Closure Notice of The Primary Public Offering
Closure Notice of The Primary Public Offering
Closure Notice of the Primary Public Offering of Preferred Stocks Issued by Bradespar S.A. Authorized Capital Publicly-held Company Corporate Taxpayers’ Id 03.847.461/0001-92 Avenida Paulista, nº 1.450 – 9º andar São Paulo, SP – 01310-917 "This notice is for informative purpose only, and does not mean a securities sale offering” BRADESPAR S.A. (“Bradespar” or “Company”), BANCO DE INVESTIMENTOS CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON S.A. (“CSFB” or “Lead Manager”), o BANCO PACTUAL S.A. (“Pactual”), o BANCO BRADESCO S.A. (“Bradesco”) and BES INVESTIMENTO DO BRASIL S.A. – BANCO DE INVESTIMENTO (“BES” and jointly with Lead manager, Pactual and Bradesco, “Coordinators”) announce that, through a primary public issue placed in Brazil, distributed a total of thirteen million, five hundred and sixty-five thousand, five hundred and thirty-six (13,565,536) preferred stocks (“Preferred Stocks”) issued by Bradespar, including one million, five hundred and seven thousand, two hundred and eighty-one (1,507,281) Preferred Stocks, all of them non-par, registered book-entry stocks, at the price of R$ 77,00 (seventy-seven reais) per Preferred Stock, totaling R$ 1,044,546,272.00 The capital increase and the primary public issue of Preferred Stocks was approved by the Board of Directors in meetings held on October 27, 2004 and November 26, 2004, both published in the newspapers Official Gazette of the State of São Paulo and Valor Econômico on December 10, 11 and 12, 2004. The issue/subscription price of Preferred Stocks was approved in the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on December 14, 2004, which minutes were published in the newspapers Official Gazette of the State of São Paulo and Valor Econômico of December 16, 2004. The capital increase regarding the Additional Stocks was approved by the Board of Directors in a meeting held on December 20, 2004. The Preferred Stocks, including the Additional Stocks, and already adding the referred capital increase to the total, represents approximately 31.03% of the total capital stock of the Company. Final information on the offering is described below: Number of Subscribers Type of Investor Retail Investors Number of Stocks 315 133,184 Investment Clubs 14 309,454 Investment Funds 172 1,925,495 11 31,585 163 8,998,196 7 185,324 2 1,606,166 19 344,398 34 31,734 737 13,565,536 Private Pension Funds Foreign Investors Other Financial Institutions Other Entities related to the Issuer and/or Syndicated Brokers Other Entities Partners, Managers, Employees, Representatives and Others related to the Issuer and/or Syndicated Brokers TOTAL For the purposes of CVM Instruction 400/03 provisions, CSFB (Banco de Investimentos Credit Suisse First Boston S.A.) is the Lead Manager of the present Public Offering. Banco Bradesco S.A. was contracted as the depositary financial institution to provide bookkeeping services related to the Preferred Stocks, located at Av. Yara, s/nº - Prédio Amarelo Velho, 2º andar, Cidade de Deus, in the city of Osasco, in the State of São Paulo. The present primary public distribution was previously submitted to the Brazilian SEC (CVM) and registered under the No: CVM/SER/REM/2004/008, as of December 15, 2004. Coordinators 2 Lead Manager Syndicated Brokers " This present public offering was prepared in accordance with provisions of the ANBID (Brazilian Association of Investment Banks and Securities Dealers)’s Self-Regulation Code for Public Offerings of Marketable Securities registered with the 5th Registry of Deeds and Documents of the State of Rio de Janeiro under No. 497585, in compliance with the minimum standards of information contained therein. ANBID undertakes no responsibility for the referred information, the quality of the Company, the participating institutions and the marketable securities, purpose of the offering." 3
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