over AmAzoniA - It is the season of low water, and clouds like flocks
over AmAzoniA - It is the season of low water, and clouds like flocks
s r e y Fl a i n o z a m A r e ov story e h t s i ando This n r e F d n an of Nilto rödl B t r e b r He A film by 1 N O I T A T I V N I N A G N O L A Y L F TO 3 FLIEGER ÜBER AMAZONIEN AVIADORES SOBRE A AMAZÔNIA FLYERS OVER AMAZONIA É na época da vazante e nuvens feito flocos de algodão flutuam num límpido céu azul. It is the season of low water, and clouds like flocks of cotton float over the deep-blue sky of Amazonia. Flying as a dream and a passion, a job and a fate. That’s the story of pilots Nilton and Fernando, hoboes of the air. They fly over Amazonia, the largest river region on the planet and its greatest forest, both a miracle of creation and a target of deforestation. Amazonia is portrayed in brilliant bird’s-eye-view images, through authentic characters and their stories, actors, the pilots’ voices, their thoughts concerning flying, fact and invention. A film that maintains a balance between realism and poetry, everyday life and dreams, combining them to pull the viewer into this world. An invitation to fly along. Es ist die Zeit der Niedrigwasser und Wolken wie Baumwollflocken treiben unter einem tiefblauen Himmel. Fliegen als Traum und Passion, Job und Schicksal. Das ist die Geschichte der Piloten Nilton und Fernando, Streuner der Lüfte. Sie fliegen in Amazonien, die gewaltigste Flusslandschaft dieses Planeten und sein größter Wald zwischen Schöpfungswunder und Abholzung. Die Landschaften Amazoniens aus der Vogelperspektive in grandiosen Bildern, authentische Figuren und ihre Geschichten und Schauspieler, die Stimmen der Piloten, ihre Gedanken zum Fliegen, Fakt und Erfindung. Ein Film, der Realismus und Poesie, Alltag und Träume in der Schwebe hält und zu einem Sog verbindet. Eine Einladung zum Mitfliegen. O sonho e a paixão de voar, o trabalho e o destino de quem voa. Esta é a história dos pilotos Nilton e Fernando, vagabundos dos céus. Eles voam na Amazônia, a maior floresta e a mais extensa paisagem fluvial do planeta, entre milagre da criação e desmatamento. As paisagens da Amazônia vistas do ar em imagens grandiosas, personagens autênticos e suas histórias e atores, as vozes dos pilotos, seus pensamentos sobre voar, realidade e invenção. Um filme que mantém em equilíbrio realismo e poesia, rotina e sonhos, formando um turbilhão. Um convite a voar. 5 IN DIE LÜFTE NOS ARES IN THE AIR I am still flying for the sake of pleasure,a feeling of joy in an open space, one which can’t be controlled or owned. A dream and a trauma. Years ago, Nilton and Fernando were victims of a dramatic kidnapping attempt. The kidnappers also tried to steal their plane and Fernando shot and killed one of them. Near the film’s end they meet and are confronted with this event, which continues to haunt them both. The dream of flight was violated by violence. When it was over, Fernando cried. If it weren’t for Fernando I wouldn’t have survived the kidnapping. He grew up with nothing but the heart of a lion and an iron will to get through life. Our lives are similar. Amazonia, that’s rivers, clouds that tower up to heaven, wind, fat raindrops, heavy rainfall, beauty, and places where no one has ever set foot before, fortunately. Brazilian pilots Fernando and Nilton, who live in the jungle metropolis of Manaus, are accustomed to taking off from land and water and under conditions that only the best are able to deal with, where death is never far away. On the Day of the Republic a pilot circled overhead. Him up there and me down here. I’m tired of being on the ground, I want to be in the air. Nilton left a seminary and became a pilot. A brooding family man, he flies a Cessna Caravan through the lonely stretches of the immense interior. Transporting whores and plaster angels, mail-order packages and Indios, dead bodies and vegetables. He started as Captain Juarez’s copilot, flying baby chickens across Amazonia. Now Juarez is in a prison psychiatric ward, painting the skies and all the things that move through them, and he enjoys Nilton’s visits. I’m attracted to the water, my plane has to be in the water. Maybe I’m a son of Yemanjá, the mother of all waters, Flying is what I need. Fernando, the nomad and water bug, is flying a Lake Renegade with his boss, who owns the floating gas stations on the Rio Negro. His idols are Mary Poppins, who can fly and do magic, and his Uncle Valdivino, a legendary coke smuggler whose period of glory and downfall he experienced, and who has a special place in his heart. Flying is a lonely job. You’re up there for hours, in the rush of your feelings, alone, between an utter sense of security and holes as black as night. And then you see the sun rising or disappearing on the horizon. The film accompanies Nilton and Fernando on their flights in the cosmos of Amazonia. In voice-overs they describe their lives as flyers in flashbacks, dreams for the future, and reflections. The next morning the shadows of the past are gone. Fernando plans a new adventure, and Nilton thinks about his beloved. Then the flyers wing through the blue sky side by side before curving out of sight in opposite directions. Flying means looking into the skies, the ground and the horizon line in between, which clearly separates light and dark and gives you a reference. Herbert Brödl develops his stories on a realistic basis created through research, then easily combines documentary, semi-documentary and fictional elements, the found and the invented, authentic figures and actors, reality and fantasy, thoughts, voices and images. This unique combination gives his films their special character, and is what makes them fascinating. ‘Flyers’ is the sixth film in Brödl’s Equator cycle, its conclusion after ‘Eclipse’ (2002), ‘Bad Boy’ (2000), ‘Little Fruit’ (1998), ‘Goldland’ (1996) and ‘Jaguar and Rain’ (1994). These films are set at the center of the world, scenes and stories from the Tropics. ‘I accompany, observe and make films about individuals undertaking journeys and trips of exploration, wanderers between the worlds who find their inner selves in a foreign place.’ Herbert Brödl 7 IN THE AIR NOS ARES Mich zieht‘s zum Wasser, mein Flugzeug muss im Wasser sein. Vielleicht bin ich ja ein Sohn von Yemanjá, der Mutter der Flüsse. Fliegen ist jedenfalls das, was ich brauche. Fernando, der Nomade und Wassermann, ist mit der Lake Renegade seines Chefs unterwegs, dem die schwimmenden Tankstellen auf dem Rio Negro gehören. Seine Vorbilder sind Mary Poppins, die fliegen und zaubern kann, und sein Onkel Valdivino, ein legendärer Koksflieger, dessen Glanz und Niedergang er miterlebt hat und an dem sein Herz hängt. Fliegen ist ein einsames Geschäft. Du bist da oben, Stunde um Stunde, allein, im Wechselbad deiner Gefühle, zwischen heller Geborgenheit und rabenschwarzen Löchern. Und dann siehst du, wie die Sonne über den Horizont kommt oder verschwindet. Der Film begleitet Nilton und Fernando auf ihren Flügen im Kosmos Amazonien. In zwei Monologen aus dem Off erzählen sie ihr Fliegerleben in Rückblick, Ausblick und Reflexion. Ich fliege immer noch um des Vergnügens willen, Glücksgefühl in einem freien Raum, der nicht zu besitzen und zu beherrschen ist. Traum und Trauma. Vor Jahren waren Nilton und Fernando Opfer eines dramatischen Entführungsversuchs, bei dem ihr Flieger geklaut werden sollte. IN DIE LÜFTE Amazonien, das sind Flüsse, Wolken, die sich himmelhoch bauschen, Wind, fette Tropfen, schwere Regen, Schönheit und Orte, wo noch kein Mensch seinen Fuß hingesetzt hat, zum Glück. Die brasilianischen Piloten Fernando und Nilton leben in der Dschungelmetropole Manaus und heben zu Lande und zu Wasser in Amazonien ab unter Bedingungen, in denen nur die Besten bestehen und der Tod gegenwärtig ist. Am Tag der Republik hat über uns ein Pilot seine Runden gedreht. Der dort oben und ich hier unten. Mir reicht‘s am Boden. Ich will in die Luft. Also ist Nilton aus dem Priesterseminar ausgetreten und Pilot geworden. Der Familienmensch und Melancholiker fliegt mit einer Cessna Caravan in der Einsamkeit des Hinterlandes. Transportiert Nutten und Gipsengel, Versandhauspost und Indios, Tote und Gemüse. Mit Captain Juarez hat er als Copilot angefangen und Küken durch Amazonien geflogen. Jetzt ist Juarez in einer geschlossenen Anstalt, malt den Himmel und was sich darin bewegt und wird gern von Nilton besucht. Es kam zu einer Schießerei, und Fernando tötete einen der Entführer. Am Ende des Films treffen sie sich und auf diese gemeinsame Geschichte, die beiden nachgeht. Die Verletzung des Traums vom Fliegen durch Gewalt. Als alles vorbei war, hat Fernando geweint. Ohne ihn hätte ich die Entführung nicht überlebt. Er kommt von ganz unten, mit nichts als einem Löwenherz und eisernem Willen, sich durchzubeißen. Unsere Wege sind ähnlich. Am nächsten Morgen sind die Schatten der Vergangenheit gebannt. Fernando schmiedet Pläne für neue Abenteuer, und Nilton denkt an eine Liebe. Dann ziehen ihre Flieger nebeneinander durchs Himmelsblau, bevor sie in entgegengesetzten Kurven aus dem Blick verschwinden. Fliegen heißt in den Himmel schauen, auf die Erde und den Horizontstrich dazwischen, der Hell und Dunkel trennt und dir Anhalt gibt. Herbert Brödl entwickelt seine Geschichten aus einem recherchierten realistischen Bodensatz und mischt dann mit Selbstverständlichkeit Doku, Halbdokumentarisches und Fiktion, Gefundenes und Erfundenes, authentische Figuren und Schauspieler, Realität und Fantasie, Gedanken, Stimmen und Bilder. Diese ganz eigene Verbindung der Elemente macht den besonderen Charakter seiner Filme und ihre Faszination aus. ‚Flieger‘ ist der sechste Film von Herbert Brödls Äquator-Zyklus und sein Abschluss nach ‚Eclipse‘ (2002), ‚Bad Boy‘ (2000), ‚Früchtchen‘ (1998), ‚Goldland‘ (1996) und ‚Jaguar und Regen‘ (1994). Filme, deren Schauplätze in der Mitte der Welt liegen, Geschichten und Ansichten aus den Tropen. ‚Ich begleite, beobachte und inszeniere Menschen auf Reisen und Erkundungen, Wanderer zwischen den Welten, für die sich das Eigene im Fremden erfüllt.‘ Herbert Brödl 9 IN THE AIR IN DIE LÜFTE A água me atrai, meus aviões têm que estar na água. Talvez eu seja filho de Iemanjá, a mãe-d’água. É disso que eu preciso: voar. Fernando, nômade e homem d‘água, pilota o Lake Renegade do seu patrão que é dono de postos de gasolina flutuantes no rio Negro. Seus ídolos são Mary Poppins, que sabe voar e fazer mágicas, e seu tio Valdivino, a quem ele tanto ama, lendário piloto de coca, cuja ascensão e declínio Fernando presenciou. Voar é um negócio solitário. Você lá no alto, horas a fio, num redemoinho de sentimentos, sozinho, num pinguepongue entre plena segurança e buracos escuros como breu. E aí você vê o sol aparecer ou sumir no horizonte. O filme acompanha Nilton e Fernando em seus vôos no cosmo da Amazônia. Em dois monólogos em off eles narram suas vidas de piloto em retrospectiva, perspectiva e reflexão. Voar pra mim é diversão, um prazer num espaço livre, que não pode ser dominado nem possuído. Sonho e trauma. Alguns anos antes Nilton e Fernando foram vítimas de uma dramática tentativa de seqüestro quando tentaram roubar o avião deles. Acabou em tiroteio e Fernando matou um dos seqüestradores. No final do filme eles se reencontram com essa história em comum que ainda os persegue. O sonho de voar ferido pela violência. Fernando chorou depois que tudo acabou. Sem ele eu não teria sobrevivido ao seqüestro. Ele vem de baixo, com um coração de leão e uma vontade de ferro de vencer. Nossos caminhos são parecidos. Na manhã seguinte as sombras do passado já estão desfeitas. Fernando faz planos para novas aventuras e Nilton pensa em sua amada. Depois seus aviões cruzam lado a lado o azul do céu, antes de desaparecer fazendo uma curva, um para cada lado. NOS ARES Amazônia é rio, nuvens empilhadas céu acima, vento, gotas grossas, chuva grossa, muita beleza e lugares onde ninguém jamais pisou, por sorte. Os pilotos brasileiros Fernando e Nilton moram em Manaus, a metrôpole no meio da selva amazônica, levantando vôo em terra firme e na água sob condições onde só os melhores sobrevivem e a morte é um perigo constante. No feriado da República um piloto dava voltas lá no alto. Ele lá em cima e eu aqui em baixo. Tô de saco cheio. Eu quero voar. Então Nilton largou o seminário e tornou-se piloto. Pai de família e melancólico voa com um Cessna Caravan na solidão do interior. Carrega putas e anjos de gesso, encomendas de correio e índios, defuntos e verduras. Ele começou de co-piloto do comandante Juarez voando pintinhos por toda a Amazônia. Hoje Juarez está numa prisão-manicômio. Ele pinta o céu e tudo que nele se move e gosta de receber visitas do Nilton. Voar é olhar para o céu, para a terra, e a linha do horizonte no meio separando o claro do escuro, orientando a gente. Herbert Brödl desenvolve suas histórias a partir de fatos reais que ele pesquisa e mistura então com naturalidade documentário e ficção, descobertas e invenções, personagens autênticos e atores, realidade e fantasia, idéias, vozes e imagens. Esta combinação única de elementos constitui o caráter especial e o fascínio dos seus filmes. ‚Aviadores‘ é o sexto e último filme do ciclo equatorial de Herbert Brödl depois de ‚Eclipse‘ (2002), ‚Mau garoto‘ (2000), ‚Frutinha‘ (1998), ‚Terra do ouro‘ (1996) e ‚Onça e chuva‘ (1994). Filmes rodados no meio do mundo, histórias e cenários dos trópicos. ‚Eu acompanho, observo e faço filmes sobre pessoas viajando, explorando, viajantes entre mundos nos quais a pessoa se realiza no desconhecido.‘ Herbert Brödl 11 NILTON BICUDO NILTON BICUDO NILTON BICUDO What everybody says, that the jungle sucks you in and devours you, is the absolute truth. I took antidepressants, and this prepared me for flying through Amazonia, where I was in the good company of the ‘Flyers’ crew. Its pilot, Herbert, guided us with a sure hand, at the same time exposing us to reality in such a way that it went under our skin. It was crazy. I felt vulnerable, was scared of flying and was in mourning for an aunt I was very close to. It was her time to go, and my time to fly. And before I knew it, I threw the antidepressants away and was full of energy, because I was playing this character in the film, the other one, someone I would like to be so much, the ideal role, real life. A careful pilot and a kamikaze at the same time, that sums the film up. Are his actions driven by the courage to overcome the fear of death so that he can live? I don’t know. There are just these two pilots and their thoughts. Thoughts in the skies, high over the jungle, with the aid of tranquilizers, cigarettes and poetry. That’s what this film offered me, and I fell hopelessly in love with Amazonia. Dieses Gerede, dass der Urwald dich in seinen Bann zieht und verschlingt, ist die nackte Wahrheit. Ich hab Antidepressiva geschluckt und bin so gerüstet durch Amazonien geflogen, gut begleitet von der ‚Flieger‘-Crew, deren Pilot Herbert uns mit sicherer Hand steuerte und gleichzeitig der Realität so aussetzte, dass sie uns unter die Haut ging. Es war verrückt. Ich fühlte mich verletzlich, hatte Angst vorm Fliegen und vorm Sterben und trauerte um eine Tante, mit der mich viel verband. Für sie war es Zeit zu gehen und für mich Zeit zu fliegen. Und eh ich‘s mich versah, hatte ich die Antidepressiva weggeworfen und war voller Energie, weil ich diese Figur im Film spielte, den Andern, der ich selbst so gern wär, die ideale Rolle, das wahre Leben. Umsichtiger Pilot und Kamikaze zugleich, das charakterisiert den Film. Handelt er vom Mut, die Angst vor dem Tod zu besiegen, um zu leben? Ich weiss es nicht. Da sind einfach zwei Piloten, die sich ihre Gedanken machen. Gedanken in den Lüften, hoch über dem Dschungel, unter Zuhilfenahme von Beruhigungsmitteln, Zigaretten und Poesie. Das hat mir dieser Film geboten und dabei hab ich mich hoffnungslos in Amazonien verliebt. Esse papo de que a floresta te engole, que a floresta exerce poder, é a pura verdade, eu pude voar à base de antidepressivo por toda Amazônia e muito bem acompanhado pela equipe de aviadores, cujo piloto, Herbert, pilotava com segurança e nos deixava expostos o suficiente para que percebêssemos a subjetividade. Um tipo de perversão. Eu me vi frágil, com medo de voar, com medo de morrer, de luto pela morte de uma tia que era inspiradora embora triste, tava na hora dela morrer mesmo e eu de voar e, quando dei por mim havia jogado o anti-depressivo fora e me encontrava em meio a tanta energia que era eu mesmo, fazendo um fantasma no filme. O meu outro, o que eu queria ter sido, o papel ideal, a vida certa. Piloto seguro e kamicase, uma característica do personagem. O filme fala da coragem de enfrentar o medo da morte pra viver? sei lá. São imagens de dois pilotos simplesmente raciocinando sobre impulsos de morte e de vida, uma análise feita no ar, sobre a floresta, à base de calmantes, cigarros e poesia, é o que o filme nos ofereceu e em troca nos apaixonamos pela Amazônia, perdidamente. Nilton Bicudo no papel de Nilton em ‚Aviadores‘ Nilton Bicudo, who plays Nilton in ‘Flyers’ Nilton Bicudo, der Darsteller von Nilton in ‚Flieger‘ 13 FERNANDO ALVES PINTO FERNANDO ALVES PINTO FERNANDO ALVES PINTO ‘Flyers’, for me that meant two months in a Brazil that I didn’t expect. Amazonian dialect with an Austrian accent, the overwhelming beauty of nature from a bird’s-eye perspective, the frightening amount of destruction through garimpos, the fascinating stories of the people who live in the forest. Three different Amazonias provided us with shelter between the flights. Manaus, with its trees, their roots breaking through the pavement, a dialogue between nature and urbanity. Barcelos, with its view of the Rio Negro and the omnipresent rainbow. São Gabriel da Cachoeira and its rapids singing day and night. And again and again the view of the Earth’s green skin from above, an untouchable, passionate life, with bizarre shapes formed by the rivers. What we call a river here in the South might be considered a trickle there. ‘Flyers’ is a courageous Austro-Amazonian view of human actions and pursuits, of the ‚chauffeurs of the skies‘ and their stories at the most beautiful location in the world. For me, a city dweller who visited the Rio Araguaia as a child, the invitation to Amazonia was like a blessing. I’m grateful for it. Fernando Alves Pinto, who plays Fernando in ‘Flyers’ ‚Flieger‘, das waren für mich zwei Monate in einem Brasilien, auf das ich nicht gefasst war. Amazonischer Dialekt mit österreichischem Akzent, überwältigende Schönheit der Natur aus der Vogelperspektive, beängstigende Zerstörung durch Garimpos, faszinierende Geschichten der Waldbewohner. Drei Amazonien haben uns zwischen den Flügen beherbergt. Manaus mit Bäumen, deren Wurzeln durch den Asphalt brechen, Dialog der Natur mit der Urbanität. Barcelos mit dem Blick auf den Rio Negro und der Allgegenwart des Regenbogens. São Gabriel da Cachoeira und seine Stromschnellen, die Tag und Nacht singen. Und immer wieder der Blick von oben auf die grüne Haut der Erde, unantastbares furioses Leben, in das die Flüsse fantastische Formen zeichnen. Was wir hier im Süden einen Fluss nennen, geht dort vielleicht als Rinnsal durch. ‚Flieger‘ ist ein mutiger austro-amazonischer Blick auf menschliches Tun und Trachten, auf die ‚Chauffeure der Lüfte‘ und ihre Geschichten am schönsten Schauplatz der Welt. Für mich, den Stadtbewohner, der als Kind am Rio Araguaia war, kam die Einladung nach Amazonien wie ein Segen. Dafür bin ich dankbar. Fernando Alves Pinto, der Darsteller von Fernando in ‚Flieger‘ Para mim, ‚Aviadores‘ representou dois meses em um Brasil inesperado onde se ouvia alemão com sotaque manauara e manauara com sotaque austríaco; surpreendente pela beleza gigantesca do sobrevôo à natureza; assustador em razão de cancros como o garimpo; e fascinante pelas histórias contadas pelos nativos das selvas e arredores. Três amazônias nos abrigaram entre os vôos: Manaus, com árvores rompendo o asfalto amolecido pelo calor, mostra a força da floresta sempre dialogando e adequando a arquitetura do homem; Barcelos, de frente para o rio Negro e os onipresentes arco-íris; e São Gabriel da Cachoeira, com suas águas em corredeiras cantando o dia e a noite inteira. E do alto muito se via - uma pele verde, viçosa, intocável com vida pujante e desenhos fantásticos dos mares e pulsos d’água. O que se chama de rio aqui no sul não passa de um humilde igarapé do Amazonas. O filme ‚Aviadores‘ é um olhar austro-manauara corajoso que mostra mecanismos humanos, os ‚choferes de taxi‘ amazônicos contando histórias e o mais belo cenário do planeta, possivelmente do universo. Eu, rapaz da cidade, tinha visitado a bacia do rio Araguaia quando menino e recebi o convite pra voltar ao norte, ir à Amazônia, como uma benção. E agradeço. Fernando Alves Pinto no papel de Fernando em ‚Aviadores‘ 15 HERBERT BRÖDL IM GESPRÄCH BATE-PAPO COM HERBERT BRÖDL How important is work on the screenplay to you? I began as a writer and started directing later. I approach my theme by writing about it. The screenplay is the process of this approaching and reflecting about the results of the research and how it’s turned into images, including verbal images. AN INTERVIEW WITH HERBERT BRÖDL Why do you do so much filming in Amazonia? I was completely taken with the Rio Negro. I saw this river and knew that this is my place. An encounter like this might happen only once in a lifetime, like meeting a soul partner. What’s special about the people who live in Amazonia? An endless amount of patience in dealing with extremely difficult living conditions, the potential for a great deal of passion and an inexhaustible supply of talent for improvisation and coming to terms with seemingly hopeless situations. Why a film about flying in Amazonia? Because of a love of flying, and because flying is especially important there. Brazil’s Amazonia measures an enormous five million square kilometers, and airplanes are the primary means of transportation in places where there are no roads and the alternative is river travel lasting days or weeks. And because flyers have a bird’s-eye perspective. As a result, they see the world differently, in a more comprehensive way. How did you find your two protagonists? I spoke with twelve pilots and took down their stories. The most interesting, in my opinion, were the ones Nilton and Fernando told, and what they said about flying was as well. They’re antagonists. One is a family man building his nest, the other’s a nomad who’s attracted to danger. And there’s the thing that links the two, the kidnapping they went through together, which was a matter of life or death. In the film the pilots are portrayed by actors. Why? In fact, I wanted to use the two pilots. That wasn’t possible, because they would have lost their jobs if they spent months working on a film production. So I decided to use actors, but without abandoning the documentary approach and the improvisation during shooting. You aren’t very strict about the dividing line between documentary and fiction film I’m not a fundamentalist in that respect. ‚Flyers‘ contains elements of both genres, like most of my films. The point of departure is and remains the authentic. I then react to that with my own ideas and imagination. In other words I complement found elements with others that were invented. How long did shooting take? Ten weeks, during which we undertook a great journey through Amazonia. I wanted to show not only Amazonia’s jungle, which resembles an endless field of broccoli from above, but also its mountains and savannahs and enormous river archipelagos, the diversity to be found in the cosmos of Amazonia. The film’s rhythm is slow. That was my intention. I want my films to breathe in contrast to the widespread breathlessness. Interview: Ernst Pohn How did you develop the pilots’ stories? At the beginning, there was the research and many hours of conversations with the pilots. The transcriptions of these conversations was the material I started working with. The pilots’ monologues in the film are based on this authentic background, and I put them into literary form. 17 AN INTERVIEW WITH HERBERT BRÖDL BATE-PAPO COM HERBERT BRÖDL HERBERT BRÖDL IM GESPRÄCH Warum drehen Sie immer wieder in Amazonien? Der Rio Negro hat's mir angetan. Ich hab den Fluss gesehen und wusste, das ist mein Ort. Eine solche Begegnung hat man vielleicht nur einmal im Leben, wie die Begegnung mit einem Lebensmenschen. Was zeichnet die Menschen in Amazonien aus? Unendliche Geduld, schwierigste Lebensumstände zu ertragen, große Leidensfähigkeit und ein unerschöpfliches Improvisationstalent, ausweglose Situationen zu meistern. Warum gerade ein Film über das Fliegen in Amazonien? Aus Liebe zur Fliegerei und weil Fliegen in Amazonien eine besondere Rolle spielt. Das brasilianische Amazonien ist enorme 5 Millionen Quadratkilometer groß und Flugzeuge sind das Fortbewegungsmittel, wo es keine Straßen gibt und die Alternative tage- und wochenlange Flussfahrten sind. Und weil sich Fliegern die Vogelperspektive eröffnet. Dadurch haben sie einen anderen, umfassenderen Blick auf die Welt. Wie haben Sie die beiden Hauptfiguren gefunden? Ich habe mit zwölf Piloten gesprochen und ihre Geschichten aufgezeichnet. Die von Nilton und Fernando fand ich am spannendsten, auch ihre Aussagen übers Fliegen. Sie sind Antagonisten. Der eine ein Familienmensch, der sein Nest baut, der andere ein Nomade, den die Gefahr lockt. Und schließlich die Schnittstelle zwischen den beiden, die gemeinsam erlebte Entführung, bei der es um Leben und Tod ging. Im Film werden die Piloten von Schauspielern dargestellt. Warum? Eigentlich wollte ich mit den beiden Piloten drehen. Das ging dann nicht, weil sie ihre Jobs verloren hätten, wenn sie für Monate zum Film gegangen wären. Also entschloss ich mich für Schauspieler, ohne aber den dokumentarischen Ansatz und die Improvisation beim Drehen aufzugeben. Welchen Stellenwert hat für Sie die Arbeit am Drehbuch? Ich hab ja als Autor begonnen und bin erst später zur Regie gekommen. Mit dem Schreiben nähere ich mich meinem Thema. Das Drehbuch ist der Prozess dieser Annäherung, Reflexion über das recherchierte Material und seine Umsetzung in Bilder, auch Sprachbilder. Wie entwickelten Sie die Geschichten, die die beiden Piloten erzählen? Am Beginn standen die Recherche und viele Stunden Gespräche mit den Piloten. Die Niederschrift dieser Gespräche war das Material, mit dem ich zu arbeiten begann. Die Monologe der beiden Piloten im Film haben diesen authentischen Hintergrund und sind literarisch von mir verfasst. Die Trennlinie zwischen Dokumentarfilm und Spielfilm ziehen Sie nicht so strikt? Da bin ich kein Fundamentalist. 'Flieger' hat grenzgängerisch Elemente beider Genres, so wie die meisten meiner Filme. Ausgangspunkt ist und bleibt das Authentische. Darauf reagiere ich mit meinen Gedanken und meiner Fantasie. Gefundenes also, das ich durch Erfundenes erweitere. Wie lange haben die Dreharbeiten gedauert ? Zehn Wochen, in denen wir eine große Reise durch Amazonien gemacht haben. Es ging mir auch darum, nicht nur den Urwald Amazoniens zu zeigen, der von oben wie Brokkoli in Endlosigkeit aussieht, sondern auch seine Gebirge und Savannen und immensen Flussarchipele, die Vielfalt der Landschaftsbilder im Kosmos Amazonien. Der Rhythmus des Films ist langsam. Mit Absicht. Ich will, dass meine Filme einen Atem haben, im Gegensatz zur weit verbreiteten Atemlosigkeit. Interview: Ernst Pohn 19 AN INTERVIEW WITH HERBERT BRÖDL HERBERT BRÖDL IM GESPRÄCH BATE-PAPO COM HERBERT BRÖDL No filme, os pilotos são representados por atores. Por quê? Na verdade eu queria fazer o filme com os dois pilotos. Mas não foi possível porque senão eles teriam perdido o emprego, se eles tivessem ficado meses ocupados com as filmagens. Então eu optei por atores, mas sem abrir mão da abordagem documental e da improvisação durante as filmagens. Você não faz uma divisão muito rigorosa entre documentário e filme de ficção? Eu não sou nenhum fundamentalista. ‚Aviadores‘ tem elementos dos dois gêneros, como a maioria dos meus filmes. Ponto de partida é e continua sendo o autêntico. Em cima disso eu reajo com minhas idéias e imaginação. Eu amplio inventando a partir do que eu encontrei. Como você desenvolveu as histórias contadas pelos pilotos? No início eu pesquisei e fiz entrevistas de longas horas com os pilotos. As transcrições dessas conversas foi o material com o qual eu comecei a trabalhar. Os monólogos dos dois pilotos no filme têm esse cenário autêntico e foram escritos em prosa. Quanto tempo durou a filmagem ? Dez semanas, onde fizemos uma longa viagem pela Amazônia. Eu não queria mostrar só a floresta amazônica, que vista do alto parece um campo de brócolis até aonde a vista alcança, mas também suas montanhas e savanas e imensos arquipélagos fluviais. A diversidade da paisagem no cosmo da Amazônia. O ritmo do filme é lento. É proposital. Eu quero que meus filmes tenham fôlego, ao contrário da falta de ar generalizada. Entrevista: Ernst Pohn Quão importante é para você trabalhar no roteiro? Eu comecei como autor e só vim trabalhar como diretor mais tarde. Escrevendo eu me aproximo do tema. O roteiro é o processo dessa abordagem, a reflexão sobre o material pesquisado e a transformação em imagens, também em imagens faladas. Porque sempre Amazônia? Por causa do rio Negro. Eu vi o rio e soube que ali era meu lugar. Isso talvez só aconteça uma vez na vida, é como encontrar uma pessoa. O que distingue o povo na Amazônia? Uma paciência infinita para suportar condições de vida difíceis, uma grande capacidade de sofrer e um talento de improvisação inesgotável para saber lidar com situações críticas. Porque um filme sobre voar na Amazônia? Por paixão por voar e porque voar na Amazônia tem um significado muito especial. A Amazônia brasileira tem 5 milhões de quilômetros quadrados de extensão e o avião é o meio de transporte onde não existem estradas. A única alternativa é viajar dias ou até semanas de barco. E porque para os aviadores se abre uma perspectiva, a de poder ver tudo de cima. Assim eles têm outra visão do mundo, uma visão muito mais ampla. Como é que os dois personagens principais foram encontrados? Eu entrevistei doze pilotos e documentei as conversas. As histórias do Nilton e do Fernando foram as que eu achei mais emocionantes, inclusive seus depoimentos sobre voar. Eles são antagonistas. Um é pai de família, constroi seu ninho, o outro é um nômade que gosta do perigo. E, por último, o ponto de ligação entre os dois, a experiência do seqüestro vivida por ambos, que foi um caso de vida ou morte. 21 BIOGRAFIE/FILMOGRAFIE HERBERT BRÖDL BIOGRAFIA/FILMOGRAFIA HERBERT BRÖDL BIOGRAPHY/FILMOGRAPHY HERBERT BRÖDL Herbert Brödl, born in St. Pölten, Austria, in 1949, visited the Max-Reinhardt-Seminar from 1968 to 1969 and studied Philosophy at the University of Vienna from 1969 to 1973. In 1971 and 1972 he made his first films for ORF, the Austrian broadcasting company. In 1974 Brödl moved to Hamburg and wrote screenplays that were made into films by Peter Lilienthal, Rainer Boldt and Volker Vogeler. His books have been published by S. Fischer Verlag and Suhrkamp Verlag. From 1976 he has written and directed films in Peru, Italy, South Africa, Vanuatu, Benin, Zimbabwe and São Tomé e Príncipe, plus eight in Brazil. In 1982 he founded Baumhaus Film Brödl in Hamburg, which produced his films until 2002. From 1994 to 2008 he worked on an equator cycle of six films with locations and stories in equatorial regions. Herbert Brödl, geboren 1949 in St. Pölten, Österreich, besuchte von 1968 bis 1969 das Max-ReinhardtSeminar und studierte von 1969 bis 1973 Philosophie an der Universiät Wien. 1971 und 1972 drehte er seine ersten Filme für den ORF. 1974 zog er nach Hamburg und schrieb Drehbücher, die von Peter Lilienthal, Rainer Boldt und Volker Vogeler verfilmt wurden. Bücher von ihm erschienen im S. Fischer Verlag und im Suhrkamp Verlag. Ab 1976 realisierte er als Autor und Regisseur Filme in Peru, Italien, Südafrika, Vanuatu, Benin, Simbabwe, São Tomé und Príncipe und immer wieder in Brasilien, wo acht seiner Filme entstanden. 1982 gründete er in Hamburg die Filmproduktion Baumhaus Film Brödl, mit der er bis 2002 seine Filme herstellte. Von 1994 bis 2008 arbeitete er an einem Äquator-Zyklus, der sechs Filme vereint, deren Schauplätze und Geschichten in den äquatorialen Tropen angesiedelt sind. FILMS 1971 1976 1979 1980 1982 1984 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 1994 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2006 2008 HERBERT BRÖDLS ÄQUATOR ZYKLUS CICLO EQUATORIAL DE HERBERT BRÖDL 00º00'00" EQUATOR CYCLE BY HERBERT BRÖDL Herbert Brödl, nasceu em 1949 em St. Pölten, Áustria, cursou artes cênicas de 1968 a 1969 no Max-ReinhardtSeminar em Viena e depois estudou filosofia de 1969 a 1973 na Universidade de Viena. Em 1971 e 1972 fez seus primeiros filmes para ORF (Radiodifusão Austríaca). Em 1974 mudou-se para Hamburgo e escreveu roteiros que foram filmados por Peter Lilienthal, Rainer Boldt e Volker Vogeler. Teve livros publicados pelas editoras S. Fischer e Suhrkamp. A partir de 1976 realizou filmes como autor e diretor no Peru, Itália, África do Sul, Vanuatu, Benin, Zimbábue, São Tomé e Príncipe e muitas vezes no Brasil, onde foram feitos oito de seus filmes. Em 1982 fundou em Hamburgo a produtora Baumhaus Film Brödl, com a qual produziu seus filmes até 2002. De 1994 a 2008 trabalhou num ciclo equatorial que une seis filmes com cenários e histórias passados nos trópicos equatoriais. Flyers Flieger Eclipse Bad Boy Little Fruit Früchtchen Goldland Jaguar and Rain Jaguar und Regen SCREENPLAYS News Manipulates Nachrichten richten nach Civilized Tropics Zivilisierte Tropen Arnulf Rainer-Body Art Körperkunst Signorina Mafalda Prison Mailbag X4 Gefängnispostsack X4 The Snake-Fish-Canoe Das Schlangenfischkanu Fire Mountain Feuerberg Isles Of Illusion Inseln der Illusion The Colors of the Birds Die Farben der Vögel Trance-Atlantic Trance-Atlantik Djadje Arnulf Rainer-Star Seeker Sternsucher Jaguar and Rain Jaguar und Regen Goldland Little Fruit Früchtchen Bad Boy Eclipse Amazona – Video Miniatures Flyers Flieger 1974 1976 1977 1979 Professor Hofer Hauptlehrer Hofer Directed by Peter Lilienthal Missed Goal Fehlschuss Directed by Rainer Boldt The Road Die Straße Directed by Volker Vogeler Fire Signs Feuerzeichen Directed by Rainer Boldt BOOKS 1972 1972 1980 Fingerprints Fingerabdrücke Suhrkamp Verlag Arms Manufacturer Waffenfabrikant Suhrkamp Verlag Silvana S. Fischer Verlag www.herbertbroedl.net 23 CREDITS CRÉDITOS With Valdivino Almeida Rosa Malagueta Juarez Gomes Elivaldo Anjo David Almeida João Reis Denis Mendes Laureane Gomes Ramon Queiroz Carla Nazareth Carlos Silva Ney Barros Ednelza Sahdo Acácia Pantoja Luna Rodrigues Mahara Rodrigues and many others Special Thanks To Ricardo Cleiton Gabriel Gentil CREDITS Nilton Nilton Bicudo Fernando Fernando Alves Pinto Written and Directed by Herbert Brödl Photographed by Volker Tittel Edited by and Dramaturgy Katrin Köster Music Karwan Marouf Sound Eckehard Braun Set Design Buy Chaves Assistant Director Rune Tavares Coach Inês Aranha Paintings Naia Arruda Juarez Gomes Lighting and Stills Thomas Rotsching Flight Coordination Walter Lincoln Assistant Cameraman Wolfram Wuinovic Pilots Elivaldo Anjo Juscelino de Souza Randal Antonio Donovane Mota Assistants Set Design Ney Barros Elias Loureiro Hospital de Custódia – Manaus, Hospital João Lúcio – Manaus, SOS Funeral – Manaus, Hotel Tropical – Manaus, Rainer Heuermann, Rainer Männer, Fallschirmspringerclub Linz, Guido Bruck, Dr. Gilberto Falcao, Beatriz Moreira, and the many people in Manaus, Boa Vista, Barcelos, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Porto Velho, Nova Olinda do Norte and São Paulo, who made this film possible. HD Postproduction & film prints LISTO VIDEO Additional Tracks Naná Vasconcelos HD online Geoff Kleindorfer Translations Andréa Otersen Steve Wilder Colour Grading Thomas Varga Sound Design Veronika Hlawatsch Production Assistants Liniane Brum Sandra Bonates Nora Morat Leila King Caetano de Souza Vladimir Bilic Nicole Scherg Anne Wendelin Barbara Kern Foley Artist Andreas Schneider Logistics Miriam Gerber Flight Simulation scenes made possible by Microsoft Flight Simulator X Foley Recording Philipp Kemptner Production Manager Giba Cuscianna Marcos Tupinambá “Only Angels Have Wings” Courtesy of Columbia Pictures ADR Martin Greunz Film Recording Herbert Fischer Sound Postproduction TREMENS Sound Mixing Bernhard Maisch Preproduction Amazonia Herbert Brödl Production NGF Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH Supported by In cooperation with commissioning editor: Heinrich Mis In coproduction with In cooperation with commissioning editor: Reinhard Wulf Developed with the Support of the MEDIA Program of the European Union Line Producer Renata Druck Executive Producer Michael Kitzberger www.flyers-amazonia.com Producers Nikolaus Geyrhalter Markus Glaser Michael Kitzberger Wolfgang Widerhofer © 2008 NGF Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH design: sensomatic 25 FILMOGRAFIE NGF FILMOGRAFIA NGF FILMOGRAPHY NGF NIKOLAUS GEYRHALTER FILMPRODUKTION GMBH www.geyrhalterfilm.com 2009 The Robber Der Räuber - in production (A/D + 90 min. + Feature Film + Director: Benjamin Heisenberg) 2008 A White Substance Eines Tages, Nachts... (A + 21 min. + Short Documentary + Director: Maria Arlamovsky) 2009 The Final Days Die Letzten Tage - in production (A + 100 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter) 2008 Figuring Out Father Die Vatersucherin (A/D + 45 min. + TV-Documentary + Director: Sandra Löhr) 2009 Goisern Goes West - in production (A + 2 x 30 min. + TV-Series in 2 parts + Directors: Markus Wogrolly, Harald Aue) 2008 Food Design - in production (A + 52 min. + TV-Documentary + Director: Martin Hablesreiter) 2008 7915 km (A + 106 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter) 2008 Flyers Flieger (A + 82 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Herbert Brödl) 2008 A Mountain Musical Eisenwurzen. Das Musical (A + 52 min. + TV-Documentary + Director: Eva Eckert) 2008 Goisern Goes East (A + 5 x 30 min. + TV-Series in 5 parts + Directors: Markus Wogrolly, Robert Lakatos, Harald Aue) 2008 Bahrtalo! Good luck! Bahrtalo! Viel Glück! (H/A + 90 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Robert Lakatos) 2006 I Am Me Ich Bin Ich (A + 55 min. + Documentary + Director: Kathrin Resetarits) Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion was founded in 1994 by Nikolaus Geyrhalter. In 2003 it was turned into a limited-liability company with partners Markus Glaser, Michael Kitzberger and Wolfgang Widerhofer. While the core competence of Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion is producing full-length documentaries for theatrical release with special attention to the author’s point of view and work on quality TV productions, the company moved into fiction productions and TV-documentary series in 2008. Our particular interest is encouraging interesting, innovative and promising talents of European cinema, both established and up and coming. In the past few years Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion has co-produced films with associates in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia. Our films have received numerous international awards, and have been broadcasted and screened in theaters in many countries around the world. 2004 Across The Border. Five Views From Neighbours Über Die Grenze. Fünf Ansichten Von Nachbarn (A + 131 min. + Feature Documentary + Directors: Pawel Lozinski, Jan Gogola, Peter Kerekes, Robert Lakatos, Biljana Cakic-Veselic) 2004 Kanegra (A/D + 50 min. + Documentary + Director: Katharina Copony) 2004 Pessac. Living In A Laboratory Pessac. Leben Im Labor (A + 52 min. + Documentary + Directors: Claudia Trinker, Julia Zöller) 2006 Mountain Meadow Movie Almfilm (A + 55 min. + Documentary + Director: Gundula Daxecker) 2004 The Souvenirs Of Mr. X Die Souvenirs Des Herrn X (A/D + 98 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Arash T. Riahi) 2006 Good Morning Austria! Guten Morgen Österreich! (A + 90 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Hannelore Tiefenthaler) 2004 Carpatia (D/A + 127 min. + Feature Documentary + Directors: Andrzej Klamt, Ulrich Rydzewski) 2005 Our Daily Bread Unser Täglich Brot (A + 90 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter) 2003 Senad And Edis. Once There Was A War Senad Und Edis. Es War Einmal Der Krieg (D/A + 30 min. + TV-Documentary + Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter) 2004 Flight Number 884. Returning Home Flug Nummer 884. Eine Heimat Auf Zeit (A + 52 min. + TV-Documentary + Directors: Wolfgang Widerhofer, Markus Glaser) 2002 Loud And Clear. Life After Sexual Abuse Laut Und Deutlich. Leben Nach Sexuellem Missbrauch (A + 67 min. + Documentary + Director: Maria Arlamovsky) 2002 Temelin. A Village In Southern Bohemia Temelin. Ein Dorf In Südböhmen (A + 30 min. + TV-Documentary + Directors: Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Markus Glaser, Wolfgang Widerhofer) 2001 Elsewhere (A + 240 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter) 1999 Pripyat (A + 100 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter) 1997 The Year After Dayton Das Jahr Nach Dayton (A + 204 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter) 1997 Kisangani Diary (A + 52 min. + Documentary + Director: Hubert Sauper) 1995 The Dream That Remains Der Traum Der Bleibt (A + 155 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Leopold Lummerstorfer) 1994 Washed Ashore Angeschwemmt (A + 86 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter) 2008 (Half) The Time Of My Life Mein Halbes Leben (A + 92 min. + Feature Documentary + Director: Marko Doringer) 27 VENEZUELA French GUYANA SURINAME GUYANA ap Branco rr BOA VISTA COLOMBIA NEGR MACAPÁ O PUTOM AS ZON MA Barcelos AYO Japurá belém u Xing A A IR E D jó Tapa s MANAUS A M am pa ma PURUS ac PERU porto velho to Amazonia ro BOLIVIA FLYERS was shot in Brazil’s Amazonia between August und November 2007. This region is five million square kilometers in size (in comparison, that of the European Union measures 4.3 million), representing 59% of the country’s area of Amazonia. Shooting took place in Manaus and Barcelos, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Porto Velho, Nova Olinda do Norte, Jacareacanga, Boa Vista and Lethem, Guyana. Austria MT Brazil 27 31 MBH KTION G MPRODU IL F R E T L YRHA IENNA LAUS GE , A-1180 V 6 NGF NIKO 2 E S S A ANDG HILDEBR 403 01 62 1 3 FILM.COM T/F: +4 RHALTER Y E G @ E OFFIC ILM.COM HALTERF R Y E .G W WW NIA.COM S-AMAZO R E Y L .F WWW Developed with the support of the MEDIA programme of the European Union