameters embedded in compressed streams. The project seeks to investigate No-Reference (NR) methods such that blind 3D quality assessment can be carried out at any point of the delivery chain including the receiving terminal. Such an approach is rather more challenging than Full-Reference (FR) or even Reduced-Reference (RR) methods, where either the original signal or partial information about it is available. Acron / Ref MUVIS PTDC/EEA-TEL/119804/2010 Title MUlti-view distributed coding for VIsual Sensor networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Distributed video coding (DVC) is a compression paradigm based on two key Information Theory results from the 70s: the Slepian-Wolf and the Wyner-Ziv theorems. Contrary to 173 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA the available predictive video codecs, DVC codecs exploit the source statistics at the decoder providing functional benefits such as: 1) flexible distribution of the computational complexity between encoder and decoder; 2) in-built robustness to channel losses; 3) exploitation of Inter-view data correlation at the decoder. These functional benefits are very important for visual sensor networks, a network of wireless low-power video camera nodes, used for a wide range of applications such as surveillance, monitoring of remote areas or tele-presence systems. Visual sensor networks are characterized by: 1) Inter-view correlation between camera nodes with overlapped views; 2) up-link communication between many encoders (one at each camera node) to a few decoders; 3) independent compression of each view, since collaboration between cameras is difficult to implement or rather inefficient. Due to these characteristics, it is not efficient (or possible) to compress each captured view at a central node with the typical predictive approach, e.g. using the recent multi-view video coding H.264/MVC (Multi-view Video Coding) standard, since it implies to exploit spatial, temporal and Inter-view correlations at a rather high complexity encoder. The distributed coding approach provides a significant architectural benefit since it does not require any Inter-camera communication to explore the Inter-view correlation while the predictive approach requires the availability of all views at some central encoding location, forcing communication between cameras. This project will advance state-ofthe-art by developing competitive multi-view DVC solutions for visual sensor networks, notably by proposing: 1. Side information (SI) creation and correlation noised modeling: To fully exploit the potential of the multi-view distributed video coding paradigm, high quality side information (an estimation of the source created at the decoder) must be created by (jointly) exploiting temporal and Inter-view correlations. In this case, solutions that combine temporal and Inter-view SI estimators by using preliminary decoded data as helper information will be proposed. In addition, correlation noise models capturing the statistical correlation between the side information (available at the decoder) and the source (available at the encoder) will also be proposed along with the estimation of the relevant parameters. 2. Hybrid predictive-distributed video coding: The combination of predictive coding techniques, to exploit the temporal correlation, with distributed coding techniques, to exploit the Inter-view correlation, may be a successful “cocktail” to obtain improved rate-distortion (RD) performance. This approach was never exploited before (as much as the authors know) and will require to reinvent popular coding techniques at both encoder and decoder. In this case, it is also expected to obtain error resilience improvements, which is quite important in this type of errorprone networks (typically wireless). Acron / Ref Serv-CPS PTDC/EEA-AUT/122362/2010 Title Serv-CPS: Server-based Real-Time Ethernet Communication Architecture for Cyber- 174 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Physical Systems Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The objective of this project is developing a network framework, based on switched Ethernet, suitable to support CPS, by including an explicit and efficient support to component-oriented design methodologies. The framework shall support: Heterogeneous traffic classes with temporal isolation; - Partitioning and virtualization mechanisms; - Hierarchical multi-level server composition; - Dynamic adaptation and reconfiguration of servers with temporal guarantees; - Analytical tools for supporting the design of CPS; - Middleware for service management; Acron / Ref ROCOP2P TC-13_12 Title Robust Video Coding for Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming Funding FCT Descript. The main objectives of this project, are: - Study the use of MAP-decoding of MVs when applied to packet networks. Analysis of complexity constraints related with MAP decoding. Analysis of performance when compared to previous central decoding presented in [24], in the context of P2P transmissions. MAP decoding present excellent robustness but with some complexity, so we must study his feasibility and found the best trade of between robustness and complexity. - Specification of a bit allocation model based on multi-resolution analysis (wavelets) that effectively enables highly scalable video coding. In this case the bit-allocation should consider simultaneously temporal and spatial decomposition. - Optimization of the number of descriptions and bit allocation of video information based on contextual peer information such as number of available peers, rarity/abundance of a determined bitstream-chunk, etc.. - With these contributions we also aim to improve the video quality of state-of-the-art applications demanding video transmission using low-complexity. Acron / Ref COST IC 1106 COST IC 1106 Title Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age Funding ESF/COST Descript. “Forensics is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to a legal system. This may be in relation to a crime or a civil action” [Wikipedia]. Since many such questions boil down to identifying, or verifying the identity, of people 175 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA allegedly involved in some action, a clear relationship exists between forensics and biometrics. Biometrics developed a number of techniques which can clearly facilitate the identification of people involved in criminal actions or civil incidents. Thus, although the two communities have traditionally often operated in relative isolation, there are many scenarios where the synergic cooperation of multimodal biometrics and forensics can be successfully applied. To address such multifaceted areas it is important to develop an interdisciplinary network with complementary competences, to foster the birth of a new community which can develop novel technological solutions to crucial issues and new challenges in forensic science. The Action will promote new partnerships, will provide education and training, will contribute to develop new standards and best practices, will produce awareness of the potential benefits of advanced technologies for evidence analysis in forensic cases and will stimulate improved mutual understanding of collaborative working models linking the academic and industrial sectors. Acron / Ref 3D-ConTourNet COST IC1105 Title 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks Funding EC/FP7 Descript. This COST Action undertakes coordinated research collaboration, at European level, in 3D multimedia creation, encoding, delivery and reception of services and applications over future networking technologies. A scientific framework is devised to integrate the main elements of the delivery chain, such as 3D content creation and encoding evolution, transmission across heterogeneous networks and user consumption, taking perceived quality as an overall key performance factor. Several individual R&D efforts are currently running across Europe, targeted at 3D technologies. This Action aims at beyond this trend by tightening closer together scattered efforts and integrating all technological elements with user 3D quality perception. To reach this goal, this Action fuels cooperation between researchers and industry experts, envisaging production of technical and scientific deliverables for researchers, scientists, engineers and managers, new business model recommendations for content and service providers through joint meetings across academia and industry, plus documentation and multimedia presentations to promote 3D technology in the society. The benefits include increased relevancy of European research, contribution to the development and sustainability of new and better 3D multimedia communications technology and provision of a platform for faster launching and adoption of related new products and services across Europe for end users’ beneficiary. 176 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref VOCE PTDC/EEA-ELC/121018/2010 Title Voice Coach for Reduced Stress Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. VOCE shall develop methods and algorithms that enable the online classification of stress from live speech with the goal of providing feedback cues to the speaker in realtime to improve his communication skills. The work will focus on detecting and classifying stress in speech by leveraging advanced signal processing and machine learning techniques, complemented with psychological analysis of different aspects of stress perception. Specifically, the tasks shall produce the following deliverables: 1) a large database of spontaneous speech samples multiply tagged for being used in the development of automatic stress recognition methods; 2) speech feature extraction algorithms that are capable of real-time performance, as well as the tagging of the samples in the database.; 3) a reduced set of features relevant for stress classification, a classification algorithm that can classify stress levels in real-time, a benchmark evaluation of the various machine learning approaches to automatic stress classification, using similar evaluation methodology and sample data set; 4) an application that integrates the results of the previous tasks and evaluate its accuracy and response times, both in laboratory settings with elicited emotions and in real-life trials. Acron / Ref GreenEyes 296676 Title Networked energy-aware visual analysis Funding EU/FP7 Descript. The potential of the Internet of Things is leading to a paradigm shift with an ambitious long-term vision, in which battery-operated sensing nodes are empowered with sight and are capable of complex visual analysis tasks. Unfortunately, this is out of reach with the current technology. GreenEyes will develop a comprehensive set of new methodologies, algorithms and protocols, to empower wireless sensor networks with vision capabilities comparable to those achievable by power-eager smart camera systems. The key tenet is that most visual analysis tasks can be carried out based on a succinct representation of the image, which entails both global and local features, while it disregards the underlying pixel-level representation. Still, under severe energy constraints it is imperative to optimize the computation, the coding and the transmission of the features. On the computation and coding side, GreenEyes will tackle the problem by reversing the conventional compress-then-analyze paradigm. That is, image features are collected by sensing nodes, processed, and delivered to final destination(s) in order to enable higher level visual analysis tasks by means of either centralized or distributed 177 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA detectors and classifiers, somewhat mimicking the processing of visual stimuli in the early visual system. The transmission of visual features is subject to tight applicationdependent requirements (bandwidth/delay guarantees), and may be affected by network conditions. Therefore, on the communication side, GreenEyes will pursue the design of networking tools for wireless multimedia sensor networks for energy efficient distributed control, information delivery and in-network processing optimized for the visual analysis task. Acron / Ref MC-WMNs PTDC/EEA-TEL/120176/2010 Title MC-WMNs: Multiple Context-based Wireless Mesh Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Multiple Virtual Networks Acron / Ref ICSI FP7-317671 Title Intelligent Cooperative Sensing for Improved traffic efficiency Funding EU/FP7 Descript. The goal of the project is to define a new architecture to enable cooperative sensing in intelligent transportation systems and to develop a reference end-to-end implementation. The project results will enable advanced traffic and travel management strategies, based on reliable and real-time input data. The effectiveness of such new strategies, together with the proposed system, will be assessed in two field trials. Acron / Ref MODCOMP PTDC/EEI-TEL/2016/2012 Title Modeling User Behavior in Social Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Social networks have become an integral part of the digital life of nowadays society. Indeed, the preponderance of these networks has increased significantly in the last years, allowing users to share different types of multimedia contents with the community [FB, FK, YT, TW, LN, Ala08]. In the last years, we have also assisted to a dramatic increase on the number of attacks on these networks in order to obtain and access confidential data from several users. In this manner, it is possible to create and 178 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA execute powerful targeted social network attacks which, by exploiting the information shared on such networks, can become more credible and difficult to detect. Indeed, according to a recent report, the number of phishing attacks over social networks has increased more than 1200% during 2010 [Microsoft11]. The project Social Network User Behavior Modeling aims at analyzing and modeling the behaviors of social networks users in order to create behavior models. With such models, the project aims at increasing the knowledge the users have of their connections and of the social network in general, creating a trust relationship between the user and the remaining community. These models will also allow the detection of profile changes, or behavior models, in order to detect compromised accounts or accounts created by hackers with the purpose of accessing informations other users may share over the mentioned networks. The creation of such models enables the social network to map each user to group, allowing a more efficient, direct and secure management of existing groups of users as well as the creation of novel groups. Novel recommendation systems can also be proposed. All the mentioned aspects illustrate the importance of this project. Acron / Ref LearningS PTDC/EEI-SII/2312/2012 Title Learning from Sequences Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main objectives of this project are fourfold: 1. To advance on state-of-the-art approaches on unsupervised and semi-supervised learning, with emphasis on cluster ensemble methods; 2. To expand these pattern recognition methods to the analysis and modeling of sequence data, corresponding either to sequences of symbols, such as in text, or sequential data in which observations are ordered in time, namely time series; 3. To foster fast implementation of application scenarios of proposed techniques by developing a web-based graphical interface and algorithms toolbox; 4. To address practical real world problems, by applying the developed methodology and algorithms to automatic analysis of bio-signals and textual data. Acron / Ref MOG-QC on the GO SIIDT/2013/034075 Title MOG-QC on the GO - Desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de controlo da qualidade de conteúdos audiovisuais Funding FEDER/QREN Descript. The main objective of the project ?Quality Control on the Go? (QC OTG) is the 179 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA development of a tool, integrated in the process of capture and ingest, which enables the analysis, in real time, of the quality of audio-visual content in three dimensions video, audio and file container - in an automatic way and compliant with acquisition systems based on files and SDI . This project is promoted by the consortium formed by MOG Technologies (leader), IST, ISCTE-IUL and IPN. The new product to be developed under the scope of this project is targeted at the audio-visual and broadcast sectors (especially producers of audio-visual content), presenting a set of innovative features, of which we highlight: analysis, detection of artifacts of audio and video contents in various formats (already available or near completion, as for example Sony XAVC) and with different targets (UHDTB, HDTV, Internet, Mobile); Fully integration of the features of capture and ingest with the system of quality control of the video, audio, and file container, ensuring the operation proceeds at real time; Integration of a library with a wide range of modular functions that enable extraction and analysis of information of video and audio (semantic and syntactic); Higher efficiency of the ingest process by introducing a single step of quality control therefore reducing the necessary computational resources. Aiming at fulfilling the goals and innovative characteristics that the project proposes, the consortium has established a methodology that comprises research and industrial development activities, counting with the involvement of a total of 26 human resources of the consortium and with a total investment of 1.192.093,72 Euros (including the acquisition of equipment and expenses with activities of promotion and dissemination of the results). Acron / Ref UDICMI CENTRO-07-ST24-FEDER-002022 Title Ultra High Definition Image Communication for Medical Imaging Funding QREN Descript. Develop new techniques for high definition medical image compression. Acron / Ref HeartSafe PTDC/EEI-PRO/2857/2012 Title HeartSafe - Assessing Heart Function for Unsupervised Homecare Applications through Multi-Channel Auscultation Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main scientific goal of this project is to research algorithms applicable in long-term home monitoring contexts for the assessment of cardiac function, the key variable in cardiovascular disease (CVD) management, using a multi-channel heart sound 180 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA auscultation approach. Clinical applications will be developed for early detection of Heart Failure (HF) decompensation episodes in elderly and neonatal populations; both will be clinically assessed using in-hospital studies. Acron / Ref CATARATA PTDC/DTP-PIC/0419/2012 Title DEVELOPMENT OF NEW METHODOLOGIES BASED ON ULTRASOUND TECHNIQUES FOR IN VIVO CATARACT CHARACTERIZATION Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Cataract is a clouding or opacity that develops in the crystalline lens of the eye. For clinical prognostic and therapeutic purposes it is very important to identify the cataract type and the disease stages especially in its early stages (Paunk 2007). With increasing relevancy, the ultrasounds appear as powerful, noninvasive and less expensive technique for tissue evaluation. Concerning to cataract treatment, phacoemulsification is the most common surgical procedure by using a hand-held ultrasonic device to fragment the clouded lens into small pieces that are then aspirated (Wilson 2005). To emulsify the cataract, the selection of the optimal ultrasound energy level is of fundamental importance to prevent the endothelial cells damage and the posterior capsule rupture. This unrecovered injury can be avoided if the hardness of the cataractous lens is previously and correctly estimated. The applicability of the ultrasound methods for characterizing both normal and cataractous lenses has been studied for decades. Two important ultrasound parameters, velocity and frequency- dependent attenuation have been used trying to evaluate the hardness of the cataractous lens in porcine and human eye tissue. The most important one is related to the fact the results only provide information about the cataract presence and respective hardness globally, because evaluation is made considering the anterior and posterior reflected lens signals. Thus, important information as the exact regional hardness of cataract is not achieved with this methodology. Also, there is no adequate noninvasive characterization of regional location and hardness of cataract. This is of particular importance for estimating the optimal phacoemulsification energy, which should be adjusted for the different hardness levels that can be found in all extension of cataract. In this project it is intended to use the backscattering signals, instead of the anterior and posterior lens echo signals frequently used in literature, to extract features capable to characterize the mechanical properties of tissues, namely scatter density and mean scatter size for subsequent correlation with the lens hardness. Time and frequency domain features will be evaluated in order to identify the most powerful ones. Several feature classifiers such as Artificial Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, k-Nearest neighbors, and Naive Bayes will be tested and their potential evaluated for quantification of regional changing of cataract hardness. To develop a medical device for cataract surgery and clinicians 181 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA support to access cataract hardness and location for any type of cataract, and determine in real-time the optimal energy for phacoemulsification, pre-clinical studies will be performed in vitro, in porcine lens, and in vivo in rats animal models that simulate different types of cataract. The animal models will allow the translation from pre-clinical to clinical research. Acron / Ref CancerSys EXPL/EMSSIS/1954/2013 Title Multiscale modeling for personalized therapy of bone metastasis Funding FCT Descript. CancerSys Acron / Ref AIPIP PTDC/MAT-NAN/0593/2012 Title Advances in Image Processing and Inverse Problems: Applications in Medical and Earth Observation Imagery, and Biomathematics Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The PI of this project is Prof. Isabel Narra de Figuiredo, Full Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra. Acron / Ref RECI RECI/EEI-AUT/0181/2012 Title Apoio à Mobilidade Suportada por Controlo Partilhado e Interfaces Homem-Máquina Avançados Funding FCT Descript. Development of fast methods and algorithms using parallel computing to obtain 3D models of urban scenes from stereo/trinocular video acquired in real-time by cameras mounted on a moving vehicle. Acron / Ref AAPELE IC1303 Title COST IC1303 AAPELE - Architectures, Algorithms and Platforms for Enhanced Living 182 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Environments Funding ESF/COST Descript. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is an area of research based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), medical research, and sociological research. AAL is based on the notion that technology and science can provide improvements in the quality of life for people in their homes, and that it can reduce the financial burden on the budgets of European healthcare providers. The concept of Enhanced Living Environments (ELE) refers to the AAL area that is more related with the Information and Communication Technologies. To design, plan, deploy and operate, an AAL system often comprehends the integration of several scientific areas. The Architectures, Algorithms and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE) COST Action addresses the issues of defining software, hardware and service architectures for AAL, on studying and creating more efficient algorithms for AAL, particularly those related to the processing of large amounts of data and of biosignals in lossy environments, and on the research of protocols for AAL or, with more detail, on studying communication and data transmission protocols for AAL. This Action aims to promote interdisciplinary research on AAL, through the creation of a research and development community of scientists and entrepreneurs, focusing on AAL algorithms, architectures and platforms, having in view the advance of science in this area and the development of new and innovative solutions. Acron / Ref Hycos P1249 Title Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing and Unmixing Funding IT/LA Descript. Hycos project aims at the definition and implementation of advanced new compressive sensing techniques for hyperpsectral imagery. Aiming at the use of these techniques on applications under real-time or near real-time restrictions, particular attention will also be given to the efficient parallel implementation on graphics computing units (GPUs) Acron / Ref QUIS-CAMPI 0 Title QUIS-CAMPI: Biometric Recognition in Surveillance Environments Funding IT/LA 183 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Descript. The acronym of this proposal comes from the Latin and summarizes its goals: “Quis” stands for “Who is” and “Campus” refers to a delimited space. Hence, in this project we aim at research and development of a biometric recognition system able to work in completely covert conditions. The main idea is that whenever a subject enters a QUISCAMPUS, it is automatically recognized, using multiple biometric sources and without requiring any active participation from the subject side. Acron / Ref LETSREAD internal project Title Automatic assessment of reading ability of children Funding IT/LA Descript. This work aims to develop a technological module for Portuguese children, able to detect mispronunciations, hesitations and other disfluency indicators, in order to compute an overall reading ability index. The main problem consists in the detection of mispronunciations, which requires detailed acoustic models and new detection techniques dealing with speech variability using models of allowable pronunciations. The developed methods can be put to use in a prototype application, useful not only for the children, but also for the teachers and tutors that are involved in their education. The proposed system could be used in the near future in primary schools as a complimentary way of assessment of students or as a speech therapy tool. Acron / Ref GLANCES P01229 Title Generalized Linear Amplification with Nonlinear Components for Power and Spectral Efficient Broadband Wireless Systems Funding IT/LA Descript. Broadband wireless systems require high power and spectral efficiencies, and transmission over severely time-dispersive channels. Developing on the concept of Linear Amplification with Non- Linear Components (LINC), the main technical objective of the project is to design, implement and validate a new set of digital transmission techniques with high power and spectral efficiency for future wireless broadband systems to be employed in the uplink of mobile systems or in satellite communications. Our main goal is to design signals with low Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) or even quasi-constant envelope and high spectral efficiency, employing amplification techniques based on low- cost, highly efficient grossly NonLinear (NL) amplifiers (e.g., class D and E amplifiers), which are simpler and have higher amplification and output 184 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA power then quasi-linear amplifiers. Since a grossly NL amplifier is only suitable for signals with quasi-constant envelope, we will develop new signal designs and/or transmission techniques compatible with grossly NL amplifiers. This research project combines theoretical development (including signal and receiver design), CMOS implementation of key components (with emphasis on matched amplifiers and output power combination with minimum losses) and FPGA-based implementation for an overall system’s proof of concept, for the most promising techniques. Acron / Ref HANCAD PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Title Heterogeneous Ad-hoc Network for the Coordination of Aquatic Drones Funding IT/LA Descript. The goals of this project are to design, implement, and evaluate a heterogeneous network architecture for aquatic drones, and to demonstrate the feasibility of collectives of low-cost aquatic drones for maritime tasks such as environmental monitoring, sea life localization, and sea border patrolling. Common to such tasks is that they require collectives composed of large numbers of drones. The feasibility of a system for such tasks therefore depends on the unit cost (which should be kept as low as possible), and on the capacity of the network architecture and control logic to scale. As the number of units increases, unit failure will become more frequent and fault tolerance must therefore be built into both the network architecture and the control logic. The specific challenges to be addressed in the HANCAD project are: • Development of a scalable, heterogeneous, and fault-tolerant ad-hoc network architecture for aquatic drones • Synthesis of decentralized control logic to maintain network connectivity during task execution • Implementation and demonstration of a collective of 10 low-cost aquatic drones performing proof-of-concept tasks. Acron / Ref SenseBusNet N/A Title Sensing data and Delay-Tolerant Delivery over Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks Funding IT/LA Descript. The goal of the project is to deliver fundamental knowledge as well as key networking 185 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA and data processing modules for a vehicular mesh network capable of retrieving data collected by large numbers of sensor nodes. Special attention will be given to energyaware machine-to-machine protocols and lightweight store-and-forward mechanisms. Acron / Ref S-DiaSelMan PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Title Smart Diabetes Self-Management Care Funding FCT Descript. Diabetes is a rising disease in terms of number of people affected and the costs associated with its treatment. 439 million adults and USD490 billion are estimated by 2030. Portugal had, in 2011, 12.7% of the population between 20 and 79 with the disease. This project aims to develop a smartphone application to help the diabetic patient deal with managing the disease. A first step is to enable data recordings of the daily diabetic life in an intuitive and simple way, so not to be a burden, which can undermine the gathering of the information. This information taking should be seen more as a process (e.g.: having a meal implies registering carbohydrates, glycaemia, insulin) than a direct and separate register of several records. A second step is to incorporate the knowledge/protocols of doctors and nurses into the application. These protocols allow to react to certain patterns of behaviour, detected by the records taken. As an example, it could warn the user that it made exercise 2h ago and that perhaps her insulin dose should be adjusted, or that the current illness situation (that has been going on for 2 days) would merit an insulin correction. A third phase would be the pattern analysis of the data gathered, to search for patterns in two ways. One would be to provide feedback for the patient regarding some behaviour/actions that may be inducing erratic or bad disease control, e.g. detection of recurring low values before bedtime occurring when high values of carbohydrates where consumed at dinner time. The other perspective, would be for a more global analysis using the aggregated data from several patients for medical purposes. Here insights on insulin adjustments, differences between patients using same approaches, unknown correlations could be analysed from an endocrinologist point of view with more data to support it. Acron / Ref GEMINI PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Title GEMINI - GastroEnterology Made INteractIve Funding FCT Descript. The main goal of the GEMINI project is to create an interactive Computer Assisted 186 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Decision (CAD) system that can be used during a gastroenterology examination. The main objectives of the GEMINI project are: - Identify interaction opportunities within a gastroenterology exam room environment, model relevant personas and define scenario characteristics. - Design, develop and deploy an interactive prototype for enhanced information access within a gastroenterology exam room. - Research novel computer vision algorithms that can be integrated into the final prototype. - Publish results in highimpact scientific journals and conferences. Acron / Ref 3D-SERVICIS PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 - Internal Project Title Scalable Error Resilient 3D Holoscopic Video Coding for Immersive Systems Funding FCT Descript. This project aims to advance the state-of-the-art in terms of 3D holoscopic content representation, processing and coding. To enable adequate compatibility (to some extent) with legacy displays (e.g., 2D, stereoscopic, or multi-view) efficient scalable representations will be investigated. Whenever appropriate, the emerging scalable extensions of the High Efficiency Video Coding (SHVC) standard will be explored by extending these solutions to 3D holoscopic content. Additionally, since some envisaged delivery channels are critical in terms of channel errors/data losses, this project will also investigate new error control techniques that are specific for 3D holoscopic content. Acron / Ref MEDICOMP Title Spatiotemporal compression of volumetric medical images Funding IT/LA Descript. In this project, we aim to develop new spatiotemporal prediction tools, as an alternative to the traditional frame-by-frame intra and inter prediction techniques. Since motion estimation is one of most computationally demanding tasks on hybrid video codecs, the alternative spatiotemporal techniques can give an important contribute while developing low complexity/high performance video codecs. Particularly, it was demonstrated that not only the Least-squares prediction can achieve competitive results when compared to the traditional motion estimation, but also that there exists a strong correlation between edges in space and object trajectories in the time domain. Based on these observations, we believe that both the spatial and temporal redundancy can be exploited with similar approaches, namely using three- dimensional coding units. 187 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref OPAC P01270 Title Optimization of pattern-matching compression algorithms for GPU’s Funding IT/LA Descript. This project aims to study the usage of parallel high performance platforms and software stacks to speed up the execution of recurrent pattern matching-based compression algorithms. Specifically, the goal is to exploit the parallel computing opportunities that exist with off the shelves desktop machines, namely multi-core CPUs and many-core Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). Acron / Ref QoEViS P01274 Title Quality of Experience in Video Streaming Funding IT/LA Descript. Two main general objectives will be pursued in this research project: - Studying the perceptual influence of several factors on QoE, - Definition of a QoE evaluation model for video applications. For that we will propose solutions for the following challenges: - To study the influence in the QoE of the different factors related with video and streaming. o Subjective test, and hence MOS values and other statistic properties will be used to evaluate the video quality when subjected to different impairments. o Using the detection of points of interest to study the local influence of perturbation on QoE assessment. - With the MOS assessment and the visual attention results, different factors that have influence in the QoE evaluation will be identified. - The influence of the different factors will be quantified using appropriate features in a multidimensional space. Appropriate decision methods, based on representative examples will be used to evaluate QoE. - To study and develop QoE models for QoE evaluation of video applications that can present a better correlation than the existing in the literature (which in the current state do not present acceptable correlation to be used in real scenarios). In this context, this project aims to provide a valuable research for QoE modelling on Video applications. Acron / Ref PAConvex PTDC/EEI-PRO/1470/2012 Title Beyond Convexity: Non-Convex Optimization and Game-Theoretic Approaches for Imaging Inverse Problems 188 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Funding FCT Descript. Imaging inverse problems (IIPs) abound in the modern world. Medical imaging (CT, MRI, PET, ultrasound), remote sensing, seismography, non-destructive inspection, digital photography, astronomy, all involve at their computational core the solution of IIPs: they produce visual representations (images) of an underlying reality from indirect/imperfect observations. In a nutshell, the goal of this project is to advance the state of the art in computational methods for IIPs, by exploiting the promising new possibilities that lie outside of the classical convex optimization approaches. IIPs are ill-posed: even if the observation operator is perfectly known, the observations do not uniquely and stably determine the solution. This difficulty is dealt with by seeking a compromise between data fidelity (fitting the observed data) and adherence to properties that the unknown image is known/desired to have. The classical way to seek this balance is to formulate an optimization problem (usually convex, more by reasons of mathematical tractability than model adequacy), where the objective function includes a term encouraging data fidelity and another (the regularizer/prior) penalizing undesirable solutions; in this approach, convex optimization takes center stage and has been in the limelight of computational imaging. If the observation operator is only partially known (in the so-called blind problems), the goal is to infer, not only the underlying image, but also the missing information about the observation model. Blind problems are obviously more ill-posed, requiring regularizers/priors that better model the images of interest. Moreover, variational formulations of blind IIPs are naturally non-convex, thus out of reach for the efficient convex optimization tools developed in the past decade for the convex formulations of non-blind IIPs. Consequently, the methods that have been proposed for blind problems lack convergence guarantees and require "tricks" in order to work well (e.g., careful initialization and continuation procedures), making it hard to trace their (non)success to the behavior of the optimization algorithm or the (in)adequacy of the objective function. Non-convexity also stems from using non-convex regularizers, even in non-blind IIPs, e.g., constraints/penalties on the number of coefficients that represent the image on some frame or dictionary. These non-convex regularizers are central in the recent theory of compressive sensing and much research has been devoted to finding conditions under which similar solutions are obtained with convex relaxations. Very recently, algorithms that directly tackle the non-convex formulations have been proposed by exploiting particular properties of the observation operator, namely their restricted isometry properties (RIP). However, in IIPs, the RIP is essentially impossible to guarantee, making the application of these non-convex approaches an open research front. This project aims at advancing the state of the art in computational methods for IIPs, by departing from the convex optimization realm and its limitations, in several directions: a) We will investigate optimization methods for non-convex formulations of blind IIPs; unlike previous approaches, we seek methods with theoretical guarantees and without careful user interaction. Of course, non-convex optimization can only be approached by exploiting specific characteristics of the class of problem in hand; this is 189 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA precisely the strategy we will follow. In particular, a recently proposed new class of algorithms for non-convex structured functions, based on the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz property, is a promising tool for this quest. b) We will develop algorithms for nonconvex regularization, by exploiting the lines of attack that have recently been successfully followed for compressed sensing (CS). However, unlike in CS, the observation operators in general IIPs do not exhibit RIP, thus other characterizations are needed to support the sought for theoretical guarantees. c) For blind IIPs, we will seek formulations of the compromise between data fitness and regularization as equilibrium (rather than optimization) problems, namely via variational inequalities (VIs) and game theory. Since optimization problems are particular cases of VIs but the reciprocal is not true, this approach contains and extends the standard optimization formulation, opening the door to more general criteria and computational methods. For example, blind deblurring can be formulated as an equilibrium problem (a game) between estimating the underlying image and estimating the blur. Acron / Ref SpaRTaN 607290 Title Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing Training Network Funding EC Descript. The aim of this Initial Training Network is to train a new generation of interdisciplinary researchers in sparse representations and compressed sensing, contributing to Europe’s leading role in scientific innovation. By bringing together leading academic and industry groups with expertise in sparse representations, compressed sensing, machine learning and optimization, and with an interest in applications such as hyperspectral imaging, audio signal processing and video analytics, this project will create an interdisciplinary, transnational and intersectorial training network to enhance mobility and training of researchers in this area. Acron / Ref LINPOSYS Contrato PEst-OE/EEI/LA008/2013 Title Low-cost Indoor Positioning System (Linposys) Funding FCT Descript. The aim is to carry out research, development and performance evaluation of a novel low-cost Indoor Positioning System (IPS) based on a small FM-TDM-WCDMA (Frequency Modulation - Time Division Multiplexing – Wide Code Division Multiple Access) network. The positioning process will be performed with help of an artificial neural network. 190 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Additionally, some GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) programming tasks will made in JAVA or Python for a Raspberry PI computer (with motors). Acron / Ref RHEUMUS n/a Title RHEUMUS - Sistema de análise de imagens de ecografia para reumatologia Funding QREN Descript. Research novel computer vision algorithms for the quantification of muscular-skeletal hand parameters associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Acron / Ref TVPulse 00000 Title TV Pulse Funding PT Inovação Descript. Use social networks to produce TV summaries based on ratings. Acron / Ref E-M2M 2 M2M-GW 2 Title Battery Efficient Mobile M2M GW Funding (confidential) Descript. 1. Avaliação de desempenho e definição de melhorias a implementar 2. Desenho de melhorias propostas 3. Implementação e avaliação de desempenho das medidas a testar 4. Protótipo final 5. Escrita de um artigo para publicação Acron / Ref CodeStream PTDC/EEI-TEL/3006/2012 Title CodeStream - Codificação em Rede para Distribuição de Conteúdos em Tempo Real Funding FCT 191 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Descript. O objectivo deste projecto é ultrapassar as barreiras que existem entre a codificação avançada e a arquitectura de sistemas de tempo real, oferecendo conhecimento fundamental e soluções práticas para a entrega de conteúdos multimédia através de redes sem fios não fiáveis. Focando em cenários do tipo multicast com vários transmissores e receptores concorrentes, investigaremos como a codificação em rede (network coding), que consiste na mistura de pacotes e fluxos de informação diferentes através de operações algébricas, pode ser utilizada para aumentar a fiabilidade da entrega de pacotes sob grandes limitações temporais. O principal desafio a ser ultrapassado é a latência extremo-a-extremo causada pelos esquemas de codificação, que são tipicamente optimizados para o débito e não para o tempo que decorre até que o receptor tenha pacotes suficientes para descodificar. A ideia chave para resolver este problema é utilizar de forma inteligente o canal de retorno (feedback) e as mensagens de confirmação (acks). Acron / Ref GAPOTT QREN Title GAPOTT Funding PT Inovação Descript. Investigação nos conceitos de redes auto-organizados, que serão necessários para o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de adaptação da rede às necessidades dos utilizadores e serviços, incluindo os conceitos que têm como base as tecnologias Peer-to-Peer, e conceitos de Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) que se adaptam às necessidades dos consumidores e que permitem melhorar a QoE dos utilizadores. Distribuição de conteúdos OTT de forma prática e do ponto de vista de sistema, em que o foco está no utilizador e na utilização dos serviços OTT. Por um lado, os diferentes modelos de distribuição serão avaliados de um ponto de vista de performance, de forma a providenciar uma experiência de utilização satisfatória. Por outro lado, os padrões de utilização dos sistemas e serviços OTT existentes serão avaliados, analisados e caracterizados, com base em conjuntos de dados de utilização fornecido pelas entidades participantes, que podem ser utilizadas para estabelecer modelos de consumo por parte dos utilizadores. Esta abordagem permitirá uma avaliação dos diferentes sistemas de distribuição sob condições realistas de utilização. Sugestões de mecanismos de cache de conteúdos com base nestes padrões de utilização serão exploradas e fornecidas bem como as políticas de manutenção e gestão destes objetos. Estas decisões terão um impacto significativo em vários cenários, como por exemplo situações de flash crowd, ou gestão de caches para operadores móveis em que as limitações de recursos são comuns e as políticas de caching são determinantes para uma entrega de serviço de qualidade. 192 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref MacSeNet H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014/210157988 Title Machine Sensing Training Network Funding EC Descript. The aim of this Innovative Training Network is to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early stage researchers (ESRs) in the research area of measurement and estimation of signals using knowledge or data about the underlying structure. With its combination of ideas from machine learning and sensing, we refer to this research topic as “Machine Sensing”. We will train all ESRs in research skills needed to obtain an internationally-recognized PhD; to experience applying their research a nonAcademic sector; and to gain transferable skills such as entrepreneurship and communication skills. We will further encourage an open “reproducible research” approach to research, through open publication of research papers, data and software, and foster an entrepreneurial and innovation-oriented attitude through exposure to SME and spin-out Partners in the network. In the research we undertake, we will go beyond the current, and hugely popular, sparse representation and compressed sensing approaches, to develop new signal models and sensing paradigms. These will include those based on new structures, nonlinear models, and physical models, while at the same time finding computationally efficient methods to perform this processing. We will develop new robust and efficient Machine Sensing theory and algorithms, together methods for a wide range of signals, including: advanced brain imaging; inverse imaging problems; audio and music signals; and non-traditional signals such as signals on graphs. We will apply these methods to real-world problems, through work with non-Academic partners, and disseminate the results of this research to a wide range of academic and non-academic audiences, including through publications, data, software and public engagement events. Acron / Ref SBikee ADI/38937 Title Smart Bikeemotion Funding ADI Descript. Bike sharing systems have been very successful in many cities worldwide. In Aveiro, Portugal, the BUGA system was pioneer, but it has never evolved to an automated operation mode. The first automated bike sharing system in Portugal, was deployed in Vilamoura in 2011/12. There are some relevant examples of popular and effective bike sharing system in Europe, notably in London, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid and Hamburg. Current automated bike sharing systems require docking stations to park the bicycles, to interface with the user and to connect them to the backhauling information system. The 193 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA evolution of these systems was mostly concentrated on the information systems, improving the usability, the access (mobile phone and web) and the payment process. We are witnessing a growing dissemination of electric bicycles. These bicycles behave like conventional bicycles, as they can be used without electrical motor support, or as semi-assisted electrical bikes (“pedelecs”), since the driver has to move the pedals. With electrical motor support, the autonomy is around 100km without significant driver physical effort, except the need to move the pedals. It is expected that this technology will multiply by 5 (from 6% today to 30%) the number of potential users of bike shared systems, encompassing people moving for work, people aged over 60 and people with poor physical shape unable to ride a standard bicycle for medium size journeys. The recently concluded bikeemotion® project, integrating Ponto.C, Ubiwhere, Micro I/O and the University of Aveiro, has developed a prototype fourth generation (station less) bike sharing system adaptable to any bicycle, in which the bicycle includes not only the locking system, but also GPS and mobile communications. In July 2013 the bikeemotion® prototype was awarded the “Urban Planning and Urban Design – Cycling Visionaries Award – Voting Prize”, during the Velo-City 2013 held in Vienna Austria. The Smart Bikeemotion project continues the work of the bikeemotion® project to develop the fifth generation of bike sharing systems, accommodating the use of electric bicycles and the consequent broadening of the range of users. The R&D activities of the project include the following lines of work: • Embedding of sensors in the bicycle and in the driver to monitor biological signals, e.g. ECG, blood pressure, skin conductivity, etc. • Close the control loop between the bio-sensors and the electrical motor. • Extend the communication capabilities of the bikeemotion® architecture. • Energy harvesting and smart battery charging. • Cloud-based information system to manage the bike-sharing system • Human machine interface Acron / Ref Hyrax CMUP-ERI/FIA/0048/2013 Title Crowd-Sourcing de Dispositivos Móveis para o Desenvolvimento de Edge-Clouds Funding FCT/CMU Descript. We will aim to develop and demonstrate three new compelling applications: crowdsourced image search on a distributed photo gallery, crowd-sourced user-generated replays inside a stadium, and crowd-sourced real-time road conditions. What makes 194 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA these applications novel is that (i) we essentially drive all of the processing to the edge, (ii) the data to be processed is essentially created at the edge, (iii) we build on the idea of dynamic collections of wireless devices in proximity with each other, for a temporary period of time, (iv) we favor performing the computation at the edge over sending all of the data to a central server, and (v) we rely on untrusted devices sharing data with each other, including allowing other devices to query them and to dispatch computation remotely and wirelessly to them. These aspects (i)-(v) are fairly unique, and currently, there does not exist any infrastructure to support these proximity-aware crowd-sourced applications reliably, securely and effectively. Acron / Ref VR2MARKET CMUP-ERI/FIA/0031/2013 Title Desenvolvimento dum Produto para Monitorização Móvel e Vestível da Saúde de Profissionais de Primeira Resposta e de outras Profissões de Risco Funding FCT/ CMU Descript. Consolidating the technology developed in VR and VR2, improving even further its scalability and adaptability to a wider set of requirements from different hazardous professions Improving the methodologies, specially the Data Analysis and psycho-‐ physiology indicators to better detect trends and health threatening events of these professionals Converging to a scalable, adaptable, mobile and integrated cloud services based ICT platform that can be configurable to attend different health surveillance scenarios in different professions Perform a business concept validation and a manufacture supply chain strategy for guiding the path from prototype to the market Acron / Ref LPNE 000 Title Lembrar para não Esquecer Funding EDP Descript. A contribuição deste projeto para a resolução dos problemas associados à doença de Alzheimer enquadra-se numa perspetiva não farmacológica, através do desenvolvimento de uma aplicação informática. Os objetivos da aplicação informática são predominantemente dois: - ajudar os profissionais de saúde (médicos, enfermeiros, auxiliares de saúde, etc.) a acompanhar a evolução da doença em doentes já diagnosticados; - ajudar os doentes através da realização de jogos que auxiliem a estimulação das suas capacidades cognitivas (através de elementos textuais, ou multimédia). A aplicação a ser desenvolvida, chamada MEM+ pressupõe que o doente se 195 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA encontra num estado intermédio da doença, i.e., o doente ainda consegue andar, reconhecer pessoas e associar palavras a cores e objetos. Esta solução consistirá no desenvolvimento de uma aplicação informática, com a capacidade de gerar questionários, com base nas experiências de vida do doente, de forma a testar e estimular a sua memória. Serão também gerados relatórios com base nos resultados dos questionários. A aplicação permitirá inserir uma representação da vida do doente, os eventos por que passou (com as pessoas e locais relacionados) e as pessoas que fazem ou fizeram parte da sua vida. Com base na informação recolhida serão definidos grupos de memórias, com base nos quais, serão gerados questionários estruturados. Através da resposta a questionários pretende-se estimular a memória, tentando travar a evolução da doença, e ao mesmo tempo serão recolhidos dados que permitirão representar/estudar a evolução da doença num grupo amplo de pacientes ao longo de um período de tempo. Estas perguntas beneficiarão da introdução de conteúdos multimédia, e o relatório final providenciará ao doente uma história que relata os eventos da sua vida que foram abordados naquele questionário. Em termos tecnológicos, esta aplicação proporcionará a possibilidade de aplicar conceitos inovadores de Inteligência Artificial num ambiente distinto com objetivos terapêuticos. Acron / Ref CSF 400974/2014-2 Title Towards Super Multiview Video: Light Fields Coding Funding CAPES/CNPq Descript. The main objective of this project is to develop efficient coding solutions for super multiview light fields, which are able to provide more immersive experiences to the users. Beside compression efficiency, these codecs shall consider other requirements such as random access and limited computational complexity. To have a wider research approach to the problem, both predictive and distributed coding solutions will be considered. Whenever relevant, the MPEG uses cases and requirements will be considered to bring more practical relevance to this project. Acron / Ref SmartParking 30161 Title Projeto Conceção e Desenvolvimento de Sistema de Controlo de Estacionamento Inteligente Funding QREN Descript. Development of sensors and protocols for smart public parking. 196 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref HeartBIT 1234 Title Novel pervasive technologies for the prevention and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases Funding IT/LA Descript. With this project we seek to create both hardware and software for the prevention and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases based on physiological data collected in a pervasive manner, with integrated patient / user identity recognition. The system will be supported by low-cost instrumentation, and it will integrate an identity recognition layer based on multimodal physiological data and cloud-based signal processing and pattern recognition algorithms for clinical diagnostics in a continuous data acquisition framework. The team integrates clinical partners that will identify pervasive ECG parameters applicable to health status monitoring, validate their clinical content, structure and design reports taking into account the continuous or near-continuous monitoring capabilities of our approach, benchmark the prototypes against goldstandard devices, and perform case studies with end-users. Acron / Ref CORATAM EXPL/EEI-AUT/0329/2013 Title Control of Aquatic Drones for Maritime Tasks Funding FCT Descript. The primary contribution of the project will be twofold: (i) we will demonstrate a number of collective behaviors on a system of aquatic drones to show that systems of such drones have the potential to take on important maritime tasks, and (ii) we will explore the application of our novel hybrid approach to the synthesis of self-organized controllers for multirobot systems. Acron / Ref VR2 PTDC/EEI-ELC/2760/2012 Title VitalResponder 2.0: Intelligent management of critical events of stress, fatigue and smoke intoxication in forest firefighting Funding FCT Descript. Evolução nas redes ad-hoc para fornecer uma solução de conectividade para suportar redes de sensores e bombeiro de monitoramento e coordenação em um ambiente de incêndios florestais; 197 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Evolução na tecnologias de sensors, junto com uma redução no seu custo unitário, oferecem a possibilidade sem precedentes de implantação de cost-effective sensor; • Soluções de monitorização móveis, para a monitorização da saúde humana (ECG, acelerometros ...) e do ambiente (CO, temperatura, pressão, ...) que oferecem um grande potencial para aferir o estado de saúde pessoal para detectar stress e fadiga [1] • Avanços nos modelos computacionais de fogo e comportamento de emissões de fumo, em conjunto com os dados dos sensores, para fornecer em tempo real uma simulação de situações de incêndio no local e com a antecedência necessária de forma a permitir um posicionamente seguro/eficiente das equipas na terreno. Acron / Ref SCoT S01026 Title Smart Cloud of Things Funding IP Beja Descript. Develop an M2M infrastructure and sensors, to be deployed at Herdade da Contenda, demonstrating the use of this technology for precision agriculture. Acron / Ref IM3W IM3W Title Integração e Mobilidade em Redes 3GPP/Wi-Fi Funding Descript. This project will study all aspects that allow the transparent utilisation of a Wi-Fi network as if it was a native access network belonging to (E-)UTRAN. Acron / Ref NET-PORT QREN SI I&DT 38622 Title NET-PORT: Soluções de Comunicações entre Veículos para Portos de Mar e Aeroportos Funding ADI/QREN Descript. Develop vehicular communication platforms for harbors and airports. It addresses mechanisms for mobility and multihoming, delay tolerant communications and security. 198 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref CRUISE PTDC/EMS-TRA/0383/2014 Title Plataforma de Comunicação Veículo-Infraestrutura para Integração de Impactes de Tráfego Funding FCT Descript. Plataforma de Comunicação Veículo-Infraestrutura para Integração de Impactes de Tráfego Acron / Ref DEVNF 8535/14-0 Title DEVNF - Um ecossistema para funções virtualizadas de rede Funding FCT/CAPES Descript. Coordination of activities focused in the development of novel NFV and SDN solutions. Acron / Ref NATO SET-225 SET-225 Title NATO SET-225 Spatial and Waveform Diverse Noise Radar Funding NATO Descript. Share experience of processing noise radar signals to address the limitations of current approaches in order to increase the range of radar applications to which noise waveforms can be applied; maintain an up-to-date assessment of the advantages which could be available to an adversary by being able to deploy noise radars. Acron / Ref RadioVoip 34146 Title RadioVoIP Funding ADI Descript. COMUNICAÇÕES PARA OFFSHORE 199 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref SWE Title SWE Funding Ubiprism Descript. Plataforma de optimização de preços em retalho Acron / Ref Kithub Title Kithub Funding (confidential) Descript. Router Bluetooth Audio Acron / Ref GPES GPES - Suécia Title GPES - Guest-Professorship on Embedded Systems Funding KKS - Agência Sueca para o conhecimento Descript. Guest-Professorship on Embedded Systems Acron / Ref Bridge CMUP-EPB/TIC/0069/2013 Title BRIDGE - Análise de informação multimedia para descoberta de cancro em ambientes de gastrenterologia Funding FCT/ CMU Descript. Análise de informação multimedia para descoberta de cancro em ambientes de gastrenterologia Acron / Ref MESTRa QREN2013/30347 Title MESTRa - Mercado Electrónico para Serviços de TeleRadiologia Funding iUZ Technologies Lda. 200 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Descript. Mercado Electrónico para Serviços de TeleRadiologia Acron / Ref Net-Port QREN SI I&DT 38622 Title NET-PORT: Soluções de Comunicações entre Veículos para Portos de Mar e Aeroportos Funding Veniam Descript. O objetivo principal do projeto NET-PORT será a conceção e desenvolvimento de novas soluções e serviços de rede, de elevado valor acrescentado, na área de sistemas de comunicação entre veículos para transportes e logística inteligente dentro de portos e aeroportos. Estas soluções e serviços vão ser suportados por uma infra-estrutura de rede sem fios de baixo custo de instalação e manutenção, assente em comunicações veículoa-veículo e veículo-a-infraestrutura que utilizam a norma IEEE 802.11p. Através da integração fiável e segura dos sistemas desenvolvidos com as redes internas e os sistemas de informação das autoridades que controlam e empresas que exploram portos e aeroportos, assim como com plataformas do tipo Cloud, o projeto NET-PORT permitirá à empresa VENIAM diferenciar a sua oferta para sistemas de controlo e gestão inteligentes em portos e aeroportos, oferecendo soluções chave na mão que introduzam melhorias significativas na segurança, eficiência, produtividade e impacto ambiental das operações de controlo e gestão em portos e aeroportos, potenciando assim o aumento da competitividade da empresa VENIAM, numa ótica de forte internacionalização. Como principais benefícios para as autoridades que controlam e empresas que exploram portos e aeroportos, o projeto NET-PORT vai desenvolver uma infra-estrutura de rede veicular de baixo custo, que possibilitará o aumento da qualidade e a redução dos custos de transmissão dos fluxos de informação e acesso à Internet por parte de todos os intervenientes nas operações a efetuar em portos e aeroportos. Além disso, a infraestrutura de rede desenvolvida vai potenciar a aquisição, em tempo real, de uma grande quantidade de informação de dados sobre as operações e movimentações de veículos, pessoas e mercadorias nestes meios. O objectivo deste trabalho é permitir a ligação simultânea a várias tecnologias e redes, para permitir a ligação de um veículo a vários veículos ou a várias estações em simultâneo, podendo distribuir vários serviços por várias ligações. Este trabalho permitirá distribuir o tráfego de veículos (por exemplo, autocarros) por várias ligações simultâneas, para melhorar a transferência de informação. Acron / Ref SlideOpen S01051 Title Slide Open 201 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Funding (confidential) Descript. Development and construction of an electromechanical lock named slide open, operated by finger sliding gestures on a surface that automatically triggers door locks. 4.3.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor Nuno Miguel Morais Rodrigues Student Co-Supervisors Title End Date Tiago Ribeiro Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria CUDA-MMP - Codificação de imagens com sistemas com múltiplos núcleos 01/2015 João Silva Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria OPENCL-MMP - Codificação de imagens com sistemas com múltiplos núcleos 01/2015 Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes Manuel José Torres Rodrigues Mário Gonçalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha Electron Wave Propagation in Graphene using Parallel Computing on GPUs with CUDA 02/2015 Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes Ricardo Gabriel Lebre Calhau dos Santos Ralha João Pedro Barreto Real-time symmetry-based dense stereo matching for 3D reconstruction 02/2015 Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar Damien Guedes Rosa Wearable Computing in a Bike Sharing System 02/2015 Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes Vasco Gama da Mota Using Fast Fusion Moves to Solve the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem: Applications in Computer Vision 02/2015 Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia Joao Paulo Sim Sim Lopes Biometric Recognition using Android Devices 04/2015 Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues Nelson Rodrigues Automatic detection of flashing video content 04/2015 Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia Miguel Reis Moitinho de Almeida Biometric Identification from Forensic Video Surveillance Evidence 05/2015 Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia Telma Cristovão de Oliveira Mobile Alert: Combining Human Motion Detection and Voice Analysis 05/2015 Nuno Miguel Morais Rodrigues João Pedro Barreto Isabel Trancoso 202 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Paulo Jorge Lourenço Nunes Agostinho Ferreira da Silva 3D Holoscopic Depth-ImageBased Rendering 05/2015 Alexandra Sofia Martins de Carvalho João Pinto Susana Vinga Outlier Detection in Survival Analysis 05/2015 Alexandra Sofia Martins de Carvalho Inês Nolasco Sara Alexandra Cordeiro Madeira Biclustering-based imputation in longitudinal data 05/2015 Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia Jorge Miguel Silverio do Carmo Ana Luisa Nobre Fred Hugo Humberto Plácido da Silva Sistema de Aquisição e Análise de Sinais em Ambiente Desportivo 06/2015 Alexandra Sofia Martins de Carvalho João Pedro Bento Machado Marques de Freitas Analysis of Electronic Medical Records of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients on Biological Therapies 06/2015 Luís Eduardo de Pinho Ducla Soares David de Oliveira Gonçalves A Super-Resolution Imaging System 07/2015 Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Celina Micaela Afonso Alexandre Tracking platform using offthe-shelf components 07/2015 Marco Alexandre Cravo Gomes Dinis Cambraia Lopes Sarmento Pereira Design of Finite Length Interleaved Coding Schemes for Secrecy 07/2015 Pedro Rocha 3D video quality measures for video subject to texture and depth losses 07/2015 Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Nuno Carvalho 3D-HEVC computational complexity reduction techniques 07/2015 Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Nuno Girão Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Ricardo Rocha Pedro Alexandre Sousa Gonçalves Diogo Manuel Andril da Silva Branco Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Paulo Jorge Lourenço Nunes João Paulo Vilela Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Coding of 3D video for transmission in P2P, hybrid and SDN networks 07/2015 Load balancing for parallel 3D HEVC coding 07/2015 Reserva de Recursos para redes tempo real 07/2015 203 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Pedro Alexandre Sousa Gonçalves Rui Nuno Carrulo Braz Daniel Nunes Corujo Gestão integrada de cloud usando redes definidas por software 07/2015 Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes Pedro Nuno Henriques Maia Cordeiro Nuno Miguel Morais Rodrigues Efficient and portable techniques for image coding using manycore platforms 07/2015 Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes Nuno Ricardo Vicente Vítor Silva Fast Raptor codes on mobile multicore platforms 07/2015 Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão José Miguel Loureiro (cosuperv: João Sousa FEUP) Aplicação Android para controlo e receção de dados de UAVs 07/2015 Ricardo Jorge Magalhães de Matos Tiago Silvestre Condeixa Mecanismos de Comunicação Tolerantes ao Atraso para Redes Veiculares 07/2015 Lucas Guardalben Rede de Comunicações Tolerante a Atraso para a Marinha 07/2015 Mobilidade em Redes Veiculares com Múltiplos Pontos de Acesso à InfraEstrutura 07/2015 Mobilidade em Redes Veiculares com Conectividade Dinâmica e Balanceamento de Carga 07/2015 Encaminhamento e Segurança em Redes Veiculares 07/2015 Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Gonçalo da Silva Pessoa Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Tiago Rafael Correia Almeida Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Marco Rafael Tenrinho Oliveira Tiago Silvestre Condeixa Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento André Miguel Tavares Martins Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Gonçalo Miguel Vieira Gomes André Zúquete Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento André Paulo Bastos Lucas Guardalben Tiago Silvestre Condeixa Redes de Conteúdos para Serviços TV com Gravações Automáticas 07/2015 204 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Francisco Vaz José Maria Fernandes My Personal Travel Companion 07/2015 Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Bojan Magušic Nuno Alexandre Tavares Coutinho Demonstrator of Vhicular Networks 07/2015 Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Nuno Oliveira Valter Filipe Miranda Castelão da Silva Sistema de localização para colmeias 07/2015 Pedro Miguel Figueiredo Amaral Paulo Martins Dynamic Flow Management 07/2015 Pedro Miguel Figueiredo Amaral Ricardo Alves Software Defined Network access control 07/2015 Valter Filipe Miranda Castelão da Silva Nuno Oliveira Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Sistema segurança para apiários 07/2015 Valter Filipe Miranda Castelão da Silva Hugo Araújo Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Conotrolo de sistema de 2 eixos 07/2015 MARA – Mobile Augmented Reality for Advertising Discover Covilhã) 07/2015 Demonstrador de Redes Veiculares 07/2015 Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva Andreia M. S. Ferreira Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Bojan Magušic Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença Nuno Ricardo da Cruz Garcia Social Network Analysis como meio de suporte à análise da fraude em seguros 07/2015 Miguel Tavares Coimbra Sara Francisco Automatic Descriptor Learning for Gastroenterology 09/2015 João Pedro Afonso Oliveira da Silva João Alves Classificação automática do modo de condução 09/2015 Lucas Guardalben 205 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA João Pedro Afonso Oliveira da Silva Sistema de recomendação para unidades curriculares João Rita Real-time implementation of combined Ring-Type Magnitude Modulation and LINC techniques on SoC Zynq-7000 Architecture 09/2015 Marco Alexandre Cravo Gomes João Alexandre Abreu Ferreira Vitor Manuel Mendes Silva Marco Alexandre Cravo Gomes Telmo Gabriel Simões Fernandes Vitor Manuel Mendes Silva Marco Alexandre Cravo Gomes Mário Alberto Soares Castanheira Vitor Manuel Mendes Silva Marco Alexandre Cravo Gomes João Suzana Ferreira Vitor Manuel Mendes Silva Sistema de aquisição ecográfica para oftalmologia usando uma arquitectura SoC Zynq-7000 09/2015 Marco Alexandre Cravo Gomes Marco André Florindo Ferreira Fernando Manuel Santos Perdigão Sistema de Visualização para Oftalmologia usando Dispositivos Android 09/2015 Fernando Manuel Santos Perdigão Paulo Jorge Cardoso Carrasqueira Online Portuguese Verb Conjugation and Pronunciation System 09/2015 Fernando Manuel Santos Perdigão Luís Miguel Bagagem Castela Speech Browsing 09/2015 Fernando Manuel Santos Perdigão Orlando Oliveira Costa Developing Techniques for Automatic Assessment of Reading 09/2015 Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Leonel Cesar Brito dos Santos Miguel Tavares Coimbra Teste e avaliação de usabilidade de app para gestão de diabetes em Android 09/2015 Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Ricardo Miguel Carneiro de Faria Rui Pedro de Magalhães Claro Prior Middleware para comunicação com dispositivos médicos 09/2015 Time-Interleaved BWBOFDM with Iterative FDE Esquemas iterativos de descodificação e combinadores Chireix para sistemas Ring-Type Magnitude Modulation LINC 09/2015 09/2015 09/2015 206 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Diogo Roberto de Melo e Diogo Machado Rui Manuel Rodrigues Rocha Miguel Moura Dionísio DAPhone- Sistema de aquisição de dados para dispositivos iOS/Android 09/2015 José Manuel Bioucas Dias Joel Augusto Joanes D'Assunção Extração e classificação automática de zonas verdes para fins de cartografia militar 09/2015 Nádia Bento Fusão de imagem para a detecção de pessoas camufladas 09/2015 José Manuel Bioucas Dias Jorge Pimenta Identificação de minas terrestres em imagens no infravermelho 09/2015 Sancho Moura Oliveira Tiago Luís Santos Rodrigues Robótica evolucionária e inteligência artificial. 09/2015 09/2015 José Manuel Bioucas Dias Vitor S. Costa Anders Lyhne Christensen Apoio ao controlo diabético baseado em registos e protocolos médicos 09/2015 Carla Calado Lopes Luís Romão Gaspar IF2LGP - Intérprete automático de fala em Língua Portuguesa para Língua Gestual Portuguesa Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho Carlos Diogo Oliveira Almeida Xprolog - Desenvolvimento de uma folha de cálculo dedutiva 09/2015 Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria Filipe Xavier Graça Gama Nuno Miguel Morais Rodrigues Técnicas eficientes para processamento de mapas de profundidade em codificadores de vídeo multivista 10/2015 Luís Eduardo de Pinho Ducla Soares Pedro Lourenço Paulo Jorge Lourenço Nunes An Inpainting System 10/2015 Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Pedro Ângelo dos Reis Moreira Avaliação de plataforma de gestão de diabetes (cosuperv: João Fonseca, FMUP) 10/2015 Rui Pedro de Magalhães Claro Prior José Nuno Campos Esperança Vieira da Costa PsiSurveys - Questionários Online para Psicologia 10/2015 Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão 207 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Rui Manuel Rodrigues Rocha Pedro Filipe Rodrigues Coelho Moisés Simões Piedade ISTnanotest: testing the ISTnanosat-1 10/2015 Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar Jorge Silva Fernando Silva Parallel Feature Selection Algorithms 10/2015 Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar Orangel José Azuaje Contreras Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Data Gathering on a WiFi Mesh Network 10/2015 10/2015 José Manuel Bioucas Dias José Carlos Lima Analysis and Classification of Microelectrode Recordings in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Diogo Almeida Sequeira Lumiarte - urban art at your finger! 10/2015 Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão Bruno Filipe Guia de Sousa Keyword Based Framework for DLNA Acceptance Testing 11/2015 Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia Filipe Leite de Almeida da Costa Guapo Calibration of Biometric Recognition Data for Forensic Evaluation 11/2015 Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia João Miguel Delfino Satiro Extracting Forensic Evidence from Surveillance Videos 11/2015 Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão Rafael Vassalo Cortês Luís Manuel Antunes Veiga CloudBox: Private, Reliable and Distributed Storage 11/2015 Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão Rafael Farias Baltazar João Carlos Serrenho Dias Pereira JMLCUTE: Automated JMLBased Unit Test Case Generation 11/2015 Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão Miguel Abreu Malafaia Mendes Belo Automation of Secrecy Proofs for Security of Protocols 11/2015 João Ribeiro Comparative study of segmentation techniques in fluorescence microscope images with Leishmania infections 11/2015 Paulo Macedo Pereira Analysis of Network Attacks and Security Events using Modern Data Visualization Techniques 11/2015 Miguel Tavares Coimbra Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio João Carlos Serrenho Dias Pereira 208 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Luís Paulo Lemos Perez Rui Pedro de Magalhães Claro Prior Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar António Pinto Carlos Manuel Gutierrez Sá da Costa Rita Vanessa Antunes Ramos Sérgio Armindo Lopes Crisóstomo Eder Zenildo Monteiro Soares Moreno Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues Ricardo José Mascarenhas Almeida Tomás Gomes da Silva Serpa Brandão Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues Adélcio de Jesus Mendes Soares da Rosa Tomás Gomes da Silva Serpa Brandão João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho Seamless and Strong Authentication on Mobile Devices Based on User Activity 11/2015 Battery-efficient Mobile M2M Gateway 11/2015 Avaliação de processos organizacionais aplicada à gestão de licenciaturas do ISCTE-IUL 11/2015 Middleware de Comunicação para Redes Oportunistas 11/2015 Detecção automática de descontinuidades temporais em sequências vídeo 11/2015 Estudo e Avaliação de Técnicas para Inpainting de Texto em Imagens e Vídeo 11/2015 Maria Cristina Dominguez Analysis of Secure BGP 11/2015 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho Manuel Seixas Pinto Inter-domain Traffic Engineering 11/2015 Pedro Figueiredo Santana Vítor José Matias Amaral Detecção de Obstáculos em Passagens de Nível 12/2015 João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos Ricardo Penas Conde Global Localization System 12/2015 A comparative study of the sound quality of electronic stethoscopes 12/2015 Miguel Tavares Coimbra Cristiana Pinto Diogo Nuno P. Gomes 209 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Miguel Tavares Coimbra Diogo José Monteiro Morgado Abrantes Identifying interaction opportunities for CAD Systems within a gastroenterology exam room José Manuel Bioucas Dias Ana Sofia Sail and rig shape and from single images 12/2015 Sérgio Armindo Lopes Crisóstomo Carlos Filipe Pereira Piedade GPS Telematics 12/2015 Demonstrador para rede tempo-real HaRTES 12/2015 12/2015 Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Hugo Araujo Valter Filipe Miranda Castelão da Silva Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Diogo Branco Pedro Alexandre Sousa Gonçalves Reserva de Recursos para redes tempo real (HARTES) 12/2015 Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Gonçalo da Silva Pessoa Ricardo Jorge Magalhães de Matos Tiago Silvestre Condeixa Mecanismos de Comunicação Tolerantes ao Atraso para Redes Veiculares 12/2015 Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Tiago Rafael Correia Almeida Lucas Guardalben Rede de Comunicações Tolerante a Atraso para a Marinha 12/2015 Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Marco Rafael Tenrinho Oliveira Tiago Silvestre Condeixa Mobilidade em Redes Veiculares com Múltiplos Pontos de Acesso à InfraEstrutura 12/2015 Tiago Silvestre Condeixa Mobilidade em Redes Veiculares com Conectividade Dinâmica e Balanceamento de Carga 12/2015 12/2015 12/2015 Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento André Miguel Tavares Martins Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento André Paulo Bastos Lucas Guardalben Redes de Conteúdos para Serviços TV com Gravações Automáticas Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Francisco Vaz José Maria Fernandes My Personal Travel Companion 210 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Encaminhamento e Segurança em Redes Veiculares 12/2015 Pedro António Auridélia Moura Amado Assunção de Arruda Subjective assessment of 3D still images using attention models 12/2015 Ricardo Pedro António Alexandre Amado Assunção Caseiro dos Santos Hardware/Software interface for enhanced remote control 12/2015 of Android set-top-box Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes Fernando José Pimentel Lopes Gonçalo Miguel Vieira Gomes André Zúquete Luis Conde Bento Susana Maria Santos do Paço Modeling the regeneration on the human body: the case of the vascular tumour and p53 metabolism 12/2015 Telmo Paiva Branco Análise e Mitigação do Risco Associado às Infraestruturas de Telecomunicações Críticas de Suporte à Rede Nacional de Distribuição de Eletricidade – Uma Visão Baseada no Redesenho da Sua Estratégia de Manutenção – Estágio na EDP Distribuição 12/2015 PhD Theses Supervisor Student Co-Supervisors Title End Date Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento João Monteiro Soares Pedro Miguel Naia Neves Communication Architecture for Mobile Cloud Services 01/2015 Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus Ricardo Loura Vítor Rocha Vieira Quantum Adiabatic Computation 01/2015 Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus Manuel Biscaia Probabilistic Modelchecking 01/2015 211 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Ana Luisa Nobre Fred Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo João Manuel Maia Duarte Guilherme Riberio Corrêa Pedro António Amado Assunção Luciano Agostini Bruno Miguel Correia da Silva Cláudia Silvestre Margarida Cardoso Data Clustering using Constraints 02/2015 Computational Complexity Reduction And Scaling For High Efficiency Video Encoders 02/2015 Performance Evaluation of Cooperation Mechanisms for Mobile Health Applications 02/2015 Model and Feature Selection for Categorical Mixture Models 02/2015 03/2015 03/2015 Abel João Padrão Gomes Adriano Nunes Raposo Geometric Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Methods for Plasmid DNA Molecules Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença Gil Melfe Mateus santos Negative Object recognition Seil Jeon Sérgio Figueiredo Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Pedro Tavares Barata Bastos Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Namusale Chama Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Vinay Prabhu Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar Seil Jeon Rute Sofia Mobile video multicasting in heterogeneous networks 03/2015 Easy Facial Rigging And Animation Approaches 04/2015 Impact of Mobility on Usercentric Routing 04/2015 Network Aided Classification and Detection of Data 05/2015 212 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Autonomic Quantification and Classification of the Breast Density in 2D Ultrassound Images 05/2015 Sérgio Emanuel Duarte Dias Geometric Representation and Detection Methods of Cavities on Protein Surfaces 05/2015 Xiangrong Zeng Optimization Methods for Group-Sparsity Regularization 05/2015 Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Thaísa Leal da Silva Contribuições Para A Redução De Complexidade 06/2015 Da Codificação Intra Na Norma Hevc E Extensão 3dHevc Rui Miguel Neto Marinheiro João Manuel Dias de Almeida QoE measurements with Agents cooperation on Personal Cells 06/2015 Pedro António Amado Assunção Filipe dos Santos Neves Salviano Soares Methods for Quality Enhancement of Voice Communications Over Erasure Channels 07/2015 Daniel Enrique Lucani Roetter Hugo Moreira de Sousa Pinto Peter Steenkiste Congestion Control for Future Internet 07/2015 José Alberto Gouveia Fonseca Tiago Hipkin Meireles Joaquim José de Castro Ferreira Wireless Protocols to support Vehicular Safety Apllications 07/2015 Pedro António Amado Assunção Paulo Jorge Juan GomezFerreira Baptista Pulido Pinheiro Cordeiro Complexity-aware Video Coding Methods for Resource-constrained Decoders 07/2015 Mario Marques Freire Abel João Padrão Gomes Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo Ângela Cristina Marques de Oliveira José Alberto Fonseca Moutinho Luciano Agostini 213 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA João Francisco de Oliveira Barros Rui Manuel Peter Steenkiste Pacheco Meireles Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Romeu Rabaça Monteiro Ana Luisa Nobre Fred Hugo Humberto Plácido da Silva Leveraging diversity and spatial connectivity in multu-hop vehicular 08/2015 networks O. K. Tonguz Rui Jorge José Luís P.A. Henriques Calado Vale Matos Lopes Self-Organization in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks 08/2015 Physiological Computing: New Methods and Biometric Applications 09/2015 Organizational Crisis Preparedness and Response in a Networked World: 09/2015 Diogo Nuno P. Gomes Mário Antunes Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar Knowledge Extraction from unstructured Context Information 09/2015 Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira Xiem HoangVan Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso Combined predictivedistributed video coding 10/2015 10/2015 Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes Rui Melo João Pedro Barreto Camera Calibration and Real-Time Image Processing in Heterogeneous Architectures - Application in Medical Endoscopy Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira Ana Karina De Abreu Goes Pascal Frossard View-Switching Interactive Video Experience 10/2015 Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar Integrated Identity and Context Management Architecture for PrivacyEnabled ContextAwareness 11/2015 Diogo Nuno P. Gomes João Miguel Ribeiro Gonçalves 214 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença Chandrashekhar Padolle Periocular biometric recognition at visible wavelength 11/2015 Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Catarina Alexandre Nunes Runa Miranda Real-time Motion Capture Facial Animation 11/2015 Saurabh Shintre Virgil Gligor An Information-theoretic Approach to Side-channel Analysis 12/2015 Diogo Nuno P. Gomes Christopher Lima Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar Context Awareness Collaborative Communications 12/2015 Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus David Henriques Model-checking for security 12/2015 Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus João Rodrigues Quantum oblivious transfer 12/2015 João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros 4.3.6 Nikola Paunkovic Publications Architectures and Protocols Books Garcia, N. M. ; Rodrigues, J. R.; Ambient Assisted Living, , CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2015 Book Chapters Drivers for 5G: the 'Pervasive Connected World' - Chapter in Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks, Jonathan Rodriguez, John Wiley & Sons, 2015 Drivers for 5G: the 'Pervasive Connected World' - Chapter in Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks, Jonathan Rodriguez, John Wiley & Sons, 2015 Saghezchi, F.B.; Rodriguez, J.; Mumtaz, S.M.; Radwan, A. R.; Lee, W. C. Y.; Ai, B; Tauhidul Islam, M.; Akl, S.; Taha, M.; Drivers for 5G: the ‘Pervasive Connected World’ - Chapter in Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks, Jonathan Rodriguez, John Wiley & Sons, 2015 Mueck, M.D.M.; Dionísio, R.P.; Marques, P.; ETSI OPPORTUNISTIC SPECTRUM SHARING TECHNOLOGY FOR (TV) WHITE SPACES - Chapter in Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing and White Space Access: The 215 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Practical Reality, Holiver Holland, Hanna Bogucka, and Arturas Medeisis, John Wiley & Sons, London, UK, 2015 Meireles, T.; Fonseca, J.; Ferreira, J.; The Case for Wireless Vehicular Communications Supported by Roadside - Chapter in Intelligent Transportation Systems Technologies and Applications, , John Wiley & Sons, Aveiro, 2015 Mantas, G.; Rodriguez, J.; Logota, E.; Marques, H.M.; Security for 5G Communications - Chapter in Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks, , Wiley, Chichester, UK, 2015 Bastos, J. B.; Mantas, G.; Ribeiro, JCR; Rodriguez, J.; Towards an Advanced PKI-Based Security Solution for Next Generation e-Passport and Associated Applications: The NewP@ss Approach - Chapter in Wireless Internet - 8th International Conference, WICON 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, November 13-14, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, , Springer, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2015 Papers in Journals Pereira, J. P.; Sousa, Paula Prata; Management of virtual machine images in heterogeneous clouds, Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1/2, pp. 113 - 129, January, 2015 Mathews, N. M.; Valentini, G.; Christensen, A.; O´Grady, R. O.; Brutschy, A.; Dorigo, M. D.; Spatially targeted communication in decentralized multirobot systems, Autonomous Robots, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 429 - 457, April, 2015 Rodrigues, J.; Kaiseler, M.; Aguiar, A.; Chuna, J. P. S.; Barros, J.; A Mobile Sensing Approach to Stress Detection and Memory Activation for Public Bus Drivers, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 2, October, 2015 Ashjaei, M.A.; Silva, L.S.; Behnam, MB; Pedreiras, P.P.; Bril, R. J. B. ; Almeida, L.; Nolte, TN; Improved Message Forwarding for Multi-Hop HaRTES Real-Time Ethernet Networks, Journal of Signal Processing Systems , pp. 1 - 21, May, 2015 Bassoli, R.B.; Marques, H.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Grouet, CG; Tafazolli, R. T.; Enhanced authentication for WLAN–EPS interworking systems, Measurement , Vol. 51, No. 19, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Alam , M.; Yang, D.; Huq, K.; Saghezchi, F.B.; Mumtaz, S.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Towards 5G: Context Aware Resource Allocation for Energy Saving, Journal of Signal Processing Systems , pp. 1 - 13, October, 2015 Sousa, Paula Prata; Alves, S. Alves; CSCLab: A Cloud-Based Platform for Managing Computing Labs, International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 36 - 55, October, 2015 Kandasamy, S. K; Marques, C. M.; Sargento, S.; Ricardo, M. R. ; Calçada, T.C.; Matos, R.; Call Admission Control for Wireless Mesh Network based on Power Interference Modeling using Directional Antenna, Springer Wireless Networks, Vol. 22, No. 134, pp. 1 - 18, October, 2015 Capela, N.; Sargento, S.; An Intelligent and Optimized Multihoming Approach in Real and Heterogeneous Environments, Springer Wireless Networks, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 1935 - 1955, August, 2015 216 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Nogueira, J.; Sargento, S.; Channel Selection Relying on Probabilistic Adjacent Channel Interference Analysis and Pattern Recognition, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 1333 - 1357, July, 2015 Coutinho, N.; Matos, R.; Marques, C . M. M.; Reis, A.B.; Sargento, S.; Chakareski, J. C.; Kassler, A.; Dynamic Dual-Reinforcement-Learning Routing Strategies for Quality of Experience-aware Wireless Mesh Networking, Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, Vol. 88, pp. 269 - 285, September, 2015 Coutinho, N.; Figueira, D.; Sargento, S.; A control framework for abstract multiparty transport, Computer Communications Journal, Vol. 56, pp. 74 - 88, February, 2015 Lima, P.; Ahmad , A. Ahmad ; Dias, A. Dias; Conceição , André G.S. Conceição ; Moreira , A. Moreira ; Silva, E. Silva; Almeida, L.; Oliveira, L.; Nascimento, Tiago P. Nascimento; Formation control driven by cooperative object tracking, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 68 - 79, January, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Alves, HA; Marinheiro, R. N.; Moura, J.A.; Flow-Mobility for PMIPv6, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Soares, E. S.; Brandão, P.; Prior, R.P.; Scalable Framework for Live Data Sharing through 802.11, Proc Mediterranean Conference on Information & Communication Technologies MedICT, Saïdia, Morocco, Vol. Unknown, pp. Unknown - Unknown, May, 2015 Pedreiras, P.P.; Garibai-Martinez, R. G-M.; Nelissen, G. N.; Ferreira, L. L. F.; Pinho, L. P.; Holistic Analysis for Fork-Join Distributed Tasks supported by the FTT-SE Protocol, Proc IEEE World Conf. on Factory Communication Systems - WFCS, Mallorca, Spain, May, 2015 Garcia, N. M. ; Pires, I.; Florez-Revulta, FR; Multi-sensor data fusion techniques for the identification of activities of daily living using mobile devices, Proc European Conf. on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML/PKDD, Porto, Portugal, September, 2015 Crocker,P.;Garcia,N.MSeurity of SmartPhone Solutions for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Comm unication, Proc ACPI14th European Conference on Cyber Warfare & Security ECCWS, Hatfield, United Kingdom, Vol. 14, pp. 241 - 248, July, 2015 Crocker, P.; Querido, PQ; Two factor encryption in cloud storage providers using Hardware Tokens, Proc IEEE IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks, and Applications GLOBECOM 2015 CCSNA, San-Diego, United States, December, 2015 Almeida, J.; Alam , M.; Silva, B.; Khan, A. K.; Oliveira, A.; Ferreira, J.; Reliable Delivery of Safety Messages in Infrastructure based Vehicular Networks, Proc COSSMO – International Workshop on Cooperative Sensing for Smart Mobility – ITSC 2015 - IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 244 - 249, September, 2015 217 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Capela, N.; Sargento, S.; Machine Learning for Resources Prediction in Multihoming Scenarios, Proc IEEE Globecom 2015 Workshop on Networking and Collaboration Issues for the Internet of Everything, California, United States, December, 2015 Almeida, T. Almeida; Guardalben, L.G; Sargento, S.; Delay-Tolerant Networks for Navy Scenarios: Quality-based Approach, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 1 - 5, September, 2015 Marinheiro, R. N.; Service and Flow management, Proc IBA / IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies ICICT, Karachi, Pakistan, December, 2015 Rosa, J.; Silva, H.; Matias, R.M.; A web-based framework using a model-view-controller architecture for human motion analysis, Proc IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering 2015 (ENBENG), Lisbon, Portugal, February, 2015 Pessoa, G. Pessoa; Sargento, S.; Matos, R.; Content Distribution in Vehicular Networks using DelayTolerant Networks, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Gomes, G. Gomes; Sargento, S.; Zúquete, A.; Layer 2 Security in Vehicular Networks, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Santos, P. S.; Sargento, S.; Fernandes, J. M. F.; VANESS: DNS for Nomadic Users in Vehicular Networks, Proc ACM International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (ACM MOBIQUITOUS) Mobiquitous, Coimbra, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, July, 2015 Pardal, G. P. ; Soares, J.; Gouveia, R. G. ; Sargento, S.; OpenFlow and Services in the Cloud: Core Network Demonstrator, Proc IEEE IEEE International Symposium on Computer and Communications ISCC, Larnaca, Cyprus, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, July, 2015 Guedes, L. G. ; Condeixa, T.; Sargento, S.; Monteiro, R.; Neves, F. Neves; Guardalben, L.G; Steenkiste, P. ; Lessons Learned from a Real Vehicular Network Deployment of Delay-Tolerant Networking, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2015 Azevedo, J. A. ; Condeixa, T.; Sargento, S.; Distributed IP Mobility in a Real Vehicular Network, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2015 Soares, J.; Sargento, S.; Optimizing the Embedding of Virtualized Cloud Network Infrastructures across Multiple Domains, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2015 Christensen, A.; Oliveira, S.; Postolache, O.; Oliveira, J.; Sargento, S.; Santana, P.; Nunes, L.; Velez, F. J.; Sebastião, P.; Costa, V.C.; Duarte, M.; Gomes, J.; Rodrigues, T. R.; Silva, F.; Design of Communication and 218 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Control for Swarms of Aquatic Surface Drones, Proc INSTICC International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 2, pp. 548 - 555, January, 2015 Network Applications and Services Book Chapters Logota, E.; Corujo, D.; Jeon, Seil; Rodriguez, J.; Aguiar, R. L.; The 5G Internet - Chapter in Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks, Jonathan Rodriguez , Wiley, 2015 Horta, E. H.; Lopes, I. L.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Ubiquitous mHealth Approach for Biofeedback Monitoring with Falls Detection Techniques and Falls Prevention Methodologies - Chapter in Mobile Health (mHealth): The Technology Road Map, Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics, Springer, Heidelberg, 2015 Marques, H. R.; Pereira, L.P.; Rodriguez, J.; Mantas, G.; Next Generation Communication Systems For PPDR – The SALUS Perspective - Chapter in Wireless Public Safety Networks 1, , ISTE Press and Elsevier, n.a., 2015 Papers in Journals Garcia-Reinoso, Jaime G. Reinoso; Vidal, Iván Vidal; Diez, D. D.; Corujo, D.; Aguiar, R. L.; Analysis and Enhancements to Probabilistic Caching in Content-Centric Networking , Computer Journal, February, 2015 Soares, J. R.; Gonçalves, CG; Parreira, B.; Tavares, P.T.; Carapinha, J.; Barraca, JPB; Aguiar, R. L.; Sargento, S.; Toward a telco cloud environment for service functions, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 98 - 106, February, 2015 Rodrigues, J. R.; Misra, S. M.; Wang, H. W.; Zhu, Z. Z.; Ambient Assisted Living Communications [Guest Editorial], IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 24 - 25, January, 2015 Jijiang, Y. J.; Jianqiang, L. J.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Guest editorial: Telecommunications for Remote Medicine, China Communications Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. iii - iv, April, 2015 Bera, S. B.; Misra, S. M.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Cloud Computing Applications for Smart Grid: A Survey, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 1477 - 1494, May, 2015 Lopes, S. I.; Vieira, J.; Reis, J.R.; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Accurate smartphone indoor positioning using a WSN infrastructure and non-invasive audio for TDoA estimation, Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 20, pp. 29 - 46, July, 2015 Goes, A. ; Toni, L. T.; Thomos, N.T.; Maugey, T. M.; Pereira, F.; Frossard, P.; Optimal Layered Representation for Adaptive Interactive Multiview Video Streaming, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, pp. 1 - 14, September, 2015 219 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Kumar, N. K.; Lee, J. L. ; Rodrigues, J. R.; Intelligent Mobile Video Surveillance System as a Bayesian Coalition Game in Vehicular Sensor Networks: Learning Automata Approach, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 1148 - 1161, June, 2015 Kumar, N. K.; Iqbal, R. I.; Misra, S. M.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Bayesian Coalition Game for Contention-Aware Reliable Data Forwarding in Vehicular Mobile Cloud, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 60 - 72, July, 2015 Sadeghi, Sadeghi, P.; Barros, J.; Firoiu, Firoiu, V.; Fitzek, F. H. P. F.; Guest Editorial Fundamental Approaches to Network Coding in Wireless Communication Systems, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 125 - 126, February, 2015 Antunes, M.; Gomes, D.G.; Aguiar, R. L.; Scalable semantic aware context storage, Future Generation Computer Systems, September, 2015 Mantas, G.; Stakhanova, N.; Gonzalez, H.; Hadian Jazi, H.; Ghorbani, A. A.; Application-layer denial of service attacks: taxonomy and survey, International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Vol. 7, No. 2/3/4, pp. 216 - 239, November, 2015 Kumar, N. K.; Kaur, K. K.; Jindal, A. J.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Providing healthcare services on-the-fly using multi-player cooperation game theory in Internet of Vehicles (IoV) environment, Digital Communications and Networks, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 191 - 203, August, 2015 Kumar, N. K.; Misra, S. M.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Obaidat, Mohammad S. Obaidat; Coalition Games for SpatioTemporal Big Data in Internet of Vehicles Environment: A Comparative Analysis, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 310 - 320, August, 2015 Kumar, N. K.; Iqbal, R. I.; Misra, S. M.; Rodrigues, J. R.; An intelligent approach for building a secure decentralized public key infrastructure in VANET, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol. 81, No. 6, pp. 1042 - 1058, September, 2015 Sanchez-Iborra, R. S.; Cano, M. C.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Garcia-Haro, J. G.; An Experimental QoE Performance Study for the Efficient Transmission of High Demanding Traffic over an Ad Hoc Network Using BATMAN, Mobile Information Systems, Vol. 2015, No. Article ID 217106, pp. 1 - 14, September, 2015 Pereira, OMP; Regateiro, DDR; Aguiar, R. L.; SECURE, DYNAMIC AND DISTRIBUTED ACCESS CONTROL STACK FOR DATABASE APPLICATIONS, International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, December, 2015 Neto, A.; Autonomic Context-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors, Vol. 2015, No. 621326, pp. 1 14, May, 2015 Costa, S. C.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Silva, B.; Isento, J. I.; Corchado, J. C.; Integration of Wearable Solutions in AAL Environments with Mobility Support, Journal of Medical Systems , Vol. 39, No. 12, pp. 1 - 8, December, 2015 220 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Baleia, J.; Santana, P.; Barata, J. B.; On Exploiting Haptic Cues for Self-Supervised Learning of DepthBased Robot Navigation Affordances, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 80, No. 3, pp. 455 474, July, 2015 Dias, João A. F. F. Dias; Rodrigues, J. R.; Xia, F. X.; Mavromoustakis, C. M.; A Cooperative Watchdog System to Detect Misbehavior Nodes in Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62, No. 12, pp. 7929 - 7937, December, 2015 Pereira, OMP; Aguiar, R. L.; ABTC: Multi-purpose Adaptable Business Tier Components Based on Call Level Interfaces, International Journal of Computer & Information Science, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 11 - 23, July, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Romero, J.; Almeida, L.; Feedback management for scaling clients in streaming multicast, Proc ACM Symp. on Appl. Computing, Salamanca, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, April, 2015 Faneca, C. F. ; Vieira, J. V.; Zúquete, A.; Romero, J.; Moreira, A.; Almeida, L.; Towards Dynamic Adaptation in Broadcasting with Hybrid Rateless Codes, Proc Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems - APRES, Seattle, United States, pp. 1 - 4, April, 2015 Moreira, A.; Almeida, L.; Lucani, D. E.; Merging Network Coding with Feedback Management in Multicast Streaming, Proc Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems - APRES, Seattle, United States, pp. 1 - 4, April, 2015 Martínez-Pérez, B. M.; de la Torre, I. T.; López-Coronado, M. L.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Are Mobile Health Cloud Apps Better than Native?, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. USB, pp. 1 - 6, June, 2015 Kryftis, Y. K.; Mavromoustakis, C. M.; Mastorakis, G. M.; Pallis, E. P.; Batalla, J. B.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Dobre, C. D.; Kormentzas, G.; Resource Usage Prediction Algorithms for Optimal Selection of Multimedia Content Delivery Methods, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. USB, pp. 1 - 7, June, 2015 Niu, J. N.; Wang, B. W.; Cheng, L. C.; Rodrigues, J. R.; WicLoc: An Indoor Localization System based on WiFi Fingerprints and Crowdsourcing, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. USB, pp. 1 - 6, June, 2015 Dias, João A. F. F. Dias; Rodrigues, J. R.; Kumar, N. K.; Mavromoustakis, C. M.; A Hybrid System to Stimulate Selfish Nodes to Cooperate in Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, pp. 5910 - 5915, June, 2015 Pereira, C.; Pinto, A.; Aguiar, A.; Joining M2M and openEHR in an E-health Framework, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, September, 2015 221 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Rodrigues, J.; Aguiar, A.; Barros, J.; An asynchronous and opportunistic data communication protocol for crowdsensing platforms, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Julião, M. D. ; Silva, J. S.; Aguiar, A.; Moniz, G. S.; Ferreira, J.; Batista, M.; Speech Features for Discriminating Stress, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Sebastião, P.; Souto, N.S.; Cercas, F.C.; Correia, A.; Development of a new system to control and monitor ground vehicles using heterogeneous wireless networks, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Sebastião, P.; Souto, N.S.; Correia, A.; Reliable air-to-ground communication for low altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Sebastião, P.; Rebola, J. L. ; Cercas, F.C.; Efficient planning tool for fiber optic communication systems: access and transport network, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Sebastião, P.; Cercas, F.C.; Educational Satellite Tracking Station, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Gonçalves, L.C.; Teodoro, N. T.; Serrão, C. S.; A Generic Model for Dynamic NIST Cybersecurity Framework Compliance Assessment, Proc 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications , Helsinki, Finland, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, August, 2015 Soares, E. S.; Almeida, R.A.; Oliveira, C.O.; Maia, J.M.; Prior, R.P.; Coimbra, M.; Brandão, P.; Usability of Health Kiosks for Health Self-Assessment, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Santos, AS; Pedreiras, P.P.; Bartolomeu, P. Bartolomeu; Enabling Wireless Sensor Networks with Contiki OS and CoAP, Proc Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Covilhã, Portugal, September, 2015 Pedreiras, P.P.; Khan, A. K.; Almeida, J. A.; Fernandes, B. F.; Alam , M.; Ferreira, J.; Towards Reliable Wireless Vehicular Communications, Proc IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas, Spain, , September, 2015 Pedreiras, P.P.; Sousa, R.; Gonçalves, P.; Enabling IIoT IP backbones with real-time guarantees, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, September, 2015 Bagaric, J.B.; Ferreira, M. P. M. F.; Pereira, J.; Mendes, S. P. M.; On estimating indoor location using wireless communication between sensors, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 222 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Teodoro, S.T.; Silva, A. ; Dinis, R.; Gameiro, A.; Theoretical analysis of non-linear quantization of broadband channels, Proc IEEE Conference on Standards and Communication Networking IEEE CSCN, Tokyo, Japan, October, 2015 Pereira, OMP; Simões , D.; Aguiar, R. L.; Endowing NoSQL DBMS with SQL Features Through Standard Call Level Interfaces, Proc International Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering SEKE, Pittsburgh, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 201 - 207, July, 2015 Pereira, OMP; Regateiro, DDR; Aguiar, R. L.; Secure, Dynamic and Distributed Access Control Stack for Database Applications, Proc International Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering SEKE, Pittsburgh, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 364 - 369, July, 2015 Sousa, S.; Velez, F. J.; Mumtaz, S.M.; Huq, K.; Rodriguez, J.; Scenarios and Architectures for RRM and Optimization of Heterogenous Networks , Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Khamfroush, H.; Lucani, D. E.; Pahlevani, Phd; Fitzek, F. H. P. F.; Barros, J.; Relay-assisted Network Coding Multicast in the Presence of Neighbours, Proc European Wireless 2015, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1 - 7, May, 2015 Costa, R.; Lucani, D. E.; Vinhoza, T. T. V.; Barros, J.; Reliability Capacity of Half-Duplex Channels with Strict Deadlines, Proc European Wireless 2015, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1 - 6, May, 2015 Santos, P.; Calçada, T.C.; Sargento, S.; Aguiar, A.; Barros, J.; Experiments On Using Vehicles As Data Mules For Data Collection From Urban Sensors, Proc 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks , Porto, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 17 - 19, February, 2015 Barraca, JPB; IMS Centric Communication Supporting WebRTC Endpoints, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Computers and Communications - ISCC, Larnaka, Cyprus, July, 2015 Leite, C. S. F. L.; Barraca, JPB; Barbosa , D.; Garnier, WG; Isidro, MI; When science fiction turns to reality: Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the largest radio telescope ever imagined, Proc International Conference Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication , Avanca, Portugal, July, 2015 Barraca, JPB; Alves, L.N.A.; Aguiar, R. L.; Benefits of metering and intelligent control in energy savings of public street ligthing - UA Smart Campus use case, Proc Information Technology for Energy 2015 (IT4Energy) Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2015 Barraca, JPB; Cardoso, IG; Gonçalves, CG; Aguiar, R. L.; Seamless integration of Cloud and Fog networks, Proc IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization NetSoft, Dublin, Ireland, April, 2015 Esfahani, A.; Mantas, G.; Rodriguez, J.; Nascimento, A.; Neves, J.; A Null Space-based MAC Scheme against Pollution Attacks to Random Linear Network Coding, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. 2015, pp. 1521 - 1526, June, 2015 223 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Esfahani, A.; Mantas, G.; Monteiro, V.M.; Rodriguez, J.; Analysis of a Homomorphic MAC-based Scheme against Tag Pollution in RLNC-Enabled Wireless Networks, Proc IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks - IEEE CAMAD, Guildford, United Kingdom, Vol. 2015, pp. 156 - 160, September, 2015 Vilaça, A.; Antunes, M.; Gomes, D.G.; TVPulse: detecting TV highlights in Social Networks, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Antunes, M.; Gomes, D.G.; Aguiar, R. L.; Semantic features for context organization, Proc International Conf. on Future Internet of Things and Cloud - FiCloud, Rome, Italy, pp. 87 - 92, August, 2015 Souto, A.; Traffic analysis based on compression, Proc Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores CRC'15, Évora, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 7, November, 2015 Rocha, R. M.; DAPhone - Data acquisition system for smartphones, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Goulart, LG; Rodrigues, [email protected]; Gonçalves, P.; Offroad tracks - A web mapping application proposal for track sharing and query, Proc Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies - CISTI, Águeda, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2015 Neto, A.; SAMbA: A Session Aware Multicast based Architecture for cost-efficient Smart Grid applications, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , Londo, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 226 - 231, June, 2015 Neto, A.; A Comparative Analysis of Green Routing Metrics in User-centric Networks, Proc SBC Workshop de Gerência e Operação de Redes e Serviços WGRS2015, Vitória, Brazil, Vol. 1, pp. 14 - 28, May, 2015 Neto, A.; Infrastructured Mobility Management Approach for Future Internet ETArch Networks, Proc International Conference on Wireless Networks ICWN, Las vegas, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 39 - 45, June, 2015 Neto, A.; A Holistic Approach to Enable Perceptive, Instrumental and Ubiquitous Smart eHealth, Proc IEEE Communications Society Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium LANOMS, João Pessoa, Brazil, Vol. 1, pp. 56 - 61, October, 2015 Neto, A.; Silva, F.; SDN Based Control Plane Extensions for Mobility Management Improvement in Next Generation ETArch Networks, Proc ACM ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems MSWiN, Cancun, Mexico, Vol. 1, pp. 189 - 193, October, 2015 Neto, A.; Enhancing eHealth Smart Applications: A Fog-Enabled Approach, Proc International Conf. on EHealth Networking, Applications and Services - HealthCom, Boston, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 14 - 21, October, 2015 224 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Alam , M.; Fernandes, B. F.; Silva, L.S.; Khan, A. K.; Ferreira, J.; Implementation and analysis of traffic safety protocols based on ETSI Standard, Proc IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference VNC, Koyoto, Japan, pp. 142 - 150, December, 2015 Rodrigues, T. R.; Duarte, M.; Oliveira, S.; Christensen, A.; Beyond Onboard Sensors in Robotic Swarms: Local Collective Sensing through Situated Communication, Proc International Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - ICAART, lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 2, pp. 111 - 118, January, 2015 Fu, SF; Kim, H.; Prior, R.P.; FlowBox: Cloud Application Performance Anomaly Detection using Flow Analysis, Proc IEEE Global Communications Conference - GLOBECOM, San Diego, United States, December, 2015 Fu, SF; Kim, H.; Prior, R.P.; FSAD: Flow Similarity Analysis for Anomaly Detection in Cloud Applications, Proc IEEE IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science CloudCom, Vancouver, Canada,, December, 2015 Teixeira, FT.; Campos, R. C.; Figueira, D. Figueira; Sargento, S.; Coutinho, N.; Ruela, J. R.; UNIT: Multicast using Unicast Trees”, Workshop on Heterogeneous Converged Networks, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2015 Heidarialamdarloo, J.; Oliveira, R.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Teixeira, A.; Viability of the Graded Index Plastic Optical Fibers in Home Access Networks, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, July, 2015 Network Operations, Management and Planning Books Rodriguez, J.; Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks, Wiley, 2015 Book Chapters Corujo, D.; Jeon, Seil; Rodriguez, J.; Aguiar, R. L.; The 5G Internet - Chapter in Fundamentals of 5G, Wiley, Wiley, , 2015 Hamrioui, S. H.; Lorenz, P.; Lloret, J. L.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Lalam, M. L.; Chapter 2: Network planning and designing - Chapter in Modeling and Simulation of Computer Networks and Systems Methodologies and Applications, M. Obaidat, P. Nicopolitidis, F. Zarai , Elsevier Science, Waltham, USA, 2015 Moura, A.; Nunes, L.; Batista, M.; Cardoso, E.; Intelligent Management and Efficient Operation of Big Data - Chapter in Handbook of Research on Trends and Future Directions in Big Data and Web Intelligence, , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference, NA, 2015 Moura, J.A.; Future Trends and Challenges for Mobile and Convergent Networks - Chapter in 4G & Beyond: The Convergence of Networks, Devices and Services, , Nova Publisher, USA, 2015 225 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Moura, J.A.; Security and Privacy Issues of Big Data - Chapter in Handbook of Research on Trends and Future Directions in Big Data and Web Intelligence, , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference, USA, 2015 Moura, J.A.; Intelligent Management and Efficient Operation of Big Data - Chapter in Handbook of Research on Trends and Future Directions in Big Data and Web Intelligence, , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference, USA, 2015 Marques, P.; Rodriguez, J.; Towards a unified 5G Broadcast-Broadband architecture - Chapter in Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks, , Wiley, London, 2015 Papers in Journals Caldeira, JMLPC; Rodrigues, J. R.; Lorenz, P.; MAC Layer Handover Mechanism for Continuous Communication Support in Healthcare Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks, Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 119 - 132, September, 2015 Eira, A.; Pedro, J. M.; Pires, J. J. O. ; Optimal Multi-Period Provisioning of Fixed and Flex-Rate Modular Line Interfaces in DWDM Networks, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 223 - 234, April, 2015 Routray, S.; Sahin, G.; Rocha, R. F.; Pinto, A. N.; Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Shortest Path Lengths in Optical Transport Networks, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 13, pp. 1 - 11, July, 2015 Dua, A. D.; Kumar, N. K.; Sean Alvarenga, S. A.; Rodrigues, J. R.; An Intelligent Context-aware Congestion Resolution Protocol for Data Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Mobile Networks and Applications , Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 181 - 200, March, 2015 Wang, X. W.; Han, G. H.; Du, X. D.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Mobile Cloud Computing in 5G: Emerging Trends, Issues, and Challenges [Guest Editorial], IEEE Network, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 4 - 5, March, 2015 Guizani, M. G.; He, D. H.; Ren, K. R.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Chan, S. C.; Zhang, Y.; Security and Privacy in Emerging Networks: Part I [Guest Editorial], IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 18 - 19, April, 2015 Moura, J.A.; Gestão Eficiente do Acesso Móvel a uma Infra- Estrutura de Rede Heterogénea, Kriativ.tech, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 5 - 17, April, 2015 Tyagi, S. T.; Tanwar, S. T.; Gupta, S. G.; Kumar, N. K.; Rodrigues, J. R.; A lifetime extended multi-levels heterogeneous routing protocol for wireless sensor networks, Springer Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 43 - 62, May, 2015 Tanwar, S. T.; Kumar, N. K.; Rodrigues, J. R.; A systematic review on heterogeneous routing protocols for wireless sensor network, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 39 56, July, 2015 226 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Muranho , J.; Ferreira, A.; Sousa, J. M.; Gomes, A.; Marques, A. Marques; Convergence Issues in the EPANET solver, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 119, pp. 700 - 709, July, 2015 Guizani, M. G.; He, D. H.; Ren, K. R.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Chan, S. C.; Zhang, Y.; Security and privacy in emerging networks: Part II [Guest Editorial], IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 53, No. 8, pp. 40 - 41, August, 2015 Fernandes, G. F.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Proença, M. P.; Autonomous profile-based anomaly detection system using principal component analysis and flow analysis, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 34, No. Setember, pp. 513 - 525, September, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Ernst, J. E.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Heterogeneous Wireless Network RAT Selection with Multiple Operators and Service Contracts, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. CD, pp. 1 - 7, June, 2015 Pena, E. P.; Carvalho, L. C.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Proença, M. P.; Statistical, Forecasting and Metaheuristic Techniques For Network Anomaly Detection, Proc ACM Symp. on Appl. Computing, Salamanca, Spain, Vol. USB, pp. 1 - 7, April, 2015 Oliveira, L.; Almeida, L.; Lima, P.; Multi-hop routing within TDMA slots for teams of cooperating robots, Proc IEEE World Conf. on Factory Communication Systems - WFCS, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, May, 2015 Romero, J.; Pereira, A. R. Pereira; Oliveira, L.; Almeida, L.; Scheduling feedback for scalability and reliability in a streaming multicast protocol, Proc IEEE World Conf. on Factory Communication Systems WFCS, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, May, 2015 Oliveira, L.; Graça, R. Graça; Martins, João Martins; Almeida, L.; Managing Overload in WiFi with Automatic Synchronization and Bandwidth Control, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Industrial Informatics - INDIN, Cambridge, United Kingdom, July, 2015 Saghezchi, F.B.; Nascimento, A.; Rodriguez, J.; Game-Theoretic Based Scheduling for Demand-Side Management in 5G Smart Grids, Proc IEEE Symp. on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Larnaca, Cyprus, pp. 1 - 5, July, 2015 Meralto, CM; Moura, J.A.; Marinheiro, R. N.; Mesh Networks for Handheld Mobile Devices, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Jeon, Seil; Corujo, D.; Aguiar, R. L.; Virtualised EPC for On-Demand Mobile Traffic Offloading in 5G Environments, Proc IEEE Conference on Standards and Communication Networking IEEE CSCN, Tokyo, Japan, October, 2015 Gonçalves, P.; Ferreira, J.; Pedreiras, P.P.; Corujo, D.; Adapting SDN datacenters to support Cloud IIoT applications, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 227 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Costa, EC; Bonifácio, JB; Gonçalves, P.; Pedreiras, P.P.; Open-Source SDN switching platform evaluation, Proc Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Martins, A. Martins; Tenrinho, M. Tenrinho; Capela, N.; Sargento, S.; Communication through Multiple Interfaces in Vehicular Networks, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Magušic, B. Magušic; Capela, N.; Sargento, S.; A Platform for Visualization of Mobility and Multihoming, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Reis, A.B.; Sargento, S.; Leveraging Parked Cars as Urban Self-Organizing Road-Side Units, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Boston, United States, September, 2015 Ferreira, C.; Sargento, S.; Oliveira, A.; Distributed Path ID Generation for Network Traffic Relaying, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 10, pp. 302 - 305, September, 2015 Ferreira, C.; Aparício, JPJA; Sargento, S.; Farinha, NF; Mirones, Vítor Mirones; Towards MEF Services in a SDN Environment, Proc IEEE IEEE International Symposium on Computer and Communications ISCC, Larnaca, Cyprus, July, 2015 Processing, Analysis, and Coding of Audio and Visual Information Books Corrêa, G.; Assunção, P.A.; Agostini, L.; Cruz, L. A. S. C.; Complexity-Aware High Efficiency Video Coding, , Springer, Cham, 2015 Book Chapters Faria, S.M.M.; Debono, J; Nunes, P.; Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. ; 3D Video Representation and Coding Chapter in Novel 3D Media Technologies, Ahmet Kondoz and T. Dagiuklas, Springer, New York, 2015 Conti, C. ; Soares, L. D.; Nunes, P.; 3D Holoscopic Video Representation and Coding Technology - Chapter in Novel 3D Media Technologies, Ahmet Kondoz and Tasos Dagiuklas, Springer, New York, 2015 Yamagiwa, S.; Falcão, G.; Wada, KW; Sousa, L.; Stream-based Parallel Computing Methodology and Development Environment for High Performance Manycore Accelerators - Chapter in Horizons in Computer Science Research, , Nova Publisher, New York, 2015 Papers in Journals Silva, F. Baldaque Silva; Marques, Margarida Marques; Lunet, Nuno Lunet; Themudo, Gonçalo Themudo; Goda, Kenichi Goda; Toth, Ervin Toth; Soares, J. S.; Bastos, Pedro Bastos; Ramalho, Rosa Ramalho; Pereira, Pedro Pereira; Endoscopic assessment and grading of Barrett’s esophagus using magnification endoscopy and narrow band imaging: Impact of structured learning and experience on the accuracy of the Amsterdam classification system, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 228 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Dias, A.; Brites , C.; Ascenso, J.; Pereira, F.; SIFT-based Homographies for Efficient Multiview Distributed Visual Sensing, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 2643 - 2656, May, 2015 Vivone, G.; Simões, M.; Mura, M.; Restaino, R.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Licciardi, G.; Chanussot, J.; Pansharpening based on semiblind deconvolution, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 1997 - 2010, April, 2015 Hongxing, H. ; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Katkovnik, V.; Interferometric phase image estimation via sparse coding in the complex domain, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. PP, No. 99, pp. 1 - 16, June, 2015 Martin, G.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Plaza, A.; HYCA: a new technique for hyperspectral compressive sensing, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 2819 - 3831, May, 2015 Corrêa, G.; Assunção, P.A.; Agostini, L.; Cruz, L. A. S. C.; Fast HEVC Encoding Decisions Using Data Mining, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech., Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 660 - 673, April, 2015 Brites , C.; Pereira, F.; Multiview side information creation for efficient Wyner–Ziv video coding: Classifying and reviewing, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 1 - 36, January, 2015 Brites , C.; Pereira, F.; Distributed video coding: Assessing the HEVC upgrade, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 81 - 105, March, 2015 Wei, Q.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Dobigeon, ; Tourneret, J.-Y.; Hyperspectral and multispectral image Fusion based on a sparse representation, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, No. 99, pp. 1 - 11, August, 2015 Simões, M.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Almeida , L.B.; Chanussot, J.; A Convex Formulation for Hyperspectral Image Superresolution via Subspace-Based Regularization, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 3373 - 3388, June, 2015 Buchinger, S.B.; Lopes, R.J.; Jumisko-Pyykkö, S.J.; Zepernick, H.Z.; Guest editorial: Advances in tools, techniques and practices for multimedia QoE, Multimedia Tools and Applications , Vol. 74, No. 2, pp. 319 - 322, January, 2015 Carreira, L.; Sanchit, S.; Correia, P.L.; Soares, L. D.; Personal identification from degraded and incomplete high resolution palmprints, IET Biometrics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 53 - 61, June, 2015 Rodrigues, R. R.; Braz, R.; Sousa, M.; Pinheiro, AP; A TWO-STEP SEGMENTATION METHOD FOR BREAST ULTRASOUND MASSES BASED ON MULTI-RESOLUTION ANALYSIS, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 12, January, 2015 Correia, P.L.; Editorial of the IET-BMT Special Section on ''Biometrics and Forensics Synergies", IET Biometrics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 41 - 41, June, 2015 229 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Lucas, L.; Wegner, KW; Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. ; Pagliari, C.L.P.; Silva, E.; Faria, S.M.M.; Intra Predictive Depth Map Coding using Flexible Block Partitioning, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 4055 - 4068, November, 2015 Fu, X.; Ma, W.; Chan, T.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Self-Dictionary Sparse Regression for Hyperspectral Unmixing: Greedy Pursuit and Pure Pixel Search are Related, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. PP, No. 99, pp. 1 - 14, July, 2015 Correia, P.L.; Hadid, A.H.; Moeslund, T.B.M.; Special Issue on “Soft Biometrics”, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 217 - 217, December, 2015 Li, J.; Agathos, A.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Zaharie, D.; Plaza, A.; Li, X.; Minimum volume simplex analysis: a fast algorithm for linear hyperspectral unmixing, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 5067 - 5082, September, 2015 Corrêa, G.; Assunção, P.A.; Agostini, L.; Cruz, L. A. S. C.; Pareto-Based Method for High Efficiency Video Coding with Limited Encoding Time, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech., No. 99, pp. 1 13, August, 2015 Pereira, F.; Ebrahimi, T.E.; Toward a New Assessment of Quality, Computer Journal, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 108 - 110, March, 2015 Goes, A. ; Frossard, P.; Pereira, F.; Optimizing Multiview Video Plus Depth Prediction Structures for Interactive Multiview Video Streaming, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 487 - 500, April, 2015 Ferreira, L.F.; Cruz, L. A. S. C.; Assunção, P.A.; A generic framework for optimal 2D/3D key-frame extraction driven by aggregated saliency maps, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 39, No. Part A, pp. 98 - 110, November, 2015 Moghaddam, A.; Face recognition in JPEG compressed domain: a novel coefficient selection approach, Springer Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 651 - 663, March, 2015 Silva, T.; Agostini, L.; Cruz, L. A. S. C.; Fast intra prediction algorithm based on texture analysis for 3DHEVC encoders, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, pp. 1 - 12, November, 2015 Nalluri, P; Alves, L.N.A.; Navarro, A.; Complexity reduction methods for fast motion estimation in HEVC, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 39, No. A, pp. 280 - 292, November, 2015 Debono, J; Assunção, P.A.; 3D Video Coding and Transmission, Xjenza Online - Journal of The Malta Chamber of Scientists, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 183 - 188, December, 2015 Altmann, Y; Pereyra, M,; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Collaborative sparse regression using spatially correlated supports - Application to hyperspectral unmixing, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 24, No. 12, pp. 5800 - 5811, December, 2015 230 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Loncan, ; Almeida , L.B.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Briottet, ; Chanussot, ; Dobigeon, ; Fabre, ; Liao, ; Licciardi, ; Simões, M.; Tourneret, ; Vengazones, ; Vivone, ; Wei, ; Hyperspectral pansharpening: a review, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 27 - 46, September, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Tan, C.T. ; Yee, L.; Correia, P.L.; Fonseca, P.F.; Campos, A.C.; A Tracking Scheme for Norway Lobster and Burrow Abundance Estimation in Underwater Video Sequences, Proc International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology - IWAIT, Tainan, Taiwan, January, 2015 Abrantes, Diogo Abrantes; Nunes, P. Pimentel Nunes; Dinis-Ribeiro, M. ; Coimbra, M.; Identifying technology interaction opportunities within a gastroenterology exam room, Proc Medical Informatics Europe Conference - MIE, Madrid, Spain, May, 2015 HoangVan , X.; Ascenso, J.; Pereira, F.; Improving Enhancement Layer Merge Mode for HEVC Scalable Extension , Proc Picture Coding Symp., Cairns, Australia, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, May, 2015 Rowshan, B.R.; Guerra, C.N.; Correia, P.L.; Soares, L. D.; Robust Frontal Gait Recognition – Merging Viewpoints and Depth Ranges, Proc International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics - IWBF, Gjovik, Norway, March, 2015 Carreira, L.; Rodrigues, B.; Automatic Detection of Flashing Video Content, Proc International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience - QoMEX, Costa Navarino, Greece, May, 2015 Carreira, L.; Rodrigues, N. R.; Roque, B. R.; Queluz, M.P.; Automatic Detection of Flashing Video Content, Proc International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience - QoMEX, Costa Navarino, Greece, May, 2015 Corrêa, G.; Assunção, P.A.; Agostini, L.; Cruz, L. A. S. C.; Encoding Time Control System for HEVC Based on Rate-Distortion-Complexity Analysis, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1114 - 1117, May, 2015 Satiro, J.S.; Nasrollahi, K.N.; Correia, P.L.; Moeslund, T.B.M.; Super-resolution of Facial Images in Forensics Scenarios, Proc International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications IPTA, Orléans, France, November, 2015 Lucas, L.; Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. ; Pagliari, C.L.P.; Silva, E.; Faria, S.M.M.; Improving the emergent 3DHEVC standard with a highly predictive depth map coding algorithm, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Faria, S.M.M.; Reis, M.R.; Henriques, FR; Pires, AP; Perdigoto, F.; Fernandes, T.R.; Design and Development of a Distributed Processing System for Industrial Applications, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Gama, FX; Faria, S.M.M.; Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. ; Refinement of Depth Maps Generated by RGB-D Sensors, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 231 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Faria, S.M.M.; Marcelino, S. Marcelino; Assunção, P.A.; Soares, S.S.; Slice Loss Concealment for Depth Maps in Multiview-Video plus Depth, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, , September, 2015 Carreira, J.; Faria, S.M.M.; Assunção, P.A.; Ekmekcioglu, E.E.; Kondoz, A.; Error Resilience Analysis of Motion Vector Prediction in HEVC, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Panti, B.; Monteiro, P.; Pereira, F.; Ascenso, J.; Descriptor-based Adaptive Tracking-by-detection for Visual Sensor Networks, Proc Workshop on Distributed and Cooperative Visual Recognition and Analysis DCVRA, Torino, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2015 Ferreira, L.F.; Assunção, P.A.; Cruz, L. A. S. C.; A method to compute saliency regions in 3D video based on fusion of feature maps, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia and Expo - ICME, Turin, Italy, pp. 1 - 6, June, 2015 Mura, M.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Chanussot, J.; An analysis of collaborative representation schemes for the classification of hyperspectral images, Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO, Nice, France, Vol. PP, pp. 1 - 5, August, 2015 Pereyra, M,; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Maximum-a-posteriori estimation with unknown regularisation Parameters, Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO, Nice, France, pp. 1 - 5, August, 2015 Loncan, L.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Almeida , L.B.; Briottet, X.; Chanussot, J.; Dobigeon, ; Fabre, S.; Liao, W.; Licciardi, G.; Simões, M.; Tourneret, J.-Y.; Veganzones, A.; Vivone, G.; Wei, Q.; Yokoya, N.; Comparison of nine hyperspectral pansharpening methods, Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS, Milan, Italy, pp. 1 - 4, July, 2015 Khodadadzadeh, M.; Plaza, A.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Hyperspectral image classification based on union of subspaces, Proc Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event - JURSE, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 1 - 5, April, 2015 Lucas, L.; Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. ; Pagliari, C.L.P.; Silva, E.; Faria, S.M.M.; Sparse least-squares prediction for intra image coding, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP, Quebec, Canada, September, 2015 Ferreira, L.F.; Cruz, L. A. S. C.; Assunção, P.A.; An improved method to compute visual saliency in 3D video, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 da Silva, R. S.; Pereira, F.; Silva, E.; Studying the compression performance of video descriptors, Proc Simpósio Brasileiro das Telecomunicações, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, September, 2015 Brás, N.B.; Valadão, G. ; Clustering Low-Cost, Cloud-Based Servers to Solve Intensive, Parallel Computations, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 232 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Hesabi, Z. H.; Navarro, A.; A MULTILEVEL MEMORY-ASSISTED LOSSLESS COMPRESSION ALGORITHM FOR , Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO, Nice, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, August, 2015 Monteiro, R.; Conti, C. ; Nunes, P.; Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. ; Faria, S.M.M.; Soares, L. D.; HEVC Compatible 3D Holoscopic Image Coding using Multiple Partitions, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Monteiro, R.; Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. ; Faria, S.M.M.; Geometric transforms and reference picture list optimization for efficient disparity compensation, Proc International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications IPTA, Orleans, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, November, 2015 Domingues, P.; Silva, J.S.; Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. ; Faria, S.M.M.; Falcão, G.; Carvalho, M.; Assessment of OpenCL performance on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Assunção, P.A.; Performance, Power and Scalability Analysis of HEVC Interpolation Filter Using FPGAs, Proc IEEE International Conference on Computer as Tool EUROCON 2015, Salamanca, Spain, September, 2015 Vieira, A.F.; Duarte, H.F.; Perra, C.; Távora, L.M.; Assunção, P.A.; Data Formats for High Efficiency Coding of Lytro-Illum Light Fields, Proc International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications IPTA, Orléans, France, November, 2015 Brites , C.; Ascenso, J.; Pereira, F.; Epipolar Plane Image based Rendering for 3D Video Coding, Proc IEEE Workshop on MultiMedia Signal Processing - MMSP, Xiamen, China, October, 2015 Miranda, C.R.; Orvalho, V.; Assessing Facial Expressions in Virtual Reality Environments, Proc International Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - VISAPP, Rome, Italy, February, 2015 Cordeiro, P.; Assunção, P.A.; Gomez-Pulido , J.; HEVC Load Balancing Decoding for Multi-core Platforms, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, September, 2015 Guarda, AFRG; Santos, J. M. M. ; Cruz, L. A. S. C.; Assunção, P.A.; Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. ; Faria, S.M.M.; Orientation dependent inter-slice prediction for volumetric medical images, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Panti, B.; Pereira, F.; Ascenso, J.; Stereo Based Tracking-By-Detection for Visual Sensor Networks, Proc IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, Miami, United States, December, 2015 Proença, H.; Neves, João C. Neves; Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms for Human Visual Surveillance , Proc IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications ICSIPA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, October, 2015 Castro, A. C.; Moukadem, A.M.; Schmidt , S.S.; Dieterlen, A.D.; Coimbra, M.; Analysis of the Electromechanical Activity of the Heart from Synchronized ECG and PCG Signals of Subjects Under 233 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Stress., Proc International Joint Conf. on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC, Lisboa, Portugal, January, 2015 Gomes, P.; Frade, S. Frade; Castro, A. C.; Correia, R.; Coimbra, M.; A proposal to incorporate digital auscultation and its processing into an existing electronic health record, Proc International Joint Conf. on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 2015, pp. 142 - 150, January, 2015 Baroffio, L.; Cesana, M.; Redondi, A.; Tagliasacchi, M.; Ascenso, J.; Monteiro, P.; Eriksson, E.; Dan, G.; Fodor, V.; GreenEyes: Networked Energy-Aware Visual Analysis, Proc IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops ICMEW, Torino, Italy, July, 2015 Faria, S.M.M.; Santos, JMPSS; Guarda, A. G.; Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. ; Contributions to Lossless Coding of Medical Images using Minimum Rate Predictors, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing ICIP, Quebec City, Canada, pp. 2935 - 2939, September, 2015 Speech Analysis and Recognition Books Candeias, S.; Veiga, A.; Perdigão, F.; Pronunciação de Verbos Portugueses - Guia Prático , , LIDEL, Lisboa, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Julião, M. D. ; Silva, J. S.; Aguiar, A.; Moniz, HR; Batista, M. M.; Speech Features for Discriminating Stress Using Branch and Bound Wrapper Search, Proc Symp. on Languages, Applications and Technologies SLATE, Madrid, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 10, June, 2015 Proença , J.; Veiga, A.; Perdigão, F.; Query by Example Search with Segmented Dynamic Time Warping for Non-Exact Spoken Queries, Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO, Nice, France, pp. 1691 - 1695, August, 2015 Proença , J.; Celorico, D.; Candeias, S.; Lopes, C.; Perdigão, F.; Children’s Reading Aloud Performance: a Database and Automatic Detection of Disfluencies, Proc ISCA - Conf. of the International Speech Communication Association - INTERSPEECH, Dresden, Germany, pp. 1655 - 1659, September, 2015 Proença , J.; Celorico, D.; Candeias, S.; Lopes, C.; Veiga, A.; Perdigão, F.; A Database of Children Reading Aloud for Reading Performance Evaluation, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Proença , J.; Costa, O. C.; Celorico, D.; Candeias, S.; Perdigão, F.; Automatic Detection of Disfluencies in Children Reading Aloud Using Task Specific Lattices, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Proença , J.; Castela, L.; Perdigão, F.; The SPL-IT-UC Query by Example Search on Speech system for MediaEval 2015, Proc MediaEval, Wurzen, Germany, Vol. 1436, September, 2015 234 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Szoke, I.; Rodriguez-Fuentes, L. J.; Buzo, A.; Anguera, X.; Metze, F.; Proença , J.; Lojka, M.; Xiong, X.; Query by Example Search on Speech at Mediaeval 2015, Proc MediaEval, Wurzen, Germany, Vol. 1436, September, 2015 Gaspar, L.G; Lopes, C.; Intérprete Automático de Fala em Língua Portuguesa para Língua Gestual Portuguesa , Proc III Conferência Internacional para a Inclusão Includit III, Leiria, Portugal, December, 2015 Pattern Recognition and Automatic Learning Books Fred, A. L. N.; Marsico, M. Marsico; Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods: ICPRAM 2013 Revised Selected Papers, , Springer International Publishing, New York, 2015 Fred, A. L. N.; Marsico, M. Marsico; Tabonne, A. Tabonne; Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods: ICPRAM 2014 Revised Selected Papers, , Springer International Publishing, New York, 2015 Fred, A. L. N.; Marsico, M. Marsico; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Pattern recognition Applications and Methods: ICPRAM 2015 Revised Selected Papers, , Springer International Publishing, New York, 2015 Fred, A. L. N.; Dietz, J. L. G. Dietz; Aveiro, D. Aveiro; Liu, K. Liu; Filipe, JBF; Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: IC3k 2014 Revised Selected Papers, , Springer International Publishing, New York, 2015 Book Chapters Ferreira, A.; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Feature Discretization with Relevance and Mutual Information Criteria - Chapter in Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 318, A. Fred and M. De Marsico , Springer, , 2015 Aidos, H.; Fred, A. L. N.; Consensus of Clusterings based on High-Order Dissimilarities - Chapter in Partitional Clustering Algorithms, M. Emre Celebi, Springer, , 2015 Pinto, J.; Neves, R.; Horta, N.; MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION OF TRADING STRATEGIES USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS IN UNSTABLE ENVIRONMENTS - Chapter in New Developments in Evolutionary Computation Research , , Nova Publisher, Hauppauge, New York., 2015 Fazendeiro, P.; Oliveira , J.; Fazendeiro, P., & Valente de Oliveira, J. (2015). Observer-Biased Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles - Chapter in Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and Healthcare, , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference, Hershey, 2015 Aidos, H.; Fred, A. L. N.; A Novel Data Representation based on a Second-order Dissimilarity Measure Chapter in Similarity-Based Pattern Analysis and Recognition, , Springer, -, 2015 Pinto, Fonseca-Pinto; An Adaptive Approach for Skin Lesion Segmentation in Dermoscopy Images Using a Multiscale Local Normalization - Chapter in Dynamics, Games and Science, , Springer, Lisbon, 2015 235 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Pinto, J. D.; Carvalho, A. M.; Vinga, S.; Outlier Detection in Cox Proportional Hazards Models Based on the Concordance c-Index - Chapter in Machine Learning, Optimization, and Big Data - Revised Selected Papers, pages 252-256 , , Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2015 Rodrigues, T. R.; Duarte, M.; Figueiró, M. F.; Costa, V.C.; Oliveira, S.; Christensen, A.; Overcoming Limited Onboard Sensing in Swarm Robotics through Local Communication - Chapter in Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XX, , Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2015 Sousa, P. S.; Oliveira, DO; Felizardo, V. F.; Couto, R. G. C.; Garcia, N. M. ; Pires, I.; mHealth Sensors and Applications for Personal Aid - Chapter in Mobile Health, a Technology Road Map, , Springer, -, 2015 Pombo, N.; Garcia, N. M. ; Bousson, K. B.; Felizardo, V. F.; Artificial Neural Learning Based on Big Data Process for eHealth Applications - Chapter in Artificial Intelligence Technologies and the Evolution of Web 3.0, , IGI Global, -, 2015 Carreiras, C. C.; Lourenço, A.; Aidos, H.; Silva, H.; Fred, A. L. N.; Unsupervised Analysis of Morphological ECG Features for Attention Detection - Chapter in Computational Intelligence Volume 613 of the series Studies in Computational Intelligence, , Springer International Publishing, Vilamoura, 2015 Aidos, H.; Duarte, J.; Fred, A. L. N.; Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease: Automatic Extraction and Selection of Coherent Regions in FDG-PET Images - Chapter in Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, , Springer International Publishing, -, 2015 Papers in Journals Lourenço, A.; Bulo, S. Bulo; Rebagliati, N.; Fred, A. L. N.; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Pelillo, M.; Probabilistic consensus clustering using evidence accumulation, Machine Learning, Vol. 98, No. 1-2, pp. 331 - 357, April, 2015 Duarte, M.; Oliveira, S.; Christensen, A.; Evolution of Hybrid Robotic Controllers for Complex Tasks, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 78, No. 3-4, pp. 463 - 484, September, 2015 Fazendeiro, P.; Oliveira , J.; Observer biased fuzzy clustering, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 85 - 97, February, 2015 Santos, G. Santos; Fiadeiro, PF; Proença, H.; BioHDD: A Dataset for Studying Biometric Identification on Heavily Degraded Data, IET Biometrics, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1 - 9, March, 2015 Proença, H.; Iris Recognition: What's Beyond Bit Fragility?, IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, January, 2015 Silva, A. Silva; Neves, R.; Horta, N.; A Hybrid Approach to Portfolio Composition based on Fundamental and Technical Indicators”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 2036 - 2048, March, 2015 236 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Campilho, RDSG; Moura, D.C.; Banea, MD; Silva, LFM; Adhesive thickness effects of a ductile adhesive by optical measurement techniques, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol. 57, pp. 125 132, March, 2015 Itti, L.I.; Alexandre, L.A.; BIK-BUS: Biologically Motivated 3D Keypoint Based on Bottom-Up Saliency, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 163 - 175, January, 2015 Constante, C.J.; Campilho, RDSG; Moura, D.C.; Tensile fracture characterization of adhesive joints by standard and optical techniques, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. in press, No. in press, pp. 1 - 27, February, 2015 Padole, C.P.; Proença, H.; Aperiodic Feature Representation for Gait Recognition in Cross-view Scenarios for Unconstrained Biometrics, Pattern Analysis and Applications, March, 2015 Duarte, J.; Fred, A. L. N.; Duarte, F. Jorge Duarte; Constraint acquisition methods for data clustering, Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. S47 - S644, January, 2015 Martins, A.; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Aguiar, P.; Smith, N. A.; Xing, E. P.; AD3: Alternating Directions Dual Decomposition for MAP Inference in Graphical Models, Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 16, No. Mar, pp. 495 - 545, March, 2015 Garcia, S. B. G.; Martin, G.; Nascimento, J. M. P.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Silva, V.; Parallel Hyperspectral Coded Aperture for Compressive Sensing on GPUs, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, May, 2015 Sultan, Malik Saad Sultan; Improving Shape Retrieval by Integrating AIR and Modified Mutual KNN Graph, Advances in Multimedia, Vol. 2015, No. 372172, pp. 1 - 9, January, 2015 Barroso, E.B.; Santos, G. Santos; Cardoso, L.; Padole, C.P.; Proença, H.; Periocular recognition: how much facial expressions affect performance?, Pattern Analysis and Applications, June, 2015 Fotouhi Ghazvini, M. ; Soares, J.; Horta, N.; Neves, R.; Castro, R.; Vale, Z.; A multi-objective model for scheduling of short-term incentive-based demand response programs offered by electricity retailers, Applied Energy, Vol. 151, No. 1, pp. 102 - 118, August, 2015 Magaia, N.; Horta, N.; Neves, R.; Pereira, P.; Correia, M.; A multi-objective routing algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 104 - 112, May, 2015 Proença, H.; Moreno, JC; Prasath, V.B.; Santos, G.; Robust periocular recognition by fusing sparse representations of color and geometry information, Journal of Signal Processing Systems , July, 2015 Li, J.; Khodadadzadeh, M.; Plaza, A.; Jia, ; Bioucas-Dias, J.; A discontinuity preserving relaxation scheme for spectral–spatial hyperspectral image classification, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, No. 99, pp. 1 - 14, November, 2015 237 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Antão, DPC; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Text Classification Using Compression-Based Dissimilarity Measures, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 29, No. 05, pp. 1553004 1553023, August, 2015 Neves, João C. Neves; Moreno, JC; Proença, H.; A Master-slave Calibration Algorithm with Fish-eye Correction, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, pp. 1 - 8, September, 2015 Delgado, J. ; Martin, G.; Miguel, J. Plaza; Gil, L. I. Jimenez; Plaza, A.; Fast Spatial Preprocessing for Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data on Graphics Processing Units, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. accepted for publication, October, 2015 Moghaddam, A.; Fish Swarm Search Algorithm: A New Algorithm for Global Optimization, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 17 - 45, October, 2015 Silva, F.; Urbano, P.; Correia, L. C.; Christensen, A.; odNEAT: An algorithm for decentralised online evolution of robotic controllers, Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 421 - 449, September, 2015 Nixon, M.S.; Correia, P.L.; Nasrollahi, K.N.; Moeslund, T.B.M.; Hadid, A.H.; Tistarelli, M. ; On soft biometrics, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 218 - 230, December, 2015 Pinto, Fonseca-Pinto; Classification of reticular pattern and streaks in dermoscopic images based on texture analysis, Journal of Medical imaging, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 044503 - 044503, December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Zeng, X.; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Decreasing Weighted Sorted l1 Regularization, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP, Brisbane, Australia, April, 2015 Gomes, J.; Mariano, P.; Christensen, A.; Cooperative Coevolution of Partially Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems, Proc International Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - AAMAS, Instanbul, Turkey, Vol. 1, pp. 297 - 305, May, 2015 Garcia, S. B. G.; Martin, G.; Nascimento, J. M. P.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Plaza, A.; Silva, V.; GPU IMPLEMENTATION OF A CONSTRAINED HYPERSPECTRAL CODED APERTURE ALGORITHM FOR COMPRESSIVE SENSING, Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS, Tokyo, Japan, June, 2015 Garcia, S. B. G.; Martin, G.; Nascimento, J. M. P.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Silva, V.; Plaza, A.; GPU IMPLEMENTATION OF A HYPERSPECTRAL CODED APERTURE ALGORITHM FOR COMPRESSIVE SENSING, Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS, Milan, Italy, July, 2015 Nascimento, J. M. P.; Vestias, MV; Martin, G.; FPGA-based Architecture for Hyperspectral Unmixing, Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS, Milan, Italy, pp. 1761 - 1764, July, 2015 238 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Caixinha, M. C.; Velte, E. V.; Santos, M. J. S. F. S.; Perdigão, F.; Amaro, J.; Gomes, M.; Santos, J. B.; Automatic Cataract Classification based on Ultrasound Techniques using Machine Learning: A comparative Study, Proc International Congress on Ultrasonics - ICU, Metz, France, May, 2015 Iordache , M.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Plaza, A.; Potential and limitations of band selection and library pruning in sparse hyperspectral unmixing, Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, June, 2015 Li, J.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Plaza, A.; Robust collaborative nonnegative matrix factorization for hyperspectra unmixing (r-conmf), Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, June, 2015 Condessa, F.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Kovacevic, J. Kovacevic; SEGSALSA-STR: A convex formulation to supervised hyperspectral image segmentation using hidden fields and structure tensor regularization, Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing WHISPERS, Tokyo, Japan, June, 2015 Condessa, F.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Kovacevic, J. Kovacevic; Robust hyperspectral image classification with rejection fields, Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS, Tokyo, Japan, June, 2015 Martin, G.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; HYPERSPECTRAL COMPRESSIVE ACQUISITION IN THE SPATIAL DOMAIN VIA BLIND FACTORIZATION, Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS, Tokyo, Japan, June, 2015 Martin, G.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Plaza, A.; B-HYCA: BLIND HYPERSPECTRAL COMPRESSIVE SENSING, Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS, Milan, Italy, July, 2015 Martin, G.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; HYPERSPECTRAL COMPRESSIVE SENSING FROM SPECTRAL PROJECTIONS, Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS, Milan, Italy, July, 2015 Zeng, X.; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; The Ordered Weighted l1 Norm: Atomic Formulation and Conditional Gradient Algorithm, Proc Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations - SPARS, Cambridge, United Kingdom, July, 2015 Gomes, J.; Mariano, P.; Christensen, A.; Cooperative Coevolution of Morphologically Heterogeneous Robots, Proc European Conf. on Artificial Life - ECAL, York, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 8, July, 2015 Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Nowak, R.; Linear Regression with Strongly Correlated Designs Using Ordered Weighted l1 Regularization, Proc Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations - SPARS, Cambridge, United Kingdom, July, 2015 Lourenço, A.; Alves, A. P. Alves; Carreiras, C. C.; Duarte, R.; Fred, A. L. N.; CardioWheel: ECG biometrics on the steering wheel, Proc European Conf. on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML/PKDD, Porto, Portugal, September, 2015 239 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Marques, F. M.; Carreiras, C. C.; Lourenço, A.; Fred, A. L. N.; Ferreira, R.; ECG Biometrics Using a Dissimilarity Space Representation, Proc International Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Biosignals - INSTICC, lisbon, Portugal, January, 2015 Silva, F.; Correia, L. C.; Christensen, A.; R-HybrID: Evolution of Agent Controllers with a Hybridisation of Indirect and Direct Encodings, Proc International Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. 1, pp. 735 - 744, May, 2015 Gomes, J.; Mariano, P.; Christensen, A.; Devising Effective Novelty Search Algorithms: A Comprehensive Empirical Study, Proc Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. - GECCO, Madrid, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 8, July, 2015 Almeida, M.S.C.; Pinto, C.; Figueira, H.; Mendes, P.; Martins, A.; Aligning Opinions: Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining with Dependencies., Proc Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics - ACL, Beijing, China, July, 2015 Almeida, M.S.C.; Martins, A.; Lisbon: Evaluating TurboSemanticParser on Multiple Languages and Outof-Domain Data, Proc International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation - SemEval, Denver, United States, June, 2015 Martins, A.; González, F.; Parsing as Reduction, Proc Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics - ACL, Beijing, China, July, 2015 Martins, A.; Transferring Coreference Resolvers with Posterior Regularization, Proc Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics - ACL, Beijing, China, July, 2015 Silva, F.; Christensen, A.; Correia, L. C.; Engineering Online Evolution of Robot Behavior, Proc International Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - AAMAS, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 2017 - 2018, May, 2015 Machado, J.M.; Neves, R.; Horta, N.; Developing Multi-Time Frame Trading Rules with a Trend Following Strategy, using GA, Proc Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. - GECCO, madrid, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 765 - 766, July, 2015 Aidos, H.; Lourenço, A.; Batista, DB; Bulo, S. Bulo; Fred, A. L. N.; Semi-Supervised Consensus Clustering for ECG Pathology Classification, Proc European Conf. on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML/PKDD, Porto, Portugal, September, 2015 Oliveira, J. Pedro; Cardoso, P.C.; Alcácer, L.A.; Morgado, J.; Ferreira, Q. ; Detecting unitary cells in STM images, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Marques, P.; Opportunity Targets as References for Phase Correction on Passive Radar Channels, Proc International Radar Symp., Dresden, Germany, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, June, 2015 240 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Condessa, F.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Kovacevic, J. Kovacevic; Supervised Hyperspectral Image Segmentation with Rejection, Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS, Milan, Italy, July, 2015 Duarte, D.; Oliveira, N. D. Oliveira; Georgieva, P. Georgieva; Nogueira, R.N. ; Bilro, L.; Wine classification and turbidity measurement by clustering and regression models, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Duarte, D.; Prats, S.; Keizer, J. J. ; Georgieva, P. Georgieva; Nogueira, R.N. ; Bilro, L.; Novel approach for simultaneous sediment classification and concentration determination of water turbidity, Proc International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors OFS24, Curitiba, Brazil, Vol. 9634, pp. 96342U-1 - 96342U-4, September, 2015 Aguiar, A.; A Parallel Computing Hybrid Approach for Feature Selection, Proc IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering CSE, Porto, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, October, 2015 Monteiro, JLM; Vinga, S.; Carvalho, A. M.; Polynomial-time algorithm for learning optimal treeaugmented dynamic Bayesian networks, Proc Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Vol. 31, pp. 622 - 631, July, 2015 Pinto, J. D.; Carvalho, A. M.; Vinga, S.; Outlier detection in survival analysis based on the concordance cindex, Proc BIOINFORMATICS, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 6, pp. 75 - 82, January, 2015 Castro, A. C.; Mattos, S. S.; Coimbra, M.; Noninvasive Detection of Pulmonary Hypertension by Second Heart Sound Shape Analysis, Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad, Faro, Portugal, October, 2015 Nascimento, J. M. P.; Vestias, MV; Real-time Hyperspectral Unmixing on Low Cost FPGA, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Marques, P.; Radius, R. A.; Velocity estimation of moving ships using C-band SLC SAR data, Proc UK Ministry of Defence Sensor Signal Processing for Defence - SSPD, Endinburgh, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 70 - 73, September, 2015 Lopes, V; Paio, C. R.; Beirão, N.; Pinho, M.; Nunes, L.; Multidimensional analysis of public open spaces: Urban morphology, parametric modelling and data mining, Proc Education and research in computer aided architectural design in europe (eCAADe) eCAADe, Viena, Austria, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Santo, A F D E S; Pinto, Fonseca-Pinto; Phonocardiographyc Characterization by Time-Frequency Analysis: The Hilbert Huang Transform Approach, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Romano, S.; Nunes, L.; Christensen, A.; Duarte, M.; Oliveira, S.; Genome Variations, Proc ROBOT'2015 Second Iberian Robotics Conference ROBOT2015, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 417, pp. 309 - 319, November, 2015 241 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Nunes, L.; Jardim, D.; Dias, M. D.; Human Activity Recognition and Prediction, Proc INSTICC Doctoral Consortium on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods DCPRAM, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 24 32, January, 2015 Proença, H.; Santos, G.; Neves, João C. Neves; Quis-Campi: Extending In The Wild Biometric Recognition to Surveillance Environments , Proc International Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP, Genova, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, September, 2015 Ferreira, A.; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Exploiting the Bin-Class Histograms for Feature Selection on Discrete Data, Proc Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Vol. LNCS9117, pp. 345 - 353, June, 2015 Pombo, N.; Garcia, N. M. ; Assistive Technologies for Homecare: Outcomes from Trial Experiences, Proc Innovations Conference ICT, Ohrid, Macedonia, FYOM, pp. 240 - 249, October, 2015 Pombo, N.; Differential image analysis using Shannon’s entropy: preliminary results, Proc Innovations Conference ICT, Ohrid, Macedonia, FYOM, pp. 260 - 269, October, 2015 Pombo, N.; Garcia, N. M. ; Differential image analysis using Shannon’s entropy: preliminary results, Proc Innovations Conference ICT, Ohrid, Macedonia, FYOM, pp. 260 - 269, October, 2015 Pires, I.; Andrade, M.A.; Garcia, N. M. ; Crisóstomo, R.C.; Florez-Revulta, FR; Measurement of Heel-Rise Test Results using a Mobile Device, Proc 2nd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems PhyCS 2015, Angers, France, pp. 0 - 0, February, 2015 Pires, I.; Garcia, N. M. ; Canavarro Teixeira, M.C.C.T.; Calculation of Jump Flight Time using a Mobile Device, Proc 8th International Conference on Health Informatics HEALTHINF 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, January, 2015 Pires, I.; Garcia, N. M. ; Wound Area Assessment using Mobile Application, Proc 8th International Conference on Health Informatics HEALTHINF 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, January, 2015 Pombeiro, R. P.; Mendonça, R. M.; Rodrigues, P.; Marques, F. M.; Lourenço, A. L.; Pinto, E. P.; Santana, P.; Barata, J. B.; Water Detection From Downwash-induced Optical Flow for a Multirotor UAV, Proc IEEE OCEANS, Washington, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, October, 2015 Marques, F. M.; Lourenço, A. L.; Mendonça, R. M.; Pinto, E. P.; Rodrigues, P.; Santana, P.; Barata, J. B.; A Critical Survey On Marsupial Robotic Teams for Environmental Monitoring of Water Bodies, Proc IEEE MTS Oceans Conf., washington, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, October, 2015 Deusdado, P. D.; Pinto, E. P.; Guedes, M. G.; Marques, F. M.; Rodrigues, P.; Lourenço, A. L.; Mendonça, R. M.; Silva, A. S.; Santana, P.; Corisco, J. C.; Almeida, M. A.; Portugal, L. P.; Caldeira, R. C.; Barata, J. B.; Flores, L. F.; An aerial-ground robotic team for systematic soil and biota sampling in estuarine mudflats, Proc ROBOT'2015 - Second Iberian Robotics Conference ROBOT2015, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 12, November, 2015 242 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Sultan, Malik Saad Sultan; Martins, N. ; Coimbra, M.; Segmentation of Bones & MCP Joint Region of the Hand from Ultrasound Images, Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC, Milan, Italy, pp. 3001 - 3004, August, 2015 Network Performance Evaluation and Design Books Pereira, J.; Sequências perfeitas para sistemas de comunicação, , Novas Edições Acadêmicas, Saarbrücken, 2015 Book Chapters Diallo, O.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Sene, M. Sene; Chapter 11: Performances Evaluation and Petri Nets - Chapter in Modeling and Simulation of Computer Networks and Systems Methodologies and Applications, M. Obaidat, P. Nicopolitidis, F. Zarai (Ed.s), Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-800887-4, pp. 313-355., Elsevier Science, , 2015 Salvador, P.; Nogueira, A. N.; Multiscale Internet Statistics: Unveiling the Hidden Behavior - Chapter in Mathematics of Energy and Climate Change,, Springer, 2015 Elfergani, I.; Rodriguez, J.; Radwan, A. R.; Green Multi-homing RF Architectures - Chapter in Energy Efficient Smart Phones for 5G Networks, , Springer International Publishing, Switzerland , 2015 Hussaini , A. ; Elfergani, I.; Rodriguez, J.; Radwan, A. R.; Energy Efficient Power Amplifier Design - Chapter in Energy Efficient Smart Phones for 5G Networks, , Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2015 Abd-Alhameed, R.A. Abd-Alhameed; Elfergani, I.; Rodriguez, J.; Noras, J.M.; Green Flexible RF for 5G Chapter in Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks, , Wiley, United States, 2015 Papers in Journals Caldeira, JMLPC; Rodrigues, J. R.; Lorenz, P.; Ullah, S. u.; Impact of Sensor Nodes Scaling and Velocity on Handover Mechanisms for Healthcare Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobility Support, Journal Computers in Industry, Vol. 69, pp. 92 - 104, May, 2015 Cabral, M. C.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Dias, João A. F. F. Dias; Isento, J. I.; Vinel, A. V.; Performance Evaluation of a Real Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Network Testbed, Intrnl. Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2014, No. Article ID 219641, pp. 11 pages - , March, 2015 Jeon, Seil; Kang, N. K.; Corujo, D.; Aguiar, R. L.; Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Distributed and Dynamic Mobility Routing Strategy, Computer Networks, Vol. 79, pp. 53 - 67, March, 2015 Esfahani, A.; Yang, D.; Mantas, G.; Nascimento, A.; Rodriguez, J.; Dual-Homomorphic Message Authentication Code Scheme for Network Coding-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks, Intrnl. Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. Special issue, No. 15, pp. 1 - 10, January, 2015 243 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Khamfroush, H.; Lucani, D. E.; Pahlevani, Phd; Barros, J.; On optimal policies for network-coded cooperation:theory and implementation, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. PP, No. 99, pp. 1 - 15, January, 2015 Figueiredo, Sérgio Figueiredo; Jeon, Seil; Gomes, D.G.; Aguiar, R. L.; D3M: Multicast Listener Mobility Support Mechanisms over Distributed Mobility Anchoring Architectures, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 53, pp. 24 - 38, July, 2015 Talooki, V.; Bassoli, R.B.; Lucani, D. E.; Rodriguez, J.; Fitzek, F. H. P. F.; Marques, H.M.; Tafazolli, R. T.; Security Concerns and Countermeasures in Network Coding Based Communications Systems: A Survey, Computer Networks, Vol. 2015, No. 2015, pp. 1 - 15, March, 2015 Moreira, A.; Lucani, D. E.; Coded Schemes for Asymmetric Wireless Interfaces: Theory and Practice, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 171 - 184, February, 2015 Kumar, N. K.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Lloret, J. L.; Dua, A. D.; Replication-Aware Data Dissemination for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks using Location Determination, Mobile Networks and Applications , Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 251 - 267, February, 2015 Liangtian, W. L. ; Han, G. H.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Si, W. S.; Feng, N. F.; An energy efficient DOA estimation algorithm for uncorrelated and coherent signals in virtual MIMO systems, Springer Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 93 - 110, May, 2015 Irio, L.; Oliveira, R.; Bernardo, L.; Aggregate Interference in Random Waypoint Mobile Networks, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1021 - 1024, June, 2015 Moghaddam, A.; Fault-Tolerant Routing Scheme Based on Leach for Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 105 - 117, May, 2015 Tyagi, S. T.; Tanwar, S. T.; Kumar, N. K.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Cognitive radio-based clustering for opportunistic shared spectrum access to enhance lifetime of wireless sensor network, Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 22, No. September, pp. 90 - 112, September, 2015 Melo, M.; Sargento, S.; Killat, U. Killat; Timm-Giel, A.; Carapinha, J.; Optimal virtual network embedding: Energy aware formulation, Computer Networks, Vol. 91, pp. 184 - 195, November, 2015 Ge, X. G.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Rong, B. R.; Editorial for MONET Special Issue on Networking in 5G Mobile Communications Systems: Key Technologies and Challenges, Mobile Networks and Applications , Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 701 - 703, December, 2015 Kumar, N. K.; Misra, S. M.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Lee, J. L. ; Obaidat, Mohammad S. Obaidat; Chilamkurti, N. C.; Playing the Smart Grid Game: Performance Analysis of Intelligent Energy Harvesting and Traffic Flow Forecasting for Plug-In Electric Vehicles, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 81 - 92, December, 2015 244 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Jia, G. J.; Han, G. H.; Jiang, J. J.; Rodrigues, J. R.; PARS: A scheduling of periodically active rank to optimize power efficiency for main memory, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 327 - 336, December, 2015 Tsai, C. T.; Shih, T. S.; Pan, J. P.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Metaheuristics for the deployment of 5G, IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 40 - 46, December, 2015 Kumar, N. K.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Zeadaly, S. Z.; Impacts of Deployment Strategies on Localization Performance in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62, No. 12, pp. 7892 - 7900, December, 2015 Dias, João A. F. F. Dias; Rodrigues, J. R.; Kumar, N. K.; Cooperation strategies for vehicular delay-tolerant networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 53, No. 12, pp. 88 - 94, December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Morais, R.M.; Pedro, J. M.; Monteiro, P.; Pinto, A. N.; Impact of grooming architecture of transport nodes in line interface count for multi-period planning, Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Los Angeles, United States, May, 2015 de Oliveira, M.R.O; Neves, J.J.D.N; Valadas, R.; Salvador, P.; Do we need a perfect ground-truth for benchmarking Internet traffic classifiers?, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Computer Communications INFOCOM, Hong Kong, China, April, 2015 Tyagi, S. T.; Tanwar, S. T.; Gupta, S. G.; Kumar, N. K.; Misra, S. M.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Ullah, S. u.; Bayesian Coalition Game-Based Optimized Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , London, United Kingdom, Vol. USB, pp. 1 - 6, June, 2015 Ernst, J. E.; Kremer, S. K.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Performance Evaluation of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Considering Competing Objectives and Viewpoints, Proc ACM Symp. on Appl. Computing, Salamanca, Spain, Vol. USB, pp. 1 - 8, April, 2015 Shintre, S.S.; Gligor, Virgil Gligor; Barros, J.; Optimal strategies for side-channel leakage in FCFS packet schedulers, Proc International Symp. on Information Theory - ISIT, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Vol. 1, pp. 1 5, June, 2015 Valadas, R.; de Oliveira, M.R.O; Leal, S.; Anomaly Detection of Internet Traffic using Robust Feature Selection based on Kernel Density Estimation, Proc European Conf. on Networks and Communications EUCNC, Paris, France, June, 2015 Reis, J.R.; Luís, M.; Bernardo, L.; Oliveira, R.; Dinis, R.; Pinto, P.; Performance of a Cognitive p-persistent Slotted Aloha Protocol, Proc ICC Wireless Communications, London, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, June, 2015 Parra, L. P.; Karampelas, E. K.; Sendra, S. S. ; Lloret, J. L.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Design and Deployment of a Smart System for Data Gathering in Estuaries Using Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc International Conf. 245 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems - CITS 2015, Gijón, Spain, Vol. CD, pp. 1 - 5, July, 2015 Lanza-Gutierrez, J.; Gomez-Pulido , J.; Mendes, S. P. M.; Ferreira, M.; Pereira, J.; Planning the Deployment of Indoor Wireless Sensor Networks Through Multiobjective Evolutionary Techniques, Proc EvoStar European Conf. on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation - EvoApplications, Copenhagen, Denmark, Vol. 9028, pp. 128 - 139, April, 2015 Silva, F.; Correia, L. C.; Christensen, A.; A Case Study on the Scalability of Online Evolution of Robotic Controllers, Proc Portuguese Conf. on Artificial Intelligence - EPIA, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1 - 12, September, 2015 Santos, P.; Calçada, T.C.; Sargento, S.; Aguiar, A.; Barros, J.; Demo: Platform for Collecting Data From Urban Sensors Using Vehicular Networking, Proc MOBICOM 2009 - The 15th Annual International Conf. on Mobile Computing and Networking, Paris, France, September, 2015 Santos, P.; Calçada, T.C.; Sargento, S.; Aguiar, A.; Barros, J.; Experimental Characterization of I2V Wi-Fi Connections in an Urban Testbed, Proc ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks - CHANTS, Paris, France, September, 2015 Luís, M.; Luis, R.L; Oliveira, R.; Dinis, R.; Bernardo, L.; On the Performance of Decentralized CR MAC Protocols under Heterogeneous Channel Sensing Conditions, Proc IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. - WCNC, New Orleans, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 247 - 252, March, 2015 Luís, M.; Oliveira, R.; Dinis, R.; Bernardo, L.; A non-preemptive mac protocol for multi-channel cognitive radio networks, Proc IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. - WCNC, New Orleans, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, March, 2015 Luís, M.; Oliveira, R.; Dinis, R.; Bernardo, L.; A Double-stage Reservation-based MAC Scheme for Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks - Dyspan, Stockholm, Sweden, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, September, 2015 Lima, E. Lima; Brandão, P.; Azuaje, O. ; Aguiar, A.; Demo — DisToNet: Disconnection Tolerant Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proc ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks - CHANTS, Paris, France, September, 2015 Irio, L.; Oliveira, R.; Sensing Capacity of Cognitive Radio Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proc IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. - WCNC, New Orleans, United States, pp. 1731 - 1741, March, 2015 Irio, L.I.; Furtado, A.; Oliveira, R.; Bernardo, L.; Dinis, R.; Path Loss Interference in Mobile Random Waypoint Networks, Proc European Wireless - EW , Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1 - 5, May, 2015 Ramos, D. Ramos; Oliveira, L.; Almeida, L.; Moreno, U. F.; Network Interference on Cooperative Mobile Robots Consensus, Proc ROBOT'2015 - Second Iberian Robotics Conference ROBOT2015, Lisbon, Portugal, November, 2015 246 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Ramos, D. Ramos; Moreno, U. F.; Oliveira, L.; Almeida, L.; Impact of Alien Networks on Consensus in a Team of Cooperative Mobile Robots, Proc Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering SBESC, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, November, 2015 Aguiar, R. L.; Einsiedler, H.; Gavras, A. G.; System Design for 5G Converged Networks, Proc European Conference on Networks and Communications - EuCNC, Paris, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2015 Aguiar, R. L.; Kofuji, S.; Predicting Model for Identifying the Malicious Activity of Nodes in MANETs, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Computers and Communications - ISCC, Lanarca, Cyprus, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, July, 2015 Bento, TB; Bernardo, L.; Dinis, R.; Oliveira, R.; Pinto, P.; Amaral , P.; FM-MAC: A novel MAC protocol for in-band full-duplex systems that use multipacket reception, Proc Second IEEE International Workshop on 5G & Beyond - Enabling Technologies, San Diego, United States, December, 2015 Irio, L.; Furtado, A.; Oliveira, R.; Bernardo, L.; Dinis, R.; Path Loss Interference in Mobile Random Waypoint Networks, Proc European Wireless 2015, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1 - 5, May, 2015 Irio, L.; Oliveira, R.; Interference Estimation in Wireless Mobile Random Waypoint Networks, Proc Telecomunications Forum - TELFOR, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro, November, 2015 Yahaya, C. Y.; Latiff, M. L.; Umaru, M; Garcia, N. M. ; QoS Performance Analysis of Non-slotted and Slotted Optical Burst Switched Networks, Proc 2015 IEEE 12th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC), Sarawak, Malaysia, November, 2015 Khalilzad, Nima Khalilzad; Ashjaei, M.A.; Almeida, L.; Behnam, MB; Nolte, TN; Adaptive Multi-Resource End-to-End Reservations for Component-Based Distributed Real-Time System, Proc IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems For Real-time Multimedia ESTIMedia, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October, 2015 Marques, P.; Some Initial Results and Observations from a Series of Trials within the Ofcom TV White Spaces Pilot, Proc 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, May, 2015 Computer Graphics Book Chapters Dias, S.; Gomes, A.; Triangulating Gaussian-Like Surfaces of Molecules with Millions of Atoms - Chapter in Computational Electrostatics for Biological Applications, , Springer, Cham, 2015 Papers in Journals Dias, S.; Gomes, A.; Triangulating Molecular Surfaces over a LAN of GPU-Enabled Computers, Parallel Computing, Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 35 - 47, February, 2015 Rodrigues, R. ; Morgado, J.; Gomes, A.; A contour-based segmentation algorithm for triangle meshes in 3D space, Computers & Graphics-UK, Vol. 49, 24 - 35, June, 2015 247 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Gomes, A.; Guest Editor’s Introduction: Massively Multiplayer Online Games Technologies and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 258 - 259, June, 2015 Gobena, L. ; Amador, G. ; Gomes, A.; Ejigu, ; Delegation Theory in the Design of Cross-Platform User Interfaces, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9170, pp. 519 - 530, July, 2015 Riaz, F.; Hassan, AH; Nisar, RN; Dinis-Ribeiro, M. ; Coimbra, M.; Content-Adaptive Region-Based Color Texture Descriptors for Medical Images, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), December, 2015 Ye, C. ; Bhagavatula, B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar; Coimbra, M.; An Automatic Subject-Adaptable Heartbeat Classifier Based on Multiview Learning, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Cedillo, J.; Nascimento, J. M. P.; Parallel GPU Architecture for hyperspectral unmixing based on augmented Lagrangian method, Proc International Conf. on Computer as a Tool - Eurocon, Salamanca, Spain, pp. 1 - 6, September, 2015 Cedillo, J.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Silva, V.; Nascimento, J. M. P.; SISAL Implementation on GPU for Hyperspectral Unmixing, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Cedillo, J.; Nascimento, J. M. P.; GPU Implementation of the Simplex Identification via Split Augmented Lagrangian, Proc Europe Remote Sensing - SPIE, Toulouse, France, Vol. 9646, pp. 964607 - 964607-10, September, 2015 Delgado, J. ; Martin, G.; Gil, L. I. Jimenez; Plaza, A.; GPU Implementation of Spatial Preprocessing for Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data, Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS, Milan, Italy, July, 2015 Garcia, S. B. G.; Martin, G.; Nascimento, J. M. P.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Plaza, A; A Fast Parallel Hyperspectral Coded Aperture Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Using OpenCL, Proc International Conf. on Computer as a Tool - Eurocon, Salamanca, Spain, September , 2015 Gobena, L. ; Gomes, A.; Ejigu, ; UI Delegation: The 3rd Dimension for Cross-Platform User Interfaces, Proc The 8th IARIA International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI'2015),, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1 - 8, February, 2015 Garcia, S. B. G.; Martin, G.; Nascimento, J. M. P.; Parallel hyperspectral compressive sensing method on GPU, Proc SPIE, Tolouse, France, Vol. 9646, pp. 96460 - 96468, October, 2015 Çetinaslan, C; Orvalho, V.; Sketch-Based Controllers for Blendshape Facial Animation, Proc Eurographics, Zurich, Switzerland, Vol. 1, pp. 25 - 28, May, 2015 248 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.7 Other Achievements Prototypes Gomes, M.; Perdigão, F.; Santos, J. B.; Santos, M. J. S. F. S.; Caixinha, M. C.; Amaro, J.; Ferreira, J.S.F.; Morgado, A.M.L.S.M.; ESUS - Eye Scan Ultrasound System for Automatic Cataract Detection, --, September, 2015 Patents Gomes, M.; Silva, V.; Dinis, R.; Carvalho, P.; Bento, P.; PATENT OF A TRANSMISSION METHOD WITH DOUBLE DIRECTIVITY, PPP 108149, January, 2015 Gomes, M.; Vilela, J.P.; INTERLEAVED CONCATENATED CODING FOR SECRECY IN THE FINITE BLOCKLENGTH REGIME, PPP 108456, May, 2015 Gomes, M.; Perdigão, F.; Santos, J. B.; Santos, M. J. S. F. S.; Caixinha, M. C.; Amaro, J.; Ferreira, J.S.F.; Morgado, A.M.L.S.M.; SISTEMA DE AQUISIÇÃO ECOGRÁFICA PARA OFTALMOLOGIA USANDO UMA ARQUITECTURA SOC ZYNQ-7000, PPP 108836 C, September, 2015 Awards Bioucas-Dias, J.; Oliveira, J. Pedro; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Blind estimation of motion blur parameters for image deconvolution, Best paper award, Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis , 01-06-2007 . , Garcia, N. M. ; Freire, M.; Monteiro, P.; Best paper award, Best paper award for the paper in ICOIN 2008, intitled "The Ethernet frame payload size and its effect on IPv4 and IPv6 traffic", Garcia, N. M. ; Hajduczenia, M.H.; Monteiro, P.; Siemens Innovation and Excelence Award, Siemens Innovation and Excelence R&D Award for their work on self-similiarity of data signals, Proença, H.; Pattern Recognition letters Top Reviewer 2011-2012, Pattern Recognition letters Top Reviewer 2011-2012, Correia, P.L.; Best Paper Award, Best paper award at the International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT), 2015, Taiwan for the paper: "A Tracking Scheme for Norway Lobster and Burrow Abundance Estimation in Underwater Video Sequences", by C.S. Tan, P.Y. Lau, P.L. Correia, P. Fonseca, A. Campos, 01-01-2015 Silva, H.; 1st place at Prémio Inovação Jovem Engenheiro 2014, Ordem dos Engenheiros , 01-05-2015 HoangVan , X.; Ascenso, J.; Pereira, F.; Best Paper Award at Picture Coding Symposium’2015 ((Jun2015)), Our paper ''Improving Enhancement Layer Merge Mode for HEVC Scalable Extension'' won the best paper award at the 31st Picture Coding Symposium, Cairns, Australia , 01-06-2015 249 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Condessa, F.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Kovacevic, J. Kovacevic; Best student paper award (1st place), The Mikio Takagi Student Prize (MTStP) is to recognize a student who has presented an outstanding paper at the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Awarded to the paper "Supervised Hyperspectral Image Segmentation with Rejection," authored by Filipe Condessa, José Bioucas-Dias, and Jelena Kovačević., 01-07-2015 Orvalho, V.; Miranda, C.R.; Mendes , P.; Alvarez, X.; BEST TIC Award at iUP25k 2015, BEST TIC Award at iUP25k 2015 Project 'FaceDecode – We make faces' Promoting entity: Entrepreneurship Club of University of Porto (CEDUP) / University of Porto Innovation Office (UPIN) / Banco Santander Totta, 01-05-2015 Orvalho, V.; Miranda, C.R.; Mendes , P.; Alvarez, X.; 1st Prize of the iUP25k 2015, 1st Prize of the iUP25k 2015 Project 'FaceDecode – We make faces' Promoting entity: Entrepreneurship Club of University of Porto (CEDUP) / University of Porto Innovation Office (UPIN) / Banco Santander Totta, 01-05-2015 da Silva, R. S.; Pereira, F.; Silva, E.; Best Paper Award at Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT 2015), Best Paper Award at Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT 2015), held in Juiz de Fora, Brasil, with papero “Studying the compression performance of video descriptors” authored by Renam C. da Silva, Fernando Pereira, Eduardo A. B. da Silva., 01-09-2015 Branco, DB; Pedreiras, P.P.; Winner of BRESIMAR ”IDEAS CONTEST FOR ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS" 2015, Winner of the 2015 Edition of the ”IDEAS CONTEST FOR ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS“, promoted by Bresimar Automação, Aveiro, Portugal, with the project “Applying Estimation Techniques to the TekOn Sensors”, 01-06-2015 Parra, L. P.; Karampelas, E. K.; Sendra, S. S. ; Lloret, J. L.; Rodrigues, J. R.; Best Paper Award - CITS 2015, The paper entitled “Design and Deployment of a Smart System for Data Gathering in Estuaries Using Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2015 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS 2015), Gijón, Spain, July 08-10, 2015, received the conference Best Paper Award., 01-07-2015 Rodrigues, J. R.; Certificate of Appreciation - Symposium Chair - IEEE ICC 2015, At the IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2015), London, England, June 08-12, 2015, received a Certificate of Appreciation by the IEEE Communications Society by his contributions to the conference as Symposium Chair., 01-06-2015 Lemos, C.L.; Lopes, R.J.; Coelho, H.; Quantitative Measures of Crowd Patterns in Agent- Based Models of Street Protests, Best PhD student paper, 01-09-2015 Miscellaneous Assunção, P.A.; Vídeovigilância Inteligente em Ambientes Aquáticos: Detecção Precoce de Afogamento em Piscinas Domésticas, Nuno Peixoto, Pereira, F.; EURASIP Board of Directors, , 01-01-2015 250 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Nunes, P.; Computational Complexity Reduction and Scaling for High Efficiency Video Encoders, Guilherme Ribeiro Corrêa, 01-01-2015 Corujo, D.; RFC 7476 - Information-Centric Networking: Baseline Scenarios, , 01-03-2015 Faria, S.M.M.; CONTRIBUIÇÕES PARA A REDUÇÃO DE COMPLEXIDADE DA CODIFICAÇÃO INTRA NA NORMA HEVC E EXTENSÃO 3D-HEVC, Univ. Coimbra, 01-06-2015 Faria, S.M.M.; IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, TPC, 01-03-2015 Faria, S.M.M.; 3D TV-CON Conference, TPC, 01-01-2015 Bioucas-Dias, J.; Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Analysis, International Conference on Geographic Information Systems Theory Applications and Management - GISTAM'2015, 01-04-2015 Sobrinho, J. L. S.; Distributed Route Aggregation on the GlObal Network (DRAGON), Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Open Meeting, 01-07-2015 Sobrinho, J. L. S.; Distributed Route Aggregation on the GlObal Network (DRAGON), Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Routing Area Open meeting, 01-07-2015 Sobrinho, J. L. S.; Distributed Route Aggregation on the GlObal Network (DRAGON), North America Network Operators Group (NANOG) 93, 01-10-2015 Pereira, OMP; Big Data, http://playnesti.uac.pt/, 01-03-2015 Neto, M; Freire, M.; Inácio , P.R.M.; Traffic Classification in the Dark based on Packet Size Distribution, Techdays, 01-09-2015 Neto, M; Freire, M.; Inácio , P.R.M.; Android Security and Susceptibility to Data Exposure and Manipulation, TechDays, 01-09-2015 Perez, L. P. L. P.; Neto, M; Freire, M.; Inácio , P.R.M.; Authentication on Smartphones based on User Activity, TechDays, 01-09-2015 Gomes, M.; Design of Adaptive Filters for Magnetic Front-End Read Channels, ISCTE-IUL Candidato: Nuno Miguel de Figueiredo Garrido, 01-02-2015 Jeon, Seil; Virtualised EPC for On-demand Mobile Traffic Offloading in 5G Environments, Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), Gyeonggi-do, Korea, 01-11-2015 Jeon, Seil; Introduction of VNF-as-a-Service (VNFaaS); Bringing the Benefits of NFV over Legacy Networks, Soongsil University, Seoul Korea, 01-11-2015 Jeon, Seil; Mobile Cloud Networking for Customized Network-as-a-Service; vEPC Use Cases for Future Traffic Offloading, Sung Kyun Kwan University (SKKU), Suwon, Korea, 01-11-2015 251 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Jeon, Seil; The 5G Internet; Services and Use Cases, Duksung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea, 01-112015 Assunção, P.A.; From 3D video communications to immersive shared experiences, SceneNet Audiovisual Workshop, 01-10-2015 Assunção, P.A.; My COST Experience, COST INFO Day, Lisbon, 01-03-2015 4.3.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT, Scientific Committee, Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria , INSTICC International Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications - SIGMAP, Technical Programme Committee, Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso , 01-01-2015 IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia and Expo - ICME, Organizing Committee, Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso , 01-01-2015 Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Organizing Committee, Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria , Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Organizing Committee, Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria , Conf. on Principles of Security and Trust - POST, Scientific Committee, Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão, 01-01-2015 IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop - Med-Hoc-Net, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão, 01-01-2015 IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Embedded Systems - SIES, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2015 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems - WFCS, Technical Programme Chairman, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2015 IEEE ICC - Communications Software, Services and Multimedia Applications Symposium - ICC CSSMA, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Jorge Lourenço Nunes , 01-01-2015 Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC, Technical Programme Committee, Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes , 01-01-2015 3DTV Conf. - 3DTV-CON, Organizing Committee, Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia , 01-01-2015 International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics - IWBF, Technical Programme Chairman, Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia , 01-01-2015 Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Scientific Committee, Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão, 01-01-2015 252 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Symp. on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Technical Programme Committee, Catarina Isabel Carvalheiro Brites , 01-10-2015 International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications ComManTel, Technical Programme Committee, Seil Jeon, 28-12-2015 IEEE International Conf. on Advanced Technologies for Communications - ATC, Technical Programme Committee, Seil Jeon, 14-10-2015 International Conf. on ICT Convergence - ICTC, Technical Programme Committee, Seil Jeon, 28-10-2015 Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Technical Programme Committee, Seil Jeon, 17-09-2015 International Conf. on Ubiquitous and Future Networks - ICUFN, Technical Programme Committee, Seil Jeon, 07-07-2015 IEEE International Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 08-09-2015 Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 19-11-2015 Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 0709-2015 International Conf. on New Technologies, Mobility and Security - NTMS, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 27-07-2015 Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems - APRES, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 13-04-2015 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Technical Programme Committee, Valter Filipe Miranda Castelão da Silva, 17-09-2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services IEEE MS, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão, 03-06-2015 Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão, 0709-2015 IARIA International Conf. on Software Engineering Advances - ICSEA, Technical Programme Committee, Óscar Narciso Mortágua Pereira , 15-11-2015 3DTV Conf. - 3DTV-CON, Conference Chairman, Pedro António Amado Assunção, 08-07-2015 IARIA International Conf. on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service - CTRQ, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 19-04-2015 253 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles - (Nets4Cars / Nets4Trains / Nets4Aircrafts), Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 08-05-2015 IARIA International Conf. on Networking and Services - ICNS, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 24-05-2015 International Conf. on Mobile and Wireless Technology - ICMWT, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 22-06-2015 International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles - Nets4Cars-Fall, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 05-10-2015 ACM and IEEE International Conf. on Connected Vehicles & Expo - ICCVE, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 19-10-2015 IEEE International Conf. on ITS Telecommunications - ITST, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 02-12-2015 European Workshop on Software Defined Networking EWSDN, Technical Programme Chairman, Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar , 01-10-2015 International Conf. on Engineering - ICEUBI, Scientific Committee, Paul Andrew Crocker, 02-12-2015 International Conf. on Information Science and its Applications - ICISA, Technical Programme Committee, Óscar Narciso Mortágua Pereira , 24-02-2015 ICATSE International Conference on INformation Science and Security ICISS, Technical Programme Chairman, Óscar Narciso Mortágua Pereira , 14-12-2015 IEEE BigDataService BigDataService, Technical Programme Committee, Diogo Nuno P. Gomes, 30-052015 IEEE Communications Society Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium LANOMS, Conference Chairman, Augusto José Venâncio Neto, 01-10-2015 3DTV Conf. - 3DTV-CON, Organizing Committee, Tomás Gomes da Silva Serpa Brandão, 08-07-2015 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, Technical Programme Committee, Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues, 14-12-2015 IEEE International Conf. on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics - ICACI, Technical Programme Committee, Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues, 10-08-2015 International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems SITIS, Technical Programme Committee, Catarina Isabel Carvalheiro Brites , 23-11-2015 IEEE Workshop on MultiMedia Signal Processing - MMSP, Sessions Chairman , Catarina Isabel Carvalheiro Brites , 20-10-2015 254 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Technical Programme Committee, Carlos Manuel Ribeiro Almeida, 07-09-2015 Technical Programme Committee, André Zúquete, 12-01-2015 Technical Programme Committee, André Zúquete, 19-04-2015 INSTICC International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems PhyCS, Technical Programme Committee, André Zúquete, 11-02-2015 IFIP TC11 International Information Security and Privacy Conference SEC, Technical Programme Committee, André Zúquete, 26-05-2015 IEEE Communications and Information Systems Security Symposium CISS, Technical Programme Committee, André Zúquete, 08-06-2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Communication and Information System Security GlobeCom CISS, Technical Programme Committee, André Zúquete, 08-12-2015 Workshop on Distributed and Cooperative Visual Representation and Analysis DCVRA, Organizing Committee, Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso , 03-07-2015 Editorial Committees Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier, Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira , Area Editor, 0104-1994 to 01-12-2016 ACM Press, Mario Marques Freire, Reviewer Advisory Board , 14-09-2001 to Springer, Ana Luisa Nobre Fred , Associate Editor, 15-04-2004 to IDEA Group Publishers, et. al., Member of Editorial Review Board , 01-02-2004 to Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações (Inatel), Brasil, et. al., Membro do Corpo de Revisores, 01-102004 to Signal Processing, Elsevier, Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia , Member of Editorial Board, 09-06-2005 to 31-12-2016 IDEA Group Publishers, Jairo Gutierrez, Editorial Review Board , 01-02-2004 to Connection Science, Taylor & Francis, Luís Henrique Martins Borges de Almeida , Member of Editorial Board, 01-01-2000 to Neural Processing Letters, Springer, Luís Henrique Martins Borges de Almeida , Associate Editor, 01-122008 to Intrnl. Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), Wiley, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editorial Board Member, 01-12-2007 to 01-12-2015 255 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Intrnl. Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC), IGI Global, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editor-in-Chief, 01-01-2009 to 01-12-2015 Intrnl. Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC), Information Resources Management Association , Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira , Editorial Review Board , 01-01-2009 to Intrnl. Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithms, Macrothink Institute, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Associate Editor , 01-05-2009 to IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Communications Society, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Technical Editor, 01-01-2009 to Mobile Networks and Applications , Springer, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, Guest Editor, 01-12-2010 to EURASIP Jounal on Image and Video Processing, Hindawi, Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia , Best Paper Award Selection Committee, 01-09-2010 to 01-06-2015 IEEE Trans. in Industrial Informatics, IEEE, José Alberto Gouveia Fonseca, Associate Editor, 01-01-2008 to 01-01-2015 Intrnl. Journal of Biometrics, Inderscience, Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença, Editorial Board, 01-092011 to Recent Patents on Telecommunications, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editor-in-Chief, 01-06-2011 to 01-12-2015 European Trans. on Telecommunications, Wiley, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editorial Review Board Member, 01-06-2011 to Intrnl. Journal of Satellite Communications Policy and Management , InderScience Publishers, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editorial Board Member, 01-04-2011 to Intrnl. Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Hindawi Publications, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editorial Board Member, 01-06-2010 to Signal Processing: Image Communication, EURASIP/Elsevier, Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria , Area Editor, 01-12-2012 to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editorial Board Member, 01-12-2012 to Intrnl. Journal on Advances in Internet Technology - IARIA, IARIA, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, Member, Editorial Board, 01-01-2012 to International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems - IARIA, IARIA, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, Member, Editorial Board, 01-01-2012 to 256 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE, Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira , Editor-InChief, 01-01-2013 to 01-12-2015 IET Biometrics, IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia , Associate Editor, 01-09-2013 to 01-12-2018 IEEE Biometrics Compendium, IEEE, Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença, Associate Editor, 01-11-2012 to International Journal on Advances in Security, IARIA, João Paulo Barraca, Editorial Board, 01-01-2012 to Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, Elsevier, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editorial Board Member, 01-12-2013 to EURASIP Jounal on Image and Video Processing, Springer, Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira , Editorial Board, 01-01-2013 to 01-12-2016 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, IEEE, José Manuel Bioucas Dias , Guest Editor, 01-102014 to 01-10-2015 IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso , Associate Editor, 01-12-2014 to 01-122018 IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, IEEE, Catarina Isabel Carvalheiro Brites , Associate Editor, 01-01-2015 to 01-01-2018 European Trans. on Telecommunications, Wiley, Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar , Associate Editor, 01-01-2011 to Wireless Networks Journal, Springer, Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar , Associate Editor, 01-06-2014 to 257 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4 Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies 4.4.1 Coordinators Luís Joaquim Alcácer Pedro Girão 4.4.2 Human Resources Overview Position IT – Aveiro IT – Coimbra IT – Lisboa IT Branch – Covilhã IT Branch – ISCTE-IUL Professor Emeritus 0 0 1 0 0 Full Professor 1 2 3 0 0 Associate Professor 0 2 12 1 0 Coordinator Professor 0 1 2 0 0 Assistant Professor 4 4 18 6 0 Assistant Lecturer 0 1 0 0 0 Post. Doc. 3 0 10 1 0 PhD Student 2 5 21 9 1 MSc Student 2 0 5 0 0 Licenciado 0 0 2 0 0 Under-Grad Student 0 0 1 0 0 Researcher 2 0 3 0 0 14 15 78 17 1 Position Degree Total Permanent Collaborators Name Group Amaro Fernandes de Sousa Assistant Professor PhD Applied Mathematics - Av Ana Gualdina Almeida Matos Assistant Professor PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lx Ana Luisa Mendonça Post. Doc. PhD Organic Electronics – Lx Ana Maria de Matos Charas Researcher PhD Organic Electronics – Lx André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Assistant Professor PhD Power Systems – Co 258 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES António Eduardo Vitória do Espírito Santo Assistant Professor PhD Power Systems - Cv António Manuel Cruz Serra Full Professor Agregação Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Ribeiro Associate Professor Agregação Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Basic Sci Coordinator Associate Professor Carlos Alberto Farinha Ferreira Post. Doc. PhD Power Electronics - Lx Carlos Eduardo Ramos dos Santos Lourenço Assistant Professor PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lx Carlos Manuel Costa Lourenço Caleiro Associate Professor PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lx Daniel da Silva Graça Assistant Professor PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lx Domingos da Silva Barbosa Researcher PhD Integrated Circuits – Av Dorabella Santos Post. Doc. PhD Applied Mathematics - Av Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Full Professor Agregação Power Systems – Co Fernando Manuel Lourenço Martins Assistant Professor PhD Applied Mathematics – Cv Fernando Manuel Tim Tim Janeiro Assistant Professor PhD Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Filipe Manuel Batista Clemente Post. Doc. PhD Applied Mathematics – Cv Francisco Andre Correa Alegria Assistant Professor PhD Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Francisco Miguel Alves Campos de Sousa Dionísio Assistant Professor PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lx Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos Associate Professor Agregação Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Henrique Leonel Gomes Associate Professor Agregação Organic Electronics – Lx Hugo dos Santos Marques Assistant Professor PhD Power Electronics - Lx Hugo Fernando Santos Terças Post. Doc. PhD Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx 259 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Joana Catarina Mendes Post. Doc. PhD Integrated Circuits – Av Joao Manuel Mourão Patricio Assistant Professor PhD Applied Mathematics – Co João Paulo Neto Torres Assistant Professor PhD Applied Electromagnetics - Lx Joaquim João de Alarcão Judice Full Professor Agregação Applied Mathematics – Co Jorge Manuel Correia Guilherme Assistant Professor PhD Integrated Circuits - Lx Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado Associate Professor Agregação Organic Electronics – Lx José António Marinho Brandão Faria Full Professor Agregação Applied Electromagnetics - Lx José Augusto Alves Gouveia Licenciado Licenciatura Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx José Miguel Costa Dias Pereira Coordinator Professor Agregação Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves Assistant Professor PhD Integrated Circuits – Av Luis Filipe Morgado Assistant Professor PhD Organic Electronics – Lx Luís Joaquim Alcácer Professor Emeritus Agregação Organic Electronics – Lx Luis Miguel Merca Fernandes Coordinator Professor PhD Applied Mathematics – Co Manuel Fernando Martins de Barros Assistant Professor PhD Integrated Circuits - Lx Manuel José de Matos Coordinator Professor PhD Organic Electronics – Lx Manuel Ventura Guerreiro das Neves Assistant Professor PhD Applied Electromagnetics - Lx Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges Associate Professor Agregação Power Electronics - Lx Maria Cecília dos Santos Rosa Assistant Professor PhD Applied Mathematics – Cv Maria do Rosário Alves Calado Assistant Professor PhD Power Systems - Cv Maria Madalena de Almeida Correia Gomes Martins Associate Professor PhD Applied Mathematics – Co Marina Perdigão Associate Professor PhD Power Systems – Co 260 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Michael Filipe Gonçalves Salvador Post. Doc. PhD Organic Electronics – Lx Mohammad Hamed Mohammady Post. Doc. PhD Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx Mónica Jorge Carvalho Figueiredo Post. Doc. PhD Integrated Circuits – Av Nikola Paunkovic Post. Doc. PhD Security and Quantum Information – Lx Nuno Calado Correia Lourenço Post. Doc. PhD Integrated Circuits - Lx Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Assistant Professor Agregação Integrated Circuits - Lx Nuno Gonçalo Bandeira Brás Researcher PhD Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Octavian Adrian Postolache Assistant Professor PhD Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus Associate Professor Agregação Security and Quantum Information – Lx Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão Full Professor Agregação Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos Associate Professor Agregação Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Pedro Nicolau Faria da Fonseca Assistant Professor PhD Integrated Circuits – Av Quirina Alexandra Tavares Ferreira Post. Doc. PhD Organic Electronics – Lx Ricardo Martins Post. Doc. PhD Integrated Circuits – Lx Raúl Daniel Lavado Carneiro Martins Assistant Professor PhD Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves Assistant Professor PhD Integrated Circuits - Lx Rui Teives Henriques Associate Professor PhD Organic Electronics – Lx Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Assistant Professor PhD Power Systems – Co Silvério Simões Rosa Assistant Professor PhD Applied Mathematics – Cv Sílvio José Pinto Simões Mariano Associate Professor Agregação Power Systems - Cv Sofia Isabel de Carvalho Ribeiro Post. Doc. PhD Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx 261 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Vitor Manuel da Silva Costa Assistant Professor PhD Power Electronics – Lx Vitor Manuel de Oliveira Maló Machado Associate Professor Agregação Applied Electromagnetics - Lx Yasser Rashid Revez Omar Associate Professor PhD Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx Other Collaborators Name Position Degree Group Andreia Filipa Torcato Mordido PhD Student Security and Quantum Information – Lx António Canelas PhD Student Integrated Circuits - Lx António Mário Ribeiro Martins PhD Student Power Systems - Cv António Pedro Silva Licenciado Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Benedikt Mark Richter PhD Student Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx Bruno Miguel Santos Mera PhD Student Bruno Oliveira Baptista PhD Student Celino José Martins Miguel Assistant Professor Dário Jerónimo Pasadas PhD Student David Filipe Correia Guilherme PhD Student David João Barros Henriques PhD Student Security and Quantum Information – Lx Debarati Mukherjee PhD Student Integrated Circuits – Av MSc Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx Power Systems – Co PhD Applied Mathematics – Cv Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Licenciatura Integrated Circuits - Lx 262 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Dinis Gomes de Magalhães dos Santos Full Professor Eliseu Alberto Lobato Macedo MSc Student Integrated Circuits – Av Fábio Mendes Castanheira PhD Student Power Systems - Cv Francisco Assunção MSc Student Hazem Radwan Hadla PhD Student Joana Farinhas PhD Student MSc Organic Electronics – Lx João Bernardo Lopes Fermeiro PhD Student MSc Power Systems - Cv João Paulo do Amaral de Jesus Rodrigues PhD Student Security and Quantum Information – Lx José Álvaro Nunes Pombo PhD Student Power Systems - Cv José António da Costa Salvado PhD Student Power Systems - Cv José Carlos Teixeira Assistant Professor PhD Applied Mathematics – Co Jose Luis Vieira Cura Assistant Professor PhD Integrated Circuits – Av José Manuel Matias Pinto PhD Student MSc Integrated Circuits - Lx Leonardo Filipe Gonçalves Novo PhD Student MSc Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx Luís Gurriana MSc Student Licenciatura Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Luís Miguel Antunes Caseiro PhD Student Power Systems – Co Luis Miguel Freire de Menezes Pestana PhD Student Power Systems - Cv Agregação Integrated Circuits – Av Licenciatura Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Power Systems – Co 263 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Marco Pezzutto PhD Student Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx Mário Jorge Alves MSc Student Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Mauro Edgar Pereira Figueiredo Santos PhD Student Miguel Osório MSc Student Integrated Circuits – Av Mohsen Bandarabadi PhD Student Power Systems – Co Nuno Miguel da Conceição António PhD Student Information Technology - Lx Pedro Filipe da Costa Gonçalves PhD Student Power Systems – Co Pedro Miguel Carrilho dos Santos Inácio PhD Student Organic Electronics – Lx Pedro Miguel Domingos Serra PhD Student Purnachand Nalluri PhD Student Integrated Circuits – Av Qian Chen PhD Student Organic Electronics – Lx Rajesh Veeravarapu PhD Student Ricardo Filipe Sereno Póvoa PhD Student Integrated Circuits - Lx Rita Jorge Cerqueira Pinto PhD Student Power Systems - Cv Rui Pedro Gouveia Mendes PhD Student Power Systems - Cv Sanaz Asgarifar PhD Student Organic Electronics – Lx Shantanav Chakraborty PhD Student Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx Shlomo Zalka Rotter PhD MSc MSc MSc PhD Integrated Circuits - Lx Power Systems - Cv Organic Electronics – Lx Integrated Circuits – Av 264 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Sima Pouyandeh PhD Student Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx Tiago Jorge Rocha PhD Student Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Vitor Viegas PhD 4.4.3 PhD Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Summary of Research Achievements In 2015, the scientific activities in Organic Electronics focused on the following topics: 1New Materials Development, Organic Electronic Devices, Bioelectronics, Organic Solar cells, Nanotechnology. The detailed activities included: Contributing groups • Applied Electromagnetics, Lx • Applied Mathematics, Co • Applied Mathematics, Cv • Security and Quantum Information, Lx • Instrumentation and Measurements, Lx • Integrated Circuits, Av • Integrated Circuits, Lx • Organic Electronics, Lx • Physics of Information, Lx • Power Electronics, Lx • Power Systems, Co • Power Systems, Cv Scope and Objectives Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies (BS&ET) is a multidisciplinary research line providing transversal background support to IT activities and mission. Most of the work in this line was related to electronics and optoelectronics. This applies to the activities in Applied Electromagnetics (AE), Integrated Circuits (IC), Power Systems (PS), Organic Electronics (OE), Power Electronics (PE) and 265 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Instrumentation and Measurements (IM). The activities in Applied Mathematics (AM) supported research performed in other areas, developing tools relevant to telecommunications, and applications to Simulation, Mathematical Modelling and Systems Stability. Physics of Information was focused on quantum information theory, quantum effects in biological systems and energy transport, and nanoenergetics and quantum effects. Expertise and Research Topics Applied Electromagnetics The activities carried out by the group Applied Electromagnetics in 2015 were focused in the broad domain of Electromagnetic Field Theory and its applications to electric, magnetic, and optical devices, encompassing three major subareas: Transmission-line structures; Electric and magnetic field problems; and Computational electromagnetics. • Transmission-line structures - Hybrid multiwire transmission lines (HMTL) are novel transmission structures where magnetic transmission lines and standard electric transmission lines coexist and interact. The general matrix theory of HMTL was developed and later applied to a particular four-wire system, from where the coupling properties and the wave propagation features of the multiwire structure were obtained. - Overhead power lines were characterized, modelled, and their behavior simulated taking into account proximity and skin effects, longitudinal variations of the earth surface profile, and transverse earth stratification. - The propagation parameters of medium frequency transmission-line communication systems in circular cylindrical mine tunnels were evaluated using an exact method based on radial and azimuthal expansions of the magnetic vector potential. Results were compared with those obtained using Dubanton’s and Wait’s approximations. • Electric and magnetic field problems - Shielding techniques for magnetic field mitigation in power transmission lines were proposed and analyzed. - Magnetic field (3D) in the air gap of a ferromagnetic core with superconducting blocks, and 266 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES magnetic field in a spherical electrical machine, were modelled and analyzed. • Computational electromagnetics The development of computational methods and software tools for electromagnetic field calculation is key for most of the reported research activities, namely, the development of hybrid methods using both analytical and numerical formulations (finite element, and boundary element methods). During 2015, the topic of electromagnetic propagation in bent and ring slab waveguides, and the topic of magnetic field evaluation in air gaps of ferromagnetic cores, and in spherical electrical machines, received special attention. Applied Mathematics The research on Applied Mathematics has been focused on Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra, Logic and Computation and Criptography and quantum information. • Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra - Numerical Linear Algebra: Preconditioning and convergence of iterative methods for the solution of linear systems of equations, generalized inverses and its applications. - Complementarity Problems: design, convergence analyses, implementation and testing of interior-point algorithms, active-set methods, sequential quadratic algorithms and enumerative methods. - Global Optimization: complementarity algorithms, positive semi-definite and reformulationlinearization techniques for bilevel programming, quadratic and bilinear programming, eigenvalue complementarity problems and mathematical programs with complementarity constraints. - Solution of structured optimization models arising in telecommunications, civil engineering, and finance. - Optical core networks - efficient ILP models and heuristic solutions for (i) the network design problem with fixed-grid and flexible grid setups and (ii) for the impairment aware routing problem. - Lightpath admission control algorithms for optical networks based on integer linear programming methods and performance evaluation based on simulations. - Hybrid approaches based on column generation and local search heuristics, for energy efficient 267 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES routing in telecommunications networks. - Routing algorithms for 6LoWPAN mesh networks. - ILP efficient models for (i) wireless mesh network design with node degree constraints, (ii) the single PON network design with unconstrained splitting stages and (iii) the optimal layout of wind farms for electrical power generation. • Logic and Computation - Combination of logics: substantial advances in the understanding of fibred logics was achieved, obtaining full characterizations of conservativity and decidability preservation results in the disjoint case, and several partial results in the general case, namely using appropriate notions of translation - Compositional meaning in logic: we have explored suitable generalized notions of compositional meaning in logic, namely in the context of non-deterministic logical matrices, and obtained several new characterization - Computation with real numbers and complexity: we have shown that the physical measure associated to the (geometric) Lorenz attractor is computable. We have shown how computational complexity can be properly defined over analog models of computation like Shannon's General Purpose Analog Computer (GPAC. We have shown that a function is polynomial-time computable with a GPAC if and only if it can be computed in polynomial-time with Turing-based computation models. • Criptography and quantum information - Bit-string oblivious transfer: we developed a quantum computationally secure protocol for bitstring oblivious transfer between two parties, under the assumption of quantum hardness of state distinguishability and the constraint of performing at most few-qubit measurements (leaving open the question of general attacks performed on all qubits involved). Our protocol is feasible, in the sense that it is implementable in polynomial time. - Blind signatures and PK: we propose a quantum blind signature which is perfectly secure under the assumption of a honest offline repository of quantum information. We also proposed a quantum public key cryptosystem. Quantum multiparty dense coding: we proposed a quantum multiparty dense coding protocol that allows the sharing of information among several quantum agents. 268 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Instrumentation and Measurement The Instrumentation and Measurement Group works in the broad domain of Metrology. In 2015, the activity of the Group can be included in the following main topics: - Non-destructive testing; - Sensors and transducers; - Signal acquisition and automated and telemetric measuring systems; - Signal processing applied to sensors and instrumentation. • Non-destructive testing - During the past year inspection has been carried out using the linear motion system acquired in 2013 for the Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory. The non-destructive method used is based on motion induced eddy currents. Tests were performed to conclude about the defect depth in a conductive plate and the sensitivity of the method with velocity in aluminium materials. Studies are being made to apply the method to steel rails. - The cooperation initiated last year with Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro will continue. The objective is the development of a NDT testing system to detect cracks and modifications on the paramagnetic properties of the wall tubes of reformer furnaces. Some samples of deteriorated tubes have been received at the laboratory. Two remote field eddy current probes were built to compare detection and characterization capabilities in standard defects like longitudinal and transverse defects. Tests initialize now. - Work on the inversion problem algorithm applied in eddy current inspection using a sinusoidal magnetic field with fixed-amplitude is going on. A new probe with two coils able to produce orthogonal uniform magnetic fields in two wide areas in the sample to be inspected was built. Two tiny giant magnetoresistance sensors (GMR) with high sensitivity are used to measure the amplitude and phase of the magnetic field in the sample’s surface. A perturbation occurs in the measured magnetic field in the proximity of a crack defect. The current density is then determined around crack defect through an inversion problem algorithm. - A new non-destructive testing (NDT) method called transient eddy current oscillations (TECO) was developed and implemented to detect a change in the thickness of stainless steel covered with insulation. This method uses a probe built at the laboratory which consists of a capacitor 269 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES and an induction coil (excitation coil) discharging in a free oscillation mode, while the resultant magnetic field is detected by using a Hall-effect sensor. Different features were extracted from the response voltage to detect the thickness of the test specimen and separation of lift-off. - The use of algorithms in the area of digital signal processing to process and interpret data provided by the sensors used in the laboratory for eddy current testing proved to be very effective to overcome the poor performance of these sensors and to surpass the limitations of the traditional NDT methods. • Sensors and transducers - Design of a ew dual driver planar eddy current probe with dynamically controlled induction pattern. - Comparison of spin valve and magnetic tunnel junction magneto resistive sensors in eddy current testing probes. - Study and development of innovative solutions to perform accurate measurement of industrial variables (force, distance and flow). - Static and dynamic characterization of sensors and measurement system (polarography, heavy metals detectors, turbidity, pH and conductivity sensors). • Signal acquisition and automated and telemetric measuring systems - Heterodyning based portable instrument for eddy currents non-destructive testing. - Detection of micrometric surface defects in titanium using magnetic tunnel junction sensors. - Development, implementation and characterization of a DSP based data acquisition system with on-board processing. - Development, implementation, and characterization of a stand-alone embedded viscosity measurement system based on the impedance spectroscopy of a vibrating wire sensor. - Implementation and development of I&M industrial transmission systems based on Foundation Fieldbus (FF), HART e CAN protocols. - Development and implementation of a data acquisition system for teaching purposes. - In the domain of biomedical applications worth mentioning: - EMIT/EMBI Imaging (new prototype). 270 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Source localization (4D mapping of myocardial activity). - Magnetophoresis (new particle development and ferritin characterisation). - New contactless electrodes developed - Created device for the pneumocardial characterisation. - Design and implementation of different kinds of smart walkers including sensors for force, and acceleration and Bluetooth communication. - Hardware and mobile software for Electronic Health Record prototypes were developed and presented during a RSE Workshop as part of Portuguese Conference of Physiotherapists as part of PTDC/DTP-DES/1661/2012 activities. - Implementation of smart rollator prototype including motion pattern sensors expressed by microwave Doppler radar. - Development of mobile application for subjective and objective evaluation of physiotherapy sessions. • - Wearable solutions for cardiac and motor activity assessment. - Development of an emotion monitoring system. Signal processing applied to sensors and instrumentation - The performance comparison between the Gene Expression Programming for Impedance Identification and the traditional Complex Non-Linear Least Squares was made. - The algorithms necessary for cloud vertical profiling using the stereovision cloud height measurement device have been developed. - The uncertainty evaluation of multivariate quantities using Monte Carlo simulations was developed. Development of advanced signal processing techniques for instrumentation and measurements applications (non-linear A/D converters and smart sensing). Integrated Circuits • Devices and materials for integrated circuit design - SAW Sensing Technology: Most of the work has been aligned with the running project RTMGear (FP7/Cleansky) targeting the usage of SAW temperature and strain sensors for the 271 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES instrumentation of commercial airplane gearboxes. The work on this project targeted the validation of the technology and search for methods to improve sensing accuracy. Two project proposals were submitted: PHoEBuS (H2020/FET-OPEN) and HEALTHSens (Interreg/SUDOE); targeting applications of SAW and sensor technologies to the detection of bacteria and pathogens in food distribution chains and hospitals. The initial efforts were done to build a collaborative network with Portuguese industry around SAW sensing devices and technology. - Memristive Devices: Participation on the Management Committee of the IC1401 COST action MEMOCis, targeting developments on memristive devices and technologies. Work on this line of research has concentrated on device modeling strategies and theoretical description based on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian theories for electric circuits. - Hybrid diamond Semicondutor devices: Development of hybrid diamond / wide band gap semiconductor (GaN, SiC) components for high power / high temperature environments. The ultimate goal is deposition of diamond films on the surface of final devices (diodes, transistors) for passivation and thermal management purposes. Intermediate goals (already achieved) include: i) Optimization of seeding procedure necessary to obtain closed and conformal diamond films; ii) Deposition of diamond films on GaN substrates at 400ºC; iii) Deposition of diamond films on SiC substrates. - Fabrication of diamond / SiC heterojunctions: On a different edge, research on this line is focusing on the usage of doped diamond as active layers in SiC heterojunction devices. The ultimate goal is to fabricate high power rectifying devices. Intermediate steps (already achieved include): i) Deposition of boron-doped diamond films (p-type) on n-type SiC; ii) Fabrication of rectifying heterostructures. Several project proposals have been prepared under this line, targeting different funding sources (ERANETMED, FCT, H2020 NMBP, amongst others), from these, project proposal TrainedGaN (H2020 NMBP) is currently under evaluation. - Event organization: Participation on the local organizing committee of the WOCSDICE/EXMATEC joint workshop. The organization of the event is shared between IT-Aveiro and Departamento de Física da Universidade de Aveiro. The event will be collocated in Aveiro during June 2016. WOCSDICE focusing on state-of-the-art research findings in the areas of compound semiconductor materials, associated devices and integrated circuits. EXMATEC targeting the exchange cutting-edge ideas and technologies in the fields of material fabrication, characterization and processing of compound semiconductors. 272 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Radio astronomy methods for deep space exploration: - SKA project: As part of the SKA Energy ancillary project, the BIOSTIRLING FP7 proceeded towards construction phase: works in Moura proceed to provide a testbed solution for the SKA prototypes. The optical sensors to measure structure deformation were bought and interfaces developed, foundation works for the solar concentrators were finished. - Digital processing techniques: As part of the PhD work of Miguel Bergano, a cross complex correlator using SDR techniques was developed and implemented to use in radio at 10GHz. This new digital backend comprises a base-band complex cross-correlator outputting the four Stokes parameters of the incoming polarized radiation to be used in Space Science surveys. The FPGA board has a 1GHz bandwidth, processing 32 Gb/sec of data. This digital backend constituted a cost effective approach for new generation of radio and microwave receivers. - Event Organization: Major workshops were organized : MAAD2015, MIDPREP, an FP7 Marie Curie Exchange Program for the establishment of Aperture Arrays R&D and the Dish Consortium,, with inclusion of a Portuguese company: Active Space Technologies, for the industrial design of cryogenic solutions for SKA receivers. July 2015: at AICEP, in Lisbon, the SKA Industry day, under sponsorship of AICEP and ANI. This had the presence of industries from Energy, ICT, the SKA Director and Business and Strategy Committee Deputy Director. At ICT2015: Lisbon, by Sept. 2015, an event to present the SKA to the EC Policy Makers & African Collaborators. • Electronics and systems for dedicated applications: - Visible Light Communications: Work on this line has focused on the hardware implementation of a VLC transceiver, employing OFDM and targeting 1Gbps. The work has been supported by the internal project VLCLighting. VLCLighting implementation employs programmable devices (FPGAs) for the digital parts and circuit design for the analog frontends. On a different edge, research targeting the usage of VLC concepts for indoor location of mobile robots has been started. The preparation of edited book on visible light communications was initiated, following the conclusion of the IC1101 COST action (OPTICWISE); the predicted release date will be March 2016. - Smart Environments: Research under this line is exploiting sensing technologies to improve energy efficiency in buildings and living conditions. The focus is on the design and implementation of live demonstrator using IT-Aveiro facilities. The main goal is to build 273 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES intelligent lighting solutions able to react to user’s presence and demand. Several strategies are being addressed to merge sensing information and extract optimized system responses, both at the lighting level and general building automation. Research benefits with the interest and support of industrial partners (Zumtobel, Nordic). The research is currently supported with internal funding, but future plans aim at H2020 project proposal. - Unmanned Air Vehicles: R&D Consultancy for RedeRia Innovation S.A in the project "REONA Reliability on Air, I&DT", Number 24879 from the call 17/SI/2011 (IT internal code: S01047). This project aimed at developing a reliable system for communications between an Unmanned Aerial System and the ground stations. The reliability of the communication links between the airborne and ground segments is fundamental for the operation of Unmanned Aerial Systems; this project exploited the utilization of redundant channels as a means to provide the required fault tolerance. - IT representative in the Working Group 1 "Industrial Sustainable Solutions" in the framework of the discussion groups for the definition of the RIS3 strategy for the Centro region. - Industry 4.0: Collaboration with TICE.PT ) and Produtech (Portuguese Competitivity Cluster for Manufatucturing Technologies) for developing a joint strategy for Industry 4.0. Collaboration with TICE.PT in the working group AGRO RESOE INDUSTRIA 4.0, a project for developing the concept of Industry 4.0 in the agricultural domain. Proposal of "ICETech4M – TICE na cadeia de valor da Indústria Transformadora" project, a structural project on the subject of Industry 4.0 to be included in the TICE.PT application for recognition as a Competitivity Cluster - Event organization: participation in the LOC of WFCS 2016 - 12th World Conference of Factory Communication Systems. The organization is shared between IEEE, IES (IEEE Industrial Electronics Society), Universidade de Aveiro, Instituto de Telecomunicações and UNAVE. WFCS is the largest IEEE technical event specially dedicated to industrial communication systems. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners and developers to review current trends in this area and to present and discuss new ideas and new research directions. • Analog IC Design Automation - R & D in the context of AIDAsoft environment (www.aidasoft.com), fully develoed at IT, addressing layout-aware circuit-level optimization and automatic layout generation, demonstrated for multiple integration technology nodes and validated with industrial tools, such 274 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES as, HSPICE, ELDO, CALIBRE and CADENCE Design framework. R &D of innovative solutions for: automatic retrieval of design rules and constraints for AIDA’s setup automation; efficient parallel analog IC optimization when constrained to a limited number of licenses for the required commercial design tools; and layout-aware analog IC sizing and optimization, for a completely automatic design flow from netlist to layout. The AIDA-C is in use by THALES Alenia Space supporting the design of analog IC for the aerospace industry. • Analog IC Design - R & D on Design and Optimization of Cascode-Free Dynamic Amplifiers in Deep-nanoscale CMOS Technologies with High Energy-Efficiency, Pipeline ADC and circuit-level building blocks for the aerospace industry, Non-linear Data Converters. Prototyping of Cascode-Free Dynamic Amplifiers and Logarithmic Data Converters in UMC 130nm. • Computational Finance - R & D on intelligent computation, data mining and pattern recognition techniques together with fundamental and technical analysis applied to stock market data for robust portfolio composition, adaptive investment strategies definition and data acquisition. Organic electronics In 2015, the scientific activities in Organic Electronics focused on the following topics: 1) New Materials Development, 2) Organic Electronic Devices, 3) Bioelectronics, 4) Organic Solar cells, 5) Nanotechnology. The detailed activities included: • New Materials Development - New photoluminescence polymers and molecules for non volatile memories, photovoltaic cells and other applications. - Synthesis of semiconducting electron-acceptors, non-fullerenes, with potential applications in organic photovoltaic cells fabricated by «green processes» (using environmental friendly solvents). New materials with electron affinity of 3.8 eV were prepared. - Characterization of electrochemical properties of new small luminescent molecules - boron derivatives - and application in Organic Light Emitting Diodes. 275 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Preparation of conjugated polymers to purify carbon nanotubes (CNTs) bundles from metallic - CNTs. Purified bundles, containing semiconducting CNTs-polymer hybrids were applied in organic field effect transistors as the channel. • Organic Electronic Devices - Device characterisation - Electrical characterisation of organic electronic devices, namely transistors, light emitting diodes and non-volatile resistive memories. The research addressed the operational stability of a number of electronic devices. These include organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) oxide based thin-film transistors (TFTs) and all-inkjet printed organic transistors. The results show several strategies to optimize the lifetime and the operational stability of devices using passivation layers. - Resistive nonvolatile organic memories. ˗ A new electrical model was proposed to explain the observed electrical bi-stability. ˗ Characterization of the active layer morphology by combining AFM and XPS spectroscopy. • Bioelectronics - Use of techniques based on the electrical noise to gain insight into biological cell activity. As part of this work an ultra-sensitive electrical method to measure the extracellular bioelectrical activity of cells in vitro was devised. This method is currently being used to probe ultra-week oscillations in neuronal cell populations. Based on this method new types of devices are being developed to be used as a drug screening platform. - Continuation of the work on the use of PEDOT-PSS to study the effect of electric fields on cells culture combined with topographic cues. • Organic Solar cells - Organic photovoltaic cells with optimized cathode interlayers of the type ITO/PEDOT:PSS/active(organic) layer/Al integrating nanostructured layers of electrontransport organic materials. Efficiencies of 8.4 % were achieved. - Fabrication of organic photovoltaic cells based on ternary systems (as the active layer), including two polymer electron-donors, to enhance photon harvesting. Power conversion 276 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES efficiencies as high as 7.0 % were obtained under 1 sun AM 1.5G illumination. - Use of carbon nanotubes in photovoltaic cells and use of conjugated polymers in photoelectrochemical cells to produce hydrogen. • Theoretical calculations to predict materials characteristics. Nanotechnology - STMImage project management in order to develop a software to denoise STM images. - Coordination of work in nanomedicine in collaboration with researchers from Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon and from University of Leuven and also with physicians from Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central in order to develop smart drug delivery systems with applications in Glaucoma treatment. - Support in all Atomic Force Microscopy measurements needed in the characterization of materials and devices within the Organic Electronics Group of IT. Theoretical calculations and simulation to assist the interpretation of STM and AFM) images. Physics of Information • Physics of Information is a recent research area at Instituto de Telecomunicações, aiming at promoting research and advanced training in the role of thermodynamics, quantum physics and relativity in information encoding, transmission and processing. In particular, during 2015, theoretical research was developed on quantum information theory, nanoenergetics and quantum effects in biological systems and their applications to energy transfer and sensing. • On the quantum information front, IT has proposed a new method to simulate synthetic magnetic fields with photonic systems, namely with three-dimensional integrated photonic circuits, developed in the context of IT project QuSim. Furthermore, we have shown how quantum short-range channels can be made more robust to noise by performing regular measurements on them, a counter-intuitive result yielding very good fidelities for quantum bit transfer across spin chain channels. • Furthermore, we have found that continuous-time quantum walks on random networks yield optimal quantum speed-up for spatial search. This was a very surprising and high impact result, as this optimality was only believed to hold for very regular and symmetric networks. Moreover, we were able to extend our result to show that it is possible to send a quantum bit of 277 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES information, with fidelity one, between two nodes that are not directly connected to each other, as well as establish maximal quantum correlations between such nodes. Overall, our results show that quantum information tasks can be very robust to spatial disorder, and open the way to explore optimal quantum information transmission and processing in random networks • Finally, we also investigated quantum information theory in the relativistic regime, and found that the degradation of quantum correlations between entangled parties subject to acceleration varies for different initial states that all have the same amount of entanglement, revealing that it is not only the initial amount of quantum correlations that is determinant for this loss of information. We have also started investigating the capacity of black holes to process and leak quantum information. • On the quantum effects in biological systems and energy transport front, namely in the context of EU FP7 project PAPETS, IT is applying the semi-classical method to simulate the vibrational dynamics of complex biomolecular networks, that it recently developed, to chromophoric systems, both natural and artificial. Furthermore, we have found that it is possible to have disorder-assisted quantum transport in sub-optimal decoherence regimes, contributing to further enlight the understanding of environment-assisted quantum dynamics. • On the nanoenergetics and quantum thermodynamics front, we have obtained a method to determine the minimal heat dissipation of quantum information erasure, and have successfully concluded the EU FP7 project LANDAUER (obtaining “Excellent” in the corresponding final review). Furthermore, we have started theoretical work on quantum refrigerators and on quantum heats engines, including some based on vacuum forces, whose potential experimental implementations we will also to investigate, namely in solid state systems based on graphene or Nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond. Finally, we have started to investigate the role of nonMarkovianity in the dissipation related to irreversible information processing at the quantum level. • Finally, IT continued to play a key role in the coordination and consolidation of the FCT Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information (DP-PMI) during the DP-PMI’s second year, as well as in the organization of its advanced courses in Quantum Information Technologies. Furthermore, IT continued to organize the Quantum Computation and Information Seminar and the Physics of Information Seminar, as well as the special colloquium delivered by Serge Haroche (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2012) in April 2015. 278 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Power electronics • Switching Audio Amplifiers - Continuing the study and development of power supply/amplifier integration and single stage switching audio power amplifiers. Focus on the development of compensation methods for application on resonant topologies in order to improve circuit linearity with low level signals. Development of amplifiers for non-isolated systems with high bl loudspeakers and study of the respective control methods. • Grid Interface Converters for Rebewable Energy Sources - Development of single stage topologies based on boost and buck-boost configurations to realize the interface between the AC mains, 230Vrms, and Photo Voltaic Panels assuring high efficiency and low cost. • Resonant Converters and Contactless Energy Transfer - Continuing the studies involving new PWM resonant topologies for SMPS. Use of LLC resonant converters and class E converters for contactless energy transmission. Modeling simulation and experimental realization of various prototypes for contactless battery chargers, for supplying mobile electronic equipment. Development of a SEPIC converter as a pre-regulator for an induction lamp drive. • Integration in CMOS Technology - "SoC" - Continuation of research, development and practical implementation of very high frequency and high performance DC-DC converters in CMOS technology for power management RFCMOS, System On a Chip - SoC. Study of new MOS switching methods (including multithreshold switching) to reduce the impact of the introduction of switching DC-DC converters in System On a Chip - SoC. Power Systems • Applied Electromagnetics - Computational electromagnetics - An electromagnetic analysis of a Variable Inductor (VI) of double E-shaped was developed. In the studied VI topology, a DC current was used to control the inductance of the VI through a series of electromagnetic phenomena. Therefore, to conduct the 279 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES electromagnetic analysis, a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software was used. Some 3D VI models were built with the software. The obtained FEA results were analysed and compared with different models and experimental results. • Power electronics and systems - Resonant contactless energy transfer - IPT systems for electric vehicle charging – Control strategies were implemented for unidirectional IPT systems and resonant topologies with compensation were used. Simulation and experimental results were obtained. The efficiency and the power transference capability obtained by simulation were experimentally validated trough a developed prototype. A controller placed on the primary side of an IPT system based on a variable inductor was studied and simulated. This controller allows charging EV batteries with a constant current. A half-bridge topology for on-board IPT chargers was also researched. - Converters - DC-DC converters topologies for EV applications - A variable inductor has been implemented, which reduces the core size and improves the ripple content of the inductor current by controlling the core saturation in a reduced-scale 1 kW bidirectional converter prototype. Other developed research was the control and magnetic core optimization of an isolated DC-DC converter. From this work a prototype was built. - Multilevel converters for green energy - It was prepared a test bench with a doubly-fed induction generator, supplied by NPC converters. This setup is being used to develop research activities on condition monitoring of wind generators and, so far, results regarding rotor faults were obtained. - Multilevel converters faults - The fault detection capability during power converter operation has become an issue of paramount importance. Without a suitable diagnostic method, a semiconductor open circuit can remain undetectable for a long period of time, causing damage to the converter and for the system where it is installed. Following this issue, a study regarding the impact of open circuit faults in IGBTs of rectifiers and inverters that use a five levels NPC topology was investigated. A 280 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES simulation model for these type of converters was implemented in Matlab/Simulink®) and validated experimentally with a prototype developed for this purpose. - Uninterruptible power supply of double conversion - Over the last year several tasks regarding the implementation of the control and diagnostic strategies in an FPGA were developed. In order to get a predictive control technique with good performance and faster failure detection in the UPS, the main goal of the developed programing tasks on the FPGA has been the reduction of the sample time, taking into account their hardware resources. At this time the goal is almost achieved and ready to be tested. - Development of new control algorithms and strategies for Hybrid Solar PV-WindBattery solutions for power systems. - Simulation Models of hybrid Electric Traction Systems/Fast Charging Stations Network. - Motors - Predictive control – Predictive control algorithms for induction and synchronous reluctance motors were developed and tested in simulation environment. This control strategy was also tested in the simulation model of a regenerative and programmable AC-AC source and some experimental tests have been conducted. - Thermal behavior of a three-phase induction motor – This topic has been investigated and a new motor operating condition was evaluated for eccentricity faults. A 2D finite element model was developed and several experimental tests were performed. During experimental tests, a previously designed data acquisition system was used to simultaneously measure thermal, electrical and mechanical data. - Optimization methods to design linear tubular switched reluctance generators. - Development of Drivers for Linear Switched Reluctance Actuators (LSRA) and new control approaches. - Analysis and characterization of the noise profiles of linear actuators in different conditions, operating regimes and also for different control algorithms. • Energy Harvest - Development of systems for generating energy from sea waves, by the adoption of linear absorption point device based on the principle of variable switched reluctance, keeping in 281 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES mind its adaptability to other energy harvesting systems. - Microbial Fuel Cells Optimization for use in water monitoring systems - The efficient use of water systems requires the availability of monitoring systems to collect the necessary information to improve system management. During this research period special attention was devoted to understand the operation of Microbial Fuel Cells and how these structures can be used to produce energy. • Other Topics - Proposal of new methods for surface potential and resistance calculation of grounding systems and electrodes. Object Oriented Model in Reconfigurable Distributed Embedded Systems – Object definition and mechanism to allow communication between this have been under research during the last research year. 4.4.4 Running and Concluded Projects Overview Funding Agency Number ADI/QREN 1 CRUP 1 EC/FP7 3 ESF/COST 1 EU/FP7 5 FCT 5 FCT (M-ERA.NET) 1 FCT/PTDC 4 Friday, Ciência e Engenharia do Lazer, S.A. 1 IT/LA 3 Thales Alenia Space 1 Activity in Projects Acron / Ref LUSO E-53/07 Title Acção Luso Espanhola - Sismógrafos do Fundo Marinho. Optimização das Técnicas de Desenho dos Instrumentos de Medida: Aquisição, Registo e Tratamento de Dados 282 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Funding CRUP Descript. No projecto dos novos sensores submarinos profundos (OBS) é necessário ter em conta os resultados das experiências realizadas com os dispositivos actualmente existentes as quais demonstram que, de forma a conseguir-se uma maior versatilidade é imprescindível dedicar mais atenção a uma série de aspectos que afectam a electrónica e projecto de componentes, nomeadamente, a optimização da relação sinal/ruído. É necessário identificar as diferentes fontes de ruído e caracterizá-las distinguindo os sons hidrodinâmicos dos biológicos, industriais, sísmicos e térmicos. É necessário caracterizar e minimizar o ruído eléctrico gerado pelo sistema de aquisição e pelo condicionamento de sinal através de um processamento adequado. A interpretação dos perfis sísmicos envolve o reconhecimento de certos padrões geológicos como falhas, zonas altamente reflectivas, etc. que permitem identificar grandes zonas de textura comum, frequentemente associadas com processos geológicos relacionados. Os algoritmos de processamento, que utilizam técnicas tradicionais como a FFT, STFT, ondulas e filtragem digital, requerem a experiência de um geólogo para a interpretação correcta dos dados e para a extracção da informação desejada. Este processamento pode ser simplificado e automatizado no caso de uma boa relação sinal/ruído, especialmente importante no caso das ondas refractadas que apresentam um baixo nível de sinal em relação à onda directa incidente. Do ponto de vista do processamento de sinal, os sinais de tipo geofísico colocam problemas interessantes e têm sido bastante estudados, em particular aqueles que aparecem na sismografia tanto activa como passiva. A razão fundamental é que se tratam de sinais que não representam directamente as fontes que os geram (ruído, interferência, dispersão de propagação) que não são unidimensionais e para os quais o estímulo apresenta grandes limitações quanto ao tipo de sinais que se podem utilizar com esse fim. Não é de estranhar portanto que a maioria das técnicas de processamento tenha sido aplicada num sentido ou noutro sobre os sinais de origem geofísica: deconvolução cega, separação cega, reconhecimento com redes neuronais, ondulas para eliminação de ruído, etc. O principal objectivo do projecto centrar-se-à na validação dos resultados obtidos empregando sismómetros profundos, focando a actividade na caracterização e optimização do sistema de aquisição de dados. Estudando e propondo novos sistemas de integração da informação em redes de sensores distribuídos. Serão analisados e implementados os sistemas de interconexão baseados em Ethernet e em barramentos Can com aplicação das normas IEEE1451. Acron / Ref NOVO PTDC/CTM-NAN/116931/2010 Title Non volatile polymer memories for flexible electronics Funding FCT/PTDC 283 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Descript. This project aims to investigate the operating mechanism and the role of phase separation details of non-volatile resistive polymer memories based on blends of conjugated and ferroelectric polymer2. Acron / Ref LANDAUER 318287 Title LANDAUER - Operating ICT basic switches below the Landauer limit Funding EU/FP7 Descript. The scientific objective of this project is to test the fundamental limits in energy dissipation during the operation of physical switches representing the basic elements of logic gates. We address the physical limits arising from a generic switch mechanism that is common to any digital device, with specific reference to the fundamental limit arising from the decrease of information in the computation procedure, also known as Landauer limit. The technological objective of this project is to introduce new conceptual devices that, through novel computing paradigms with radically improved efficiency, are capable of trading the minimum amount of energy dissipated with the computational precision. Acron / Ref BIOSTIRLING 4 SKA 12345 Title A Cost Effective And Efficient Approach For A New Generation Of Solar Dish-Stirling Plants Based On Storage And Hybridization Funding EC/FP7 Descript. Acron / Ref EHR-Physio PTDC/DTP-DES/1661/2012 Title Electronic Health Records: Needs, Requirements, and Barriers of Adoption in Physiotherapy Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The aim of the project is to design Electronic Health Records for Physiotherapy using determined requirements from perspective of patients and physiotherapists needs and perceived barriers to adoption. Patient-Physiotherapist-Designer (PPD) Framework will describe the concerns and attitudes that patients and their caregiver might have on the 284 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES concept of electronic health records, as well as potential barriers to acceptance, such as variation in computer skills, and technology awareness. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of collected data using Delphi process, The Inventory of Patients Needs on EHRs for Physiotherapy, The Inventory of Physiotherapists Perspectives on EHRs for Physiotherapy and conclusions from Patient-Physiotherapist-Designer (PPD) Framework will give an overview with respect to the needs of EHRs for the domain of Physiotherapy. The pilot deployments will allow usability tests and evaluation of methods for data collection in physiotherapy practice. Acron / Ref MAXBE 314408 Title Interoperable Monitoring, Diagnosis And Maintenance Strategies For Axle Bearings Funding EC/FP7 Descript. The axle bearing damage process has safety and economic implications on the exploitation of railways systems, as proved by the selection of this topic for inclusion in the present call for research proposals of the FP7 of the EU. Axle bearing damage has been the object of intense attention by railway operators and transportation authorities, leading to a variety of approaches and systems currently in place to deal with the problem. However in Europe there is some lack of standardisation which justifies R&D work on condition monitoring and early diagnosis of axle bearings by technology integration. Moreover the current European documents do not present any guidelines for the maintenance management of the rolling stocks with regards to axle bearings, which make the association of monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance an interesting approach. The MAXBE project appears in this context and its strategic objective is to provide validated and demonstrated concepts, strategies and guidelines for the interoperable axle bearing monitoring and diagnosis that support the railway operators and managers dealing with the threats imposed by the existence of axle bearing defects. The consortium for the MAXBE project comprises 17 partners (industry, leading universities, end-users and a SME) from 8 member states, representing operators, axle bearing manufactures, key players in the railway community and experts in the field of monitoring, maintenance and rolling stock. The presence in the consortium of one axle bearing manufacturer, market leader in the field, and three operators and railway managers, as end-users, is decisive for the enhancement and optimisation of the axle bearing diagnosis and maintenance strategies and for the definition of the new proposed approaches for the interoperability. The MAXBE project will have impact for the reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) of rolling stock and infrastructure, focused on the axle bearings. 285 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref INSPECT PTDC/EEI-PRO/3219/2012 (P.1206) Title INSPECT - Integrated Nano Sensor Probes and Electronics for Eddy Currents Testing Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. This research proposal aims to develop a state of the art Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) system to overcome current testing limitations on some specific industrial applications. The system will include a new eddy currents probe, combining coils, a Magnetoresistive (MR) sensors array and Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) microelectronic circuits, which will work together with an eddy current generation element. Since the probe aims to be efficient for both superficial (requiring high frequency operation) and buried defects (requiring low frequency operation), coils have the disadvantage of having a frequency dependent sensitivity, which is lower at low frequencies. Moreover, coils also have a low spatial resolution, due to its millimeters range size. While coils measure magnetic flux, MR sensors measure magnetic field thus having a frequency independent sensitivity. Therefore, by adding MR sensors to the probe, its scope of detection increases, and also its spatial resolution, since MR sensors can have dimensions on the micrometer range. Other advantage of MR sensors is the fact that they are usually produced using thin film technology allowing high resolution and repeatability. In order to increase the number of MR sensors in the probe, CMOS microelectronic circuits will be included to perform multiplexing and therefore reducing the number of outputs. The CMOS circuit will also bias the MR sensors, and apply lownoise amplification and filtering. To cope with the new probe high data throughput, the system will also include an high performance Digital Signal Processing (DSP) unit. The DSP unit will be based on a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and high speed and resolution data converters. A scalable processing architecture will explore high parallelism within the FPGA processing core to perform digital demultiplexing, filtering and demodulation of the multiple sensors signals. Also, the DSP unit will configure the gain, bandwidth and the sensors addressing mechanism by communicating with the microelectronic circuits. Results will be displayed in a Graphical User Interface (GUI) running on a computer connected with the developed system. Characterization and testing on real and relevant NDT applications will evaluate the new system performance. Acron / Ref LIQ-OPVs PTDC/CTM-NAN/1471/2012 Title Towards very efficient organic photovoltaic cells through utilizing liquid crystal phases as electron-acceptors Funding FCT/PTDC 286 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Descript. We propose, as a solution to seek more efficient OPVs and reduce production costs, the exploitation of discotic liquid crystalline (LC) phases as alternative acceptors to fullerenes. Discotic LCs are excellent candidates for OPVs due to their good absorptivity in the visible spectrum and for being homeotropically aligned by annealing and surface effects. The LC phases will be designed to combine favourable characteristics, namely: high absorptivity where the solar emission is more intense, electron-acceptor character relative to poly(alkylthiophene)s, and ability to assemble in nanostructures with enhanced charge mobility. To ensure the morphological stability of the resulting LC supramolecular structures, they will be synthesised as cross-linkable materials. We will deal with two classes of disc-like materials, both recognized as good electron acceptors, and with tunable LUMO levels, from which new materials with LC properties will be derivatized: electron acceptors from the class of fluorenes (Fs) and the N,N´Dicyanoquinone Diimines (DCNQIs). Whereas DCNQIs have only been explored as crystalline conductive salts, electron-acceptors from the Fs class have never been prepared as liquid crystal materials. Our workplan includes: i) screening among known DCNQIs and Fs and selection of those with more favourable photophysical and electronacceptor character in relation to poly(alkylthiophene)s; ii) synthesis of new LC materials as derivatives of those exhibiting more promising properties; iii) investigation of their self assembly character and development of methodologies to build film morphologies including the donor component; iv) characterisation of the active layers in terms of photophysical properties; v) fabrication and characterisation of OPV cells. Acron / Ref PAPETS 323901 Title PAPETS - Phonon-Assisted Processes for Energy Transfer and Sensing Funding EU/FP7 Descript. Project PAPETS – Phonon-Assisted Processes for Energy Transfer and Sensing aims at exploring the newly emerging frontier between biology and quantum physics, to determine the role of coherent vibrational dynamics in the efficiency of energy storage in natural and artificial light harvesting systems, as well as in odour recognition. The project will be developed in close collaboration between theorists and experimentalists, and is expected to yield an understanding of photosynthesis and olfaction at the most fundamental level, thus contributing in a unique way to such important challenges as the development of more efficient light harvesting technologies or artificial odour sensors. 287 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref OPERA PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Title OPERA - Layout-Aware Analog IC Design Automation Funding FCT Descript. The OPERA project addresses the problem of analog and mixed-signal (AMS) IC design automation. The OPERA project proposes the development, implementation and test of an highly accurate and efficient methodology for the automatic design of circuit-level analog blocks by putting together both, previous work from the research teams, and in deep knowledge from researchers in the area of Analog IC Design, Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Evolutionary Computation. Acron / Ref AIDA-C S01001 Title AIDA-C: Analog IC Optimizer Funding Thales Alenia Space Descript. Analog EDA Software Development Acron / Ref DISRUPTIVE EXCL/EEI-ELC/0261/2012 Title DISRUPTIVE - A Paradigm Shift in the Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Nanoelectronic Circuits and Systems Funding FCT Descript. A Paradigm Shift in the Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Nanoelectronic Circuits and Systems Acron / Ref STM Image n.a. Title Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Image Processing Tools Funding IT/LA Descript. The project aims the development of software to analyse scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images. More specically, we will develop computational tools to correct the acquired images from ''artefacts'', such as drift and noise, in order to allow the correct 288 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES image analysis, the tracking of adsorbed molecules and the determination of the crystalline lattice. Acron / Ref Artificial Leaves EXPL/CTM-ENE/1502/2013 Title Artificial Leaves Funding FCT Descript. Development of low cost, light weight, flexible (foldable and rollable), ionic current organic photovoltaic cells (OPVCs) based on water-soluble photoactive polimers and sensitizer dyes embedded in a biocompatible matrix. Acron / Ref INTMARSIS CGL2013-42557-R Title Interoperability and implementation of autonomous marine platforms for seismic monitoring Funding Descript. The study of seismic activity has played a key role in increasing the understanding of the dynamics of the Earth and its internal structure. Variations in real time seismicity provides knowledge of the state of local and regional stresses in the short and medium term, essential information to study the potential seismic risk that may affect infrastructures and population located in the area . Seismic information is obtained indirectly from the knowledge of traveling time of seismic waves and their trajectories. For this, it is important to record these waves with different azimuths using seismic sensors. The resolution of these measurements depends on the coverage and number of sensors capable of recording these waves and their arrival times. On land, the resolution, and coverage is adequate at the regional level, and is relatively easy to be increased in specific cases using portable seismic stations (e.g. for microseismic studies). However, it is important to note that the dynamics of the lithosphere associated with the interaction of tectonic plates happens mostly in ocean basins and margins, yet the distribution of marine seismic stations is far from their equivalent in land, either because of the technological complexity related with the environment, or the difficulties to access the recorded data. Recent seismic activity, possible induced, in the Gulf of Valencia or the intense underwater seismic activity associated with the eruption of El Hierro (20112012) shows the importance of controlling the seismicity located in the sea that is not covered by the terrestrial monitoring networks. To overcome this problem, the INTMARSIS project will integrate different measurement and data communication 289 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES technologies in a new design with a buoy on surface and a seafloor seismometer. The integration of real time data generated by marine seismometers will be possible thanks to the development of wireless communication systems, the increasing potential for miniaturization of sensors, storage devices and data processing, which have opened the door to a new generation of distributed intelligent sensor networks that are connected by communication networks. To enable the exchange of instruments between different systems and platforms is necessary the standardization of these. Therefore, standardization should begin at the sensor level because this gives a good integration of the information flow. In observing systems with a limited number of instruments, it is always possible to individually integrate each instrument in the measurement system. However, in the future systems of heterogeneous observation and dynamic variable, this concept will not be practical. The joint efforts of the research team, and industrial EPOs with extensive experience in the various technological challenges of the project, will permit the design, construction and assembly of a new generation of interoperable marine seismometers that will delivered acquired information in real time. This will represent a significant advance over existing devices, decreasing the technological dependence and promoting the development of own technologies. Acron / Ref EvalTubes PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Title Remaining Life Evaluation of Catalytic Furnace Tubes Funding FCT Descript. The objective of this paper is to evaluate from the output surface the damage of the catalytic tubes of the columns of the reformer furnaces in order to predict its remaining life. Catalytic tubes are the most critical components in reformer furnaces. Reformer furnaces are widely used in the petrochemical industry to produce hydrogen from hydrocarbons. It is in the radiant tubes containing a catalyst that the hydrogen production takes place, as a result of endothermic reactions between hydrocarbons (mostly methane) and water vapor. These reactions proceed at a temperature range between 800 and 900ºC and the working pressure in a reformer furnace is between 2 and 5 MPa. These are severe working conditions that cause structural damage in the tubes. It is necessary to develop methods for the inspection of tube degradation and for a realistic prediction of its residual life. Some analytical methods have been developed to estimate reformer columns service life or the time to failure, as the assessment of damage and advance planning of column replacement should be made to ensure that failures or unplanned shutdowns are avoided. However, direct methods to evaluate the probable extent of damage and remaining life in a particular furnace are always much more preferable. Nowadays, direct tests are performed destructively by examining metallographically the microstrutural changes and creep damage on a series of ring 290 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES samples cut along the length of single tube removed from the reformer furnace. The objective of this project is to project and implement an in-situ measurement system to inspect through a nondestructive testing (NDT) technique, based on eddy currents, reformer tubes damages to infer about its remaining life. The eddy current method is based on the excitation of the material with a time variable magnetic field. In this way, the electromotive force developed inside the material will give rise to electric eddy currents. These currents are related to the conductivity distribution of the body and exhibit certain patterns that can be predicted by measuring the total magnetic field in the vicinity of the material. In the presence of defects, such as cracks due material fatigue, the eddy currents deviate from its normal geometrical configuration, and this perturbation on the eddy currents can be sensed by magnetic sensors placed close to them. This technique enables not only the detection of cracks due to material fatigue but also the appearance of intermediate stages that are correlated with the micro-structural changes that occur during service. This project deals with a challenging problem very important for the petrochemical industry. It is to be developed in partnership with colleagues from the Laboratório de Ensaios Não Destrutivos, Corrosão e Soldadura from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. They shall provide us characterized samples taken from reformer furnace tubes with different damages and degradation. The work included within this proposal will complement their work on the failure analysis and remaining life assessment of the tubes based on the microstructural observations they perform using different techniques like light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and diffraction and carried out within a research project supported by Petrobras. It is our belief that the success of this work in partnership would enable our participation in future projects now that the agreement with Instituto de Petróleo e Gás and Petrobrás is underway. This project besides its technical and scientific objectives is also focused on promoting nondestructive evaluation issues to young researchers. It is a multidisciplinary field of study, linking different areas of knowledge, which embraces issues like: (1) technology development; (2) image processing and recognition; (3) modeling and algorithms; (4) measurement techniques. In Portugal there are very few competencies within the nondestructive testing knowledge area in spite of the abundance of industrial relevance for them and as a result Portugal is losing competitiveness in a 600 million global market. Acron / Ref VLCLighting P01282 Title Visible Light Communications for LED based Public Lighting Systems Funding IT/LA Descript. Project VLCLighting aims at the exploitation of Visible Light Communication (VLC) concepts on public lighting systems. Like PLC, VLC is based on an existing infrastructure. 291 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Using LEDs for both illumination and communication purposes presents new design perspectives, able to promote system performance: replacing PLC or Zigbee interfaces by a VLC transceiver allows the reduction of deployment and/or operational costs, and improves energy efficiency. More important than this, VLC enables better service support: the visible light spectrum is not constrained by international regulations. Acron / Ref HYPOVEG PTDC/ECM/117660/2010 Title Experimental Characterization of Instream-Hyporheic Fluxes in Vegetated Channels and Wetlands Funding Descript. The project will provide a conceptual model for the hydrodynamics of exchange processes between the hyporheic region and the surface in vegetated areas. As the findings of the project will eventually mature into simulation tools that will positively impact river (bio)engineering practices, the immediate innovations pertains essentially to fluid mechanics and to instrumentation, comprising: - a new database of flows within and over the bed of idealized vegetated streams; - a Navier-Stokes solver based on Lagrangian SPH discretization, applicable to open-channel flows and flows within multiply connected domains (porous media and vegetated regions); - a new timeresolved PIV and LIF instrumentation will be developed, remaining available, once the project is terminated, to Portuguese and international research groups. The innovative aspect of the instrumentation must be highlighted: the time-resolved PIV-LIF system is a sophisticated measuring device that will create the conditions for major advances in realm of fluid mechanics and mass transport with applications to environmental problems. Acron / Ref WHALE WHALE Title WHALE - Design, construction and certification of the first portuguese manned submarine Funding Friday, Ciência e Engenharia do Lazer, S.A. Descript. Design, construction and DNV-GL certification of the first portuguese manned submarine (two and three seats) for scientific and touristic purposes. The submarine will dive up to 300 m deep. 292 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref DP-PMI PD/00204/2012 Title Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information: Foundations of Future Information Technologies (DP-PMI) Funding FCT Descript. The Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information: Foundations of Future Information Technologies (DP-PMI) aims at providing advanced curricular and research training in the recent developments and fundamental challenges in information sciences and technologies. Acron / Ref QuSim PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Title QuSim; Integrated Photonics Quantum Simulations Funding IT/LA Descript. QuSim is an original and innovative project whose main scientific goal is to physically simulate for the first time environment amely using ]assisted qu integrated photonics circuits. Acron / Ref RADESOL M-ERA.NET/0001/2012 Title RADESOL-Design racional de misturas para células solares poliméricas Funding FCT (M-ERA.NET) Descript. The project proposal has as a main objective to achieve a more profound understanding at the molecular scale of the nanomorphologyperformance relationship in active layer blends for bulk heterojunction (BHJ) organic solar cells, and thus focuses specifically on the relationship between the molecular structures and supramolecular organization within the active layer and the device physics responsible for the solar cell performance. As such, the research activities involved concentrate on the synthesis of active organic materials, the study of the physicochemical properties of the active layer (components and blend), the morphological structure of the blend, and the electro-optical characterization of devices prepared from these blends 293 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref GeTFun PIRSES-GA-2012-318986 Title GeTFun - Generalizing Truth-Functionality Funding EU/FP7 Descript. The scientific guideline of the GeTFun project is to study and relate various wellmotivated ways in which the attractive properties and meta-properties of truthfunctionality may be generalized to cover more extensive logical grounds. Besides the abstract, model- and proof-theoretical aspects, the project will keep a strong focus in meaningful application areas where the complexity of the phenomena involved goes beyond the scope of standard approaches. The impact and relevance of the proposed line of work should accordingly be measured directly by its foundational character with respect to a better and deeper understanding of meaning in logics modeling complex phenomena and, of necessity, suitable general forms of compositional reasoning. Acron / Ref QuantumLandauer 628912 Title QuantumLandauer – Beating Landauer’s Limit in the Quantum Regime Funding EU/FP7 Descript. We aim to investigate how heat dissipation may be lowered beyond Landauer’s limit by utilising quantum mechanical phenomena, specifically that of quantum uncertainty. The objectives may be enumerated thusly: (i) Uncertainty in the form of environmental noise; (ii) Uncertainty by using non-orthogonal quantum states as the logical “0” and “1''; (iii) The interplay between uncertainty and quantum correlations between the logical register and some third-party system. Acron / Ref RTMGear CS-GA-2013-03-RTMGear-641593 Title RealTime Monitoring Power Reduction Gearbox Funding EC/FP7 Descript. Towards the Advisory Council for Aeronautical Research in Europe (ACARE) goals, which intends to reduce aircraft CO2 emissions and fuel consumption by 50 % within the next decade, the Clean Sky program has focused its intervention in several concurrent developments, such as aircraft aerodynamics and weight, and highly efficient engine concepts. In this framework, Snecma is leading the Clean Sky SAGE2 activities, to study the development of an innovative concept based in a geared open rotor engine that will 294 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES end up as a breakthrough for the next 15 years, thanks to the improvements in the propulsive efficiency, without the penalties of any duct drag. Along with several engine subsystems and technologies that are being developed in the scope of SAGE2, conducted by several Clean Sky ITD leaders, Avio Propulsione Aerospaziale is responsible for the power gearbox, which is the focus of this bidding activity. As an innovative high efficiency power gearbox is being developed, it is very important to keep the tracking of as many early physical parameters as possible, in order to provide useful feedback data for design processes optimization; during operation, similar parameters will allow the aircraft to identify potential structural health problems, such as unexpected vibration, temperature and pressure variations, and metal debris in the oil. In this RTMGear activity, Active Space Technologies (AST) intends to develop a telemetric system based, as much as possible, in proved technologies, while Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) will focus their research in innovative Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) technologies for measuring temperature and strain in rotating parts. Acron / Ref QUTE-EUROPE 600788 Title QUTE-EUROPE – Quantum Technologies for Europe Funding EU/FP7 Descript. Research in Quantum Information and Communication Technologies (QICT) has since many years gained an important European dimension. The number of research groups active in the field as well as the number of publications testify to the vigorous and scientifically proliferate state of the community and show that QIPC research in Europe is well on par and highly competitive with comparable activities elsewhere in the world. The Coordination Action (CA) QUTE-EUROPE will continue to advance this European excellence via a structured approach towards the implementation of key topics such as a strategic vision, collaboration and dissemination. It will carry out a set of actions that are specifically targeted at coordination and cooperation within the QICT research community in Europe and beyond, as well as increasing the visibility of the field to the scientific global community, industries and the public at large. The CA will set up a work structure with the ultimate goal of making the research community and its scientific achievements internationally recognised and sustainable. This will guarantee that the expertise and the knowledge gained through the CA activities will be of benefit to the European QIPC research community, the global QIPC community and all involved stake holders in the field. 295 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref MemoCIS IC1401 Title COST IC1401 Memristors - Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications (MemoCiS) Funding ESF/COST Descript. The invention of the “transfer resistor”, or “transistor” as it is know today, is considered to be the greatest invention of the 20th century, as it forms the basis of all electronic systems. The next technological revolution will come through self-organizing and selfprogramming circuits and systems, which are similar to biological brains in that they can learn to perform tasks. The recently rediscovered Memristor offers a computational substrate with plasticity, in which adaptive circuits can be efficiently implemented. This Action is aimed at bringing together researchers of different backgrounds to work in unison so as to overcome multidisciplinary barriers in the area of memristors. Bringing together device designers, device modelers, circuit theorists, analogue and digital designers, neuromorphic engineers and computation scientists will enable the defragmentation of current research efforts and is likely the to bring then next technological revolution. The creation of the hardware basis for future selforganizing/self-programming systems will really open up a wide range of application areas and new industries, e.g. humanoid robots to look after the elderly, self-driven vehicles etc. Acron / Ref REONA S01047 Title REONA - Reliability on Air Funding ADI/QREN Descript. To develop a reliable system for communication between an UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and the ground stations. 4.4.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Student Rui Pedro Fernandes Co-Supervisors Title End Date Resonant converters for charging electric vehicles 02/2015 296 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Diogo Emanuel Santos Cavaleiro Synchronous reluctance motor drives for the traction system of electric vehicles 02/2015 André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Fabio Patricio Domingues Goncalves Single-phase multilevel converter for photovoltaic systems 02/2015 André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Marco Andre Cunha Martins Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Álvaro Moisés da Silva Oliveira Sensorless control of a synchronous reluctance motor 02/2015 José Miguel Costa Dias Pereira Mário Manuel Silva Lopes César Flowmeter Testing and Calibration Workbench 02/2015 Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves Hélder Alexandre Machado Cardoso Amplificadores de Baixo Ruído para Aplicações em Radioastronomia 02/2015 Mónica Jorge Carvalho Figueiredo João Fazendeiro Analisador de Energia Reconfigurável 03/2015 Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Ricardo Miguel Landeira Rodrigues Branco Modeling and simulation of synchronous reluctance motors 03/2015 Fernando José Pimentel Lopes Luís Carlos Ribeiro Cardoso Inácio Fonseca Development of a Tool to Support the Maintenance Management in Industrial Lighting 03/2015 Fernando José Pimentel Lopes Cláudia Alexandra Coimbra Serrão Inácio Fonseca Coding, Bill of Materials and Production Monitoring 04/2015 in the Automation Industry - Internship at Zeugma Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves José Pedro de Oliveira Alves Marina Perdigão José Miguel da Silva Bergano Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta LED Lamp Driver Based on a Switched Capacitor Converter with Variable Resonant Tank Forex Market Prediction Using Multi Discrete Hidden Markov Models 02/2015 05/2015 297 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Bruno Cardoso Ricardo Martins AIDA-X: Aplicação de Software para Extracção de Netlists de Layouts de Circuitos Interados Analógicos Pedro Nicolau Faria da Fonseca António Pedro Gonçalves VilasBoas Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves Lighting System for Indor Robot Positioning 06/2015 Pedro Nicolau Faria da Fonseca Filipe Manuel Lourenço Duarte Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves Visible Light Indoor Positioning for Mobile Robots 06/2015 Pedro Nicolau Faria da Fonseca Diogo Micael Repas Curto Henrique Leonel Gomes Ana Luísa Garcias Mestre Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos Ruben Filipe Costa Menezes Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado Ricardo Jorge Torres Marcelino Oliveira Carvalho André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Fernando José Pimentel Lopes Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Low-Power, HighlyReliable IR Range Detection Systems Miguel Rial Alvarez David Rafael Correia Silva Rui Peliteiro Electronic transducer to measure the response of living cells (in vitro) to chemical and biochemical stimulus. Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Ribeiro Determinação da Profundidade de Defeitos em Placas Metálicas Solar cells with nanostructured lead-free perovskites Xosé Fernández Eccentricity influence on the thermal behavior of the three-phase induction motor. Engenharia Clínica Manutenção de Equipamentos de Eletromedicina Volumetric medical image compression 05/2015 06/2015 06/2015 06/2015 06/2015 06/2015 06/2015 07/2015 298 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz João Sousa Óscar Narciso Mortágua Pereira David João Apolinário Simões Óscar Narciso Mortágua Pereira Pedro Freire Carlos Alberto Farinha Ferreira Hugo Magalhães Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos Ruben Filipe Costa Menezes Fernando José Pimentel Lopes António José Marques Rodrigues André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Marco Alexandre dos Santos Ribeiro Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar Vedran Semenski Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Hybrid classifiers for retinal pathology screening Valter Filipe Miranda Castelão da Silva Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Ribeiro Tiago Antunes Marina Perdigão Nuno Manuel Branco Souto 07/2015 SMARTIE – Secure and Smarter Cities Data Management 07/2015 Logger solar independente de inversor 07/2015 ESTÁGIO ‐ Line.ipt 07/2015 Measurement System to evaluate Defects Depth in Metallic Plates 07/2015 Desenvolvimento e Projeto de um Sistema de Controlo de Segurança em Processo de Estampagem 07/2015 Electric Vehicle with Drive System and Battery Charger Based on a Cascaded Multilevel Converter Fábio Pereira Samuel Filipe Soares Ferreira Role-based Access Control Model for Data Stores in Big Data Environments 07/2015 Study of power transformers in isolated DC-DC converters 09/2015 09/2015 Método de Partição Espectral Gaussiano em Linhas de Transmissão com 09/2015 Perdas e com Condições Fronteira usando o Método de Monte Carlo 299 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Aumento da Precisão na Navegação GPS com Medição do Campo Magnético Terrestre 09/2015 Alexandre Marques Jerke Fault diagnosis techniques for NPC inverters with five levels. 09/2015 Davide Francisco Cordeiro Moniz Isolated resonant DC-DC converter for charging LiFePO4 batteries. 09/2015 Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Ribeiro André Diogo Caldeira Martins André Manuel dos Santos Mendes André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Nuno Miguel de Figueiredo Garrido Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos Advanced signal processing techniques applied to the diagnosis of bearing faults in threephase induction motors Mário Jorge Mendes Gonçalves Laycene Gaspar Carlos Serrão Nuno Miguel de Figueiredo Garrido AIDA-C: Cluster Computing applied to Circuit Level Synthesis and Simulation 10/2015 Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta David Neves André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Ricardo Manuel Salvador Borges Fault diagnosis techniques for three-phase NPC rectifiers with five levels. 10/2015 André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Tiago dos Santos Antunes Luis Control of a wind generator based on permanent magnet synchronous machine 10/2015 Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges Gonçalo Luís Coimbra Lobato Accionador de Velocidade variável para Motor de Indução Trifásico 10/2015 Energy Harvest: Recolha de Energia em Vibrações 10/2015 António Eduardo Vitória do Espírito Santo Pedro Torres Nuno Calado Correia Lourenço Aplicação móvel Android para gestão e visualização de um sistema NIALM 09/2015 Hugo dos Santos Marques 10/2015 300 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES A Platform to Support the Development of Applications Based on the Segmentation and Labelling Algorithm 10/2015 Rafael Gamanho Cardoso Concepção Modular de Dispositivos Electrónicos 10/2015 Helder de Oliveira Mota Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Estratégia de Investimento Value Optimizada por Algoritmos Genéticos Distribuídos 11/2015 Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Análise de padrões em Mercados Bolsistas optimizado por algoritmos genéticos utilizando SAX modificado 11/2015 11/2015 António Eduardo Vitória do Espírito Santo Sabrina Guia António Eduardo Vitória do Espírito Santo Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves Tiago Miguel Marques Branco Vincenzo Paciello Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Ana R. C. Figueira Elliptic Curve Cryptography Services for Mobile Operating Systems Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Ricardo X. P. Santos Password Habits and Cracking Toolkit 11/2015 Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Francisco Vigário Assessing and Addressing the Security of Persistant Data in the Android Operating System 11/2015 Manuel Fernando Martins de Barros Ricardo Carlos Vasco Pereira Metodologias para a Reabilitação Energética de Escolas: Um caso de estudo 11/2015 Filipa Baptista Moreira Controlo de próteses multifuncionais através da simulação de sinais mioeléctricos 11/2015 Maria do Rosário Alves Calado Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Ribeiro André Diogo Caldeira Martins Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos Precisão na Navegação GPS com Medição do Campo Magnético Terrestre 11/2015 301 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Estudo da disponibilidade e entrega à rede da energia eléctrica com origem nas ondas do mar na Zona Económica Exclusiva Marítima de Portugal Maria do Rosário Alves Calado Tiago Daniel Dias dos Santos Vitor Manuel de Oliveira Maló Machado Bruno Assunção Cardador Maria Eduarda de Sampaio Pinto de Almeida Pedro Neuza Isabel Ramalho Gomes Maria Eduarda de Sampaio Pinto de Almeida Pedro Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves Jaime Machado Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos Francisco José Antunes Marques Esteves Vitor Manuel de Oliveira Maló Machado Joao Manuel Mourão Patricio Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Óscar Narciso Mortágua Pereira Ritika Thakur Contribuição do Sistema Solo/Placa de Mitigação para as Impedâncias Longitudinais e Perdas de Cabos Subterrâneos Developing Multi-Time Frame Trading Rules with a Trend Following Strategy, using GP Development and implementation of a data acquisition system for teaching purposes Bruno Grácio Tiago Lopes Estudo do Campo Elétrico em Linhas Aéreas em Feixe e em Cabos Entrançados Alexandre Moutela Nunes da Mota 11/2015 11/2015 11/2015 11/2015 11/2015 Análise e Implementação de Métodos Numéricos para Resolução de Sistemas de Equações Lineares de Grandes Dimensões 12/2015 Controlador de Tempo Real baseado em Raspberry PI 12/2015 Extending the RBAC model to Support Orchestration of CRUD Expressions 12/2015 302 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Manuel Fernando Martins de Barros Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Manuel Fernando Martins de Barros Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado Filipe Cardoso Access Control over Near Field Communication 12/2015 David Poceiro Utilização de sondas lambda em caldeiras de biomassa 12/2015 Pedro Alves Classroom Acess Control and Inteligent Management 12/2015 Mónica Sofia da Costa Araújo Preparation of nanostructured films for the controlled drug delivery 12/2015 12/2015 Quirina Alexandra Tavares Ferreira Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado Alexandre Duarte Ribeiro Exploring the use of 3D printing and patterning processes of conductive polymers for the manufacture of scaffolds for neural stem cell culture Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges Bruno Alexandre Herbert Lopes Costa Amplificador de HF 12/2015 Filipe Carlos de Oliveira Simões Hugo dos Santos Marques Inversor Monofásico para painéis fotovoltaicos com controlo de tensão e de corrente. 12/2015 Hugo dos Santos Marques Algorítmo MPPT para conversor DC-DC para aplicação em painéis fotovoltaicos. 12/2015 Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges Daniel Calheiros de Lemos Octavian Adrian Postolache Fábio Miguel Mariano Silva Football Game Analysis. 12/2015 Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira João Manuel Torres Delgado Sistema de faturação eletrónica e de pagamentos móveis 12/2015 303 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES PhD Theses Supervisor Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado Student Co-Supervisors Title End Date Tânia Isabel de Almeida Braz Non volatile resistive memories 02/2015 Henrique Leonel Gomes Qian Chen Polymeric Resistive RAMs: Elucidating the Switching Mechanism 02/2015 Aníbal Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Carla Raquel Castro Madureira Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos José Carlos Sequeira Martins dos Santos Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado Maria da Graça Laranjo Mendes Brotas Pedro José Guerra de Araújo New Generation Networks And Raquel Matias da The Telecommunications Fonseca Universal Service In Portugal 02/2015 Development and Implementation of an Impedance Measuring System Applied to Viscosity Sensors 06/2015 New materials for organic solar concentrators and photovoltaic cells 06/2015 Filipe Nuno Mateus Dias Quinaz Resposta farmacológica automática e em tempo real em pacientes com regurgitação mitral em cuidados intensivos 07/2015 Daniel da Silva Graça Amaury Pouly Continuous-time computation models: from computability to computational complexity 07/2015 Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Ricardo Miguel Ferreira Martins AIDA-L: Automatic Analog Integrated Circuits Layout Generator 07/2015 Carlos Eduardo Ramos dos Santos Lourenço João Ribeiro Sistemas dinâmicos não lineares em instabilidade afectiva 10/2015 Ana Maria de Matos Charas Olivier Bournez 304 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Ribeiro Dário Jerónimo Pasadas Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos Métodos Electromagnéticos de Deteção e Caraterização de Fissuras em Materiais Condutores Planos 12/2015 4.4.6 Publications Applied Mathematics Book Chapters Tomic, S.; Marikj, M.M.; Beko, M.B.; Dinis, R.; Tuba, M.T.; Hybrid RSS/AoA-based Localization of Target Nodes in a 3-D Wireless Sensor Network - Chapter in Sensors & Signals, , IFSA Publishing, Barcelona, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Comparação entre eficácia técnica e nível de centralidade no comportamento cooperativo de basquetebolistas - Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VIII, , Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Guimarães, LH; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; O nível de proeminência na rede de cooperação é influenciado pelo posicionamento? Estudo em futebolistas sub-12 - Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VIII , , Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal, 2015 Martins, F.; Clemente, F.M.C.; Mendes, R.; A aplicação da teoria do network social ao estudo das interações de crianças no parque infantil - Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VIII, , Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, 2015 Almeida, P. Almeida; Dias , G.; Mendes, R.; Martins, F.; Prática de Jogos Tradicionais Portugueses no Contexto das Atividades de Enrequecimento Curricular - Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VIII, , Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, 2015 Santos, C.; Mendes, R.; Rodrigues, L.P.; Martins, F.; Relação entre Opurtunidades de Estimulação e Desenvolvimento Motor Presentes no Ambiente Familiar e o Nível Socioeconómico e Habilitação Académica - Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VIII, , Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, 2015 Mendes, P.; Casqueiro, A.; Catarino, M.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Damásio, A.S.; Jogar com a Estatística: uma prática integrada no Ensino Básico - Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VIII, , Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, 2015 Pedrosa, A.; Marta, A.; Mendes, R.; Martins, F.; Mendes, P.; Efeitos de diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento e de precisão da informação de retorno sobre o resultado na aprendizagem motora Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VIII, , Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, 2015 305 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Marques, R.; Mendes, R.; Martins, F.; Clemente, F.M.C.; Efeitos da modificação da altura do cesto de basquetebol no nível de desempenho motor do lance livre - Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VIII, , Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, 2015 Papers in Journals Mendes, P.; Couceiro, M. Couceiro; Rocha, R.; Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Fuentes, J. P.; Effects of an Extrinsic Constraint on the Tennis Serve, International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 97 - 110, April, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Periodization based on Small-sided Soccer Games: Theoretical considerations, Strength and Conditioning, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 1 - 21, February, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Couceiro, M. Couceiro; Mendes, R.; Figueiredo, A.; Evaluating the Offensive Zone Definition in Football: A case study, South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 1 - 22, January, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; How coaches use their knowledge to develop small-sided soccer games: A case study, South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 1 - 20, July, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Campos, F.; Inspecting the performance responses of neutral players in different small-sided games, motriz, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 1 - 18, January, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Couceiro, M. Couceiro; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Figueiredo, A.; Soccer Teams Tactical Behaviour: Measuring Territorial Domain, Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, Vol. 229, No. 1, pp. 58 - 66, March, 2015 Gouveia, L.; Lopes, M. J.; Sousa, A. F.; Single PON network design with unconstrained splitting stages, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 240, No. 2, pp. 361 - 371, January, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Kalamaras, D.; Wong, D. P.; Mendes, R.; General network analysis of national soccer teams in FIFA World Cup 2014, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1 - 28, April, 2015 Castillo, D. R.; Cabrera, H. P.; Assunção, P.A.; Edge detection based on Krawtchouk polynomials, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 284, No. 0, pp. 244 - 250, August, 2015 Brás, M.; Iusem, A.I.; Júdice, J. J.; On the quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 19, January, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Kalamaras, D.; Oliveira, J.; Oliveira, P.; Mendes, R.; The Social Network Analysis of Switzerland Football Team on FIFA World Cup 2014, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 136 - 141, March, 2015 306 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Clemente, F.M.C.; Couceiro, M. Couceiro; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Using Network metrics in soccer: a macro-analysis, Journal of Human Kinetics, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 1 - 21, March, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Kalamaras, D.; Mendes, R.; Network Analysis in Basketball: Inspecting the Prominent Players using Centrality Metrics, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 212 - 217, June, 2015 Mendes, R.; Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Network analysis of Portuguese team on FIFA World Cup 2014, Revista de Ciencias del Deporte, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 225 - 226, May, 2015 Ferreira, M. P. M. F.; Bagaric, J.B.; Lanza-Gutierrez, J.; Mendes, S. P. M.; Pereira, J.; Gomez-Pulido , J.; On the Use of Perfect Sequences and Genetic Algorithms for Estimating the Indoor Location of Wireless Sensors, Intrnl. Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2015, No. Article ID 720574, pp. 1 - 12, April, 2015 Fernandes, L. M.; Fukushima, M.; Júdice, J. J.; Sherali, H.; The second-order cone eigenvalue complementarity problem, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 29, June, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Wong, D. P.; Kalamaras, D.; Mendes, R.; Midfielder as the prominent participant in the building attack: A network analysis of national teams in FIFA World Cup 2014, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 1 - 25, August, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; There are differences between centrality levels of volleyball players in different competitive levels?, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 272 276, June, 2015 Brás, M.; Eichfelder, G. E.; Júdice, J. J.; Copositivity tests based on the linear complementarity problem, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 33, July, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; How team sports behave as a team? General network metrics applied to sports analysis, Sport Science, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 81 - 87, August, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Wong, D. P.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Differences in U14 football players performance between different small-sided conditioned games, RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 376 - 386, October, 2015 Prasad, S.; Chanussot, J.; Fowler, J. E.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Creuserre, C. D.; Introduction to the Issue on Advances in Hyperspectral Data Processing and Analysis, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 961 - 963, September, 2015 Bar, NB; Skogestad, SS; Marçal, J.; Ulanovsky, NU; Yovel, YY; A Sensory-Motor Control Model of Animal Flight Explains Why Bats Fly Differently in Light Versus Dark, PLOS Biology, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1 - 18, January, 2015 307 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Are the prominent players the most accurate and efficient? Study in football players from different competitive levels, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 472 - 478, September, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Technical accuracy it is associated with prominence levels in basketball?, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 400 - 406, September, 2015 Andreani, R. A.; Júdice, J. J.; Martinez, M.; Martini, T. M.; Feasibility problems with complementarity constraints, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 41, September, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Social Network Analysis: Um ensaio sobre a aplicabilidade na análise de cooperação em contextos Esportivos, Conexões, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 175 - 194, September, 2015 Brás, M.; Fukushima, M.; Iusem, A.I.; Júdice, J. J.; On the Quadratic Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem over a general convex cone, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 271, No. 1, pp. 594 608, November, 2015 Oliveira, P.; Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; There are associations between technical performance and tactical prominence? A study in futsal players, Sport Science, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 1 - 13, December, 2015 Tomic, S.; Beko, M.B,; Dinis, R.; RSS-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Convex Relaxation: Noncooperative and Cooperative Schemes, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 64, No. 5, pp. 2037 - 2050, May, 2015 Grau, J.; Miguel, C.; Oller-Marcén, A.; On the Structure of Quaternion Rings Over Z/nZ , Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 875 - 887, November, 2015 Iusem, A.I.; Júdice, J. J.; Sessa, V S; Sherali, H.; On the numerical solution of the quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem, Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 27, October, 2015 Duque, I.; Martins, F.; Coelho, A.; Vale, V.; Representações Estatísticas em Educação Pré-Escolar: um passo para a participação social, Investigação em Educação Matemática, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 209 - 224, October, 2015 Souto, A.; Teixeira, A.T.; Antunes, L.; Burhman, H.B.; Matos, A.M.; Distinguishing Two Probability Ensembles with One Sample from each Ensemble, Theory of Computing Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 15, October, 2015 Oliveira, P.; Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Who is the prominent tactical position in rink-hockey? A network approach based on centrality metrics, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 657 - 662, December, 2015 Terças, H.; Vortex Chain in a Resonantly Pumped Polariton Superfluid, Scientific reports, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 9230 - 9230, March, 2015 308 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Terças, H.; Spin-Orbit Coupling and the Optical Spin Hall Effect in Photonic Graphene, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 114, No. 2, pp. 026803-1 - 026803-5, January, 2015 Terças, H.; Quasi-polaritons in Bose–Einstein condensates induced by Casimir–Polder interaction with graphene, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 27, No. 21, pp. 214011 - 214011, May, 2015 Oliveira, P.; Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Is the technical efficacy associated with prominence level in football?, Sport Science, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 12 - 17, December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Ralha, R. R.; Falcão, G.; Andrade, J.; Antunes, M. A.; Barreto, J. P. B.; Nunes, U.; Distributed Demse Stereo Matching for 3D Reconstruction Using Parallel-based Processing Advantages, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP, Brisbane, Australia, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, April, 2015 Castro, A. C.; Mattos, S. S.; Coimbra, M.; Noninvasive Blood Pressure and the Second Heart Sound Analysis, Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC, Chicago, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 41, August, 2015 Couceiro, M. Couceiro; Rocha, R. P.; Martins, F.; Towards a Predictive Model of an Evolutionary Swarm Robotics Algorithm, Proc IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation - CEC2015, Sendai, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 2090 - 2096, May, 2015 Martins, F.; Coelho, A.; Vale, V.; Duque, I.; Pinho, L.; Statistical literacy in preschool education', Proc International Conf. Turning data into knowledge: New opportunities for statistics education, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 143 - 143, June, 2015 Pereira, OMP; Aguiar, R. L.; Multi-purpose Adaptable Business Tier Components Based on Call Level Interfaces, Proc IEEE/ACIS ICIS International Conf. on Computer and Information Science - ICIS, Las Vegas, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 215 - 221, July, 2015 Pinto, Fonseca-Pinto; Decreased endogenous insulin production improves whole-body insulin sensitivity: is this a sympathetically mediated effect?, Proc International Society of Autonomic Neuroscience ISAN2015 ISAN2015, Stresa, Italy, Vol. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical 192 (2015) 1–55, pp. 27 - 28, September, 2015 Pinto, Fonseca-Pinto; Validation of a Sympathovagal Balance Model to Evaluate Autonomic Function in Rats using Time-Frequency Analysis, Proc World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering. IUPESM 2015, Toronto, Canada, Vol. I, pp. 56 - 56, June, 2015 Santos, D.; Sousa, A. F.; Offline Lightpath Allocation in All-Optical Networks with Impairment Aware RWA based on the GN Model , Proc IEEE International Conf. on Computational Science and Engineering CSE, Porto, Portugal, pp. 43 - 50, October, 2015 309 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Teixeira, A.T.; Souto, A.; Costa-Santos, C. C-S; Azevedo, JNA; Análise de sobrevida aplicada às empresas em contexto de crise, Proc SPE XXII Congresso SPE 2015, Olhão, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, October, 2015 Clemente, F.M.C.; Martins, F.; Mendes, R.; Análise das redes de cooperação ofensivas de uma equipa profissional de futebol nos jogos em casa: Análise de uma época desportiva, Proc XVI Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto, Guarda, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 26 - 26, November, 2015 Duque, I.; Pinho, L.; Martins, F.; Coelho, A.; Vale, V.; Educação Pré-Escolar, Literacia Estatística e Sociedade: Desafios e Mudanças no Século XXI, Proc Conf. Internacional do Espaço Matemático em Língua Portuguesa, Coimbra, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 123 - 128, October, 2015 Instrumentation and Measurement Books Clemente, F.M.C.; Mendes, R.; Treinar jogando: Jogos reduzidos e condicionados, , PrimeBooks, Estoril, 2015 Book Chapters Pinto, R.; Xavier, I.P.P.P.Xavier; Calado, M.R.A.; Mariano, S.J.P.S.; Studying of Electroencephalographic Signal Changes Induced by Odor Exposure - Chapter in IAENG Transactions on Engineering Sciences, , World Scientific Publishing, London, 2015 Postolache, O.; Dias Pereira, J. M.; Ribeiro, M.R; Girão, P.M.; Assistive Smart Sensing Devices for Gait Rehabilitation Monitoring - Chapter in ICTs for Improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques, , Springer International Publishing, Berlin Heidelberg, 2015 Burigana, C; Barbosa , D.; SKA synergy with Microwave Background Studies - Chapter in Advancing Astrophysics withe the Square Kilometer Array , , SKA Organization, Manchester, 2015 Papers in Journals Arpaia, P; Serra, A.C.; Daponte, P.; Alegria, F.; Performance Analysis of an ADC Histogram Test Using Small Triangular Waves, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, Alegria, F.; Serra, A.C.; Variance of the Cumulative Histogram of ADCs due to Frequency Errors, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, Rosado, L. S.; Santos, T. S.; Ramos, P.M.; Vilaça, P.; Piedade, M. S.; A new dual driver planar eddy current probe with dynamically controlled induction pattern, NDT & E International, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 29 - 37, March, 2015 Carretas, L.; Wagner, F.; Janeiro, F. M.; Atmospheric Visibility and Angström Exponent Measurements through Digital Photography, Measurement, Vol. 64, pp. 147 - 156, March, 2015 310 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Leitão, C. Leitão; Antunes, P.; André, P.S; Pinto, J. L.; Mesquita Bastos, J. A. M.; Central arterial pulse waveform acquisition with a portable pen-like optical fiber sensor, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 43 - 46, February, 2015 Silva, H.; Carreiras, C. C.; Lourenço, A.; Fred, A. L. N.; César das Neves, R.; Ferreira, R.; Off-the Person Electrocardiography: Performance Assessment and Clinical Correlation, Health and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 309 - 318, February, 2015 Lopes, C.; Szojda , L; Araújo, P.A.; Gorski, Marcin Gorski; Velez, F. J.; Castro-Gomes, J; Krzywon, R; Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composites for Both Strengthening and Health Monitoring of Structures, Sensors, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 10753 - 10770, May, 2015 Aguiam, D. A.; Rosado, L. S.; Ramos, P.M.; Piedade, M. S.; Heterodyning based portable instrument for eddy currents non destructive testing, Measurement, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 146 - 157, September, 2015 Fairclough, S.; Silva, H.; Gamboa, H.; Gilleade, K.; Badia, S. B.; Applications and issues for physiological computing systems: An introduction to the special issue, Interacting with Computers, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 489 - 491, July, 2015 Gamecho, B.; Silva, H.; Guerreiro, J. Guerreiro; Gardeazabal, L.; Abascal, J.; Context-aware application to increase compliance of physical rehabilitation exercises at home via animatronic biofeedback in elderly users, Journal of Medical Systems , Vol. 39, No. 11, pp. 296 - 306, August, 2015 Duarte, D.; Alberto, N.; Bilro, L.; Nogueira, R.N. ; Theoretical design of a high sensitivity SPR-based optical fiber pressure sensor, Journal of Lightwave Technology , Vol. 33, No. 21, September, 2015 Ribeiro, D.; Prata, A.P.; Cruz, P.M.; Carvalho, N.B.C.; D-Parameters: A Novel Framework for Characterization and Behavioral Modeling of Mixed-Signal Systems, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., No. 99, pp. 1 - 11, September, 2015 Santos, J.; Janeiro, F. M.; Ramos, P.M.; Development, implementation, and characterization of a standalone embedded viscosity measurement system based on the impedance spectroscopy of a vibrating wire sensor, Measurement Science & Technology, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 105903-1 - 105903-14, October, 2015 Postolache, O.; Dias Pereira, J. M.; Viegas, V.V.; Pedro, LP; Girão, P.M.; Oliveira, RO; Postolache, G.; Smart Walker Solutions for Physical Rehabilitation, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 21 - 30, October, 2015 Rocha, T.; Ramos, H. G.; Ribeiro, A. L.; Pasadas, D.; Studies to optimize the probe response for velocity induced eddy current testing in aluminium, Measurement, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 108 - 115, May, 2015 Rocha, T.; Ramos, H. G.; Ribeiro, A. L.; Pasadas, D.; Magnetic sensors assessment in velocity induced eddy current testing, Sensors and Actuators A-Physical , Vol. 228, No. 1, pp. 55 - 61, June, 2015 311 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Angani, CA; Ramos, H. G.; Ribeiro, A. L.; Rocha, T.; Transient eddy current oscillations method for the inspection of thickness change in stainless steel, Sensors and Actuators A-Physical , Vol. 233, No. 9, pp. 217 - 223, September, 2015 Morelo, RM; De Capua, CC; Ekuakille, AE; Lee, KL; Postolache, O.; J. Miller, W.J.M.; Urooj, S,U; Wu, J.W.; Guest Editorial Special Issue on Advancing Standards for Smart Transducer Interfaces, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 2449 - 2450, May, 2015 Ribeiro, A. L.; Pasadas, D.; Ramos, H. G.; Rocha, T.; Defect detection in stainless steel tubes with AMR and GMR sensors using remote field eddy current inspection, ACTA IMEKO, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 62 - 67, April, 2015 Sousa, P. S.; Felizardo, V. F.; Oliveira, DO; Couto, R. G. C.; Garcia, N. M. ; A review of thermal methods and technologies for diabetic foot assessment, Expert review of medical devices, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 439 448, July, 2015 Sousa, P. S.; Felizardo, V. F.; Oliveira, DO; Couto, R. G. C.; Garcia, N. M. ; A review of thermal methods and technologies for diabetic foot assessment, Expert review of medical devices, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 439 448, July, 2015 da Silva Marques, R. S. Marques; Antunes, P.; André, P.S; R. N. Ribeiro, M. R. N. Ribeiro; Pontes, M. J. Pontes; Corrosion Resistant FBG-Based Quasi-Distributed Sensor for Crude Oil Tank Dynamic Temperature Profile Monitoring, Sensors, Vol. 15, No. 12, pp. 30693 - 30703, December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings 'Smart Transducer Interfaces Applied to Health Monitoring, Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Pisa, Italy, May, 2015 Viegas, V.V.; Dias Pereira, J. M.; Girão, P.M.; Postolache, G.; Postolache, O.; Smart Transducer Interfaces Applied to Health Monitoring, Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Pisa, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, May, 2015 Postolache, O.; Electronic Health Record for Physiotherapy: Unobtrusive Smart Sensing Solutions, Proc INSTICC International Conference on Sensors Network - Sensornets, Angers, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, February, 2015 Ribeiro, A. L.; Ramos, H. G.; Pasadas, D.; Rocha, T.; MEASUREMENT OF THE FATIGUE CRACK DEPTHS IN ALUMINIUM PLATES, Proc INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICS AND MATERIALS IN DESIGN, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, July, 2015 Postolache, O.; Dias Pereira, J. M.; Viegas, V.V.; Girão, P.M.; Gait rehabilitation assessment based on microwave Doppler radars embedded in walkers, Proc IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and, Torino, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, May, 2015 312 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Rocha, T.; Ramos, H. G.; Ribeiro, A. L.; Pasadas, D.; Sub-Surface Defect Detection with Motion Induced Eddy Currents in Aluminium, Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC, Pisa, Italy, May, 2015 Pasadas, D.; Ribeiro, A. L.; Ramos, H. G.; Rocha, T.; ECT Image Analysis Applying an Inverse Problem Algorithm with Tikhonov/TV Regularization, Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC, Pisa, Italy, May, 2015 Rosado, L. S.; Cardoso, FC; Cardoso, SC; Santos, T. S.; Ramos, P.M.; Freitas, PF; Piedade, M. S.; Comparison of spin valve and magnetic tunnel junction magneto resistive sensors in eddy currents testing probes, Proc IMEKO World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, pp. TBD - TBD, September, 2015 Postolache, G.; Postolache, O.; Wearable and Unobtrusive Technologies for Gait Assessment in Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis, Proc International Neurology and Rehabilitation Meeting INEREM, Istambul, Turkey, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 2, June, 2015 Postolache, O.; Cary, F.C.; Duarte, N.D; Girão, P.M.; Physiotherapy Assessment based on Kinect and Mobile APPs, Proc International Conf. on Information, Intelligence Systems and Applications - IISA, Corfu, Greece, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, July, 2015 Ribeiro, A. L.; Pasadas, D.; Ramos, H. G.; Rocha, T.; The Filtering Effect of the Tikhonov Regularization, Proc METROAEROSPACE, Benevento, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 187 - 191, June, 2015 Postolache, O.; Instrumented Equipment and Mobile APPs for Objective Evaluation of Physical Therap, Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC, Milan, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, July, 2015 Postolache, G.; Girão, P.M.; Postolache, O.; Wearable Sensor Network to Study Laterality of Brain Functions, Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC, Milan, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, August, 2015 Dias Pereira, J. M.; Postolache, O.; Viegas, V.V.; Girão, P.M.; A Low Cost Measurement System to Extract Kinematic Parameters from Walker Devices, Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC, Pisa, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1991 - 1996, May, 2015 Alves, M.; Dias Pereira, J. M.; A Piezoelectric Device for Measurement and Power Harvesting Applications, Proc Doctoral Conf. on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems - DOCEIS, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 486 - 493, April, 2015 Dias Pereira, J. M.; Viegas, V.V.; Postolache, O.; Girão, P.M.; FIELDBUS: DEVELOPING A LABORATORY PROTOTYPE FOR LEARNING PURPOSES, Proc IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurements and Instruments ICEMI 2015, Quingdao, China, Vol. 1, pp. 387 - 391, July, 2015 313 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Postolache, O.; Instrumented Equipment and Mobile APPs for Objective Evaluation of Physical Therapy, Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC, Milano, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, August, 2015 Postolache, O.; Postolache, G.; Pedro, LP; Oliveira, RO; Older adults: are they ready to adopt ICT for physical therapy?, Proc People Inc Asia -Oceania Congress For Neurorehanilitation AOCNR, Seul, Korea, South, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Postolache, O.; Postolache, G.; Oliveira, RO; Pedro, LP; Implementation of Electronic Health Record Systems in Physical Therapy, Proc People Inc Asia -Oceania Congress For Neurorehanilitation AOCNR, Seul, Korea, South, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Postolache, O.; Postolache, G.; Pedro, LP; Oliveira, RO; Implementing EHRs in Physical Therapy: Patients Perspectives, Proc People Inc Asia -Oceania Congress For Neurorehanilitation AOCNR, Seul, Korea, North, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Janeiro, F. M.; Ramos, P.M.; PERFORMANCE COMPARISON BETWEEN COMPLEX NON-LINEAR LEAST SQUARES AND GENETIC ALGORITHMS IN IMPEDANCE CIRCUIT PARAMETER ESTIMATION, Proc IMEKO World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, pp. TBD - TBD, September, 2015 Aguiar, A.; Fine Grained Stress Assessment in Ecological Conditions, Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC, Milan, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Postolache, O.; Dias Pereira, J. M.; Girão, P.M.; Viegas, V.V.; Postolache, G.; WSN Gait Monitoring for Objective Evaluation of Rehabilitation Proces, Proc Conf. on Electronic Measurement & Instruments ICEMI, Qingdao, China, Vol. 1, pp. 1637 - 1641, July, 2015 Cruz, P.M.; Ribeiro, D.; Prata, A.P.; Carvalho, N.B.C.; Vanden Bossche, M.V.B.; Live demonstration: Mixed-signal network analysis characterization and modeling platform, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, May, 2015 Abbate, F. ; Paciello, V.; Pietrosanto, A.; Guia, S. S. Guia; Santo, A. Espírito; A Comparison Between FFT and MCT for Period Measurement with an ARM Microcontroller, Proc IEEE IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference I2MTC, Pisa, Italy, May, 2015 Santo, A. Espírito; Serra, P.D.S; Albuquerque, A. J. C.; An Experimental Setup for Energy Efficiency Evaluation of Microbial Fuel Cells, Proc IEEE IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Technology - ICIT 2015 ICIT 2015, Sevilha, Spain, March, 2015 Abbate, F. ; Paciello, V.; Pietrosanto, A.; Guia, S. S. Guia; Santo, A. Espírito; Period measurement with an ARM microcontroller, Proc Associazione Italiana Sensori e Microsistemi AISEM Annual Conference AISEM, Trento, Italy, February, 2015 Ramos, H. G.; Ribeiro, A. L.; Detection of Thickness Change in Stainless Steel Using New Transient Eddy Currents, Proc International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation ENDE, Sendai, Japan, September, 2015 314 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Ramos, H. G.; Baskaran, PB; Ribeiro, A. L.; Detection of Cracks by Eddy Current Testing Based on Dilation Invariance Principle, Proc The 17th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics ISEM2015, Awaji, Japan, Vol. USB, September, 2015 Ramos, H. G.; Ribeiro, A. L.; Thickness Detection of Insulated Stainless Steel Using Transient Eddy Current Oscillation Method, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Menezes, R.; Ramos, H. G.; Pasadas, D.; Rocha, T.; Ribeiro, A. L.; Evaluation of defect depth using three different eddy current methods, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. USB, September, 2015 Ramos, H. G.; Ribeiro, A. L.; Rocha, T.; Pasadas, D.; Using a Mouse in ECT detectors, Proc International Conference on Mechanics M2M, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, Vol. 1, July, 2015 Ramos, H. G.; Ribeiro, A. L.; Evaluation of Crack Depth Using Eddy Current Techniques with GMR-based Probes, Proc 2nd IEEE International Workshop Metrology for Aerospace, Benevento, Italy, Vol. USB, June, 2015 Betta, G.B.; Ferrigno, LF; Laracca, ML; Ramos, H. G.; Ricci, MR; Ribeiro, A. L.; Silipigi, GS; Fast 2D crack profile reconstruction by image processing for Eddy-Current Testing, Proc 2nd IEEE International Workshop Metrology for Aerospace, Benevento, Italy, Vol. USB, June, 2015 Angani, CA; Ribeiro, A. L.; Ramos, H. G.; A New Transient Eddy Current Oscillations Method to Detect a Change in Thickness of Stainless Steel, Proc International Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications ICMAGMA, Vellore, India, Vol. 1, pp. 289 - 289, December, 2015 Ribeiro, A. L.; Pasadas, D.; Ramos, H. G.; Rocha, T.; Regularization of the Inversion Process in Eddy Current Characterization of Superficial Defects, Proc International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation ENDE, Sendai, Japan, September, 2015 Ribeiro, A. L.; Pasadas, D.; Ramos, H. G.; Rocha, T.; Eddy Current Density by Inversion of One Measured Component of the Resulting Magnetic Field Perturbation, Proc The 17th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics ISEM2015, Kobe, Japan, September, 2015 Jordão, M.J.; Cruz, P.M.; Ribeiro, D.; Carvalho, N.B.C.; RFID Characterization System based on LABVIEW, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Pombo, N.; Rebelo, P. Rebelo; Araújo, P.A.; Viana, J.C.; Combining Data Imputation and Statistics to Design a Clinical Decision Support System for Post-Operative Pain Monitoring, Proc International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies HCist, Vilamoura, Portugal, Vol. 64, pp. 1018 - 1025, September, 2015 315 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Postolache, O.; Physical Rehabilitation Assessment based on Smart Training Equipment and Mobile APPs, Proc IEEE EMBS Romanian Chapter E-Health and Bioengineering Conference EHB, Iasi, Romania, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, November, 2015 Reis, E.R.; Arriaga, P.A.; Postolache, O.; Emotional Flow Monitoring for Health using FLOWSENSE:, Proc IEEE EMBS Romanian Chapter E-Health and Bioengineering Conference EHB, Iasi, Romania, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, November, 2015 Paiva, A.P.; Carvalho, H.C.; Catarino, A.C.; Postolache, O.; Postolache, G.; Development of Dry Textile Electrodes for Electromiography, Proc International Conf. on Sensing Technology - ICST, Auckland, New Zealand, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, December, 2015 Santo, A. Espírito; Patuleia, A; Paciello, V.; Pietrosanto, A.; Algorithmic Development for Power Quality Monitoring by a Network of Wireless Sensors, Proc IEEE IEEE International Workshop on Measurements & Networking M&N , Coimbra, Portugal, October, 2015 Nogueira, R.N. ; Oliveira, R.; Bilro, L.; Heidarialamdarloo, J.; Recent Advances in Fiber Bragg Gratings Written in Polymer Optical Fibers, Proc International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 1, pp. Th.A6.5 - Th.A6.5, July, 2015 Integrated Circuits and Systems Books Lourenço, R. Lourenço; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; AIDA-CMK: Multi-Algorithm Optimization Kernel applied to Analog IC Sizing, , Springer, Heidelberg, New York, London, 2015 J. Pinto, N. Horta, R. Neves, “Multi-Objective Optimization of Trading Strategies using Genetic Algorithms in Unstable Environments”, chapter in “New Developments in Evolutionary Computation Research”, NovaPublishers 2015 Book Chapters Guilherme, J.G.; Guilherme, DG; Horta, N.; Automatic Layout Optimizations for Integrated MOSFET Power Stages - Chapter in Computational Intelligence in Analog and Mixed-Signal (AMS) and RadioFrequency (RF) Circuit Design, Springer, Switzerland, 2015 Guilherme, J.G.; Silva, C. Silva; Horta, N.; Nonlinearities Behavioral Modeling and Analysis of Pipelined ADC Building Blocks - Chapter in Computational Intelligence in Analog and Mixed-Signal (AMS) and Radio-Frequency (RF) Circuit Design,, Springer, Switzerland, 2015 Papers in Journals Lourenço, N.; Canelas, A.; Póvoa , R.; Martins, R. M.; Horta, N.; Floorplan-aware analog IC sizing and optimization based on topological constraints, Integration, The VLSI Journal, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 183 197, January, 2015 316 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Póvoa , R.; Bastos, I. Bastos; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; Automatic Synthesis of RF Front-End Blocks Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Techniques, Integration, The VLSI Journal, Vol. in press, No. in press, pp. in press - in press, July, 2015 Pinto, J.; Neves, R.; Horta, N.; Boosting Trading Strategies Performance using VIX Indicator Together with a Dual-Objective Evolutionary Computation Optimizer, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 42, No. 19, pp. 6699 - 6716, November, 2015 Martins, R. M.; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; Multi-objective optimization of analog integrated circuit placement hierarchy in absolute coordinates, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 42, No. 23, pp. 9137 - 9151, December, 2015 Guilherme, J.G.; Mauro, M.; Horta, N.; Logarithmic AD Converter with Selectable Transfer Characteristic, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 99, No. 99, pp. 1 - 4, November, 2015 R. Martins, N. Lourenço, N. Horta, “Multi-Objective Optimization of Analog Integrated Circuit Placement Hierarchy in Absolute Coordinates”, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, 2015 J. Pinto, R. Neves, N. Horta, “Boosting Trading Strategies Performance using VIX Indicator Together with a Dual-Objective Evolutionary Computation Optimizer”, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, 2015 M. Fotouhi Ghazvini, J. Soares, N. Horta, R. Neves, R. Castro, Z. Vale, “A multi-objective model for scheduling of short-term incentive-based demand response programs offered by electricity retailers”, Applied Energy Journal, 2015 N. Magaia, N. Horta, R. Neves, P. Pereira, M. Correia, “A multi-objective routing algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks”, Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, 2015 A. Silva, R. Neves, N. Horta, “A Hybrid Approach to Portfolio Composition based on Fundamental and Technical Indicators”, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Lourenço, N.; Martins, R. M.; Horta, N.; Layout-Aware Sizing of Analog ICs using Floorplan & Routing Estimates for Parasitic Extraction, Proc Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conf., Grenoble, France, Vol. 0, pp. 1 - 6, March, 2015 Horta, N.; Lourenço, N.; Martins, R. M.; Extraction and Application of Wiring Symmetry Rules to Route Analog Multiport Terminals , Proc IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS, Lisbon, Portugal,, May, 2015 Póvoa , R.; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; Goes, J.; A Voltage-Combiners-Biased Amplifier with Enhanced Gain and Speed using Current Starving, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS, Lisboa, Portugal, May, 2015 317 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Martins, R. M.; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; Analog IC Placement using Absolute Coordinates and a Hierarchical Combination of Pareto Optimal Fronts, Proc IEEE PhD. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics - PRIME, Glasgow, United Kingdom,, June, 2015 Cardoso, B.; Martins, R. M.; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; AIDA-PEx: Accurate Parasitic Extraction for LayoutAware Analog Integrated Circuit Sizing, Proc IEEE PhD. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics PRIME, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June, 2015 Martins, R. M.; Lourenço, N.; Canelas, A.; Horta, N.; Extraction and Application of Wiring Symmetry Rules to Route Analog Multiport Terminals, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS, Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 1945 - 1948, May, 2015 Martins, R. M.; Póvoa , R.; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; Exploring Design Tradeoffs in Analog IC Placement with Current-Flow & Current-Density Considerations, Proc International Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design - SMACD, Istanbul, Turkey, September, 2015 Martins, R. M.; Lourenço, N.; Canelas, A.; Póvoa , R.; Horta, N.; AIDA: Robust Layout-Aware Synthesis of Analog ICs including Sizing and Layout Generation, Proc International Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design - SMACD, Istanbul, Turkey, September, 2015 Martins, R. M.; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; Santos, M.; Embedding Fault List Compression Techniques in a Design Automation Framework for Analog and Mixed-Signal Structural Testing, Proc Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS, Estoril, Portugal, November, 2015 Kailasam, RK; Alves, L.N.A.; Mendes, J. C.; Pedro, J. C.; On the Usage of Harmonic Balance to Simulate Memristive Devices and Circuits, Proc European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Trondheim, Norway, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, August, 2015 Alves, L.N.A.; Dghais, W. Dghais; Mendes, J. C.; Rodriguez, J.; Pedro, J. C.; Memristor State-Space Embedding, Proc European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Trondheim, Norway, Vol. 1, pp. 1 1, August, 2015 Pinto, E. P.; Deusdado, P. D.; Marques, F. M.; Lourenço, A. L.; Mendonça, R. M.; Santana, P.; Flores, L. F.; Barata, J. B.; A Health and Usage Monitoring System for ROS-based Service Robots, Proc IEEE International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications ISMA, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, August, 2015 Neves, D.; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; Scheduling evaluation tasks for increased efficiency of parallel analog IC synthesis, Proc International Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design - SMACD, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. na, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 Ricardo Martins, Nuno Lourenço, Nuno Horta, Nuno Guerreiro and Marcelino Santos, “Embedding Fault List Compression Techniques in a Design Automation Framework for Analog and Mixed-Signal Structural Testing”, Proc. DCIS 2015, Estoril, Portugal, Nov.2015. 318 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Ricardo Martins, Ricardo Póvoa, Nuno Lourenço and Nuno Horta, ”Exploring Design Tradeoffs in Analog IC Placement with Current-Flow & Current-Density Considerations”, Proc. International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Istanbul, Turkey, Set. 2015. Ricardo Martins, Nuno Lourenço, Bruno Cardoso, António Canelas, Ricardo Póvoa and Nuno Horta, ”AIDA: Robust Layout-Aware Synthesis of Analog ICs including Sizing and Layout Generation”, Proc. International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Istanbul, Turkey, Set. 2015. (SMACD 2015 - 1st Prize Awarded in the Analog IC Design Automation Competition) David Neves, Nuno Lourenço and Nuno Horta, ”Scheduling Evaluation Tasks for Increased Efficiency of Parallel Analog IC Synthesis”, Proc. International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Istanbul, Turkey, Set. 2015. Mrinalinee Pandey, António Canelas, Ricardo Póvoa, Jorge Torres, João Freire, Nuno Lourenço and Nuno Horta, ”Grounded Active Inductors Design Optimization for FQmax = 14.2 GHz using a 130 nm CMOS Technology”, Proc. International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Istanbul, Turkey, Set. 2015. R. Martins, N. Lourenço, N. Horta, ”Analog IC Placement using Absolute Coordinates and a Hierarchical Combination of Pareto Optimal Fronts”, Proc. IEEE Ph. D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), Glasgow, Scotland, June 2015. B. Cardoso, R. Martins, N. Lourenço, N. Horta, ”AIDA-PEx: Accurate Parasitic Extraction for Layout-Aware Analog Integrated Circuit Sizing”, Proc. IEEE Ph. D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), Glasgow, Scotland, June 2015. R. Martins, N. Lourenço, A. Canelas, N. Horta,”Extraction and Application of Wiring Symmetry Rules to Route Analog Multiport Terminals”, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2015. R. Póvoa, N. Lourenço, N. Horta, J. Goes, ”A Voltage-Combiners-Biased Amplifier with Enhanced Gain and Speed using Current Starving”, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2015. D. Guilherme, J. Pereira, N. Horta,J. Guilherme, ”Thermal-aware Floorplanning and Layout Generation of MOSFET Power Stages”, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2015. N. Lourenço, R. Martins, N. Horta,”Layout-Aware Sizing of Analog ICs using Floorplan & Routing Estimates for Parasitic Extraction”, Proc. Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), Grenoble, France, Mar. 2015. 319 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Impact of Telecommunications on Society Book Chapters Gaspar, P. D. G.; Felizardo, V. F.; Garcia, N. M. ; Monitoring and Assisted Therapeutic Devices - Chapter in Ambient Assisted Living, From Technology to Intervention, , CRC-Taylor & Francis Group , Boca Raton, FL, USa, 2015 Mumtaz, S.M.; Huq, K.; Rodriguez, J.; Influences of backhaul/fronthaul for 5G wireless networks: Challenges and Open Issues - Chapter in Influences of backhaul/fronthaul for 5G wireless networks, , CRC-Taylor & Francis Group , USA, 2015 Papers in Journals Nistor, M.; Lucani, D. E.; Barros, J.; Hardware Abstraction and Protocol Optimization for Coded Sensor Networks, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 866 - 879, June, 2015 Gonçalves, L.C.; Sebastião, P.; Souto, N.S.; Correia, A.; On the Impact of User Segmentation and Behavior Analysis over Traffic Generation in Beyond 4G Networks, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 10, March, 2015 Nistor, M.; Lucani, D. E.; Barros, J.; Network Coding Protocols for Data Gathering Applications, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 267 - 270, February, 2015 Gaspar, P. D. G.; Soares, V. S.; Caldeira, JMLPC; Andrade, L. P. A.; Domingues, C. D.; Potential for Technological Modernisation and Innovation based on ICT in Agri-Food Companies of Central Region of Portugal, Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies (JOAAT), Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 75 - 82, December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Gaspar, P. D. G.; Soares, V. S.; Caldeira, JMLPC; Andrade, L. P. A.; Domingues, C. D.; Potential for Technological Modernisation and Innovation based on ICT in Agri-Food Companies of Central Region of Portugal (abstract), Proc International Conference on Food and Agricultural Engineering ICFAE, Warsaw, Poland, May, 2015 Barbosa , D.; Maia, D.; Barraca, JPB; Nogueira, R.N. ; RESEARCH VISIONS ON INTERCONNECTING LARGE DISTRIBUTED DATA SYSTEMS : A RADIOASTRONOMY PLAYGROUND, Proc URSI Atlantic Radio Scinece Conference - URSI AT-RASC, Meloneras - Gan Canaria, Portugal, Vol. J11.4, pp. 1 - 4, May, 2015 Lemos, C.L.; Coelho, H.; Lopes, R.J.; Network Influence Effects in Agent-Based Modelling of Civil Violence, Proc European Social Simulation Association Conference of the European Social Simulation Association ESSA, Groningen, Netherlands, September, 2015 Lemos, C.L.; Lopes, R.J.; Coelho, H.; Quantitative Measures of Crowd Patterns in Agent- Based Models of Street Protests, Proc World Conference on Complex Systems - WCCS, Marrakesh, Morocco, November, 2015 320 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Lemos, C.L.; Lopes, R.J.; Coelho, H.; Analysis of the Decision Rule in Epstein's Agent-Based Model of Civil Violence, Proc World Conference on Complex Systems - WCCS, Marrakesh, Morocco, November, 2015 Mumtaz, S.M.; Monteiro, V.M.; Huq, K.; Rodriguez, J.; Self-Organized Energy Efficient Scheduling in LTEA, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Vol. 34, pp. 456 - 460, May, 2015 Technology and Materials Papers in Journals Braz, T.; Ferreira, Q. ; Mendonça, A.; Ferraria, A. M. Ferraria; Rego, A.; Morgado, J.; Morphology of Ferroelectric/Conjugated Polymer Phase-Separated Blends Used in Nonvolatile Resistive Memories. Direct Evidence for a Diffuse Interface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 119, No. 3, pp. 1391 - 1399, January, 2015 Pires, F.; Ferreira, Q. ; Rodrigues, C.; Morgado, J.; Ferreira, F.C.F.; Neural stem cells differentiation by electrical stimulation using a cross-linked PEDOT substrate: expanding the use of biocompatible conjugated conductive polymers for neural tissue engineering, Biochimica and Biophysica Acta , Vol. 1850, No. 6, pp. 1158 - 1168, June, 2015 Bellani, S.; Ghadirzadeh, A.; Meda, L.; Savoini, A.; Tacca, A.; Marra, G.; Meira, R.; Morgado, J.; Di Fonzo, F.; Antognazza, M. R.; Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nanostructures for Highly Sensitive Photoelectrochemical Detection of Dissolved Oxygen in Aqueous Media, Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 25, No. 28, pp. 4531 - 4538, July, 2015 Sousa, D.C.S; Ferreira, Q. ; Araújo, M.A.; Morgado, J.; Ferreira, J. F.; Leal, I. L.; Pinto, L. A. P. ; Neves, C. M. N.; Nanomedicine and Ophthalmology: looking forward, Acta Ophthalmologica, Vol. 93, No. S255, October, 2015 Wu, L.; Casado, S.; Romero, B.; Otón, J. M. ; Morgado, J.; Müller, C.; Xia, R.; Gonzalez, J. C.-G.; Ground State Host–Guest Interactions upon Effective Dispersion of Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene) in Poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole, Macromolecules, Vol. 48, No. 24, pp. 8765 - 8772, December, 2015 Mallik, A.K.M.; Bysakh, S.; Bhar, --; Mendes, J. C.; Effect of Seed Size, Suspension Recycling and Substrate Pre-Treatment on the CVD Growth of Diamond Coatings, Open Journal of Applied Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 747 - 763, December, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Ferreira, Q. ; Bragança, A.; Ferraria, A. M. Ferraria; Rego, A.; Alcácer, L.A.; Morgado, J.; Biocompatible and nanostructured monolayers on graphite for drug delivery applications, Proc Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Conf. - nanoPT, Porto, Portugal, February, 2015 321 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Ferreira, Q. ; Bragança, A.; Oliveira, J. Pedro; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Alcácer, L.A.; Morgado, J.; Nanostructured coatings for intraocular devices with drug delivery function, Proc International Conf. on Biomedical Electronics and Devices - BIODEVICES, Lisboa, Portugal, January, 2015 Braz, T.; Ferreira, Q. ; Mendonça, A.; Ferraria, A. M. Ferraria; Rego, A.; Paolo, R.; Morgado, J.; Morphology of polymer blends used in resistive ferromagnetic organic memories, Proc European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Spring Meeting - E-MRS, Lille, France, May, 2015 Mukherjee, D.M.; Oliveira, F.; Silva, R.; Carreira, F.C.; Rino, L.; Rotter, S.; Alves, L.N.A.; Santos, DMS; Mendes, J. C.; Diamond-SAW devices: A Reverse Fabrication Method, Proc Hasselt Diamond Workshop SBDD, Hasselt, Belgium, Vol. 20, February, 2015 Loss, C.; Lopes, C.; Salvado, R.; Gonçalves, R.; Pinho, P.; Smart Coat with a Textile Antenna for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting, Proc 2nd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Switzerland, Vol. 2, pp. 1 - 7, November, 2015 Araújo, P.A.; Salvado, R.; Gorski, Marcin Gorski; Lopes, C.; Krzywon, R; Velez, F. J.; Szojda , L; CastroGomes, J; SMART TEXTILES FOR STRENGTHENING OF STRUCTURES, Proc International Conf. on Engineering - ICEUBI, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, December, 2015 Power Electronics and Power Systems Book Chapters Mendes, R.; Calado, M.R.A.; Mariano, S.J.P.S.; Particle Swarm Optimization Method to Design a Linear Tubular Switched Reluctance Generator - Chapter in Handbook of Research on Swarm Intelligence in Engineering, , IGI Global, Hershey, 2015 Papers in Journals Menke, M. F.; da Silva, M. F.; Bisogno, M. F.; Perdigão, M.; Saraiva, E. S.; Álvarez, J.; Seidel, A. R. Seidel; Comparative Analysis of Self-Oscillating Electronic Ballast Dimming Methods With Power Factor Correction for Fluorescent Lamps, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 770 - 782, January, 2015 Caseiro, L.; Mendes, A. M. S.; Real-Time IGBT Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in Three-Level Neutral-PointClamped Voltage-Source Rectifiers Based on Instant Voltage Error, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62 , No. 3, pp. 1669 - 1678, March, 2015 Perdigão, M.; Trovão, J P Trovão; Álvarez, J.; Saraiva, E. S.; Large-Signal Characterization of Power Inductors in EV Bidirectional DC-DC Converters Focused on Core Size Optimization , IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 3042 - 3051, May, 2015 Baptista, B. Baptista; Mendes, A. M. S.; Cruz, S. M. A. ; Thermal analysis and efficiency of an induction motor driven by a fault-tolerant multilevel inverter using FEM, COMPEL-The Intrnl. Journal for 322 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 573 - 589, March, 2015 Martins, A.; Mariano, S.J.P.S.; Calado, M.R.A.; The Effect of Images on Surface Potential and Resistance Calculation of Grounding Systems, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 9 - 16, May, 2015 Pinto, R.; Mariano, S.J.P.S.; Calado, M.R.A.; Power Quality Experimental Analysis on Rural Home GridConnected PV Systems, International Journal of Photoenergy, Vol. Volume 2015, No. 2015, pp. 1 - 8, December, 2015 Torres , João Paulo N. Torres; Fernandes, C. F.; Nashih, S K N; Gomes, J.; Branco, P. J.Costa Branco; CELL STRING LAYOUT IN STATIONARY SOLAR CONCENTRATION PHOTOVOLTAIC COLLECTORS, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Vol. accepted, June, 2015 Silva, A. J. C.; Mariano, S.J.P.S.; Calado, M.R.A.; Optimal Hydro-Wind Power Generation for Day-Ahead Pool Market, IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 2630 - 2636, August, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Fermeiro, J.B.L.F.; Pombo, J.; Calado, M.R.A.; Mariano, S.J.P.S.; ''Evaluation of a Particle Swarm Optimization controller for DC-DC boost converters'' , Proc International Conf. on Compatibility and Power Electronics, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 179 - 184, July, 2015 Oliveira, A. O.; Cavaleiro, D. C.; Branco, R. B.; Cruz, S. M. A. ; Hadla, H.; An encoderless high-performance synchronous reluctance motor drive, Proc IEEE IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Technology - ICIT 2015 ICIT 2015, Seville, Spain, Vol. CD-ROM, pp. 2048 - 2055, March, 2015 Gonçalves, MJMG; Creppe, R. C. C.; Marques, Emanuel G. Marques; Cruz, S. M. A. ; Diagnosis of bearing faults in induction motors by vibration signals – Comparison of multiple signal processing approaches, Proc IEEE IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE 2015, Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Vol. CD-ROM, pp. 536 - 541, June, 2015 Pinto, J. M. P.; Carreira, P. C.; Vidal, P. B. V.; Ferreira, J. V. F.; Cruz, S. M. A. ; Marques, Emanuel G. Marques; Non intrusive solution for power transformers real time monitoring using an hybrid Park’s vector and model-based approach, Proc International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2015, Lyon, France, June, 2015 Mukherjee, D.M.; Trippe, S.C.T.; Rotter, S.; Alves, L.N.A.; Mendes, J. C.; Deposition of diamond films for effective passivation of SiC devices, Proc Wocsdice, Bratislava, Slovakia, Vol. 39, June, 2015 Creppe, R. C. C.; Gonçalves, MJMG; Marques, Emanuel G. Marques; Cruz, S. M. A. ; Técnicas de Identificação de Falhas em Rolamentos de Motores de Indução Alimentados por Inversores PWM – Um Estudo Comparativo, Proc Conferência Brasileira sobre Qualidade da Energia Elétrica CBQEE, Campina Grande, Brazil, Vol. CD-Rom, pp. 1 - 6, July, 2015 323 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Caseiro, L.; Mendes, A. M. S.; Lopes, P.L.; Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in Neutral-Point- Clamped Active Power Filters Based on Instant Voltage Error with no Additional Sensors, Proc IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. - APEC, Charlotte, NC, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 2217 - 2222, March, 2015 Caseiro, L.; Mendes, A. M. S.; Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in Neutral-Point-Clamped UPS Inverters with no Additional Sensors, Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON, Yokohama, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, November, 2015 Caseiro, L.; Mendes, A. M. S.; Real-Time Multiple IGBT Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters with no Additional Sensors, Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. IECON, Yokohama, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, November, 2015 Caseiro, L.; Mendes, A. M. S.; Generalized IGBT Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis Algorithm with no Additional Sensors for Grid-Connected N-Level NPC Converters, Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. IECON, Yokohama, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, November, 2015 Baptista, B.; Alvarez, MRA; Mendes, A. M. S.; Cruz, S. M. A. ; Fernández, X.; Analysis of a Wound-Rotor Induction Machine with Eccentric Airgap using FEM, Proc International Symp. on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering - ISEF, Valencia, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 8, September, 2015 Logics and Computation Book Chapters Rasga, J.; Sernadas, A.; Sernadas, C.; A roadmap to decidability. - Chapter in The Road to Universal Logic, A. Koslow and A. Buchsbaum, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2015 Mordido , A.; Caleiro, C.; An equation-based classical logic - Chapter in WoLLIC 2015 - selected papers, D. Leivant, L. Moss, R. de Queiroz, Springer, , 2015 Papers in Journals Caleiro, C.; Marcos, J.; Volpe, MV; Bivalent semantics, generalized compositionality and analytic classiclike tableaux for finite-valued logics, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 608, pp. 84 - 110, October, 2015 Qiu, D. Qiu; Li, L.; Mateus, P.; Sernadas, A.; Exponentially more concise quantum recognition of nonRMM regular languages, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol. 2015, No. 2, pp. 359 - 375, March, 2015 Amaro, J.; Yiu, B. Y. Y.; Falcão, G.; Gomes, M.; Yu, A. C. Y.; Software-based high-level synthesis design of FPGA beamformers for synthetic aperture imaging, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 862 - 870, May, 2015 Maria, JBM; Amaro, J.; Falcão, G.; Alexandre, L.A.; Stacked Autoencoders using Low-power Accelerated Architectures for Object Recognition in Autonomous Systems, Neural Processing Letters, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 14, May, 2015 324 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Graça, C. G.; Falcão, G.; Figueiredo, I.; Kumar, S. K.; Hybrid multi-GPU computing: accelerated kernels for segmentation and object detection with medical image processing applications, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 18, July, 2015 Graça, D.; Zhong, N.; An analytic system with a computable hyperbolic sink whose basin of attraction is non-computable, Theory of Computing Systems, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 478 - 520, February, 2015 Souto, A.; Sernadas, A.; Mateus, P.; Universality of quantum Turing machines with deterministic control, Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 1, February, 2015 Torrado, M. T.; Silva, H.; Eusébio, S. E.; Fred, A. L. N.; Ouakinin, S. O.; Alexithymia, physiological reactivity and cognitive appraisals of emotional stimuli in opiate dependents: A pilot study, Journal of Neurology and Neurophysiology, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1 - 8, January, 2015 Ouakinin, S. O.; Eusébio, S. E.; Torrado, M. T.; Silva, H.; Nabais, I. N.; Gonçalves, G. G.; Bacelar-Nicolau, L. B.-N.; Stress reactivity, distress and attachment in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 424 - 438, December, 2015 Marcelino, L.; Assistive Mobile Applications for Dyslexia, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 64, No. 2015, pp. 417 - 424, September, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Vigário, F. V.; Fonseca, D. F.; Freire, M.; Inácio , P.R.M.; Assessment of the Susceptibility to Data Manipulation of Android Games with In-app Purchases, Proc International Conf. on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - IFIP SEC, Hamburg, Germany, Vol. 30, pp. 1 - 14, May, 2015 Caleiro, C.; Marcelino, S.; Marcos, J.; Cancellation, many-valuedness, and combined logics, Proc World Congress and School on Universal Logic - UNILOG, Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2015 Caleiro, C.; Marcelino, S.; Fibring logics: decidability and conservativity (Part I), Proc World Congress and School on Universal Logic - UNILOG, Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2015 Caleiro, C.; Marcelino, S.; Fibring logics: decidability and conservativity (Part II), Proc World Congress and School on Universal Logic - UNILOG, Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2015 Santos, R. X. P. S.; Fernandes, D. A. B. F.; Tavares, P. T.; Inácio , P.R.M.; Freire, M.; PassCrackGUI — A Graphical User Interface for Password Cracking Tools, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 10, pp. 0 - 4, September, 2015 Machado, D.M.; Costa, V.S.C.; Brandão, P.; MyDiabetes - Rule Based Advice System, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Amaro, J.; Falcão, G.; Gomes, M.; Yu, A. C. Y.; Yiu, B. Y. Y.; From OpenCL to RTL: Towards Rapid Prototyping of Medical Imaging Systems on FPGAs, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 325 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Caleiro, C.; Marcelino, S.; Combined logics - characterizing mixed reasoning and applications, Proc GeTFun Compositional Meaning in Logic - GeTFun, Natal, Brazil, September, 2015 Fernandes, T.R.; Reis, M.R.; Perdigoto, F.; Pires, AP; Henriques, FR; Faria, S.M.M.; Distributed processing system for gas odorization, Proc IEEE Jordan IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT) AEECT, Amman, Jordan, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, November, 2015 Garcia, N. M. ; Pires, I.; Florez-Revulta, FR; Multi-sensor data fusion techniques for the identification of activities of daily living using mobile devices, , Proc ECMLPKDD 2015 Doctoral Consortium, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Porto, Portugal, September, 2015 Organic Electronics Papers in Journals Morgado, M. L. ; Morgado, L.F.; Silva, N.; Morais, R.; Mathematical modelling of cylindrical electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters, Intrnl. Journal of Comp. Math., Vol. 92, No. 1, pp. 101 109, January, 2015 Morgado, L.F.; Morgado, M. L. ; Numerical modelling transient current in the time-of-flight experiment with time-fractional advection-diffusion equations, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 958 - 973, January, 2015 Brotas, G.; Costa, C. C.; Dias, S.I.G.; Costa, P. M. M. Costa; Paolo, R.; Farinhas, J.; Alcácer, L.; Morgado, J.; Matos, M.; Charas, A.; Solution-Processable Donor-Acceptor-Donor Oligomers with Cross-Linkable Functionality, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 216, No. 5, pp. 519 - 529, March, 2015 Suresh, D.; Gomes, C. S. B.; Lopes, P. S.; Figueira, C. A. F.; Ferreira, B. F.; Gomes, P.; Paolo, R.; Maçanita, A.; Duarte, M. T.; Luminescent Di- and Trinuclear Boron Complexes Based on Aromatic Iminopyrrolyl Spacer Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application in OLEDs, Chemistry A. European Journal, Vol. 21, No. 15, pp. 9133 - 9149, June, 2015 Lannebère, S.; Hydrodynamic chronoamperometry for probing kinetics of anaerobic microbial metabolism – case study of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Scientific reports, Vol. 5, No. 11484, pp. 1 - 13, July, 2015 Meira, R.; Costa, P. Costa; Paolo, R.; Morgado, J.; Alcácer, L.; Bastos, J. B. ; Cheyns, D. C.; Charas, A.; Synthesis and optical properties of a new triphenylamine-p-phenylenevinylene-small molecule with applications in high open-circuit voltage organic solar cells, New Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 39, pp 7389 7396, July, 2015 Raposo, M. R.; Ferreira, Q. ; Timóteo, A.R.M.T.; Ribeiro, P.A.; Rego, A.; Contribution of counterions and degree of ionization for birefringence creation and relaxation kinetics parameters of PAH/PAZO films, Journal of Appl. Physics, Vol. 118, No. 11, pp. 114504 - 114509, September, 2015 326 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Salvador , M.; Gasparini, NG; Photophysics of Molecular-Weight-Induced Losses in Indacenodithienothiophene-Based Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 25, No. 30, pp. 4898 4907, June, 2015 Salvador , M.; Adams, JA; Air-processed organic tandem solar cells on glass: toward competitive operating lifetimes, Energy & Environmental Science, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 169 - 176, January, 2015 Salvador , M.; Gasparini, NG; An Alternative Strategy to Adjust the Recombination Mechanism of Organic Photovoltaics by Implementing Ternary Compounds, Advanced Energy Materials, , September, 2015 Salvador , M.; Yi, HY; Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Kesterite Solar Cell Based on in Situ Deposition of Ultrathin Absorber Layer, Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 7, No. 38, pp. 21100 21106, September, 2015 Gomes, H.L.; Medeiros, M. C. R. ; All-inkjet printed organic transistors: Dielectric surface passivation techniques for improved operational stability and lifetime, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 55, No. 8, pp. 1192 - 1195, July, 2015 Bory, B. F.; Gomes, H.L.; Electrical conduction of LiF interlayers in organic diodes, Journal of Appl. Physics, Vol. 117, No. 15, pp. 155502 - 155502, April, 2015 Rocha, R.F; Gomes, H.L.; Sudden death of organic light-emitting diodes, Organic Electronics, pp. 89 - 96, May, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Charas, A.; Farinhas, J.; Morgado, J.; Highly Efficient BHJ Organic Photovoltaic Cells Through Integrating Cathode Interlayers, Proc UAHOST EMN Meeting oh Photovoltaics Energy Materials Nanotechnology, Orlando, United States, Vol. Abstract Book, pp. 89 - 89, January, 2015 Farinhas, J.; Charas, A.; Morgado, J.; Morphology of a Cathode Interlayer at Origin of High Enhancement of Organic Photovoltaics Efficiency, Proc International Conf. on Materials for Advanced Technologies ICMAT, Suntec, Singapore, June, 2015 Fermeiro, J.B.L.F.; Calado, M.R.A.; Correia, I. J. S. Correia; ''State of the art and challenges in bioprinting technologies, contribution of the 3D bioprinting in Tissue Engineering, Proc IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering 2015 (ENBENG), Porto, Portugal, pp. 1 - 6, February, 2015 Alcácer, L.; Afonso, M.; Pires, F.; Morgado, J.; The Emergence of Organic Bioelectronics, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 Farinhas, J.; Charas, A.; Oliveira, R.; Morgado, J.; Efficient organic photovoltaic cells based on ternary blends, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications Conftele, Aveiro, Portugal, September, 2015 327 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Medeiros, M. C. R. ; Alcácer, L.; Gomes, H.L.; Ink-jet printed polymer electrodes to record extracellular calcium waves produced by neuronal cell populations in vitro, Proc European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Spring Meeting - E-MRS, Lille, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 15, May, 2015 Electromagnetics Papers in Journals Marques, Emanuel G. Marques; Mendes, A. M. S.; Comparison of magnetic coupling structures for IPT systems, COMPEL-The Intrnl. Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 514 - 530, March, 2015 Machado, V.; Faria, J.; Accurate Electromagnetic Analysis of MF TL Backup Communications in Cylindrical Tunnels, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 2032 - 2040, May, 2015 Faria, J.; Matrix theory of wave propagation in hybrid electric/magnetic multiwire transmission-line systems, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 925 - 940, May, 2015 Fernandes, D.F.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Optical tractor beam with chiral light, Physical Review A, Vol. 91, No. 061801(R), pp. 1 - 5, June, 2015 Calado, M.R.A.; Santo, A. Espírito; Salvado, J. A. C.; Cabrita, C. M. P.; Mariano, S.J.P.S.; Using finite element method based software to teach electrical machines—the linear switched reluctance actuator, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 824 - 836, November, 2015 Yaghjian, A. D.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Askarpour, A. N.; Alù, A; Electric Quadrupolarizability of a SourceDriven Dielectric Sphere, Progress in Electromagnetics Research B - PIERB, Vol. 63, pp. 95 - 106, July, 2015 Faria, J.; Wave propagation in a hybrid electric/magnetic four-wire transmission line system, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 29, No. 13, pp. 1749 - 1766, August, 2015 Silveirinha, M. G.; Chern Invariants for Continuous Media, Physical Review B, Vol. 92, No. 125153, pp. 1 16, September, 2015 Machado, V.; Neves, M.; Pedro, M. E. Pedro; Evaluation of the Longitudinal Parameters of an Overhead Transmission Line with Non-Homogeneous Cross Section, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 119, No. 2, pp. 478 - 484, February, 2015 Lannebère, S.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Optical meta-atom for localization of light with quantized energy, Nature Communications, Vol. 6, No. 8766, pp. 1 - 7, October, 2015 Faria, J.; Dubanton's and Wait's approximations of the earth return impedance used for evaluating transmission-line wave propagation parameters, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 2600 2601, December, 2015 328 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Valagiannopoulos, C. A. ; Vehmas, J.; Simovsky, C.R.; Tretyakov, A.; Maslovski , S.; Electromagnetic Energy Sink, Physical Review B, Vol. 92, No. 245402, pp. 1 - 17, December, 2015 Roque, A. Roque; Sousa, D. M. Sousa; Margato, E. M.; Machado, V.; Marques, G. D.; Magnetic Flux Density Distribution in the Air Gap of a Ferromagnetic Core With Superconducting Blocks: ThreeDimensional Analysis and Experimental NMR Results, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. Art. ID 4301609 - Art. ID 4301609, December, 2015 Faria, J.; Modal analysis of weakly coupled electromagnetic systems using tridiagonal Toeplitz matrices, International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 000 - 000, December, 2015 Terças, H.; Spin-Orbit Coupling for Photons and Polaritons in Microstructures, Physical Review X, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 011034-1 - 011034-9, March, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Robustillo, P.; Silva, J. S.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Mosig, JM; Comments on the phase center computation for Ka-band planar lens-antenna feeders, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015 Lannebère, S.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Infinite Lifetime States with Quantized Energy in a Core-shell Plasmonic Nanoparticle, Proc NanoMeta, Seefeld in Tirol, Austria, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, January, 2015 Silva, J. S.; Capdevila-Cascante, S.; Costa, J.R.; Fernandes, C. A.; Mosig, JM; Performance of a 3D-printed horn antenna working at Ka-band for satellite communications, Proc URSI Atlantic Radio Scinece Conference - URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria (Las Palmas), Spain, May, 2015 Fernandes, D.F.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Optical conveyor belt with chiral metamaterials, Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics METAMATERIALS, Oxford, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2015 Morgado, T. A.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Spontaneous light generation in twin semiconductor waveguides, Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS, Oxford, United Kingdom, September, 2015 Prudêncio, F.; Silveirinha, M. G.; “Optical Diode” with Topological Insulators and Chiral Media, Proc International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics META, New York, United States, Vol. 1, August, 2015 Prudêncio, F.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Surface Plasmons at a Single Air-Parallel-Plate Metamaterial Interface, Proc Photonica 2015, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro, Vol. 1, August, 2015 Lannebère, S.; Silveirinha, M. G.; Infinite lifetime states with quantized energy in a core-shell plasmonic nanoparticle, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1 - 2, April, 2015 329 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Maslovski , S.; Enlarging the shadow: getting past Planck's black body limit, Proc Days on Diffraction, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 155 - 156, May, 2015 Vehmas, J.; Valagiannopoulos, C.; Tretyakov, A.; Maslovski , S.; Blacker than ideally black: Double negative conjugately matched cylinders, Proc Metamaterials Congress, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 969 - 971, September, 2015 Quantum Information and Communications Papers in Journals HoangVan , X.; Ascenso, J.; Pereira, F.; HEVC backward compatible scalability: A low encoding complexity distributed video coding based approach, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 51 - 70, April, 2015 Souto, A.; Mateus, P.; Adão, P.; Paunkovic, N.; Bit-string oblivious transfer based on quantum state computational distinguishability, Physical Review A, Vol. 91, No. 1, pp. 042306 - 042306, April, 2015 Kerans, O.; Celi, A.; Rodriguez-Laguna, J.; Latorre, J.I. ; Lewenstein, M. L.; Quantum simulation of nontrivial topology, New Journal of Physics, Vol. 17, No. 045007, April, 2015 Souto, A.; Ribeiro, J.; Mateus, P.; Quantum blind signature with an offline repository, Intrnl. Journal of Quantum Information, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 1550016-1 - 1550016-21, April, 2015 Novo, L.N.; Chakraborty, S.; Mohseni, M.; Neven, HN; Omar, Y.; Systematic Dimensionality Reduction for Quantum Walks: Optimal Spatial Search and Transport on Non-Regular Graphs, Scientific reports, Vol. 5, No. 13304, September, 2015 Richter, B.; Omar, Y.; Degradation of entanglement between two accelerated parties: Bell states under the Unruh effect, Physical Review A, Vol. 92, No. 2, pp. 022334-1 - 022334-20, August, 2015 Zou, X Zou; Qiu, D. Qiu; Zhang, S. Zhang ; Mateus, P.; Semiquantum key distribution without invoking the classical party’s measurement capability, Quantum Information Processing, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 2981 2996, August, 2015 Bayat, A.; Omar, Y.; Measurement-Assisted Quantum Communication in Spin Channels with Dephasing, New Journal of Physics, Vol. 17, No. 103041, October, 2015 Iubini, S. I.; Kerans, O.; Omar, Y.; Piazza, F.; Transport of quantum excitations coupled to spatially extended nonlinear many-body systems, New Journal of Physics, Vol. 17, , pp. 113030 - November, 2015 Souto, A.; Mateus, P.; Adão, P.; Paunkovic, N.; Reply to “Comment on ‘Bit-string oblivious transfer based on quantum state computational distinguishability’ ”, Physical Review A, Vol. 92, No. 4, pp. 046302 046312, October, 2015 330 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Mera, B.; Vieira, V.; Araújo, M.; Properties of some Hamiltonians describing topologically non-trivial fermionic systems, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 27, No. 46, pp. 465501 - 465501, October, 2015 Papers in Conference Proceedings Mohammady, M.; Mohseni, M.; Omar, Y.; Minimising the heat dissipation of maximal information erasure, Proc Winter School on Physics of Small Quantum Systems: Thermal and Topological Phenomena, Tuusula, Finland, January, 2015 Novo, L.N.; Chakraborty, S.; Mohseni, M.; Omar, Y.; Robustness of spatial search by quantum walk, Proc QIP 2015 - Quantum Information Processing, Sydney, Australia, , January, 2015 Iubini, S. I.; Kerans, O.; Piazza, F.; Omar, Y.; Quantum transport in a 1D tight-binding model with local and non-local coupling to an explicit environment, Proc Good Vibrations for Energy Management in Biomolecules - Leiden 2015, Leiden, Netherlands, February, 2015 Novo, L.N.; Chakraborty, S.; Mohseni, M.; Omar, Y.; Systematic dimensionality reduction for quantum walks, Proc QUTE-EUROPE Summer School 2015 , Gothenburg, Sweden, June, 2015 Chakraborty, S.; Novo, L.N.; Mohseni, M.; Omar, Y.; Optimal spatial quantum search on non-regular graphs, Proc QUTE-EUROPE Summer School 2015 , Gothenburg, Sweden, June, 2015 Bayat, A.; Omar, Y.; Measurement-Assisted Quantum Communication in Spin Channels with Dephasing, Proc Quantum Physics Of Nature (QUPON 2015) - QUPON 2015, Vienna, Austria, , May, 2015 Iubini, S. I.; Kerans, O.; Piazza, F.; Omar, Y.; Quantum transport in a 1D tight-binding model with local and non-local coupling to an explicit environment, Proc QuEBS 2015: Workshop on Quantum Effects in Biological Systems - QuEBS 2015, Florence, Italy, July, 2015 Mohammady, M.; Mohseni, M.; Omar, Y.; Minimising the heat dissipation of maximal information erasure, Proc Second Quantum Thermodynamics Conf. - QTD2, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, April, 2015 Mohammady, M.; Mohseni, M.; Omar, Y.; Minimising the heat dissipation of information erasure, Proc Randomness in Quantum Physics and Beyond, Barcelona, Spain, May, 2015 Omar, Y.; A Spin-Chain Quantum Refrigerator, Proc Conf. on Quantum thermodynamics in Porquerolles Island, Porquerolles, France, October, 2015 Omar, Y.; Robustness of spatial quantum search, Proc Spanish Quantum Information, Bilbao, Spain, June, 2015 Omar, Y.; The role of vibrations in exciton transfer: insights from coarse-grained semiclassical models, Proc QuEBS 2015: Workshop on Quantum Effects in Biological Systems - QuEBS 2015, Florence, Italy, July, 2015 331 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Almeida, A. J.; Silva, N. A.; Muga, N. J.; André, P.S; Pinto, A. N.; Determining the Number of Bits Required for the Estimation of the QBER in Quantum Communication Systems, Proc 10th Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE 2015, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 178 - 181, September, 2015 Omar, Y.; Robustness of Spatial Quantum Search , Proc V Quantum Information School and Workshop Paraty 2015, Paraty, Brazil,, August, 2015 Bayat, A.; Omar, Y.; Measurement-Assisted Quantum Communication in Spin Channels with Dephasing , Proc Quantum Information Processing and Communication (QIPC 2015), Leeds, United Kingdom, September, 2015 Mohammady, M.; Mohseni, M.; Omar, Y.; Minimising the heat dissipation of information erasure, Proc QPL 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom, July, 2015 Mohammady, M.; Mohseni, M.; Omar, Y.; Minimising the heat dissipation of information erasure, Proc Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague, Czech Republic, July, 2015 Mohammady, M.; Mohseni, M.; Omar, Y.; Minimising the heat dissipation of quantum information erasure, Proc Workshop on Time in Physics, Zurich, Switzerland, September, 2015 Mohammady, M.; Mohseni, M.; Omar, Y.; Minimising the heat dissipation of information erasure, Proc Benasque QI, Benasque, Spain, June, 2015 4.4.7 Other Achievements Patents Pereira, J.; Silva, H. A.; Codificador e descodificador eletrónico de sinais ortogonais e perfeitos, 106755, April, 2015 Gonçalves, P.; Afonso, PAF; Condução automática de animais, 20151000057105, July, 2015 Postolache, O.; Passos , P.P.; Barreiro, J.B.; Rede de sensores embutidos ou acoplados para medir a interacção entre o praticante e veículos ou equipamentos desportivos de deslize, 107856, August, 2015 Awards Martin, G.; Bioucas-Dias, J.; Plaza, A.; Melhor Tese de Doutoramento Ibérico em Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, O Prémio “Melhor Tese de Doutoramento Ibérico em Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação” é atribuído anualmente pela AISTI ao melhor trabalho de Tese de Doutoramento, elaborado no âmbito das áreas científicas dos Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação e áreas afins, com vista a estimular a inovação científica e o rigor do trabalho de investigação, bem como proceder à divulgação de trabalhos científicos de elevada qualidade. Na edição de 2014 foram recebidas 33 candidaturas, tendo sido selecionadas 8 para a fase final, das quais foi selecionada a tese vencedora pelo júri constituído por reputados professores e investigadores da Península Ibérica. Saiu vencedor Gabriel Martín Hernández, com a Tese “Design and implementation of new methods for spatial preprocessing prior to spectral unmixing of remotely sensed hyperspectral data, realizada no 332 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Departamento de Tecnologia dos Computadores e das Comunicações da Universidade da Extremadura, sob orientação científica de Antonio Plaza Miguel da Universidade da Extremadura e de José Bioucas Dias da Universidade de Lisboa., 01-06-2015 Gaspar, P. D. G.; Soares, V. S.; Caldeira, JMLPC; Andrade, L. P. A.; Domingues, C. D.; Excellent Paper Award, 2015 International Conference on Food and Agricultural Engineering (ICFAE 2015), Warsaw, Poland, May 12-13, 2015., 01-05-2015 Lopes, S. I.; Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge 2015, 1st place in the Ph.D. Category, 01-10-2015 Martins, R. M.; Lourenço, N.; Canelas, A.; Póvoa , R.; Horta, N.; 1st Ranked on “Design Automation Competition” at International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), "AIDA: Robust Layout-Aware Synthesis of Analog ICs including Sizing and Layout Generation" at International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Istanbul, Turkey., 01-09-2015 Martins, R. M.; Lourenço, N.; Horta, N.; Silver Leaf Best Paper Award at IEEE Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), “Analog IC Placement using Absolute Coordinates and a Hierarchical Combination of Pareto Optimal Fronts”, in IEEE Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), Glasgow, Scotland, June 2015. , 01-07-2015 Postolache, O.; Special IEEE EHB Award, The award was granted for important scientific contributions in the field of unobtrusive smart sensing for cardiac and motor activity monitoring. EHB Conference was organized in November in Iasi Romania, 01-11-2015 Lourenço, N.; Póvoa , R.; Horta, N.; Goes, JG; Nominee for Best Student Paper Award at IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS, A Voltage-Combiners-Biased Amplifier with Enhanced Gain and Speed using Current Starving, 01-05-2015 Cruz, S. M. A. ; IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Star Reviewer for 2015, 01-12-2015 Miscellaneous Araújo, P.A.; Metodologia de Sistemas de Data Warehouse, , Borges, B.; Member at Large IEEE Power Electronics Society 2010-2012, , Ferreira, C. A. F.; Member of IEEE and is treasurer of the Industry Applications Society, Industrial Electronics Society and Power Electronics Society Joint Chapter of the IEEE., , Charas, A.; Farinhas, J.; Morgado, J.; Highly Efficient BHJ Organic Photovoltaic Cells Through Integrating Cathode Interlayers, EMN- Meeting on Photovoltaics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 01-01-2015 Charas, A.; External evaluator for European Commission Research Executive Agency, , 01-03-2015 333 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Charas, A.; Effect of phenanthroline cathode interlayers on the performance of polymer solar cells, StableNextSol COST Action no. MP1307, 3rd MC Meeting, 2nd WG Meeting and 2nd Conference: E-MRS symposium E. Lille, france, 01-05-2015 Homogenization, thermalization and Landauer's principle in a spin-1/2 collision model, , 01-06-2015 Pezzutto, M.; Paternostro, M.; Omar, Y.; Homogenization, thermalization and Landauer principle in a spin-1/2 collision model, Landauer Project Meeting - Paris, 11-12 June 2015, 01-06-2015 Charas, A.; Independent Expert Evaluator, Innovative Training Networks, European Commission, Research Executive Agency, , 01-09-2015 Fermeiro, J.B.L.F.; Pombo, J.; Calado, M.R.A.; Mariano, S.J.P.S.; A new controller for DC-DC converters based on Particle Swarm Optimization, PhD work, 01-09-2015 Fermeiro, J.B.L.F.; Calado, M.R.A.; Pombo, J.; Mariano, S.J.P.S.; Low cost bioprinter for bioprint testing, Fermeiro, JBL. et al "Building a Bioprinter from Scratch for Bioprinting Testing." Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering. Vol. 1. 2014., 01-09-2015 4.4.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees E-Activity and Leading Technologies - E-ALT, Scientific Committee, Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho, Conf. Ibero-Americana InterTIC, Scientific Committee, Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho, Radionet Engineering Forum Workshop on Photonics in Radio Astronomy - radionet 4EF 2010, Organizing Committee, Domingos da Silva Barbosa , IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS, Organizing Committee, Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta , 01-01-2015 DMUC Encontro de Algebristas Portugueses, Organizing Committee, Celino José Martins Miguel, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., , Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , 01-012015 IEEE International Conf. on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems - IEEE SPICES , , Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , 01-01-2015 International Network Optimization Conf. - INOC, Technical Programme Committee, Amaro Fernandes de Sousa , 01-01-2015 First International Workshop on Information Security, Assurance and Reliability in the Cloud WISARC, Technical Programme Chairman, Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio , 10-12-2015 International Conference on Information Science and Applications ICISA, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 24-02-2015 334 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES IARIA International Conf. on Adaptive and Self-adaptive Systems and Applications - ADAPTIVE, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 22-03-2015 Global Summit on Computer & Information Technology GSCIT, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 11-06-2015 IARIA International Conf. on Advances in Semantic Processing - SEMAPRO, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 19-07-2015 IARIA International Conf. on Advances in Future Internet - AFIN, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 23-08-2015 International Conf. on IT Convergence and Security - ICITCS, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 24-08-2015 Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 17-09-2015 International Conference on Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering ICTEC, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 16-11-2015 ICATSE International Conference on INformation Science and Security ICISS, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 14-12-2015 International Conference on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation INTGAST, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 15-12-2015 IEEE International Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications - IWOW, Technical Programme Committee, Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves , 07-09-2015 Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Technical Programme Committee, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, 07-09-2015 Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies - CISTI, Technical Programme Committee, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, 17-06-2015 ROBOT'2015 - Second Iberian Robotics Conference ROBOT2015, Organizing Committee, Pedro Nicolau Faria da Fonseca, 19-11-2015 Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Organizing Committee, Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro, 07-09-2015 International Conf. on Engineering - ICEUBI, Organizing Committee, Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro, 02-122015 International Conf. on Physiological Computing Systems - PhyCS, Conference Chairman, Hugo Humberto Plácido da Silva, 11-02-2015 335 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio , 0709-2015 IT - ASTRON - SKA 2nd MIDPREP WORKSHOP MIDPREP SKA, Scientific Committee, Domingos da Silva Barbosa , 20-04-2015 Editorial Committees Centro de Estudos de Física, Acústica e Telecomunicações da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , Member of the Scientific Committee, 01-11-1996 to Kluwer, Joaquim João de Alarcão Judice , Editorial Manager, 01-01-1999 to Kluwer, Joaquim João de Alarcão Judice , Editorial Manager, 01-01-1992 to COMADEM International, Birmingham, UK, Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso , Member of the International Editorial Board, 01-01-1998 to International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso , Honorary Member of the Advisory Council, 15-08-1997 to Publindústria, Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso , Membro da Comissão Científica, 01-07-2004 to COMADEM International UK, Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso , Honorary Member of the Editorial Committee, 21-10-2003 to Spanish Statistical and Operations Research Society, Joaquim João de Alarcão Judice , Editor, 01-01-1999 to Advanced Modelling and Optimization, Joaquim João de Alarcão Judice , Editor, 01-01-1999 to Measurement, Elsevier, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , , 01-11-2006 to Intrnl. Journal of Power Electronics (IJPElec), Inderscience, Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges, Editorial Board, 01-02-2008 to Formal Aspects of Computing, (indexada no ISI Sciences Citation Index Expanded R°), publicada pela Springer Verlag, Amílcar dos Santos Costa Sernadas , Membro da comissão cientifica, 01-01-1988 to Revista Portuguesa de Informática, API, Amílcar dos Santos Costa Sernadas , Membro da Comissão técnica, 01-04-1985 to IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE, Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos, Reviewer, 01-01-2005 to Intrnl. Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer, Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso , Associate Editor, 01-01-2009 to 336 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Electrónica de Potência, Sociedade Brasileira de Electrónica de Potência, Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso Editor of the Special Issue on "Diagnóstico e Operação Tolerante a Falhas em Electrónica de Potência e Accionamentos Eléctricos", 01-01-2010 to IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE-Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, José Miguel Costa Dias Pereira , Associated Editor, 01-01-2006 to European Trans. on Electrical Power, Wiley, José António Marinho Brandão Faria, Editorial Board, 01-092006 to Intrnl. Journal of Computing & Information Technology, Serials Publications, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , Editorial Board member, 01-01-2009 to Intrnl. Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR), ACCENT, Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro, Editorial board, 01-09-2012 to IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, IEEE Industry Applications Society, Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso , Associate Editor, 01-01-2012 to Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, http://www.aspbs.com/jnn/, Joana Catarina Mendes, Guest Editor, 01-09-2008 to Journal of Mathematics Research, Canadian Center of Science and Education , Maria Cecília dos Santos Rosa, Refereeing, 01-03-2013 to Swarm Intelligence, Springer, Anders Lyhne Christensen, Editorial board member, 01-03-2013 to Applied Intelligence, Springer, Anders Lyhne Christensen, Review Board Member, 01-11-2013 to Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , Member Editorial Advisory Board, 01-01-2010 to International Journal on Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering, IRMA International, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , Associate Editor, 01-01-2011 to Sensors & Transducers Journal and Magazine, IFSA, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , Member Editorial Board, 01-07-2007 to Trans. on Systems, Signals and Devices, Shaker Verlag, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , Member Editorial Board, 01-11-2005 to Journal of Constructional Steel Research, IEEE, Octavian Adrian Postolache , associate editor, 01-08-2012 to Applied Science – segment journals, segment journals, Rui Manuel Fonseca Pinto, , 01-01-2010 to Advances in Biomedical Science and Engineering, SOP, Rui Manuel Fonseca Pinto, to 337 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES ACTA IMEKO, IMEKO, Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos , Editorial Board, 01-06-2014 to ACTA IMEKO, IMEKO, Fernando Manuel Tim Tim Janeiro , Layout editor, 01-05-2014 to ACTA IMEKO, IMEKO, Francisco Andre Correa Alegria , Layout Editor, 01-01-2012 to Logica Universalis, Springer, Carlos Manuel Costa Lourenço Caleiro, Member of Editorial Board, 01-012007 to ACTA IMEKO, Open Journal Systems, Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos, editor, 01-052014 to 01-05-2020 Integration, The VLSI Journal, Elsevier, Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta , Associate Editor, 08-10-2015 to ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, ACM, Hugo Humberto Plácido da Silva, Special Issue Guest Editor, 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2015 Interacting with Computers, Oxford University Press, Hugo Humberto Plácido da Silva, Special Issue Guest Editor, 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2015 338
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