JOINT SERVICE OF WORSHIP CULTO UNIDO DE ADORACIÓN CULTO UNIDO de ADORAÇÃO The Twenty-Fourth Day of July, Two-Thousand and Sixteen Eleven o’clock a.m. 24 de Julio del Dos Mil Dieciseis Once de la Mañana Vinte e Quatro de Julho de Dois Mil e Dezesseis Onze Horas da Manhã The Chiming of the Hour El repicar de la hora Welcome to Our Guests Dr. Craig A. Sherouse Call to Worship “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” Invocation and Lord’s Prayer from The Well NETTLETON Mr. Daniel Blanco Calderón Gloria Patri 705 Bienvenida a nuestros visitantes Llamamiento a la adoración “Ven, a la fuente de toda Bendición” Invocación y oración del Padre Nuestro Dr. Craig A. Sherouse Boas Vindas aos nossos visitantes Dr. Craig Sherouse Por El Pozo Chamada a Adorarcao “Fonte es Tu de Toda a Bencao” NETTLETON NETTLETON Mr. Daniel Blanco Calderón Gloria al Padre 705 *Hymn of Praise 1 “Holy, Holy, Holy” NICAEA Sermon Reverend Valter Sorrentino Final Blessings: "The Blessing of Scripture," Revelation 1:3 Responsive Reading 30 Harmonia da Hora “God, the Revealer” Update on our New Children’s Building Message in Music Mrs. Kathi Traficanti Reverend Katie Vance Lucas The Arabic Language Ministry NICAEA Sermón Reverendo Valter Sorrentino Bendiciones Finales: "La Bendición de la Escritura" Apocalipsis 1:3 “Dios,el Revelador” Nuevo Edificio de los Niños Mrs. Kathi Traficanti Reverendo Katie Vance Lucas Mensaje en Música Ministerio de Lengua Árabe Hino de Louvor 1 “Santo, Santo, Santo” Sermão Leitura Responsiva 30 Mensagem Musical Sermão Pastoral Prayer Oración pastoral Oração Pastoral Message in Music “Celebrate” The Portuguese Language Ministry Mensaje en Música “Celebrar” Ministerio de Lengua Portuguesa “Deus o Revelador” Novas sobre o novo predio Infantil Sermón Reverendo Agayby Shehata Bendiciones Finales: "La Bendición de la Escritura" Apocalipsis 1:3 Reverendo Dane E. Jackson NICAEA Reverendo Valter Sorrentino A Ultima Bencao: A Bencao da Escritura, Apocalipse 1:3 Sermon Reverend Agayby Shehata Final Blessings: "The Blessing of Scripture," Revelation 1:3 Reverend Dane E. Jackson Mensagem Musical “Celebrai” Sermón Reverendo Louis Orsatti Bendiciones Finales: "La Bendición de la Escritura" Apocalipsis 1:3 Sermão Hymn of Faith 332 “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” Himno de fe 332 “Oh, que Mil Lenguas para Cantar” Hino de Fé 332 “Mil Linguas Eu Quisera Ter” Offertory Prayer Anthem “Thy Word” Mrs. Manal Shehata The Sanctuary Choir Smith and Grant/Schrader Oración por las ofrendas AZMON Mrs. Manal Shehata Mensaje musical “Su Palabra” El Coro del Santuario Smith and Grant/Schrader Oração pelas Ofertas Mensagem Musical “Tua Palavra” Doxología 706 Doxologia 706 Sermon Dr. Sherouse Final Blessings: "The Blessing of Scripture," Revelation 1:3 Sermón Dr. Sherouse Bendiciones Finales: "La Bendición de la Escritura" Apocalipsis 1:3 Sermão Hymn of Decision 580 “I Will Sing of My Redeemer” Himno de decisión 580 “Yo cantaré de mi Redentor” Hino de Decisão 580 “Cantarei ao Meu Redentor” MY REDEEMER Reverenda Katie Vance Lucas Ministerio de Lingua Arabe Reverendo Dane E. Jackson Ministerio de Lingua Portuguesa Reverendo Louis Orsatti A Ultima Bencao: A Bencao da Escritura, Apocalipse 1:3 The Doxology 706 MY REDEEMER Mrs. Kathi Traficanti Reverendo Agayby Shehata A Ultima Bencao: A Bencao da Escritura, Apocalipse 1:3 Sermon Reverend Louis Orsatti Final Blessings: "The Blessing of Scripture," Revelation 1:3 AZMON Mr. Daniel Blanco Calderón Gloria Patri 705 Himno de alabanza 1 “Santo, Santo, Santo” Lectura de Respuesta 30 Oração de Invocação ao Senhor O Poço AZMON Mrs. Manal Shehata The Sanctuary Choir Smith and Grant/Schrader Dr. Sherouse A Ultima Bencao: A Bencao da Escritura, Apocalipse 1:3 MY REDEEMER Recognition of Reverend Bill Miller’s 30th Anniversary Dr. Raymond L. Spence, Jr., Mr. Carl Eng and Mr. Doug Granger Reconocimiento al Reverendo Bill Miller por su 30 Aniversario Dr. Raymond L. Spence Jr., Mr. Carl Eng and Mr. Doug Granger Homenagem ao Reverendo Bill Miller pelo seu 30 Aniversario Dr. Raymond L. Spence, Jr., Mr. Carl Eng e Mr. Doug Granger Benediction Bendición Benção Hymn of Fellowship 267 “Blest Be the Tie” Postlude “Trumpet Voluntary” Mr. Jose Carlos Fontes DENNIS Mr. Bob Mayo Stanley *Ushers will seat waiting worshipers. Please silence all phones, pagers, and watch alarms before entering the Sanctuary. Church Copyright License #1012766 Himno de Compañerismo “Bendito sea el Lazo” Postludio “Trumpet Voluntary” Mr. Jose Carlos Fontes 267 DENNIS Mr. Bob Mayo Stanley *Los acomodadores sentarán a los fieles que esperan. Por favor todos los teléfonos, pagers, y relojes ponerlos en silencio antes de entrar al Santuario. Culto Copyright License #1012766 Mr. Jose Carlos Fontes Hino de 267 “Bendito Seja o Laco” Poslúdio “Trumpete Voluntario” DENNIS Mr. Bob Mayo Stanley * Por favor silenciar todos os celulares, pagers e alarmes relógio antes de entrar no Santuário. Culto Copyright License #1012766 برنامج اليوم WORSHIP 2 Opening our Worship Bible this morning is Josue Blanco Calderón! كراج شيراوس.ق.د كلمة ترحيب مــــع Prayer Concerns: Lorraine Charlton – HDH Forest, Dave Holladay – St. Mary’s دعوة للعبـــــــــــادة ترنيمة تحت عنوان Our Sympathy to Andrew Larsen and family upon the death of his grandmother. مع الكنيسة المكسيكه الصالة الربانيــــــه Join us for a Reception in Honor of Bill Miller and his 30 years of service as Minister of Music, in the Family Life Center, following today’s worship service! قدوس قدوس قدوس 705 ترنيمة رقــــــم القس فولترسورينتينو خدمة باللغة البرازيليه كاتى ترافيكانتـــــــــى 30قراءة من كتاب الترانيم ص القس كايتى لوكـــاس اخبار المبنى الججديد Building Community Together Through Prayer: Moving In Prayer, Let's join our hearts in Spirit-led discussion and prayer over our church community, this Wednesday, July 27, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., in FLC 246. Childcare available. Register for the event and childcare at! فريق ترنيم الحيــــاة ترنيمة باللغة العربيه CHILDREN القس عجايبى شحاته كلمة باللغه التعربيه القس دان راعى الشباب صــــــــــــــــــــالة باللغة المكسيكـــــــــيه ترنيمــــــــــــــــــه القس لويس أًورساتى كلمة باللغة المكسيكيه ترنيمه عن اإليمـــان منال شحـــــــــــــاته كوير الكنيسة األمريكيه كراج شيراوس.ق.د فريق الكنيســـــــــــــه 332 ترنيمـــــــــــــه صالة باللغة العربيه 706ترنيمه باللغه الإلنجليزيه كلمه باللغة اإلنجليزيه 697 ترنيمه باللغه اإلنجليزيه أألحتفال الثالثون بالقس بل قسيس الموسيقى بالكنيسه األمريكيه األخ جـــــــــــــــيسر باللغـــــــــه األنجليزيه الختام باللغه البرازيليه 267 ترنيمه ختاميه ADULTS 2BCKids are taking a family trip to Busch Gardens on Saturday, July 30. We will meet in the front parking lot (off Gaskins Road) at 9:00 a.m. and carpool from Second. Please RSVP to Katie Vance Lucas as soon as possible. CHURCH It’s Backpack Time Again: For a complete list of needed items, please see the display in the Commons, the IDEAL, or the church website! Financial Summary as of June 30, 2016: MTD Actual YTD Actual Revenues $179,572 $868,149 Expenses $136,181 $807,952 Net Total $ 43,391 $ 60,197 YTD Budget Annual Budget $822,100 $1,644,200 $822,100 $1,644,200 -0-0- Next Generations Financial Update as of July 15, 2016: Pledged Dollars & Unpledged Contributions = $6,361,540 Total contributions received = 2,949,255 A Hard Hat Tour of the New Children’s Building will be held today at noon, during the reception for Bill Miller. Proper foot attire is recommended. Groups will meet near the old Commons entrance off Gaskins Road. Tour takes about 30 minutes. River Baptism: On Sunday, August 28, at 6:00 p.m., join us for a baptismal service in the James River, at the home of Court and Kathy Spotts (6101 River Road). If you would like to be baptized, please contact Kathy Driver in the church office. Explore God and Back 2 Church: Join us on September 11, as we dive into Explore God in a Sermon Series, Sunday School Classes and Discussion Groups. Coffee, Juice, Pastries and Quiche will be stationed around the campus from 8:30-11:30 a.m. We ask that anyone able to help us provide pastries for that morning. MISSIONS Mission Report: You will find an updated report on Second Baptist Mission Expenditures for the first and second quarter on the table in the office hallway. MUSIC The JUBILATE Concert and Ice Cream Social will not take place. “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it; for the time is near.” Revelation 1:3