Payment of Interest on Own Capital
Payment of Interest on Own Capital
CESP – COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE SÃO PAULO CNPJ Nº 60.933.603/0001-78 NIRE No. 35300011996 Notice to Shareholders Payment of Interests on Capital CESP – Companhia Energética de São Paulo hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that its Board of Directors, in a meeting held on August 13, 2013, approved the payment of interest on capital of R$.85,000,000.00 (eighty-five million reais), as per Law no. 9.249/95 and the Bylaws, as shown below: Common Shares, amount of R$ 29,015,772.26, equivalent to R$ 0.2657911635 per share; Class B Preferred Shares, amount of R$ 55,984,227.74, equivalent to R$ 0.2657911635 per share. 1. Payment will be made until October 31, 2013. 2. Shareholders with position as of August 16, 2013 shall be entitled to Interest on Capital, and all shares traded on BM&FBOVESPA (Stock Exchange) as from August 19, 2013 shall be traded “ex-interest on capital”. 3. The payment related to interest on capital will be deducted from the amount of dividends payable, as per current legislation, and pursuant to the terms of Sole Paragraph of Article 31 of the Company’s Bylaws. CREDITING OF INTEREST 4. The shareholders will receive the credit as per the registration provided to Itaú Unibanco S.A., the depository institution of this Company’s shares, after the start date for payment of this right. Shareholders whose registrations are outdated and do not have their CPF/CNPJ number or bank credit options will have their interest credited in 3 (three) business days after the registration update is in effect in the electronic files of the respective bank. In this case, the update can be made at any Itaú Unibanco S.A. branch. Shareholders that make use of the fiduciary custody will have interest credited as per the registration provided to the BM&FBOVESPA. 5. Shareholders who have certificates representing the shares can only be qualified for receiving interest after their conversion to the book-entry system, as per Law 8.021/90, after going in person to CESP, at Nossa Senhora do Sabará, 5312, Office 43, São Paulo, SP, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am and from 1:30 pm and 4:30 pm, or to Itaú Unibanco S.A. branches located throughout the country, during banking hours, presenting the documents and the certificates for updating and conversion of their shares to the book-entry system. 6. A 15 % withholding Income Tax will be applied on the sum for the interest on capital in accordance with legislation currently in effect and, for those shareholders who are exempt, should forward, by 8/26/2013, an authenticated copy of the Receipt of Delivery of the Declaration of Exemption from Income Tax – Individual or Legal Entity to CESP - Companhia Energética de São Paulo, Av. Nossa Senhora do Sabará, 5312, CEP 04447-011, Office 43, São Paulo – SP. 7. The Company will opportunely advise the shareholders of the date for the effective payment of Interest on Own Capital. 8. Additional explanations can be obtained by calling (11) 5613-3963 and 5613-3964. São Paulo, August 14, 2013 Almir Fernando Martins Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer
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