1 - Claudio Franco
1 - Claudio Franco
Having Fun Warming Up! Sean D/Shutterstock/Glow Images Noah Addis/Corbis/Latinstock What are these people doing? What do you usually do to have fun? What is your favorite form of entertainment? 134 eff Cadge/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images Syaheir Azizan/Shutterstock/Glow Images Barone Firenze/Shutterstock/Glow Images Learning Objectives t t t t UP UBML BCPVU MFJTVSF BDUJWJUJFT UP MFBSO IPX UP VTF UIF QBTTJWF WPJDF UP FYQMPSF HBNF SFWJFXT UP FTUBCMJTI DPOOFDUJPOT XJUI 1IZTJDBM &EVDBUJPO .BUIT BOE "SUT �135 Before Reading 1 Do you like playing video games? If so, what are your favorite games? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at the title, structure and source. Then, mark the correct item that answers each question below. a. 5IF UFYU JT QVCMJTIFE CZ B OPOQSPGJU IFBMUI DBSF PSHBOJ[BUJPO 8IBU JT JUT OBNF "EPMFTDFOU *OUFSFTU (SPVQ b. 1BMP "MUP .FEJDBM 'PVOEBUJPO 8IBU TFDUJPO JO UIF XFCTJUF EPFT UIF UFYU CFMPOH UP i&NPUJPOBM )FBMUIw c. i1BSFOUJOH (VJEFTw 8IBU JT UIF UFYUAT JOUFOEFE BVEJFODF %PDUPST 3 1BSFOUT What do you expect to read in the text? Reading Reprodução/<www.pamf.org> Now read the text below to check your predictions. www.pamf.org Palo Alto Medical Foundation Parenting Teens PAMF Home Search We Plus You Parenting Guides . " UIF BCCSFWJBUJPO GPS i.BTUFS PG "SUTw B IJHIFS VOJWFSTJUZ RVBMJGJDBUJPO JO B TQFDJGJD CSBODI PG UIF IVNBOJUJFT PS TPDJBM TDJFODFT Health & Wellness Emotional Health Drugs & Alcohol Sexuality Impact of Video Games on Adolescents Natee K Jindakum/Shutterstock/Glow Images Language Note Author: "OESFB /PSDJB . " Reviewed By: "EPMFTDFOU *OUFSFTU (SPVQ Last Reviewed: +VOF 5PEBZ PG UFFOT JO UIF 6 4 QMBZ WJEFP HBNFT BOE TBMFT PG HBNFT BSF HSPXJOH 5IJT QPQVMBS GPSN PG NFEJB IBT CPUI QPTJUJWF BOE OFHBUJWF FGGFDUT PO DIJMESFO 5IF NPTU XJEFMZ BDLOPXMFEHFE iQPTJUJWFw JNQBDU JT UIBU WJEFP HBNFT NBZ IFMQ DIJMESFO JNQSPWF UIFJS DPNQVUFS MJUFSBDZ &WFS JNQSPWJOH UFDIOPMPHZ BMTP QSPWJEFT QMBZFST XJUI CFUUFS HSBQIJDT UIBU HJWF B NPSF iSFBMJTUJDw WJSUVBM QMBZJOH FYQFSJFODF )PXFWFS TUVEJFT BMTP TIPX UIBU WJEFP HBNFT XJUI WJPMFOU DPOUFOU BSF MJOLFE UP NPSF BHHSFTTJWF CFIBWJPS JO UFFOT 5IJT JT B DPODFSO CFDBVTF NPTU PG UIF QPQVMBS WJEFP HBNFT DPOUBJO WJPMFODF 1BSU PG UIF JODSFBTF JO BHHSFTTJWF CFIBWJPS JT MJOLFE UP UIF BNPVOU PG UJNF DIJMESFO BSF BMMPXFE UP QMBZ WJEFP HBNFT BOE EBJMZ NFEJB VTF CZ DIJMESFO JT JODSFBTJOH TJHOJGJDBOUMZ 3FTFBSDI IBT BMTP GPVOE UIBU DPOUSPMMJOH GPS QSJPS BHHSFTTJPO DIJMESFO XIP QMBZFE NPSF WJPMFOU WJEFP HBNFT EVSJOH UIF CFHJOOJOH PG UIF TDIPPM ZFBS TIPXFE NPSF BHHSFTTJPO UIBO PUIFS DIJMESFO MBUFS JO UIF TDIPPM ZFBS 1FEJBUSJDT /PW "EBQUFE GSPN 136 Unit 8 XXX QBNG PSH QBSFOUJOH UFFOT HFOFSBM NFEJB XFC WJEFPHBNFT IUNM "DDFTTFE JO "QSJM Reading for General Comprehension 1 Mark the main objective of the text. 5P EJTDVTT UIF FGGFDUT PG WJEFP HBNFT PO UFFOBHFST 5P IFMQ QBSFOUT SFEVDF UIF OFHBUJWF JNQBDU UIBU WJEFP HBNFT IBWF PO UFFOT 2 a. b. c. Match the columns below to better understand the organization of the text. TU OE 3SE QBSBHSBQI QBSBHSBQI UI UI QBSBHSBQIT 5IF BVUIPS QSFTFOUT TPNF QPTJUJWF JNQBDUT PG WJEFP HBNFT 5IF BVUIPS QSFTFOUT TPNF OFHBUJWF JNQBDUT PG WJEFP HBNFT 5IF BVUIPS JOUSPEVDFT UIF UPQJD PG UIF UFYU Reading for Detailed Comprehension Write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statement(s). a. "DDPSEJOH UP UIF UFYU TBMFT PG HBNFT BSF EFDSFBTJOH b. 7JEFP HBNFT NBZ IFMQ DIJMESFO JNQSPWF UIFJS BCJMJUZ UP VTF DPNQVUFST FGGJDJFOUMZ c. 'FX QPQVMBS WJEFP HBNFT DPOUBJO WJPMFODF d. 5FFOT XIP QMBZ NPSF WJPMFOU WJEFP HBNFT UFOE UP CF NPSF BHHSFTTJWF 2 Choose a fragment from the text that supports the idea that kids are using more and more technology every day. 3 What makes this text a reliable source of information? Mark the correct statements below. a. b. 5IF UFYU JT GSPN B OPOQSPGJU XFCTJUF i PSHw c. *U JODMVEFT EBUB GSPN TUVEJFT SFTFBSDI iTUVEJFT BMTP TIPX UIBU w i3FTFBSDI IBT BMTP GPVOE UIBU w d. e. *U DPOUBJOT EJGGJDVMU XPSET BOE FYQSFTTJPOT iXJEFMZ BDLOPXMFEHFEw iMJUFSBDZw Galvão Be Arquivo da rtazzi/ editora 1 *U JT XSJUUFO CZ BO FYQFSU JO B QBSUJDVMBS BSFB i"OESFB /PSDJBw o XIP IPMET B NBTUFS T EFHSFF *U TIPXT UIF MBTU EBUF XIFO UIF UFYU XBT VQEBUFE i-BTU 3FWJFXFEw Having Fun 137 Reading for Critical Thinking Discuss the questions below with your classmates. a. "DDPSEJOH UP UIF UFYU TBMFT PG HBNFT BSF HSPXJOH *O ZPVS PQJOJPO XIZ BSF UFFOT HFUUJOH NPSF BOE NPSF FOHBHFE JO UIJT GPSN PG FOUFSUBJONFOU b. *O ZPV PQJOJPO XIBU DBO QBSFOUT EP JO PSEFS UP SFEVDF UIF OFHBUJWF FGGFDUT UIBU WJEFP HBNFT IBWF PO DIJMESFO cc. )BWF ZPVS QBSFOUT FTUBCMJTIFE SVMFT BCPVU UIF HBNFT ZPV DBO QMBZ *G TP XIJDI POF T %P ZPV GPMMPX UIFN Vocabulary Study Leisure Activities Le © 2012 Thaves/Dist. by Universal Uclick for UFS Read the following comic strip and do exercises 1 and 2. 5)"7&4 #PC 5)"7&4 5PN .BSDI 1 Answer the questions below. a. 8IBU JT UIF CPZ EPJOH JO IJT GSFF UJNF b. *T JU BO JOEPPS PS BO PVUEPPS BDUJWJUZ 2 "WBJMBCMF BU XXX GSBOLBOEFSOFTU DPN "DDFTTFE JO .BZ What does the boy say when he compares computer games to real life? $PNQVUFS HBNFT BSF OPU BT HPPE BT SFBM MJGF $PNQVUFS HBNFT BSF BMNPTU BT HPPE BT SFBM MJGF 3 138 Unit 8 What do you like doing in your free time? Choose your favorite leisure activities on the next pages (139 and 140). Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. Indoor Activities tip Agrupar as palavras por assunto é uma boa forma de aprender e fixar vocabulário novo. DIBUUJOH XJUI GSJFOET PO UIF QIPOF HPJOH UP UIF TIPQQJOH NBMM SFBEJOH ESBXJOH MJTUFOJOH UP NVTJD TVSGJOH UIF OFU HPJOH UP UIF NPWJFT QMBZJOH WJEFP HBNFT XBUDIJOH 57 EPJOH TQPSUT IBWJOH B QJDOJD TLBUFCPBSEJOH GMZJOH B LJUF QMBZJOH NBSCMFT TVSGJOH Ilustrações: Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora Outdoor Activities Having Fun 139 Ilustrações: Galvão Bertazzi/ Arquivo da editora Now complete the Vocabulary Corner on page 158 with what you have learned. HPJOH UP UIF CFBDI tip Não se preocupe em compreender todas as palavras do texto. Apoie-se nas palavras já conhecidas e no seu conhecimento prévio sobre o assunto do texto. TXJNNJOH 4 Listen to the recording and repeat the words from exercise 3. 5 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. b. c. %P ZPV QSFGFS JOEPPS PS PVUEPPS BDUJWJUJFT 8IZ %P ZPV QSFGFS BDUJWJUJFT ZPV DBO EP XJUI GSJFOET PS PO ZPVS PXO %P ZPV IBWF GVO XJUI UFDIOPMPHZ *G TP IPX Taking it Further 1 How much time do you spend playing video games/computer games? In your opinion, is it too much? Why (not)? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at the title and source. What do you expect to read about? Now read the following text and do exercises 3 and 4. What are the warning signs of video game addiction? t 1SFPDDVQBUJPO XJUI UIF (BNF 5IPVHIUT BCPVU QSFWJPVT PO MJOF BDUJWJUZ PS BOUJDJQBUJPO PG UIF OFYU PO MJOF TFTTJPO t 6TF PG UIF (BNF JO JODSFBTJOH BNPVOUT PG UJNF JO PSEFS UP BDIJFWF TBUJTGBDUJPO t 3FQFBUFE VOTVDDFTTGVM FGGPSUT UP DPOUSPM DVU CBDL PS TUPQ (BNF VTF t 'FFMJOHT PG SFTUMFTTOFTT NPPEJOFTT EFQSFTTJPO PS JSSJUBCJMJUZ XIFO BUUFNQUJOH UP DVU EPXO VTF PG UIF (BNF t (BNJOH MPOHFS UIBO PSJHJOBMMZ JOUFOEFE < > t -JFT UP GBNJMZ NFNCFST GSJFOET UIFSBQJTUT PS PUIFST UP DPODFBM UIF FYUFOU PG JOWPMWFNFOU XJUI UIF (BNF t 6TF PG UIF (BNF JT B XBZ UP FTDBQF GSPN QSPCMFNT PS UP SFMJFWF B EZTQIPSJD NPPE F H GFFMJOHT PG IPQFMFTTOFTT HVJMU BOYJFUZ EFQSFTTJPO "WBJMBCMF BU 3 a. b. c. d. 140 Unit 8 XXX BEEJDUJPOSFDPW PSH "EEJDUJPOT "*% "DDFTTFE JO "QSJM GSBHNFOU Mark the warning signs of video game addiction below that are mentioned in the text. 1MBZJOH GPS JODSFBTJOH BNPVOUT PG UJNF (BNJOH UP FTDBQF GSPN SFBM MJGF QSPCMFNT BOYJFUZ PS EFQSFTTJPO 'FFMJOH JSSJUBCMF XIFO USZJOH UP SFEVDF UIF BNPVOU PG UJNF HBNJOH 4QFOEJOH MFTT UJNF XJUI GSJFOET BOE GBNJMZ UP UIF QPJOU PG EJTSVQUJOH TPDJBM MJGF tommaso79/Shutterstock/Glow Images 12 SJEJOH B CJLF 4 a. b. In pairs, ask and answer the questions below. #BTFE PO UIF TJHOT JO UIF UFYU BSF ZPV B WJEFP HBNF BEEJDU %P ZPV UIJOL ZPVS MJGF DPVME CF NVDI CFUUFS XJUIPVU HBNFT 8IZ OPU Language in Use Passive Voice Read the following fragments from page 136 and mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. Galvão Bertazzi/ Arquivo da editora 1 subject i5PEBZ 97% of teens in the U.S QMBZ WJEFP HBNFT w subject “Ever-improving technology BMTP QSPWJEFT QMBZFST XJUI CFUUFS HSBQIJDT w a. *O UIF GSBHNFOUT BCPWF UIF TVCKFDUT BSF UIF SFDFJWFST PG UIF BDUJPOT b. 5IF GSBHNFOUT BSF JO UIF active voice 5IF GPDVT JT PO XIBU IBQQFOT UIF BDUJPO 2 QFSGPSNFST PG UIF BDUJPOT XIBU PS XIP QFSGPSNT UIF BDUJPO UIF QFSGPSNFS PG UIF BDUJPO Complete each statement below with the correct item from the parentheses. Active Voice: Passive Voice: I. Ever-improving technology BMTP QSPWJEFT players XJUI CFUUFS HSBQIJDT subject object II. Players BSF BMTP QSPWJEFE XJUI CFUUFS HSBQIJDT by ever-improving technology subject agent a. 4FOUFODF I JT JO UIF active voice *U GPDVTFT PO UIF QFSGPSNFS PG UIF BDUJPO b. 4FOUFODF II JT JO UIF passive voice *U GPDVTFT PO UIF QFSGPSNFS PG UIF BDUJPO c. *O UIF passive voice UIF PG UIF BDUJPO d. *O UIF passive voice UIF QSFQPTJUJPO by JOUSPEVDFT UIF BHFOU TVCKFDU BDUJPO BDUJPO BHFOU TVCKFDU JT UIF QFSGPSNFS Having Fun 141 tip 3 Note que a formação da voz passiva em inglês é semelhante à formação da voz passiva em português. What is the structure of the passive voice? Players are BMTP provided XJUI CFUUFS HSBQIJDT CZ FWFS JNQSPWJOH UFDIOPMPHZ 4 4VCKFDU BVYJMJBSZ WFSC CF NBJO WFSC JOGJOJUJWF 4VCKFDU BVYJMJBSZ WFSC CF NBJO WFSC QBTU QBSUJDJQMF The following text is a fragment from the same website on which the text on page 136 was published. Read it, focus on the verbs in bold and complete the chart below. www.pamf.org *O JOUFSBDUJWF WJEFP HBNFT QMBZFST are encouraged UP JEFOUJGZ XJUI BOE SPMF QMBZ UIFJS GBWPSJUF DIBSBDUFST 1MBZFST move up JO HBNF MFWFMT BT UIFJS DIBSBDUFS NBTUFST TLJMM BOE XJOT XXX QBNG PSH QBSFOUJOH UFFOT HFOFSBM NFEJB XFC WJEFPHBNFT IUNM Subject “are encouraged” "DDFTTFE JO "QSJM GSBHNFOU Voice 5IF TVCKFDU iQMBZFSTw JT UIF SFDFJWFS PG UIF BDUJPO "DUJWF WPJDF natrot/Shutterstock/Glow Images 'SPN 1BTTJWF WPJDF QFSGPSNFS PG UIF BDUJPO 5IF TVCKFDU iQMBZFSTw JT UIF “move up” SFDFJWFS PG UIF BDUJPO "DUJWF WPJDF 1BTTJWF WPJDF QFSGPSNFS PG UIF BDUJPO 5 Now go back to the text on page 136 and find a fragment with the verb in the passive voice. 6 Read the following text about video game addiction and complete it with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. #FGPSF UIF Veronica Louro/Shutterstock/ Glow Images Video Game Addiction T WJEFP HBNF BEEJDUJPO EJEO U SFBMMZ FWFO FYJTU ,JET POMZ QMBZFE XFSF QMBZFE WJEFP HBNFT XIFO UIFZ XFOU UP BSDBEFT BOE UIFZ DPVMEO U QMBZ BOZNPSF PODF UIFZ IBE SVO PVU PG RVBSUFST 8JUI UIF JOWFOUJPO PG IPNF WJEFP HBNF TZTUFNT B GFX EFDBEFT BHP DIJMESFO OP MPOHFS MJNJUFE XFSF OP MPOHFS MJNJUFE CZ UIF DIBOHF JO UIFJS QPDLFUT 5PEBZ NJMMJPOT PG IPNFT FRVJQ BSF FRVJQQFE XJUI WJEFP HBNF TZTUFNT BOE DPNQVUFST BOE NBOZ LJET TFFN UP IBWF EFWFMPQFE IBWF CFFO EFWFMPQFE WJEFP HBNF BEEJDUJPOT 'SPN 142 Unit 8 XXX LJEQPJOU[ DPN WJEFP HBNF BEEJDUJPO "DDFTTFE JO "QSJM GSBHNFOU Read the following game reviews and underline the verbs in the passive voice. www.metacritic.com/game Critic Score Most active Publication Most clicked view 30 100 per page Kevin_Online.nz 75 /PW Reprodução/Konami 5IF 1$ WFSTJPO PG 1SP &WPMVUJPO 4PDDFS JT B MFUEPXO 1$T BSF CFJOH USFBUFE VOGBJSMZ UIJT ZFBS BOE HFU POMZ TPNF PG UIF OFX TUVGG BOE OPU FWFSZUIJOH XPSLT UIF XBZ JU TIPVME "WBJMBCMF BU XXX NFUBDSJUJD DPN HBNF QD QSP FWPMVUJPO TPDDFS DSJUJD SFWJFXT "DDFTTFE JO "QSJM GSBHNFOU www.metacritic.com/game Critic Score Most active Publication Most clicked view 30 100 per page Bob.ninja 63 +VM Reprodução/AQ Interactive *U JT B DSFBUJWF %4 HBNF :PV DPOUSPM UIF UJOZ OJOKB CZ VTJOH UIF HZSPTFOTPS JO UIF %4 5IBU JT QSFUUZ DSFBUJWF CVU B TNBSUQIPOF BMTP IBT B HZSPTFOTPS TPøXIZ IBT $VCJD /JOKB CFFO QVCMJTIFE PO UIF %4 5IFSF JT OP SFBM VTF PG UIF CVUUPOT PS UIF % FGGFDU "EBQUFE GSPN XXX NFUBDSJUJD DPN HBNF ET DVCJD OJOKB DSJUJD SFWJFXT "DDFTTFE JO "QSJM www.metacritic.com/game Critic Score Most active Publication Most clicked view 30 100 per page Geek_Gaming 51 'FC Reprodução/Atari 7 *U T HPPE JU T TPMJE CVU UIF QSJDF DBO U CF JHOPSFE *G ZPV XBOU UIJT LJOE PG HBNF BOE JG ZPV IBWF BDDFTT UP B TNBSUQIPOF IJU UIFJS SFTQFDUJWF BQQ TUPSFT o ZPVS NPOFZ XJMM CF CFUUFS TQFOU "EBQUFE GSPN XXX NFUBDSJUJD DPN HBNF ET J IFBSU HFFLT DSJUJD SFWJFXT "DDFTTFE JO "QSJM Having Fun 143 tip 8 Na voz passiva, o verbo auxiliar be é usado no mesmo tempo verbal do verbo principal da frase correspondente na voz ativa. a. Write each fragment below in the active voice as in the following example. Present Continuous 1BTTJWF WPJDF i1$T are being treated VOGBJSMZ UIJT ZFBS w "DUJWF WPJDF 1FPQMF b. BSF tSFBtJOH 1$T VOGBJSMZ UIJT ZFBS Present Perfect 1BTTJWF WPJDF i8IZ has $VCJD /JOKB been published PO UIF %4 w "DUJWF WPJDF 8IZ c. UIFZ $VCJD /JOKB PO UIF %4 Future with will 1BTTJWF WPJDF i:PVS NPOFZ will be CFUUFS spent w "DUJWF WPJDF :PV d. Modal verb 1BTTJWF WPJDF i "DUJWF WPJDF Go to Language Reference in Context on page 175. 9 a. b. c. ZPVS NPOFZ CFUUFS UIF QSJDF can’t be ignored w ZPV UIF QSJDF Mark the correct statements about the game reviews in exercise 7. 5IFZ BSF XSJUUFO CZ QSPGFTTJPOBM DSJUJDT &BDI SFWJFX JT BCPVU B EJGGFSFOU HBNF 5IF UISFF HBNF SFWJFXT BSF QPTJUJWF Listening and Speaking 13 1 Do you play active video games? If so, which one(s)? 2 Listen to a part of an Australian news program on the radio about active video gaming. What have researchers found out about it? "DUJWF WJEFP HBNJOH DBO IFMQ GJHIU PCFTJUZ "DUJWF WJEFP HBNJOH DBO SFQMBDF PVUEPPS BDUJWJUJFT PS TQPSUT 13 3 a. Listen to the recording again and mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. 5IF JOTUJUVUJPO SFTQPOTJCMF GPS UIF OFX TUVEZ NFOUJPOFE JO UIF SFDPSEJOH JT UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 4ZEOFZ b. 3FTFBSDIFST IBWF GPVOE UIBU BDUJWF WJEFP HBNFT DBO IFMQ ZPV MPTF XFJHIU XJUI KVTU NJOVUFT B EBZ c. UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 2VFFOTMBOE NJOVUFT B EBZ 5IF TUVEZ GPVOE UIBU UIPTF QMBZJOH BDUJWF WJEFP HBNFT MPTU UXJDF BT NVDI XFJHIU BT UIPTF DIJMESFO QVU PO B XFJHIU MPTT QMBO UISFF UJNFT BT NVDI XFJHIU BT UIPTF DIJMESFO QVU PO B XFJHIU MPTT QMBO 144 Unit 8 13 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. 5 Do you play active video games? In your opinion, is active video gaming a healthy way of having fun? 6 Take the following quiz and find out if you have a healthy lifestyle. Then, interview a classmate as in the example below. Use the question words in bold to ask extra questions. 1 )PX PGUFO EP ZPV TQFOE UJNF EPJOH BDUJWF UIJOHT XJUI ZPVS GBNJMZ MJLF QMBZJOH BU IPNF XBMLJOH UIF EPH DZDMJOH PS TXJNNJOH a) OFWFS b) PODF PS UXJDF B XFFL PS MFTT c) NPSF UIBO UXJDF B XFFL Who...? Ilustrações: Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora 2 3 )PX PGUFO EP ZPV XBML DZDMF PS TLBUFCPBSE UP TDIPPM a) OFWFS b) TPNFUJNFT c) NPTU EBZT How long...? 4 )PX NVDI NPEFSBUF PS WJHPSPVT FYFSDJTF EP ZPV VTVBMMZ EP JO B EBZ a) NJOVUFT b) NJOVUFT c) NJOVUFT PS NPSF )PX NVDI UJNF EP ZPV VTVBMMZ TQFOE XBUDIJOH 57 QMBZJOH DPNQVUFS HBNFT SFBEJOH PS EPJOH IPNFXPSL a) NPSF UIBO UXP IPVST B EBZ b) CFUXFFO POF BOE UXP IPVST B EBZ c) OP NPSF UIBO POF IPVS B EBZ What...? What...? Answers: *G ZPV BOTXFSFE mostly C’s FYDFMMFOU o ZPV BSF DVSSFOUMZ MFBEJOH BO BDUJWF MJGF Mostly A’s and B’s o ZPV OFFE UP CF QIZTJDBMMZ BDUJWF GPS BU MFBTU NJOVUFT FWFSZ EBZ $IFDL PVU TPNF QIZTJDBM BDUJWJUZ JEFBT "EBQUFE GSPN XXX IFBMUIZLJET OTX HPW BV LJET UFFOT LJET BDUJWJUJFT IFBMUIZ LJET RVJ[ BTQY "DDFTTFE JO "QSJM Student A: How much moderate or vigorous exercise do you usually do in a day? Student B: Hmmm... Not much. Something like 15 minutes. Student A: What physical activities do you usually do? Student B: I go to school by bike. Having Fun 145 Writing In this unit you have read game reviews on page 143. Game reviews are usually published in magazines and websites about games. They can be written by professional critics or by anyone who wants to share their opinions about a game. Game reviews help us decide if a game is worth playing. Visit the websites <www.metacritic.com/game> and <www.polygon.com/ games/reviewed> to find other examples of game reviews. 1 Write a review to express your thoughts about a particular game. Writing Context tip Before writing your text, match the columns below to identify the elements of the writing context. Ao revisar os textos, considere, por exemplo: a. 8SJUFS b. 3FBEFST c. (FOSF d. 0CKFDUJWF e. 4UZMF f. .FEJB t objetivo: A resenha está adequada ao público-alvo e ao seu objetivo? t conteúdo: Você verificou as informações gerais do jogo? t linguagem: O texto está redigido de maneira clara e objetiva? Você escolheu bons adjetivos para descrever sua opinião sobre o jogo? Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão feita por você e seus colegas. Unit 8 TDIPPM OFXTQBQFS *OUFSOFU ZPV DSJUJDBM UPOF HBNF SFWJFX FYQSFTT ZPVS UIPVHIUT BCPVU B QBSUJDVMBS HBNF Step by Step 1. 5IJOL PG B HBNF UP XSJUF B SFWJFX PG :PV DBO XSJUF B QPTJUJWF NJYFE PS OFHBUJWF SFWJFX 2. 4UBSU ZPVS SFWJFX CZ HJWJOH UIF OBNF PG UIF HBNF BOE NFOUJPOJOH POF PG JUT HFOFSBM GFBUVSFT 3. $SJUJRVF UIF HBNF CZ TUBUJOH ZPVS PQJOJPO 5SZ UP FYQMBJO ZPVS SFBTPOT BOE QSPWJEF FYBNQMFT TQFDJGJD EFUBJMT UP TVQQPSU ZPVS WJFXQPJOU 4. .FOUJPO JG ZPV SFDPNNFOE UIF HBNF #F IPOFTU 5. 3BUF UIF HBNF VTJOH BO FBTZ TZTUFN F H PVU PG TUBST 6. "EE B QJDUVSF PG UIF HBNF UP JMMVTUSBUF ZPVS SFWJFX 7. &YDIBOHF SFWJFXT XJUI B DMBTTNBUF BOE EJTDVTT UIFN 8. .BLF UIF OFDFTTBSZ DPSSFDUJPOT 9. 8SJUF UIF GJOBM WFSTJPO PG UIF HBNF SFWJFX 2 146 DMBTTNBUFT BOE PUIFS QFPQMF It’s time to share your game review with your classmates and other people. The game reviews can be published, for example, on the Internet (blog, school website etc.) or in the school newspaper. Looking Ahead Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora In this unit you have talked about leisure activities. Read the chart below “Leisure time on an average day” and, in small groups, discuss the following questions about it. Leisure time on an average day Socializing and communicating (39 minutes) Other leisure activities (16 minutes) Reading (19 minutes) Watching TV (2.8 hours) Participating in sports, exercise, recreation (18 minutes) Playing games: using computer for leisure (26 minutes) Relaxing and thinking (18 minutes) Total leisure and sports time = 5.0 hours NOTE: Data include all persons aged 15 and over. Data include all days of the week and are annual averages for 2013. XXX CMT HPW UVT DIBSUT DIBSU QEG a. #BTFE PO UIF DIBSU BCPWF XIJDI MFJTVSF BDUJWJUZ JT UIF NPTU QPQVMBS BNPOH JOEJWJEVBMT BHFE BOE PWFS )PX MPOH EP UIFZ TQFOE PO UIJT BDUJWJUZ PO BO BWFSBHF EBZ b. $POTJEFSJOH UIF MFJTVSF BDUJWJUJFT PO UIF DIBSU XIBU BSF ZPVS UPQ UISFF BDUJWJUJFT )PX MPOH EP ZPV TQFOE PO FBDI POF FWFSZEBZ c. "DDPSEJOH UP UIF DIBSU JOEJWJEVBMT BHFE BOE PWFS TQFOE IPVST PO BO BWFSBHF EBZ PO MFJTVSF BOE TQPSUT *O ZPVS PQJOJPO JT JU UPP NVDI 8IZ OPU )PX BCPVU ZPV )PX NVDI UJNF EP ZPV TQFOE PO MFJTVSF BDUJWJUJFT BOE TQPSUT FWFSZEBZ "DDFTTFE JO "QSJM Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora "WBJMBCMF BU Extra Reading <www.video-game-addiction.org/symptoms-computer-addiction-teens.html> <www.livescience.com/22281-teens-video-games-health-risks.html> Extra Video <http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/Escaping-Video-Game-Addiction-C> Having Fun 147
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