O Triunfo de Newton - Universidade de Lisboa


O Triunfo de Newton - Universidade de Lisboa
O Triunfo de Newton
José Félix Costa1
1 Departamento de Matemática, IST, Universidade de Lisboa
October 2, 2015
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O Triunfo de Newton
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Distâncias no sistema solar
1. Distâncias no Sistema Solar
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Distâncias no sistema solar
Distâncias no sistema solar
Figura: O Sol.
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Distâncias no sistema solar
Distâncias no sistema solar
Figura: Como calcular a distância da Terra ao Sol?
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Distâncias no sistema solar
Distâncias no sistema solar
Figura: A Lua.
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Distâncias no sistema solar
Distâncias no sistema solar
Figura: Como calcular a distância da Terra ao Sol?
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William Herschel
2. William Herschel
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William Herschel
13 de março de 1781: A descoberta de Urano
Figura: A descoberta de Urano.
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William Herschel
13 de Março de 1781: A descoberta de Urano
Figura: O telescópio de Herschel.
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A órbita de Urano
3. A Órbita de Urano
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A órbita de Urano
Georgium sidus
Herschel explica
“The power I had on when I first saw the comet was 227. From experience I know that the
diameters of the fixed stars are not proportionally magnified with higher powers, as planets are;
therefore I now put the powers at 460 and 932, and found that the diameter of the comet
increased in proportion to the power, as it ought to be, on the supposition of its not being a
fixed star, while the diameters of the stars to which I compared it were not increased in the
same ratio. Moreover, the comet being magnified much beyond what its light would admit of,
appeared hazy and ill-defined with these great powers, while the stars preserved that lustre and
distinctness which from many thousand observations I knew they would retain. The sequel has
shown that my surmises were well-founded, this proving to be the Comet we have lately
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A órbita de Urano
Georgium sidus
Herschel explica
“In the fabulous ages of ancient times the appellations of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn were given to the Planets, as being the names of their principal heroes and divinities. In
the present more philosophical era it would hardly be allowable to have recourse to the same
method and call it Juno, Pallas, Apollo or Minerva, for a name to our new heavenly body. The
first consideration of any particular event, or remarkable incident, seems to be its chronology: if
in any future age it should be asked, when this last-found Planet was discovered? It would be a
very satisfactory answer to say, ’In the reign of King George the Third’.”
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A órbita de Urano
Uma órbita perturbada
Figura: Órbitas perturbadas.
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Leverrier e Adams
4. Urbain Le Verrier e John Adams
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Leverrier e Adams
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Leverrier e Adams
John Couch Adams (1819–1892)
Figura: John Couch Adams.
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Leverrier e Adams
George Biddell Airy (1801–1892)
Carta de Airy a Adams
“We have often thought of the irregularity of Uranus, and since the receipt
of your letter have looked more carefully to it. It is a puzzling subject, but
we give it as my opinion, without hesitation, that it is not yet in such a
state as to give the smallest hope of making out the nature of any external
action on the planet [...] But [even] if it were certain that there were any
extraneous action, we doubt much the possibility of determining the place
of a planet which produced it. We are sure it could not be done till the
nature of the irregularity was well determined from successive revolutions.”
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Leverrier e Adams
Uma órbita perturbada
Figura: Predições da posição de Neptuno.
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Leverrier e Adams
Numa outra carta, Airy escreve a Adams:
Outra carta de Airy a Adams
“We are very much obliged by the paper of results which you left here a
few days since, showing the perturbations on the place of Uranus produced
by a planet with certain assumed elements.
The latter numbers are all extremely satisfactory: we are not enough
acquainted with Flamsteed’s observations about 1690 to say whether they
bear such an error, but we think it extremely probable.
But we should be very glad to know whether this assumed perturbation
will explain the error of the radius vector of Uranus. This error is now very
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Johann Gottfried Galle
5. Johann Gottfried Galle
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Johann Gottfried Galle
23 de Setembro de 1846
Figura: Predições da posição de Neptuno.
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Johann Gottfried Galle
Uma órbita perturbada
Figura: Predições da posição de Neptuno.
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Johann Gottfried Galle
Johann Gottfried Galle
Em 18 de setembro de 1846, Leverrier escreveu a Johann Gottfried Galle,
assistente de Olaus Römer. Esta carta foi recebida por Galle em 23 de
Imediatamente, Galle pediu ao seu superior, Johann Franz Encke, Director
do Observatório de Berlim, permissão para procurar o planeta.
Galle e d’Arrest
Na mesma noite, Galle assistido por Heinrich Louis d’Arrest encontrou
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Johann Gottfried Galle
Johann Gottfried Galle
Em 18 de setembro de 1846, Leverrier escreveu a Johann Gottfried Galle,
assistente de Olaus Römer. Esta carta foi recebida por Galle em 23 de
Imediatamente, Galle pediu ao seu superior, Johann Franz Encke, Director
do Observatório de Berlim, permissão para procurar o planeta.
Galle e d’Arrest
Na mesma noite, Galle assistido por Heinrich Louis d’Arrest encontrou
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Johann Gottfried Galle
Johann Gottfried Galle
Em 18 de setembro de 1846, Leverrier escreveu a Johann Gottfried Galle,
assistente de Olaus Römer. Esta carta foi recebida por Galle em 23 de
Imediatamente, Galle pediu ao seu superior, Johann Franz Encke, Director
do Observatório de Berlim, permissão para procurar o planeta.
Galle e d’Arrest
Na mesma noite, Galle assistido por Heinrich Louis d’Arrest encontrou
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Johann Gottfried Galle
Johann Gottfried Galle
Em 18 de setembro de 1846, Leverrier escreveu a Johann Gottfried Galle,
assistente de Olaus Römer. Esta carta foi recebida por Galle em 23 de
Imediatamente, Galle pediu ao seu superior, Johann Franz Encke, Director
do Observatório de Berlim, permissão para procurar o planeta.
Galle e d’Arrest
Na mesma noite, Galle assistido por Heinrich Louis d’Arrest encontrou
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Johann Gottfried Galle
Um ciclo depois
Figura: Neptuno, descoberto em 1846, completou a sua primeira órbita em 2011.
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Johann Gottfried Galle
E se fosse Eris?
Figura: Eris, descoberto em 2005, tem massa maior do que a de Plutão.
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Johann Gottfried Galle
E se fosse Eris?
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Johann Gottfried Galle
A trajetória do Sol nesta estranha lua de Urano
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