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Church Address: 941 Lexington St. , Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office Address: 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: ~ Mass Schedule ~ Weekend: 5:00 pm (Vigil) 7:45am 9:00 am 5:30 pm (English) 10:30 am (Portuguese) 12:00 pm (Spanish) 1:30 pm (Cantonese) 3:00 pm (Mandarin) Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am Celebrating The Year of MERCY Tue & Thu 5:30 pm July 24th, 2016 ● 17th Sunday in Ordinary time Mobile App: Saint Clare ~ Visit us on Twi er @stclareparishsc ~ Visit and like us on Facebook: St. Clare of Assisi Parish Office… 408-248-7786 Rev. Tadeusz Terembula, Pastor Rev. Pedro Perez Sención, Parochial Vicar In Residence: Rev. Canon Raphael Ueda Trinidad Molina-Villegas, Office Manager Paty Rascon, Hispanic Ministry Madeline Rader, Principal Catechetical Ministry… 408-248-7786 Paty Rascon RCIA We warmly welcome those inquiring about becoming Catholic. For information, please call the office. Reconciliation Sacrament of the Sick Saturdays 4:30 pm or by appointment. St. Vincent de Paul…408-645-0506 Spanish Charismatic Group Wednesdays 7:00 pm Portuguese Prayer Group Thursdays 7:00 pm Portuguese Charismatic Group last Friday 7:30 pm If you or anyone you love is sick and unable to attend Mass, please call the office. For emergencies only, call 408-904-9187 Prayer Groups Pastor’s Note Sacramental Information Baptism Dear Parishioners, In calling for the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said: “At times we are called to gaze even more attentively on mercy so that we become a more effective sign of the Father’s action in our lives.” The pope has remarked over and over again how critical mercy is to the Church. Each of us exists as an act of God’s mercy, which is pure unmerited gift. Contact the Parish office to arrange for baptismal preparation. Baptisms are celebrated monthly except during Lent. Spanish Prep Class: 1st Mon at 7 pm; Baptism: 3rd Sat at 10 am English Prep Class: 2nd Mon at 7 pm; Baptism: 4th Sat at 10 am Weddings Arrangements need to be made at least six months in advance. Call the Parish office. Rosary The pope’s words express hope and expectation that by gazing attentively on mercy, we will in turn be merciful like our Father. Today’s readings offer us a glimpse into how our Father is merciful, and show his mercy in intimate and personal ways. The Rosary is recited daily after the 8 am Mass and before the 5:30 pm Mass on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Hispanic Community has a Rosary Hour every Monday at 6 pm in the Rectory Chapel. In the first reading, God, having received claims against Sodom and Gomorrah, is in the process of verifying these allegations. Abraham entreats him to consider the innocent as well as the guilty. With each number proposed by Abraham, God demonstrates his mercy by agreeing to save the wicked for the sake of as few as ten innocent people. In today’s Gospel Jesus, when asked how to pray, tells us to call God Father, or Abba. He goes on to say: And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. We welcome visitors and newcomers to St. Clare Parish. We encourage new parishioners to register as parish members and become active in our parish community. Registration forms are available at the Parish Office and in the Church vestibule. You may also fill out the form below. Welcome make together at Mass before receiving the Eucharist: “Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” This prepares us to receive the perfect and living embodiment of God’s love and mercy – Jesus. Jesus, who freely chose to die upon the cross to win our salvation. Jesus, who gives himself to us in the Eucharist so we might continue to grow in our love for him, and have the grace and strength needed to be founts of his love and mercy in the world. What more can we possibly need than to know and receive the Father’s mercy? According to Pope Francis, “God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy.” God’s mercy is freely and abundantly given. Like those in the first reading, God has saved us. No claim of our unworthiness, rendered by ourselves or others, can have the final say in our lives. God extends his mercy. All we need do is accept it. We acknowledge this in the last response we This eucharistic celebration resounds with God’s mercy, and so we fittingly end with great gratitude by saying, “Thanks be to God.” Fr. Tad A WARM WELCOME TO ALL WHO WORSHIP WITH US Whether you are a parishioner of long standing or new to the parish, if you are not registered, we invite you to do so as soon as possible. If there are changes to your status, please let us know. Please fill in the details below and place in the offertory basket or mail to the Parish Office. Name: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City:_______________________________ □ New Parishioner □ Moving (please remove from directory) □ New Address Zip: ______________ □ New Phone Number Goal for Fiscal Year: 07-01-16 ~ 06-30-17 Collected to Budgeted Weekly Stewardship Report Sun Collection: 07-17-2016 $390,000.00 Unavailable at this time ——— Sun. 5:00 pm 7:45 am 9:00 am 10:30 am (Portuguese) 12:00 pm (Spanish) 1:30 pm 3:00 pm 5:30 pm Fr. Tad Fr. Goda Fr. Tad Fr. Tad Fr. Tad Fr. Oliveira Fr. Lin Fr. Nwafor Mass Intentions July 23rd ~ July 30th, 2016 Sat. Sun. 5:00 pm 7:45 am 9:00 am 10:30 am Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. 12:00 pm 5:30 pm 8:00 am 5:30 pm 8:00 am 5:30 pm 8:00 am Mon 7/25 Spanish Rosary Group, 6:00 pm Rectory Tue 7/26 Holy hour of vocations (includes Exposition & Benediction) 5:30 pm Rectory Chapel $6,603.00 Presider’s Schedule Sat. & Sun July 30-31, 2016 Sat. Calendar of Events Carmen Guevara+ St. Clare Coleman Reif (ill) Alex Flores+ Manuel de Jesus+ Joao Sousa da Silva+ Joe Bettencourt+ Herminia Luis+ Maria Do Carmo Oliveira+ John Cunha+ Joe Arias+ Almas do Prugatorio Mary Simpson+ Jose & Rosa Silveira+ Jose & Maria Gonsalves+ Federico Coehlo+ Heidi de Sacramento Rodrigues+ Jose & Maria Rodrigues+ Isabel & Joao Aguiar+ Open Joseph Alabanza+ Joaquin Mancebo+ Joe Bettencourt+ Open Mr. & Mrs. Kamal Ghobrial+ Joseph Arias+ Mr. & Mrs. Paul Calvo (60th Wedding Anniversary) Joe Arias+ Joaquim Veiga+ Thu 7/28 Portuguese Prayer Group (Music Rehearsal), 8 pm, North Hall Sun 7/31 There will be a second collection for St Vincent de Paul St. Clare’s Young Ladies (YLI) Meeting. All ladies of the parish are welcome to join us. Meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of the month in the North Hall, 7:00 pm July 22nd, 2016 Saint of the Day St. Mary Magdalene Patron Saint of Penitents ~ Perfumers Except for the mother of Jesus, few women are more honored in the Bible than Mary Magdalene. Yet she could well be the patron of the slandered, since there has been a persistent legend in the Church that she is the unnamed sinful woman who anointed the feet of Jesus in Luke 7:36-50. Most Scripture scholars today point out that there is no scriptural basis for confusing the two women. Mary Magdalene, that is, “of Magdala,” was the one from whom Christ cast out “seven demons” (Luke 8:2)—an indica on, at the worst, of extreme demonic possession or, possibly, severe illness. Father Wilfrid J. Harrington, O.P., wri ng in the New Catholic Commentary, says that “seven demons” “does not mean that Mary had lived an immoral life—a conclusion reached only by means of a mistaken iden fica on with the anonymous woman of Luke 7:36.” Father Edward Mally, S.J., wri ng in the Jerome Biblical Commentary, agrees that she “is not...the same as the sinner of Luke 7:37, despite the later Western roman c tradi on about her.” Mary Magdalene was one of the many “who were assis ng them [Jesus and the Twelve] out of their means.” She was one of those who stood by the cross of Jesus with his mother. And, of all the “official” witnesses that might have been chosen for the first awareness of the Resurrec on, she was the one to whom that privilege was given. She is known as the "Apostle to the Apostles." Comment: Mary Magdalene has been a vic m of mistaken iden ty for almost 20 centuries. Yet she would no doubt insist that it makes no difference. We are all sinners in need of the saving power of God, whether our sins have been lurid or not. More importantly, we are all, with her, “unofficial” witnesses of the Resurrec on. Sunday Children’s Programs “Finding God” Continuous Faith Formation Program Religious Education here at St.Clare is more than just a Sacramental preparation program. “Summer means happy times and good sunshine.” Brian Wilson Prayer There are two weeks of Summer Time fun left! Please contact Valerye Moore at [email protected] for information, visit our website at, or stop by St. Clare School for a tour. All are welcome! Lord, may your word grow in our Hearts like the grains of wheat and the mustard seed, so that we may help your kingdom grow. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 2016~2017 APPLICATIONS St. Clare School is accepting applications for Transitional Kindergarten through Eighth grade for the 2016-2017 school year. Please stop by our school office between the hours of 7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. for enrollment information. We are on a lifelong journey of faith and not just to celebrate the sacraments. Children in order to mature in faith need to be in a faith formation program every year so they can grow in faith as well as they grow in other ways. If your child received the Holy Eucharist for the first time last year we invite you to re-register him/her in our Sunday program. Don’t let your child miss out on this opportunity to keep growing in faith, have fun, and develop a sense of community. Registration for the program continues. Children in grades 1st to 6th in public schools may register. If you are registering for the first time you also need to provide a copy of the baptismal certificate. Registration forms are in the parish office, entrances of the church and also can be downloaded from our web site. Madeline Rader, Principal, St. Clare School, 725 Washington Street, Santa Clara, CA 95050-4935 1-408-246-6797 ~ [email protected] [email protected] The Catechetical Office will be closed during the months of June and July, returning to regular office hours on Tuesday August 2nd. During that time inquiries can be directed to the Parish office at 408-2487786 Adult Baptism Eucharist ~ Confirmation Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? If you are, or know someone who is, get involved with RCIA and learn some more about our faith. RCIA classes provide weekly education sessions in a warm learning community for those who are interested in joining the Catholic Church. Our classes will be meeting Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm to about 9:00pm, beginning September 13th. Through the grace of God we welcomed 4 adults into the Church last year! We’d love to have another BIG year! For more information contact the Parish Office at (408) 248-7786 or email Diane Madruga at [email protected] or Cathy Parshall at [email protected]. July 24th, 2016 17th Sunday In Ordinary Time First Reading — Abraham bargains with God to spare the city (Genesis 18:20-32). Psalm — Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me (Psalm 138). Second Reading — Buried with Christ in baptism, we were also raised with him; all our transgressions are forgiven (Colossians 2:12-14). Gospel — Jesus speaks of God’s sure response to those who pray (Luke 11:1-13). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. KEEP PRAYING St. Monica, whose feast we celebrate in August, is often known as “the persistent mother.” She watched her oldest son, Augustine, turn his back on his Christian faith. Monica was exasperated. For years she gave up talking directly to her son on the advice of a local bishop, who told her that it was better to talk to God about Augustine then to Augustine about God. The mother never gave up praying for her son. Eventually Augustine gave up his wild ways, was baptized, and later ordained and named bishop of Hippo. St. Augustine went on to become one of the Church’s greatest scholars. Today’s readings address the importance of persistent prayer. Abraham, in spite of trepidation that he is bothering the Lord, continues to ask about the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus, in Luke’s Gospel, tells his disciples to “ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Luke 11:9). This is our charge: keep praying. READINGS FOR THE WEEK TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Saints And Special Observances SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. James Tuesday: Ss. Joachim and Anne; World Youth Day, Krakow, Poland Friday: St. Martha Saturday: St. Peter Chrysologus; Blessed Virgin Mary TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Sometimes when bishops are consecrated, they are not given the care of a diocese as an “ordinary.” A very old tradition, however, assures that they are invested with a “see,” a link with a local church. Many hundreds of places around the world were dioceses at one time, but are no longer. In England, for example, some of the historic dioceses such as London, Salisbury, and Manchester ceased to be Catholic at the Reformation and their cathedrals passed to the Church of England. The reestablishment of the Catholic Church in the nineteenth century meant that new dioceses had to be created, such as at Liverpool and Westminster. Similarly, in Scandinavia the ancient Catholic dioceses vanished under Lutheranism. In North Africa, tiny dioceses disappeared under the sands or were swept away by Islam. In the United States, some original dioceses never really developed as population centers, such as the old dioceses of Bardstown, Vincennes, Sault Ste. Marie, or Walla Walla. The tradition of “titular sees” assures that the ancient churches are always held in prayer, as the bishop celebrates Mass in its memory a few times a year. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Monday: Tuesday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Saturday: 33-34; Sunday: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, Mt 14:1-12 Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 THE KNIGHTS CORNER "Washington was the only person elected unanimously to be president of the United States? That’s because Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump hadn’t been invented yet. The Knights weren’t invented until 1882, but we’re here now, and Catholic men can join us, no vote necessary." ~ LOOK AROUND YOU ~ To see the world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. —William Blake ~ THE MARK OF THE MAKER ~ If things created are so full of loveliness, how resplendent must be the One who made them! The wisdom of the Worker is apparent in such handiwork. —St. Anthony of Padua Boletim Paroquial Português Boletín Parroquial Español Reflexão por: João Pereira Arruda Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe As leituras escolhidas para este Domingo levam-nos a realizar a grandeza do nosso Deus Pai. Transporta-nos á ideia do Deus Criador que tudo criou e que por assim ser tudo vem d’Ele e a Ele regressa. A nossa imaginação também absorve do Seu imenso amor misericordioso para connosco. Na imensidão do Seu amor dá-nos o Seu Filho Amado Jesus Cristo que pela sua vida na terra, morte e ressurreição nos resgatou da morte e do pecado. O mesmo nos prometeu estar connosco até ao fim dos tempos e assim continua a ser nos nossos dias porque Jesus continua presente nas nossas vidas na Santa Eucaristia. Jesus lembra-nos hoje a importância do Pai nas nossas vidas e dá-nos muitos exemplos de como pela oração se relacionava com o Pai. Em muitos casos Jesus se afastava para rezar sózinho. Precisamente não se sabe de como e como rezava mas assume-se que ao afastar-se seria para no seu isolamente se concentrar e se sentir em muito mais intimamente com o Pai. Este cenário leva-nos também a procurar o Pai que é misericordioso nos ama e nos quer como filhos e é a oração que nos leva e nos aproxima d’Ele. Assim como Jesus rezava ao Pai, assim também nós, temos que O procurar e conseguir maneiras de nos relacionar-mos intimamente connosco. Jesus no seu louvor ao Pai sempre lhe dava graças. Esse louvor que deve estar sempre nos nossos corações “e o reconhecimento que Deu Pai é fonte de vidae de amor. A oração não é necessáriamente para nos conceder as “nossas vontades” mas para nos levar mais a estar e ser parte do plano de amor que deus tem para cada um de nós que faz a sua vontade. Lembrem-se que Jesus antes de morrer no Horto das Oliveiras pedia ao Pai para que se fosse possível afastar o cálice da dor e do sofrimento mas que fosse feita a vontade do Pai e não a Sua. Neste Domingo contemplemos o modo como Jesus se relacionava com o Pai. Comtemplemos a obediencia com que Jesus cumpria na íntegra a vontade do Pai e aí está o exemplo para também nós seguir-mos. Há muitas formas de rezar e não há uma melhor do que a outra desde que em qualquer uma delas o objectivo de nos encontrar-mos com Ele nos leve a um relacionamento de amor profundo, porque neste esforço de amar a Deus está a alegria e felecidade das nossas vidas. Para cada cristão não há oração mais completa e preciosa do que aquela que Jesus nos ensinou a rezar a Deus Pai. Jesus Cristo usando as suas próprias palavras agradece e pede perdão ao nosso Pai que nos ama dizendo: “Pai Nosso....”. Piquenique Comunitário Está em curso esforços para a promoção do piquenique anual da nossa comunidade. Este ano será esta actividade feita no parque de estacionamento da paróquia, porque o aluguer do Central Park estar com o preço demasiado elevado. A Ementa é de Carne no espeto ou galinha com os devidos acompanhamentos e sobremesa. Os bilhetes estao a venda e podem ser obtidos atraves de qualquer membro do CPP ao preco de $20.00 por pessoa. Este é o principal evento para angariamento de fundos que facilitam as actividades portuguesas nesta paróquia e que tambem serve de motivo para nos unirmos como comunidade. Um Santo e Alegre Domingo para todos!! God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road ~ Isak Dinesen As a gardner, I’m among those who believe that much of the evidence of God’s existence has been planted ~ Robert Brault Por siglos, Latinoamérica ha desarrollado una larga tradición religiosa con mitología espléndida. La palabra “religión” del verbo latín religere significa “atar” o “enlazar”. Su función es unir seres humanos, los unos con los otros, con lazos de caridad y justicia. Una vez enlazados en comunidad, la religión los une al poder divino que rige el universo. Entre las culturas andinas se encuentran mitos religiosos que muestran la importancia de este enlazamiento. Según la mitología Inca el universo esta compuesto por tres mundos: el cielo (Janan pacha), la tierra (Cay pacha) y el bajo tierra (Ucu pacha). Estos tres mundos están unidos por dos grandes serpientes, Yacú-mama (ríos) y Sacha-mama (árboles), símbolos de la fecundidad. Muchos piensan que los mitos son leyendas cuya función es el entretenimiento. En realidad los mitos no son fábulas, son historias que explican la verdad profunda del universo. Nos muestran como unirnos y enlazarnos para vivir una vida fecunda. En esta época de secularización, los cristianos no podemos olvidar ni la religión ni la mitología si queremos dar fruto como Jesús nos lo pide. — Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Reflexión Es fácil decir "Aquí estoy, Señor" cuando nos arrodillamos en la iglesia… ¿Podremos responder así de fácil "Aquí estoy, Señor" cuando vamos a casa, cuando el prójimo necesita de nuestra ayuda, cuando un compañero de la parroquia nos pide que pertenezcamos a un comité, o cuando nos llega una carta pidiendo ayuda económica? Estos son algunos de los momentos en que Jesús hace el llamado. Sabía Usted que… La fiesta de San Charbel se celebra el 24 de julio. Él fue un ermitaño (asceta) del rito maronita. Es el primer santo libanés; fue beatificado durante la clausura del Concilio Vaticano II, el 5 de diciembre, de 1965 por el Papa Pablo VI y canonizado por la Sede Apostólica el 9 de octubre de 1977, durante el Sínodo Mundial de Obispos. Se le atribuyen muchos milagros y en años recientes se ha extendido grandemente la devoción a este santo. Necesitamos Catequistas y Ayudantes de Catequista Estamos haciendo un llamado a todos ustedes ya que nuestro programa dominical de formación en la fe “Encontrando a Dios” esta creciendo y necesita de personas que se puedan comunicar en inglés y español, deseosas de compartir su fe a través de la enseñanza ya sea como catequistas o asistentes de catequistas. Si usted siente este llamado por favor comuníquese a la oficina con Paty Rascón. Se provee todo el material de entrenamiento. Parish Information & Contacts St. Clare Parish Pastoral Staff Rectory Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Closed for lunch 12:00 - 1:00pm Emergency #: 408.904.9187 Facility Emergencies: Matt Dutra 408.904.9181 Mass Schedule Daily (Chapel) MWFSa TTH Weekend (Church) Saturday English Sunday English English - Family Portuguese Spanish Cantonese Mandarin Chinese Youth (Lower Church) English Reconciliation 8:00 am 5:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:45 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 5:30 pm Every Saturday 4:30 - 4:45pm Or by appointment Prayers for Vocations/ Benediction (Chapel) 4th Tues, 5:30 pm Pastor Fr. Tad Parochial Vicar Fr. Pedro Office Manager Catechetical Ministry & Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Webmaster Quinceanera Please call Paty Rascon for information about classes and liturgical celebration. St. Clare School 408.246.6797 408.246.6726 fax [email protected] Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm School Staff Principal: Madeline Rader Office Administrator: Cherell Rizzo Receptionist: Martha Ramirez (Ext. 104) (Ext. 105 ) (Ext. 106) (Ext. 102) Perig Vennetier [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Liturgy Liturgy Committee Altar Servers Environment Baptism Preparation Funeral Coordinator Quinceañera Coordinator Vocations Committee Children’s Liturgy RCIA Fr. Pedro 408.248.7786x105 Fr. Tad (Eng.) Rogelio Esquivel (Sp.) 408.629.9182 Gloria Hackleman [email protected] Maria Gamboa (Sp.) [email protected] Lucy Silva (Eng.) [email protected] Dolores Wriglesworth [email protected] Paty Rascon [email protected] Tom Bommarito 408.243.4647 Cynthia Byward [email protected] Gloria Hackleman (Sp.) [email protected] Diane Madruga [email protected] Community & Service Pastoral Council Patrick Schneider Evelyn Amaya Tony Colombo Mary Correia Finance Council Marcy Taylor Jim Thorn Rigo Rascon Jerome Alasado Tom Bommarito Mick Gonzales Baptism See page 2 for preparation classes and baptism dates. For private baptisms, consultation with the priest is necessary. 408.248.7786 408.248.8150 (fax) Serra Club of Santa Clara St. Vincent De Paul [email protected] Anne McMahon Marah Grace Gebala Gregory Shelby John Sullivan [email protected] Sean McMahon Edwin Alabanza 408.243.4647 Extension 200 408.645.0506 Facilities Task Force Matt Dutra [email protected] Knights of Columbus Dave Vincent [email protected] 408.398.0399 Young Ladies’ Institute (YLI) Dolores Wriglesworth [email protected] Social Justice Committee Anne McMahon [email protected] Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) Matt Dutra 408.998.3226 Hispanic Community Elania Tablada 408.984.3519 Evelyn Amaya 408.945.9129 Portuguese Community Connie Silveira 408.250.1138 Mandarin Community Rev. Carlos A. Olivera 408.509.6960 Louis Yueh [email protected] Simon Liao [email protected] Cantonese Community Tony Lau [email protected] Ribi Leung [email protected]
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