Flexible Development of Airports Where we stand now?
Flexible Development of Airports Where we stand now?
2012 Flexible Development of Airports Where we stand now? Liliana Magalhães, Vasco Reis, Rosário Macário Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal AIRDEV Conference Lisbon, 19th April 2012 1 The need for flexibility Financial and Economic woes Volatility of Airport Traffic Technology Developments Uncertainty in Demand Forecasts Master Plans perform poorly Airports should be embedded with Flexibility 2 The need for flexibility “airport planning paradigm is shifting from the traditional pattern (high standards, established customers and long-term forecast), to that of recognizing great uncertainty at forecasts, broad range standards and potential for a rapidly changing customer’s base.” (de Neufville, 2008) “airports should be adaptable and capable to perform any required function inside their areas. The ones which are not able to deal with uncertainty in a flexible way face significant risks in terms of overbuilding, underbuilding, mismatches between demand and supply, higher unit costs or losses.” (Burghouwt, 2007) 3 Where we stand now? • There is no universal concept and only few authors present their own definition of it • Flexibility has been studied only by few authors and not widely explored • Airport flexibility has been studied at different levels (multiairport systems, master plan, airport terminals) 4 Where we stand now? LEVELS OF FLEXIBILITY Components AUTHORS Matthew Butters (2010) Nuno Gil and Bruce Tether (2011) Richard de Neufville (2008) Building Design Richard de Neufville, Steven Belin (2002) Matthew Butters (2010) Nuno Gil and Bruce Tether (2011) Richard de Neufville (2008) Space Design Matthew Butters (2010) Guillaume Burghouwt (2007) (airport limits) J.H. Kwakkel ,Warren Walker and Vincent Marchau (2010) Nuno Gil and Bruce Tether (2011) Guillaume Burghouwt (2007) Master Plan J.H. Kwakkel ,Warren Walker and Vincent Marchau (2010) Matthew Butters (2010) Multiairports Philippe Bonnefoy, Richard de Neufville, John Hansman (2010) 5 Where we stand now? • Few authors present a definition of the concept • Research on airport flexibility is scattered among research centres - with few interactions or cross- fertilization • Concept seems to be scalable – yet, no studies on this so far • Flexibility is always seen as positive – but can we apply flexibility in every case? • Most studies use a conceptual approach – few quantitative assessment tools and methods • Lacking of theoretical body - absence of a characterization of the fundamental variables of flexibility and the causal relationships 6 New framework for flexible development of airports Objective: Surpass one of the identified gaps - absence of a theoretical body on the mechanisms of flexibility explaining the causal relationships between the levels of flexibility and the performance indicators. Starting point: Levels of flexibility defined: master plan, space design, building design and components (inspired by Butters 2010) 7 New framework for flexible development of airports Exogenous variables /Constraints levels of flexibility Master Plan Space Design (airport limits) Demand Building Design Components Regulation Process Airport Operations Technology Process 0000 Process Financing 8 Conclusions • Flexibility can increase the competitiveness of the airport in current economic turmoil • Flexibility can be embedded at different levels • Lacking methods and tools to asses the benefits of Flexibility – actual benefits of Flexibility remain unknown • Benefits of Flexibility are function on the level at which it is embedded, airport’s processes and external factors • Future steps: development of simulation model to assess the benefits of flexibility 9 2012 Flexible Development of Airports Where we stand now? Liliana Magalhães [email protected] Vasco Reis [email protected] Rosário Macário [email protected] 10