Globalization of Fraternal Love


Globalization of Fraternal Love
3 rd
58 years
Responsibility of all those endowed with common sense
Rio Tókio • 2122-4999
Narita • 3987-8888
Rio Tókio • 2323-9000
5 anos de garantia para a linha Civic com custo adicional de R$ 1.550,00. 4 anos de garantia para a linha FIT com custo adicional de R$ 1.550,00. Fotos meramente ilustrativas.
Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil
table of contents
4get to know the lgw LGW hand-in-hand with the eight Millennium Development Goals
2 4 Special Eight Millennium Goals — Responsibility of all those endowed with common sense
Extracts selected from José de Paiva Netto’s writings, President of the LGW.
United Nations LGW’s Forum of the Solidary Society Network Innovation Fair/High-Level Segment/DPI Annual Conference
78TGW and lgw’s parlamundi For a Culture of Peace in the world
8 4 Opinions Nine Nobel Peace Prize Winners talk about the LGW
88 Solidary society network Strategic Alliances to eradicate poverty and hunger
3 rd
it io
Globalization of Fraternal Love
Legion of Good Will’s special publication whose first edition was distributed to
the participants of the United Nations ECOSOC High-Level Segment 2007, held
at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva (Switzerland), from July 2-5, 2007.
58 years
Responsibility of all those endowed with common sense
Director and Responsible Publisher: Francisco Periotto MTE/DRTE/RJ 19.916 JP
General Coordinator: Gerdeilson Botelho
Elevação Staff: Adriane Schirmer, Ana Paula de Oliveira, Andrea Leone, Angélica Periotto,
Daniel Trevisan, Danilo Espeleta, Jefferson Rodrigues, Josué Ben-Nun Bertolin, Leila Marco,
Luci Teixeira, Maria Aparecida da Silva, Mário Augusto Brandão, Mônica Moraes, Neuza
Alves, Raquel Bertolin, Rita Silvestre (in memoriam), Rodrigo Oliveira, Rosana Bertolin, Sandra
Fernandez, Silvana Bosso, Silvia Bovino, Walter Periotto and Wanderly Albieri Baptista.
Cover and Project: Helen Winkler
Cover Photo: André Fernandes
Layout Design: Helen Winkler and Felipe Tonin
Printed by: Mundial Artes Gráficas
All rights reserved to Elevação
Publishing House
Rua Doraci, 90 — Bom Retiro
São Paulo/SP — Brazil
Zip Code 01134-050
Phone: (+5511) 3358-6868
Fax: (+5511) 3358-6882
This publication has been published in
English, Esperanto, French, German,
Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Get to know the lgw
hand-in-hand with the
eight Millennium
Development Goals
Promote Education and
Culture with Spirituality, so
there may be Food, Health
and Work for everyone, to
André Fernandes
form the Ecumenical Citizen.
Get to know the lgw
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he spirit of cooperation and the incentive
to the spontaneous sentiment of Love for
the fellow being are the bases that have
made the Legion of Good Will (LGW),
since its foundation, on January 1, 1950, create and
foster programs and projects of social inclusion and
sustainable development in support of populations
in situation of personal and social risk in the main
Brazilian cities, promoting their autonomy and an
improvement in their quality of life.
For this purpose, the LGW works in partnership
with the diverse sectors of society (governments,
socially and environmentally responsible compa-
UNDP discusses challenges of Latin
America and the Caribbean
Upon the invitation of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and of the Permanent Brazilian
Mission at the UN, the Legion of Good Will
participated in the First Preparatory Regional
Meeting for the Annual Ministerial Review
of the ECOSOC, which occurred in May of
2007, at the Itamaraty Palace, in Brasília/DF.
In the photo, from left to right, Edson Teixeira,
Antonio Paulo Espeleta and Paulo Medeiros,
of the LGW, and Dr. Kim Bolduc, resident coordinator of the UN and resident-representative
of the United Nations Development Program
(UNDP/Brazil). The agenda of the meeting
pointed out the main challenges for finacing the
combat of poverty and hunger in Latin America
and the Caribbean. On the occasion, the Legion
of Good Will presented the results of the 1st
Forum of the Solidary Society Network Innovation Fair (Read the article on page 88).
nies, international organisms, schools, community
associations and other civil society organizations),
in a way that opportunities may be provided so
that every citizen may collaborate towards the
progress of his/her community and, consequently,
of his/her nation.
The result of the effort of thousands of volunteers, collaborators and partners is expressed in the
impressive balance statement of the Organization.
In 2007, millions of cases of assistance by means of
innumerable socioeducational actions were carried
out in Brazil through its schools of basic education,
from nursery to high school; shelters for children,
adolescents and senior citizens; Community and
Educational Centers, with various types of training
courses; emergency programs to combat hunger and
poverty; and socioeducational campaigns that dignify
life. This work also occurs in Argentina, Paraguay,
Uruguay, Bolivia, Portugal and the United States, besides
counting on correspondents throughout the planet.
In his article “Eight Millennium Goals”, on
page 24, the writer, radio announcer and journalist
Paiva Netto reveals the thought that orients all the
initiatives of the Legion of Good Will for a better
world. Since he became the LGW’s president, he
has improved its actions, making it possible to be
the world’s major humanitarian movement.
Recognition of the United Nations
Since 1994, the LGW has been working in
partnership with the United Nations (UN), being
associated with the Department of Public Information (DPI). In 1999, it became the first organization
of the Brazilian civil society to obtain general
consultative status at the UN Eco­nomic and Social
Council (ECOSOC) and in 2000, it became part of
the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO), in Vienna,
One of the most important global challenges
signed in 2000, during the Millennium Summit,
known as the eight Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs), brought together 191 member countries
for the definition of a set of goals to be achieved
by 2015 to improve the quality of life of Humanity
and seek the sustainability of our globe. The LGW
has broadly supported this worldwide campaign by
Pedro de Paiva
Pedro de Paiva
Above, the cordial meeting, in the United States, between Paiva Netto and
the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Celso Amorim. Below, the diplomat appears
flanked by his wife Ana Maria Amorim (L), and his daughter, Anita (R),
and at her side the LGW representative at the UN, Maria de Albuquerque.
T h e a ff e c t i o n ,
Love and dedication
of the LGW with these
children make us believe that Brazil and
the world can be much
better, that it is possible
to eradicate hunger,
illiteracy and absolute
poverty. I want to make
known the work that
is carried out here by the friends of the Legion
of Good Will. (...) I don’t know whether it is
Legionnaire, or militant... All I know is that this
Work impresses any Human Being. (...) That is
why I leave here astonished with the work carried
out by you all. I leave the LGW with the certainty
that the word Solidarity may yet become one of
the keywords for us to recover our Brazil and
transform it into a just and fraternal country in
which people live with far more Love. (...) The
Legion of Good Will is an example of life.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
“The Legion of
Good Will is of
great importance
in this positive
agenda and must
continue being
like this at the
United Nations.”
Words of the Ambassador and SecretaryGeneral of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of Brazil, Dr. Samuel Pinheiro Guimarães
Neto, about the role of the civil society
organizations seeking to achieve a Culture
of Peace.
Carolina Dutra
means of its socioeducational actions during these
almost 60 years and by the articulation of other
social actors, promoting meetings and disseminating
information in dozens of cities in Brazil, Latin America
and Europe.
From such activities the Solidary Society Network
was created and has contributed regionally towards
greater actions for sustainable and integrated development with the multistakeholders.
In addition to the role of mobilizing civil society
around the Millennium Development Goals, the
LGW participates in New York as the Vice President
of the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and
Global Concerns, a committee of the Conference of
NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United
Nations (CONGO). The objective is to contribute to
an open and practical debate about the importance of
Spirituality in global development, a cause defended
by the Legion of Good Will since its origins, in the
decade of 1940. Hence, several seminars and events
in the UN headquarters have attracted the attention
of world authorities to this matter of great value.
President of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Get to know the lgw
Mônica Mendes
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
The LGW deals with Goal 1 in a broad manner, offering to its beneficiaries the tools to
build their own future and influence others,
contributing in this way to the eradication
of poverty and hunger expressed as social
exclusion that distances Human
Beings from opportunities.
Belo Horizonte/MG
LGW’s socioeducational actions
• Basic Education Schools
• Community and Educational Centers
• Family and Social Reintegration home for boys
and teenagers
• Family and Social Reintegration homes for
Senior Citizens
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The following programs, among
others, are developed in these units:
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Luiz Barcelos da Silva
Adenilson Nunes
• LGW — Children: The Future in the Present!
• LGW — Youth: The Future in the Present!
• LGW — Sport is life!
• Community Library
• Charity Round
• Training Courses
• Woman-Being
- Baby Citizen Project
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Get to know some of the socioeducational units
of the Legion of Good Will in Brazil (photos
identified by city name and state initials); the
pictures from abroad are identified by the
country’s name.
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“When we visit the LGW we really
see how much is being done for the
children. It is a quantum leap in Physics;
a great jump in quality for the Human
Being. It is a boost in their lives, far
ahead of the Statute of the Child and
Adolescent. This means that the Legion
of Good Will, well before 1990
— while we were thinking about the
Statute of the Child and Adolescent,
when the Constitution already foresaw
it — anticipated this future, already had
this in mind, being ahead in this sense.”
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Mário César Batista
“It is nice to see the philosophy of the Legion of Good
Will’s school, which from the
very very beginning, works
with the children to develop a
Culture of Peace. This kind of
Education is going to help create a
more positive world for the future.
There are so many terrible things that are going on in
the world... That’s why it is wonderful to see that there’s
a place like this in Rio de Janeiro, among four favelas
(shanty-towns) that can give hope to a community to
be able to help these children and their descendants and
the people that they touch become more acquainted
Former Municipal Secretary of Child and
Social Welfare of Itu, São Paulo, Brazil.
with a more positive world. The LGW really develops
the Millennium Development Goals established by the
UN, and there are two underpinnings. One is Human
Rights, which I think you are really endorsing by the
practice of what you do here, and the other is Peace
because you can’t have development unless you have
a Peaceful environment. And I think all non-governmental organizations that do this kind of work with the
basis on Spirituality, ought to be applauded.”
Leslie Wright
Representative of Virginia Gildersleeve International
Fund at the United Nations, during her visit to the
LGW’s Educational, Cultural and Community Center,
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Get to know the lgw
Daniel Trevisan
LGW Educational Institute,
in São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
Daniel Trevisan
The Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy, the
Pedagogy of Affection, that educates with
Spirituality, present in the LGW’s schools of
basic education (from elementary to high
school), is considered nowadays a social
technology that can be replicated and has been
raising the interest of great teaching entities
due to the results achieved, as for example, the
evidence of non-existence of drug addiction
cases nor of premature pregnancy amongst
the assisted youth, and furthermore due to their
good performance in higher education.
The Organization maintains, in addition to
the schools, a home for children and adolescents
and Community and Educational Centers that
develop support programs for children in the
opposite school shift providing them reinforcement to carry out their school assignments and
other activities, like sports, games and arts, encouraging teamwork, contributing to a reduction
of school evasion and an improvement in their
classroom performance and behavior at home.
Partial view of the LGW’s School
yard in São Paulo/SP, Brazil
On the façade, Paiva Netto requested that the
following quote of Aristotle be put: “All those
who have meditated on the art of governing
human beings end up being convinced that the
destiny of empires relies on the education the
youth receive”.
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Achieve universal primary
Daniel Trevisan
Personal archive
Success story 1
Personal archive
“The Legion of Good Will does not offer a
poor option to the poor. It offers to the poor a
quality option. This alternative of the LGW is
important, because it is a private organization,
but with its entire teaching proposal directed
towards the needy, especially for the community children education. (...) The concern of
the LGW is quality, an extraordinarily wellelaborated thing. We, who are on the other
side and who can mobilize greater resources,
have to act like the Legion of Good Will: show
the NGOs that it is possible to carry out the
best for needy children, even providing them
with toy-playing centers, bearing in mind that
all the child education didactics can only be
creative if they also are playful. Children at
the LGW express themselves, speak, think
and achieve through playing.”
Bethânia Assunção entered the LGW at the
age of 7, in 1995, as a pupil of the daycare center
so that her mother could work in order to provide
the sustenance for herself and her two siblings.
Today, at the age of 21 and with her high
school studies completed, she
is inserted in the work
market in a TV production area and has become
a volunteer in programs
of the LGW such as the
Charity Round.
Bethânia is an example among other thousands of youths that
graduated from the
LGW schools
and still remains
connected to the
Daniel Trevisan
André Fernandes
Daniel Trevisan
Pedro Demo
Sociologist, Full Professor of the Department of
Sociology of the University of Brasília (UnB),
and ex-President of the World Organization for
Early Childhood Education.
“It is really
wonderful to give
back to the people what I
received from the LGW over all these years:
love, affection, attention, education and other
values that I wish to offer whenever I can.”
Bethânia Assunção
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Get to know the lgw
João Pessoa/PB
Social Balance
The LGW was the first philanthropic organization of Brazil to have its general balance
audited by External Independent Auditors (Walter Heuer), by initiative of Paiva
Netto, long before the legislation required this measure to come into effect.
João Preda
Derli Francisco
Rosângela Guedes
Bruno Bergkischner
Marina Figueiredo
Quilombo Rio das Rãs/BA
Nizete Souza
Cidade de Pau Brasil/BA
Rui Portugal
Foz do Iguaçu/PR
Aparecida Bianchi
Vânia Besse
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Alida Santos
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The graph below shows the significant numbers of the
socioeducational services rendered by the Legion of
Good Will in the last 5 years:
Collective work for education
Nizete Souza
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The LGW distributes kits with school
supplies to boys and girls in social risk
situation in several Brazilian cities. On these
pages, a summary of the activities of the
Campaign A+ Child — Without education
there is no future!
Porto Alegre/RS
“The LGW is a very special organization,
mainly for the help it gives to society, the
needy and the orphans. It is a fantastic job,
an example for Brazil!”
Elisa Rodrigues
Emerson Fittipaldi
João Preda
Ismael de Brito
Adriana Mafra
Campo Grande/MS
Analice Barcelá
Rui Portugal
Luiz Silva
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Formula One two-time World Champion, and
Formula Indy World Champion
Adriana Rocha
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Get to know the lgw
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In the photo, Mr. Chowdhury (C) with Noys Rocha and Danilo Parmegiani,
representatives of the LGW in the event.
Juiz de Fora/MG
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São Luís/MA
“I’m very pleased to have received a copy of this
report made by the Latin American civil society,
presented by the Legion of Good Will. (...) We would
like to continue working together, and we believe
that the more we do so, the better it shall be for
the future of the world. I’m very pleased that the
Legion of Good Will is focused on the construction
of a Culture of Peace. I believe that it is essential
for our present day conflicting world”, said the
former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Anwarul Chowdhury, when he received
the document divulged by the LGW in the 2006
ECOSOC High-Level Segment, which presented
the experience of hundreds of organizations from
Brazil and Latin America on employment and
sustainable development.
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“From what I have seen, the LGW’s socioeducational services have worked
besides goal 2, which is to achieve universal primary education, also goal 1, to eradicate
extreme poverty and hunger, with assistance that involves the families. By teaching
education, hygiene and prevention, it meets goals 3, 4, and 5. (...) What we want is for
people to notice that, no matter how small their contribution is, they manage to
attune to these goals, exactly like the LGW, that with its work on a large scale has a great impact,
indiscriminately, on the eight Millennium Development Goals.”
Percival Caropreso
Executive Vice President and Director of Creative Planning/Strategy of McCann-Erickson for Brazil
and Latin America, agency responsible for the creation of the campaign that divulges the Millennium
Goals, when visiting the LGW Educational Institute in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.
Promote gender equality and empower women
Daniel Trevisan
Success story 2
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The objective of actions directed towards women is for
their valorization and the strengthening of family ties.
The projects Group of Mothers and Group of Women
carry out meetings to clarify women’s rights and duties. At
these meetings, workshops are held to help them generate
income, besides providing them with psychological support
and guidance for specific treatments that become necessary.
These projects have shown surprising results in elevating
the self-esteem of the beneficiaries and in their conquests
in the professional field.
Zélia da Silva is a portrait of many women who have passed the age of 40, need to help
support the family and do not find work opportunities due to their lack of preparation for
the work market and age, considered advanced for the working world.
“It was a friend of mine who recommended the LGW to me, because the doctor
told me I needed psychological assistance. I was very depressed when I came to the
LGW Community Center. I could not get any work due to my age and because I lack
schooling. They told me they would support me, and I wanted a job. The social worker told
me about the courses and I became greatly interested in flower arrangements. Nowadays,
I pay my condominium fees, my light bill, my phone bill and I even get to help my husband at
home, because he earns very little. If I had not come to know the LGW I possibly would not even be here
giving this testimonial”, she stated.
Reproduction RMTV
Photos: Archive BV
Amado Vieir
Get to know the lgw
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(1 and 2) The legionnaire Mariana Malaman, one of the volunteers that apply the Program Peace and Good Will Garden, inside a
classroom of a North American public school. (3) Partnership of the LGW with a University Hospital in New Jersey, promoting community
health assistance to women, such as breast cancer prevention. (4 and 5) Volunteers distribute clothes, food and basic need items
raised in the campaign SOS Dominican Republic, in favor of the victims of Hurricane Noel that reached Central America at the
end of 2007. This is an example of the several projects carried out by the LGW of the United States in support to the international
community in calamity situations.
The bus used in the program Sorriso Feliz (Happy
Smile) that the Legion of Good Will of Portugal
maintains with the support of volunteer doctors is one
of the actions rendered by the LGW of Europe.
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Deputy Secretary-General
of the UN and the
role of women
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Adriana Rocha
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The Deputy Secretary-General of the United
Nations, Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro, (in the photo with
Amanda Vieira, LGW’s Little Soldier of God, as the
children are kindly called in the Legion of Good Will,
on the occasion of the 51st Session of the Commission
on the Status of Women, in 2007), who is acquainted
with the work carried out by the Organization with
its programs valorizing women and enhancing the
girls’ self-esteem, emphasized that the action is
even more successful due to the reinforcement of
the Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy, the Pedagogy of
Affection, applied in all the LGW’s services.
Regarding this innovative educational proposal of
Paiva Netto, she pointed out: “Love and comprehension are very important to make it possible for the
children to live happier and for them to concentrate
on things that truly represent an advance for them.
Once a child receives love, it is being encouraged,
learns to love and, in this way creates conditions
for an atmosphere of Peace for all”. She also
recognized the effort of the Legion of Good Will in
the fight against violence and discrimination:“The
civil society organizations are fundamental partners
to achieve gender equality. For this, I congratulate
the LGW for acting directly in defense of women”.
From left to right: Eliel Brum and Gizelle de Almeida (from the Legion of
Good Will), the Director of UNIC-Rio, Dr. Giancarlo Summa; Eliane Maria
(also from the LGW) and Pedro Paulo Torres (from the Super Rádio Brasil).
São Paulo/SP
Amicucci Gallo
Dr. Giancarlo Summa takes charge
of his post as director of UNIC-Rio
The Italian journalist Giancarlo Summa took
charge of his post as the director of the United Nations
Information Center in Brazil (UNIC-Rio), during a
commemorative event of the UN’s 62nd Anniversary
(October 24, 2007), held in the Noble Hall of the
Itamaraty Palace, in the Center of Rio de Janeiro/RJ.
In his speech, Dr. Summa emphasized the importance
that the United Nations bestows on Brazil: “UNICRio was one of the first information centers created
in the whole world. (...) This year, we are celebrating
60 years of the Center’s creation. The UN is 62 years
old. This shows the attention it has always given
Brazil, from the beginning, due to its size, due to its
importance, since it has such a large population”.
Upon concluding, in retribution for the wishes of
success from the director of the Legion of Good Will
for this undertaking, Giancarlo Summa registered:
“Congratulations to the LGW for the good work”.
4 Reduce child mortality
5 Improve maternal health
Nana Moraes
The Baby Citizen project that supports the
child from the moment its intrauterine life
begins, offers pre-natal assistance to the pregnant women and also orientation to the mother
and the family about newborn baby care.
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Danielly Arruda
Members of the CEPE Caxias team that
participated in the UN Women Soccer
Cup, in 2005, hold the banner
of the LGW greeting the United
Nations for its 60 years and for
their initiative. The Brazilian
actress Juliana Paes, in
highlight with the LGW T-shirt,
was the godmother of the
Rio de Janeiro/RJ
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Vivian Ribeiro
Cida Linares
Get to know the lgw
Riclaim Samir
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Educational, Cultural and Community Center of the
LGW, in Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.
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In 2005, Paiva Netto (left) met with the Ambassador of India in Brazil, at that
time, Amitava Tripathi, at the Educational, Cultural and Community Center of
the LGW in Rio de Janeiro. Today, Ambassador Tripathi serves in Switzerland.
“I am thrilled to be here. It is the first
time that I visit an Educational Center
of the Legion of Good Will. I have been
to the Temple in Brasília, in several
opportunities. I am very impressed with
the love and care that the Legion of Good
Will shares with those very adorable
children of Rio. I am very happy to know
that Jesus takes care of them.”
Amitava Tripathi
Ambassador of India in Switzerland and the
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LGW marks presence at the 59th Annual
DPI/NGO Conference held from September 6
to 8, 2006, in New York/USA. The representative of the LGW in the United Nations, Danilo
Parmegiani, greets the retired World Bank
Adviser, Alfredo Sfeir-Younis (photo 1);
the former President of the UN General
Assembly, Jan Eliasson (2); and the Director of the Outreach Division of the United
Nations Department of Public Information,
Raymond Sommereyns (3).
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The LGW representative at the UN Maria de Albuquerque
gives the magazine Solidary Society to the former United
Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications
and Public Information, Shashi Tharoor.
Paul Hoeffel, former Chief of the UN-DPI/
NGO Section, with the legionnaire of Good
Will Dr. Pedro de Paiva.
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and
other diseases
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The UN Radio distributes United Nations material to broadcasters
of several places around the globe, and has in the Super Good
Will Network (Super RBV) a strong ally in this task. The UN
Radio Chief in the Portuguese language, Mônica Valéria
Villela Grayley, commented the initiative: “We are very
happy with the Super RBV broadcasters (...). This has been a
solid partnership”. From left to right: Helder Gomes (interim
production assistant), Eduardo Costa (production assistant),
Mônica Valéria, Jorge Soares (Portuguese interim editor for
Africa) and Sandra Guy (production assistant).
The Legion of Good Will promotes various campaigns for the
valorization of Life. An example of this is the march promoted
by the Organization under the slogan “AIDS — the virus
of prejudice kills more than the disease itself”, created
by Paiva Netto, that mobilized 200 thousand people in the city
of Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, on December 1, 1996.
Jane Goodall,
named messenger of
Peace in 2002 by the
UN, known worldwide
for the work she has developed with chimpanzees,
in Tanzania. On the International Day of Peace, on
September 21, Goodall highlighted the value of media
committed to this goal: “Communication means like
these of the LGW are an incentive to start talking about
the problems in their countries in order to have Peace.
The majority of them claims for Peace, prays for it and
works for more united communities. And that day shall
come for the whole world and with the children who
shall work for Peace”.
Aldo Henriquez/UN Radio
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Get to know the lgw
Actions directed towards health, above
all when preventive, are either inserted in the
projects or are developed by means of informative
and educational campaigns that mobilize means
of communication, in addition to a significant
number of people, in this way spreading the work.
In this context, the LGW provides innumerous
free medical orientation and lectures by health
professionals within the Social Watch and Charity
Round programs.
ive B
João Periotto
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Alziro Zarur Home and Park, of the
LGW, in Glorinha/RS, Brazil.
Ensure environmental
In partnership with technical support
entities, the LGW develops environmental
activities in the Alziro Zarur Home and Park,
in Glorinha, state of Rio Grande do Sul,
together with beneficiaries and the community. In this action they replanted native
species to reestablish the local flora where the
home is, and it contemplates environmental
education as a transversal subject in elementary education in its Educational Network,
in addition to operating in the public school
system and in communities by means of its
educational campaigns.
We shall call this little boy João, who well
represents the other interns of the LGW Home
and Park in Glorinha/RS. He entered there at the
age of 12 after losing his parents victimized by
HIV. At this age adoption and arranging foster
parents is rare and, in this case, we perceived
that his permanence in the Organization would
be a long one.
It then became imperative that he be prepared
for social and professional life out of the Organization after completing 18 years of age, and that
he should be kept in permanent contact with his
brothers and sisters and other family members
that he still had.
Due to his abilities he was prepared to work
dealing with the public. Today he is
connected to a
large company,
lives with his
oldest sister and
is a constant vis­
itor of the Home
and Park.
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Success story 3
Daniel Trevisan
Get to know the lgw
Volunteer power: A group of North Americans participate
of social activities of the LGW, while visiting Brazil. To this
legion, 30 thousand more are spread throughout the Country.
Invited by the NGO Section of the UN/DESA
(United Nations Department of Economic and
Social Affairs), and considering its themes of the
highest relevance for the sustainable development of the countries where it operates, the LGW
positions itself, for the fifth consecutive year, as
a mobilizing and uniting element of other social
entities, seeking to provide integration of different
initiatives and thoughts.
For this purpose, it created and articulates
the Solidary Society Network that is composed
of entities from civil society, academia, private
sector, government and the media.
Develop a global partnership for
The period of existence and the LGW’s philosophy
have created an environment that is opportune for
strengthening partnerships with their very own beneficiaries, who, having gained their autonomy, start collaborating with the Organization. Hence, the LGW has
many ex-beneficiaries and members of their families
on its list of collaborators, who provide remunerated
or voluntary services
with total engagement
derived from love to
the cause and the
belief in the positive results of their
The strategic alliances formed guarantee the
LGW programs better performances in quantity
and quality, but their expansion still is one of the
goals that the organization has imposed itself to
achieve on a short term.
Joining their forces with the LGW are: the government, by means of agreements; private initiative,
by means of specific material support; and civil
society through participation of the community
leaderships in the Solidary Society Network.
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Indiscriminate love
In the programs developed
in needy communities, the
volunteers of the LGW carry
out more than socioeducational
actions, they exemplify what
Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) envisioned in his Poema do Grande Milênio (The
Great Millennium Poem), in which one reads: “(...)
The children are children of all the mothers, and the
mothers are mothers of all the children”.
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Leila Marco
On its list of
collaborators, the LGW counts on
2,845 permanent volunteers that can reach around
30,000 in specific community actions and emergency
campaigns, characterized by calamity situations such
as droughts, floods, landslides, fires in densely populated areas etc., and that may require the mobilization
of a larger work force on very short notice.
André Fernandes
André Fernandes
Responsibility of all those
endowed with common sense
João Preda
and composer, Zarur’s successor, in his writings
and speeches published in several books and in
communication vehicles, has vehemently defended a paradigm shift that offers means so that
these necessary global transformations may take
place. Throughout the various decades directing
one of the greatest contemporary solidary movements, he launches bases for the consolidation
of a Solidary Altruistic Ecumenical Society in
which, in fact, “all Human Beings may be born
free and equal in dignity and rights”, in accordance to the Universal Declaration of Human
José de Paiva Netto, journalist, radio announcer
and writer. He is the President of the Legion of
Good Will.
In his book Reflexões da Alma [Reflections of the
Soul] launched in 2003 and that already exceeds the
mark of 200.000 copies sold, Paiva Netto highlighted
a remarkable extract from the Preamble of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), approved on
November 16, 1945, for considering that another path
for Humanity would be that of destruction:
The editors
hen we talk about the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), proposed by the United Nations (UN) to be
achieved by the year 2015, as agreed
by the 191 member countries that signed the document in 2000, we see that it is an important chapter
of a new planetary mentality that emerges, electing
the Human Being as the main axle of the world’s
scenario. Founded by the late journalist, radio announcer and poet Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), the Legion of Good Will (LGW) is happy to be part of this
change in culture, especially because, since its official
appearance in Brazil, emblematically on January 1,
1950, World Day of Fraternity Among Nations, it has
combated hunger and extreme poverty and all forms
of human miseries through understanding and Fraternity amongst the nations, platforms of construction of this ideal time that we all long for.
Thanks to the vast experience acquired over almost six decades, the LGW believes that to have a
better future, we can no longer consider the continuity of Life on this globe without a transformation
of consciousness that would make change possible
to build a renewed and solid social structure, as proposed by the eight Millennium Development Goals,
timely launched by the UN.
José de Paiva Netto, President of the Legion
of Good Will, journalist, radio announcer, writer
“Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in
the minds of men that defenses of Peace must be
And the leader of the LGW still adds, meditating on the extraordinary Preamble:
It is necessary to point out the proposals of real
understanding; another path for the peoples will be
that of bitter remedy.
The Palais des Nations, the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland.
To construct Peace
Reflecting over the grievous situation that afflicts so many nations, in 1991, he addressed the
attentive audience, in the city of São Paulo/SP,
Brazil, in the following way:
There is still a lot to be done
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I look at the world and think that someone cannot be considered free when famished; or passes
in front of a school, but cannot study there because his/her parents cannot afford to buy their
school supplies; when on TV, even today, blacks
only get secondary roles and there are few with
important roles in the plot; when women get lower salaries than men do; when drugs force their
entry into family homes; when the rich, in order
to go out into the streets, need to bullet-proof their
cars and, even so, do not feel safe; when the poor
live in the coziness of their homes under the risk
of being struck by a bullet; when the sick do not
receive the due attention; when respect to freedom of expression is under constant threat. In
fact, when any nation potentially strong, however,
with a significant portion of their population still
living in misery, has not reached its true spiritual
autonomy, because everything begins in the Soul
of the Creatures: both right and wrong. Hence the
urgent necessity to teach, educate and spiritualize
with the ecumenism of the heart. It is a challenge
in an ocean agitated by the indifference of some
towards the situation of individuals or of their nations. Nevertheless, it constitutes one of the most
advanced decisions that Humanity is capable of
facing and makes the reality auspicious. Fraternal
Love is the most powerful instrument for the liberation of the Human Being.
By the way, Cicero (10643 B.C.), the great Roman tribune, wrote:
“Amongst all the societies,
there is none nobler and more
stable than that in which the
people are united by love”.
This is why — esteemed and respected listeners and readers who honor me with your attention
— isolationism, when it is
characterized by the illusion
of spiritual, social and political pride, shall always surrender, one day, to the contagious
feeling of Spiritual and Human Solidarity. Alziro Zarur
used to teach:
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Alziro Zarur
“God created the Human Being in such a way
that he may only be happy by doing the Good”.
(...) For those who have eyes to see and ears
to hear, Humanity, due to the extraordinary tools
that it has acquired with such difficulty over the
millennia, has never seen times of such prosperous transformations like these. But precaution is
a vital issue in order not to lose, as has at other
times occurred, such an opportunity: re-educate
ecumenically spiritualizing the popular masses
and defend them from the rapacious eagles that
through corruption embezzle the
necessary means to improve the
grievous condition in which they
Ecumenism that overlaps
“culture shock”
With regards to his broad
ranging vision of ecumenism,
which overlaps the so-called
“culture shock” — that may
lead populations to formidable wars, possibly diverse and worse than what until recently had been imagined —, Paiva Netto explains
in the magazine Solidary Society (7th edition),
taken by the LGW representatives to the UN, in
several editions, starting in the year 2000:
Ecumenism — Education open to Peace
(...) When we speak of ecume­nism, we want to
say Uni­versalism, Fraternity without frontiers, international Solidarity, seen that we understand Humanity as a family. And there is not a single family in
which all the children have the same behavior. Each
one is an independent cosmos, which does not mean
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minds of the world. (...) Those in the vanguard —
among which, ecological activists, politicians and
top scientists — have already undertaken practical solutions to restrain the pollution that has been
poisoning us since the maternal womb.
Global Warming*2
Regarding this, I open a parenthesis to comment
a little more about this priority subject, like the
events pointed out by the third report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an
organ of the United Nations responsible for producing scientific information. According to
issue number 218 of the BOA
VONTADE magazine, in the
report of the veteran journalist
Mario de Moraes, the information of the third document Mario de Moraes
Personal archive
to say that these “celestial bodies” have to collide
into each other. It would be chaos. (...) Let us refer
then to the Ecumenism of the Hearts: that which
convinces us not to waste any time with hatred and
sterile disputes, but rather to reach out one’s hand
to the fallen, for it is compassionate with sorrow;
takes off a shirt to dress the unclothed; contributes
to the healing balm of those who are ill*1; protects
the orphans and the widows; knows that Education
with Ecumenical Spirituality will become increasingly fundamental for the progress of the nations,
because ecumenism is Education open to Peace; to
strengthen a nation (not for a nation to rule over others); therefore, the shelter of a country, whichever it
may be, and the survival of the Globe that protects us
as children, even if not always well behaved ones.
All we need to do is remember the lamentable
phenomenon of global warming, each day increasingly being denounced by the greatest thinking
Author’s note — The Ecumenical Christ’s Commandment, in his Gospel, according to Mathew, 10:8: “Heal the sick, resuscitate the dead, clothe the naked, expulse the demons
(which means, remove pain from the heart of those who suffer), give freely what freely you have received”.
Editor’s note — Upon closing this document, we received the information that the G8 Leaders agreed to consider the goal presented by the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, at the
meeting in Heiligendamm, in Germany, to cut greenhouse gas emissions in 50% by 2050.
“The costs to limit the
greenhouse gas emissions
mean a loss of 0.2% to 0.6%
Nicholas Stern
of the global Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) in 2030”.
These forecasts match those that were defended
in 2006 by a study requested by the British government, the Stern Review,
directed by Nicholas Stern,
former World Bank Chief
Economist, which quoted
a figure of around 1% of
the world GDP. One of the
most keen arguments of this
Tony Blair
work as to the urgency of the
actions to restrict these present levels of
emission is that, if these measures are not put into
practice soon, the reduction of global consumption
will be around 5% of the world GDP, reaching, in a
worst case scenario, to the alarming rate of 20%.
The former British Prime Minister himself, Tony
Blair, manifested about the evidence presented, affirming that it is “overwhelming and disastrous”.
And he completed:
“Investment now will pay us back many times
in the future, not just environmentally but economically as well”.
On this theme it is worth
remembering the proposal
launched in Paris by the former
President of France, Jacques
Chirac, who defends the creation of a permanent environmental agency, with a status Jacques Chirac
similar to that of the World
Health Organization (WHO), so that it becomes a
“strong and recognized voice”, says the text.
I have furthermore followed the effort of the former Vice President of the United States, and winner
of the Nobel Peace Prize (2007),
Al Gore, in his decisive actions
against global warming. In one
of his visits to Brazil, he gave
me an autographed copy of his
work An Inconvenient Truth,
from which I make an important transcription. I refer to a Al Gore
report made by him as to the melting of a gigantic
platform of ice in the Antarctic, an x-ray of what has
been occurring on our planet:
of the IPCC, published on May
4 in Bangkok, Thailand, projects that:
“The Larsen-B ice shelf, as photographed below, was about 150 miles long and 30 miles wide.
(…) Scientists thought this ice shelf would be stable for at least another century — even with global warming. But starting on January 31, 2002,
within 35 days, it completely broke up. Indeed,
most of it disappeared over the course of two of
those days. Scientists were absolutely astonished.
(…) Once the sea-based ice shelf was gone, the
The sequence of images below taken from a satellite in 2002 registers a great part of the ice platform Larsen-B detaching itself from the continent, the one which Al Gore
referred to. The giant block that existed for over 11 years and was two times bigger than the city of São Paulo (Brazil), melted in only 35 days between January and March
2002, turning into thousands of icebergs, which spreadout in the Weddell Sea, in the Antarctic Peninsula. Another regrettable fact financed by global warming.
January 31
February 17
February 23
March 5
Ricardo Stuckert/PR
land-based ice behind it, which was being held
back, began to shift and fall into the sea. (…)”.
Brazil in the leadership of clean fuel
There are many actions under way against
global warming, like the biofuel also developed by
the Brazilian State to reduce the emission of gases
that pollute the atmosphere. The North American
President, George W. Bush, verifying the leadership of Brazil in regard to production of clean
fuel made from sugar cane, visited the Country
for meetings with President Luiz Inácio Lula da
Silva and with the Brazilian business class, with
the express purpose of discussing this issue. In
recent dialogue with the North American leader,
this time held in Washington D.C., on March 31,
2007, President Lula drew attention to the disturbing planetary situation:
“Either we take care of Planet Earth as we take
care of our child, or we are all going to regret it”.
In Brazil, several studies on the theme are
being conducted. One of them, biodiesel, obtained
from oil plants, like those of castor oil, soybeans,
sunflower and African oil palm, strongly joins
itself to initiatives that have shown great potential, such as flex-fuel vehicles powered by gasoline and alcohol. They already represent a significant percentage of the automobiles in circulation
in the Country. Also regarding the issue, Agência
Brasil states:
“The idea is old. Projects have been developed
since the ‘70s by the Federal University of Ceará.
In 2002, the National Biodiesel Program was reassumed, with several Brazilian universities and
institutes presenting feasible technologies for its
The IPCC itself suggests, according to what the
EFE Agency published, that:
“The governments place emphasis on ethanol
for the expansion of energy consumption by 2020,
President Lula (R), from Brazil, and the President of the United States, George
W. Bush, visit the Transpetro terminal, in Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil.
in order to reduce CO2 emissions. Initially, the intention is to stabilize the concentration of gas in
the atmosphere so that the increase in temperature does not go up more than 2°C by 2030”.
The text furthermore defends that ethanol produced from sugar cane “would have a more favorable environmental impact”.
The United Nations concluded that
“Biofuels like ethanol can help reduce global
warming and create jobs for the rural poor, but
the benefits may be offset by serious environmental problems and increased food prices for the
However, as I wrote in the newspaper Folha
de S.Paulo, on August 24, 1986, there is always a
solution when men strive to find one. And this has
allowed Humanity to survive its worst periods of
And about climate changes, Paiva Netto concluded:
It is vital that all these initiatives keep us very
alert, diligent, decided as to the steps to follow on
a global, regional and personal spheres, so that the
next World Summit on Climate Change, summoned
by Mr. Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, and
that they are totally against wastage. There is a
lot to be learnt with one another. A diverse route,
as has been proved, is that of violence, brutality,
wars, that has invaded the homes around the world.
Summing up: every time we
replace arrogance or prejudice,
there shall always be something fair and good to absorb
from all these components
of this ample “Noah’s Ark”,
which is the globalized world
Simone de Beauvoir
of today.
The French writer and philosopher Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) was
fortunate for having concluded inspiredly:
Adriana Rocha
foreseen to be held in September* of this year, at the
United Nations headquarters in New York, parallel
to the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly, become the perfect moment to understand and act in
favor of our global house: the Earth.
There is a lot to be learnt with one another
Now, as never before, it has become so indispensable to unite the efforts of environmentalists and
their detractors, as well as workers, businessmen,
media people, unions, politicians, the militaries,
lawyers, scientists, religious people, skeptics, atheists, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists,
artists, sportsmen and women, professors, doctors,
students, housewives, family heads, barbers, taxi
drivers, street sweepers and all the other segments
of society, in this fight against hunger and for the
conservation of life in the Planet. The subject became dramatic, and its perspectives tragic. For the
same reasons, it urges the strengthening of an ecumenism that overcomes barriers, appeases hatred,
promotes an exchange of experiences that instigate
global creativity, corroborating the value of social
and humanitarian cooperation of partnerships, as
for example in popular cooperatives in which the
women are largely engaged, highlighting the fact
“There is not an inch in my path that does not
cross the path of another”.
While there still is time
From this we commend the harmony of all
for the benefit of all, while there still is time,
because we share a single dwelling, Planet Earth,
and the transgressions of its inhabitants have been
demanding imperative measures: either we integrate
or we disintegrate (…), reason why we must work
strategically in partnerships that
promote effective prosperity
for the common masses. Therefore, in an era of profound transitions such as this in which we
live, one can only understand
the so greatly divulged “culture
shock” as smoothing rough Salomon
spots, because so much blood
has already been shed in this world, and blood invokes blood, as in Salomon’s concept:
“Abyssus abyssum invocat (Abyss calls upon
Make compatible through the qualities
In an improvised speech that I made in the city
of Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, on June 20, 1987, in
* The Earth Summit on Climate Changes occurred on September 24, 2007, at the United Nations headquarters, in New York, USA.
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Mr. Ban Ki-moon (R) of the Republic of Korea, Secretary-General of the UN,
congratulated the Legion of Good Will on March 9, 2007, for the socioeducational
programs and projects accomplished. In the picture, Danilo Parmegiani, of the
LGW, hands to the Secretary-General official document showing the actions being
held by the Brazilian Organization for the past 60 years.
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Ecumenism does not mean
In my book Reflections and Thoughts — The
Dialectic of Good Will (1987) and, previously,
in the Jornal da LBV [LGW Journal], in January 1984, I emphasized: (...) when we speak of
the union of all for the good of all, some may be
afraid, thinking they shall have to capitulate their
points of view on an irksome plain of a depersonalized alliance, the deplorable human automatism. This is not the case at all. In Democracy,
everyone has the duty (far more than the right)
to — honestly (basic requirement) and with a
spirit of tolerance — enunciate their ideas, their manner
of seeing things. However,
nobody has the right to hate
on the pretext of thinking differently, nor of living intimidated for the same reason.
Gandhi (1869-1948) said:
“Differences of opinion should never mean
And it was for this reason that Mahatma became, for certain, the main personality of the independence of his People. The duty to express one’s
point of view in a civilized manner does not mean
that — for the validity of Democracy — you have
to be transformed at any cost into the winner. He
who cannot live with this does not know what a
Democracy is, which, by the way, is the regime of
Moreover, in the message “Question of Death
or Life”, that I directed to the participants of one of
the thematic congresses of the World Forum Spirit
and Science, that occurred from 20 to 25 October,
2003, in the ParlaMundi of the
LGW, in Brasília/DF, Brazil,
considering that, according to
Napoleon Bonaparte (17691821), “the greatest figure of
rhetoric is that of repetition”,
I reinforced my thought to
mark it with greater intensity: Napoleon Bonaparte
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the suggestive auditorium of the Total Ecumenism,
of the Legion of Good Will’s (LGW) previous
headquarters, I pointed out that a better motherland is not built and nor is a happier Nation established by making a collection of its faults, however
by catalyzing all its skills. It is real suicide to want
to make mankind compatible with what is condemnable in it. Conciliation has to be made from
above: by means of its virtues and eternal qualities. A country progresses in the direct reason of
the talent and the perseverance of its children (...).
The same occurs on a planetary scope.
To state one’s opinion in a civilized
Since here is the Legion of Good Will’s Worldwide Parliament of Ecumenical Fraternity, the
LGW’s ParlaMundi, everybody has, in his/her
activities, the duty of expressing his/her opinions,
even with the natural heat caused in defense of
one’s theses, however without a spirit of discord,
hence in a civilized manner.
When I refer to Charity in Education, I do not see this in a merely contemplative manner,
but with an active spirit of one whose achievements are established in figures, as long
as equally illuminated by the ideal of compassion. Statistics alone, without an elevated
sentiment in its analysis and use, do not impede cunning corruption and reciprocal
activities. To undertake Charity is to re-educate the Creatures. Human Beings must respect
Human Beings! And this is not achieved merely with plans and decrees.
Paiva Netto
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Poor of the society that does not discuss ideas.
Only those who desire the criminal dominion of
the human mind detest them. History tells us the
horror that this episode on Earth has been. (...)
Planetary condominium
“Mankind is a single body
and each nation is a part of that
body. We must never say: What
does it matter to me if some part
of the world is aliasing? If there
is such an illness, we must conAtatürk
cern ourselves with it as though
we were having that illness. (…)
Peace at home is Peace in the country. Peace in the
country is Peace in the world”.
Individual improvement
(…) My friends and brothers, it is necessary,
before anything else, to trust the capacity of the
Creatures, see them with Good Will, if we want
to form correct, happy, efficient, productive citizens, in both national and planetary terms, by providing them effective opportunities. We should
point out their virtues and correct, with efficient
education, whatever needs attention. I have for
long been alerting to the fact that Solidarity has
expanded itself from the luminous field of ethics
and presents itself as a strategy, so that the Human Beings may achieve their own survival. To
the globalization of misery, we counterpose the
Eleanor Roosevelt (in memoriam), the remarkable Chairperson of the United
Nations Human Rights Commission.
globalization of Fraternity, that spiritualizes the
Economy and solidarily disciplines it, as a strong
instrument of reaction to the pseudo-fatalism of
poverty. (…) A sudden miracle is not requested
— although nothing is impossible —, but the
strengthening of an ideal that establishes itself,
phase by phase, until it completes its extraordinary service.
Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962), the noteworthy Chairperson of the Commission of Human
Rights at the UN, to well define this kind of resistance, assured:
“The construction of a pacific world is not
achieved by editing a treaty. Time is required to
elaborate the relations between Human Beings;
but, if we aspire to Peace, this must be done”.
John XXIII (1881-1963), one of the most venerated popes in History, preached that:
“In love are solved all the social problems and political divergences, both on a European scale
as well as on a world scale. In it
lies the corner-stone. (…) Peace
is a house; it is the house of everyone, and the rainbow that connects
Earth to Heaven”.
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Globalization, therefore, cannot be the synonym of a standardized culture by a single model.
Let us promote a global awareness, although fraternal and solidary, but in which the local singularities are respected. The path to this is called
Ecumenism of the Heart. After all, we constitute
a single Humanity, that resides in a single condominium: planet Earth. Where is the difficulty
in understanding this, when the inverse would be
The Turkish statesman Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal
(1881-1938), responsible for the founding of the
Turkish Republic and for the modernization of his
country, declared:
“You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of
us must work for his own improvement, and at the
same time share a general responsibility for all
There are different forms of fighting, proceeds
Paiva Netto. However, the most ennobling form
is this: modify, clarifying and stimulating the Human Creature, since it constitutes the base of any
Reproduction RMTV
In the first picture, Michael Douglas
receives from Danilo Parmegiani, the
LGW’s representative in the event,
the magazine Solidary Society; in
the second one, Douglas with
his beautiful wife, the actress
Catherine Zeta-Jones;
in the small circle, giving an
interview to the Super Good Will
Communication Network.
The so greatly claimed structural change must
count, therefore, besides the power of Reason, with
the best of the Creature’s Sentiment; otherwise, it
shall continue expressing the symbolic desire in
which so often it has almost become. It is urgent,
therefore, to join mind and heart: may the eye seek
the heights, but it is proper for the feet to stay firmly on the ground.
Madam Curie (1867-1934), Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1903 and in Chemistry in 1911, who,
by means of uncountable efforts and sacrifices led
Science to so many conquests, from the highest
point of her perseverance concluded:
Philosophy and the hoe handle
worldwide reinvigoration. It is, therefore, an urgent subject. Hence, let us begin yesterday. The
good challenges do well to everyone; they are
God’s prizes to our intelligence. The wise Albert
Einstein (1875-1955), who does not require any
further introductions, emphasized that:
“Difficulties and obstacles are valuable sources
of health and strength for any society”.
In a letter that I sent to the youth of the Legion
of Good Will in September 1987, I invited them to
Ch. E. Guillaume
In 2005, the Hollywood actor and producer Michael Douglas, also named by the
UN as a Messenger of Peace, gave a speech
during the event, at the United Nations, to
celebrate the International Day of Peace,
and in the opportunity sent a special message to Brazil through the Super Good Will
Communication Network. “Today is a very
special day for all of us. I hope this feeling
of Peace may also reach Brazil. My thanks
to the LGW for being here”, he said.
On the occasion, he was greeted by the
representatives of the Organization and he
thanked for having received the magazine
Solidary Society.
Reproduction RMTV
Michael Douglas sends message of
Peace to Brazil through the LGW
From left to right: Pierre
Curie, Nobel Prize in Physics
(1903); Marie Curie, Nobel
Prize in Physics (1903)
and in Chemistry (1911);
Irène Curie, Nobel Prize
in Chemistry (1935); and
Dr. Curie, Pierre’s father.
Curiously, this picture was
taken by Ch. E. Guillaume,
at that time Representative
Director of the Bureau
International des Poids et
Mesures (BIPM), who was also
Nobel Prize in Physics (1920).
Adriana Rocha
the comprehension that it is imperious that mental
force be joined to that of the hands; philosophy, to
the hoe handle (…). It is not enough to conceive,
it has to be carried out. The new times demand
greater promptness, since now the problem mercilessly reaches billions of people, whose patience
is not inexhaustible. Even if it struck a single living Being, it would already be a scandal.
Human Development Report
From left to right: the two winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Dutch
Pieter Zeeman (1902) and the German Albert Einstein (1921), with the professor
of theoretical physics at Leiden University, in the Netherlands, Paul
Ehrenfest, who, during his academic career, worked with many laureate winners.
The UN and thinking ahead
Meditating on Dr. Fedoroff’s speech, who on that
occasion on behalf of Ms. Hanifa Mezoui, Chief of
the NGO Section/DESA, represented the United Nations, I remembered that, at a dramatic moment of the
Brazilian History in 1930, the
President of the State of Minas Gerais*3, Antônio Carlos
Ribeiro de Andrada (18701945), descendent of the Patriarch of the Independence of Brazil, José Bonifácio de Andrada
e Silva (1763-1838), exclaimed: Antônio Carlos de Andrada
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“Poverty is a complex social and economic
phenomenon, whose global scale affects over a
billion people who still manage to live in some
way with less than a US$ 1 dollar per day, and
over 800 million inhabitants who have very little
to eat and satisfy their necessary natal energies
in their daily lives. The manifestations of poverty
affect all the areas of people’s lives, resulting in illiteracy, diseases, lack of access to drinking water
and adequate housing and a lack of work opportunities and political participation. Between 1990
and 2001, around 120 million people escaped
from living in extreme poverty, which, in itself, is
already a significant conquest (...)”.
The representative of the LGW Danilo Parmegiani with Hanifa Mezoui (L) and
Michele Fedoroff, from the NGO Section of the UN/DESA, during the New
York edition of the Innovation Fair. Read complete article on page 88.
“Let us make the revolution before the People do it!”
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Much to the point, the words of Dr. Michele
Fedoroff, Deputy of the NGO Section/DESA (Department of Economic and Social Affairs), of the UN,
in her speech, in the city of Brasília/DF, Brazil, during
the 1st Forum of the Solidary Society Network Innovation Fair, promoted by the LGW, in March 2007:
Well, that is the natural
providence of all intelligent
women and men, since governing means thinking ahead. (…) José Bonifácio
And it is evident that it is a concern of the United Nations, with the eight Millennium Development Goals: to act beforehand.
Ethics in its most exalted sense and
corresponding action
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The LGW’s president resumes the subject
*3 President of the State of Minas Gerais — At the beginning of the Brazilian
Republic, the State governors were known as Presidents.
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In these times of globalization of ill-distributed
benefits, mainly for the innumerable multitudes
“without access” (as the journalist and legionnaire
of Good Will, Francisco de Assis Periotto, calls
them), every nation has the duty, more than the
right, of being creative, of becoming economically
stable, expanding its industry, its commerce and
its services; of modernizing the instruction and the
Education of its population (illuminating everything
with a touch of Spirituality which infers ethics in its
most exalted sense and corresponding action), its
network of communication and transportation; of
seeking harmonious integration with the other nations; of achieving international prestige. It is obvious, but for this very reason, it must be proclaimed.
Besides this, the barbarity which we witness around
us gains force — every day less disguised — and as
incredible as it may seem, the majority possibly do
not duly measure it, for there is a thorough effort to
keep the masses entertained, just as in the era of the
Roman Caesars. Nevertheless, they shall gradually
start seeing the pernicious effects. This is fatal. It is
merely a matter of time (...).
No leader should accomplish anything alone. In
this era of accelerated metamorphosis, sooner or
later, he/she shall need the support of society. (…)
The least that is expected is that he/she governs for
its people, for its company; respect its community;
love its organization; and so on. Furthermore, in
the middle of the 21st century, the law cannot be an
isolated decision of whoever it may be.
Upon taking any measures, it has to be done in
a prudent, consensual, correct manner, since the
consequences of individual
measures may be uncorrectable. Known in the Eastern
world of his time as an extraordinary philosopher and
scientist, Omar Khayyam
(1048-1122), who in 1074,
upon the request of the
Omar Khayyam
Sultan Malik-Shah (1055-1092), made astronomical studies for the reform of the Islamic calendar, defined:
“Four things do not return: the arrow, once in
flight, the word once said, the water that passed
through the mill, and the opportunity lost”.
The current need to plant the collard
and the oak
The Human Being with an encompassing vision knows how to examine the Souls, not in his
own benefit, which is a crime, however, in favor
of the collectivity. Here is the churchman that
herds his flock with zeal, however, without setting it against the others; the politician of broad
vision; the statesman who, at times, even his
contemporaries do not understand, but that the
future blesses.
On March 29, 1985, I wrote in “The New
Republic and Jesus”, an article published in
the former newspaper Jornal da Manhã, of São
Paulo/SP, Brazil:
(…) Rui Barbosa (18491923), the remarkable internationally renowned Brazilian
jurist, invites us to meditate
on these concepts of such sagacious reach:
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in another tract of his, on the page “Spiritual
knowledge generates abundance”, from the literary essay O Capital de Deus [The Capital of
God], in which he states:
“While God still gives us Rui Barbosa
a remainder of courage, we
shall not lose hope in the fate of Goodness. Injustice
may grow angry because it is precarious. Truth does
not grow impatient, because it is eternal. When we
practice a good action, we do not know if it is for
today, or when it is for. The fact is that the fruits
may come late, but they are certain. Some plant the
seed of the collards for tomorrow’s dish; others, the
seed of the oak for a future shelter. Those dig for
themselves. These others cultivate for their country, for the happiness of their descendents, for the
benefit of the human genus”.
In the complicated current times, dear Rui, both
of these services need to be done in parallel: plant
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“Until the great mass of the people shall be
filled with the sense of responsibility for each other’s welfare, social justice can never be attained”.
Charles Chaplin
(…) While the governments
do not find “definite solutions”
for misery, may each Creature,
whether reunited or not into
communities, do its part for his
fellow creature, putting in action
the powerful associative spirit
of Charity*4, preached and lived
by Jesus, Mohammed, Moses,
Buddha, Onisaburo and other
luminaries of History, not only
religious ones, like:
Charles Chaplin (18891977), actor and director of the
English cinema — “Let us fight
for a new world… a good world
that can assure the chance of
work for all, that may provide
youth with a future and security
for the aged”.
Anne Frank (1929-1945),
young Jewish writer — “Everyone has inside themselves a fragment of good news. The good
news is that you don’t know how
extraordinary you can be! How
much you can love! What you
Anne Frank
can do! And what is your potential! (…) How wonderful it is not
needing to wait for a single moment to make the world
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And the late founder of
the LGW, Alziro Zarur, completed: “… cry in shame!”.
Here too, since it is opportune, is the warning of the
unforgettable Helen Keller
(1880-1968), North American writer and social activist:
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José do Patrocínio
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“As long as a Brazilian
citizen is hungry, we are a
nation that laughs, when it
should cry (…)”.
Identification in Goodness,
from north to south, from
east to west
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the seed of the oak, whose
welcoming shadow will be
projected over the later generations, and plant the food
for now, however, for the
empty stomachs, because
even today, despite the efforts Jesus
of so many dedicated and
honest souls, the warning of
the fearless abolitionist José
do Patrocínio (1853-1905)
still echoes:
La Fontaine (1621-1695),
the French fabulist — “Love,
love, for all the rest is nothing”.
La Fontaine
Helen Keller and her teacher and mentor, Anne Sullivan.
*4 Associative Spirit of Charity — Read more about Paiva Netto’s thoughts on
Charity, which he calls “the most powerful instrument to carry out even what is considered
impossible”, in Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, volume 1, in the chapter “About
Complete Charity”.
Saadi (1213-1292), Persian
poet — “Charity is a silent
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.),
Greek philosopher — “Happiness consists in doing the
*Temple of Good Will – Read article “For a Culture of Peace in the
world”, on page 78
Florence Nightingale (18201910), English icon of nursing,
always ended her letters with
a phrase that demonstrates her
extreme concern for her fellow
creatures — “If I may be useful
in any way, here I am”.
Florence Nightingale
Winston Churchill (18741965), English politician and
writer, Nobel Prize in Literature
in 1953 — “All the great things
are simple. And many may be
expressed in small words: liberty; justice; honor; duty; pity;
Therefore, “may all men remember that they are brothers”,
as exhorted Voltaire (16941778). In his Treatise on Tolerance, François-Marie Arouet
(the real name of the polemic
French thinker) wrote:
August Comte (1798-1857),
French philosopher and sociologist — “Living for others is not
only the law of duty but also of
“Nature says to all men: (...) I have given you arms
to cultivate the earth and a small amount of reason to
guide you; I have placed in your heart a germ of compassion so that you can help one another to tolerate
life. Do not suffocate this germ, do not corrupt it, you
shall comprehend that it is divine (...)”.
Princess Diana (1961-1997)
— “Everyone of us needs to
show how much we care for
each other and, in the process,
care for ourselves”.
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Princess Diana
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Winston Churchill
August Comte
Several peoples, among them
Chile, the Netherlands and China,
have expressed their gratitude to the
Temple of Good Will (TGW)*, a
worldwide point of expansion of the Moroccan mosaic
Ecumenical Solidarity.
Morocco was the first nation to present the monument of the LGW, as soon as it was inaugurated in
1989, in recognition to its relevant
role fulfilled in society. Its Embassy
in Brazil donated in the name of the
Government and people of Morocco
a notable work of art: a stone mosaic,
typical from the Islamic creed.
The Embassy of Iran expressed its
consideration for the TGW by giving a
beautiful traditional Islamic painting,
Traditional Iranian
made on goat skin. Also an authentic painting, made on goat
gesture of international friendship.
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Anália Franco
Anália Franco (1853-1919),
Brazilian educator — “Let us
educate and give shelter to the
poor children that need our
help, tearing them away from
the paths of vices, making
them useful and worthy citizens for the enhancement of
our Nation”.
The always remembered Alziro Zarur poetized a
flagrant truth with this statement:
“The vibration of hatred destroys the human body,
which was made to vibrate in the Law of Love”.
Finally, Charity, synonym of Love, is the center
of gravity of spiritual, human, social, religious, philosophical, political awareness to such a point that, if the
Being does not comprehend it, he/she must make an
effort to understand it. For this ignorance, very often
sophisticated, shows itself arrogant with regards to
the lato sensu meaning of Charity and of its efficiency
in individual’s, nations’ and peoples’ daily lives. This
lack of knowledge has caused the stumbling of
many ideologies that tried, with results far less than
expected, to correct the situation of abject misery,
which massacres immense populations. And when
I refer to misery, I do not mean only social poverty,
but also spiritual, moral, mental, as well as intellectual,
that when observed away from human suffering may
lead someone, despite his/her great erudition, to build
a chimera, because of the lack of that common knowledge endowed to the most simple souls, reached in the
struggle of constant labor, in order to have minimum
living conditions so that the family, for example, can
be supported in the daily battle. Theory, in practice, is
not always the same thing, since at every moment one
is faced with sudden facts. The knowledge that comes
from the millennia shall reveal that, to the academic
patrimony must be added the supreme instruction born
from the learning of the suffering of the multitudes.
The simple men have a lot to teach their elite.
In addition, when I refer to Charity in Education,
I do not see this in a merely contemplative manner,
Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko
Charity is the synonym of Love
but with an active spirit of one whose achievements
are established in figures, as long as equally illuminated by the ideal of compassion. Statistics alone,
without an elevated sentiment in its analysis and
use, do not impede cunning corruption and reciprocal activities. To undertake Charity is to re-educate
the Creatures. Human Beings must respect Human
Beings! And this is not achieved merely with plans
and decrees.
Here fits the essential
words of the South African
Statesman Nelson Mandela:
“Education is the most
powerful weapon which you
can use to change the world”.
Nelson Mandela
The maturation of the Soul fraternally brings
together creatures, concomitantly, the terrestrial
cultures. Due to the complexity of our present day
dramas, even if the time comes when all the social
problems are solved, Charity, which, in Sanskrit,
precisely means “the Love that shifts itself”, will
be as necessary as it is today. Without it nobody
lives, since it is the food of the Spirit, the greatest
gain for the equilibrium of the mind. Also because
all citizens, in addition to the good term for the issues that are of the competence of the State, seek
solutions for their human, moral and spiritual dilemmas. (...)
This reflection was made by Helena Petrovna
Blavatski (1831-1891), Russian activist, writer and theosophist:
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Yes, dear Voltaire, and that it may so be from
north to south, from east to west, since the historic
time for Humanity to understand that the survival
of the Planet depends on our true civilized behavior,
is diminishing right before our eyes. And these are
not the words of a visionary mystic, no matter how
respectable he may be, but the simple statement of
reality. Never like now has it been so necessary the
message of comfort and hope.
“Each person is affected
by the combined influences of
the rest, since each one, in his
Helena Blavatski
turn, affects all the others”.
Encyclopedic unlove
In the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo, on April 10,
1988, I wrote: Without Love we shall never know
Peace. It is “the divine bread of the souls, the sublime food of the hearts”, in the words of Laura,
Lísias’*5 mother. And if anyone should argue that
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Galileo Galilei
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Baruch Spinoza
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Dante Alighieri
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it is a waste of time to speak of Love now, with
so much violence in the world, I oppose with the
conviction that it is precisely the correct time for
this. To exalt it when everybody would normally
be living it, would be redundant...
Speaking of Love, the BOA VONTADE magazine published: “Encyclopedias — An English
newspaper observed that in the first edition of a
well-known encyclopedia, published in 1768, the
word atom was explained in four lines, while to
the word Love five whole pages were dedicated. In
the last edition of the same encyclopedia, the definition of atom occupies five pages, and the word
Love is not even mentioned”. (…)
One of the misfortunes of some public men is to
remain ignorant of these grand subjects. They say it
is a dream... They may wake up in a nightmare...
Samuel Hahnemann
Maria Montessori
Charity and Politics
Charity, in its deepest expression, should be one
of the main statutes of Politics, because it is not
restricted to the simple and praiseworthy act of giving
a piece of bread. It is the sentiment that — illuminating the ruler’s Soul, from the parliament member to the magistrate — shall conduct the Nation to
the regime in which Solidarity is the base of the
Economy, understood in its broadest sense. This demands a restructuring of the Culture, through Spirituality, amongst the people and as an academic discipline. However, in the intellectual field, that it may be
done without any type of prejudice that reduces, on
specific occasions, the perspective of the great analy­
tical thinkers, due to the fact that some of them submit
themselves to some ideological and scientific dogmatisms, which is inconceivable coming from supine
lucubrating minds. Even because Science is prodigal
in conquests for the common good. But also in its
bosom there were many who suffered incomprehension, due to the castrating conventionalism of even
some peers who hastily prejudged them. Their victims were: Socrates, Bias, Baruch Spinoza, Dante
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Paiva Netto, listed among the great pioneers
as to the broad-ranging meaning of the word
Charity, continues demonstrating this in his literary essay The Capital of God:
Luiza Mahin
Dr. Barry J. Marshall and his friend Dr. J. Robin Warren
Alighieri, Galileo Galilei, Semmelweis, Harvey,
Samuel Hahnemann, Maria Montessori, Luiza
Mahin*6, Dr. Barry J. Marshall, Dr. J. Robin
Warren and other universally respected renowned
Summing up, Charity, synonym of Love, is a
special Science, the vanguard of a world in which
the Human Being shall be treated as he deserves to
*5 Lísias — Character of the book Nosso Lar, by André Luiz, channeled by Francisco
Cândido Xavier, FEB.
*6 Luiza Mahin — Mother of the famous Brazilian poet, journalist and abolitionist
Luiz Gama. A well educated and combative slave, who had an important participation
in the Male Revolt — a series of slave rebellions that occurred in the first half of the
19th Century in Brazil. The movement leaders were brutally chased and punished, but
Luiza managed to run away to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) where she continued her fight for
her people’s freedom, being arrested and possibly deported to Africa.
“On each man and woman depends the improvement of everything that is born, grows, lives and
is transformed on Earth, because, in fact, nothing
dies. There is an ongoing transmutation, and we
must be the guides for this transformation to occur
in constant ascension, increasingly becoming more
beautiful and more perfect to better represent the
life that encourages it”.
fate. To allow that feeling of
compassion to be sacrificed between individuals is the same as
promoting the collective suicide
of the nations. We live in times
of transformation, of rupture
with the past. Is it for the better? Jean-Paul Sartre
It depends on our feeling of humanity now.
It was not without reason that the French writer
and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980)
defined it like this:
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Personal archive
be: in a human and therefore
civilized manner. Thus, we
would be in this way building
an Empire of Good Will on
this planet, the excellent state
for the Capital of God*7, which
Cinira Riedel de Figueiredo circulates throughout and that
(Photo kindly ceded by the shall no longer accept crimigranddaughter, Mrs. Sônia nal speculation of itself. (...)
Riedel Souza e Silva)
This reflection of the Brazilian educator and writer Cinira
Riedel de Figueiredo (1893-1987) comes to meet
what we approached before:
“Mankind is constituted of his multiple choices
and is entirely responsible for them” (...).
Economy of the Spiritual and Human
O Capital de Deus [The Capital of God] — In this way Paiva Netto defines the
Human Being and his eternal Spirit. It is also the title of one of his essays.
“He who is indifferent to the well-being of others
does not deserve to be called a man”.
Rupture with the past. For the better?
Proceeding, after presenting what Paiva Netto
reiterated in 1985, we return to his word, when he
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Thanks to the solidary maturity of the consciences,
ending the hunger of the body and the Spirit has become a concern, not only national, but rather planetary. What can impede the objectives that shall benefit
any country to be reached without further delay on a
global scale? Amongst other obstacles, stand out the
exacerbation of narcissism, individualism, allied to
the desire to dominate whatever can exist in human
minds that are insensitive to the pain of others — that
prodigiously gives fruit in an epoch of unrestrained
corruption and impunity — and to the lack of perseverance and efficient tactics amongst many of those
that oppose themselves to this state of things.
The combat of violence in the world begins in the
fight against indifference towards your neighbors’
From my literary essay Sociologia do Universo
[Sociology of the Universe], consonant with our
belief in the value of altruism, I point out that it
is not because we believe in it, even in the area of
business, that we should be considered fools. We
are fully aware of the hindrances, even in the economic and social areas, that any community or
nation constantly needs to face and overcome.
Upon proposing, decades ago, the Economy of
the Spiritual and Human Solidarity, as a Strategy of Survival, we are part of a rigorous group
of cheerers that desires to see
once and for all corrected the
many faults damaging workers, companies, society and
beliefs by those capable of
doing so, who only require the
prestige of those that shall be
benefited by their initiatives,
that is, the populations.
The more violence threatens
the development of a Country, the more it cannot
do without the spirit of Charity. The Persians,
who followed the doctrine of Zarathustra (628551 B.C.), taught:
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Partial view of the city of Geneva, Switzerland.
José Ortega y Gasset
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“State and life project, action
program or human conduct are
inseparable terms. The different State classes are
born from the way in which the entrepreneurial
group establishes collaboration with the others”.
Deng Xiaoping
Deng Xiaoping (19041997), who in the second part
of the 20th century started undertaking a series of deep reforms in China, pointed out a
lesson of what must not be
done to reach agreement:
Because of this, the Charity that we suggest goes beyond what inspired the solidary economy studied by the
eminent sociologist Émile
Durkheim (1858-1917). The
Economy of the Spiritual and Émile Durkheim
Human Solidarity that we
praise is holistic, since it invites us to catch a glimpse of our true origin, which
is spiritual. Only in this way shall there be the humanization and spiritualization of the State and of
the Human Creature itself, that is, under a shining
bath of Ecumenical Charity, which makes no distinction of people, since it considers that — above
color, belief, disbelief, political view, gender, age
— we stand before Terrestrial Beings that beg for
help and comprehension (...).
In the same purpose declared the heroic Nelson
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The thought of one of
the most expressive Spanish
philosophers, José Ortega y
Gasset (1883-1955), fits in
with this ancient Persian precept
when he affirms:
“There are people who criticize others to gain
fame, stepping on other people’s shoulders to ascend to key positions”.
“Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden
but never extinguished”.
Paiva Netto, continuing his explanation of how
he comprehends the Charitable sentiment, as a
propelling force, not only in the religious, but also
in a social, political and scientific extent, clarifies:
Also in the literary essay The Capital of God,
the leader of the LGW once again approaches
the much diffused “culture shock”, pointed out
by some. He says:
The family of Nations
And advises:
It is still proper to act in such a way that, pari passu,
the advances of technological knowledge contemplate
expansive mechanisms of Compassion and Solidarity,
in the effective combat of the moral and spiritual
misery that obstructs the success of all society. This
is to think ecumenically to find the real solution for
the increase of purchasing power and, what is fundamental, for the democratic access to good education,
for example, the lack of which, at the present moment,
imprisons in indigence entire populations in the four
corners of the Earth, making it difficult for them to
free themselves from the diverse forms of hunger.
This is true disrespect to human dignity.
“Hunger is a bad adviser”
In case this maturity of mentality does not occur
quickly, Paiva Netto, whose words are justified by
his work, leads us all to reflect that a danger can
truly approach those who do not take these precepts
into consideration, for
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(…) Whoever is hungry wants to eat; whoever has
thirst tries to quench it; whoever is naked needs to
be dressed; whoever is ill awaits for the urgent cure;
the desperate longs for comfort.
Not tomorrow, right now! And
before the starving masses in
extreme delirium start wrenching by force what they do not
have from the hands of those
who do. After more than two
millennia, the Latin poet Virgil
(70-19 B.C.) is still current:
“Hunger is a bad adviser” (...).
Before such circumstance definitively becomes a
flag waved by afflicted communities, whereby, as the
President of the LGW affirms, “Nations also vomit”,
Redoubled consideration is
necessary with regards to what
the Scotsman Adam Smith
(1723-1790) registered so many
years ago. The Father of Economics said:
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he brings us reflections of other
great names of History:
Adam Smith
“Poverty dishonors no one, but it is very irksome”.
However, there is an aggravating factor in all of
this, my dear Adam, as shown in this warning from
Gandhi, the liberator of India:
“The greatest crime is hunger”.
Mahatma’s conclusion is correct, seeing that
hunger and its consequent infirmities, among them
dwarfism, blindness, mental weakness (that makes
absorbing knowledge difficult) and others — which
befall millions throughout the Planet every year —,
constitute a genocide, which we must denounce with
intense clamor, worthy of the Roman General Scipio
Emiliano (184-129 B.C.), when he burnt Carthage
to ashes and decimated its inhabitants in 146 B.C.
(...) There is no good regime as long as Mankind
is evil. Reason for which it is inevitable to reflect
with serenity and bloodlessly about this quote of
the wise Chinese Confucius
(551-479 B.C.):
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With increasing intensity for the 21st century,
the issue is never to disregard the multiple opportunities of development for the common good that
modern technology offers us.
“Pay Kindness with Kindness, but evil with Justice”.
I refer to the bloodlessly, in
addition to serene, reflection Confucius
about this thought of Confucius,
so that no one should criminally confuse Justice with
Fear is a bad advisor
We can notice, reading between the lines of what
we are witnessing throughout the world, the message
The purest truth, illustrious Russell, because
hope never dies, never! Thus we work, unceasingly,
for a solidary Education, without ever forgetting the
indispensable Ecumenical Spirituality, which infers
the Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy, the Pedagogy of
Affection*8, directed especially to the children and
the youth, as a compass showing the ideal way to
reach the so much dreamed of planetary harmony,
whose difficulty in being accomplished strengthens
the decision of those who do not capitulate in the
face of hardships found along the way. To educate
the deviations of the Soul, only with spiritualized
Love and the illumination of Justice.
The second Secretary-General of the UN and
Nobel Peace Prize, Dag Hammarskjöld*9 (19051961), disclosed:
“Unless there is a spiritual renaissance, the world
will know no Peace”.
And Dr. Hammarskjöld’s declaration — observes
Paiva Netto — deserves our most expressive applause.
As to the power of Good Will, the Law of Spiritual, Human, Social and Political Solidarity, a magic
thread that joins the parts anachronistically separated
from the society organism, it comes to my mind this
manifestation of the already previously quoted Charles
Chaplin, the genius Carlitos, when he states:
“The world shall not achieve Peace through the
threat of bombs that are being manufactured, based
Dag Hammarskjöld (in memoriam)
on the disintegration of the atom. The world shall
only have Peace when the natural sentiment of
Good Will is aroused in Mankind”.
Democracy: the regime of responsibility
Also in The Capital of God, the author of
Reflexões da Alma [Reflections of the Soul]*10
The advent of globalization revealed more, to the eyes
of the world, the idea of Democracy. Nevertheless, this
globalization presents it in an
inconclusive form. As long
as everything is submitted to
greed, where does the true Victor Hugo
emancipation of the Human
Being lie? Victor Hugo (1802-1885) advocated:
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“In Education and other fields of existence,
what Humanity most needs is the substitution of
fear with hope”.
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written in bright paints: just like
hunger, fear is a bad advisor. It
is evident that one cannot confuse
fear with prudence, because the
latter illuminates and propels the
Good Will of beings willing to
transform this state of things, as
Bertrand Russell
the English philosopher and historian Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) proposes:
Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy, the Pedagogy of Affection — Is a vanguard educational
line, proclaimed by Paiva Netto, whose methodology is applied successfully in the socioeducational
programs and projects developed by the Legion of Good Will throughout Brazil and Abroad, by
means of schools; Homes for children, youth and senior citizens; Community and Educational
Centers; and sports and cultural centers. It is based on the values born of Universal Love, adjusting
people to live the Ecumenical Citizenship, established on the full exercise of Planetary Solidarity,
above all beliefs, disbeliefs, traditions, ethnic origins or any other factor of segregation of the
Human Being. It has as its banner the New Commandment of Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ: “Love
one another as I have loved you” (Gospel, according to John, 13:34).
Dag Hammarskjöld — Died tragically in an air disaster, in 1961, in Ndola, Zambia,
a place where he was to discuss the cease-fire in Congo with the separatist leader Moïse
Tshombe. The DC-6B that transported him fell shortly after the airport had come into sight.
Many believe that it was a conspiracy for his assassination, although the causes of the accident
have never been explained.
Reflexões da Alma [Reflections of the Soul] — Book written by Paiva Netto
that has already exceeded 200.000 copies sold.
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Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu
(1689-1755), the author of The Spirit of the Laws,
“The peculiar principle
of democratic government is
Due to this, Liberty, Virtue
and Justice have to join hands
to combat corruption and impunity, fatal to the survival of
a democratic regime. Alziro
Zarur proclaimed that “the first
great reform to be made is that of the Human Being”. Truly, because the Creature urgently needs
to become more human and spiritual, in order to
carry out the restructuring of planetary living, with
Solidarity as the efficient strategy, not merely as a
most beautiful inert idealism, but as a structural,
organizational action never before conceived.
The Soul is the generator of all
It is worth registering here the article Independência (Independence) by Paiva Netto, published by the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo on
September 7, 1986, Brazilian Independence Day,
also elaborated by the author in other noteworthy
communication vehicles:
(...) The Human Being, with his/her Eternal
Spirit, is the center of the Economy, the generator
of all progress. Without him/her, there is neither
work nor capital.
The wealth of a country is in the heart of its People.
However, entire nations still suffer in misery. It is con44
“Feed them, and only after that demand them
to be virtuous!”
The Brazilian writer and
politician José Américo (18871980), also declared in a bitter
moment that:
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Liberty, Virtue, Justice
“Scandal is to die of hunger in Canaan”.
José Américo
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I think, in this case, in accordance with this great
man of Besançon. And I repeat: authentic Democracy is the regime of responsibility, the sincere respect
to reason, inspiration and to Peoples’ rights. (...)
venient to remember that empty
stomachs and frustrated Spirits
are not, in general, willing to
Possibly, because of this,
the Russian thinker Fyodor
Dostoyevsky (1821-1881), Fyodor Dostoyevsky
author of Crime and Punishment, warned:
And Saint Ambrosius
(340-397), Saint Augustine’s
(354-430) mentor, asserted:
“If you own great wealth
and your brother is hungry,
you are a thief. If the needy
die, you are a murderer”.
Saint Ambrosius
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“Freedom is, in philosophy, the reason; in art,
inspiration; in politics, the right”.
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In times when, due to advances in technology, production expectations are surpassed,
hunger is really a scandal! Not
only that of the body, but also
that of knowledge, that is, Edu- Saint Augustine
cation, without which no Nation is strong. Anachronistically, never has the world
known so much abundance on one hand and so much
misery on the other. The Economy lacks Solidarity.
Until the last of its sons have the minimal conditions for a dignified life, no country will be an
independent nation, but merely the slave of its self
imposed limitations. The internal obstacles cause
more damage to the People’s progress than external ones (…).
Amado Vieira
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United Nations Plenary in New York, USA
Blaise Pascal
Still regarding the lack of Solidarity in the Economy, consequently also in Politics, in another lecture, Paiva Netto recalled a
quote from Blaise Pascal (16231662), in which the controversial
French physicist and mathematician affirms:
“The pleasure of great men consists in being
able to make others happier”.
In this sense, the leader of the LGW completed:
After all, Human Beings are not currency. Their
importance cannot be measured by a cipher on their
Women in the repair
of nations – reproduction of the document
elaborated by the LGW
and translated by the
United Nations to its six
official languages.
Cooperating with the UN
When asked about the cooperation that the LGW
has been offering the United Nations since 1994, Paiva Netto answered:
Let us continue confident, yet always attentive
and diligent, in the measures that are being taken on
a national and worldwide scope, like the vast UN initiatives. And for these precious opportunities we are
present with our sincere collaboration of institutions
born from the core of society that, increasingly, become aware of their citizen rights, in the measures
that shall create a better Brazil and a happier Humanity. Not in a distant future, however as soon as possible!
“Love is the great champion of the most difficult battles.”
Paiva Netto
Women in the repair of nations
On the occasion of the 51st Session of the
Commission on the Status of Women, held from
February 26 to March 9 of 2007, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, United States, in
the document delivered to the event, translated by
the UN into its six official languages, Paiva Netto
highlighted extracts of his page “A Mulher no
conSerto*11 das nações [Women in the ‘repair’ of
nations]”, in which he pays fair homage to them,
pointing out the “essential role of Women for the
survival of the nations”.
Right at the beginning, he comments:
Bread and roses
The fight for the emancipation
of Women — proceeds Paiva Netto
— is ancient. Even in the classical times of Greece, this libertarian
spirit sought, under a certain aspect,
its path in the efforts and difficulties
of Lysistrata, with her sex strike,
which motivated the women of Athens
*11 Conserto and Concerto —In Portuguese, the pronunciation for ConSerto and ConCerto is the same, but the
meaning of both words is different. The first one is for fixing,
repairing, restoring. The last one has the literal sense of the
musical show, agreement (such as a political one), harmony.
(Translator’s note)
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Before anything else, I have to clarify to you
the reason for the word “conserto” written with
an “s” in the title of this article. It is not an error or
distraction in the use of the word in Portuguese. It
really is conSerto (repair), since, in the way in which
the world is about to fry with global warming, it is
better for men and women to fraternize, unite their
forces and carry out urgent repairs to what threatens
to break, because otherwise, we may end up cooked
nuclearly or climatically in a phenomenal pot: the
planet that we inhabit. (...)
and of Sparta, to deter the Peloponnesian War,
according to the comedy by Aristophanes (450388 B.C.).
In 1857, hundreds of textile and clothing women
workers in factories in New York started a strong protest against their low salaries and working days of over
12 hours and detestably poor working conditions. In
1908, over 14 thousand women returned to the New
York streets. With the slogan “Bread and roses” —
“the bread being the symbol of economic stability and
the roses representing a better quality of life” — they
demanded identical rights as those claimed by the
workers of the ‘50s in the 19th century. Approximately
130 of them died during a mysterious fire. But this was
not all. Three years later, also in that city, another tragic
occurrence was provoked by the truly infernal conditions lacking in safety at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. On March 25, 1911, more than 140 male and
female weavers died, the majority of them Italian and
Jewish, burnt to death (21 of them were men). The
facts were registered in their dramatic nature: desperate Creatures throwing themselves from the burning building. The protests which occurred in the cosmopolitan metropolis were aligned among other main
steps for the emancipation of Women, as well as the
efforts of so many others, as for example the German
Clara Zetkin (1857-1933), one of the
most famous activists for women’s
rights, who, in 1910, during the 2nd
International Conference of Socialist
Women, proposed the creation of the
International Women’s Day.
Their courageous attitude, with
their energetic revolution, without
giving up their affability, the sense
expressed already in the slogan
“Bread and roses”, fits in perfectly
in this exclamation by Helen Keller:
Clara Zetkin (L) next to Rosa Luxemburg,
two great feminist figures of Humanity.
“Life is a daring adventure or
nothing at all!”
Photos: Archive BV
It is evident that the famous social activist refers
to the audacity that propels those in the vanguard to
review outdated habits and concepts, which retard the
evolution of all Creatures and Nations (above all in
indispensable spiritual knowledge). She herself is a
model of this premise. Blind, deaf and dumb, due to
a disease that manifested itself when she was only 18
months, she broke barriers, becoming one of the most
respected women of History. She “saw” how many
steps were necessary for the path to comprehension:
“The highest result of Education is tolerance”.
terrible crime of forgetting the
spirit of Solidarity.
Mohammad Ali Jinnah
(1876-1948), jurist and politician, founder of Pakistan, in
a speech he made in 1944, at
the Muslim University Union,
pointed out:
Ibrahim Sued
John Kennedy
Ecumenical Instruction, Education and
Spirituality lead to liberty
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The late journalist Ibrahim Sued (1929-1995),
considered the pioneer of Brazilian social columnists, interviewed a few select personalities, amongst
which the North American President John Kennedy
(1917-1963), the Pope Paul VI (1897-1978) and, in
the inauguration of the city of Brasília, capital of
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There is no better financier than the mother in a
family, the housewife, who very often has to make do
with her minuscule budget, achieving real miracles, of
which we are all testimony of, from the most powerful Minister of Finance to the simplest citizen. Above
all, women’s actions are fundamental in the field
of Economy, which cannot be caught practicing the
Mohammad Ali Jinnah
“No nation shall be able to reach the heights of
its glory unless the women stand side by side with
the governments”.
The housewives’ miracle
On another occasion, Paiva Netto declared:
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(1) Facade of the Triangle
Shirtwaist Company building
when trying to put out the fire
that took over its installations.
In the tragedy more than 140
workers (between 13 and 23
years old) died due to horrible
safety conditions.
(2) Installations of the factory
before the accident. The laborers
had to work for more than 12
hours daily and received low
(3) Image of the devastation
caused by the fire.
Pope Paul VI
Juscelino Kubitschek
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Solidarity and Exchange Paiva Netto talks to North American teenagers
who visited the LGW in August 2000. The group, made up of adolescents between
the ages of 12 and 16, talked to the leader of the Legion of Good Will about
Economics, Politics, Solidarity and the future, in the green area of the Alziro Zarur
Home and Park, in the city of Glorinha, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which
educates and prepares the boys assisted in a residential regimen.
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Brazil, the Brazilian President Juscelino Kubitschek
(1902-1976). In 1995, he chose Paiva Netto for an
interview on the course that Education was taking,
this being the last great report of Ibrahim’s long
and victorious career. The president of the LGW,
discoursing on his educational proposal, recalled:
After the Second World War,
the United States of America
established, for Europe, the
famous Marshall Plan*12, and
for Japan, that received the tremendous impact of two AtomDouglas MacArthur
ic bombs, let us say, General
Douglas MacArthur’s (18801964) plan. Fabulous amounts of money entered
Europe and in the land of the Rising Sun. But what,
in fact, raised these nations up was, at that time, the
extreme zeal taken in the education of their youth,
their people, united to concerns of immediate economic order. They invested in Education, besides
strengthening their bodies and fostering work. How
to include in the work market a citizen that is not duly
prepared? In what way raise a nation if the People are
not well prepared? The posts appear, the occupations
too, however, how to develop them? By not educating women, men, the elderly and the children is to
ankle shackle a nation.
VISIT The present Secretary of Culture of
the State of Rio de Janeiro, Arnaldo Niskier,
accompanied by his daughter, the pedagogue
Sandra Niskier, is received by Paiva Netto
at the worksite of the LGW Educational Center in
Rio, on July 8, 1995.
Educated, instructed and ecumenically spiritualized People form a Nation that breaks the chains of
misery and throws them far away. For this reason,
for a long time we believe that, as long as efficient
education desired by all those of common sense
does not prevail, any nation will suffer the captivity of the limitations that it imposes on itself.
And thus ended his declarations to Ibrahim
The permanent concern of the LGW to provide
the needy and suffering classes of society access to
an Education that strives to ally instruction to Ecumenical Spirituality, and, as Professor Arnaldo
Niskier, ex-President of the Brazilian Academy
of Letters, dated July 8, 1995, during a visit to the
Educational, Cultural and Community Center of
the LGW said, “A noteworthy effort. Paiva Netto
brings a unique teaching methodology that requires specialized teachers that are not available
in the work market and, therefore, shall have to
be prepared within an original and revolutionary
system from a pedagogical point of view”.
Efficacious learning
Recently, commenting to his work team about the
message that he delivered to the Legion of Good Will
educators in 2000, also published in the magazine
The Marshall Plan — Theme constantly analyzed by the veteran Brazilian journalist Hélio Fernandes.
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“Education and Instruction are the two columns on which the building
of human perfection are laid,
and from where we may trespass the vast and infinite horizons, closed with seven seals
to those who let remain inert,
in sterile germ, the powers of
Dr. Bezerra de Menezes
their Soul”.
And Paiva Netto comments:
Dr. Bezerra, in addition to being a distinguished educator, was an advanced legislator —
let us just observe his project regulating the services of domestic servants, dated July 27, 1883,
decades before the subject became a concern in
the Country.
Renewal of generations
Without a way of teaching that focuses the innermost part of the Human Creature, nothing of
concrete can be built or transformed. Under this
theme, it is worth transcribing what the
Brazilian businessman Elzimar Antunes
stated when interviewed by the Super Good
Will Radio Network, on June 13, 2007, during the Congress God and
Ethics in Business, an activity of the World Forum Spirit
and Science, hosted by the
LGW, in which he was one of
the speakers:
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Solidary Society, and sent to the UN, Paiva Netto
exalted the expressive words of the Brazilian abolitionist and politician Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (18311900), deservedly revered as the Doctor of the Poor.
This thought, as the president of the LGW points out,
reflects attuned ideals concerned with the fundamental theme of teaching:
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Jorge Al
LGW’s Ecumenical Children Choir, composed of children assisted in
the Community and Educational Centers of the Organization, during
presentation at the Galeão Air Base, in the city of Rio de Janeiro/RJ,
Brazil. The choir caused great emotion on one more troop of the
Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB) that boarded to Haiti in an UN
Peace mission.
“How will we walk up the Elzimar Antunes
steps of evolution, administrate
our business, and guide the countries and studies?
It all depends on the Human Being, the citizen.
Following the process of renewal of generations
in the Legion of Good Will, which is very constant,
we notice that this gives it life. And we may think:
‘Well, the LGW was founded almost 60 years ago’,
and when you visit it you find young people, all
fraternized and in tune with the same objective,
with the same purpose. The LGW is a constant
process of renewal, starting with the Human Being;
it prepares the individual”.
The analysis of the entrepreneur Elzimar
comes to meet the message that Paiva Netto forwarded to the teachers of the Legion of Good Will
Institute of Education, in the city of São Paulo/SP,
Brazil, regarding the difficult art of educating
A word of Peace
Jesus taught: “A New Commandment I give you: Love one another, as I have loved
you. (...) There is no greater Love than to lay down his own Life for his friends”.
(Gospel of Jesus, according to John, 13:34 and 15:13)
The Spirit has a predominant place in our labor.
However, in the preparation of youth and adults
for their subsistence in this material world of unheard of technology and, paradoxically, at present, so unstable for those who struggle for their
own future, we must take into highest consideration that the students have to be qualified with
efficiency for the demanding necessities of the
present tough work market. Even more: do so
in such a manner that they do not follow a path
in which the profession for which they prepared
themselves for, no longer exists at the end of the
course. Hence it is essential for them to receive
an efficacious formation in order for them to be daring, entrepreneurs, so that they may supersede the
supervenient facts that may at any moment defy
society, scaring multitudes. (...) It would be of no
use therefore — let us say for argument’s sake
— to make audacious plans if there is nobody
that has been duly prepared to develop them. For
Bibliographical References
ALEX, Bem (1996). Florence Nightingale, a enfermeira com uma lanterna na
batalha. Cidade Luz para o Caminho Publicações.
CURY, Aziz (2007). Legado de Bezerra de Menezes. São Paulo: Elevação.
DOSTOIÉVSKI, Fiódor (2001). O grande inquisidor. VirtualBooks.
FIGUEIREDO, Cinira Riedel de (1987). Leis ocultas para uma vida melhor. São
Paulo: Editora Pensamento.
GORE, Al (2006). An Inconvenient Truth. Rodale Books.
PAIVA NETTO, José de (1988). Epístola Constitucional do Terceiro Milênio. São
Paulo: Elevação.
_______ (1998). As Profecias sem mistério. 84th edition. São Paulo: Elevação.
_______ (1984). O Brasil e o Apocalipse. Volume 1. São Paulo: LBV.
_______ (1987). Reflexões e Pensamentos — Dialética da Boa Vontade. São Paulo:
_______ (Not printed). Sociologia do Universo. São Paulo: Elevação.
_______ (Not printed). O Capital de Deus (essay). São Paulo: Elevação.
VOLTAIRE, François Marie A. de (2000). Tratado sobre a Tolerância. São Paulo:
Martins Fontes.
DIVERSOS (Not printed). Anais do Fórum Mundial Espírito e Ciência, da LBV.
Volume 1. São Paulo: Elevação.
this very reason, take care of the Spirit, reform
the Human Being and everything will transform
Love is the great champion of the most difficult
The Legion of Good Will, on this opportunity,
enthusiastically greets all those who idealistically
gathered for the Annual Ministerial Review — AMR,
hosted by the Ecosoc during the High-Level Segment 2007, in Geneva, Switzerland, in which the
AMR Innovation Fair was also held for the first time.
Our deference to the worthy representatives of the
United Nations, Heads of State, Ministerial Advisers
and other participants from civil society or the private
sector, who are engaged in fostering socioeconomic
development of our Planet on sustainable bases.
By uniting the efforts of all those of Good Will,
we shall have a better world for all.
Revista BOA VONTADE (2007), São Paulo, n. 218, April/May.
Revista Ibrahim Sued de olho no Mundo (2005), Rio de Janeiro: Tarkus.
Revista Sociedade Solidária (2000), São Paulo: Elevação. 7th edition.
Correio Braziliense, Brasília, 2/4/2007.
Folha de S.Paulo, São Paulo, 9/7/1986.
_______, 4/10/1988.
_______, 10/31/2006.
Jornal da LBV, São Paulo, n. 5, January, 1984.
Jornal da Manhã, São Paulo, 3/29/1985.
United Nations
It is Time to
Save the Planet
Forum hosted by the LGW takes to the UN good practices of more
than 1,600 organizations in Latin America
he quest for balance between environmental
protection and socioeconomic progress is
an idea that is increasingly gaining momentum in the entire Planet. The explanation
for this does not lie only in a greater sensitiveness
of the peoples in general and their governments
towards ecology issues, but also in the awareness of the
challenge to meet the needs of this generation and of
future generations, both of them threatened by the
lack of food, serious climate changes, global warming,
among other factors. The subject is of great relevance
and has such a decisive influence towards equity
and social justice in the world that the “sustainable
development” was elected by Heads of State, Ministers
and Ambassadors from several countries that belong
to the United Nations Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC) as the theme of the most important
meeting of that entity: the 2008 High-Level Segment,
which took place from 30 June to 3 July at the headquarters of the UN in New York (USA).
United nations
João Preda
Márcio Ferreira
In preparation for this major meeting, the
rum’s main theme (see the following articles).
ECOSOC conducts an in-depth analysis on
The meetings took into consideration the folseveral levels of the advances and setbacks
lowing quote of the LGW’s President, José
in the area. One of these mechanisms is the
de Paiva Netto: “We commend the harmony
Annual Ministerial Review (AMR), in which
of all for the benefit of all, while there still
the organized civil society can issue recomis time, because we share a single dwelling,
Richard Jordan
mendations on the subject. This year, thanks
Planet Earth, and the transgressions of its
to the 2 Forum of the Solidary Society Netinhabitants have been demanding imperative
work Innovation Fair hosted by the Legion of Good
measures: either we integrate or we disintegrate (…),
Will between March 4-19 in several cities of Brazil
reason why we must work strategically in partnerships
and in Argentina, more than 1,600 organizations and
that promote effective prosperity for the common
authorities had the opportunity to offer their collabomasses”.
ration, which served as support for the statement that
the LGW prepared and presented during the ECOSOC
Manaus debates forest management
High-Level Segment meeting.
In the capital of the State of Amazonas, the 2nd
The series of events sought to foment the exchange
Forum of the Solidary Society Network Innovation
of good practices and actions capable of generating
Fair took place on March 10th at the Mindu Park,
socioeconomic progress on a sustainable basis. The
considered the largest fragment of urban forest in the
initiative had the support of the United Nations Departworld. An area of 33 hectares of biodiversity in the
ment of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) and
heart of Manaus, created to protect the habitat of the
of the UN Information Center in Brazil (UNIC-Rio)
pied tamarin, a small primate that is the city’s mascot
which also supported the event with its seal. Official
today. The event had the participation of 20 exhibition
representatives of the Organization were present at the
projects; a multistakeholder forum about the speForum, such as the Deputy of the NGO Section of the
cific focus of the township, “Forest Conservation and
UN/DESA, Dr. Michele Billant-Fedoroff, and the
Management”; a workshop on “Civil Society in the
Director of UNIC-Rio, journalist Giancarlo Summa;
UN”, given by Dr. Michele Billant-Fedoroff, besides
besides lecturers of international renown, such as Dr.
several cultural presentations related to the theme.
Richard Jordan, Chairman of the 60th Annual ConOn the occasion, Senator Arthur Virgílio emphaference of Non-Governmental Organizations of the
sized that deforestations are so serious that they need to
Department of Public Information (DPI).
be avoided at all costs. “Our region as a whole absorbs
The choice of the focus that guided the discussions
the CO2 emitted by other countries; therefore, the esof ideas in each event followed the characteristics of
sential importance it has for humanity. Paradoxically,
the host locality, according to the guidelines of the Foit is extremely vulnerable to climate changes. (…) Our
forest can become a desert if we don’t have the capacity
Participants present at the Innovation Fair, which highlighted the use of
to adopt all the necessary attitudes”, he warned.
ecological materials.
Manaus’ City Hall paid homage to the senator,
Dr. Michele and the LGW’s president awarding them
with an artistic representation of the pied tamarin.
This second edition of the Forum counted on the
support of the federal, state and
municipal governments. The State
Secretary for Environment and
Sustainable Development, Nádia
Cristina D’Ávila Ferreira, congratulated the Organization for the
meeting, in which she shared “all the Arthur Virgílio
Márcio Ferreira
Marco Sudário
Dr. Michele Fedoroff, representing ECOSOC, from the United Nations/USA, is welcomed by some of the
children assisted by the LGW in Manaus.
Adalberto Luís Val
Antônio dos Santos
Reproduction BVTV
With the divulgation of the
reports of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
of the United Nations in 2007, the
challenge of generating energy
without intensifying global warming became the core of discussions Dahlson Abreu
João Preda
Sustainable development and climate
change in Rio de Janeiro
Archive BV
João Preda
Luciana Valente
A Landmark — At the end of
the meeting, the Secretariat for the
Environment honored Paiva Netto
and Dr. Michele Fedoroff with the
planting of two andiroba (carapa
guianensis) tree seedlings on a
prominent spot at the entrance of the
Adolpho Ducke Botanical Garden
as a landmark of the 2nd Forum-Fair.
The gesture is reminiscent of 1992:
after the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held, the largest UN
conference ever, when Mrs. Gro
Harlem Brundtland, then Prime Minister of Norway
and major spokeswoman at the 1992 Earth Summit,
planted a samaúma (ceiba pentandra) tree at the
entrance of Mindu Park.
Also participated of the event the Manager for the
Environmental Area of the Simões Group, Dahlson
Abreu; the Coordinator of the Amazonian Studies
Center and Representative of the Amazonian Communication Network, Antônio dos Santos; the Grand
Master Mason Antônio Loureiro; the Judge of the
Child and Youth Court Rafael Romano; and the
Director of Education of Bradesco Foundation, Carlos
Zacarias de Paula Neto.
João Preda
João Preda
João Preda
policies and advances that the State
government has implemented in this
focus”. Who also highlighted this
initiative was the Municipal Secretary for the Environment, Luciana
Montenegro Valente: “It is an
Nádia Cristina Ferreira
honor for city hall to host an event
by the LGW and the UN at the Mindu Park. We are at
the LGW’s disposal for anything it may need”.
For the Director of the National Institute of
Amazonian Research (INPA), an office linked to the
Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), and also
the collaborator in conducting the event in Manaus,
Adalberto Luís Val, the subject: “Is not a single
action, it involves all social segments”.
Dr. Giancarlo Summa, Director of UNIC-Rio,
Antônio Loureiro
Carlos de Paula Neto
Partial view of the
public that attended
the event in Rio de
Janeiro at the LGW’s
Educational and
Community Center.
The Legion of Good Will, since 2004, conducts on
an annual basis and in partnership with the UN, LatinAmerican civil society forums, reaching in this year of
2008 its fifth edition. Last year, the organization promoted the first forum in the format of an innovation fair.
The initiative had great repercussion in Brazil and in the
United Nations, and the LGW was chosen to represent
the civil society of Latin America and the Caribbean at
the ECOSOC High-Level Segment meeting, which took
place in July 2007 in Geneva, Switzerland.
on sustainable development. Conscious of
the imperative of replacing
current energy sources for other
clean and renewable ones, Brazil has betted on the
production of biofuels.
stressed the need to define strategies: “To modify
On this theme, the State of Rio de Janeiro has a strathe economic development model in all countries
tegic importance because it is responsible for 84% of
is not something easy, or even simple or cheap to
the production of petroleum consumed in the Country,
accomplish, and goes against economic and political
according to the 2007 National Energy Balance,
interests. But, if there is a resistance, there are also
published by the Energy Research Company (a state
those who work in its favor: governments, scientists
company linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy).
and a civil society that, in the whole world, have
Despite the great participation this market has in the
become aware of this reality, pressuring authorities so
economy, it is among the major financers of the feasible
that the right steps are taken”.
alternatives study on a large scale for oil byproducts.
In the opinion of Dr. Summa, there are two main
The fact that the city hosted the 1992 Earth Summit
topics: “The first is of individual awareness that goes
places the State in the main path of discussions about
from the change in citizens’ consumer habits up to
the concept of sustainable development, which began
the treatment of waste at home — an action for which
to be present in the international policy agenda since
the civil society contributes and it
that event took place.
is where the fundamental action
After more than 16 years since
by the Legion of Good Will comes
this world landmark towards
h Summ
in. Secondly, one must press for
defending the environment was Eart
changes towards public policies, in
held, the capital of Rio de Janeiro
order to promote the preservation of
is once again center stage for global
the environment. (…) The citizens of
debates. The Legion of Good Will
tomorrow are the children of today.
that participated as an exhibitor
And that is where one must begin,
at the 1992 Earth Summit, for
and this is something where the
developing an environmental awareLGW’s work has been undeniably
ness work within communities in
poverty-stricken areas in the city,
The director of UNIC-Rio, when
chose the metropolis to begin its 2
addressing Human Rights issues,
Forum of the Solidary Society Netemphasized the need to establish
work Innovation Fair on March 4th.
Peace. “The LGW’s President, José
The first to address the audience
de Paiva Netto, has repeated that
was the Director of the United Nathe Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy, since early
tions Information Center (UNIC- childhood, children learn that to protect the Planet the time has come for the world to
oppose an ancient Latin saying —
Rio), Dr. Giancarlo Summa, who is a great lesson to be learned in life.
Márcio Ferreira
Under the focus of “National challenges towards
promoting sustainable development”, the federal
capital hosted on March 12th, yet
another event of the 2nd Forum
of the Solidary Society Network
Innovation Fair, which took place at
the World Parliament of Ecumenical
Fraternity (LGW’s ParlaMundi). In
Carlos Carneiro
this event, more than identifying
good practices, the focus was also to
encourage insights about the country’s current social
and economic situation, and about the manner in which
such innovations can influence public policies, making
these alternatives consistent and feasible.
Before the beginning of this meeting, the Deputy
of the NGO Section of the UN/DESA, Dr. Michele
Billant-Fedoroff, and the President of the Chamber
of Deputies, Arlindo Chinaglia, were able to talk. “I
believe that Brazil and Norway are the two countries
that most use renewable energy”, stated Dr. Michele.
In turn, Chinaglia said that Brazil and the United States
together generate 70% of the world’s ethanol and, as he
explained: “The difference is that the ethanol produced
João Preda
Alan Moreira
Towards sustainability — Arlindo Chinaglia
Aside from the generation of electric
power, several challenges have to be faced by the
Country. The Secretary of Extractivism and Sustainable Rural Development of the Ministry of Environment (MMA), Engineer Egon Krakhecke, listed the
main aspects of this debate and stressed the need for
Brazil to take advantage of this positive phase in the
growth of its economy in a sustainable manner.
The Federal Congressman Beto Albuquerque submitted a new management model for Brazil’s public
forests, which is still unknown to the majority of the
population. For him, the false speech
that the forest would be untouchable
concurred for its devastation: “The
organized presence of local communities within the Amazon, or even
organized investments, populates
the forest and makes it possible for Egon Krakhecke
us to see that it can generate income,
work and jobs without being cut
down”. This proposal concerning
the respect towards Nature is already
lived by the indigenous people, as
highlighted by Marcos Terena,
spokesman for the Rights of the
Beto Albuquerque
Indigenous People in the UN and
counselor of the LGW’s ParlaMundi.
Multistakeholder forum — Participating in the
forum at Brazil’s capital city were Fátima Valéria
Ferreira de Souza, from the Ministry of Social
Development and Fight against Hunger (MDS);
Patrícia Gonçalves, from Banco do Brasil; Ângela
Maria Oliveira, Coordinator of the Attorney Pedro
Jorge de Melo e Silva Foundation;
and Dóris Santos Faria, from
the Future Studies Center of the
University of Brasília (UnB).
Also participated of the event
in Brasília, the Energy Development and Planning Secretary of the Marcos Terena
Daniela Duarte
Brasília: capital of sustainable
in Brazil, from sugarcane, protects
the environment several times more,
as compared to the ethanol produced from corn”.
Alan Moreira
‘If you want Peace, prepare yourself for war’, saying
instead ‘If you want Peace, prepare yourself for Peace’.
Paiva Netto is right! We must prepare ourselves for
Peace; the dialogue must prevail over terror and the
voice of weapons in Iraq, in Palestine, in Darfur, in
Rio de Janeiro”, he said.
After that, Dr. Richard Jordan, Chairman of the
60 UN/DPI Annual Conference, alerted for the fact
that to talk of climate change also means to discuss
environmental factors, as well as social and economic
ones, “Which implies in international security, extreme
meteorological occurrences, human migration and of
other species, lack of food and of fresh water generating
humanitarian crises”, he declared.
Among the several authorities who honored the
event are: Carlos André Osório Carneiro, from
the National, Municipal and Southeastern Regional
Council for the Environment, and the Municipal
Chamber of Rio de Janeiro who honored the LGW
for the initiative of the meeting.
João Preda
Alan Moreira
Geraldo Magela
Charles de Lima
Art and sustainability — More
than 20 organizations collaborated
to enrich the discussions exhibiting at their stands and workshops
successful experiences. The program also had artistic and cultural
activities, such as those of the indigenous group Zubec Ua Kariri
Xocó that presented a traditional
dance; and of the LGW’s Ecumenical Children Choir. The Society of
Plastic Artists marked its presence
with the intervention “Painting
the Sustainable Development”, in
which various artists created works
of art related to the theme.
São Paulo discusses the conservation of
water resources
The importance of water as an essential natural
resource was the focus of the meeting which took
place in the capital of São Paulo on March 14th at the
LGW’s Educational Institute. More than 50% of the
water consumption of the region known as Greater
São Paulo comes today from the Sistema Cantareira
reservoir, which imports part of its volume from the
Piracicaba Basin in the state of Minas Gerais to the
Basin of Alto Tietê. “Just that already demonstrates
that this megalopolis needs a lot of water, and that
it must come from very far”, highlights Marcelo
Dóris Santos Faria
Ângela Oliveira
Alan Moreira
Patrícia Gonçalves
Alan Moreira
Ministry of Mines and
Energy (MME), Altino
Ventura Filho, representing
Minister Edison Lobão; Federal Congressmen
Laerte Bessa and Geraldo Magela; and District
Congressman Dr. Charles de Lima.
João Preda
João Preda
João Preda
Fátima de Souza
João Preda
João Preda
Partial view of the
public during the
opening ceremony
of the LGW’s
Forum of the
Solidary Society
Network Innovation
Fair in Brasília/DF.
Altino Ventura Filho
Laerte Bessa
Morgado that represented the Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo (SABESP) in the event.
Aside from that, there is a strong speculative pressure
over local sources, Billings and Guarapiranga water
reservoirs, where irregular land lots spill domestic
sewage and promote the deforestation of green areas,
which compromises even more the water supply.
The opening of the Forum was enhanced by the
presentation of the LGW’s Ecumenical Children Choir,
which is composed of students from the Organization’s
school. After that, the highlight was the introduction
to the main theme given by the UN representative.
In it, Dr. Michele Fedoroff spoke of the initiatives to
clean up the rivers in the city of São Paulo and of the
conservation of Brazilian water resources. After taking
part in three of the eight meetings, she said she was
“impressed with the LGW’s journey at the 2nd Forum
of the Solidary Society Network Innovation Fair”,
because with this action it was mobilizing the five
regions of the Country and Latin America, opening up
a democratic space for the exchange of views. And she
added: “I would like to congratulate Paiva Netto for
his organization, dynamism and leadership”.
Studies also show that the increase in demand for
water is twice as much as the growth of the world
population index. One in every five people living in
developing countries does not have access to drinking
water (which represents 1.1 billion inhabitants). The
Environment Director of the Confederation of Industries
of the State of São Paulo (CIESP), Romildo Campelo,
besides greeting the Forum for allowing civil society
The solemnity’s opening counted on the participation of, from left to right: Dr.
José Caricatti, Dr. Pedro Salomão, Dr. Marcelo Monello, Dr. Michele Fedoroff,
Pedagogue Suelí Periotto (with the microphone), Dr. Airton Grazzioli, Mrs.
Dora Silvia Cunha Bueno and Cido Sério.
Also present at this meeting were the President
of the São Paulo State Education Council, Pedro
Salomão José Kassab; the State Congressman Cido
Sério; and the President of the Brazilian Association
for Ecology and Water and Air Pollution Prevention
(ABEPPOLAR), Randolf Lobato. The presentation of
good practices brought together a diversity of solutions
for the problems discussed, such as the use of low cost
solar energy, income generation programs, environmental education, citizenship-promoting workshops, the
reuse of solid waste, domestic economy and the storage
and use of rainwater for specific purposes.
Salvador debates the issue of solid wastes
Since the Brazilian Institute of Geography
and Statistics (IBGE) divulged in 2000 that
Bahia had the largest amount of homes without
The audience attentively listens to the presentation on good practices
in São Paulo/SP.
Photos: Gustavo de Oliveira
LGW and the UN
The LGW was the first Brazilian
organization from the Third Sector
to become a member, in 1994, of the
Department of Public Information
(DPI) of the UN, and to reach in 1999
the general consultative status at
the ECOSOC, an acknowledgement
that enables the LGW to take part in
meetings of that organ.
Clayton Ferreira
Gustavo Oliveira
to participate in the management
of these resources, guaranteed that
there is a great concern in the sector
to change its past image as a villain
in this process: “Industry today is
reusing water in a systematic manner
Romildo Campelo
and has been working on the issue of
CO2 emissions in the atmosphere”.
Networking — Another high point in the Forum
was the presence of Brazilian foundations in favor of
the preservation of the environment. The President
of São Paulo’s Foundation Association (APF) and of
the Brazil-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Dora Silvia Cunha Bueno, summoned the support
of private enterprises so that this process can be even
greater. “The LGW is to be congratulated because it
brings together several entities to discuss important
themes such as the preservation of the environment.
(…) You should mirror the example of the LGW
regarding its active community participation, as
people who do, and do it well”, concluded Dora.
Likewise, emphasized the foundations Curator of
the city of São Paulo, Airton Grazzioli: “I congratulate the LGW, which has a significant and expressive
social relationship network, and for involving this
network in a theme of great relevance: the improvement in the quality of life”.
The Finance Director of the Conrado Wessel
Foundation, José Caricatti, emphasized the encouragement
towards scientific research,
stating that it is an element
of “citizen awareness about
environmental issues”.
“I congratulate the
LGW, which has
Gustavo Oliveira
Gustavo Oliveira
United nations
a significant and
expressive social
relationship network, and
of great relevance: the improvement
in the quality of life.”
Airton Grazzioli
Foundations Curator of the city
of São Paulo
garbage collecting services in Brazil (1.9 million),
directly affecting 5 million people, several actions
have been taken to change this reality. In one of
them, in 2007, the State’s Public Ministry devised a
strategic plan to make the proper handling of residue
a universal procedure. Since then, the Campaign
Garbage Challenge conducted a series of actions
to make the population aware and demand from
municipal authorities positive actions to face this
serious problem.
With the goal of contributing towards a solution
for this issue, the LGW hosted at the Nossa Senhora
de Monte Serrat Fort, in the capital of Bahia, the 2nd
Forum of the Solidary Society Network Innovation
Fair, on March 17th, focused on the theme “Solid
Speaking on behalf of the State’s Secretariat for
Urban Development (SEDUR), Maria Valéria
Ferreira, Sanitation Superintendent, highlighted the
partnerships and a new associated management instrument, bringing together public consortiums between
townships, the State and the Union. The initiative is
already underway in the regions of Irecê, Jacobina,
Cipó and Baixo Sul, and it should
benefit soon the São Francisco
Basin. The great advantage is that
“small townships which are more
than 50% in Bahia, if they cannot
hire, for instance, an engineer to
offer counseling for the collecting
of garbage, with this consortium it Maria Valéria Ferreira
becomes possible”, explains Valéria.
Professor José Carlos Saja, Coordinator of the
Promotion of Environmental Awareness of the Environmental Resource Center (CRA), of Bahia, offered
his opinion about the excess of
garbage produced, and the need to
abandon this old consumer habit.
“A meeting such as this one hosted
by the LGW is an enormously rich
opportunity because it builds a different mentality. This is a long-term
Nino Nunes
Adenílson Nunes
The fashion designs, made from recyclable materials, were presented by the
actor Luiz Miranda, by the singers Gilmelândia, Nara Costa and Márcia Short
and by the professional models Márcio Santos and Karisa Souza.
The 2nd Forum-Fair had the presence of one of the major authorities on water resources
of today, Dr. José Galizia Tundisi (on the right, next to Dr. José Caricatti), President
of the International Ecology and Environmental Management Institute Association.
Tundisi visited the LGW’s school before the meeting, and was impressed with the work
developed there: “I’m glad to have come to this event; I liked very much everything
I saw at the LGW’s Jesus Super Day Care Center”. The professor also autographed a
copy of his book Águas Doces no Brasil (Fresh Waters in Brazil).
Adenílson Nunes
for involving this network in a theme
José Carlos Saja
Lucian Fagundes
José Fortunatti
Salete Cadore
Vilmar da Rosa
Ivande Andrade/Palácio Piratini
Lucian Fagundes
Lucian Fagundes
In the world, 2.6 billion people do not have access
to basic sanitation, a fact which victimizes almost 2
million children every year — one every 19 seconds
— and which is responsible for delaying the learning
capacity of other 150 million children, affecting, in
this manner, Education. These data are part of the
2006 Human Development Report (HDR), divulged
by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP/
Brazil). Another study conducted by the Senior
Professor of the School of Public Health of the Uni-
Mariza Abreu
Gilmar Tietböhl
Elisa Rodrigues
Health and the environment on Porto
Alegre’s agenda
Elisa Rodrigues
versity of São Paulo
(USP) Aristides
Almeida Rocha,
shows that: for each
dollar the government
invests in sanitation, four
Porto Alegre/RS
are economized in hospital
internments due to the lack of
water and sewage networks.
Still according to this report, Brazil has a sewage
drainage rate of 75%, which excludes 43 million
people from having access to basic sanitation. In
this scenario, Porto Alegre stands out. The UNDP
acknowledged the Water and Sewage Department as
an example of an efficient public company in the sector, and therefore the city was chosen to host on March
19th the 2nd Forum of the Solidary Society Network
Innovation Fair on “Health and the Environment”.
City hall was present in this meeting in Porto
Alegre, represented by its Municipal Secretary of
Planning, José Fortunatti. Local government members took part in the debates, aiming at establishing a
dialogue with social movements.
Likewise, the Assistant Secretary for Education in
the State, Salete Cadore, congratulated the LGW. On
behalf of the Secretary for Education, Mariza Abreu,
Ms. Cadore extended her compliments to the Organization “for the brilliant event and work it develops in
favor of Education”.
Also participating in the meeting were the Assistant
Secretary and General Director of the Agriculture and
Food Supply Secretariat of Rio Grande do Sul, Gilmar
Tietböhl; the Under-Secretary for Social Assistance of
Nova Petrópolis (Rio Grande do Sul), Fabíola Lied;
and the President of the Casa dos Sonhos (House of
Dreams), Flávio Möller.
The city of Porto Alegre was the only one who
staged the event on public grounds: in the open on
Avenida São Paulo. During the day, several cul-
Archive BV
Personal archive
project; it is the building of History”, he said.
The reduction, recycling and
reuse of garbage were the main
themes of the speech given by
engineer Elizabeth Couto, of
Jerônimo Bispo dos CETREL S.A. — an Environmental
Protection Company responsible for
Santos, from the
Recyclable Materials
the treatment and final disposal of
Cooperative of Cama- effluents and industrial wastes of
çari (COOPMARC), was
60 companies of the Camaçari
one of the Third Sector
representatives in the industrial park. Among the initiatives
proposed, is the donation of some
residues such as plastics, wood, office
papers and cardboard to the park’s
pickers cooperative. The goal is to
seek interaction with the community
within a profile of social responsibility and count on their voluntary
support at the ecological site of
Elizabeth Couto
Sauípe, an environmental protection
reservation of the Atlantic forest in Bahia.
In the closing of the event, there was a fashion show
signed by Joel Modas, Levite Bahia and Camapet
Biju, which presented clothing made with recycled
Fabíola Lied
Flávio Möller
United nations
Environmental education in the capital of
Minas Gerais
Carla Mônica Mendes
In 2007, Minas Gerais had the experience of
building its own environmental education program,
counting on the intense participation of civil society.
That is why Belo Horizonte was chosen to host the
2nd Forum-Fair, which was carried out by the LGW
on March 7th.
The examples given and the successful practices
seen in the event were highlighted by Richard Jordan,
Chairman of the 60th Annual DPI/
NGO Conference. Along the same
lines, the President of the National
Association of Attorneys and Prosecuting Attorneys of Foundations
and Entities of Social Interest, Dr.
Tomaz de A. Resende Tomaz de Aquino Resende stated:
“I have insisted on the need for
organizations from the first, second
and third sectors to join forces for a
common cause: the environment”.
Still on this theme, the General
Commander of the Firemen Corps José H. Ameno
of Minas Gerais, José Honorato
Ameno, spoke about the problem
with forest fires: “We counsel communities that are
located within preservation areas so that they can
educate themselves and pass this information on to
their children”.
For the Public Defender Gustavo Cargocinho
Alves de Meira, “the goals defined by the LGW have
great affinity with the action that Public Defense also
intends to do. The Organization (LGW) is essential in
the recovery of citizen’s rights of those people who are
in need of inclusion to a greater degree”.
Also present at the event was Fernando Leite,
from the State Secretariat for the Environment and
Sustainable Development of Minas.
Carla Mônica Mendes
tural manifestations took turns to present their work
addressing the theme, attracting passers-by and those
interested to see the booths.
Sustainable development in Latin America
Archive BV
Buenos Aires was also part of the LGW’s 2nd
Forum of the Solidary Society Network Innovation
Fair calendar, an event which took place on March
18th. From the Argentinean capital, the Legion of
Good Will took its experience built throughout
decades to Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay, nations that face difficulties that are similar to those
in Brazil. The LGW, of all these countries, works
with local organizations and develops a series of
socioeducational programs that promote environmental awareness in communities in
a social vulnerability situation.
For this reason, Buenos Aires
could not be left out of this meeting’s calendar of events. On the
agenda, themes such as social
awareness in face of consumer
habits, technological advancements and the economic development in relation to human needs.
The Innovation Fair was held in
association with the Forum of the Social Sector,
the Know-How Foundation and the University of
Morón. The activity was initiated by the Secretary
of the Government of Morón, Lucas Hemán Ghi,
representing the City’s Mayor, Martín Sabatella,
and by the Director of the Law School of the University of Morón, Bruno Corvo.
The program included an exhibition of the
Director of the School of Architecture, Drawing,
Art and Urbanism, Oscar Borrachia; of the
Director of the School of Agronomy and
Agro-alimentary Sciences, Antonio
Ramón Angrisani; of the PostGraduation Professor for Human
Development Management of the
Unida Foundation, Eva Cojigas;
and of a group of technicians
from the National Institute of
Industrial Technology (INTI)
who is specialized in development,
among other notables.
United Nations
The challenge
of sustainability
LGW speaks to Heads of State in UN High-Level Segment Meeting about
sustainable development
f on one side we celebrate a larger number of
people with an environmental awareness that
are joining the cause, on the other, we face
challenging facts: glaciers are melting faster,
forests are becoming gray, the water is scarce for
billions… For these and other reasons, increasing
the level of Human Beings’ ecological awareness
in order to minimize global warming effects has
been a tough task undertaken by those who believe
that it is possible to have development based on
sustainable pillars.
With this awareness, the United Nations hosted
from 30 June to 3 July the 2008 High-Level Segment,
of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
at its headquarters in New York, USA. With the theme
“Implementing the internationally agreed goals and
Danilo Parmegiani and Rodrigo de Oliveira
Photos: Adriana Rocha, Daniela Duarte and Eduardo Lemos
commitments in regard to sustainable development”,
the meeting brought together delegations of the
member countries, representatives of organizations of
the UN System and civil society, including companies,
NGOs and research institutions.
Participating in the opening panel were specialists
of international renown, such as 2007 Nobel Peace
Prize Winner Rajendra Pachauri, President of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
and former World Bank Chief Economist, Nicholas
Stern, author of an important study of the theme.
LGW represents Brazil and Latin America
The good practices of the Latin American society
were represented on the occasion by the Legion of
Good Will (LGW), which prepared and forwarded
United nations
At the LGW’s booth, from left to right: Saida Agrebi, Vice President
for Communication and Public Relations Affairs of the World
Family Organization in Tunisia; Ms. Hanifa Mezoui, Chief of the NGO
Section - UN/DESA; Maria de Albuquerque and Danilo Parmegiani,
from the LGW; Dr. Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic
and Social Affairs; and Dr. Michele Fedoroff, Deputy of
the NGO Section - UN/DESA.
“It is an excellent
document produced
by the Legion of
Good Will that all of the
delegates in the Economic and
Social Council will read; it’s a visionary
document. (…) It stresses the Solidary
Society Network, in the vision of José
de Paiva Netto.”
Dr. Richard Jordan
60th DPI/NGO Conference Chairman
a statement with the opinion of 1,600 organizations
that belong to the Solidary Society Network. The
Organization’s recommendations were translated
to the six UN official languages (Arabic, Chinese,
English, French, Russian and Spanish) and delivered
to the delegations who took part in the event with
the seal of the UN.
Dr. Richard Jordan, Chairman of the UN 60th
DPI/NGO Conference on the impacts of climate
change, evaluated the material prepared by the LGW:
“It’s an excellent document produced by the Legion
of Good Will that all of the delegates in the Economic and Social Council will read; it’s a visionary
document. I say this because it stresses the Solidary
Society Network, in the vision of José de Paiva Netto.
I experienced this Solidary Society myself with the
children who are very ecologically aware”.
In an interview to the Good Will Communication Network, Jordan mentioned
two mottos created by the LGW’s
leader that drew his attention: “I began
quoting Paiva Netto — and I will end my words
highlighting his: ‘To Promote Education and Culture with Spirituality so there may be Food, Health
and Work for everyone to form the Ecumenical
Citizen’. In the words of Paiva Netto himself: ‘The
destruction of Nature means the extinction of the
Human Race’. We are one community: the Human
Being and Earth. That’s solidarity!”.
Richard also recalled the good practices he
saw in the meetings of the LGW’s 2nd Forum of
the Solidary Society Network Innovation Fair. “I
was thrilled to have reeducated myself in ideas
of recycling which the students shared with me
in Belo Horizonte. Recycling is a very innovative
entrepreneurial activity. And this is truly sustainable
development. And when I say this, I mean it very
sincerely and honestly. I have never seen programs
anywhere in the world that are as finely crafted as
these by the LGW in Brazil”.
Those who participated in the event were able to
listen to the speech given by the LGW’s representative in the UN, Danilo Parmegiani, who spoke at
the Economic and Social Council Chamber. His
participation was announced by the Vice President of
ECOSOC, the Ambassador of Cape Verde, Antônio
Pedro Monteiro Lima.
The Chamber is intended for interventions of high
representatives of the governments and of the main UN
agencies about the theme at issue, during the Council’s
High-Level Segment Meeting. The LGW was among
the five international representatives of civil society
selected to voice their opinions during the event.
After listening to the speech given by the LGW’s
representative, several authorities received a copy
Representatives of the LGW, Danilo Parmegiani (on the left) and Paulo Duarte Mr. Hani Helal, Minister of Education
(on the right), with Professor Paulo Kramer, Political Scientist; Senator Jefferson of Egypt with Danilo Parmegiani,
Praia; Ambassador Graça Lima, Consul General of Brazil in New York City; and from the LGW.
Federal Congressman Beto Albuquerque.
of the magazine Globalization of Fraternal Love,
which brought its main message through the article
“Eight Millennium Goals — Responsibility of all
those endowed with common sense”, written by the
Legion of Good Will’s President, José de Paiva Netto.
The publication is available in English, Esperanto,
French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
A pamphlet entitled “The destruction of Nature
means the extinction of the Human Race”, an article
authored by the LGW’s president, and the Solidary
Society Network Newsletter, special edition in Portuguese and English, which sums up the activities
of the 2nd Forum of the Solidary Society Network
Dr. Michele Fedoroff and Mr. MarcAndre Dorel, of the UN, receive the
LGW’s message.
Innovation Fair hosted by the LGW in eight cities
of Latin America in the month of March, were also
available at the event.
Innovation Fair at the UN
Parallel to the High-Level Segment program, the
Innovation Fair hosted by the ECOSOC, attracted
foundations and other organizations of civil society
and of the UN System to share project models,
approaches and innovative practices aligned with the
theme of “sustainable development”.
Brazil’s civil society was represented by the
Legion of Good Will. In its multimedia booth, the
LGW is invited by UNESCO to speak at Ministerial
Roundtable Breakfast at UN headquarters in New York
Several events integrated the High-Level Segment
program. Among them, the Ministerial Roundtable
Breakfast on Science, Technology and Innovation
Policy: Key to Sustainable Development,
organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO). Conducted by the DirectorGeneral of UNESCO, Dr. Koichiro
Matsuura, the event brought together
Koichiro Matsuura
ministers of several countries associated
to the areas of education, communication, science
and technology.
Among the three thousand organizations with
consultative status at ECOSOC, the LGW was
designated to represent civil society. On behalf of the
Legion of Good Will, Maria de Albuquerque, Master
in Education, expounded on aspects belonging to
the Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy — the Pedagogy
of Affection — an educational line proclaimed by
the LGW’s president and adopted at the Organization’s schools. The Director of the
UNESCO Office in New York,
Hélène-Marie Gosselin, who
was present at the Ministerial Roundtable Breakfast,
invited the Entity to become a partner in the actions of this UN Agency.
United nations
Minister Maria Teresa Mesquita, of Brazil’s Mission in the UN, also
participated in the themed panel hosted by the LGW
Hosted by the LGW, the themed
panel integrated with the ECOSOC
High-Level Segment program
counted on the illustrious presence
of Minister Maria Teresa Mesquita
Pessoa, representing Brazil’s
Mission in the United Nations. In
an interview to the UN Radio, the
diplomat summarized the approach she
employed in the talk: “I began my intervenMinister Maria
tion in the debate quoting a recent article
Teresa Mesquita
Pessoa (on the
by the Economist Paulo Nogueira Batista
right) at the LGW’s Filho, in which he narrates a conference he
booth with Adriana
attended while still a student, in which a genRocha.
eral began saying that the Amazon doesn’t
belong to Brazil, the Amazon is Brazil. And this phrase sums
up very well how these two aspects harmonize. The primary
responsibility towards the conservation of the Amazon is Brazil’s;
as a popular representation it’s a challenge, without a doubt”.
Following this line of reasoning, Ms. Maria Teresa offered her
greetings: “It is important, within this meeting of the Economic
and Social Council of the UN, that the civil society, represented
by the Legion of Good Will, and Brazil’s Legislative Power speak
about the Amazon and what the Brazilian government is doing
Organization presented through banners, themed
paintings, panels, publications and videos, the mobilization it promoted in Latin America during the 2nd
Forum of the Solidary Society Network Innovation
Fair, aside from the work of environmental education
that it develops in several means of communication,
and at its educational units, encouraging students
towards ecological awareness and experiencing
ecumenical spiritual values.
UN Under-Secretary General for Economic and
Social Affairs, Dr. Sha Zukang, representing UN
Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, after receiving
a copy of the magazine Globalization of Fraternal
Love, visited the Organization’s booth, where he
congratulated the LGW for its work. On an exclusive
interview to the LGW’s TV (Boa Vontade TV, channel
27 on SKY cable network in Brazil), he spoke about
the importance of civil society fomenting sustainable
(1) Partial view of the themed panel organized by the LGW at the United Nations.
Highlighted, the electronic notice indicating
the beginning of the debate. (2) A representative of the LGW fraternizes with Ambassador
Piragibe Tarragô, Deputy Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations.
to create the conditions to implement legislation, through the
adoption of measures addressing rules, monitoring actions and
encouragement measures towards productive and sustainable
activity in the Amazon”.
development: “I thank the LGW very much for participating in this ECOSOC conference, with its excellent
exhibition. I’m sure that the participants will learn a
lot with it”.
Among the authorities that were present at the
Organization’s booth are Marc-Andre Dorel, Office
for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, and Joseph
Owondo, Doctor in International Rights and Member
of the Delegation of Gabon, who took the initiative
to distribute the invitation for the LGW’s panel in
strategic locations of the UN. “I wish to take my hat off
for the LGW. I remember hearing of
the Legion of Good Will when I took
my doctorate at USP in the beginning of the 1980’s. LGW can always
count on me!”, declared Owondo.
Dr. Michele Fedoroff, Deputy
of the NGO Section of the Depart- Joseph Owondo
Panel “From Awareness to Action”
To preserve the Amazon rainforest is Brazil’s
main commitment in fighting against the spread
of global warming. Towards this, the Legion of
Good Will conducted on July 3rd a themed panel,
integrated with the ECOSOC High-Level Segment
program, called: “From Awareness to Action: Bra-
Speakers at the Panel organized by the LGW grant interview to Mônica Villela
(in white), of the UN Radio, and speak about Brazilian strategies to protect
the environment and the Amazon.
zilian strategies to protect the environment and the
Took part in the roundtable Danilo Parmegiani,
from the LGW; Federal Congressman Beto
Albuquerque; Senator Jefferson Praia; and Minister
Maria Teresa Mesquita Pessoa, representing Brazil’s
Mission in the UN. The panel received special mention
on the UN Radio, broadcasted by its website and by
more than 50 partner radio stations,
which reach the eight Portuguesespeaking countries.
Beto Albuquerque celebrated
the victories achieved in Brazil:
“In this one year and a half of
application in Brazil of the law Jefferson Praia
that created the management of public forests in
the country, we have advanced in a very determined
manner to face deforestation. We are registering each square foot of public forest; 210 million
hectares have already been registered. The LGW,
here at the UN, is our entrance door. It’s through
the LGW that we are able to show to the rest of the
world all the good things we are doing, as well as
our difficulties”.
After watching the panel, the District Congressman
Charles Roberto de Lima declared: “I wish to greet
our great Paiva Netto, who has
been doing a tireless job heading
the Legion of Good Will. This is an
event within the United Nations in
which Brazil takes part through the
LGW; it is very important that the
world knows what we are doing in Charles de Lima
Moreira Mariz/Agência Estado
ment of Economic
and Social Affairs of
the UN, who took part
in the 2nd Forum-Fair
in Brazil, visited the
booth of the Legion
of Good Will in New
York. The UN representative, who had
The Ambassador of Madagascar, Sina
Adrianarivelo, and Maria de Albuquerque, attended the Latin
American edition of
at the UNESCO Ministerial Roundtable
the Innovation Fair,
under official mission for the UN, declared: “I
think that you from the LGW should congratulate
yourselves, as well as the several members of your
organization, for having accomplished such a good
work throughout the events you organized in Brazil
in March. I’m really glad with what you brought
to this important meeting of the UN addressing the
issue of protecting forests. When I was in Manaus, I
was amazed with the number of education programs
that the government and NGOs, in partnership, have
developed to educate the population and also the
indigenous people so that they can live in the forest
while protecting it. I thank Paiva Netto for organizing and building a wonderful Organization, and for
having such a beautiful army of volunteers around
him who are as efficient as they are dedicated”.
Employees and trainees from Brazil that work
at the UN went to the booth to show their support
for the Legion of Good Will’s actions in the United
Nations. One of these encouragements came from the
trainee Lara Vaccari, who took the initiative to send
the LGW’s agenda to UN/New York trainees (in all,
250 from several nationalities). The same was done by
the Public Relations professional Igor Gomes, who
divulged the LGW’s action to news media of four
North American states.
United nations
LGW’s address to the Chiefs of State at the UN
Read below an extract of the speech given by the
representative of the Legion of Good Will at the UN, Danilo
Parmegiani, to Heads of State at the ECOSOC Chamber:
“The LGW’s recommendations are based on three axles
applied in our schools, Community and Educational Centers,
itinerant programs and projects in seven countries, to promote
this collective awareness:
“Education: Development of strategies to educate and
reeducate people, especially, children, teaching them that
‘To Love the Earth is to protect the future’. Offering job
training to youths and adults towards the responsible use
of natural resources and the generation of income from
recycling products.
“Media: Promotion of public awareness campaigns.
The LGW’s motto: ‘The destruction of Nature means the
extinction of the Human Race’, created by the Organization’s President, José de Paiva Netto, reaches daily
millions of people through TV, radio, the Internet and
magazines, aside from
generating public activities
such as thematic forums,
parades and educational and
cultural programs.
“Network: Mobilization of multistakeholder cooperation.
Through the Solidary Society Network, the Legion of Good
Will brings together hundreds of civil society entities, academia, private sectors, the media and local authorities to
share information and take joint actions to promote human
rights and sustainability.
“Finally, I would like to recommend for further information the reading of the LGW’s statement under the symbol
E/2008/NGO/16, and also the magazine Globalization of
Fraternal Love, which is available at the LGW’s booth at the
ECOSOC Innovation Fair, 1st floor, from where I quote this
summary by Paiva Netto about the need for all people to
unite. He says: ‘Either we integrate or we disintegrate’”.
This speech summed up the LGW’s statement,
translated by the UN in its six official languages.
To read it, please go to, and
search for the symbol E/2008/NGO/16.
Brazil. The LGW must be really commended on my
part and by everyone here who participated in this
event. When it proposes that we act in favor of the
environment and invites national and international
authorities to participate in a debate of this nature, it
is essentially contributing to the improvement of the
lives of the people in this Planet. I wish to congratulate once again our great Paiva Netto for the LGW’s
work in the whole world and in Brazil, saving people,
the most humble children, and building a project that
helps everyone”.
Political Scientist Paulo Kramer,
Professor of the University of
Brasília (UnB), also evaluated the
debate: “Listening to the expositions in this panel, which was so
skillfully organized by the LGW, I
Paulo Kramer
learned a lot and this will support
my classes, talks and articles from now on, aside
from giving me an excellent pretext for speaking
well of the Legion of Good Will wherever I go. (…)
Paiva Netto is a world-class communicator! I had the
opportunity to meet some and follow the lives of many
other world leaders for study or reading material
and Paiva Netto is for me a great world champion
of communication”.
Back to Brazil, Senator Jefferson Praia read,
during a plenary session at the National Congress in
Brasília/DF, the speech he gave at the United Nations
headquarters. To his colleagues, he stated: “I wish to
manifest to this honorable house the statement I made
in a meeting I took part in New York about sustainable
development, promoted by the LGW, as a contribution
to the High-Level Segment 2008. I wish to express
my gratitude to the LGW, that is presided by José de
Paiva Netto”.
United Nations
In defense of the
Brazilian proposals stand out at the UN Conference
on global warming
Adriana Rocha
he unprecedented appearance of a hurricane
in Brazil, in March 2004, is one of the many
evidences, registered over the last few years,
of a phenomenon that worries the whole
world: global warming. The increase in the emission
of polluting gases, that aggravates the greenhouse
effect pattern, is among the causes that explain these
surprising reactions that have occurred all over the
Planet. Recent research shows that Brazil has great
relevance in this issue: the destruction of the Amazon
is seen as one of the causes that are responsible for
the Brazilian emission of CO2 in the atmosphere.
In order to discuss means and present good
practices to appease and reverse these sad effects,
the United Nations (UN) promoted the 60thAnnual
Conference of the Public Information Department,
under the theme “Climate Change: how it impacts us
all”. The event occurred from September 5 to 7, at the
from New York/USA
UN headquarters in New York, in the United States,
and counted on the presence of over two thousand
representatives from civil society. The UN invited
the Legion of Good Will (LGW) that has general
consultative status in the organism to contribute in
the organization and show how Brazil has faced this
In the words of Dr. Juan Carlos Brandt, Chief
of the NGO Section of the UN/DPI, “One of the
reasons that this theme was chosen is to stimulate
thought as to what we, Human Beings, can do to
reverse this panorama”. Lecturers and authorities,
like the Head of the Secretariat of the United Nations Forum on Forests, Pekka Patos­saari, were
able to confirm in the first edition of the magazine
Globalization of Fraternal Love the good practices of
the LGW on behalf of the environment and of other
urgent humanitarian problems. One of the highlights
1 – Messenger of Peace, the Jordanian
Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, beside the
UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, and
his wife, Mrs. Ban Soon-taek.
2 - Danilo Parmegiani, from the LGW,
with the actor Michael Douglas.
3 - Mrs. Ban Soon-taek beside the LGW
UN Photo
UN celebrates the International Day of Peace
Celebrated worldwide on September 21, the
International Day of Peace was marked by an event
promoted by the Department of Public Information
(DPI), in partnership with the institutions Pathways
to Peace, United Religions Initiative (URI) and the
World Peace Prayer Society, at the headquarters of
the United Nations. Over two thousand students
were present, in addition to international leaders that
develop relevant activities in favor of Peace.
The Legion of Good Will (LGW) participated in
the meeting bringing to those present the message of
its President José de Paiva Netto, who defends: “(...)
Ecumenism is Education open to Peace”. Among
several personalities who received the magazine
Globalization of Fraternal Love was the North
American actor Michael Douglas, UN Messenger of
Peace. He once again met the LGW team and thanked
them for the publication, in which he saw a highlighted
recent interview that he gave to BOA VONTADE
Another manifestation of affection for Brazil
was made by Mrs. Ban Soon-taek, wife of the UN
Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. “Congratulations,
LGW, for the defense of Love”, she said.
In the same way the British primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall
and the Jordanian Princess Haya Bint
Al Hussein, UN Messengers of Peace,
thanked for the participation and for the
Jane Goodall
The President of the
60th Conference,
Richard Jordan (L),
in dialogue with
Danilo Parmegiani,
from the LGW, and
the Federal Deputy
of Brazil Beto
of the publication (available in English, Esperanto,
French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish) is
the message “Eight Millennium Goals — Responsibility of all those endowed with common sense”, by
the writer Paiva Netto.
At the meeting, the Legion of Good Will was
represented by Danilo Parmegiani, who expounded
the educational line used by the LGW for the formation of individuals aware of their role, in order to
establish a Solidary Altruistic Ecumenical Society. In
order to fulfill this intention, one of the activities of
greatest success is the achievement, for decades, of
the Campaign The destruction of Nature means the
extinction of the Human Race, inspired in a thesis of
the President of the LGW.
The care with the Amazon in the focus of
the debates
The Vice-Leader of the Government in the
Chamber and member of the Mercosur Parliament,
the Federal Deputy Beto Albuquerque participated
in the panel to speak about the sustainable management of the public forests and of the preservation of
the Amazon (with the new law of protection of the
Brazilian forests).
The debate about Brazil was distinguished by the
presence of Dr. Michele Billant-Fedoroff, Deputy
of the NGO Section of the UN/DESA, and by Leslie
Wright, representative of the Virginia Gildersleeve
International Fund at the United Nations and by
the social scientist James Hurtak. The President
of the 60th Conference, Richard
Jordan, made a point of opening
the panel personal­ly; the Legion
of Good Will also participated in
this panel.
Professor Dianne Davis, President-Founder of the International Dianne Davis
UN Photo
Photos: Adriana Rocha
UN Photo
United nations
Reproduction BV
Photos: Adriana Rocha
Archive BV
1 - Paul Hoeffel, ex-Chief of the
DPI/NGO, Beto Albuquerque, Joan
Kirby, President of the Executive
Committee of the DPI/NGO Conference,
and Danilo Parmegiani.
2 – The speaker Marcos Terena with the
legionnaire Alziro de Paiva, representative
of the president of the LGW.
3 - Dr. Juan Carlos Brandt, Chief
of UN/DPI-NGO Section.
4 - Dr. Pekka Patossaari, Head of the
Secretariat of the United Nations Forum
on Forests, with Adriana Rocha, from
the LGW.
Council for Caring Communities (ICCC) and mediator of the panel on Brazil, also exalted the event.
Another Brazilian lecturer present at the event,
Marcos Terena, who teaches spiritual tradition
and knowledge of the native peoples, also made
his appeal.
Member of the Council of the World Parliament
of Ecumenical Fraternity (ParlaMundi of the LGW),
Terena complimented the representatives of the Institution and completed his lecture affirming that, “These
forces [of the Indians and of modern civilization]
cannot live in opposite fields”. And completed: “We
have to join forces to establish Peace, the equilibrium
between people and, mainly, the commitment — as the
LGW has done by means of its programs, its actions —
of generating mutual and individual respect by means
of protecting the common good and collective rights.
That each and every person may understand that this
work really is not directed to personal interests, but to
generate Peace, freedom and the respect that we hope
to sow in our future”.
Upon making an evaluation of the event, the
Deputy Beto Albuquerque mentioned the status that
the Legion of Good Will has in the United Nations,
“The Legion of Good Will carries
out fantastic work, making important
reflection possible for worldwide
organizations as to the meaning of the
heart and Love in Humanity. I
feel that Brazil will always
be, as it already is, the
heart of the world. A
heart that beats for a
new knowledge, for a
new science, in the spirit of
union between all the people.”
James Hurtak
North American social scientist
and lecturer at the World Forum Spirit and Science, of the LGW, in 2000.
due to its performance in the international organism.
To him, this recognition “demonstrates the extent, the
capacity and the excellence of the work that the LGW
carries out throughout Brazil”. He also pointed out
that he appreciates the action of the Entity throughout the State. “I know the work that is held in Porto
Alegre, in Glorinha, and throughout the State of Rio
Grande do Sul. Brazil is very well represented with
the LGW having seats in this important space where
themes of the greatest seriousness to the citizens are
discussed. It is very good that others can follow the
example of the LGW”, he emphasizes.
Danilo Pa
André Fernandes
united nations
Leila Marco and Danilo Parmegiani
General view of hall 19,
in the Palais des Nations,
the UN office in Geneva,
where the 2007 High-Level
Segment was held.
The UN Conference in Geneva gathers civil society and government representatives to combat
hunger and misery. The LGW’s participation, a Brazilian entity with general consultative status
in the United Nations, was highlighted as the model from the American continent.
LGW representatives, from left to right: Noys Rocha
(Portugal), Maria de Albuquerque (USA) and Rosana
Bertolin (Brazil) with the LGW magazine. In the center,
the UN Secretary-General and on the right side of the photo
Mrs. Hanifa Mezoui, Chief of the UN/DESA NGO Section.
“The LGW’s
message is
powerful. Only
through the
globalization of Love
in all its meaning we will
have Peace, progress
and prosperity for
he first half of the fifteen years stipulated
for the fulfillment of the eight Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs), adopted by
191 member countries in the summit of
rulers promoted by the United Nations in 2000 has
gone by, and the planet still bitterly suffers challenging
figures. Suffice it to say, for example, the result of the
recent study of the Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations (FAO), upon presenting the
report “The State of Food Insecurity in the World
2006”, which makes it evident that 854 million people
in the world suffer from hunger, that is, approximately
17% of the Earth’s population. Of these, 820 million
live in developing countries, 25 million in the nations
of the now extinct Soviet Union and 9 million in
the richest States. The reduction of 50% of extreme
poverty and hunger and the universal reach of
elementary education— the first two objectives —
have deserved a highlight on the UN agenda.
As part of the measures to make this megaproject a reality, more efficient mechanisms are
being used by the Organization for the complex
analysis of the information. One of them is the
Ministerial Review of the Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC), created in 2005, whose conclusions were presented in its inaugural session,
in the Council’s most important annual meeting:
the High-Level Segment 2007, held from July 2
Eduarda Pereira
Danilo Parmegiani
The UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon,
manifested his support to the LGW’s work and
signed the cover of the magazine Globalization of
Fraternal Love.
Dr. Hilario (L), with the
magazine Globalization
of Fraternal Love, and
Danilo, from the LGW.
Hilario Davide
Vice President of the UN Economic and Social Council.
to 5, in the Palais des Nations, the UN office in
The LGW represents Brazil and Latin
This review is carried out on several levels, including the civil society’s considerations. Upon invitation
by the UN, the Legion of Good Will (LGW), as the
Maria de Albuquerque delivers the LGW document to the
President of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic
Changes (IPCC), Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, elected in
2002, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.
Dr. Michele Billant-Fedoroff, Deputy of the NGO Section
of the UN/DESA, with the version of the magazine
Globalization of Fraternal Love in French.
organization with general consultative status in the
ECOSOC since 1999, represented Latin America in
the event. At the time, the Organization brought the
experience of its socioeducational work carried out
for almost 60 years, which started in Brazil, as well as
the result of the 1st Solidary Society Network Innovation Fair, organized by the LGW with the support of
the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
(UN/DESA) and the United Nations Information
Center in Brazil (UNIC-Rio). The event occurred in
March, in several cities of the Country and of Latin
America, with the participation of 1.200 entities of
these regions, and approached the theme “Strengthening efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, including
through the global partnerships for development”.
The Brazilian presence was highlighted in
dozens of communication media, like for example
the program A Voz do Brasil – The Voice of Brazil
(Agência Brasil), on the Portuguese language edition
of the UN Radio, apart from being remembered, on
July 10, by the Federal Deputy Luiz Bassuma, in a
pronouncement made in the plenary session of the
Chamber of Deputies in Brasília/DF, Brazil.
The purpose of the meeting in Geneva was to
share good practices that can be replicated, new
social technologies and multistakeholder strategies
with civil society and the Heads of State, Ministerial
Officials and the UN High Commissioners.
The United Nations Secretary-General
visits the Brazilian booth
The opening ceremony, conducted by the UN
Eduarda Pereira
Eduarda Pereira
Rosana Bertolin
United nations
The Ambassador of the Permanent Mission of the
Dominican Republic in the United Nations, Mr.
Francis Lorenzo (R), with the LGW magazine.
Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, counted on representatives of the ECOSOC member countries.
Immediately afterwards, the secretary-general visited
the exhibits of the works of the institutions present.
At the LGW’s booth, he closely observed the Brazilian
Organization’s panels with photographs and success stories, appreciated the thematic paintings and
received the magazine Globalization of Fraternal
Love (initially edited in Portuguese, English, French
and Esperanto), which brings Paiva Netto’s message
with recommendations of good practices in fulfilling
the MDGs and was the focus of the participants’
special attention. Ban Ki-moon registered his meeting
with the LGW by signing the publication’s cover. Dr.
Hanifa Mezoui, Chief of the UN/DESA NGO Section,
accompanied the secretary-general on his visit.
Good Will, highlight of the American continent
The United Nations NGO Section of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs made a blog
available on the Internet (www.amrif.blogspot.
com), in which it points out the LGW’s actions as
the representation of the American Continent in
the worldwide conference of the ECOSOC HighLevel Segment 2007. On that page, it is possible
to watch a video on the Brazilian organization’s
work, see over two hundred photographs of its
operations at the Meeting and even download
the magazine Globalization of Fraternal Love in
English and French.
Eduarda Pereira
Eduarda Pereira
LGW presents its actions in the 2007 High-Level Segment
Meeting. The declaration was simultaneously translated to
the UN’s six official languages.
On July 4, Maria de Albuquerque, Master
in Education from Gratz College, in the State of
Pennsylvania, made a speech, on behalf of the
LGW, at the High-Level Segment 2007Assembly,
conducted by the Vice President of the Economic
and Social Council, Dr. Hilario Davide. This
presentation made to the Heads of State summed
up the report that the LGW sent to the UN as a
recommendation that the Organism itself translated
into its six official languages, containing the result
of the 1st Solidary Society Network Innovation Fair
(the complete report can be found at the website
Following the speech by Maria, from the LGW,
received with enthusiasm by the audience, Dr.
Hilario commented: “The LGW’s message is
powerful. Only with the globalization of Love in
all its meaning we will have Peace, progress and
prosperity for Humanity”.
Dr. Michele Billant-Fedoroff, Deputy of the
NGO Section of the ECOSOC, left her incentive
to the Organization: “I am glad that the secretarygeneral of the United Nations visited the LGW’s
booth and congratulated the job well done and
encouraged them to do even better in the future”.
And she completed: “For us at the United Nations
it is very important that we develop this partnership between the UN, NGOs and civil society. The
Legion of Good Will is one of these arms of the
civil society world, especially in Latin America.
The LGW carries out incredible work by promoting
the Innovation Fair”.
Noys Rocha (LGW of Portugal) delivers the magazine Globalization of Fraternal Love to members of
the International Ontopsychology Association, also
present at the 1st UN Innovation Fair.
Education to eradicate poverty
The following morning, July 5, the United
Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO), promoted a roundtable under
the theme “Development of the role of Education
in eradicating poverty — Challenges of quality,
access and equality”. To this high summit meeting
were invited the Heads of State of Japan, England,
the United States, Russia, Tanzania, Kenya and
Ethiopia, besides the Legion of Good Will, who
represented civil society.
The debate was mediated by UNESCO’s Director-General, Koichiro Matsuura, and Maria
The LGW’s booth at the 1st UN Innovation Fair, in Geneva, Switzerland.
Maria de Albuquerque
Danilo Parmegiani
Dr. Juan Somavia, Director-General of the
International Labor Organization (ILO), next
to Maria de Albuquerque, highlighting the
Globalization of Fraternal Love magazine.
Maria de Albuquerque
Noys Rocha
United nations
de Albuquerque presented to the audience the
Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy, the Pedagogy of
Affection, the educational line proclaimed by Paiva
Netto that allies intellect, feeling and Spirituality.
Maria explained, in her speech, that the Organization’s educators have achieved great success in the
learning process through the application of this
pedagogy, not only in Brazil, but in several LGW
units abroad (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia,
Portugal and the United States). She commented
her own experience as a volunteer in the Peace
and Good Will Garden program, developed in
the United States, and pointed out that, more than
receiving a diploma; the pupils who benefit from
this educational line are transformed into citizens
who are committed to agreements between nations,
Peace-building agents, concerned in disseminating
Fraternal Love.
After her explanation, many people went to
give their incentive to the cause, like Dr. Koichiro
Matsuura, who also demonstrated UNESCO’s
interest in fomenting citizenship and ethical and
moral values on the child’s character based on
Education with universal principles.
Dr. Matsuura furthermore thanked the LGW’s
presence at the meeting and its concern in promoting Education with quality and citizenship
Anna Mwasha, Director of the Poverty Eradication Division, from the Ministry of Planning,
Meena Sur, from the UN/DESA, and Ekaterina Zagladina, Permanent
Secretary of the Prizewinners Nobel Peace Prize Summit, in Rome, and the
LGW representative.
“The Legion of Good
Will fights mainly to
mold the children’s
character with
Eduarda Pereira
Ricardo Espinosa (R), Coordinator of the UN NGO Section in Geneva, with
Danilo, from the Legion of Good Will.
values like Love and
making them calm
and aware. An
Education founded
In the center, Anna Mwasha,
from Tanzania, with Rosana
and Maria, from the LGW.
on these values can
completely change a society, make
people live in Peace, and, in this way,
improve the whole world.”
Anna Mwasha
Director of the Poverty Eradication Division,
from the Ministry of Planning, Economy and
Empowerment of the United Republic of Tanzania
Economy and Empowerment of the United Republic of Tanzania, was impressed by the proposals
presented and made a point of joining the LGW
committee, highlighting the value of the Ecumeni-
Representatives from other countries
support the initiative
At the LGW’s booth, representatives of several
segments got in touch with the Organization. Some
were surprised at its participation in so many activities, as for example of Serge Perez, Secretary-General
of the Droit à l’énergie SOS Futur association: “I am
greatly pleased to see the Legion of Good Will everywhere. This is very important to us”. He believes that
Noys Rocha
The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain, sheik Khalifa bin Salman
Al Khalifa, compliments the LGW representative. He received homage in the
opening ceremony from the UN Secretary-General with a plaque for his work
on behalf of the eradication of hunger and poverty in his country.
Noys Rocha
cal Citizen Pedagogy: “The LGW is doing a very
wonderful job, particularly in making sure that
the children are getting quality Education with
values. Different values which develop their brains
and hearts. In the future, these children will make
the difference in society and change it completely,
making Peace dominate everywhere. I was very
much touched. In the more developed countries,
much is said about improving the quality of Education, but I understand that the Legion of Good Will
fights mainly to mold the children’s character with
values like Love and making them calm and aware.
An Education founded on these values can completely change a society, make people live in Peace,
and, in this way, improve the whole world”.
Anna encouraged the continuity of the work
and made a special request: “I would like the LGW
to visit us so that we can introduce this line of
education for the children of Tanzania”. And she
concluded, commenting the lofty meaning of the
LGW’s pin, in the shape of a blue heart: “This logo
means a lot, it means Love; it’s a global symbol.
And if someone has Love, we know that Peace will
be there, that development will be there; it is for these
small things that you will be able to, spiritually —
and even academically —, share with others. So,
with the few resources that a person may have,
if Love is there, it is possible to share and bring
development to many”.
Other authorities were touched by the LGW’s
ideals, among them Victor Manuel Barbosa Borges,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Communities of the Cape Verde Republic; George
Saitoti, Minister of Education of Kenya; and
Nicholas Burnett, Director of UNESCO’s Education for All Global Monitoring Report.
The North American Economist Jeffrey Sachs receives the LGW publication.
the problem of poverty and hunger cannot remain
only “in the hand of the rulers. All of us have to
hurry the States for them to go beyond the Millennium
Development Goals”.
Serge praised the fact that the publication
Globalization of Fraternal Love is also available
in his native tongue: “It is very good to have this
message of the LGW in French. Fraternity, Peace
and Love are important sentiments for everybody.
It is marvelous to see Yasser Arafat and so many
Nobel Prizewinners speaking about the Temple of
Good Will (in Brasília/DF, Brazil). We can build a
world without wars, a better world”.
Others who also visited the LGW booth and
received the magazine with the recommendations
of good practices in the fulfillment of the MDGs
Eduarda Pereira
Archive BV
Nicholas Burnett, Director of UNESCO’s Education
for All Global Monitoring Report, with Maria, from
the LGW.
The Secretary-General of Droit à l’énergie SOS
Futur, the French Serge Perez, with Danilo
Noys Rocha
Mr. Amitava Tripathi, Indian Ambassador in
Switzerland and in the Vatican, flanked by
Danilo and Rosana, from the LGW.
Danilo Parmegiani
United nations
Maria de Albuquerque with Mr. Koichiro Matsuura, UNESCO’s DirectorGeneral. He mediated a debate between heads of State on the aid of
Education to eradicate poverty and hunger. At the meeting, the LGW
represented civil society.
were Ali Cherif, Councilor of the Tunisian Mission; Abha Bahadur, International Relations of the
International Sulabh Organization; and Mr. Amitava
Tripathi, Ambassador of India in Switzerland and
in the Vatican State, who came especially from
Palais des Nations (Geneva/Switzerland) —
Considered the second most important place of the
United Nations and the general European headquarters of the Organization for matters of development
and humanitarian aid. The building, built during the
period 1920 to 1930, served primarily the League
of Nations, dissolved on April 18, 1946, soon after
the end of World War II. Later on, the monument
officially became the headquarters of the UN.
the city in which he resides, Bern (the capital of
Switzerland), to meet with the Organization’s
members. “I have great sympathy and respect for the
marvelous work that the Legion of Good Will performs
in Brazil and abroad. In Mr. Paiva Netto’s article,
which I’m reading, he attributes an enormous importance to the success of the Millennium Development
Goals, which will result in the general improvement of
Humanity. The more this message is divulged around
the Planet, the greater will the chances be for the
Millennium Goals to be reached”, the Ambassador
The Executive Secretary of the Ministry for Social
Development and Combat of Hunger, Márcia
Lopes, who headed the Brazilian delegation in the
High-Level Segment, commented the actions of
the “Zero Hunger” (Fome Zero) program, of the
federal government, and the constant concern of
President Lula in demanding greater cooperation
for the MDGs from the richer nations. Márcia asThe fact that this office is located in Switzerland
was relevant in several moments, as of the earthquake of December 26, 2004 and the tsunami which
followed it, when in its wake were left more than
232 thousand dead and/or missing people when it
struck 13 countries in Asia and Africa. At the time,
the Palais des Nations served as a strategic base for
the UN due to the shorter distance and slight time
zone difference of the devastated areas.
Eduarda Pereira
In front of the UN office in
Geneva, the LGW team,
with the blue heart, the
Organization’s symbol,
after saying the Our Father
ecumenical prayer, mentalizing the
success of the meeting, which discusses the advances of two of
the eight Millennium Development Goals, which foresee a reduction of 50%
in extreme poverty and hunger and the universal reach of basic education.
The Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Social Development and Combat of
Hunger Márcia Lopes, who headed the Brazilian delegation, in Geneva, next
to Maria de Albuquerque.
According to the study of the
United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO),
854 million people go hungry
in the world, around 17% of the
planet’s population.
serted the relevance of the civil organizations, like
the example of the LGW, in this undertaking: “All
this opening, the intelligence of the Legion of Good
Will in the service of the communities, of the population and of the learning of the Government itself is
of indisputable merit. The presence of the Organization throughout the world with its example of
persistence, of continuity, of a daily construction,
which keeps gaining and achieving the results that
it had proposed, is admirable. We congratulate
(the LGW) for its initiatives and results, for being
here at this event, in which hundreds of countries
are present, and the LGW is sharing this process,
this collective construction. It is an example for
innumerable other international entities and
Collaboration: Rosana Berto­lin, Maria de
Albuquerque, Noys Rocha and Eduarda Pereira.
LGW presents the Millennium
Development Goals on canvas
The Legion of Good Will, whose work is
comprehensive and universalistic, has also
taken its fraternal message by means of art. A
good example occurred during the UN HighLevel Segment meeting in Geneva/Switzerland,
when authorities and civil society representatives were able to appreciate three of the eight
works, presented first in Brazil at the “Make a
Difference” exhibition, which integrated the 1st
Solidary Society Network Innovation Fair, organized by the LGW, with the support of the UN/
DESA and UNIC-Rio, at the Temple of Good
Will, in Brasília/DF. See below, the canvases
chosen by the United Nations to illustrate the
theme highlighted at the Geneva
Goal 1 — Eradicate extreme
poverty and hunger. Work:
Love, the principle of life —
Artist: Hermínia Metzler.
Goal 2 — Achieve universal
primary education. Work:
Quality education for all
— Artist: Adauto
Goal 8 — Everybody working for
development. Work: Everybody
working — Artist: Nazaré Martins.
TGW and lgw’s parlamundi
For a
Culture of Peace
André Fernandes
in the world
he motto of the Legion of Good Will,
Education and Culture, Health and Work
with Ecumenical Spirituality, shows
Paiva Netto’s all-encompassing view as
he states: “We must experience unity in diversity to
overcome adversity”. It was under this inspiration
that the leader of the LGW conceived and built the
Temple of Good Will (TGW), inaugurated in 1989,
and the World Parliament of Ecumenical Fraternity
(ParlaMundi), opened in 1994, both in Brasília,
the capital of Brazil, announcing them as being the
symbols of fraternization among all ethnic origins,
cultures and religious beliefs.
Shortly after its opening, the TGW became
Brasília’s most visited monument, with over 18
million tourists coming to see it in these last 19
years of existence, according to data provided by
Brasília’s Tourism Office (Secretaria de Desen­
vol­v imento Econômico e Turismo do Distrito
Federal – SDET).
The increasing pilgrimage to the LGW’s Temple
is due to the fact that it is an environment inspired by
Ecumenical Spirituality that should shine in Culture,
in Arts, in Philosophy, in Politics, in Economics, in
Science, in Sports, in Ecology, and in all fields of
human activity.
Acclaimed by the People as one of the Seven
Wonders of Brasília/DF, Brazil, the Temple of
Good Will (TGW), since it was inaugurated by
Paiva Netto, on 10/21/1989, has already
received over 18 million tourists and pilgrims.
According to official data from Brasília’s Tourism
Office (SDET), it is the most visited monument
of the Brazilian capital. Next to the ParlaMundi
(L), and its administration offices (C), the Temple
of Peace (R) forms the Legion of Good Will’s
Ecumenical Complex. Come and visit!
Address: SGAS 915, lotes 75/76
More information: (+5561) 3245-1070
João Periotto
TGW and lgw’s parlamundi
Since its doors were opened to Humanity, in 1989, the Temple of Good Will
has always paid homage to its native Indian brothers. This space dedicated
to the indigenous culture gains an even greater relevance on April 19, a
date dedicated to the first dwellers of Brazilian lands. On this festive date,
they give a presentation of their traditions, dances, folklore and rituals in
the main hall of the Temple, to the tourists who visit Brasília.
Domingos Tadeu/PR
Gifts from the Prime Minister of India,
Dr. Manmohan Singh, and his wife,
Mrs. Gursharan Kaur, to the LGW’s
president: an elephant carved out of wood
(on the left) and a hand-made clock with
marble pieces and pure gold leaves. The
gifts are on exhibition in the Paiva Netto
Memorial, inside the TGW.
Archive BV
João Preda
The architecture of this Monument was conceived
in a unique manner. The main nave is shaped as a
seven-sided pyramid. The complex also comprises
several rooms which favor meditation and cultural
activities, like the Art Gallery, the Egyptian Room, the
Nobel Hall and the Alziro Zarur Memorial (dedicated
to the memory of the late founder of the LGW), besides
the Fountain of Energized Water and the underground
Fernando Franco
Mrs. Gursharan Kaur (in light blue
clothing) with the children of the LGW’s
Ecumenical Children Choir. Upon visiting the
Temple, India’s prime minister’s wife, expressed
her satisfaction for being there: “I find myself
lucky to be visiting the Temple of Good Will, built
by Paiva Netto. It has been a beautiful experience
listening to the children sing. The surrounding and
the atmosphere is so peaceful. All we want now
is Peace around the world. I hope this message
of Peace is spread all over the world. When there
is so much of unrest and all kind of things that
are happening like several types of violence all
around us. Peace is one thing which can really
conquer all the ills of the world. (...) Thank you
for the honor and your respect and such a nice
warm feeling that I have received from you. I am
very grateful to all of you”.
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The Ambassador Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim, Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs,
received from the legionnaire of Good Will Rosana Bertolin the LGW magazines
Solidary Society and Peace for the Millennium, in English, on the occasion of a dinner
offered by the Minister for Commerce and Industry from the Government of India, Mr.
Kamal Nath, to the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, during his visit to
Brazil, in September of 2006.
Arun Gandhi and Peace at the Temple
of Good Will
“I am very happy for the Temple of the Legion
of Good Will and its volunteers, because they are
taking the Ecumenism to the world. I am sure that
my grandfather would also be very proud of this.
I wish much success to Mr. Paiva Netto.”
Gandhi’s grandson, Arun Gandhi, and his wife, Sunanda, participated in
an homage to the Indian leader, at the Temple of Good Will. At the back,
the panel The Evolution of Humanity in which Paiva Netto asked to include
the image of the Mahatma and other great scholars of History.
Leilla Tonin
TGW and lgw’s parlamundi
Armando Kitamura
The famous Brazilian composer and conductor Tom Jobim
(1927-1994), Frank Sinatra’s friend (1915-1998), while
recording a video clip in one of his last public appearance,
manifested his support towards the construction of the LGW’s
ParlaMundi: “The World Parliament of Ecumenical Fraternity is
the Symphony of Universal Solidarity”.
Next to the Temple of Good Will, Paiva
Netto built the World Parliament of Ecumenical
Fraternity (the LGW’s ParlaMundi) a forum for
debates aimed at fraternizing all creatures and
institutions in Brazil and from all over the world
which work on behalf of world Peace.
The president of the Legion of Good Will affirms:
“The World Parliament of Ecumenical Fraternity keeps
its doors open to all Beings of Good Will. It proposes
the universal reconciliation of all human and spiritual
knowledge, in a powerful force at the service of nations.
Discord, radicalisms, hostilities of all shades should
stay away from religious, philosophical, political,
scientific, economic, art, sports and all other debates
and propositions, for the Human Being is born on Earth
to live in society, in a Solidary Society”.
Trophy awarded to the winners
of the Commendation of
the Order of Merit of
Ecumenical Fraternity, of
the LGW’s ParlaMundi.
Leila Marco
Gilberto Bertolin
Archive BV
Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary-General, and
Maria de Albuquerque, from the LGW.
Archive BV
Sueli Bonaparte, Executive Director of the
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce,
was also condecorated with the award,
which is given annually in the traditional
Brazilian Day Festival, in New York/USA.
Archive BV
Paiva Netto instituted the Commendation of the
Order of Merit of Ecumenical Fraternity, a prize that,
since 1996, is awarded yearly by the ParlaMundi of the
LGW to those with outstanding achievements in their
field of activity, with Solidarity without borders as a
basic principle in the activities accomplished.
Famous personalities have already been awarded
with the LGW Medal (World Parliament of Ecumenical
Fraternity), for their work on behalf of the dissemination of Peace and Solidarity in Brazil and in the world.
Among them are the statesmen Mário Soares (former
President of Portugal) and Nelson Mandela (former
President of South Africa); the Tibetan leader Dalai
Lama Tenzin Gyatso; the former Secretary-General of
the United Nations, Kofi Annan, and Pelé, the Athlete
of the Century, besides other major names from different
areas of the Brazilian and international society.
Archive BV
The statesman Mário Soares (former President of Portugal), the President
of the LGW, José de Paiva Netto, and the Athlete of the Century, Pelé, at the
award ceremony, in 1997.
The former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela, his wife Graça Machel and
Enaildo Viana, representative of the president of the LGW, on the occasion Mandela
received the Commendation of the ParlaMundi, in 1998.
The North American Professor Edgar
Mitchell, the sixth man to step on
the moon, was in Brazil, in October of
2000, lecturing at the 1st World Forum
Spirit and Science, promoted by the
LGW. On that occasion, Mitchell was
decorated with the Commendation
of the Order of Merit of Ecumenical
Fraternity and with the diploma of
Honorary Good Will Ambassador.
“I feel honored, very happy with
this nomination because my way of
thinking, of interpreting things, is
very similar to that of the LGW”, he
stated at the time.
The master of soul and blues, Billy Paul, with the LGW representative Maria de Albuquerque, at the award
giving ceremony of the Commendation of the Order of Merit of Ecumenical Fraternity, during the 2006 edition
of the Brazilian Day Festival, in New York City. “I am moved with this award of the ParlaMundi since the LGW is
intimate in this work of helping those who are hungry and the children all over the world”, he stated.
Nine Nobel Peace
Prize Winners
Archive BV
talk about the LGW
“Dear Mr. José de Paiva Netto, I entrust you with my prayers for
all people. May God’s blessings be with all of you of the Legion
of Good Will, and may many get to know the Love of Jesus
through the World Parliament of Ecumenical Fraternity, of the
LGW, and keep alive the Good News of His Love in the world,
loving one another as He has loved us. May God bless you.”
Mother Teresa of Calcutta (in memoriam)
Archive BV
Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
“I feel very happy and honored with this homage given by the
ParlaMundi of the Legion of Good Will.”
Nelson Mandela
Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, considered one of the greatest personalities
of the 20th century, was awarded in the Hors Concours category with the
Order of Merit of Ecumenical Fraternity in 1997.
Archive BV
“Thank you for the kind invitation regarding the inauguration of this monument for
Peace, the Temple of Good Will. I appreciated very much your gift. My sincere
compliments. I wish the LGW much success at this time. (...)”
Jimmy Carter
J. A. Parmegiani
“It is marvelous to talk about the Temple
of Good Will and the World Parliament of
Ecumenical Fraternity of
the LGW. They represent
something I have always
believed in, which is
that all persons and
all religions have the
same potential to help
Humanity. All of them
bear in themselves the
message of compassion,
Love and spiritual
forgiving. What the
Legion of Good Will
does is marvelous. I
entirely support this work
and hope that my Spirit and Soul may
always be with you.”
Dalai-Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Religious Tibetan leader who received the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, and the Commendation of the Order of Merit of Ecumenical
Fraternity of the LGW, in 1999, ParlaMundi, in
the Hors Concours category.
Archive BV
Close to the inauguration of the Temple of Good Will, the former President of the United States
(Nobel Peace Prize in 2002) expressed, by letter, his admiration for the memorable date.
“(…) In my name, and on behalf of my
Brothers of the Executive Committee of
the Palestine Liberation Organization —
PLO — and on behalf of the Palestinian
people, I would like to thank you for the
kind invitation for the inauguration of
the LGW’s Temple of Good Will (1989).
My congratulations for the activities
performed to help the poor and in
defense of Humankind, Justice and
oppressed people. (…)”
Yasser Arafat (in memoriam)
President of the Palestine Authority and
Nobel Peace Prize in 1994
“My sincere votes that the LGW may contribute so that the Brazilian people
may live in Peace, free from fear and intimidation that the paths of violence
Shirin Ebadi
International Human Rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize in 2003, after
receiving from the LGW’s representatives the magazine Solidary Society, during
an event at the UN.
Fernando Franco
“The LGW’s project is truly unique, concrete, creative, gathering all those
who want Peace, tranquility for religions, for ethnic groups. By means of
this project, the Legion of Good Will receives outcast boys and gives them
a shelter, affection, Education. In short, it is an extraordinary program that
should inspire governments and organizations from other countries of the
world to do the same. The culture of Peace, of tolerance, of living together
with other ethnic groups is what leads to a true and lasting peace and to
social progress. (...) I am touched by this chance to visit the LGW. I am
deeply dazzled by this opportunity to see so many expressions of art, of
spiritual value, an appeal for Peace, for concord among peoples, among
nations. I believe it would be useful and good if countries at war would
come here (Temple of Good Will) and meditate, to realize the complete
uselessness of their conflicts. There is so much human and spiritual beauty
being destroyed in the world. And the Temple of the Legion of Good Will
is really unique. I think that the most important aspect of the Organization
in this project, in this architecture, is the spirit of ethnic, cultural, religious
brotherhood, where there are no social or economic differences. Everything
is represented here; from all over, people can maintain a dialogue. It is
really very, very interesting.”
Dr. José Ramos Horta
East Timor President, Nobel Peace Prize in 1996, when visiting the Legion of
Good Will in Brazil.
Adolfo Pérez
Argentinean writer and
Nobel Peace Prize in 1980
Lucian Fagundes
Lucian Fagundes
“To be here at the Temple of
Good Will is very moving
and also important, since
you carry out a work on
behalf of the Peoples. And
I think that everything
is aimed at making the
youngsters aware, at
preparing them for life. And
with a very important thing:
Spirituality. (…) I would
also like to greet Paiva
Netto for his 50 years of
strength and struggles for
the Good of Humanity, for
the good of the peoples.
A fraternal solidary hug
of congratulations and
may he continue on his
path building Hope and
Solidarity among people.”
Desmond Tutu, before boarding to Brazil, as registered
by the newspaper Correio Braziliense of the Federal
District, on May 1987, stated to a diplomat of the Foreign
Ministry: “Arriving at your country, I would like to meet
with my Brothers in Faith and I want to see again two
great friends: Dom Hélder Câmara and the President of
the Legion of Good Will, José de Paiva Netto”. In the
same year, talking to representatives of the LGW, he
affirmed: “I wish to praise the worldwide president of the
Legion of Good Will for his article ‘Apartheid there and
Apartheids here’ [published on March 30, 1986 in the
newspaper Folha de S.Paulo], where he attempts to make
peoples aware of the fact that there are different forms
of racism going on in many parts of the world, even in
Brazil. (...) I would like to convey him my thanks for his
work. May God bless him and the dear legionnaires
of Good Will. You have become, in the course of your
beneficial activity, esteemed workers of God. (...)” In
2006, year that the LGW’s President celebrated his
Golden Jubilee of work in the Organization, the Anglican
Archbishop stated: “In these 50 years, God has used
Paiva Netto powerfully. May He bless and strengthen him
so he may continue his divine work in the world, for the
Love of God’s Children”.
Desmond Tutu
Anglican Archbishop and Nobel Peace Prize in 1984
André Fernandes
Solidary Society Network
Strategic Alliances
to eradicate poverty and hunger
The LGW organizes the 1st Forum of the
Solidary Society Network Innovation
Fair, with support of the United Nations.
eeping the Peace and safety in the
world, promoting social progress,
improving living standards and taking
care of human rights are some of the
functions of the United Nations. In order to make
Hosted by:
Alziro Braga
Hanifa Mezoui,
Chief of the NGO
Section of the
tives of hundreds of class entities, universities,
religious and youth movements, foundations,
public organs and international organizations.
The series of events in March were held in
Brasília/DF, São Paulo/SP, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, and
in the re­gional workshops in Porto Alegre/RS,
Belo Horizonte/MG, Aracaju/SE, Santos/SP and
in Buenos Aires/Argentina.
This was considered a pioneer action by Ms.
Hanifa Mezoui, Chief of the NGO Section/DESA
of the ECOSOC. “I wish to congratulate you
because you are making Brazil the first country to
promote the Innovation Fair in a national level.
(…) I would also like to take the result of this
Innovation Fair you are hosting, to the ECOSOC
High-Level Segment Meeting in July 2007, in
Geneva (Switzerland), and show it to the Heads of
In picture 1, the LGW’s
participation at the Innovation
Fair in February. Pictures 2 and
3 are of the meeting in May.
Adriana Rocha
In the months of March and May 2007, the
Legion of Good Will was present at the ECOSOC
Innovation Fair preparatory meetings, at the United
Nations headquarters in New York/USA. On the
occasion, the participants followed the results of
the LGW’s 1st Forum-Fair organized in March in
Brazil, through the Solidary Society Network,
which mobilization among multisteakholders
gathered around 1,200 leaderships in Latin
America. The President of the Session in May,
Shamina de Gonzaga, announced the work of the
LGW as an example to be followed.
Adriana Rocha
LGW at the Innovation
Fair in NY
Alziro B
these actions feasible, the Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC), which, in addition to acting parallel to the governments of the countries,
has brought civil society closer to its activities,
especially in the last 10 years, when it was verified
that only in this way the fulfillment of the eight
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) could
be guaranteed.
To make this support a reality beyond the
government level, it required new UN parameters.
In fulfilling these reforms in the organism, which
were discussed in the last General Assembly, the
ECOSOC was given the function of the Annual
Ministerial Review — AMR, which among the
new activities brought the Innovation Fair.
The Legion of Good Will, in the vanguard of
this change, promoted the 1st Forum of the Solidary
Society Network Innovation Fair in several cities
with the support of the United Nations Information
Center in Brazil (UNIC-Rio) and the United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/
DESA), from the UN headquarters in New York.
The goal was to share good practices that may be
multiplied as new social technologies and stimulate
strategic alliances among multistakeholders that
optimize the impacts of transformation in society.
Launched in Porto Alegre on March 13, 2007,
the initiative obtained the adhesion of representa-
Solidary Society Network
Solidary Society Network
Extending its own network of socioeducational
actions, the LGW, in order to better contribute to the
fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals
proposed by the UN, promotes the Solidary Society
Network, an initiative that seeks to converge the work
of organizations of varied segments under the banner
of Solidarity, starting with actions among multistake-
out a tremendous work and I wish to thank you
for having participated in an event of this size. In
several presentations here, today, I have learned
a great deal from the lecturers. I was impressed
by the projects”.
This edition of the Fair was highlighted on
the national network by the A Voz do Brasil
(distributed by Agência Brasil for TV, internet
and radio) and internationally by the UN Radio
(New York/USA), in addition to Folha On-line,
Correio Braziliense, O Sul, O Globo On-line,
the ABI Portal, Jornal do Brasil (Column of the
journalist Hildegard Angel), JB On-line, O
Estado do Paraná and O Dia; the TV stations
Nacional, Bandeirantes and Band News; the radio
stations Nacional, Bandeirantes AM and News
FM, CBN (Brasília), Tupi, Eldorado AM and
Manchete and thousands of other important means
of communication (see the reproduction of some
articles on page 93), as for example of the Super
Good Will Communication Network (Boa Vontade
TV, Rede Mundial TV, Super
Good Will Radio Network,
magazine BOA VONTADE and
Boa Portal).
The LGW’s Ecumenical
Children Choir presented itself
in all the events, as a breath of
Alziro de Paiva
hope, example of a generation
that grows up already with the
awareness of planetary Fraternity. In all these occasions, the legionnaire Alziro de Paiva, represented
the President of the Organization, José de Paiva Netto,
bringing the message of the director of the Legion of
Good Will especially written for the event.
João Preda
State, ministerial people and other participants.
They wish to see what has been done on an international level. And here is the LGW, with general
consultative status since 1999, bringing all this for
the member states.”
The document to which Ms. Mezoui refers to
was closed with the contribution of 1,124 leaderships participating in the Solidary Society Network
(see list of organizations starting on the next page)
during the 1st Forum-Fair. The list is also published
in the following websites:, www. and www.redesociedadesolidaria.
Dr. Michele Billant-Fedoroff officially
represented the Department of Economic and
Social Affairs of the United Nations in these series
of events. In her lectures, she provided a panorama
of the Organization and how civil society can
interact with the UN. To her, “the regional
practices, as this one organized by the Legion of
Good Will, will identify the successful policies that
shall compose the repertory of good practices in
the implementation of the Millennium Goals”.
According to Fedoroff, “the march against extreme
poverty in Brazil has advanced considerably and
the country is on its way to reducing by half the
quantity of people who live on less than a dollar
per day by 2015”. Despite this, she pointed out that
the social differences are still very big.
When interviewed, she pointed out the
relevance of the undertaking which was being
carried out: “I congratulate Mr. José de Paiva
Netto and the Legion of Good Will for the organization of the 1st Forum of the Solidary Society
Network Innovation Fair. The LGW has carried
holders, involving the joint effort and cooperation of
the government, of socially responsible companies
and of civil society. It acts on a regional scale in order
to make possible the inclusion of the local communities in the sustainable socioeconomic development.
For this, it promotes meetings, develops relationships
and motivates conjugated and collaborative actions
around common and broader causes.
João Preda
A partial view of the Austregésilo de Athayde auditorium, in the LGW’s ParlaMundi, during the opening of the 1st Forum of the Solidary Society Network
Innovation Fair, in the Brazilian capital.
B ras í lia / D F
and Ecumenical Solidarity
Partners of the event
held by the LGW
The Legion of Good Will thanks all the
multistakeholders that together contributed for the
success of the 1st Forum of the Solidary Society
Network Innovation Fair:
Solidar y Society Network
n Brazil’s federal capital, the event occurred
on March 20, 2007, in the different rooms
of the World Parliament of Ecumenical
Fraternity (the LGW’s ParlaMundi), overcrowding the space. Militants and leaders of the
most varied sectors and representatives of the
Brazilian government — the Federal Senate,
the Chamber of Deputies and the Executive —
discussed the theme “Strengthening efforts to
eradicate poverty and hunger, including through
A Turma da Bahiana — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Abrigo Cristo Redentor — Aracaju/SE; Abrigo dos Idosos
São Vicente de Paulo — Goiânia/GO; Abrigo Lar São José — Brasília/DF; Abrigo Maria Imaculada (IPPC)
— Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Abrigo Provisório Municipal Antonio de Carvalho — Franca/SP; Ação Brasil — São
Paulo/SP; Ação Comunitária do Brasil — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Ação Comunitária do Loteamento Jardim Santa
Madalena (Acoljam) — Aracaju/SE; Ação Cristã Vicente Moretti — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Ação Esperança (Aesp)
— Brasília/DF; Ação Social São Lourenço — Aracaju/SE; Ação Solidária contra o Câncer Infantil — São
Paulo/SP; Ação Voluntária Emergente (AVE) — Campinas/SP; Agência de Mobilização Social (Aracati) — São
Paulo/SP; Agência de Notícias Esperança (Anote) — Fortaleza/CE; Albergue Domingos Zahluth — Belém/PA;
Albergue Noturno “Protetor dos Pobres” — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Aliança Beneficente Universitária
(Abeuni) — São Paulo/SP; Amigos da Paz — Brasília/DF; Amigos Mãos Abertas — Juiz de Fora/MG; Apaco
— Buenos Aires, Argentina; Apoio à Mulher, à Criança e ao Adolescente (Amca) — Teófilo Otoni/MG; Arca
do Amor — Brasília/DF; Asilo Same — Aracaju/SE; Asilo São Vicente de Paulo — Maringá/PR; Asociación
Conciencia Nacional — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Asociación de Padrinos de Alumnos y Escuelas Rurales
(Apaer) — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Asociación Indígena de la República Argentina (Aira) — Buenos Aires,
Argentina; Assembléia de Deus Ministério Planalto (ADMP) — São Paulo/SP; Assessoria ao Movimento Popular (Ispac) — Salvador/BA; Assistência à Família, Saúde e Cidadania — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação “Os
Garotos do Brooklin” — São Paulo/SP; Associação 11 de Abril do Bairro de Roma — Salvador/BA; Associação ABA — Movimento Artístico e Cultural — São Paulo/SP; Associação Ação Social pela Vida — Ipatinga/
Solidary Society Network
MG; Associação Amigos Carentes do Jardim São Carlos — São Paulo/SP; Associação Amigos das Crianças
Geração do Amanhã — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação Amigos de Bairro do Conjunto Paulistano — São Paulo/SP; Associação Amigos do Bairro Jardim Farah — São Paulo/SP; Associação Amigos do Jardim Paraná
— São Paulo/SP; Associação Amigos Parque Raposo Tavares — São Paulo/SP; Associação Anti-Alcoólica de
Paranaíba — Paranaíba/MS; Associação Apoio — São Paulo/SP; Associação Arca da Vitória — São Paulo/
SP; Associação Arte e Vida — Recife/PE; Associação Arte Natureza — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação Asas na
Ação Mulheres Evangélicas de Londrina — Londrina/PR; Associação Assistencial dos Moradores Jardim das
Graças — São Paulo/SP; Associação Atlética Caldense — Poços de Caldas/MG; Associação Baiana de Bordadeira e Rendeira de Itapagipe (Abbori) — Salvador/BA; Associação Beneficente (Abadeus) — Criciúma/
SC; Associação Beneficente 8 de Setembro — Uberaba/MG; Associação Beneficente Afro Sabor da Vitória
— São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Amigos da Criança da Vila — Londrina/PR; Associação Beneficente AOZC — Abaça de Oxum e Zé do Coco — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Arte e Cidadania — Salvador/BA; Associação Beneficente Assistencial São Gabriel — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Bate
Coração — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação Beneficente Batista Independente de Brasília (Abbib) — Ceilândia
Sul/DF; Associação Beneficente Bela — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Bravas Guerreiras — São
Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Casa de Caridade Vovó Catarina — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente
Centro de Cultura Afro-Brasileira Axé Hoozoane — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Clube de Mães de
São Miguel (ABC) — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Clube de Mães Maria Cândida — São Paulo/SP;
Associação Beneficente Comunitária Aurora — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Comunitária BemQuerer — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Comunitária Educar para Vida — São Paulo/SP; Associação
Beneficente Comunitária Praça Onze — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Creche Tia Com — São
Paulo/SP ; Associação Beneficente Cristã (Paiva) — Bauru/SP; Associação Beneficente das Famílias Carentes
da Vila Santa Catarina (Abevisc) — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente de Assistência Social Anjos da
Guarda — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente de Criança Ermelino Matarazzo — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente de Mães Ordem e Progresso — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente de Moradores da Vila
Brasilândia e Adjacências — São Paulo/SP ; Associação Beneficente de Mulheres de Vila Espanhola — São
Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente dos Moradores da Vila Gustavo e Bairros Adjacentes — São Paulo/SP;
Associação Beneficente e Clube de Mães de São Miguel — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente e Cultural
São Jerônimo — Uberaba/MG; Associação Beneficente Educacional Nova Esperança (Abene) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação Beneficente Espírita Nave da Saudade — Ribeirão Preto/SP; Associação Beneficente
Flor do Maia — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Kadoshi — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente
Metamorfose — Goiânia/GO; Associação Beneficente O Pequeno Nazareno — Fortaleza/CE; Associação
Beneficente Parceiros do Amanhã — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente São João (ABSJ) — Foz do
Iguaçu/PR; Associação Beneficente São Pedro — Centro de Educação Infantil São Gabriel — Cascavel/PR;
Associação Beneficente Social Estrela Guia — São Paulo/SP; Associação Beneficente Verdade que Liberta
— Salvador/BA; Associação Beneficente Vila Araguaia e Adjacências — São Paulo/SP; Associação Benefi-
Solidar y Society Network
João Preda
Sérgio Zambiasi
João Preda
Beto Albuquerque
Lylia Galetti
João Preda
João Preda
João Preda
out throughout its history”.
Senator Sérgio Zambiasi (Rio
Grande do Sul State) stated:
“We need great institutions
with credibility, as it is the
case of the LGW, to assume
this leadership and propose
the use of modern means so
that the arms of Solidarity
can really cover the spaces
that are uncovered, reaching the neediest members of
the population. The LGW is
the house of all of us, it is
democratic, Christian, ample,
offers us this great horizon of
Federal Congressman Beto
Albuquerque (Rio Grande do
Sul State) said: “It is time to
globalize Solidarity, the concern for the other. The LGW’s
experience of many years
shows that it is possible for all
of us — each one in his own
way, manner, belief — to do
During the morning session,
thematic panels were exhibited
with representation of multistakeholders that counted on the moderation of Lylia Galetti, from the
João Preda
the global partnerships for
development”, following the
orientation of the ECOSOC of
sharing good practices that can
be replicated.
Many authorities were pre­
sent, such as the first lady of the
Marianne Vicenthini
Federal District, Mrs. Marianne
Vicenthini Arruda, who pointed
out the opportunity that is created even for those
people who have not organized themselves in associations: “I would really like to thank the director of
the LGW. Fifteen years ago, when I started a work
to help the artisan women cottage industry, you were
the first to open your doors to offer this space, so that
they could have the first possibility of presenting their
In the same way, Senator Mozarildo Cavalcanti
(Roraima State) during the Jornal do Senado
(Senate Journal), distributed by Radiobrás,
praised: “This inclusion draws the eyes of
the United Nations to Latin America. The UN
has, today, in the LGW, a priority, a primordial partner, in this fight against poverty”. And
later, he completed in another
interview: “The LGW is the
precursor in the Civil Society
Sector; it is a champion at
this. I congratulate the LGW,
in the person of Paiva Netto,
for this and for all the other
Mozarildo Cavalcanti
events it has been carrying
Alzira Vieira
LGW’s 1st Forum of
the Solidary Society
Network Innovation
Fair in the press:
There were approximately
21 thousand insertions
in the Brazilian
and foreign media,
emphasizing the event
with the multistakeholders,
broadcasted in several
radio and TV stations,
besides newspapers,
magazines and websites.
Here are some of those
who supported the
cente Vila Esperança e Adjacências — São Paulo/SP; Associação Brasileira de Assistência às Famílias de
Crianças Portadoras de Câncer (Abrace) — Brasília/DF; Associação Brasileira dos Organizadores de Festivais
de Folclore e Artesanato (ABrasOFFA) — Santos/SP ; Associação Brasiliense de Esperanto — Brasília/DF;
Associação Caridade, Humildade e Compaixão Jardim Elisa Maria — São Paulo/SP; Associação Casa de
Apoio Esperança de Viver (Caesvi) — São Paulo/SP; Associação Casa Intumbençara Ilê Doia Mamerta Guelerj
— São Paulo/SP ; Associação Cearense Pró Idoso (Acepi) — Fortaleza/CE; Associação Centro de Cultura Os
Girassóis do Brasil — São Paulo/SP; Associação Civil Carmelitas da Caridade — Maringá/PR; Associação
Civil Sociedade Alternativa — São Paulo/SP; Associação Clube das Mães Unidas — Londrina/PR; Associação
Clube de Mães Brilho da Noite — São Paulo/SP; Associação Clube de Mães Caminho do Amanhã — São
Paulo/SP; Associação Clube de Mães Coração de Jesus — São Paulo/SP; Associação Clube de Mães Coração
de Jesus Jardim das Oliveiras — São Paulo/SP; Associação Clube de Mães do Jardim São Carlos Segundo
— São Paulo/SP; Associação Clube de Mães Flor do Oriente — Centro Educacional Infantil (CEI) — São
Paulo/SP; Associação Clube de Mães Jesus é o Caminho — São Paulo/SP; Associação Clube de Mães Luana
Neta — São Paulo/SP; Associação Clube de Mães Raio de Sol — São Paulo/SP; Associação Clube de Mães
Raios de Luar — São Paulo/SP; Associação Colégio Santa Inês — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária
Alfredo Lúcio — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária Beneficente de Vila Buenos Aires — São Paulo/SP;
Associação Comunitária Beneficente Poder e Querer — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária Campo da
Tuca — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação Comunitária Casa Brisa de Nazaré — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comu-
nitária Cidade Pedra Branca do Bairro Frei Damião — Palhoça/SC; Associação Comunitária da Região Centro
e Adjacências (ACRC) — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária da Vila Biquinha — Belo Horizonte/MG;
Associação Comunitária da Vila Clóris e Adjacências — Belo Horizonte/MG; Associação Comunitária de
Apoio de Aracaju — Aracaju/SE; Associação Comunitária de Artes José Antonio de Araújo — São Paulo/SP;
Associação Comunitária de Moradores Parque do Gato — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária do Bairro
São Thomás — Belo Horizonte/MG; Associação Comunitária do Conjunto Mariquinhas — Belo Horizonte/
MG; Associação Comunitária do Loteamento do Dendê — Aracaju/SE; Associação Comunitária do Setor
Faiçal Vili — Goiânia/GO; Associação Comunitária dos Solidários de Vila Terezinha — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária e Ação Social da Vila Princesa Isabel (Acasvpi) — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária
e Beneficente Padre José Augusto Machado Moreira — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária Fazenda do
Carmo — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária HAABI — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária José
Antonio de Araújo — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária Mensageiros da Paz e Alegria — São Paulo/SP;
Associação Comunitária Nova Esperança Jardim Carumbé — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária O Sol
Brilhou no Vale — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária Pequenos Valentes — São Paulo/SP; Associação
Comunitária Pró Moradia e Social Divina Flor — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária Raios de Sol — São
Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária Recomeçar — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária Recreativa e Esportiva Bom Fim Novo — Guaíba/RS; Associação Comunitária Regina Santos — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária Renascer do Jardim Maravilha — São Paulo/SP; Associação Comunitária Um Novo Amanhecer
Solidary Society Network
Associação de Apoio aos Portadores do Vírus HIV (AAPV) — Volta Redonda/RJ; Associação de
Lucian Fagundes
Apoio às Famílias, ao Grupo e à Sociedade (Afago-DF) — Brasília/DF; Associação de Apoio às Meninas e
Meninos da Sé — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Apoio e Desenvolvimento Comunitário (Aadesc) — Uberaba/MG; Associação de Assistência à Pessoa com Deficiência de Araxá (Fada) — Araxá/MG; Associação de
Assistência ao Canto da Criança do Jardim Lucélia II — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Assistência ao Educando Creche-Escola Municipal Professora Marília de Teves Moreno — Cabo Frio/RJ; Associação de Assistência
Social do Instituto Yolanda Duarte — Petrópolis/RJ; Associação de Auxílio aos Necessitados de Santa Cruz
do Sul — Santa Cruz do Sul/RS; Associação de Capoeira Filhos do Sol Nascente — Salvador/BA; Associação
de Cegos do Rio Grande do Sul (Acergs) — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação de Crianças Especiais de Santos
(Aces) — Santos/SP; Associação de Defesa Homossexual de Sergipe (Adhons) — Aracaju/SE; Associação de
Deficientes Físicos de Goiás — Goiânia/GO; Associação de Doceiras, Cozinheiras e Confeiteiras de Itapagipe
(Adocci) — Salvador/BA; Associação de Educação Católica do Brasil (AEC do Brasil) — Brasília/DF; Associação de Educação do Homem de Amanhã (Habra) — Brasília/DF; Associação de Entidades de Longa Permanência para Idosos — Uberlândia/MG; Associação de Equoterapia — Maceió/AL; Associação de Fiéis da
Paróquia Santa Joana D’Arc (Afijodarc) — Teresina/PI; Associação de Formação e Reeducação Lua Nova
— São Paulo/SP; Associação de Grupo de Mães da Vila Tabajara — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação de Juventude Construindo Sonhos — Natal/RN; Associação de Lideranças Femininas de Nova Friburgo “Anastácia”
— Nova Friburgo/RJ; Associação de Mães Boa Nova — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Mães Trabalhadoras na
João Preda
João Preda
— São Paulo/SP; Associação Cosmética Beleza & Cidadania — São Paulo/SP ; Associação Creche de Lívia
— São José do Rio Preto/SP; Associação Cristã Beneficente O Filho Pródigo — São Paulo/SP; Associação
Cristã de Moços do Rio de Janeiro (ACM) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação Cristã Paz e Esperança Adjacente
— São Paulo/SP; Associação Cultural e Ambientalista Prometeu Acorrentado (Acampa) — Glorinha/RS; Associação Cultural e Beneficente Ilê Mulher — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação Cultural Resistência Afro-Brasileira (Acrab) — São Paulo/SP; Associação Cultural Ylê Nito Padejá — Rio de Janeiro/RJ ; Associação da Criança
Excepcional (Ascep) — Brasília/DF; Associação da Juventude do Estado do Piauí — Teresina/PI; Associação
da Mulher Mastectomizada (Amma) — Nova Friburgo/RJ; Associaçãodas Abelhinhas de Santa Rita de Cássia
— Curitiba/PR; Associação das Creches Beneficentes do Rio Grande do Sul (Acebergs) — Porto Alegre/RS;
Associação das Famílias Carentes da Vila Brasilândia (Afacabras) — São Paulo/SP; Associação das Famílias
Sem-Teto do Barro Branco II — São Paulo/SP; Associação das Irmãs Beneficente do Ministério Nova Canaã
Jardim Leni Adibenminc — São Paulo/SP; Associação das Mulheres do Conjunto Habitacional Carvalho
Pinto — São Paulo/SP; Associação das Obras Pavonianas de Assistência — Brasília/DF; Associação das
Obras Pavonianas de Assistência — Patos de Minas/MG; Associação das Obras Pavonianas de Assistência
— Vitória/ES; Associação das Pessoas Portadoras de Deficiência Visual e Amigos de Gravataí (ADVA) —
Gravataí/RS; Associação de Amigos e Moradores do Bairro do Uruguai — Salvador/BA; Associação de Apoio
à Família, ao Grupo e à Comunidade (Afago-DF) — Gama/DF; Associação de Apoio à Renda e/ou Emprego
do Cidadão — Belo Horizonte/MG; Associação de Apoio ao Fissurado Lábio-Palatal de Maringá (Afim) —
João Preda
At the Pastoral da Criança booth, from left to right, Dayane Mônica da Silva
(Pastoral da Criança volunteer), Dr. Michele Fedoroff, Eliane Maria (from
the LGW) and Vânia Lúcia Ferreira Leite, International Advisor of Pastoral da
Criança/Brazilian National Board of Bishops (CNBB) and Counselor of CNAS.
Ministry of Environment; Alzira
Vieira, from Sebrae; and Arlete
Sampaio, from the Ministry of
Social Development (MDS). In
them were presented the works
of each organization in relation
to the theme of the Innovation Arlete Sampaio
In the afternoon, the event
was transferred to the second underground floor of the
LGW’s ParlaMundi, where
20 booths from different segments showed their projects.
The Fair also had a cultural
Perly Cipriano
presentation and then the participants went on to the workshops, which were divided into three sub-themes:
“Education”, “Environment” and “Employment
and Income”.
At the end of the day the exhibition “Make the Difference”
was opened. It presented eight
esteemed artists residing in the
federal capital who used diffe­
rent techniques to instigate
the observers, leading them to
reflections on the eight MillenAylton Gomes
nium Development Goals. This
itinerant exhibition was taken
to several Brazilian cities and Abroad.
Solidary Society Network
João Preda
João Preda
A partial view of the booths that presented social technology projects and
Mônica Mendes
Archive BV
In Buenos Aires/Argentina, on March
14, 2007, with the support of the Social
Sector Forum, at the Navarro Viola Foundation, the event had the participation of
dozens of civil society, governmental
and entrepreneurial organizations, and
was structured with presentations of
panels and workshops of reflection and
exchange. Highlight for the presence of
the Vice Minister for Social Development, Dr. Daniel Arroyo.
Inclusão (Amat) — Campo Grande/MS; Associação de Misericórdia Divina Filantropia Assistencial e Educacional (Amidifae) — Belém/PA; Associação de Moradia Mulheres Unidas — São Paulo/SP; Associação de
Moradores Beneficente, Recreativa e Cultural João Paulo II — Salvador/BA; Associação de Moradores da
Bela Vista — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Moradores da Favela dos Operários da Zona Norte — São Paulo/
SP; Associação de Moradores da Favela dos Operários Jardim Vista Alegre — São Paulo/SP; Associação de
Moradores da Ponta do Leal — Florianópolis/SC; Associação de Moradores da Vila Tecnológica — Porto
Alegre/RS; Associação de Moradores do Bairro Jardim Guanabara — Brasília/DF; Associação de Moradores
do Bairro Vista Alegre — Juiz de Fora/MG; Associação de Moradores do Conjunto Residencial Santa Rita
— Londrina/PR; Associação de Moradores do Conjunto Santa Luzia — Salvador/BA; Associação de Moradores do Japãozinho (Amorjap) — Aracaju/SE; Associação de Moradores do Jardim Aero Rancho II — Campo
Grande/MS; Associação de Moradores do Jardim Flores Astrais — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Moradores
do Jardim Nova Esperança — Goiânia/GO; Associação de Moradores do Jardim Paulistano — São Paulo/SP;
Associação de Moradores e Amigos da Nova Brasília (Amanb) — Aracaju/SE; Associação de Moradores e
Amigos de Itapagipe (Amai) — Salvador/BA; Associação de Moradores e Amigos do Bairro Nova Veneza
— Aracaju/SE; Associação de Moradores e Amigos do Loteamento Marivan (Amovam) — Aracaju/SE; Associação de Moradores Francisco Nunes (AMFN) — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Moradores Jardim Vista
Alegre em Ação Social (Avas) — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Moradores Mães e Senhoras do Parque Panamericano — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Moradores Nova Esperança — Goiânia/GO; Associação de Mora-
B elo
B elo
horizonte / M G
The capital city of the state of Minas Gerais
was the stage for the Forum-Fair on March 14,
2007. The event had the special participation of Dr.
Tomáz de Aquino Resende, Justice Attorney and
Coordinator of the Operational Support Center for
the Third Sector (CAOTS) of the Public Ministry
of Minas Gerais; Dr. Anfilófio Salles, President of
the Acesita Foundation; Dr. Márcio José Ferreira,
President of the Association of the Physically
Handicapped of Betim/MG and member of the
National Board of Social Assistance.
dores Núcleo Residencial Jardim Paulistano — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Moradores Vale Verde — São
Paulo/SP; Associação de Movimento Estrela Dourada de São Paulo — Assistência e Desenvolvimento Social
— São Paulo/SP; Associação de Mulheres da Vila Brasilândia — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Mulheres do
Conjunto Rouxinóis — Campo Grande/MS; Associação de Mulheres do Jardim Bandeirantes — Londrina/PR;
Associação de Mulheres do Sol Nascente — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Mulheres em Ação da Vila Queiroz
II — São Paulo/SP ; Associação de Mulheres Jardim Princesa — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Mulheres Raça
e Coragem — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Mulheres Rosa de Saron — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação de
Mutirão Vencedores em Cristo — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Deficientes Auditivos de
Sergipe (Apada) — Aracaju/SE; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Deficientes da Audição (Apada) — Volta
Redonda/RJ; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae) — Anápolis/GO; Associação de Pais e
Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae) — Aracaju/SE; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae) —
Cascavel/PR; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae) — Gravataí/RS; Associação de Pais e
Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae) — José Bonifácio/SP; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae)
— Paranaíba/MS; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae) — Patos de Minas/MG; Associação
de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae) — Santos/SP; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais
(Apae) — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae) — São Vicente/SP;
Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae) — Socorro/SP; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Apae) — Torrinha/SP; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais do Distrito Federal (Apae)
Solidary Society Network
P aulo / S P
Solidar y Society Network
Daniel Tr
he works of the 1st Forum of the Solidary
Society Network Innovation Fair were
carried out in the city of São Paulo in the
LGW’s Educational Center, on March 22,
2007. In addition to the main theme, another issue was
highlighted: Education, considered the main key to
diminish inequalities. In this regard, Dr. Michele
Fedoroff, the United Nations representative affirmed
that the Brazilian government resources had “resulted in improving
the literacy rate across the country,
moving towards universal levels,
with an increase from 91.8% in 1990
to 96.6% in 2003. Other good news
is that the net primary enrollment
rate has grown as well, from 86% in
1990/91 to 97% in 2002/3. However, only 35% of
young people in Brazil graduate from high school,
resulting in a considerable skills gap in the work-
Daniel Trevisan
Schools as
tools of inclusion
— Brasília/DF; Associação de Pais, Amigos e Educadores de Autistas (Apaea) — Santos/SP; Associação de
Pais, Amigos e Pessoas com Deficiência, de Funcionários do Banco do Brasil e da Comunidade (Apabb) —
Curitiba/PR; Associação de Pais, Amigos e Pessoas com Deficiência, de Funcionários do Banco do Brasil e da
Comunidade (Apabb) — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Parentes e Amigos das Vítimas de Acidentes de Trânsito (Apavat) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação de Portadores de Deficiências Físicas de Gravataí (APDF) —
Gravataí/RS; Associação de Prevenção e Combate ao Câncer de Teófilo Otoni — Teófilo Otoni/MG; Associação de Promoção e Assistência Social Estrela do Mar — Santos/SP; Associação de Proteção e Assistência aos
Condenados — Teófilo Otoni/MG; Associação de Serviço à Criança Excepcional de Goiânia — Goiânia/GO;
Associação de Solidariedade aos Moradores do Jardim Icaraí — São Paulo/SP; Associação de Transformação
Social Cristo Jesus — São Paulo/SP; Associação Democrática de União e Valor da Mulher Cristã — Centro de
Educação Infantil Josefina da Cruz — Londrina/PR; Associação Despertar da Família — Projeto Gênesis —
São Paulo/SP; Associação do Amigo Aposentável — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação do Bem-Estar (Abem) —
Botucatu/SP; Associação do Corpo de Representação e Ação Comunitária do Jardim Lapena — São Paulo/SP;
Associação do Grupo Comunitário Limoeiro — Belém/PA; Associação do Movimento de Mulheres do Sol
Nascente — São Paulo/SP; Associação do Parque Everest — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação do Voluntariado
e da Solidariedade (Avesol) — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação dos Amigos do Parque Raposo Tavares — São
Paulo/SP; Associação dos Amigos e Pais de Pessoas Especiais (Aappe) — Maceió/AL; Associação dos Aposentados e Pensionistas de Volta Redonda — Volta Redonda/RJ; Associação dos Artesãos de Frei Paulo —
force”, showing that there still is a lot
to be done.
The ceremony, quite crowded, gathered a great
number of authorities and a varied audience, from all the
fields of thought and action to discuss these scenarios.
Aracaju/SE; Associação dos Artesãos dos Alagados de Salvador — Salvador/BA; Associação dos Artesãos e
Culinaristas de Sobradinho — Brasília/DF ; Associação dos Catadores de Papel, Papelão e Materiais Recicláveis — Araçatuba/SP; Associação dos Catadores de Resíduos Sólidos (Reciclar) — Volta Redonda/RJ; Associação dos Curadores dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (Acudicria) — Aracaju/SE; Associação dos
Deficientes Físicos de Betim — Betim/MG; Associação dos Deficientes Físicos de Cascavel (Adefica) — Cascavel/PR; Associação dos Deficientes Físicos de Uberaba (Adefu) — Uberaba/MG; Associação dos Diabéticos
de Americana — Americana/SP; Associação dos Diabéticos de Nova Friburgo (Adinf) — Nova Friburgo/RJ;
Associação dos Ex-Alunos do Colégio Stella Maris — Santos/SP; Associação dos Idosos da Zona Sul Rosa de
Saron — São Paulo/SP; Associação dos Idosos de Lins (Asdil) — Lins/SP; Associação dos Idosos do Setor dos
Funcionários — Goiânia/GO; Associação dos Moradores da Favela Santa Luiza — Jardim Nordeste — São
Paulo/SP; Associação dos Moradores da Vila Esperança (Amoviespe) — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação dos
Moradores da Vila Liberdade (Amovil) — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação dos Moradores de Bairro Vivendo e
Aprendendo — São Paulo/SP; Associação dos Moradores de Irecê Santo Inácio — São Paulo/SP; Associação
dos Moradores do Bairro Monte Cristo — Florianópolis/SC; Associação dos Moradores do Bairro Taquaril
— Belo Horizonte/MG; Associação dos Moradores do Centro Comunidade Novo Mundo — São José do Rio
Preto/SP; Associação dos Moradores do Jardim das Graças — São Paulo/SP; Associação dos Moradores do
Jardim Flores Astrais — São Paulo/SP; Associação dos Moradores do Jardim Guanabara — Centro de Educação Infantil Menino Jesus — Goiânia/GO; Associação dos Moradores do Jardim Pantanal I — São Paulo/
Verônica Alexandre
Daniel Trevisan
my days in Brasília, in the government’s difficult
moments, to visit our friends at the Legion of Good
Will at least once every six months. And once again
I am here to renew my respect and my support to
this movement’s work that is really constructive in
Brazil. And especially today we were able to see
SP; Associação dos Moradores do Núcleo Habitacional Joanes Leste — Salvador/BA; Associação dos Moradores do Parque do Gato — São Paulo/SP; Associação dos Moradores do Portal das Laranjeiras — São
Paulo/SP; Associação dos Moradores do Rio Verde — São Paulo/SP; Associação dos Moradores dos Condomínios do Parque do Gato — São Paulo/SP; Associação dos Moradores dos Jardins Vila Nova e Adjacências
— São Paulo/SP; Associação dos Moradores e Amigos do Bairro 18 do Forte (Amaforte) — Aracaju/SE; Associação dos Moradores e Amigos do Loteamento Estrela do Oriente — Aracaju/SE; Associação dos Moradores e Amigos do Loteamento São Francisco — Nossa Senhora Socorro/SE; Associação dos Pais e Amigos
dos Leucêmicos de Alagoas — Maceió/AL; Associação dos Recicladores de Belo Horizonte — Belo Horizonte/MG; Associação dos Renais de Brasília (Arebra) — Ceilândia Norte/DF; Associação dos Surdos de Goiânia
— Goiânia/GO; Associação dos Voluntários a Serviço da Oncologia em Sergipe (Avosos) — Aracaju/SE;
Associação e Centro Recreativo Luz para Brilhar — São Paulo/SP; Associação Educacional Boa Vontade —
São Paulo/SP; Associação Educacional Evangélica Luterana (AEEL) — Teófilo Otoni/MG; Associação Espaço
Criança e Juventude da Melhor Idade dos Moradores de Capão Redondo — São Paulo/SP; Associação Espaço da Criança e Juventude — São Paulo/SP; Associação Espírita Casa do Caminho — Inhumas/GO; Associação Espírita Irmandade de Jesus — Cascavel/PR; Associação Espírita Yvonne Amaral Pereira — Cuiabá/MT;
Associação Essência de Vida — Joinville/SC; Associação Estrela (Amleo) — Aracaju/SE; Associação Estrela
Brilhante — São Paulo/SP; Associação Estrela do Oriente — Aracaju/SE ; Associação Evangélica Assistencial
— Campinas/SP; Associação Evangélica El Shaddai — Goiânia/GO; Associação Evangélica Lar de Betânia
— São José do Rio Preto/SP; Associação Família Brasil — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação Família Fiel (Acre)
— São Paulo/SP; Associação Federativa de Entidades e Clubes de Mães — São Paulo/SP; Associação Feminina de Assistência à Criança — Londrina/PR; Associação Filantrópica dos Moradores dos Bairros Laranjeiras
e Portal — São Paulo/SP; Associação Fraternal Jardim Santa Terezinha — São Paulo/SP; Associação Grupo
Aids Apoio Vida e Esperança — Goiânia/GO; Associação Grupo Missão Divina — São Paulo/SP; Associação
Habitat para Humanidade — Goiânia/GO; Associação Igreja Evangélica Pentecostal Vencendo em Jesus —
São Paulo/SP; Associação Jamais Abortar “Somos Vida” — João Pessoa/PB; Associação Jardim São Carlos
Segundo — São Paulo/SP; Associação João Paulo II — Salvador/BA; Associação Joinvilense de Obras Sociais
— Joinville/SC; Associação Jovem Barroca City — São Paulo/SP; Associação Lar Criançarteira — Curitiba/PR;
Associação Lar de Menores (Alarme) — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Associação Lar dos Idosos Dona Inês
Maria de Jesus — Uberaba/MG; Associação Leão de Judá — São Paulo/SP; Associação Liga de Amparo ao
Necessitado (Asan) — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação Luz do Mundo — Jardim Felicidade — São Paulo/SP;
Associação Luz do Sol — Aracaju/SE; Associação Mãe Mara — São Paulo/SP; Associação Maringaense de
Apoio e Reintegração de Adolescentes (Amaras — Recanto Mundo Jovem) — Maringá/PR; Associação Meu
Lar — Inhumas/GO; Associação Missionária (Agape) Internacional — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação Moradores da Vila Esperança — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação Moradores, Mães e Senhoras do Parque Panamericano — São Paulo/SP; Associação Moriá — São Paulo/SP; Associação Mulheres Empreendedoras Arrodeando o DF — Brasília/DF; Associação Mulheres Força e Coragem — São Paulo/SP; Associação Mulheres Fortes
Daniel Trevisan
The representative of the LGW’s
president, Alziro de Paiva,
explained in his welcoming speech how that teaching place was apt for this debate: “My father, in
these more than 50 years of work in the LGW,
has always been a great and untiring fighter for
Education, with the Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy,
a proposal of his applied with success in all the
Organization’s teaching establishments, under
the theme ‘Here we study. Mind
and Heart are formed’ — a
methodology whose goal is to
develop the students as a whole,
so that human relations may be
improved based on ethical, social
and spiritual values”.
Combating social inequality,
Dr. José Gregori
which can spare many people
from being forced into criminal activities, was the
target of comment of the President of the Municipal
Human Rights Commission, the ex-Minister of
Justice, Dr. José Gregori. “I am greatly moved to
be here. I have already become accustomed, since
aracaju / S E
In Aracaju/SE, the workshop was held in
the Auditorium of the Legislative School,
on March 15, 2007, with lectures from
Maria Luci Silva, President of the Recriando
Institute and representative of the State Forum
of the Defense of Children’s and Adolescent’s
Rights (Fórum DCA-SE), and from the Professor Magaly Nunes de Gois, of the Tiradentes
University (Unit). Also present at the meeting
were Mariana Sarmento Netto da Silva,
Representative of the GBarbosa Entrepreneurial
Group, and Sônia Meire Santos de Jesus,
Adjunct Secretary for the State Office of Social
Assistance, Work and Combat of Poverty.
Solidary Society Network
Renovar Saúde Criança — Petrópolis/RJ; Associação Ressurgir — Escola de Família — Rio de Janeiro/RJ;
Associação Reviver de Assistência ao Portador do Vírus HIV — Ponta Grossa/PR; Associação Riopretense de
Promoção do Menor (Arprom) — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Associação Roça de Candomblé Caboclo Sete
Flechas e Ylê de Iansã — São Paulo/SP; Associação Santa Catarina de Sena — São Paulo/SP; Associação
Santa Luzia do Uruguai — Aracaju/SE; Associação Santa Rosa (MSTC) — São Paulo/SP; Associação Santa
Zita — São Paulo/SP; Associação Sergipana de Equoterapia — Aracaju/SE; Associação Social Beneficente
Vila Bancária — São Paulo/SP; Associação Social e Cultural Letras Mágicas — São Paulo/SP; Associação
Sonhar e Acreditar — São Paulo/SP; Associação Tia Nilma — São Paulo/SP; Associação Une Ação Cidadania
Paulistana — São Paulo/SP; Associação União Farol do Alvorecer da Zona Leste — São Paulo/SP; Associação
Unidos de Santo Expedito — São Paulo/SP; Associação Unidos do Conjunto Habitacional Garagem — São
Paulo/SP; Associação Zona Norte de Porto Alegre — Porto Alegre/RS; Atendimento Social Regional Pampulha de Belo Horizonte — Belo Horizonte/MG; Auta Caminit — Brasília/DF; Banco de Alimentos — Guaíba/
RS; Banco Municipal de Alimentos — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Bom Samaritano — Brasília/DF; Brasil Soka
Gakkai Internacional (BSGI) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ ; Brigada Nacional de Defesa Civil — São Paulo/SP; Brilho
do Sol Energia Solar — Brasília/DF; Brinquedoteca Brinca Santa — Faculdade de Pedagogia (Unisanta) —
Santos/SP; Café Três Corações S/A — Belo Horizonte/MG; Caixa Cultural — Caixa Econômica Federal —
Brasília/DF; Cámara de Comercio Argentino Brasileña — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cámara de Comercio de
Escobar y Foro de Seguridad de Escobar — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Câmara Legislativa — Brasília/DF; Câ-
santos / S P
Solidar y Society Network
The LGW invited several civil society
representatives to the workshop in Santos/SP, on
March 17, 2007, seeking to obtain suggestions
and ideas for the AMR Innovation Fair. The
lecturers on that occasion were: the psychologist
Juliana Assef Pierotti, coordinator of the Social
Mobilization Agency; Patrícia Limeres, of
Usiminas Cultural Institute (Usicultura); Célio
Nori, Coordinator of the Citizenship Forum;
and Márcio Lara, Secretary of the Municipal
Government of Santos.
Daniel Trevisan
do Jaraguá — São Paulo/SP; Associação Mulheres Unidas do Jardim Zaíra — São Paulo/SP ; Associação
Mulheres: Artes Palmeiras — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação na Luta por Benefícios e Melhoramentos Cravo
Amarelo — São Paulo/SP; Associação Nacional Portadores de Psoríase (Psorisul) — Porto Alegre/RS; Associação Não-Governamental Projeto Integração Comunitária — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação Nossa Senhora de Fátima — Franco da Rocha/SP; Associação Nossa Senhora de Fátima — Ribeirão Preto/SP; Associação
Nove de Julho (MSTC) — São Paulo/SP; Associação Pão com Sopão — Nova Friburgo/RJ; Associação para a
Saúde (Salus) — Belo Horizonte/MG; Associação para Desenvolvimento Local Co-Produzido (Adelco) — Fortaleza/CE; Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Ser Humano — Taguatinga/DF; Associação para Valorização e Promoção de Excepcionais (Avape) — São Paulo/SP; Associação Paranaense de Combate ao Câncer de
Mama (Apacam) — Belém/PA; Associação Paulista de Amparo à Mulher (Apam) — São Paulo/SP; Associação pela Cidadania e Cooperação Vigiense (Acicopv) — Vigia/PA; Associação Pestalozzi de Maricá — Maricá/RJ; Associação Peter Pan — Fortaleza/CE; Associação Prestes Maia — São Paulo/SP; Associação Projeto
Cidadão do Futuro — Vitória/ES; Associação Projeto Psicopedagógico Mosaico — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação Projeto Videiras — Ipatinga/MG; Associação Pró-Moradia Esperança — São Paulo/SP; Associação
Prudentina para Prevenção dos Vícios e Recuperação de Vidas — Esquadrão da Vida — Presidente Prudente/SP; Associação Recanto Garra Feminina do Conjunto José Bonifácio — São Paulo/SP; Associação Rede
Criança — Campo Grande/MS; Associação Regional do Movimento Amor-Exigente — Londrina/PR; Associação Reiki com Você — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Associação Religiosa Oomoto do Brasil — Brasília/DF; Associação
Clayton Ferreira
and prove with our own eyes and ears, we could
almost grasp what this movement concretely does,
not only through prayer, through the best that we
have, which is the possibility of conducting our
thoughts, which already would be a lot. But also in
terms of facts, on a concrete plan of action. These
finely tuned choir children, so happy to have found
a possibility of progress and of integration in life,
are a demonstration of this other part of the Legion
of Good Will’s action.
“I was very happy to know of the efforts, of the
Legion of Good Will’s work, bringing to the awareness of everybody one of the most important programs of the United Nations: the millennium goals.
The UN watches them echo in Latin America, in a
city like São Paulo, because the LGW is engaged
so that Brazil may give its contribution, above all
in a country like ours which is going through an
extremely serious and worrying crisis of violence.
The way to get out of a crisis like this is exactly by
developing programs of social reach such as the
millennium goals and continuing the prayers and
elevation of thought that the LGW carries out. And
we must not forget that children have to be everybody’s priority. As the LGW’s leader Paiva Netto
very rightly put: ‘Children are a boon to our eyes.
Children are a boon to the heart!’”, he concluded.
To the First-Secretary of the Municipal Chamber
of São Paulo, the Alderman and journalist José
Américo Dias, the undertaking
only deserves praise: “It is a
pleasure to give my testimony
on the importance of the LGW
to lead this fight. I feel happy that
the LGW, with its tradition, with
this competence, can assume
this role of combating poverty José Américo Dias
Lucian Fagundes
Daniel Trevisan
and misery in our city and in our Country. Because
the LGW has an excellent reputation of service, a
passion that can be seen it its work, that it does not
only tend to the basic needs, but also works for the
person’s entire preparation. Nowadays we need to
do this so that the youth may find a healthy path,
without violence and crime”.
The State Deputy Aparecido Sério da Silva (São
Paulo) agreed: “The Fair is so
marvelous and worthy that it could
only have happened first in this
House, the LGW, that I know and
frequent. Professor Paiva Netto
effectively helps to change the
world, to transform it into someAparecido Sério da Silva
thing better; I am fully convinced
of this. The work that is carried
out here — from an ecumenical point of view, of
elevating the Spirit, of bringing the Word of Jesus with
an effective action of saving lives, educating children
— is absolutely necessary”.
In addition to lectures and successful stories,
with a great exchange of experience of projects
that have been successful in the Civil Society, the
event in São Paulo had the special participation
of the students of International Relations of the
Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC) and the
pupils of the José de Paiva Netto Educational
Institute (IEJPN), who elaborated a cultural show
on the eight Millennium Development Goals,
demonstrated in photos, videos, collages, models,
newspaper clippings, and songs.
mara Municipal de Maricá — Maricá/RJ; Câmara Municipal de Porto Alegre — Porto Alegre/RS; Câmara
Municipal de Santos — Santos/SP; Cantinho do Girassol Centro Social Luterano — Brasília/DF; Cáritas da
Diocese de Estância — Estância/SE; Casa da Acolhida Amor e Alegria — Pastoral do Menor — Araxá/MG;
Casa da Criança Meimei — Campinas/SP; Casa da Sopa — Associação Beneficente N. R. Jardim Paraíso
— Campinas/SP; Casa da Visão — Associação de Amigos dos Cegos de Santos — Santos/SP; Casa de Apoio
aos Portadores de HIV/Aids — Cuiabá/MT; Casa de Apoio da Criança com Câncer Vida Divina (Cavid) — São
Paulo/SP; Casa de Apoio Esperança de Viver — São Paulo/SP; Casa de Assistência Social e Espiritual Irmão
Fritz — Brasília/DF; Casa de Eurípedes — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Casa de Oração Mariazinha — Salvador/
BA; Casa do Bom Samaritano — Londrina/PR; Casa do Caminho — Londrina/PR; Casa do Caminho — São
José do Rio Preto/SP; Casa do Menino Jesus de Praga — Porto Alegre/RS; Casa do Paraplégico de Santos
— Santos/SP; Casa do Pequeno Polegar — Brasília/DF; Casa do Pobre de Maceió — Maceió/AL; Casa Menina Mulher (CMM) — Recife/PE; Casa Menino Jesus de Praga — Porto Alegre/RS; Casa Renê Pessa — Cabo
Frio/RJ; Casa República Amai — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Casa Santa Zita — Aracaju/SE; Casa São Camilo de Lelis
— Franca/SP; Cata-Ventos Juventude e Cidadania — Sobradinho II/DF; Célia Regina Scherdien M.E. — Brasília/DF; Central Única de Favelas (Cufa) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro Acadêmico de Relações Internacionais
Barão do Rio Branco (Cari) — PUC-SP — São Paulo/SP; Centro Camará de Pesquisas e Apoio à Infância e
Adolescência — Santos/SP; Centro Comunitário Assistencial e Educacional Aníbal Difrância — Bauru/SP;
Centro Comunitário Assistente Social Terezinha Meira — Aracaju/SE; Centro Comunitário da Criança —
alegre / R S
In the southern city of Porto Alegre,
which was the first Brazilian city to host
the Forum-Fair, on March 13, 2007, the
meeting occurred at the LGW Community
and Educational Center, with the participation of the following lecturers: Dr. Carlos
Manoel Farias, Superintendent of the
National Supply Company (ConabRS); Clódis Xavier Silva, Executive of
the Gerdau Institute — Manager of the
Pro-Children Fund of the Gerdau Brazil
Professionals; and Paulo Albuquerque,
doctor in Sociology, specialist in Civil Society and professor at the Federal University
of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
Brasília/DF; Centro Comunitário de Apoio (Cecap) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro Comunitário de Bela Vista
— Vitória/ES; Centro Comunitário de Vila Penteado — São Paulo/SP; Centro Comunitário do Lobato —
Salvador/BA; Centro Comunitário e Educacional da LBV — Aracaju/SE ; Centro Comunitário e Educacional
da LBV — Belo Horizonte/MG; Centro Comunitário e Educacional da LBV — Brasília/DF; Centro Comunitário
e Educacional da LBV — Porto Alegre/RS; Centro Comunitário e Educacional da LBV — Santos/SP; Centro
Comunitário, Educacional e Cultural Dr. Osmar Carvalho e Silva — São Paulo/SP; Centro Cultural e Social
Nova Era — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro da Juventude da Zona Noroeste (Seas-PMS) — Santos/SP; Centro de
Alianças de Saberes e Ações Solidárias da Leopoldina (Casasol) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro de Apoio ao
Doente de Aids — Aparecida de Goiânia/GO; Centro de Apoio ao Menor e ao Adolescente Carente — Salvador/BA; Centro de Apoio Social à Adolescência — Cáritas — Vitória/ES; Centro de Artes e Meio Ambiente
(Cama) — Salvador/BA; Centro de Articulação Retome sua Vida — Recife/PE; Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas (Caps-Ad) — Prefeitura Municipal de Florianópolis — Florianópolis/SC;
Centro de Convivência Ômega (CCO) — São Paulo/SP; Centro de Cultura “Os Girassóis do Brasil” — São
Paulo/SP; Centro de Cultura e Desenvolvimento de Paranoá (Cedep) — Paranoá/DF; Centro de Cultura Negra
do Maranhão (CCN) — São Luís/MA; Centro de Defesa da Criança e do Adolescente (Cedeca) — Fortaleza/
CE; Centro de Defesa da Vida Herbert de Souza (CDVHS) — Fortaleza/CE; Centro de Defesa dos Direitos
Humanos — Petrópolis/RJ; Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (UNB) — Brasília/DF; Centro de Educação Infantil Boa Esperança — Londrina/PR; Centro de Educação Infantil Criança Cidadã — Porto Alegre/RS;
Clayton Ferreira
Clayton Ferreira
janeiro / R J
Collective work groups
on citizenzhip and health
and Nature, Association of the Beauty Institute professionals of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Apiberj),
Community in Action, Sister Idalina Cecília de Paiva
Hall (coordinator Valdete Trotta), Superintendency
of Policies for the Prevention of Chemical Dependency/CEAD — Municipal Health Office (SMS)
Vector Control, besides Volunteers of the LGW.
Mr. Carlos dos Santos, of the United Nations
Solidar y Society Network
wo days later, it was the turn of LGW’s
Educational, Cultural and Community Center in Rio de Janeiro to bring
together leaderships from various sectors,
focusing on community actions by means of
socioeconomic partners.
Citizenship and Health collective work groups
opened the activities of the 1st Forum of the
Solidary Society Network Innovation Fair, with
various types of health assistance. The action also
offered beauty services (hair cuts, manicures and
pedicures), income generation workshops; legal
and environmental orientations, besides several
educational lectures. For the children, a show with
a magician and fluorine application.
The collective work received support from the
University Center Augusto Motta (Unisuam), Celso
Lisboa University, Inhaúma Beneficial Rehabilitation and Orientation Center (Corbi), Brazilian Community Action, Vector Control Coordination, Family
Assistance Health and Citizenship, CEAD, National
Service of Commercial Apprenticeship (Senac), Art
Centro de Educação Infantil Emanuel (Nuselon) — Londrina/PR; Centro de Educação Infantil José de
Paiva Netto — Curitiba/PR; Centro de Educação Infantil Josefina da Cruz — Londrina/PR; Centro de
Educação Infantil Passionista João Paulo II — Cascavel/PR; Centro de Educação Infantil Pequeno
Príncipe — Londrina/PR; Centro de Educação Infantil Pindorama (Nuselon) — Londrina/PR; Centro de
Educação Infantil Tia Lana — Londrina/PR; Centro de Educação Infantil Victória Mazetti Dinardi —
Londrina/PR; Centro de Ensino Desportivo (CED) Folha Verde — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro de Estudos
do Menor e Integração na Comunidade Renato Festugatto (Cemic) — Cascavel/PR; Centro de Estudos
e Ação Cultural Quilombo — Aracaju/SE; Centro de Formação para a Cidadania Akoni — São Luís/
MA; Centro de Formação Profissional Alzira de Aleluia — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro de Integração da
Cidadania (CIC) — São Paulo/SP; Centro de Integração dos Amigos da Terceira Idade do Damasceno
— São Paulo/SP; Centro de Integração Social Cidadania para Todos — São Paulo/SP; Centro de Medicina da Floresta — Brasília/DF; Centro de Orientação e Reabilitação Beneficente de Inhaúma (Corbi)
— Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro de Recuperação de Vidas e Apoio à Criança e Adolescente (Cervir) — São
Paulo/SP; Centro de Recuperação Renovo — São Paulo/SP; Centro de Recursos Integrados de Atendimento ao Menor Santa Cruz (Departamento Geral de Ações Socioeducativas) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ;
Centro de Referência à Discriminação Religiosa (CRDR) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro de Referência da
Assistência Social (Cras) — Niterói/RJ; Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (Cras) — São Luís/
MA; Centro de Referência Especializada de Assistência Social do Novo Gama — Novo Gama/GO;
Centro de Trabalho e Renda de Cabo Frio — Cabo Frio/RJ; Centro de Valorização da Criança (CVC) — Belém/
PA; Centro de Valorização da Mulher Consuelo Nasser — Goiânia/GO; Centro de Voluntários do Recife —
Recife/PE; Centro Dom José Brandão de Castro (CDJBC) — Aracaju/SE; Centro Educacional e Cultural de
Produções Artísticas de Brasília (Prodartes) — Brasília/DF; Centro Educacional Infantil Cantinho do Progresso
— São Paulo/SP; Centro Educacional Infantil Coração de Jesus — São Paulo/SP; Centro Educacional Profissional Coroadinho — São Luís/MA; Centro Educacional Terra Santa — Petrópolis/RJ; Centro Educacional,
Cultural e Comunitário José de Paiva Netto — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro Especializado em Reabilitação (CER)
— Recife/PE; Centro Especializado Neuro-Psicológico — Recife/PE; Centro Espírita “Ismênia de Jesus” —
Casa dos Pobres — Santos/SP; Centro Espírita Alfredo Júlio Fernandes — Uberlândia/MG; Centro Espírita
Amor e Caridade — Bauru/SP; Centro Espírita Dr. Bezerra de Menezes — Poços de Caldas/MG; Centro Espírita Esperança e Fé — Franca/SP; Centro Espírita Jésus Gonçalves — São Sebastião do Paraíso/MG; Centro
Esportivo e Educacional Jorginho — Bola pra Frente — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro Infantil Renascer da Esperança — Porto Alegre/RS; Centro Integrado de Ação Social Comunitária (Ciasc) — Belo Horizonte/MG;
Centro Integrado de Ação Social em Comunidade Carente (Ciasec) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro Marista
Circuito Jovem — Brasília/DF; Centro Ocupacional dos Familiares, Amigos e Deficientes Mentais de Gravataí
(Cofameg) — Gravataí/RS; Centro Sergipano de Educação Popular (Cesep) — Aracaju/SE; Centro Social
Batista Nova Esperança — Belém/PA; Centro Social Luterano Cantinho do Girassol — Brasília/DF; Centro
Social Novo Amanhecer — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro Social Padre Arnaldo Jansen — São José dos Pinhais/
PR; Centro Social Parque Estoril — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Centro Social Santa Cruz — São José do Rio
Preto/SP; Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Centro Universitário Lusíada — Santos/SP;
CIEP Brizolão 150 — Professora Amélia Ferreira dos Santos Gabina — Cabo Frio/RJ; Círculo de Amigos do
Menor Patrulheiro (Camp-VR) — Volta Redonda/RJ; Círculo Operário Porto-Alegrense (Copa) — Porto Alegre/RS; Clube Cooperativista das Mães da Camboa (Comacam) — São Luís/MA; Clube de Mães Brilho da
Noite — São Paulo/SP; Clube de Mães Caminho do Amanhã — São Paulo/SP; Clube de Mães Flor do Oriente — CEI (Centro Educacional Infantil) — São Paulo/SP; Clube de Mães Jesus é o Caminho — São Paulo/SP;
Clube de Mães Raio de Luar — São Paulo/SP; Clube de Mães Unidos da Ilha Grande dos Marinheiros —
Porto Alegre/RS; Clube de Reciclagem Morro da Cruz — Porto Alegre/RS; Clube Soroptimista Internacional
de Santos — Santos/SP; Colégio São Francisco de Sales (Diocesano) — Teresina/PI; Coletivo Jovem de Meio
Ambiente de Goiás — Goiânia/GO; Coletivo Jovem do Litoral — Santos/SP; Coletivo Jovem do Meio Ambiente — Brasília/DF; Comissão Jovem Gente como a Gente — Planaltina/DF; Comissão Municipal de Emprego de Porto Alegre — Porto Alegre/RS; Comitê Estadual de Enfrentamento Tráfico de Seres Humanos
— Campo Grande/MS; Comitê Jardim Bom Retiro — São Gonçalo/RJ; Comitê para Democratização da Informática (CDI) — Salvador/BA; Comitê Paraibano Brasil Sem Aborto — João Pessoa/PB; Companhia Vale do
Rio Doce — Aracaju/SE; Comunicação e Cultura — Fortaleza/CE; Comunidade Arca do Amor — Aopa —
Brasília/DF; Comunidade Assistencial Espírita Lar Veneranda — Santos/SP; Comunidade dos Herdeiros da
Luz — Goiânia/GO; Comunidade em Ação — Uma Nova Visão — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Comunidade Evangéli-
Clayton Ferreira
Dr. Carlos dos Santos,
former Director of
the United Nations
Information Center
in Brazil.
Clayton Ferreira
Clayton Ferreira
Adriana Xavier
new Humanity: “When the LGW
and the UN promote a meeting
like this, it meets precisely with
those aspirations that we all
have, whether of the first, second
or third sector”.
The Coordinator of the ReliDeise Gravina
gious Diversity Reference Center
(CRDR), César Bastos, made
a similar reference: “It is a pleasure to repeat this
commitment with the LGW. The Millennium Goals are
a way for the organizations, the religious traditions
and all the people interested in living in a better world
to organize themselves. This initiative could not have come from
any other entity, because it is only
through the LGW that we have
Ecumenism, with its late founder
Alziro Zarur (1914-1979). (...)
The LGW consolidates this
Network of Solidarity”.
César Bastos
Clayton Ferreira
Information Center in Brazil (UNIC-Rio), talked about
the greater meaning of the event: “This Social Fair is
of extreme importance since it is directly attuned to
the United Nations Economic and
Social Council and will have
many practical tips as on
how to advance in social
inclusion. This work
of the LGW is highly
relevant, because the
State, on its own, cannot do everything, and
the citizens have to increasingly get involved
in concerning themselves
with their Country’s day-today progress”.
The representative of Oi Futuro — Telemar,
Pedro Prata, confirmed the thought of social responsibility that has been growing in the companies: “It is
a great satisfaction to participate
in a LGW event, since it is an
extremely serious organization
that, before us, already carried
out recognized work of great
force for the Country. (...) We
believe that development and
Pedro Prata
social justice will only occur when
different people and organizations get together”.
Deise Gravina, President of the Federation of
Beneficent Institutions (FIB), affirmed that this
dialogue that is being established is the aspiration of a
Solidary Society Network
Itinerary of
Peace and Fraternity
sed to traveling around the world
serving the United Nations, Dr. Michele
Billant-Fedoroff, who officially represented the Department of Economic and
Social Affairs of the UN at the 1st Forum of the Solidary Society Network Innovation Fair, promoted
by the Legion of Good Will, arrived in Brazil on
March 19, 2007, for an enriching tour. In addition
to the Forum-Fair’s pre-established commitments,
she reserved part of her time to deepen her contact
with the LGW actions in Brasília/DF, São Paulo/
SP, Glorinha/RS and Rio de Janeiro/RJ. What she
saw and felt is summed up in this article.
After completing the agenda of the event that
was held in the federal capital on March 20, Dr.
Michele visited the Temple of Good Will (TGW),
a monument built for Peace and for the understanding of all the nations. She was impressed by the
architecture of the place and registered that moment
with photos. With great respect and solemnity, she
drank the Energized Water and, when she reached
the Throne and Altar of God, she read the quote of
the President of the LGW, José de Paiva Netto:
“Every day is the day to renew our destiny”,
exhibited there in several languages.
In the Egyptian Room, another noteworthy space
of the TGW, the UN representative pointed out the
fidelity of the reproductions of the pieces found in the
room, for their similarity with the originals of ancient
Egypt. Nothing went unperceived through her eyes,
even the smallest details, like the fliers distributed in
various points of the Temple in different languages,
as well as the expressive presence of the embassies
in the Art Gallery, where artistic presents from the
culture of many countries may be seen.
At the TGW’s Fountain, she summed up the feelings that she had experienced, close to the French
statue of Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ: “I just had a
spiritual walk throughout the Temple and I believe
that we have here all the elements of Peace and
harmony that could help the implementation of the
Millennium Development Goals in the world. I was
very impressed by the whole structure and not only
from the architectural point of view, but also from the
Spiritual point of view. It seems very amazing that you
ca de Confissão Luterana de Brasília — Centro Social Luterano Cantinho do Girassol — Ceilândia/DF; Comunidade Kolping Bela Vista — Vitória/ES; Comunidade Morro Fazenda das Palmeiras — Rio de Janeiro/RJ;
Comunidade Terapêutica Ancoradouro — Foz do Iguaçu/PR; Comunidade Transformar — Ribeirão Preto/SP;
Conciencia Sin Barreras — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Confederação Nacional das Associações de Moradores
(Conam) — Porto Alegre/RS; Congregação das Irmãs de Santa Elisabete (Centro de Convivência de Idosos
Casa Santa Ana) — Blumenau/SC; Congregação de Assistência das Irmãs de Nossa Senhora da Glória —
Recife/PE; Consciência pela Cidadania (Concidadania) — Santos/SP; Consejo de Paz — Cancillería de la
Nación — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Conselho Central de Presidente Prudente — Sociedade São Vicente de
Paulo — Presidente Prudente/SP; Conselho Comunitário de Segurança do Bom Retiro (Conseg) — São
Paulo/SP; Conselho Comunitário do Centro de Apoio Comunitário Serrano (Concacs) — Belo Horizonte/MG;
Conselho Comunitário do Itaum — Centro Social Urbano “Henrique Meyer Júnior” — Joinville/SC; Conselho
Cultural Comunitário da Madre Deus — São Luís/MA; Conselho de Assistência Social (CAS) — Brasília/DF;
Conselho Escolar da Escola Municipal de Educação Especial Cebolinha — Gravataí/RS; Conselho Estadual de
Defesa dos Direitos Humanos — Campo Grande/MS; Conselho Estadual dos Direitos da Mulher — Campo
Grande/MS; Conselho Estadual dos Direitos do Negro (Cedine) — Campo Grande/MS; Conselho Municipal
Anti-Drogas — Maringá/PR; Conselho Municipal da Juventude — São Vicente/SP; Conselho Municipal das
Associações de Moradores de Nova Friburgo (Comamor) — Nova Friburgo/RJ; Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social (CMAS) — Goiânia/GO; Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social (CMAS) — Montes Claros/
MG; Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social (CMAS) — São Sebastião do Paraíso/MG; Conselho Municipal
de Assistência Social (CMAS) — Uberaba/MG; Conselho Municipal de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do
Adolescente — Moreno/PE; Conselho Municipal de Defesa dos Direitos da Pessoa Idosa — Campo Grande/
MS; Conselho Municipal de Defesa dos Direitos do Negro (Comdedine) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Conselho Municipal de Saúde (Comusa) — Guaíba/RS; Conselho Municipal do Idoso — Montes Claros/MG; Conselho
Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (CMDCA) — Aracaju/SE; Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (CMDCA) — Belém/PA; Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do
Adolescente (CMDCA) — Belo Horizonte/MG; Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente
(CMDCA) — Glorinha/RS; Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (CMDCA) — Ipatinga/MG; Conselho Nacional de Assistência Social (CNAS) — Brasília/DF; Conselho Nacional de Segurança
Alimentar (Consea) — Brasília/DF; Conselho Nacional dos Umbandistas do Brasil (Conub) — Faculdade de
Teologia Umbandista (FTU) — Brasília/DF; Conselho Tutelar — Glorinha/RS; Conselho Tutelar — Microrregião 1 — Porto Alegre/RS; Conselho Tutelar — Novo Gama/GO; Conselho Tutelar 4º Distrito — Aracaju/SE;
Conselho Tutelar 5º Distrito — Aracaju/SE; Consórcio Social da Juventude — Ministério do Trabalho e Em-
Solidary Society Network
In the Temple of Good Will, Ecumenical
Daniel Trevisan
have an organization that has been able to express all
the elements of beliefs and principles in one place”.
From her point of view, “it takes an incredible
man (such as Paiva Netto) to have this very brilliant
idea to establish and create such a structure”.
With the LGW’s children in São Paulo,
the incentive to continue
On the afternoon of the following day, Dr.
Michele was already in the city of São Paulo
visiting the Legion of Good Will’s Educational
Center, where she was warmly greeted by the
boys and girls of the LGW’s Ecumenical Children
Choir. In English, the little singers sang the song
Welcome to our school. A child presented her with
a special card, made by the children during their
activities. “Thank you for your welcome”, she said,
and completed: “I thank the beautiful way in which
you sang and for singing in such good English”.
She then posed for photos hugging the children. “I
will keep this image of all of you in my mind and
in my heart”, she affirmed.
After the presentation, she visited all the rooms
and spaces of the Jesus Super Day Care Center
and of the LGW’s Educational Institute. At each
step she became increasingly enchanted with
the Organization’s socioeducational services: “I
will take to New York what you have done for me
today. I will tell everyone how much you have
encouraged me to continue doing my work because
of this wonderful image”.
Dr. Michele went into the classrooms, the infirmary, cafeterias, the dental clinic, the computer,
chemistry, physics and biology labs, in the library,
and affirmed: “The children are very lucky to be
here in the LGW”. The quality of the facilities and
the spacious gardens made her once again repeat:
“All of this could only have come from a man of
great vision like Paiva Netto”. And she registered
in the Book of Opinions: “I was amazed and
admirative of the work accomplished by the
LGW for the children of the poor suburbs of São
Paulo. This Legion of Good Will school turns these
underprivileged children in very privileged
students giving them the opportunity to receive the
best education in the country. I wish them many
successes in their lives and their future endeavours
and I want to reiterate my deepest respect for the
work accomplished by the LGW ”.
prego — Brasília/DF; Convención Evangélica Bautista — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cooperativa de Coleta
Seletiva e Reciclagem de Resíduos Sólidos com Formação e Educação Ambiental (100 Dimensão) — Riacho
Fundo/DF; Cooperativa de Coleta Seletiva, Processamento de Plástico e Proteção Ambiental (Camapet) —
Salvador/BA; Cooperativa de Formação Profissional Ltda. (NetCoop) — Porto Alegre/RS; Cooperbrazil —
São Paulo/SP; Coordenação de Controle de Vetores — Secretaria Municipal de Saúde — Rio de Janeiro/RJ;
Coordenação de Projetos do Estado de Minas Gerais — Belo Horizonte/MG; Coração de Maria — Cascavel/
PR; Corpo de Bombeiros Militares do DF (CBM-DF 3º BI) — Brasília/DF; Corpo Voluntário de Socorro e Resgate — Gravataí/RS; Creche Comunitária Criança Cidadã — Porto Alegre/RS; Creche Comunitária do Guará
— Guará/DF; Creche Comunitária Dona Marta Carneiro — Uberaba/MG; Creche e Orfanato Minha Vó Flor
— Salvador/BA; Creche Espírita Melo Jesus — Uberaba/MG; Creche Eurípedes Barsanulfo — Franca/SP;
Creche Imaculada Coração de Maria do Jardim Princesa — São Paulo/SP; Creche Jesus, Maria e José — São
Paulo/SP; Creche Lar Meninos São Domingos — Belo Horizonte/MG; Creche Mães Cristina — Campinas/SP;
Creche Marista Tia Jussara (Usbee) — Porto Alegre/RS; Creche Pé de Pilão — Porto Alegre/RS; Creche Sagrada Família — Leme/SP; Creche Sagrado Coração de Jesus — Goiânia/GO; Creche Santa Clara de Assis
— Araçatuba/SP; Crescer Crédito Solidário — Ribeirão Preto/SP; Criança e Liberdade (Criliber) — Aracaju/
SE; Criança Segura Safe Kids Brasil — Curitiba/PR; Crianças e Adolescentes Esportes Radicais (Caer) — Cam-
po Grande/MS; Cruz Vermelha Brasileira — Belém/PA; Cruz Vermelha Brasileira — Volta Redonda/RJ; Delegacia Regional de Trabalho (DRT-DF/TEM) — Brasília/DF; Delegacia Regional do Trabalho (DRT) — Aracaju/
SE ; Dental Line Robodente Ltda. M.E. — Ribeirão Preto/SP; Desenvolvimento de Projetos Comunitários
(Devas) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Diocese — Aracaju/SE; Diretoria Regional de Ensino — Santos/SP; Distorção
ZN — Santos/SP; Eduardo Coutinho — Belo Horizonte/MG; Educafro — Pré-Vestibular Comunitário — São
Paulo/SP; Educandário Menino Jesus de Praga — Uberaba/MG; Educando para a Vida — Taguatinga/DF; Elo
Agência de Apoio Social e Ambiental — Curitiba/PR; Em Cena Arte e Cidadania — Recife/PE; Embaixada do
Peru — Brasília/DF; Emissoras Riograndenses Ltda. — Pelotas/RS; Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) — Brasília/DF; Entidade Mulher Comunidade (EMC) — Foz do Iguaçu/PR; Escobar — Curso Voluntariado Foro del Sector Social — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Escola Aquarela — Taguatinga Norte/DF;
Escola de Aprendizagem e Cidadania de Franca — Guarda-Mirim — Franca/SP; Escola de Educação Infantil
Alziro Zarur — Taguatinga/DF; Escola de Educação Infantil Jesus — Belém/PA; Escola Dom Bosco de Artes
e Ofícios — Recife/PE; Escola Estadual Dona Luiza Macuco — Santos/SP; Escola Estadual dos Andradas —
Santos/SP; Escola Estadual Dr. Antonio Ablas Filho — Santos/SP; Escola Estadual Jaime João Olcese — Santos/SP; Escola Estadual Nova Contagem I — Contagem/MG; Escola Estadual Professor Bolivar de Freitas
— Belo Horizonte/MG; Escola Municipal Minervina Augusta — Belo Horizonte/MG; Escola Municipal Profes-
Dr. Michele Fedoroff receives the affection from the children assisted at
the LGW’s school, in the city of São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
“I am very much delighted that, through
the events you (Paiva Netto) organized
and the efforts of your organization,
I saw the strengthening of a coherent
framework and a platform for continuous
development, capacity-building and
networking on educational issues
particularly in the sector of children
affected by poverty and hunger.”
Dr. Michele Fedoroff
After the UN representative visited the LGW’s Home and Park, in Glorinha/
RS, Brazil, the president of the Legion of Good Will received her to the sound of
the French National Anthem, which deeply moved her. The host talked to the
illustrious visitor in French, her native language.
Crowning these meetings, the main one occurred
in Glorinha/RS, on March 23, when the Brazilian
southern culture and tradition united themselves
with the greatest symbols of France, the visitor’s
native country, to greet her. After the UN representative visited the Alziro Zarur Home and Park, the
president of the LGW received her to the sound of
the French national anthem, La Marseillaise, which
deeply moved her. In French, Paiva Netto greeted
her and almost instantly they began a casual chat,
during which they talked about the experiences of
the two countries. Dr. Michele, thanking the kind
welcome, made a request to her host: “That you
may continue with your great mission here in Brazil
and in the world”.
On that occasion, she talked to some of the
children assisted at the shelter and she was very
pleased with the support that they receive at the
Organization. “This is the perfect place for family
During the reception, she watched the performance
of the dance group Raízes do Rio Grande, composed
by youths of the LGW, which presented the dances
I am from the South, ‘Chimarrita’, ‘Balaio’, Dance
of the Machetes and Chula (a popular local dance
step), with the participation of the little Chula dancer
Emanuel Wolff Raber (9 years old), who came from
Cambará do Sul/RS especially for the ceremony. She
also received from the hands of the Little Soldier of
God Guilherme Caetano (8), a kit with traditional
items of the southern gaucho culture.
Dr. Fedoroff was awed by the local nature and
by the quality of the professionals that prepare the
sora Geni Chaves — Uberaba/MG; Escola Municipal Themira Palmer — Cabo Frio/RJ; Escola Portuguesa
— Educação Infantil — Santos/SP; Esfera Agência Social Ltda. — Porto Alegre/RS; Esquadrão da Vida —
Presidente Prudente/SP; Faculdade de Educação (UnB) — Brasília/DF; Faculdade de Teologia Umbandista
(FTU) — São Paulo/SP; Faculdades Alves Faria (Alfa) — Goiânia/GO; Federação Brasileira Amor Exigente
— Campinas/SP; Federação das Cooperativas Habitacionais do Estado de São Paulo (Fecoohesp) — São
Paulo/SP; Federação das Mulheres Gaúchas — Porto Alegre/RS; Federação de Instituições Beneficentes (FIB)
— Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Federação Nacional das Apaes — Brasília/DF; Federação Nacional das Associações do
Pessoal da Caixa Econômica Federal (Fenae) — Brasília/DF; Federação Nacional de Assistência Pessoal (CEF)
— Brasília/DF; Fercal — Brasília/DF; Foro del Sector Social — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Fórum da Assistência
Social da Cidade de São Paulo (FAS) — São Paulo/SP; Fórum de Cooperativismo de Economia Solidária —
Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Fórum Goiano de Luta contra Aids — Goiânia/GO; Fórum Habitacional dos Imigrantes do
Estado de São Paulo — São Paulo/SP; Fórum Juvenil da Agenda 21 (Forja 21) — Santos/SP; Fraternidade e
Assistência a Menores Aprendizes — Goiânia/GO; Frente Comunitária e Cidadania (FCC) — São Paulo/SP;
Frente Popular de Assistência a Família — São Paulo/SP; Frente Popular de Habitação de São Paulo — São
Paulo/SP; Fundação Barbosa Rodrigues — Campo Grande/MS; Fundação Casa dos Sonhos — Porto Alegre/
RS; Fundação CSN para o Desenvolvimento Social e a Construção da Cidadania — Volta Redonda/RJ; Fun-
dação da Infância e Adolescência (FIA) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Fundação de Assistência ao Menor Inhumense
— Inhumas/GO; Fundação de Pais Pró-Saúde Mental Infantil (Fupasmi) — Porto Alegre/RS; Fundação Educacional de Montes Claros (Femc) — Montes Claros/MG; Fundação Fé e Alegria do Brasil — Montes Claros/
MG; Fundação Fé e Alegria do Brasil — Porto Alegre/RS; Fundação Gabriel de Campos de Assistência à
Criança e Adolescente — Presidente Prudente/SP; Fundação Gota de Leite de Assistência à Criança — Poços
de Caldas/MG; Fundação José de Paiva Netto (FJPN) — São Paulo/SP; Fundação Lusíada — Santos/SP;
Fundação Nacional de Cultura Negra e Miscigenação Brasileira — São Paulo/SP; Fundação Octacílio Gualberto — Fase-FMP (PSF Boa Vista) — Petrópolis/RJ; Fundação Pauli Madri Pró-Solidariedade e Vida — Joinville/SC; Fundação Riopretense de Assistência Social (Fras) — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Fundação Sol —
Porto Alegre/RS; Fundação Sônia Ivar — Mulheres Empreendedoras — Brasília/DF; Fundação Uberlandense
do Turismo, Esporte e Lazer (Futel) — Uberlândia/MG; Fundação Universitária do Cerrado — Anápolis/GO;
Fundación Adelfos — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Fundación Apna — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Fundación de
Asistencia Social del Hospital de Clínicas J.S.M. — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Fundación Emanuel — Buenos
Aires, Argentina; Fundación Junior Achievement — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Fundo Social de Solidariedade
— São José do Rio Preto/SP; Girassolidário — Agência em Defesa da Infância e Adolescência — Campo
Grande/MS; Gota de Leite Sinhá Junqueira Lemos (Galpão de Artes) — Poços de Caldas/MG; Governo do
In Rio Grande do Sul, the meeting with
the President of the LGW
Solidary Society Network
Lucian Fagundes
Solidary Society Network
children for social reinsertion. When departing from
Glorinha, she made another statement: “I have been
visiting the LGW, getting to know the activities and the
programs that Mr. Paiva Netto has been developing.
Almost at the end of my visit I discovered the source of
energy, of this dynamism and the man with the heart
and mind that has managed to expand this marvelous
Organization and these programs that bring so
much happiness to so many children, families and
the elderly. I hope that President Paiva Netto may
continue with this work for many more decades”.
At the last place she visited before returning to
New York, occasion in which she was able to see the
actions of the Organization’s Educational, Cultural
and Community Center, in Rio de Janeiro, she left
a message of incentive: “The LGW’s programs are
impressive. I hope you may be able to expand this
work, knowledge and ability to the other countries,
since this is what the UN encourages. I will take this
to the United Nations, to the governments and participants of that Fair (AMR — Geneva, Switzerland) to
show them what the LGW’s programs are, that deserve
to be presented at the Economic and Social Council
in July, so that they can influence other organizations
in the world with their success stories”.
As soon as she arrived in New York (USA),
after completing her agenda of visits in Brazil, Dr.
Michele Billant-Fedoroff, summarized in a letter to
the president of the LGW: “I am very much delighted
that, through the events you organized and the efforts
of your organization, I saw the strengthening of a
coherent framework and a platform for continuous
development, capacity-building and networking
on educational issues particularly in the sector of
children affected by poverty and hunger”.
Distrito Federal — Brasília/DF; Grêmio Beneficente Recreativo Jesus e Esperança — São Paulo/SP; Grêmio
Recreativo Cultural Bloco Carnavalesco Folha Verde (GRCBC) — São Paulo/SP; Grupo Anew — São Paulo/
SP; Grupo Art’Escama — Coopeixe Z5 — Porto Alegre/RS; Grupo Assistencial Solar do Acalanto — Belém/
PA; Grupo Assistencial SOS Vida — Petrópolis/RJ; Grupo Bailarinos de Cristo Amor e Doações (BCAD) —
Fortaleza/CE; Grupo Cuíra do Pará — Belém/PA; Grupo Cultural Bagunçaço — Salvador/BA; Grupo Cultural
Cobra Organizado e Banda Os Cobras das Estrelas — São Luís/MA; Grupo Cultural Itapagipe Canta — Salvador/BA; Grupo de Ação Pesquisa e Orientação a Projetos Sociais — Niterói/RJ; Grupo de Apoio aos Soropositivos (Gasp) — Ipatinga/MG; Grupo de Apoio e Prevenção à Aids no Ceará (Gapa-CE) — Fortaleza/CE;
Grupo de Aposentados e Pensionistas Unidos Venceremos — Volta Redonda/RJ; Grupo de Estudos e Apoio
à Adoção de Goiânia (Geaago) — Goiânia/GO; Grupo de Mães Solidárias Marins Pererê — São Paulo/SP;
Grupo de Mulheres Negras Malunga — Goiânia/GO; Grupo de União e Cons­ciência Negra — Salvador/BA;
Grupo de Voluntários Arco-Íris — São Sebastião do Paraíso/MG; Grupo Ecológico Guardiões do Verde —
Goiânia/GO; Grupo Espírita Fraternidade — Leme/SP; Grupo Evangélico Missionário (Siloe) — Salvador/BA;
Grupo Hipupiara — Santos/SP; Grupo Junte-se a Nós — Belém/PA; Grupo para Vida — Integração e Dignificação do Doente de Aids/DST — Belém/PA; Grupo pela Vida — Fórum Goiano de Luta contra Aids — Goiânia/GO; Grupo Voluntário de Socorro e Resgate RGS — Gravataí/RS; Guaianazes Futebol Clube — São
Paulo/SP; Habitat para a Humanidade — Brasília/DF; Horta Comunitária Joana D’Angelis — Novo Hamburgo/RS; Hospital Bom Jesus — Ponta Grossa/PR; Hospital de Dermatologia Sanitária Santa Marta (HDS) —
Goiânia/GO; Hospital Psiquiátrico Dr. Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes — Paranaíba/MS; Igreja Apostólica Ministerial Templo El Shaddai — São Paulo/SP; Igreja Católica Apostólica Brasileira — Brasília/DF; Igreja Estrela
Dalva Ampla de Deus — São Paulo/SP; Igreja Evangélica Assembléia de Deus — Ministério Jesus Vem —
São Paulo/SP; Igreja Evangélica Assembléia de Deus — Ministério Planalto — São Paulo/SP; Igreja Evangélica Pentecostal Vencendo em Jesus — São Paulo/SP; Igreja Operando Deus, Quem Impedirá? — São Paulo/
SP; Igreja Perfect Liberty — Brasília/DF; Iniciativa das Religiões Unidas (URI) — Brasília/DF; Instituição Beneficente Emmanuel — Aracaju/SE; Instituição de Assistência à Criança Professora Edna Souza — Santos/SP;
Instituição São Luís Scrosoppi — São Sebastião do Paraíso/MG; Instituto Adventista Sul-Brasileiro de Educação e Assistência Social — São José/SC; Instituto Afonso Toledo — Araçatuba/SP; Instituto Algar de Responsabilidade Social — Uberlândia/MG; Instituto Amigos de Lucas — Porto Alegre/RS; Instituto Arte no Dique
— Santos/SP; Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Cooperativistas (Ibec) — Florianópolis/SC; Instituto Brasileiro de
Incentivo ao Mérito (Ibim) — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Instituto Brasileiro de Inovações Pró-Sociedade
Saudável — Campo Grande/MS; Instituto Caliandra — Brasília/DF; Instituto Círculo de Giz — Brasília/DF;
Instituto Comércio Ético e Solidário (Ices) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Instituto Cultural e Profissionalizante de
Pessoas Portadoras de Deficiência — Brasília/DF; Instituto Cultural Profissionalizante (ICP) — Brasília/DF;
Instituto Cultural Usiminas (Usicultura) — Cubatão/SP; Instituto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Humano —
Riacho Fundo/DF; Instituto de Assistência e Proteção à Infância (Iapi) — Porto Alegre/RS; Instituto de Capacitación Docente Educación y Economía — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Instituto de Cegos do Brasil Central
— Uberaba/MG; Instituto de Desenvolvimento Ações Implementares Sociais — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Instituto
de Desenvolvimento Social Casa Verde — Vitória/ES; Instituto de Educação José de Paiva Netto — São
Paulo/SP; Instituto de Educação Teológico Vida — São Paulo/SP; Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento
dos Municípios do Nordeste (IPDN) — Maceió/AL; Instituto de Pesquisa e Ensino da Cultura Espírita (Ipece)
— São Paulo/SP; Instituto de Pesquisas e Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável — Iguaba Grande/
RJ; Instituto de Saúde Ocular Ltda. (Isoolhos) — Uberlândia/MG; Instituto do Conhecimento e Ciências
Aplicadas (ICPA) — Brasília/DF; Instituto Dom Helder Camara (IDHeC) — Recife/PE; Instituto Edna Souza
— Santos/SP; Instituto Educacional de Desenvolvimento Humano e Responsabilidade Empresarial do Terceiro Setor (IEDHRE) — Vitória/ES; Instituto Educarte de Educação e Arte — Taguatinga/DF; Instituto Educativo
y Cultural José de Paiva Netto — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Instituto Espírito-Santense de Direito (Projures)
— Sociocomunitário e Assistência Jurídica — Serra/ES; Instituto G. Barbosa — Aracaju/SE; Instituto Indígena Brasileiro para Propriedade Intelectual (Inbrapi) — Brasília/DF; Instituto Lar de Jesus — Pelotas/RS; Instituto Lelia Gonzalez — Aracaju/SE; Instituto Luadrix — Brasília/DF; Instituto Marista de Assistência Social
— Brasília/DF; Instituto Marista de Solidariedade — Taguatinga/DF; Instituto Missionário São Francisco de
Assis (Icab) — Brasília/DF; Instituto Nacional de Ensino Profissionalizante (Inep) — Brasília/DF; Instituto
Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial (Inti) — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Instituto Nair Valadares — Riacho Fundo
II/DF; Instituto Pestalozzi — Goiânia/GO; Instituto Pró-Viver — Nova Iguaçu/RJ; Instituto Reagente — Promoção e Defesa dos Direitos Humanos — Blumenau/SC; Instituto Recriando — Aracaju/SE; Instituto Roberto Naval — Petrópolis/RJ; Instituto Social das Medianeiras da Paz (ISMFP) — Aracaju/SE; Instituto Tecnoart
— Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Instituto Vital Brasil — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Instituto Voluntários em Ação — Florianópolis/SC; Instituto Yara Brandizzi de Amparo ao Menor — Brasília/DF; Instituto Zilah Spósito para o Desenvolvimento Humano e Social — Belo Horizonte/MG; Integra — Instituto de Integração Social e de Promoção da
Cidadania — Brasília/DF; Integração Comunitária Associação Não-Governamental Projetos — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Interagir — Brasília/DF; Irmandade Nossa Senhora das Mercedes — Montes Claros/MG; Juventude
Ecumênica da LBV — Brasília/DF; Juventude Ecumênica da LBV — Santos/SP; Lar Alziro Zarur — Teófilo
Otoni/MG; Lar Alziro Zarur — Uberlândia/MG; Lar da Caridade — Uberaba/MG; Lar das Crianças de Tanabi
— Tanabi/SP; Lar de São José — Cascavel/PR; Lar dos Meninos São Domingos Obra Social (LMSDOS) — Belo
Horizonte/MG; Lar e Escola Recanto Cristão (Lerc) — São Paulo/SP; Lar e Escola Recanto das Crianças —
Volta Redonda/RJ; Lar e Parque Alziro Zarur — Glorinha/RS; Lar Escola da Criança de Maringá — Maringá/
PR; Lar Espírita Irmã Zilá — Volta Redonda/RJ; Lar Fabiano de Cristo — Aracaju/SE; Lar Fabiano de Cristo
— Florianópolis/SC; Lar Fabiano de Cristo — Porto Alegre/RS; Lar Fabiano de Cristo — Unidade de Proteção
Integral (UPI) — Fortaleza/CE; Lar Fabiano de Cristo — Unidade de Proteção Integral (UPI) Joana D’Arc —
Curitiba/PR; Lar Infantil Cristo Redentor — Aracaju/SE; Lar Infantil Nossa Senhora Santana — Aracaju/SE;
Lar Pedacinho do Céu — São Sebastião do Paraíso/MG; Lar São Domingos — Maceió/AL; Lar São Francisco
de Assis — Araraquara/SP; Lar Segovias (Acsur) — Porto Alegre/RS; Lar Vovó Ássima e Vovô Elias Zarur
(Terceira Idade) — Volta Redonda/RJ; Legión de la Buena Voluntad (LBV) — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Liga
de Amigos e Moradores dos Setores dos Funcionários, Centro-Oeste, Aeroporto e Adjacentes — Goiânia/GO;
Liga Guaianazense de Futebol — São Paulo/SP; Lions Clube Patos de Minas Centro — Patos de Minas/MG;
Métodos de Apoio a Práticas Ambientais e Sociais (Mapas) — São Paulo/SP; Mil Milenios de Paz — Buenos
Aires, Argentina; Ministério da Justiça — Brasília/DF; Ministério das Relações Exteriores — Brasília/DF; Ministerio de Salud — Secretaria de Programas Sanitarios — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome — Brasília/DF; Ministério do Meio Ambiente — Carteira Indígena —
Brasília/DF; Ministério do Meio Ambiente — Secretaria Nacional do Desenvolvimento Sustentável — Brasília/
DF; Mocidade para Cristo do Brasil — Projeto Amar — Goiânia/GO; Movimento Capixaba de Voluntários
— Vitória/ES; Movimento Cidadãos pela Vida — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Movimento Cristão de Cidadania e Dignidade da Associação Beneficente Amigos de Santo Antonio — Londrina/PR; Movimento das Mulheres de Ermelino
Matarazzo — São Paulo/SP; Movimento de Ação Política e Social (Maps) — Belo Horizonte/MG; Movimento de
Amor ao Próximo (MAP) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Movimento de Mulheres Vila Dom Luís — São Luís/MA; MoGLOBALIZATION OF FRATERNAL LOVE |
Solidary Society Network
vimento do Bem — Ribeirão Preto/SP; Movimento Educacional da Baixada Santista (Movebas) — Santos/
SP; Movimento Inter-Religioso pela Cidadania — Santos/SP; Movimento Nacional de Direitos Humanos
(MNDH) — Aracaju/SE; Movimento Nacional de Meninos e Meninas de Rua (MNMMR) — São Luís/MA;
Movimento Negro — Aracaju/SE; Movimento Paz Espírito Santo — Vitória/ES; Movimento pela Libertação
de Vidas — Cascavel/PR; Movimento Popular de Saúde (Mops) — Aracaju/SE; Movimento República de
Emaús — Belém/PA; Movimento Rosas Negras — Aracaju/SE; Movimento Sem-Teto Centro (MSTC) Barão
de Piracicaba — São Paulo/SP; Movimento Social Beneficente (Mosobe) — São Paulo/SP; Mulheres Negras
Malunga — Brasília/DF; Mundo Orgânico — Brasília/DF; Núcleo Ação Solidária à Aids (Nasa) — Foz do
Iguaçu/PR; Núcleo Educacional Irmãos Menores de Francisco de Assis (Neimfa) — Recife/PE; Núcleo Espírita de
Assistência e Profissionalização — Aparecida de Goiânia/GO; Núcleo Social e Evangélico Casa Lar (Nuselon)
— Londrina/PR; Núcleo Verde e Amarelo — Franca/SP; Obra Social Nossa Senhora das Graças — Vitória/ES;
Obra Social Nossa Senhora Sant’Ana — Paranaíba/MS; Obra Social Wantuil de Freitas — Cuiabá/MT; Obras
Sociais do Centro Espírita Sementeira de Luz — Manaus/AM; Oficina Profissionalizante Clube de Mães do
Brasil — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Oficina Profissionalizante Clube de Mães do Brasil — São Paulo/SP; Oi Futuro
(Centro Cultural da Telemar) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; ONG “Projeto Gusmão” — São Paulo/SP; ONG Brasileira
Inter-Religiosa — Brasília/DF; ONG Homeopatia Ação — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; ONG Moradia e Cidadania — Brasília/DF; ONG Moradia e Cidadania — Porto Alegre/RS; ONG Parceiros Voluntários — Pelotas/RS; ONG PróCrianças e Jovens Diabéticos (ONG JD) — Santos/SP; ONG Segurança — Candangolândia/DF; ONG Ser Alzira
de Aleluia — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; ONG Via Brasil — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Organização de Auxílio Fraterno (OAF)
— Recife/PE; Organização de Serviço Evangélico Internacional de Assistência Social (Oseias) — Rio de Janeiro/
RJ; Organização para Direitos Humanos e Cidadania (Humanitas) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Organização Produção
Solidária (Prosol) — Volta Redonda/RJ; Órgão Gestor de Assistência Social Municipal — Anápolis/GO; Pão da
Vida — Recife/PE; Parceiros Voluntários — Porto Alegre/RS; Parlamento Mundial da Fraternidade Ecumênica
(ParlaMundi) — Brasília/DF; Pastoral da Criança — Araçatuba/SP; Pastoral da Criança — Cascavel/PR; Pastoral
da Criança — Paróquia Navegantes — Porto Alegre/RS; Pastoral da Criança — Ponta Grossa/PR; Pastoral da
Criança — Porto Alegre/RS; Pastoral da Criança — Taguatinga Norte/DF; Pastoral da Criança (CNBB) — Brasília/DF; Pastoral da Criança da Ilha dos Marinheiros — Porto Alegre/RS; Pequena Casa da Criança — Porto
Alegre/RS; Petrobrás — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Policlínica Regional Dr. March — Niterói/RJ; Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte — Gerência de Inserção Especial — Belo Horizonte/MG; Prefeitura de Patos de Minas — Secretaria
Municipal de Saúde — Patos de Minas/MG; Prefeitura de Poços de Caldas — Secretaria de Assistência Social
— Poços de Caldas/MG; Prefeitura de São Leopoldo — Secretaria Municipal de Assistência, Cidadania e Inclusão Social — São Leopoldo/RS; Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro — Secretaria Municipal da Saúde — CAP 32 — Rio
de Janeiro/RJ; Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Horizonte (Smaas) — Belo Horizonte/MG; Prefeitura Municipal de
Cuiabá — Projeto Centro da Juventude — Cuiabá/MT; Prefeitura Municipal de Dobrada — Dobrada/SP; Prefeitura Municipal de Maricá — Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Social — Programa de Atendimento Integral à
Família (Paif) — Maricá/RJ; Prefeitura Municipal de Santos — Seas-Sejuv — 2L/RCH — Santos/SP; Previdência
Social INSS — Nova Friburgo/RJ; Pró-Arte Cultural de Capacitação e Cidadania — Cabo Frio/RJ; Pró-Emprego
Juiz de Fora — Juiz de Fora/MG; Programa Agente Jovem — Novo Gama/GO; Programa Muriki — Prefeitura
de Belo Horizonte — Belo Horizonte/MG; Programa Nacional de Incentivo à Leitura (Proler) — Universidade
Santa Cecília (Unisanta) — Baixada Santista — Santos/SP; Programa Picasso Não Pichava — Secretaria de
Segurança Pública — Brasília/DF; Programa Plantão Social da Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte — Regional Norte
— Belo Horizonte/MG; Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) da Ilha da Pintada — Posto de Saúde — Porto Alegre/
RS; Programa Saúde da Família Manoel Corrêa — Cabo Frio/RJ; Programa SOS Família — Serviços de Obras
Sociais (Provopar) — Cascavel/PR; Pró-Hab — Associação de Ação Social de Habitação — São Paulo/SP; Projeto Aconchego — Grupo de Apoio à Doação e Apadrinhamento Afetivo — Cruzeiro Velho/DF; Projeto Agente
Jovem de Desenvolvimento Social e Humano — São Sebastião do Paraíso/MG; Projeto Brinquedoteca Lugar de
Brincar — Cabo Frio/RJ; Projeto Casa do Piá (Abase) — Ponta Grossa/PR; Projeto Centro Camará de Pesquisa
e Apoio à Infância e Adolescência — São Vicente/SP; Projeto Cia da Terra — São Paulo/SP; Projeto Crescer —
Niterói/RJ; Projeto de Economia Solidária (PPDLES) — Aracaju/SE; Projeto Educacional de Conscientização e
Orientação (Proeco) — Santos/SP; Projeto Empreender — Cabo Frio/RJ; Projeto Eu, Você e a Escola — Belém/
PA; Projeto Fala Aí — Santos/SP; Projeto Jovens Avantes com Cristo — Vitória/ES; Projeto Minha Casa — Belo
Horizonte/MG; Projeto Mudando a História — Baixada Santista — Santos/SP; Projeto Murialdo — Liberdade
Assistida e Prestação de Serviços à Comunidade — Londrina/PR; Projeto Podicrêr! (Buddy X) — Guarujá/SP;
Projeto Recicla Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da UnB — Brasília/DF; Projeto Vem-Ser — Programa
de Medida Socioeducativa em Meio Aberto — São Sebastião do Paraíso/MG; Projeto Vida Ativa — Secretaria
Executiva do Estado de Esporte e Lazer (Seel) — Belém/PA; Projeto Viver Legal — Aracaju/SE; Promotoria
Pública — Aracaju/SE; Província Brasileira da Congregação das Irmãs Filhas de Caridade São Vicente de Paulo
— Londrina/PR; Província Franciscana da Imaculada Conceição do Brasil — Centro Social Franciscano — Curitiba/PR; Quilombo/Fórum de Mulheres Negras — Aracaju/SE; Recanto dos Velhinhos da Sociedade de São Vicente de Paula — Volta Redonda/RJ; Recuperação e Assistência Cristã (Rasc) — Bauru/SP; Red de Apoyo al
Trabajo Popular — Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rede de Tecnologias
Sociais — Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia — Brasília/DF; Religião de Deus — São Paulo/SP; Renascer da
Esperança — Porto Alegre/RS; RIO — Livre Promoção Artística & Cultural — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Rio Voluntário
— Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Rotary Club — Santos/SP; Secretaria da Justiça e Segurança Pública do Estado de São
Paulo — São Paulo/SP; Secretaria de Ação Cultural do Município de Caieiras — Centro Cultural Izaura Neves
— São Paulo/SP; Secretaria de Administração Regional Municipal — Venda Nova de Belo Horizonte — Belo
Horizonte/MG; Secretaria de Assistência Social de Santos — Santos/SP; Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Social e
Trabalho (GDF Sedest) — Brasília/DF; Secretaria de Educação de Santos — Santos/SP; Secretaria de Estado de
Assistência Social e Direitos Humanos — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Secretaria de Estado de Trabalho, Assistência Social
e Economia Solidária — Setor do Idoso (Setass) — Campo Grande/MS; Secretaria de Governo de Santos —
Santos/SP; Secretaria de Inclusão, Assistência e Desenvolvimento Social do Estado — Aracaju/SE; Secretaria de
Trabalho do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Setrab) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Secretaria de Turismo do Distrito Federal
— Brasília/DF; Secretaria do Meio Ambiente da Prefeitura de Caieiras — São Paulo/SP; Secretaria Especial de
Direitos Humanos — Brasília/DF; Secretaria Estadual de Justiça e da Defesa da Cidadania — São Paulo/SP;
Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social — Belo Horizonte/MG; Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social
— Glorinha/RS; Secretaria Municipal de Educação em Glorinha — Glorinha/RS; Secretaria Municipal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia — Diretoria de Esporte — Anápolis/GO; Secretaria Municipal de Esporte, Cultura e
Lazer — Patos de Minas/MG; Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento Urbano e Meio Ambiente — Uberlândia/
MG; Secretaria Municipal de Saúde CAP 32 — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Secretaria Municipal do Bem-Estar Social
(Sebes) — Bauru/SP; Seminário Maior Padre Júlio Maria — IMSNS — Belo Horizonte/MG; Ser Humano Organização para Eqüidade Social — São Paulo/SP; Servicio Interparroquial de Ayuda Mutua — Hogar Monteagudo
— Buenos Aires, Argentina; Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae-DF) — Brasília/
DF; Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Serviço Brasileiro
de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae) — Escritório Regional — Anápolis/GO; Serviço Brasileiro de
Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae) — São Paulo/SP; Serviço Comunitário de Apoio Pedagógico e
Social (Secaps) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Serviço de Assistência e Movimento de Educação (Same) — Aracaju/SE;
Serviço de Ensino Profissionalizante ao Trabalhador (Sepat) — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Serviço Nacional de
Aprendizagem Comercial (Senac) — Anápolis/GO; Serviço Social da Indústria (Sesi) — Brasília/DF; Serviço Social do Comércio (Sesc Ramos) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Serviço Social do Comércio (Sesc Rio) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ;
Serviço Social do Comércio (Sesc Tijuca) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Serviço Social do Comércio (Sesc) — Aracaju/SE;
Serviço Social do Comércio (Sesc) — Programa Mesa Brasil — São José/SC; Shekiná Associação Filantrópica de
Assistência à Família — São Paulo/SP; Sindicato dos Artistas e Técnicos em Espetáculos de Diversões do Estado
de Minas Gerais — Belo Horizonte/MG; Sindicato dos Artistas e Técnicos em Espetáculos de Diversões do Estado de São Paulo — Fundo de Assistência (Faat-Sated) — São Paulo/SP; Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Domésticos, Arrumadores e Camareiros dos Municípios de Belém e Ananindeua (Sintdac) — Belém/PA; Sistema Integrado de Ensino Cassimiro de Amorim Ltda. — Ipatinga/MG; Sociedade Amigos da Água Limpa e do Verde
(Saalve) — Viamão/RS; Sociedade Amigos de Vila Portuguesa — São Paulo/SP; Sociedade Amigos do Bom
Retiro (Sabre) — São Paulo/SP; Sociedade Beneficente Cultural Baixa do Petróleo — Salvador/BA; Sociedade
Beneficente da União Movimento das Mulheres de Ermelino Matarazzo — São Paulo/SP; Sociedade Beneficente dos Cegos do Recife — Recife/PE; Sociedade Beneficente e Recreativa 31 de Dezembro — Salvador/BA;
Sociedade Beneficente Sagrada Família — Niterói/RJ; Sociedade Beneficente União Moradores Ermelino Matarazzo — São Paulo/SP; Sociedade Cooperativa Assistência Criança Feliz Ltda. — Bairro Nossa Senhora das
Graças — Juiz de Fora/MG; Sociedade Cooperativa Assistencial Criança Feliz Ltda. — Bairro Santo Antonio
— Juiz de Fora/MG; Sociedade das Religiões de Matrizes Africanas em Sergipe (Somaes) — Aracaju/SE; Sociedade de Assistência à Criança — Projeto Sancristo — Bauru/SP; Sociedade de Assistência Social, Trabalho e
Cidadania — Lages/SC; Sociedade de Educação Integral e de Assistência Social Obra Social Nossa Senhora de
Fátima (Seias) — Montes Claros/MG; Sociedade de Esclerose Múltipla de Brasília (Sembra) — Taguatinga/DF;
Sociedade de Homeopatia Ação pelo Semelhante — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Sociedade de Melhoramentos do Bairro
da Encruzilhada — Santos/SP; Sociedade de Mulheres Aracajuanas (Somara) — Aracaju/SE; Sociedade de
Promoção do Humano e das Iniciativas Empreendedoras (Sophie) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Sociedade dos Amigos
dos Bairros Tangará, Viena, Alba e São Francisco (SAB-TAVS) — São José do Rio Preto/SP; Sociedade dos Artistas Plásticos — Brasília/DF; Sociedade Educacional Casinha da Emília — Maricá/RJ; Sociedade em Defesa dos
Moradores do Bairro Getúlio Vargas — Aracaju/SE; Sociedade Eunice Weaver de Aracaju — Aracaju/SE; Sociedade Fraterna de Estudos Espíritas (Sofee) — São Paulo/SP; Sociedade Humana Despertar — Sumaré/SP; Sociedade Jardim Filho Terra — São Paulo/SP; Sociedade Lar Teresa Spinelli — Paranaíba/MS; Sociedade Literária
e Caritativa Santo Agostinho — Centro Infantil Madre Teresa — Porto Alegre/RS; Sociedade Pestalozzi —
Goiânia/GO; Sociedade Pestalozzi — Maceió/AL; Sociedade Porto-Alegrense de Auxílio aos Necessitados (Spaan) — Porto Alegre/RS; Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo — Belo Horizonte/MG; Sociedade União de Amigos do
Morro da Esperança (Suame) — São Paulo/SP; Subdelegacia do Trabalho (DRT-RJ) — Cabo Frio/RJ; Subdelegacia do Trabalho (DRT-RJ) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Subsecretaria de Estado da Defesa Civil — Cabo Frio/RJ; Subsecretaria de Programas Comunitários (Suproc) — Brasília/DF; Summit Lighthouse do Brasil — Brasília/DF; Superintendência das Políticas de Prevenção a Dependência Química do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Cead-RJ) — Rio
de Janeiro/RJ; Superintendência de Limpeza Urbana — Belo Horizonte/MG; Supervisão Regional do Estado do
Rio de Janeiro — Capital III — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Templo Budista Terra Pura — Brasília/DF; Templo da Boa
Vontade (TBV) — Brasília/DF; Themis — Assessoria Jurídica e Estudos de Gênero — Porto Alegre/RS; Timing
International — Buenos Aires, Argentina; Tina Academia de Natação e Ginástica Ltda. — Uberlândia/MG;
Trio e Bloco Papelão — Aracaju/SE; TV Nativa — Pelotas/RS; União Brasileira de Mulheres — Aracaju/SE;
União das Associações de Moradores de Guaíba (UAMG) — Guaíba/RS; União de Moradores da Vila dos
Frades — São Luís/MA; União dos Escoteiros do Brasil — Região do Distrito Federal — Brasília/DF; União
dos Moradores da Vila Nova Cachoeirinha — São Paulo/SP; União dos Paraplégicos de Belo Horizonte —
Belo Horizonte/MG; União Municipal dos Estudantes Secundaristas — Santos/SP; União Planetária — Brasília/DF; Unidade de Atendimento ao Trabalho (Sine) — Anápolis/GO; Unidade de Saúde Grande Vitória —
Vitória/ES; Unidade Semiliberdade de Progressão (Febem) — São Paulo/SP; Universidade Bandeirante de São
Paulo (Uniban) — São Paulo/SP; Universidade da Paz (Unipaz) — Brasília/DF; Universidade de Brasília —
Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável — Brasília/DF; Universidade do Distrito Federal (UNIDF) — Brasília/
DF; Universidade do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
(UFRGS) — Porto Alegre/RS; Universidade Federal do RJ — Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Universidade Luterana do
Brasil (Ulbra) — Porto Alegre/RS; Universidade Tiradentes (Unit) — Aracaju/SE; Valores para Vivir — Buenos
Aires, Argentina; Vila Vicentina Abrigo para Velhos — Bauru/SP; Voluntárias Sociais de Franca (Vosf) —
T h e s u c c e s s of yo u r event i s h ere !
P arla m u n d i
t h e
Next to the Temple of Good Will is the ParlaMundi of the LGW: with its privileged architecture, it is an
international standard place for small, average and large size events. An acclimatized building; five floors,
auditoriums for 100 (Tom Jobim), 200 (Austregésilo de Athayde) and 500 people (José de Paiva Netto), a
noble hall, rooms for workshops for 30, 60, and 80 people, a library, a wing for studies, specialized buffet
service, computer graphic services and state-of-the-art audiovisual resources.
SGAS 915 - Lotes 75/76 | 1st floor | Brasília/DF - Brazil | Zip Code 70390-150 | Phones: (+ 5561) 3245-8420 / 3346-1836
Fax: (+ 5561) 3345-1050 | E-mail: [email protected] | |
Rua Sérgio Tomás, 740 • Bom Retiro • São Paulo • Brazil
Zip Code 01131-010 • Phone: (+5511) 3225-4500 •
LGW of Argentina: Av. Boedo, 1942 • Boedo • Buenos Aires
CP C1239AAW • Phone: (+5411) 4925-5000 •
LGW of Bolivia: Calle Cuba, 1905 • Miraflores • La Paz
Casilla de Correo 5951 • Phone: (+5912) 222-5749 •
LGW of the United States of America: 20 Calumet Street, 1st floor
Newark/NJ • Zip Code 07105 • Phone: (+1973) 344-5338 •
LGW of Paraguay: Calle Curupayty, 1.452 • Cerro Corá
Ciudad de Lambare • Phone: (+59521) 921-100/101 •
LGW of Portugal: Rua Alexandre Herculano, 355 • Freguesia da Sé • Porto
CP 4000-055 • Phone: (+35122) 208-6494 •
LGW of Uruguay: Av. Agraciada, 2.328 • Aguada
Montevideo • CP 11800 • Phone: (+5982) 924-2790 •