to read this week`s bulletin
Church Address: 941 Lexington St. Office Address: 725 Washington St. Santa Clara, CA 95050 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: Mass Schedule Weekend: 5:00 pm (Vigil); 7:45am, 9:00 am, 5:30 pm (English) 10:30 am (Portuguese); 12:00 pm (Spanish) 1:30 pm (Cantonese); 3:00 pm (Mandarin) Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am; Tue & Thu 5:30 pm Celebrating The Year of MERCY May 01, 2016 ● SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May The Month of Mary Mobile App: Saint Clare Visit us on Twitter @stclareparishsc Visit and like us on Facebook: St. Clare of Assisi Parish Office… 408-248-7786 Rev. Tadeusz Terembula, Pastor Rev. Pedro Perez Sención, Parochial Vicar In Residence: Rev. Canon Raphael Ueda Paty Rascon, Hispanic Ministry Madeline Rader, Principal Sacrament of the Sick Catechetical Ministry… 408-248-7786 Paty Rascon RCIA We warmly welcome those inquiring about becoming Catholic. For information, please call the office. Reconciliation If you or anyone you love is sick and unable to attend Mass, please call the office. Saturdays 4:30 pm or by appointment. St. Vincent de Paul…408-645-0506 Spanish Charismatic Group Wednesdays 7 pm Portuguese Prayer Group Thursdays 7 pm Portuguese Charismatic Group last Friday of month For emergencies only, call 408-904-9187 Prayer Groups Pastor’s Note Dear Parishioners, Sacramental Information Baptism It has been six weeks since we celebrated our Lord’s resurrection, but the story did not end there. For the past six weeks, we have walked with the risen Lord, and next week we will celebrate his Ascension into heaven. Jesus’ Ascension obviously marked the end of his earthly life. However, we never walk alone. Jesus continues to be present to us in all times and all places by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus also is present to us through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. Jesus gives us the gift of himself – body, blood, soul and divinity – that we might grow in faith and holiness of life. This is the 2nd week that some of our children will receive their 1st Communion for the first time ever. What a touching moment to see a child receiving our Lord into their hearts! I would like to congratulate our first Communicants on this occasion and also their parents for their support. Thank you to all the Catechists who prepared the children for such beautiful celebration! Back to our reflection, it is easy to understand why the disciples didn’t want Jesus to leave them. They were afraid, and they had had no idea what they would do next. But Jesus told them, “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid”. It was time for him to return to the Father. He assured them, “The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything”. They would never walk alone. A few days later, he ascended in their sight. For the next nine days they prayed, and on the feast of Pentecost, their prayers were answered. The Holy Spirit descended upon them with tongues of fire. Filled with the same Spirit, they went out and preached the good news of Christ’s resurrection. In that moment, a confused gathering of ordinary, faithful Jews – who had little if any formal education – became the Church. And the world was never the same. Contact the Parish office to arrange for baptismal preparation. Baptisms are celebrated monthly except during Lent. Spanish Prep Class: 1st Mon at 7 pm; Baptism: 3rd Sat at 10 am English Prep Class: 2nd Mon at 7 pm; Baptism: 4th Sat at 10 am Weddings Arrangements need to be made at least six months in advance. Call the Parish office. Rosary The Rosary is recited daily after the 8 am Mass and before the 5:30 pm Mass on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Hispanic Community has a Rosary Hour every Monday at 6 pm in the Rectory Chapel. Welcome We welcome visitors and newcomers to St. Clare Parish. We encourage new parishioners to register as parish members and become active in our parish community. Registration forms are available at the Parish Office and in the Church vestibule. You may also fill out the form below. bringing billions of people to the light of Christ. This is the most amazing accomplishment in human history, and it began with a few courageous people who took the risk and followed Jesus. It continues today. The Spirit is among us and goes forth with us. How does Jesus respond? He loves us, and he never abandons us. We are each “the beloved disciple” in his eyes, and he fills us with the grace of the Holy Spirit. A little more than seven weeks ago, many Catholics around the world prayed for nine days, from Good Friday until Divine Mercy Sunday. This novena is a recent practice, a gift from our Lord to Saint Faustina Kowalska that was highly commended by Saint John Paul II. But the practice of nine days of prayer dates back to the birth of the Church, when the Apostles prayed for the Holy Spirit to come to them as Jesus promised. I commend this novena to you today. Beginning this Friday, pray each day for the Holy Spirit who dwells in the Church to fill you with graces so that you may have the courage to become the witness and proclaim the Gospel. Filled with this grace, the Church has gone around the world, Fr. Tad We are the Church – quite likely as average as the first disciples of Jesus, and, without him, every bit as confused. We, at times, deny him as Peter did. We, at times, doubt him as Thomas did. We, at times, might wish him to rain fire on our enemies, as James and John did. We, at times, panic at the first sign of trouble, as all the Apostles did. A WARM WELCOME TO ALL WHO WORSHIP WITH US Whether you are a parishioner of long standing or new to the parish, if you are not registered, we invite you to do so as soon as possible. If there are changes to your status, please let us know. Please fill in the details below and place in the offertory basket or mail to the Parish Office. Name: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City:_______________________________ □ New Parishioner □ Moving (please remove from directory) □ New Address Zip: ______________ □ New Phone Number Weekly Stewardship Report Goal for Fiscal Year $374,400.00 Collected to 04/10/11 Unavailable at this time Budgeted to 04/03/16 $288,000.00 Shortfall Calendar of Events Mon 5/2 Hispanic Rosary Group, 6 pm, Rectory Spanish Bap sm Class, 7 pm Rectory Tue 5/3 RCIA Instruc on, 7 pm, Rectory Social Jus ce Mtg. 7:30 pm Rectory Wed 5/4 Hispanic Charisma c Prayer Grp, 7 pm, Lower Church: Knights Mee ng, 7 pm, North Hall ——— Thu 5/5 Portuguese Prayer Group, 7 pm, Chapel Presider’s Schedule Sat. & Sun. May 01, 2016 Sat. Sun. Sat. Presider’s & Sun. April 30/ May 1 Schedule 5:00 pm& Sun. AprilFr.23/24 Tad Sat. 7:45 am Fr. Tad 9:00 am Fr. Pedro 10:30 am (Portugese) Fr. Pedro 12:00 pm (Spanish) Fr. Tad 1:30 pm Fr. Goda 3:00 pm Fr. Olivera 5:30 pm Fr. Tad 2016 St. Clare FesƟval May 13-15 FESTIVAL NEWS Come join us for 3 days of food, fun and games! Mass Intentions April 30– May 01, 2016 Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 7:45 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm Mon. 8:00 am Tue. 5:30 pm Wed. 8:00 am Thu. 5:30 pm Fri. Sat. 8:00 am 8:00 am Gloria Jane & Gregorio Bejarano+ Elias Botero Tobon+ Jose B. Monteiro+ St. Clare Parishioners Joao Sousa da Silva+ Maria F. Silva+ John Cunha+ Rosa Silveira+ Familia Antonio & Maria Costa Ida Lopez (ill) Juan Ismerio (ill) Antonio & Ephegenia Rodrigues+ & Family Jose Furtado Pereira, Jr.+ Garmay Leung+ Joaquim M. Mancebo+ Rogelio Abragan+ Manuel B. Silva+ Sylvia “Skipper” Nurre Souls in Purgatory Alberto & Beatriz Botero Buitrago (Thanksgiving) Mariazinna Cota+ Plenty of Entertainment For Everyone! We Are Seeking DonaƟons For Treasury Cove We Need DonaƟons For Baskets Sunday Children’s Programs “Finding God” Continuous Faith Formation Program Religious Education here at St. Clare’s is more than just a Sacramental preparation program. St. Clare School V.I.P. DAY – WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 BEGINNING AT 9:30 AM Registration for fall 2016 is now open Our Faith Formation classes are an ongoing program to help children and their families to increase their Know-ledge and love of Jesus and the Catholic Church. Therefore Parents are encouraged to enroll their children every year, even after they received their First Communion, so they keep deepening their faith in these important years of their formation. Age: Child must be at least 7 years old (children in grades 1 - 6 may register) Class Time: 10:15 to11:30 am once a week during the school year on Sunday. Language: Classes are conducted in English with a bilingual English/Spanish textbook. Sacramental Preparation: 2 years. First Reconciliation and First Communion are received in the 2nd year in our program. One Student Registration form for per child; one Emergency Health Information Form per family unless the information is different for each of your children, and one Volunteer Sign-up Form per family is required. New Students Forms completely filled out Must have a copy of Baptism certificate even if baptized in Saint Clare’s Pay fee Continuing Students Fill in the registration form any changes in your registration information from last year. Consent for Medical Treatment and Photo Consent must be signed every year. Pay fee Please turn in registration forms before May 31st. $50 late fee after May 31st Fees: 1 Child: $150; 2 Children: $200 (Siblings); 3 or More: $250 (Siblings) Payment: Cash or check made payable to Saint Clare Parish. Please do not mail cash. Completed registration forms can be turned into the Parish Office or mailed to: Saint Clare Parish ~ 725 Washington Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 ~ Attention: Paty Rascon, Faith Formation. Catechetical Office: Paty Rascon 408.248.7786 X 102 [email protected] MAY 1~ Saint of the Day St. Joseph the Worker The spirit flows to you and all men from the heart of the God-man, “Savior of the World, but certainly, no worker was ever more completely and profoundly penetrated by it than the foster father of Jesus, who lived with Him in closest in macy and community of family life and work. Thus, if you wish to be close to God, we again today repeat, “Go to Joseph”. Pius XII This is a special day for our children to invite a Very Important Person in their lives to spend a few hours with them at school. V.I.P.’s will begin the day at 9:30 am with a Prayer Service at the church. They will then move to the Parish Hall for snacks where they will be picked up to visit the children in their classroom. Be sure to RSVP your child’s V.I.P. by returning the form to the school. *Fruit, finger food and baked goods are needed for this event. Please email Ana Nunes at [email protected] with the item you are able to bring. Service hours may be logged for bringing in goodies. PARENT TEACHER GROUP (PTG) NEWS Upcoming Events Mark your calendars for these exciting upcoming PTG Activities and Events! We look forward to your support, participation and service to help make these events a success. To sign up to serve at these events, go to If you have any questions on how you might serve St. Clare, feel free to email [email protected] or text or call me at 408-839-5728 Wed, 5/4 - VIP day, 9:30 am • Tue, 5/10 - PTG Meeting, 6:00 pm, Middle School Learning Center • • Fri, 5/13 - Sun, 5/15 - St. Clare Community Festival Tues, 5/24 - Sports Banquet Wed, 6/8 - Last day of School BBQ May 01, 2016 (Sixth Sunday of Easter) First Reading: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 Second Reading: Revelation 21:10-14,22-23 Gospel: John 14:23-29 THE GIFT OF PEACE We are offered another vision in today’s second reading, a vision of the New Jerusalem, “coming down out of heaven from God” (Revela on 21:10). Read between the lines describing the radiant city, and we find that the greatest beauty revealed is the beauty of perfect symmetry and order, a city founded on the faith of the twelve tribes of Israel and the Twelve Apostles, lit only by the glory of God. The first reading and the Gospel are linked to this idealized descrip on of the New Jerusalem. In both we read of distress and disturbance countered by the gi of peace. “[M]y peace I give to you,” Jesus assures his disciples at the Last Supper (John 14:27). In keeping with that gi , the apostles and elders, in the reading from Acts, decide not to disturb the peace of new Gen le believers. The undue burden of circumcision will not be imposed on them. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; bJn 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 (for Ascension); otherwise Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20 Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20 -23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 7:55-60; Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9; Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26 or (for Ascension) Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Congratulations to our First Communicants! The following students from Saint Clare School and Finding God Program received their First Holy Communion today. We pray that you will continue to grow in faith and love as disciples of Jesus. Sunday, May 1st, 9:00am Hannah Alabado Addison Anderson Livia Aschheim Jonathan Chen Donovan Ferreira Billie Frazzita Gabrielle Gebala Allison Hurley Samantha Ipsaro Nicholas Kerns Ethan Mulqueen Elijah Neto Steven Robles Andres Ryan Sean Stennis Sunday, May 1st, 12:00 noon SPANISH MASS Francisco Aboytes Lopez Angela Aguilar Natalie Aguilar Castillo Giselle Vanessa Castillo Martínez Elias Adonis Ceja Hernandez Megan Belén Ceja Hernadez Soledad Cobian García Christian Lopez Anguiano Catalina Lopez Santiago Lopez Emily Medel Valerie Mendoza Luis Orozco Sofia Vásquez-Perez Estrella Zuñiga Alexis Zuñiga Boletim Paroquial Português Boletim Paroquial Português 1 de Maio de 2015 Sexto Domingo da Páscoa –C Reflexão por: João Pereira Arruda “Anunciai com brados alegria, proclamai aos confins da terra: O Senhor libertou o seu povo. Aleluia! Assim se inicia a missa de hoje na Antífona de Entrada. No Evangelho de hoje é o próprio Jesus que diz-nos: “Se Me amasseis, ficarieis contentes por Eu ir para o Pai, porque o Pai é maior do que Eu.” Nas duas frases a alegria é mencionada como uma forma de vida de cada cristão. Jesus através do Pai revela-nos que a Sua Palavra deve ser proclamada com alegria. Viver condicionados pelo desespero, tristeza, solidão, zanga e ódio; é não estar em condições de Evangelizar; porque para proclamar a Boa Nova do Evangelho não é necessário gritar mas viver adentro dos nossos esforços em sintonia com a vontade de Deus. É assumindo e acreditando que Deus nos quer felizes e a alegria que Jesus nos fala “grita bem alto” segundo o nosso modo de viver. Querer o bem ao ourto, não virando as costas aos que necessitam da vossa ajuda, respeitando os usos e costumes daqueles que não são como nós, entregar-se de todo na vivencia dos sacramentos e da família; tudo isso fala mais alto do que as palavras que possam sair da garganta. Mais ainda nos afirma Jesus sobre a alegria é a Sua afirmação de que o Pai nos enviará o Seu Espírito Santo o Paráclito pelo qual este mesmo Espírito nos assitará a viver adentro desse estado de alegria e de confiança de sermos filhos de Deus e predestinados a sermos herdeiros do Reino. O amor de Deus manifesta-se em grande pelo modo que Ele nos ama, pelo modo alegre que nos quer e o Seu Espírito de Alegria está connosco. Quem ama alegremente está em paz e estar em paz é tal e qual como Jesus nos diz no Evangelho de hoje: “Deixovos a paz, dou-vos aminha paz” A paz de Jesus não é como a paz fictícia que o mundo nos oferece mas a paz que nos dá a alegria de sermos cristãos filhos de Deus e por Ele amados com alegria. Festival Anual de Saint Clare’s Este ano a nossa paroquia irá celebrar o seu festival anual no fim de semana de 13-15 de Abril próximo. As missas das 9, 10:30 e 12 horas serão suprimidas para dar lugar a uma só missa ás 11:00 hoas da manhã. Também nesta missa e pela primeira vez se fará a coroação á família do Mordomo pois que neste dia é também a Festa do Pentecostes. É do interesse de toda a nossa comunidade participar neste festival adentro do possivel. Neste festival havera comidas de vários paises como nos anos anteriores no Sábado á tarde. Façam o possível de marcar presença neste festival pelo qual of fundos angariados no mesmo servem para a manutenção da nossa paróquia e da nossa Escola. Grupo Coral Português Hoje o nosso grupo coral esta a ajudar a dignificar a festa do Senhor Santo Cristo do South San Francisco. Para o efeito e com a ajuda da Madalena Dias e Teresa Neves participem o quanto possivel na animacao da musica na nossa missa. Um Santo e Alegre Domingo para todos!! Boletín Parroquial Español El Don de la Paz Se nos ofrece una visión distinta en la segunda lectura de hoy, una visión de la Nueva Jerusalén, “que descendía del cielo, resplandeciente con la gloria de Dios” (Apocalipsis 21:10). Si buscamos el significado detrás de la descripción de la radiante ciudad, vemos que la belleza mayor que se revela es la belleza de una perfecta armonía y orden, una ciudad fundada en la fe de las doce tribus de Israel y los doce Apóstoles, alumbrada únicamente por la gloria de Dios. La primera lectura y el Evangelio también van conectados a esta descripción idealizada de la Nueva Jerusalén. En ambos leemos como la angustia y los altercados se contrarrestan con el don de la paz. “Mi paz les doy”, les asegura Jesús a sus discípulos en la Última Cena (Juan 14:27). De acuerdo con ese don, los apóstoles y presbíteros, en la lectura de los Hechos, deciden no alterar la paz de los nuevos creyentes gentiles. No han de imponerles la excesiva carga de la circuncisión. — Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. El Festival ya está aquí. Del 13 al 15 de Mayo tendremos el Festival y ya están a la venta los brazaletes que permiten paseos ilimitados a los niños. El costo es $75 por los 3 días (TRIO) o $35 por el brazalete del día. Tanto los brazaletes como los boletos para las rifas y los de la cena de “tri-tip” para el sábado o pollo asado para el domingo los puede comprar después de misa con Berenice López o en Lo esperamos con su familia y amistades. ¡Vengan, diviértanse y cooperen! ¡Continúan las Inscripciones para el Catecismo! Las inscripciones para el programa de formación continua en la fe “Encontrando a Dios” para el ciclo 2016-2017 siguen en marcha. Este es un programa diseñado no solo para prepararse para la Primera Comunión sino para crecer y profundizar la relación con Jesús y ser sus discípulos toda la vida. Las clases son los domingos por la mañana y son para niños que cursan del 1º al 6º grado en escuelas públicas. Los formularios de inscripción están en las entradas de la iglesia y en la oficina. Inscriba a sus niños antes del 31º de mayo. Más información en la oficina. Misa al Aire Libre Les recordamos que el domingo 15 de Mayo, a las 11:00am, en el área del estacionamiento tendremos nuestra tradicional Misa trilingüe al aire libre (inglés, portugués y español). Por favor tome nota de que no tendremos más misas después de esta. Bautismos Las clases de preparación en español son el 1er. lunes de cada mes, el bautizo se celebra el 3er. sábado del mes y la bienvenida o acogida del niño(a) es el domingo anterior al bautizo. Para mayor información llamar a la oficina. Tanto para el Bautismo como para la clase es necesario registrarse en la oficina. ¡Felicidades por su Primera Comunión! Felicitamos a todos los niños y niñas de nuestra comunidad que este fin de semana reciben por primera vez la Sagrada Eucaristía. “Queremos dar a nuestros hijos lo que no tuvimos; pero asegurémonos de darles lo que sí tuvimos: la fe” —Anónimo Parish Information & Contacts Pastoral Staff St. Clare Parish Rectory Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed for lunch 12 - 1pm Emergency #: 408.904.9187 Facility Emergencies: Matt Dutra 408.904.9181 Mass Schedule Daily (Chapel) MWFSa TTH Weekend (Church) Saturday English Sunday English English - Family Portuguese Spanish Cantonese Mandarin Chinese Youth (Lower Church) English Reconciliation 8:00 am 5:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:45 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 5:30 pm Every Saturday 4:30 - 4:45pm Or by appointment Prayers for Vocations/ Benediction (Chapel) 4th Tues, 5:30 pm Pastor Parochial Vicar Office Administrator Catechetical Ministry & Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Webmaster Quinceanera Please call Paty Rascon for information about classes and liturgical celebration. St. Clare School 408.246.6797 408.246.6726 fax [email protected] Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm School Staff Principal: Madeline Rader Office Administrator: Cherell Rizzo Receptionist: Martha Ramirez (Ext. 104) (Ext. 105 ) (Ext. 106) (Ext. 102) Perig Vennetier [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Liturgy Liturgy Committee Altar Servers Environment Baptism Preparation Funeral Coordinator Quinceañera Coordinator Vocations Committee Children’s Liturgy RCIA Fr. Pedro 408.248.7786x105 Fr. Tad (Eng.) Rogelio Esquivel (Sp.) 408.629.9182 Gloria Hackleman [email protected] Maria Gamboa (Sp.) [email protected] Lucy Silva (Eng.) [email protected] Dolores Wriglesworth [email protected] Paty Rascon [email protected] Tom Bommarito 408.243.4647 Cynthia Byward [email protected] Gloria Hackleman (Sp.) [email protected] Diane Madruga [email protected] Community & Service Pastoral Council Finance Council Baptism See page 2 for preparation classes and baptism dates. For private baptisms, consultation with the priest is necessary. 408.248.7786 408.248.8150 (fax) Serra Club of Santa Clara St. Vincent De Paul Patrick Schneider Evelyn Amaya Tony Colombo Scott McLarty Gregory Shelby Joe D’Amore Jim Thorn Rigo Rascon Marcy Taylor Tom Bommarito Mick Gonzales [email protected] Anne McMahon Marah Grace Gebala Mary Correia John Sullivan [email protected] Sean McMahon Edwin Alabanza 408.243.4647 Extension 200 408.645.0506 Facilities Task Force Matt Dutra [email protected] Knights of Columbus Dave Vincent [email protected] 408.398.0399 Young Ladies’ Institute (YLI) Dolores Wriglesworth [email protected] Social Justice Committee Anne McMahon [email protected] Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) Matt Dutra 408.998.3226 Hispanic Community Elania Tablada 408.984.3519 Evelyn Amaya 408.945.9129 Portuguese Community Connie Silveira 408.250.1138 Mandarin Community Rev. Carlos A. Olivera 408.509.6960 Louis Yueh [email protected] Simon Liao [email protected] Cantonese Community Melissa Poon [email protected] Lillian Lam [email protected]
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