June 16th to June 26th, 2015 Bulletin
June 16th to June 26th, 2015 Bulletin
A Special Prayer for Fathers (Fathers day June 21,2015) Dia do Pai 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME/ 11º DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM MASSES FOR THE WEEK / MISSAS DA SEMANA June 16 – 19 de Junho, 2015 Terça-feira, 16 de Junho – 7:00 pm Maria Cabral – Judite Resendes Afonso Amaral, Avós e Padrinho – Pais Albano Ferreira Amaral – Mário Amaral João Castelhano – Filha Manuela Elias – Lily P. Carlos Rosalina Martins – Deolinda Miranda 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME/ 12º DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM MASSES FOR THE WEEK / MISSAS DA SEMANA June 23 – 26 de Junho, 2015 Monday June 22 – 6:00 pm Holy Cross Graduation Mass Terça-feira, 23 de Junho – 7:00 pm Manuel Cadete – Esposa e Filhas Virginio Medeiros – Alice Medeiros Serafim de Melo – Esposa Maria Costa e Sogro – Celestino Costa Manuel Branco e familiares – E. Branco Wednesday, June 17 – 6:00 pm St. Bernadette’s Graduation Mass (No intentions) Wednesday June 24 – 6:00 pm St. Sebastian Graduation Mass Quinta-feira, 18 de Junho – 7:00 pm Domingues Resendes – Eduarda Resendes Odilia Lima – Carter Family Decio Frada, irmão e filha – M. Frada Albano Miranda e Pais de Alice Miranda Maria Ramos – João e Adriana Aguiar Intenções de Lúcia Ferreira Quinta-feira, 25 de Junho – 7:00 pm Joe Oliveira – Rose & Ana Barbosa Mariana Tavares e Antonio Costa – O. Borges Jorge Medeiros – Manuel e Leocadia Amaral Altino Resendes – Grupo de Oraçao Jacinto e Odilia Lima – Otilia Camboia Lidia Araujo - Filhas Friday, June 19 - 9:30 am (Year End School Mass for all 3 Schools) Friday, June 26 – 9:30 am Purgatory Souls – M. Marques Ernesto R. Silva – Dolores L. Silva Dolores McGregor – Otília Lima (no intentions) Sábado / Saturday, 20 de Junho, 2015 6:00 pm – Missa em Português Domingo / Sunday, June 21, 2015 (Fathers Day) 9:00 am – Missa em Português 11:00 am – English Mass READINGS 12th. SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Job 38: 1-4, 8-11++ Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5: 14-17 Gospel: Mark 4: 35-41 13th. SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Wisdom 1: 13-15, 2:23-24 Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 8: 7, 9, 13-15 Gospel: Mark 5: 21-24, 35-43 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Holy Cross parishioner’s thank you for your generosity towards St. Vincent de Paul; every 2nd weekend of the month. Many Thanks to the family who had the 2nd Dominga of the Crown of St. John for their donation of $200.00 Holy Cross SVDP conference Raffle / Father’s Day Basket Tickets 3 for $5.00 available to purchase before and after masses June 6/7; 13/14; 20/21 or from the church office. The draw will be at the end of the 11:00 am mass on Fathers day June 21st. All proceeds benefit the World Youth Day group. A representative from Scentsy will be at the church on June 20/21 selling candle products. All profits from the sale benefit the World Youth Day group. CONFIRMATION (May 31, 2015) Congratulations to the Candidates who received the sacrament of Confirmation this year. As a parish we are proud of you for saying “yes” to our faith! We look forward to you being a part of our community and serving along side of us. Let us pray for our newly Confirmed as they continue on their faith journey. A heartfelt thanks to the catechists who were tasked to prepare these young people on their Confirmation journey. May God bless them and their families! Sábado / Saturday, June 27, 2015 6:00 pm – Missa em Português Domingo / Sunday, June 28, 2015 9:00 am – Missa em Português 11:00 am – English Mass OFFERTORY COLLECTION /COLECTA DO OFERTÓRIO Nossa Gratidão para os que contribuem para a vida desta Comunidade de Fé! Thanking all who financially contribute with our Community of faith! May 30 – 31 de Maio (includes Confirmation collection)…...............$3,240.00 June 6 – 7 de Junho..........................................................................$2,965.00 Building fund (June)……………………………………………………………$1,449.00 FAREWELL DINNER FOR FR. LUIZ CARLOS (Friday June 26th.) Parish Council & the Finance Committee invite all parishioners to a farewell dinner honouring Father Luiz Carlos, in appreciation of his years of service to our Parish. The dinner will be buffet style with music by Paulo Cardoso us after dinner. Tickets will be available after mass or at the Parish office until Friday June 19th. PARISH PICNIC FOR YOUNG PEOPLE (Friday June 19) All Children and youth who celebrated their sacraments this year (1st communion and confirmation) Growing in faith, Youth group and the Altar Servers are invited, to come out and join us for an evening of fun, games, activities and fellowship. BBQ, drinks and snacks (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm). To be held in the church backyard, weather permitting or in Church basement. Call or email the following: Lucy @ [email protected] Linda @ [email protected] Growing in faith: Connie @ 519-685-6312 or Michelle Fonseca @ 519-858-7663 Adriana @ 519-457-3006 - Parish office: 519-455-4740 or [email protected] 2nd ANNUAL PRIESTS´PENSION COLLECTION Prayerfully reflect this week on how you can best respond in support of the needs of our retired priests who have dedicated their lives in service to all the faithful. An information pamphlet with an envelope is attached to the bulletin that can be used for your donation next weekend. God Bless! God, bless all the fathers in our community. Guide them to be good role models and loving to their children. Help them to be a father like You are Lord. Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way. Amen To all the Fathers in our Parish, a Blessed Father’s Day. Estende, Senhor, tuas mãos de amor sobre todos os pais de nossa comunidade, concedendo a eles os dons da paciência, compreensão, tranquilidade, ternura, justiça, Fé na vida e em seus filhos e amor. Ajudai-os a serem pais com Tu és Senhor. Amém A todos os pais, da nossa paróquia, um abençoado dia dos Pais... INTENÇÕES - QUARTA-FEIRA 17 e 24 de Junho Intenções previamente marcadas nestas datas foram mudadas para a missa do dia anterior ou do dia seguinte. As mudanças foram necessárias porque a missa nestes dois dias são para a graduation das escolas. FEAST OF SANTO CRISTO/ FESTA DO SENHOR SANTO CRISTO, 2015 Profit/Lucro =$15,345.49 Muito Obrigado! Agradecemos às seguintes empresas, firmas, organizações, bandas e todos os que apoiarem e ajudaram para com o sucesso da Festa do Senhor Santo Cristo: Banda Lira do Divino Espírito Santo, Conjunto Brazza, Grupo Folclórico de Strathroy, London Portuguese Bakery, Cavaco Travel Agency, Nova Lisboa Restaurant, Ideas Hair Design, ABC cash&carry, Portugal Imports, O´Neil Funeral Home, Subway, Rei dos Leitões, Ana´s Popular Fashion, Braga Construction, J.S. Mansonry, Império dos Frangos, Peaceful Dove, Nova Era Bakery CONFIRMAÇÃO (31 de Maio, 2015) Parabéns aos jovens candidatos que este ano receberem o Sacramento da Crisma. Que Deus os abençoe, e que cada um deles possa encontrar seu lugar na comunidade cristã, para testemunhar o amor de Cristo, e que o Espírito Santo possa os conduzir ao caminho do bem. Amém!!! Um Sincero obrigado às catequistas que dedicaram seu tempo a preparar estes jovens nesta caminhada de fé. Que Deus as abençoe! JANTAR DE DESPEDIDA – PE. LUIZ CARLOS (Sexta 26 de Junho 6:30 pm) O Conselho Pastoral e a Comittee das Finanças da paróquia, convida a todos para um jantar de despedida em homenagem ao Pe. Luiz Carlos. Estilo buffett com musica pelo Paulo Cardoso após o jantar. Os bilhetes estarão há venda após as missas ou no escritório da paróquia até sexta feira dia 19 de Junho. APELO ANUAL PARA OS FUNDOS DA PENSÃO DOS SACERDOTES Encontra-se no boletim um panfleto de informação com um envelope para a colecta no próximo fim-de-semana para o Fundo das Pensões dos Sacerdotes. O Bispo Fabbro pede a todos os paroquianos para apoiarem esta colecta e assim ajudar os nossos sacerdotes aposentados que dedicaram suas vidas a serviço de todos os fiéis. Que Deus os abençoe!
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