2012 Annual Report - Instituto de Telecomunicações
INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Title ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Editors Carlos Salema, Carlos Fernandes, José Ferreira da Rocha, Pedro Girão, Mário Figueiredo, Rui Valadas, Nuno Borges Carvalho, Adolfo Cartaxo, Luís Alcácer Date 27-Feb-2013 Version v1 Distribution IT Doc. No. IT/Dir/27-02-2013 v1 Executive Summary This document defines the Annual Report for IT as "Laboratório Associado" (Associate Laboratory). Keywords iii Table of Contents 1. 2. INTRODU INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 9 1.1 History ............................................................................................. 9 1.2 Management ....................................................................................10 1.3 Highlights of 2012 ............................................................................11 KEY IT INDICATORS ...............................................................................20 Human Resources .....................................................................................20 Projects ...................................................................................................26 Publications .............................................................................................. 27 3. FINANCIAL OUTLINE ..............................................................................35 4. RESEARCH AREAS ..................................................................................37 4.1 Wireless Communications ..................................................................37 4.1.1 Area Coordinators ......................................................................37 4.1.2 Human Resources ......................................................................37 4.1.3 Summary of Research Achievements ............................................44 4.1.4 Running and Concluded Projects ..................................................62 4.1.5 Running and Concluded Theses ....................................................89 4.1.6 Publications ............................................................................. 101 4.1.7 Other Achievements ................................................................. 118 4.1.8 Other Contributions .................................................................. 120 4.2 Optical Communications .................................................................. 122 4.2.1 Area Coordinators .................................................................... 122 4.2.2 Human Resources .................................................................... 122 4.2.3 Summary of Research Achievements .......................................... 126 4.2.4 Running and Concluded Projects ................................................ 140 4.2.5 Running and Concluded Theses .................................................. 152 4.2.6 Publications ............................................................................. 157 4.2.7 Other Achievements ................................................................. 165 4.2.8 Other Contributions .................................................................. 166 4.3 Networks and Multimedia ................................................................ 167 4.3.1 Area Coordinators .................................................................... 167 4.3.2 Human Resources .................................................................... 167 4.3.3 Summary of Research Achievements .......................................... 178 iv 4.3.4 Running and Concluded Projects ................................................ 186 4.3.5 Running and Concluded Theses .................................................. 222 4.3.6 Publications ............................................................................. 236 4.3.7 Other Achievements ................................................................. 268 4.3.8 Other Contributions .................................................................. 270 4.4 Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies ......................................... 274 4.4.1 Area Coordinators .................................................................... 274 4.4.2 Human Resources .................................................................... 274 4.4.3 Summary of Research Achievements .......................................... 279 4.4.4 Runing and Concluded Projects .................................................. 302 4.4.5 Running and Concluded Theses .................................................. 314 4.4.6 Publications ............................................................................. 322 4.4.7 Other Achievements ................................................................. 346 4.4.8 Other Contributions .................................................................. 348 v List of Tables Table 1 – Total operational income in 2012 ...................................................... 35 Table 2 – List of major income sources during 2012 ..........................................36 Table 3 – Major costs in 2012 ........................................................................36 Table 4 – Main asset changes in 2012 ............................................................. 36 Table 5 – Overview of human resources in the Wireless Communication Area in 2012 ....................................................................................................37 Table 6 – Permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in 2012 ....................................................................................................40 Table 7 – Non-permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in 2012 ......................................................................................... 43 Table 8 – Number of active projects in the Wireless Communications Area in 2012 ...........................................................................................................62 Table 9 – List MSc Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2011 ....................................................................................................95 Table 10 – List of PhD Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2012 .................................................................................................. 100 Table 11 - Overview of human resources in the Optical Communications Area in 2012 .................................................................................................. 122 Table 12 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in 2012 .................................................................................................. 124 Table 13 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in 2012 ....................................................................................... 125 Table 14 - Number of active projects in the Optical Communications Area in 2012 ......................................................................................................... 140 Table 15 - List of MSc Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2011 .................................................................................................. 154 Table 16 - List of PhD Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2012 .................................................................................................. 156 Table 17 – Overview of human resources in Networks and Multimedia Area in 2012 ......................................................................................................... 167 Table 18 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2012 ............................................................................................... 171 vii Table 19 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Neteworks and Multimedia Area in 2012 ....................................................................................... 177 Table 20 – Number of active projects in the Networks and Multimedia............... 186 Table 21 - List of MSc. Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During 2012 .................................................................................................. 228 Table 22 - List of PhD Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During 2012 .................................................................................................. 235 Table 23 – Overview of the human resources in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2012 .................................................................... 274 Table 24 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2012 .................................................................... 277 Table 25 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2012 ....................................................... 278 Table 26 – Number of active projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2012 .................................................................... 302 Table 27 – List of MSc Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2012 .............................................................. 318 Table 28 – List of PhD Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2012 .............................................................. 321 viii ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 History Instituto de Telecomunicações (it) is a private, not-for-profit organisation, an association of eight institutions with research and development in the field of Telecommunications: • Instituto Superior Técnico (IST); • Universidade de Aveiro (UA); • Universidade de Coimbra (UC); • Portugal Telecom Inovação, (PTIn) • Nokia Siemens Networks S.A • Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) • Universidade do Porto (UP) • ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). it is organised around three sites: • Aveiro, in the University Campus, • Coimbra, in Site II of the University of Coimbra, • Lisbon, in Instituto Superior Técnico, and four branches: • Leiria, in the “Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão” of the Leiria Polytechnic (IPL), • Covilhã, in the University of Beira Interior (UBI), • Porto, shared by the Faculty of Engineering (FEUP) and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), • Lisboa, in ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). Setting up of it was the result of a 1.5 billion escudos (about 7.5 million Euros) grant from Programme CIENCIA, through three contracts signed in 1991. This investment enabled new infrastructures to be built and research laboratories to be equipped at each site. Installation was concluded in Aveiro in 1993 and in Lisbon and Coimbra in 1994. Since 1993, it activities proceed regularly. it bylaws were first approved in 1992, modified in 1997, 2003 and 2011. New Site bylaws deriving from it bylaws were approved and implemented in 2011. 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Key developments in 2012 are highlighted ahead. Details are included in the sections dealing with each of the research areas. 1.2 Management it is managed by a Board of Directors, elected by the General Assembly, and by Site Management Boards, which include the Site members of the Board of Directors. Site Management Boards enjoy ample freedom to deal with current affairs and usually meet weekly. The Board of Directors meets at least once a month. it scientific activities are overseen by the Scientific Board, which includes all it researchers holding a Ph.D. degree. The Scientific Board meets in Plenary or in Committees, both permanent and temporary. There are two permanent committees: the Science and Technology Committee and the Research Group Coordination Committee. it Work Plan and the Annual Report are discussed with the Advisory Committee, formed by three independent experts in the field of telecommunications (Dr. Roland Huber, Prof. Sir John O’Reilly and Prof. Martin Tomlinson) acting in a personal capacity, and together with the Accounts Report (after legal certification) are subsequently submitted to the General Assembly for approval. The General Assembly met formally twice in 2012. The first meeting was held on July 27th, in the Meeting Room of the Lisbon site, to discuss and approve the 2011 Annual Report and Accounts, to analyse the membership request from Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa and the Universidade do Algarve, to discuss the possibility of opening delegations at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa and the Universidade do Algarve and to elect the members of the Board of Directors for the period 2012 - 2014. The second meeting took place on December 12th, in the Meeting Room of the Rectorate of Universidade da Beira Interior, to discuss and approve the Work Plan and Budget for 2013. The Research Group Coordination Committee also met twice during 2012. On the first meeting, held on March 20th, at it auditorium at the Aveiro site, the Draft Proposal of the 2011 Annual Report and the proposals for opening delegations at Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa and the Universidade do Algarve were discussed and received a favourable opinion. On the second meeting, held on December 17th, in meeting room 2 of IST Congress Center Hotel (Coimbra), the Work Plan and Budget for 2012 were discussed and received a favourable 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS opinion. The first year reports of the first batch of internal projects were presented and discussed. The Advisory Board visited it (Lisbon, Coimbra, Aveiro and Porto) on the 11th and 12th of January 2012. Researchers from Covilhã and Leiria were interviewed in Coimbra. The report (included in Annex) is highly positive in what regards it scientific achievements and recommends more focus on technology transfer. 1.3 Highlights of 2012 Scientific output In spite of the very serious reduction of funding, mainly from FCT strategic funding, it scientific output in 2012 reached an all time high (the apparent contradiction of scientific output increase versus reduction of funding is explained ahead): • 25 books; • 53 book chapters; • 335 papers in international refereed scientific journals; • 479 papers in refereed conferences, with published proceedings; • 9 patent filed. Foreseen output for 2012 was • 30 books and book chapters; • 200 papers in international refereed scientific journals; • 400 papers in refereed conferences, with published proceedings. Achieved scientific output exceeded by far our forecast, in all areas, and became a new record. Fostering advanced education also reached an all time high: • 42 PhD theses, submitted and approved, • 207 MSc theses, submitted and approved, where the estimated numbers for 2012 were: • 30 PhD theses, submitted and approved, • 200 MSc theses, submitted and approved. 11 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS It is worth noting that, for the first time, the number of concluded PhD theses approaches one fourth of the number of PhD students, that is, the duration of the thesis work approaches four years. it researchers received the following distinctions: • Silva, J. S.; "Antenas compactas baseadas em lentes com feixe orientável para terminais de Terra na banda-Ka", Menção honrosa no 6º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI , 01-11-2012. • Silva, N.V.S.; A.O. Oliveira; N.B.C. Carvalho; " MTT Software Defined Radio and Digital Signal Processing ", Second place at the IMS2012 Software Defined Radio and Digital Signal Processing Student Design Competition , 01-06-2012 . • Cruz, P.M.; N.B.C. Carvalho; M.E. Valkama; " Best Student Presentation Award COST Action IC0803 ", Work: “Evaluation of Second-Order Bandpass Sampling Receivers for Software Defined Radio” Location: 8th MC Meeting and Workshop of COST IC0803, Belfast, United Kingdom , 01-05-2012 . • Vaz, J.M.C.V.; " Docente Excelente ", Considerado docente excelente relativamente à disciplina de Electrónica 1 leccionada no 2º semestre do ano lectivo 2010/11 no Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores. , 01-01-2012 . • Silva, N.V.S.; A.O. Oliveira; N.B.C. Carvalho; " RWS Best Student Paper ", Finalist at the IEEE Radio & Wireless Week Best Student Paper Contest , 01-01-2012 . • Bilro, L.; N. Alberto; P. Antunes; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; " Best poster award ", Best poster award in the Engineering Category at the Annual Research Day at University of Aveiro "Optical Fiber Sensors and Applications by: Lúcia Bilro, Nélia Alberto, Paulo Antunes, Rogério Nogueira, Paulo André" , 01-06-2012 . • Almeida, A. J.; N. J. Muga; N. A. Silva; P.S André; A. N. Pinto; " SEONS Best Student Paper ", Best Student Paper on Optical Communication in the X SEONS, in Porto , 01-062012 . • Liu, Z.; "2011 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad ", 01-04-2012 . • Ribeiro, V. M. C.; "Prémio empreendedorismo de base tecnológica ", Entrepeurnship course organized by Universidade de Aveiro Universidade da Beira Interior and Universidade de Coimbra. The prize was won competing against 22 of the best patented technologies of this universities., 01-02-2012 . 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS • Cabral, M. C.; J. R. Rodrigues; J. D. Dias; J. I. Isento; A. V. Vinel; " Best Paper Award ", The paper entitled "Deployment of a Real Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Network Testbed", presented at the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITST 2012), Taipei, Taiwan, November 5-8, 2012, received the Best Paper Award. , 01-11-2012 . • Brites , C.; " IEEE VCIP 2012 - Best Reviewer Award ", Winner of Best Reviewer Award for 2012 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) conference , 01-11-2012 . • Veiga, A.; D. Celorico; JP Proença; S. Candeias; F. Perdigão; " Prosodic and Phonetic Features for Speaking Styles Classification and Detection ", one of the nine finalists for the IberSPEECH 2012 Microsoft best student paper award , 01-11-2012 . • Sargento, S.; A. Cardote; J. Barros; " Track Final of the ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Ventures Competition ", VENIAM, a spin-off of our group in University of Aveiro (DETI) and Institute de Telecommunications, and of our colleagues in University of Porto, just won the Track Final of the ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Ventures Competition, 01-11-2012 . • Faria, J.; " Prémio Científico UTL - Santander ", Honorable Mention , 01-12-2012. • Fernando Pereira.; " Prémio Científico UTL - Santander ", Honorable Mention , 01-122012. • Caseiro, L. C.; A. M. S. Mendes; A. A. Alcaso; " Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in ThreeLevel Neutral-Point-Clamped Rectifiers ", Best oral presentation during technical session Multilevel Converters-2 at the 38th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,.October 2012, Montreal, Canada. , 01-10-2012 . • Martins, R.; N. Lourenço; S.R. Rodrigues; J.G. Guilherme; N.H. Horta; " Honorable Mention from SMACD 2012 Competition on Analog IC Design Automation ", “AIDA: Automated Analog IC Design Flow from Circuit Level to Layout”, Proceedings of International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD) , Seville, Spain, Sep. 2012. , 01-10-2012 . • Gonçalo, N.; P.A. Araújo; "Contribution of Web Services to Improve Pain Diaries Experience ", Best Paper Award of The 2012 IAENG International Conference on Internet Computing and Web Services - IMECS2012 , 01-03-2012 . The number of scholarships decreased significantly in 2012 with respect to 2011, due to a largely reduced FCT strategic funding (as explained in more detail below), that is: • 181 Ph.D. scholarships, funded by FCT; 13 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS • 209 other scholarships, funded by it, as follows: • 32 Ph.D scholarships • 45 B.Sc. scholarships • 75 M.Sc. scholarships • 24 post-PhD scholarships • 1 technician scholarship • 4 Integration in R&D fellowships, • 21 R&D starting grants • 2 Management of Science and Technology fellowships, • 5 mobility fellowships associated with the CMU-Portugal Program. During 2012, 140 nationally funded and 29 internationally funded projects were active, as shown in section 2.2. It is particularly noteworthy the fact that on the 31st of December it was involved in 21 running FP7 projects (running and selected for funding) in addition to other 3 projects, where there was involvement of some it researchers from the Lisbon site. IT funding In the past few years, FCT strategic funding i.e. funding for the IT - Laboratório Associado contract, was never timely. It suffices to say that funding for 2010, about 2.2 M€, was received in January 2011 and was executed (98 % rate) until December 31st 2011. Strategic funding for 2011-2012 obeyed new rules: an upfront payment of 20 % of the approved budget (ie 1.2 M€), followed by the reimbursement of 80 % of the accepted expenses. The 20 % share was received in two instalments (April and August 2011) but its executing only started in January 2012, since during 2011 it was running with the 2010 strategic funding. In part, this was the reason for the observed low impact in 2012 of the funding shortage on it’s scientific output. As foreseen right in October 2011, this new payment method was extremely damaging because FCT was never able to process reimbursements in less than three months. In addition the number of payment requests increased dramatically from once a year up to twenty or more (for the IT – Laboratório Associado contract). In fact, the delay in reimbursements exceeded our worse expectations. Not only it reached (in cases) up to 6 months but, worse 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS still, many expenses were deemed to be non eligible on the first submission, forcing it to resubmit again and again the same expenses, with renewed justifications. At the time of writing, it has executed the whole advanced payment and submitted claims for 1011 k€ and received 247 k€ (instead of 809 k€). The remaining claims should be submitted until March 31st 2013 but it is still unclear if the remaining reimbursements will ever be made. Since about 50% of the reimbursements were paid in December 24th, 2012, it was not feasible to use these sums for payments in 2012. FCT demanded that 2011-2012 funding should be used until December 31st 2012, contrary to previous practice and general expectations, delivered a very serious blow to strategic funding. At present it is unclear if reimbursements, both paid late and due but not paid in 2012 may be used for eligible expenses during 2013. To compound things, in July 2012 FCT took the unilateral decision that mission grants could no longer be accepted as eligible, even if these grants are defined in it grant regulation approved by FCT. This decision of non-eligibility of already made mission expenses, (because in this instance FCT had made up 90% advance payments), prevented these projects from closing and thus prevented it from getting the final payment (10%). Finally in November 2012, FCT agreed to accept eligibility of mission grant expenses up to December 31st 2012 subject to some minor changes in the submission of such expenses. New rules and procedures will apply from January 2013 onwards, for mission funding. To complete the bleak picture, it should be mentioned that from August 12th, 2012, it must comply with the rules of the Code of Public Contracts. The resulting increased bureaucracy is appalling to say the least and already has negative impact in it activity, not to mention the increase in administrative staff and bureaucratic costs. From the above it is quite clear that it management was cautious and did not embark in borrowing money to execute the contract value (3 M€ for 2012) since FCT never guarantied that reimbursements were to be paid. This cautious approach earned it a serious (40%) decrease in 2013 strategic funding, which was (up to now) calculated on the basis of the amounts executed in 2012. 15 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Events, initiatives and achievements it received the following distinguished visitors: • Delegation of the Republic of Korea, October 15 • President of FCT, Lisbon, November 26, • Prof. Dr. Joabson Nogueira de Carvalho e Prof. Dr. Francisco Cicupira de Andrade Filho do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Paraíba, Lisbon, November 26. it hosted the following national and international events (referred by date): • Seminar – “Organic photonics for life enhancing technology: application to artificial retina”, Guglielmo Lanzani, Politecnico di Milano, (16-01-2012). • Seminar – “Importing logics: Soundness and completeness preservation”, Amílcar Sernadas and Cristina Sernadas, SQIG-IT,(20-01-2012). • Winter School ”Internet of Things”, (26-01-2012). • Seminar – “Some conceptual issues of quantum gravity”, Marko Vojinovic, U. Lisboa, (27-01-2012). • Talk ''Os dados da rede de cardiologia pediátrica dos estados de Pernambuco e Paraíba'', Vital Responder, Porto, (16-02-2012). • Talk – “The closest vector problem in multi-dimensional wireless channels”, Francisco Monteiro- IT-ISCTE-IUL), (02-03-2012). • Talk – “Deterministic realization of a universal quantum gate in a single scattering process”, Francesco Ciccarello, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, (16-03-2012). • Talk – “Harnessing the interplay between quantum coherence and decoherence”, Masoud Mohseni, MIT and Raytheon BBN Technologies, (21-03-2012). • Talk – “Quantum sensing and imaging via tomography: Scene Reconstruction imaging with Entangled Photons”, Masoud Mohseni, MIT and Raytheon BBN Technologies, (2103-2012). • Talk – “Specifying and reasoning about normative systems programming”, Ricardo Gonçalves (CENTRIA), (23-03-2012). in deontic logic 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS • Seminar – “Compatibility of quantum measurements: coexistence of qubit observables”, Daniel Reitzner, Slovak Acad. Sci. & TU Munich, (23-03-2012). • Seminar – “Boole's Algebra of Logic. A modern version and a modern adaptation of the original version”, H. P. Sankappanavar, State University of New York, USA, (30-032012). • Seminar – “On the robustness of "useful" information measures” André Souto, SQIG-IT, (13-04-2012). • ”International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese - PROPOR 2012”, (17-04-2012). • Talk – “Gödel functional interpretation”, Jaime Gaspar, (04-05-2012). • Talk – “Dualidades naturais em 50 minutos”, Maria João Gouveia, DM-UL/CAUL, (18-052012). • Seminar – “Cage Based Deformation Methods” Verónica Orvalho, IT and Antonio Susin, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, (21-05-2012) • ”Porto Interactive Center”, FCUP, (21-05-2012). • Talks – “ICG-LX” - Prof. Günhan Dündar, IT, (28-05-2012). • ”20th anniversary of Instituto de Telecomunicações” (31-05-2012). A series of events will be held in 2012 at the sites and branches of Instituto de Telecomunicações to mark its 20th anniversary. December 1, 2012, 09:00 - IT Aveiro November 7, 2012, 09:00 - ISCTE-IUL branch of IT October 16, 2012, 14:00 - Porto branch of IT July 11, 2012, 10:15 - IT Coimbra July 2, 2012, 14:30 - IT Lisboa May 31, 2012, 14:00 - Leiria branch of IT May 29, 2012 - 10:15 - Covilhã branch of IT • Seminar – “A characterization of computable analysis on unbounded domains using differential equations” Manuel Campagnolo, ISA-TU Lisbon / SQIG-IT, (01-06-2012). • Seminar – “An overview of the E91 protocol”, Arnaldo Gouveia, SQIG-IT, (01-06-2012). • Seminar – “Automated Verification of Equivalence Properties of Cryptographic Protocols” Rohit Chadha, INRIA and ENS-Cachan, (15-06-2012). 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS • ”The Power Challenges of Mega-Science Infrastructures: the example of SKA”, Moura Portugal (20-06-2012) and Sevilla, Spain, (21-06-2012) • “Cooperative communications with confidential messages”, FEUP, (26-06-2012). • “Ciência Viva no Laboratório - Ocupação Científica de Jovens nas Férias” Introdução às Telecomunicações (INTELE), (02-07-2012). • ”Second Lisbon Machine Learning School (LxMLS 2012)”, IST-IT, (19-07-2012). • Talk – “Non-computability and financial markets” Daniel Graça, U. Algarve / SQIG-IT, (20-07-2012). • Seminar – “Simple Ant Routing Algorithm: A routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks” Fernando Ribeiro Correia, Escola Naval, (27-07-2012). • Seminar – “Statistical Model Checking for Markov Decision Processes” David Henriques, SQIG-IT, (07-09-2012). • Seminar – “Cut-elimination, truth-functionality, compositionality and analyticity”, JeanYves Béziau, UFRJ – Brazil, (14-09-2012). • Seminar – “Multi-Gigabit Optical Networks” - Instituto de Telecomunicações – Aveiro, (14-09-2012). • Seminar – “On the origin of (statistical) temperature in quantum Universe” Vladimír Buzek, Slovak Academy of Sciences, (23-10-2012). • Talk – “The Future of Broadcast TV: The Age of Convergence” ISCTE-IUL, (23-102012). • Seminar – “Quantum simulation with optical lattices”, Octavi Boada, U.Barcelona,(0410-2012). • Workshop “4Green Communications” ISCTE-IUL, (07-11-2012). • Seminar – “Classic-like cut-based tableau systems for finite-valued logics” Carlos Caleiro, IST-UTL / SQIG-IT, (09-11-2012). • Seminar – “Manipulating Individual Quantum Systems: The Nobel Prize for Physics 2012”, Yasser Omar, ISEG-UTL and IT, (13-11-2012). • Seminar – “On two-dimensional products of modal logics”, Sérgio Marcelino, SQIG-IT, (23-11-2012). 18 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS • Talk – “Topological Quantum Information, Khovanov Homology and the Jones Polynomial”, Louis Kauffman, University of Illinois at Chicago (30-11-2012). • Talk – “Quantum authentication for quantum key distribution”, Aleksandar Stojanovic, SQIG-IT, (07-12-2012). • Seminar – “Quantum simulations as our quantum theater” Enrique Solano, Universidad del Pais Vasco, (14-12-2012). it is a member of the CIENCIA VIVA, the National Agency for Scientific and Technological culture and co-operates in some of its events, namely those related with the diffusion of know-how on electromagnetic radiation and its effects on the human body. Project MONIT, (www.lx.it.pt/monit) was actively engaged in promoting and diffusing know how on electromagnetic radiation and mobile communications. Occasionally, through this project, it offers two week training in the measurement of electromagnetic radiation. Sponsored by CIENCIA VIVA, it organized a one-week hands-on introductory course on telecommunications for 10th and 11th grade high school pupils with 15 enthusiastic participants and an open-lab two hour session for a similar audience. Also in cooperation with IST, it organized visits and demonstrations for high school pupils, involving about 1000 pupils (in 2012). During 2012, it commemorated its 20th aniversary with half-day seminars, visits, exhibitions and demonstrations in its 3 sites and 4 delegations, which all in all joined more than 600 participants. During 2012 it reinitiated a regular publication of its monthly newsletter, which is distributed electronically to all researchers and PhD students and also started to be present in social networks (Facebook, YouTube and Flickr). Finally it should be stressed that in 2012 it researchers created two new companies (Veniam, Streambolic). Streambolic earned the grand prize at the 8th BES Concurso Nacional de Inovação and Veniam won the 3rd Building Global Innovators Venture Competition ISCTE-IUL MIT. 19 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS 2. KEY IT INDICATORS Human Resources In December 2012 it human resources included 720 people distributed as follows: • 262 researchers; • 223 PhD students; • 206 grantees; • 12 technical; • 17 administrative. All researchers but 2, hold a PhD degree. The distribution of all human resources between the three sites is represented graphically in Figure 2.1. It is obvious from this figure that the ratios between PhD students and researchers and between grantees and researchers is much higher in Aveiro than in Lisbon a fact that is partly explained by the much higher involvement of Aveiro in FP7 projects. 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 2.1: Distribution of it human resources between the three sites The distribution of researchers and PhD students between sites and delegations is shown in Figure 2.2. This figure shows, more than the previous one, the lower proportion of PhD students in relation to the number of researchers in the IST site and, even more seriously, in the ISCTE branch. 21 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 2.2: Distribution of itresearchers and PhD students among associated universities Unfortunately our accounting systems only provides site information for grantees and thus it is not yet possible to have a more detailed picture of grantees distribution. As a result of the application it quality policy, out from the 260 researchers holding a PhD Degree, 50 were excluded from FCT basic funding, and 12 had a 25 % reduction of FCT basic funding. As a result, in the first semester of 2012 it has 191.25 eligible researchers. The distribution of it technical and administrative staff is shown on Figure 2.3 and 2.4. 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 2.3 Distribution of it technical staff Figure 2.4 Distribution of it administrative staff 23 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS The distributions of foreign post-docs (29) and PhD students (57) per nationality are shown in figures 2.5 and 2.6 Figure 2.5 Distribution of foreign post-docs per nationality 24 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 2.6 Distribution of foreign PhD student per nationality 25 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Projects Funding Agency Number ADI 1 BIT - BRISA 1 COST 3 EC 1 ESA 2 ESF, PESC 1 EU, FP7 21 FCT 6 FCT, RIPD 1 FCT, UT Austin 2 FCT/CAPES 2 FCT/CMU 5 FCT/GRICES 1 FCT/MIT 1 FCT/PTDC 63 FP4 1 IEEE, TC-25 1 Industry 1 Industry (Dutch Polymer Institute) 1 Intellab 1 IPS 1 IT 25 Marinha Portuguesa 1 Microsoft 1 National Funding 1 NATO/Portuguese Navy/Portuguese Ministry of Defense 2 Nokia Siemens Networks 1 Optimus, TMN, Vodafone 1 Private International Company (confidential) 1 PT Telecom, FCT, UT Austin 1 PT-Inovação 11 Public concourse 1 QREN 3 QREN/COMPETE 1 Thales Alenia Space 1 Table 2 – Number of active projects in 2012, according to funding source 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Publications Books Book chapters Journals Conferences Patents MSc Thesis PhD Thesis 25 53 335 479 9 207 42 Table 3 – Number of published works in 2012 "Books”- Fully authored books and Edited books; "Journals”- Papers in International refereed journals; "Conferences”- Communications in International and National refereed conferences; “Patents” - Patent applications; "MSc and PhD Theses”- Concluded dissertations. The scientific productivity in 2012 was 1.75 journal papers per eligible researcher or, counting each book, bookchapter and journal paper as one publication, 2.15 publications per eligible researcher. It is interesting to compare in Fig 2.5 to Fig. 2.11 the distribution of the number of researchers per site and delegation with the number of number of published works (papers in international journals and communications to refereed conferences). One should note that in these graphics the sum of the number of publications per site and/or delegation is higher than the number of publications for it because a significant number of publications (about 30%) are authored by researchers from more than one site and/or delegation. This fact in itself is an important indicator that it is increasingly operating as a unity rather than as a collection of research units. In the following figures, it and CIENCIA paid researchers and their publications are not included. 27 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 2.7 : Distribution of it researchers per site Figure 2.8 : Distribution of journal papers published in 2012 per site 28 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 2.9 : Distribution of communications in international refereed conferences in 2012 per site Figure 2.10: Distribution of patents in 2012 per site 29 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 2.11 : Distribution of it researchers per delegation in 2012 Figure 2.12 : Distribution of journal papers published in 2012 per delegation 30 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 2.13 : Distribution of communications in international refereed conferences in 2012 per delegation Figure 2.14 : Distribution of patents in 2012 per delegation 31 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Even if Figures 2.7 to 2.14 are self explanatory, it is interesting to remark that at the level of papers in journals, site distribution follows very closely research distribution. Differences are slight at the level of communications to conferences and considerable at the number of patents where the importance of Porto shines. Going into delegations, some differences are rather more striking, particularly at the level of papers in journals, which could not be seen at the site level. Networks and Sinergies it management has been trying hard to improve networking not only between its researchers but also with external researchers. Using social network analysis software tool (NodeXL) and it databse of journal publications in 2012 with kwnon ISI WoS impact factor, figure 2.13 was produced representing it co-authorship network in 2012. In this figure each researcher is represented by a disk whose colour indicates the researcher scientific aera according to the following code: • Red – Wireless Communications, • Blue – Optical Communicatons, • Orange – Networks and Multimedia, • Green – Basic Science and Enabling Technologies. The disk diameter is proporcional to the member of connections originated by each mode. The existence of a paper authored by two or more researchers is represented by a line between the modes involved. The networking strength in 2012 is apparent in figure 2.13 and may be better appreciated in figure 2.14 that was obtained using it database of ISI journal papers for the period 2007 to 2011. Although most connections involve researchers of the same scientific area, there is a significant number of connections between researchers of different scientific areas, a clear indicator of the synergies it is fostering. Connections with external authors are not shown for coarity. In both figures the small disks shown at the bottom left represent authors with 2 or less connections. 32 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 2.13 : Graph showing co-authorships in 2012 33 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – KEY IT INDICATORS Figure 2.14 : Graph showing co-authorships the period 2007/2011 34 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – FINANCIAL OUTLINE 3. FINANCIAL OUTLINE Operational income during 2012 totalled 8.912,80 k€ distributed as indicated in Table 1. Major income sources (clients of services and sources of subsidies) are detailed in Table 2. Costs in 2012 totalled 5.704,40 k€ as partially indicated in Table 3. Main asset changes in 2012 are listed in Table 4. Sources of Income Amount [k€] Services to third parties 1.354,7 Subsidies 6.465,8 Other 1.092,3 TOTAL 8.912,80 Table 1 – Total operational income in 2012 Major clients of services PT Inovação Amount [k€] 639,6 Brisa 73,8 VODAFONE 82,4 TMN 82,4 Be Artis 82,4 Nokia Siemens 61,7 Huawei Technologies 165,5 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – FINANCIAL OUTLINE Main sources of subsidies Amount [k€] Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia 3.256,9 Commission of the European Communities 2.359,2 Universidade de Aveiro 681,1 Agência de Inovação 132,7 TOTAL 7.617,70 Table 2 – List of major income sources during 2012 Costs Amount [k€] Staff 1.585,9 Researchers 579,3 Scholarships 2.504,5 Missions 715,2 Books and journals 55,1 Consumables 264,4 TOTAL 5.704,40 Table 3 – Major costs in 2012 Assets Amount [k€] Increase in tangible assets 424,3 Depreciation 1.108,5 New Technical and Scientific Equipment TOTAL Table 4 – Main asset changes in 2012 413,4 1.946,20 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4. RESEARCH AREAS 4.1 Wireless Communications 4.1.1 4.1.2 Area Coordinators • Carlos Cardoso Fernandes • Nuno Borges de Carvalho Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Professor Emeritus 0 0 2 Full Professor 3 0 5 Associate Professor 4 1 6 Assistant Professor 10 1 28 Assistant Lecturer 1 0 0 Post. Doc 10 1 0 PhD Student 30 2 34 (Licenciado) 1 0 1 59 5 76 TOTAL Table 5 – Overview of human resources in the Wireless Communication Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Permanent Collaborators Position Assistant Professor Full Professor Post. Doc. Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Post. Doc. Full Professor Professor Emeritus Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. MSc Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Degree PhD Name Adão Paulo Soares Silva Agregação Afonso Manuel dos Santos Barbosa PhD Alberto de Jesus Nascimento Agregação Américo Manuel Carapeto Correia PhD António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues PhD António Manuel Restani Graça Alves Moreira PhD Armando Carlos Domingues da Rocha PhD Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira PhD Atílio Manuel da Silva Gameiro PhD Agregação PhD Ayman Radwan Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes Carlos Eduardo do Rego da Costa Salema Carlos Gaspar Ribeiro Agregação Carlos Manuel dos Reis Paiva Agregação PhD PhD MSc PhD PhD Antennas and Propagation – Lx Mobile Systems - Av Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Antennas and Propagation – Lx Radio Systems – Av Radio Systems – Av Mobile Networks – Av Mobile Systems - Av Antennas and Propagation – Lx Antennas and Propagation – Lx Mobile Networks – Av Antennas and Propagation – Lx Custódio José Oliveira Peixeiro Antennas and Propagation – Lx Du Yang Mobile Systems - Av Eduardo Jorge da Costa Brás Antennas and Lima Propagation – Lx Fernando Duarte Nunes Communication Theory – Lx Fernando Jose da Silva Velez Radio Systems – Lx Agregação Francisco António Bucho Cercas MSc Gonçalo Valadão PhD Group Mobile Networks – Av João Carlos Marques Silva Radio Systems – Lx Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Agregação João José Lopes da Costa Freire Wireless Circuits – Lx PhD PhD João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos Wireless Circuits – Lx Radio Systems – Av ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Position Assistant Lecturer Post. Doc. Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Degree PhD Name Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez PhD Jorge dos Santos Freitas de Oliveira Agregação Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa PhD José André Rocha Sá e Moura Group Mobile Systems - Av Wireless Circuits – Av Antennas and Propagation – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Agregação Agregação José Carlos da Silva Neves Radio Systems – Av Jose Carlos Esteves Duarte Wireless Circuits – Av Pedro PhD José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro Radio Systems – Lx da Cunha Sanguino Agregação Jose Manuel Nunes Leitao Communication Theory – Lx PhD Luís Carlos Carneiro Gonçalves Mobile Networks – Av PhD Marco Alexandre dos Santos Radio Systems – Lx Ribeiro PhD Maria João Ramos Marques Wireless Circuits – Lx Coelho Carrilho do Rosário PhD Mário Gonçalo Mestre Verissimo Antennas and Silveirinha Propagation – Co PhD Mário Pedro Guerreiro Marques Radio Systems – Lx da Silva PhD Nuno Manuel Branco Souto Radio Systems – Lx Agregação Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho PhD Paulo Gustavo Martins da Silva Radio Systems – Av Radio Systems – Lx PhD Paulo Jorge Coelho Marques Mobile Systems - Av PhD Radio Systems – Lx PhD Pedro Manuel de Almeida Carvalho Vieira Pedro Miguel da Silva Cabral Wireless Circuits – Av Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Coordinator Professor PhD Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Lavrador Wireless Circuits – Av PhD Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Wireless Circuits – Lx PhD Rafael Ferreira da Silva Caldeirinha Antennas and Propagation – Lr Post. Doc. Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Ramiro Samano Robles Rodolfo Alexandre Duarte Oliveira Rui Filipe Rosa Paulo Mobile Networks – Av Radio Systems – Lx PhD MSc Radio Systems – Av Radio Systems – Lx ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Position Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor PhD Degree PhD PhD PhD Name Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis Sara Helena Marques Teodoro Sérgio de Almeida Matos Stanislav Maslovski Assistant Professor Post. Doc. PhD Telmo Reis Cunha PhD Tiago André Nogueira Morgado Post. Doc. PhD Wonhoon Jang Group Radio Systems – Lx Mobile Networks – Av Antennas and Propagation – Lx Antennas and Propagation – Co Wireless Circuits – Av Antennas and Propagation – Co Radio Systems – Av Table 6 – Permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in 2012 Other Collaborators Position Degree PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc Name Abubakar Sadiq Hussaini Alexandre Passos de Almeida Alírio de Jesus Soares Boaventura Ana Catarina Caniço Cruz PhD Student MSc Andela Zaric PhD Student MSc Full Professor PhD Student Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student Assistant Professor Associate Professor PhD Student Post. Doc. PhD Student PhD Student André Eduardo Ponciano Martins PhD Aníbal Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Licenciatura António Abreu PhD Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa PhD Antonio Navarro Rodrigues Licenciatura António Tavares MSc Carlos Alberto Barreiro Mendes Carlos Leme PhD MSc MSc Carlos Manuel Gutierrez Sá da Costa Carlos Miguel Sendas Pires Daniel Filipe Marques Castanheira Daniel Luís Silveira Robalo Darlene Maciel Neves Group Mobile Systems - Av Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Av Antennas and Propagation – Lx Antennas and Propagation – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Administrative Aveiro Wireless Circuits – Lx Antennas and Propagation – Lx Mobile Networks – Av Radio Systems – Av Antennas and Propagation – Lx Wireless Circuits – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Mobile Networks – Av Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Av ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Position PhD Student Degree MSc Name David Emanuel Dias Fernandes PhD Student PhD Student MSc MSc Fábio José Silva Amaral Fernando de Sousa Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student PhD MSc MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Student MSc PhD MSc PhD Fernando Manuel Ascenso Fortes Fernando Santos Azevedo Wireless Circuits – Lx Filipa Isabel Rodrigues Antennas and Prudêncio Propagation – Lx Filipe Alexandre da Silva Radio Systems – Av Rodrigues Firooz B. Saghezchi Mobile Systems - Av Francisco Alberto Sena da Silva Communication Theory – Lx Francisco António Taveira Radio Systems – Lx Branco Nunes Monteiro Francisco José Dinis de Sousa Radio Systems – Lx Fernandes Ganhão Hamed Hasani Antennas and Propagation – Lx Hélio Silva Mobile Systems - Av Hugo Almeida e Marques Mobile Systems - Av Hugo Miguel Cravo Gomes Radio Systems – Av Ivo Luís de la Cerda Garcia e Radio Systems – Lx Sousa Joana Rita Alves dos Santos Antennas and Silva Propagation – Lx João Carlos Roquete Fidalgo Antennas and Canto Propagation – Lx João Paulo Martins Radio Systems – Av João Tavares Radio Systems – Av João Tiago de Figueiredo e Antennas and Costa Propagation – Co Joaquim Manuel C.S. Bastos Mobile Systems - Av Jorge Paulo Alves Torres Wireless Circuits – Lx PhD Jose Fernando da Rocha Pereira PhD PhD Student PhD PhD PhD PhD Student Student Student Student MSc MSc MSc PhD Student MSc Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD PhD Student Assistant Professor Associate Professor PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD PhD PhD PhD Student Student Student Student Group Antennas and Propagation – Co Radio Systems – Lx Communication Theory – Lx Wireless Circuits – Lx MSc MSc MSc José Maria Sousa do Vale Marçal MSc José Miguel da Silva Bergano MSc José Miguel Ferreira Preto Marques Luzio Kazi Mohammed Saidul Huq Licenciatura Luís M. Borges MSc Luís Miguel Mendes MSc Luis Pedro Marques Brás Radio Systems – Av Communication Theory – Lx Radio Systems – Av Radio Systems – Lx Mobile Systems - Av Radio Systems – Lx Wireless Circuits – Lx Radio Systems – Av ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Position Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student Professor Emeritus PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD Student Student Student Student Student Student Degree Licenciatura Marco António da Mota Carvalho Silva Pereira Mário Jorge Simão de Assunção Agregação Mario Jose de Almeida Lanca MSc MSc MSc MSc MSc MSc PhD Student Assistant Professor PhD Student Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student Name Manuel Dinis PhD MSc PhD MSc MSc Licenciatura MSc PhD MSc MSc PhD Student Miguel António Frade Duarte Miguel Ramos Pereira Mohsen Koohestani Muhammad Alam Nelson José Valente da Silva Norberto José Gil Barroca Nuno Cota Nuno Miguel Abreu Luís Nuno Miguel de Figueiredo Garrido Nuno Miguel Faria Pires Pedro Joaquim Amaro Sebastiao Pedro Miguel Duarte Cruz Pedro Miguel Ferreira de Oliveira Pedrosa Rafal Glogowski Reza Holakouei Ricardo Dias Fernandes Ricardo Matos Abreu Ricardo Miguel Romão Gonçalves Riccardo Bassoli Rui Jorge Ferreira Esteves Rui Miguel Neto Marinheiro Senka Hadzic Sérgio Carlos da Conceição Pires Sérgio Morgadinho Rebelo Group Radio Systems – Av Wireless Circuits – Lx Wireless Circuits – Lx Wireless Circuits – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Antennas and Propagation – Lx Mobile Systems - Av Radio Systems – Av Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Antennas and Propagation – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Av Radio Systems – Lx Antennas and Propagation – Lx Mobile Networks – Av Radio Systems – Av Radio Systems – Av Radio Systems – Av Mobile Systems - Av Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Lx Mobile Systems - Av Radio Systems – Av PhD Student MSc Susana Mota Antennas and Propagation – Lr Radio Systems – Av Associate Professor PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Telmo Rui Carvalhinho Cunha Fernandes Teresa Paula Soares de Araújo Tiago Miguel Valente Varum Vahid Nazari Talooki Antennas and Propagation – Lr Radio Systems – Lx Radio Systems – Av Mobile Systems - Av MSc MSc ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Position PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Degree MSc Name Valdemar Monteiro Victor Sucasas Iglésias Wael Dghais Group Mobile Systems - Av Mobile Systems - Av Wireless Circuits – Av Table 7 – Non-permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.3 Summary of Research Achievements Contributing groups • Antennas and Propagation - Lx • Antennas and Propagation - Co • Antennas and Propagation - Lr • Mobile Networks – Av • Mobile Systems - Av • Radio Systems - Av • Radio Systems - Lx • Wireless Circuits – Av • Wireless Circuits - Lx Antenna Analysis and Design Work on antennas has been focused on a few main topics: antennas for RFID and UWB systems and antennas for microwave and mm-wave applications with emphasis on antennas for Ka-band satellite communications and small antennas for indoor applications. RFID and UWB Antenas Work continued on the design of UHF RFID tag antennas and UWB antennas for indoor personal communications and for indoor localization. New low-cost antennas for UWB indoor localization, including hybrid antennas appropriate for simultaneous RFID identification and UWB localization have been designed. A system demonstrator and new algorithms for indoor localization enhancement were developed. Work continued also on near-field reader antennas for UHF-RFID confined detection applications, including mirror embedded transparent antennas. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Low cost UHF RFID tag antennas for near-body applications, including interworking with body-implantable antennas have been designed, fabricated and experimentally tested. Emerging low-cost tag fabrication techniques based on ink-jet printed have been explored. A source-stirred UWB radiation efficiency measurement method was developed and results were compared with reverberation chamber measurements and computer simulations. The method provided a simple cavity-based approach to UWB antenna efficiency measurement. An efficient and simple UWB model of a human limb was introduced for antenna simulations. The adequacy of the model was confirmed by antenna measurements and an antenna prototype for wearable systems was developed. UWB matching resilience of dielectric loaded antennas was confirmed and improved through measurements and by using a simple and accurate human limb model. Satellite related antennas • Development of a new concept of low-cost antenna for GPS-based positioning calibration for precision demanding applications like aircraft instrument landing systems in airports; • New developments on low-cost dielectric lens-based mechanical steerable beam antenna for Ka ground terminal satellite services; • Design of multi-beam metamaterial-based Fabry-Perot antennas for Ka satellite deck installation; Design and test of microstrip patch antenna elements and arrays for Ka band space applications; ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Other antenna related topics Other lines of research have been pursued including: • Design and test of an implantable compact antenna to be applied under the human skin for medical applications; • Work was also put in the designing of special antenna structures for vehicular communications, among vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructures based on wireless communication technology known as dedicated short range communications (DSRC). DSRC are in great development with the aim of reducing traffic problems and improving road safety. The study addressed both the development of an antenna solution for the mobile module, usually named On-Board Unit (OBU) and the design of an antenna for the RSU (Road Side Unit). Circuits and systems for wireless communications During 2012 the work devoted to wireless circuits and systems was mainly concentrated in the design of flexible radio circuits and systems for several applications, including: Software Defined Radio systems, Wireless Power Transmission, Nonlinear Models and Characterization for high speed digital buffers, Circuits for Dedicated Short Range Communications. New Agile Transmitters reconfigurable ΣΔ-based transmitter architecture supporting multichannel multimode data transmission has been designed and validated. The high flexibility of this architecture enables a data transmission scenario where the frequencies of the carriers and the spectral masks can be easily changed through software, making this agile transmitter applications. interesting for use in cognitive radio-based ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Moreover injection locked class-E power amplifiers were built and characterized in CMOS technologies. The prototypes achieved almost 30 dBm output power. An EER amplifier was designed and built. An envelope detector and a DC-DC converter were included in the architecture. The converter filter is off-chip but the rest of the system is fully integrated. Monolithic power combiners are being studied and designed. These structures will be integrated with the power amplifiers. A TLT and LC baluns and Wilkinson combiners were submitted to fabrication in CMOS technology. An effort was made with the internationalization. Research cooperation with State Key Laboratory from Macau University has also started in this field. The challenge to use new CMOS technologies with 130, 90 and 65nm channel length was achieved. Also an important investment was made in using electromagnetic and systemic simulators. Highly efficient wireless transmitter architectures based on a pulsed operation were also addressed this year in complementing agile transmitters. In that sense the study of the viability of building highly efficient and linear carrier-burst transmitters, namely to study their practical implementation difficulties was addressed. Beyond these works, research was carried on the design of nonlinear behavioral models for telecommunication sub-systems and devices, and their use in digital pre-distortion linearization. The application of these studies has been directed to both conventional Cartesian and polar wireless transmitters, namely for current-mode and switched-mode RF power amplifiers and wireless transmitter systems. Some extra works on a buck switch mode converter at 100MHz was fabricated and tested in a 180nm CMOS, to supply a Class-D PA. A 5V to 1.8V buck converter at 100MHz was also designed and sent for fabrication, using a cascode topology for the power circuit switches, in a 180nm CMOS. The study and design of a fully integrated buck switch mode converter was started. The idea is the increase in switching ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS frequencies up to hundreds of MHz (>300), in order to integrate the LC filter. Preliminary results indicate the viability of the proposal. A strong effort was put on the study of its nonlinear impairments to the overall linearity and efficiency. Other technologies have been approached as self-oscillating power amplifiers that constitute an innovative architecture that has theoretical 100% efficient operation under linear operation. The end of this year also marked the beginning of a research project in collaboration with an International Company aiming to study distortion generation mechanisms in Doherty power amplifiers. Agile Receivers This year some innovative ideas for increased dynamic range and bandwidth for software defined radio receivers were also explored, including the study of nonlinear behaviors, which is fundamental for the increase of the dynamic range. This was complemented with theoretical evaluation of polynomial behavioral model simplifications using circuit level physical knowledge and general Volterra series calculations, and also combined with the study of Predistortion theoretical limits. The goal of this work is to calculate the maximum power efficiency of an amplifier with and without the use of a predistorter in order to determine the maximum profit that can be obtained using this technique. Study of low noise amplifiers was also pursued this year by designing a simple version of a SiGe active inductor with less transistors and independent voltage control of inductance and quality factor. A 30GHz LNA with CMOS technology was designed and sent for fabrication. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Dedicated Short Range Communications Systems Work was focused on the development of Proof of Concept on wireless communications system for road applications, with emphasis on safety, following the WAVE recommendation”. While the standard IEEE802.11.p is not completed, the development followed the IEEE 802.11.a whenever necessary. Following the current 802.11p recommendations, basic functionalities were implemented in order to comply with the identified applications and scenarios. Some extra work was also put in this activities for designing special antenna structures for Vehicular communications, among vehicles and between vehicles communication and infrastructures technology known as are based dedicated on wireless short range communications (DSRC), which are in great development with the aim of reduce the traffic problems and improve the road safety. One study was based on the development of a solution to an antenna to be used in the mobile module, usually named On-Board Unit (OBU). Another possibility was the design of an antenna for the RSU (Road Side Unit). Design, Measurement and Characterization of CMOS and BICMOS SIGE RF Circuits • Analysis of the discrepancies between simulation and test of SiGe and CMOS prototypes. For this purpose a model for quasi-microstrip transmission lines was developed for 0.13 m CMO S t e c h validated up to 40GHz; • Monolithic power combiners are still being studied and designed. TLT and LC baluns and Wilkinson combiners fabricated in CMOS technology were characterized and promising performance was obtained. • A voltage controlled active inductor, developed in 2011, was introduced on a voltage tuned 28GHz filter that will be sent for fabrication in the 2013 0.25 m S iGe fir s t r u n ; ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • A complete receiver RF front-end for 30GHz applications in 0.13 CMOS technology was designed and submitted for m fabrication (prototype will be available by February 2013); • Also for 30 GHz, a second version of a LNA and the first version of a power amplifier, both in 0.13 mdesigned, re CMO S t e c h n o lo g y , w e fabricated and tested. Due to the accurate simulation of passives, the results were in agreement with the simulations with the exception of a frequency shift of 2 GHz that is under study. • A power amplifier was designed in 0.13 mand gy CMO S t e c h n o lo submitted for fabrication (prototype will be available by February 2013). Novel Wireless Transmitter Architectures • In this research topic we identified the main nonlinear distortion and power efficiency transmitter. degradation Considering the mechanisms needs for of present reduced cost, wireless power consumption and weight, and for a broad range of wireless standards, special attention was devoted to the mobile transmitter reconfigurability and the base-station transmitter bandwidth. • Two different architectures were studied for the mobile wireless transmitter. One was the self-oscillating power amplifier or limit-cycle amplifier where several system level studies were conducted, both at RF and baseband, of limit cycle loops and appropriate modulation formats. In terms of hardware development, a special attention was paid to the development of dynamic negative hysteresis switches for reduced switching noise. • The second architecture was the carrier amplitude-burst transmitter in which several detailed studies were conducted on its efficiency and linearity limitations. The proposed models were validated through the measurement of a specially designed transmitter prototype. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • For the base-station transmitter, the focus was on the Doherty arrangement (and its associated digital pre-distortion), namely on understanding the physical mechanisms responsible for the nonlinear distortion that arises on the carrier and peaking PAs and then on the complete 2-way Doherty PA. • Most of this work was funded by the FCT Project SOPAS. Wireless Transmitter Behavioral Modeling and PreDistortion • With the objective of increasing the linearity of the nowadays wireless transmitters, behavioral but without modeling jeopardizing approach based their power on the efficiency, physical a nonlinear distortion generation mechanisms of wireless PAs was followed. For that, several studies were conducted on the AM/AM and AM/PM distortion of Class-AB, B andC single ended PAs and then on the Doherty arrangement. • In parallel, a special attention was dedicated to the development of digital pre-distortion technologies (measurement benches and DSP techniques) capable of achieving more than 60dB of intermodulation ratio. • This work was supported by a major multi-national wireless equipment manufacturer under the Project DhPAM. Signal Integrity Analysis in Mixed-Signal IC Devices • The aim of this research topic was to develop accurate behavioral models for the efficient simulation of wireless circuits incorporating digital and mixed-signal high-speed devices. A new behavioral model for an input-output buffer/driver was developed and tested under signal integrity analysis applications. This model is based on the decomposition of the observed voltage-driven current on its conductive ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS and displacement components, as previously adopted in the in-phase and quadrature models of nonlinear RF devices. Also, a dedicated method was conceived to extract this model from digital IC transient simulations and a measurement set-up was developed and tested to be able to replicate the required extraction procedure in a RF laboratory. Numerical Techniques for Circuit/System Simulation • Considering the heterogeneity of self-oscillating power amplifiers, especially in terms of their strongly nonlinear operating regimes of operation, and also the existence of widely separated scales, a generic and comprehensive study of all computational simulation tools that operate strictly in the time domain was conducted. The main characteristics of these algorithms were analyzed, and a comparative study in terms of their efficiency was performed. Then, to circumvent the problem of numerical "stiffness" in RF circuit simulation, an innovative computational tool was designed and implemented. The computational tool developed in this context was specially designed for strongly nonlinear circuits operating on a fast time scale and two slower time scales, and resulted from a combination of advanced multirate simulation techniques, such as the method of lines based on multirate Runge-Kutta schemes and time-domain envelope following techniques, such as "envelope transient over shooting". Performance tests conducted on a RF polar power amplifier revealed very promising results in terms of computational efficiency. Circuit Theory and Power Supplies • Optimization of power flow on transmission lines for sustainable energy systems is under study; a new process for reducing the power losses was developed and tested on a real scenario. • The study and design of a fully integrated buck switch mode converter was completed. The converter includes an integrated inductor of 15nH at a switching frequency of 300 MHz. The block was ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS tested for both static and dynamic supply of a switch mode class-D RFPA. Extracted results in a 180nm CMOS process indicate the viability of the proposal. Wireless Power Transmission This year a new area emerged on the design of better and improved circuits for wireless power transmission: the effort was put on the design of RF-DC converters and on the design of highly efficient waveforms for maximizing the range of these circuits. Waves and Propagation Work in this sub-area focused on the effects of vegetation media on the propagation of radiowaves, RF measurement systems at microand millimeter wave frequencies, propagation through building walls as well as fundamental research on electromagnetics of complex media with possible applications to antennas and guided wave structures. Studies on EM exposure assessment have also been pursued. Radiowave Propagation Modelling • Optimization of a versatile radio channel sounder prototype with the capability of characterizing doubly selective channels through measurements of key channel indicators, e.g. Doppler spectra, channel impulse response (with time resolution better than 2 ns) and coherence time at 18, 37 and 61 GHz. Such development of a multifrequency swept-time delay cross-correlation channel sounder for propagation studies allowed building upon the doubly selective channel models widely available in the literature, so that refined and new models incorporating both channel time varying and multipath effects. This was accomplished through appropriate measurements of the radio channel for various geometries and frequencies. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Progress was made in the development of a ray tracing based simulation platform for realistic doubly selective radio channels, with MIMO capabilities, including vegetation media. This framework in its present stage is the integration of various propagation models present in literature, with a novel method of characterize the obstacles presented in the radio path, specifically for vegetation specimens, yielding only to point scatterers with specific characteristics, which allows a great variety of obstacles. This allows one to extract various parameters of the channel under simulation, such as, the received signal complex envelope, Doppler spread and power delay profile (PDP). • Progress was made on the development of a novel time-varying radiowave model in vegetation media at micro- and millimeter-wave frequencies. The model is based on the discrete (Radiative Energy Transfer) theory extended to include channel dynamics, for various vegetation species and frequencies. RF transparency control of building wall structures – initial study on new propagation enhancement (and reduction) techniques using Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) for interference mitigation, coverage enhancement and wireless security in indoor radio environments. This work was developed in close collaboration with University of Vigo (Spain), Work Eletromagnetics of Complex Media continued on the characterization and applications of metamaterials, namely based on wire media or nano-wires: • Investigation of metamaterial structures for ultra-confined RFID interrogation region. • Experimental demonstration of a nearly lossless characterized by broadband anomalous dispersion. • Cherenkov emission in wire media. metamaterial ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Nonlinear metamaterials based on nanowires. Study of solitary waves in nonlinear wire media. • Tunneling of electromagnetic waves through channels filled with a medium with permeability near-zero. Experimental proof of the tunneling effect. • Light-controllable magnetic media based on loaded split ring resonators. Reconfigurable gradient index lenses for application in RF beam shaping and control. • Quantum metamaterials based on graphene and semiconductors. Super-collimation of electron waves. Perfect electron lens. • Study of the Casimir effect (based on the quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field) in moving media, and momentum transfer in the Casimir problem. Fundamental work on electromagnetic wave propagation in complex media, namely chiral, anisotropic and bianisotropic media has been continued. Main results of this work include: • Analysis of interfaces between isotropic and anisotropic media using a unified coordinate free approach; • Analysis of waveguide dispersion in biaxial strongly anisotropic fibers;; • Development of a new geometrical approach for the analysis of electromagnetic wave propagation in unbounded bianisotropic media using Clifford algebras; • Redefinition of a perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) as a limit of a Lorentz invariant isotropic medium (MIM) using space time algebra; • Work on planar guided wave structures with omega and indefinite media was pursued. A detailed study of mode characteristics in several indefinite waveguides was carried and some uncommon properties as coexistence of forward and backward waves and contra directional coupling have been analyzed. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Transmitting and Receiving Systems Mobile Communications The achievements for mobile communications focused on several aspects of present and future radio systems including cognitive radio, . Most of these studies were based on an analytical approach. • Study and implementation of wireless sensor networks with remote controlled UAVs using terrestrial networks. • Interference Coordination and power saving techniques for LTE-Advanced. Study of capacity enhancement of wireless communications systems using multiuser MIMO techniques, in particular with applications for LTE in microcell scenarios. • Iterative frequency-domain receivers for block transmission techniques with rate-1 Space Time Block Coding (STBC) for two and four transmit antennas using both OFDM and Single-Carrier (SC) schemes. • Design, analytical performance and evaluation of multipacket detection schemes for SC-FDE systems. Evaluation of channel estimation techniques for MIMO-OFDM systems with Complex Rotation Matrices. • Signal processing techniques to reduce the envelope fluctuations of digital communication signals (OFDM, SC-FDE, OQPSK and OQAM, etc.). • Analytical evaluation of the correlation of TCH sequences combined with nonlinear OQPSK signals. Performance of channel codes in wireless communication systems using efficient simulation. Cognitive Radio The development of cognitive radio (CR) terminals that can sense the radio environment, reason about it, and adapt their transmission characteristics to the existing opportunities represents one trend for efficient spectrum management. Specific topics addressed in 2011 regarding spectrum sensing were: ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Sensing algorithms including localized versions based on feature detection and collaborative algorithms. • Spectrum portfolio optimization based on convex optimation • Waveforms for optimal coexistence • Algorithms for dynamic frequency allocation, where the group is exploiting tools from optimum portfolio theory to manage the pool of frequencies available. • Development of system level simulators for systems employing relays to support the research • Investigation, development and demonstration of how cognition and cooperative strategies can be extended to decrease the overall energy consumption of mobile devices while still enabling the required performance in terms of QoS. Specific tasks include the technical management of the C2POWER project that includes a consortium of 10 participants of stakeholders representing industry and academia. Complementary to the management, this research includes: - design and development of context-aware strategies for energy efficient node discovery for short-range technologies, including UWB among others. - game theoretical strategies for node selection for energy efficient cooperative networking that includes short-range and long range working in synergy. • Optimization strategies for small cell networks and planning for mesh networks with relays, in the context of cognitive radio, addressing strategies for power saving. Opportunistic load and spectrum management for green radio. • Application of lattice decoding algorithms to MIMO-OFDM systems with Complex Rotation Matrices and Cooperative networks. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Study and application of random matrix theory based methods for cognitive radio. • Satellite Systems Study and comparison of different transmission schemes (OFDM versus Single Carrier with hierarchical constellations) for broadcast satellite systems. • Study, characterization, development and implementation of new algorithms for coordinated positioning systems using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) with practical applications, such as navigation systems for the visual impaired, autonomous train collision detection systems or assisted navigation based on V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) communications and GPS. Development of the IT GNSS monitoring station. Radio Networks Radio Resource Management and Network Planning • Cellular planning and system capacity optimization for 4G mobile communication systems in the context dynamic spectrum sharing and aggregation in macro cellular and microcellular topologies, as well as common radio resource management in femto-cells IMT Advanced deployment scenarios. • Throughput and coverage performances of relay stations evaluation on a fourth generation macro-cellular network. Point-to-point and point-tomultipoint scenarios. Coordinated multi-point MIMO transmissions simulation with space diversity and minimization of inter-cell interference. • Energy-aware Medium Access and Control (MAC) protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSNs), with the inclusion of cognitive radio aspects. • Energy-efficient routing for cross-layer design of WSNs in the context of mobility and the characterization of textile materials for garment integrated WBAN antennas and sensor devices. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Study of BS cooperation schemes for the uplink of broadband wireless systems. • Consolidation of the development of a Whitespace demonstrator that show cases over-the-air video transmission of vacant analogue TV channels, and how these opportunities can be brokered in secondary spectrum market; where clients can include cellular operators, public safety operators, and Public Event Organizers. • Cognitive wireless regional area networks. Integrated Common Radio Resource Management with Spectrum Aggregation over non-contiguous frequency, and its energy efficiency. • Coverage quality for femtocell and macrocell broadband data services. QoS mechanisms analysis in LTE networks. Cell load balancing in Heterogeneous Scenarios. Compatibility Between PMR Terminal Equipment. Geo-location in social networks. • Distributed brokerage service to supervise and control a 4G infrastructure in terms of user admission, network selection, load balancing and network congestion. • Impact of Femtocell Introduction in Operational Mobile Networks. Impact of mobile data evolution in telecommunications networks and its sustainability. Impact of the introduction of IPSec in LTE transport network. • Fixed WiMAX radio and network planning. Relay sleep modes and cell zooming. Experimental Characterization of WiMAX propagation in microcellular and Pico cellular environments; Unified propagation model for Wi-Fi, UMTS, WiMAX and LTE planning. • Comparative study of classical and cloud information technologies. Study of business models for a 4G environment to optimize the usage of available wireless network resources. • Multi-access, multi-homing for LTE-Advanced enhancements using femtocells, in particular IP flow routing via different access systems, ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS enabling the dynamic movement of IP flows between access systems (offloading) and support for handovers when the UE handles multiple flows. • Experimental framework that provides 3D Video QoE estimates by using values from some of the parameters that characterize the network conditions. • Resource management of heterogeneous, small dimension and geographically dispersed cloud computing systems. • Decision support system for Software as a Service adoption. • Efficiency enhancement of mobile networks with multidomain techniques. Energy efficiency improvement in mobile communications. Multi-cell coordination in LTE systems using beamforming techniques. Architectures for Wireless Systems • Future wireless systems should fulfill several goals, among which: provision of true broadband wireless access and enhanced system capacity when compared with current 3rd Generation (3G) networks. Obviously, to achieve a generalized deployment all the technical solutions are constrained by the capital and operational expenditures and should provide the required flexibility to allow upgradeability and reconfigurability. This requires the definition of novel architectures and the appropriate algorithms / protocols. At the architecture level we are focusing on Distributed antenna systems.and cooperative diversity / relaying systems. Work topics addressed in 2012 fall in the physical layer or MAC and RRC layers in combination with the physical layer: - Interference alignment for distributed antenna systems - Precoding techniques for Coordinated Multipoint based networks - Power allocation strategies for MIMO-OFDM based systems - Receiver optimization - Channel estimation for SISO and MIMO channels ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Hardware implementation in FPGA of selected algorithmsScheduling algorithms for DAS, and combination with precoding - Development of system level simulators to support the research • Frequency-domain receiver design (equalization, multi-user detection, multipacket detection, joint detection and synchronization and/or channel estimation, etc). • Analytical performance evaluation of SC-FDE schemes with iterative receivers (packet combining, multipacket detection, DS-CDMA, MIMO, etc.). • Cross-layer design including physical layer and higher layers (packet combining schemes, multipacket detection). • Collaboration on the NewP@ss project. This targets the development of advanced (microelectronics and embedded SW) secure platforms suitable for the coming of the 3rd and 4th e-Passport generation currently under discussion at the ICAO (hence usable and recognized as approved travel document at European and International level), but which could also be used for hosting dedicated e-services applications of both government (e.g electronic visa) and/or private nature (boarding ticket support, airline services,..). Workplan includes the development of secure protocols for 4th e-Passport generation passports ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.4 Running and Concluded Projects Overview Funding Agency Number BIT - BRISA 1 COST 1 ESA 1 ESF, COST 5 ESF, PESC 1 EU, FP7 10 European Space Agency 1 FCT 3 FCT/MIT 1 FCT/PTDC 14 IT 4 Marinha Portuguesa 1 National Funding 1 NATO/Portuguese Navy/Portuguese Ministry of Defense 2 Optimus, TMN, Vodafone 1 Private International Company (confidential) 1 PT Inovação 2 Public concourse 1 Table 8 – Number of active projects in the Wireless Communications Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Activity in Projects Acron / Ref Title ADCOD Advanced Code and Receiver Designs for Transmission over Selective Radio C Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Future wireless systems are expected to support data rates of several hundreds of Mbit/s in a variety of scenarios with high spectral and power efficiencies. Due to high transmission rates the channel will be severely time dispersive. For this reason, block transmission techniques combined with frequency-domain equalization (such as, OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) and SC-FDE (SingleCarrier Frequency-Domain Equalization) modulations schemes are strongly recommendable. A key technology to improve power and spectral efficiencies is the use of multi-antenna schemes exploiting spatial diversity (such as STF (Space-Time-Frequency) codes) and spatial multiplexing (such as LST (Layered Space-Time) techniques). The use of signals with reduced envelope fluctuations is also important to allow efficient power amplification. This is particularly important in the case of OFDM signals. Conventional FDE implementations require accurate channel estimates at the receiver, something particularly important in multi-antennas systems. These estimates can be obtained with the help of appropriate training symbols or blocks. Due to frequency offsets and Doppler effects, the channel is expected to change from block to block, or even within a given block, especially for large blocks, high carrier frequencies and/or high moving speeds. In this case, it might be recommendable to employ non-coherent systems. This project considers efficient transmission schemes for frequency-selective channels. For this reason, we will employ OFDM and SC-FDE block transmission formats with multi-antenna schemes. The research team involved in this project includes researchers working in transmission, codebook and receiver design and optimization, as well as researchers working on propagation ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS issues. In the first phase of this project, we address the problem of STF codebook design for both coherent and non-coherent communications. In contrast with conventional approaches, the codebook design takes into account the envelope fluctuations and dynamic range of the transmitted signals, so as to allow efficient power amplification. We will also take into account non-linear effects (e.g., due to clipping of OFDM signals) in the STF code design. The impact of nonlinear distortion effects on the designed STF codes will be studied, whenever possible, employing analytical methods. Contrarily to the usual approach, we will take into account non-white noise effects (e.g., due to self-distortion inherent to nonlinear effects) in our designs. Pragmatic code designs (eventually combined with conventional error correction schemes and allowing low-complexity transmitter/receiver implementations) will also be considered. In the second phase of this project, we will generalize the results obtained in the first phase to the fading channels that are both time-dispersive and time varying (i.e., doubly selective channels). For the coherent case, the combination of suitable block/frame designs and adequate estimation and tracking techniques (both for the channel frequency response and the frequency offsets/phase noise carrier) will be considered to cope with time-varying channels. We will also develop receiver structures for the case where the channel changes significantly within a given block, both coherent and non-coherent. To achieve these goals, we need accurate channel models taking into account short-term and long-term variations. We will develop new, more accurate narrow and wideband channel models through theoretical investigations as well as experimental data gathering for different frequencies (e.g., 2.4, 5.6 and 38 GHz), in several deployment scenarios. A time-varying tapped delay line based model will be developed to represent the doubly selective channel phenomena. The combined channel model mitigation techniques such will as be suitable adaptive for coding simulating and fading modulation, interference cancellation, and other capacity enhancing techniques. We will also consider STF codebook designs and receiver designs exploiting the knowledge about short and long term channel statistics. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref APRA Title NATO SET-186/RTG Airborne Passive Radars and their Applications Funding NATO/Portuguese Navy/Portuguese Ministry of Defense Descript. The goal of the TG group is to comprehensively research the current state of the art of airborne passive radar, identify technological challenges including hardware and signal processing development, identify end user requirements and address operational usefulness. Acron / Ref CelCop Title Multicell Cooperation for Future Wireless Systems Funding IT Descript. The main objectives of the project are to design, implement and validate techniques exploring BSs collaboration for future wireless systems. The aim is to design practical multicell transmission and reception techniques to improve the user’s fairness and throughput, namely at the cell-edges. The specific objectives include: • Design multiuser linear precoding techniques for downlink of multicell MIMO-OFDM based networks. • Design multiuser detection techniques for uplink of multicell MIMO SC-FDMA based networks. • Assessment and validation of the proposed downlink and uplink algorithms under realist scenarios, trough a link level simulator based on LTE specification. • Development of an FPGA based testing infrastructure allowing to experimentally show the feasibility of the proposed algorithms. Only some selected downlink precoding algorithms will be tested in this infrastructure. • Attract students for a career in R&D in the field of telecommunications. • Promotion of research collaborations between research groups within ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS the Institute for Telecommunications. Acron / Ref CICLORIA Title CICLORIA Funding Public concourse Descript. Guia audio mútimédia utilizando telemóveis android e georeferenciação Acron / Ref COMMON Title Coordinated Multiuser MIMO for Future Wireless Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. • The aim of the project is to provide a better understanding of multiuser coordinated multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) capacity enhancement in the fourth (and future) generation(s) of wireless systems. In fact, the realistic capacity estimation using spatial multiplexing and beamforming MIMO is of great interest, since it represents the enabling technology to achieve the new 4G 5 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency requirement. • MIMO links can offer a so called spatial multiplexing gain by opening parallel spatial data pipes or channels within the same frequency band. This is achieved by the creation of orthogonal information channels mostly in the presence of rich multipath leading to antenna decorrelation. In these conditions, MIMO links offer capacity gains (relatively to SISO) that are proportional to the minimum of either the number of TX and RX antennas. As a matter of fact, a key feature of MIMO is to turn multipath propagation, traditionally a pitfall of wireless systems into a benefit for the user. MIMO takes advantage of random fading, for increasing transfer rates. • The proposed work in the project will cross the fields of research of mobility and channel modeling, information theory and practical systems ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS and applications. Firstly, directional channel modeling will be developed in order to simulate the MIMO channel. • Secondly, information theory and eigenanalysis based on MIMO spatial multiplexing and beamforming will be used, together with the use of uniform and power efficient allocation methods. Optimized MIMO antenna configurations will be set, in order to boost up cell capacity. Then, the gains of using coordination methods in multiuser scenarios will be considered with applications examples and system performance evaluations over LTE (and LTE Advanced) and mobile WiMAX 802.16 family of standards radio interfaces. • This evaluation will be done considering radio advanced resource management techniques such as improved admission control, power control and scheduling techniques. Acron / Ref Title COST IC0902 Cognitive Radio and Networking for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Funding Descript. ESF, COST The main objective of the COST Action IC0902 is to integrate the cognitive concept across all layers of communication systems, resulting in the definition of a European platform for cognitive radio and networks. The Action proposes coordinated research in the field of cognitive radio and networks. The cognitive concept applies to coexistence between heterogeneous wireless networks, that share the electromagnetic spectrum for maximum efficiency in resource management. Several efforts are currently in place in European research centers and consortia to introduce cognitive mechanisms at different layers of the communications protocol stack. This Action goes beyond the above trend by integrating the cognitive concept across all layers of system architecture, in view of joint optimization of link adaptation based on spectrum sensing , resource allocation, and selection between multiple networks, including underlay technologies. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS The cross-layer approach will provide a new perspective in the design of cognitive systems, based on a global optimization process that integrates existing cognitive radio projects, thanks to the merge of a wide-range of expertise, from hardware to applications, provided by over 30 academic and industrial partners. The final result will be the definition of a European platform for cognitive radio and networks. To reach this goal, algorithms and protocols for all layers of the communications stack will be designed, and a set of standard interfaces as well as a common reference language for interaction between cognitive network nodes will be defined. Acron / Ref COST IC1004 Title Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments Funding ESF, COST Descript. The main objective of the Action is to increase knowledge of cooperative communications applied to Green Smart Environments, by exploring and developing new methods, models, techniques, strategies and tools. Acron / Ref COST-902 Title Cognitive radio Systems Funding ESF, COST Descript. Study cognitive radio systems Acron / Ref CROWN Title Co-operative Radio over Fibre for Wireless Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The project activities will encompass the three phases needed for a successful demonstration, i.e: ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS •Definition of requirements and scenarios; • Algorithm definition and validation; • Proof of concept. The proof of concept will be done at two levels: At the system level through the integration of the selected algorithms on a network simulator; At the hardware level, though the development of an FPGA based testing infrastructure complemented by the required Radio-Frequency (RF) and optical modules, allowing to experimentally show the feasibility of the architecture and algorithms proposed. The project brings together expertise from the areas of wireless and optical communications, allowing previously untapped synergies between these two areas, and builds up on the experience of the research team in international projects dealing with Radio over Fibre systems. Acron / Ref Title DiRecTRadio All-Digital Reconfigurable System-on-Chip Transmitter for Cognitive Radio Systems Funding IT Descript. In this project the main objective is to study, design, prototype and evaluate innovative System on Chip architectures and synthesizable models for flexible, all-digital and fully integrated transmitters for Cognitive Radio (CR) systems. Building all-digital flexible transmitters requires traversal competences on different areas, namely, reconfigurable digital systems, signal processing and RF design. These areas of expertise are covered by the members of the research team. Our approach to all-digital transmitter design will explore the huge computational power, input/output bandwidth and flexible integration capacity of modern FPGAs in order to build customizable computation and communication architectures as well as the required dynamic reconfiguration methodologies that fulfill the transmitters’ flexibility needs for future CR systems. This project will contribute to the state-of- ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS art - of all Advanced digital digital transmitters signal shaping in several techniques aspects, and namely: corresponding implementation circuits that allow a fully FPGA-based flexible processing of high bandwidth signals. - Novel baseband to RF up-conversion techniques and corresponding fully integrated FPGA-based realization circuits that allow using flexible hardware modules for configurable and simultaneous multi-band and multi-standard operation. - Tight integration of signal shaping and up-conversion techniques with FPGA-based baseband processing engines for high throughput, low latency and fast reconfiguration times. Acron / Ref Title DOLPHIN Development of Pre-operational Services for Highly Innovative Maritime Surveillance Capabilities Funding EU, FP7 Descript. DOLPHIN aims at developing new tools providing effective improvements of the state of art capabilities in Maritime Surveillance with respect to users’ needs, in particular by filling present Technological Gaps and by developing new algorithms and Decision Support Modules. Acron / Ref Eco-Zement Title Eco-Zement Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The project main goal is to turn a waste produced by oil industry in a byproduct for cement industry. This synergy will generate significant economic and environmental dividends for both the oil and cement industries as they become more technologically advanced. Despite the great benefits of incorporating the waste from Fluid Catalytic Cracking ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (FCC) unit into cement-based materials, there is still an extensive lack of fundamental understanding about the reaction mechanisms, as well the microstructure of the blended materials. The project addresses to integrate various types of analysis done at the nano and microscale, and correlate these analyses with the mechanical properties of the blended cement materials. The fundamental knowledge generated will contribute to improve the industrial formulation of FCC catalyst/cement blended materials. Progress in this domain can be considered a breakthrough in an efficient and large-scale industrial utilization of this waste. IT role will be: - Development of novel signal and image processing techniques for data acquired via electronic microscopy; - Development and evaluation of signal processing techniques for Non Destructive Testing of cement based materials. Acron / Ref GREENET Title An early stage training network in enabling technologies for GREEN radio Funding FP7 Descript. Current 4G vision envisages higher data rates and multi standard radio interfaces to provide all users with a continuous seamless connection. The large number of foreseen devices coupled with the surge in power requirements for future emerging handsets raises significant challenges in terms of: i) reducing the energy consumption; and ii) reducing the amount of electromagnetic radiations. GREENET targets the following main objectives: 1. Recruitment of ESRs with the clear and long-term objective to conduct top-notch research and to pursue research excellence at the national, European, and international levels. 2. Develop training and career plans that are personalized as possible to meet the needs and desires of each ESR. 3. To allow the ESRs to understand and address key research challenges ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS on energy efficient GREENET communications, that form pivotal societal and economic concerns for Europe within the mid-to-long term. 4. Offer to each ESR top-level training and research programs with the twofold objective to reinforce and corroborate their own background, as well as to complement this with active participation in a multidisciplinary network of research scientists. 5. Complement the typical competences of “applied research” with aspects related to project management, intellectual property rights, writing of patents, presentation and communication skills, writing of technical papers, exploitation of technical results and creation of start-up companies, etc. 6. Guide and help the ESRs to build the bridge from academia to a remarkable and untactful professional career in either the private or public sectors. Acron / Ref GREEN-T Title Green Terminals for Next Generation Wireless Systems Funding National Funding Descript. GREEN-T aims to overcome the energy trap of 4Gmobile systems by investigating and demonstrating energy saving technologies for multistandard wireless mobile devices, exploiting the combination of cognitive radio and cooperative strategies while still enabling the required performance in terms of data rate and QoS to support active applications. This notion is further extended by investigating lightweight security approaches, which is a pivotal requirements of 4G systems that will constitute a multitude of players from network operators to services provides cooperating under a converged service platform. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref MPSat Title Multi-Packet Detection Techniques for Satellite Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Future satellite communications systems face a challenge to provide higher bitrates, together with improved QoS (quality of service) guarantees, to more GT (ground terminals). Moreover, this should be achieved with higher spectral and power efficiencies, with less energy. This project considers future very high bitrate LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellite systems with satellite MPR (multipacket reception), compatible with low-cost portable GTs. A cross-layered approach is proposed: a physical layer team will handle the signal design, the synchronization and estimation issues, and the receiver design, including MPR development; a data link layer team will handle the Multiple Access control protocol design and the scheduling algorithm to support different QoS (Quality of Service) classes, and the interaction with the network layers. Both teams will be involved in the design and test of the crosslayering features involving both layers, required to provide guaranteed QoS, even during satellite handover. In this project we will develop OQPSK-type schemes with reduced envelope fluctuations and high power and spectral efficiencies and compatible with an efficient and low cost power amplification. To further improve the overall system power efficiency we also consider schemes with spectral overlapping between different frequency channels. With respect to the receiver design, the main goal is an efficient multipacket detection technique able to cope with collisions, already shown by the research team to allow significant improvements in personal area networks. We will consider turbo frequency-domain equalizers suitable to cope with time-dispersion effects and able to handle spectral overlapping between frequency channels. Hybrid ARQ/FEC (Automatic Repeat reQuest/Forward Error Correction), namely with packet combining, will be proposed to handle fading for the most demanding QoS classes and control packets. To cope with Doppler effects, suitable synchronization and channel estimation methods will be developed for MPR on a LEO ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS scenario. Joint detection and estimation schemes will be considered. Since MPR needs to know which users are involved in a collision, suitable methods to detect them will be developed. The statistical characterization of block error rates with MPR will be evaluated using simulations for homogenous and heterogeneous SNR GTs. We will develop a new MAC protocols for MPR that combine random access with demand assigned access on the uplink controlled by a downlink control channel, offering improved QoS support compared to other LEO MAC protocols. Acron / Ref MULTIPLEXER Title MUX Funding PT Inovação Descript. Develop a multiplexer for TV receivers Acron / Ref NAGCPS Title Navigation Algorithms for GNSS-based Coordinated Positioning Systems Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The applied research addressed by the proposed project is focused on the development and evaluation of algorithms and estimators in the context of navigation and coordinated positioning. Acron / Ref NEUF Title LTE-Advanced Enhancements using Femtocells Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. - The project will take LTE-Advanced as a reference and will explore possible enhancements to the support of femtocells. It will use mechanisms to reduce the interference-limited transmission with full ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS frequency reuse. These include CQI, QoS- and interference- aware scheduling and RRM with user-grouping, coordinated RRM, exploiting the spatial degrees of freedoms from multi-antenna systems and OFDMA through MIMO and beam forming techniques, active interference management and CoMP transmission, as well as carrier aggregation for multi-band transmission. New technologies like aggregate carriers and cooperative multi antennas antenna systems as part of LTE-Advanced systems will be evaluated with respect to their ability to enhance the performance of networked femtocells based on LTE-A. The availability of Positioning information, can help provide the network with information on the terminal positions and, with this, to adapt the transmission scheme to the terminal avoiding worst channel conditions. At the network layer, considerable research and development has been recently focused on the use of small cellular base stations. However, those cells have only been considered as mere extensions to cellular networks, allowing the enlargement of service coverage. The use of these small cells, mostly deployed by consumers, has not yet been fully explored. There are many services and protocols in the network that could benefit on the scattering of this kind of cell deployment. This project will exploit the opportunities that small cells will bring to improvement on the network architecture. The aim is to a achieve a much richer small cell, that will provide better support for several services and protocols that could take advantage on a distributed architecture and/or context ware and localized information. Femtocells can have many benefits for both operators and users. From an operational or deployment perspective however their integration into the network is quite hard. From the user perspective the deployment of those cells has to be transparent, therefore support for zero-configuration networking is a requirement. This project will exploit network access characteristics of being self-organized inherent to the SON specification of LTE-A. The project will include specific activities to study mobility management, considering its implication network efficiency. The aim will be to support simultaneous data flows from LTE-A and other access systems (WLAN, WiMAX), provide policies ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS for guiding and configuring the UE IP flow routing via different access systems, enable the dynamic movement of IP flows between access systems (offloading) and support handovers when the UE handles multiple flows. Cross-layer Media Independent Handovers standardization efforts have been done on several working groups in IEEE, IETF and 3GPP. However the implementation of those media independent handovers has not yet fully considered the use of Femtocells in the network. For instance, in IEEE 802.21 access selection is out o scope of the standard, which is simply an integration enabler for multi-access radio access technologies. Femtocells will be used to support independent handover services. decisions, Localized by information implementing and their media use for supporting handovers will be considered in detail. In addition, the project will work on the use of Femtocells on the implementation of decision entities and handover policy management. Simultaneous multi-Access, multi-homing is another novel aspect to consider in femtocells. In particular this project will go beyond “3G complemented by 3rd party access” scenarios, paving the ways for true multi-access, multi-homing where each flow can influence the access selection process. The project will take advantage of Femtocells in multiple ways. The project will exploit the fine-grained context awareness made possible by the use of Femtocells in order to support the provision of content rich services by increasing the user’s Quality of Experience (QoE). Acron / Ref Title NEWFOCUS New Fromtiers im mm/sub-mm waves integrated dielectric focusing systems Funding ESF, PESC Descript. • Development of advanced analytical and numerical modelling techniques in electromagnetic theory using complementary formulations for the analysis, synthesis and optimisation of integrated dielectric ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS focusing • • systems Implementation Benchmarking of powerful measurement computer-aided-design facilities at mm and tools submm wavelengths • Promotion of research mobility Acron / Ref NoiseRadar Title NATO SET-184/RTG Capabilities of Noise Radar Funding ONATO/Portuguese Navy/Portuguese Ministry of Defense Descript. The main objective is to assess the NRT capability for some future military applications, in particular, to identify the areas where noise radar may have superiority over the classical radar. Acron / Ref Title OPPORTUNISTIC-CR Opportunistic Aggregation of Spectrum and Cognitive Radios: Consequences on Public Policies Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Networks of the future are tending towards a diverse wireless networking world, where scenarios define that the end-user will be able to attain any service, at any time on effectively any network that is optimized for the application at hand resulting in “flexibility and choice” to enhance the quality of life of the individual, in a context of seamless interoperability and cognitive radio between network operators and access technologies, complemented by a business exploitation strategy that adapts to future economic infrastructures. Advanced algorithms for multi-band access/selection will be explored to optimize the offered capacity whilst maintaining the user service experience acceptable. Also secondary users may have temporary opportunistic access to free spectrum ''holes'' or a set of users may simultaneously utilize, optionally, spectrum resources in lower/upper ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS frequency bands, improving the quality of experience. The consequences of this new perspective for spectrum management in public policies will be addressed as well as the impact of having secondary spectrum markets. From the technical point of view, modeling, simulation and experimental approaches will be followed, e.g., by using emulators with a hardware component within academic and/or industrial partnerships to be developed. Spectrum usage optimization is one of the goals of our Project, fig. in Annex (Orlando.png). The opportunistic utilization of spectrum holes by secondary users will be investigated by implementing novel MAC designs regarding sensing cooperation and opportunistic transmission that will use cross layer and cross system information. Another objective is to attend to the increasing demand of higher data rates. Spectrum aggregation (SA) is a technique that attempts to increase spectrum utilization and it is therefore a coming solution to support the 100 MB/S over a wireless connection. After World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC07) the new bands to be considered for International Mobile Telecommunications - Advanced (IMT-Advanced) were 450-470, 698862, 790-862, 2300-2400, 3400-4200 and 4400-4990 MHz. In order to support the increasing demand of high data rates bandwidths of 100MHz have to be considered. These bandwidths can only be achieved by going to high frequencies. The drawback of going into high frequencies is the high propagation losses and the Doppler Effect on high velocities. Multi-hop and Infrastructural users will be managed by a Multiband Common Radio Resource Management (MB-CRRM) entity. This management will be direct in the Infrastructural case scheduling user/group of users in a given frequency and indirect in the multi-hop case (secondary users) by demanding or leaving a control channels open for secondary user coordination and taxation. The management of secondary users will be performed by making hopping frequency directives so that a dynamic coordinated secondary use of the spectrum can be made. The MB-CRRM has the ability to optimize frequency scheduling for infrastructural users, and also frequency scheduling for secondary usage. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS While each system maintains control over his RRM entity, including the distributed secondary system, the MB-CRRM entity will make them more dynamic radio wise. A wide and local MB-CRRM optimization could be differentiated. By wide MB-CRRM it is meant frequency planning for all the systems being considered in a given area considering several base stations (BSs). Local MB-CRRM optimization addresses the integration of the distributed secondary system as well as optimization of neighboring infrastructural cells. Infrastructural wise, overall packet scheduler that will account for BSs power, available capacity, frequency will be developed. Secondary system will follow frequency hopping directives provided by the local MB-CRRM that will be an output of the local MB-CRRM. Parameters to be optimized involve: transmission power, frequency carrier, carrier bandwidth, control channel frequency and power, service reliability and quality. The economic vision targets a converged network and service infrastructure for communication, computing and media applications that will create new market opportunities for 3^rd party service providers. The drive for ubiquitous, cost-effective communication in unison with new service provisioning opportunities provided the impetus for the OPPORTUNISTIC-CR proposal. It intends to design, implement and demonstrate “cooperative networking and optimization strategies” for next generation networks that will provide a significant step towards network convergence in a truly heterogeneous environment. Multi bandcommon radio resource management strategies are considered, assisted by a prediction tool/algorithm that provides the future position and traffic demand of a mobile node for maximizing network resources utility and QoS delivery. By assuming a secondary usage of the spectrum, it is ensured the spectrum utility maximization. These visions will be complemented by a business feasibility study, and will include innovative graphical cellular planning tools. Simulations (Opnet and/or ns-2 and system tools build in C++) as well as laboratory prototypes will be used for validation purposes. The team members have both WiMAX and WiFi hardware available in their ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS institutions, where the proposed protocols, algorithms and methodologies may also be tested. Acron / Ref Title PLANOPTI Planning and Optimization for the Coexistence of Mobile and Wireless Networks Towards Long Term Evolution Funding EU, FP7 Descript. This proposal addresses a research programme and a series of initiatives on next generation mobile networks in a context of coexistence to be developed in the Instituto de Telecomunicações/Universidade da Beira Interior. Networks of the future are tending towards a diverse wireless networking world, where scenarios define that the end-user will be able to attain any service, at any time on effectively any network that is optimised for the application at hand resulting in “flexibility and choice” to enhance the quality of life of the individual, in a context of seamless interoperability between network operators and access technologies, complemented by a business exploitation strategy that adapts to future economic infrastructures. The economic vision targets a converged network and service infrastructure for communication, computing and media applications that will create new market opportunities for 3rd party service providers. The drive for ubiquitous, cost-effective communication in unison with new service provisioning opportunities provided the impetus for the OPTIMOBLE proposal. It intends to design, implement and demonstrate “cooperative networking and optimisation strategies” for next generation networks that will provide a significant step towards environment. network convergence Cooperative-common in radio a truly resource heterogeneous management strategies are considered, assisted by context-aware information (e.g., positioning) for maximising network utility and QoS delivery, and by incorporating ad-hoc relaying and mesh networking mechanisms to ensure virtually collocated heterogeneous systems and coverage. These ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS visions will be complemented by a business feasibility study, and will include innovative graphical cellular planning tools. Acron / Ref Title PROENERGY-WSN Prototypes for Efficient Energy Self-sustainable Wireless Sensor for Efficient Energy Self-sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Prototypes Networks. Acron / Ref Title ROCAT Techniques for Robust Carrier Phase Tracking (under High Dynamics/Strong Fading/Scintillation Conditions) Funding Descript. European Space Agency This project aims at providing solutions for robust and accurate tracking of the carrier phase in GNSS receivers. The project was proposed by the European Space Agency (EAS) and the consortium is led by GMV (Spain/Portugal). It includes the scientific collaborations of University Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT). The Portuguese contribution is focused on the study, implementation, and performance analysis of vector tracking techniques (VDLL/VFLL/VPLL). Acron / Ref Title ROMEO Remote Collaborative Real-Time Multimedia Experience over the Future Internet Funding Descript. EU, FP7 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref Title SAAS Remote Piloted Semi-Autonomous Aerial Surveillance System Using Terrestrial Wireless Networks Funding IT Descript. The main objective of SAAS is to develop an UAV remote control system that is mostly independent of a specific vehicle model or design and that makes use of the available terrestrial wireless networks. The individual challenges and objectives to be addressed are: • Real-Time Video Transmission and Control using Terrestrial Wireless Networks: Investigate the possibility of transmitting real time video and control commands with adequate quality for a pilot to control and make decisions on the vehicle course using the available radio networks (GSM, UMTS, HSDPA, Wi-Fi, LTE). • Semi-autonomous Flight Control: Develop autonomous control capabilities for the aircraft to perform its self-rescue in the case of loss of radio connection and that can also allow a reduced piloting workload. • Remote Visualization and Control Application: Implement an application for tablet PCs that enables the visualization of the video captured by the aircraft cameras together with other telemetry information and allows the pilot to command the aircraft (either using the touchscreen, the accelerometers or an additional attached joystick). • Prototype Implementation and Flight Tests: Implement a prototype using a small rotary-wing aircraft (possibly a tricopter/quadcopter) and evaluate the performance in terms of video reception, control, and autonomy capability. Acron / Ref SOPAS Title Self-Oscillating Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers Funding FCT/PTDC ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Descript. This project is aimed at the design and test of an innovative RF Self-Oscillating Power Amplifier (SOPA) in which the feedback loop is not made at the RF carrier, as in the usual approach, but now between the output signal envelope and the input baseband signal. This topology is a novel, and very promising, approach to the linearity/efficiency compromise in RF transmitters as it is capable of greatly reducing switching losses but also compensate for the nonlinearities of the AM and PM modulator, of the RF PA and of the output band-pass reconstruction filter. Furthermore, the complex stability and ultimate injection locked behavior analysis of these SOPA structures (which is a determinant problem for any highly nonlinear dynamic feedback loop) will be thoroughly performed through bifurcation analysis across input envelope amplitude. In addition, this new SOPA based Tx architecture, but also many other coming digital Tx’s, suffer from the inexistence of proper simulation tools. As they involve baseband AM and PM signals, a digital self-oscillating clock and a RF carrier - of three disparate time-scales - exciting strongly nonlinear lowfrequency broadband but also RF narrow-band circuits, no circuit simulation tool is able to handle it. So state-of-the-art simulation techniques for systems with autonomous components (as is the case of SOPAs) will be studied. In summary, the expected results from this project are: (i) system-level analysis of SOPA behavior, its stability and injection locking conditions; (ii) the design, implementation, test and validation of a novel, highly efficient and linear, SOPA based Tx topology; and (iii) a new simulation method dedicated to device-level simulation of SOPA circuits (or circuits that suffer from similar multirate problems). Acron / Ref Title TERRA Techno-Economic Regulatory Framework for Radio Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio/Software Defined Radio Funding ESF, COST ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Descript. The main objective of this Action is to develop a comprehensive technoeconomic regulatory framework of radio spectrum access rules for CR/SDR-based wireless applications, catering for envisaged CR/SDR deployment scenarios and shown to benefit most optimally the development of the wireless industries and consumer interests at large. Furthermore, the Action will provide assistance to European administrations in formulating a European position on radio spectrum access rules for CR/SDR applications. This Action will establish a multidisciplinary European forum focused on coordinating techno-economic studies for the development of a harmonised European regulatory framework to deployment facilitate of the Cognitive advancement Radio/Software and broad Defined commercial Radio (CR/SDR) systems. The Action will leverage on results and experiences from national and international research initiatives and early standard-setting activities by recommending sound regulatory policies that would facilitate fastest possible uptake and proliferation of CR/SDR. The need for this Action has been supported by European regulators in the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT). They stated willingness to use the results of the Action in their work on developing the harmonised European regulatory regime for CR/SDR. Very conveniently, proposals elaborated by the Action could also be used as a part of European contributions to the forthcoming World Radiocommunications Conference in 2012, which has CR/SDR regulatory policy on its agenda. Working towards that objective, TERRA will structure its activities in the following clusters: research into development of plausible deployment scenarios for CR/SDR, based on results of current and future technological R&D activities, research into what regulations would be technically feasible, research into what regulatory regime would be economically attractive, research into overall impact assessment and societal benefits of developed regulatory scenarios. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref Title VISTA COST IC1102 - Versatile, Integrated and Signal-aware Technologies for Antennas Funding COST Descript. Cooperation in antenna field Acron / Ref VTL Title Virtual Traffic Lights Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Urban transportation is one of the grand challenges of our times. Car journeys are by far the main player in this transportation, comprising 72% of all passenger kilometers in the European Union (EU) [1]. Traffic congestion on the road is thus a common reality of the major EU cities, and has been estimated to cost as much as 1% of the GDP. In its present form, the use of Traffic Lights (TL) to control and regulate this road traffic has proven to be very costly and inadequate in terms of scalability. Leveraging the new vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication capability of modern cars we propose to design and validate an alternative scheme of urban traffic control that envisions TL as in-vehicle virtual signs, enabling ubiquity of signalized intersections, and defining the synchronization of light phases, cycle durations and green splits based on distributed and self-organization techniques that govern a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). The non-scalability of TL, and in particular the non-scalability of an adaptive and intelligent citywide system of TL (a recent survey reports that 70-90% of the deployed TL are non-adaptive [2]) is a key aspect that we shall address through the alternative approach proposed in this project. Even New York City only has 10,800 of its 45,000 intersections managed by TL [3]. In other cities this percentage is typically smaller. In addition to traffic flow improvement, TL have also a significant impact on road safety, as studies report a 33% decrease in vehicle crashes at ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS intersections that have been equipped with traffic signals [4]. Our approach in this project will take advantage of the mandatory adoption by the automotive industry of the Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments (WAVE) protocol, and the ability of vehicles to communicate with each other, thus creating a distributed and highly reliable system of in-vehicle virtual traffic lights (VTL). Our preliminary simulations of this self-organizing traffic paradigm show a potential to increase the average flow rates substantially (up to 60%, compared with a city-level physical TL system [5]), in addition to rendering traffic control and management more ubiquitous and cost-effective. Our basic idea is relatively simple: use the core characteristics of VANET, namely periodic beaconing, location tables and appropriate transport and MAC protocols to perceive crossing conflicts and elect a leading vehicle that works as a temporary virtual infrastructure, stopping under a virtual red light at the entrance of the intersection and broadcasting virtual traffic light messages that are listened by the vehicles approaching the intersection. Local optimization of cycle duration, phase layout and green splits are computed based on the number of vehicles in each approach. City-level optimization of traffic flow can resort to the synchronization of leaders in adjacent intersections or even to a traffic information system that also leverages on VANET communication. Devices on each vehicle interpret the VTL messages and display the respective color to the driver. We envision the computing, communication and display device to be possible to retrofit on the existing car park, and the project will produce such devices. By providing unequivocal evidence of the envisioned approach on the mitigation of traffic congestion, its economical and environmental impact, and increased road safety, the project intends to pave the way for the adoption of EU legislation towards the equipping of all vehicles with VTL. Our project is a natural follow-up of the DRIVE-IN (Distributed Routing and Infotainment through Vehicular Inter-Networking) project, funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and involving an international partnership with Carnegie Mellon University in the US. DRIVE-IN has been designing VANET communication protocols and developing high-scale traffic models and simulators that will support the ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS design and validation of the in-vehicle VTL system. DRIVE-IN has also deployed a prototype VANET in the city of Porto, resorting to 450 taxis where carPCs with windshield displays are installed, together with 802.11p wifi cards for V2V and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication. This test-bed constitutes a major asset for the research herein proposed and shall be used for proof-of-concept field experiments in closed areas of the city. The project is 1 Design of the VTL communication – structured in the following four protocol main tasks: and distributed optimization of traffic flow. 2 - Security and reliability of the VTL system. 3 - Human-machine interface of the VTL system and usability evaluation. 4 - Hardware design for retrofitting and field trial experiments. Our team includes experienced researchers with different backgrounds, including computer science, computer engineering, civil engineering and mechanical engineering. We leverage on specific expertise in vehicular networks, intelligent transportation systems, vehicular human-machine interfaces, wireless networking security and traffic management. Acron / Ref WHERE2 Title Wireless Hybrid Enhanced Mobile Radio Estimators 2 Funding EU, FP7 Descript. Improving Positioning: Enable indoor terminal location with an accuracy at least equivalent to that of outdoor GPS, by combining & extending distributed techniques into the new dynamic heterogeneous and cooperative scenario gain wireless Improving Communications: Quantify geo-location-based cooperation in communications in terms of throughput, reliability, power consumption, complexity and security. Realization: ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Developing integrated hardware platform to confirm performance and feasibility of cooperative positioning and communications algorithms by trials. Acron / Ref WIFID Title WIFI DISTRIBUTION Funding PT Inovação Descript. Develop a WIFI distribution scheme for in-house applications ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor Rafael Ferreira da Silva Caldeirinha Student Tiago Figueirinha Gonçalo Jorge Francisco António Domingues Bucho Cercas Bastos João José Lopes Joaquim Ferreira da Costa Freire Jorge Paulo Alves joaquim ferreira Torres Luis Manuel Jesus Sousa Digo Silva Correia Carlos Antonio Valter Santos Cardoso Matos Fernandes Carlos Antonio André Generoso Cardoso Santiago Fernandes José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro João Miguel da Cunha Mendes Cóias Sanguino Pedro Joaquim Carlos Lima Amaro Sebastiao Jose Carlos Filipe Miguel Esteves Duarte Esturrenho Pedro Barradas Antonio Luis João Francisco Campos da Silva Martins Papoila Topa Magalhães Arnaldo Silva Luís Carlos de Rodrigues de Oliveira Matos Oliveira António José Duarte Garrido Castelo Branco Gameiro Rodrigues António José Pedro Nuno Castelo Branco Freitas Brasão Rodrigues Pedro Renato Cláudio Alves da Tavares Pinho Silva Pedro Manuel de Almeida Carvalho João Nascimento Vieira Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz João Tiago dos Santos Martins Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz David Marques António Manuel José Miguel da Restani Graça Costa Mesquita Alves Moreira Pedro Manuel de Almeida Carvalho Pedro Santos Vieira Co- Supervisors Title End Date Telmo Rui Carvalhinho Cunha Fernandes Performance Optimisation in 3D TV Broadcasting Services 2/2012 Pedro Joaquim Amaro Sebastiao Propagation model generalization including tunels (co-supervision) 2/2012 Jorge Paulo Alves Torres Monolithic Active Inductors in Silicon 3/2012 SiGe 30GHz Active Inductor Based 3/2012 on Cascode Gyrator Energy efficient solutions in GSM/UMTS based on traffic profiling 4/2012 models Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa Antenas para a nova geração de sistemas UWB-RFID 5/2012 Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa Antenas para redes de sensores corporais 5/2012 Paulo Oliveira Attitude Determination Using Multiple L1 GPS Receivers 6/2012 Francisco António Bucho Cercas Application for Remote Piloted SemiAutonomous Aerial Surveillance 7/2012 System Using Terrestrial Wireless Networks Using Android Software Pedro Miguel da Silva Cabral Circuitos Electrónicos Baseados em Dispositivos Paramétricos 7/2012 Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes Numerical Assessment of Urban Propagation Models 7/2012 Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Plataforma para Projeto de Sistemas 7/2012 de Rádio Definidos por Software Telecommunications market characterization José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino VSAT satellite network systems application to broadband access 7/2012 services Analisador de espectros baseado em 9/2012 SDR Análise de Desempenho em Redes Móveis Long Term Evolution Implementation of sub-urban radio coverage prediction methods using GIS Implementation of urban radio coverage prediction methods using GIS Nuno Miguel Faria Pires 7/2012 9/2012 9/2012 9/2012 ISM Flexible Dual-Band Antenna 9/2012 Planeamento e Optimização de Femto-células em Ambiente Residencial e Empresarial 9/2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor António Manuel Restani Graça Alves Moreira Carlos Manuel dos Reis Paiva Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa Marco Alexandre dos Santos Ribeiro Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Student Co- Supervisors Jorge Filipe Sousa Nuno Miguel Faria Pires Roças End Date Project of an antennas for use in the 9/2012 proximity of the human body Jesus Garcia Roca Sérgio de Almeida Matos Propation of pulses of optical fibers 9/2012 Ricardo Miguel Romão Gonçalves Reconfigurable antenna 9/2012 9/2012 Francisco de Castro Paisana Neeli R. Prasad Spectrum Sensing Algorithms for Cognitive Radio Networks Joana Silva Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes Lens-based steerable-beam compact antenas for Ka-Band ground 10/2012 terminals Carlos Diogo Baptista Duque Nuno Manuel Branco Souto A Human Computer Interface System Based on Electrooculography 11/2012 Events for Real Time Interaction Luís Almeida Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa Antenas impressas com tintas orgânicas para RFID passivo 11/2012 André Filipe Mendes Castela Jacques Capacity enhancement for cell-edge users using cooperative Type II 11/2012 relay nodes in a LTE environment João Trapela Marques Garcia Energy efficient techniques in LTE networks 11/2012 Duarte Fonseca Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes GPS Ground Base Antenna for Precision Positioning 11/2012 Nuno Emanuel Cabral Monteiro Neeli R. Prasad Interference analysis in a LTE-A HetNet scenario: Coordination vs. uncoordination 11/2012 Location system for the University Campus 11/2012 Multicell Cooperation for Future Wireless Systems 11/2012 Multidomain collaboration to obtain high data rates in a LTE network 11/2012 Fábio rico Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Francisco António Filipe Jorge Bolas Morgado Dinis,Pedro Bucho Cercas Casal Ribeiro Joaquim Amaro Sebastiao António José Cláudio André Castelo Branco Luís Pais Nobre Rodrigues Pedro Miguel Elói Carlos Manuel Aleluia Carrasco Sérgio de Almeida Matos dos Reis Paiva Gonçalves Rafael Ferreira Telmo Rui Carvalhinho da Silva Nuno Leonor Cunha Fernandes Caldeirinha António José Simão Fernandes Castelo Branco Lopes Marques Neeli R. Prasad Rodrigues Eduardo Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Title Luís Pedro Couto Antunes Marco Alexandre Bruno Miguel dos Santos Freire Mendes Ribeiro José Eduardo António José Castelo Charters Ribeiro Pedro Manuel Branco Rodrigues,Teresa da Cunha Figueiredo e Silva Ferreira Sanguino Super-Gaussian pulse propagation in 11/2012 optical fibers A ray tracing based model using point scatterers for doubly selective 12/2012 radio channels Cell load balancing in heterogeneous 12/2012 scenario Condicionamento de transmissão em redes sem fios para aplicações de 12/2012 localização e cronometragem Design, simulation and fabrication of an invisibility cloaking and other 12/2012 artificial electromagnetic materials Detection and correction of cycle slips in GNSS carrier phase measurements using low-cost IMU measurements 12/2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Armando Carlos Domingues da Rocha João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Student Co- Supervisors Jose Neves Estimativa das Contribuições de Chuva e Gelo na Despolarização Terra-Satélite 12/2012 Jean-Francois Mousinho Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos Fully integration of switched regulators in CMOS Technology 12/2012 João Halm Gomes António José Castelo da Costa Branco Rodrigues Sérgio Galveia Nunes Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira João Miguel do Céu Condeço Adão Paulo Soares Silva Eduardo Conde Adão Paulo Soares Silva Pedro Dias Nuno Cota Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho ,Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Atílio Manuel da Silva Gameiro Atílio Manuel da Silva Gameiro Paulo Alexandre Carapinha Mário Lopes Marques José António Carlos Gaspar Varanda Ribeiro Quaresma Armando Carlos Domingues da Rocha José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa End Date Flávio Miguel da Silva Jorge Telmo Rui Carvalhinho Igor Silva Cunha Fernandes Nuno Manuel Branco Souto Title João Pedro Horta Simões GPS-based Electronic Monitoring for 12/2012 Law Enforcement Applications Multi-cell coordination in LTE systems using beamforming 12/2012 techniques Processo de proteção de propriedade industrial e certificação de um 12/2012 equipamento eletrónico: Caso de uma fechadura eletronica Sistemas de Recepção e Controlo de 12/2012 Rádios Online Técnicas de detecção para o sistema 12/2012 LTE no sentido ascendente Técnicas de Processamento com Múltiplas Antenas Para o Sistema 12/2012 LTE Underwater communications using ultrasound signals 12/2012 Wireless Sensing para Sistemas Cognitive Radio 12/2012 Design and Implementation of an Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network for Building/Home Automation 1/2013 Flávio Silvestre Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Detector Digital Síncrono de Sinal CW baseado em FPGA 2/2013 Filipe de Oliveira Salgueiro António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Evaluation of GPS Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Algorithms 3/2013 Miguel Arantes Moreira Alexandre Compatibility between private mobile radio service equipment 4/2013 José Eduardo Charters João Martins Ribeiro da Cunha Minas da Piedade Sanguino Impact of femtocell introduction in operational mobile networks 4/2013 Vítor Manuel Ferreira Fonseca QoS mechanisms analysis in present 4/2013 mobile networks and in LTE Nuno Santos Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa Antenas para auto-confinamento da 5/2013 detecção em aplicações UHF-RFID Filipe Manuel Costa Pereira Integrated Optics Devices 5/2013 Gonçalo Fernandes Martins Amaral Optical Amplification 5/2013 Ana Filipa Fazenda Cabete Optical Fiber Sistems with Dispersion Compensation 5/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz Pedro Miguel da Silva Cabral Telmo Reis Cunha Student Co- Supervisors Title End Date Kathia Sophia Amarante Garcia Optical Switching 5/2013 Jorge André Wan Photonic Devices 5/2013 José Nogueira The receiver analysis and design from a system point of view 6/2013 Vitor Miguel Melo Soares Lisandro Sérgio Gomes Lopes Analisador de Espectros Portátil para 7/2013 Rádio-Frequência usando Arduino Datalogger Remoto 7/2013 Design of Garment Integrated Energy Harvesting Devices with 7/2013 Cognitive Radio Functionalities Energy Consumption in Wireless Paulo Renato Fernando Jose da Communication Networks within Neves Torres 7/2013 Silva Velez Smart environments: Monitoring and Gouveia Optimization Aspects Esquemas de Cooperação entre Adão Paulo Tiago Jose Alves Atílio Manuel da Silva Estações Base para o LTE no Sentido 7/2013 Soares Silva Marques Gameiro Descendente Implementação numa FPGA de Atílio Manuel da Silva Adão Paulo Hugo Filipe Orfao Técnicas MIMO para os futuros Gameiro ,Manuel Alberto 7/2013 Soares Silva da Silva sistemas de transmissão wirelessReis de Oliveira Violas (Sistemas de 4G/LTE) Manuel Alberto Reis de Implementação numa FPGA de Adão Paulo Tiago Miguel de Oliveira Violas ,A. Técnicas MIMO Projectadas para 7/2013 Soares Silva Pina Correia Johansson Sistemas de 4G Marcos Rafael Medidor de Permeabilidade Telmo Reis Jose Carlos Esteves Vale Almeida Magnética baseado em Circuitos 7/2013 Cunha Duarte Pedro Martins Osciladores Pedro Miguel da Pedro Filipe Medidor de Potência Portátil para 7/2013 Silva Cabral Gomes Marques Rádio-Frequência usando Arduino Rafael Ferreira Planning of broadband mobile Telmo Rui Carvalhinho da Silva Amilcar Justino networks - case study of IP Leiria 7/2013 Cunha Fernandes Caldeirinha Campus 2 Diogo Filipe Reliable Monitoring and Control of Nuno Manuel Ferreira das Home/Building appliances using a 7/2013 Branco Souto Neves Wireless Personal Area Network Armando Carlos Sintetizadores de RF para Software Domingues da Tiago Saraiva 7/2013 Defined Radio Rocha Armando Carlos Tiago Sarmento Sistema de Apontamento para Domingues da 7/2013 Matos Satélite Alphasat Rocha Técnicas de Cooperação entre Adão Paulo Jose Eduardo Leal Atílio Manuel da Silva Estações Base para o LTE no Sentido 7/2013 Soares Silva Moreira Gameiro Ascendente Fernando Jose da Henrique Morais Silva Velez Saraiva Adão Paulo Soares Silva Luis Pedro Santos Loução Atílio Manuel da Silva Gameiro Adão Paulo Soares Silva Gustavo Miranda Castilho dos Anjos Atílio Manuel da Silva Gameiro Américo Manuel Gil Dias Carapeto Correia Pedro Manuel de Almeida Carvalho João Costa Vieira Técnicas de Equalização Iterativas no Espaço-Frequência para Sistemas 7/2013 de 4G Técnicas de Processamento MIMO para Sistemas de 4G 7/2013 Uso de Repetidores na Rede LTE 7/2013 Avaliação do Impacto do Evolved Packet Core (EPC) no Desempenho 9/2013 de Redes de Acesso Rádio LTE (4G) ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors João Manuel Nuno André Torres Caldinhas Fernandes Simões Vaz Gonçalves Pedro Manuel de Almeida Carvalho Nuno Varela Luís Varela Vieira Antonio Luis Joao Pedro Afonso Campos da Silva Silva Rocha Topa Apolinario Fernando Duarte Diogo Cândido Nunes Pedro Manuel de Almeida Carvalho Nicol Gouveia Vieira Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Inês Borges de Carvalho Pedro Manuel de Almeida Carvalho Artur Barbosa Vieira João Manuel Ricardo Miguel Torres Caldinhas Farinha Alves Simões Vaz João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino André Miguel Carvalho Costa Carlos Leme Carlos Leme Patrick Goncalves Carlos Leme Pereira Title End Date CMOS frequency synthesizer for 4G 9/2013 wireless transceivers Geo-Localização de Telemóveis em Redes Móveis UMTS/LTE 9/2013 Graphical User Interface for Urban Propagation Models 9/2013 Multipath mitigation techniques in 9/2013 GPS/Galileo Planeamento e Otimização em Redes Self-Organizing/Self-Optimizing 9/2013 (SON) assentes em LTE Power Amplifier for Radar Applications 9/2013 Previsão de Desempenho para Redes Móveis LTE (800 MHz) e UMTS (900 9/2013 MHz) baseadas em Redes GSM (900 MHz) Co-localizadas Projecto de circuitos integrados em tecnologia CMOS Interfaces a sensores e Conversores Analógico 9/2013 Digitais (ADCs) Radio para sistemas de ultra-low power em redes de sensores - Filtros 9/2013 de banda de base Radio para sistemas de ultra-low power em redes de sensores 9/2013 Sintetizador de frequência Roberto Louro Magueta João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos Sensores Passivos em Suportes de Cortiça 9/2013 Alcídia Micarla Afonseca Duarte Pedro Pinho Sensores Passivos em Suportes de Papel 9/2013 Joao Filipe Pereira dos Reis Sincronização de Relógios em redes 9/2013 LoWPAN André Prata Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira White Space Technologies based on 9/2013 an agile radio BRUNO MIGUEL FERNANDES SILVA Pedro Pinho Wide Area Electronics 9/2013 Ricardo João do Carmo Plácido António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Aircraft Automatic Positioning Transponder System 10/2013 Francisco António Ana Filipa Teixeira Bucho Cercas José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro Pedro Rui Ceia da Cunha dos Santos Sanguino AirQAsthmaNet -Distributed air sensor network for asthma assement António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Assisted Navigation Based On V2V Communications and GPS 10/2013 10/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos Student Co- Supervisors Frederico Miguel de Azevedo Ricardo Jorge Fernandes António Machado Chaves da Silva José Mário Martins Dias Valente Pedro André Branco Serra Title End Date Autonomous Train Collision Detection System 10/2013 Cognitive wireless regional area networks 10/2013 Coverage quality for femtocell and macrocell broadband data services 10/2013 João Nuno Pinto Pereira Tavares José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino Data communication between an airplane Airbus A350 and ground infrastructure 10/2013 Nelson Flavio de Cintra Correia António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Distributed Remote Tracking and Surveillance for Covert Operations 10/2013 Tiago Filipe da Silva Pereirinha Geo-location based on Pedro Manuel de Almeida measurements reports for UMTS/LTE 10/2013 Carvalho Vieira wireless networks Carlos Filipe Correia Sequeira de Jesus Simões Ricardo Jorge Fernandes Chaves Guidance System for Visually Impaired Athletes 10/2013 Paulino Aníbal Pereira Serra de Magalhães Corrêa Impact of mobile data evolution in telecommunications networks and its sustainability 10/2013 Rui Fortio IPSec introduction impact in LTE transport layer 10/2013 José Maria de Sousa Cardoso Marques Performance enhancement in Pedro Manuel de Almeida recently deplyed LTE wireless Carvalho Vieira networks 10/2013 Pedro Ferrão António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Positioning and Navigation in MultiConstellation Scenarios 10/2013 Ana Catarina Barata Gomes Sharing studies and compatibility with LTE mobile radio systems 10/2013 Raquel Cardoso Ribeiro Bettencourt Small-cells 3G/LTE: Geolocation I 10/2013 André António da Costa Marques Small-cells 3G/LTE: Geolocation II 10/2013 Fábio Manuel Martins de Almeida Antena MIMO para terminal móvel 11/2013 Aplicações e Serviços Baseados em Android para Sistemas de Transporte Inteligentes 11/2013 Comparative studies of classic and cloud computer technologies 11/2013 From dishes antennas to planar structures, applied to satellite communications 11/2013 Identificação de classe de veículo e respetiva matrícula 11/2013 Secure vehicular communications 11/2013 Vitor Gomes Joaquim José de Castro Ferreira André Miguel Vieira Rodrigues João Felgueiras Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho FREDERICO JOSE SOARES DA João Dias SILVA Daniel Duarte Joaquim José de Castro Ferreira ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Student Pedro Renato Pedro André Tavares Pinho Gomes Soares José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro Nizar Venturini da Cunha Sanguino Francisco António Tiago Filipe Bucho Cercas Arsénio de Brito José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho José Manuel Mateus de Jesus Moreira Luís Carlos do Paço Silva Title End Date Antena para o satélite CosmoGal 12/2013 Ricardo Jorge Fernandes Chaves Autonomous system for track athletics guidance for the visual impaired 12/2013 José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino Control and data access for a satellite earth station 12/2013 António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Geo-Location in Social Networks 12/2013 Impacto do Switch-off da televisão analógica e disponibilidade da TDT 12/2013 Tiago Alexandre Simões Martins Francisco António Jorge Eduardo Bucho Cercas Gomes Cunha Rui Miguel Neto Marinheiro João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino Atílio Manuel da Silva Gameiro José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino Co- Supervisors José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino José André Rocha Sá e Moura Management of an earth station for 12/2013 satellite radionavigation Multi-access control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - UAV 12/2013 João Dias Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Sistema de Pagamento de Portagens 12/2013 interoperável na Europa Marco Adriano Almeida Durão António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues GPS/INS Positioning 1/2014 David Castro António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Real-Time- Kinematic Positioning 1/2014 Eduardo Castaned Schedduling for Distribted wireless networks 1/2014 Ana Rita de Ricardo Jorge Fernandes Araújo Guilherme Chaves Track Athletics Guidance for the Visual Impaired 1/2014 Table 9 – List MSc Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2011 PhD Theses Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Fernando Duarte Teresa Araújo Nunes Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis Fernando Duarte Pedro Pedrosa Nunes Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Mário Gonçalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha Title Analytical Evaluation of Nonlinear Distortion Effects in Multicarrier Signals End Date 1/2012 Joint Frequency-domain Equalization and Fine Decision1/2012 directed Carrier Synchronization for Single-Carrier Modulation Hugo Cravo Gomes Interference Minimization in RF Front-ends 3/2012 Tiago André Nogueira Morgado Subwavelenth Imaging with Microstructured Materials 3/2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Luis Manuel Jesus Sousa Correia Student Nuno Manuel de Matos Pratas Co- Supervisors Ramjee Prasad,Neeli R. Prasad António Serrador Henrique Salgado Qi Luo Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Abubakar Sadiq Hussaini Jose Fernando da Rocha Pereira Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Francisco António Bucho Cercas Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Adão Paulo Soares Silva 7/2012 Interference cancellation techniques and Resource 10/2012 Allocation for distributed cellular systems, Virtual MIMO Techniques for Distributed Broadband Wireless 10/2012 systems (DBWS) Pedro Miguel Cruz Efficient Multi-mode Software Defined Radios Design Roberto Dimas do Amaral Terrestrial Digital Television and 1/2013 new market opportunities Senka Hadzic Atílio Manuel da Darlene Neves Silva Gameiro Adão Paulo Soares Silva Manuel Alberto Reis de Oliveira Senka Hadzicl Violas Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Fernando Jose da Silva Velez António Sérgio Lebres Luís Miguel Moreira Borges Atílio Manuel da Eduardo Castaned Silva Gameiro Maria João Ramos Marques Luís Miguel Moreira Coelho Carrilho Mendes do Rosário Henrique Salgado End Date Novel Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Methods and their 4/2012 Limitations Common Radio Resource Management in Integrated 4G 5/2012 Mobile Communication Systems Design Synthesis and Miniaturization of Multiband and Reconfigurable Microstrip 6/2012 Antenna for Future Wireless Applications RF Systems Design Atílio Manuel da Daniel Castanheira Silva Gameiro Atílio Manuel da Reza Holakouei Silva Gameiro Title “Cooperative Positioning for Heterogeneous Wireless 2/2013 Systems” Channel Estimation And Parameter Acquisition Systems 2/2013 Employing Cooperative Diversity Cooperative positioning for heterogeneous wireless systems 2/2013 Candidate: Senka Enhanced Two-Phase Contention window MAC Protocol for 2/2013 Wireless Sensor Networks Applications System Level Simulation CMOS self-oscillator mixer for João Manuel Torres 5GHz applications, CMOS selfCaldinhas Simões Vaz oscillator mixer for 5GHz applications Electromagnetic bandgap Jose Fernando da components and antennas for Mário Rui Silveira Pereira Rocha Pereira broadband communications, Antonio Navarro Luis Filipe Mesquita Nalluri Purnachand Rodrigues Nero Moreira Alves Mário Gonçalo Mestre João Tiago de Figueiredo Verissimo e Costa Silveirinha Telmo Rui Carvalhinho Rafael Ferreira Cunha da Silva Sérgio Morgadinho Rebelo Fernandes,Miqdad ALCaldeirinha Nuaimi Arnaldo Silva Nuno Miguel Rodrigues de Nelson José Valente Silva Gonçalves Borges de Oliveira Carvalho 12/2012 2/2013 3/2013 3/2013 Motion Estimation and its Hardware Implementation 3/2013 Nonlocal Effective Medium Approach to Wave Propagation in Metamaterials 3/2013 Time-varying wideband channel model for propagation of 3/2013 radiowaves in vegetation media Arquitecturas Reconfiguráveis para Rádios Controlados por Software 7/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Luis Manuel Jesus Sousa Correia João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Fernando Jose da Silva Velez Student Common Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Networks 7/2013 Tiago Hipkins Meireles José A. Fonseca Wireless Communications for Assistive Technologies 8/2013 Context-Aware Cooperative Strategies for Energy Saving in Hybrid Ad-hoc Networks Dimensioning of Mobile and Wireless Communication Systems with Relays in the Context of 4G Coexistence Firooz B. Saghezchi Rui Filipe Rosa Paulo Peter Steenkiste Distributed Control of Road Traffic based on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking Innovative Energy-efficient Sensor Medium Access Control and Routing Protocols Norberto José Gil Barroca Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Planning of Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing Heterogeneous Networks with QoE Optimization Daniel Luís Silveira Robalo Printed Millimetre Wave Antennas Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Secure and Reliable Communication Infrastructure for IP-Based Emergency Applications - Map-i Program Vahid Nazari Talooki Luis Bras 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 Native P2P VoIP/Video Communication over Autonomic 9/2013 Wireless Network Infrastructures Custódio José Rafal Glogowski Oliveira Peixeiro Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Jose Carlos Esteves Duarte Pedro Francisco António Bucho Cercas Maria João Ramos Marques Coelho Carrilho do Rosário António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues João José Lopes da Costa Freire End Date Filipe Duarte dos Santos Cardoso, Manuel Alberto Reis de Oliveira George Matthew Violas Fernando Jose da Silva Velez Title Luísa Caeiro Michel Celestino Hugo Conceição Paiva Ferreira Fernando Jose da Silva Velez Co- Supervisors Pedro Renato Tavares Antennas for high resolution Pinho location 9/2013 9/2013 10/2013 10/2013 José Pedro borrego Figures of Merit for the Wireless 10/2013 White Spaces Nelson José Valente da Silva Reconfigured Architectures for Software Defined Radio 10/2013 Behavioural Modelling of HighSpeed Digital Devices 12/2013 Wael Dghais Telmo Reis Cunha Nuno Miguel de Figueiredo Garrido Design of Adaptive Analog Filters Augusto Albuquerque for Magnetic Front-End Read 12/2013 Channels (co-supervision) Fernando dos Santos Azevedo Fernando Manuel Ascenso Fortes Integrated Receiver in CMOS technology, Integrated Rece Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos Santos MIMO techniques in future high capacity wireless communication 12/2013 systems Modelling of Passice Structures 12/2013 on Silicon Technologies Ivo Luís de la Cerda Garcia e Sousa Mário Jorge Simão de Assunção 12/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Jose Carlos Esteves Duarte Pedro Jose Carlos Esteves Duarte Pedro Luis Manuel Jesus Sousa Correia Student Sérgio Carlos da Conceição Pires Hugo Miguel Santos Teixeira Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun Co- Supervisors Title End Date Multi-Standard Reconfigurable Pedro Miguel da Silva Wireless Transmitter 12/2013 Cabral Architectures Nonlinear Behavioural Modelling Telmo Reis Cunha of Mixed Signal RF-Digital I/O 12/2013 Devices Primary-Secondary Spectrum Sharing in the Presence of Primary Transmissions: Feasibility Study in Cellular 12/2013 Bands and Radar Bands, and Policy Implications Reducing primary energy consumption through lower João José Lopes António Manuel Sequeira Pedro Nuno Mendonça power losses of electrical 12/2013 da Costa Freire Abreu dos Santos transmission and distribution systems Michel Celestino Simulation of Metropolitan-scale Ricardo Fernandes 12/2013 Paiva Ferreira Vehicular Networks Applications of Spacetime Carlos Manuel Sérgio de Almeida Filipa Prudêncio Algebra in Electromagnetics 1/2014 dos Reis Paiva Matos Michel Celestino Zafeiris Kokkinogenis Paiva Ferreira António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Jose Carlos Esteves Duarte Pedro António Manuel Restani Graça Alves Moreira Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Cristina Olaverri Monreal Nuno António Fraga Juliano Cota Decentralised control of stochastic processes with application to urban traffic control Automatic Radio Resource Management for 4G Networks 1/2014 6/2014 Amplificadores de Potência AutoManuel Joaquim Campos Pedro Miguel da Silva Oscilantes em Transmissores de 9/2014 Mendes Nunes Duarte Cabral Comunicações Sem Fios Antennas for integration into small personal terminals and Ultra-wide band antennas 9/2014 Victor Sucasas Iglésias Electronic Engineering 9/2014 Riccardo Bassoli Electronic Engineering 9/2014 Eduardo Bolas Cognitive Radio for Military Applications 10/2014 Nuno Miguel Faria Pires Anja Skrivervik “Cognitive Networks for Green and Seamless User Mobility” MAP-i Program Muhammad Alam Comunicação multi-hop com LTE-Advanced 11/2014 Américo Manuel Carlos Reis Carapeto Correia Nuno Manuel Branco Souto António José Castelo Branco Rodrigues André Eduardo Ponciano Martins Pedro Manuel de Almeida Carvalho Vieira Tiago Miguel Valente Varum Pedro Renato Tavares Beamforming antenna for Pinho satellite communications 12/2014 David Ferreira Telmo Rui Carvalhinho RF transparency control of Cunha Fernandes building wall structures 12/2014 João Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos Rafael Ferreira da Silva Caldeirinha Coordinated multiuser MIMO enhancement for LTE advanced wireless networks 11/2014 11/2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Vector Structures in GNSS Receivers, Vector Structures in GNSS Receivers Fernando Duarte José Marçal Nunes Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Ricardo Fernandes Title João Nuno Pimentel da Passive Wireless Sensor Silva Matos Networks Wireless Power Transmission Solutions for Wireless Communications Alírio boaventura End Date 1/2015 3/2015 4/2015 Nuno Manuel Branco Souto Luís Gonçalves Optimal Planning of Femtocells Pedro Joaquim Amaro in LTE-Advanced Sebastiao 5/2015 Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes Andela Zaric Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa Antennas for Localization and Identification Systems 9/ 2015 Mohsen Koohestani Anja Skrivervik Compact and integrated antennas for portable applications 9/2015 Hélio Silva Electronic Engineering 9/2015 Joaquim Oliveira Estudo e implementação de moduladores de fase para amplificadores polares 9/2015 António Manuel Restani Graça Alves Moreira Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa Mário Gonçalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha Ana Catarina Caniço Cruz Francisco António Bucho Cercas Jose Carlos Esteves Duarte Pedro 9/2015 Mecanismos de geração e 9/2015 controlo da distorção não-linear em amplificadores Doherty 9/2015 Sina Khatibi Radio Resource Management Strategies in Marco António da Mota Carvalho Silva Pereira Power amplifiers for wireless communications 10/2015 Reflectarrays of Printed Elements 10/2015 Wearable Antennas 11/2015 Hamed Hasani Juan R. Mosig Carlos Alberto Barreiro Mendes Filipe Jorge Bolas Casal Ribeiro Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis Pedro Miguel da Manuel Joaquim Campos Jose Carlos Esteves Silva Cabral Mendes Nunes Duarte Duarte Pedro Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes Lens-based Focal Plane Antenna 9/2015 Arrays for Imaging Systems Manipulating the electromagnetic field in the nanoscale with nonlinear metamaterials David Emanuel Dias Fernandes Pedro Miguel da Luis Carlos Cotimos Silva Cabral Nunes Luis Manuel Jesus Sousa Correia João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz Custódio José Oliveira Peixeiro Custódio José Oliveira Peixeiro Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes Joana Rita Alves dos Santos Silva Pedro Miguel Filipe Barradas Ribeiro Lavrador Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa ,Juan R. Mosig Telmo Reis Cunha Approaching Universal Frequency Reuse through Base Station Cooperation 12/2015 Self-Oscillating Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications 12/2015 Ground-Terminal Antennas for Ka Satellite Systems Modelação Comportamental e Pre-Distorção Digital de Transmissores de RF 1/2016 7/2016 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Student Co- Supervisors Title Transcetores Flexíveis para João Nuno Pimentel da Comunicações Rádio Cognitivas Silva Matos de Tempo-real em Ambientes Veiculares Transmissores Digitais José Manuel Neto Reconfiguráveis de Elevada Rui Fiel Cordeiro Vieira Eficiência para Sistemas de Rádio Cognitivos Optimizing connectivity in Eduardo Moreira da Mota VANETs using predictive mobile gateways Manuel José Alves Ventura da Silva Diogo Ribeiro Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Measurement and Instrumentation for SDR End Date 9/2016 9/2016 11/2016 12/2017 Table 10 – List of PhD Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.6 Publications Antennas Modelling And Design Book Chapters - Oliveira, C.; L. M. Correia; " Body Communications " - Chapter in Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications , Roberto Verdone and Alberto Zanella (eds.) , Springer , London, UK , 2012 . - Krogerus, J.; T. Laitinen; L. Foged; C.M. Mendes; C. Peixeiro; A. Skrivervik; B. Derat; J. Carlsson; JFZ Zurcher; " Measurement od Radiated Performances for Small Antennas and Terminals " - Chapter in Handbook on Small Antennas , Benoit Derat , European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) , Brussels , 2012 . - Icheln, C.; M. Martínez Vázquez; C. Peixeiro; C. Luxey; A. Sharaiha; E. AntoninoDaviu; R. Serrano; " Mobile Communication Terminals " - Chapter in Handbook on Small Antennas , Clemens Icheln , European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) , Brussels , 2012 . - Luxey, C.; C. Peixeiro; J. Boer; " Multi-Element Antennas " - Chapter in Handbook on Small Antennas , Lluis Jofre, Jordi Romeu and Raquel Serrano , European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) , Brussels , 2012 . - Oliveira, C.; M. Mackowiak; L. M. Correia; " Statistical Characterisation of Antennas in BANs " - Chapter in LTE Advanced and Beyond Wireless Networks: Channel Modelling and Propagation , Andres Alayon-Glazunov and Ben Allen (eds.) , John Wiley & Sons , Chichester, UK (accepted) , 2012 . - Fernandes, C. A.; " teste " - Chapter in teste , teste , Academic Press , Lisboa , 2012 . - Peixeiro, C.; A. Sharaiha; M. Schuessler; A. Vorobyov; J. Pontes; J. Bartolic; M. Martínez Vázquez; S. Schulteis; " UWB-Antenna Fundamentals " - Chapter in Handbook on Small Antennas , Custódio Peixeiro and Raquel Serrano , European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) , Brussels , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Brás, L.; N.B.C. Carvalho; P. Pinho; L. K. Kulas; K. N. Nyka; " A Review of Antennas for Indoor Positioning Systems ", Intrnl. Journal of Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 2012 , No. 953269 , pp. 1 - 14 , October , 2012 . - Amaral, F.; R. Dinis; P. M. Montezuma; " Approaching the MFB with Block Transmission Techniques ", European Trans. on Telecommunications , Vol. 23 , No. 1 , pp. 76 - 86 , February , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Koohestani, M.; N. Pires; A. K. Skrivervik; A. A. Moreira; " Band-reject ultrawideband monopole antenna using patch loading ", Electronics Letters , Vol. 48 , No. 16 , pp. 974 - 975 , August , 2012 . - Gonçalves, R.; P. Pinho; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Compact, Frequency Reconfigurable, Printed Monopole Antenna ", Intrnl. Journal of Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 2012 , No. 2012 , pp. 1 - 6 , November , 2012 . - Cascalheira, M.; P. Pinho; ; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Indoor Guidance System for the Blind and the Visually Impaired ", IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation , Vol. 6 , No. 10 , pp. 1149 - 1157 , July , 2012 . - Peixeiro, C.; " Microstrip Antenna Papers in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine , Vol. 54 , No. 1 , pp. 264 - 268 , February , 2012 . - Kiourti, A.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; A. G. Santiago; K. S. Nikita; " Miniature Implantable Antennas for Biomedical Telemetry: From Simulation to Realization ", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 59 , No. 11 , pp. 3140 - 3147 , November , 2012 . - Brás, L.; N.B.C. Carvalho; P. Pinho; " Pentagonal Patch-Excited Sectorized Antenna for Localization Systems ", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 60 , No. 3 , pp. 1634 - 1638 , March , 2012 . - Elfergani, IT; T. Sadeghpour; R.A. Abd-Alhameed Abd-Alhameed; A.S Hussaini ; J.M. Noras; S.M.R. Jones; J. Rodriguez; " Reconfigurable antenna design for mobile handsets including harmonic radiation measurements ", IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation , Vol. 6 , No. 9 , pp. 990 - 999 , August , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Pinho, P.; M. Véstias; " A high-rate MIMO receiver in an FPGA ", Proc IEEE APS/URSI International Symp. , Chicago , United States , July , 2012 . - Gonçalves, R.; P. Pinho; " Antena Impressa Reconfigurável de Pequena Dimensão para Dispositivos Móveis ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , November , 2012 . Santiago, A. G.; C. A. Fernandes; J.R. Costa; " Broadband UHF RFID Passive Tag Antenna for Near-Body Operation ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on RFIDTechnology and Applications , Nice , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , November , 2012 . - Oliveira, C.; M. Mackowiak; L. M. Correia; " Correlation Analysis in On-Body Communications ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Prague , Czech Republic , March , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Cruz, Catarina C.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Design of a Passive Tag for Indoor Localization ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Prague , Czech Republic , pp. 1 - 5 , March , 2012 . - Hasani, H.; C. Peixeiro; " Dual-band Dual-Polarized Reflectarray Antenna with Close Frequencies in Ku Band ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Chicago , United States , July , 2012 . - Hasani, H.; C. Peixeiro; " Dual-band, Dual-polarized Reflectarray antenna in Ku Band ", Proc Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conf. – LAPC , Loughborough , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , November , 2012 . - Zaric, A.; Catarina C. Cruz; C. A. Fernandes; J.R. Costa; " Feasibility Study of Suitcase Identification and Imaging Using a UWB Tag ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on RFID-Technology and Applications , Nice , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , November , 2012 . - Koohestani, M.; N. Pires; A. K. Skrivervik; A. A. Moreira; " Influence of Dielectric Loading on the Fidelity Factor of an Ultra Wideband Monopole Antenna ", Proc Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conf. – LAPC , Loughborough , United Kingdom , November , 2012 . - Koohestani, M.; N. Pires; A. Skrivervik; A. A. Moreira; " Influence of the Human Body on a New Coplanar-fed Ultra-Wideband Antenna ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. 6 , pp. 316 - 319 , March , 2012 . - Yousefbeiki, M.; J. Mosig ; C. A. Fernandes; " Ku-Band Dielectric-Loaded SIW Horn for Vertically-Polarized Multi-Sector Antennas ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. 1 , March , 2012 . - Varum, T.; J. N. Matos; P. Pinho; " Omnidirectional Circularly Polarized Antenna for DSRC Systems ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Chicago , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 2 , July , 2012 . - Varum, T.; J. N. Matos; P. Pinho; A.O. Oliveira; " Printed Antenna for DSRC Systems with Omnidirectional Circular Polarization ", Proc IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems , Anchorage , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , September , 2012 . - Pires, N.; C.M. Mendes; M. Koohestani; A. Skrivervik; A. A. Moreira; " Radiation Efficiency of a Coplanar-fed Ultra-Wideband Antenna ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Chicago , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 2 , July , 2012 . - Oliveira, C.; M. Mackowiak; L. M. Correia; " Signal Correlation between Wearable Antennas in Body Area Networks in Multipath Environment ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Prague , Czech Republic , March , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUITS AND DEVICES Books - Fernandes, C. F.; J. T. Pereira; Fundamentos de Eletrónica, LIDEL, Lisboa, 2012 . Book Chapters - Mauro, M.; N.H. Horta; " AMS Synthesis Using Symbolic Methods " - Chapter in Design of Analog Circuits through Symbolic Analysis , Mourad Fakhfakh, Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle, Francisco V. Fernández , Bentham Science Publishers, 2012 . - Pereira, J. R.; P. Pinho; " Using the Smith chart in an E-learning approach " Chapter in E-Learning-Organizational Infrastructure and Tools for Specific Areas , Elvis Pontes, Anderson Silva, Adilson Guelfi and Sergio Takeo Kofuji, In-Tech, 2012. Papers in Journals - Costa, V.C.; P.M. Santos; B. Borges; " A design methodology for integrated inductor-based DC–DC converters ", Microelectronics Journal , Vol. 43 , No. 6 , pp. 401 - 409 , June , 2012 . - Quaresma, HJQ; P.M. Santos; A.C. Serra; " An equivalent doping profile for CMOS substrate characterization ", Solid State Electronics , July , 2012 . - Dghais, W.; T.R. Cunha; J. C. Pedro; " Reduced-order parametric behavioral model for digital buffers/drivers with physical support ", IEEE Trans. on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology , Vol. 2 , No. 12 , pp. 1 - 10 , December , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Dghais, W.; T.R. Cunha; J. C. Pedro; " A mixed-domain behavioral model’s extraction for digital I/O buffers ", Proc IEEE Conf. on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems - EPEPS , Tempe, Arizona , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2012 . - Fabbri, G.F.; ; " A Simulation Tool for the Management of Energy Flows in HybridElectric Vehicles ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics - ISIE , Hangzhou , China , Vol. , pp. 1696 - 1701 , May , 2012 . - Martins, R.; N. Lourenço; sr Rodrigues; J.G. Guilherme; N.H. Horta; " AIDA: Automated Analog IC Design Flow from Circuit Level to Layout ", Proc International Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design - SMACD , Seville , Spain , September , 2012 . - Sousa, N. Sousa; P. Pinho; " Aplicação das ondas electromagnéticas na autosuficiência de circuitos electrónicos ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , November , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Pinto, J.; N.H. Horta; " Automated Passive Filter Design Using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms with Variable Parameters ", Proc Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. - GECCO , Philadelphia , United States , July , 2012 . - Fabbri, G.F.; C. B. Boccaletti; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Development of an On-Board Unit for the Monitoring and Management of an Electric Fleet ", Proc International Conf. on Electrical Machines , Marseille , France , pp. 1 - 6 , September , 2012 . - Dghais, W.; H. Teixeira; T.R. Cunha; J. C. Pedro; " Efficient table-based I-Q behavioral model for high-speed digital buffers/drivers ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects - SPI , Sorrento , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 95 - 96 , May , 2012 . - Martins, R.; N. Lourenço; N.H. Horta; " Multi-Objective Multi-Constraint Routing of Analog ICs using a Modified NSGA-II Approach ", Proc International Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design - SMACD , Seville , Spain , September , 2012 . - , ; Nuno Rafael Lourenço; D. Terra; Navin Kumar; R. L. Aguiar; " Visible Light Communication System for Outdoor Applications ", Proc International Symp. on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing , Poznan , Poland , July , 2012. PHYSICAL MODELLING AND WAVE PROPAGATION CHARACTERIZATION Papers in Journals - Fernandes, D.F.; S. Maslovski ; M. Silveirinha; " Cherenkov emission in a nanowire material ", Physical Review B , Vol. 85 , No. 155107 , pp. 1 - 13 , April , 2012 . - Silveirinha, M.; N. Engheta; " Effective Medium Approach to Electron Waves: Graphene Superlattices ", Physical Review B , Vol. 85 , No. 195413 , pp. 1 - 10 , May , 2012 . - Silveirinha, M.; S. Maslovski ; " Exchange of momentum between moving matter induced by the zero-point fluctuations of the electromagnetic field ", Physical Review A , Vol. 86 , No. 042118 , pp. 1 - 13 , October , 2012 . - Costa, J.; M. Silveirinha; " Macroscopic Electromagnetic Response of Arbitrarily Shaped Spatially Dispersive Bodies formed by Metallic Wires ", Physical Review B , Vol. 86 , No. 075129 , pp. 1 - 13 , August , 2012 . - Silveirinha, M.; N. Engheta; " Metamaterial-inspired model for electron waves in bulk semiconductors ", Physical Review B , Vol. 86 , No. 245302 , pp. 1 - 14 , December , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Shadrivov, I. V.; P. V. Kapitanova; S. Maslovski ; Yu. S. S.; " Metamaterials Controlled with Light ", Physical Review Letters , Vol. 109 , No. 083902 , pp. 1 - 4 , August , 2012 . - Hanson, G. H.; E. F. Forati; M. Silveirinha; " Modeling of Spatially-Dispersive Wire Media: Transport Representation, Comparison With Natural Materials, and Additional Boundary Conditions ", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 60 , No. 9 , pp. 4219 - 4232 , September , 2012 . - Kaipa, C. S. R.; A. Yakovlev; S. Maslovski ; M. Silveirinha; " Near-field imaging with a loaded wire medium ", Physical Review B , Vol. 86 , No. 155103 , pp. 1 - 10 , October , 2012 . - Maslovski , S.; A. Tretyakov; " Perfect lensing with phase-conjugating surfaces: toward practical realization ", New Journal of Physics , Vol. 14 , No. 035007 , pp. 1 - 22 , March , 2012 . - Ageyskiy, A. E.; S. Yu. Kosulnikov; S. Maslovski ; Yu. S. S.; P. A. Belov; " Quarter-wavelength nanorod lens based on internal imaging ", Physical Review B , Vol. 85 , No. 033105 , pp. 1 - 5 , January , 2012 . - Silveirinha, M.; S. Maslovski ; " Radiation from elementary sources in a uniaxial wire medium ", Physical Review B , Vol. 85 , No. 155125 , pp. 1 - 10 , April , 2012 . - Silveirinha, M.; N. Engheta; " Sampling and squeezing electromagnetic waves through subwavelength ultranarrow regions or openings ", Physical Review B , Vol. 85 , No. 085116 , pp. 1 - 18 , February , 2012 . - Maslovski , S.; " Subwavelength imaging with arrays of plasmonic scatterers ", Optics Communications , Vol. 285 , No. 16 , pp. 3363 - 3367 , July , 2012 . - Rebelo, S. Morgadinho; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; M. AL-Nuaimi; I. Cuinas; M. Sanchez ; T.R. Fernandes; J. Richter; " Time-Variant Radio Channel Characterization and Modelling of Vegetation Media at Millimeter-Wave Frequency ", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 60 , No. 3 , pp. 1557 - 1568 , March , 2012 . - Silveirinha, M.; N. Engheta; " Transformation electronics: Tailoring the effective mass of electrons ", Physical Review B , Vol. 86 , No. 161104R , pp. 1 - 5 , October , 2012 . - Neves, I. V.; A. Topa; M. Neves; " Waveguide Dispersion in a Strongly Biaxial Anisotropic Fiber: An Analytical Solution ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 30 , No. 12 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Maslovski , S.; M. Silveirinha; " Casimir-Lifshitz interactions in a one-way waveguide ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , St. Petersburg , Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 396 - 398 , September , 2012 . Fernandes, G.; M. Facão Facão; M. I. Carvalho; S. Rodrigues; J. Heidarialamdarloo; A. N. Pinto; M. Ferreira; " Continuous Wave Supercontinuum Generation Aided by a Weaker Pulse Laser ", Proc SPIE Photonics Europe , Brussels , Belgium , Vol. 8434 , pp. 1 - 9 , April , 2012 . - Sousa, I.; M.P. Queluz; A. J. Rodrigues; " Implementation of the COST 273 Directional Channel Model in Microcell Scenarios ", Proc International Conf. on Wireless Information Networks and Systems - Winsys , Rome , Italy , July , 2012 . - Puñal, O.; A. Aguiar; J. Gross; " In VANETs we Trust? Characterizing RF Jamming in Vehicular Networks ", Proc ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Internetworking, Systems and Applications - VANET 2012 , Windermere , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 10 , June , 2012 . - Topa, A.; " Linear Operator Formalism in the Analysis of Omega Planar Layered Waveguides ", Proc WASET International Conf. on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering - ICECECE , Paris , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , August , 2012 . - Maslovski , S.; M. Silveirinha; " Local framework for nonlocal wire media ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , St. Petersburg , Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 417 - 419 , September , 2012 . - Prudêncio, F.; S.A. Matos; C. R. Paiva; " Modal Analysis of Waveguides Containing Minkowskian Isotropic Media (MIM) and the Perfect Electromagnetic Conductor (PEMC) ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , St. Petersburg , Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 62 - 62 , September , 2012 . - Kaipa, C. S. R.; A. Yakovlev; M. Silveirinha; S. Maslovski ; " Near-field enhancement using uniaxial wire medium with impedance loadings ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , St. Petersburg , Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 472 - 474 , September , 2012 . - Morgado, T. A.; S. Maslovski ; M. Silveirinha; " Negative Refraction by a Hyperbolic Metamaterial formed by Helical-Shaped Wires ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , St. Petersburg , Russia , September , 2012 . - Matos, S.A.; F. Prudêncio; C. R. Paiva; " Non-birefringent omega-like media ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , St. Petersburg , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 93 - 94 , September , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Rapoport, Yu. G.; A. Tretyakov; S. Maslovski ; " Phase Conjugation at Normal Incidence of Signal Wave on Active Metasurface with Linear and Nonlinear Huygens Sources ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , St. Petersburg , Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 149 - 151 , September , 2012 . - Silva , J.; P. Pinho; M. Véstias; " Receptor MIMO em FPGA Baseado no Esquema de Alamouti ", Proc Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , February , 2012 . - Yakovlev, A.; M. Silveirinha; S. Maslovski ; C. S. R. Kaipa; P. A. Belov; G. H. Hanson; O. Luukkonen; I.S. Nefedov; C.R. Simovsky; A. Tretyakov; " Review of recent progress on the homogenization theory and applications of wire media ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , St. Petersburg , Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 426 - 428 , September , 2012 . - Kapitanova, P. V.; D. S. Filonov; M. Voroshilov; I. V. Shadrivov; S. Maslovski ; P. A. Belov; Yu. S. S.; " Tuning nonlinear metamaterials with light ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , St. Petersburg , Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 264 - 266 , September , 2012 . SYSTEM PLANNING AND RADIO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Book Chapters - Holland, O.; C. Facchini; H. Aghvami; O. Cabral; F. J. Velez; " Opportunistic Load and Spectrum Management for Green Radio " - Chapter in Green Radio Communication Networks , E. Hossein, V. Bhargava and G. Fettweis , Cambridge University Press , Cambridge, UK , 2012 . Papers in Journals - M. Albano; A. R. Radwan; J. Rodriguez; A. Gomes; " Business Model for Femtocells: franchising for energy saving ", Socialinés Technologijos - Journal of Social Technologies , Vol. 1 , No. 2 , pp. 217 - 235 , February , 2012 . - Velez, F. J.; O. Cabral; F. Merca; V. Vassiliou ; " Service Characterization for Cost/Benefit Optimization of Enhanced UMTS ", Telecommunication Systems , Vol. 50 , No. 1 , pp. 31 - 45 , July , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Saghezchi, F.; A. R. Radwan; A. Nascimento; J. Rodriguez; " An incentive mechanism based on coalitional game for fair cooperation of mobile users in HANETs ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks - IEEE CAMAD , Barcelona , Spain , pp. 378 - 382 , September , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Martins, A.; A. J. Rodrigues; P. Vieira; " Avaliação do Impacto Económico da Utilização de Repetidores Fixos numa Rede LTE ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2012 . Sousa, I.; M.P. Queluz; A. J. Rodrigues; " Cooperative wireless communication system for microcell networks ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisbon , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Velez, F. J.; J. Oliveira; D.R. Robalo; O. Holland; H. Aghvami; " Cost/Revenue Optimization of WiMAX Networks with Relay Power Saving Modes: MeasurementBased Scenario in a Hilly Region ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisbon , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Velez, F. J.; J. Oliveira; D.R. Robalo; O. Holland; H. Aghvami; " Cost/Revenue Optimization of WiMAX Networks with Relay Power Saving Modes: MeasurementBased Scenario in a Hilly Region ", Proc IEEE Globecom 2012 , Anaheim , United States , December , 2012 . - Velez, F. J.; J. Oliveira; D.R. Robalo; O. Holland; H. Aghvami; " Energy Saving in the Optimization of the Planning of Fixed WiMAX with Relays in Hilly Terrains: Impact of Sleep Modes and Cell zooming ", Proc International Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems - ISWCS , Paris , France , August , 2012 . - Martins, A.; P. Vieira; A. J. Rodrigues; " Finding Optimized Positioning for Fixed Relay Stations in a Cooperative LTE Network ", Proc Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symp. - WPMC , Taipei , Taiwan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2012 . - Yang, D.; J. Bastos; C. Verikoukis; J. Rodriguez; " Location-aided Round Robin Scheduling for Fractional Frequency Rused LTE-A Relay Network ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks - IEEE CAMAD , Barcenola , Spain , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2012 . - Holland, O.; L. DE NARDIS; K. E. NOLAN; A. M. Medeisis; F. J. Velez; " Pluralistic Licensing ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Dyspan , Bellevue , United States , October , 2012 . TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION SYSTEMS Books - Silva, P.; R. Dinis; Frequency-Domain Multiuser Detection for CDMA Systems, River Publishers , Aalborg , 2012 . - Gomes, N. J. G.; P. Monteiro; A. Gameiro; (eds.); Next Generation Wireless Communications Using Radio over Fiber , , Wiley , Chichester, UK , 2012 . - Silva, M.; A. Correia; R. Dinis; N.S. Souto; J. C. S. Silva; (eds.); Transmission Techniques for 4G Systems , , CRC-Taylor & Francis Group , Boca Raton, USA , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Book Chapters - Cruz, P.M.; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Characterization of Software Defined and Cognitive Radio Front-Ends for Multi-mode Operation " - Chapter in Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits and Systems: Emerging Design, Technologies and Applications , A. Georgiadis, H. Rogier, L. Roselli and P. Arcioni , Wiley , Chichester, UK , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Silva, N.V.S.; A.O. Oliveira; U.G. Gustavsson; N.B.C. Carvalho; " A Novel AllDigital Multichannel Multimode RF Transmitter Using Delta-Sigma Modulation ", IEEE Microwave Wireless and Components Letters , Vol. 22 , No. 3 , pp. 156 - 158 , March , 2012 . - Marchetti, A.; N. Prasad; A. J. Rodrigues; R. Prasad; " Adaptive counting rule for cooperative spectrum sensing under correlated environments ", Wireless Personal Communications , Vol. 64 , No. 1 , pp. 93 - 106 , May , 2012 . - Neves, D.; C. Ribeiro; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " An iterative pilot-data-aided estimator for SFBC relay-assisted OFDM-based systems ", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing , Vol. 2012 , No. 74 , pp. 1 - 34 , April , 2012 . - Ganhão, F.; R. Dinis; L. B. Bernardo; R. Oliveira; " Analytical BER and PER Performance of Frequency-Domain Diversity Combining, Multipacket Detection and Hybrid Schemes ", IEEE Trans. on Communications , Vol. 60 , No. 8 , pp. 2353 2362 , August , 2012 . - Cercas, F.C.; R. Dinis; R.Rodrigues Rodrigues; " Analytical Computation of the Correlation of Spreading Sequences for Nonlinear OQPSK-Type Modulations ", European Trans. on Telecommunications , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 11 , July , 2012 . - Pedrosa, P.; R. Dinis; F. Nunes; " Analytical performance evaluation of a class of receivers with joint equalisation and residual carrier frequency offset estimation ", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies , May , 2012 . - Montezuma, P. M.; F. Amaral; R. Dinis; N.S. Souto; " Approaching the matched filter bound with block transmission techniques ", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies , Vol. 23 , No. 1 , pp. 76 - 85 , January , 2012 . - Reis, J.; J. Sanguino; A. J. Rodrigues; " Baseline Influence on Single-Frequency GPS Precise Heading Estimation ", Wireless Personal Communications , Vol. 64 , No. 1 , pp. 185 - 196 , May , 2012 . - Kapetanovic, ; Rusek; T. Abrudan; V. Koivunen; " Construction of Minimum Euclidean Distance MIMO Precoders and Their Lattice Classifications ", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing , Vol. 60 , No. 8 , pp. 4470 - 4474 , August , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Teodoro, S.; A. Silva; J.G. Gil; A. Gameiro; " Data-precoded algorithm for multiple-relay assisted systems ", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing , Vol. 2012 , No. 22 , pp. 1 - 48 , February , 2012 . - Beko, M.B,; R. Dinis; " Designing Good Multi-Dimensional Constellations ", IEEE Wireless Communications , Vol. 1 , No. 3 , pp. 221 - 224 , June , 2012 . - Nunes, F.; F. Sousa; " GNSS Near-Far Mitigation through Subspace Projection without Phase Information ", IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems , Vol. 48 , No. 3 , pp. 2746 - 2755 , July , 2012 . - Araújo, T. ; R. Dinis; " Loading techniques for OFDM systems with nonlinear distortion effects ", European Trans. on Telecommunications , Vol. 23 , No. 2 , pp. 121 - 132 , March , 2012 . - Delgado, N.; F. Nunes; " Multipath Estimation in Multicorrelator GNSS Receivers using the Maximum Likeliood Principle ", IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems , Vol. 48 , No. 4 , pp. 3222 - 3233 , October , 2012 . - Araújo, T. ; R. Dinis; " On the Accuracy of the Gaussian Approximation for the Evaluation of Nonlinear Effects in OFDM Signals ", IEEE Trans. on Communications , Vol. 60 , No. 2 , pp. 346 - 351 , February , 2012 . - Silva, M.; A. Correia; N.S. Souto; J. S. Seguro; P. Gomes; R. Dinis; " On the Multi-Resolution Techniques for LTE-Advanced ", Wireless Personal Communications , Vol. 22 , No. 7 , pp. 339 - 351 , September , 2012 . - Souto, N.S.; R. Dinis; J. C. Silva; " Performance bound for generalised multilevelquadrature amplitude modulations constellations in multipath Rayleigh fading channels with imperfect channel estimation ", IET Communications , Vol. 6 , No. 11 , pp. 1537 - 1543 , November , 2012 . - Pereira, M.; L. B. Bernardo; R. Dinis; R. Oliveira; P. C. Carvalho; P. Pinto; " Performance of diversity combining ARQ error control in a TDMA SC-FDE system ", IEEE Trans. on Communications , Vol. 60 , No. 3 , pp. 735 - 746 , March , 2012 . - Pedrosa, P.; R. Dinis; F. Nunes; J. Dias; " Phase Drift Estimation and Symbol Detection in Digital Communications: A Stochastic Recursive Filtering Approach ", IEEE Communications Letters , Vol. 16 , No. 6 , pp. 854 - 857 , June , 2012 . - Renna, F.; N. Laurenti Laurenti; H. V. Poor Poor; " Physical layer secrecy for OFDM transmissions over fading channels ", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security , No. 99 , pp. 1 - 32 , June , 2012 . - Luzio, M.; R. Dinis; P. M. Montezuma; " SC-FDE for Offset Modulations: An Efficient Transmission Technique for Broadband Wireless Systems ", IEEE Trans. on Communications , Vol. 60 , No. 7 , pp. 1851 - 1861 , July , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Silva, J. C.; R. Dinis; N.S. Souto; P. M. Montezuma; " Single-carrier frequency domain equalisation with hierarchical constellations: an efficient transmission technique for broadcast and multicast systems ", IET Communications , Vol. 13 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , October , 2012 . - Ribeiro, JCR; R.P. Dionísio; P. Marques; J. Rodriguez; " Testbed for Combination of Local Sensing with Geo-location Database in Real Environments ", IEEE Wireless Communications , Vol. 19 , No. 4 , pp. 59 - 66 , August , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Lopes, F.; V. Santos; L. A Cruz; " A Combinatorial Analysis and a Closed-Form Analytical Expression for the Signal to Third-Order Distortion Ratio in OFDM Signals through Smooth Memoryless Nonlinearity ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications and Signal Processing - TSP , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. I , pp. 689 - 694 , July , 2012 . - Nascimento, J. F.; P. Vieira; M. Vieira; " A Field Measurement Approach for LTE (4G) Wireless Networks Performance Monitoring ", Proc Ibero-American Congress on Sensors - IBERSENSOR 2012 , Isla Verde , Puerto Rico , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , October , 2012 . - Marques, P.; A. Ferreira; F. Fortes; S. P. Sampaio; " A LOW-COST BISTATIC PASSIVE RADAR DEMONSTRATOR ", Proc NATO SET-177 Workshop on Passive Radar ECM, EPM Critical Aspects , Athens , Greece , October , 2012 . - Silva, P.; R. Dinis; " A Spectrally Efficient Transmission Scheme for Signals with Large Bandwidth ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Yokohama , Japan , May , 2012 . - Ara, M.; H. Reboredo; S. Mustafa; M. Rodrigues ; " A Zero-Sum Power Allocation Game in the Parallel Gaussian Wiretap Channel with an Unfriendly Jammer ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications Systems - ICCS , Singapore , Singapore , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , November , 2012 . - Paisana, F.; N. Prasad; A. J. Rodrigues; R. Prasad; " An Alternative Implementation of a Cyclostationary Detector ", Proc Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symp. - WPMC , Taipei , Taiwan , September , 2012 . - Ribeiro, F.; R. Dinis; F.C. Cercas; A. Silva; " Analytical Performance Evaluation of Base Station Cooperation Systems Using SC-FDE Modulations with Iterative Receivers ", Proc IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops: Emerging Technologies for LTEAdvanced and Beyond-4G , Anaheim , United States , December , 2012 . - Dinis, R.; J. G. Guerreiro; P. M. Montezuma; " Approaching the Maximum Likelihood Performance with Nonlinearly Distorted OFDM Signals ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Yokohama , Japan , May , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Cóias, J.; J. Sanguino; P. O. Oliveira; " Attitude Determination Using the Ambiguity Filter with Single-Frequency L1 GPS Receivers ", Proc International Conf. on Localization and GNSS - ICL , Starnberg , Germany , June , 2012 . - Nascimento, J. F.; L. Varela; P. Vieira; " Avaliação Experimental de Desempenho em Redes Móveis 4G (Long Term Evolution) em Ambiente Urbano ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2012 . - Sousa, F.; F. Nunes; " Characterization and Performance Analysis of a VDFLL GNSS Receiver Architecture ", Proc ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies (NAVITEC) , Noordwijk , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , December , 2012 . - Rodrigues , M.; " Characterization of the Constrained Capacity of Multiple-Antenna Fading Coherent Channels Driven by Arbitrary Inputs ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Information Theory - ISIT , Cambridge , United States , July , 2012 . - Dionísio, R.P.; P. Marques; J. Rodriguez; " Cross-platform Demonstrator Combining Spectrum Sensing and a Geo-location Database ", Proc Future Network and Mobile Summit , Berlim , Germany , July , 2012 . - Monteiro, F. A.; " Demixing Radio Waves in MIMO Spatial Multiplexing: Geometrybased Receivers ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , November , 2012 . - Silva, A. ; R. Holakouei Holakouei; R. Dinis; A. Gameiro; " Distributed Power Allocation Schemes for precoded Multicell MISO-OFDM Systems ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , Quebec , Canada , September , 2012 . - Cercas, F.C.; A. Silva; R. Dinis; " Efficient Detection and Quantization Requirements for the Uplink of Base Station Cooperation Systems ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , Quebec , Canada , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2012 . - Barroca, N.; J.M. Ferro; Luis M. Borges; J. Tavares; F. J. Velez; " Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting for Wireless Body Area Networks with Cognitive Radio Capabilities ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisbon , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Cruz, P.M.; N.B.C. Carvalho; M.E. Valkama; " Evaluation of Second-Order Bandpass Sampling Receivers for Software Defined Radio ", Proc European Microwave Integrated Circuits - EuMIC , Amsterdam , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , October , 2012 . - Reboredo, H.; M. Rodrigues ; J. Xavier; " FILTER DESIGN WITH SECRECY CONSTRAINTS: ZERO-FORCING CONSTRAINT AT THE LEGITIMATE RECEIVER ", Proc IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SIGNAL PROCESSING ADVANCES IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - SPAWC 2012 , Çesme , Turkey , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Dinis, R.; M.B, Beko; S T Tomic; " Impact of Nonlinear Devices in Software Radio Signals ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Yokohama , Japan , May , 2012 . - Silva, P.; J. Sanguino; T. Ferreira; A. J. Rodrigues; " Improving GNSS Availability by Using Predicted Doppler Measurements ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisbon , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Luís, M.; R. Oliveira; R. Dinis; L. B. Bernardo; " Interference Distribution of a CDMA Cognitive Radio ad hoc Network ", Proc Doctoral Conf. on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems - DOCEIS , Caparica , Portugal , Vol. 372 , pp. 493 - 502 , February , 2012 . - Dionísio, R.P.; P. Marques; J. Rodriguez; " Interference Study Between Wireless Microphone Systems and TV White Space Devices ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Gomes, M.; R. Dinis; V. Silva; F.C. Cercas; M. Tomlinson; " Iterative Frequency Domain Equalization for Single Carrier Signals with Magnitude Modulation Techniques ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , Québec , Canada , September , 2012 . - Ribeiro, F.; R. Dinis; F.C. Cercas; A. Silva; " Iterative Frequency-Domain Receivers for the Uplink of Cellular Systems with Base Station Cooperation ", Proc IEEE ICCCN Workshop on Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks - (CoHetNet 2012) , Munique , Germany , August , 2012 . - Nunes, F.; F. Sousa; " Jamming Detection in GNSS Signals Using the Sample Covariance Matrix ", Proc ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies (NAVITEC) , Noordwijk , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , December , 2012 . - Robles, R.; A. Gameiro; " Joint Design of RFID Reader and Tag Anti-Collision Algorithms: A Cross-Layer Approach ", Proc IARIA International Conf. on Digital Communications - ICDT , Chamonix , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , April , 2012 . - Pedrosa, P.; R. Dinis; F. Nunes; " Joint Equalization and Phase Noise Tracking for Doubly Selective Channels ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Computer Communication and Networks - ICCCN , Munique , Germany , pp. 1 - 7 , July , 2012 . - Robles, R.; A. Gameiro; " Joint User Scheduling and Link Adaptation for Distributed Antenna Systems in Multi-Cell Environments with Imperfect CSI ", Proc Advanced International Conf. on Telecommunications , Stuttgart , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , May , 2012 . - Robles, R.; A. Gameiro; " Joint User Scheduling, Power Control and Beam-forming for Multi-Cell Distributed Antenna Systems with Imperfect CSI ", Proc Future Network and Mobile Summit , Berlin , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , July , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Bastos, J. B.; J. Rodriguez; C. Verikoukis; " Mobile Terminal Interfaces Management for Energy Efficiency ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks - IEEE CAMAD , Barcelona , Spain , September , 2012 . - Dinis, R.; P. C. Carvalho; J. G. Guerreiro; " Optimum and Sub-Optimum Receivers for OFDM Signals with Iterative Clipping and Filtering ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , Quebec City , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2012 . - Assunção, J. Assunção; R. Holakouei Holakouei; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " Performance Evaluation of Multicell Coordinated Beamforming Approaches for OFDM Systems ", Proc IARIA-International Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Communications - ICWMC , Venice , Italy , June , 2012 . - Santos, P.; A. Dias; P. Vieira; " Planeamento e Otimização de Femto-Células em Ambiente Empresarial ", Proc Ordem dos Engenheiros 1º Congresso Ibérico de Jovens Engenheiros 2012 , Braga , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2012 . - Silva, N.V.S.; A.O. Oliveira; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Prototyping a Fast Delta-Sigma Modulator Architecture Enabling FPGA-embedded Software-Defined Radio Transmitters ", Proc Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC , Lisboa , Portugal , pp. 71 - 74 , February , 2012 . - Cóias, J.; J. Sanguino; P. O. Oliveira; " Quaternion Estimation for Attitude Determination Using Multiple L1 GPS Receivers ", Proc ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies (NAVITEC) , Noordwijk , Netherlands , December , 2012 . - Pratas, P.; N. Prasad; A. J. Rodrigues; R. Prasad; " Spatial Diversity Aware Data Fusion for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Bucarest , Romania , August , 2012 . - Pratas, P.; N. Prasad; A. J. Rodrigues; R. Prasad; " Spatial Diversity Aware Data Fusion for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Bucareste , Romania , August , 2012 . - Rodrigues, R. S. R.; R. Dinis; F.C. Cercas; " Training Sequence Design for Channel Estimation with Nonlinear OQPSK-Type Modulations ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , Quebec , Canada , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2012 . - Silva, P.; J. Sanguino; T. Ferreira; A. J. Rodrigues; " Using Predicted Doppler Measurements for Positioning in Urban Environments ", Proc Mosharaka for Researches and Studies International Conf. on Communications and Electronic Systems - MIC CES , Dubai , United Arab Emirates , December , 2012 . - Salgueiro, F.; J. Sanguino; A. J. Rodrigues; " Weighted Total Least Squares RAIM Algorithm Using Carrier Phase Measurements ", Proc ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies (NAVITEC) , Noordwijk , Netherlands , December , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS WIRELESS CIRCUITS AND DEVICES Book Chapters - Pedro, J. C.; " Behavioral Modeling of Microwave Transistors " - Chapter in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. , John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , John Wiley & Sons, 2012 . - Iglésias, V.; H.M. Marques; J. Rodriguez; R. T. Tafazolli; " Clustering Techniques for Energy Efficient Wireless Communication " - Chapter in Green Communication in 4G Wireless System , Shahid Mumtaz , River Publishers, 2012 . - Marques, H.M.; J. Bastos; J. Rodriguez; R. T. Tafazolli; " Secure and Energy Efficient Vertical Handovers " - Chapter in Green Communication in 4G Wireless System, 2012 . Papers in Journals - Pedro, J. C.; P. M. Cabral; T.R. Cunha; P.M.L. Lavrador; " A Multi-Rate Power Amplifier Behavioral Model for Linearity and Efficiency Calculations ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 60 , No. 12 , December , 2012 . - Jang, W.; N. K. Kriplani ; M.S. Steer; " Behavioural modelling of amplifier asymmetry in the time domain ", Intrnl. Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields , June , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Pires, S. ; P. M. Cabral; J. C. Pedro; " A Carrier-Burst Transmitter Implementation: Design of Bandpass filter and Amplifier-BPF Connection ", Proc Integrated Non-linear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits Conf. - INMMIC , Dublin , Ireland , September , 2012 . - Pedro, J. C.; P. M. Cabral; T.R. Cunha; P.M.L. Lavrador; " A New Power Amplifier Behavioral Model for Simultaneous Linearity and Efficiency Calculations ", Proc IEEE International Microwave Theory and Tech. Symp. , Quebec , Canada , Vol. 1 , June , 2012 . - Oliveira, J. F.; J. C. Pedro; " An Innovative Algorithm for Circumventing Numerical Stiffness in Time-Domain Simulation of Strongly Nonlinear Multirate RF Circuits ", Proc European Microwave Integrated Circuits - EuMIC , Amsterdam , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2012 . - Duarte, M. J. D.; P. M. Cabral; J. C. Pedro; " Bandwidth Improvement of a LimitCycle Amplifier Using a Novel Hysteretic Relay ", Proc Integrated Non-linear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits Conf. - INMMIC, Dublin, Ireland, September , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - Silva, N.V.S.; M. Ventura; A.O. Oliveira; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Evaluation of an FPGA-based Reconfigurable SoC for All-Digital Flexible RF Transmitters ", Proc Euromicro Conf. on Digital System Design - Euromicro , Cesme , Turkey , pp. 890 895 , September , 2012 . - Silva, N.V.S.; A.O. Oliveira; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Evaluation of Pulse Modulators for All-Digital Agile Transmitters ", Proc IEEE International Microwave Theory and Tech. Symp. , Montreal , Canada , pp. 1 - 3 , June , 2012 . - Canosa, V.; M. Pereira; P. Gomes; J.M.C.V. Vaz; J. Costa Freire; " Fully Integrated Switched Dual-Band CMOS LNA for 802.11b/g WLAN and WiMAX applications ", Proc European Microwave Integrated Circuits - EuMIC , Amsterdam , Netherlands , pp. 397 - 400 , October , 2012 . - Castro, M. C.; B. F. Uchôa-Filho; T. T. V. Vinhoza; M. Noronha-Neto; J. Barros; " Improved Joint Turbo Decoding and Physical-Layer Network Coding ", Proc IEEE Information Theory Workshop - ITW , Lausanne , Switzerland , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , September , 2012 . - Iglésias, V.; A. R. Radwan; H. R. Marques; J. Rodriguez; R. T. Tafazolli; " Moblist: A signal strength clustering algorithm for ordered mobile scenarios ", Proc IEEE Globecom 2012 , California , United States, Vol. 1 , pp. 50 - 56 , December , 2012 . - Iglésias, V.; H.M. Marques; J. Rodriguez; R. T. Tafazolli; " Performance evaluation of RSS based localization systems in mobile environments ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks - CAMAD , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 50 - 56 , August , 2012 . - Falcão, G. Falcão; M- O. Owaida; D. N. Novo; M. P. Purnaprajna; N. B. Bellas; C. D. A. Antonopoulos; G. K. Karakonstantis; A. B. Burg; P. I. Ienne; " Shortening design time through multiplatform simulations with a portable OpenCL goldenmodel: the LDPC decoder case ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on FieldProgrammable Custom Computing Machines - FCCM , Toronto , Canada , May , 2012 . - Ferreira, J.; J. Fonseca; J.A. Alves; " Wireless Vehicular Communications for Automatic Incident Detection and Recovery ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Automatic Control - CONTROLO , Funchal , Portugal , pp. 339 - 344 , July , 2012 . Project Reports - Vaz, J.M.C.V.; " Scientific Progress Report ", Instituto de Telecomunicações, July, 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.7 Other Achievements Prototypes - Cardote, A.; S. Sargento; C. Ameixieira Ameixieira; F. Neves Neves; J. Afonso Afonso; A.O. Oliveira; " Vehicular Communications Box ", 1 , January , 2012 . Patents - Ferreira, M. ; W. V. Viriyasitavat; R. Fernandes; H. C. Conceição; O. Tonguz; " Methods and Systems for Coordinating Vehicular Traffic Using In-Vehicle Traffic Control Signals Enabled by Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications ", WO Patent WO/2012/009,620 , January , 2012 . - Souto, N.S.; R. Dinis; J. C. Silva; P. M. Montezuma; " Método para Resolução Eficiente de Colisões de Pacotes em Sistemas de Alto Débito ", 104830 , August , 2012 . Awards - Silva, J. S.; " Antenas compactas baseadas em lentes com feixe orientável para terminais de Terra na banda-Ka ", Menção honrosa no 6º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI , 01-11-2012 . - Silva, N.V.S.; A.O. Oliveira; N.B.C. Carvalho; " MTT Software Defined Radio and Digital Signal Processing ", Second place at the IMS2012 Software Defined Radio and Digital Signal Processing Student Design Competition , 01-06-2012 . - Cruz, P.M.; N.B.C. Carvalho; M.E. Valkama; " Best Student Presentation Award COST Action IC0803 ", Work: “Evaluation of Second-Order Bandpass Sampling Receivers for Software Defined Radio” Location: 8th MC Meeting and Workshop of COST IC0803, Belfast, United Kingdom , 01-05-2012 . - Vaz, J.M.C.V.; " Docente Excelente ", Considerado docente excelente relativamente à disciplina de Electrónica 1 leccionada no 2º semestre do ano lectivo ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 2010/11 no Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores. , 01-01-2012. - Silva, N.V.S.; A.O. Oliveira; N.B.C. Carvalho; " RWS Best Student Paper ", Finalist at the IEEE Radio & Wireless Week Best Student Paper Contest , 01-01-2012 . Miscellaneous - Correia, A.; P. Sebastião; " Seminars ", 4Green Communications ", , 01-11-2012 . - Barroca, N.; J.M. Ferro; Luis M. Borges; J. Tavares; F. J. Velez; " Seminars ", Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting for Wireless Body Area Networks with Cognitive Radio Capabilities ", COST TERRA-Techno-Economic Regulatory Framework for Radio Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio Software Defined Radio , 01-11-2012 . - Ferro, J.M.; F. J. Velez; " Seminars ", Cost-based Optimisation of the Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Mobility ", 3rd Meeting of the Management Committee of COST IC 1004 - Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments , 01-02-2012 . - Costa, J.R.; " Technical Audit ", Evaluator for the Romanian National Council for Research and Development ", National Council for Research and Development , 0102-2012 . - Abrudan, T.; " Tutorial ", GETA Winter School: Short course on Wireless Localization ", http://geta.aalto.fi/en/courses/winter_school_2012/ , 01-02-2012 . - Cabral, O.; F. Meucci Meucci; A. Mihovska; F. J. Velez; N. Prasad; R. Prasad; " Seminars ", Integrated Common Radio Resource Management with Spectrum Aggregation over Non-Contiguous Frequency Bands ", 3rd Meeting of the Management Committee of COST IC 1004 - Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments , 01-02-2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees - ACM and IEEE International Conf. on Connected Vehicles & Expo - ICCVE, Technical Programme Chairman, Adão Paulo Soares Silva, 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Localization and GNSS - ICL, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Duarte Nunes , 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC, Technical Programme Committee, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT, Committee, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, 01-01-2012 Technical Programme - European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Sessions Chairman , Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa , 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on RFID-Technology and Applications, Technical Programme Committee, Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa , 01-01-2012 - IEEE Symposium on Wireless Telecommunications Applications - ISWTA, Technical Programme Committee, Mário Pedro Guerreiro Marques da Silva, 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Wireless Information Networks and Systems - Winsys, Technical Programme Chairman, Rafael Ferreira da Silva Caldeirinha , 01-07-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on RFID-Technology and Applications, Sessions Chairman , Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa , 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on Consumer Electronics - ICCE, Technical Programme Committee, Antonio Navarro Rodrigues , 01-01-2012 - IARIA-International Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Communications - ICWMC, Technical Programme Committee, Adão Paulo Soares Silva, 01-01-2012 - IARIA International Conf. on Systems and Networks Communications - ICNS, , Adão Paulo Soares Silva, 01-01-2012 - IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Sessions Chairman , Adão Paulo Soares Silva, 01-01-2012 - IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Sessions Chairman , Adão Paulo Soares Silva, 01-01-2012 - Asia Pacific Microwave Conf. - APMC, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Miguel da Silva Cabral , 01-01-2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS - IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics - ISIE , Technical Programme Committee, Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira, 01-01-2012 - Space-Time Wireless Communications: Modern Signal Processing with MIMO, Sessions Chairman , Mário Pedro Guerreiro Marques da Silva, 01-01-2012 - IEEE Asia-Pacific Conf. on Applied Electromagnetics - APACE, Technical Programme Committee, Mário Pedro Guerreiro Marques da Silva, 01-01-2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2 4.2.1 Optical Communications Area Coordinators • Adolfo Cartaxo • José Ferreira da Rocha 4.2.2 Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Full Professor 2 0 0 Associate Professor 2 1 3 Assistant Professor 8 2 4 Post. Doc. 8 0 2 Visiting Professor 0 0 0 PhD Student 25 3 4 (Licenciado) 1 0 0 46 6 13 TOTAL Table 11 - Overview of human resources in the Optical Communications Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Permanent Collaborators Position Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Post. Doc. Degree Agregação Name Group Adolfo da Visitação Optical Communications Tregeira Cartaxo Photonics – Lx PhD Antonio Luis Jesus Teixeira Optical Communications Photonics – Av PhD Armando Humberto Optical Communications Moreira Nolasco Pinto Photonics – Av Agregação Carlos Alberto Ferreira Optical Communications Fernandes Photonics – Lx PhD Daniel Diogo Trindade Optical Communications Fonseca Photonics – Lx PhD Henrique José Almeida Optical Communications Silva Photonics – Co PhD Jacklyn Dias Reis Optical Communications Photonics – Av Assistant PhD João José de Oliveira Pires Optical Communications Professor Photonics – Lx Full Professor Agregação João Lemos Pinto Optical Communications Photonics – Av Post. Doc. PhD João Manuel Ferreira Pedro Optical Communications Photonics – Lx Associate Agregação Jorge Manuel Torres Optical Communications Professor Pereira Photonics – Lx Full Professor PhD José Rodrigues Ferreira da Optical Communications Rocha Photonics – Av Post. Doc. PhD Lúcia Maria Botas Bilro Optical Communications Photonics – Av Assistant PhD Luís Gonçalo Lecoq Vences Optical Communications Professor e Costa Cancela Photonics – Lx Assistant PhD Manuel Alberto Reis de Optical Communications Professor Oliveira Violas Photonics – Av MSc Marcelino Pousa Optical Communications Photonics – Av Assistant PhD Marek Hajduczenia Optical Communications Professor Photonics – Co Assistant PhD Mário José Neves de Lima Optical Communications Professor Photonics – Av Post. Doc. Licenciatura Miguel Vidal Drummond Optical Communications Photonics – Av Assistant PhD Natasa Pavlovic Optical Communications Professor Photonics – Av Post. Doc. PhD Nélia Jordão Alberto Optical Communications Photonics – Av Post. Doc. PhD Nelson de Jesus Cordeiro Optical Communications Muga Photonics – Av Post. Doc. PhD Paulo Fernando da Costa Optical Communications Antunes Photonics – Av and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Position Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Degree PhD Name Group Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Optical Communications Pereira Monteiro Photonics – Av Agregação Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Optical Communications Photonics – Av PhD Rogério Nunes Nogueira Optical Communications Photonics – Av PhD Rui Fernando Gomes de Optical Communications Sousa Ribeiro Photonics – Av PhD Tiago Manuel Ferreira Optical Communications Alves Photonics – Lx MSc Tiago Silveira Optical Communications Photonics – Av and and and and and and Table 12 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in 2012 Other Collaborators Position PhD Student PhD Student Post. Doc. PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Other PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Degree Name Group Abdelgader Mahmoud Optical Communications Abdalla Mahmoud Photonics – Av MSc Álvaro José Caseiro de Optical Communications Almeida Photonics – Av PhD Ana Maria Sousa da Rocha Optical Communications Photonics – Av MSc Ana Oliveira Pratas e Optical Communications Sousa Photonics – Av Licenciatura Ana Patrícia Santos Optical Communications Ferreira Photonics – Av MSc André Antunes de Optical Communications Carvalho Albuquerque Photonics – Av MSc António Miguel Barata da Optical Communications Eira Photonics – Lx MSc Carlos Alberto Ferreira Optical Communications Marques Photonics – Av MSc Carlos Miguel Santos Optical Communications Vicente Photonics – Av MSc Cláudia Sofia Marcos Optical Communications Machado Reis Photonics – Av Eliana Manuela dos Santos Optical Communications Silva Malheiro Photonics – Av MSc Fernando Pedro Pereira Optical Communications Guiomar Photonics – Av Filipa da Rosa Carvalhal Optical Communications Sequeira Photonics – Av MSc Filipe Manuel Wiener Ferro Optical Communications de Carvalho Photonics – Lx and and and and and and and and and and and and and and ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Position PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Degree MSc Name Filipe Marques Ferreira Group Optical Communications and Photonics – Co Gil Gonçalo Martins Optical Communications and Fernandes Photonics – Av Giorgia Parca Optical Communications and Photonics – Av MSc Hugo Filipe Teixeira Lima Optical Communications and Photonics – Av MSc João Carlos de Melo Optical Communications and Ferreira Photonics – Av MSc João da Silva Pereira Optical Communications and Photonics – Co PhD João Lopes Rebola Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Licenciatura João Miguel Lopes dos Optical Communications and Santos Photonics – Lx MSc Lara Penedo Pellegrino Wireless Circuits – Av MSc Maria de Fátima Fonseca Optical Communications and Domingues Photonics – Av MSc Miguel Ângelo Madureira Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Licenciatura Nelson Manuel Simões Optical Communications and Costa Photonics – Lx MSc Nuno Alexandre Peixoto Optical Communications and Silva Photonics – Av MSc Paulo Alexandre Optical Communications and Ferreirinha de Almeida Photonics – Co Ricardo Jorge Figueiredo Optical Communications and Oliveira Photonics – Av MSc Rogério Pais Dionísio Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Rui Manuel Dias Morais Optical Communications and Photonics – Av PhD Rui Pedro Oliveira Alves Administrative Aveiro PhD Silvia Medeiros Vaz Pato Optical Communications and Photonics – Co MSc Telmo David Pelicano Optical Communications and Almeida Photonics – Av Licenciatura Teresa Almeida Wireless Circuits – Av MSc Vítor Manuel Costa Ribeiro Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Zhansheng Liu Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Zoran Vujicic Optical Communications and Photonics – Av Table 13 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2.3 Summary of Research Achievements Contributing groups • Optical Communications and Photonics – Av • Optical Communications and Photonics – Co • Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Scope and Objectives In the following, the achievements in the Optical Communications area are grouped, under three sub-areas: • Optical Components and Subsystems • Optical Communication Systems • Optical Networking Expertise and research topics for research Optical components and sub-systems The work carried out in this sub-area concentrated on the modeling, performance evaluation, optimization and implementation of key components and subsystems for all-optical networks. Quantum Communications In addition to Bell’s original inequality, John Clauser, Michael Horne, Abner Shimony, and Richard Holt (CHSH) developed a special form of Bell’s inequality which gives classical limits to the expected correlation between two particles. We presented a theoretical demonstration of the maximum value for violation of CHSH inequality, for the pure entangled quantum state. Using the spontaneous four-wave mixing process, we generated polarization-entangled photon pairs in a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) loop, for experimental verification. Using a nonentangled quantum state, it was shown theoretically that the violation of CHSH inequality is only a property of entangled states. We have also shown the theoretical solution of violation of the CHSH inequality for a ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS general Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state and for an arbitrary state of two particles. The photon statistics of a single-photon source based on the stimulated four-wave mixing (FWM) process was studied. We studied also the impact of the FWM process on a co-propagating coherent quantum signal in a wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) lightwave system. The statistics of the quantum signal changes from Poissonian to thermal when a low power is used, and remains Poissonian for a higher power. A multi-thermal regime is also observed when moderate power is used. Our studies included the investigation of the effects of waveguide loss and nonlinearities on the generation of polarization entangled photon pairs through spontaneous four-wave mixing (FWM). Those effects were quantified through the analysis of the coincidence-to-accidental ratio (CAR), and through the Clauser, Horne, Shimony, and Holt (CHSH) inequality. Our findings showed that a high value of coincidence counting rate does not necessarily lead to a strong violation of the CHSH inequality. A method for compensation of polarization in optical fibers, which can be used in real-time quantum communication systems, was developed. This method does not demand the use classical signals or any other additional devices. Also, it can be used for any transmission rate or encoding protocol. A continuous test was performed in a 5 km optical fiber. We also presented a model for the QBER, which was experimentally validated. Numerical Modeling and Simulation A numerical model was developed for continuous wave (CW) supercontinuum generation in a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) pumped in the normal dispersion regime on. We have obtained experimentally spectral broadening by pumping a non-microstructured HNLF with a CW signal from a Raman fiber laser. The experiment was simulated ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS using a generalized Schrödinger equation containing the actual Raman response of the fiber as calculated from the experimental Raman gain. Some of our efforts focused on a low complexity computational model for the gain profile and amplified spontaneous emission noise for broadband counter-pumped Raman fiber amplifiers. The proposed model is based on two adjustment parameters used to account for the interactions between the pumps. The obtained results show a good agreement between experimental measurements and detailed numerical simulations, for different combinations of pump wavelengths and pump powers, with a processing time several times lower than the time taken by a detailed numerical model. The Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) was optimized for the stationary and dynamical analysis of different non-conventional DFB laser diodes. Some aspects referring the dynamical aspects still need a more detailed analysis. Recent work has been developed towards the matching of TMM to the finite element method (FEM), in order to optimize the optical coupling between waveguides, taking into account the geometrical and material parameters concerning the optical devices. The frequency response of dual depletion PIN photodiodes continued to be investigated. The devices were assumed to have the drift region next to the N contact and with the light incident on the N side. Both the transit time and the capacitive effects were included in the model which also took into account the effects related to non-uniform illumination and variable electric field in the absorption region. The FEM was used to compute the frequency response and the results compared well with those from a semi-analytical model. Koch's model for chirp assessment in semiconductor single mode lasers was extended for operation at high laser bias currents which is required by high bit rates transmission. Detailed numerical simulations showed that Koch’s model fail in predicting accurately the chirp at high ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS laser bias currents, and the proposed model provides a better description of chirp. Components Development and Production Improvements were obtained in the production setup for optical fiber micro-wires (OFMs). Micro-wires with a diameter as short as 600 nm can now be produced. Techniques were developed for deposition of diamond and grapheme in optical fibers for advanced sensors and optical processing. Work was carried out on the development of thermo actuated integrated modulators) for optics passive devices optical (Y-branch networks, splitter based on and MZ sol-gel technologies. Design techniques were established for production of devices based on periodically-poled Lithium Niobate (PPLN). A platform for production of optical filters in plastic optical (POF) fibers was developed and implemented. This will enable the realization of advanced communications systems and sensors based in plastic optical fibers. We also implemented state of the art FBG fabrication system for POF fibers. In the area of transmission of high power optical signals in fiber systems, our studies included the constraints resulting from the fiber heating and strategies for the mitigation of the fiber fuse effect. All Optical Signal Processing In relation to all-optical polarization control, a device based on Raman scattering was developed. It was shown that the device can operate over a wavelength range of 60 nm. Nevertheless, the efficiency of the pulling process is higher close to the Raman gain peak, where the degree of polarization is roughly constant for a wavelength range of 15 nm. Optical fiber micro-wires (OFMs) are promising nonlinear optical waveguides that support several spatial modes. The multimodal generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation (MM-GNLSE) was deduced for this waveguides taking into account the linear and nonlinear modal coupling. A detailed theoretical description of four-wave mixing (FWM) ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS considering the modal coupling was developed. Both, the intra-mode and the inter-mode phase-matching conditions were calculated for an optical micro-wire in a strong guiding regime. Finally, the FWM dynamics was studied and the amplitude evolution of the pump beams, the signal and the idler were analyzed. We also developed techniques for all-optical processing using acoustic waves in optical fibers. By applying tunable acoustic waves in fibers it is possible to adjust the properties of optical filters based on fiber Bragg gratings. The applications include adjustable gain equalization for EDFAs, adjustable notch filters and tunable dispersion compensators. Experiments and measurements were performed aiming at implement and demonstrate an all-optical static random access memory (RAM) cell with read/write functionality, using optical flip-flops and semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs). The developed work includes a flexible OTDM to WDM converter based on a wavelength selective switch and the experimental validation of optical phase regenerators based on periodically-poled Lithium Niobate (PPLN) devices. In addition to the techniques described in more detail in this report, an range of other techniques were developed for all-optical routing, tunable dispersion compensation, optical filtering, pulse shaping, clock recovery, optical code division multiplexing and regeneration. All-optical transforms for image processing is a new research line, which aims at diversifying from the traditional transmission efforts at IT, in order to open new paths for future research efforts where image processing and energy will be critical. Sensors New sensors based on FBG and POF technologies were developed for monitoring strain, humidity, temperature, viscosity and chemical ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS sensors for integrated monitoring of surface water quality. Experimental assessment was carried out for refractive index optical fiber sensors for monitoring of Madeira wine vinification process, wastewater treatment process and soil erosion processes in recently burnt forests. Other optical fiber sensors were studied for: monitoring of the polymerization reaction of dental materials, hemodynamic assessment, refractive index, anion recognition. Our studies included also nanodiamond coated Bragg gratings for sensing applications and graphene coated optical fiber devices for sensing and communications applications. Optical communications systems The work carried out in this sub-area of optical communication systems focused on optical packet switching, techniques for performance evaluation of optical communication systems and networks, optical and electronic signal processing techniques for transmission systems implementation / optimization, techniques for performance evaluation of optical communication systems and networks, radio over fiber systems and use of few mode fibers. Optical Packet Switching A complete optical router with included label recognition, all-optical flip flop, all optical picosecond switches and wavelength converters was demonstrated at our labs in the beginning of 2012. A new all-optical packet monitoring technique was developed which allows monitoring of the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). Signal Processing for High-Bit Rate Optical Communications Employing keying 100G polarization-multiplexed (PM-QPSK) signals, we quaternary experimentally phase-shift demonstrate the performance of the Volterra series nonlinear equalizer (VSNE) to mitigate intra-channel nonlinearities (studied in 2011). The performance of the dual-polarization VSNE was assessed in both single-channel and in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS scenarios. Considering near-optimum optical/electrical filtering, we have shown that the dual-polarization VSNE is able to outperform the back-propagation split-step Fourier (SSF) method in the nonlinear regime. Being intrinsically single-step, the VSNE also tends to require less computational power. Techniques based on Volterra model were investigated for transmission impairments mitigation in dispersion-managed and –unmanaged coherent communication systems. It was shown that the effectiveness of these techniques decreases with the symbol rate. In dispersionunmanaged coherent QPSK systems, these techniques show reduced interest in 28 Gbaud systems but considerable performance improvement in 10 Gbaud systems. In dispersion-managed coherent QPSK systems, these techniques provide performance improvement comparable to digital back propagation with one step per span, for the dispersion maps of interest. A Stokes space based polarization demultiplexing technique for polarization-switched QPSK signals was also developed. This Stokes space based technique shows an improvement of more than on order of magnitude in terms of convergence ratio when compared with the modified constant modulus algorithm (CMA). A Stokes space based technique for digital polarization-dependent losses (PDL) monitoring and compensation was proposed. The channel PDL monitoring is carried out with a resolution of 0.15 dB by computing the mean point of the signal samples represented in the three-dimensional Stokes space. The presented compensation technique is based on rotations and translations of the signal samples in the Stokes space, and provides a PDL compensation of up to 2.5 dB. Error vector magnitude results show a gain of about 3 dB (assuming a PDL value equal to 1.5 dB) compared with a Stokes space based polarization demultiplexing technique without PDL compensation. Some novel schemes to construct large sets of perfect sequences for communication systems with CDMA, derived from an Inverse Discrete ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Fourier Transform (IDFT), were proposed. Furthermore, new methods have been developed to create optimum sets of new bipolar codes derived from bi-dimensional orthogonal perfect sequences. Different CDMA communication systems have been simulated with the new perfect sequence families. All simulations have shown how the new perfect sequences and almost perfect sequences should be useful in communication systems. For an OCDMA system, the coder/decoder selected was the SSFBG (Super Structured Fiber Bragg Grating). Techniques for Performance Evaluation of Optical Communication Systems and Networks A method for rigorous performance assessment of direct-detection (DD) baseband OFDM communication systems, based on the moment generating function, was developed for arbitrary optical and electrical filters, and OFDM signal characteristics. The method was numerically validated using Monte Carlo simulation. Work on the generalization of the method to consider the electrical RF transmission and the impact of I/Q demodulator imperfections on the performance of DD-OFDM optical communication systems has been initiated. A study of the behavior of eigenfunctions and eigenvectors in DD DPSK optical systems was performed in order to improve the method of performance evaluation of those systems. The impact of homodyne crosstalk with multiple modulation formats on the performance of DD DPSK optical communication systems and networks was characterized. The rigorous formulation of performance evaluation of DD DPSK optical systems was generalized to take into account homodyne crosstalk from optical network elements. The impact of in-band crosstalk in optical DQPSK systems and OOK crosstalk signals was evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation and an analytical model for the single interferer scenario. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Radio Over Fiber Systems Initially, an important part of the research on Radio Over Fiber Systems focused on the development of models for simulation of the transmission over fiber of modulated signals used in advanced fixed and mobile communication systems, such as baseband gigabit Ethernet OFDM signals, long term evolution (LTE) signals, and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) ultra-wideband (UWB), in accordance with the current standards. These tools were subsequently used to study the decomposition of the chirp parameter into two novel parameters in accordance with two different chirp sources. We studied also the impact of the modulation chirp of a dual-electrode MachZehnder modulator on OFDM signals transmitted over wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) long-reach passive optical networks (PON). In 2012, our studies included simulation and experimental evaluation of RF propagation over fiber; the RF signals included TDT and satellite (video) and OFDM-UWB radio signals. Techniques for linearization of electro-optical converters for multiformat OFDM-based PONs in the optical and electrical domain were investigated. In the optical domain, a dual parallel Mach-Zehnder modulator (DPMZM) used for electro-optic conversion of multi-band OFDM UWB radio signals in intensity modulated-direct detection optical communication systems was optimized theoretically and through numerical simulation. In the electrical domain, the linearization performance of a digital pre-distorter using a MZM and a directly modulated laser was evaluated numerically and experimentally. Optical Transmission Systems based on Mode Group Diversity The main progresses made in this topic were: design of phase masks for minimization o modal crosstalk, for fibers with two linearly polarized modes; development of a method for semi-analytic solution of the system of coupled linear differential equations that describe modal crosstalk in few mode fibers; design of few mode fibers with ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS reduced differential mode delay; study of the impact of fiber splices on the long reach high bit rate transmission over few mode fibers. Digital Signal Processing for Optical Communication Systems An area of increasing importance for implementation of modern systems is digital signal processing techniques, which were used for channel impairment mitigation and laser phase noise reduction. Also, a transceiver for LTE based systems was implemented on an FPGA. The receiver includes synchronization and equalization. Optical networking The work on optical networking has continued, with special emphasis on next generation transport networks, next generation access networks and cable networks. Optical Transport Networks We developed a statistical model for link lengths in optical transport networks. From the analysis of statistical properties of real networks, it was found that General Extreme Value (GEV) distribution provides an accurate model for link length statistics of optical transport networks. It was shown that the optimized GEV distribution estimates the link statistics of optical transport networks with good accuracy (Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic less than 0.18). Our research efforts included also the impact of node architecture on power consumption and footprint requirements of optical transport networks. Fixed and flexible transport nodes were compared as regards power consumption and the number of required slots (footprint). Results of our studies show that to optimize the total power consumption and footprint of the network, the architecture of each node has to be selected according with the amount and pattern of the add/drop and regenerated traffic, and the number of pairs of fibers convergent on the node. An optimization method based on simple rules for node type selection was proposed. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Our studies included the network evolution from current WDM systems towards elastic optical networks, based on flexgrid transmission and switching technologies, able to carry a wide range of signal bandwidths, varying in real time, direction and magnitude, some of which will be extremely large possibly exceeding 1Tb/s. Optimization procedures for planning flexible-grid optical networks supporting traffic based on super channels were developed. Other areas of our research efforts were the problem of all-optical network resources allocation in the scope of impairment aware based routing for the next generation optical networks; and multilayer interworking and optimization, in order to obtain a more effective combination of optical and electronic switching /routing. Multilayer optical networks were also investigated. In particular, the design and modeling of MPLS/OTN networks using both ILP (Integer Linear Programming) formulations and heuristics were performed. Optical Access Networks In the area of access networks the efforts have been put into the development of models of reflective devices as RSOAs. The demonstration and modeling of ultra-high density flexible access networks was also pursued. Raman amplification was characterized considering its application to Passive Optical Networks and the use of optical powering for remote nodes. Evolution strategies for the next-generation passive optical networks were studied. In particular, Next Generation Optical Access (NGOA) Networks were investigated taking into account different scenarios and applications, including wire line and wireless convergence for distributed antenna systems and radio astronomy applications. GPON standards and evolution towards NGPON (topologies and modulation formats) were studied. Convergence scenarios considering GPON, XGPON, NGPON (TWDM, UDWDM) and video overlay were studied and ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS their coexistence experimentally validated. Work was also carried out in the area of support for time synchronization in Ethernet. The activities in 2012 dealt with timing and synchronization in the DPoE Network architecture (DPoEv2 primarily) and P802.3bn EPoC project. Part of our activities in 2012 focused on standardization of physical and logical layers of Ethernet PON (EPON) through technical (submission of technical contributions) and organizational (editorship, involvement in the development of standard draft) participation in the IEEE 802.3 Working Group (with the focus on physical layers of EPON) and IEEE 1904.1 Working Group (with the focus on the logical layer and service layer interoperability of EPON systems). More than 500 technical contributions were submitted to 1904.1 WG (restricted access, due to WG membership policy), including technical comments, presentations, and editorial contributions. We participated also in the FSAN and IEEE standardization committees, which was important for the identification of the specific problems of access networks. Considerable effort was allocated to the participation in the European project FIVER. In FIVER project, four OFDM-based signals (custom signal bearing GbE data, WiMAX, LTE and UWB - bands 2 and 3 signals) are used to provide quintuple-play services to end users along wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) long-reach passive optical networks (LR-PONs). The simultaneous transmission of those four OFDM-based signals along wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) LRPONs was demonstrated experimentally. Particularly, the transmission performance of those four signals was evaluated for different LR-PONs reaches, considering single-wavelength and WDM transmission. A compensation algorithm of impairments of LR-PONs was proposed, demonstrated experimentally and its performance improvement was assessed experimentally in the downlink using a conventional directly modulated laser (DML). The assessment was accomplished for different LR-PON distances and in the absence and presence of optical dispersion compensation. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS From the joint work between IT and Corning, the distribution of the different FIVER services along a LR-PON comprising conventional standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) and ultra-bendable Clear Curve Corning fibers was demonstrated. The link from optical line termination (OLT) to remote node (RN) was bridged by 75 km of SSMF. The optical network units (ONUs) were then connected to the RN via the ultrabendable Clear Curve Corning fiber. In addition, 20 bends with radius of 1 cm were introduced in order to show the effectiveness of the bendable fibers. The performance degradation induced by linear crosstalk on the multiformat OFDM-based signals due to the finite selectivity of the demultiplexer used in the RN was assessed experimentally for different channel spacing values. Additionally, the nonlinear crosstalk induced by the fiber nonlinearity on the bundle of OFDM signals was also assessed experimentally. The bidirectional FIVER network was implemented off-line in the laboratory. The OFDM-GbE, LTE, WiMAX and two UWB channels were considered for the downstream (DS) transmission. In the upstream (US), only the OFDM-GbE, LTE and WiMAX signals were transmitted. The setup was implemented using external modulation (using MZM) for the DS and DMLs for the US path. The impact of the power distribution between UWB, LTE, WiMAX and OFDM-GbE signals on the performance of the different OFDM-based signals was assessed considering the LR-PON of FIVER project. Particularly, the optimum power distribution between the multi-format OFDM-based signals was identified through numerical simulation. The distribution of digital video broadcasting (DVB) terrestrial (T) format to the final users using the FIVER LR-PON was proposed. In this way, a fully integrated wired-wireless hybrid infrastructure capable of handling with the different technologies required to satisfy the users’ demand was obtained. The impact of transmitting the DVB-T format into the OFDM bundle of signals was assessed through numerical ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS simulation and discussed. Additionally, the impact of inserting two RFpilots close to the DVB-T signals for channel sounding on the performance of the bundle of OFDM signals proposed to provide the quintuple-play service to the end users was assessed and discussed for LR-PONs reaching 75 km and 125 km. A numerical simulator used to evaluate the degradation of the OFDMsignals bundle induced by the fiber nonlinearity of the FIVER LR-PON was also developed. The degradation due to the fiber nonlinearity was evaluated through simulation of the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation using the split step Fourier method with step of 100 m. The analysis was performed for single wavelength transmission and considering WDM transmission. Evolution of Cable Networks (DOCSIS) WE Participated in DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON (DPoE) project development, taking advantage of EPON as a transport layer for DOCSIS provisioning signaling. Phase 2 of this project is currently under way, and aims at adding support for more advanced MEF services (Ethernet Virtual Private Line - E-VPL, Ethernet Tree - E-TREE, or Ethernet LAN - E-LAN), coexistence between 1G-EPON and 10GEPON at the physical layer as well as support for multicast services with advanced customer authentication. In 2012, more than 300 technical contributions were delivered to various DPoE specifications, with the primary focus on physical layer, security (encryption and authentication), MAC layer and OAM design. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2.4 Running and Concluded Projects Overview Funding Agency Number ADI 1 ESF, COST 1 EU, FP7 1 FCT 2 FCT/CAPES 1 FCT/GRICES 1 FCT/PTDC 9 IT 4 Nokia Siemens Networks 1 PT-Inovação 1 QREN 1 Table 14 - Number of active projects in the Optical Communications Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Activity in Projects Acron / Ref (NeCiRA) Title New Challenges in Raman amplification Funding FCT/GRICES Descript. The major objective of this project is to study the new challenges impose by Raman amplification in optical communications. In particular, the questions related with temporal and spectral transients. Another relevant aspect of this amplification scheme is the fibre catastrophic fuse effect, responsible by the fibre destruction due to the high injected optical power. Acron / Ref ANION Title Optical Sensors and Nanomaterials for Anion Recognition Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main goal of this project is to develop novel anion host materials, with adequate structural features, for biomedical, environmental and sensing applications. Based on our interest in the development of an efficient technology for water treatment we considered the possibility of supporting the most promising anion receptors on magnetic nanoparticles, allowing their recovery using external magnetic forces. Another goal will be the construction of a refractive index sensor based on tilted fiber Bragg gratings (TFBG)functionalized by the most efficient synthesized hosts or by gold nanoparticles wrapped also with anion hosts. These efforts will be pursued in order to evaluate the potential applications of these molecules and the resultant materials to be used as anion receptors. This proposal aims five specific objectives having the overall goal of exploiting the anion properties of new hosts that are stated below: (Aim 1) develop robust precursors or platforms that ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS enable rapid development of new compounds, and build up the target receptors based on porphyrin related compounds; (Aim 2) develop new sensors based on smaller and cheaper commercial reagents like triazine and perfluorinated derivatives. Such new materials should be able to host different types of anions in selective and efficient ways, through their cavities or clefts; (Aim the 3) anion assessing screen the binding properties their most hypothetic promising of all materials, new advantage as evaluating compounds/materials; novel anion binding agents, when compared with the present technologies; (Aim 4) prepare new nanomaterials, based on magnetic nanoparticles covered with small and cheap hosts, that can be recovered and reused; (Aim 5) translate the anion binding results in solution into the construction of novel optical fiber sensors, by wrapping a thinned fiber Bragg gratings with the best selective anion hosts synthesized, covalently or supramolecularly. Acron / Ref BRAGG Title Estabilizacao de Redes de Bragg para Aplicacoes Avancadas Funding FCT/CAPES Descript. Estudos conjuntos sobre o processo de gravacao de redes de Bragg, particularmente na conversao entre diferentes tipos de redes e nos mecanismos associados. Estudos conjuntos sobre a producao de redes de Bragg com maior estabilidade termica, tendo em vista aplicacoes em patamares de temperatura de 200 C, 400 C e 800 C. Estudos conjuntos sobre alguns processos de revestimento e proteccao de redes de Bragg com materiais duros (diamante cristalino) com o objectivo de incrementar estabilidade em ambientes agressivos e biocompatibilidade. a sua ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref CITO Title CITO Funding IT Descript. Objectiva o estudo de potenciais soluções para compressão de imagem totalmente optica com base em transformadas. Acron / Ref CONLUZ Title Steering of light in nonlinear waveguides with resonant interactions Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. This project aims to study the steering of light in different nonlinear systems with internal resonances. Nowadays such systems attract a great deal of attention because modern technologies allow to produce devices where internal resonant interactions between light and material excitations result in huge optical nonlinearities, providing a rich plethora of nonlinear effects at relatively low power. These huge nonlinearities and the flexibility of physical parameters make such devices very attractive for different practical applications, including guidance of light, information processing, and generation of new frequencies. In addition, such systems constitute laboratories to study fundamental nonlinear phenomena. This project addresses several kinds of physical systems and devices. We consider hollow-core photonic crystal fibers filled with gases of multi-level atoms whose resonant frequencies match the frequency band guided through the fiber. In these systems, the matter-light interactions are not only strong because of their resonant nature, but are also easily manageable through the control of the coupling field on the other hand. Systematic investigation of the nonlinear dynamics will be undertook, starting from the study of the propagation of the continuous radiation in simple geometries, but also looking into the dynamics of short pulses, to the formation of optical solitons, and to their mutual interactions in more sophisticated geometries, like coupled waveguides, networks of waveguides, couplers, etc.. The ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS formation and stability of solitons, representing coupled states of light and matter, i.e. a kind of polaritons, is expected to be strongly affected by the waveguide characteristics and by the material dispersion of the media. Hence, it will be explored how the propagation of short pulses can be steered by the slowly varying quasi-continuous waves and by additional short pulses. Effective models describing linear and nonlinear effects by taking into account the quantum mechanical description of the interactions will be developed, giving special attention to the impact in the propagation of solitons of dissipation, particularly dissipation due to spontaneous emission from the excited states of the multilevel atoms, material losses and imperfect guidance of the light. When dissipation is weak enough we can speak about quasi-solitons propagating at long distances, whereas in the quantum regime, when dissipation is strong enough, we can expect manifestations of the Zeno effect. We also investigate how the dissipation affects not only the maximum propagation distance of the solitons, but also their shapes and stability. Technologically it is possible to manufacture a multi-core fiber filled with active gases. For these fibers, it is important to study the interaction between the pulses propagating in the neighbouring cores and find out the conditions of effective energy transference between modes. We plan to address this problem analytically and by extensive numerical simulations. We also investigate semiconductor microstructured systems, which are another important kind of the waveguiding systems produced on semiconductor chips. The main advantages of these systems are their small sizes and the possibility to pump them by external continuous sources of the light. Cavity solitons can survive in these systems until the pump is switched off. The bright and dark solitons can be controlled by the pump and by weak control signals. This type of systems can be used as optical memories and for information processing, as well as, on the generation of new frequencies. We also consider systems consisting of a semiconductor thin film which serve as planar waveguide for the light and can be pumped by a coherent light due of imperfect guidance. The resonant nonlinearity arises from stimulating excitons with resonant frequency coinciding with the cut-off frequency of the ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS planar waveguide. Consequently, it is possible to excite quasiparticles with very low group velocities, commonly known as polaritons and resulting from the resonant coupling of light and mater excitations, which provides very strong nonlinearities. This allows the optical formation of structures resting at or low slow moving pumping localized powers. Meta-material waveguiding systems consisting of weakly nonlinear dielectric films with build in metallic nanoparticles are also considered. The nanoparticles provide polariton resonances playing a role similar to the exciton resonances. These systems will be modelled rigorously, starting from basic quantum-mechanical theory. We will investigate the dynamics of the solitons in detail using analytical and numerical methods. The possibility of controlling the solitons by weak perturbations of the pump, as well as, the resonant mutual interaction between cavity solitons and between the solitons and quasi-linear waves will also be investigated. Acron / Ref ELVIS Title Inspection Table for photovoltaic modules Funding QREN Descript. The Elvis Project aims to investigate and develop an Inspection Table for photovoltaic modules (crystalline silicon and slim film) that allows, in addition to the visual inspection of the solar panels required by the IEC standard that are to apply to the certification, the use of advanced techniques of luminescence, allowing a tougher quality control and a bigger technique ability in the realization of certification tests and quality controls. Acron / Ref Title IC1101 COST IC1101 - Optical Wireless Communications - An Emerging Technology Funding ESF, COST ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Descript. Wireless transmission via optical carriers opens doors of opportunity in areas as yet largely unexplored. Offering significant technical and operational advantages, optical wireless communication (OWC) can be, in some applications, a powerful alternative to and, in others, complementary to existing radio frequency (RF) wireless systems. Variations of OWC can be employed in a diverse range of communication applications ranging from very short-range (on the order of millimetres) optical interconnects within integrated circuits through outdoor inter-building links (on the order of kilometres) to satellite links (larger than 10,000 kilometres). In many respects, OWC research is still in its infancy and calls for extensive research to begin to harness the enormous potential of the optical spectrum. This COST Action will serve as a high-profile consolidated European scientific platform for interdisciplinary OWC research activities, spanning from characterization of diverse propagation media to modeling, design and algorithms/protocols development and systems. of It devices, will components, make significant contributions to the fundamental scientific understanding, technical knowledge, engineering design and applications while promoting community awareness of this emerging field. Development of novel and efficient communication technologies resulting from integrated research activities made possible through this Action will be a significant enabler communication networks for future-generation supporting a wide heterogeneous range of wireless services/applications. Acron / Ref Title IXOS3D In-band crosstalk in optical communications systems with differential direct detection Funding IT Descript. This project is within the optical communication networks area. In particular, in the area that studies the physical constraints in optical networks. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS One of the most severe limitations in the network physical layer is crosstalk. This phenomenon has its origin, primarily, in the imperfect isolation of optical components, such as optical switches, multiplexers, and demultiplexers, that are key components in the design of an optical node. The type of crosstalk that causes the higher degradation to the system performance is the in-band crosstalk, in which the interfering (crosstalk) signals and the selected signal, despite coming from distinct optical sources, have the same nominal wavelength. The main objectives of this project are: * Develop a formalism to evaluate the impact of in-band crosstalk in optical DQPSK systems. * Evaluate the impact of in-band crosstalk in a DPSK and DQPSK systems when the signal propagates through an optical network. Each optical node is formed by an optical switching architecture, optical amplifiers, optical filters, and possibly wavelength converters. * Implement Monte Carlo (MC) simulation to study the impact of ASE noise and in-band crosstalk on the performance of DPSK and DQPSK systems and confirm the analytical results. * Implement the multicanonical Monte Carlo (MMC) method to simulate the tails of the probability density function of the decision variable and to obtain lower values of the bit error rate (BER) than in the MC standard procedure. * Evaluate by simulation the impact of in-band crosstalk in optical networks with DPSK and DQPSK signals, for a rigorous model of the optical node and validate the analytical tool developed for this case. Acron / Ref NESH Title Development of novell sensors for hemodynamics characterization Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Development of novell sensors for hemodynamics characterization ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref NET-OPT Title NET-OPT - Network Optimization Funding Nokia Siemens Networks Descript. Optimize the design and operation of optical transport networks with relation to energy consumption and spectral efficiency. Acron / Ref NG-COS Title Next-Generation Coherent Optical Communication Systems Funding IT Descript. - To develop cost-effective solutions for extraction of phase and amplitude information from the optical field, using advanced signal processing techniques to reduce the hardware requirements associated with coherent detection; - To develop and implement efficient and simplified digital postcompensation algorithms using the phase and amplitude information of the optical field in order to enable real-time mitigation of linear and nonlinear propagation impairments, with low computational power; Future high-speed optical communication systems will inevitably rely on new enabling technologies such as advanced modulation formats, coherent detection and receiver-side digital signal processing. In order to apply these technologies to commercial optical communication systems there must be a strong I&D effort to develop efficient and low-cost solutions. This is currently a fast growing investigation topic, which need to be faced in many different fronts, such as: - Study of propagation and receiver performance of different advanced modulation formats; - Analysis of network architectures and optical devices in order to reduce the impact of propagation impairments; ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS - Development of efficient and cost-effective solutions for coherent detection both in metro and access networks; - Development of digital adaptive post-compensation algorithms for the mitigation of linear and nonlinear impairments. Within the framework of this project we will focus mainly on the development of cost-effective coherent receivers, using advanced digital signal processing techniques in order to reduce the hardware requirements. Besides, taking advantage of the amplitude and phase information provided by coherent detection, we are also going to develop digital post-compensation algorithms, in order to simultaneously enable higher bit-rates, narrower inter-channel spacing and longer propagation distances without sacrificing the received signal quality. Acron / Ref OSP-HNLF Title OSP-HNLF - Optical Signal Processing Using Highly Nonlinear Fibers Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. We will fabricate and characterize highly nonlinear fibers obtained by tapering standard optical fibers. Highly nonlinear fibers will be used to produce a super-continuum and to implement two all-optical signal processing devices: i) an all-optical signal regenerator for intensity modulated signals based on self-phase modulation (SPM) and ii) an all-optical signal processing regenerator for nonlinear phase noise reduction based on four-wave mixing (FWM) suitable to be used in phase modulated signals. An accurate numerical modelling and the design optimization of both tapered fibers (TFs) and microstrutured fibers (MFs) will be realized, in the perspective of their use to generate a wide and flat super-continnum, as well as some nonlinearity-based optical signal processing functions, namely the wavelength conversion, all-optical switching and 2R regeneration. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref Title POFCOM Bragg Gratings in Plastic Optical Fibre for communications and sensing applications Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The possibility of the fibre to the home (FTTH) for simultaneous transmission of different services such as internet, telephone, digital television is, in fact, actual. Polymer optical fibres (POF) are being pointed as a lower-cost and viable alternative to glass fibre in shortdistance applications. The use of this type of fibre has several advantages such as simpler and less expensive components, ease to hande and connect and has greater flexibility and resilience to bending, shock, and vibration. Moreover, FBG is passive and versatile device that has been used in the development of components and techniques for optical communication systems with high capacity. With this strategy we intend to reduce cost and in the same time don’t compromise the spectral efficiency. The global aim of this proposal is to develop new techniques and new innovative devices based on FBG written in mPOF for optical communications and sensing technologies. Acron / Ref P-Quantum Title Practical Quantum Communications Funding IT Descript. - To perform a field trial experiment over installed fibers in the city of Aveiro, using single and entangled photon-pairs to implement quantum protocols for message authentication and fair contract signing; - To propose quantum protocols suitable for real quantum channels, for privacy problems that cannot be solved with quantum key distribution, namely the authentication of messages and fair contract signing. - To develop the interest and expertise in quantum ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS telecommunications in Portugal, both at the theoretical and the experimental levels, in order to develop internationally-competitive research and train new human resources in this new and strategically important area for secure telecommunications. Acron / Ref TOMAR-PON Title Techniques Of Modulation And Remodulation for PON Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. This project targets the performance enhancement of passive optical network (PON). The two key performances that this project aims at improving are the capacity and reach of PONs. Thus, the extended reach wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) PON with increased bit rate up to the Ethernet rates of 100Gb/s and with the bidirectional transmission will be investigated. The project intends to improve the two crucial elements of PONs, the central office and the optical network unit (ONU), by means of investigating the optimum modulation and remodulation techniques for these systems, since they constitute pillars of such a cost-sensitive segment. Acron / Ref TRANSFIBRA Title New optical turbidity sensor based on optical fibers Funding ADI Descript. Development of a new product for optical turbidity measurements based on optical fibers ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Antonio Luis Jesus Teixeira Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Antonio Luis Jesus Teixeira Antonio Luis Jesus Teixeira Luís Gonçalo Lecoq Vences e Costa Cancela Student Licínio Ferreira Co- Supervisors Humberto Varum Arleth Manuela Gonçalves MArco Granada Hugo Borges dos Santos Lopes Pedro Filipe Seabra da Costa Simao Pedro Tavares Brandao Hugo Rodrigues Braz de Carvalho Title Monitorização do processo de cura do 5/2012 betão com sensores ópticos Pulse Propagation in Optical Fibres Transporte de energia em fibras ópticas 2 Convivência de gerações em redes Mário José Neves de Lima ópticas PON. Desenvolvimento e validação de Rui Fernando Gomes de algoritmos DSP em sistemas de Sousa Ribeiro,Rogério comunicação óptica com detecção Nunes Nogueira coerente Distribuição de Sinais Rádio e Vídeo Mário José Neves de Lima sobre Fibra_ Distribuição de vídeo em redes ópticas Mário José Neves de Lima PON Mário José Neves de Lima Genádio Martins João Lopes Rebola End Date Monte-Carlo simulation of an optical DQPSK system impaired by crosstalk 5/2012 5/2012 6/2012 6/2012 6/2012 6/2012 6/2012 Optimized design of multi-rate optical networks with intermediate 6/2012 aggregation Antonio Luis Jesus Ricardo Manuel Redes ópticas de próxima geração – Mário José Neves de Lima 6/2012 Teixeira Da Silva Ferreira formatos de modulação Antonio Luis Jesus Carlos Manuel Da Redes ópticas passivas de alcance Mário José Neves de Lima 6/2012 Teixeira Silva Oliveira estendido Tiago Miguel Da Antonio Luis Jesus Redes ópticas passivas de operação Paz Santos Mário José Neves de Lima 6/2012 Teixeira estendida Mendes Rogério Nunes Vanessa Duarte Agregador de canais totalmente óptico 7/2012 Nogueira Rogério Nunes Optimização de amplificadores ópticos Nara Ângelo Berta Neto 7/2012 Nogueira híbridos Paulo Sergio de Híbridos orgânicos-inorgânicos para Sandra Correia Maria Rute Ferreira André, 8/2012 Brito Andre monitorização óptica biomédica Goncalo Amorim Antonio Luis Jesus Arquitectura WDM-PON baseada em Ribeiro Gomes Mário José Neves de Lima 9/2012 Teixeira components Sintonizáveis Pereira Antonio Luis Jesus José Rodrigues Ferreira da Redes de acesso baseadas em Cristiana Santos 9/2012 Teixeira Rocha formatos de modulação avançados João André Antonio Luis Jesus Rodrigues Mário José Neves de Lima Segurança em Redes ópticas_ 9/2012 Teixeira Antunes All-Optical Static RAM Cell with Henrique José Filipa Raquel Read/Write functionality 10/2012 Almeida Silva Gois Lopes João José de Oliveira Pires João José de Oliveira Pires Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa Bruno Caseiro João Manuel Ferreira Pedro Afonso Oliveira João Manuel Ferreira Pedro Miguel Antunes da Silva Alves Luis Pedro Emanuel Adolfo da Visitação Domingos da Tregeira Cartaxo Cruz Antonio Luis Daniel Filipe Campos da Silva Ferreira dos Topa Anjos Designing and optimization of heterogeneous OTN/DWDM networks with intermediate aggregation 10/2012 Erbium-Doped Fibre Amplifiers 10/2012 Performance improvement of OFDM signals in EAM-based optical communications through precoding 11/2012 Pulse Switching in Optical Fibres 11/2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Student Adolfo da Visitação Yao Yi Tregeira Cartaxo Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Pedro Sena Co- Supervisors Title Study of a technique for high reflection tolerance in WDM-based 11/2012 next generation optical access networks with OFDM signaling Concentradores solares luminescentes Maria Rute Ferreira André baseados em Materiais Híbridos 12/2012 Orgânicos-Inorgânicos Luís Miguel Pinto Correia de Dispersion Compensation in Optical Carvalho Fibres Marques Pedro Renato Andreia Sofia Distribuição de Sinais Rádio e Vídeo Tavares Pinho Reis Mouta sobre Fibra Pedro Miguel Pedro Renato Fernandes Fibras ópticas de plástico Tavares Pinho Soares Armando Sofia Batalha de Humberto Moreira Oliveira Pascoal Packet-Based Transport Networks Nolasco Pinto Amado Barbara Salome Antonio Luis Jesus Redes opticas passivas avançadas e Ribeiro de Mário José Neves de Lima Teixeira de cobertura extendida NG-PON2 Almeida Armando José Miguel de Tecnologias para Redes de Transporte Humberto Moreira Almeida Goucha de Nova Geração Nolasco Pinto Jorge Study of a scheme of multiple access Adolfo da Visitação Patrícia Santos in OFDM-based next generation Tregeira Cartaxo Fidalgo de Sousa optical access networks João José de João Miguel Lopes dos Design of OTN networks for Catarina Taful Oliveira Pires Santos supporting 100 Gb/s Ethernet Traffic Jorge Manuel João José de Evolution strategies for the next Patrocínio João Santos Oliveira Pires generation passive optical networks Galveias Traffic Grooming and Routing and João José de João Manuel Ferreira Ana Martins Wavelength Assignment in Oliveira Pires Pedro Metropolitan Transport Networks Luís Gonçalo Carlos Jorge Analysis of in-band crosstalk impact in Lecoq Vences e João Lopes Rebola Morais Fraga optical burst switching networks Costa Cancela Desenvolvimento de uma bancada Paulo Miguel Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Ricardo Ferreira laboratorial para a investigação e Nepomuceno Oliveira,Rui Fernando Figueira ensino de sistemas de comunicação Pereira Monteiro Gomes de Sousa Ribeiro digitais Desenvolvimento e validação de Paulo Miguel algoritmos DSP em sistemas de Telmo Filipe Rui Fernando Gomes de Nepomuceno comunicação óptica com detecção Pedrosa Cavaco Sousa Ribeiro Pereira Monteiro coerente (2013) Antonio Luis Campos da Silva Topa João José de Oliveira Pires Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro End Date Optimization and multilayer planning of IP/MPLS/OTN networks 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 2/2013 3/2013 3/2013 4/2013 6/2013 6/2013 6/2013 Bruno Henriques João Manuel Ferreira Pedro Marco Ribeiro Amaro Fernandes de Sousa Otimizaco de Redes Oticas de Transporte 6/2013 Tiago Ferreira Grade Dinis Trota Amaro Fernandes de Sousa Planeamento e Otimização de Redes Óticas Elásticas 6/2013 Simulação de redes óticas de acesso coerentes 6/2013 Simulador de sistemas de comunicações ópticas (OSIP 2013) 6/2013 Miguel Vidal Drummond,Rui Fernando Gomes de Sousa Ribeiro Miguel Vidal Alexandre Lemos Drummond,Rui Fernando Marques Gomes de Sousa Ribeiro Andre Ribeiro Pereira da Silva Lúcia Maria Botas Ricardo Xavier Bilro Ferreira Rogério Nunes Nogueira Accoustic Optical Modultion with Plastic Fibres for Sensing Aplications 6/2013 7/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Student Co- Supervisors Title End Date Análise Tecno-Económica de Redes de 12/2013 Acesso Óticas Somayeh Ziaie Luís Monteiro de Brito Marino Oliveira Rodrigues Daniel Hugo Gonçalves Martins Arquitetura WDM-PON com geração centralizada 12/2013 Convergência em redes de acesso 12/2013 IPTV Deliverer over MPLS-TP 12/2013 Miguel Duarte Henriques Otimização do Processo de Comutação 12/2013 em Redes de Transporte Élio Tiago Sousa Coelho Redes Óticas de Nova Geração 12/2013 Miguel Alves Henriques Redução das emissões de CO2 em redes IPTV 12/2013 Table 15 - List of MSc Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2011 PhD Theses Supervisor Henrique José Almeida Silva Student Co- Supervisors Sílvia Medeiros Vaz Pato Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Ana Maria Rocha Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Carlos Miguel Vicente Next Generation Optical Access Networks, Lara Penedo Pellegrino End Date 3/2012 Estudo da Degradação de fibras ópticas sob o efeito de potências elevadas 5/2012 Hibridos Orgânicos/inorgânicos para Maria Rute Ferreira aplicações de baixo custo em óptica André integrada Blue ocean Strategy in current optical communications Antonio Luis Jesus Muneer Zuhdi Teixeira Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Title Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Antonio Luis Jesus Jacklyn Dias Teixeira Integrated multi-functional photonic devices for optical communication purposes 5/2012 9/2012 10/2012 WDM flexible networks, WDM flexible networks 11/2012 Perfect sequences for communication systems with CDMA 1/2013 Henrique José Almeida Silva João da Silva Pereira Manuel Alberto Reis de Oliveira Violas Mojtaba Sadeghi Atílio Manuel da Silva Gameiro Atílio Manuel da Silva Gameiro Mojtaba Sadeghi Manuel Alberto Reis MIMO techniques for radio over Fiber de Oliveira Violas Radio-over-Fiber Technology for Broadband 1/2013 Wireless MIMO Systems 2/2013 Advanced optical generation and regeneration 3/2013 Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre All-optical routing funcionalities 3/2013 Daniel Diogo Trindade Fonseca Optical fibre telecommunication systems with multi-symbol phase modulation 3/2013 Antonio Luis Jesus Rogério Dionísio Teixeira Rogério Nunes Nogueira Antonio Luis Jesus Claudia Reis Teixeira Adolfo da Nelson Manuel Visitação Tregeira Simões da Costa Cartaxo ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Student Rogério Nunes Nogueira Hugo Lima Henrique José Almeida Silva Filipe Marques Ferreira João José de Oliveira Pires João Santos Rogério Nunes Nogueira Andre Albuquerque Rogério Nunes Nogueira Carlos Marques Antonio Luis Jesus Adballa Teixeira Abdelgader Paulo Alexandre Henrique José Ferreirinha de Almeida Silva Almeida Armando João Carlos de Humberto Moreira Melo Ferreira Nolasco Pinto Title Advanced Fiber Sensors, Advanced Fiber Sensors Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Miguel Vidal Drummond 6/2013 High Capacity Optical Transmission Systems 6/2013 based on Mode Group Diversity Multiplexing Design of Optical Transport Networks for Ethernet Traffic Active and Passive All-Optical Signal Processing Devices for Efficient Optical Communication Systems Components and techniques for high capacity optical communications Mário José Neves de Lima End Date 8/2013 9/2013 9/2013 Next generation optical converged networks 9/2013 Radio Over Fibre Systems with Support for Fixed and Mobile services 10/2013 Transient Effects in Optical Networks 10/2013 Natasa Pavlovic emiters and receivers for next generation access optical networks 12/2013 Mário José Neves de Lima Next generation dense optical access networks 12/2013 Filipe Manuel Wiener Ferro de Carvalho OFDM-based next generation converged optical-wireless access networks 12/2013 Nuno Alexandre Peixoto Silva Quantum Cryptography in Optical Fibers 12/2013 Antonio Luis Jesus Zoran Vijicij Teixeira Antonio Luis Jesus Teixeira Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Co- Supervisors Ali shahpari Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Técnicas de monitorização em redes ópticas da próxima geração 12/2013 Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Ana Pratas Rogério Nunes Nogueira Manuel Alberto Reis de Oliveira Violas Zhansheng Liu Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho Research on Nonlinearities in Radio over Fiber Mário José Neves de Lima Vitor Ribeiro Antonio Luis Jesus Teixeira All-optical network resources in the scope of impairment aware based routing for the 9/2014 next generation optical networks Armando Fernando Pedro Humberto Moreira Pereira Guiomar Nolasco Pinto Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Armando Humberto Moreira Nolasco Pinto Rogério Nunes Nogueira Digital Post-Compensation in High-Speed Optical Transmission Systems Maria de Fátima Fonseca Domingues 4/2014 12/2014 Estudo da degradação do tempo de vida das fibras ópticas e o seu impacte no 12/2014 desempenho das redes de comunicações Rui Manuel Dias Morais Paulo Miguel Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Optical Networks Optimization 12/2014 Sudhir Kumar Routray José Rodrigues Ferreira da Rocha Quality of Signal in Transparent Optical Networks 12/2014 Telmo Pelicano Almeida Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Armando Álvaro José Humberto Moreira Caseiro de Nolasco Pinto Almeida Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre Multimode optical components for the next generation of optical communications 12/2015 Quantum Communications in Optical Fibers 12/2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Armando Gil Gonçalo Nelson de Jesus Humberto Moreira Martins Fernandes Cordeiro Muga Nolasco Pinto João José de Oliveira Pires António Miguel Barata da Eira Lúcia Maria Botas Filipa R. C. Bilro Sequeira João Manuel Ferreira Pedro Rogério Nunes Nogueira Title Optical Signal Processing Based on Optical Microfibers Optimization of flexible-grid optical transport networks Advanced Fiber Optics Sensors for Water Quality Assessment End Date 12/2016 12/2016 1/2017 Table 16 - List of PhD Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2.6 Publications Optical Communication Systems Book Chapters - " Economics of Next-Generation Networks " - Chapter in Optical Transmission The FP7 BONE Project Experience , António Teixeira and Giorgio Maria Tosi Beleffi , Springer, 2012 . - Pato, S.; J. M. Pedro; " Optical Network Architectures for the support of Future Wireless Systems " - Chapter in Next Generation Wireless Communications Using Radio over Fiber , Nathan J. Gomes, Paulo P. Monteiro, Atílio Gameiro , Wiley, 2012. Papers in Journals - Dionísio, R.P.; C. Reis; R.N. Nogueira; A. Teixeira; " 2x10Gbit/s NRZ-OOK to 10Gbaud Quasi Continuous Phase Modulation All-Optical Conversion Using Cascaded MZI- SOAs ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol. 54 , No. 5 , pp. 1240 - 1242 , March , 2012 . - Sleiffer, V. S.; V. V. Veljanovski; D. B. van den Borne; R.N. Nogueira; N.P. Pavlovic; S. S. Spaelter; " 45.8 and 125 Gb/s CP-QPSK/CP-BPSK Field Trial Over Installed Submarine Cable ", Journal of Lightwave Technology , Vol. 30 , No. 4 , pp. 624 - 633 , April , 2012 . - Silva, J. A. L. Silva; A. Cartaxo; M. Segatto; " A PAPR Reduction Technique based on a Constant Envelope OFDM Approach for Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation in Optical Direct Detection Systems ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking , Vol. 4 , No. 4 , pp. 1 - 7 , April , 2012 . - Marques, C.A.F.; R.A. Oliveira; A. Pohl; R.N. Nogueira; " Adjustable EDFA Gain Equalization Filter for DWDM Channels Based on a single LPG excited by Flexural Acoustic Waves ", Optics Communications , Vol. 285 , No. 18 , pp. 3770 - 3774 , August , 2012 . - Reis, J.D.; D. Neves; A. Teixeira; " Analysis of Nonlinearities on Coherent UltraDense WDM-PONs Using Volterra Series ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 30 , No. 2 , pp. 234 - 241 , January , 2012 . - Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; " Bit Error Probability Evaluation in Optically Preamplified Direct-Detection OFDM Systems Using the Moment Generating Function ", Journal of Optical Communications and Networking , Vol. 4 , No. 3 , pp. 229 - 237 , March , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS - Cancela, L. G. C.; J. J. O. Pires; " Crosstalk Tolerance of Direct Detection DPSK Optical Systems in Presence of Receiver Imperfections ", IET Optoelectronics , Vol. 6 , No. 2 , pp. 94 - 101 , April , 2012 . - Schrenk, B.; J. Lazaro; D. K. Klonidis; F. Bonada; F. Saliou; V. Polo; E. Lopez; Q. T. Le; P. Chanclou; A. Teixeira; " Demonstration of a Remotely Dual-Pumped LongReach PON for Flexible Deployment ", Journal of Lightwave Technology , Vol. 30 , No. 1 , pp. 953 - 961 , April , 2012 . - Andrade, P.; M. J. N. Lima; A. Teixeira; " Distribution of DVB-C Channels over an Externally Modulated Optical Link. ", Journal of Optical Comm. , Vol. 33 , No. 1 , pp. 37 - 41 , February , 2012 . - Inan, B.; B. Spinnler; F. M. Ferreira; D. B. van den Borne; A. Lobato; " DSP complexity of mode-division multiplexed receivers ", Optics Express , Vol. 20 , No. 9 , pp. 10859 - 10869 , April , 2012 . - Ferreira, J.; L. R. Rapp; " Dynamics of spectral hole burning in EDFAs: dependence on temperature ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , Vol. 24 , No. 1 , pp. 67 - 69 , January , 2012 . - Vujicic , Z.; N.P. Pavlovic; A. Teixeira; " Effect of four-wave mixing spatial dependence on idler residual modulation ", Physica Scripta , Vol. T149 , No. 014045 , pp. 9851 - 9861 , April , 2012 . - Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " Experimental demonstration of 9 double sideband OFDM-UWB sub-bands transmission along long-reach PONs ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol. 54 , No. 4 , pp. 995 - 999 , April , 2012 . - Almeida, A. J.; N. A. Silva; P.S André; A. N. Pinto; " Four-Wave Mixing: Photon Statistics and the Impact on a Co-Propagating Quantum Signal ", Optics Communications , Vol. 285 , No. 12 , pp. 2956 - 2960 , June , 2012 . - Silva, N. A.; A. J. Almeida; A. N. Pinto; " Interference in a Quantum Channel due to Classical Four-Wave Mixing in Optical Fibers ", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics , Vol. 48 , No. 4 , pp. 472 - 479 , April , 2012 . - Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; " Moment Generating Function for the Rigorous Performance Assessment of Direct-Detection Baseband OFDM Communication Systems ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 30 , No. 23 , pp. 3617 3626 , December , 2012 . - André, P.S; A. Sousa; " Online Group-Velocity Dispersion Monitor Based on Clock Frequency Power Analysis ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , Vol. 24 , No. 17 , pp. 1533 - 1535 , September , 2012 . - Ribeiro, V. M. C.; Costa, L. N. Costa; M. J. N. Lima; A. Teixeira; " Optical performance monitoring using the novel parametric asynchronous eye diagram ", Optics Express , Vol. 20 , No. 9 , pp. 9851 - 9861 , April , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS - Pinto, L. M.; A. J. Almeida; P.S André; A. N. Pinto; " Photon-Pair States and Violation of CHSH Inequality ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol. 54 , No. 11 , pp. 2454 - 2461 , November , 2012 . - André, P.S; M. J. N. Lima; N. Fernandes ; F Granada; T. Almeida; Chang; Lan; X Xiangjun; " Raman amplified access networks with pump signal recycling for electrical power conversion ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol. 54 , No. 1 , pp. 116 - 119 , January , 2012 . - Junior, S.; A. Teixeira; G. Beleffi ; P.S André; A. Pohl; " Rayleigh backscattering lasing control based on Raman amplification ", IET Optoelectronics , Vol. 6 , No. 2 , pp. 88 - 93 , March , 2012 . - Mustafa, S.; " The Poisson Optical Communication Channels: Capacity and Optimal Power Allocation ", IAENG Intrnl. Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) , Vol. 39 , No. 1 , pp. 102 - 108 , February , 2012 . - Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " Transmission of multiband OFDM-UWB signals along LR-PONs employing a Mach-Zehnder modulator biased at the quasi-minimum power transmission point ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 30 , No. 11 , pp. 1587 - 1594 , February , 2012 . - Alves , T. M. F.; M. Morant; A. Cartaxo; R. Llorente; " Transmission of OFDM wired-wireless quintuple-play services along WDM LR-PONs using centralized broadband impairment compensation ", Optics Express , Vol. 20 , No. 13 , pp. 13748 - 13761 , June , 2012 . - Ferreira, J.; R.N. Nogueira; P. Monteiro; A. N. Pinto; " Weighted Undepleted Pump Model for Broadband Counter-Pumped Raman Fiber Amplifiers ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking , Vol. 4 , No. 8 , pp. 595 - 602 , August , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Fernandes, G.; M. Niehus; C.A.F. Marques; R.N. Nogueira; A. N. Pinto; " AcoustoOptic Tunable Mode Coupler ", Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC , Los Angeles , United States , Vol. CD , pp. JTh2A.2 , March , 2012 . - Marques, C.A.F.; R.A. Oliveira; A. Pohl; R.N. Nogueira; " Adjustable EDFA Gain Equalization Filter Based on a Single LPG Excited by Flexural Acoustic Waves for Future DWDM Networks ", Proc Photonics , Chennai , India , pp. 1 - 3 , December , 2012 . - Rebola, J. L. ; L. G. C. Cancela; J. J. O. Pires; " Assessment of the Performance of DPSK Optical Direct Detection Receivers Impaired by In-Band Crosstalk – Analytical Formulation Validation ", Proc European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC , Vilanova i la Geltru , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS - Marques, C.A.F.; L. Bilro; L. Khan; R.A. Oliveira; D. J. Webb; R.N. Nogueira; " Controlling the Properties of Microstructured Plastic Optical Fiber Bragg Gratings using Acousto-Optic Excitation ", Proc IEEE Photonics Global Conf. - PGC , Singapore , Singapore , December , 2012 . - Inan, B.; S. L. Jansen; B. Spinnler; F. M. Ferreira; D. B. van den Borne; A. Lobato; A. Adhikari ; V. S. Sleiffer; " DSP Requirements for MIMO Spatial Multiplexed Receivers ", Proc Summer Topical Meetings - LEOS , Seatle , United States , July , 2012 . - Pinto, A. N.; A. J. Almeida; N. A. Silva; N. J. Muga; L. M. Pinto; " Engineering Quantum Communication Systems ", Proc SPIE Photonics Europe , Brussels , Belgium , Vol. 8440 , pp. 84400B-1 - 84400B-13 , April , 2012 . - Almeida, P. ; H. A. Silva; " Expressions of the chirp parameter components for intensity modulation with a dual-electrode Mach-Zehnder modulator ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON , Conventry , United Kingdom , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2012 . - Pinto, A. N.; F. P. Guiomar; " Flexible Optical Receivers ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Coventry , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. Tu.C1.3-1 - Tu.C1.3-4 , July , 2012 . - Costa, N.; T. M. F. Alves ; D.F. Fonseca; A. Cartaxo; " General memory polynomial for transmission impairments mitigation in coherent communication systems ", Proc OSA Signal Processing in Photonic Communications - SPPCom , Colorado Springs , United States , June , 2012 . - Llorente, R.; M. Morant; F. M. Martinez; T. M. F. Alves ; A. Cartaxo; T. Q Quinlan; S. Walker; C.Rodrigues Rodrigues; J. H. Herrera; et. al.; " Impairment compensation in long-reach integrated optical-wireless PON ", Proc Future Network and Mobile Summit , Berlin , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 9 , July , 2012 . - Cancela, L. G. C.; J. L. Rebola; J. J. O. Pires; " In-Band Crosstalk Tolerance of Direct Detection DQPSK Optical Systems ", Proc IEEE Photonics Conf. - IPC , San Francisco , United States , September , 2012 . - Alves , T. M. F.; J. Morgado; A. Cartaxo; " Linearity improvement of directly modulated PONs by digital pre-distortion of coexisting OFDM-based signals ", Proc OSA Access Networks and In-house Communications (OSA Topical Meeting) - ANIC , Colorado Springs , United States , Vol. AW4A.3 , pp. 1 - 2 , June , 2012 . - Cartaxo, A.; T. M. F. Alves ; F. C. Carvalho; J. Morgado; " Linearization techniques of electro-optical converters for multi-format OFDM-based PONs ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON , Coventry , United Kingdom , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2012 . - Carvalho, F. C.; A. Cartaxo; " On the Electrical Power Distribution for Coexisting OFDM-based Signals in Converged Long-Reach Passive Optical Networks ", Proc ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS IEEE Photonics Conf. - IPC , Burlingame , United States , Vol. ThC4 , pp. 1 - 2 , September , 2012 . - Vujicic , Z.; N.P. Pavlovic; A. Teixeira; " Optical Filtering Optimization for NRZ Coding Format in RSOA-Based DWDM PON ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Coventry , United Kingdom , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2012 . - Ribeiro, V. M. C.; M. J. N. Lima; A. Teixeira; " Parametric Asynchronous Eye Diagram For Optical Performance Monitoring ", Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC , Los Angeles , United States , Vol. JW2A.33 , pp. 1 - 3 , March , 2012 . - Muga, N. J.; M. Ferreira; A. N. Pinto; " Polarization-dependent gain in Raman amplification based all-optical polarization control schemes ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON , Coventry , United Kingdom , Vol. Th.A1.6 , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2012 . - Mathews, N. M.; A. Christensen; R. O. O´Grady; M. D. Dorigo; " Spatially Targeted Communication and Self-Assembly in a Heterogeneous Swarm of Robots ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Intelligent Robotic Systems - IROS , Vila Moura , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 2551 - 2552 , October , 2012 . - Morant, M.; T. M. F. Alves ; A. Cartaxo; R. Llorente; " Transmission impairment compensation using broadband channel sounding in multi-format OFDM-based long-reach PONs ", Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC , Los Angeles , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 3 , March , 2012 . - L.N.A. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; " Visible Light Communication System for Outdoor Applications ", Proc International Symp. on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing , Poznan , Poland , Vol. 11 , pp. 11 - 11 , July , 2012 . - Alves , T. M. F.; M. Morant; A. Cartaxo; R. Llorente; " Wired-wireless OFDM signals coexistence in LR-PONs using two centralized compensation stages ", Proc OSA Access Networks and In-house Communications (OSA Topical Meeting) - ANIC , Colorado Springs , United States , Vol. AW4A.5 , pp. 1 - 2 , June , 2012 . OPTICAL COMPONENTS AND SUB-SYSTEMS Book Chapters - Nogueira, R.N. ; L. Bilro; N. Alberto; H. Lima; J. L. Pinto; " Optical Fiber Sensors " - Chapter in Optical, Acoustic, Magnetic, and Mechanical Sensor Technologies , Krzysztof Iniewski , CRC Press ,2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Papers in Journals - Costa, J.; M. Silveirinha; " Achromatic lens based on a nanowire material with anomalous dispersion ", Optics Express , Vol. 20 , No. 13 , pp. 13915 - 13922 , June , 2012 . - Liu, Z.; M. Violas; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Analysis on Dynamic Characteristics of Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Based on a Memory Polynomial Model ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters, Vol. 54 , No. 3, pp. 805 - 808 , March , 2012 . - Antunes, P.; R Travanca; H Varum; P.S André; " Dynamic monitoring and numerical modelling of communication towers with FBG based accelerometers ", Journal of Constructional Steel Research , Vol. 74 , No. 7 , pp. 58 - 62 , July , 2012 . - Reis, C.; Costa, L. N. Costa; A. Bogoni; A. Maziotis; A. Teixeira; C. Kouloumentas; D. Apostopoulos; D. Erasme; P.S André; R.P. Dionísio; " Evolution of all-optical flipflops and their applications ", IET Optoelectronics , Vol. 6 , No. 6 , pp. 263 - 276 , December , 2012 . - Morgado, J.; A. Cartaxo; " Extended Koch's Model for Chirp Assessment in Semiconductor Singlemode Lasers Operating at High Currents ", Optics and Laser Technology , November , 2012 . - Leitão, C. Leitão; L. Bilro; N. Alberto; P. Antunes; H. Lima; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; " Feasibility studies of Bragg probe for non-invasive carotid pulse waveform assessment ", Journal of Biomedical Optics , Vol. accepted for publication , December , 2012 . - Drummond, M. V.; A. Teixeira; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " Flexible OTDM to WDM converter enabled by a programmable optical processor ", Optics Express , Vol. 20 , No. 2 , pp. 1783 - 1789 , January , 2012 . - Rocha, Ana M.; G. Fernandes; F. Domingues; M. Niehus; A. N. Pinto; M. Facão Facão; P.S André; " Halting the fuse discharge propagation using optical fiber microwires ", Optics Express , Vol. 20 , No. 19 , pp. 21083 - 21088 , September , 2012 . - Ferreira, N.; F. M. Costa; R.N. Nogueira; M.P.F. Graça; " Lithium niobate bulk crystallization promoted by CO2 laser radiation ", Applied Surface Science , Vol. 258 , No. 23 , pp. 9457 - 9460 , September , 2012 . - Graffion, ; m Cojocariu; Cattoen; R. A. Sá Ferreira; V.R. Fernandes; P.S André; L. D. Carlos; W Man; R Bartlett; " Luminescent Coatings From Bipyridine-based Bridged Silsesquioxanes Containing Eu3+ and Tb3+ salts ", Journal of Materials Chemistry , Vol. 22 , No. 26 , pp. 13279 - 13285 , July , 2012 . - Guiomar, F. P.; J.D. Reis; A. Teixeira; A. N. Pinto; " Mitigation of intra-channel nonlinearities using a frequency-domain Volterra series equalizer ", Optics Express , Vol. 20 , No. 2 , pp. 1360 - 1369 , January , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS - André, P.S; H Varum; P. Antunes; L. Ferreira Ferreira; M. Sousa Sousa; " Monitoring of the concrete curing process using plastic optical fibers ", Measurement , Vol. 45 , No. 1 , pp. 556 - 560 , January , 2012 . - Domingues, F.; R Frias; P. Antunes; A. Sousa; M.R. Ferreira; P.S André; " Observation of fuse effect discharge zone nonlinear velocity regime in erbiumdoped fibres ", Electronics Letters , Vol. 48 , No. 20 , pp. 1295 - 1296 , September , 2012 . - Bilro, L.; N. Alberto; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; " Optical Sensors Based on Plastic Fibers - review paper ", Sensors , Vol. 12 , No. 9 , pp. 12184 - 12207 , September , 2012 . - Reis, C.; A. Maziotis; C. Kouloumentas; T Chattopadhyay; N. Calabretta; P.S André; G. Berretini; G. Meloni; H. Dorren; A. Teixeira; " Performance comparison of all-optical clocked S-R and D type flip-flops ", Optik - Intrnl. Journal for Light and Electron Optics , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 7 , December , 2012 . - Marques, C.A.F.; V. Oliveira; H. Kalinowsky; R.N. Nogueira; " Production of optical notch filters with fine parameter control using regenerated Fiber Bragg Gratings ", Optics Letters , Vol. 37 , No. 10 , pp. 1697 - 1699 , May , 2012 . - Chattopadhyay, T; C. Reis; P.S André; A. Teixeira; " Theoretical analysis of alloptical clocked D flip-flop using a single SOA assisted symmetric MZI ", Optics Communications , Vol. 285 , pp. 2266 - 2275 , April , 2012 . - Marques, C.A.F.; R.A. Oliveira; A. Pohl; R.N. Nogueira; " Tunable acoustic bursts for customized tapered fiber Bragg structures ", Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics , Vol. 29 , No. 12 , pp. 3367 - 3370 , December , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Guiomar, F. P.; J.D. Reis; A. Carena Carena; G. B. Bosco; A. Teixeira; A. N. Pinto; " Experimental Demonstration of a Frequency-Domain Volterra Series Nonlinear Equalizer in Polarization-Multiplexed Transmission ", Proc European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC , Amsterdam , Netherlands , Vol. CD , pp. Th.1.D.1 - , September , 2012 . - Dionísio, R.P.; R.N. Nogueira; A. Teixeira; " Numerical Evaluation of Parallel MZISOAs for All-Optical 16QAM and 64QAM Generation ", Proc Symp. on Enabling Optical Networks - SEON , Porto , Portugal , June , 2012 . - Marques, C.A.F.; V. Oliveira; H. Kalinowsky; R.N. Nogueira; " Optical Notch Filters with Precise Production Control using Regenerated Fiber Bragg Gratings ", Proc Photonics , Chennai , India , December , 2012 . - Guiomar, F. P.; A. N. Pinto; " Receiver-side Digital Signal Processing for 100-GE Coherent Optical Transmission Systems ", Proc European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications and Conf. on Optical Cabling and Infrastructure - NOC/OC , Barcelona , Spain , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS OPTICAL NETWORKING Book Chapters - Pedro, J. M.; J. J. O. Pires; " Optical Burst-Switched Networks exploiting Traffic Engineering in the Wavelength Domain " - Chapter in Telecommunications Networks , Jesus Hamilton Ortiz , In-Tech , , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Pedro, J. M.; S. Pato; " Impact of Add/Drop Port Utilization Flexibility in DWDM Networks [Invited] ", Journal of Optical Communications and Networking , Vol. 4 , No. 11 , pp. B142 - B150 , November , 2012 . - Gumast, A.; K. Suhling; A. Teixeira; S. wey; A. Nouroozifar; H. Schink; " Medium access control for the next-generation passive optical networks: The OLIMAC approach. ", IEEE Network , Vol. 26 , No. 2 , pp. 49 - 56 , March , 2012 . - Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Optimization Framework for Supporting 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Services over Heterogeneous Optical Transport Networks ", Journal of Networks , Vol. 7 , No. 5 , pp. 31 - 38 , May , 2012 . - Reis, C.; T Chattopadhyay; P.S André; A. Teixeira; " Single Mach-Zehnder interferometer based Boolean logic gates ", Applied Optics , Vol. 51 , No. 36 , pp. 8693 - 8701 , December , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Pinto, A. N.; R.M. Morais; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; " Cost Evaluation in Optical Networks: Node Architecture and Energy Consumption ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Coventry , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. Tu.D2.4-1 - Tu.D2.4-4 , July , 2012 . - Pedro, J. M.; J. Santos; R.M. Morais; " Dynamic Setup of Multi-Granular Services over Next-Generation OTN/DWDM Networks: Blocking versus Add/Drop Port Usage ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON , Coventry , United Kingdom , pp. 1 - 5 , July , 2012 . - Morais, R.M.; P. Monteiro; A. N. Pinto; " Generating Near-Optimal Survivable Topologies ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON , Conventry , United Kingdom , July , 2012 . - Martins, G. M.; L. G. C. Cancela; J. L. Rebola; " Monte Carlo Simulation of an Optical Differential Phase-Shift Keying Communication System with Direct Detection Impaired by In-Band Crosstalk ", Proc IARIA International Conf. on Advances on System Simulation - SIMUL , Lisbon , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Santos, J.; G. L. Lehmann; J. M. Pedro; " On the Coexistence of Multi-Channel 100 Gb/s Ethernet with Legacy Single-Channel Services in Metropolitan Networks ", ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Proc European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC , Amsterdam , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 3 , September , 2012 . - Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; A.E. Eira; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " 'Optical Transport Network Design with Collocated Regeneration and Differential Delay Compensation ", Proc IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing , Belgrade , Serbia & Montenegro , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , June , 2012 . - Eira, A.E.; J. M. Pedro; J. J. O. Pires; " Optimized Design of Shared Restoration in Flexible-Grid Transparent Optical Networks ", Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC , Los Angeles , United States , March , 2012 . - Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; J. J. O. Pires; " Optimized Provisioning of 100-GbE Services over OTN based on Shared Protection with Collocated Signal Regeneration and Differential Delay Compensation ", Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications OFC , Los Angeles , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 3 , March , 2012 . - Pedro, J. M.; S. Pato; " Quantifying the Impact of DWDM Nodes with Flexible Add/Drop Port Utilization for Dynamic Connection Setup ", Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC , Los Angeles , United States , March , 2012 . 4.2.7 Other Achievements Patents - Bilro, L.; R. X. Ferreira; J. J. Keizer; S. Prats; R.N. Nogueira; " SENSOR E MÉTODO PARA MEDIDA DE TURVAÇÃO ", 106279 (pedido de patente provisória) , April , 2012 . Awards - Bilro, L.; N. Alberto; R.N. Nogueira; P.S André; " Best poster award ", Best poster award in the Engineering Category at the Annual Research Day at University of Aveiro "Optical Fiber Sensors and Applications by: Lúcia Bilro, Nélia Alberto, Paulo Antunes, Rogério Nogueira, Paulo André" , 01-06-2012 . - Almeida, A. J.; N. J. Muga; N. A. Silva; P.S André; A. N. Pinto; " SEONS Best Student Paper ", Best Student Paper on Optical Communication in the X SEONS, in Porto , 01-06-2012 . - Liu, Z.; " 2011 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad ", , 01-04-2012 . - Ribeiro, V. M. C.; " Prémio empreendedorismo de base tecnológica ", This is an entrepeurnship course organized by Universidade de Aveiro Universidade da Beira Interior and Universidade de Coimbra. The prize was won competing against 22 of the best patented technologies of this universities. , 01-02-2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Miscellaneous - Rebola, J. L. ; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Study of a technique for high reflection tolerance in WDM-based next generation optical access networks with OFDM signalling ", 01-10-2012 . 4.2.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees - SPOF Summer School on Recent Advances in Optics and Photonics , Conference Chairman, Rogério Nunes Nogueira, 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Photonics - ICP - ICP, Scientific Committee, Adolfo da Visitação Tregeira Cartaxo , 01-01-2012 - ICETE International Conf. on Optical Communication Systems - OPTICS, Scientific Committee, João Lopes Rebola, 01-01-2012 - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. - GLOBECOM, Technical Programme Committee, Marek Hajduczenia, 01-01-2012 - OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Technical Programme Committee, Marek Hajduczenia, 01-01-2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3 Networks and Multimedia 4.3.1 Area Coordinators • Mário Figueiredo • Rui Valadas 4.3.2 Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Full Professor 0 1 5 Associate Professor 2 0 7 Assistant Professor 12 5 24 Post. Doc. 4 1 8 Coordinator Professor 0 1 1 Assistant Lecturer 1 1 0 PhD Student 16 5 30 (Licenciado) 7 0 0 42 14 75 TOTAL Table 17 – Overview of human resources in Networks and Multimedia Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Permanent Collaborators Position Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Degree PhD Name Abel João Padrão Gomes Group Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv PhD Alexandra Sofia Martins de Pattern and Image Analysis Carvalho – Lx Agregação Amílcar dos Santos Costa Security and Quantum Sernadas Information –Lx PhD Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar Networked Systems – Po PhD Ana Gualdina Almeida Matos Ana Luisa Nobre Fred PhD PhD MSc MSc PhD PhD PhD André Nuno Carvalho Souto Andreia Sofia da Costa Teixeira Angelos K. Marnerides António Carlos Cristóvão Matias de Almeida Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira Augusto José Venâncio Neto Carla Calado Lopes Assistant Professor Post. Doc. PhD Carlos Eduardo Ramos dos Santos Lourenço Carlos Manuel Costa Lourenço Caleiro Catarina Isabel Carvalheiro Brites Daniel da Silva Graça PhD Daowen Qiu Assistant Professor Post. Doc. PhD Diogo Nuno Pereira Gomes Coordinator Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor PhD Security and Quantum Information –Lx Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Anders Lyhne Christensen Information Technology - Lx PhD PhD MSc Eduardo Oliveira Estanqueiro Rocha PhD Fernando José Pimentel Lopes Agregação Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira PhD Fernando Manuel Santos Perdigão Security and Quantum Information –Lx Security and Quantum Information –Lx Information Theory – Po Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Telecommunications and Networking – Av Telecommunications and Networking – Av Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Security and Quantum Information –Lx Security and Quantum Information –Lx Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Security and Quantum Information –Lx Security and Quantum Information –Lx Telecommunications and Networking – Av Telecommunications and Networking – Av Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Multimedia Signal Processing – Co ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Lecturer Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Degree Name Group Francesco Renna Information Theory – Po PhD Francisco Manuel Marques Network Architectures and Fontes Protocols – Av PhD Gabriel Falcão Paiva Multimedia Signal Fernandes Processing – Co PhD Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Pattern and Image Analysis Proença – CV PhD João Filipe Quintas dos Security and Quantum Santos Rasga Information –Lx PhD João Francisco Cordeiro de Networked Systems – Po Oliveira Barros PhD João Luís Costa Campos Network Architecture and Gonçalves Sobrinho Protocols – Lx PhD Joao Miguel Duarte Multimedia Signal Ascenso Processing – Lx PhD João Paulo Barraca Telecommunications and Networking – Av PhD João Pedro Afonso Oliveira Pattern and Image Analysis da Silva – Lx PhD Joaquim José de Castro Embedded Systems – Av Ferreira PhD Joel José Puga Coelho Network Architectures and Rodrigues Protocols – Cv PhD José Alberto Gouveia Embedded Systems – Av Fonseca PhD José Brázio Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Agregação José Manuel Bioucas Dias Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx PhD José Manuel Peixoto do Pattern and Image Analysis Nascimento – Lx PhD Luís Eduardo de Pinho Multimedia Signal Ducla Soares Processing – Lx PhD Luís Filipe Barbosa de Pattern and Image Analysis Almeida Alexandre – CV PhD Luis Filipe Coelho Antunes Security and Quantum Information –Lx Licenciatura Luis Filipe Fernandes Silva Multimedia Signal Marcelino Processing – Lr Agregação Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Associate Professor PhD PhD Luís Henrique Martins Borges de Almeida Luís Manuel Cerqueira Barreto Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Luís Miguel Martins Nunes Information Technology - Lx Luis Miguel Pinho de Almeida Networked Systems – Po ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Associate Professor Coordinator Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Degree PhD Name Mafalda Ludovino Almeida PhD Group Security and Quantum Information –Lx Networked Systems – Po Manuel Alejandro Barranco González PhD Marco Alexandre Cravo Multimedia Signal Gomes Processing – Co PhD Maria Cecília dos Santos Applied Mathematics – Cv Rosa Agregação Maria Cristina de Sales Security and Quantum Viana Serôdio Sernadas Information –Lx PhD Maria Manuela Areias da Multimedia Signal Costa Pereira de Sousa Processing – Cv PhD Maria Paula Antunes Security and Quantum Abrantes Gouveia Information –Lx PhD Maria Paula dos Santos Multimedia Signal Queluz Rodrigues Processing – Lx PhD Maria Paula Prata de Sousa Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv PhD Mariana Sá Correia Leite Pattern and Image Analysis de Almeida – Lx Agregação Mário Alexandre Teles de Pattern and Image Analysis Figueiredo – Lx Agregação Mario Marques Freire Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Michel Celestino Paiva Networked Systems – Po Ferreira PhD Miguel Tavares Coimbra Interactive Multimedia - Po PhD Nikola Paunkovic Security and Quantum Information –Lx PhD Nuno Miguel Morais Multimedia Signal Rodrigues Processing – Lr PhD Paulo Alexandre Carapinha Pattern and Image Analysis Marques – Lx Agregação Paulo Alexandre Carreira Security and Quantum Mateus Information –Lx PhD Paulo André Pais Pattern and Image Analysis Fazendeiro – CV PhD Paulo Jorge Lourenço Multimedia Signal Nunes Processing – Lx PhD Paulo Jorge Salvador Serra Telecommunications and Ferreira Networking – Av PhD Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Multimedia Signal Correia Processing – Lx Licenciatura Pedro Alexandre Cardoso Security and Quantum Baltazar Information –Lx PhD Pedro Alexandre Sousa Telecommunications and Gonçalves Networking – Av ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Coordinator Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Degree PhD PhD MSc Full Professor Agregação Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Agregação Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Ricardo Roberto Duarte Marau Rui Jorge Morais Tomaz Valadas Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar PhD Rui Manuel Fonseca Pinto PhD Rui Manuel Rodrigues Rocha Rui Pedro de Magalhães Claro Prior Sancho Moura Oliveira Coordinator Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Licenciado Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Name Pedro António Amado Assunção Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Pedro Miguel Naia Neves PhD PhD PhD PhD Sara Maria Fernandes Rato e Costa Marques Candeias Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria MSc Sérgio Marcelino PhD Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento PhD Tiago Travassos Vieira Vinhoza PhD Tomás Gomes da Silva Serpa Brandão PhD Traian Emanuel Abrudan PhD Valter Filipe Miranda Castelão da Silva Licenciatura Vasco Lagarto PhD PhD Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Vitor Manuel Mendes Silva Group Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Networked Systems – Po Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Networked Systems – Po Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Telecommunications and Networking – Av Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Networked Systems – Po Information Technology - Lx Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Security and Quantum Information –Lx Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Networked Systems – Po Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Networked Systems – Po Telecommunications and Networking – Av Telecommunications and Networking – Av Interactive Multimedia - Po Multimedia Signal Processing – Table 18 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Other Collaborators Position PhD Student Degree MSc Name Adriano Nunes Raposo PhD Student Alexandre Kimiyaki Ligo Licenciado Licenciatura Álvaro Henrique C. Gomes PhD Student MSc André Amorim de Faria Cardote PhD Student MSc André Braga Reis PhD Student MSc André Filipe Torres Martins PhD Student MSc André Lourenço PhD Student Assistant Professor PhD Student MSc PhD André Manuel Longo Moreira André Zúquete Andreia Filipa Torcato Mordido Ângela Cristina Marques de Oliveira Angelo Miguel Pires Arrifano PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student MSc Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student PhD Student MSc PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student MSc Group Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Networked Systems – Po Radio Systems – Av Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Networked Systems – Po Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Security and Quantum Information –Lx Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Information Technology - Lx Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Júnior António Luís Morais Costa da Silva Lopes Arlindo Oliveira da Veiga Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Artur Ferreira Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Bruno José Conchinha Security and Quantum Montalto Information –Lx Bruno Miguel Correia da Network Architectures and Silva Protocols – Cv Bruno Miguel Ferreira de Interactive Multimedia - Po Oliveira Carlos David Magalhães Multimedia Signal Queiroz Processing – Cv Carlos Jorge Santiago Telecommunications and Networking – Av Carlos Miguel Ferreira Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Carlos Miguel Silva Couto Networked Systems – Po Pereira Caroline Conti Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Chandrashekhar N. Padole Pattern and Image Analysis – CV ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Post. Doc. PhD Student PhD Student Assistant Professor PhD Student Assistant Professor PhD Student Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Degree Name Daniel Cláudio Pereira Diego Felix de Souza Group Interactive Multimedia - Po MSc Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Diogo João de Sousa Ferreira Networked Systems – Po Licenciatura Diogo Resende Rainho Telecommunications and Networking – Av MSc Eduardo Marta Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Elga Cristina Gato Correia Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv MSc Emanuel Martins Multimedia Signal Processing – Co MSc Evariste Logota Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Fabio de Lima Hedayioglu Interactive Multimedia - Po MSc Farhan Riaz Interactive Multimedia - Po MSc Fernando António Carvalho Network Architectures and Marcos Protocols – Cv Fernando Goulart da Silva Information Technology - Lx Filipe Cabral Pinto Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Licenciatura Filipe Cruz Gomes Soares Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv MSc Filipe dos Santos Neves Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv PhD Francisco Miguel Alves Security and Quantum Campos de Sousa Dionísio Information –Lx MSc Frank Juergen Knaesel Network Architectures and Protocols – Av PhD Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Network Architectures and Silva Protocols – Cv MSc Gil Melfe Mateus Santos Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv MSc Gonçalo Nuno Vinhas Leitão Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Guilherme Ribeiro Corrêa Multimedia Signal Processing – Co MSc Hana Khamfroush Networked Systems – Po MSc Helena Isabel Aidos Lopes Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx MSc Henrique José Monteiro Multimedia Signal Oliveira Processing – Lx MSc Hugo Filipe Pereira da Silva Information Theory – Po Reboredo MSc Hugo Humberto Plácido da Pattern and Image Analysis Silva – Lx MSc Hugo Moreira de Sousa Pinto Networked Systems – Po ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Student Degree PhD PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc João Manuel Pires Leitão Caldeira João Maria Duarte Andrade PhD Student MSc João Monteiro Soares Assistant Lecturer PhD Student MSc João Paulo Cordeiro MSc Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD João Paulo Patriarca de Almeida João Vasco Paulo Gomes PhD PhD MSc MSc PhD Student PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD PhD Student PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student PhD Student MSc MSc Name Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Jaime Arsénio de Brito Ramos Jan Gunnar Cederquist João Guilherme Pereira Rodrigues João Manuel Barbosa de Oliveira João Manuel Maia Duarte Joaquim Manuel Pereira Mateus Jorge Miguel Carvalho Gomes José Carlos G. P. Miranda José David Pereira Coutinho Gomes Antão José Francisco Monteiro Morgado José Luís Pimentel Antunes do Vale Matos José Mário Figueiredo Serra José Miguel de Carvalho Catela Teixeira Karina Girardi Roggia Ke Zhang Leonardo Filipe Gonçalves Novo PhD Student Licenciatura Lino Miguel Moreira Ferreira PhD Student Lucas Guardalben Group Information Technology - Lx Security and Quantum Information –Lx Security and Quantum Information –Lx Networked Systems – Po Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Networked Systems – Po Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Information Technology - Lx Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Interactive Multimedia - Po Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Security and Quantum Information –Lx Information Theory – Po Security and Quantum Information –Lx Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Network Architectures and Protocols – Av ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Degree Name Assistant PhD Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Professor Full Professor Agregação Luis António Serralva Vieira de Sá PhD Student MSc Luis David Moreira Pedrosa PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Associate Professor PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Group Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Multimedia Signal Processing – Co Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Luís Filipe Nunes Quaresma Network Architecture and de Oliveira Protocols – Lx MSc Luís Filipe Rosário Lucas Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr MSc Luís Miguel Barbosa da Costa Interactive Multimedia - Po Leite MSc Luís Miguel Lopes de Oliveira Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv PhD Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Information Technology - Lx Teixeira Botelho Luis Miguel Ramos Barbara Networked Systems – Po Cunha Pinto Licenciatura Luís Miguel Silva Telecommunications and Networking – Av MSc Manuel Mota Ferreira Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx MSc Márcio Daniel Tavares de Network Architectures and Melo Protocols – Av Maria Margarida Carreira Embedded Systems – Av Pires Urbano Maricica Nistor Networked Systems – Po Mate Boban Networked Systems – Po MSc Miguel Pereira dos Santos Network Architecture and Silva Protocols – Lx PhD Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Information Theory – Po Assistant Professor PhD Student Licenciatura PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD PhD Miguel Sousa Borges de Almeida Milton Armando Cunguara Mohammad Nozari Zarmehri Munnujahan Ara Nelson Carreira Francisco PhD Student MSc Nelson Filipe Capela PhD Student MSc Nuno Alexandre Tavares Coutinho Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Embedded Systems – Av Networked Systems – Po Information Theory – Po Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr Network Architectures and Protocols – Av Network Architectures and Protocols – Av PhD PhD Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Nuno Miguel Monteiro Barbosa Interactive Multimedia - Po PhD Student ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Assistant Professor PhD Student Degree PhD Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Assistant Lecturer PhD Student PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student PhD PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student MSc Name Paul Andrew Crocker Group Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv Paulo Alexandre Correia da Network Architectures and Silva Neves Protocols – Cv Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Embedded Systems – Av MSc Paulo Jorge Ferreira Baptista Network Architectures and Pinheiro Cordeiro Protocols – Cv Licenciatura Paulo Paiva Monteiro Multimedia Signal Processing – Co MSc Paulo Roberto Almeida Network Architecture and Moreira Costa Protocols – Lx MSc Pawel Andruszkiewicz Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv MSc Pedro Capão Radio Systems – Av MSc Pedro Emanuel Rodrigues Networked Systems – Po Gomes MSc Pedro Frazão Correia Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr MSc Pedro José Gonçalves Ribeiro Security and Quantum Information –Lx PhD Pedro José Guerra de Araújo Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv PhD Pedro Miguel dos Santos Security and Quantum Alves Madeira Adão Information –Lx Pedro Miguel Salgueiro dos Networked Systems – Po Santos Pedro Miranda de Andrade Networked Systems – Po de Albuquerque d´Orey MSc Pedro Tavares Barata Bastos Interactive Multimedia - Po Pedro Tiago Magalhães Networked Systems – Po Gomes MSc Ricardo Azevedo Guerra Network Architectures and Pereira Protocols – Av MSc Ricardo João Rodrigues Security and Quantum Gonçalves Information –Lx MSc Ricardo Jorge Alves Cordeiro Telecommunications and Networking – Av MSc Ricardo Jorge Fernandes Networked Systems – Po Ricardo Jorge Gamelas de Interactive Multimedia - Po Sousa MSc Ricardo Jorge Magalhães de Network Architectures and Matos Protocols – Av MSc Romeu Rabaça Monteiro Network Architectures and Protocols – Av MSc Rui Costa Cardoso Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position PhD Student Degree MSc Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student PhD MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc Name Rui Filipe Mendes Alves da Costa Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes Rui Manuel Pacheco Meireles Rui Pedro Quaresma Braz Samah Ahmad Mohammad Mustafa Sérgio Duarte Correia Group Networked Systems – Po Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx Networked Systems – Po Multimedia Signal Processing – Cv Information Theory – Po Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv PhD Student Sérgio Emanuel Duarte Dias Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv PhD Student Sílvio Brás Filipe Pattern and Image Analysis – CV PhD Student Susana Pereira Bulas Cruz Networked Systems – Po PhD Student MSc Sylvain Tony Marcelino Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr PhD Student MSc Teresa de Jesus Baptista Interactive Multimedia - Po Vieira PhD Student MSc Teresa Sarmento Henriques Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx PhD Student Thaísa Leal da Silva Multimedia Signal Processing – Co PhD Student MSc Tiago Silvestre Condeixa Network Architectures and Protocols – Av PhD Student Licenciatura Vasco Nuno da Gama de Network Architectures and Jesus Soares Protocols – Cv Assistant PhD Victor Manuel Letra Macedo Network Architectures and Professor Marques Protocols – Av MSc Vitor Simões Ribeiro Telecommunications and Networking – Av PhD Student Xiangrong Zeng Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx PhD Student MSc Xiem HoangVan Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Assistant PhD Yasser Rashid Revez Omar Security and Quantum Professor Information –Lx PhD Student Ye Can Interactive Multimedia - Po Table 19 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Neteworks and Multimedia Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.3 Summary of Research Achievements Contributing groups • Information Tecnology – Lx • Information Theory – Po • Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr • Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx • Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx • Network Architectures and Protocols – Av • Pattern and Image Analysis – CV • Security and Quantum Information –Lx Scope and Objectives The general medium term research direction in IT-Networks and Multimedia will aim at several goals: • A global network integrating multiple technologies and services, providing end-to-end quality of service (QoS), ubiquitous access, and security. The common denominator of such heterogeneous global network will almost surely be the Internet Protocol (IP). • New ways of storing/communicating, retrieving/accessing, processing, and presenting large volumes of multimedia data text, still images, video, and audio. The area of Networks and Multimedia includes 74 researchers with a PhD degree, and more than 130 PhD students and other collaborators. The research in this scientific area is organized in groups, with their main future research goals and topics of expertise are listed below. Expertise and topics for future research Information Theory • Investigation of fundamental communications limits of wired and wireless communications systems; Investigation of the fundamental security limits of communications systems; ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Study of the interactions between information theory and estimation theory, and their optimization of applications in the analysis, design and communications systems and in physical-layer security; • Investigation of the realization of common signal processing tasks (such as detection, estimation, classification, regression) within the paradigm of compressed sensing/sampling, mainly targeting applications to imaging systems. Interactive Miltimedia • Set the infrastructure and logistics to run three research labs on: computer graphics, computer vision, and human-computer interaction; • Set the foundation of 3d synthetic characters and how they behave in virtual and real environments. • Study and deploy a character animation pipeline to create look-a-like avatars; • Study and deploy a markerless facial motion capture system that uses low-cost equipment, such as web-cams; • Create an animation system that automatically animates 3d facial models based on the markerless facial motion capture data; • Realize a game prototype for the recognition of facial emotions using our facial sketching technique, and reproduce facial expressions from a specific person, wearing a head-mounted display, into a synthetic 3d avatar. Multimedia Signal Processing • Application of multi-fractal theory for medical image and video analysis; • Automatic discrimination of breast tumors in ultrasonic images: quantification and classification of breast tissue density and study of its variance in the neighborhood of breast tumor lesions. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Design and development of a 3d holographic video codec, taking into account the perceptual characteristics introduced by the channel, the target display, and the human visual system. • Development of robust acoustic modelling methods, by automatic segmentation of speakers, linguistic and non-linguistic events and speech utterances in broadcast programs. • Study of voice pathologies and dysarthria, using signal analysis and acoustic models for speakers with voice disorders. • Automatic creation of phonetic dictionaries for portuguese. • Exploring prosodic and linguistic features of the speech segments in the bd database. • Studying hesitation phenomena detected automatically from the speech. • Making forensic voice comparison using various speech features. • Research on the practical aspects of dvb-t deployment and in-building distribution. • Research on motion compensation for distributed video coding and for video coding standards. • Development of complexity control schemes for video codecs (namely hevc), looking for solutions for embedded platforms to control the amount of power used in coding video, and studying parallel implementation of hevc codecs. • Research on video summarization and segmentation, namely focusing on the choice of metrics, the reproduction process, and the integration into temporally scalable video coding algorithms. • Development of efficient rate control algorithms for multiple description video encoders, using the h.264/avc framework for dynamic network adaptation to multiple paths and error robustness scenarios. • Development of biometric identification and verification methods with enhanced security (notably using distributed source coding tools) and robustness (namely for unconstrained environments and based on partial or degraded data). • Development ofiris recognition methods for the non-cooperative at-adistance capture environment by modelling deformations under ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA different lighting conditions and through the use of periocular information. • Research on analysis of road surface pavement images, for the supervision and management support of road infrastructures, namely highways. • Development of processing techniques for 3d video, namely 3d holoscopic video. • Developmentof objective video quality assessment methods for iptv networks. • Research on digital image and video segmentation and classification, for automatic power line maintenance inspection. • Development of efficient distributed video coding solutions based on the wyner-ziv and slepian-wolf theorems. • Development of h.264/avc based efficient video coding solutions based on geometric transforms. • Development of efficient combined predictive-distributed video coding solutions. Pattern and Image Analysis • Rresearch on deep learning, based on the idea that multiple layers of representation are useful in certain problems, such as, to alleviate the burden of retraining between different but similar tasks by reusing some of the representation layers. • Research on evolutionary computation: study of the use of multiple gpus for implementing commonly used algorithms in the area. • Proposal and implementation of a framework in order to operationalize the larg (lean, agile, resilient and green – larg) evaluation model for supply chains. • Research on using soft computing techniques for automatic drug infusion in medical care environment. • Development of image analysis methods for automatic cell annotation and for the analysis chest x-rays. • Development of new cluster validation techniques and new algorithms for clustering dyadic data. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Research on new clustering ensemble methods and (dis)similarity learning from data. • Classification of sequences using information theoretic distances, with applications in biometrics (namely eeg) and text classification. • Research on bling separationof linearly mixed phase-lockedsources. • Research on analysis and processing of hyperspectral data for remote sensing and near infrared imaging applications. • Development of fast algorithms for imaging inverse problems, involving non-smooth regularization and non-gaussian observation models. • Research on on-line algorithms for learning classifiers in structured contexts, namely for natural language processing applications (e.g., parsing). • Research on blind image deblurring, namelyfurther testing and improvement of the multi-resolution approach, search for better cost functions, and development of new criteria for selecting the regularization parameter and the stopping threshold. • Blind estimation and inversion of nonlinear distortion in signals. • Development of new tools for sar data, providing effective improvements of the state of art capabilities in maritime surveillance. • Development of an underwater communications testbed using ultrasound signals. Architectures, Protocols and Services • Correctness of connection management protocols with application to the Internet. • Internet routing. (a) Study of mechanisms and incentives for the deployment of route aggregation. (b) Advances on the algebraic theory of routing. (c) Scalability of MPLS networks. • Theoretical and experimental study of complex networks’ structure and dynamics. • Design and experimental assessment of networked multimedia systems. Particular emphasis will be given to the signaling and media transport issues and to the support of challenging media content. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Home networking. Development of new context-aware interfaces for smartphones. • Wireless sensor networks. (a) Development of new applications based on the 6LowPAN protocol. (b) Development of a new board (hardware) for sensor networks, dedicated to actuation purposes. (c) Initial foray into the so-called “participatory sensing”. • Wireless sensor networks: a solution for environmental and body sensor network solution will be proposed for ultra-light aircraft pilot monitoring. • Deployment of an experimental network setup (at Tagus Park), interconnecting a mesh of routers. • Network applications for monitoring and training of life styles, namely by researching on the effects of converged network and communications technologies. • Deployment of VDTN testbed, including aggregation and de- aggregation mechanisms, andfragmentation algorithms. • E-learning: a new eLearning platform that incorporates contributionsfrom the Web 2.0/3.0 (including online social networks) in the context of personal learning environments. • Mobile and ubiquitous computing, in particular location and context aware applications with a focus on eHeath and ambient assisted living topics. • Wearable technologies, in particular, development of technological garments for health status monitoring and interface with domotic systems. • Intelligent Transportation Systems: definition of adequate models for wireless signal propagation and quality of service assessment, including the impact of vehicles as obstacles in vehicle-to-vehicle communication Traffic Engineering • Congestion control in the internet. (a) investigation of binary congestion signaling schemes to control rate-based and windowbased sources. (b) implementation and testing of new end-to-end ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA congestion control mechanisms for links with large bandwidth-delay products. • Traffic analysis. (a) robust feature selection and robust pca for internet traffic anomaly detection. (b) portability of statistical classifiers for the identification of internet applications. • Theory and practice of quality of experience (qoe) assessment. particular emphasis will be given to the media transport issues, namely its impact on qoe parameters and the mapping between quality of service (qos) and qoe. • Evaluation of methodologies for the assessment of the quality of internet access provided by isps. • Application of bio-signal measurements to the assessment of quality of experience, in particular, to devising an autonomous and bio-signal based method to assess QoE. • Research on network traffic classification, in particular by assessing the effects of changes in the lower layers of the communication models Fundamentals of Networking • Physical-layer security: impact of physical-layer security strategies on the secure connectivity of large-scale wireless networks. • Network coding: delay, fairness, security and applications in video streaming and peer-to-peer systems. • Information security: algorithms for equational reasoning under cryptographic algebraic theories and their integration in a probabilistic model for the analysis of guessing and other offline attacks, and to design and study a suitable equational-based probabilistic dynamic epistemic companion logic. • Applicability of the notion of algorithmic information theory to cryptographic primitives. • One-way functions: we take a fresh look into one way functions trying to give an individual approach to this concept based on time bounded kolmogorov complexity. we propose a new definition of oneway function and study its connection with classical one way functions (namely weak, string and deterministic one way functions). ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA we also prove some results concerning relating classical one way functions and the expected value of kolmogorov complexity. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.4 Running and Concluded Projects Overview Funding Agency Number COST-ESF 1 EC 1 ESF, COST 1 EU, FP7 5 European Union (FP7) 1 FCT 2 FCT, UT Austin 1 FCT, UT Austin 1 FCT/CAPES 1 FCT/CMU 5 FCT/PTDC 23 FCT/PTDC 2 IT 11 Microsoft 1 Plano de Inovação PTInovação 1 PT Inovação 5 PT Telecom, FCT, UT Austin 1 QREN 1 QREN/COMPETE 1 Table 20 – Number of active projects in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Activity in Projects Acron / Ref 3D VIVANT Title Live Immerse Video-Audio Interactive Multimedia Funding EU, FP7 Descript. The aim of the project 3D VIVANT is to capture events automatically in 3D and deliver them for realistic, interactive and immersive play back to home users-viewers. This will require the project to create, develop and integrate a comprehensive range of components from the generic technology of 3D imaging. Real and virtual 3D content will be homogeneously combined/mixed producing a novel form of rich and interactive content, defined as “3D Holoscopic content”. 3D Holoscopic imaging is a technique for creating full colour 3D optical models that exist in space independently of the viewer. The images exhibit continuous parallax throughout the viewing zone. The continuous nature of the images produced with this method eliminates the effect of 'cardboarding' (flattening of objects into discrete depth planes) and flipping (a visible effect created by moving between image fields) present in multiview stereoscopic systems. Unlike multiview stereoscopy, information about a point is contained in many different parts of the image plane. In this respect 3D Holoscopic imaging is akin to holography. However 3D Holoscopic imaging is more advantageous, since it can operate under incoherent illumination, which is in contrast with holography, and hence it allows more conventional live capture and display procedures to be adopted. Furthermore, in viewing the 3D optical model accommodation and convergence work in unison (i.e. the viewer’s eyes focus and converge to the same point) to prevent eye-strain from occurring. The 3D VIVANT project will investigate the possibility of using different technologies for capture and display of 3D content. For the capture, 3D VIVANT will take full advantage of 3D Holoscopic imaging technology, where a single camera is required. Hence in this project a world first single aperture ultra-high definition 3D Holoscopic imaging camera will be constructed which will permit live capture of 3D content. For the ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA display, the project will take advantage of Holography to provide immersive, ultra high resolution presentation of 3D content. To increase the immersive experience, the generation and playback of 3D spatial sound is also investigated. The developed system will be tested using two user cases, namely, broadcasting and online hyperlinking. For this purpose various 3D Holoscopic video processing algorithms, such as 3D codecs and 3D object segmentation, as well as search and retrieval techniques will be developed. Acron / Ref Title 3D-ConTourNet 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks Funding EC Descript. This COST Action undertakes coordinated research collaboration, at European level, in 3D multimedia creation, encoding, delivery and reception of services and applications over future networking technologies. A scientific framework is devised to integrate the main elements of the delivery chain, such as 3D content creation and encoding evolution, transmission across heterogeneous networks and user consumption, taking perceived quality as an overall key performance factor. Several individual R&D efforts are currently running across Europe, targeted at 3D technologies. This Action aims at beyond this trend by tightening closer together scattered efforts and integrating all technological elements with user 3D quality perception. To reach this goal, this Action fuels cooperation between researchers and industry experts, envisaging production of technical and scientific deliverables for researchers, scientists, engineers and managers, new business model recommendations for content and service providers through joint meetings across academia and industry, plus documentation and multimedia presentations to promote 3D technology in the society. The benefits include increased relevancy of European research, contribution to the development and sustainability of new and better 3D multimedia communications technology and provision of a platform for faster launching and adoption of related new products and services across ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Europe for end users’ beneficiary Acron / Ref 3DVAP Title 3D video adaptation based on perceptual metrics Funding National Science Foundation - QREN Descript. The research work in this project is focused on 3D video stream adaptation methods capable of maximizing 3D perceptual quality under different sets of known constraints. The joint interdependencies between rate, 3D perceptual distortion and decoding complexity will be investigated using subjective evaluation and validation procedures. Adaptation of 3D video streams is mainly targeted at rate, format and decoding complexity adaptation, taking into account that 3D video includes more parameters suitable for adaptation which provide an increased level of flexibility (e.g., the 3D signal is coded into two streams which might undergo through different channel errors and constraints, variable depth distortion in the spatial and temporal domains producing similar perceptual quality, asymmetric distortion in stereoscopic video, effect of error concealment methods in 3D perception, etc). The project research is also concerned in devising power-aware adaptation functions such that decoding power consumption is reduced at the expense of minimum quality cost. This is an open topic for research in 3D video since decoding is far more complex than monoscopic video and the need for low complexity decoding is higher because of limited battery life and lower computational resources in portable decoders. Acron / Ref 3DVQM Title 3D Video Quality Monitor Funding IT Descript. The project is focussed on research and development of 3D video ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA perceptual quality monitoring in error prone networks, such as the near future 3DTV services over IP or DVB networks. The challenge is to establish a set of (Quality of Experience) QoE metrics and their relationship with objective measurements that affect the overall QoE. These metrics are computed from a combination of transport network layer information, quality features of 3D video signal and coding parameters embedded in compressed streams. The project seeks to investigate No-Reference (NR) methods such that blind 3D quality assessment can be carried out at any point of the delivery chain including the receiving terminal. Such an approach is rather more challenging than Full-Reference (FR) or even Reduced-Reference (RR) methods, where either the original signal or partial information about it is available. Acron / Ref ADIAR Title Alzheimer Disease: Image Analysis and Recognition Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The goal of this project is twofold: 1. to get a deeper insight into the manifestations of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer 's disease (AD) both in space and time dimensions 2. to produce more accurate diagnosis tools using PET images of the brain. In order to achieve these goals, we propose to develop automatic classification tools for PET brain images to: 1. differentiate between Alzheimer's disease (AD), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and normal control subjects (NC). 2. distinguish between MCI patients who convert to AD (MCI-C) from those who remain stable, the non-converters (MCI NC). 3. identify individual patterns of disease evolution, by assessing morphological changes along the time, based on follow up scans for each ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA patient. 4. incorporate complementary sources of information, namely based on cognitive evaluation tests, into the diagnosis process. Acron / Ref Title BioSec Secure Multimodal Biometric Recognition System using Distributed Source Coding Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Biometric recognition systems target the automatic recognition of a person’s identity based on physical, physiological or behavioural characteristics (something a person is or produces). In particular, verification systems perform one to one authentication, comparing the captured biometric data with that person’s own biometric template (a mathematical representation of the biometric features extracted during the enrolment phase) previously stored in the system. One of the major vulnerabilities associated to biometric recognition systems is that once a biometric template becomes compromised, it cannot be reissued, updated or destroyed. An attacker could then gain access to all the accounts/services/applications using that same biometric trait. The main goal of the project is to create a secure multimodal biometric verification system, supporting the generation of different templates from the same biometric data, as well as cancellable templates. Furthermore, the privacy of the original biometric data needs to be guaranteed, not allowing its recovery from the stored data. State-of-the-art methods will be extended by considering a biometric verification system based on distributed source coding principles and cryptographic hash functions, to enhance security with respect to traditional biometric systems. The additional consideration of multimodal biometrics helps preventing increasing recognition rates spoof attempts by imposters while ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref BST Title Bluetooth Sensing Technology Funding IT Descript. The Bluetooth Sensing Technology project aims to deploy Bluetooth scanners along the freeway/arterial network in the road proximity. The idea is to locate a single detector in a place that can cover both ways of direction where data can be transmitted without interferences (i.e. the middle of a freeway, Fig. 2). In addition to the main task of designing and building a prototype of Bluetooth scanner (Task 1), the Bluetooth Sensing Technology project will include two other tasks that further expand the scope of the collaborative research that is involving faculty from different Portuguese research institutions and universities: the research experiment conduction to measure the traffic conditions (Task 2) and the data evaluation and results interpretation (Task 3). Conclusions regarding effective traffic management, control and flow optimization as it pertains to travel information such as Origin/Destination (O/D) matrices, travel times and route inference will be drawn by comparison of these parameters for each vehicle. The data evaluation will allow characterizing arterial/freeway systems and classifying them. Acron / Ref CAC-EPC Title Controlo de Admissão e Reserva de Recursos em Ambientes 4G EPC/LTE Funding PT Inovação Descript. Acron / Ref CAGE Title Computer Assisted Gastroenterology Examination Funding FCT/PTDC ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Descript. Research and develop novel gastroenterology image analysis algorithms for the extraction of clinical information. Acron / Ref CellNote Touch Title CellNote Touch - Touch-based Interactive Annotation of Cellular Images Funding IT Descript. Biomedical research typically requires the collection of very high quantities of microscopy images, with its subsequent manual or semiautomatic analysis using support software. This task is slow, subjective and very tiring, which motivates its full automation, allowing scientists to devote their full attention to the more critical issues of their research. The CellNote Touch project will combine research in computer vision and human-computer interaction to create an interactive touch-based tool for an improved analysis and annotation of cellular images that can run on a simple tablet-type computer. Acron / Ref COHERENT Title Coding and Communications over Heterogeneous Technologies Funding IT Descript. COHERENT will deliver fundamental knowledge and a proof-of-concept for network coding as a key enabler of efficient networking for multihomed devices. By exploiting the multiple, coexisting technologies in the end terminals, e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, WiMAX, UMTS, COHERENT shall focus on developing resource allocation and decision algorithms developed to optimise the use of the multiple available technologies, leveraging advanced coding techniques. Our view is that the optimal trade-off between energy efficiency, quality of service, network resources optimization, and economic costs can only be achieved by fully exploiting synergies amongst heterogeneous wireless networks (HWN) through multi-homing. The existing heterogeneous mobility platform ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA developed by previous projects (PANORAMA and LTE_Mob) between Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) – Aveiro and Portugal Telecom Inovação (PTIN) shall be used for practical evaluation and demonstration of the developed algorithms and methodologies. Conversely, the platform’s functionality will be enhanced with joint coding and resource allocation algorithms Acron / Ref Title ComFormCrypt ComFormCrypt - Computational Semantics of Formal Methods in Cryptography Funding FCT-PTDC Descript. This project addresses the problem of correct symbolic abstractions of cryptographic primitives for the purpose of symbolic, automated proving of security properties of protocols. Computer security has been of major interest in the past two decades. This field provides both interesting research problems and important applications to everyone's life such as e-commerce and e-government, hence the need for designing better and safer security protocols. Proving security of protocols however is a difficult task that sometimes cannot be performed by hand, therefore several tools have been designed to deal with such a complex problem [B01,BMV05,P98]. But the need for such (automated) tools is not only due to the complexity of the protocols. If we consider the simple protocol proposed by Needham and Schroeder in 1978 [NS78], it was not until 1996 that Lowe discovered his famous attack on the protocol using the CSP-model checker FDR [L96] and suggested a fix. The attack used a flaw in the protocol design, the encryption itself was assumed to be perfectly secure. With this ''perfect'' cryptography assumption the protocol is simple enough to be easily analyzed by standard model-checkers and theorem provers. The fix was shown to be safe as long as encryption was perfect. But what happens when the cryptographic primitives are not perfect, which is the case in real life where we can always guess a key with small probability? After some positive results regarding cryptographic soundness of such ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA abstractions, Warinschi [W03] showed that the same attack discovered by Lowe against the NS protocol, could be performed against the corrected version if a somewhat weak but standard encryption scheme is used, the El-Gamal encryption scheme. This result turned the attention of the research community for the need of soundness results for formal cryptography, ie, the importance to characterize when protocols proved correct using perfect cryptography are correct when implemented with computational cryptography. Computational soundness of formal cryptography is an active research area and members of this team have been involved in several of its fronts [ABS05,ABHS05,ABHS09,AF06,AFGZN08,BHO07,BHO09,BMS06] Symbolic models provide abstractions for the study of cryptography that are amenable for automatic verification of complex protocols but assume ''perfect cryptography'' [DY93]. Messages, keys, encryptions, attacks, all appear as formal objects described with symbolic operations, axioms, derivation rules; cryptographic operations are modeled as functions on a space of symbolic expressions and security properties are also treated symbolically. This method ignores the probabilistic nature of encryptions. It provides a powerful way to describe how an adversary may interfere, corrupt, deceive participants of a protocol, and grab this way information not addressed to him. This method is much easier to handle mathematically than the computational, the proofs can be automated but, as the probabilistic nature is ignored, security within this framework does not necessarily mean security in the real world. Real probabilistic attacks that are outside the framework of this model may still happen [W03] On the other hand in the computational model cryptographic operations act on strings of bit and their security properties are defined in terms of probability and computational complexity [GM84]. Computational security proofs make use of techniques of these theories; proofs have to be done by hand (ie cannot be automated) and are different for each protocol. Good protocols are those in which attackers cannot do something bad too often and efficiently enough. This is a very detailed description, closer to reality as it involves the notion of efficient computation, hence complexity and probabilities. However, even for ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA mildly complex protocols this approach simply becomes too difficult and impossible to handle. The unification of these two models is absolutely necessary for symbolic security proofs to be trustable. So far in the literature there are fragmented attempts done by different research groups, but as their treatment lack sound mathematical basis, the results themselves and how they are related are questionable AR02,ABHS09,AF06,BPW03,C01,CC08,DDMST05,MW04] We expect this research project to deliver new insights to the relationship between the symbolic and computational models, clarify the applicability and limitations of existing approaches to this problem, and provide sound mathematical foundations that can be used in the future as a common framework and technique for sound symbolic abstraction of new cryptographic primitives. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop/adapt fully automated tools for symbolic models that, via our soundness results, entail strong cryptographic guarantees to the computational model, hence substituting the tedious complexity-theoretic proofs of computational cryptography by automated ones Acron / Ref COST IC 1106 Title Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age Funding COST-ESF Descript. Forensics is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to a legal system. This may be in relation to a crime or a civil action” [Wikipedia]. Since many such questions boil down to identifying, or verifying the identity, of people allegedly involved in some action, a clear relationship exists between forensics and biometrics. Biometrics developed a number of techniques which can clearly facilitate the identification of people involved in criminal actions or civil incidents. Thus, although the two communities have traditionally often operated in relative isolation, there are many scenarios where the synergic ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA cooperation of multimodal biometrics and forensics can be successfully applied. To address such multifaceted areas it is important to develop an interdisciplinary network with complementary competences, to foster the birth of a new community which can develop novel technological solutions to crucial issues and new challenges in forensic science. The Action will promote new partnerships, will provide education and training, will contribute to develop new standards and best practices, will produce awareness of the potential benefits of advanced technologies for evidence analysis in forensic cases and will stimulate improved mutual understanding of collaborative working models linking the academic and industrial sectors. Acron / Ref CSB Title Cloud Service Broker Funding PT Inovação Descript. To develop a Cloud Service Broker capable of easing crucial lifecycle application stages (deployment, management, and monitoring) from developers orchestrating the whole process together with a PaaS Manager and an IaaS Manager. Acron / Ref CSI^2 Title Cryptographic Security of Individual Instances Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Cryptographic Security of Individual Instances Acron / Ref DECA-Bio Title Dependent Component Analysis of Biological Signals Funding IT ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Descript. This project is meant to support a three-way collaboration between ITLisbon, IT-Coimbra, and Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. The three research groups involved have two things in common: they all work in blind source separation (BSS) in situations where the typical approach through Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is not appropriate; and they all apply these techniques to biological signals. Our proposal is to pool together the e orts of the three research groups. They have recently worked in two main domains: separation of phaselocked subspaces; and separation of cardiac sounds. Although these two domains are very di erent, they share several aspects: 1) they are both inverse problems; 2) the observation model is linear; 3) the sources are assumed to be statistically dependent. The team will develop novel algorihms to tackle these two separation problems, based mainly on two approaches: matrix factorization and Bayesian inference. Acron / Ref Title EPIC EPIC - Efficient Pattern-matching Image Compression on many-core systems Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main goal of this project is to study the implementation of high performance recurrent pattern matching-based compression algorithms in many-core platforms, namely in Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). Acron / Ref FACE EXPRESS Title FACE EXPRESS Funding PT Telecom, FCT, UT Austin Descript. T''Face Express'' is a one year project that extends the technology developed in the LIFEisGAME project funded by FCT UT Austin | Portugal Program. It targets young children and their families that are customers of Meo Kids. Children will learn by drawing through an interactive devise, how to express and recognize their emotions. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA The ''Face Express'' project shows how it is possible to teach children how to recognize facial emotions, using real-time synthesis and automatic facial expression analysis. Our interactive digital media solution, MEO Box and Kinect and/or similar, has an explicit and carefully throught-out educational purpose: to help improve the children’s communication skills and learn to recognize emotions in a fun way and without inducing stress. The overall technological objective is to deploy a low cost real-time facial animation system embedded in a game, which can be used by everyone in the family in a social, educational and leisure environment. By the end of this project we would have carried out research leading to the following objectives: O1. To deploy a facial motion capture system that uses low cost hardware. O2. To provide a general methodology to create a facial expression analyzer and classifier system that will serve as a basis for the game score engine. O3. To explore different interaction models to define the most adequate tangible user interface to allow an immersive behaviour when interacting with the children. We will extend our sketching technique. O4. To study, validate and propose a novel game concept that will improve social and communication skills by training interpersonal awareness through a playful game. O5. To realize and evaluate a prototype game with the proposed platform. O6. To disseminate results to the public and to the scientific community. Acron / Ref Future Cities Title Future Cities Funding Comissão Europeia Descript. Auxiliar ao lançamento de um centro de competências para as cidades ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA do futuro. Acron / Ref GOLEM Title GOLEM: Realistic Virtual Humans Funding EU, FP7-People Descript. The overall objective of GOLEM is to share knowledge between Industry and Academia in order to successfully achieve the following scientific and technological objectives. The main goal of the project is to carry out multidisciplinary research that will result in technology that radically improves the visual appearance and behaviour of virtual characters (avatars), while streamlining the production pipeline and keeping them customizable and affordable. This will have a relevant impact in 1) industries (such as movies or games) 2) academia (by advancing the state of the art in the related research fields) and 3) neuroscience (by using the avatars in novel experiments about presence in virtual environments). GOLEM encompasses two complementary objectives; the first objective is the development of a novel, optimized pipeline that covers capture, synthesis and animation of realistic virtual humans in real time, which will enhance current state-of-the-art techniques to create virtual humans in fields such as game production or cinematography. It is estimated that its development will save up to 90% of time in the animation process. Based on the achieved results, the second objective of this project is to conduct novel research on presence in virtual environments. Acron / Ref GreenEyes Title Networked energy-aware visual analysis Funding EU, FP7 Descript. The potential of the Internet of Things is leading to a paradigm shift with an ambitious long-term vision, in which battery-operated sensing nodes are empowered with sight and are capable of complex visual analysis ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA tasks. Unfortunately, this is out of reach with the current technology. GreenEyes will develop a comprehensive set of new methodologies, algorithms and protocols, to empower wireless sensor networks with vision capabilities comparable to those achievable by power-eager smart camera systems. The key tenet is that most visual analysis tasks can be carried out based on a succinct representation of the image, which entails both global and local features, while it disregards the underlying pixel-level representation. Still, under severe energy constraints it is imperative to optimize the computation, the coding and the transmission of the features. On the computation and coding side, GreenEyes will tackle the problem by reversing the conventional compress-then-analyze paradigm. That is, image features are collected by sensing nodes, processed, and delivered to final destination(s) in order to enable higher level visual analysis tasks by means of either centralized or distributed detectors and classifiers, somewhat mimicking the processing of visual stimuli in the early visual system. The transmission of visual features is subject to tight application-dependent requirements (bandwidth/delay guarantees), and may be affected by network conditions. Therefore, on the communication side, GreenEyes will pursue the design of networking tools for wireless multimedia sensor networks for energy efficient distributed control, information delivery and in-network processing optimized for the visual analysis task. Acron / Ref HE[eee]SIT[u]ATION Title HE[eee]SIT[u]ATION: Portuguese Hesitation Models Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main objective of this work is to establish hesitation models of continuous spoken European Portuguese, that is, to identify the pertinent linguistic characteristics (features) of the phenomenon that are regular in its production. Operational objectives are the following: a) To describe Portuguese hesitation phenomena, under acoustic- ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA prosodic and morphologic-syntactic parameters. b) To define linguistic rules and models for the automatic identification and handling of hesitations in continuous speech. c) To create an annotated database of hesitations for the European Portuguese that will be available to the speech and language research community. Acron / Ref HoHus Title High-performance Onboard Hyperspectral Unmixing Systems Funding IT Descript. Hyperspectral imaging has recently emerged as a powerful remote sensing technology. The huge data volumes acquired by these sensors put stringent requirements on data processing techniques as most of the remote sensing applications require an immediate response. The project aims at the development and implementation in GPU and FPGA hardware of the main steps of the unmixing techniques in a parallel fashion. The full unmixing system supported by specialized hardware may be suitable in the future for real-time onboard processing. Acron / Ref ICSI Title Intelligent Cooperative Sensing for Improved traffic efficiency Funding European Union (FP7) Descript. The goal of the project is to define a new architecture to enable cooperative sensing in intelligent transportation systems and to develop a reference end-to-end implementation. The project results will enable advanced traffic and travel management strategies, based on reliable and real-time input data. The effectiveness of such new strategies, together with the proposed system, will be assessed in two field trials. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref Title InVivoMuscle Development of “in vivo” experimental techniques and modeling methodologies for the evaluation of the mechanical load applied on the musculoskeletal system Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main goal is to pursue interdisciplinary research involving muscle physiology, biomechanics and neuromuscular control. The actual focus is to conduct research for the evaluation of biomechanical load on the musculoskeletal system. Our underlying hypothesis is that the increasing of the amount of exercise can positively influence biological tissue morphology and functional mechanical properties. Nevertheless, excessive loading, both in intensity as well as frequency and volume, can be associated to acute and chronic musculoskeletal impairments. We aim to study the effect of specific mechanical loads in the musculoskeletal system, with special emphasis in the muscle-tendon complex, and the cartilage. The study will be centered on architectural/structural, functional and neuromuscular chronic and acute changes associated to the mechanical load supported while the body is undergoing exercise routines, of moderate to high mechanical cyclic loading. To accomplish the study of the biological tissue chronic and acute adaptations to cyclic mechanical loading two complementary approaches will be used: (1) in vivo imaging methodologies (magnetic resonance imaging - MRI - and ultrasonography - US); (2) biomechanics modeling. We are concerned with the changes in muscle and tendon stiffness, cartilage thickness and collagen arrangement. The neuromuscular control systems are sensitive to neural fatigue, and this can be measured through EMG. These changes will be assessed and introduced into the models throughout the redefinition of the activation process. Structural and functional analysis of cartilage and muscle-tendon complex before and after mechanical load will be available from MRI and SE. The resulting information will be correlated and those changes will be related with the estimated joint loading (using biomechanical modeling). All this data will be further analyzed applying clustering techniques for exploratory data analysis, crossing it with the different types of ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA mechanical loads. Acron / Ref LANDAUER Title LANDAUER - Operating ICT basic switches below the Landauer limit Funding EU, FP7 Descript. The scientific objective of this project is to test the fundamental limits in energy dissipation during the operation of physical switches representing the basic elements of logic gates. We address the physical limits arising from a generic switch mechanism that is common to any digital device, with specific reference to the fundamental limit arising from the decrease of information in the computation procedure, also known as Landauer limit. The technological objective of this project is to introduce new conceptual devices that, through novel computing paradigms with radically improved efficiency, are capable of trading the minimum amount of energy dissipated with the computational precision. Acron / Ref LIFEisGAME Title LIFEisGAME: LearnIng of Facial Emotions usIng Serious GAMEs Funding FCT, UT Austin Descript. To carry out research that leads to a system capable of facial synthesis in real time with cinematographic quality To explore different models to define the most adequate tangible user interface to allow an immersive behavior when interacting with people that sufer of ASD To disseminate results to the public and to the scientific community ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref MC-WMNs Title Redes em Malha Múltiplas baseadas em Contexto Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Acron / Ref MuViDisco Title Multiview Video Disparity Compensation using Geometric Transforms Funding IT Descript. The main objective of this project is to develop a novel prediction model that we expected to increase the performance of traditional 3D video encoders. This technique will efficiently exploit geometric transformations to warp each image block from one view to another, thus modeling the disparity effect. Acron / Ref MUVIS Title MUlti-view distributed coding for VIsual Sensor networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Distributed video coding (DVC) is a compression paradigm based on two key Information Theory results from the 70s: the Slepian-Wolf and the Wyner-Ziv theorems. Contrary to the available predictive video codecs, DVC codecs exploit the source statistics at the decoder providing functional benefits such as: 1) flexible distribution of the computational complexity between encoder and decoder; 2) in-built robustness to channel losses; 3) exploitation of Inter-view data correlation at the decoder. These functional benefits are very important for visual sensor networks, ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA a network of wireless low-power video camera nodes, used for a wide range of applications such as surveillance, monitoring of remote areas or tele-presence systems. Visual sensor networks are characterized by: 1) Inter-view correlation between camera nodes with overlapped views; 2) up-link communication between many encoders (one at each camera node) to a few decoders; 3) independent compression of each view, since collaboration between cameras is difficult to implement or rather inefficient. Due to these characteristics, it is not efficient (or possible) to compress each captured view at a central node with the typical predictive approach, e.g. using the recent multi-view video coding H.264/MVC (Multi-view Video Coding) standard, since it implies to exploit spatial, temporal and Inter-view correlations at a rather high complexity encoder. The architectural distributed benefit since coding it approach does not provides require a any significant Inter-camera communication to explore the Inter-view correlation while the predictive approach requires the availability of all views at some central encoding location, forcing communication between cameras. This project will advance state-of-the-art by developing competitive multi-view DVC solutions for visual sensor networks, notably by proposing: 1. Side information (SI) creation and correlation noised modeling: To fully exploit the potential of the multi-view distributed video coding paradigm, high quality side information (an estimation of the source created at the decoder) must be created by (jointly) exploiting temporal and Inter-view correlations. In this case, solutions that combine temporal and Inter-view SI estimators by using preliminary decoded data as helper information will be proposed. In addition, correlation noise models capturing the statistical correlation between the side information (available at the decoder) and the source (available at the encoder) will also be proposed along with the estimation of the relevant parameters. 2. Hybrid predictive-distributed video coding: The combination of predictive coding techniques, to exploit the temporal correlation, with distributed coding techniques, to exploit the Inter-view correlation, may be a successful “cocktail” to obtain improved rate-distortion (RD) ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA performance. This approach was never exploited before (as much as the authors know) and will require to reinvent popular coding techniques at both encoder and decoder. In this case, it is also expected to obtain error resilience improvements, which is quite important in this type of error-prone networks (typically wireless). Acron / Ref NETS Title Next Generation Network Operations and Management Funding FCT/CMU Descript. Effective network management has been widely recognized as a grand challenge. Enterprise networks spend an increasing amount of their IT budgets (up to 70% in 2008) in order to only maintain their current operating environments, rather than to add new, value-adding services and equipment. A $1000 server that demands annual maintenance cost of $2000 illustrates a simple example of the management problem. This excessive cost of network management is mainly due to the large scale of networks, the heterogeneity of different technologies, and their subtle interactions. The goal of NeTS is to develop a novel network operation and management framework that departs from conventional approaches through a cross-disciplinary research collaboration based on hierarchical network abstraction modeling, structure learning of probabilistic graphical models for machine learning, and wavelet and kernel-based signal processing technologies. In multiple phases, NeTS will be progressively deployed in the Portugal Telecom (PT)’s operation and management of high definition IP/TV network to illustrate the impact of our proposed research. High Definition IP/TV network is one of the highest growth services for PT and is regarded as a key strategic area in PT. The grand challenge of this complex network is to deliver, without failures, a high quality service efficiently – this requires novel management/operations systems to detect anomalies, identify their root-causes, and predict future network behavior in real time. Existing network management systems for IP/TV are generally focused on monitoring and on simple correlation of events analysis; using these ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA management systems still incurs in excessive costs and delays. NeTS will be deployed online in part of PT’s IP/TV network in order to assess its performance and expected network operations and management cost reduction. Network operators will play a key role in assessment and finetuning of our systems. Our approach to this research problem is significantly different from conventional approaches that focus on monitoring and correlation analysis. We bring together insights from network abstraction and statistical and heuristic machine learning methods and closely tie them to build an intelligent network abstraction model. Network insights show that the network configuration dictates the behavior of the network control plane and the network control plane dictates the behavior of the data plane. We bring configuration, control and data plane abstraction models together with probabilistic graphical models to derive an intelligent and predictable network abstraction model of an enterprise network. Further novelty of our approach consists of performing automatic learning of the graph structure using concepts from Bayesian model selection, information theory, and optimization; this will be done step-by-step using first static network configuration elements, then by summarization and filtering of dynamic control plane information, and finally of data plane information. Once a graphical model is obtained for the network, we will perform inference on the graph to identify anomalies and their root-causes and to predict future network behavior. Finally, we will explore the concept of forcing function to impose restrictions on the network configuration that simplify the graphical model and the inference process. This project heavily leverages on previous network abstraction modeling work with PT in last 3 years. The direct impact of this research will be on the network operations and management of PT’s IP/TV service. Although at this point it is not possible to say what the real impact will be, we anticipate a reduction of at least 30% on network operations and management costs. This is supported by the anticipation that support teams will be directed to a single extremely likely root cause of a failure rather than to multiple possible failure points, that root-causes will be detected in the time-span of seconds rather than days, that service may be brought up in minutes s rather than days, and that network behavior and failures may be ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA anticipated, thus reducing down time several orders of magnitude. We expect other enterprise network-supported services may also benefit from NeTS because the network modeling and management functions researched in this project are generic to enterprise networks. To achieve NeTS’ goals, we formed an interdisciplinary team that includes experts in Networking (Dr. Sobrinho, IT/Lisboa, Dr. Kim, ECE/CMU and INESC/Porto Dr. and Alegria, Dr. PT), Morla, Machine Learning INESC/Porto), (Dr. Information Cardoso, Theory, Communications and Signal Processing (Dr. Rodrigues, IT/Porto), as well as Optimization (Dr. Xavier, ISR/Lisboa). Furthermore, we obtained a strong collaboration commitment from Portugal Telecom with their operational experiences and manpower that will be explored during all phases of the research project (see attached letter of support from PT). We plan to integrate several PhD students who are already enrolled in (e.g. Tiago Carvalho and Tiago Quelhas) and in the process of applying to the CMU-Portugal program. It is also important to note that we have created various PhD-level courses within the CMU-Portugal program in topics directly relevant to this research proposal, as well as taken the responsibility for advanced courses within the CMU-Portugal Master’s program in Information Networking. Class projects for graduate and undergraduate students will also focus on research issues that contribute to the success of NeTS. Furthermore, PT employees who are enrolled in the Master’s program will work on NeTS projects and continue their work when they return to PT after completion of their degrees. CMU and Portuguese PIs will ensure that project development, milestone achievement, and partner coordination are on track with plan and take measures to correct any deviation to the project timetable. This will be facilitated by the existence of previous work between partners e.g. PT and CMU and shared PhD students. Acron / Ref Title NOISYIRIS NOISYRIS - Synthesis of Noisy Iris Images for Biometric Recognition Purposes ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Funding Descript. IT Tthe main goal of this project is the development of a prototype system able to generate synthetic close-up iris images, according to a set of parameters specified by users. This system will be integrated in the UBIRIS web site, and will constitute as a valuable tool in the evaluation of the robustness of iris recognition methods. Acron / Ref Title Novel information processing methodologies for intelligent sensor networks Novel information processing methodologies for intelligent sensor networks Funding FCT/CMU Descript. Over the past few years, we have witnessed tremendous advances in the miniaturization of low cost electro-mechanical devices that exhibit several sensing capabilities (e.g. temperature, pressure, vision, etc) and possess signi cant embedded processing and low-range wireless communication. This triggered interest in wireless sensor networks (WSN) where large collections of such small wireless sensor nodes are scattered across critical geographical areas or infrastructures to execute a variety of monitoring and acting tasks. While the use of WSN is crucial to assess the state of a physical system, the ultimate engineering goal is to control such system to perform certain desired tasks. We refer to systems that close the loop around wireless sensor networks as cyber-physical systems (CPS). Cyber-physical systems are physical and engineered systems the operations of integrated by which a are monitored, computing and coordinated, controlled communication and infrastructure. Examples of CPS include medical devices and systems, aerospace systems, transportation vehicles and intelligent highways, defense systems, robotic building and systems, process environmental control, control factory and automation, smart spaces. To realize the immense potential bene ts of CPS in real-life applications, ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA a plethora of novel problems lying at the intersection of statistical signal processing, control, communication theory, and distributed optimization, must be addressed. Indeed, it is clear that to achieve desired networkwide detection, estimation or control objectives, system designers should deal eciently with simultaneous challenges, typically tackled in separate engineering disciplines. The challenges include securing energy-ecient operation as the nodes are usually batteryoperated and constrained to small power budgets, developing distributed analogues of centralized algorithms, coping with signal the processing dynamic and control communication topology interconnecting the sensing nodes, dealing with the random nitebandwidth wireless medium, etc. The need for this interdisciplinary e ort is mirrored in the creation of this project's research team which gathers signi cant expertise in a wide range of complementary topics in the disciplines of control, signal processing, optimization, information theory, along with the private technology company ISA (Intelligent Sensing Anyhwere) which holds a vast experience in the deployment of sensing networks for telemetry, environmental monitoring and energy eciency. The main goal of this project is to address certain key research issues in the eld of wireless sensor networks and map the research results into implementations on prototype testbeds, thereby showcasing real-life applications with social and economic impact. More precisely, the expected outcomes of this project are: 1. Fast algorithms for sensor selection While energy-eciency is of a lesser concern in wireless LANs, it is of critical importance in large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSN), as the in-situ unattended sensors are typically powered by nonrechargeable batteries. Thus, aggressive restraints on sensor usage must be observed to ensure a prolonged WSN lifetime. When the WSN is used for event discrimination (e.g., intruder/no intruder, re/no re, etc) this translates into nding which minimal subset of the deployed sensing nodes is sucient to activate for a given query, whilst securing a prescribed detection performance. It is clear that nding the optimal subset of sensors represents a formidable optimization challenge. Indeed, forming all possible ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA combinations of few sensors and checking the respective performance is computationally intractable even for moderate network sizes. Additionally, a WSN is typically immersed in a noisy environment subject to various degradation factors such as wireless fading and interference phenomena. These induce communications constraints between the sensors themselves or between the sensors and a fusion point responsible for the decision. It is thus important to explicitly account for the impact of this adverse phenomena in the design of reliable sensor selection algorithms. In this project, we will develop fast (noncombinatorial) optimization algorithms for several sensor selection application scenarios which strike a desirable tradeo among detection performance, computational complexity and robustness with respect to the fading wireless medium. 2. Secure WSN communication schemes Security is an issue of paramount importance in current communications systems and networks. The wide deployment of wireless sensor networks, together with the broadcast nature of the wireless medium, calls for advanced secure mechanisms to protect potentially sensible information against possible eavesdroppers. Traditionally, security is viewed as an independent feature with little or no relation to the remaining data communication tasks and, therefore, state-of-the-art cryptographic algorithms are insensitive to the physical nature of the wireless medium. However, there has been more recently a renewed interest on information-theoretic security - widely accepted as the strictest notion of security - which calls for the use of physical-layer techniques exploiting the inherent randomness of the communications medium to guarantee both reliable communication between two legitimate parties as well as secure communication in the presence of an eavesdropper. This paradigm is particularly interesting for wireless sensor networks since it may not be possible to secure information using state-of-the-art complex cryptographic protocols due to energy budget considerations. In this project, we will study the fundamental security mechanisms pertaining to the sensor network communications medium by exploiting tools from information ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA theory. In addition to revealing the secrecy limits of wireless sensor networks, we will also construct speci c transmission schemes appropriate to convey information between sensors and a fusion point in a reliable and secure manner, taking into account the energy and bandwidth restrictions of sensor networks. 3. Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems Modern cyber-physical systems raise signi cant engineering challenges because of their scale, their need to bridge the physical, information and communication technology domains and their need to operate eciently, securely and reliably. Today's methods and tools for control systems engineering are unable to systematically cope with such requirements. Security, in particular, must enter the design process and cannot be considered an afterthought. Today's designs are mainly driven by performance/cost considerations, resulting in brittle systems susceptible to attacks starting from both the physical and cyber side. The problem arises because CPS tend to be open systems, accessible both physically and through the communication network. The increasing use of the Internet will allow attackers to execute their attacks remotely. Next generation systems will be particularly susceptible to security threats if this concern is not addressed at design time. CPS, di erently from traditional IT systems, not only have to be able to detect malicious attacks but they need to guarantee continuity of operations under attack, perhaps with decreased functionality, through graceful degradation rather abrupt. They also need to be able to recon gure to eradicate attacks and restore full functionality. We propose to introduce a new approach to control systems design, by formally de ning security attacks on control systems and by developing tools to analyze the e ect of security attacks, to design attack resilient control systems and develop quantitative metrics to assess the natural tradeo between security and performance. 4. Testbed and Implementation We propose the employment of an experimental platform to validate the outcomes of the research. ISA will assist in de ning the set of applications that better align with both their business and with the current market trends. We will adopt the Sensor Andrew platform available at Carnegie Mellon at ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA the rst stage, with the plan to enhance the platform and deploy a smaller scale testbed at IST in Portugal at a later stage. Sensor Andrew is a project aimed a building a large scale wireless sensoractuator network infrastructure on the CMU campus. The testbed comprises the basic sensor and actuator hardware, the software that runs on this hardware allowing access to the sensor and actuator hardware, and nally the network protocols and services required to support communications and routing within large-scale sensor networks. We plan to build an event noti cation system that will allow us to perform sensor selection, event detection and real time control using the Sensor Andrew platform. At the core of the system is the use of an XMMP server that allows timely retrieval of selected sensor data and delivery of control commands. This infrastructure will allow us to validate the proposed methodologies and algorithms in a real setting, to assess its robustness to uncertainties and resilience to security attacks. The vision of this project is to advance CPS and WSN design by integrating expertise outperforming the along common several key methodologies dimensions, which thereby ignore their interdependence. This is re ected in the formation of the project team which aims at realizing this fruitful synergism between multidisciplinary academic researchers and a highly experienced industry partner. In the detailed outline of the proposed research, we expose clearly how this project builds on such interaction, by describing how each team member participates in the four main lines of research aforementioned. Moreover, the outcomes of this project are also of direct interest to the running FCT project URBISNET-Urban environmental networked sensing using a public transportation infrastructure (PTDC/EEA- CRO/104243/2008), and collaborative work with the URBISNET sta will leverage both projects. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref PAIRUE Title Fusion of Palmprint and Iris Recognition in Uncontrolled Environments Funding IT Descript. The main objective of this project is to design a biometric identification system to be used in uncontrolled data acquisition scenarios. In order to do this, and thus enjoy all the advantages of this type of systems mentioned above, there are four main challenges that have to be solved. These challenges can be summarized as: - Acquisition of data with enough discriminating information - This is a fundamental phase in devising any biometric application. The data acquisition setup (operating wavelength, type of illuminant, levels of luminance, number and position of illumination sources) and the protocol demanded to subjects play a crucial role in the quality of the acquired data and determine the success of the biometric recognition task. Thus, a convenient data acquisition framework should be devised in the earliest stages of the project. - Accurate biometric data segmentation - As mentioned above, traditional biometric applications, such as computer access and border control, require the user to submit a biometric in a highly controlled manner. In this kind of constrained biometric capture, users take deliberate actions to cooperate with the biometric systems, such as facing forward and standing still. This makes it easier for the system to extract the biometric information from the raw image/video data, by performing a simple segmentation. However, when the acquisition scenario is relatively uncontrolled, the acquisition system will have to be able to perform a much more sophisticated segmentation to extract the desired biometric information from the raw image/video and guarantee that it is not confused with noise, which can be quite high. - Correction of pose and illumination variations - After being able to extract the biometric data (i.e., determine its exact location) from the raw image/video data, the system has to deal with the problem of pose and illumination variations due to unconstrained biometric capture. After all, when the capture is done in an uncontrolled fashion, the biometric ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA data can have different sizes, different orientations, different degrees of deformation and be subjected to different types of illumination, all of which have to accounted for in order to be able to perform a successful user recognition. This process of dealing with the captured data variability can be seen as form of normalization. - Robust user identification - After the biometric data has been normalized, robust recognition algorithms have to be developed for performing the identification itself. To improve the identification performance, more than one biometric trait can be considered, in which case The different four main fusion strategies challenges above will have have to to be be dealt considered. with, while guaranteeing that the typical requirements imposed on biometric systems, like universality, uniqueness, permanence, collectability, performance or acceptability are also met. This will ensure that the developed identification system will be a successful one. Acron / Ref PMC Title Personal Media Cloud Funding PT Inovação Descript. This project intends to create a Cloud Based Service for the distribution of Multimedia Content over an IPTV Service from several devices using both AirPlay and uPnP protocols. Acron / Ref Title QUALINET European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services Funding ESF, COST Descript. The goal of this Action is to establish a strong network on Quality of Experience (QoE) with participation from both academia and industry. Its main objective will be to develop and to promote methodologies to subjectively and objectively measure the impact in terms of quality of ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA future multimedia products and services. Acron / Ref ROCOP2P Title Robust Video Coding for Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming Funding FCT Descript. The main objectives of this project, are: - Study the use of MAP-decoding of MVs when applied to packet networks. Analysis of complexity constraints related with MAP decoding. Analysis of performance when compared to previous central decoding presented in [24], in the context of P2P transmissions. MAP decoding present excellent robustness but with some complexity, so we must study his feasibility and found the best trade of between robustness and complexity. - Specification of a bit allocation model based on multi-resolution analysis (wavelets) that effectively enables highly scalable video coding. In this case the bit-allocation should consider simultaneously temporal and spatial decomposition. - Optimization of the number of descriptions and bit allocation of video information based on contextual peer information such as number of available peers, rarity/abundance of a determined bitstream-chunk, etc.. - With these contributions we also aim to improve the video quality of state-of-the-art applications demanding video transmission using lowcomplexity. Acron / Ref Title Serv-CPS Serv-CPS: Server-based Real-Time Ethernet Communication Architecture for Cyber-Physical Systems Funding Descript. FCT/PTDC The objective of this project is developing a network framework, based on switched Ethernet, suitable to support CPS, by including an explicit and efficient support to component-oriented design methodologies. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA The framework shall support: -Heterogeneous traffic classes with temporal isolation; - Partitioning and virtualization mechanisms; - Hierarchical multi-level server composition; - Dynamic adaptation and reconfiguration of servers with temporal guarantees; - Analytical tools for supporting the design of CPS; - Middleware for service management; Acron / Ref SHOWNet Title Soft HandOver for Wi-fi networks Funding IT Descript. This proposal aims at decreasing the disruption of the active sessions running during the handover by the use of network coding. In our approach, network coding will be the key enabler towards ensuring soft handover, providing the correct delivery of all packets in the running session without duplicating the packets in both networks. In our approach, the idea is to use network coding to send additional coded packets, i.e., linear combination of the original packets, towards the mobile terminal performing handover, to i) enhance information transmission before the handover, when the channel quality for both data and feedback is severely degraded, and 2) improve the probability of correct reception of the information after the handover, when the exact knowledge of the status of the terminals is unknown. These two steps shall be instrumental in achieving a seamless handover. The choice of the number of coded packets to be sent before and after the handover needs to take into account several issues, such as the mobility pattern of the mobile terminal, signal variation in both the previous and the new access networks, handover time and the expected performance degradation while handover is taking place. Moreover, the decision of handover with network coding needs also to be addressed, since it is required to evaluate the cost of handover (in terms of signaling and performance decrease) and the additional cost of introducing coding, both in the extra amount of information delivered and its delay in real-time ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA communications. In this approach, we will target Wi-Fi networks and the handover of smart phones between different Wi-Fi access points. The evaluation of our approach will be performed through simulation in the network simulator and on a seamless mobility platform previously developed between IT and PTInovação. Acron / Ref TICE.Healthy Title Systems of Health and Quality of Life Funding QREN/COMPETE Descript. The TICE.Healthy – Systems of Health and Quality of Life project seeks to develop, integrate and test innovative technological approaches that will serve as a basis for new products and services for markets linked to the aspect of “Health and Quality of Life.” Acron / Ref UMM Title Gestão de Mobilidade Centrada no Utilizador Final Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The work to be developed in this project relates to the topic of global mobility management in spontaneous wireless environments, i.e., environments that self-adjust to any network topology change. Global mobility management is addressed from a network perspective, and the purpose is to ensure a transparent access to Internet services (e.g Triple Play) for the end-user, who will be able to access his/her subscribed services independently from access attachment point, location, and based upon his/her own requirements (“Quality of Experience”, QoE). In addition, global mobility management is to be analyzed from a decentralized perspective, given that environments to be considered will incorporate wireless local-loops that are based upon end-user willingness to cooperate. Main aspects to focus upon are: 1. Handover management optimization a. Consider QoE as well as available (aggregated) spectrum to provide the ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA user with the best possible connection seamlessly at any time and independent of location, having in mind user expectations. b. Analyze and validate adequate cost functions and metrics to estimate QoE levels on-the-fly. 2. User-centric mobility management a. Investigate and validate algorithms for a self-organized selection of anchor-points, aiming to insure system robustness to highly frequent changes. b. Devise a global mobility management mechanism taking into consideration the aspects analyzed in relation to handover optimization and incorporating mobility models that support adequate anchor point selection. Acron / Ref VERE Title VERE: Virtual Embodiment and Re-Embodiment Funding EU, FP7 Descript. This project aims at dissolving the boundary between the human body and surrogate representations in immersive virtual reality and physical reality. Dissolving the boundary means that people have the illusion that their surrogate representation is their own body, and act and have thoughts that correspond to this. The work in VERE may be thought of as applied presence research and applied cognitive neuroscience, and it would also significantly add to scientific knowledge in these areas . Imagine that you could transfer your self to an artificial body – a virtual body as represented in virtual reality or a physical robotic body. Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience show that internalising a body beyond ourselves (external, remote, alien) is possible, that our body representation is highly malleable and may be altered by appropriate changes to the normal stimulus contingencies that we are used to in every day life. The purpose of this research is to make such body transference possible with two different modes (virtual and physical). On top of this technical achievement, that would be underpinned through ongoing neuroscience research on body representation, would be a number of practical ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA applications that will be constructed and investigated during the project. Acron / Ref VOCE Title Voice Coach for Reduced Stress Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. VOCE shall develop methods and algorithms that enable the online classification of stress from live speech with the goal of providing feedback cues to the speaker in real-time to improve his communication skills. The work will focus on detecting and classifying stress in speech by leveraging advanced signal processing and machine learning techniques, complemented with psychological analysis of different aspects of stress perception. Specifically, the tasks shall produce the following deliverables: 1) a large database of spontaneous speech samples multiply tagged for being used in the development of automatic stress recognition methods; 2) speech feature extraction algorithms that are capable of real-time performance, as well as the tagging of the samples in the database.; 3) a reduced set of features relevant for stress classification, a classification algorithm that can classify stress levels in real-time, a benchmark evaluation of the various machine learning approaches to automatic stress classification, using similar evaluation methodology and sample data set; 4) an application that integrates the results of the previous tasks and evaluate its accuracy and response times, both in laboratory settings with elicited emotions and in real-life trials. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor Fernando José Pimentel Lopes Fernando José Pimentel Lopes Student Co- Supervisors Title End Date Project and Implementation of a Linux3/2012 based Real-Time Embedded System Technical Process Optimizations in António Bonifácio Inácio Fonseca 3/2012 Paper Machines Analysis of the Non-linear Distortion in Fernando José OFDM Multicarrier Systems with Bruno Carmo Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz 5/2012 Pimentel Lopes Applications to Amplifiers in Installations for DVB-T Signal Reception Paulo Luis Serras Nuno Alexandre Luís Eduardo de Pinho Biometric Recognition based on a 5/2012 Lobato Correia Freire Moço Ducla Soares Smartphone Building Automation and Control Júlio Sandro Fernando José Systems – Central Management of a Neves Serrazina Inácio Fonseca 5/2012 Pimentel Lopes Hotel Building and its Effects in the da Silva Building Energy Performance Rui Manuel Over Board - Expansion Module for Sérgio Teixeira 5/2012 Rodrigues Rocha Actuation on WSN devices Phone Sensing - Smartphone-based Rui Manuel Nadir Türkman application for distributed sensing in 5/2012 Rodrigues Rocha human networks Tomás Gomes da Silva Maria Paula dos Serpa Brandão,António Santos Queluz Miguel Chin Video Quality Evaluation in IP Networks 5/2012 José Castelo Branco Rodrigues Rodrigues Rui Jorge “Using IEEE802.21 Media Independent Henriques André Rodrigues Handover tools for enhancing QoE 7/2012 Calado Lopes support in IMS networks” Rui Jorge A system for interaction with FVP based 7/2012 Luís André Henriques systems: design, implementation and Romão Henriques Calado Lopes test Hugo Pedro 7/2012 Martins Carriço Rui Raposo Biometric Ear Recognition Proença Fernando José Calculation of Electrical Conduits – 7/2012 Carla Costa Carlos Ferreira Pimentel Lopes Internship at Exsepi Susana Isabel 7/2012 Barreto de Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues COMUNICAÇÃO EM LARGA-ESCALA EM Jorge Filipe Dias Miranda de Oliveira REDES VEICULARES: DESEMPENHO Sargento Susana Isabel 7/2012 COMUNICAÇÃO EM LARGA-ESCALA EM Barreto de Joao Gilberto Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar REDES VEICULARES: DISTRIBUIÇÃO Miranda Reigota Afonso DE CONTEÚDOS Sargento Joel José Puga Tiago Miguel Cooperation Mechanisms for Pervasive 7/2012 Coelho Rodrigues Fonseca Machado Mobile Health Applications Electrical and Telecommunications 7/2012 Fernando José Vera Bento Carlos Ferreira Installations – Internship at PrintG Pimentel Lopes Adriano Campos Inácio Fonseca Fernando José Pimentel Lopes António Fernandes Carlos Ferreira Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Bruno Miguel Sendas Parreira Jorge Carapinha Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar Tiago Borba Large-scale Data Gathering and Tagging of Speech Samples Daniel Enrique Lucani Roetter Filipe Gomes Load Balancing in Multi-Beam Satellites Electrical Planning, Monitoring and Inspection in Construction Works Internship at Exsepi INTEGRAÇÃO DA CLOUD COM REDE NA PERSPECTIVA DE OPERADOR 7/2012 7/2012 7/2012 7/2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Student Co- Supervisors Maria Paula Prata João Daniel de Sousa Raposo Pereira Tiago Simões Gonçalves Ângela Daniela Carneiro Teixeira Marco Martins Pedro Alexandre João Pires Sousa Gonçalves Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão José Pedro Carvalho Correia Pedro Rui Miguel Neto Marinheiro Rui Valdemar Pereira Madaleno Miguel Tavares Coimbra Nuno Silva Paulo Luis Serras Sanchit Lobato Correia Fausto José Canhoto de Paiva Diana Carneiro Vieira Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos João Constantino Silva Ricardo Jorge de Frutuoso Gomes Jesus Rodrigues Mendes da Silva Pesqueira End Date Mobile application and web platform for support to the estimation of the 7/2012 energetic expenditure in physical activity Ivan M. Pires Ricardo Antunes Marco Alexandre de Azevedo da Vitor Manuel Mendes Silva Cravo Gomes Veiga Ferrão Joel José Puga Tiago Miguel Coelho Rodrigues Carrola Simões Ana Cristina Rui Gonçalves Costa Aguiar Ana Cristina Daniel Enrique Lucani João Prudêncio Costa Aguiar Roetter Ana Cristina Daniel Reis Costa Aguiar Luis Alberto da João Miguel Pires Silva Cruz Dias Susana Isabel André Zúquete,Susana Barreto de João Lopes Isabel Barreto de Miranda Miranda Sargento Sargento Luis Alberto da Fernando Morais Silva Cruz Paulo Bacelar Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues Ricardo Ribeiro Reis Pedreiras de Oliveira Arnaldo Silva Ricardo Jorge Paulo Bacelar Reis Rodrigues de Gonçalves Ribeiro Pedreiras Oliveira Rui Pedro de David Piñeiro Magalhães Claro Lopez Prior Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Fernando Manuel Santos Perdigão Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes Title Isabel Figueiredo Diogo Nuno Pereira Gomes Modulação de Magnitude em Plataformas FPGA New Concepts Integration on ELearning Platforms Platform for Open Offline LocationBased Services Remote M2M Healthcare: Applications and Algorithms REST vs XMPP for Machine-to-Machine Communications Retinal image quality evaluation João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros 7/2012 7/2012 7/2012 7/2012 7/2012 7/2012 Self-Configurable Switches Spatially varying transforms in video coding Switch Ethernet Distribuido para Sistemas Embutidos Switch Ethernet Distribuído para Sistemas Embutidos TCP com Network Coding VISOR - Virtual Machine Images Management Service for Cloud Infrastructures Computable subjective measures for evaluation of 3D video quality Detection and Correction of Children Disfluency Endoscopic Image Segmentation using Parallel Computing on GPUs with CUDA Gestão de Terminais Móveis Baseados em Sistemas ANDROID num Ambiente de Comunicações Móveis Innovative Applications for NextGeneration Networks Luís Eduardo de Pinho Ducla Soares 7/2012 Uma abordagem Delphi e AHP para selecção de aplicações a disponibilizar em modelo SaaS Audio processing for digital stethoscopes used in real clinical environments Biometric Recognition based on Latent Palmprints Monitorização dos Sinais Vitais de Condutores para Caracterização de Stress e Fadiga no Trânsito Urbano Networking in wireless sensor networks in medical environments: multihoming over IP 7/2012 7/2012 7/2012 7/2012 7/2012 9/2012 9/2012 9/2012 9/2012 9/2012 9/2012 10/2012 10/2012 10/2012 10/2012 Ambiente 3D Web para visualização de modelos 11/2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Maria Paula dos Tomás Gomes da Silva Santos Queluz João Fernandes Serpa Brandão Rodrigues Paulo Luis Serras Afonso Salvador Lobato Correia Marques Helder Fernando Paulo Luis Serras Simões dos Lobato Correia Santos Marta Susana Ana Luisa Nobre Nunes Martins Fred dos Santos Isabel da Paulo Alexandre Piedade Xavier Pinto Machado Albuquerque Alexandre Mario Marques Freire Automatic detection and counting of stork nests in electric power lines Automatic Road Pavement Crack Detection using SVM Automatic Traffic Congestion Detection based on a Live Video Stream Biometrical and Psychophysiological assessment through biosensors Collaborative Recommendation System for Mobile devices Convergence Study of the Open Shortest Path First Protocol in an Institutional Network Using the Cisco Packet Tracer Enhancing E-learning Platforms with Social Networks Mining Ferramentas de apoio à criação de jogos 3D Nuno Ricardo da Conceição Rosa Marques Joel José Puga Jorge Manuel Coelho Rodrigues Frazão Costa Frutuoso Gomes Pedro Nuno Mendes da Silva Matos Pereira Tomás Gomes da Silva Serpa Márcio Gonçalves Brandão Pedro Miguel dos Maria Ana Casal Santos Alves Cunha Madeira Adão Title Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues Ferramentas para avaliação subjectiva da qualidade de vídeo Integration and Support for Automatic João Carlos Serrenho Dias Generation of Test Cases using Pereira AnyTestes Framework Intrusion Detection Based on Pedro Ricardo Pedro Miguel Behavioral Rules for the Bytes of the Morais Inácio Pinto e Pinho Headers of the Data Units in IP Networks Rui Manuel João André H. ISTNanosat-1 - Heart - Processing and Moisés Simões Piedade Rodrigues Rocha Ferreira Digital Communications unit Luís Miguel Mobile Solution for Patient Ulcer Joel José Puga Carvalho Correia Monitoring with an Electronic Health Coelho Rodrigues Pedro Record Integration Joel José Puga Open-source Georeferentiation for Pedro Pinto Rosa Coelho Rodrigues Resilient Communities João Luís Costa Campos André Bento Reliability of IPTV networks Gonçalves Sobrinho João Luís Costa Campos João Alves Route aggregation Gonçalves Sobrinho Pedro Miguel dos Manuel Nunes Ricardo Jorge Fernandes Security and Privacy in Identification Santos Alves Farinha Correia Chaves and Micro-Payment Systems Madeira Adão Rego Pedro Miguel Sincronização em redes de sensores no Paulo Vilares Alves Brandão corpo Humano Miguel Tavares Sistemas Interactivos para António Sousa Coimbra Gastrenterologia Towards a Network Management Bruno Filipe Joel José Puga Solution for Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Aguiar Durães Coelho Rodrigues Networks Silva Ferreira Ubiquitous Model for Wireless Sensor Networks Monitoring Joel José Puga André Gaudencio Coelho Rodrigues Ferreira Elias Paulo Jorge Salvador Serra Ferreira Elton Monteiro Rodrigues Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira End Date 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 11/2012 Caracterização Multi-Escalar de Tráfego em Redes Protegidas 12/2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria Student Co- Supervisors David Pereira André Prata Diogo Nuno Pereira Gomes Gestão de ligações de redes avançado em Linux usando 802.21 Miguel Gerardo Assis do Souto Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira Implementação de um Sistema Simples de Vídeo-Conferência Cecília Nunes Sara Alexandra Cordeiro Madeira, Learning from imbalanced data Nelson Miguel Martins Coelho Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira Profiling de Tráfego Inter-Operador Baseado em Análise Multi-Escalar Hugo Pereira Tiago Duarte Ricardo Jorge Manuel Marques Gonçalves Luís Cachulo End Date 12/2012 Desenvolvimento de um sistema para monitorização da qualidade do ar Development of an efficient 12/2012 transformer-less FSK-transmitter in low bandwidth powerline communications 12/2012 EZ-Bud, cloud budegting application Fábio Sousa Pedro António Tiago Neves Amado Assunção Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Pedro Alexandre Sousa Gonçalves Paulo Jorge Salvador Serra Ferreira Alexandra Sofia Martins de Carvalho Paulo Jorge Salvador Serra Ferreira Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Pedro António Amado Assunção Rui Pedro de Magalhães Claro Prior Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria Title Reactive Character Framework Nuno Fonseca Ressíntese concatenativa de instrumentos musicais Sistema de Comunicação Resistente a Falhas entre Sensores Sistema de informação em tempo real para paragens de autocarro Luís Tiago Antonio Manuel Paulo Jorge Salvador Statistical characterization of machineFerreira Duarte Nogueira Serra Ferreira to-machine traffic Figueiredo Jacinto Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria Pedro António Subjective Quality Evaluation and João Carreira ,Nuno Miguel Morais Amado Assunção Frame Loss Concealment in 3D Video Rodrigues Pedro Alexandre Paulo Bacelar Reis Miguel Nóbrega Suporte MSRP para HardQoS switch Sousa Gonçalves Pedreiras Paulo Bacelar Pedro Alexandre Luis Nobrega Suporte MSRP para HardQoS switch Reis Pedreiras Gonçalves Luís António Marco Alexandre Técnicas de Igualização Iterativa no Correia de Vitor Manuel Mendes Silva Cravo Gomes Domínio da Frequência Oliveira Hugo Diogo Antonio Manuel Paulo Jorge Salvador Tracking of wireless users for modeling Antunes Lopes Duarte Nogueira Serra Ferreira user behavior Fonseca Fernando Manuel Vasco Joao Miguel Duarte Bit-depth scalable distributed video Bernardo Pereira Nascimento Ascenso coding Improved H.264/AVC Video Fernando Manuel Pedro André Faria Joao Miguel Duarte Compression with Region-based Bernardo Pereira Monteiro Ascenso Geometric Transforms Fernando Manuel André Seixas Catarina Isabel Perceptual Error Protection Using Bernardo Pereira Dias Carvalheiro Brites Distributed Video Coding Principles PadMetrics: Human-Computer Ana Luisa Nobre Marta Cristina Interaction Based Biometrics for Tablet Fred Cardoso Borralho Devices Fernando Manuel João Filipe Paulo Jorge Lourenço Scalable 3D Holoscopic Video Coding Bernardo Pereira Oliveira Lino Nunes Rui Manuel LA6 - Local Aggregation in the Internet Bruno Coelho Rodrigues Rocha of Things Rui Manuel Pedro Diogo PEPEonBOARD Rodrigues Rocha Sense Companion - Controlling home Rui Manuel Eduardo sensors with smartphone Rodrigues Rocha Bettencourt 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 3/2013 3/2013 3/2013 4/2013 4/2013 5/2013 5/2013 5/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira Paulo Jorge Lourenço Nunes Paulo Jorge Lourenço Nunes Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Pedro António Amado Assunção Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Pedro António Amado Assunção Student Co- Supervisors End Date Nina Mortazavi Verification of Cryptographic Protocols using First Order Logics 5/2013 Arley Leal Barros da Silveira Forecasting Resource Needs in Networks 6/2013 Vítor Hugo Nunes Joao Miguel Duarte Gomes Ascenso David José Cabaço Mendes David Miguel Fernandes João Ricardo Simões Soares Statistical Reconstruction for Predictive 6/2013 Video Coding 2D-to-3D Video Conversion 3D Holoscopic Video Segmentation 3D IPTV Quality Assessment 3D video Quality Monitor based on a non-reference packet layer model Bruno Feitor Diogo Miguel Augusto Lopes Susana Isabel Barreto de Acesso à Internet de Redes Veiculares Miranda Sargento através de Gateways Móveis Nuno Miguel Vicente Ruivo Nunes Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Diogo Alexandre Baptista Fernandes Hugo Miguel Paulo Jorge Campelo Lourenço Nunes Rodrigues Almeida Ivo Alexandre Paulo Bacelar Costa Alves Reis Pedreiras Angélico Auditing the Quality of Cryptographic Material in Virtual Machines Luís Eduardo de Pinho Ducla Soares Coding and Processing of 3D Holoscopic Video Joaquim José de Castro Ferreira Demonstrador para Switch Ethernet Tempo-Real Filipe Ferreira De Oliveira Mario Marques Freire Pedro Manuel Madureira Correia Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Joao Pedro Nogueira Bastos Joao Paulo De Jesus Aparicio 7/2013 7/2013 7/2013 7/2013 7/2013 7/2013 7/2013 7/2013 7/2013 7/2013 Depth Estimation and Image Rendering 7/2013 for 3D and Free-viewpoint Video Applications 7/2013 Desenvolvimento de Aplicações de Segurança e Entretenimento para Redes Veiculares Paulo Jorge Agostinho Lourenço Nunes Ferreira da Silva Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Adaptação Automática da Taxa de Transmissão em Redes Veiculares Asymmetric coding and adaptation of 3D video Luis Pinto Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Title Early Diagnosis of Anomaly Performance in Virtualized Cloud Environments Pedro Miguel Naia Neves 7/2013 Fixed Priority Schedulers on a hard-real 7/2013 time Baseband Multiprocessor: LTE Transceiver Modeling 7/2013 Integração da Cloud com a rede do Operador Gilberto Melfe Mobile application for detection of voice pattern changes Diogo Emanuel Da Silva Jordao Carreira Mobilidade das Comunicações de Veículos entre Hotspots WiFi Jonathan Gabriel André Zúquete Oliveira Carvalho Mobilidade Distribuída em Ambientes Dinâmicos: Rede de Hotspots WiFi e Veículos 7/2013 7/2013 7/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues Rui Almeida Mario Marques Freire André Filipe Prata Ferreira Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Liliana Filipa Baptista Soares Co- Supervisors Tomás Gomes da Silva Serpa Brandão Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Luís Filipe Barbosa de Almeida Alexandre Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso Pedro Alexandre Sousa Gonçalves Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Traffic Classification Based on 7/2013 Statistical Tests for Matching Empirical Distributions of Internet Protocol Packet Lenghts 7/2013 Transmissão Oportunística de Informação em Ambientes Veiculares Miguel Ângelo Silva Neto Bruno Miguel Pinho Tavaress Helder Tiago Castro Bastos Objective Video Quality Assessment in IPTV Networks End Date 7/2013 Secure and Efficient Transmission and 7/2013 Storage of Multimedia Content in Public Cloud Environments Using Joint Compression and Encription Secure Authentication Mechanisms for 7/2013 the Management Interface in Cloud Computing Environments 7/2013 State Management in Online Games Maria Paula Prata Rui Manuel de Sousa Ferreira da Cunha Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Title Ricardo Jorge Magalhães de Matos Virtualização de Redes em Malha para Redes Personalizadas 7/2013 Dominik Wegrzyn Uma nova representaçã̃o para objetos 3D captados por câmaras com sensores 8/2013 de profundidade Tiago Amaral €-Hour Rui Cardoso A story in the museum II Guilherme Miguel Gonçalves Neves Biometric Recognition in Android Devices António Borga Client-cloud storage of audiovisual data 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 Desenvolvimento de método alternativo 9/2013 à bengala para orientação de pessoas invisuais 9/2013 Developing an Agile Platform for Knowledge Management Cátia Silva Pedro Silva Error control schemes for IPTV multicast José Moreira Nuno Almeida 9/2013 João Paulo Barraca Gateway de Ethernet-ZigBee Divyesh Virchande HTTP based video streaming Aníbal Caixinha IS for Alzheimer Illness 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 Ricardo Ribeiro Learning Maths Vanessa Magalhães Looking for an answer - Developing an application for controlling the progression of Alzheimer's illness 9/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Pedro Alexandre Sousa Gonçalves Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso João Pedro Afonso Oliveira da Silva Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão Student João Mesquita Co- Supervisors Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar Title Monitoring First Responders with a Wireless Sensor Network Running IPv6 Raquel Feitor Project Management in the TI sector in Portugal - Agile Methodology vs Traditional Approach Luís Pedro Robalo Simões de Lemos Quinta da Regaleira in the palm of your hand End Date 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 Reserva de Recursos para Automotive 9/2013 Ethernet Secure videoconference authentication 9/2013 António Machado system with the H.264/AVC standard 9/2013 Marco António Nuno Miguel de Figueiredo Sistema de monitorização de consumos Moura Rebelo Garrido de energia eléctrica André Almeida João Paulo Barraca João Ricardo Gonçalves Neves Stronger Authentication in ATM Machines using Biometrics Julio Silva Miguel Sales Dias Usability in an immersive virtual reality system Lúcia Marília Matos Carreira Luís Eduardo de Pinho Ducla Soares Using Biometrics in Forensic Scenarios 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 Nelson Manuel Catarino Mendes Virtual Post Office Ivan Silva 3D Facial Scanning Roberto Guerreiro Catarina Isabel Custódio Tomé Carvalheiro Brites Nuno Miguel Morais Gilberto Jorge Rodrigues A Side Information Fusion Approach for 10/2013 Multiview Distributed Video Coding Codificação compatível vídeo 3D com o 10/2013 algoritmo HEVC 10/2013 Geração Automática de Casos de Teste na Ferramenta AnyTester Adelino Portela Tiago Alexandre Rui Manuel Vicente dos Rodrigues Rocha Santos Carvalho Rui Manuel Roberto José Rodrigues Rocha Gomes Silva Moisés Simões Piedade João Rui Almeida Rui Manuel Eusébio da Silva Fernando Silva Rodrigues Rocha Rosa Antonio Manuel Malique Seidi Duarte Nogueira High Power Processor - Placa de processamento do ISTnanosat 10/2013 10/2013 Social sensing application for 11/2013 Smartphone Tagus Mesh Network - Rede experimental para avaliação de 11/2013 arquitecturas e protocolos de redes em malha Security Problems in the Communications Infrastructure of a 12/2013 High Level Teaching Institution Table 21 - List of MSc. Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA PhD Theses Supervisor João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Fernando Manuel Santos Perdigão Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Student Co- Supervisors Title End Date Paulo Falcão Oliveira Coding Strategies for Secret Key Distribution, Storage and Anonymity 1/2012 Carla Calado Lopes Automatic processing techniques for speech recognition 2/2012 Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares Performance Assessment of Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks 2/2012 Pedro Neves Francisco Manuel Acesso Sem Fios de Banda Larga em Ambientes 3/2012 Marques Fontes de Redes Heterogéneas de Próxima Geração , Controlo de Congestionamento em Redes sem Fios_ Luís Barreto João Oliveira Henrique Salgado Luis Filipe Andreia Teixeira Coelho Antunes Armando Matos Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo Pedro Aguiar,Noah A. Smith André T. Martins Design and Optimisation of DWDM MillimetreWave Fibre-Radio Systems Análise de Segurança de Primitivas Criptográficas com base na Teoria de Informação Algoritmica The Geometry of Constrained Structured Prediction: Applications to Inference and Learning of Natural Language Syntax 3/2012 3/2012 4/2012 5/2012 Paulo Miguel Classication of Peer-to-Peer Traffic by Nepomuceno Exploring the Heterogeneity of Traffic Features 6/2012 Pereira Monteiro Through Entropy Miguel Tavares Computer Assisted Analysis of Narrow-Band Fahran Riaz 6/2012 Coimbra Imaging Endoscopy Exams Susana Isabel Rui Luis Alfredo Miguel Melo Privacidade em Redes Heterogéneas de Próxima Barreto de 6/2012 Andrade Aguiar Matos Geração Miranda Sargento João Francisco Cordeiro de Sérgio Crisóstomo Information Dissemination in Random Networks 9/2012 Oliveira Barros Sérgio Manuel Nuno Miguel Nelson Carreira Maciel Faria EFFICIENT IMAGE AND VIDEO COMPRESSION Morais 11/2012 Francisco ,Eduardo Antônio USING MULTISCALE RECURRENT PATTERNS Rodrigues da Silva João Francisco Cordeiro de Mate Boban Capacity Bounds for Communication Networks 12/2012 Oliveira Barros Estabelecimento de Redes de Comunidades Rui Luis João Paulo Silva Sobreponíveis 12/2012 Andrade Aguiar Barraca Mario Marques João Vasco Paulo Freire Gomes João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Diogo Nuno Pereira Gomes Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Rui A. Costa Network Coding for Delay Constrained Wireless 12/2012 Systems with Feedback Ricardo Matos Context-based Wireless Mesh Networks Christopher Viana Evariste Logota Rui Luis Andrade Context Awareness Collaborative Aguiar Communications Context-Aware Control Design For MulticastAware Networks 1/2013 2/2013 2/2013 José Carlos Guedes Intuitive Real Time Facial Interaction And dos Prazeres A. Augusto Sousa Animation, Intuitive Real Time Facial Interaction 2/2013 Miranda And Animation ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Rui Luis Vitor Manuel Jesus Andrade Aguiar Silva Pedro António Vitor Manuel Amado Pedro Correia Mendes Silva Assunção Title Service Provisioning in Dense Network Operator 2/2013 Scenarios Advanced Multiple Description Coding for Video 3/2013 Body signal analysis for monitoring fatigue in first responders Miguel Tavares Pedro Gomes Coimbra Miguel Tavares Paulo Alves Coimbra Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Paulo Costa Teixeira Botelho End Date 3/2013 Event Detection for Capsule Endoscopy Video Exams 3/2013 Learning Action Control Rules through Observation of Software Agent Bodies 3/2013 Ana Luisa Nobre Fred André Lourenço Automatic Document Organization using SemiStructured Information 6/2013 Ana Luisa Nobre Fred João Duarte Data Clustering using Constraints Ana Luisa Nobre Fred Helena Aidos Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Ana Luisa Nobre Fred João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Dissimilarity Increments Statistics and Dimensionality Reduction in Unsupervised Learning 6/2013 Artur Ferreira Hybrid generative/discriminative supervised learning 6/2013 Henrique José Monteiro Oliveira Image Processing for Supervision and Management Support of Road Infrastructures 6/2013 Munnujahan Ara Information-Theoretic Security 1 6/2013 Nuno Coutinho Integração Transparente de Redes Heterogéneas 6/2013 Hugo Humberto Placido da Silva Multi-Modal Modeling of Cognition and Emotion 6/2013 Rui Meireles Peter Steenkiste Diogo Nuno João Miguel Pereira Gomes Gonçalves Integrated Identity and Context Management Rui Luis Andrade Architecture for Privacy-Enabled ContextAguiar Awareness Maricica Nistor Miguel Almeida João Manuel Pires Leitão Caldeira Luis Miguel Lopes de Oliveira Density-Based Routing in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks 7/2013 Generalization of the Embedded Branch Process for Automatic Detection of Breast Cancer 7/2013 Mario Marques Filipe Cruz Gomes Freire Soares João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros José Manuel Bioucas Dias Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues Fernando Manuel Santos Perdigão Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento 6/2013 Ricardo Nuno Vigário 7/2013 Network Coding Delay 7/2013 Source Separation of Phase-Locked Signals 7/2013 Integration of Intra-Body Sensors in Wireless Sensor Networks 8/2013 Amaro Fernandes Performance Assessment of Routing Protocols in 8/2013 de Sousa IPv6 Over Wireless Sensor Mesh Networks Luis António Arlindo Oliveira da Automatic speech and speaker segmentation Serralva Vieira de Veiga and labelling Sá 9/2013 Pedro Miguel Naia Communication Architecture for Mobile Cloud Neves Services 9/2013 João Soares ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Susana Isabel Paulo Jorge Barreto de Lucas Guardalben Salvador Serra Miranda Ferreira Sargento Susana Isabel Barreto de Pedro Miguel Naia Frank Kanesel Miranda Neves Sargento João Luís Costa Campos Tiago Quelhas Gonçalves Sobrinho Susana Isabel Barreto de André Cardote Peter Steenkiste Miranda Sargento Susana Isabel Barreto de André Reis O. K. Tonguz Miranda Sargento Rui Jorge José Luís P.A. Vale Henriques Matos Calado Lopes Susana Isabel Barreto de Waldir Junior Paulo Mendes Miranda Sargento Susana Isabel Barreto de Tiago Condeixa Miranda Sargento Susana Isabel Barreto de Márcio Melo Jorge Carapinha Miranda Sargento Verónica Costa Bruno Miguel Teixeira Pinto Ferreira de Oliveira Orvalho Michel Pedro Miranda de Celestino Paiva Albuquerque Ferreira d'Orey Rui Miguel Neto João Manuel Dias Marinheiro de Almeida Salviano Pedro António Soares,Sérgio Amado Sylvain Marcelino Manuel Maciel Assunção Faria Pedro António Filipe dos Santos Amado Salviano Soares Neves Assunção Verónica Costa Nuno Miguel Teixeira Pinto Monteiro Barbosa Orvalho Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo David Pereira Coutinho Converged Mobile Communications in Multiple Integrated Networks 9/2013 Correctness of network protocols 9/2013 Geo-optimized and cross-layer transport communications 9/2013 Optimizing Vehicular Communications through Hybrid Networks 9/2013 Organizational Crisis Preparedness and Response in a Networked World: 9/2013 Social-aware Opportunistic Routing for DelayTolerant Networks 9/2013 User-Centric Mobility with Quality of Experience 9/2013 Handover Optimization Virtualização de Redes numa Perspectiva de Operador 9/2013 An interactive facial muscle system for CG Films 10/2013 and videogames Connected Vehicles for Energy-efficient Driving 10/2013 QoE measurements with Agents cooperation on 11/2013 Personal Cells Adaptation and Quality Optimization in Future 3D Video Delivery Services 12/2013 Algoritmos de Reconstrução de Sinal e Aplicações 12/2013 Auto-rigging applied to markless MoCap Adão Paulo Soares Silva End Date Communication between nodes and domains in 9/2013 self-management networks Autonomic Quantification and Classification of the Breast Tissue Classification in 2D Ultrassound Images Ângela Cristina Mario Marques Marques de Freire Oliveira Miguel Raul Samah Mustafa Dias Rodrigues Title 12/2013 12/2013 Connections between Information Theory and Estimation Theory and Applications to Wireless 12/2013 Communications Data retrieval and classification using information distances 12/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Pedro António Amado Assunção Student António Luís Ferreira Marques Co- Supervisors Teresa de Jesus Batista Vieira Facial Skin Shading Parameterization System For Real-Time Rendering Of Emotions 12/2013 Ke Zhang Information-Theoretic Security 2 12/2013 Vinay Prabhu Information-Theoretic Security 3 12/2013 Miguel Almeida Orlando Remédios Performance evaluation in next generation networks 12/2013 Lino Ferreira Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Scalable Video Coding with embedded new features 12/2013 Miguel Tavares Fabio Headyioglu Coimbra Abel João Rui Pedro Monteiro Padrão Gomes Amaro Duarte Towards Autonomic Detection of Encrypted Peer-to-Peer Traffic 12/2013 DigiScope - DIGItally enhanced stethoSCOPE for clinical usage 1/2014 Geometric Representation and Animation of Natural Phenomena 1/2014 Sérgio Emanuel Duarte Dias Geometric Representation and Recognition Methods in Protein Docking 1/2014 David Henriques Model-checking for security 1/2014 Manuel Biscaia Probabilistic Model-checking 1/2014 Segmentação de Malhas Geométricas 1/2014 Biomedical Signal Processing for Critical Infrastructures 3/2014 Abel João Rui Sérgio Viegas Padrão Gomes Rodrigues Miguel Tavares Can Ye Coimbra Efficient resource management of heterogeneous, small dimension and geographically dispersed cloud computing systems Rui Miguel Neto Rui Jorge Ferreira Marinheiro Esteves Rui Manuel Rodrigues Rocha Luís Eduardo de Pinho Ducla Soares João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros End Date Developing Safety Critical Applications based on Luis Miguel Pinho the Flexible Time-Triggered Paradigm 12/2013 de Almeida Mario Marques Carlos David Freire Magalhães Queiroz Abel João Padrão Gomes Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus Title 4/2014 José Catela Moisés Simões Piedade Flexible and Adaptive Architecture for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks 6/2014 Caroline Conti Paulo Jorge Lourenço Nunes 3D Holoscopic Video Coding 7/2014 Pedro Santos Coding for Networks-on-Chip 7/2014 Hana Khamfroush Geographical Network Coding 7/2014 Joao Guilherme Pereira Rodrigues Information Gathering in Intelligent Transportation Systems 7/2014 Susana Bulas Cruz Network Coding for Sensor Networks 7/2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors João Francisco Cordeiro de Diogo Ferreira Oliveira Barros João Francisco Cordeiro de Saurabh Shintre Oliveira Barros João Francisco Cordeiro de José Luís Pereira R. Rossetti Oliveira Barros Joel José Puga Bruno Miguel Coelho Correia da Silva Rodrigues Luis Filipe Teresa Sarmento Coelho Antunes Henriques Luís Filipe Barbosa de Sílvio Brás Filipe Almeida Alexandre Verónica Costa Mónica Maria da Teixeira Pinto Costa Madeira Orvalho Queirós de Oliveira João Francisco Cordeiro de Joao Almeida Oliveira Barros Diogo Nuno Rui Luis Andrade Mário Antunes Pereira Gomes Aguiar Michel Cristina Olaverri Celestino Paiva Pedro Gomes Monreal Ferreira Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Marco Bernardo Pereira de Sousa Verónica Costa Luís Miguel Teixeira Pinto Barbosa da Costa Orvalho Leite Sérgio Manuel Luis Filipe Rosário Nuno Miguel Maciel Faria Lucas Morais Rodrigues Verónica Costa Pedro Tavares Teixeira Pinto Barata Bastos Orvalho Miguel Raul Hugo Reboredo Dias Rodrigues Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Ângelo Arrifano Pereira de Sousa Hugo Pedro Chandrashekhar Martins Carriço Padolle Proença Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Vitor Manuel Mendes Silva Rui Jorge Melo Teixeira Tiago Miguel Amaral de Sousa Paulo Jorge Salvador Serra Ferreira Guilherme Riberio Corrêa João Maria Duarte Gabriel Falcão Andrade Paiva Fernandes Paulo Jorge Salvador Serra João Rodrigues Ferreira Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira Title Network Coding Protocols for Video Streaming End Date 7/2014 Physical-Layer Security in Large-Scale Networks 7/2014 Simulation of Intelligent Transportation Systems 7/2014 Performance Evaluation of Cooperation Mechanisms for Mobile Health Applications 8/2014 Assessing Complexity of Physiological Signals 9/2014 Development of a biologically plausible visual saliency algorithm and its implementation on GPGPU architecture 9/2014 Interactive Technology for Emotion Recognition 9/2014 Joint protection and data compression 9/2014 Knowledge Extraction from unstructured Context Information 9/2014 Next-Generation Driver Information Systems 9/2014 Qualidade subjectiva e objectiva de imagens e vídeos, incluindo o caso 3D 9/2014 Virtual puppets 9/2014 Disparity compensation using Least Squares 10/2014 Easy Facial Constraints: A Dynamic Industry Standard 10/2014 Filter Design with Secrecy Constraints 11/2014 Multiple Description Coding with Side Information optimized for Wireless Sensors 11/2014 Periocular biometric recognition at visible wavelength 11/2014 Real-Time Urban 3D Modeling by Combining Stereo from Symmetry with General Purpose Programming in the Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) 11/2014 Characterization and Modeling of M2M Traffic 12/2014 Complexity Control of HEVC Video Coders and Decoders Memory-Aware Parallel LDPC Decoding over GF(q) for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures Methodologies for Network Entities Profiling 12/2014 12/2014 12/2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar Carlos Manuel Costa Lourenço Caleiro João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus Luis Miguel Pinho de Almeida Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira Daniel Enrique Lucani Roetter João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira Student Nuno Gonçalves Rodrigues Co- Supervisors Paulo Jorge Salvador Serra Ferreira End Date Modeling and Analysis of Network Resilience: the Security Perspective 12/2014 Gil Melfe Mateus santos Negative Object recognition 12/2014 Thaísa Leal da Silva Parallelization techniques for H.264/AVC and newer standards 12/2014 Self in-network resource management 12/2014 Mohammad Nozari Architectural and Networking Aspects of Sensing Applications on Vehicular Networks 1/2015 Andreia Mordido Logic in Security 1/2015 Alexandre Ligo Public Policies for Intelligent Transportation Systems 1/2015 Vitor Mirones Victor Marques Ricardo Loura Vítor Rocha Vieira Quantum Adiabatic Computation 1/2015 João Rodrigues Nikola Paunkovic Quantum Walks 1/2015 Luis Filipe Nunes Quaresma de Oliveira Pedro Lima Communications and Middleware for Cooperating Heterogeneous and Autonomous Mobile Robots 3/2015 Mesfin Workineh (Not defined yet 2) 6/2015 Nesredien Suleiman (Not defined yet) 6/2015 Hoang Van Xiem Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso Combined predictive-distributed video coding 7/2015 Hugo Moreira de Sousa Pinto Peter Steenkiste Congestion Control for Future Internet 7/2015 Cyber -physical systems for Smart Buildings 7/2015 Efficient video coding based on geometric transforms 7/2015 Performance of Management Solutions and Cooperation Approaches for Vehicular DelayTolerant Networks 8/2015 Autonomic and Cooperative Decision Model for Network Agents in self-management networks 9/2015 Luis Pinto Diego Felix Souza Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria Joel José Puga João Alfredo Coelho Fazendeiro Rodrigues Fernandes Dias Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Title Carlos Ferreira Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira Nelson Capela Pedro Miguel Naia Gestão de Mobilidade Inteligente e Neves Transparente 9/2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Susana Isabel Barreto de Miranda Sargento Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira Luís Henrique Martins Borges de Almeida Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho José André Rocha Sá e Moura Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria Student Co- Supervisors End Date Title João Nogueira Peter Steenkiste Opportunistic Networks: Exploring the White Spaces Romeu Monteiro O. K. Tonguz Self-Organization in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks 9/2015 Ana De Abreu Pascal Frossard View-Switching Interactive Video Experience 10/2015 Miguel Antunes Dias Alfaiate Simões José Manuel Bioucas Dias Blind Image Deblurring 12/2015 9/2015 Jose Serra Intelligent Facial Animation: Creating emphatic 12/2015 characters with stimuli based animation Xiangrong Zeng Optimization Methods for Group-Sparsity Regularization Ozan cetinaslan Simulation of Deformable Solid and Rigid Bodies 12/2015 on Facial Models Pedro Ramos Brandão Virtualização de Alto Nível Anderson Vinicius Nuno Miguel Video compression using flexible partition de Oliveira Morais Rodrigues blocks 12/2015 12/2015 2/2016 Table 22 - List of PhD Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.6 Publications Architectures And Protocols Books - Garcia, N. M. ; J. R. Rodrigues; (eds.); Ambient Assisted Living , CRC Press , Boca Raton, FL, USA , 2012 . Books Chapters - Xenakis, D. Xenakis; N. Passas Passas; A. R. Radwan; J. Rodriguez; C. Verikoukis; " Energy Efficient Mobility Management for the Macrocell – Femtocell LTE Network " - Chapter in Energy Efficiency , Moustafa Eissa , In-Tech , Rijeka , 2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; P. S. Sousa; I. G. Trindade; R. A. L. M. Miguel; J. Lucas; " Smart Clothing for Health Care " - Chapter in Telemedicine and E-Health Services, Policies and Applications , Joel Rodrigues, Isabel de la Torre Diez, Beatriz Sainz de Abajo , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Sousa, Paula Prata; P. Fazendeiro; P. Sequeira; C. N. Padole; " A Comment on Bio-inspired Optimisation via GPU Architecture: The Genetic Algorithm Workload ", Lectures Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 1 , No. 7677 , pp. 670 - 678 , December , 2012 . - Zúquete, A.; C. F. Frade; " A new location layer for the TCP/IP protocol stack ", Computer Communication Review , Vol. 42 , No. 2 , pp. 17 - 27 , April , 2012 . - , ; S. Sargento; P. Mendes; " Assessment Model for Opportunistic Routing ", IEEE Latin America Transactions , Vol. 10 , No. 3 , pp. 1785 - 1790 , April , 2012 . - Pinto, F.; N. Carapeto; A. Videira; T. Frazão; M. Homem; " Context-aware Multimedia Distribution to Mobile Social Communities ", Intrnl. Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) , June , 2012 . - Vázquez Castro, M.A.V.C; F. V. Vieira; " DVB-S2 full cross-layer design for QoS provision ", IEEE Communications Magazine , Vol. 50 , No. 1 , pp. 128 - 135 , January , 2012 . - Ramrehka, T. A. R.; V. Talooki; J. Rodriguez; C.P. Politis; " Energy efficient and Scalable Routing Protocol for Extreme Emergency Ad Hoc Communications ", Mobile Networks and Applications , Vol. 17 , No. 2 , pp. 312 - 324 , April , 2012 . - Coutinho, N.; S. Sargento; " On the Analysis of Hierarchical Autonomic Control of Multiparty Services ", IEEE Network , April , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Fernandes, H.F.; H.P. Paredes; N.C. Conceição; A.P. Pereira; P.A. Araújo; J.B. Barroso; " Providing accessibility to blind people using GIS ", Universal Access in the Information Society , Vol. 11 , No. 4 , pp. 399 - 407 , November , 2012 . - Christensen, A.; " Self-reconfigurable robots - An Introduction ", Artificial Life , Vol. 18 , No. 2 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2012 . - Bastos, J. B.; M. Albano; H. R. Marques; J. Rodriguez; C. Verikoukis; " Smart Interface Switching for Energy Efficient Vertical Handovers in ns-2 ", IET Communications , Vol. 6 , No. 14 , pp. 2228 - 2238 , November , 2012 . - Marques, P.; " TV White Spaces Exploitation through a Bicameral Geolocation Database ", , Vol. 12 , No. 12 , pp. 1 - 12 , April , 2012 . - Matos, A.; R. A. Ferreira Ferreira; S. Sargento; R. L. Aguiar; " Virtual Network Stacks: From Theory to Practice ", Security and Communication Networks , Vol. 5 , No. 7 , pp. 738 - 751 , July , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Sobrinho, J. L. S.; FL Le; " A Fresh Look at Inter-Domain Route Aggregation ", Proc IEEE INFOCOM , Orlando , United States , pp. 2556 - 2560 , March , 2012 . - Pedreiras, PP; MC Cunguara; TOS Silva; " A Path to Oscillation Free Controller Changes ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems WFCS , Detmold , Germany , May , 2012 . - Vilares, P. V.; P. Brandão; " Adaptive Time Synchronization Protocol for BANs ", Proc International Conf. on Body Area Networks - BodyNets , Oslo , Norway , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2012 . - Pinto, F.; P. Chainho; N. Pássaro; F. Santiago; D. Corujo; D. Gomes; " An Architecture for the Future Business of Things ", Proc International Conf. on the Internet of Things , Wuxi , China , October , 2012 . - Sargento, S.; A. Neto; Eduardo Cerqueira Cerqueira; " Applying Over-provisioning Centric Resource Control in Context-Sensitive Networks ", Proc International Telecommunication Network Strategy and Planning Symp. - Networks , Rome , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2012 . - Pereira, J. P.; Paula Prata Sousa; " Cloud Agnostic Virtual Machine Image Service ", Proc Inforum - Simpósio de Informática , Lisboa , Portugal , pp. 314 - 317 , September , 2012 . - Sargento, S.; A. Neto; Eduardo Cerqueira Cerqueira; " Context-driven Resource Over-provisioning Approach for Rich Networking ", Proc International Conf. on Computer Communications , Munique , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , July , 2012 . - Pombo, N.P.; P.A. Araújo; J.C. Viana; B.J. Junior; R.S. Serrano; " Contribution of Web Services to Improve Pain Diaries Experience ", Proc International ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists - IMECS , Hong Kong , China , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , March , 2012 . - Santos, R. S.; PP Pedreiras; L. Almeida; " Demonstrating an Enhanced Ethernet Switch Supporting Video Sensing with Dynamic QoS ", Proc International Conf. on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems - DCOSS , Hangzou, China, May, 2012 . - Mifdaoui, AM; MB Behnam; TN Nolte; PP Pedreiras; L. Almeida; R. Marau ; " Exploring Alternatives to use Master/Slave Full Duplex Switched Ethernet for Avionics Embedded Applications ", Proc International Workshop on Real-Time Networks - RTN , Pisa , Italy , July , 2012 . - Vasconcelos, V.V.; A. M. MArques; PP Pedreiras; L. Almeida; " Fault Tolerance to Transient Faults in FTT-CAN ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Industrial Technology , Kos , Greece , March , 2012 . - Monteiro, R.; W. V. Viriyasitavat; S. Sargento; O. Tonguz; " Improving VANET Protocols via Network Science ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Networking Conf. - VNC , Seoul , Korea, South , Vol. 1 , pp. 17 - 24 , November , 2012 . - Bastos, J. B.; J. Rodriguez; C. Verikoukis; " Location Assisted Energy Efficiency for Multi-Interfaced Mobile Terminals ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Ottawa , Canada , pp. 1 - 5 , June , 2012 . - Brandão, P.; " Modelling correlations for Body Sensor Network information ", Proc International Conf. on Body Area Networks - BodyNets , Oslo , Norway , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2012 . - Sargento, S.; M. Melo; J. Soares; J. Carapinha; R. Monteiro; " Network Virtualization – A Virtual Router Performance Evaluation ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2012 . - Cunguara, MAC; TOS Silva; PP Pedreiras; " On Multipath Aggregation of Dupicate Sensitive Summaries ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Aveiro , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Sargento, S.; " 'Opportunistic Routing Based on Daily Routines ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks WoWMoM , S. Francisco , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2012 . - Cunguara, MAC; TOS Silva; PP Pedreiras; " Optimal Control in the Presence of State Uncertainty ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA , Krakow , Poland , September , 2012 . - Pereira, Óscar M. Pereira; R. L. Aguiar; Maribel Santos Santos; " ORCA: Architecture for Business Tier Components Driven by Dynamic Adaptation and Based on Call Level Interfaces ", Proc Euromicro Conf. on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications - SEAA , Cesme, Izmir , Turkey , September , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Sargento, S.; " Study on the Effect of Network Dynamics on Opportunistic Routing ", Proc Springer International Conf. on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless - ADHOCNOW , Belgrado , Serbia & Montenegro , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , July , 2012 . - Pereira, J. P.; Paula Prata Sousa; " VISoR - Virtual Machine Images Management Service for Cloud Infrastructures ", Proc INSTICC International Conf. on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER , Porto , Portugal , pp. 401 - 406 , April , 2012 . - Coucelo, J.C.; R. N. Marinheiro; J. C. Silva; J.A. Moura; " WLAN-UMTS Integration to Optimize MBMS Provision ", Proc International Conf. on Communications and Signal Processing - MIC-CSP, Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 34 - 38 , April , 2012 . - Azevedo, JA; AM Mota; PP Pedreiras; " Xenomai Lab - A Platform for Digital RealTime Control ", Proc Inforum - Simpósio de Informática , Lisboa , Portugal , September , 2012 . COMPUTER GRAPHICS Papers in Journals - Gomes, A.; A. Raposo; " 3D molecular assembling of B-DNA sequences using nucleotides as building blocks ", Graphical Models , Vol. 74 , No. 4 , pp. 244 - 254 , July , 2012 . - Loconsole, C. L.; N. Barbosa; A. F. Frisoli; V. Orvalho; " A New Marker-Less 3D Kinect-Based System for Facial Anthropometric Measurements ", Lectures Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 7378 , No. 2012 , pp. 124 - 133 , July , 2012 . - Falcão, G. Falcão; " How fast can parallel programming be taught to undergraduate students? ", IEEE Potentials Magazine , December , 2012 . - Miranda, J.M; X. Alvarez; J. Orvalho; D. G. Gutierrez; A.A.S Sousa; V. Orvalho; " Sketch Express: Facial Expressions Made Easy ", Computers & Graphics-UK , Vol. 36 , No. 6 , pp. 585 - 595 , March , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Bastos, P.B; X. Alvarez; V. Orvalho; " A Demo of a Facial UI Design Approach for Digital Artists ", Proc ACM SIGART SIGCHI International Conf. on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI , Lisbon , Portugal , February , 2012 . - Orvalho, V.; F. Parke Parke; X. Alvarez; " A Facial Rigging Survey ", Proc Eurographics , Cagliari , Italy , Vol. 32 , pp. 10 - 32 , May , 2012 . - Serra, J.; M.R. Ribeiro; J.F. Freitas; V. Orvalho; M. D. Dias; " A proposal for a visual speech animation system for European Portuguese ", Proc ATVS Biometric Recognition Group of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, the Spanish Thematic Network on Speech Technology (RTTH) and the ISCA Special Interest Group on Iberian Languages (SIG-IL). IberSPEECH 2012 , Madrid , Spain , November , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Orvalho, V.; S. Jain Jain; B. T. Tamersoy; Y. Zhang; J. Aggarwal; " An Interactive Game for Teaching Facial Expressions to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Control, Communications and Signal Processing - ISCCSP , Rome , Italy , Vol. 4 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2012 . - Deus, T. F.; T. Marques; PFL Lopes; I. Alexandre; P. Alexandre; " Aprender Inglês com um Jogo por Computador didáctico ", Proc International Conf. on Digital Arts , Faro , Portugal , Vol. , pp. 365 - 368 , November , 2012 . - Serra, J.; J.F. Freitas; M. D. Dias; V. Orvalho; " Automatic Visual Speech Animation ", Proc International Conf. on Computational Processing of Portuguese PROPOR , Coimbra , Portugal , April , 2012 . - Pereira, P.N.M.P; A. F. S. B. Barbosa; D. C. Casteleira; J. D. Dias; F. S. Silva; " Clean World - Demo ", Proc VideoJogos - VJ , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , December , 2012 . - Alexandre, I.; DJ Jardim; PFL Lopes; " HAND IN HAND: MATHS AND STORYTELLING TOGETHER IN AN EDUCATIONAL GAME ", Proc International Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - ICAART , Vilamoura , Portugal , February , 2012 . - Dinis, B.; B. Rodrigues; I. Correia; " Let’s tell a story and learn math? ", Proc International Conf. on Digital Arts , Faro , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Marcelino, S. Marcelino; P.A. Assunção; S.M.M. Faria; S.S. Soares; " Lost block reconstruction in depth maps using color image contours ", Proc Picture Coding Symp. , Kraków , Poland , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2012 . - Fernandes, T.; J. Serra; J. O. Órdoñez; V. Orvalho; " Mind Maps as Behavior Controllers for Virtual Characters ", Proc , Austin , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2012 . - Ferrão, M. F.; K. O.H. O Hara; F. S. Silva; " MSQUASH - An Exergame using the Playstation Move Controller ", Proc International Conf. on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - GRAPP , Rome , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 480 - 484 , February , 2012 . - Miranda, J.C.; X. Alvarez; J.A. Soleno; A.A.S Sousa; I.F Fernández; V. Orvalho; " Perceiving Interactive Sketching Through Facial Expressions ", Proc ACM Symposium on Applied Perception - SAP , Los Angeles , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , August , 2012 . - Leite, L.; V. Orvalho; " Shape Your Body: Control a Virtual Silhouette Using Body Motion ", Proc ACM SIGCHI - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - SIGCHI , Austin , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1913 - 1918 , May , 2012 . - Leite, L.; " Virtual Marionette ", Proc ACM SIGART SIGCHI International Conf. on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. , pp. 363 - 366 , February , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA NETWORK APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES Books - Taludker, A.; N. M. Garcia; (eds.); Convergence through all IP Networks , , Pan Stanford Publishing , Singapore , 2012 . - Rodrigues, J. R.; (eds.); Emerging Communication Technologies for E-Health and Medicine , , Idea-Group Inc. , Hershey , 2012 . - Silva, M.; Multimedia Communications and Networking , , CRC-Taylor & Francis Group , Boca Raton, USA , 2012 . - Rodrigues, J. R.; I. T. de la Torre; B. S. Sainz; (eds.); Telemedicine and E-Health Services, Policies and Applications: Advancements and Developments , , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference , Hershey , 2012 . Book Chapters - Rodrigues, J. R.; D. S. Sousa; I. T. de la Torre; " A Content-independent Versatile Ubiquitous System (CiVUS) for mobile learning " - Chapter in Learning with Mobile Technologies, Handheld Devices, and Smart Phones , Z. Lu , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference , Hershey, PA, USA , 2012 . - Taludker, A.; G. M. J. Jayatheertha; N. M. Garcia; " Convergence through all IP Networks " - Chapter in All IP Networks , Asoke Taludker, Nuno M. Garcia, G. M. Jayatheertha , Pan Stanford Publishing , Singapore , 2012 . - Rodrigues, J. R.; P. João; B. Vaidya; " EduTutor: an Intelligent Tutor System for a Learning Management System " - Chapter in Intelligent Learning Systems and Advancements in Computer-Aided Instruction , Qun Jin , Idea-Group Inc. , Hershey, PA, USA , 2012 . - Aguiar, R. L.; L.N.A. Alves; Navin Kumar; " Employing Traffic Lights as Road Side Unit for Road Safety Information Broadcast " - Chapter in Roadside Networks for Vehicular Communications: Architectures, Applications and Test Fields , Robil Daher, Alexey Vinel , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference, 2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; N. R. C. G. Garcia; " IP over Optical " - Chapter in Convergence through all IP Networks , Asoke Taludker, Nuno M. Garcia, G. M. Jayatheertha , Pan Stanford Publishing , Singapore , 2012 . - Lopes, F.; I. Fonseca; " Networked Embedded Systems - Example Applications in the Educational Environment " - Chapter in Embedded Systems - High Performance Systems, Applications and Projects , Kiyofumi Tanaka , In-Tech , , 2012 . - Cardoso, R.; A. Gomes; " Security Issues in Massively Multiplayer Online Games " - Chapter in Handbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business and Research Tools , Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference , Hershey, PA 17033, USA , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Papers in Journals - Liao, L. L.; M. Chen; J. R. Rodrigues; X. L. Lai; S. V. Vuong; " A Novel Webenabled Healthcare Solution on HealthVault System ", Journal of Medical Systems , Vol. 36 , No. 3 , pp. 1095 - 1105 , June , 2012 . - de la Torre, I. T.; F. D. Díaz; M. A. Antón; E. B. Barragán; J. R. Rodrigues; C. P. Pires; " A Telematic Tool to predict the risk of colorectal cancer in White men and women: ColoRectal Cancer Alert (CRCA) ", Journal of Medical Systems , Vol. 36 , No. 4 , pp. 2557 - 2564 , August , 2012 . - Lucas da Silva, M.; D. Gonçalves; T. Guerreiro; H. Silva; " A Web-Based Application to Address Individual Interests of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders ", Procedia Computer Science , July , 2012 . - Lin, K. L.; M. Chen; S. Z. Zeadaly; J. R. Rodrigues; " Balancing Energy Consumption with Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks ", Future Generation Computer Systems , Vol. 28 , No. 2 , pp. 446 - 456 , February , 2012 . - Rodrigues, J. R.; N. R. Reis; J. M. Moutinho; I. T. de la Torre; " Breast Alert: an On-line Tool for Predicting the Lifetime Risk of Women Breast Cancer ", Journal of Medical Systems , Vol. 36 , No. 3 , pp. 1417 - 1424 , June , 2012 . - P. B., P. B. S.; D. E. Lucani; J. B. S. Sousa; " Bridging Cooperative Sensing and Route Planning of Autonomous Vehicles ", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , Vol. 30 , No. 5 , pp. 912 - 922 , June , 2012 . - Oliveira, P. F.; L. L. Lima; T. T. V. Vinhoza; J. Barros; M. M. Médard; " Coding for Trusted Storage in Untrusted Networks ", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security , Vol. 7 , No. 6 , pp. 1890 - 1899 , December , 2012 . - Matos, R.; C . M. M. Marques; S. Sargento; " Distributed Approach to Control and Manage Context-Based Multi-Virtual Networks ", Mobile Networks and Applications , Vol. 17 , No. 4 , pp. 447 - 462 , April , 2012 . - Cordeiro, P.; P.A. Assunção; " Distributed Coding/Decoding Complexity in Video Sensor Networks ", Sensors , Vol. 12 , No. 3 , pp. 2693 - 2709 , February , 2012 . - Rodrigues, J. R.; L. Z. Zhou; L. M. Mendes; K. L. Lin; J. L. Lloret; " Distributed Media-Aware Flow Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environment ", Computer Communications , Vol. 35 , No. 1 , pp. 1819 - 1827 , September , 2012 . - de la Torre, I. T.; M. L. López-Coronado; J. R. Rodrigues; " How to Measure the QoS of a Web-based EHRs System: Development of an Instrument ", Journal of Medical Systems , Vol. 36 , No. 6 , pp. 3725 - 3731 , December , 2012 . - Guardalben, L.G; G.T Gomes; P. Salvador; S. Sargento; " Improving MAC layer association through social-based metrics in mobile networks ", IEEE Communications Magazine , Vol. 50 , No. 6 , pp. 91 - 98 , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Aguiar, A.; M.J.F. Silva; P.A. Silva; D. Elias; F. Nunes; " Leveraging Electronic Ticketing to Provide Personalised Navigation in a Public Transport Network ", IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems , Vol. 13 , No. 1 , pp. 213 - 220 , March , 2012 . - Spatial Distribution in Urban Wireless Cellular Networks ", Wireless Personal Communications , Vol. 64 , No. 1 , pp. 153 - 167 , May , 2012 . - Gomes, P.; C. Olaverri ; M. Ferreira; " Making Vehicles Transparent Through V2V Video Streaming ", IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems , January , 2012 . - " MINDiT: A framework for media independent access to things ", Computer Communications , Vol. 35 , No. 15 , pp. 1772 - 1785 , September , 2012 . - Silva, R. S.; J. Silva; JC Caldeira; J. R. Rodrigues; " Mobile multimedia in Wireless Sensor Networks ", Intrnl. Journal of Sensor Networks , Vol. 11 , No. 1 , pp. 3 - 9 , January , 2012 . - Lucani, D. E.; M. M. Médard; M. S. Stojanovic; " On Coding for Delay - Network Coding for Time-Division Duplexing ", IEEE Trans. on Information Theory , Vol. 58 , No. 4 , pp. 2330 - 2348 , April , 2012 . - Campos, A. C.; E. S. Souza; F. F. Costa; J. R. Rodrigues; E. N. Nakamura; " On the Impact of Localization and Density Control Algorithms in Target Tracking Applications for Wireless Sensor Networks ", Sensors , Vol. 12 , No. 6 , pp. 6930 6952 , May , 2012 . - Zhou, L. Z.; J. R. Rodrigues; L. Oliveira; " QoE-Driven Power Scheduling in Smart Grid: Architecture, Strategy, and Methodology ", IEEE Communications Magazine , Vol. 50 , No. 5 , pp. 136 - 145 , May , 2012 . - Santos, A. C. S.; L. Pedrosa ; B.W.M. Kuipers; R. M. Rocha; " Resource Description Language: A Unified Description Language for Network Embedded Resources ", Intrnl. Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks , Vol. 2012 , No. 860864 , July , 2012 . - Neves, P. N.; A. E. Elias; A. F. F. E. Esteves; J. R. Rodrigues; " ZenSens Improving Sensor and Actuator Networks User Experience with iPhone Support ", Ad Hoc , Vol. 14 , No. 1 , pp. 41 - 60 , February , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Ferreira, A.; S. Azevedo; P. Fazendeiro; " A linguistic approach to supply chain performance assessment ", Proc IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - WCCI , Brisbane , Australia , Vol. FUZZ-IEEE , pp. 1895 - 1899 , June , 2012 . - Cardote, A.; F. Neves Neves; S. Sargento; P. Steenkiste; " A Statistical Channel Model for Realistic Simulation in VANET ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Networking Conf. VNC , Seoul , Korea, South , pp. 48 - 55 , November , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Nistor, M.; D. E. Lucani; J. Barros; " A Total Energy Approach to Protocol Design in Coded Wireless Sensor Networks ", Proc International Sym. on Network Coding NetCod , Boston , United States , June , 2012 . - " An Architecture for the Future Business of Things ", Proc International Workshop on M2M Communication Technologies and Systems, Wuxi , China , October , 2012 . - Kuipers, B.W.M. ; S. Sargento; H. P. Pires; J. Soares; P. Neves; M. Nunes; " CoSimulation of ns-2 and SPHERE for Media Independent Handovers ", Proc International Conf. on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems (SIMUTOOLS) , Desenzano , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , March , 2012 . - Prata, A.P.; D. Corujo; P. Gonçalves; D. Gomes; " EMICOM: Enhanced Media Independent COnnection Manage ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Aveiro , Portugal , November , 2012 . - d´Orey, P.; R. Fernandes; M.F. Ferreira; " Empirical Evaluation of a Dynamic and Distributed Taxi-Sharing System ", Proc IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems , Anchorage , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , September , 2012 . - Olaverri , C.; P. Gomes; M. K-S. Kruger-Silveria; M. Ferreira; " In-Vehicle Virtual Traffic Lights: a Graphical User Interface ", Proc Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação - CISTI , Madrid , Spain , June , 2012 . - Ferreira, J.A.; R. M. Rocha; " ISTNanosat-1 - Digital Communications and Processing Subsystem (Heart) ", Proc AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium , Guildford, London , United Kingdom , September , 2012 . - Calmon, F. Calmon; M. M. Médard; L. Zeger Zeger; J. Barros; M. Christiansen Christiansen; K. Duffy Duffy; " Lists that are smaller than their parts: A coding approach to tunable secrecy ", Proc Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing - Allerton , Monticello, Illinois , United States , October , 2012 . - Matos, J.; R.J. Lopes; Y. M. Merali; " Market Opportunities, Customer Desires and Purchasing ", Proc European College of Sports Science - ECSS , Bruxelas , Belgium , September , 2012 . - " Market Opportunities, Customer Desires And Purchasing Selectiveness Modelling In Multi-Layered Cellular Automata: A Study Case On Organizational Survivability ", Proc European Conf. on Complex Systems - ECCS , Bruxels , Belgium , Vol. Book of Abstracts , pp. 97 - 98 , September , 2012 . - Lucani, D. E.; MJM Montpetit; " Network Coding for Next Generation Personal Satellite Converged Services ", Proc International ICST Conf. on Personal Satellite Services (PSATS 2012) - PSATS , Bradford , United Kingdom , March , 2012 . - Moreira, A.; D. E. Lucani; " On Coding for Asymmetric Wireless Interfaces ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Network Coding - NetCod , Boston , United States , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Almeida, J.A.; S.S. Shintre; M. Boban; J. Barros; " Probabilistic Key Distribution in Vehicular Networks with Infrastructure Support ", Proc IEEE Globecom 2012 , Anaheim, CA , United States , pp. 1 - 5 , December , 2012 . - Matos, R.; N. Coutinho; C . M. M. Marques; S. Sargento; J. C. Chakareski; A. Kassler; " Quality of Experience-Based Routing in Multi-Service Wireless Mesh Networks ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Cachulo, LC; CR Rabadão; T.R. Fernandes; F. Perdigoto; S.M.M. Faria; " Real-time information system for small and medium bus operators ", Proc Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems - CENTERIS , Algarve , Portugal , October , 2012 . - Hadzic , S.; J. B. Bastos; J. Rodriguez; " Reference Node Selection for Cooperative Positioning Using Coalition Formation Games ", Proc Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication - WPNC , Dresden , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , March , 2012 . - Dias, J. Dias; A. Cardote; F. Neves Neves; S. Sargento; " Seamless Horizontal and Vertical Mobility in VANET ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Networking Conf. - VNC , Seoul , Korea, South , pp. 226 - 233 , November , 2012 . - Gomes, P.; F. V. Vieira; M. Ferreira; " The See-Through System: From Implementation to Test-Drive ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Networking Conf. (VNC) , Seoul , Korea, South , November , 2012 . - Simões, C.; F. Botelho; H. Silva; M. Lucas da Silva; " Troc@s - A Multimedia Platform for Communicative Competence Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders ", Proc European Educational Research Association European Conf. on Educational Research - ECER , Cádiz , Spain , September , 2012 . - Adão, P.; J. M. Mendes; " Trusted Civitas: Client Trust in CIVITAS Electronic Voting Protocol ", Proc Inforum - Simpósio de Informática , Lisboa , Portugal , September , 2012 . - Silva, H.; P. van de Ven; E. Tousset; M. R. Henriques; M. Hoogendoorn; M. Klein; " User-friendly ICT Tools to Enhance Self-Management and Effective Treatment of Depression in the EU ", Proc International Educational and Networking Forum for eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT - Med-e-Tel, Luxembourg , April , 2012 . NETWORK OPERATIONS, MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING Books - Rodrigues, J. R.; A. K. Kailas; L. Z. Zhou; M. Chen; (eds.); First International Conference on Green Communication and Networking – GreeNets 2011 , , Springer , Berlin , 2012 . - Pentikousis, K.; R. L. Aguiar; S. Sargento; R. Agüero; (eds.); Mobile Networks and Management, Third International ICST Conference, MONAMI 2011, Springer , Aveiro , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Book Chapters - Catarino, H.; P. Pinho; " Comparison of UMTS and DVB-SH in Terms of the Quality of the Received Signal and the Cell Range " - Chapter in Mobile Multimedia Communications , Jonathan Rodriguez, Rahim Tafazolli and Christos Verikoukis , Springer, 2012 . - " Mobile Networks and Management " - Chapter in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Vol. 97 , . , Springer , Aveiro , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Corujo, D.; Iván Vidal Vidal; Jaime G. Reinoso Garcia-Reinoso; R. L. Aguiar; " A Named Data Networking Flexible Framework for Management Communications ", IEEE Communications Magazine , December , 2012 . - Gonçalves, P.; J. L. Oliveira; R. L. Aguiar; " A study of encoding overhead in network management protocols ", Intrnl. Journal of Network Management - IJNM , Vol. 22 , No. 6 , pp. 435 - 450 , June , 2012 . - Gonçalves, pasg; J. L. Oliveira; R. L. Aguiar; " A study of encoding overhead in network management protocols ", Intrnl. Journal of Network Management - IJNM , Vol. 22 , No. 6 , pp. 435 - 450 , February , 2012 . - Lai, Y. L.; J. R. Rodrigues; Y. H. Huang; H. W. Wang; C. L. Lai; " An Intercommunication Home Energy Management System with Appliance Recognition in Home Network ", Mobile Networks and Applications , Vol. 17 , No. 1 , pp. 132 142 , February , 2012 . - Rodrigues, N.R.; R.S. Sousa; P. Salvador; A. N. Nogueira; " Characterization and Modeling of Top Spam Botnets ", Intrnl. Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithms , Vol. 4 , No. 4 , pp. 1 - 26 , December , 2012 . - Gonçalves, P.; D.L. Loureiro; A. N. Nogueira; " Comparing Event Reporting Solutions for Autonomic Management ", Intrnl. Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithms , Vol. 6 , No. 6 , pp. 65 - 83 , December , 2012 . - " Comparing Event Reporting Solutions for Autonomic Management ", , Vol. 4 , No. 4 , pp. 65 - 83 , December , 2012 . - Gomes, J. V.; P.R.M. Inácio ; M. Sousa; M. Freire; P. Monteiro; " Detection and classification of peer-to-peer traffic: A survey ", ACM Computing Surveys , Vol. Accepted for publication , January , 2012 . - Gomes, J. V.; P.R.M. Inácio ; M. Sousa; M. Freire; P. Monteiro; " Exploring Behavioral Patterns Through Entropy in Multimedia Peer-to-Peer Traffic ", Computer Journal , Vol. 55 , No. 6 , pp. 740 - 755 , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Gomes, J. V.; P.R.M. Inácio ; M. Sousa; M. Freire; P. Monteiro; " Identification of peer-to-peer VoIP sessions using entropy and codec properties ", IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems , November , 2012 . - Pentikousis, K.; R. Aguero; S. Sargento; R. L. Aguiar; " Mobility and Network Management in Virtualized Networks ", Mobile Networks and Applications , Vol. 17 , No. 4 , pp. 431 - 434 , August , 2012 . - A. Neto; Leandro Freitas Freitas; Eduardo Cerqueira Cerqueira; R. L. Aguiar; D. Gomes; " QoS-RRC: An Overprovisioning-centric and Load Balance-aided Solution for Future Internet QoS-oriented Routing ", Multimedia Tools and Applications , Vol. 61 , No. 3 , pp. 721 - 746 , December , 2012 . - Diallo, O. D.; J. R. Rodrigues; M. S. Sene; " Real-time Data Management on Wireless Sensor Network: a Survey ", Journal of Network and Computer Applications , Vol. 35 , No. 3 , pp. 1013 - 10221 , May , 2012 . - Corujo, D.; Sérgio Figueiredo Figueiredo; R. L. Aguiar; " Sinalização Multiponto Independente do Meio para Melhoria do desempenho de Vídeo ", Redes, Telecom e Instalações, Editora Aranda , pp. 50 - 59 , August , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Jeon, Seil Jeon; Sérgio Figueiredo Figueiredo; R. L. Aguiar; " A ChannelManageable IP Multicast Support Framework for Distributed Mobility Management ", Proc Wireless Days Conf. , Dublin , Ireland , November , 2012 . - Vilela, J.P.; J. Barros; " A Cooperative Protocol for Jamming Eavesdroppers in Wireless Networks ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Yang, D.; S.M. Mumtaz; J. Bastos; J. Rodriguez; " A Location-Aided Teletraffic Measurement Scheme for Optimizing the Locations of Fixed Relay Nodes ", Proc IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. - WCNC , Paris , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , April , 2012 . - , ; S.M. Mumtaz; J. B. Bastos; J. Rodriguez; " A Location-Aided Teletraffic Measurement Scheme for Optimizing the Locations of Fixed Relay Nodes ", Proc IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. - WCNC , Paris , France , April , 2012 . - Ferreira, R. A. Ferreira; André Tomás Tomás; Pedro Estima Estima; R. L. Aguiar; R. Pereira; " A Media Independent Transport Service for Ambient Intelligence ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Aveiro , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Gonçalves, P.; A Mendes; R. L. Aguiar; " An ICT-oriented Management Solution for NGNs ", Proc IARIA-International Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Communications - ICWMC , Venice , Italy , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Melo, M.; J. Carapinha; S. Sargento; U. Killat Killat; A. Timm-Giel; " An ReOptimization Approach for Virtual Network Embedding ", Proc ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI) , Hamburg , Germany , September , 2012 . - Pernes, D.; D. Neves; P. Vieira; " Análise de Cobertura e Capacidade em Redes Móveis LTE de Quarta Geração (4G) ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2012 . - Sousa, R.S.; N.R. Rodrigues; P. Salvador; A. N. Nogueira; " Analyzing the Behavior of Top Spam Botnets ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms - SCPA , Ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Pires, Gustavo Pires; M. Antunes; D. Corujo; D. Gomes; J.P.B. Barraca; R. L. Aguiar; " Architecture for orchestration of M2M services ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Aveiro , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Ferreira, R. A. Ferreira; R. L. Aguiar; " Breaching location privacy in XMPP based messaging ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. - GLOBECOM , Anaheim , United States , December , 2012 . - Petiz, I.P.; P. Salvador; A. N. Nogueira; " Characterization and Modeling of M2M Video Surveillance Traffic ", Proc IARIA International Conf. on Advances in Future Internet - AFIN , Rome , Italy , August , 2012 . - Salvador, P.; A. N. Nogueira; E. Rocha; " Characterizing and Predicting Internet Users Hidden Behaviors with Markovian Models ", Proc International Conf. on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies - SECURWARE , Rome , Italy , August , 2012 . - Vieira, F. V.; D. E. Lucani; NA Alagha; " Codes and Balances: Multibeam Satellite Load Balancing with Coded Packets ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Ottwa , Canada , June , 2012 . - , ; João Martins Martins; J.P.B. Barraca; R. L. Aguiar; " Demonstrating the AMazING Panel ", Proc ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation and Characterization - WiNTECH , Istambul , Turkey , August , 2012 . - Petiz, I.P.; E. Rocha; P. Salvador; A. N. Nogueira; " Detection of WPS Attacks Through Multiscale Analysis ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Aveiro , Portugal , November , 2012 . - , ; A. Neto; Eric Patrick Patrick; Eduardo Cerqueira Cerqueira; Danielo Gomes Gomes; R. L. Aguiar; " Dynamic and Scalable Provisioning in Wireless Mesh Networks to Efficiently Support Multi-User Killer-Applications with High-Demand of Resources ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Pires, A.; D. Corujo; pasg Gonçalves; D. Gomes; " EMICOM: Enhanced Media Independent COnnection Manager ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Comunicações , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Corujo, D.; Carlos Guimarães Guimarães; R. L. Aguiar; " Evaluation of Discovery Mechanisms for Media Independent Handover Services ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Convergence among Heterogeneous Wireless Systems in Future Internet CONWIRE , Ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - João Martins Martins; J.P.B. Barraca; D. Gomes; R. L. Aguiar; " Experimentation made easy with the AMazING Panel ", Proc ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation and Characterization - WiNTECH , Istambul , Turkey , August , 2012 . - Rodrigues, N.R.; A. N. Nogueira; P. Salvador; " Fighting Botnets - A Systematic Approach ", Proc International Conf. on Emerging Network Intelligence - Emerging , Barcelona , Spain , September , 2012 . - Corujo, D.; ML Lebre; D. Gomes; R. L. Aguiar; " Furthering Media Independence Mechanisms for Future Internet Enablement ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Telecommunication Standards: From Research to Standards , Ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Jesus, V.; P. Steenkiste; R. L. Aguiar; " Inter-Domain Service Alignment Using Consensus ", Proc International Conf. on Computing, Networking and Communications - ICNC , Maui , United States , January , 2012 . - Vieira, F. V.; D. E. Lucani; NA Alagha; " Load-Aware Soft-Handovers for Multibeam Satellites: A Network Coding Perspective ", Proc Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conf. - ASMS , Baiona , Spain , September , 2012 . - J. B. Bastos; C. Verikoukis; J. Rodriguez; " Location-aided Round Robin Scheduling for Fractional Frequency Reused LTE-A Relay Network ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks - IEEE CAMAD , Barcelona , Spain , September , 2012 . - Gonçalves, J.; D. Gomes; R. L. Aguiar; " Low-Latency Privacy-Enabled Context Distribution Architecture ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Pleszko, A.P.; J.P.B. Barraca; J. Ferreira; P. Gonçalves; " Multiplatform Management of a Hard Real-Time Ethernet Switch ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Management of Emerging Networks and Services - MENS 2009 , Anaheim, California, USA , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , December , 2012 . - Pleszko, A.P.; J.P.B. Barraca; J. Ferreira; pasg Gonçalves; " Multiplatform Management of a Hard Real-Time Ethernet Switch ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Management of Emerging Networks and Services - MENS 2009 , Anaheim, California , United States , December , 2012 . - Loureiro, D.L.; P. Gonçalves; A. N. Nogueira; " NETCONF agent for link state monitoring ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms - SCPA , Ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Loureiro, D.L.; P. Gonçalves; A. N. Nogueira; " NETCONF agent for link state monitoring ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms - SCPA , Ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Melo, F. Melo; N. Pereira; J. Barata Barata; J. Barros; " Network active management for load balancing based on intelligent multi agent system ", Proc CIRED 2012 - CIRED , Lisbon , Portugal , May , 2012 . - Matos, R.; C . M. M. Marques; S. Sargento; " On-Demand Selection, Control and Management of Context-Based Wireless Mesh Networks ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Lima, Christopher Lima; D. Gomes; R. L. Aguiar; " Pervasive CSCW for Smart Spaces Communities ", Proc International Scientific Conf. on Prevention of WorkRelated Musculoskeletal Disorders - PREMUS , Lugano , Switzerland ,March , 2012 . - Soares, J.; R. Monteiro; J. Carapinha; M. Melo; S. Sargento; " Resource Allocation in the Network Operator's Cloud: A Virtualization Approach ", Proc IEEE Symp. on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Cappadocia , Turkey , pp. 800 - 805 , July , 2012 . - Guardalben, L.G; G.T Gomes; P. Salvador; S. Sargento; " Self-Organizing Decentralized Wireless Management through Social-Based Metrics ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Management of the Future Internet - ManFi , Maui , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1199 - 1202 , April , 2012 . - Marnerides, A.; ; " Towards the Improvement of Diagnostic Metrics: Fault Diagnosis for DSL-Based IPTV Networks using the Renyi Entropy ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. - GLOBECOM , Anaheim , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 10 - 10 , December , 2012 . - Figueiredo, Sérgio Figueiredo; Seil Jeon Jeon; R. L. Aguiar; " Use-cases Analysis for Multicast Listener Support in Network-based Distributed Mobility Management ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun PIMRC , Sydney , Australia , September , 2012 . NETWORK PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND DESIGN Book Chapters - Mumtaz, S.M.; S. Hadzic ; J. Rodriguez; " Cooperative game theory and its application in localization algorithms " - Chapter in Game Theory , Intech International Publisher, Croatia , In-Tech, 2012 . - Talooki, V.; " E2DSR: Preliminary Implementation Results and Performance Evaluation of an Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc networks " Chapter in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2012 . - Lin, K. L.; M. Chen; J. R. Rodrigues; H. G. Ge; " System Design and Data Fusion in Body Sensor Networks " - Chapter in Telemedicine and E-Health Services, ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Policies and Applications: Advancements and Developments , [3] Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Isabel de la Torre, and Beatriz Sainz de Abajo , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference , Hershey, PA, USA , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Sobrinho, J. L. S.; T. Quelhas; " A Theory for the Connectivity Discovered by Routing Protocols ", IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking , Vol. 20 , No. 3 , pp. 677 689 , June , 2012 . - CHÁVEZ-SANTIAGO, R.; K. E. NOLAN; O. Holland; L. DE NARDIS; J.M. Ferro; N. Barroca; Luis M. Borges; F. J. Velez; V. GONÇALVES; I. Balasingham; " Cognitive Radio for Medical Body Area Networks Using Ultra Wideband ", IEEE Wireless Communications , Vol. 19 , No. 4 , pp. 74 - 81 , August , 2012 . - Sadeghi, Rasool Sadeghi; J.P.B. Barraca; R. L. Aguiar; " Energy Efficiency and Capacity Modeling for Cooperative Cognitive Networks ", Journal of Green Engineering , Vol. 2 , No. 4 , pp. 377 - 399 , July , 2012 . - Radwan, A. R.; J. Rodriguez; " Energy Saving in Multi-standard Mobile Terminals through Short-range Cooperation ", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking , Vol. 2012 , No. 159 , pp. 1 - 41 , May , 2012 . - Inácio , P.R.M.; M. Freire; M. Sousa; P. Monteiro; " Fast Synthesis of Persistent Fractional Brownian Motion ", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) , Vol. 22 , No. 2 , pp. 1 - 22 , April , 2012 . - Mumtaz, S.M.; D. Yang; V.M. Monteiro; J. Rodriguez; " Green ICT: SelfOrganization Aided Network Sharing in LTEA ", Journal of Green Engineering , Vol. 2 , No. 3 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2012 . - Corujo, D.; ML Lebre; D. Gomes; R. L. Aguiar; " MINDiT: A framework for media independent access to things ", Computer Communications , Vol. 35 , No. 15 , pp. 1772 - 1785 , September , 2012 . - Mumtaz, S.M.; D. Yang; V.M. Monteiro; J. Rodriguez; " Performance Analysis of Energy efficient and Position Aided Relays in LTEA ", Physical CommunicationElsevier , Vol. 2 , No. 5 , pp. 1 - 1 , July , 2012 . - Dias, J. D.; J. I. Isento; B. Silva; V. S. Soares; J. R. Rodrigues; " Performance assessment of IP over vehicular delay-tolerant networks through the VDTN@Lab testbed ", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking , Vol. 2012 , No. 13 , pp. 1 - 12 , February , 2012 . - Marques, P.; " Secondary Spectrum Trading in TV White Spaces ", IEEE Communications Magazine , Vol. 11 , No. 11 , pp. 1 - 11 , November , 2012 . - Pinto, Pedro C. Pinto; J. Barros; Moe Win Win; " Secure Communication in Stochastic Wireless Networks - Part I Connectivity ", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security , February , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Pinto, Pedro C. Pinto; J. Barros; Moe Win Win; " Secure Communication in Stochastic Wireless Networks - Part II Maximum Rate and Collusion ", February , 2012 . - Boban, M.; T. T. V. Vinhoza; O. Tonguz; J. Barros; " Seeing is Believing– Enhancing Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks Through Visual Cues ", IEEE Communications Letters , Vol. 16 , No. 2 , pp. 238 - 241 , February , 2012 . - Luís, M.; L. B. Bernardo; R. Dinis; " Towards Reliable Broadcast in ad hoc Networks ", IEEE Communications Letters , Vol. 16 , No. 3 , pp. 314 - 317 , March , 2012 . - " Towards Ubiquitous Mobility Solutions for Body Sensor Networks on HealthCare ", IEEE Communications Magazine , Vol. 50 , No. 5 , pp. 108 - 115 , May , 2012 . - Caldeira, JC; J. R. Rodrigues; P. Lorenz; " Towards Ubiquitous Mobility Solutions for Body Sensor Networks on HealthCare ", IEEE Communications Magazine , Vol. 50 , No. 5 , pp. 108 - 115 , May , 2012 . - Lloret, J. L.; S. S. Sendra; M. A. Ardid; J. R. Rodrigues; " Underwater Wireless Sensor Communications in the 2.4 GHz ISM Frequency Band ", Sensors , Vol. 12 , No. 4 , pp. 4237 - 4264 , March , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Moura, J.A.; J. C. Silva; R. N. Marinheiro; " A Brokerage System for Enhancing Wireless Access ", Proc International Conf. on Communications and Signal Processing - MIC-CSP , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 45 - 50 , April , 2012 . - Martins, R.; pasg Gonçalves; R. L. Aguiar; " An ICT-oriented management solution for NGNs ", Proc IARIA-International Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Communications - ICWMC , Venice , Italy , June , 2012 . - Radwan, A. R.; M. Albano; J. Rodriguez; C. Verikoukis; " Analysis of Energy Saving using Cooperation - Use-case: WiFi and WiMedia ", Proc Future Network and Mobile Summit , Berlin , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , July , 2012 . - Martins, A.; A. J. Rodrigues; P. Vieira; " Avaliação do Impacto Económico da Utilização de Repetidores Fixos numa Rede LTE ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2012 . - Ferro, J.M.; F. J. Velez; " Combined Hop Count and Received Signal Strength Routing Protocol for Mobility-enabled WSNs ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , Québec City , Canada , September , 2012 . - Mumtaz, S.M.; J. Rodriguez; " Comparison of Energy-Efficiency in Bits per Joule on different downlink CoMP Techniques ", Proc ICC Wireless Communications , Ottawa , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Alam , M.; " Context Based Node Discovery Mechanism For Energy Efficiency In Wireless Networks ", Proc ICC Wireless Communications , Ottawa , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , June , 2012 . - Mumtaz, S.M.; D. Yang; J. B. Bastos; J. Rodriguez; " Cooperative Location-Based Adaptive Beamforming ", Proc International Symp. on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing , Rome , Italy , Vol. 2 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2012 . - Ferro, J.M.; F. J. Velez; " Cost-based Optimisation of the Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Mobility ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Automatic Control - CONTROLO , Funchal , Portugal , July , 2012 . - Condeixa, T.; S. Sargento; A.N. Nascimento; R. Sofia Sofia; " Decoupling and Distribution of Mobility Management ", Proc IEEE Globecom International Workshop on Mobility Management in the Network of the Future World - (MobiWorld 2012) , Anahein , United States , December , 2012 . - Ganhão, F.; L. B. Bernardo; R. Dinis; G. B. Barros; E Santos; A Furtado; R. Oliveira; P. Pinto; " Energy-Efficient QoS Provisioning in Demand Assigned Satellite NDMA Schemes ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Computer Communication and Networks - ICCCN , Munich , Germany , July , 2012 . - Jesus, V.; D. Gomes; R. L. Aguiar; " Figures of Merit For The Placement (In)Efficiency Of Interconnected CDNs ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Computers and Communications - ISCC , Cappadocia , Turkey , pp. 277 - 282 , July , 2012 . - Pinto, H.; D. E. Lucani; J. Barros; " Hide and Code: Session Anonymity in Wireless Line Networks with Coded Packets ", Proc Information Theory and Applications Workshop , San Diego , United States , pp. 1 - 9 , February , 2012 . - Parreira, B.P.; M. Melo; J. Soares; J. Carapinha; R. Monteiro; S. Sargento; " Network Virtualization - A Virtual Router Performance Evaluation ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Aveiro , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Aguiar, A.; D. E. Lucani; " NETWORK-AWARE BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING: Loss Concealment or Loss Awareness ", Proc INSTICC International Conf. on Health Informatics - Healthinf , Vila Moura , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2012 . - Capela, N.; S. Sargento; " Optimizing Network Performance with Multihoming and Network Coding ", Proc Broadband Wireless Access Workshop - BWA , ANAHEIM , United States , Vol. 6 , pp. 1 - 6 , December , 2012 . - Ganhão, F.; R. Dinis; L. B. Bernardo; R. Oliveira; " Performance Evaluation and Comparison between Iterative DS-CDMA and NDMA ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , Québec , Canada , September , 2012 . - Santos, Pedro Santos; A. Dias; P. Vieira; " Planeamento, Implementação e Otimização de um Grupo de Femto-Células em Redes UMTS ", Proc URSI Seminar ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2012 . - Pascoal, C.; R. Oliveira; R. Valadas; P. F. Filzmoser; P. Salvador; A. Pacheco; " Robust Feature Selection and Robust PCA for Internet Traffic Anomaly Detection ", Proc IEEE INFOCOM , Orlando , United States , Vol. 2012 , pp. 1755 - 1763 , March , 2012 . - Fernandes, R.; M. Ferreira; " Scalable VANET Simulations with NS-3 ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Yokohama , Japan , May , 2012 . - Alam , M.; " Throughput Fairness Analysis of Reservation Protocols of WiMedia MAC ", Proc 8th International Conf. on Innovations in Information Technology - IIT , Al Ain , United Arab Emirates , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , March , 2012 . - Nascimento, A.N.; R. Sofia Sofia; T. Condeixa; S. Sargento; " Towards a Distributed Mobility Management Approach Suitable for User-centric Environments ", Proc IEEE ICCCN Workshop on Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks - (CoHetNet 2012) , Berlim , Germany , July , 2012 . PATTERN RECOGNITION AND AUTOMATIC LEARNING Books - Filipe, JBF; A. L. N. Fred; (eds.); Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Third International Conference, ICAART 2011, Revised Selected Papers, Springer , Berlin , 2012 . - Fred, A. L. N.; JBF Filipe; H. Gamboa; (eds.); Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - 4th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2011 - Revised Selected Papers, Springer , Berlin , 2012 . - Carmona, P. L. Carmona; J. S. Sanchez Sanches; A. L. N. Fred; (eds.); ICPRAM 2012 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Volume 1 – Theory and Methods , , SciTePress , Setúbal , 2012 . - Fred, A. L. N.; J. L. G. Dietz Dietz; K. Liu Liu; JBF Filipe; (eds.); Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Second International Joint Conference, IC3K 2010, Revised Selected Papers , , Springer , Berlin , 2012 . - Carmona, P. L. Carmona; J. S. Sanchez Sanches; A. L. N. Fred; (eds.); Mathematical Methodologies in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning , , Springer , Berlin , 2012 . - Sá, J.; L. Silva; J. Santos; L. Alexandre; Minimum Error Entropy Classification , , Springer , Berlim , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Filipe, JBF; A. L. N. Fred; (eds.); Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1 – Artificial Intelligence , , SciTePress , Setúbal , 2012 . - Filipe, JBF; A. L. N. Fred; (eds.); Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2 – Agents , , SciTePress , setúbal , 2012 . Book Chapters - Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Boosting Algorithms: A Review of Methods Theory, and Applications " - Chapter in Ensemble Learning: Methods and Applications , Cha Zhang and Yunqian Ma , Springer , , 2012 . - Gamboa, H.; H. Silva; A. L. N. Fred; " Electrophysiological Multimodal Biometrics " - Chapter in Multibiometrics Systems: Modern Perspectives to Identity Verification , Dakshina Kisku, Phalguni Gupta and Massimo Tistarelli , , Germany , 2012 . - Holzinger, A. H.; C. S. Stocker; M. B. Bruschi; A. A. Auinger; H. Silva; A. L. N. Fred; " On Applying Approximate Entropy to ECG Signals for Knowledge Discovery on the Example of Big Sensor Data " - Chapter in Active Media Technology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7669/2012 , R. Huang, A. Ghorbani, T. Yamaguchi, G. Pasi, N. Yen, and B. Jin , Springer , , 2012 . - Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; " Signal Subspace Identification in Hyperspecral Imagery " - Chapter in Signal and Image Processing for Remote Sensing , C.H. Chen , CRC Press , , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Fazendeiro, P.; C. N. Padole; P. Sequeira; Paula Prata Sousa; " Implementations of a Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in Periocular Biometric Recognition ", Lectures Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 7677 , No. 1 , pp. 729 - 737 , December , 2012 . - Almeida, M.; J. Dias; R. V. Vigário; E. O. Oja; " A comparison of algorithms for separation of synchronous subspaces ", Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences , January , 2012 . - Baptista, P. R. ; T.R. Cunha; C. Gama; C. Bernardes; " A new and practical method to obtain grain size measurements in sandy shores based on digital image acquisition and processing ", Sedimentary Geology , Vol. 282 , No. 1 , pp. 294 306 , October , 2012 . - Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " An unsupervised approach to feature discretization and selection ", Pattern Recognition , Vol. 45 , No. 9 , pp. 3048 3060 , September , 2012 . - Marques, P.; " Directional Moving Target Indication: A Novel SAR Ambiguity Function for Traffic Monitoring ", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , Vol. 2012 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , March , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Efficient Feature Selection Filters for HighDimensional Data ", Pattern Recognition Letters , Vol. 33 , No. 13 , pp. 1794 - 1804 , June , 2012 . - Plaza, A.; J. Dias; Anita; J. Blackwell; " Foreword to the special issue on hyperspectral image and signal processing ", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing , Vol. 5 , No. 2 , pp. 347 - 353 , April , 2012 . - Veiga, A.; S. Candeias; F. Perdigão; " Generating a Pronunciation Dictionary for European Portuguese Using a Joint-Sequence Model with Embedded Stress Assignment ", Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society , September , 2012 . - Ye, C. ; B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar Bhagavatula; M. Coimbra; " Heartbeat Classification Using Morphological and Dynamic Features of ECG Signals ", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 59 , No. 10 , pp. 2930 - 2941 , October , 2012 . - Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; " Hyperspectral Unmixing based on Mixtures of Dirichlet Components ", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , Vol. 50 , No. 3 , pp. 863 - 878 , March , 2012 . - Dias, J.; A. Plaza; Dobigeon; Parente; Qian Du Du; Gader; J. Chanussot; " Hyperspectral unmixing overview: geometrical, statistical, and sparse regressionbased approaches ", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing , Vol. 5 , No. 2 , pp. 354 - 370 , April , 2012 . - Riaz, F.; F. Baldaque Silva Silva; M. Dinis-Ribeiro; M. Coimbra; " Invariant Gabor Texture Descriptors for Classification of Gastroenterology Images ", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 59 , No. 10 , pp. 2893 - 2904 , October , 2012 . - Almeida, M.S.C.; L.B. Almeida ; " Nonlinear separation of show-through image mixtures using a physical model trained with ICA ", Signal Processing , Vol. 92 , No. - , pp. 872 - 884 , April , 2012 . - Veiga, A.; C. Lopes; D. Celorico; JP Proença; F. Perdigão; S. Candeias; " O desafio da participação humana do IT-Coimbra no Págico ", Linguamática , Vol. 4 , No. 1 , pp. 49 - 52 , April , 2012 . - Vinga, S.; A. M. Carvalho; A. P. Francisco; L. M. S. Russo; J. S. Almeida; " Pattern matching through Chaos Game Representation: bridging numerical and discrete data structures for biological sequence analysis ", Algorithms for Molecular Biology , Vol. 7 , No. 10 , pp. 1 - 12 , May , 2012 . - Veiga, A.; D. Celorico; JP Proença; S. Candeias; F. Perdigão; " Prosodic and Phonetic Features for Speaking Styles Classification and Detection ", Communications in Computer and Information Science Series , Vol. 328 , No. - , pp. 89 - 98 , November , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Aidos, H.; A. L. N. Fred; " Statistical Modeling of Dissimilarity Increments for ddimensional Data: Application in Partitional Clustering ", Pattern Recognition , Vol. 45 , No. 9 , pp. 3061 - 3071 , September , 2012 . - Iordache , M.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Total variation spatial regularization for sparse hyperspectral unmixing (accepted) " Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 10 , December , 2012 . - Proença, H.; L. Alexandre; " Toward Covert Iris Biometric Recognition: Experimental Results From the NICE Contests ", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security , Vol. 7 , No. 2 , pp. 798 - 808 , April , 2012 . - Carreiro, A.V.C.; A. Ferreira; M. A. T. Figueiredo; S. Madeira; " Towards a classification approach using meta-biclustering: impact of discretization in the analysis of expression time series ", Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics - JIB , Vol. 9 , No. 3 , July , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Proença, H.; " Academic Degrees Ph.D., 3 years in “Computer Science Engineering”, University of Beira Interior (2007), Thesis: “Towards Non-Cooperative Biometric Iris Recognition”, Supervisor: Prof. Luís A. Alexandre, Main exa ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems - BTAS , Washington , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2012 . - Alexandre, L.; " 3D Descriptors for Object and Category Recognition: a Comparative Evaluation ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Intelligent Robotic Systems - IROS , Vilamoura , Portugal , Vol. Workshop on Color-Depth Camera Fusion in Robotics , pp. 1 - 6 , October , 2012 . - Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " A dynamic wrapper method for feature discretization and selection ", Proc International Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - ICPRAM , vilamoura , Portugal , pp. 103 - 112 , February , 2012 . - Canelas, A.; R. Neves; N.H. Horta; " A New SAX-GA Methodology applied to Investment Strategies Optimization ", Proc Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. - GECCO , Philadelphia , United States , July , 2012 . - Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " A Relevance-based Linde-Buzo-Gray Approach for Supervised Feature Discretization ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Coimbra , Portugal , October , 2012 . - Nameche , J.N.; P.A. Amaro; M.S. Silva; F. Ferreira; F. Lopes; " A Signal Acquisition and Processing Device to Assist Human Heart Sound-based Diagnosis ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 1 - 2 , October , 2012 . - Radius, R. A.; P. Marques; " A Study on the Radial Velocity Information obtained from SAR Subapertures ", Proc European Conf. on Synthetic Aperture Radar , Nuremberg , Germany , April , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Silva, F.; P. Urbano; A. Christensen; " Adaptation of Robot Behaviour through Online Evolution and Neuromodulated Learning ", Proc IBERAMIA 11th IberoAmerican Conf. on Artificial Intelligence , Cartagena de Indias , Colombia , Vol. 1 , pp. 9 - 16 , November , 2012 . - Yefimochkin, O. Y.; R. Neves; N.H. Horta; " An Evolutionary Approach to Define Investment Strategies based on Macroeconomic Indicators and VIX Data ", Proc Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. - GECCO , Philadelphia , United States , July , 2012 . - Canento, F. A. L.; H. Silva; A. L. N. Fred; " Applicability of Multi-Modal Electrophysiological Data Acquisition and Processing to Emotion Recognition ", Proc International Workshop on Computing Paradigms for Mental Health - MindCare , Vilamoura , Portugal , February , 2012 . - Tam, T.T.; A. Ferreira; A. Lourenço; " Automatic Foldering of Email Messages: a Combination Approach ", Proc European Conf. on Information Retrieval - ECIR , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 7224 , pp. 232 - 243 , April , 2012 . - Sousa, R.Sousa; M. Coimbra; " Automatic Model to Infer Hypertension in Children ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 18 , pp. 1 - 1 , October , 2012 . - Duarte, M.; S. Oliveira; A. Christensen; " Automatic synthesis of controllers for real robots based on preprogrammed behaviors ", Proc International Conf. on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior , Odense , Denmark , Vol. 7426 , pp. 249 - 258 , August , 2012 . - Braz, R.; J. M. Moutinho; M. Freire; AP Pinheiro; M. Pereira Pereira; " Breast ultrasound gland segmentation ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition RecPad , Coimbra , Portugal , October , 2012 . - Braz, R.; AP Pinheiro; J. M. Moutinho; M. Freire; M. Pereira Pereira; " Breast Ultrasound Images Gland Segmentation ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing , Santander , Spain , September , 2012 . - Aidos, H.; A. L. N. Fred; R. P. W. Duin; " Classification using High Order Dissimilarities in Non-Euclidean Spaces ", Proc International Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - ICPRAM , Vilamoura , Portugal , pp. 306 309 , February , 2012 . - Tarapore, D.; A. Christensen; P. Lima; J. Carneiro; " Clonal expansion without self-replicating entities ", Proc International Conf. on Artificial Immune Systems ICARIS , Taormina , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , August , 2012 . - Can, Y.; B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar Bhagavatula; M. Coimbra; " Combining General Multi-class and Specific Two-class Classifiers for Improved Customized ECG Heartbeat Classification ", Proc International Conf. on Pattern Recognition - ICPR , Tsukuba , Japan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , November , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Hedayioglu, F.; M. G. Jafari; S. S. Mattos; M. D. Plumbley; M. Coimbra; " Denoising and Segmentation of the Second Heart Sound Using Matching Pursuit ", Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC , San Diego , United States , August , 2012 . - Gomes, J.; P. Urbano; A. Christensen; " Diverse Behaviors in Swarm Robotics with Novelty Search ", Proc International Conf. on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems - ALIFE , Michigan , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 553 - 554 , July , 2012 . - Lourenço, A.; A. L. N. Fred; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Dyadic Aspect Model for Evidence Accumulation Clustering on Synthetic Generated Models ", Proc Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados - JOCLAD , Tomar , Portugal , March , 2012 . - Lourenço, A.; H. Silva; A. L. N. Fred; " ECG-Based Biometrics: A Real Time Classification Approach ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing , Santander , Spain , September , 2012 . - Silva, H.; A. L. N. Fred; A. Lourenço; " Electrodermal Response Propagation Time as a Potential Psychophysiological Marker ", Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC , San Diego , United States , Vol. , pp. 6756 - 6760 , August , 2012 . - Duarte, J.; H. Aidos; A. L. N. Fred; " Enhancing Evidence Accumulation Clustering using PCA ", Proc Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados - JOCLAD , Tomar , Portugal , March , 2012 . - Tarapore, D.; A. Christensen; P. Lima; J. Carneiro; " Environment classification in multiagent systems inspired by the adaptive immune system ", Proc International Conf. on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems - ALIFE , Michigan , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 275 - 282 , July , 2012 . - Almeida, M.; R. V. Vigário; J. Dias; " Estimation of the Common Oscillation for Phase Locked Matrix Factorization ", Proc International Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - ICPRAM , Vilamoura , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 78 - 85 , February , 2012 . - Lourenço, R. L.; P. L. Leite; A. Lourenço; H. Silva; DPC Antão; A. L. N. Fred; " Experimental Apparatus for Finger ECG Biometrics ", Proc INSTICC International Conf. on Biomedical Electronics and Devices - Biodevices , Vilamoura , Portugal , pp. 196 - 200 , February , 2012 . - Silva, H.; NA Alagha; S. E. Eusébio; M. T. Torrado; S. O. Ouakinin; " Feature Extraction for Psychophysiological Load Assessment in Unconstrained Scenarios ", Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC , San Diego , United States , pp. 4784 - 4788 , August , 2012 . - Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; " Hyperspectral Unmixing with Simultaneous Dimensionality Estimation ", Proc International Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - ICPRAM , Vilamoura , Portugal , pp. 438 - 444 , February , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Gomes, J.; P. Urbano; A. Christensen; " Introducing Novelty Search in Evolutionary Swarm Robotics ", Proc International Conf. on Swarm Intelligence ANTS , Brussels , Belgium , Vol. 7461 , pp. 85 - 96 , September , 2012 . - Silva, H.; A. Lourenço; A. L. N. Fred; " In-Vehicle Driver Recognition Based on Hands ECG Signals ", Proc ACM SIGART SIGCHI International Conf. on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI , Lisbon , Portugal , pp. 25 - 28 , February , 2012 . - Costa, P.; L.M. Botelho; " Learning by Observation in Software Agents ", Proc International Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - ICAART , Vilamoura , Portugal , Vol. 2 , pp. 276 - 281 , February , 2012 . - Marques, P.; C.C. Costa; " Low Carbon Cement with Waste Oil Cracking Catalyst Incorporation ", Proc IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting , San Antonio , Portugal , Vol. 1 , May , 2012 . - Pinto, J.; R. Neves; " MAXIMIZE PROFIT WHILE MINIMIZING RISK - A FITNESS FUNCTION EVALUATION STUDY USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS ", Proc Jožef Stefan Institute Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications - BIOMA , Bohinj , Slovenia , pp. 333 - 345 , May , 2012 . - Duin, R. D.; A. L. N. Fred; " Mode seeking clustering by KNN and Mean Shift evaluated ", Proc Joint IAPR International Workshops on Syntactical and Structural Pattern Recognition and Statistical Pattern Recognition , Hiroshima , Japan , November , 2012 . - Duque, C. D.; M. A. Ribeiro; N.S. Souto; " Multiclass Electrooculography using Common Spatial Pattern ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications and Signal Processing - TSP , Praga , Czech Republic , July , 2012 . - Alves, J.M.R.A; J. M. P. Nascimento; J. Dias; V. Silva; A. Plaza; " Parallel Implementation of Vertex Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction ", Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.IGARSS , Munich , Germany , July , 2012 . - Padole, C. N.; H. Proença; " Periocular Recognition: Analysis of Performance Degradation Factors ", Proc IAPR International Conf. on Biometrics - ICB , New Delhi , India , pp. 1 - 7 , March , 2012 . - Carreiro, A.V.C.; A. Ferreira; M. A. T. Figueiredo; S. Madeira; " Prognostic prediction using clinical expression time series: Towards a supervised learning approach based on meta-biclusters ", Proc International Conf. on Practical Applications of Computational Biology - PACBB , Salamanca , Spain , March , 2012 . - Gomes, J.; P. Urbano; A. Christensen; " Progressive Minimal Criteria Novelty Search ", Proc IBERAMIA 11th Ibero-American Conf. on Artificial Intelligence , Cartagena de Indias , Colombia , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , November , 2012 . - Lourenço, A.; H. Silva; R. L. Lourenço; P. L. Leite; A. L. N. Fred; " Realtime Electrocardiogram Segmentation For Finger Based ECG Biometrics ", Proc ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA International Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Biosignals INSTICC , Vilamoura , Portugal , February , 2012 . - Marques, P.; " Resposta Espectral de Argamassas aos Ultra-Sons para Avaliação da Resistência à Compressão ", Proc Congresso Português de Argamassas e ETICs APFAC , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 1 , March , 2012 . - Li, J.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Semi-Supervised Discriminative Random Field for Hyperspectral Image Classification ", Proc IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing , Shanghai , China , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2012 . - Leite, N. Leite; R. Neves; N.H. Horta; F. Melício Melício; A.C.R. Rosa; " Solving an Uncapacitated Exam Timetabling Problem Instance using a Hybrid NSGA-II ", Proc International Conf. on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications - ECTA , Barcelona , Spain , October , 2012 . - Silva, H.; A. L. N. Fred; S. E. Eusébio; S. O. Ouakinin; M. T. Torrado; " Statistical Study on Psychophysiological Changes During the Response to Clinical History Questionnaires ", Proc Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados - JOCLAD , Tomar , Portugal , March , 2012 . - Duarte, M.; S. Oliveira; A. Christensen; " Structured Composition of Evolved Robotic Controllers ", Proc International Workshop on Evolutionary and Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Systems - ERLARS , Montpellier , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 49 - 56 , August , 2012 . - Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Supervised Feature Discretization by Mutual Information Maximization ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Coimbra , Portugal , October , 2012 . - Radius, R. A.; P. Marques; " Synthetic Aperture Radar Raw Data Simulator for Sea Environment Dedicated to Moving Ship Detection ", Proc UK Ministry of Defence Sensor Signal Processing for Defence - SSPD , London , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , September , 2012 . - Almeida, M.; R. V. Vigário; J. Dias; " The Role of Whitening for Separation of Synchronous Sources ", Proc International Conf. on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation - LVA , Tel-Aviv , Israel , Vol. 7191 , pp. 139 - 146 , March , 2012 . - Almeida, M.; R. V. Vigário; J. Dias; " The Role of Whitening for Separation of Synchronous Sources ", Proc International Conf. on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation - LVA , Tel-Aviv , Israel , Vol. 7191 , pp. 139 - 146 , March , 2012 . - Rodrigues, R. R.; AP Pinheiro; R. Braz; M. Pereira Pereira; J. M. Moutinho; " Towards Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation using Multi-resolution Pixel Descriptors ", Proc International Conf. on Pattern Recognition - ICPR , Tsukuba , Japan , November , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Alves, J.M.R.A; J. M. P. Nascimento; A. Plaza; J. Dias; V. Silva; " Vertex Component Analysis GPU-based Implementation for Hyperspectral Unmixing ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS , Shanghai , China , June , 2012 . PROCESSING, ANALYSIS, INFORMATION AND CODING OF AUDIO AND VISUAL Papers in Journals - Li, J.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data Using Loopy Belief Propagation and Active Learning ", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , Vol. 50 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 14 , January , 2012 . - Francisco, N.; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; E. Silva; S.M.M. Faria; " A Generic Post Deblocking Filter for Block Based Image Compression Algorithms ", Signal Processing: Image Communication , Vol. 27 , No. 9 , pp. 985 - 997 , October , 2012 . - Melo, R. M.; J. P. B. Barreto; G. Falcão Falcão; " A New Solution for Camera Calibration and Real-Time Image Distortion Correction in Medical Endoscopy - Initial Technical Evaluation ", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 59 , No. 3 , pp. 634 - 644 , March , 2012 . - Oliveira, H.; P.L. Correia; " Automatic Road Crack Detection and Characterization ", IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems , Vol. PP , No. 99 , pp. 1 - 14 , December , 2012 . - Francisco, N.; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; E. Silva; M. Carvalho; S.M.M. Faria; " Efficient Recurrent Pattern Matching Video Coding ", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech. , Vol. 22 , No. 08 , pp. 1161 - 1173 , August , 2012 . - Yee, L.; P.L. Correia; P.F. Fonseca; A.C. Campos; " Estimating Norway lobster abundance from deep-water videos: an automatic approach ", IET Image Processing , Vol. 6 , No. 1 , pp. 22 - 30 , February , 2012 . - Ramalho, M.; P.L. Correia; L. D. Soares; " Hand-Based Multimodal Identification System with Secure Biometric Template Storage ", IET Computer Vision , Vol. 6 , No. 3 , pp. 165 - 173 , June , 2012 . - Proença, H.; L. Alexandre; " Introduction to thespecial issue on the Recognition of visible wavelength iris images captured at-a-distance and on-the-move ", Pattern Recognition Letters , Vol. 33 , No. 1 , pp. 963 - 964 , June , 2012 . - Correia, Pedro F.; P.A. Assunção; V. Silva; " Multiple Description of Coded Video for Path Diversity Streaming Adaptation ", IEEE Trans. on Multimedia , Vol. 14 , No. 3 , pp. 923 - 935 , June , 2012 . - Pereira, J.; H. A. Silva; " Orthogonal perfect discrete Fourier transform sequences ", IET Signal Processing , Vol. 6 , No. 2 , pp. 107 - 113 , April , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Corrêa, G.; P.A. Assunção; L. Agostini; L. A Cruz; " Performance and Computational Complexity Assessment of High Efficiency Video Encoders ", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech. , Vol. PP , No. 99 , pp. 1 - 11 , December , 2012 . - Falcão, G. Falcão; V. Silva; L. Sousa; J. Andrade; " Portable LDPC Decoding on Multicores Using OpenCL ", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine , Vol. 29 , No. 4 , pp. 81 - 109 , July , 2012 . - Melo, R. M.; G. Falcão Falcão; J. P. B. Barreto; " Real-time HD image distortion correction in heterogeneous parallel computing systems using efficient memory access patterns ", Journal of Real-Time Image Processing , November , 2012 . - " Retinal image quality assessment using generic image quality indicators ", Information Fusion , August , 2012 . - Pires Dias, J. M. P. D.; C. M. O. Manta Oliveira; L. A Cruz; " Retinal image quality assessment using generic image quality indicators ", Information Fusion , Vol. 13 , No. 0 , pp. 1 - 18 , August , 2012 . - Corrêa, G.; L. Agostini; L. A Cruz; " Sample-Level Filtering Order for High Throughput and Memory Aware H.264 Deblocking Filter ", Signal Processing , Vol. 2012 , No. 805346 , pp. 1 - 6 , April , 2012 . - Li, J.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Semi-supervised hyperspectral image classification using soft sparse multinomial logistic regression ", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters , December , 2012 . - Li, J.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data Using Loopy Belief Propagation and Active Learning ", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , December , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - " 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video ", Proc IEEE EUSIPCO 3DTV-Conf.: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video - 3DTV , Zurich , Switzerland , Vol. 1 , pp. 64 - 67 , October , 2012 . - Dópido, I; J. Li; A. Plaza; J. Dias; " A NEW SEMI-SUPERVISED APPROACH FOR HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE CLASSIFICATION WITH DIFFERENT ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES ", Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.IGARSS , Shanghai , China , June , 2012 . - Bernardo, MB; AP Pinheiro; PF Fiadeiro; M. Sousa; " A Study on the User Perception to Color Variations ", Proc ACM - Multimedia , Napa , Japan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , October , 2012 . - Parreiras, H. P.; S.M.M. Faria; R. Pinto; " Accessing to autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulation by integrating ECG and accelerometer data ", Proc Conf. on Enterprise Information System - International Workshop on Health and Social Care ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Information Systems and Technologies - CENTERIS HCIst 2011 , Algarve , Portugal , October , 2012 . - Naccari, M. ; F. Pereira; " Adaptive Bilateral Filter for Improved In-Loop Filtering in the Emerging High Efficiency Video Coding Standard ", Proc Picture Coding Symp. , Krakow , Poland , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2012 . - Corrêa, G.; P.A. Assunção; L. Agostini; L. A Cruz; " Adaptive Coding Tree for Complexity Control of High Efficiency Video Encoders ", Proc Picture Coding Symp. , Krakow , Poland , Vol. 1 , pp. 425 - 428 , May , 2012 . - Pinto, L.F.H.P.; P.A. Assunção; " Asymmetric 3D Video Coding using Regions of Perceptual Relevance ", Proc The European 3D-Stereo Summit for Science, Technology and Digital Art - 3D-StereoMedia , Liege , Belgium , Vol. 1 , December , 2012 . - Chin, M.; T. Brandão; M.P. Queluz; " Bitstream-based Quality metric for Packetized Transmission of H.264 Encoded Video ", Proc International Conf. on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - IWSSIP , Vienna , Austria , April , 2012 . - Lucas, LFR; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; C.L.P. Pagliari; E. Silva; S.M.M. Faria; " Codificação eficiente de mapas de profundidade com base em predição e aproximação linear ", Proc Simpósio Brasileiro das Telecomunicações , Brasilia , Brazil , September , 2012 . - Lucas, L.; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; C.L.P. Pagliari; E. Silva; S.M.M. Faria; " Codificação Eficiente de Mapas de Profundidade com base em Predição e Aproximação Linear ", Proc Simpósio Brasileiro das Telecomunicações , Brasília , Brazil , September , 2012 . - Hedayioglu, F.; M. G. Jafari; S. S. Mattos; M. D. Plumbley; M. Coimbra; " Denoise and segmentation of the second heart sound using matching pursuit ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 2012 , October , 2012 . - Iordache , M.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " DICTIONARY PRUNING IN SPARSE UNMIXING OF HYPERSPECTRAL DATA ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS , Shanghai , China , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2012 . - Ramalho, M.; S. Sanchit; P.L. Correia; L. D. Soares; " Distributed Source Coding: Application in Biometrics ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Bucharest , Romania , August , 2012 . - Lucas, L.; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; C.L.P. Pagliari; E. Silva; S.M.M. Faria; " Efficient Depth Map Coding Using Linear Residue Approximation and a Flexible Prediction Framework ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Orlando , United States , September , 2012 . - Shah, D.; J. Ascenso; C. Brites ; F. Pereira; " Evaluating Multi-View Plus Depth Coding Solutions for 3D Video Scenarios ", Proc IEEE EUSIPCO 3DTV-Conf.: The ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video - 3DTV , Zurich , Switzerland , October , 2012 . - Silva, T.; L. Agostini; L. A Cruz; " Fast HEVC Intra Prediction Mode Decision Based on Edge Direction Information ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Bucharest , Romania , Vol. 1 , pp. 1214 - 1218 , August , 2012 . - L.N.A. Alves; A. Navarro; " Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm for HEVC ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Consumer Electronics - ICCE , Berlin , Germany , Vol. 11 , pp. 11 - 11 , September , 2012 . - Carreira, J. F. M. C.; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; S.M.M. Faria; P.A. Assunção; " Frame Loss Concealment for 3D Video Decoders based on Disparity- Compensated Motion Field ", Proc IEEE EUSIPCO 3DTV-Conf.: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video - 3DTV , Zurich , Switzerland , October , 2012 . - Nambiar, A.; P.L. Correia; L. D. Soares; " Frontal Gait Recognition Combining 2D and 3D Data ", Proc ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security - MMSec , Conventry , United Kingdom , September , 2012 . - Pereira, F.; M. Cassa; M. Naccari; " HEVC fast rate distortion optimization ", Proc Picture Coding Symp. , Kraków , Poland , May , 2012 . - Carson, W.; M. Rodrigues ; M. Chen; L. Carin; A. R. C. Calderbank; " How to Focus the Discriminative Power of a Dictionary ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP , Kyoto , Japan , March , 2012 . - Du, Qian Du; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Hyperspectral Band Selection Using a Collaborative Sparse Model ", Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS , Munich , Germany , July , 2012 . - Martin, E; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Hyperspectral coded aperture (HYCA): a new technique for hyperspectral compressive sensing ", Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS , Munich , Germany , 2012 . - Barreira, G.; J. Ascenso; " Impact of the IEEE 802.11n Frame Aggregation Mechanisms on Video Streaming Quality ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM , Split , Croatia , September , 2012 . - HoangVan , X.; J. Ascenso; F. Pereira; " Improved B-slice Direct Mode Coding using Motion Side Information ", Proc Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services WIAMIS , Dublin , Ireland , Vol. 13 , pp. 1 - 4 , March , 2012 . - HoangVan , X.; J. Ascenso; F. Pereira; " Improving Predictive Video Coding Performance with Decoder Side Information ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Florida , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2012 . - L.N.A. Alves; A. Navarro; " Improvments to TZ search Motion Estimation Algorithm for Multiview Video Coding ", Proc International Conf. on Systems, ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Signals and Image Processing - IWSSIP , Vienna , Austria , Vol. 11 , pp. 11 - 11 , April , 2012 . - Conti, C. ; L. D. Soares; P. Nunes; " Influence of Self-Similarity on 3D Holoscopic Video Coding Performance ", Proc Brazilian Symp. on Multimedia and the Web WebMedia , São Paulo , Brazil , pp. 131 - 134 , October , 2012 . - Diavastos, A.; P. Petrides; G. Falcão Falcão; P. T. Trancoso; " LDPC Decoding on the Intel SCC ", Proc Euromicro International Conf. on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing - PDP , Garching , Germany , February , 2012 . - Brites , C.; J. Ascenso; F. Pereira; " Learning based Decoding Approach for Improved Wyner-Ziv Video Coding ", Proc Picture Coding Symp. , Kraków , Poland , pp. 165 - 168 , May , 2012 . - Corrêa, G.; P.A. Assunção; L. Agostini; L. A Cruz; " Motion Compensated Tree Depth Limitation for Complexity Control of HEVC Encoding ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Orlando , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2012 . - Conti, C. ; P. Nunes; L. D. Soares; " New HEVC Prediction Modes for 3D Holoscopic Video Coding ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing ICIP , Orlando , United States , October , 2012 . - Chen, W Chen; M. Rodrigues ; I. J. Wassell; " On the Design of Optimized Projections for Sensing Sparse Signals in Overcomplete Dictionaries ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP , Kyoto , Japan , March , 2012 . - Correia, Pedro F.; L.F. Ferreira; P.A. Assunção; L. A Cruz; V. Silva; " Optimal priority MDC video streaming for networks with path diversity ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications and Multimedia (Temu) , Heraklion , Greece , pp. 54 59 , July , 2012 . - Zhang, K.; M. Rodrigues ; M. Z. Ahmed Ahmed; M. Tomlinson; F.C. Cercas; " Orthogonal Signalling in the Gaussian Wiretap Channel in the Wideband Regime ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Yokohoma , Japan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , March , 2012 . - Ascenso, J.; H. C. Cruz; P. D. Dias; " Packet-header Based No-Reference Quality Metrics for H.264/AVC Video Transmission ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications and Multimedia (Temu) , Heraklion , Greece , July , 2012 . - Harrison, W. H.; J.A. Almeida; S.W.M. McLaughlin; J. Barros; " Physical-Layer Security over Correlated Erasure Channels ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Ottawa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Sanchit, S.; M. Ramalho; P.L. Correia; L. D. Soares; " PP-Rider: A RotationInvariant Degraded Partial Palmprint Recognition Technique ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Bucareste , Romania , August , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Naccari, M. ; F. Pereira; " Quadratic Modeling Rate Control in the Emerging HEVC Standard ", Proc Picture Coding Symp. , Krakow , Poland , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2012 . - Conti, C. ; J. Lino; P. Nunes; L. D. Soares; " Spatial and Temporal Prediction Scheme for 3D Holoscopic Video Coding Based on H.264/AVC ", Proc International Packet Video Workshop , Munich , Germany , May , 2012 . - Brites , C.; J. Ascenso; F. Pereira; " Structural based Side Information Creation with Improved Matching Criteria for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding ", Proc Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services WIAMIS , Dublin , Ireland , May , 2012 . - Rodrigues, R. R.; AP Pinheiro; R. Braz; M. Sousa; J. M. Moutinho; " Towards Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation Using Multi-Resolution Pixel Descriptors ", Proc International Conf. on Pattern Recognition - ICPR , Tsukuba Science City , Japan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , November , 2012 . SPEECH ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION Papers in Journals - Lopes, C.; F. Perdigão; " Broad Phonetic Class Definition driven by Phone Confusions ", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing , Vol. 2012 , No. 158 , July , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Teixeira, Â. T.; C. Lopes; F. Perdigão; " Detection of Children Speech Disfluency ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Coimbra , Portugal , October , 2012 . - Candeias, S.; A. Veiga; D. Celorico; JP Proença; F. Perdigão; " Eventos Linguísticos na Classificação Automática de Estilos de Fala ", Proc APL, XXVIII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística - APL , Faro , Portugal , October , 2012 . - Perdigão, F.; C. Neves; L. V. Sá; " PATHOLOGICAL VOICE DETECTION USING TURBULENT SPEECH SEGMENTS ", Proc INSTICC International Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Biosignal , Vilamoura , Portugal , February , 2012 . - Veiga, A.; S. Candeias; D. Celorico; JP Proença; F. Perdigão; " Towards Automatic Classification of Speech Styles ", Proc International Conf. on Computational Processing of Portuguese - PROPOR , Coimbra , Portugal , pp. 421 - 426 , April , 2012 . - Veiga, A.; JP Proença; D. Celorico; S. Candeias; F. Perdigão; " Vocalic Filler Characterization using Acoustical Properties Derived from Cepstrum ", Proc VII Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and III Iberian SLTech Workshop - IberSPEECH 2012 , Madrid , Spain , pp. 260 - 268 , November , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.7 Other Achievements Prototypes - Ferreira, C.; " Autonomic Decision System for Route Establishment in Distributed Managed Networks ", 1 , July , 2012 . - Coutinho, N.; D. Figueira; S. Sargento; " Demonstrador de uma Arquitectura de Controlo Hierárquica de conteúdos multicast ", - , January , 2012 . - Aguiar, A.; P. Brandão; " Wireless Ad-hoc Mesh Network on Android Smartphones ", 3 , August , 2012 . Patents - Logota, E.; S. Sargento; A. Neto; " A METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CLASSBASED NETWORKS CONTROL ", CI-12-029 , November , 2012 . - Sundararajan, J. K. S.; D. S. Shah; M. M. Médard; M. Mitzenmacher Mitzenmacher; J. Barros; " Method and apparatus providing network coding based flow control ", US 8,130,776 B1 , August , 2012 . - Faria, S.M.M.; P.A. Assunção; S. Moiron; V. Silva; A. Navarro; " METHOD TO TRANSCODE H.264/AVC VIDEO FRAMES INTO MPEG-2 ", PAT-US40346-09 , April , 2012 . - Bloch, M.Bloch; M. Rodrigues ; J. Barros; S.W.M. McLaughlin; " Systems and Methods for providing opportunistic security for physical communication channels ", US8,213,616 B2 , July , 2012 . Awards - Cabral, M. C.; J. R. Rodrigues; J. D. Dias; J. I. Isento; A. V. Vinel; " Best Paper Award ", The paper entitled "Deployment of a Real Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Network Testbed", presented at the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITST 2012), Taipei, Taiwan, November 5-8, 2012, received the Best Paper Award. , 01-11-2012 . - Brites , C.; " IEEE VCIP 2012 - Best Reviewer Award ", Winner of Best Reviewer Award for 2012 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) conference , 01-11-2012 . - Veiga, A.; D. Celorico; JP Proença; S. Candeias; F. Perdigão; "Prosodic and Phonetic Features for Speaking Styles Classification and Detection ", one of the nine finalists for the IberSPEECH 2012 Microsoft best student paper award, 01-11-2012 . - Sargento, S.; A. Cardote; J. Barros; " Track Final of the ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Ventures Competition ", VENIAM, a spin-off of our group in University of Aveiro (DETI) and Institute de Telecommunications, and of our colleagues in University of Porto, just won the Track Final of the ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Ventures Competition (http://www.amiando.com/WVMMUCD.html) , 01-11-2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Miscellaneous - Gomes, M.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitorização da qualidade do ar ", IPLeiria - Candidato: Fábio Oliveira Gomes de Sousa , 01-12-2012 . - Gomes, M.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Design of TCH-type Sequences for Communications ", ISCTE-IUL - Candidato: Engo Alexandre M. C. Passos de Almeida , 01-12-2012 . - Gomes, M.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Processo de Proteção de Propriedade Industrial e Certificação de um Equipamento Eletrónico: Caso de um Cilindro Eletrónico ", IPLeiria - Candidato: Igor Manuel Pereira Lopes da Silva , 01-12-2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; " Member of Technical Committee ", The Fourth International Conference on Networks & Communications (NETCOM-2012) ", , 01-12-2012 . - Pedreiras, PP; " Invited Talks ", Real-Time Ethernet: past, present and future ", ECE Back to Basics Colloquium / FEUP , 01-10-2012 . - Lopes, F.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Desenvolvimento de Soluções Algorítmicas para Predição Intra-Quadros Dedicadas à Codificação de Vídeo de Alta Resolução Segundo o Padrão HEVC ", PhD Proposal Jury - FCTUC , 01-09-2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; " Invited Talks ", Internet Governance ", “Portuguese Internet Governance Forum”, Science and Technology Foundation of Portugal and Internet Society ISOC Portugal , 01-07-2012 . - Gomes, M.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Joint Frequency-domain Equalization and Fine Decision-directed Carrier Synchronization for Single-carrier Modulations ", Instituto Superior Técnico - Candidato: Pedro Pedrosa , 01-07-2012 . - , ; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Joint Frequency-domain Equalization and Fine Decisiondirected Carrier Synchronization for Single-carrier Modulations ", Instituto Superior Técnico - Aluno: Pedro Pedrosa , 01-07-2012 . - Silva, F. S.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Simulação da Dinâmica do Navio em Ambientes Virtuais ", Jos´e Miguel Barroca Martins de Sousa Varela, IST , 01-07-2012 . - Dias, J.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Invited Talks ", Alternating Direction Optimization for Convex Inverse Problems. Application to Imaging and Hyperspectral Unmixing ", 2012 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra , 01-06-2012 . - Lopes, F.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Estágio no Departamento dos Sistemas Auxiliares SAX I 4 da PT Comunicações ", ISEC-MSc-Jury-2012 , 01-06-2012 . - Dias, J.; " Invited Talks ", Hyperspectral Image Processing ", International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition - ICIAR'2012 , 01-06-2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Dias, J.; " Invited Talks ", Hyperspectral Unmixing Overview: Geometrical, Statistical, and Sparse Regression-Based Approaches ", Chinese University of Hong Kong , 01-06-2012 . - Teixeira, J.; R. M. Rocha; " Seminars ", MoteISTx5 Embedded plataform for Wireless Sensor Networks - RTCM2012 ", , 01-06-2012 . - Lopes, F.; " Invited Talks ", Master in Automation and Communications in Energy Systems - An Example of a Post-Bologna Master Course ", ISEC-Invited-2012 , 0103-2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; A. P. P. Pinheiro; Simões T. Simões; " Invited Talks ", Segurança na Internet ", , 01-03-2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; " Associate Editor ", International Journal "Advances in Network and Communications" ", ISSN: 2093-4734 , 01-02-2012 . - Correia, P.L.; " National Delegate ", COST IC1106 - Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age ", COST IC1106 , 01-01-2012 . - Silva, F. S.; " Guest Editor ", Special Issue from the Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics (SIACG) ", International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG), Volume 3: 1 Issues (2012) , 01-01-2012 . 4.3.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees - International Conf. on Computational Processing of Portuguese - PROPOR, Organizing Committee, Sara Maria Fernandes Rato e Costa Marques Candeias, 0101-2012 - International Conf. on Computational Processing of Portuguese - PROPOR, Conference Chairman, Fernando Manuel Santos Perdigão , 01-01-2012 - First International Conf. on Sensor Networks - SENSORNETS, Technical Programme Committee, Daniel Enrique Lucani Roetter, 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on Communications Systems - ICCS, Technical Programme Committee, Daniel Enrique Lucani Roetter, 01-01-2012 - IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conf. - CCNC, Technical Programme Committee, Daniel Enrique Lucani Roetter, 01-01-2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia and Expo - ICME, Technical Programme Committee, Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso , 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition, Technical Programme Committee, Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues, 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on Fuzzy Systems - FUZZ-IEEE, Scientific Committee, Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença, 01-01-2012 - Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad, Organizing Committee, Fernando José Pimentel Lopes , 01-01-2012 - European Conf. on Machine Learning - ECML, Technical Programme Committee, Alexandra Sofia Martins de Carvalho, 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, Technical Programme Committee, Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues, 01-01-2012 - European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO, Technical Programme Committee, Maria Paula dos Santos Queluz Rodrigues, 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - AAMAS, Technical Programme Committee, Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho, 01-012012 - INSTICC International Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications SIGMAP, Technical Programme Committee, Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso , 01-012012 - European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO, Technical Programme Committee, Joao Miguel Duarte Ascenso , 01-01-2012 - IARIA International Conf. on Internet Monitoring and Protection - ICIMP, Technical Programme Committee, João Vasco Paulo Gomes , 01-01-2012 - Mosharaka International Conf. on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing - M-WCMC, Technical Programme Committee, Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-01-2012 - Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad, Scientific Committee, Fernando José Pimentel Lopes , 01-01-2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems - APRES, Technical Programme Committee, Joaquim José de Castro Ferreira, 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC, Technical Programme Chairman, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, 01-01-2012 - Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação - CISTI , Scientific Committee, Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro, 01-01-2012 - Accent Int. Conf. on Emerging Trends and Technology - ICETT - ICETT, Scientific Committee, Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro, 01-01-2012 - Conf. sobre Redes de Comunicações, Organizing Committee, Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira , 01-01-2012 - Mosharaka International Conf. on Communications, Networking and Information Technology - Mosharaka, Technical Programme Committee, Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-12-2012 - Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica - EPCG, Scientific Committee, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, 01-01-2012 - IAPR International Conf. on Biometrics - ICB, Scientific Committee, Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença, 01-01-2012 - Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC, Technical Programme Chairman, Diogo Nuno Pereira Gomes, 01-01-2012 - Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Sessions Chairman , Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão, 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia and Expo - ICME, Technical Programme Committee, Catarina Isabel Carvalheiro Brites , 01-01-2012 - Workshop de Sistemas Operacionais - WSO, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - IEEE Symp. on Industrial Embedded Systems - SIES, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation ETFA, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2012 - IFIP International Conf. on New Technologies, Mobility and Security - Wireless Sensor Networks Workshop - NTMS, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2012 - International Workshop on Quality of Experience for Multimedia Content Sharing QoEMCS, , Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-06-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on Networks, Technical Programme Committee, Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE, Scientific Committee, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, 01-01-2012 Editorial Committees IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials , IEEE, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editorial Board Member, 01-12-2012 to Signal Processing: Image Communication , EURASIP/Elsevier, Sérgio Manuel Maciel Faria , Area Editor, 01-12-2012 to ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area Coordinators • Pedro Girão • Luís Alcácer Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Professor Emeritus 0 0 1 Full Professor 1 2 3 Associate Professor 0 3 6 Assistant Professor 4 5 15 Post-Doc 4 2 8 Coordinator Professor 1 2 2 Assistant Lecturer 0 2 0 PhD Student 4 7 17 (Licenciado) 0 0 1 14 23 53 TOTAL Table 23 – Overview of the human resources in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Permanent Collaborators Position Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Degree PhD PhD PhD Name Acácio Manuel Raposo Amaral Adérito Neto Alcaso Ana Luisa Mendonça Ana Maria de Matos Charas Ana Teresa Fernandes Pereira PhD André Manuel dos Santos Mendes PhD Antonino Stabile Agregação Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso Agregação António Manuel Cruz Serra PhD PhD PhD Power Systems - Cv Amaro Fernandes de Sousa Applied Mathematics - Av PhD PhD PhD Agregação Group Power Systems – Co Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Ribeiro Domingos da Silva Barbosa Dorabella Martins da Silva Santos Edgar Silva Pereira Organic Electronics – Lx Organic Electronics – Lx Organic Electronics – Lx Power Systems – Co Power Systems – Co Power Systems - Cv Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Integrated Circuits – Av Applied Mathematics - Av Applied Mathematics – Cv Agregação Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Power Systems – Co PhD Fernando Manuel Lourenço Applied Mathematics – Cv Martins PhD Fernando Manuel Tim Tim Instrumentation and Janeiro Measurements – Lx PhD Francisco Andre Correa Instrumentation and Alegria Measurements – Lx Agregação Helena Maria dos Santos Instrumentation and Geirinhas Ramos Measurements – Lx PhD Hugo dos Santos Marques Power Electronics - Lx MSc PhD PhD Agregação PhD Agregação Hugo Ribeiro Joana Catarina Mendes Joao Manuel Mourão Patricio Joaquim João de Alarcão Judice Jorge Manuel Correia Guilherme Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado Power Electronics - Lx Integrated Circuits – Av Applied Mathematics – Co Applied Mathematics – Co Integrated Circuits - Lx Organic Electronics – Lx ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Position Full Professor Licenciado Coordinator Professor Assistant Professor Professor Emeritus Coordinator Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Coordinator Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Degree Agregação Name Group José António Marinho Applied Electromagnetics Brandão Faria Lx Licenciatura José Augusto Alves Gouveia Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Agregação José Miguel Costa Dias Instrumentation and Pereira Measurements – Lx PhD Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Integrated Circuits – Av Moreira Alves Agregação Luís Joaquim Alcácer Organic Electronics – Lx PhD PhD PhD PhD Luis Miguel Merca Fernandes M´hamed Drif Manuel Fernando Martins de Barros Manuel José de Matos Applied Mathematics – Co Power Systems – Co Integrated Circuits - Lx Organic Electronics – Lx PhD Manuel Ventura Guerreiro Applied Electromagnetics das Neves Lx Agregação Maria Beatriz Mendes Power Electronics - Lx Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges PhD Maria Madalena de Almeida Applied Mathematics – Co Correia Gomes Martins Michael Filipe Gonçalves Organic Electronics – Lx Salvador PhD Mónica Jorge Carvalho Integrated Circuits – Av Figueiredo PhD Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Integrated Circuits - Lx PhD PhD Nuno Gonçalo Bandeira Brás Octavian Adrian Postolache Agregação Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão Agregação Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos PhD Assistant Professor PhD Post. Doc. PhD Assistant Professor Post. Doc. PhD PhD Quirina Alexandra Tavares Ferreira Raúl Daniel Lavado Carneiro Martins Rita França de Sousa Rodrigues Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves Rui Miguel Martins de Azevedo Meira Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Organic Electronics – Lx Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Organic Electronics – Lx Integrated Circuits - Lx Organic Electronics – Lx ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Position Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Degree PhD Name Rui Teives Henriques Group Organic Electronics – Lx PhD Vitor Manuel da Silva Costa Power Electronics - Lx Agregação Vitor Manuel de Oliveira Maló Machado Applied Electromagnetics Lx Table 24 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2012 Other Collaborators Position PhD Student MSc Degree MSc PhD Student MSc Name Ana Carla Vicente Vieira Ana Margarida de Matos Bragança Bruno Miguel Gil Rosa Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Student MSc Bruno Ricardo Oliveira Baptista Carlos Ferreira Power Electronics - Lx PhD Celino José Martins Miguel Applied Mathematics – Cv Dário Jerónimo Pasadas PhD Student Licenciatura Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Integrated Circuits - Lx PhD Student David Filipe Correia Guilherme Full Professor Agregação Dinis Gomes de Magalhães dos Santos PhD Student MSc Domingos Augusto Teixeira Terra PhD Student Licenciatura Eduardo Correia Pinheiro Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Power Systems – Co Integrated Circuits – Av Integrated Circuits – Av Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Power Systems – Co PhD Student MSc PhD Student PhD Student MSc PhD Student PhD Student Licenciatura MSc Jorge Oliveira Estima José Carlos Sequeira Martins dos Santos Organic Electronics – Lx Applied Electromagnetics Lx Power Systems – Co Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx PhD José Carlos Teixeira Applied Mathematics – Co MSc José Luís Silva Power Systems – Co Assistant Professor Assistant Lecturer Eunice de Fátima Fragoso Ribeiro Joana Farinhas João Paulo Neto Torres Group Power Systems – Co Organic Electronics – Lx ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Position Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD PhD Student Degree PhD Name Jose Luis Vieira Cura Group Integrated Circuits – Av MSc PhD MSc José Manuel Matias Pinto Luis Filipe Morgado Luís Filipe Silva Camacho PhD Student MSc Assistant Lecturer Associate Professor PhD Student MSc Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado Luís M. Oliveira Integrated Circuits - Lx Organic Electronics – Lx Security and Quantum Information –Lx Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Power Systems – Co Associate Professor PhD Student MSc PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MSc MSc Student Student Student Student MSc MSc MSc PhD Student PhD Student MSc MSc PhD Student PhD Student Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD PhD MSc PhD Student PhD Student MSc Maria Celeste de Almeida Gouveia Maria da Graça Laranjo Mendes Brotas Marina Perdigão Applied Mathematics – Co Mauro Edgar Pereira Figueiredo Santos Mohsen Bandarabadi Natália Gameiro Navin Kumar Nuno Calado Correia Lourenço Nuno Miguel Amaral Freire Nuno Rafael Mendonça Lourenço Purnachand Nalluri Ricardo Miguel Ferreira Martins Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Silvério Simões Rosa Integrated Circuits - Lx Tânia Isabel de Almeida Braz Tiago Jorge Rocha Vitor Viegas Organic Electronics – Lx Power Systems – Co Power Systems – Co Power Systems – Co Integrated Circuits – Av Integrated Circuits - Lx Power Systems – Co Integrated Circuits – Av Integrated Circuits – Av Integrated Circuits - Lx Power Systems – Co Applied Mathematics – Cv Organic Electronics – Lx Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx Table 25 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4.3 Summary of Research Achievements Contributing groups • Applied Electromagnetics - Lx • Applied Mathematics - Co • Applied Mathematics- Cv • Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx • Integrated Circuits – Av • Integrated Circuits - Lx • Organic Electronics - Lx • Power Electronics - Lx • Power Systems - Co Applied Electromagnetics – Lx Scope and Objectives The Group of Applied Electromagnetics conducts research activities in the broad domain of the Electromagnetic Field Theory and its applications to electric, magnetic, and electronic devices. In 2012 the following interrelated subjects have been addressed: • Transmission-line structures • Electric and magnetic field problems • Optical waveguides • Computational methods for electromagnetic field evaluation Group Transmission-line structures research on transmission-line structures is multifaceted, encompassing theory and applications, and aiming at a variety of targets. The topic of magnetic transmission lines has been addressed. Signal transmission in magnetic transmission lines (MGTL) is assured by means ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES of parallel magnetic-flux carrying magnetic wires as opposed to the familiar situation of electric transmission lines (ELTL) where parallel current-carrying electric conductors are utilized. A novel quasi-TEM theory for uniform homogeneous two-wire magnetic transmission lines has been developed based on Maxwell equations. It has been concluded that while ELTLs behave as low-pass filters, MGTLs behave as high-pass filters. The problem of the numerical evaluation of the series-impedance parameters (resistance and inductance) of uniform overhead power lines, taking into account transversal variations of conductivity and permeability of line conductors and soil, was analyzed and solved by resorting to a developed method that employs elemental current strips instead of current filaments. The effect of power-line sagged conductors on the evaluation of the differential voltage in nearby railway circuits was analyzed using traditional matrix methods for multi-conductor lines; results have been validated through direct electromagnetic field computation. Magnetic fields produced by underground power cables can endanger human safety. The important problem of magnetic field mitigation using shielded cables was solved numerically via a FEM/BEM technique. Electric and magnetic field problems Group research on electric and magnetic field problems is multifaceted, encompassing theory and applications, and aiming at a variety of targets. Electric and magnetic fields generated by a set of periodically distributed filamentary conductors in a circular arrangement have been evaluated; results obtained involve the computation of a continuous product of distances. In close connection with the computation of such a continuous product, the general algebraic problem of the factorization of a sum or difference of two powers has been addressed. An application to bundled conductors has been examined. Problems related to contactless energy transfer (CET) are usually dealt with in the framework of transformer theory, employing equivalent ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES electric circuits as a tool for their analysis. A physics approach, based on Maxwell equations, has been developed to tackle CET systems. Electric and magnetic fields are utilized to evaluate the Poynting vector; the concepts of magnetic voltage and magnetic flux are utilized to define the instantaneous power guided within the magnetic transmitter. An analysis of the electromagnetic field guided and emitted by the transmitter has been developed; electromagnetic energy leaving the transmitter being evaluated using short-dipole antenna theory. An inductive system comprising four sensing coils wound around an aircore, traversed by an off-centered tilted current-carrying primary wire, has been analyzed. A magnetic vector potential based approach has been developed aimed at the determination of closed-form expressions for the induced voltages appearing at the open terminals of the four sensing coils, all of them depending on the 3D position of the primary wire. The inverse problem of the determination of the primary wire position based on the coils induced voltages has also been formulated, but only exactly solved for the case of an off-centered wire parallel to the core axis. An analysis of skin-effect like phenomena in radially inhomogeneous tubular geometries that fit in the category of Euler-Cauchy structures (ECS) has been carried out. The per unit length complex magnetic reluctance of tubular ferrites has been evaluated, considering that their complex permeability strongly depends on the frequency. The motivation for this research is linked up with the theory of magnetic transmission lines whose behavior critically depends on the complex magnetic reluctance of its wires. The analysis has mainly focused on high frequency regimes up into the GHz range. Optical Waveguides Group research on optical waveguides encompassed two topics: Electromagnetic propagation in bent and ring slab waveguides and lasers. Analysis of waveguide dispersion in strongly biaxial anisotropic optical fibers. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Computational methods for electromagnetic field evaluation • The development of computational methods and software tools for electromagnetic field calculation is key for most of the above reported research activities of the Group. Research Outputs in 2012: • 8 papers in international refereed scientific journals. • 1 paper in an international refereed conference with published proceedings. • 2 MSc supervisions (completed). • Upgrade of a national patent to the international domain Applied Mathematics – Co The research of the Group of Applied Mathematics in Telecommunications has been focused on Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra. The members of this group have been working on establishing new theoretical results concerning existence and uniqueness and convergence analyses of algorithms for the solution of some important problems in Linear Algebra and Optimization. Furthermore they have been devoted to the design, implementation and testing of algorithms for the solution o these problems. Collaboration with engineers on the solution of some models of engineering, namely in telecommunications, has be enhanced. The most relevant research topics are presented below: • Preconditioning and convergence of iterative methods for the solution of linear systems of equations, generalized inverses and its applications. • Interior-point algorithms, active-set methods, sequential quadratic algorithms and complementarity enumerative problems methods and finite for the dimensional solution of variational inequalities. • Complementarity algorithms, positive semi-definite and reformulation-linearization techniques for bilevel programming, ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES quadratic and bilinear programming, eigenvalue complementarity problems and mathematical programs with linear complementarity constraints. • Solution of structured optimization models arising in telecommunications, civil engineering, and finance. • Hybrid approaches for models in telecommunications based on column generation and local search heuristics. • Efficient reformulation techniques for hop and degree constrained problems. • Routing algorithms for 6LoWPAN mesh networks. Applied Mathematics- Cv The research activity of the group are inserted in the areas of Matrix Analysis, Optimization and Numerical Methods, Ring Theory, Quaternion Rings, Differential Equations, Graph Theory, Metapopulation Dynamics, and Teaching of Mathematics; with applications mainly to Eigenvalue Problems, Simulation, Mathematical Modeling, Systems Stability, Epidemics, Demographic Migration, Robotics and Models for Behaviors Analysis of Sports Group. The main topics developed in the year of 2012 included studies and works on: • Metapopulation models applied to geographic migration • A scalar Newton’s method for quadratic matrix polynomials • Symbolic solutions of linear matrix equations. • Symmetric eigenvalue complementarity problem (EiCP). • Balanced zero-divisor graphs of finite rings. • Commuting graphs of matrix rings. • Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) applied to mathematical concepts. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Instrumentation and Measurements - Lx Scope and Objectives The Instrumentation and Measurement Group works in the broad domain of Metrology. In 2012 the main topics addressed were: • Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue conversion; • Measurement of electrical quantities; • Non-destructive testing • Sensors and transducers; • Signal acquisition and automated and telemetric measuring systems; • Signal processing applied to sensors and instrumentation. Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue conversion • Study of the uncertainty of analogue-to-digital converter test methods, namely of the Histogram Test Method, the Random Noise Test Method and the Sine Fitting Test Method. Consideration of different non-ideal effects like additive noise, jitter, phase noise and harmonic distortion. Measurement of electrical quantities • Design, implementation and analysis of a three-phase energy metering device. Non-destructive testing • Work in the area of non-destructive testing using eddy currents went on. Applications were extended to determine thicknesses. Different types of excitation currents have been used: pulsed eddy currents (PEC), sinusoidal and poly-harmonic currents. The use of digital signal processing algorithms to process and interpret data provided by the sensors used in the laboratory for eddy current testing proved to be very effective to overcome the poor performance of some of these sensors. Significant improvements in the crack position accuracy and resolution were obtained. Some of the crack characteristics like length and orientation are now ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES obtained using the measurement system developed at the Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory. Support Vector Machine (SVM) has been used to material thickness classification. A further application like the detection of corrosion inside a pipeline is being envisaged. Novel low-cost handheld instruments to detect cracks and other defects in a plate of conductive material have been implemented and the prototypes are working properly. One of these instruments uses a planar excitation coil with a giant magnetoresistor as the sensing element and the visualization of the defect can be depicted in real-time on an LCD display. Besides the output voltage the sensor location can be transmitted to a PC for further processing. The other instrument is able to measure both amplitude and phase of the sensor output voltage (corresponding to the secondary magnetic field with the crack information) and transmitted to the PC wirelessly to be depicted as phasors. A new non-destructive testing technique based on speed induced currents is being tested. The conductive material being tested moves in a time constant magnetic field and due to the movement the induced currents in the conductor generate a secondary magnetic field. When the current flow pattern is disturbed by the existence of defects, variations of the magnetic field occur and information about the defects can be assessed by measuring the magnetic field. As far as the authors know this is an original method, that has not yet it been reported in the literature, and presents undoubted advantages when the material to be tested is in motion relative to the test sensor. Sensors and transducers • In-depth analysis, modelling and experimental evaluation of a differential planar eddy currents probe. • Progress in the interoperability of marine observatories has been carried out. Sensors with analogue outputs will have their connectivity augmented with an embedded Transducer Electronic Data Sheet, which contains technical information to identify the sensor. Data will be formatted according to IEEE 1451.0 standard and interoperability in OBSEA and MBARI observatories is already a fact concerning some equipment issues. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Some work based on the Precise Time Synchronization Standard, IEEE 1588 related with ocean observatories is carried out. A GPS virtual pulseper-second signal generator to be installed at OBSEA observatory to timestamp sensor data in a sub millisecond range is being done. OBSEA is a cabled seafloor observatory 4 km offshore Vilanova I la Geltru (Barcelona, Stain) at 20 m water depth, interconnected to the coast by an energy and communication mixed cable. • Static and dynamic characterization of sensors and measurement system (polarography, heavy metals detectors, turbidity, pH and conductivity sensors). • Other issues related with the development of IEEE1451.0 standard implementation went on like, for instance, the participation in the working group for the IEEE P1451.001™ Recommended Practices for the Signal Treatment Applied to Smart Transducers. Signal acquisition and automated and telemetric measuring systems A stereo-vision prototype using digital cameras to measure cloud height, wind speed and direction at cloud level has been developed. The prototype, including the weather protection apparatus, has been installed and is running in a continuous basis. The camera system positioning has been calibrated using stars of the night sky. Implementation and development of I&M industrial transmission systems based on Foundation Fieldbus (FF), HART e CAN protocols. Development, implementation and characterization of a DSP based data acquisition system with on-board processing capabilities. Application of the 1451 standard: implementation of a Network Capable Application Processor (NCAP) based on a XML platform. In the domain of biomedical applications worth mentioning: TIMII project o Development of a new imaging technique based on electrical field and magnetic field impedance mapping o Mapping of brain tissue for neuro-navigation o Development of a device for TER o DBS brain path estimation ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Design and implementation of ubiquitous architecture associated with cardio respiratory and dynamic activity monitoring for elderly and persons with severe restriction of rehabilitation. During the were year mobility or concluded during motor three smart wheelchair prototypes based on three different platforms: DSP, microcontroller, mini PC (EHRuWheel FCT RIPD/APD/109639/2009 project). Improvement of a microwave radar sensing module for respiration and cardiac activity assessment. New validation test were done. An autonomous solution to be used independently by the wheelchair was designed and implemented. (EHRuWheel FCTRIPD/APD/109639/2009 project). In collaboration with Universidade do Minho was started the design and implementation of wearable solutions for cardiac assessment and TI body area network device (Pervasive sensing and Computing Sensing Project). A first prototype of a modular wearable system for biomedical signal acquisition and processing was done. Improvement and validation of sensing prototypes embedded in wheelchairs for ECG and skin conductivity measurement (FCT Project). Development of an embedded platform prototype for biomedical sensor compatibility with IEEE1451.4 using 1-wire protocol. Design and implementation of on-line processing of ECG and continuous blood pressure signal including heart rate variability and blood pressure variability estimation algorithms based on wavelets. (Pervasive Sensing and Computing for Healthcare). Development of the first prototype for validation of oscillometric blood pressure measurement devices Important work to improve the patent proposal in the arrhythmia area based on wavelet coherence algorithms was done and the patent was granted in December 2012. In the domain of environmental applications: Development of a distributed water quality measurement system based on multi-parameter measurement unit SDI-12 compatible and wireless communication modules. A LabVIEW software component ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES was designed and implemented for the designed WQ distributed system. Development of the first prototype (hardware and software) for indoor air quality monitoring based on Jenic platform. Signal processing applied to sensors and instrumentation • A study of the use of multi-harmonic least-squares fitting for the estimation in power quality analysis has been performed. • Improvements to the sine-fitting algorithm when used in floating point systems with 32 bit such as DSPs have been proposed. • A procedure that uses evolutionary algorithms to characterize the equivalent impedance network of a sensor or material has been developed. • Improvement of the ANN/Gaussian feature extraction algorithm for defect characterization in non-destructive testing. • Comparative study on Bayesian and least-squares algorithms for estimating signal harmonics. • Development instrumentation of advanced signal processing techniques for and measurements applications (non-linear A/D converters, calibration and auto-calibration procedures applied to different measurement systems, advanced signal processing technique). In 2012, the following services to external entities were rendered: • Collaboration with Departamento de Minas do Instituto Superior Técnico in setting up a measurement system to monitor the effect of water and gasoline on stones. • Collaboration with Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (ITN) in automating the operation of their ion implanter. • Collaboration with the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico in the measurement of different quantities related to the flow of water in channels built for scientific research. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Integrated Circuits - Av The scientific activities addressed by the members of the Integrated Circuits group from IT-Aveiro, during the year 2012 followed six trend lines: 1) energy efficient concepts for public illumination systems; 2) Electronic design for visible light communication systems; 3) CMOS integrated circuit design; 4) TDOA telemetry for wildlife tracking systems, 5) high speed synchronization, 6) SAW based sensors development and design; 7) Diamond films for thermal management of high-power RF devices and 8) Radio astronomy methods for deep space exploration. Some of the activities under these trend lines are the result from ongoing research projects, as well as future project perspectives. Most of these projects have national funding sources. The group members are currently concentrating their efforts on other financing sources at international levels and co-operation with industrial partners. The following description highlights the expected achievements under each of these lines. 1. Energy Efficient Concepts for Public Illumination Systems – This topic represents a new trend on the usual activities of this group. It departed from the gathered knowledge on solid state lighting devices, LEDs, also explored for other purposes. Public illumination systems are predicted to be dominated by solid state lighting devices in the next few years. LED technology has several advantages when compared to other illumination devices in current use. The exploitation of these advantages and the advancement of collaborative control strategies for these systems are currently a hot topic for both research and industrial sectors. The activities under this line of research started with the participation on an International funded project, involving several participants from the European community (project LITES: CIP-ICT-PSP-2008-2/238916, still active). The major achievements under this line of research have been the dissemination of the group activities both at national and international levels, and the direct contact with several actors from the industrial sector that may result in future collaborations. Future perspectives in this line aim towards the conception of collaborative strategies, able to reduce power consumption, and the development of a communication standard for public illumination systems. New project proposals, building up from recent collaboration between the Integrated Circuits group and the Advanced ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Telecommunications perspectives for and these Networks systems, group namely are the posing new exploitation of design sensor networking concepts able to promote efficiency and raise new added value services. 2. Electronic design for visible light communication systems – This line of research has started with project VIDAS (PTDC/EEA-TEL/75217/2006). This project addressed the deployment of visible light communication concepts under the application of traffic information broadcasting. The reasoning behind this project was to take profit from the LEDs that make part of most traffic light under operation in our street, and to use them as modulating devices, so that traffic signaling and information broadcasting can coexist in parallel. Illumination systems are currently adopting LEDs as illumination devices, due to their long life expectancy and low power consumption characteristics. Using these illumination devices for both illumination and information transmission will offer several research opportunities. One member of this group is now leading a special interest group on visible light communications applications on the framework of the IC 1101 COST action on “Optical Wireless – a promising technology”. Recent collaboration between the integrated circuits, the optics and the wireless communications groups are now concentrating efforts on the exploitation of high speed visible light communication links for outdoor applications. 3. CMOS integrated circuit design – This line of research results from the gathered experience of this group on the field of integrated circuit design. Current research efforts are focusing on the design of visible light communication transceivers using LEDs. Topics under research are addressing energy efficiency measures for integrated circuit amplifiers design and LED drivers able to support dimming and communication functionalities. Under the topic of energy efficient integrated circuit amplifier design, the main objective is to advance new design strategies able to optimize circuit performance without impairing power consumption. The expected outcome will be the achievement of energy efficient amplifiers. Until now the research on this line concentrated on the analysis and deployment methods for minimum power consumption in amplifiers. This line of researched was initially supported by national funded project (project EECCO: PTDC/EEA-TEL/105314/2008, terminated in October 2012). The ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES design of LED drivers presents several challenges, namely: efficiency optimization, integration of dimming functions with the transmission of signals using unconstrained modulation schemes, and handling large currents - especially for high power LEDs often used for illumination purposes. 4. TDOA Telemetry for Wildlife Tracking Systems – Traditional telemetry solutions for wildlife tracking and surveillance resort to two main approaches: RF tracking systems, and GPS based data loggers. RF tracking systems are crude and require human intervention. On the other end, GPS based data loggers have the ability to be very accurate, but they are also very expensive. Moreover, GPS based systems are not a good choice for small animals (as for instance the case of small birds). This has led the Integrated Circuits group members to advance a new solution able to deliver accurate position information, and to reduce the size of the identifiers. This solution is based on TDOA (Time Difference Of Arrival) measurements. Initial research as demonstrated the feasibility of our intents. A close cooperation was also established with researchers from Biology as well as industry (Biotrack). 5. High speed synchronization - A recently concluded PhD thesis on the field of high speed synchronization is now opening new collaboration opportunities with INESC-ID. A FCT project proposal building up concepts on synchronization, clock distribution and timing uncertainty, was submitted. This project, will analyze the impact of clock management and distribution resources on on-chip PSN, in FPGAs. The main goal is to determine under what conditions such resources can be used without affecting the device's overall performance and to what extent this can affect its dynamic performance. This knowledge can later be used to develop techniques for designing loosely synchronous digital circuits in FPGAs, maximizing their available performance. On the other hand, it may allow the future development of routing resources in FPGAs that enable more efficient implementation of systems Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALSs). 6. SAW Based Sensors Development and Design – Under this line of research the main objective is to develop SAW based sensors, using diamond film layered structures. Surface acoustic wave devices are wireless and passive ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES versatile devices that can be used as sensors or as RFID tags. Diamond films are especially interesting due to their resilience to adverse conditions and can be deposit on the SAW devices to protect them from hazardous operating conditions. This line of research resulted from the cooperation of the Integrated Circuits group with researchers from the Mechanical Engineering department at the University of Aveiro. The activities under this line of research are under the framework of a national funded project (project JISIS: PTDC/EEA-TEL/104004/2008). Work will proceed in 2013 also with financing from (SI-IDT) QREN under project Seesaw (nº 21634), involving two members of the team.During this work, piezoelectric substrates and devices will be coated with diamond films. A proper read-out unit will also be implemented. 7. Diamond films for thermal management of high-power RF devices – GaN is a material widely used for high-power electronic applications. However, increasing operating frequencies and shrinking of devices pose self-heating problems that limit the performance of devices and further development of GaN technology. Diamond films have an excellent thermal conductivity and can be combined with GaN technology to improve heat extraction from the devices, increasing their lifetime and improving their performance. This work aims at coating the GaN devices with diamond films, assuring an intimate thermal contact between the devices gate and the film. 8. Radio astronomy methods for deep space exploration - Much of the 2012 year was devoted to activities of building the Industry Consortia for the Request of proposal of the SKA Project Execution Plan towards PreConstruction Phase. These activities unfolded through the release on White papers and Reports of the PrepSka Consortium by March 2012. These papers versed on Procurement and Industry Involvement, Governance and Legal Framework and on SKA System Design, in a continuity of previous 2010-2011 activities. Two major workshops were organized to focus on the Request for proposals for Pre-Construction, and establishment of International Consortia : on Signal and Digital transport/ Synchronization & Timing, Power, and Mid Dense Aperture Arrays in the context of SKA Advanced Instrumentation Program; through these Consortia we established strong partnership and presence of national industries : Nokia Siemens Networks Portugal, LOGICA EMSA, Martifer Solar and the National ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Competivity Poles TICE and EnergyIn. The Power of Mega Science Infrastructures was held in Moura, by June 2012 to explore Current energy consumption projections for SKA and recent experiences from pathfinders and precursors (LOFAR, ASKAP, Meerkat) reveal that an important part of the life cycle cost of these large scale radio astronomy projects will be power. Energy transport infrastructure and generation to supply the electronics and the associated cooling are key factors. This last aspect has a direct impact on the system sensitivity, since any potential power caps would limit performance of frontend Low Noise Amplifiers. Thus, power generation and power efficiency (innovative form of passive cooling) become a paramount ingredient of these projects. This workshop reviewed current R&D trends, industry forecasts for solar energy options and experiences that may respond to the challenges set by Mega Science Infrastructures and in particular by the Square Kilometer Array project. As part of these activities, improving the collaboration with Martifer Solar and EnergyIn - The national Pole on Sustainable Energy Systems towards the greening of the SKA project, was continued. The BIOSTIRLING FP7 proposal was approved and shall start by March 2013 and provide a test bed solution for the SKA prototypes in Moura, Portugal, thus constituting the first EU funded SKA Power project, with international validation on national soil. We organized, under the 8th Partnership EU-Africa Forum on ICT, the SKA PT Day Workshop, held in Lisbon by 30th November 2012, an event to present the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and radioastronomy to the European Community, Policy Makers & African Collaborators. The Square Kilometer Array is a transformational radioastronomy project, an ultimate and powerful ICT machine precursor to Future Internet technologies fed with Green Energies offering a great societal change promise. Together with the African VLBI Network, the SKA will provide a leverage infrastructure for the Space Galileo project in Africa and expand global Space Exploration capabilities. These aspects are core to the EU HORIZON 2020 roadmap. a. As part of the PhD work of Miguel Bergano, supervised work on the X-band cross complex correlator using SDR techniques was accomplished. It was designed and tested a VHDL algorithm for FGPA integartion. This new digital backend comprises a base-band complex cross-correlator outputting the four Stokes parameters of the ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES incoming polarized radiation to be used in Space Science surveys. The FPGA board has a 1GHz bandwidth, processing 32 Gb/sec of data. A variation of the correlator was proposed for the Moon Lander Mission, as part of the ESA MESSI (Moon Environment SDR Spectrograph) payload. This was a collaboration with CICGE-U. Porto and Tekever as Prime contractor. MESSI was designed to measure potential Moon ionospheric cut and the radioelectric properties of the Moon crater environment. b. As outreach activities, a 3-meter SRT (Small radioTelescope) was installed in Pampilhosa da Serra. This SRT shall be a node of the European Hands on Universe Project and part of the first International network of antennas for operation by schools. The antenna operated a 1.4GHz radiometer and is remote controlled through a JAVA booking system via web. Integrated Circuits - Lx 1. IC Design Automation: R & D on hybrid multi-objective evolutionary computation and soft computing techniques applied to analog IC design for systems, circuits and physical level synthesis, optimization and modeling. The development of AIDA environment including automatic circuit-level optimization and layout generation addresses 130nm and 65nm technology nodes and interfaces with industrial tools, such as, HSPICE, ELDO, CALIBRE and CADENCE Design framework. The development of SCALES behavior simulation tool for pipeline ADCs in use by THALES Alenia Space. 2. Analog IC Design: R & D on highly-efficient class D and G audio amplifiers, DC-DC converters for aerospace industry, high- performance AD and DA converters, Pipeline ADC for the aerospace industry, Non-linear Data Converters. 3. Computational Finance: R & D on intelligent computation and pattern recognition techniques together with fundamental and technical analysis applied to stock market data for robust portfolio composition, adaptive investment strategies definition and data acquisition. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Organic Electronics - Lx In 2012, the scientific activities in Organic Electronics, foccused on the fabrication and test of organic electronic devices, including i) inkjet printed electronics, ii) solar cells and solar concentrators, iii) molecular wires, iv) organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), v) organic memories, and the vi) study of physical properties of materials for organic electronics and vii) Modelling of Organic Electronics Device. Force Microscopy and other techniques were used Atomic for the characterization of materials and devices. The detailed activities included: Inkjet Printed Electronics a) Work on ''Biocellulose for Printed Organic Electronics'': Development of organic field effect transistors (OFETs) fabricated by inkjet printing using bacterial cellulose (BC) as substrate. Silver and PEDOT were used as contacts; PVP was used as dielectric; pentace was used as the semiconductor material. In the fabricated OFETs the channel is 60 micron long and 3 mm wide. The OFETs present an amplification of two orders of magnitude. b) Fabrication and characterisation of electronic circuits using inkjet printing technology and organic semiconductors. c) Fabrication and characterisation of electrodes on biocompatible substrates for medical applications. Silver chloride electrodes were fabricated by inkjet printing for electromyography studies. d) Fabrication by inkjet printing of RFID antennas on textiles and other flexible materials. Bioelectronics Design and fabrication of electronic components to repair nerve tissues in vivo. Solar Cells and Solar Concentrators 1) Fabrication and characterisation of organic photovoltaic solar cells, combining cross-linkable polythiophene derivatives and PCBM. In addition, the use of regular-polythiophene nanowires for OPVs was also ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES investigated. The effect of such nanowires formation on holes mobility was investigated in thin film transistors. 2) New active molecules, derived from perylene, were tested in dyesensitized solar cells (also known as Graetzel cells). This is a new research line in our group. 3) Fabrication and characterisation of organic Photovoltaic cells with (organic) active layer comprising with different device arquitectures: comprising a nanostructured polymer film, blends and planar bilayers of cross-linked polymers with an electron acceptor component. These studies allowed to establish comparisons between the performance of organic active layers with nanostructured interfaces and with «conventional» architectures, such as blends or bilayers. Moreover, the thermal stability arisen from the used of cross-linked materials could also be investigated. 4) The end of 2012 marked also the starting of the group participation, via IST, in a Marie Curie training network that aims to explore the use of carbon nanotubes in photovoltaic cells and also in a european project that aims to explore the use of conjugated polymers in photoelectrochemical cells that can produce hydrogen. 5) Design, preparation and structural characterisation of new organic polymers and small molecules to fabricate organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs). Such materials included luminescent conjugated polymers with electron-donor character and/or cross-linking (photoresist) capability. The new materials are derivatives of polythiophene – the class of polymers which has provided the most efficient OPVs, up to the present. The introduction of the cross-linking capability aims at increasing the thermal stability of the OPVs as well as fabricating OPVs with organic nanostructured interfaces by utilizing methods adapted to the patterning of cross-linkable polymers. 6) Fabrication of polymer-based plates for applications in luminescent solar concentrators. The conditions to accomplish transparent plates of polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) were established. Such conditions will be used in the preparation of plates incorporing luminescent compounds in order to obtain luminescent solar concentrators to couple with Si-based fotovltaic cells. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Molecular Wires 1) Fabrication and characterization of conductive molecular wires composed by porphyrins. Molecular wires with 15 nm of length were obtained and its electrical transport was studied by scanning tunneling microscopy. An article about this work was accepted in Applied Surface Science Journal and will be published in January of 2013. 2) Studies on the self-assembly process of porphyrins on highly oriented pyrolitic graphite (HOPG). In particular, we have used scanning tunneling spectroscopy and Conductive AFM-break junctions to characterize the electrical properties of the molecular wires grown stepwise on HOPG. Studies have progressed to assess the dependence of the wire conductance on its length. 3) Theoretical calculations and modeling by quantum chemistry on molecular wires. Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDS) 1) Activity in polymer based Light-emitting diodes (LEDs). In particular, we have carried out studies on new boron-based complexes to be used as luminescent layers. Thin films of such complexes were prepared by spin coating and sublimation. Single an double layer LEDs were fabricated and characetrised. 2) Characterization of electrochemical properties of new small luminescent molecules - boron derivatives - to evaluate their application in Organic Light Emitting Diodes. Organic Memories Activity on resistive nonvolatile organic memories mainly focused on diodes based on blends of a ferroelectric polymer with conjugated polymers. The major task has continued to be the investigation of the appropriate conditions to form compact films from such blends solutions by spin coating. AFM was used to characterize such films. Cross-linkable polymers to be tested in such systems were synthesized ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Physical Properties of Materials for Organic Electronics Study by Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance of spin dynamics in new coordination complexes used as building blocks for multifunctional molecular systems. Assessment of various crystallisation processes. Modelling of Organic Electronics Devices 1) Modelling the Joule heating effect on the J-V curves of single-layer unipolar organic electronic devices. 2) Collaboration in the development of a mathematical model describing the mechanical behavior of cylindrical electromagnetic vibration energy harvester, designed to extract energy from human gait to power biomedical implantable devices. Power Electronics – Lx Audio Power Amplifier Continuing the study and development of single stage switching audio power amplifiers. Focus on new pulse width modulators and in passive filter topologies in order to improve circuit performance. Development of linearization methods for isolated resonant phase-shift modulated converters. Investigation of modeling methods. Continuing the collaboration with INESC in the development of an integrated audio power amplifier. Active Power Filters And Power Factor Compensation Continuing the work related with the optimization of passive components in hybrid power filters. Development of optimization algorithms for low frequency/high current, inductor design. Continuing the study, development and experimental realization of single stage power factor corrector topologies and control processes. Analysis of new high performance topologies that are based in component reduction and equal distribution of the input current by the four bridge switches. Identification investigation of correspondent solutions. of operating issues and ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Resonant Contactless Energy Transfer Continuing the studies involving new PWM resonant topologies, use of LLC resonant converters for contactless energy transmission. Analysis of parameters sensitivity to coils misalignement. Concretization of experimental prototype of system integration. Test of the previous developed prototypes. Experimental data analysis and validation. Switching Converters For Renewable Energy Resources Continuing the development of boost and buck-boost single stage topologies for interfacing the ac mains and a Photo Voltaic Panel. A 200W Modular prototype of the boost topology was developed in order to achieve the first preliminary experimental results of the inverter. Development of a new single-stage topology that allows to solve the most critical problems of moderns PV inverters: use of low voltage panels <50V; grid connection in one stage to provide high efficiency, i.e. without isolation transformer; connection of the PV panel to the earth to assure the safety security of the users. Four experimental prototypes and respective modulators were developed to test different types of modulation (two levels and three levels) Colaboration with rmom circuits and systems group on integration in cmos technology Continuing the research, development and practical implementation of very high frequency high performance (110MHz) DC-DC converters in CMOS technology for power management RF-CMOS, “System On a Chip (SoC)”. Achievement of new design methodologies of QSW converters for Soc. Colaboration with inesc Continuing the development and study of techniques for achieving high performance integrated DC-DC converters. Development of an integrated audio power amplifier based in the conception of new modulation techniques. Conclusion of 1 PhD and 1Msc; Publication of 2 Journal papers and 2 conference papers ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Power Systems – Co Dual active bridge converters - The converter topology consists of two active H-bridges and one high-frequency transformer. The faulty operation of a dual active bridge converter was investigated and a fault detection method was obtained. Simulation models were developed and experimental work began to be developed. Multilevel NPC converters - It were developed fault tolerant control strategies for NPC multilevel converters working as rectifier or inverter. Simulations results were obtained and experimental tests were carried out for some applications such as active power filters and induction motor drives. Motors coupled to time-varying loads - Diagnostic methods were developed able to diagnose induction motor faults specially the ones related with the rotor bars and magnetic circuit. Taking into account that induction machines are very often supplied by power electronic converters, new fault diagnosis methods were investigated in order to detect and locate faults in machines operating in closed-loop. Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives based on two level inverters – New fault diagnostic algorithm for real-time open-circuit faults diagnosis was developed for a two level voltage source inverter of a vector controlled permanent magnet synchronous motor drive. Experimental results were obtained. Permanent magnet synchronous generator drives for Wind Turbine Applications - Several diagnostic methods were proposed for all drive power converters, capable to detect and localize open-circuit faults in power the switches. An experimental setup was implemented and experimental results were obtained. These experimental results allow to demonstrate techniques. the effectiveness and robustness of the developed ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Switched reluctance motor drives –The experimental work has been continued, based on the acquisition and analysis of data related to the performance of the developed prototype. The obtained results allowed to evaluate the developed diagnostic methods and analyze the behavior of the drive in either normal or faulty operation. Three-phase induction motors – Continue the study about induction motor faults such as rotor/stator eccentricity, rotor broken bars and stator winding short-circuit fault. FEM models were developed to analyze the motor performance under these faulty operating conditions. Three-phase power transformers - Continue the research on power transforms windings and core faults, both in core-type and shell-type transformers, new simulations models were developed and new experimental tests were also performed. On-site tests were successfully conducted at a power generation plant in transformers rated 60 MVA, 10 kV/ 240 kV, hence demonstrating the usefulness and applicability of the new diagnostic tool developed. Thermal analysis of three-phase induction motors – It was developed an experimental study that aimed to evaluate the performance of these machines under specific working conditions. For this purpose, a test bench for three-phase induction motors was developed, prepared to acquire thermal, mechanical and electrical results. FEM models able to analyze the thermal behavior of three-phase induction machines were developed. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4.4 Runing and Concluded Projects Overview Funding Agency Number EU, FP7 2 FCT, RIPD 1 FCT/PTDC 13 IEEE, TC-25 1 Industry 1 Intellab 1 IPS 1 IT 6 PT Inovação 1 QREN 1 Thales Alenia Space 1 Table 26 – Number of active projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Activity in projects Acron / Ref Title AIDA AIDA – Automated P-Cell Generation based on Multi-Objective Optimization and Pareto Optimal Front Circuit Level Characterization Funding IT Descript. The AIDA project addresses the problem of analog and mixed-signal (AMS) IC design automation. It proposes an innovative methodology for the reuse and retargeting of circuit-level analog blocks by putting together both previous work from the research teams and in deep knowledge from researchers in the area of Analog IC Design, Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Evolutionary Computation. Acron / Ref AISMAd Title AISMAD – Advanced Integrated Switched-Mode Audio Drivers Funding IT Descript. The AISMAD project aims to implement an integrated circuit to be used in high fidelity portable applications, with outputs suited both for headsets and/or loudspeakers. The project targets are to fabricate and characterize a Class-D amplifier IC, explore and expand the test-chip multi-functionality of operation modes, and develop, design and test possible approaches to increase the maximum output power ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref BC Title Biocellelose for Printed Organic Electronics Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The ultimate goal of the project is to demonstrate the possibility and advantage of using bacterial cellulose, also called biocellulose (BC), and BC derivatives, as substrate, as dielectric and as electrically active layer for inkjet printed organic electronics. Acron / Ref ERSATRITCOM Title Electronic Health Records for Wheelchairs Users Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Global environmental concerns and the ever-increasing need for energy, coupled with a steady progress in renewable energy technologies are opening up new opportunities for utilization of alternative energy resources for telecommunications (TLC) applications. The equipments used in TLC have strict specific requirements in terms of type and quality of the power supply and most TLC energy systems present a special energy supply challenge, requiring reliable, unattended power system operation in locations where grid power is not available. For these applications, interest in stand-alone power systems (SAPS) is increasing and the value of alternative power solutions is becoming more apparent. Considering this, the main general objectives of this research program are: • The investigation of the new available technologies for the generation and storage of energy for TLC applications; • The development of a SAPS capable of self-diagnosing power converter faults and, in case of a failure occurrence, to keep its normal operation, although with a reduced performance. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref FaulTHEV Title Fault Tolerant Electric Motor Drives Applied to Hybrid Electric Vehicle Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Currently, with the increasing demand for environmentally friendlier and higher fuel economy vehicles, the automotive companies are focused on the development of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs).Considering this, the main objectives of this project are focused on the development and implementation of two different electric drives based on permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) and switched reluctance motors (SRM), with power converter fault-tolerance capability, applied to HEVs. Acron / Ref Title JISIS Diamond-based surface acoustic wave devices: a reverse fabrication design Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Design, simulation, prototyping and testing of SAW devices based on a high-temperature substrate, such as langasite, in order to obtain sensors and identifiers that can be interrogated remotely and at the same time be used in harsh and hostile environments. Acron / Ref KeMANDE Title Kernel Method Applied to Non Destructive Evaluation Funding IT Descript. Throughout the world, engineers and technicians are working together finding cracks and other anomalies to prevent expensive failures. The increasingly important role of nondestructive testing in public security and safely technology development promote new and innovative methods to be developed and already known methods do ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES be enhanced. Eddy Current Testing (ECT) is one of the most established nondestructive structure evaluation technique that enables defect detection and material condition monitoring with high sensitivity and reliability. Within this method the volume distribution of the material conductivity is determined by inducing eddy currents inside the conductor under test and measuring the magnetic field produced by those currents [6]. ECT is used with electrically conductive materials for the measurement of the thickness of metallic plates [7] or non-metallic coatings or metal substrates, estimation of electrical conductivity or magnetic permeability distribution, corrosion detection [8] and the determination of surface or subsurface defects [9]. However, regarding safety and economic efficiency assessment, defects are still the main concern and with the improvements on understanding the facture mechanics, the detailed geometric characterization of the cracks, still an open problem, became the target of the research in the area. One disadvantage of this type of method is related to the inevitability of well qualified and experienced technicians to perform the tests since, in spite of its implementation simplicity, data produced by eddy current based equipment are among the most complicated to interpret. These factors together motivate the project objectives: to implement new and better measurements with both novel instrumentation and embedded artificial intelligence to automate the interpretation of the various imaging data streams in order to determine surface and subsurface defects shape and size [10]. With eddy currents nondestructive evaluation, the dimensions of defects are retrieved by inversion of the measured signals. Since the physical model of the problem is often complicated and nonlinear, the inversion model is ill-posed and it’s solution always a challenge. Within this project an original strategy based on the current lines distribution is proposed. The idea is to assess the current density perturbation caused by the defects through a bidimensional map of the magnetic field components on the surface of the material to be tested, obtained experimentally. This current ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES density can be represented as a composition of magnetic dipoles. The field of the single magnetic field dipole will be the kernel of the transformation to be used in the inversion process. Measurements are taken using electromagnetic sensors based on giant magnetoresistive (GMR) effect. GMRs extend the application field of eddy current non destructive evaluation methods since they measure the magnetic field directly and their sensitivity is equal for all working frequencies, allowing better performance than conventional probes for low-frequency applications as, for instance, when detecting defects deep buried in multilayered structures. Besides, these sensors are far more sensitive than those used in current commercial equipment [11] and the output signal signal-tonoise ratio is high enough to apply regularization methods to extract information. It is our goal to develop a competitive automated system to be subsequently exploited and used in the industry. This project besides its technical and scientific objectives is also focused on promoting nondestructive evaluation issues to young researchers. It is a multidisciplinary field of study that embraces issues like: (1) technology development; (2) image processing and recognition; (3) modeling and algorithms. In Portugal there are very few competencies within the nondestructive testing knowledge area in spite of the abundance of industrial relevance for them and as a result Portugal is losing competitiveness in a 600 million global market. Acron / Ref LOPIX Title LOPIX - Low Power Information Exchange Funding Industry Descript. Design, development and test a wireless communications system for intelligent power metering at home based, in a first stage, on ZigBee wireless technology and, in the final stage, on 6LowPAN ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES technology. This project is a sub-contract with WITH under a QREN funded contract. Acron / Ref MultilevelConv Title Fault Diagnosis in High Power Drives Based on Multilevel Converters Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The aim of this research project is to investigate fault-tolerant control strategies, proper to be used in high power drives, based on multilevel topology. Simultaneously, an investigation about the performance of both power converter and induction motor, in order to optimize the drive behavior for a post-fault operation, will also be performed. Acron / Ref Title NANOPEPS Micro- and Nanopatterning of cross-linkable electro-active polymers by spin-coating Funding Descript. FCT/PTDC This project deals with the optimization of organic electronic devices, namely photovoltaic cells (PV), light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and optical chemical sensors, through the provement of the organic film morphology and functionality using a low-cost, simple, and innovative method of patterning at the submicrometric or the nanoscale. Our group was recently pioneer in exploring a simple and low-cost method to prepare patterned films at the submicrometric scale using cross-linkable electroluminescent polymers also synthesised in our group. In principle, the method should be scalable to large substrates and to a broad range of different classes of conjugated polymers. Basically, it consists on controlling the phase separation occurring during the deposition of a solution containing a cross- ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES linkable electro-active polymer and an «inert» polymer, on a substrate, by spin coating. The main original characteritsic of this approach is that the cross-linked film is resistant against dissolution, enabling that multilayer devices may be fabricated utilizing low cost solution techniques. This project proposes i) to synthesise new cross-linkable semiconducting polymers with chemical properties designed for specific applications; ii) to extend and to explore the patterning method to those materials to obtain film morphologies tuned for specific applications iii) to fabricate efficient devices based on such films. The target devices are: - PV cells. Semiconducting polymer based-films where electrondonor and -acceptor materials are segregated forming vertical domains (relative to the electrodes) and these are separated from less than 20 nm represent the optimal film morphology, because it minimizes losses in the charge generation and transport to the electrodes processes. By preparing adequate crosslinkable polymers and using the referred patterning method, we aim at tuning the column dimensions (of columnar films) or porous diameter (of porous films) to obtain ideal nanostructured polymer scaffolds, where the complementary component (donor or acceptor) can afterwards be deposited filling the empty spaces. The resultant arranjement of the two interpenetrating layers should approach the “ideal” morphology for OPV cells. - Optical Chemical Sensors. Fluorescent semiconducting polymers have shown an amplified response in chemosensing processes. We intend to functionalize the polymer nanopatterned film to recognise selectively a specific target molecule which acts as a fluorescence quencher, generating an optical sensor. Since nanostructures have a huge surface/volume ratio, an even higher sensitivity is expected. Examples of analytes to investigate are fluoride, cyanide, and iodide anions resultant from toxic gases, and metal ions such as Al3+, Pb 2+, and Ag+. - LEDs. The most efficient organic LEDs are based on multilayered devices comprising both charge transport layers and emissive layers between the electrodes. Besides showing reasonable efficiencies, ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES such values are still well below the predicted maxima. One approach for optimization, nearly unexplored so far, consists on the use of nanopatterned hole-transport layers to increase the contact area for charge transfer to the emissive layer. Also, there have been reports demonstrating higher emission efficiency in nanopatterned films, for which nanopatterning of the emissive layer represents another approach to optimize LEDs. Acron / Ref NHyMat Title SolarNHyMat - Nanostructured Hybrid Materials for Solar Cells Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The “SolarNHyMat†project aims to foster essential progress in the performance of organic solar cells devices by covalent incorporation of acceptor molecules on the walls of mesoporous silica nanostructured materials and encapsulation of the donor polymers on the pores of those same silica materials. The key scientific objectives of the “SolarNHyMat†project will be (i) alignment of the acceptors (on the walls) and donors (on the pores), (ii) maximize the interfacial area and the donor:acceptor contact, (iii) isolation of the polymer chains into nanoscale domains leading to a confinement effect, (iv) charge stabilization conduction along individual chains with spontaneous formation of a gradedindex waveguide, and (v) circumvent oxygen interference. The expected results for the “SolarNHyMat†project taking into account the above objectives are (i) avoid phase segregation and minimize the recombination process, (ii) improve charge separation and increase carrier’s mobility, (iii) no interchain hopping events would be required, (iv) improve gain and reduce loss, and (v) enhance the long term stability. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref NOVO Title Non volatile polymer memories for flexible electronics Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. This project aims to investigate the operating mechanism and the role of phase separation details of non-volatile resistive polymer memories based on blends of conjugated and ferroelectric polymer2. Acron / Ref OMeGA Title Optical Measurement of Guided Acoustic Waves in Solid Media Funding IT Descript. The coupling of ultrasound waves into solid media on a material surface point followed by the wave detection on another point can be used to infer about the wave propagation conditions. The wave suffers reflections on the material boundaries, but is attenuated or diffracted on existing material discontinuities. It is possible to obtain valuable information about material defects by an accurate analysis of the wave propagation conditions. In this project we intend to apply the ultrasound method to establish an experimental method of defects detection inside solid structures whose structural health monitoring is of great importance. This is the case of the aircraft structures, the liquid or gas pipelines in nuclear power plants or other containers subject to high pressures. To our knowledge, the most important inspection task at this time is the assessment of possible internal defects inside the stainless steel containers of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref Title PRICE Privacy, Reliability and Integrity in Cloud Environments Funding PT Inovação Descript. Privacy, Reliability and Integrity in Cloud Environments) Acron / Ref SCALES Title SCALES - Simulation Tool for Pipeline ADCs Funding Thales Alenia Space Descript. Developement of a simulation tool do do architecture study of an integrated Analog-to-Digital Converter Acron / Ref Title SearchCol SearchCol: Meta-heuristic Search by Column generation Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Many relevant practical problems can be modeled as combinatorial optimization problems (COPs). Examples are the definition of routes for vehicles, schedules for machines, or the dimensioning of telecommunication networks. Meta-heuristics (MHs), such as tabu search or genetic algorithms, are the most successful methods in providing good-quality solutions in reasonable amounts of time for large-size instances of several COPs. The aim of this project is to propose a new MH, entitled Search by Column generation (SearchCol), for COPs. SearchCol algorithms will be applied in specific problems from four areas: production planning and scheduling, telecommunications, forest management, and cutting and packing. The main distinctive feature of SearchCol is that its ingredients (such as construction of solutions, neighborhood structures, or crossover operators) are based on column generation (CG). ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES We aim at proving that a suitable search strategy (provided by the hybrid MHs framework) taking advantage of decomposition exact methods (CG) quickly leads to high-quality solutions for NP-hard COPs. The evidence is that CG provides tight lower bounds (in minimization problems) on the optimal value and that the columns belonging to the restricted master problem define a search space where high-quality solutions exist. The drawbacks of standard MHs (the lack of ameasure of the quality of the solution obtained and the lack of a well defined stopping criterion) are overcome in SearchCol since the lower bound provided by CG is available. Acron / Ref Title SIEF Sistema Integrado da Fiabilidade de Equipamento Ferroviário de Transporte Funding Descript. QREN The project aims to develop a modular system of health monitoring condition of various components of the train, transmitting data in real time to a control center computer. These data are then processed and analyzed by an intelligent system (Remote Condition Monitoring), allowing to extract relevant information to support the decision of the train fleet managers. With this type of monitoring, a more economical and effective maintenance of the trains will be possible, in the near future. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor João Carlos Marques Silva Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves Octavian Adrian Postolache Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar Fernando José Pimentel Lopes Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Pedro José Guerra de Araújo Student Co- Supervisors Rui Casanova Automated Trading in Forex End Date 1/2012 Rui Santos Carlos Ferreira Switching Converter for Audio Reproduction 1/2012 Ricardo Martins Jorge Manuel Correia Guilherme AIDA II: OpAmps Automatic Layout Generator António Manuel Nuno Cavaco Gomes FOREX PATTERN- Prever Mercados de Lourenço Horta Futuros de Câmbios usando Padrões Canelas José Miguel Costa Dias Renato Bito. Suction Meter for Prematures Pereira 4/2012 6/2012 6/2012 Tiago José Cadima Borges Circuitos Digitais Dinâmicos em Modo de Corrente 7/2012 Luis Miguel Antunes Caseiro Control Strategies and Fault Diagnosis for NPC Multilevel Rectifiers 7/2012 Data Mining Espacial para Suporte de 7/2012 Mobilidade Development and Integration of Sensors for Process Monitoring in Agroindustrial Wine 7/2012 Fermentation Systems Tiago Silva Joaquim Varandas Rui Fiel Cordeiro José Manuel Neto Vieira Pedro Manuel Antunes Faria Lopes Tiago Luis Leite de Bessa Ferreira Luisiane Fernandes Digital Beam-steering in a Parametric Array 7/2012 Fault Diagnosis in Active Power Filters, based on Multilevel NPC topology. 7/2012 Implementation of Medical Image Registration Methods in Ophthalmology 7/2012 Software Suite Multicore implementation of the HEVC Intra 7/2012 Predictor Filipe Antonio Carreira Costa Thermal behavior of a three phase induction 7/2012 motor with a closed-loop load torque control José Castanheira WebRun - jogo Web interactivo para promover a prática desportiva Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Jorge Filipe Antonio Joao Marques Santos Marques Cardoso Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Miguel Fernandes Pereira António Luís Morais Costa da Silva Lopes Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges Title Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso 7/2012 Electric drives based on switched reluctance motors with regenerative braking capability 9/2012 for electric/hybrid vehicles Topologies based on permanent magnet synchronous motor drives for electric/hybrid 9/2012 vehicle applications Marcos Pinto ACode: Sistema Web para Avaliação Automática de Algoritmos Java 10/2012 Maria João Perdigão Barradas High Frequency Integrated DCDC 10/2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor Student Jorge Manuel Stefano Virgilio Ferreira Morgado Anders Lyhne Fernando Silva Christensen Nuno Miguel de Marco António Figueiredo Moura Rebelo Garrido Pedro Miguel Pedro Pinto Pinto Ramos Antonio Joao Bruno Miguel Marques Gomes dos Cardoso Santos Rui Fuentecilla Joana Vicente Maia Ferreira Guerreiro Neves Mendes Octavian Adrian Rui Peixeiro Postolache José António Miguel da Costa Marinho Brandão Farelo Pereira Faria Pires Pedro Miguel André Gomes Pinto Ramos Octavian Adrian João Miguel Postolache Correia Freire Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Diego Mendes Manuel Ventura Diana Carvalho Guerreiro das Freitas Neves Co- Supervisors Ionic small molecular weight solar cells 10/2012 Paulo Urbano odNEAT 10/2012 João Pedro Afonso Oliveira da Silva Sistema de monitorização de consumo de energia eléctrica 10/2012 Data Aquisition System based on DSP 11/2012 Diagnóstico e Análise de Avarias em Geradores Síncronos de Ímanes 11/2012 Permanentes Aplicados em Turbinas Eólicas Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Three Phase Watt-Hour Meter Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves Pedro Tiago Gonçalves Ribães Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Ricardo Almeida Alexandre Moutela Nunes da Mota Enhancing a Layout-Aware Synthesis Methodology for Analog ICs by Embedding Statistical Knowledge into the Evolutionary Optimization Kernel 11/2012 12/2012 12/2012 Fixed Priority Schedulers on a hard-real time Baseband Multiprocessor 12/2012 Geometric Formulation of Anisotropy 12/2012 Human motion analysis using ultrasounds 12/2012 Monitorização fina do consumo de elétrica usando redes de sensores Monitorização fina do consumo de elétrica usando redes de sensores energia sem fios, energia 12/2012 sem fios Poderá a telemonitorização domiciliária contribuir na redução dos elevados custos da insuficiência cardíaca para o SNS? Alice Miranda José Carlos Francisco Andre Paiva Pereira Correa Alegria Alves Santos Manuel Fernando Pedro Miguel Martins de Lopes Freitas Barros 11/2012 11/2012 Dinis Gomes de Estudo e Implementação de um LED driver Magalhães dos Santos para Iluminação/Comunicação Antonio Luis Marlene Lucete Campos da Silva Matias Rocha Topa Paulo Alexandre Carapinha Miguel Verdasca Marques Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão 11/2012 Biomedical Smart Sensores IEEE1451.4 and Pedro Manuel Brito da IEEE1451.5 compatibles for HealthCare 12/2012 Silva Girão Ubiquitous Systems Alexandre Moutela Controlador Adaptativo baseado em 12/2012 Nunes da Mota Xenomai Determinação dos parâmetros longitudinais Maria Eduarda de de uma linha de transmissão aérea, Sampaio Pinto de 12/2012 transversalmente não homogénea Almeida Pedro, Frederico Rocha João Paulo Carvalho Cesar Gomes FLOOD - Movimentos de Fundos entre Mercados José Miguel Costa Dias System for measurement of water quality Pereira parameters The Magnetic Transmission Line. A general theory in the framework of the quasi-TEM approach Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras End Date Title 12/2012 Projecto e Implementação de um Moisés Simões Piedade Controlador para Motores Síncronos de Imanes Permanentes 12/2012 Carlos Ferreira 12/2012 Protótipo de Veículo Eléctrico ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor Luis Filipe Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves António Luís Morais Costa da Silva Lopes Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Student Co- Supervisors Title Fernando Jorge Nunes Oliveira Sistema Domótico através de Comunicação 12/2012 por Luz Visível Luís Cardoso UMais - Aplicação de Suporte ao Aluno Universitário Modelling and simulation of shell-type power transformers Monitorização de Sinais Vitais e Localização Octavian Adrian José Miguel Costa Dias David Vinhas Baseada na Tecnologia RFID para Postolache Pereira Utilizadores de Cadeiras de Rodas Ana Maria de New Cross-linkable Donor Polymers for Soraia Lourenço Manuel José de Matos Matos Charas Nanostructured OPV cells Helena Maria Development of an automated Johannes dos Santos measurement system to evaluate ear Hofstadler Geirinhas Ramos protetions Ana Cristina João Guilherme Pereira Mining Geographic Data for Fuel Vítor Ribeiro Costa Aguiar Rodrigues Consumption Estimation Maria Beatriz Hugo dos Santos Mendes Batalha Tiago Mota Marques ,Carlos Switching Audio Amplifier Vieira Vieira Garcia Oliveira Ferreira Borges Antonio Luis Diana Raquel Campos da Silva Acousto-Optic Devices Piteira Félix Topa Raúl Daniel CO2 and pH intra-body blood Lavado Carneiro João Carreiras concentrations for respiratory pacer Martins Daniel Marques Machado Octavian Adrian Mario Ribeiro Postolache António Luís Morais Costa da Sérgio Cerqueira Silva Lopes Luís Miguel Martins Nunes Luís Miguel Martins Nunes Luís Miguel Martins Nunes Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Ana Teresa Fernandes Pereira Pedro José Guerra de Araújo Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras 12/2012 1/2013 1/2013 1/2013 2/2013 2/2013 2/2013 5/2013 5/2013 Smart Sensor Platform for physiological and Pedro Manuel Brito da motor activity monitoring with application 5/2013 Silva Girão in Human Machine Interfacing Context-aware Mobile Application for Automatic Appointment Scheduling and Notification 6/2013 Paulo Gil Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning 6/2013 Nuno Antunes Interactive, Dynamic Timetabling 6/2013 Profiling Web based users preferences with Pedro Bonifácio Sancho Moura Oliveira Text Mining 6/2013 Costa Custódia Domingos User management using ITIL good practices Diana Craveiro Mourão Algorithms for retinal image recognition Jorge Manuel Filipa Soareas Ferreira Morgado Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras End Date 6/2013 7/2013 Cell growth/differentiation using conjugated polymers 7/2013 Controlador e device drivers para caldeiras Nuno Miguel Joaquim José de Castro a pellets 7/2013 Falcao de Moura Ferreira João Pedro Martins Design and fabrication of electrodes for electromyography 7/2013 Bruno Nave Gerontologia – Sistemas de Acompanhamento de Pessoas Idosas 7/2013 Hugo Rafael Mendes Tavares Metodologias de desenvolvimento de sistemas embedded 7/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Pedro José Guerra de Araújo Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Student Co- Supervisors Title End Date Filomeno Vieira Modelling, simulation and diagnosis of core faults in three-phase induction motors 7/2013 Mariana Alexandre Moutela Alexandra Aleixo Nunes da Mota de Barcelos João de Morais Armando Carlos Sarmento Matos Domingues da Rocha RTCTools - Plataforma para Ensino de Controlo Automático baseada em 7/2013 XenomaiLab Sistema de Apontamento Programado para 7/2013 Antena Parabólica Vitor Marcelino Telemedicina e Telecuidados Pedro Rodrigues Miguel Tavares Coimbra,Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Automatic visual recognition of calories in a 9/2013 meal Bidirectional Power Converter for Contactless Battery Chargers in Electric Vehicles Rui Neto 7/2013 9/2013 Daniel Bhatt Ambaram Computational treatment of a psychological 9/2013 model of personal crises development Emanuel Marques Contactless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicle Battery Charger Electric Vehicle with Drive System and Battery Charger Based on a Cascaded Multilevel Converter 9/2013 André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Fábio Pereira Artur Ferreira Artem Umanets Guia de Turismo 9/2013 Luis Pedro Duarte Coimbra Implementation of selective automatic control of a residential elevator in a DSP. 9/2013 Rui Mochila O3F Ontologies: Tool for converting OWL into O3F 9/2013 André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves André Manuel dos Santos Mendes António Daniel Ventura Silva Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Antonio Ricardo Jorge Santos 9/2013 Portfolio - Previsão de mercados financeiros utilizando Computação Inteligente 9/2013 Power Transformers for High Frequency Applications 9/2013 Octavian Adrian Ana Filipa Postolache Teixeira Francisco António Bucho Cercas AirQAsthmaNet - Distributed air sensor network for asthma assement 10/2013 Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Marcio Cabral Manuel Fernando Martins de Barros GENOM2: Optimização do Dimensionamento de Circuitos Analógicos com Recurso a Técnicas de Computação Evolutiva 10/2013 Artur Ferreira Luis Borges Geração Automática de Horários usando Metaheurísticas 10/2013 Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges Carlos Miguel Schwarz Gonçalves Henriques High Frequency LLC Resonant Converter 10/2013 Image Segmentation using Focal Point Clustering: a Parametric Analysis 10/2013 Paulo André Pais João Leite Fazendeiro Hugo dos Santos Marques ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor Student Octavian Adrian Ricardo Paulino Postolache Octavian Adrian Tiago Marques Postolache Manuel Fernando Martins de Luís Pereira Barros Octavian Adrian Nuno Filipe Postolache Correia Dias Manuel Fernando Martins de Pedro Abelha Barros Nuno Cavaco Andre Martins Gomes Horta Ribeiro Nuno Cavaco António Pinto Gomes Horta Paulo André Pais João Silva Fazendeiro Fernando Manuel Nuno Palma Tim Tim Janeiro Fernando Manuel Luís Miguel Tim Tim Janeiro Leitão da Silva Co- Supervisors 10/2013 João Silva K-Physio - Kinect for Physiotherapy 10/2013 Carlos Ferreira Mobilidade Urbana - Patins Eléctricos 10/2013 Serious Game based on Kinect and affective computing 10/2013 Carlos Ferreira Jorge Manuel Correia Guilherme Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves Bruno Grácio Manuel Fernando Marco Alexandre Martins de Antunes Mendes Barros Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Pedro Martins, Vieira Vieira nº48056 Borges Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Raúl Miguel Vieira Vieira Macedo da Silva Borges Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Marco Pinto, Vieira Vieira nº53728 Borges Vitor Manuel da Miguel Andrade Silva Costa Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Mohamed de Vieira Vieira Jesus Borges Maria Beatriz ist153679 Mendes Batalha Fernando Bruno Vieira Vieira Nabais Ferreira Borges Franco José António José Manuel dos Marinho Brandão Santos Duarte Faria End Date KAffect Comp Fernando Manuel Filipe Carretas Tim Tim Janeiro Joao Manuel Mourão Patricio Title Sistema de produção de energia renovável 10/2013 para casa auto-sustentável SPACE-DC/DC - II: Conversor DC-DC para a Industria Aeroespacial STOCKS: Optimização Multi-Objectivo de Portfólios de Activos Financeiros A Linguistic Framework for Embryo Viability Assessment Controlo e Aquisição de Dados num Sistema de Estéreo-Visão Desenvolvimento de um Contador de Energia Eléctrica Inteligente Sistema Automático de Baixo Custo para Medição da Altura da Base das Nuvens e da Visibilidade Atmosférica Análise e Implementação de Métodos Numéricos para Resolução de Sistemas de Equações Lineares de Grandes Dimensões 10/2013 10/2013 11/2013 11/2013 11/2013 11/2013 12/2013 Controlo de um Helicóptero: aplicações militares e de proteccção civil 12/2013 Converters for Renewable Energy Sources 12/2013 Moisés Simões Piedade Interface Inverter Between Eolic Turbine and AC Mains 12/2013 Marcelino Santos Power Supply Based in a Piesoelectric Transformer 12/2013 Projecto de um Conversor Redutor CC-CC Comutado para SoC de impacto reduzido 12/2013 Resonant Pole Inverter 12/2013 Hugo Ribeiro,Hugo dos Single Stage Converter for Application in Santos Marques Photovoltaic Pannels 12/2013 Testing of Multigigabit Fiber Optic Networks 12/2013 Table 27 – List of MSc Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES PhD Theses Supervisor Student Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado José Miguel Costa Dias Pereira Ana Luísa Mendonça Vítor Manuel Rodrigues Viegas Marina Mendes Eduardo de Sousa Sargento Saraiva Domingues Perdigão Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Hugo Ribeiro Vieira Vieira Borges Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Michal Kubínyi Ribeiro Michel Celestino David Vaz Paiva Ferreira Mónica Jorge Rui Luis Andrade Carvalho Aguiar Figueiredo Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso Khaled Yahia Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso Jorge Oliveira Estima Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges Carlos Ferreira Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso António Manuel Luzano de Quadros Flores Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso Carlos Alberto Figueiredo Ramos Co- Supervisors Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão José Marcos Alonso Álvarez Radislav Šmid,Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos Vitor S. Costa Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado Octavian Adrian Postolache Maria da Graça Laranjo Mendes Brotas Tânia Isabel de Almeida Braz Research and Development on New Control Techniques for Electronic 2/2012 Ballasts based on Magnetic Regulators Signal Processing for NDE in Aerospace, Signal Processing for NDE in Aerospace Modeling, Quering and Mining Spatial Database through Logic Programming 3/2012 3/2012 6/2012 Sincronização em Sistemas Integrados 6/2012 a Alta-Velocidade Contribution au Diagnostic de la Machine Asynchrone Triphasée par une 10/2012 Approche Modèle Development and Analysis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor 12/2012 Drives with Fully Integrated Inverter Fault-Tolerant Capabilities Luis António Serralva Vieira de Sá Switching Audio Amplifiers Utilização do Motor de Indução no Diagnóstico de Avarias em Cargas Acopladas Aproveitamento Electrotérmico de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos em Complexos Desportivos Ana Maria de Matos Charas Eduardo Pinheiro Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Fernando Miguel Soares Mamede dos Santos Humberto Matos Jorge Francisco Andre Correa Alegria José Gabriel da Silva Lopes Luis Redondo Vitor Manuel de Oliveira Maló Machado João Paulo Neto Torres Natália dos Santos Gameiro Gonçalves Paulo Bacelar Reis Milton Armando Tomás Oliveira e Silva Pedreiras Cunguara Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso End Date Plastic Optical Fibers doped with 1/2012 conjugated polymers showing gain Plataformas de Interoperabilidade para 1/2012 Redes de Comunicação Industrial Power Factor Correctors Edgar Silva Pereira Fernando Marcos Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado Title 2/2013 2/2013 3/2013 Matrix Algorithms, Matrix Algorithms 3/2013 New materials for organic solar concentrators and photovoltaic cells 3/2013 Non volatile resistive memories 4/2013 Vital Signals Monitoring for Wheelchair 5/2013 users Energy management associated to the production and storage based on 7/2013 renewable energy sources Optimização De Um Implantador De Iões Para Permitir Implantações A Baixas Energias 7/2013 Semiconductor Ring LASER Simulation 7/2013 Fault Tolerance in Switched Reluctance 8/2013 Motor Drives Adaptive control techniques for networked embedded systems 9/2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Nuno Gonçalo Pedro José Guerra Coelho Costa de Araújo Pombo Title e-pain: information technologies applied to chronic pain assessment Filipe Nuno Pedro José Guerra Mateus Dias de Araújo Quinaz Carlos Filipe Luis Miguel Merca Perquilhas Fernandes Baptista Antonio Joao Eunice de Fátima Marques Cardoso Fragoso Ribeiro Antonio Joao Luís Manuel Marques Cardoso Ramos de Oliveira Antonio Joao Ana Carla Vicente Marques Cardoso Vieira Francisco Andre José Lopes Correa Alegria Armando Carlos José Miguel da Luís Cupido,Domingos Domingues da Silva Bergano da Silva Barbosa Rocha Luís Filipe Soldado Pedro Miguel Pinto Granadeiro Moisés Simões Piedade Ramos Rosado Resposta farmacológica automática e em tempo real em pacientes com regurgitação mitral em cuidados intensivos ALgoritmos de Optimização para Modelos de Planeamento de Redes de Transporte Diagnóstico de Avarias em Sistemas de Energia para Telecomunicações Fault Diagnosis in Three-Phase Transformer Windings Maintenance Management and Organization of School Buildings Optimization of the operation of a Ion Implanter End Date 9/2013 9/2013 10/2013 10/2013 10/2013 10/2013 10/2013 Ultra Low Noise Receiver for Space and 10/2013 Ground Applications Non-Destructive Testing Based on Eddy 11/2013 Currents Amplificadores de Elevado Desempenho para Áudio, 12/2013 Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta David Guilherme Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Mauro Santos Rui Teives Henriques Ana Isabel Soares Dulce Belo,Rui Teives Neves Henriques Complexos de metais de transição com base em ligandos ditiolenos contendo 12/2013 grupos tiofénicos Abel João Padrão Gomes Adriano Nunes Raposo Dynamic Geometric Modeling of Plasmidic DNA for Therapeutical Purposes Jorge Manuel Correia Guilherme Arquitecturas Reconfiguráveis de Elevado Desempenho p/ Terminais Móveis da 4G e 5G Fault Tolerant Cascade Multilevel Inverter For Electric Vehicle Applications André Manuel dos Toni dos Santos Santos Mendes Alves 12/2013 12/2013 12/2013 Maria Beatriz Mendes Batalha Vieira Vieira Borges Pedro Braga Integrated Switching Audio Amplifier Amplificador Audio Comutado 12/2013 Integrado Raúl Daniel Lavado Carneiro Martins Bruno Miguel Gil Rosa Intracardiac Rehography by Magnetic Induction Tomography, Intracardiac Rehography by Magnetic Induction Tomography Ana Gualdina Almeida Matos José Santos Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa Przemyslaw Lenkiewicz André Manuel dos Bruno Ricardo Santos Mendes Oliveira Baptista Gérard Boudol Language Based Security for Distributed Mobile Code 12/2013 12/2013 Research Topic: High Performance Computing for 3D and 4D Image 12/2013 Segmentation: Application to Automatic Detection of Breast Cancer Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Thermal Behaviour of a Three-Phase 12/2013 Cruz Induction Motor Fed by a Fault Tolerant Multilevel Inverter ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves Student Co- Supervisors Jakub Kral Radislav Šmid José Manuel Matias Pinto Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta José Carlos Pedro Miguel Pinto Sequeira Martins Ramos dos Santos Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz Joana Tavares Farinhas Nuno Lourenço Mohsen Bandar Abadi Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa Rui Brás Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa Elga Correira Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso Nuno Miguel Amaral Freire Helena Maria dos Santos Geirinhas Ramos Tiago Rocha Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Ribeiro Luis Alberto da Silva Cruz Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Ana Maria de Matos Charas Dário Jerónimo Pasadas Sérgio Duarte Correia André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Thickness Measurement Using Transient Eddy Current Techniques End Date 12/2013 Optimal Stock Market Investments Based on Evolutionary Computation 1/2014 Techniques and Technical Analysis Development and Implementation of an Impedance Measuring System Applied 2/2014 to Viscosity Sensors High efficiency polymer-based photovoltaics through morphology 4/2014 control Layout-Aware Analog IC Sizing in Deep 4/2014 Nanometer Technologies Fault Tolerance in Multilevel Converters 7/2014 for Wind Power Generators Processamento e análise de imagens ultra-som 2D e 3D: aplicação à 9/2014 detecção automática do cancro da mama Ultrasound Breast Image Analysis for 9/2014 Automated Detection of Breast Cancer Tolerância a Falhas em Accionamentos Baseados em Geradores Síncronos de Ímanes Permanentes Aplicados em Turbinas Eólicas Caracterização da Forma Geométrica Artur Fernando Delgado de Defeitos Ocultos em Materiais Lopes Ribeiro Condutores por Imagiologia de Indução Magnética Métodos Electromagnéticos de Deteção Helena Maria dos Santos e Caraterização de Fissuras em Geirinhas Ramos Materiais Condutores Planos Signal Processing for Radio Assisted Location Systems 10/2014 12/2014 12/2014 12/2014 Paula Sousa (Not defined yet 3) 6/2015 Virginie Felizardo (Not defined yet 4) 6/2015 André Manuel dos Luís Miguel Santos Mendes Antunes Caseiro Daniel da Silva Graça Amaury Pouly Olivier Bournez Anders Lyhne Christensen Miguel Duarte Sancho Moura Oliveira Abbas AbdolAliPour Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão Octavian Adrian Postolache Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta Anders Lyhne Christensen Anders Lyhne Christensen Title Ricardo Martins Fernando Silva Multiprocessor platform for vital signs and motor activity assesment Analog IC Design Automation in Deep Nanometer Technologies Distributed Online Learning Jorge Gomes Pedro Miguel Pinto Paulo Ferreira Ramos Uninterruptible power supply of double conversion with internal fault tolerance, 9/2015 based on multilevel topology. Continuous-time computation models: from computability to computational 10/2015 complexity Hierarchical Evolution of Controllers for Complex Tasks 12/2015 Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão 12/2015 1/2016 2/2016 Novelty Search in Heterogeneous 2/2016 Systems Dosimetric and electrical characteristics of a FFF Linac and modern Quality 12/2016 Assurance procedures for Intensity Modulated and Rotational Radiotherapy Table 28 – List of PhD Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4.6 Publications Applied Mathematics Book Chapters - Volpe, MV; J. Marcos; C. Caleiro; " Classic-like cut-based tableau systems for finite-valued logics " - Chapter in WoLLIC 2012, Selected Papers , L. Ong, R. de Queiroz , Springer, 2012 . - Alvelos, F.; A. F. Sousa; D. Santos; " Combining column generation and metaheuristics " - Chapter in Hybrid Metaheuristics , E-G. Talbi , Springer , Berlin Heidelberg , 2012 . - Clemente, F.; M. Couceiro Couceiro; F. Martins; R. Mendes; " Estudo da dinâmica interpessoal em futebolistas sub-12: análise da distância e velocidade efetiva " Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança V , Rui Mendes, João Barreiros e Olga Vasconcelos, ESEC - Área disciplinar de Educação Física e Desporto , Coimbra , 2012 . - Mendes, R.; F. Clemente; RG Gomes; G. Dias ; F. Martins; T. Claro; " Estudo da performance de hoquistas em tarefas de antecipação-coincidência " - Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança V , Rui Mendes, João Barreiros e Olga Vasconcelos , ESEC - Área disciplinar de Educação Física e Desporto , Coimbra , 2012 . - Clemente, F.; M. Couceiro Couceiro; F. Martins; R. Mendes; " Estudo do posicionamento angular e ocupação espacial na dinâmica interpessoal de futebolistas sub-12 " - Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança V , Rui Mendes, João Barreiros e Olga Vasconcelos , ESEC - Área disciplinar de Educação Física e Desporto , Coimbra , 2012 . - Martins, F.; E. Pereira; M. A. Vicente; José Vitória; " Stability of Matrix Differential Equations with Commuting Matrix Constant Coefficients " - Chapter in Mathematical Methods in Engineering , N. Miguel F. Ferreira e J. A. Tenreiro Machado , Springer , Coimbra , 2012 . - Couceiro, M. Couceiro; F. Martins; F. Clemente; R. P. Rocha; N. M. Ferreira; " Towards a Further Understanding of the Robotic Darwinian PSO " - Chapter in Advances in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making - Trends and Applications , Ana Madureira, Cecília Reis and Viriato Marques , Springer , Coimbra , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Le Thi, H A Le Thi; M Moeini Moeini; T P Dinh Dinh; J. J. Júdice; " A DC Programming Approach for Solving the Symmetric Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem ", Computational Optimization and Applications , Vol. 51 , No. 3 , pp. 1097 - 1117 , April , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Pereira, E.; C.R.M.S. Silva; J.A A.L. Silva; " A GENERALIZED NON-AUTONOMOUS SIRVS MODEL ", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences , Vol. 36 , No. 3 , pp. 1 - 17 , June , 2012 . - Martins, M.; W. S Yousif; J. L. S. Santos; " A variant of the AOR method for augmented systems ", Mathematics of Computation , Vol. 81 , No. 1 , pp. 399 - 417 , January , 2012 . - Júdice, J. J.; " Algorithms for linear programming with linear complementarity constraints ", TOP - Sociedad de Estadística y Investigación Operativa , Vol. 20 , No. 1 , pp. 4 - 25 , April , 2012 . - Brás, N.B.; J. Dias; RCM Martins; A.C. Serra; " An Alternating Direction Algorithm for Total Variation Reconstruction of Distributed Parameters ", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing , Vol. 21 , No. 6 , pp. 1 - 2 , May , 2012 . - Júdice, J. J.; M. Brás; W.W.H. Hager; " An investigation of feasible descent algorithms for estimating the condition number of a matrix ", TOP - Sociedad de Estadística y Investigación Operativa , Vol. 20 , No. 3 , pp. 791 - 809 , October , 2012 . - Clemente, F.; M. Couceiro Couceiro; F. Martins; R. Mendes; " An Online Tactical Metrics applied to Football Game ", Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology , September , 2012 . - Clemente, F.; M. Couceiro Couceiro; F. Martins; G. Dias ; R. Mendes; " Análise da ocupação espacial de futebolistas sub-12 na sub-fase de jogo 1x1 com guardaredes ", BOLETIM SPEF , Vol. 36 , No. 1 , pp. 41 - 47 , July , 2012 . - Mendes, P.; R. Mendes; F. Martins; M. A. Vicente; J. P. Fuentes; R. Menayo; G. Dias ; " Análise do rendimento no primeiro serviço em tenistas de competição sob o efeito de um escoamento aerodinâmico induzido ", Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte , Vol. 26 , No. 2 , pp. 193 - 208 , June , 2012 . - Couceiro, M. Couceiro; F. Martins; R. P. Rocha; N. M. Ferreira; " Analysis and Parameter Adjustment of the RDPSO Towards an Understanding of Robotic Network Dynamic Partitioning based on Darwin's Theory ", Intrnl. Mathematical Forum , Vol. 7 , No. 32 , pp. 1587 - 1601 , April , 2012 . - Wu, L.; D. Qiu Qiu; H. Xing; " Automata theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic: Turing machines ", Fuzzy Sets and Systems , Vol. 208 , No. 1 , pp. 43 - 66 , March , 2012 . - Zhou, L. Z.; D. Qiu Qiu; L. Li; L. Wu; P. Mateus; " Characterizations of one-way general quantum finite automata ", Theoretical Computer Science , Vol. 419 , No. 1 , pp. 73 - 91 , March , 2012 . - Júdice, J. J.; M.J.A. Alves; S.D. Dempe; " Computing the Pareto frontier of a biobjective bi-level linear problem using a multiobjective mixed-integer programming algorithm ", Optimization , Vol. 61 , No. 3 , pp. 335 - 358 , March , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Ma, Y.; D. Qiu Qiu; " Concurrence vectors of multipartite states based on coefficient matrices ", Quantum Information Processing , Vol. 11 , No. 1 , pp. 235 254 , May , 2012 . - Teixeira, A. T. ; A. Matos; L. Antunes; " Conditional Rényi Entropies ", IEEE Trans. on Information Theory , Vol. 87 , No. 7 , pp. 4273 - 4277 , October , 2012 . - Henriques, D.; M. Biscaia; P. Baltazar; P. Mateus; " Decidability and complexity for omega-regular properties of stochastic systems ", Logic Journal of the IGPL , Vol. 20 , No. 6 , pp. 1175 - 1201 , December , 2012 . - Niu, Y. Niu; T P Dinh Dinh; H A Le Thi Le Thi; J. J. Júdice; " Efficient DC programming approaches for the asymmetric eigenvalue complementarity problem ", Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 19 , February , 2012 . - Dionísio, R.P.; P. Marques; J. Rodriguez; " Evaluation of Sensing Techniques for Wireless Microphone Signals in the TV White Spaces ", Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics , No. 41 , pp. 90 - 96 , September , 2012 . - Santos, J. L. S.; W. S Yousif; M. Martins; " Explicit Group TOR method ", Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations , Vol. 20 , No. 4 , pp. 459 - 474 , December , 2012 . - Gabbay, D.; S. Marcelino; " Global view on reactivity: switch graphs and their logics ", Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence , Vol. 66 , No. 1 , pp. 131 - 162 , June , 2012 . - Assis, F.; A. Stojanovic; P. Mateus; Y. Omar; " Improving classical authentication over a quantum channel ", Entropy , Vol. 14 , No. 12 , pp. 2531 - 2549 , December , 2012 . Yang, T. H. Y.; D. C. Cavalcanti; M. L. Almeida; C. T. Teo; V. S. Scarani; " Information Causality and Extremal Tripartite Correlations ", New Journal of Physics , Vol. 14 , No. 1 , pp. 013061, January , 2012 . Sernadas, A.; C. Sernadas; J. Rasga; " On meet-combination of logics ", Journal of Logic and Computation , Vol. 22 , No. 6 , pp. 1453 - 1470 , December , 2012 . - Gouveia, M. C.G.; " On the Toeplitz pencil conjecture ", Linear and Multilinear Algebra (online) , Vol. 60 , No. 10 , pp. 1116 - 1123 , August , 2012 . - Chen, W Chen; M. Rodrigues ; I. J. Wassell; " On the Use of Unit-Norm Tight Frames to Improve the Average MSE Performance in Compressive Sensing Applications ", IEEE Signal Processing Letters , Vol. 19 , No. 1 , pp. 8 - 11 , January , 2012 . - Pereira, J.; H. A. Silva; " Optimal design of perfect DFT sequences ", Physical Communication-Elsevier , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 13 , October , 2012 . - Tao, J. T.; D. Qiu Qiu; " Quantum isometry groups for dihedral group D2(2n+1) ", Journal of Geometry and Physics , Vol. 62 , No. 1 , pp. 1977 - 1983 , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Qiu, D. Qiu; " Quantum secret sharing of multi-bits by an entangled six-qubitstate ", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical , Vol. 45 , No. 1 , pp. 195303 - 195303 , April , 2012 . - Oliveira, J. F.; J. C. Pedro; " Radio frequency numerical simulation techniques based on multirate Runge-Kutta Schemes ", Journal of Applied Mathematics , Vol. 2012 , No. 528045 , pp. 1 - 21 , February , 2012 . - Mateus, P.; V. Vieira; " Reducing the factorization of semiprime numbers to integrating highly oscillatory functions ", Applied Mathematics Letters , Vol. 25 , No. 11 , pp. 1970 - 1974 , September , 2012 . - Long, Y.; D. Qiu Qiu; " SOME LANGUAGES RECOGNIZED BY TWO-WAY FINITE AUTOMATA WITH QUANTUM AND CLASSICAL STATES ", Intrnl. Journal of Foundations of Computer Science , Vol. 23 , No. 1 , pp. 1117 - 1129 , June , 2012 . Clemente, F.; M. Couceiro Couceiro; F. Martins; R. Mendes; " Teams Performance on FIFA U17 World Cup 2011: Study based on Notational Analysis ", Journal of Physical Education and Sport , Vol. 12 , No. 1 , pp. 13 - 17 , March , 2012 . - " Team's Performance on FIFA U17 World Cup 2011: Study based on Notational Analysis ", Journal of Physical Education and Sport , Vol. 12 , No. 1 , pp. 13 - 17 , March , 2012 . - Mendes, P.; G. Dias ; R. Mendes; F. Martins; M. Couceiro Couceiro; D. Araújo; " The effect of artificial side wind on the serve of competitive tennis players ", Intrnl. Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport , Vol. 12 , No. 3 , pp. 546 - 562 , December , 2012 . - Clemente, F.; M. Couceiro Couceiro; F. Martins; G. Dias ; R. Mendes; " The influence of task constraints on attacker trajectories during 1v1 sub-phase in soccer practice ", SportLogia , Vol. 8 , No. 1 , pp. 13 - 20 , July , 2012 . - Clemente, F.; M. Couceiro Couceiro; F. Martins; R. Mendes; " The usefulness of small-sided games on soccer training ", Journal of Physical Education and Sport , Vol. 12 , No. 1 , pp. 93 - 102 , March , 2012 . - Clemente, F.; M. Couceiro Couceiro; F. Martins; " Towards a new method to analyze the Soccer Teams Tactical Behaviour: Measuring the Effective Area of Play ", Indian Journal of Science and Technology , Vol. 5 , No. 12 , pp. 3792 - 3801 , December , 2012 . - Brás, M.; M. Fukushima; J. J. Júdice; S. Rosa; " Variational inequality formulation of the asymmetric eigenvalue complementarity problem and its solution by means of gap functions ", Pacific Journal of Optimization , Vol. 8 , No. 2 , pp. 197 - 215 , April , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Mendes, R.; G. Dias ; M. Couceiro Couceiro; M. Couceiro Couceiro; C. Figueiredo; J. M. A. Luz; F. Clemente; F. Martins; P. Mendes; " Dynamical Systems Theory in ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES the Golf Putting Performance ", Proc Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science , Bruges , Belgium , Vol. 1 , pp. 563 - 563 , July , 2012 . - Couceiro, M. Couceiro; F. Martins; R. P. Rocha; N. M. Ferreira; " Introducing the fractional order robotic Darwinian PSO ", Proc International Conf. on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science - ICNPAA’2012 , Vienna , Austria , Vol. AIP Conference Proceedings / Volume 1493, pp. 242 - 251 , December , 2012 . - Martins, F.; C. Ribeiro; H. Gomes; " Investigando (n)a formação para a melhorar: o papel das situações críticas ", Proc FPCEUP VII Congresso Iberoamericano de Docência Universitária - VII CIDU , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. CD-ROM - CD-ROM , June , 2012 . - Pedro, AMP; P. Crocker; - Melo de Sousa; " Learning stochastic timed automata from sample executions ", Proc International Symp. On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation - ISOLA , heraklion , Greece , Vol. 10 , pp. 1 - 15 , October , 2012 . - Pereira, E.; J.F.A. Ferreira do Amaral; T.P.L. Pedroso de Lima; " Medidas de Complexidade em Economia - Aspetos computacionais do grau de dependencia de uma matriz ", Proc Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional SBMAC Congresso de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional - CMAC Nordeste 2012 - CMAC Nordeste 2012 , Natal , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , November , 2012 . - Martins, F.; M. Vieira; D. Reis; C. Ribeiro; " Modelação Matemática como Ambiente de Aprendizagem: Uma Aproximação no 1º Ciclo ", Proc Encontro de Investigação em Educação Matemática - EIEM 2012 , Castelo de Vide , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 583 - 584 , May , 2012 . - Mendes, P.; R. Mendes; J. P. Fuentes; F. Martins; F. Clemente; C. Figueiredo; M. Couceiro Couceiro; G. Dias ; " Tennis Serve Toss Variability Under the Constant of Artificial Cross Wind ", Proc Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science , Bruges , Belgium , Vol. 1 , pp. 564 - 564 , July , 2012 . ELECTROMAGNETICS Papers in Journals - Rosado, L. S.; T. S. Santos; P.M. Ramos; P. Vilaça; M. S. Piedade; " A Differential Planar Eddy Currents Probe: Fundamentals, Modelling and Experimental Evaluation ", NDT&E International , Vol. 51 , No. 1 , pp. 85 - 93 , October , 2012 . - Faria, J.; " Complex reluctance of inhomogeneous Euler-Cauchy tubular ferrites taking into account frequency-dependent complex permeability ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research - PIER , Vol. M , No. 25 , pp. 71 - 85 , September , 2012 . - " Complex reluctance of inhomogeneous Euler-Cauchy tubular ferrites taking into account frequency-dependent comp'lex permeability ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research - PIER , Vol. M , No. 25 , pp. 71 - 85 , July , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Faria, J.; " Electric and magnetic field problems with periodic circular cylindrical symmetry and their connection with a novel geometrical interpretation of the algebraic operations a^N+b^N and a^N-b^N ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research - PIER , Vol. M , No. 23 , pp. 249 - 262 , February , 2012 . - Faria, J.; M. Neves; " Induction coil system for 3D position sensing of an offcentered tilted primary wire ", IEEE Sensors Journal , Vol. 12 , No. 10 , pp. 2923 2930 , October , 2012 . - Machado, V.; " Magnetic Field Mitigation Shielding of Underground Power Cables by Using a FEM/BEM Technique ", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics , Vol. 48 , No. 2 , pp. 707 - 710 , February , 2012 . - Faria, J.; " Poynting vector flow analysis for contactless energy transfer in magnetic systems ", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics , Vol. 27 , No. 10 , pp. 4292 - 4300 , October , 2012 . - Roque, A. Roque; S. Ramos Ramos; J. Barão Barão; " Simulation of the Magnetic Induction Vector of a Magnetic Core to be used in FFC NMR Relaxometry ", Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism , Vol. 25 , July , 2012 . - Faria, J.; " The effect of power-line sagged conductors on the evaluation of the differential voltage in a nearby circuit at ground level ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research - PIER , Vol. M , No. 24 , pp. 209 - 220 , June , 2012 . - Faria, J.; M. P. Pires; " Theory of magnetic transmission lines ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 60 , No. 10 , pp. 2941 - 2949 , October , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Fernandes, D.F.; S. Maslovski ; M. Silveirinha; " Enhancement of Cherenkov emission inside a nanowire material ", Proc Days on Diffraction , Saint Petersburg , Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 133 - 134 , May , 2012 . Topa, A.; " Metamaterial Waveguides ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2012 . IMPACT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS ON SOCIETY Papers in Conference Proceedings - Chandra, H. C.; I. O. Oakley; H. Silva; " Designing to Support Prescribed Home Exercises: Understanding the Needs of Physiotherapy Patients ", Proc Nordic Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction - NordiCHI , Copenhagen , Denmark , October , 2012 . - Sebastião, D.S.; M.A. Antunes; C. Oliveira; L. M. Correia; " Usage of Mobile Phones and Concerns on Electromagnetic Radiation of Portuguese Youngsters ", Proc ICNIRP International NIR Workshop and URSI Symp. , Edinburgh , United Kingdom , May , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT Books - Mukhopadhyay, S M; O. Postolache; (eds.); Pervasive and Mobile Sensing and Computing for Healthcare - Technological and Social Issue , , Springer , Heidelberg , 2012 . Barbosa , D.; S. Anton; L. Gurvits; D. Maia; (eds.); The Square Kilometer Array: paving the way for the new 21st century radio astronomy paradigm , , Springer , Dordrecht , 2012 . Book Chapters - Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; " Greenhouse Environment: Air ane Water Monitoring " - Chapter in Smart Sensing Technology for Agriculture and Environment Monitoring , Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay , Springer , Heildelberg , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; G. Postolache; " Pervasive Sensing and M-Health: Visual Signs and Daily Activity Monitoring " - Chapter in Pervasive and Mobile Sensing and Computing for Healthcare , Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay and Octavian Adrian Postolache , Springer , Heidelberg , 2012 . - Postolache, G.; P.M. Girão; O. Postolache; " Requirements and Barriers to Pervasive Health Adoption " - Chapter in Pervasive and Mobile Sensing and Computing for Healthcare - Technological and Social Issues , Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay and Octavian Postolache , Springer , Heildelberg , 2012 . - Viegas, V.V.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; " Service eXtensions for Instrumentation (SXI) " - Chapter in Advanced Distributed Measuring Systems – Exhibits of Application , Vladimir Haasz , River Publishers , Aalborg , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Martinho, E.; F. Alegria; A Dionísio; C. G. Grangeia; F. Almeida; " 3D-resistivity imaging and distribution of water soluble salts in Portuguese Renaissance stone bas-reliefs ", Engineering Geology, Vol. 141-142, No. 1 , pp. 33 - 44 , April , 2012 . - Ribeiro, A. L.; H. G. Ramos; O. Postolache; " A simple forward direct problem solver for eddy current non-destructive inspection of aluminum plates using uniform field probes ", Measurement , Vol. 2012 , No. 45 , pp. 213 - 217 , January , 2012 . - Kyriazis, G. A. K.; P.M. Ramos; A.C. Serra; " Bayesian and least-squares algorithms for estimating signal harmonics: A comparative study ", Measurement , Vol. 45 , No. 9 , pp. 2203 - 2212 , November , 2012 . - Antunes, P.; C.A.F. Marques; H Varum; P.S André; " Biaxial Optical Accelerometer and High-Angle Inclinometer With Temperature and Cross-Axis Insensitivity ", IEEE Sensors Journal , Vol. 12 , No. 7 , pp. 2399 - 2406 , July , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Alegria, F.; " Choosing Between Terminal and Independently Based Gain and Offset Error in the ADC Histogram Test ", IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement , Vol. 61 , No. 1 , pp. 9 - 16 , January , 2012 . - Antunes, P.; R Travanca; H. Rodrigues Rodrigues; J. Melo; J. Jara; H Varum; P.S André; " Dynamic Structural Health Monitoring of Slender Structures Using Optical Sensors ", Sensors , Vol. 12 , No. 5 , pp. 6629 - 6644 , May , 2012 . - Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Empirical Mode Decomposition and Principal Component Analysis implementation in processing non-invasive cardiovascular signals ", Measurement , Vol. 45 , No. 2 , pp. 175 - 181 , February , 2012 . - Alegria, F.; E. Molino-Minero-Re; S. Shariat-Panahi; " Evaluation of a four-point sine wave frequency estimator for portable DSP based instrumentation ", Measurement , Vol. 45 , No. 7 , pp. 1866 - 1871 , August , 2012 . - Pasadas, D.; T. Rocha; H. G. Ramos; A. L. Ribeiro; " Evaluation of portable ECT instruments with positioning capability ", Measurement , Vol. 45 , No. 1 , pp. 393 404 , January , 2012 . - Corrado, M.; L. de Vito; H. G. Ramos; J. Saliga; " Hardware and software platform for ADCWAN remote laboratory ", Measurement , Vol. 45 , No. 4 , pp. 795 - 807 , April , 2012 . - Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Heavy Metals Measurement: A Suitable Solution to Improve Online Measurement Celerity ", Instrumentation Science and Technology , Vol. 40 , No. 4 , pp. 355 - 371 , June , 2012 . - Ramos, P.M.; T. Radil; F. M. Janeiro; " Implementation of sine-fitting algorithms in systems with 32-bit floating point representation ", Measurement , Vol. 45 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 9 , January , 2012 . - Ribeiro, A. L.; H. G. Ramos; J. C. Gonçalves; " Liftoff insensitive thickness measurement of aluminum plates using harmonic eddy current excitation and a GMR sensor ", Measurement , Vol. 45 , No. 2012 , pp. 2246 - 2253 , April , 2012 . - Ferreira, F; P. Antunes; P. Silva; P.S André; " Monitoring of sea bed level changes in nearshore regions using fiber optic sensors ", Measurement , Vol. 45 , pp. 1527 1533 , July , 2012 . - Ramos, P.M.; F. M. Janeiro; T. Radil; " On the use of multi-harmonic least-squares fitting for thd estimation in power quality analysis ", Metrology and Measurement Systems , Vol. XIX , No. 2 , pp. 295 - 306 , April , 2012 . - Amaral, A.M.R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " On-line Fault Detection of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, in Step-Down DC-DC Converters, Using Input Current and Output Voltage Ripple ", IET Power Electronics , Vol. 5 , No. 3 , pp. 315 - 322 , March , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Correia, S.; P. Antunes; E. Pecoraro; P. P. Lima; H Varum; Carlos; M.R. Ferreira; P.S André; " Optical Fiber Relative Humidity Sensor Based on a FBG with a DiUreasil Coating ", Sensors , Vol. 12 , No. 7 , pp. 8847 - 8860 , June , 2012 . - Antunes, P.; H. Lima; H Varum; P.S André; " Optical fiber sensors for static and dynamic health monitoring of civil engineering infrastructures: Abode wall case study ", Measurement , Vol. 45 , No. Issue 7 , pp. 1695 - 1705 , August , 2012 . - Alegria, F.; " Precision of Harmonic Amplitude Estimation on Jitter Corrupted Data Using Sine Fitting ", , Vol. 92 , No. 3 , pp. 807 - 818 , March , 2012 . - Ramos, H. G.; J. del Rio; D. Toma Toma; S. Shariat-Panahi; A. Manuel; " Precision timing in ocean sensor systems ", Measurement Science & Technology , Vol. 23 , No. 2 , pp. 025801 - 025808 , February , 2012 . - Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Study on ballistocardiogram acquisition in a moving wheelchair with embedded sensors ", Metrology and Measurement Systems , Vol. XIX , No. 4 , pp. 739 - 750 , December , 2012 . - Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Using a Segmented Voltage Sweep Mode and a Gaussian Curve Fitting Method to Improve Heavy Metal Measurement System Performance ", Metrology and Measurement Systems , Vol. 19 , No. 2 , pp. 381 - 394 , April , 2012 . - Barroca, N.; Luis M. Borges; F. J. Velez; Filipe Monteiro Monteiro; Marcin Gorski Gorski; J.P. Castro Gomes; " WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS FOR TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY MONITORING WITHIN CONCRETE STRUCTURES ", Construction and Building Materials , November , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Martins, RCM; J. Caeiros; B. Rosa; N.B. Brás; " A differential high-resolution motorized multi-projection approach for an experimental Magnetic Induction Tomography prototype ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Medical Measurements and Applications - MeMeA , Budapest , Hungary , Vol. 1 , pp. 91 - 94 , May , 2012 . - Caeiros, J.; RCM Martins; B. Rosa; " A new image reconstructions algorithm for real time monitoring of conductivity and permeability changes in magnetic induction tomography ", Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC , San Diego , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 346 - 349 , August , 2012 . - Barbosa, N.; C. L. Loconsole; A. F. Frisoli; V. Orvalho; " A new marker-less 3D Kinect-based system for facial anthropometric measurements ", Proc Conf. on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects - AMDO , Andratx, Mallorca , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 10 , July , 2012 . - Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " A Practical Approach Concerning the Capacitive Acquisition of the Electrocardiogram in a Moving Wheelchair ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Busan , Korea, South , Vol. I , pp. xx - yy , September , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Bilro, L.; C.A.F. Marques; L. Khan; R.A. Oliveira; D. J. Webb; R.N. Nogueira; " Acousto-optic modulation in a microstructured plastic optical fibre Bragg grating ", Proc Optical Fiber Sensors Conf. , Beijing , China , Vol. Proc. of Spie , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2012 . - Ribeiro, M.R; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Architectures for Modular Smart Sensor Systems ", Proc International Conf. on Sensing Technology - ICST , Kalkata , India , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 7 , December , 2012 . - Marques, J. C.; V. Pereira; M.-C. Chen; C. Novo; L. Bilro; N. Alberto; P. Antunes; J. L. Pinto; " Automatic pilot plant facility designed for the controlled ageing of Madeira wines ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Automatic Control - CONTROLO , Funchal , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. 1 - 7 , July , 2012 . - Rocha, T.; D. Pasadas; A. L. Ribeiro; H. G. Ramos; " Caracterization of Defects on Rivets using a Eddy Current Technique with GMRs ", Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC , Graz , Austria , May , 2012 . - Ribeiro, A. L.; H. G. Ramos; D. Pasadas; T. Rocha; " Current around a Crack in an Aluminum Plate under Nondestructive Evaluation Inspection ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf. , Graz , Austria , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 1635 - 1639 , May , 2012 . - Leitão, C. Leitão; L. Bilro; N. Alberto; P. Antunes; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; " Development of a FBG probe for non-invasive carotid pulse waveform assessment ", Proc SPIE Photonics Europe - Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care , Brussels , Belgium , Vol. Proc. Spie - 8427 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; " DSP Based Real-Time Adaptive Vital Signals Extraction Algorithm Using CW-Radar for Wheelchair Users ", Proc International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Engineering in Medicine and Biology - EPE-W , Iasi , Romania , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2012 . - Ribeiro, A. L.; H. G. Ramos; D. Pasadas; T. Rocha; " EDDY CURRENT MAPPING INSIDE A PLANE CONDUCTOR WITH FLAWS ", Proc Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation - QNDE , Denver , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , July , 2012 . - Ramos, H. G.; T. Rocha; D. Pasadas; A. L. Ribeiro; " EDDY CURRENT NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING USING FARADAY INDUCTION TO PRODUCE THE EXCITATION ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Busan , Korea, South , Vol. 00 , pp. 00 - 00 , September , 2012 . - Rosado, L. S.; P.M. Ramos; F. M. Janeiro; M. S. Piedade; " Eddy Currents Testing Defect Characterization based on Non-Linear Regressions and Artificial Neural Networks ", Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC , Graz , Austria , Vol. 1 , pp. 2419 - 2424 , May , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Londral, A. R.; N. Nunes; H. Silva; M. C. Carvalho; L. A. Azevedo; " Enhancing Communication Through Biosignals in Severe Neuromuscular Conditions ", Proc International Conf. on NeuroRehabilitation - ICNR , Toledo , Spain , August , 2012 . - Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Evaluation of compressed sensing impact in cardiac signals processing and transmission ", Proc SIAM Conf. on Applied Linear Algebra , Valencia , Spain , Vol. I , pp. 63 - 63 , June , 2012 . - Ramos, H. G.; T. Rocha; D. Pasadas; A. L. Ribeiro; " Faraday Induction Effect Applied to the Detection of Defects in a Moving Plate ", Proc Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation - QNDE , Denver , United States , Vol. 2 , pp. 00 - 00 , July , 2012 . - Silva, AS; O. Postolache; G. Postolache; J M Joaquim; " FORCE DISTRIBUTION IN WELLCHAIRS USING FORCE SENSORS AND THERMOGRAPHY ", Proc EAT Congress on Thermology - EAT 2012 , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 115 - 116 , September , 2012 . - Joaquim, J M; O. Postolache; " FORCE DISTRIBUTION IN WHEELCHAIRS USING FORCE SENSORS AND THERMOGRAPHY ", Proc International Conf. of Thermography , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 2 , September , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; " GREENHOUSES MICROCLIMATE REAL-TIME MONITORING BASED ON A WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK AND GIS ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Busan , Korea, South , Vol. I , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; H Ijaz; " IEEE 1451.4 Embedded Smart Sensors Architecture for Wheelchair User Monitoring ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and , Budapest , Hungary , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , May , 2012 . - Ribeiro, A. L.; H. G. Ramos; D. Pasadas; T. Rocha; " IMAGE PROCESSING OF DATA OBTAINED IN EDDYCURRENT NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION OF METALLIC PLATES ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Busan , Korea, South , Vol. CDROM , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2012 . - Santos, J.; P.M. Ramos; " Implementation of a Least-Squares Multi-Harmonic Fitting Algorithm in the Multicore Cell Processor ", Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC , Graz , Austria , Vol. 1 , pp. 2716 2721 , May , 2012 . - Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Monitorizar e Transmitir Imperceptivelmente Grandezas Biológicas Usando Quatro Bandas Espectrais ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 1 - 10 , November , 2012 . - Alberto, N.; J. Santos Santos; C.A.F. Marques; V. Neto Neto; R.N. Nogueira; " Nanodiamond coated Bragg gratings for sensing applications ", Proc Optical Fiber Sensors Conf. , Beijing , China , Vol. 8421 , pp. 842120-1 - 842120-4 , October , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Rosa, B.; RCM Martins; IR Rocha; " NON-INVASIVE BLADDER VOLUME MONITORIZATION THROUGH NON-GALVANIC ELECTRODES ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Busan , Korea, South , Vol. 1 , pp. 173 - 175 , September , 2012 . - Ramos, P.M.; F. M. Janeiro; " Performance evaluation of gene expression programming in impedance spectroscopy for sensor modelling ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Busan , Korea, South , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2012 . - Janeiro, F. M.; P.M. Ramos; " Sensor Characterization Using Gene Expression Programming Evolutionary Algorithms ", Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC , Graz , Austria , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; J. Costa Freire; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; " Smart Sensor Architecture for Vital Signs and Motor Activity Monitoring of Wheelchair’ Users ", Proc International Conf. on Sensing Technology - ICST , Kolkata , India , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , December , 2012 . - Sousa, J.; H. Silva; " Smart Wearable Sensors for Biomedical Data Monitoring in the Treatment of Depression ", Proc International Educational and Networking Forum for eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT - Med-e-Tel , , Luxembourg , Vol. , pp. - , April , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; A. L. Ribeiro; H. G. Ramos; " SPEED-UP NDT BASED ON GMR ARRAY UNIFORM EDDY CURRENT PROBE ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Busan , Korea, South , Vol. I , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2012 . - Silva, H.; J. Sousa; H. Gamboa; " Study and Evaluation of Palmar and Finger Blood Volume Pulse for Heart Rate Monitoring ", Proc International Workshop on Computing Paradigms for Mental Health - MindCare , Vilamoura , Portugal , February , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; G. Postolache; " Systems for Remote Monitoring of Indoor Air Quality and Respiration of Wheelchair Users ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Signals, Systems, Devices - SSD , Chemnitz , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , March , 2012 . - Pires, F.; A. Gil Pascoal; H. Silva; " The Use of a Periniometer on the Pelvic Floor Muscle Force Assessment ", Proc European Society of Biomechanics Congress , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. , pp. - , July , 2012 . - Silva, H.; R. S. Scherer; J. Sousa; A. R. Londral; " Towards Improving the Usability of Electromyographic Interfaces ", Proc International Conf. on NeuroRehabilitation - ICNR , Toledo , Spain , August , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; M.R Ribeiro; G. Postolache; " Treat Me Well: Affective and Physiological Feedback for Wheelchair Users ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and , Budapest , Hungary , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 7 , May , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; A. L. Ribeiro; H. G. Ramos; " Uniform Eddy Current Probe based on GMR Sensor Array and Image Processing for NDT ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES and Measurement Technology Conf. , Graz , Austria , Vol. 1 , pp. 458 - 463 , May , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; E D Lunca; Mauskopf ; " Unobtrusive CardioRespiratory Monitoring Based on Microwave Doppler Radar ", Proc International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Engineering in Medicine and Biology - EPE-W , Iasi , Romania , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2012 . - Chandra, H. C.; I. O. Oakley; H. Silva; " User Needs in the Performance of Prescribed Home Exercise Therapy ", Proc ACM Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI , Austin , United States , Vol. , pp. 2369 - 2374 , May , 2012 . - Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; " Virtual Instrument for Water Quality Parameters Measurement ", Proc International Conf. and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering - EPE , Iasi , Romania , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2012 . - Gomes, P.; M. Kaiseler; C. Q. Queirós; ; B.L. Lopes; M. Coimbra; " Vital Anal-ysis: Annotating sensed physiological signals with the stress levels of first responders in action ", Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC , San Diego , United States , Vol. 0 , pp. 0 - 0 , August , 2012 . - Gomes, P.; B.L. Lopes; M. Coimbra; " Vital Analysis: Field Validation of a Framework for Annotating Biological Signals of First Responders in Action ", Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC , San Diego , United States , Vol. 0 , pp. 0 - 0 , August , 2012 . - Londral, A. R.; N. Nunes; H. Silva; " Wireless User-Computer Interface Platform for Mental Health Improvement through Social Inclusion ", Proc International Workshop on Computing Paradigms for Mental Health - MindCare , Vilamoura , Portugal , February , 2012 . Project Reports - Postolache, O.; " Electronic Health Record for Wheelchair Users ", Instituto de Telecomunicacoes , RIPD/APD/109639/2009 , May , 2012 . - Tavares, J.; F. Pina; N. Barroca; F. J. Velez; " Report on PROENERGY-WSN Spectrum Opportunities for Electromagnetic Waves Energy Harvesting ", Instituto de Telecomunicações, May , 2012 . INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS Book Chapters - Gross, R. G.; R. O. O´Grady; A. Christensen; M. D. Dorigo; " The Swarm-bot experience: Strength and Mobility through Physical Cooperation " - Chapter in Handbook of Collective Robotics , Serge Kernbach , Pan Stanford Publishing , Stanford , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Papers in Journals - Figueiredo, M.; R. L. Aguiar; " A Dynamic Jitter Model to Evaluate Uncertainty Trends with Technology Scaling ", Integration, The VLSI Journal , Vol. 45 , No. 2 , pp. 162 - 171 , March , 2012 . - Figueiredo, M.; R. L. Aguiar; " A Jitter Insertion and Accumulation Model for Clock Repeaters ", IEICE Trans. on Electronics , Vol. Vol.E95-A , No. No.12 , pp. 2430 2442 , December , 2012 . - Guilherme, DG; J.G. Guilherme; N.H. Horta; " Automatic Topology Selection and Sizing of Class-D Loop-Filters for Minimizing Distortion Based on an Evolutionary Optimization Kernel ", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing , Vol. 73 , No. 10.1007/s10470-011-9716-4 , pp. 21 - 32 , October , 2012 . - Falcão, G. Falcão; M. Gomes; V. Silva; L. Sousa; J. A. Cacheira; " Configurable Mfactor VLSI DVB-S2 LDPC decoder architecture with optimized memory tiling design ", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking , No. 98 , pp. * * , March , 2012 . - Hussaini , A.S; IT Elfergani; J. Rodriguez; R.A. Abd-Alhameed Abd-Alhameed; " Efficient multi-stage load modulation radio frequency power amplifier for green radio frequency front end ", IET Science, Measurement and Technology , Vol. 6 , No. 3 , pp. 117 - 124 , May , 2012 . - Dorigo, M. D.; D. Floreano; L. M. Gambardella; S. Nolfi; A. Christensen; N. M. Mathews; R. O. O´Grady; C. P. Pinciroli; T. Stutzle; V. T. Trianni; " Swarmanoid: a novel concept for the study of heterogeneous robotic swarms ", IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine , Vol. 19 , No. 4 , pp. 1 - 8 , December , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Silva, N.V.S.; A.O. Oliveira; U.G. Gustavsson; N.B.C. Carvalho; " A Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture Enabling All-Digital Transmission for Cognitive Radios ", Proc IEEE Radio and Wireless Symp. - RWS , Santa Clara , United States , Vol. , pp. 1 - 4 , January , 2012 . - Lourenço, N.; N.H. Horta; " GENOM-POF: Multi-Objective Evolutionary Synthesis of Analog ICs with Corners Validation ", Proc Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. - GECCO , Philadelphia , United States , Vol. , pp. 1119 - 1126 , July , 2012 . - Martins, R.; N. Lourenço; N.H. Horta; " LAYGEN II: Automatic Analog ICs Layout Generator based on a Template Approach ", Proc Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. - GECCO , Philadelphia , United States , July , 2012 . - Guilherme, J.G.; N.H. Horta; " SCALES – A Behavioral Simulator for Pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converter Design ", Proc International Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD , Seville , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 149 - 152 , September , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Fabbri, G.F.; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. B. Boccaletti; " Simulation and Design of a Photovoltaic Roof for Automotive Applications ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics - ISIE , Hangzou , China , pp. 1726 - 1731 , May , 2012 . - Figueiredo, M.; R. L. Aguiar; " Uncertainty in DLL Deskewing Schemes ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Integrated Systems - ICECS , Seville , Spain , Vol. n.a. , pp. 841 - 844 , December , 2012 . - L.N.A. Alves; " Undersatnding Large Swing and Low Swing Operation in DyCML Gates ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Integrated Systems - ICECS , Seville , Spain , Vol. 11 , pp. 11 - 11 , December , 2012 . Project Reports - Barbosa , D.; " White paper Procurement for the SKA ", PrepSKA Consortium , 212243 (FP7) , March , 2012 . LOGICS AND COMPUTATION Books - Fonseca, N.F.; C.R. Reis; C.S. Silva; L. Marcelino; V.C. Carreira; Desenvolvimento em iOS: iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch , , FCA - Editora de Informática, Lda. , Lisbon , 2012 . - Sernadas, A.; C. Sernadas; Foundations of Logic and Theory of Computation Second Edition , , College Publications , London , 2012 . - Dorigo, M. D.; M. B. Birattari; C Blum; A. Christensen; A. P. Engelbrecht; R. G. Gross; ; Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS2012) , , Springer , Berlin , 2012 . Book Chapters - Qiu, D. Qiu; L. Li; P. Mateus; ; " Quantum finite automata " - Chapter in Handbook on Finite State based Models and Applications , J. Wang , CRC Press , , 2012 . - O´Grady, R. O.; A. Christensen; M. D. Dorigo; " SWARMORPH: Morphogenesis with Self-Assembling Robots " - Chapter in Morphogenetic Engineering , Rene Doursat, Hiroki Sayama, and Olivier Michel , Springer , Berlin , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Bauwens, B.; " An additivity theorem for plain Kolmogorov complexity ", Theory of Computing Systems , February , 2012 . - Graça, D.; N. Zhong; J. Buescu; " Computability, noncomputability, and hyperbolic systems ", Applied Mathematics and Computation , Vol. 219 , No. 6 , pp. 3039 - 3054 , November , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Rasga, J.; A. Sernadas; C. Sernadas; " Importing logics ", Studia Logica , Vol. 100 , No. 3 , pp. 545 - 581 , June , 2012 . - Antunes, L.; L. Fortnow; A. Pinto; A. Souto; " Low-Depth Witnesses are Easy to Find ", Computational Complexity , Vol. 21 , No. 3 , pp. 479 - 497 , July , 2012 . - Graça, D.; " Non-computability, unpredictability, and financial markets ", Journal of Complexity , Vol. 17 , No. 6 , pp. 24 - 30 , July , 2012 . - Mateus, P.; D. Qiu Qiu; L. Li; " On the complexity of minimizing probabilistic and quantum automata ", Information and Computation , Vol. 218 , No. 1 , pp. 36 - 53 , March , 2012 . - Caleiro, C.; L. Viganò; MV Volpe; " On the mosaic method for many-dimensional modal logics: a case study combining tense and modal operators ", Logica Universalis , Vol. 0 , No. 0 , pp. 0 - 0 , January , 2012 . - Graça, D.; N. Zhong; H. S. D. Dumas; " The connection between computability of a nonlinear problem and its linearization: the Hartman-Grobman theorem revisited ", Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 457, No. 26 , pp. 101 - 110 , October , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Bauwens, B.; " A simple proof that complexity of complexity can be large, and that some strings have maximal plain Kolmogorov complexity and non-maximal prefix-free complexity ", Proc Computability in Europe - CIE , Cambridge , United Kingdom , June , 2012 . - Pereira, Óscar M. Pereira; R. L. Aguiar; Maribel Santos Santos; " ACADA: Access Control-driven Architecture with Dynamic Adaptation ", Proc International Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering - SEKE , Boston , United States , July , 2012 . - Pinto, M.A.; A.L. Lopes; " ACode: Web-based System for Automatic Evaluation of Java Code ", Proc Inforum - Simpósio de Informática , Lisboa , Portugal , September , 2012 . - Rendeiro, J.R.; R. N. Marinheiro; J.A. Moura; J. C. Silva; " An Adaptive Management Proposal for Optimizing the Performance of a Virtualized Computing Environment ", Proc International Conf. on Communications and Signal Processing MIC-CSP , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 24 - 28 , April , 2012 . - " An Adaptive Management Proposal for Optimizing the Performance of a Virtualized Computing Environment ", Proc International Conf. on Communications and Signal Processing - MIC-CSP , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 2012 , pp. 24 - 28 , April , 2012 . - Pereira, Óscar M. Pereira; R. L. Aguiar; Maribel Santos Santos; " BTA: Architecture for Reusable Business Tier Components with Access Control ", Proc Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA , Salvador da Baia , Brazil , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Bauwens, B.; " Complexity of complexity and maximal plain versus prefix-free kolmogorov complexity ", Proc International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming - ICALP , Warwick , United Kingdom , July , 2012 . - Bana, G.; P. Adão; H. Sakurada; " Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker in Action ", Proc Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science - FSTTCS , Hyderabad , India , Vol. 18 , pp. 546 - 560 , December , 2012 . - Caixinha, A.; V. Magalhães; I. Alexandre; " Do you remember or have you forgotten? ", Proc , Vilamoura , Portugal , Vol. , pp. - , October , 2012 . - Matos, A.; A. Teixeira; " Lossless compressors: degree of compression and optimality ", Proc Computability in Europe - CIE , Cambridge , United Kingdom , June , 2012 . - Matos, A.; A. T. Teixeira; " Lossless compressors: degree of compression and optimality ", Proc Computability in Europe - CIE , Porto , Portugal , June , 2012 . - Silva, F.; P. Urbano; A. Christensen; " odNEAT: An Algorithm for Distributed Online, Onboard Evolution of Robot Behaviours ", Proc International Conf. on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems - ALIFE , Michigan , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 251 - 258 , July , 2012 . - Bournez, O.; D. Graça; A. P. Pouly; " On the complexity of solving polynomial initial value problems ", Proc International Symp. on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation - ISSAC , Grenoble , France , pp. 1 - 16 , July , 2012 . - Bauwens, B.; " Prefix and plain Kolmogorov complexity characterizations of 2randomness: simple proofs ", Proc Conf. on Logic, Computability and Randomness LCR , Cambridge , United Kingdom , July , 2012 . - Antunes, L.; A. Souto; A. Teixeira; " Robustness of Logical Depth ", Proc Computability in Europe - CIE , Cambridge , United Kingdom , Vol. 7318 , pp. 29 34 , June , 2012 . - Silva, J. C.; J. C. Silva; " Strategic Methods for Automated Trading in Forex ", Proc International Conf. on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications - ISDA , Koci , India , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2012 . - Bauwens, B.; " Two simple proofs using games and symmetry of information ", Proc Computability, Complexity and Randomness - CCR , Dagstuhl , Germany , January , 2012 . ORGANIC ELECTRONICS Papers in Journals - Dias , S.I.G.; S. Rabaça; I. C. Santos; L. Pereira; R. T. Henriques; M. Almeida; " Bisdithiolene complexes based on an extended ligand with TTF and pyridine moieties ", Inorganic Chemistry Communications , Vol. 15 , No. 1 , pp. 102 - 105 , January , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Afonso, M.A.; R.A.L.S. Silva; L. Pereira; J.T.C. Coutinho; R.R.F. Freitas; M. Matos; R. T. Henriques; A.V. Viana; M. Almeida; " Electrocrystallisation of (Per)2 [Pd(mnt)2] ", Physica Status Solidi (RRL) , Vol. C 9 , No. 5 , pp. 1131 - 1133 , May , 2012 . - Afonso, M.A.; R.A.L.S. Silva; M. Matos; R. T. Henriques; M. Almeida; " Electrocrystallisation of (perylene)2 [M(mnt)2] salts ", Physica Status Solidi (RRL) , Vol. C 9 , No. 5 , pp. 1123 - 1126 , May , 2012 . - Afonso, M.A.; R.A.L.S. Silva; M. Matos; E. B. Lopes; J.T.C. Coutinho; L. Pereira; R. T. Henriques; M. Almeida; " Growth of (Perylene)2 [Pd(mnt)2] crystals ", Journal of Crystal Growth , Vol. 340 , No. 1 , pp. 56 - 60 , February , 2012 . - Brotas, G.; J. Farinhas; Q. Ferreira; J. Morgado; A. Charas; " Nanostructured layers of a new cross-linkable poly(3-hexylthiophene) in organic photovoltaic cells ", Synthetic Metals , Vol. 162 , No. 23 , pp. 2052 - 2058 , October , 2012 . - Rabaça, S.; A. Cerdeira; S.O. Oliveira; I. C. Santos; R. T. Henriques; L. Pereira; J.T.C. Coutinho; M. Almeida; " Neutral gold and nickel bis[1-(pyridin-4-yl)ethylene-1,2-dithiolene] complexes: Synthesis, structure and physical properties ", Polyhedron , Vol. 39 , No. 1 , pp. 91 - 98 , May , 2012 . - Charas, A.; J. Morgado; " Oxetane-functionalized Conjugated Polymers in Organic (Opto)Electronic Devices ", Current Physical Chemistry , Vol. 2 , No. 3 , pp. 241 264 , August , 2012 . - Suresh, D.; C. S. B. Gomes; P. Gomes; R. Paolo; A. Maçanita; M. Calhorda; A. Charas; J. Morgado; M. T. Duarte; " Syntheses and photophysical properties of new iminopyrrolyl boron complexes and their application in efficient single-layer nondoped OLEDs prepared by spin coating ", DALTON Trans. , Vol. 41 , No. 28 , pp. 8502 - 8505 , July , 2012 . - Cerdeira, A.; M.A. Afonso; I. C. Santos; L. Pereira; J.T.C. Coutinho; S. Rabaça; D. Simão; R. T. Henriques; M. Almeida; " Synthesis,structure and physical properties of transition metal bis 4-cyanobenzene-1,2-dithiolate complexes[ M(cbdt)2](z)(M=Zn,Co,Cu,Au,Ni,Pd, z=0, 1, 2) ", Polyhedron , Vol. 44 , No. 1 , pp. 228 - 237 , August , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Pereira, A. T. P.; Q. Ferreira; C. S. R. F. Ferreira; S. C. M. F. Fernandes; E. Trovatti; C. P. N. Neto; A. J. D. Silvestre Silvestre; J. Morgado; L.A. Alcácer; " Bacterial cellulose as substrate for inkjet printing of organic thin film transistors ", Proc International Conf. on Organic Electronics - ICOE2012 , Tarragona , Spain , Vol. n.a , pp. n.a. - n.a. , June , 2012 . - Matos, M.; J. Morgado; A.C. Costa; J.V.P. Prata; " Electroluminescence properties of conjugated polymers functionalized with calix[4]arenes ", Proc XXIVth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry , Coimbra , Portugal , July , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Morgado, L.; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; " Joule Heating effect in the simulation of unipolar single layer organic devices ", Proc International Conf. on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering - CMMSE 2010 , La Manga del Mar Menor, Murcia , Spain , Vol. 3 , pp. 888 - 891 , July , 2012 . - Charas, A.; J. Farinhas; G. Brotas; Q. Ferreira; R. Rodrigues; J. Morgado; " NANOSTRUCTURING DONOR/ACCEPTOR INTERFACES IN ORGANIC PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS UTILIZING SOLUTION METHODS ", Proc International Conf. on Science and Technology of Syntethic Metals - ICSM , Atlanta , United States , July , 2012 . - Charas, A.; J. Farinhas; G. Brotas; Q. Ferreira; R. Rodrigues; R. Paolo; J. Morgado; " Photoactive Nanostructured Layers of Cross-linkable Polymers: Applications in Organic Photovoltaic Cells ", Proc XXIVth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. Abstract Book , July , 2012 . - Morgado, J.; G. Brotas; J. Farinhas; R. Rodrigues; Q. Ferreira; A. Charas; " Structured organic solar cells (abstract only) ", Proc XVIII Encontro Luso-Galego de Química , Vila Real , Portugal , November , 2012 . - Mendonça, A.; A. Charas; R. Paolo; G. L. Lanzani; J. Morgado; " Synthesis and Photophysical Characterization of New Oligophenylenevinylenes ", Proc XXIVth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry , Coimbra , Portugal , July , 2012 . POWER ELECTRONICS AND POWER SYSTEMS Book Chapters - Freire, Nuno M. A.; E. Ribeiro; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. B. Boccaletti; " Experimental Analysis of a Standalone Renewable Energy Based Hybrid System " - Chapter in Technological Innovation for Value Creation , Luís M. Camarinha-Matos , Springer , Boston , 2012 . - Oliveira, L. M. R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Power Transformers Differential Protection Using the p-q Power Theory " - Chapter in Technological Innovation for Value Creation , Luís M. Camarinha-Matos , Springer , , 2012 . - Cardoso, A. J. M.; L. M. R. Oliveira; " Power Transformers Fault Diagnostics by Park’s Vector Approach " - Chapter in Transformers: Analysis, Design and Measurement , Xose M. López-Fernández, H. Bülent Ertan and Janusz Turowski , CRC Press , Boca Raton , 2012 . Papers in Journals - Freire, Nuno M. A.; J. O. Estima; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A Comparative Analysis of PMSG Drives Based on Vector Control and Direct Control Techniques for Wind Turbine Applications ", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny , Vol. 88 , No. 1a , pp. 184 - 187 , January , 2012 . - Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A New Algorithm for Real-Time Multiple OpenCircuit Fault Diagnosis in Voltage-Fed PWM Motor Drives by the Reference Current ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Errors ", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics , Vol. na , No. na , pp. 1 - 11 , August , 2012 . - Cruz, S. M. A. ; A. M. S. Mendes; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A New Fault Diagnosis Method and a Fault-Tolerant Switching Strategy for Matrix Converters Operating With Optimum Alesina-Venturini Modulation ", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics , Vol. 59 , No. 1 , pp. 269 - 280 , January , 2012 . - Gameiro, Natália S. Gameiro; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A New Method for Power Converter Fault Diagnosis in SRM Drives ", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications , Vol. 48 , No. 2 , pp. 653 - 662 , March , 2012 . - Cruz, S. M. A. ; F. G. Gaspar; " A new method to diagnose rotor faults in 3-phase induction motors coupled to time-varying loads ", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny , Vol. 88 , No. 1a , pp. 202 - 206 , January , 2012 . - " A new method to diagnose rotor faults in 3-phase induction motors coupled to time-varying loads ", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny , Vol. 88 , No. 1a , pp. 202 - 206 , January , 2012 . - Stabile, A.; C. B. Boccaletti; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A Power Loss Measurement Method Applied to Static Power Converters ", IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement , pp. 1 - 9 , December , 2012 . - Cruz, S. M. A. ; " An Active-Reactive Power Method for the Diagnosis of Rotor Faults in 3-Phase Induction Motors Operating Under Time-Varying Load Conditions ", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion , Vol. 27 , No. 1 , pp. 71 - 84 , March , 2012 . - Álvarez, J.; M. Perdigão; D. Gacio Gacio; E. S. Saraiva; " Analysis, Design and Experimentation on Constant-Frequency DC-DC Resonant Converters with Magnetic Control ", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics , Vol. 27 , No. 3 , pp. 1369 - 1382 , March , 2012 . - Oliveira, L. M. R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Application of Park’s power components to the differential protection of three-phase transformers ", Electric Power Systems Research , Vol. 83 , No. 1 , pp. 203 - 211 , February , 2012 . - " Application of Park's Power Components to the Differential Protection of ThreePhase Transformers ", Electric Power Systems Research , Vol. 83 , No. 1 , pp. 203 211 , February , 2012 . - " Application of Park's Power Components to the Differential Protection of ThreePhase Transformers ", Electric Power Systems Research , Vol. 83 , No. 1 , pp. 203 211 , February , 2012 . - Yahia, K.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Broken Rotor Bars Diagnosis in an Induction Motor Fed from a Frequency Converter: Experimental Research ", Intrnl. Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management , Vol. 3 , No. 1 , pp. 40 - 46 , March , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Ribeiro, H.R.; H.S. Marques; B. Borges; " Characterizing and Monitoring Voltage Transients as Problem to Sensitive Loads ", Intrnl. Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems - Elsevier , Vol. - , No. 43 , pp. 1305 - 1317 , July , 2012 . - Marques, H. Marques; A. R. Seidel Seidel; M. Perdigão; J. Álvarez; E. S. Saraiva; " Constant-Frequency Magnetically-Controlled Universal Ballast with SoS Compliance for TL5 Fluorescent Lamps ", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics , Vol. 27 , No. 4 , pp. 2163 - 2175 , April , 2012 . - Drif, M.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Discriminating the Simultaneous Occurrence of ThreePhase Induction Motor Rotor Faults and Mechanical Load Oscillations by the Instantaneous Active and Reactive Power Media Signature Analyses ", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics , Vol. 59 , No. 3 , pp. 1630 - 1639 , March , 2012 . - Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Efficiency Analysis of Drive Train Topologies Applied to Electric/Hybrid Vehicles ", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech. , Vol. 61 , No. 3 , pp. 1021 - 1031 , March , 2012 . - Oliveira, L. M. R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Extended Park’s vector approach-based differential protection of three-phase power transformers ", IET Electric Power Applications , Vol. 6 , No. 8 , pp. 463 - 472 , September , 2012 . - Freire, Nuno M. A.; J. O. Estima; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in PMSG Drives for Wind Turbine Applications ", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics , Vol. - , No. - , pp. 1 - 11 , December , 2012 . - Baptista, B. Baptista; A. M. S. Mendes; S. M. A. Cruz; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Temperature Distribution Inside a Three-Phase Induction Motor Running with Eccentric Airgap ", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny , Vol. 88 , No. 1a , pp. 96 - 99 , January , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Ribeiro, H.R.; B. Borges; C. A. F. Ferreira; " A Family of Full-Bridge Single-Stage PFCs Topologies: Identification of Technical Problems ", Proc IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition - ECCE , Raleigh , United States , September , 2012 . - Freire, Nuno M. A.; J. O. Estima; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A New Approach for Current Sensor Fault Diagnosis in PMSG Drives for Wind Energy Conversion Systems ", Proc IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition - ECCE , Raleigh , United States , pp. 1 - 8 , September , 2012 . - Fonseca, D. S. B.; N. M. F. Pinto; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. M. P. Cabrita; " A New Methodology for the Redesign of a Switched Reluctance Motor Winding ", Proc IEE International Conf. on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives - PEMD , Bristol , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , March , 2012 . - Freire, Nuno M. A.; J. O. Estima; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A Voltage-Based Approach for Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in Voltage-Fed SVM Motor Drives Without Extra ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Hardware ", Proc International Conf. on Electrical Machines , Marseille , France , pp. 1 - 6 , September , 2012 . - K. Huq; S.M. Mumtaz; J. Rodriguez; R. L. Aguiar; " Comparison of EnergyEfficiency in Bits per Joule on different downlink CoMP Techniques ", Proc Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Wireless Networks - E2Nets , Ottowa , Canada , June , 2012 . - Drif, M.; J. O. Estima; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Discriminating Rotor Cage Faults and Mechanical Load Oscillations in Three-Phase Induction Motors by the Stator Instantaneous Complex Apparent Impedance ", Proc IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition - ECCE , Raleigh , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , September , 2012 . - Gacio, D. Gacio; J. Álvarez; M. Perdigão; E. S. Saraiva; " Effects of the junction temperature on the dynamic resistance of white LEDs ", Proc IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. - APEC , Orlando , United States , pp. 1708 - 1715 , February , 2012 . - Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Efficiency Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Operating Strategies Applied to Three-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives ", Proc International Conf. on Electrical Machines , Marseille , France , pp. 1 - 8 , September , 2012 . - Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Fast Fault Detection, Isolation and Reconfiguration in Fault-Tolerant Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives ", Proc IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition - ECCE , Raleigh , United States , pp. 1 - 8 , September , 2012 . - Ribeiro, E.; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. B. Boccaletti; " Fault Analysis of Dual Active Bridge Converters ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Montreal , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , October , 2012 . - Caseiro, L. C.; A. M. S. Mendes; A. A. Alcaso; " Fault Diagnosis an Tolerance in Three-level Neutral-point-clamped Rectifiers ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Montreal , Canada , Vol. Pendrive , pp. 1 - 6 , October , 2012 . - " Fault Tolerance in Active Power Filters, Based on Multilevel NPC Topology ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Montreal , Canada , Vol. Pendrive , pp. 1 - 6 , October , 2012 . - Lopes, P.L.; A. M. S. Mendes; " Fault Tolerance in Active Power Filters, Based on Multilevel NPC Topology ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Montreal , Canada , Vol. PenUsb , pp. 1 - 6 , October , 2012 . - Ribeiro, H.R.; B. Borges; " Improving the Low Power Operation of Full-Bridge Single-Stage Power Factor Correctors ", Proc IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition - ECCE , Raleigh , United States , September , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Barbosa , D.; " Power Challenges of Large Scale Research Infrastructures: the Square Kilometer Array and Solar Energy Integration ", Proc Energynautics 2nd International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power in Power Systems SolarIntegration , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 254 - 257 , November , 2012 . - Ribeiro, E.; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. B. Boccaletti; " Power Conditioning Supercapacitors in Combination with Batteries for Stand-alone Power Systems ", Proc International Symp. on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion - SPEEDAM , Sorrento , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , June , 2012 . - Lopes, F.; " Reductions in the Pulp-and-Paper Industry by Upgrading Conventional Pumping Systems through the Installation of VFDs – A Case Study ", Proc International Conf. on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ , Santiago de Compostela , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , March , 2012 . - Ribeiro, E.; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. B. Boccaletti; " Standalone Diesel-Photovoltaic System with Batteries and Supercapacitors as Energy Storage for Telecommunications ", Proc International Telecommunications Energy Conf. , Phoenix , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , October , 2012 . - Perdigão, M.; H. Marques Marques; J. Álvarez; E. S. Saraiva; " Step-Dimming for Multi-Watt Electronic Ballast with Magnetic Control: SoS Limits Analysis ", Proc Universities Power Engineering Conf. - UPEC , London , United Kingdom , September , 2012 . - Bandarabadi, M.; A. M. S. Mendes; S. M. A. Cruz; " Three-Level NPC Inverter Fault Diagnosis by the Average Current Park’s Vector Approach ", Proc International Conf. on Electrical Machines , Marseille , France , Vol. Pendrive , pp. 1 - 6 , September , 2012 . - " Three-level NPC inverter fault diagnosis by the average current park's vector approach ", Proc International Conf. on Electrical Machines , Marseille , France , Vol. Pendrive , pp. 1 - 6 , September , 2012 . Project Reports - Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; Natália S. Gameiro Gameiro; " Fault Tolerant Electric Motor Drives Applied to Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Annual Report ", Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia , April , 2012 . - Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " SIEF Activities Technical Report ", QREN , , October , 2012 . TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALS Papers in Journals - Lopez, I. S.; A. Mendonça; M. Fernandes; V. Bermudez; J. Morgado; G. D. Pozo; B. Romero; J. C.-G. Gonzalez; " Europium complex-based thermochromic sensor for integration in plastic optical fibres ", Optical Materials , Vol. 34 , No. 8 , pp. 1447 - 1450 , June , 2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Ferreira, Q. ; P.A. Ribeiro; O. O. Oliveira; M. R. Raposo; " Long-Term Stability at High Temperatures for Birefringence in PAZO/PAH Layer-by-Layer Films ", Applied Materials and Interfaces , Vol. 4 , No. 3 , pp. 1470 - 1477 , February , 2012 . - Vicente, C.; P.S André; R. A. Sá Ferreira; " Simple measurement of surface free energy using a web cam ", Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fisica , Vol. 34 , No. 3 , pp. 3312-1 - 3312-5 , November , 2012 . - Mendes, J. C.; M. M. Fernandes; D.M. Mukherjee; DMS Santos; " Simulation of acoustic wave devices using Matlab ", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny , Vol. 88 , No. 1a , pp. 155 - 158 , January , 2012 . - Salvado, R.; C. Loss; R. Gonçalves; P. Pinho; " Textile Materials for the Design of Wearable Antennas: A Survey ", Sensors , Vol. 12 , No. 11 , pp. 15841 - 15857 , November , 2012 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Morgado, J.; A. T. P. Pereira; Q. Ferreira; E. Pecoraro; C. P. N. Neto; A. J. D. Silvestre Silvestre; C. S. R. F. Ferreira; E. Trovatti; S. C. M. F. Fernandes; L.A. Alcácer; " Biocellulose, chitosan and their composites in organic field-effect transistors (abstract only) ", Proc International Thin-Film Transistor Conf. - ITC , Lisbon , Portugal , January , 2012 . - Caixinha, A.; V. Magalhães; I. Alexandre; " Do you still remember …?: Helping Alzheimer’s patients not to forget about the past ", Proc International Conf. on Advances in Computer Engineering - ACE , Amsterdam , Netherlands , June , 2012 . - Domingues, F.; Ana M. Rocha; P. Antunes; ; ; P.S André; " Evaluation of the fuse effect propagation velocity in bend loss insensitive fibers ", Proc Optoelectronics and Communications Conf. - OECC , Busan , Korea, South , Vol. 17 , pp. 799 - 800 , July , 2012 . - Domingues, F.; Ana M. Rocha; R Frias; P.S André; " Evaluation of the temperature increase on the fiber fuse effect end point ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON , Conventry , United Kingdom , Vol. 14 , pp. 1 - 3 , July , 2012 . - Brotas, G.; J. Farinhas; Q. Ferreira; A. Charas; J. Morgado; " Nanostructuring photo-acid cross-linkable polymers for photovoltaics ", Proc European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Spring Meeting - E-MRS , Strasbourg , France , May , 2012 . - Morgado, J.; D. Suresh; C. S. B. Gomes; R. Paolo; A. Maçanita; M. T. Duarte; P. Gomes; " NEW BORON-BASED COMPLEXES INCORPORATING IMINOPYRROLYL LIGANDS FOR LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES (abstract only) ", Proc International Conf. on Science and Technology of Syntethic Metals - ICSM , Atlanta , United States , July , 2012 . - Brotas, G.; J. Farinhas; Q. Ferreira; R. Rodrigues; I.L. Martins; J. Morgado; A. Charas; " Photo-acid Cross-linkable P3HT Derivatives for Nanostructured Organic ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Photovoltaics ", Proc Gordon Research Conf. on Electronic Processes in Organic Materials , Lucca , Italy , June , 2012 . - Ferreira, Q. ; A. Bragança; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; " Self-assembly of a zincporphyrin on HOPG studied by STM at the liquid-solid interface and stepwise growth of molecular wires ", Proc International Conf. on NANO-Structures SElf-Assembly NANOSEA , S. Margherita di Pula , Italy , June , 2012 . - Domingues, F.; Ana M. Rocha; P.S André; R Frias; M.R. Ferreira; " Temperature Monitoring of Bend Insensitive Fibers After the Fuse Effect Propagation ", Proc Optical Fiber Sensors Conf. , Monterey , United States , Vol. STu1F , pp. STu1F.4 STu1F.4 , June , 2012 . 4.4.7 Other Achievements Patents - Silva, H.; A. Lourenço; A. L. N. Fred; " Device and Method for Continuous Biometric Recognition Based on Electrocardiographic Signals ", Patente de Invenção Nacional nº 106102 , January , 2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; P.R.M. Inácio ; M.H. Hajduczenia; M. Freire; P. Monteiro; H. Silva; " Método e dispositivo para avaliação da variação da auto-semelhança de um sinal fisiológico ", Portuguese Patent 105404, pending , November , 2012 . Awards - Faria, J.; " Prémio Científico UTL - Santander ", Menção Honrosa , 01-12-2012 . - Caseiro, L. C.; A. M. S. Mendes; A. A. Alcaso; " Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Rectifiers ", Best oral presentation during technical session Multilevel Converters-2 at the 38th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. October 2012, Montreal, Canada. , 01-10-2012 . - Martins, R.; N. Lourenço; sr Rodrigues; J.G. Guilherme; N.H. Horta; " Honorable Mention from SMACD 2012 Competition on Analog IC Design Automation ", “AIDA: Automated Analog IC Design Flow from Circuit Level to Layout”, Proceedings of International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD) , Seville, Spain, Sep. 2012. , 01-102012 . - Gonçalo, N.; P.A. Araújo; " Contribution of Web Services to Improve Pain Diaries Experience ", Best Paper Award of The 2012 IAENG International Conference on Internet Computing and Web Services - IMECS2012 , 01-03-2012 . Miscellaneous - Garcia, N. M. ; " Member of Technical Committee ", 2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER 2012) ", , 01-12-2012 . ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Garcia, N. M. ; " Member of Technical Committee ", 2012 IEEE CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, SYSTEMS & INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS (ICCSII 2012) ", , 01-12-2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; " Member of Technical Committee ", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECON 2012) ", , 01-12-2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; " Member of Technical Committee ", 2012 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2012) ", , 01-12-2012 . - Lourenço, C.L.; " Invited Talks ", ", , 01-11-2012 . - Martins, F.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Refletindo sobre o início de um percurso profissional ", ESE Coimbra , 01-11-2012 . - Martins, F.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Um Professor, duas realidades: reflexão sobre as práticas educativas ", ESE Coimbra , 01-11-2012 . - Paunkovic, N.; " Invited Talks ", Fidelity spectrum and characterization of different phases of quantum systems. Correlations and coherence in quantum systems, 8-12 October 2012, Évora, Portugal ", Talk , 01-10-2012 . - Nunes, L.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Integration of Heterogeneous Hypotheses in Multiagent Learning ", , 01-10-2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; " Member of Technical Committee ", International Conference on Ultra Modern Communications (ICUMT 2012) ", , 01-10-2012 . - Paunkovic, N.; " Invited Talks ", Fidelity, Fidelity Spectrum and Geometric Phases as Signatures of Phase Transitions. The third International Iran Conference on Quantum Information, 8-12 September 2012, Tehran, Iran ", Talk , 01-09-2012 . - Charas, A.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Principal Juri in MSc Thesis in ''Mestrado em Bioengenharia e Nanossistemas, IST, do licenciado Stefano Virgilio ", 01-09-2012 . - Nunes, L.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Applying Serious Games to Assess Driver Information System Ergonomics ", , 01-06-2012 . - Nunes, L.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Multi-agent system for simulation and validation of scenarios, doctrines, missions and behavioral models used with virtual environments doctrines, , 01-06-2012 . - Paunkovic, N.; J. Bouda; " Tutorial ", Quantum Commitments Based on Complementarity - Contract Signing. 9th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 7-10 June 2012, Smolenice, Slovakia ", Poster Session , 0106-2012 . - " Tutorial ", Quantum Commitments Based on Complementarity - Contract Signing. 9th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 7-10 June 2012, Smolenice, Slovakia ", Poster Session , 01-06-2012 . - Mendes, J. C.; " Seminars ", Nanotecnologia ", , 01-05-2012 .´ ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Paunkovic, N.; " Invited Talks ", Quantum Information and Phase Transitions in Many-Body Systems. Workshop on the dynamics and asymptotics in the Dicke model and quantum networks, 3-7 May 2012, Mátraháza, Hungary ", Talk , 01-052012 . - Paunkovic, N.; P.D. Sacramento; V. Vieira; " Tutorial ", Fidelity spectrum, quantum phases and their transitions. Quantum Malta 2012: Fundamental Problems in Quantum physics 24 - 27 April 2012, Malta ", Poster Session , 01-04-2012 . - Borges, B.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", ESTUDO DE CONVERSORES EM PONTE DE UM ÚNICO ANDAR COM CORRENTE DE ENTRADA SINUSOIDAL ", Hugo Eduardo dos Santos Ribeiro , 01-03-2012 . - Garcia, N. M. ; " Member of Technical Committee ", AAL 2012, Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL latest solutions, trends and applications ", , 01-02-2012 . - Borges, B.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Restauradores Dinâmicos de Tensão com Conversores Matriciais e Volantes de Inércia ", Paulo José Duarte Landeiro Gambôa , 01-02-2012 . 4.4.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees - Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC, Technical Programme Committee, Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira, 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Conf. on Signals, Systems, Devices - SSD, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems - WFCS, Organizing Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2012 - Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems - APRES, Organizing Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2012 - Euro-Ngi Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI), Technical Programme Committee, Amaro Fernandes de Sousa , 01-01-2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados - JOCLAD, Organizing Committee, Joao Manuel Mourão Patricio , 01-01-2012 - Seminário de Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança - SDMC2012, Scientific Committee, Fernando Manuel Lourenço Martins, 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design - SMACD, Scientific Committee, Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta , 01-01-2012 - ICORES 2012 1ª International Conf. on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - ICORES 2012, Scientific Committee, Luis Miguel Merca Fernandes , 0101-2012 - Matchmaking Research, Organizing Committee, Luis Miguel Merca Fernandes , 0101-2012 - IMEKO World Congress, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , 01-01-2012 - Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC, Technical Programme Committee, Amaro Fernandes de Sousa , 01-01-2012 - IT The Power Challenges of Mega-Science Infrastructures : the example of SKA PCSKA, Scientific Committee, Domingos da Silva Barbosa , 01-01-2012 - IARIA International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Microelectronics - CENICS, Technical Programme Committee, Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira, 01-01-2012 - International Conf. and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering - EPE, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Advanced Concepts on Mechanical Engineering, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão , 01-01-2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - IEEE International Conf. on Signals, Systems, Devices - SSD, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos , 01-01-2012 - Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática - ENSPM, Organizing Committee, Daniel da Silva Graça, 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Advanced Nano Materials - ANM 2008, , Joana Catarina Mendes, 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and, Sessions Chairman , Octavian Adrian Postolache , 01-01-2012 - IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC, Technical Programme Committee, Octavian Adrian Postolache , 01-01-2012 - International Conf. on Sensing Technology - ICST, Special Sessions Chairman, Octavian Adrian Postolache , 01-01-2012 - IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - WCCI, Scientific Committee, Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro, 01-01-2012 - XXIVth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, Organizing Committee, Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado , 01-08-2012 - Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados - JOCLAD, Organizing Committee, Luis Miguel Merca Fernandes , 01-01-2012 Editorial Committees IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications , IEEE Industry Applications Society, Antonio Joao Marques Cardoso , Associate Editor, 01-01-2012 to IEEE Sensors Journal , IEEE, Octavian Adrian Postolache , Associate Editor, 01-082012 to Intrnl. Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) , ACCENT, Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro, Editorial board, 01-09-2012 to
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