1 - Claudio Franco
1 - Claudio Franco
Hello Warming Up! Como você costuma cumprimentar seus amigos? E sua família? E seus professores? Christopher Futcher/Getty Images Crédito/Arquivo da Editora Você já usou expressões em inglês para cumprimentar alguém? Em caso afirmativo, quais? Escola Estadual Nossa Senhora do Belo Ramo, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Série 6, Mathematics. 18 Learning Objectives t t t t t UP MFBSO IPX UP VTF HSFFUJOHT BOE JOUSPEVDF QFPQMF UP MFBSO IPX UP VTF TVCKFDU QSPOPVOT UP MFBSO IPX UP VTF UIF BGGJSNBUJWF GPSN PG UIF WFSC to be UP FYQMPSF NPUJWBUJPOBM QPTUFST UP FTUBCMJTI DPOOFDUJPOT XJUI )JTUPSZ BOE (FPHSBQIZ �19 Before Reading Observe as imagens e a fonte (source) do texto. Isso ajudará você a compreendê-lo. tip A partir das imagens, faça previsões sobre o que você vai ler. Isso vai ajudar você a compreender o texto. tip Answer the questions below. a. b. c. 7PD DPTUVNB MFS IJTUØSJBT FN RVBESJOIPT comics 2 a. b. c. 3 2VBJT IJTUØSJBT FN RVBESJOIPT WPD DPOIFDF 2VBM Ï B TVB QSFGFSJEB 2VBJT FMFNFOUPT TÍP DPNVOT OBT IJTUØSJBT FN RVBESJOIPT CBMÜFT EF GBMB CBMÜFT EF QFOTBNFOUP POPNBUPQFJBT boom, splash USBWFTTÍP Take a look at the pictures and the source of the following text. Then, mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. 5IF UFYU JT B DBSUPPO DPNJD TUSJQ 5IF UFYU JT GSPN B CPPL XFCTJUF 5IF NBJO DIBSBDUFS JT B EPH HJSM Look at the pictures again and mark what you expect to find in the text. FYQSFTTÜFT EF DVNQSJNFOUP FYQSFTTÜFT EF EFTQFEJEB FYQSFTTÜFT EF TFOUJNFOUP VNB GSBTF FOHSBÎBEB Reading Now read the text below to check your predictions. © Charles M. Schulz/Peanuts United Media/Ipress tip 1 Ao ler histórias em quadrinhos, observe as relações entre os elementos verbais e não verbais. 4$)6-; $IBSMFT Classic Peanuts "WBJMBCMF BU 20 Unit 1 XXX QFBOVUT DPN "DDFTTFE JO +VMZ Reading for General Comprehension Na história em quadrinhos, todas as as meninas, ao encontrar Snoopy, fazem a mesma coisa. Que coisa é essa? Reading for Detailed Comprehension 1 Match the columns below. a. b. c. $IBSMFT 4DIVM[ JT UIF OBNF PG UIF DPNJD TUSJQ 1FBOVUT JT UIF OBNF PG UIF EPH 4OPPQZ JT UIF OBNF PG UIF DSFBUPS PG UIF DPNJD TUSJQ 2 Complete the following sentences. Use the expressions from the box below. i)PX T UIF CPZ w t iUIF CPZw t i3BUT w t i)J 4OPPQZw a. b. c. d. 3 i)FMMP 4OPPQZw JT FRVJWBMFOU UP i)PX BSF ZPV UPEBZ w JT FRVJWBMFOU UP i5JHFSw BOE SFGFS UP i4OPPQZw 5IF FYDMBNBUJPO 4 $PNP 4OPPQZ Ï DIBNBEP QPS VNB EBT NFOJOBT i4VHBS MJQTw $PNP 4OPPQZ HPTUBSJB EF TFS DIBNBEP i5JHFSw © Charles M. Schulz/Peanuts United Media/Ipress Focus on the following panels and mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. a. tip Observe que, em um texto, diferentes palavras e expressões podem se referir ao mesmo elemento. tip Amigos costumam usar termos e expressões informais para se referir um ao outro como tiger (equivalente a “garotão”) e sugar-lips (equivalente a “lábios de mel”). i3BUT w JT BO FYBNQMF PG GPSNBM MBOHVBHF b. Ao ler, você pode buscar uma compreensão geral do texto ou a identificação de informações específicas. FYQSFTTFT JSSJUBUJPO Match the columns below. a. b. tip JOGPSNBM MBOHVBHF 4OPPQZ JT FYDJUFE GSVTUSBUFE Hello 21 5 Releia os quadrinhos do exercício 4. Por que Snoopy está se sentindo assim? 1PSRVF BT NFOJOBT P DVNQSJNFOUBN BQFOBT DPN BDFOPT PV BQFSUP EF NÍP 1PSRVF FMF OÍP UFN VN CPN SFMBDJPOBNFOUP DPN BT NFOJOBT RVF P DVNQSJNFOUBN Reading for Critical Thinking Discuss the questions below with your classmates. a. /B IJTUØSJB FN RVBESJOIPT Ï QPTTÓWFM QFSDFCFS RVF UPEBT BT QFSTPOBHFOT DVNQSJNFOUBN 4OPPQZ 0 DVNQSJNFOUP QPEF TFS WJTUP DPNP VN TJOBM EF FEVDBÎÍP EF HFOUJMF[B 2VBJT BUJUVEFT F PV HFTUPT EPT QFSTPOBHFOT BP DVNQSJNFOUBS 4OPPQZ TÍP CPOT FYFNQMPT EF HFOUJMF[B b. 7PD UFN P IÈCJUP EF DVNQSJNFOUBS BT QFTTPBT BP FODPOUSÈ MBT OB TVB SVB OB FTDPMB OP FMFWBEPS FUD 2VBJT TÍP BT DPOTFRV ODJBT EF BEPUBS CPBT NBOFJSBT OP DPOWÓWJP TPDJBM Vocabulary Study Greetings 1 Imagine Snoopy can talk and complete the following dialogs with the expressions from the box below. * N GJOF UIBOLT t )FMMP 4BMMZ tip Dialog 1: Dialog 2: © Charles M. Schulz/Peanuts United Media/Ipress Veja que há diferentes maneiras de cumprimentar uma pessoa: Hi. / Hi, there. / Hello. / How are you today? 2 22 Unit 1 In pairs, practice the dialogs below. Use your own names and take turns. Dialog 1: Dialog 2 Student A: Hi, there, (name)! Student A: Hi, (name). How are you today? Student B: Hello, (name). Student B: I’m fine, thanks. Read the following comic strip and mark the correct answers to the questions below. © 1981 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick 3 %"7*4 +JN Garfield "WBJMBCMF BU a. b. c. HBSGJFME DPN DPNJD "DDFTTFE JO +VMZ *T (BSGJFME JO B HPPE NPPE JO UIF NPSOJOH :FT /P *T (BSGJFME B NPSOJOH QFSTPO :FT /P "SF ZPV B NPSOJOH QFSTPO :FT /P Read another comic strip and mark the correct answers to the questions below. © Charles M. Schulz/ Peanuts United Media/Ipress 4 IUUQ 4$)6-; $IBSMFT Peanuts "WBJMBCMF BU XXX QFBOVUT DPN XQ DPOUFOU DPNJD TUSJQ DPMPS MPX SFTPMVUJPO EFTLUPQ EBJMZ QF@D KQH "DDFTTFE JO +VMZ a. 8IBU QFSJPE PG UIF EBZ JT JU .PSOJOH b. &WFOJOH 8IBU EPFT i(PPE OJHIU 4OPPQZyw JOEJDBUF $IBSMJF #SPXO JT TBZJOH hello UP 4OPPQZ $IBSMJF #SPXO JT TBZJOH goodbye UP 4OPPQZ c. 5P $IBSMJF #SPXO JT JU B HPPE JEFB UP XBUDI 57 MBUF JOUP UIF OJHIU :FT /P tip Apoie-se em palavras parecidas com o português (television, temptation) para fazer previsões sobre o texto e compreendê-lo. Tome cuidado com palavras que têm uma forma semelhante ao português, mas têm um significado diferente. Late, por exemplo, parece uma forma do verbo “latir” em português, mas em inglês, na tirinha, significa “tarde”. Hello 23 5 Use the expressions from the following box to fill in the gaps as in the example below. (PPE NPSOJOH t (PPE BGUFSOPPO t (PPE OJHIU t (PPE FWFOJOH b. a. (PPE BGUFSOPPO d. Ilustrações: Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora c. 4 Now complete the Vocabulary Corner on page 154 with what you have learned. 24 Unit 1 6 Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 5. 7 Complete the sentences below with good evening or good night. a. b. *O UIF FWFOJOH XF VTF UP TBZ hello UP B QFSTPO *O UIF FWFOJOH XF VTF UP TBZ goodbye UP B QFSTPO Taking it Further tip Read the following text and mark the correct item that completes each sentence below. Ao consultar um verbete no dicionário, busque identificar o significado mais adequado ao contexto de uso do termo consultado. 0 votes, 1029th most popular a. 5IF UFYU JT B QPTUFS NBHB[JOF DPWFS b. 5IF GMBH JO UIF UFYU JT GSPN $BOBEB "VTUSBMJB c. i( EBZw JT UIF DPOUSBDUJPO PG Reprodução/<www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk> iHPPE EBZw iHPPE NPSOJOHw d. ( EBZ JT BO FYBNQMF PG JOGPSNBM MBOHVBHF GPSNBM MBOHVBHF "WBJMBCMF BU XXX LFFQDBMN P NBUJD DP VL Q LFFQ DBMN BOE H EBZ NBUF "DDFTTFE JO +VMZ Think about it! Observe os ícones acima do texto e a fonte indicada. Onde o texto foi publicado? O que os ícones devem significar? Agora, considere o contexto e consulte o verbete. Na sua opinião, qual é o significado de mate no texto? Le@rning on the Web 1BSB DPOIFDFS PVUSBT QBMBWSBT F FYQSFTTÜFT UÓQJDBT EP JOHM T VTBEP OB "VTUSÈMJB WJTJUF XXX LPBMBOFU DPN BV BVTUSBMJBO TMBOH IUNM BDFTTP FN BHPTUP EF Think about it! O cartaz motivacional ao lado foi produzido pelo governo britânico no início da Segunda Guerra Mundial para encorajar a população, mas não ficou conhecido na época. Desde que um exemplar foi redescoberto em 2000, o cartaz ganhou popularidade e tem sido utilizado e adaptado por muitas pessoas e empresas. O cartaz original traz a coroa que simboliza o estado britânico acima do slogan. Na sua opinião, por que a coroa britânica foi substituída pela bandeira no texto do exercício? Reprodução/www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk> tip Em inglês, assim como em português, alguns termos são mais usados em alguns lugares. A expressão G’day, mate!, por exemplo, é muito utilizada na Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Hello 25 Language in Use Subject Pronouns / Verb to be: affirmative form © 1978 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/ Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick Read the comic strip below and do exercises 1-3. %"7*4 +JN Garfield "WBJMBCMF BU IUUQ HBSGJFME DPN DPNJD 1 Write 1, 2 or 3 for each item below. Use the Glossary on page 177, if necessary. a. b. 26"%3*/)0 (BSGJFME BQSFTFOUB TF F BQSFTFOUB TFV EPOP 26"%3*/)0 +PO BQSFTFOUB TF F BQSFTFOUB TFV BOJNBM EF FTUJNBÎÍP BPT MFJUPSFT c. 26"%3*/)0 +PO EJ[ RVF P PCKFUJWP EPT QFSTPOBHFOT EB UJSJOIB Ï FOUSFUFS PT MFJUPSFT d. 26"%3*/)0 (BSGJFME QFOTB BQFOBT FN TFS BMJNFOUBEP 2 Match the columns below. a. 5IF FYQSFTTJPO +PO BOE (BSGJFME VTF UP TBZ hello JT b. 5IF FYQSFTTJPO +PO VTFT UP SFWFBM IJT QSPGFTTJPO JT c. 5IF FYQSFTTJPO +PO VTFT UP JOUSPEVDF (BSGJFME JT d. 5IF FYQSFTTJPO (BSGJFME VTFT UP JOUSPEVDF +PO JT 3 tip I é o único pronome que é sempre escrito com letra maiúscula. a. b. c. d. e. f. 4 a. 26 Unit 1 "DDFTTFE JO +VMZ iUIJT JT NZ DBSUPPOJTU +PO w iUIJT JT NZ DBU (BSGJFME w i* N B DBSUPPOJTU w i)J UIFSF w Complete the sentences as in the example below. Use expressions from the comic strip above. i* BN (BSGJFMEw JT FRVJWBMFOU UP “I N (BSGJFMEw i* BN +PO "SCVDLMFw JT FRVJWBMFOU UP i* BN B DBSUPPOJTUw JT FRVJWBMFOU UP i* BN B DBUw JT FRVJWBMFOU UP i.Z OBNF JT (BSGJFMEw JT FRVJWBMFOU UP i.Z OBNF JT +PO "SCVDLMFw JT FRVJWBMFOU UP Now complete the following sentences about you. .Z OBNF JT b. B TUVEFOU a. JT +PO )FhT +PO BSF GSJFOET 8F SF GSJFOET Mr. VTFE GPS NFO NBSSJFE PS TJOHMF Mrs. VTFE GPS NBSSJFE XPNFO b. *U JT 0EJF *UhT 0EJF 6 Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 5. 7 Who are they? Write sentences as in the example below. Use contracted forms. c. Divulgação/Fox Broadcasting Company 4IF JT -J[ 4IFAT -J[ © 1994 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/ Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick © 2008 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick * BN (BSGJFME * N (BSGJFME Helga Esteb/Shutterstock/Glow Images 5 AGIF/Shutterstock/Glow Images © 1996 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/ Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick © 2000 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/ Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick © 1994 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/ Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick © 1996 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/ Dist. By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick 5 Get to know Garfield’s friends and complete the gaps below. tip As formas verbais contraídas tais como I’m, He’s, She’s, It’s, We’re, They’re são usadas na linguagem coloquial, como em conversas entre amigos, tirinhas etc. 5IFZ BSF .S BOE .ST "SCVDLMF .S BOE .ST "SCVDLMF Language Note Miss VTFE GPS TJOHMF XPNFO Ms. VTFE GPS NBSSJFE PS TJOHMF XPNFO )F T NFZNBS Hello 27 e. Fernando Soutello/Agif/Folhapress Frank Franklin II/AP Photo/Glow Images d. f. "OE XIP BSF ZPV :PVS QJDUVSF *N 8 Complete the following sentences with am, is or are as in the example below. Then, match the sentences to the pictures from exercise 7 (a-f). C 4IF JT 5IFZ )F * 4IF Go to Language Reference in Context on page 166. #SB[JMJBO TJOHFST B #SB[JMJBO TPDDFS QMBZFS B TUVEFOU 5IFZ 9 B $PMPNCJBO TJOHFS B WFSZ GVOOZ GBNJMZ B XPNFOhT SJHIUT BDUJWJTU GSPN 1BLJTUBO Read the following fragments from the book I Am Malala and use am, is or are to complete them. a. i8F b. i* c. i5PEBZ XF BMM LOPX FEVDBUJPO QFBDF MPWJOH w QBHF ) B QBUSJPU BOE * MPWF NZ DPVOUSZ w QBHF ) PVS CBTJD SJHIU w QBHF ) 'SPN :064"';"* .BMBMB -".# $ISJTUJOB I Am Malala 5IF (JSM 8IP 4UPPE 6Q GPS &EVDBUJPO BOE XBT 4IPU CZ UIF 5BMJCBO -POEPO -JUUMF #SPXO BOE $PNQBOZ Listening and Speaking 1 Which items are used to say hello and which ones to say goodbye? Complete the following chart with the items from the box below. #ZF t #ZF CZF t )FZ UIFSF t )J t )JZB t 4FF ZPV Greetings (saying hello) 6 28 Unit 1 2 Farewells (saying goodbye) Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 1. 3 7 Listen to two different conversations and focus on the general idea of each one. Where are they? b. Conversation 1: Conversation 2: At home. At home. At school. At school. Não se preocupe em entender tudo o que ouvir. Concentre-se neste momento em identificar o contexto de cada conversa. Ilustrações: Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora a. tip 7 4 Before listening to the conversations again, try to complete the following gaps. Use the expressions from the box below. Then, listen to the recording again and check your answers. I’m fine, thanks. • How are you? • this is my friend • Nice to meet you too CONVERSATION 1 CONVERSATION 2 Language Note — Hello, Bia. — Hi, Mom. What’s up? — Hi, Douglas. — Not much. How are you? — I’m great. And you? — What’s up? (colloquial) = What’s going on? / How are you? Gotta go to school. — Me too. Douglas, — Ok, bye bye. Rachel. Rachel, this is Douglas. He is in my — See you, Mom. English class. — Nice to meet you, Rachel. — , Douglas. 5 In your opinion, what is the tone of the conversations: formal or informal? 6 Now practice the conversations with a classmate. Use your own names. Go back to exercise 1 and use other words and expressions in the conversations. Hello 29 Writing In this unit you have read motivational posters on page 25. A poster is used to communicate a message by capturing people’s attention. Typically posters include both textual and visual elements. In general, the objective of motivational posters is to make people achieve more or behave in a more positive way. It is a type of poster commonly designed for use in schools and offices. 1 tip Escrever é um processo que envolve planejamento: a redação propriamente dita, a revisão e a reescrita. Writing Context Before writing your text, match the columns below to identify the elements of the writing context. tip Ao revisar os pôsteres, considere, por exemplo: 30 Unit 1 XSJUFST NPUJWBUJPOBM QPTUFS b. SFBEFST TDIPPM CPBSET *OUFSOFU c. HFOSF ZPV BOE B DMBTTNBUF d. PCKFDUJWF JOGPSNBM UPOF e. TUZMF UIF XIPMF TDIPPM f. NFEJB DSFBUF B GSJFOEMZ BUNPTQIFSF Step by Step 1. %FDJEF XIBU FYQSFTTJPOT ZPV XBOU UP JODMVEF JO ZPVS QPTUFS 2. 4FMFDU BO JNBHF UP JMMVTUSBUF ZPVS QPTUFS 3. 6TF CSJHIU DPMPST BOE DPOUSBTU UP HFU BUUFOUJPO 4. .BLF UIF GJSTU WFSTJPO PG ZPVS QPTUFS CZ IBOE 5. &YDIBOHF QPTUFST XJUI DMBTTNBUFT BOE EJTDVTT UIF UFYUT 6. .BLF UIF OFDFTTBSZ DPSSFDUJPOT 7. $SFBUF UIF GJOBM WFSTJPO PG ZPVS QPTUFS CZ IBOE PS VTF B DPNQVUFS UP EFTJHO JU 2 It’s time to share your poster with your classmates and other people. Spread the posters all over your school. You can use this website to create your poster: <www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk>. Reprodução/www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk> Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão feita por você e seus colegas. a. Reprodução/www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk> objetivo: O pôster está adequado ao público-alvo e ao seu objetivo? ortografia: As palavras estão escritas corretamente? tipo e tamanho da fonte: O texto está legível a distância? cores: As cores usadas despertam interesse sem prejudicar a leitura? imagem: A imagem está relacionada ao texto e o torna mais atraente? In pairs, create a motivational poster similar to the ones on page 25. The objective is to create a friendly atmosphere and encourage the whole school to be nice to each other. Looking Ahead Formas de saudação podem variar nas diferentes culturas, países, regiões e até grupos sociais. Leia o texto abaixo e conheça um pouco sobre a origem de quatro gestos de saudação usados em diferentes partes do mundo. Em seguida, converse com um colega: 7PD DPOIFDF PVUSBT TBVEBÎÜFT RVF TÍP DBSBDUFSÓTUJDBT EF VN QBÓT SFHJÍP PV HSVQP TPDJBM "T EJGFSFOUFT GPSNBT EF TBVEBÎÜFT QPEFN HFSBS TJUVBÎÜFT EF DPOTUSBOHJNFOUP PV EF QSFDPODFJUP FOUSF QFTTPBT EF EJGFSFOUFT DVMUVSBT F PV HSVQPT TPDJBJT 7PD DPOIFDF BMHVN FYFNQMP EFTTBT TJUVBÎÜFT /B TVB PQJOJÍP P RVF QPEF TFS GFJUP QBSB FWJUÈ MBT Ilustrações: Eduardo Vieira/Acervo do artista a. b. DAR UMA CURVADINHA NA ABA DO MEU CHAPÉU SINAL DE AMOR 0 BUP EF DVSWBS TF EJBOUF EB QFTTPB Ï VTBEP QFMB HBMFSB EF WÈSJPT QBÓTFT PSJFOUBJT DPNP +BQÍP F $PSFJB "MÏNøEF TJOBM EF TBVEBÎÍP QPEF TJHOJGJDBS SFTQFJUP HSBUJEÍP PV BUÏ VNøQFEJEP EF EFTDVMQBT " DVSWBEJOIB UBNCÏN QPEF TFS BDPNQBOIBEB EF VN BQFSUP EF NÍP " TBVEBÎÍP FN RVF TF MFWBOUBN EPJT EFEPT BUÏ DFSUB BMUVSB EB DBCFÎB o NBJT PV NFOPT POEF TFSJB B BCB EF VN DIBQÏV o Ï DPNVN OB "VTUSÈMJB F OPT &6" .BT TØ FOUSF PT IPNFOT KÈ RVF TVB PSJHFN Ï FTUB NFTNP WFN EB ÏQPDB FN RVF PT IPNFOT UPDBWBN PV UJSBWBN P DIBQÏV BP DVNQSJNFOUBS BMHVÏN 0 DVNQSJNFOUP *-: TVSHJV OB MÓOHVB EF TJOBJT EPT EFGJDJFOUFT BVEJUJWPT EPT &6" OB RVBM TJHOJGJDB I Love You .BT FMF TØ TF FTQBMIPV NFTNP DPNP VNB TBVEBÎÍP DPSSJRVFJSB OPT &6" F $BOBEÈ B QBSUJS EP GJOBM EPT BOPT RVBOEP GPJ BEPUBEP QFMB HBMFSB hippie EP iQB[ F BNPSw DE MÃOS LIMPAS 4BVEBÎÍP NBJT DPNVN OP 0DJEFOUF TPCSFUVEP FOUSF PT IPNFOT P BQFSUP EF NÍP UBNCÏN Ï VTBEP QBSB TFMBS BDPSEPT " PSJHFN EP HFTUP Ï JODFSUB NBT BDSFEJUB TF RVF UFOIB TVSHJEP QBSB EFNPOTUSBS RVF BNCBT BT QBSUFT FTUBWBN EFTBSNBEBT o KÈ CBMBOÎBS BT NÍPT TFSJB VN NFJP EF EFTDPCSJS TF OÍP IBWJB BSNBT FTDPOEJEBT OB NBOHB EB DBNJTB EP TFV BNJHP "WBJMBCMF BU IUUQ NVOEPFTUSBOIP BCSJM DPN CS NBUFSJB RVBJT TBP PT HFTUPT EF TBVEBDBP NBJT VTBEPT OP NVOEP "DDFTTFE JO +VMZ Extra Reading <http://pocketcultures.com/2010/07/14/kiss-hug-or-shake-hands/> <www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/26924362> Extra Video <www.businessinsider.com/how-to-greet-people-around-the-world-2014-4> Hello 31
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Read the infographic below and do exercises 1-5.