Docaviv Regulations
Docaviv Regulations
Docaviv Regulations 1. Festival Date 2. International Competition 3. Israeli Competition 4. Israeli Students Competition 5. Films acceptance & screening copy submission 6. Jury & Awards 7. Accreditation 8. Working Timeline 9. General 1. Festival Date 1.1 The Docaviv Festival takes place once a year, as long as not otherwise decided by Docaviv's management, in the city of Tel Aviv, and/or in any other place as will be decided by the Festival management. 1.2 The Festival consists of five competitive programs: Israeli, International competition for original and creative documentary vision, Israeli Documentary Student Films, Student Pitching and Docaviv Young Documentary Filmmakers Competition. 1.3 The Festival program also includes non-competitive programs. The films to be screened within the various programs, either competitive or out of competition, are determined by the selection committees, appointed by the Festival management. 1.4 The Docaviv 2013 Film Festival will be held from May 2nd to May 11th, 2013, or on such other dates as the Docaviv management will decide. 2. Submission and Selection of the Films within the International Competition 2.1 There is no charge involved in submitting a film for the Docaviv Festival. 2.2 Applications for participation in the Festival can be submitted in respect of a film that meets the following cumulative conditions: 2.2.1 The candidate film is a documentary of at least 45-minutes; 2.2.2 Film production has been completed during the calendar year preceding the year of the Festival and not earlier. 2.2.3 The film has not been screened in Israel, either at a commercial screening or at closed screenings for invitees – screening within the competition section of the Festival must be the premiere screening in Israel. 2.2.4 Screening format will be coordinated with the submitting party upon acceptance to the festival. Please note that the festival cannot screen nor transfer HD-SR formats. 2.2.5 Non English language films may be screened at Docaviv provided that they have English subtitles. 2.2.6 Films submitted to and not accepted by Docaviv cannot be re-submitted in the subsequent year. 2.2.7 The Festival application will be submitted by the producer and/or director holding the Film's distribution rights throughout the world and in Israel. 2.2.8 The Film neither infringes any copyright and/or any other rights of any third party, nor violates any law, including any compromise to the goodwill and/or privacy of any third party, nor commits any other wrong. 2.2.9 Submission will be carried out via electronic entry form, through Docaviv's website, at: and by means of completing the attached to these Regulations as Appendix A & B, to be published on the Docaviv website and via the websites of various film organizations, at the option of Docaviv's management, being signed by the Film's producer and director. A form not duly completed and signed will not be accepted. 2.2.10 For the submission to be treated as valid, the film applicant will submit the following documents and material: a) Three (3) copies of a DVD – non-English speaking films must have English subtitles. b) Appendix A of the Regulations - signed and printed. c) Appendix B of the Regulations – approving the use of images and video clips from the film for public relations. The copies of the Film and the appendixes should be forwarded by registered mail to Docaviv's management, at: Docaviv Film Festival Att: Karin Rywkind Segal P.O.B. 20714 Tel Aviv 61206 ISRAEL 2.3 The last date for submission of an application for participation in the Festival is as set out on section 8.1 below, or as will be updated on Docaviv's website. 2.4 The selection committee of the International Competition will consist of the Festival's artistic director and a number of other professionals to be selected by him from the field of cinema or related areas of art/media. 2.5 The films to be submitted to the competition will be screened and selected by the lectors. The lectors will prepare an evaluation form with respect to each and every film and will rate it on the basis of fixed parameters. The decision of the selection committee will be final. 2.6 The selection committee will publish its decision on the website as well as in any other manner to be decided by the Docaviv management, not later than 30 days before the start of the Festival. 2.7 The management of the Festival will be the ultimate authority on any issue or dispute with respect to the fulfillment of the said conditions for the acceptance of a film, including the question as to its definition as a documentary and/or the actual acceptance of a film for the Festival. 2.8 Expenses and reimbursement policy in connection with the selection process: All postal / shipping expenses to and from the Festival are to be paid by the sender, including other expenses, such as taxes, insurance, etc. When filling out customs forms, please make sure that the value does not exceed 10 Euros / 10 dollars. All customs duties and/or taxes incurred in connection with the forwarding of packages through an international courier (FedEx, DHL, etc.), will be paid by the sender only. Docaviv will refuse to accept packages requiring payment of any cash whatsoever. Docaviv will not return printed material and screeners submitted to the Festival by the filmmakers. 3. Submission and Selection of Films within the Israeli Competition 3.1 Applications for participation in the Festival can be submitted in respect of a film meeting the following cumulative conditions: 3.1.1 The candidate film is a documentary of at least 45minutes; 3.1.2 The Film meets the definition of an "Israeli Film" pursuant to the Cinema Law, 5759-1999; 3.1.3 Film production has been completed during the calendar year preceding the year of the Festival and not earlier. 3.1.4 The film has not been screened in Israel, either at a commercial screening or at closed screenings for invitees – screening at the Festival must be the premiere screening in Israel, other than at screenings at Docaviv Galilee 2012. 3.1.5 Films submitted to and not accepted by Docaviv cannot be re-submitted in the subsequent year. 3.1.6 Applications for participation in the Festival will be submitted by the producer and/or director holding all the Film's distribution rights in Israel. 3.1.7 The Film neither infringes any copyright and/or any other rights of any third party, nor violates any law, including any compromise to the goodwill and/or privacy of any third party, nor commits any other wrong. 3.1.8 Submission will be carried out via electronic entry form, through Docaviv's website, at: and by means of completing the attached to these Regulations as Appendix A & B, to be published on the Docaviv website and via the websites of various film organizations, at the option of Docaviv's management, being signed by the Film's producer and director. A form not duly completed and signed will not be accepted. 3.1.9 For the submission to be treated as valid, the Film applicant will submit the following documents and material: a) Four (4) copies of a DVD; b) Appendix A of the Regulations - signed and printed; c) Appendix B of the Regulations – approving the use of images and video clips from the film for public relations. The copies of the film and the appendixes should be forwarded by registered mail to Docaviv's management, at: Docaviv Film Festival Att: Karin Rywkind Segal P.O.B. 20714 Tel Aviv 61206 ISRAEL 3.2 The last date for submission of applications for participation in the Festival is as set out on section 8.1 below, or as will be updated on Docaviv's website. 3.3 The selection committee of the Israeli Competition will consist of three lectors: The Festival's art director and two professionals to be selected by him/her from the field of movies or related areas of art or media. Each year two other lectors will be selected, who will be added to the director of the Festival. 3.4 The films to be submitted to the competition will be screened and selected by the lectors. The lectors will complete an evaluation form with respect to each and every film and will rate it on the basis of fixed parameters. 3.5 The decision of the selection committee will be final. The selection committee will publish its decision on the website or in any other manner to be decided by Docaviv's management, not later than 30 days before the start of the Festival. 3.6 Films selected for participation in the Festival, will be translated into English by the Film authors and the translated screening copy of the film will be furnished to the Festival's offices not later than 15 days before the opening date of the Festival. 3.7 The management of the Festival will be the ultimate authority on any issue or dispute with respect to the fulfillment of the said conditions for accepting the film, including the question as to its definition as a documentary and/or the actual acceptance of a film for the Festival. 4. Submission and Selection of Films within the Israeli Students Competition 4.1 Films meeting all the following criteria may be submitted for the Students Competition: 4.1.1 The candidate film is a documentary . 4.1.2 The competition takes place within the cinema department of schools for higher education ("Schools"); 4.1.3 Initial screening and selection of the films is carried out at the Schools. 4.1.4 The application for participating in the Festival will only be submitted by the Schools and not directly by the students; 4.1.5 Each School may submit up to 3 films; 4.1.6 Film departments or Schools, with an MA course may submit 2 additional films; 4.1.7 The films submitted will undergo an additional selection process by the Festiva selection committee; 4.1.8 The film production has been completed during the calendar year preceding the year of the Festival and not earlier; 4.1.9 The film has not been screened in Israel, either commercially, or at closed screenings for invitees only, other than at internal screenings for students and instructors only at schools or film schools and screenings at Docaviv Galilee 2012. 4.1.10 Films submitted to and not accepted by Docaviv cannot be re-submitted in the subsequent year; 4.1.11 The party submitting the film holds all copyright therein and/or all distribution rights in Israel; 4.1.12 The Film neither infringes any copyright and/or any other rights of any third party, nor violates any law, including any compromise to the goodwill and/or privacy of any third party, nor commits any other wrong. 4.1.13 Submission will be carried out via electronic entry form, through Docaviv's website, at: and by means of completing the attached to these Regulations as Appendix A & B, to be published on the Docaviv website and via the websites of various film organizations, at the option of Docaviv's management, being signed by the Film's producer and director. A form not duly completed and signed will not be accepted. 4.1.14 For the submission to be treated as valid, the School will submit the following documents and material: a) Three (3) copies of a DVD of each film; b) Appendix A of the Regulations - signed and printed for each film; c) Appendix B of the Regulations – approving the use of images for public relations for each film. The copies of the films and the appendixes should be forwarded by registered mail to Docaviv's management, at: Docaviv Film Festival Att: Karin Rywkind Segal P.O.B. 20714 Tel Aviv 61206 ISRAEL The last date for submission of applications for participation in the Festival is as will be published on Docaviv's website. 4.2 The selection committee of the Israeli Competition will consist of two lectors, to be selected by the Festival Management from the field of movies or related areas of art or media. 4.3 The films to be submitted to the Competition will be screened and selected by the lectors. The lectors will complete an evaluation form with respect to each and every film and will rate it on the basis of fixed parameters. 4.4 The decision of the selection committee will be final. The selection committee will publish its decision on the website or in any other manner to be decided by Docaviv's management, not later than 60 days before the start of the Festival. 4.5 Films selected for participation in the Festival, will be translated into English by the School and/or authors of the film and the translated screening copy of the film will be furnished to the Festival's offices up to 15 days before the opening date of the Festival. 4.6 The management of the Festival will be the ultimate authority on any issue or dispute with respect to the fulfillment of the said conditions for acceptance of the film, including the question as to its definition as a documentary and/or the actual inclusion of a film in the Festival. 5. Acceptance of the Films for the Festival and Submission of Material / Screening Copy 5.1 Docaviv may screen each film accepted for the Festival, during the Festival days, on the basis of such number of screenings and at such hours as it will determine. Docaviv may also upload sections of such a film to the Festival's website and use them in any advertising material concerning the Festival on all media, in the Internet and in print. 5.2 Upon the decision to accept the film for the Competition or for another category in the Festival, the following material will be transferred within two weeks from the date of publishing the decision: 5.2.1 Supplementing omissions in the electronic submission form. 5.2.2 Updating the list of Israeli and international entities supporting the film. 5.2.3 A press file (including publications and PR material, if any). 5.2.4 Trailer / 3 minutes online from the film for PR purposes, Internet advertising, on TV and for screening as part of the Docaviv promo. In the event of failure to transfer such material, the Festival will select a three-minute montage from the film, at its discretion, for the purpose of promotion and PR. The promo will be submitted in one of the following formats: As a link, DVD cassette, MiniDV, Beta, with English translation. 5.2.5 Three posters. 5.2.6 A final copy of the film on DVD to be safeguarded in Docaviv's archive, for the purpose of education and documentation. 5.2.7 Docaviv Festival reserves the right to edit and incorporate in a catalog or on the Internet the proposed synopsis submitted by the authors. 5.2.8 For Israeli Films: A translated screening copy of the film, pursuant to Docaviv's technical specification, will be submitted to the Festival's offices not later than 15 days before the opening date of the Festival. Filmmakers will be asked to come for testing of the screening copy that will be scheduled in advance. 5.2.9 For International Films: Forwarding the screening copy: The film's screening copy (with English subtitles, in the event that the film‘ dialogue is in other languages apart from English), will be received at the Festival's office not later than three weeks before the Festival's opening date. The contact person from Docaviv's content department will contact the director / producer / distributor of the film, to coordinate the shipment. The screening copy must be accompanied by a proforma invoice, stating the sender's name, the name of the film, the film's length, the dimensions of the package, a statement that this is a non-commercial shipment for art purposes only and that the value for customs purposes does not exceed USD 10 / Euro 10. Docaviv will bear the costs relating to the shipment of the screening copy. Should the screening copy will be sent directly to another festival or venue after its screening in Docaviv, the recipient will pay the shipping of the copy to them The Docaviv Festival will return the screening copy to the destination specified by the party submitting the film, up to about three weeks after the end of the Festival, unless otherwise specified, subject to prior coordination. The insurance costs for the duration of the transportation of the screening copy are solely the responsibility of the party submitting the film. The Docaviv Festival will not bear any liability for any damage caused to the copy due to shipment to or from the Festival. From the time of the arrival of the screening copy at the Festival's offices up to the date that the copy leaves for its next destination, Docaviv will bear limited liability for the integrity of the copy. This liability includes only the costs of duplicating the copy, at tariffs of an Israeli company providing postal services. This liability does not include costs of a master cassette. 6. Jury In the International Competition: The Jury will consist of three or five members from the field of cinema and the arts, from Israel and abroad. As a rule, the jury will view all the Competition films together, on the date of their public screening at the Festival, apart from exceptional cases. The jury will first convene shortly before the opening date of the Festival, for a short briefing meeting, and twice during the course of the Festival to discuss films and make decisions relating to the distribution of the various awards. The jury's decisions are autonomous, and are binding on the Festival management, the public management and the sponsors and advertisers. There are two fixed awards in the International Competition: 1. Best Film Award 2. Special Mention. In the Israeli Competition: The Jury will consist of three or five members from the field of cinema and the arts, from Israel and abroad. As a rule, the jury will view all the Competition films together, on the date of their public screening at the Festival, apart from exceptional cases. The jury will first convene shortly before the opening date of the Festival, for a short briefing meeting, and twice during the course of the Festival to discuss films and make decisions relating to the distribution of the various awards. The jury's decisions are autonomous, and are binding on the Festival management, the public management and the sponsors and advertisers. There are several fixed awards in the Israeli Competition: 1. Best Film Award. 2. Special Mention. 3. The Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo Award for a Promising Filmmaker. 4. Editing Award. 5. Cinematography Award. 6. Research Award 7. Additional awards and prizes may be at the decision of the festival management In the Students Competition The jury of the Student Competition will consist of at least three members from the field of cinema and the arts, from Israel and from other countries. As a rule, the jury will view all the Competition films together, on the date of their public screening at the Festival, apart from exceptional cases. The jury will first convene shortly before the opening date of the Festival, for a short briefing meeting, and once after viewing the films and to make decisions as to the distribution of the various awards. The jury's decisions are autonomous, and are binding on the Festival management, the public management and the sponsors and advertisers. There are several fixed awards in the Students Competition: 1. First Award to the Best Student Film. 2. Second Award. 3. Honorable Mention. 4. Additional awards and prizes may be granted at the discretion of the Festival management. 7. Accreditation An invitation to the premiere will be given to the filmmakers at the Festival's discretion. In addition, the film director and producer will receive guest accreditation, allowing them entrance to the Festival's films and events, on the basis of availability. 8. Working Timeline 8.1. The working timeline will be as follows: 8.1.1. Publication of an invitation to submit films – 27.9.2012 8.1.2. Submission of the films for the Festival – until December 24. 8.1.3. Finalization of the program and giving notice to the filmmakers – 26.2.2013 8.1.4. Deadline for submission of up-to-date material for the catalog, marketing and PR 10.3.2013 8.1.5. Receipt of screening copies – Israeli Films: 18.4.2013 International films: 11.4.2013 The Festival management may change the timeline at any time, at its discretion. 9. General 9.1 For the purpose of these Regulations, "Docaviv Management" means the executive committee of the Docaviv NPO, which may delegate its powers, in whole or in part, to any person and/or committee at its discretion. 9.2 Docaviv Management may cancel any film selection and/or refrain from its screening in the Festival at any time, at its discretion, and, inter alia, in the event of any concern of failure to fulfill the submission or acceptance terms. 9.3 Docaviv management may change these Regulations at any time and any such change will be binding on any person and/or entity which have submitted an application and/or have been accepted for the Festival. 9.4 From the moment that a film is selected to be screened at the Festival, any person and/or entity which has submitted a film for the Festival may not cancel and/or withdraw any consent given. 9.5 Docaviv management may decide to hold additional competitions and/or programs from time to time and determine the rules in connection with them. 9.6 Film entrants undertake to indemnify the Docaviv NPO and any of its employees and/or anyone acting on its behalf for any damage and/or loss, including legal costs, incurred in consequence of violation of any declaration and/or undertaking of the entrant in connection with the film, including any claim and/or demand made in consequence of this. 9.7 The exclusive jurisdiction in connection with any dispute relating to these Regulations and/or in connection with the film and/or any use of the film and/or any other matter relating to the Festival, is vested in the competent court in the City of Tel Aviv - Yafo.
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